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<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: justify;" trbidi="on">A middle-aged man sat at a black office desk, clearly the most important one in the room. Despite the grey tint to the man's hair, he still maintained a handsome face. Before him were several other desks, each equipped with a computer. Financial reports were tacked on the walls of this room, displaying economic growth trends and other major exports and imports.<br />
<!--The word memory means "past experience retained in the mind." The scientific definition reads "information from outside the human body stored within the human body by copying the data into the synapses of the biological neural network".-->
<br />
Слово память означает «прошлый опыт, сохраненный в сознании». Научное определение гласит: «информация об окружающем мире, сохраненная в синапсах биологической нейронной сети человеческого тела».
However, this large room was empty at that moment and the man's countenance seemed nothing like that of a top executive. He stared blankly ahead, as if awaiting something. At that instant, the ornately carved, ebony wood doors slowly swung inwards. In the era of modern technology, automatic doors were seen as a basic commodity. Even working class households had no need to move their arms to open doors.<br />
<br />
Therefore, these doors were amongst the man's most prized possessions. But at that moment, he would much rather have had an automatic door which slid open in an instant, than the agonizingly slow pace at which the doors creaked open, sending shivers down his spine. Even though he could guess who was behind it, he was still hoping he was wrong.<br />
<br />
<span title="Xiang Yan"; style="border-bottom: 1px dotted";>Devon</span><sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/04/eclipse-hunter-chapter-1.html#devon">1</a></sup> Solaris strolled into the room with a grace that seemed to say that the whole world stood at his feet. He had an aura of complete superiority which could force even the toughest to yield even though there wasn't the slightest trace of hostility in his gaze. His perfect expression betrayed no emotion; his captivating looks, slender frame and overflowing charisma made people fall to their knees in worship. This had become especially apparent ever since he took over his father's position and became a key player in the financial world. As the influence of the Solaris Federation expanded, he garnered looks of awe and admiration from every member of the conglomerate.<br />
<br />
Gazing at the striking figure before him, the older man could not help but feel a surge of pride, despite the current situation. This was his very own son, his own flesh and blood, the son he had brought up to become the perfect Solaris Emperor.<br />
<br />
After having dominated the financial world for years and having the perfect son, this man had no regrets, at this moment he simply felt puzzled.<br />
<br />
"Why would you wish to kill me? You should know that you are my one and only son. I may possess some of the shares of this conglomerate, but that will be left to you anyway."<br />
<br />
"Your one and only son? Is that what you believed all along? Is that how it was?" the slender figure shook with anger he had never felt before. Even his eyes became bloodshot.<br />
<br />
"So&#8230; you already know?" the man behind the desk realised what this was about and regained his composure.<br />
<br />
"'You already know?' Father, is that all you are thinking? Why are you being so cruel to him?" Grief filled his voice.<br />
<br />
"My whole life I have dearly loved your mother. But he killed her." There was nothing but indifference in his voice.<br />
<br />
"Lies! Mother died of childbirth, how could you blame him?"<br />
<br />
The older man did not reply, and simply looked at Devon silently without showing a hint of regret in his eyes. The sight only served to fuel the younger man's rage and anguish. His father loved his mother deeply and this love had never faded, even after her death. This would have made any child proud, but not when it hurt someone.<br />
Was his father wrong? He found it difficult to blame him.<br />
<br />
His father has always been very attentive to Devon. He never forgot his birthdays and whenever Devon wanted something, his father never disappointed him, that is, until that request he made on his eighteenth birthday.<br />
<br />
"I want my little brother."<br />
<br />
That was six years ago. Ever since then, Devon had made that exact request over and over again. It was different from the usual requests a child would make, he was not asking his parents to have another child, because Devon already had a little brother. A very cute one at that. When they were little, he used to love pinching the kid's cheeks until he started protesting. Somehow, he could never really comprehend how his father could come to hate such a cute kid.<br />
<br />
Why did his father refuse to acknowledge his little brother's existence? It was not until he was older that Devon realised that the expression his father always wore in the child's presence was that of hatred. Even the nanny responsible for his care was there solely for monetary gain. So it was entirely up to Devon to give the child the love and care he needed.<br />
<br />
Any other child would have been on bad terms with his siblings as they would vie for his parents' affections. But Devon's situation was different. It was obvious that his father hated his younger brother and even discouraged Devon from visiting him. He was taboo among the household and was never present in any of the family photos.<br />
<br />
The nanny was well aware that the father loathed the child and never dared to bring him out of the room. And thus, <span title="Xiang Ye"; style="border-bottom: 1px dotted";>Daren</span><sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/04/eclipse-hunter-chapter-1.html#daren">2</a></sup> Solaris had lived in that attic as long as he could remember. Since his father was fond of antiques, he had his home designed in the image of a castle. So the attic was far removed from the main hall.<br />
<br />
Devon could no longer remember why he had walked all the way there back then. His only vague recollection was that of a baby's loud wails leading him up a staircase, and through a wooden door. The room had been dark and the light switch was no where to be found. The cries coming from the room were unrelenting and Devon was very scared at the time. He felt something tugging his trousers and the noise suddenly stopped.<br />
<br />
Alarmed, Devon kicked the thing away and the crying resumed. He hastily retreated to the wall behind him and bumped into the light switch. As the room became bright, he found himself looking at a baby crying loudly, with a huge bruise on his forehead.<br />
<br />
Obviously, this kid was the one tugging on his trousers, and that bruise was the result of Devon's kick.<br />
<br />
Devon fretted as he ran to the little baby to check if he was alright. From what he had learnt, babies are usually very fragile. The moment he extended his hands to the baby, it stopped crying. Big watery eyes stared back at him and the child cooed as two tiny hands grabbed his own.<br />
<br />
<i>Such small hands</i>, Devon thought. His ten year old self had always found his father's hand to be quite big when compared to his own. And yet, compared to the infant in front of him, his own hand seemed large.<br />
<br />
The baby suddenly shoved Devon's thumb to his tiny mouth and started sucking on it as hard as he could.<br />
<br />
<i>Hungry? Sadly you are not going to get any milk no matter how hard you try. </i>He did not know if he should laugh or cry at this ridiculous situation.<br />
<br />
He helplessly searched the room for milk powder and once he found it, he began preparing milk for the child. He failed several times. The milk was either too hot or he had not put enough milk powder in it, causing the baby to cry loudly. By the time he had succeeded, the baby was starving. He held onto the bottle with his small hands and drank hungrily while staring straight at the person holding him with his swollen eyes. <br />
<br />
Finally, after two whole bottles of milk, the baby was satisfied and its big watery eyes slowly became heavy in Devon's warm embrace. He tried to place the baby on the bed, but once he let go the baby started crying its lungs out. With no other choice, he settled by the bed and sacrificed a finger for the baby's tiny hands to hold on to. And thus the baby finally fell asleep peacefully.<br />
<br />
It was then that Devon started thinking that this baby should be his little brother. The one that his mother died to give birth to, and hated by father. Devon should have felt hate towards this child too.<br />
<br />
However, gazing at the tiny baby in its peaceful sleep and feeling its firm grip on his finger, Devon could only think of the child as the most innocent being on earth. Even without anyone telling him to, Devon knew he should treasure his little brother.<br />
<br />
"<span title="younger brother"; style="border-bottom: 1px dotted";>Didi</span><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/04/eclipse-hunter-chapter-1.html#didi"><sup>3</sup></a>, you have to quickly learn how to call me '<span title="older brother"; style="border-bottom: 1px dotted";>gege</span><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/04/eclipse-hunter-chapter-1.html#gege"><sup>4</sup></a>'."<br />
<br />
Devon was very excited at the thought of the little creature calling him big brother. Sure enough, his wish came true. Some time in the future, the first word the baby would utter was not the usual "mama" or "papa", but "gege".<br />
<br />
Ever since his discovery, Devon had frequented the attic almost every day to play with his little brother for at least one hour. His father had disapproved but there was little he could do against Devon's persistence.<br />
<br />
And so he watched his little brother grow up. He was there when the child uttered his first words and when he took his first steps. Didi liked to read picture books, and loved ripping them. He liked to play ball games and loved to smash Devon's face with the ball. Soon didi started to learn how to write and because his father refused to find a tutor for him, it was Devon himself that taught his little brother how to read and write&#8230;<br />
<br />
All was well until the year Devon turned seventeen and his little brother was only seven. Their father sent didi away, claiming that he was sending him to one of the best royal colleges for schooling. Devon had been reluctant and wondered why he was allowed to have home tutors while his little brother had to be sent to a place so far away. But he had not given it much thought, naively believing that his father would surely act in his little brother's best interests, after all Daren was his son too.<br />
<br />
"No! I don't want to go!"<br />
<br />
Didi was extremely frightened at that time and had tightly hung onto Devon's waist. The strength of the seven year old had nearly strangled him then. Devon had tried multiple times to convince his brother, knowing full well that he was afraid of their father. In the end, Devon had had to make a few promises in order to reassure him.<br />
<br />
"Don't be scared, didi. You still have your older brother. I will protect you."<br />
<br />
"Gege will protect me?" Didi pouted and extended his little finger. "Then let's make a deal, if gege lied then... you have eat a lot of bitter melon which gege hates."<br />
<br />
Devon smiled in embarrassment as he hooked his little finger with didi's. "Alright, alright. If I am lying to you, I will have to eat a lot of bitter melon."<br />
<br />
Just like that the little boy agreed to go with his father. As he walked away, he turned multiple times to look at his elder brother. He had been extremely frightened of their father who had held his hand so coldly&#8230;<br />
<br />
That scene had always remained in Devon's mind. Every time he recalled it, he blamed himself for not noticing the coldness in his father's eyes and hated himself for neglecting his little brother because he was too busy playing around in his teenage years. When a whole six months went by and didi was still not home for summer vacation, Devon finally asked his father about him. His father had replied in an uninterested voice that the school Daren went to did not have holidays and students were not allowed to come home until they graduated<br />
<br />
"Which school is this?"<br />
<br />
Of course he had not believe it. Didi did not phone him at all during the last six months, even though Devon gave him his phone number. How could a child who is so attached to his older brother not call him up even once?<br />
<br />
His father had not given him an answer, and it was then that comprehension dawned on him. There was no way that his little brother had been sent to such a school. It was all a part of his father's plan to get rid of an unwanted eyesore.<br />
<br />
Devon did not dare to imagine what might have happened to his little brother. He went berserk searching for the boy. He went through the whole family, the whole city&#8230; the whole country&#8230;<br />
<br />
Drowning in self-hate, he joined the Solaris Federation and took over most of the human resources within a year, just so he could search for his little brother. However, it was not enough. Just like that, didi disappeared from his world without a trace.<br />
<br />
In the course of time, Devon managed to take over every part of the Solaris Federation. He garnered enough power and influence to buy up smaller trading organisations and turn Solaris into one of the five greatest trade cartels. He did all this just so he could get better access to the Census and other records regarding orphans, criminals, prisoners, and even unidentified corpses&#8230;<br />
<br />
On every one of his birthdays, Devon had pleaded for the return of his little brother but his father had disappointed him each time. But on his most recent (24th) birthday, he had a different request. He demanded his father's permission to excavate the mansion and this time, his father agreed.<br />
<br />
The castle-like mansion was enormous so Devon was forced to find a few hundred people to carry out the excavation. Complex feelings coursed through him as he waited day and night for something to be dug up. He refused to think about the initial suspicion that had compelled him to lead the excavation and what it would mean if something was actually dug up. The search had gone on for six years and Devon was weary.<br />
<br />
<i>If father has truly&#8230; then it would be best to begin the revenge for my little brother.</i><br />
<br />
But nothing had turned up and although Devon sighed in relief, he now had to continue his fruitless search.<br />
<br />
Seven years had passed since didi's disappearance and Devon could wait no longer. His little brother would have been fifteen by now. Between his father and little brother, he knew right from the start whom he would pick. The seven years worth of delay was only because of his love for his father.<br />
<br />
"Where is my little brother?" Devon demanded. He held a hand gun in his hands, the very latest of its kind, and pointed it straight at his father. There was no trace of emotion left in his eyes. He had already betrayed his little brother's trust, his beloved didi was missing and he had no idea whether he was alive or not. The regret he carried for seven years had slowly worn away every bit of the love he had had for his father.<br />
<br />
The elderly man at gun point now looked at him unwaveringly and even smiled a little, "Actually, I'm giving him to you for your 25th birthday!"<br />
<br />
Devon was stunned. He did not think he would get a straight answer from father so easily. Or was it simply a ploy to avoid death at Devon's hands?<br />
<br />
His father stood up. "Don't move!" Devon snapped, his voice sounding even colder than before. "I might not kill you before you tell me what happened to didi, but that doesn't mean I won't cripple you."<br />
<br />
"Calm down, child. I only wanted you to see your beloved little brother." The elderly man slowly walked over to a door. Devon hesitated since he knew that door led to his father's restroom.<br />
<br />
His father opened the door and gestured for him to follow him in. Devon hesitated again, but not because he was scared. Even if didi was all the way down in hell, he would not hesitate to jump in. It was just that he could not bear another wave of disappointment. Didi has been missing for 7 whole years and Devon had already searched through every territory occupied by the Solaris Federation. How could he bring himself to believe that his little brother would be in that rest room...?<br />
<br />
Nevertheless, Devon entered. His father walked into the bathroom within the large rest room and stood before the simple bathtub, wash sink and toilet. His smile was spine-chilling. "Child, it no matter how smart you were, you were never able to guess that this very rest room which I frequently visited was the place you were searching for all this time."<br />
<br />
Devon was dumbfounded, he stared at his father as the man turned the tap on the bath tub. No water came out, but instead the whole bath tub descended, leaving behind a flight of stairs. This unremarkable place with such simple functions managed to fool him for seven years. Devon suspected that there would be hidden pathways in the castle and had long since searched through them all. But he never suspected that there could be one here.<br />
<br />
It was risky to have the tap act as the switch. If someone happened to come here and turn on the tap, the passage would have easily been discovered. But this faulty idea was surprisingly effective. When searching for hidden switches, no one would bother to investigate an exposed tap.<br />
<br />
Like his father, Devon liked using things that belonged to him and him alone. And so, even though only Devon and his father was permitted to use this rest room, he had never stepped into the place since it belonged to his father.<br />
<br />
Devon had spent all these years searching for his little brother, only to find him hidden right under his nose. It was such a cruel reality. Devon prayed that this was not his little brother's grave. If the boy was even barely alive, with current technology, he could find a way for him to return to the original health.<br />
<br />
Perhaps his father knew that Devon would not be foolish enough to step in first, so he entered the hidden pathway without hesitation. Devon followed close behind, feeling eager to finally see his little brother.<br />
<br />
He widened his eyes at the scene that unfolded before him. It was not the dank, dungeon-like place he had imagined, but a brightly lit laboratory with high-tech machinery crowding the room. Several people in lab coat were excitedly looking at a screen.<br />
<br />
When they noticed their entry, they all filed in and stood by respectfully. Only one of them, Devon noted, was looking at them coldly instead of smiling.<br />
<br />
"How is it progressing?" his father asked.<br />
<br />
"Very smoothly, Mr Solaris. It's like a miracle." said one of the scientists excitedly, "I am sure you understand. Filling every bone of his body with molten steel; employing medical techniques to make his skin and muscle ten times more resilient than normal people; even the microchip in his brain utilises the latest technology. This was the most dangerous experiment ever carried out. We didn't even expect our candidate to survive, let alone make such excellent progress."<br />
<br />
"Very good." Devon's father replied.<br />
<br />
"W-what are you saying?" Devon did not understand, he did not want to understand. He was only praying for his little brother to stay alive. Although he knew that some things could be much worse than death itself, he was unable to believe that his own father could be capable of doing such things to his own son.<br />
<br />
The man who had been looking at them coldly suddenly spoke up in a sarcastic tone. "Meaning, the experiment was very successful. Not only did we managed to turn a weak youth into something even stronger than the most elite members of the Delta Force, his body is tougher than stone and there is a microchip implanted in his brain that would make him obey any command you chose to issue. Congratulations, you now have the perfect bodyguard."<br />
<br />
Devon staggered. He moved in trance towards to the screen, that the scientists had been crowded around. A voice inside him screamed, <i>I don't want to see this! I don't want to see!</i><br />
<br />
His feet moved on their own and stood before the screen. It did not actually show a clear picture of what was going on inside. The figure inside was moving so fast that Devon could only see a blur.<br />
<br />
He was looking into a combat simulator, a very common machine used in this era. There are several types of simulators. The low grade ones are used for entertainment in amusements parks. The highest grade machines are used for training in the army. The one in front of him now was certainty one of the best. It displayed all the possible statistics such as the speed the figure was moving, the strength he was exerting, the combat styles, etc.<br />
<br />
The figure inside was clearly human; this notion made Devon sigh in relief. From the scientist's report, he had assumed that his little brother had become a robot.<br />
<br />
"Release him!" Devon glared at the team coldly, unconsciously emitting the aura he uses to command his vast empire. The crowd immediately went pale. One of them turned to the microphone connected to the simulator and called out, "Dark Sun, cease the fight, come out immediately."<br />
<br />
As the man turned around after issuing the order he found himself under the Devon's terrifying glare. He hurriedly explained, "Mr Solaris, don't worry. Even though we can all give him orders, everything has been prioritised for you and your safety. Your commands overtake ours. If you command him to, he will respond only to your will. Even if the person looks the same as you it won't work because Dark Sun has already memorised your DNA."<br />
<br />
Devon shifted his gaze to the screen again. Even though he could not see the face, the figure inside seemed to have the normal silhouette of a slender youth. Devon started to feel a little relieved, there did not seem to be any visible difference. If no knew about it, no one would notice that his little brother had been modified&#8230;<br />
<br />
He would ensure that this secret did not leave this room. There would be none left to command didi!<br />
<br />
The exit to the combat simulator opened. Devon was overwhelmed with anxiety and longing as he looked towards his little brother. When his eyes found him, tears threatened to fall. This was his little brother!<br />
<br />
There was no way he could mistake him. He even thought that there was not much difference from what he looked like seven years ago. The only changes were that his face was longer, he no longer had his baby cheeks, and he was much taller than before, about 172cm.<br />
<br />
Daren used to complain about his height when he was young and tended to chug down many glasses milk in the hopes to grow taller. <i>Looks like he doesn't need to do that anymore</i>, Devon almost chuckled at the thought.<br />
<br />
Didi came and stood before him. Beside Devon who was approximately 187cm tall, his younger brother looked quite short.<br />
<br />
Didi emotionlessly walked over to the scientist who had commanded him to come out. His posture was better than any soldier as he stood perfectly straight without moving an inch of his body.<br />
<br />
Seeing that his little brother had not reacted, Devon could not help but call out, "Didi, don't you recognise me? I am your older brother."<br />
<br />
Dark Sun still displayed no reaction, on the other hand, this comment had shocked the man with the cold look. He could hardly believe it. Devon actually said that Dark Sun was his little brother. Then this means that the person who ordered this experiment was actually the father of the specimen.<br />
<br />
"You have to call him 'Dark Sun'," another scientist politely reminded Devon. "That's the call sign we gave him. Of course, you could change it if you wish by giving him the order to do so."<br />
<br />
"What are you talking about!?" Devon yelled. He started to panic, the calm he displayed so far rapidly disappearing. He finally realised that the situation was not as simple as he had imagined. This would not be solved simply by killing everyone who knew about the modification done to didi, because his little brother was totally abnormal right now&#8230;<br />
<br />
"Didi? Didi!" Devon called to the silent and rigid figure over and over but he never got an answer.<br />
<br />
The person with the cold look could not bear to watch any longer and issued an order to "Dark Sun". "Turn around and confirm your top priority master."<br />
<br />
Dark Sun turned around to look at Devon and responded impassively, "Confirming top priority master. Appearance: matched. Pupils: matched. First stage of confirmation completed without error. Initiating second stage of confirmation, DNA comparison initiated..."<br />
<br />
"Didi&#8230;" Devon clutched at his chest, feeling his heart constrict in pain and anguish.<br />
<br />
"Does Master wish to change the call sign?" Dark Sun asked, seeming a little confused at being called "didi". He showed a confused expression but his eyes were blank like a robot who had judged the situation and showed an appropriate expression.<br />
<br />
"Change the call sign?" Devon could not take the blow, he lost all control over his emotions and yelled, "Why on earth would you need to change your name? Your name has never been changed, you are not Dark Sun; you are Daren Solaris, my only brother!"<br />
<br />
"Daren Solaris. Name change completed. Also accepting "didi" as a nickname."<br />
<br />
Devon's head swam, his heart no longer able to take the pain. His face was deathly pale. He had never thought that after seven years of endless searching, he would find himself reunited with a robot that only looked like didi. This was even more painful than seeing his corpse.<br />
<br />
Suddenly, Devon's father moved. Picked up something sharp from the desk near him and aimed it at Devon. Hearing the gasps from the people around him, Devon looked up. The sharp object in his father's hand never reach him. Because before Devon could even react, his father was stopped by Daren who had moved incredibly fast while monotonously saying. "Attempt to murder top priority master detected. Target set to be eliminated."<br />
<br />
As he spoke, Daren's morphed his hands into a spike and pierced through his father's chest without hesitation. Devon was stunned, he could not believe that his father would try to kill him.<br />
<br />
"Why?" asked the man with the cold look. "You knew that there was no way you would succeed. Dark Sun won't hesitate to kill anyone who holds a threat towards his top priority master."<br />
<br />
Devon froze.<br />
<br />
His father chuckled dryly, streams of blood now flowing freely from his mouth. "Haha, I won't let my most precious child kill me. You are the captivating and dazzling sun, the perfect Solaris. I won't let you commit patricide. I won't let my death contaminate your hands. Let all the darkness and sins be carried by Dark Sun, the dark seed of evil who killed his own mother&#8230; hahaha&#8230;"<br />
<br />
Bang!<br />
<br />
Devon coldly shot a bullet through his father's head.<br />
<br />
The bullet echo left silence in its wake. None of the scientists knew what to do. Devon watched his little brother pull his hand out of the corpse, letting the body fall to the ground. It was clear that his father would have died even if Devon had not pulled the trigger. Devon had failed to protect his little brother. Once again he had made him suffer.<br />
<br />
But did cyborg didi care right now? The thought made his heart ache once again.<br />
<br />
"Ah! Tears&#8230; Dark Sun&#8230;" the man with the cold look had felt no sadness for the dead man, he only felt sorry for the two brothers. When he turned to look at Dark Sun, he found something extraordinary&#8230;<br />
<br />
Hearing him mutter, Devon was shocked. He had forced himself to look away from Daren, but now he turned towards him. His little brother still had no expression but why could he see two streams of tears on his face? Is this another mechanism that makes him shed tears when the situation demands it?<br />
<br />
Devon gently stroked didi's face and said tenderly. "You shouldn't be so expressionless. Even with the simplest character design, you should have at least been able to match it with a sad expression."<br />
<br />
"You will always be my beloved little brother&#8230; not Dark Sun, and I swear that I will protect you."<br />
<br />
Without warning, Devon whipped out his hand gun and shot one of the scientists. Before the rest could react, two more fell. Devon turned around and took aim another man. Despite his desperate pleas for mercy, Devon rewarded him with a bullet to the heart.<br />
<br />
The accuracy was chilling.<br />
<br />
He continued until there was only a single scientist left alive. It was the man with the cold look. Before he could shoot the man calm spoke up. "Please wait. I know that I have no chance of escape. So why don't you listen to me, I have something to say about your little brother's condition."<br />
<br />
Devon did not respond but he did not pull the trigger either. The gun remained poised at the man; Devon was afraid the man might suddenly try to attack and his brother would have to kill again.<br />
<br />
"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Theodore Avery, and I am a surgeon. In fact, I am responsible for all the surgeries that have taken place here." Theodore smiled. "Those guys were all on the theoretical side. They only have hypotheses and theories, none of them actually dared to do the actual work. So your father offered me quite a high salary to do it. My skills are of the highest calibre, but the people outside are offended by my work. So I ended up here."<br />
<br />
Noticing Devon's impatience, Theodore changed the subject. "Since I accepted the high salary, I prepared myself to operate on something immoral. However, humans always manage to form bonds. Your little brother was a very good child. When he first arrived he used to cry a lot. But once he was told that he could return to his older brother after the experiment ends, he became very obedient. Operations which even adults couldn't bear, he managed to bear them all."<br />
<br />
Theodore turned to look at Dark Sun and added, "Those theorists all thought that it was because he had high endurance. But I believe that it was actually his resolution that made him strong. It's his longing to see you that allowed him to survive."<br />
<br />
As he listened to his little brother's past, Devon's expression softened and he was no longer impatient. He was eager to know how didi had lived during the past seven years, even though he aware that it must have been a terrible experience.<br />
<br />
"The genetic and biological alterations to his body isn't that bad. He is still alive and gaining strength is no disadvantage either. Also his appearance is no different from a normal human"<br />
<br />
"My brother is human!" said Devon, now enraged at the comment.<br />
<br />
"Yes, of course. I am sorry." Theodore regretted this mistake and was relieved to see that Dark Sun had not reacted. "The actual problem the microchip in his brain, that what's making him act inhuman."<br />
<br />
"And you are the one who put it there. You turned my little brother into a robot with your own two hands." Devon's face darkened, the hand holding the gun now shaking from anger.<br />
<br />
"Yes, I did. If I didn't, they would find someone else to perform it instead." Theodore replied smoothly. Devon was at a loss for words.<br />
<br />
The scientist sighed again, "If it was going to be done one way or another, then it might as well be me who did it. I was able to use my own theories to persuade those other scientists to make a little modification to the microchip."<br />
<br />
"Modification?" Devon asked with curiousity.<br />
<br />
"Yes&#8230; the actual function of the microchip is quite complex. I will simplify it for you. Just like the human brain there are different sections for each function. There's a certain section for emotions as well. I managed to persuade them to leave the emotion section intact but with a switch. I told them that perhaps you might prefer a bodyguard with feelings."<br />
<br />
Devon's face lit up at the news. Theodore smiled and continued, "Those guys agreed but they insisted that the switch be controllable only by the top priority master. So issue the order to your didi now. Tell him to switch off the part that's controlling his emotions. Also, he hasn't forgotten you. He only followed orders that made him incapable of responding to you. Tell him to transfer his memory back from the hard disk and he will be able to remember you."<br />
<br />
Devon did what he was told almost immediately. Dark Sun responded with a "Understood". There was a momentary silence before Dark Sun suddenly froze and fell forward. Devon used almost all his strength to turn him around. Dark Sun was not as normal as Theodore implied. His bones had been replaced with steel and the toughness of his muscles were far from ordinary. The small, fragile-looking body of his actually weighed 93 kg.<br />
<br />
Seeing didi's reaction, Devon glared at Theodore, who shrugged again, "Perhaps the change was too major and he needed to restart?"<br />
<br />
"Very good!" said Devon as he stood up slowly. In a chilling tone he continued, "Now I have no use for you."<br />
<br />
Theodore raised his eyebrows. That Devon wished to erase all witnesses came as no surprise to the man. Calmly he replied, "I must warn you, that switching the emotion function off hasn't been tested yet. If any error occur and I am already dead because you shot me, your little brother won't have anyone to save him."<br />
<br />
Devon hesitated, he did not know whether this was the truth. He did not want anyone to know about his little brother's secret nor did he wish to keep anyone who could command him alive.<br />
<br />
"You should remember that your didi was made to protect you. Even if you order him not to protect you, he would still fight on your behalf. If there is any injury, no normal doctor can tend him." Theodore continued coldly. "Your little brother's muscle cannot be pierced even by the sharpest surgery knives. His body temperature and the frequency of his heartbeat do not match a normal human's. Not only will it be futile to go to normal doctors, but it will also reveal your brother's abnormality. Therefore, it is in your brother's interest to let me live."<br />
<br />
Devon lowered his gun and looked at Theodore threateningly. "I won't kill you, but know this. If my brother's secret is leaked, your life will be forfeit. Don't even think about running away; with my power over the Solaris Federation, I can find you even if you hide away in the remotest of deserts."<br />
<br />
Facing the man who has dominated most of the whole world's economy and had been a key player in the financial world since he was a teenager, even the nonchalant Theodore could not help but put on a serious face. "I understand, I won't tell anyone."<br />
<br />
Devon walked back to didi and somehow managed to lift him up after exerting all the strength he could muster. Theodore wanted to help but gave up after receiving a fierce glare from Devon.<br />
<br />
Devon walked with much difficulty, but he did not let go despite the enormous weight on his back and the long flight of stairs. No matter what happened, he would not let go.<br />
<br />
<i> I will protect you this time.</i><br />
<!--But knowing that doesn't make my memory any better.-->
Но знания об этом не делают мою память лучше.
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"><div style="text-align: justify;">"Gege, don't go! Can't you stay and play with Dar for a little while? Just a little bit longer?" This was when little Daren was only three years old. At that time, Devon had already taken to calling his little brother by the nickname "Dar".</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
<!--If I consider the outcome of poor memorization, well, the result of the exams becomes a very unpleasant affair.-->
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"I can't, Dar, I have to go to class now. Or else the horrible economics teacher will get angry and something terrible will happen to gege." At this, Devon stuck his tongue out and made a face at the little boy. <i>Maybe this will keep didi from picking economics when he grows up</i>.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
Если говорить о последствиях плохого запоминания, то узнавать результаты экзаменов становится весьма неприятным делом.
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Upon hearing his gege's refusal to stay, Dar lowered his head and pouted. He looked so innocent and pitiful.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon was instantly defeated. "Fine, ten more minutes&#8230;"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Dar looked up happily and ran to the toy chest. He took out the rubber ball gege had given him and shouted with joy, "Let's play ball!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Again? My face still hasn't recovered from last time. Evil Dar! You must be planning to ruin my beauty!" Devon made a face while Dar continued laughing and threw the rubber ball&#8230;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Ah! My face! Stupid Dar&#8230;"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Heehee!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The two brothers continued playing happily until the door, which no one usually approached, opened. A man stood by the door. It was the man whom Dar feared the most. Behind him was the angry economics tutor.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon, on the other hand, was not afraid even after seeing his father's icy glare. He stuck his tongue out and made a face as usual. His father always spoiled him, so he knew he wasn't going to be reprimanded.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Ah, I forgot to go to the lesson," said Devon, still in high spirits, as he patted didi's head fondly and headed out of the room.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The last person to leave was his father. The man glared at Dar, who cowered in fear. When the man left the room he switched off the lights. Dar did not react, since he was quite used to this gesture. He crawled back into his tiny bed and buried himself under the sheets.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"So dark&#8230; Dar is scared." The little boy curled up as tightly as he could and hid under sheets with his face only barely exposed. He started recalling all the scary things his nanny had told him.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The three-year-old did not understand much about ghosts and spirits. The nanny had wanted to scare the child, so she described these things as terrifyingly as possible. This made Dar hate the dark. Whoever visited his room, whether they meant to scare him or not, always switched off the lights when they left and with Dar's height, there was no way he could reach the light switch.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">And so, gege's arrival felt like the arrival of light. Devon would always turn on the lights and then Dar would eagerly jump off the bed. He would see gege's smile and hear him laugh.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"<i>Dar, come and play with me.</i>"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">How long did these moments of happiness last? Dar had no knowledge of time. Even though gege had taught him how many months there are in a year, how many days there are in a week, for a child who had lived in a dark tower for as long as he could remember, the concept of time did not mean much.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">In fact, to the boy, the passing of a day meant gege coming to play with him or teach him things. Dar liked everything as long as gege came to visit. It did not matter whether it was to play or to tutor him; everything was fine as long as Dar got to see gege.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">He recalled receiving four gifts from gege when he turned three: wooden models, a toy car, a box of colour pencils, and a full collection of fairy tales. Dar still had not finished reading them. He was only halfway though reading Rapunzel and he wondered whether the girl with the long braids ever managed to escape the tower.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">As he grew older, Daren was finally able to reach the light switch and no longer needed to live in the dark. But who was to know that true darkness was just about to arrive&#8230;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Where are you taking me?" Even though this was his father, Dar looked fearfully at the man who had grabbed his hand without any intention of letting go.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"To the place you truly belong." replied his Father without even bothering to look at Daren.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"What about gege? Will he come?" Dar said in a small voice.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">His father never answered him.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: center;">&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>Hurts&#8230; It hurts so much!</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Dar cried out in pain. He was bound to a metal chair surrounded by many complex machinery. Several wires trailing from these machines were attached to him.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The people in the white lab coats around him seemed to ignore his cries as they discussed among themselves. "How stable is the body?" "He is too young of age&#8230; can he survive the operations?" "What type of steel should we use?" "We must seek a compromise between strength and flexibility."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Gege&#8230; gege&#8230; Dar hurts, gege&#8230;"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">A large hand stroked his forehead, it was so gentle... just like gege.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Hello there. Are you Dar?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">A pair of dark green eyes appeared in front of him. Through his blurry and swollen eyes Dar also noticed the beautiful azure hair. It was the same colour as the sky that Daren had seen from the tiny window of the tower. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"My name is Theodore Avery<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/04/novel-eclipse-hunter-chapter-2.html#avery">1</a></sup>; I am your doctor." The man was wearing the same clothes as the rest of the people in the room. The only difference was that he smiled.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Just like gege, Dar thought. Actually, Devon and Dr. Avery were very different; the only thing they had in common was that they both smiled at Daren.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Does Dar have a gege?" Theodore asked, forcing himself to speak gently.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Dar nodded.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Does Dar like gege?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Yes, Dar likes gege the best!" He nodded again with certainty.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Then be a good boy. Dar is sick right now and can't go see gege. If you are brave and let your illness be treated, you can go and see gege." Theodore smiled.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Really?" Dar sniffed, his face once more filled with hope.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore forced himself from turning away as he shakily answered, "Yes&#8230; it's true&#8230;"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Okay, Dar will be a good boy. Dar won't cry anymore." He forced himself to stop crying and his tears no longer fell.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Such a good kid..." Theodore could not take it any longer and turned his face away. His heart beat fast and the hand that held his cigarette shook in a way that a surgeon's never should.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: center;">&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"I would never have guessed that I, the immoral doctor who only treats people for money&#8230; would be the nicest person in here." Theodore laughed cynically to himself. If this got out to the family members of those patients he had left to die, none of them would believe it.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore took a long drag from the cigarette and swore, "What the hell is this place? That's only a seven-year-old!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: center;">&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>ARRRGHHHHHHH!</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Dar forced himself from screaming in pain and did his best to stay silent. After the operation, every single cell in his body cried out in pain. He was only given a short time to recover before came the next dose of pain. Even adults could not bear the amount of pain that was being inflicted on a child who had not even turned ten&#8230;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren fell so many times, and all he could do was stand up just to fall back down again. Daren did not need the others to force him to get up. He himself forced his body to carry on. Soon his limbs no longer felt familiar; his every movement required much strength and resolution. There were a few times when he felt as if he was on the verge of giving up&#8230;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i> I have to heal faster so I can see gege!</i> Daren would fill his mind with thoughts of gege. In fact, had nothing left in his memories except gege's smile.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">But that image itself was enough give him the strength he needed to stand up once more.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: center;">&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Dr. Theodore, how many more operations will there be before Dar can heal completely and go see gege?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">How long has it been since the last time he saw gege?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Dar's awareness of time was even foggier than before. Before, he could measure the days through gege's daily visits and the years through the gifts gege gave him for his birthday. But right now, he did not even know how old he was.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore's hand shook as he forced himself to smile. "It's the last time, truly."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Really?" Dar's voice was filled with excitement. He never spoke much. It was a habit he developed over the years. He did not speak unless the people in the white lab coats questioned him about the experiments. No one really spoke to him except Theodore.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>This is really his last operation</i>, Theodore took another drag of the cigarette. The last operation involved implanting the microchip in his brain. After this operation, Daren would no longer be human; the only thing left would be a mindless robot. Dar will disappear forever, and only Dark Sun will remain.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Dr. Avery?" Dar turned to face the surgeon.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Hmm?" Theodore was a little distracted. <i>What the child says doesn't matter; after all, he is going to disappear after a few more minutes. It is no longer necessary to comfort the boy, he no longer needs&#8230;</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Thank you, Doctor," Dar said while giving him a strange look. The boy did not understand why Theodore stopped smiling. But he was not going to start hating him just because of that. After all, if Theodore had not been there in the past few months to comfort and talk to him, Dar would likely have gone crazy. Thinking of this, Dar said, "Doctor, when Dar is healthy again and goes back to gege, you must come and visit Dar! I'm sure you'll like gege!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Tears suddenly welled up in the pair of dark green eyes and Theodore was forced to turn away.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Doctor, are you crying?" Dar was taken aback by the sudden tears.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"You idiot! It's only dust. I got dust in my eyes. It hurts! Damn it! The operation is cancelled!" Theodore left quickly; his hand never left his eyes.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">As Theodore walked away, his mind echoed with the thoughts, <i>Damn, I have a sudden idea. Now I have to find those theorists and talk some sense into them. How troublesome&#8230;</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: center;">&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Top priority master confirmed.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Didi&#8230; I am your older brother!</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">You are not Dark Sun, you are Daren Solaris, my only brother!</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Attempt to murder top priority master detected. Target set to be eliminated.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">This dark seed of evil who killed his own mother.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Tears flowing out. System Check: Error. Scanning Tears Section&#8230; Facial Expression Section&#8230;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">You will always be my beloved little brother&#8230; and I swear that I will protect you.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Accepting Command. Activating Emotion Section. Transferring Memories...System Overheating&#8230; Danger&#8230; System Shutting Down&#8230;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>Gege, you finally came.</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Open eyes, assess surrounding environment. Normal bedroom, Size 10m<sup>2</sup>. Currently resting on foreign bed. Presence of living being next to bed.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Confirming living being. Blond hair. Red eyes. Appearance matches the top priority master. Top priority master&#8230; <i>that's&#8230; gege!</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>Gege&#8230; no, it's master. But master is gege. What about me? Who am I? Dark Sun, no! It's Daren, Dar&#8230;</i> Daren's hand moved to his head and squeezed hard. His mind was a mess. Somehow Daren ended up winning the struggle and no longer cared about the throbbing pain in his head. As he extended his hand, he found it shaking. What was happening? Was it the muscle or the steel bones that was reacting in such an odd way?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren did not bother to think about his hand anymore. Instead, he slowly extended it towards gege who was sleeping right next to his bed. When Daren's shaky hand made contact he once again felt gege's familiar hair.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Gege--" Daren said softly despite the warnings in his brain telling him not to wake up the top priority master or refer to him that way.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The figure next to the bed shifted slightly and complained in a sleepy voice. "Okay, okay&#8230; Dar, be nice. Let me sleep for a little longer&#8230; I will play with you later."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren immediately became silent. The top priority master had issued an order. He wants to sleep and Daren is not to wake him. He became still and did not even move the hand that was poised above Devon's head. He only gazed at gege's sleeping figure. That was enough for him.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">When Daren did not complain or make any noise, the figure next to the bed looked up in shock. A pair of ruby red eyes were looking at him. Seeing that the boy had already woken up, Devon became momentarily speechless.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Ah&#8230; Dar&#8230;" Devon finally said with much difficulty. He was both apprehensive but excited at the same time. If any enemies saw the Solaris Emperor right now, they would not believe him to be the same person. After all, the Solaris Emperor is as brilliant as the sun, dominating the world while smiling his confident smile.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren was having an internal struggle. He was unsure about what to call Devon. <i>Should it be master or gege?</i> At the same time he did not know whether he was Dark Sun or Dar&#8230;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Dar, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Devon asked anxiously. Actually, the question he really wanted to ask was: <i>Have you recovered yet?</i> Was it the robot Dark Sun or his beloved little brother that he was talking to right now?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Nothing is wrong, master&#8230;" Daren frowned.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">After hearing the word "master", Devon's eyes widened in grief. That word cut through him like a knife to the heart. He felt numb with the pain coursing through his body. Has he lost Daren forever? Devon clenched his fists at that thought. Anger overwhelmed him and he needed an outlet. He suddenly stood up intending to finish the job he had started, Theodore&#8230;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>He won't like his fate</i>. Devon's expression was cold and hateful.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"&#8230; ge, Master gege."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon stopped, his previous expression disappeared in the blink of an eye. It was immediately replaced by a look of concern for his little brother. He spun around and landed back on his spot next to the bed. His eyes sparkled with happiness as he looked up at Daren.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"What did you just call me? Say it again," said Devon eagerly.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Master gege." Daren had finally figured out what to call him. <i>Since he's both my master and gege, then I'll just call him that... even though it sounds awfully strange.</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>Gege! Dar finally called me gege!</i> thought Devon with a foolish grin on his face. He impulsively muted the "master" part and pretended not to hear it.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Dar, can you call me again?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Master gege."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Once more."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Master gege."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Again&#8230;"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">This was the scene that greeted Theodore Avery when he made his way into the room. The legendary tycoon with an idiotic smile on his face, lapsing into a fantasy upon hearing the word "gege" and when he comes to his senses, he gets his little brother to call him gege again and begins his daydream anew&#8230;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>This is the&#8230; Solaris Emperor?</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore's balked at the scene in front of him. If he wasn't afraid of the crowd of the bodyguards outside the room, he really would chuck the vase beside him and yell, "Shut up! Stop getting him to call you gege, you brother fanatic!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Unfortunately, this brother fanatic was the most prominent figure in the world and Theodore was only an insignificant doctor. Theodore's temple twitched as he cleared his throat to get the fanatic's attention.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">However, the first to notice him was Daren, who looked up and said, "Dr. Avery."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore slowly walked over to the bed and proceeded to jot down notes as he casually asked, "Report the condition of your body and the microchip."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Understood." Daren assumed his emotionless face as he continued. "No changes have been made to the body. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened to the microchip either."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore nodded and continued to write on his record book. "During the process of switching on the emotion section and retrieving your past memories, did anything unusual occur?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"No errors during memory recovery. After switching on the emotion section, however, there has been a few conflicts with the orders that was previously issued."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren stopped speaking and stared intensely at a spot behind Theodore's back. Dr. Avery had not noticed and kept on writing. Not knowing how to describe this latest information, he looked up again. "What kind of conflict, Dark Sun? Please explain or give an example."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren blinked. "For example, currently, Master gege is emitting a murderous aura behind Dr. Theodore. Previous orders specify that Dark Sun must obey Master gege and ask him whether he wishes for your death. But after the activation of the Emotion Section, Dar really wishes to warn Dr. Theodore to look behind him&#8230;"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore suddenly stopped writing, he finally felt the killing intent coming from behind. A cold sweat ran down his forehead.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"What do you think you are doing?" asked Devon with a smile.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Checking Dark Sun's condition." Theodore carefully replied as he stiffly raised both hands in the air. He could already picture the cute but deadly BHP 9mm, which killed the whole research team, pointed at his back.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"What did you just call my little brother?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Oh&#8230;" Theodore finally realised his mistake. "Oh&#8230; Um&#8230; Dar!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon snorted, clearly not pleased.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Master gege, do you wish for me to kill him?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren pushed aside the bed sheets as the nails on his right hand suddenly extended and glinted ominously. This deadly hand was positioned right above Theodore's neck, who, at that point did not even dare to gulp. After all, he had been Dark Sun's main surgeon. No one knew better than him how deadly Dark Sun was. If Devon only said "yes" or "kill", Theodore was certain that he would go straight to hell.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"But Dar doesn't want to kill Dr. Theodore; there is another conflict between the previous orders and the Emotion Section," Daren said with some distress. His expression softened as he looked at Theodore.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Don't kill him, Dar!" Devon said anxiously. He was now afraid that he might accidentally order didi to do something that would make Daren sad.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Upon hearing this Daren retracted his nails and returned his right hand to its original position. He no longer displayed any intention to kill.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore sighed in relief. He would rather have Devon shoot him than Dark Sun kill him with his nails. The first option at least gave him the chance of recovery; the second option would simply leave him dead on the spot.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Didi!" Devon couldn't be bothered with Theodore anymore and dived at his little brother. He picked up his hand and turned it so he could study it at different angles. It looked exactly like a normal human hand from every angle. So how did it manage to produce such long and deadly nails?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"<i>Don't extend your nails</i> in the future, okay?" said Devon, going into his nagging mother mode. "What if someone found out that you are different from a normal human? No, if anyone finds out, I will shoot him myself!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren nodded. He copied the command - Don't extend your nails - into his microchip.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"......" Theodore remained silent, he did not know how to tell Devon that those nails were actually the most human part of his little brother&#8230;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Never mind that, unless he had a death wish, he was better off staying put. Theodore wisely chose not to agitate the man holding the small-but-deadly hand gun again. "Looks like Dark&#8230; I mean Dar's condition is quite good. Even though there are some conflicts, Mr. Solaris can solve the problem by commanding him to prioritise his emotions."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon immediately repeated this order and also added, "Call me gege from now on and get rid of the master part."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Yes, gege." Daren nodded and obeyed the order.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Gege&#8230; Devon returned to his "Gege and Didi" fantasy world with the foolish grin on his face, leaving an exasperated Theodore beside them. Dr. Avery pushed up his glasses and sighed. He was being ignored once again.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Mr. Solaris, what are your future plans for Dark-"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon glared at him with his intense red eyes. Theodore ignored the cold sweat running down his forehead and his heart quickening in fear. He continued nonchalantly. "What are your future plans for Dar? I am his surgeon and know quite a lot about him. If you tell me, I can make certain estimations for him."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon found Theodore's courage interesting. His fearsome glare and his aura were the result of many treacherous battles in the financial world; they were not something normal people could handle. It was not unusual for people to even wet themselves in fear when they confronted him.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"I want didi to go to school. He's already fifteen and yet he's never been to school. That's just not right."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon had already made up his mind. He wanted didi to have a normal life, and a normal fifteen year old should go to school.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore's lips twitched as he carefully said, "But you do realise that Dar's microchip contains large amounts of information already. He doesn't <i>need</i> to go to school."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Does that include social interactions? Does that include the experiences of a normal teenager?" Devon raised his voice without realising. He was angry, at least not at Theodore, but at his father. He hated him for not even allowing didi to have a normal school life.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore stayed silent. Due to the demands of their previous employer, Dark Sun was designed to be the perfect bodyguard with superhuman abilities. That was exactly the opposite of what Devon wanted.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"I want Dar to experience the life of a normal teenager, Dr. Theodore. If you help me with this and succeed in turning Dar back into a normal teenager, I will grant any wish you may have."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon had a confident smile on his face, he was well aware of how much he possessed. If he could use 30% of the world's human resources to find didi, he could just as easily use them to investigate an insignificant doctor who lost his certificate. Meaning that he already knew Theodore's soft spot. This man was simply a mad scientist and thus needed money. Quite a lot of money, in fact, to complete all his experiments.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore's eyes gleamed as he answered without hesitation, "A perfect standard science lab with unlimited supply, money and resources."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"That's easy, I will give it to you now," Devon answered readily. "But if I find that you don't have the ability to help my little brother, then I will limit or even stop the flow of money, do you understand?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Yes, I understand." Theodore's lips twitched as he accepted the offer.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Then&#8230;" Devon turned to didi and instantly assumed his "good brother with a gentle smile" image. "Dar, what type of school would you like to go? Gege will organise everything for you."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren opened his mouth but did not know what to say. After thinking for a while, he delved into his microchip and retrieved information on every possible school. He looked up and judged the school that would help him best with his job as a bodyguard.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">After a few minutes he spoke to Devon. "YeLan Academy, in the combat section."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon's smile faltered; he felt a little troubled. Didi was already a cyborg; if he went to the combat section, there would be a high chance that he might be discovered&#8230; meaning Devon should do something about this.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">But, he really did not want to deny didi's request. The last time he did, the boy had to suffer pain and agony for seven whole years. Devon made up his mind; no matter what didi requested, he would never refuse it.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Alright!" Devon answered with conviction. This alarmed Theodore.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"You can't! Dar is really strong! Really, insanely strong. You don't understand how strong he is&#8230; if you let him attend a school like this, he'll easily be discovered. Didn't you want him to have the normal life of a teenager&#8230;"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore paused, letting his words trail off. It looked as if he suddenly realised something or had become absentminded halfway through the sentence.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"What is it?" Devon scowled angrily. No one had ever dared to stop him and be absentminded while speaking to him.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore had a strange expression on his face as he hesitantly said, "The normal teenager experience you were talking about&#8230; it's not possible. You are the Solaris Emperor, the most prominent person on earth. Your brother&#8230; there's no way he could have a normal life. If you think about it, the cyborg part of him is nowhere as catchy as the brother of the Solaris Emperor."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon blinked. He had completely overlooked that. He suddenly sat down and buried his face in his hands. If didi could not have a normal life because of him, that would be so cruel.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Keep it secret then&#8230;"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Huh?" Theodore did not hear it clearly.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon looked up and his eyes shone with certainty. "I said, we will keep that a secret then. No one will know that he's my brother except you and me." repeated Devon with a threatening look.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>How many times have I been threatened?</i> Theodore wondered as he smiled helplessly. "I won't say a word, don't worry about that. I have no intention of playing around with my own life. Besides his relation to you isn't the only problem here. I know how strong he is; that's something you don't even understand yet. You have no idea about the kind of weapon you have at your disposal."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon frowned, he did not like how Theodore described his little brother. But he could tell from Theodore's expression that the man was not exaggerating. Devon would never use didi as a weapon. He was also certain that with the power he held, he would not need didi to do any killing for him.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Dar&#8230;" Devon spoke slowly, Daren turned to his gege, waiting for him to speak. "Gege will give you another name and you can't tell anyone else that you are my brother, is that alright?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren nodded. He would not refuse any request from gege anyway, be it due to the microchip in his brain. or his own emotions. He would never disobey his brother. Even though they did not look alike, their personalities were very similar.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Okay then, there's a lot to do. For example, I need to get a headquarters that will connect my house to my brother's house with a hidden passageway so that I can go between the two houses without been discovered. Mmm&#8230; should I buy that YeLan Academy under some random name?" Devon stroked his chin in thought.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Are you crazy? Do you really need to go that far? Theodore's mouth twitched again. <i>Are all rich people like this?</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Oh, yeah! I need to get clothes for didi. I'll just hire a fashion designer then," said Devon as he continued to voice his thoughts.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i> Hire a fashion designer&#8230;</i> Theodore was stupefied.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Mmm&#8230; does he need tutoring? Maybe I should hire a tutor for him." Devon frowned, looking just like a parent worrying about his child's education.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>No need!</i> Theodore reigned in the urge to point a finger at him and shout - <i>No need for tutoring in the combat section, your didi's combat skills are better than the actual teachers</i>.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon picked up his cell phone and dialled some numbers before speaking. "Secretary? I want a fashion designer who specialises in designing clothes for the upper-class. And I want a new headquarters and a house located somewhat far from my current location&#8230; Yes, yes... I want a normal house&#8230; Also, get the Covert Base Construction Engineers to dig a tunnel that connects the two infrastructures&#8230; Oh and find out if the YeLan Academy is up for sale&#8230; and buy a school student's certificate&#8230;"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Hey! Dar! Get your brother to stop wasting money!" Theodore called out to Daren, unable to take it anymore.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"I can't order gege," said Daren as he shook his head and also added, "Gege, can I get a room for training? I would like a lot of weapons in it."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon paused on the phone and then continued, "Hey! Wait! Also construct a perfectly soundproof basement under that normal house. Yes, it needs to be very big. And start a weapons specialist team, they must be capable of coming up with new weaponry immediately and produce them quickly enough to send it to me&#8230; I want all types of weapons."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">"You two <i>are</i> brothers&#8230;" Theodore buried his face in his hands, finally giving up on trying to reason with them.</div><br />
<div style="text-align: center;">************************CHAPTER 2 END************************</div><br />
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"><div style="text-align: justify;">"In that case didi, you have to remember, you must absolutely not reveal your strength in front of your schoolmates."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon Solaris adjusted didi's tie, stepped back and took a good look at him. The boy was wearing a navy blue high school uniform, carrying a proper school bag and, in addition to a pair of large spectacles, his hair was styled neatly by Devon. Daren Solaris looked just like an ordinary high school student.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"..."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">A very nerdy high school student. Theodore Avery very wisely decided not to comment from the back as he continued drinking his coffee. He felt that Devon's concept of a high school student stagnated in the previous century.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon nodded with satisfaction and reminded once more, "Remember not to let your schoolmates discover your strength..." after some consideration, he worriedly added, "But if there is any danger, you still have to protect yourself, understand?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren obediently nodded in affirmation.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">It was the 28th reminder of the day. Theodore silently added another stroke of ketchup on his breakfast dish. So far his plate had five sets of completed chicken scratches and the sixth was two ketchup strokes short to completion.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Also, your current identity is Theodore Avery's son, Daren Avery. Can you remember that?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Yes, I remember." Daren nodded, in fact, he had been nodding the whole morning.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"You'll be late if you don't leave now," Theodore blandly reminded, emptying his cup of coffee in one gulp. If he had to listen to more of this, he would have a break down.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"In that case, Dar, follow the doctor, he will take you to school."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">At this point, Devon became dejected; he really wanted to walk didi to school hand in hand. Alas, if he were to do so, Daren's identity would instantly be exposed and henceforth he would be unable to live the life of an ordinary high school student..</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore simply unfolded his newspaper with a frown upon hearing Devon, and casually replied, "He can go by himself."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"No! What if he loses his way?" Devon protested loudly.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;"> </span></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"He's got GPS implanted in his brain."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"What if he gets mugged by delinquents en route?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Half his finger nail is enough to throw a dozen delinquents."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"What if he gets kidnapped by a weird uncle?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Don't worry, you, as his master, have ordered him to go to school. Even if it was the end of the world, he would get there in time."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore remained buried in his newspaper, not showing the slightest inclination of getting up to taking Daren to school. Meanwhile, Devon clenched his jaw and his face took on a dark and ominous hue.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">BANG!</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">A hole appeared in the newspaper</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore jumped.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Devon narrowed his blood red eyes, his BHP 9mm glinting beautifully in his hands.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Sigh! Why does an unmarried man like me need to bring a kid to school?" Theodore grumbled as he held Daren's hand, stalking briskly forward as if propelled by a jet of flaming anger.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"If someone were to see this, how am I ever going to get a girlfriend?!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore sighed again. Originally, he was an eligible bachelor, but who would have known that, in order to hide Dar's identity, Devon would forcefully register Dar as his son! Bastard! He had initially protested vigorously to have Daren registered as his younger brother, but a resounding crack from the BHP 9mm dispelled any lingering complaints.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore unconsciously quickened his steps, afraid to be seen by a passing beauty and then lose the chance at a wholesome relationship. Suddenly, the object he was dragging along stopped in its tracks. Unfortunately, this object had the strength to tow a truck, and under the threat of the BHP 9mm, Theodore was forbidden to release this object's hand until they arrived at school. Therefore, with one stalking forward while the other stood stock still, Theodore's momentum caused his feet to slip, and the ground promptly met his head.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"D... Dar, what's the matter?" Theodore asked from below, his face now pale.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren seemed not to have heard Theodore. He tilted his head, looking at the blue sky, the streets, the trees... he couldn't stop looking. Various emotions flashed through his eyes... curiosity, excitement, happiness... like a kid on his very first excursion.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">So that's how it is, a caged bird seeing the blue sky for the first time. Theodore sat up, silently observing for awhile before saying, "Dar... if we don't get move on, you'll be late for school."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Yes doctor."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren gripped the doctor's hand firmly and poised himself to run. This action gave the still semi-reclined Theodore a feeling of great unease. He stammered, "W-wait a second, what are you doing... AAaaarrrgggghhhhh!!!!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">A human tow truck was towing a wailing doctor, leaving a cloud of dust in their trail. This magnificent trail of dust meandered all the way to a spot near YeLan Academy before screeching to a halt with emergency brakes.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Once the human tow truck halted, Theodore hastily flung Daren's arm away and sat himself on the ground panting. After panting for some time, the echo of the school bell roused him. He lifted his head to find Daren still standing at the same spot. He hurriedly reminded, "Dar, go quickly, the bell has rung."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren nodded, raised his leg to go... hesitating for a second, he turned around to ask with some apprehension, "Doctor, when emotions and orders clash, I should follow my feelings right?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore nodded imperatively.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Gege ordered me to go to school, but... I just want to go home and spend time with gege, can I go home?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Theodore was momentarily dumbfounded. He stood up, and patted Daren on the head saying, "Your brother didn't order you, Dar, he has your best interests in mind; that's why he hopes you will go to school, hopes you will be like an ordinary youth, hopes you will be happy. Dar, if you requested not to attend school, to stay by his side, I believe he will not turn you down, but Dar, he will be very worried about you."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"So Dar, for the sake of your brother and for yourself, why don't you give school a try?" Theodore gently asked.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren nodded, Theodore rewarded him with another pat on the head before turning to leave, "Your brother placed a mobile phone in your bag, call home when school's over, I will come pick you up. If you want to hang out with your friends, give your brother a call to inform him, he will be very pleased that you made new friends."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren nodded once again, watching Theodore's departing figure until he rounded a corner and went out of sight.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren was a little afraid; he did not like watching someone he trusts leave. It made him recall the scene of being separated from gege. However, he also did not want gege to worry. Quelling his discomfort, Daren tightly grabbed his school bag to his side and walked towards the school...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><div style="text-align: center;">&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br /></div></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Alright, alright, everyone quiet down. I have an important news for everyone."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">A shinai flew across the room.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Stop playing! the bell rang ages ago."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">A broom flew across the room.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Today, our class will have a new student..."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The teacher stopped mid sentence and hid under the lectern, the very next second, two sturdy wooden tables collided in the air, sending table legs and splinters everywhere. Everyone hurriedly hid and dodged.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The teacher emerged from beneath the lectern and wiped the sweat on his brow before continuing, "This is our new transfer student, Daren Avery. Everyone please welcome him."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The teacher clapped his hands while dodging rolls of toilet paper, pencil boxes, books and other projectiles. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren Solaris slowly walked in, feeling a little astonished. School was very different from what he had envisioned.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Daren Avery, why don't you introduce yourself to everyone." the teacher crouched low, dodging a lunch box while speaking to Daren.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Uh... hello everyone, my name is Daren Avery." Daren blinked as he witnessed the airspace of the classroom filled with flying projectiles, feeling even more shocked.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">A piercing feminine laughter derisively remarked, "What the hell! So nerdy! Where did this nerd come from? Hahaha."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"...erm, I just transferred schools today, I hope I can get along well with everyone." he lowered his head, as for whether they could get along or not... he already knew how well that would pan out.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The teacher looked around the classroom with a troubled expression, mumbling under his breath, "What to do? There are no more seats."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;"><br /></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren looked at the teacher in confusion, and then back at the furthest row of tables where a student was sleeping flopped over on the table. His surroundings were clearly unoccupied, yet the teacher said that there were no more seats. Daren, not reading between the lines, simply pointed to the seat next to the sleeping student saying, "Teacher, there's a seat there. Can I sit there?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Silence. For a second the whole classroom was devoid of sound, even the person about to hurl another desk remained stock still with the desk held high, his line of vision following Daren's pointed finger.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Everyone was staring at the seat Daren pointed to. The seat to the right of the sleeping student, among a group of unoccupied table and chairs, standing empty as if they were the executioner's electric chairs. A fair few gulped nervously.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Student Avery, that, that seat... is not ideal..." the teacher's sleeve was no longer sufficient. He took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat, his expression clearly unwilling to allow Daren to occupy that seat, and yet there was no other place for the boy to sit. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place and revealed an anxious expression.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"It's okay, any seat is fine."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren considerately replied, not wanting the teacher to be troubled. But he had obviously misunderstood the situation because those words turned the teacher's face pale, while frightened expressions emerged from the crowd of students.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren felt increasingly strange. He could not find the answer to what he should do even with the help of his microchip, and even the teacher, standing on the lectern, was withholding the answer. Being stared at was so uncomfortable. Daren unconsciously lowered his head, slowly inching forward towards the seat he had pointed at earlier.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">With every step he took, a student would suck in a breath. The closer he got to the seat, the more uneasy everyone became.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Hey! Quick! Advise him not to commit suicide!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">His classmates whispered among themselves, but all of their conversations were picked up by Daren's super hearing system.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"He's so pitiful, he just transferred here and now he's going to die..."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren was puzzled. He was going to die? After listening to this, Daren's imperative for self protection became activated. He rapidly analyzed his surroundings, trying to identify the possible source of his demise. However, whichever way he analyzed it, Daren was unable to detect any threat to his life.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">So he continued walking, all the way to the seat and pulled out the chair.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Scores of people in the classroom held their collective breaths.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren looked around, gingerly lowering the bag from his shoulder.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Girls started screaming, boys gaping.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren sat down impassively.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;"> </span></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Oh my god! Manslaughter! There's gonna be manslaughter!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The crowd fled screaming, throwing objects, creating a scene of utter chaos... though it had initially been chaotic enough already.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;"> </span></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The crowd paused for a moment. Daren too, was momentarily dumbfounded. In the end... nothing happened. Only the school bell rang, signalling the end of class. The crowd dashed from the classroom as if escaping from a disaster, eyeing it from a distance. A few of the braver ones dared to walk closer to the window to peep inside.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren remained seated unaware. Looking at his watch, he realised it was noon. Gege once instructed him to eat well, so he stood up in search of the canteen to eat a good meal.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren glanced to his side and realised that the sleeping student was still flopped over unmoving. He recalled that gege had also told him to get along well with his classmates; best to make a few friends...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Classmate, hey classmate, it's noon already, do you want to eat with me?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren gently pushed the sleeping student's shoulder, not noticing that this move of his made tens of people outside drop their jaws.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Who is it?!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">A loud boom destroyed the table, a roar shook the dust from the ceiling as the sleeping student gradually raised his head. Eye-catching orange hair, spiked like a porcupine; a fierce gaze unsoftened by the blue of his eyes; bronze skin with the tattoo of a dragon, with its fangs and claws bared, stretched from the forehead to the jaw. The boy's image was one that brought fear upon those who looked upon him.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">In fact, his classmates outside the window had all said a prayer. Though they didn't have a good impression of this nerd, he had still been a classmate for 10 minutes; it was only proper to pray for his early reincarnation.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"It's me. It's time for lunch; are you going to eat?" Daren blinked and continued asking, seemingly unaware of how different this person standing before him was from his other classmates.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Duh!" the porcupine head bellowed once again. Once he was done, he cast his eyes on Daren, eyeing him up and down and realized that he didn't know him. Porcupine head impatiently asked, "Who are you?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>Finally, a classmate is speaking to me! </i>With happiness in his heart, Daren answered with a smile, "I am the new transfer student, my name is Daren Avery, nice to meet you."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Porcupine head was at first dumbfounded, evidently taken aback by Daren's behaviour. He then raised an eyebrow and sneered, "What are you doing? Trying to find a mountain to lean on since you're new? Get lost, don't bother me!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren revealed a puzzled expression. "I'm sorry, I don't understand. What does 'mountain to lean on' mean?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Finding a mountain to lean on is to find someone to depend on... Fuck! Why am I explaining this to you?!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Porcupine head jumped off his chair and kicked the table by the side, which subsequently crashed into the ceiling and shattered into tiny pieces</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>Force of 300 Newtons, using this attack as a point of reference, he has the ability to generate an estimated maximum of 1500 Newtons, belonging to the class possessing a high explosive power</i>. Daren rapidly analyzed porcupine head's capabilities.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Porcupine head saw him staring at the splinters, thinking that Daren must have been scared witless. He would not even get pleasure from bullying this kind of a country bumpkin. He shoved his hands into his pockets and sauntered out of the classroom.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Wait, wait a second, you haven't told me your name." Daren was a little surprised, usually after introducing oneself, shouldn't the other party reciprocate? This was the information he received from his microchip regarding human interactions.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Porcupine head paused in his stride, looking at Daren from the corner of his eyes and said coldly, "Ezart<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/04/eclipse-hunter-chapter-3.html#izatte">1</a></sup>. Remember it well! Don't mess with this name!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren nodded with what seemed to be understanding. As Ezart turned to walk away...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"So are you actually willing to eat with me?" Daren asked with puzzlement.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The floor slipped beneath Ezart's feet, he almost did a dog-eat-shit tumble in front of an audience. Barely regaining his balance in time, he turned back to glare at Daren, suspecting that the latter was infuriating him on purpose. Yet Daren was a face of unawareness, which, coupled with his nerdy outfit, was undeniably transmitting the signal that said --- "I am nerdy, what can you do about it?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>Nerd!</i> It was the only word reverberating within Ezart's mind, there was no way he could use his fists against such a nerdy person, he could only scowl as he bellowed, "Are you stupid? I am not willing! No! Do you understand? If you do then get lost, if you say one more word I'll beat you so that you'll be hospitalised till the end of term!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren was startled, he nodded somewhat dejectedly, "I understand."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart snorted loudly as he departed the classroom, leaving Daren alone. Dar lowered his head and stood still for a while before remembering his brother's instruction to eat well. Looking at his watch, lunch break was almost half over, therefore, he hurriedly fished out his wallet and rushed towards the cafeteria.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><div style="text-align: center;">&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;&#12288;&#12288;&#9671;</div></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Due to gege's instruction to have a full meal, Daren's frightening stomach capacity, and the massive energy requirements for supporting his 90kg frame, he ended up with 2 mountainous plates of food, one filled with meat and rice and the other with vegetables.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">(Gege's reminder: Have a balanced diet.)</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">With his food in hand, Daren looked around in search of a seat, but the cafeteria was fully occupied, he therefore had to stand impassively in a spot, waiting for someone to vacate a seat. However, everyone had eaten their fill and were leisurely watching the foolish sight of "someone" holding two large mountains of food. No one was leaving.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren had no choice but to walk towards the eye-catching orange porcupine head, apologising, "Sorry, I know that you're not willing to eat with me, but because there are no more empty places, may I sit here?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart's food was fairly simple, consisting of a few buns. He aggressively looked up at Daren, then asked threateningly, "Are you an idiot? Can't you see that no one dares to come near me? Are you tired of living or what?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"No, I'm not tired of living, it's because there are no more seats and it just so happens that there are empty seats here, so I came over," Daren answered seriously.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"You!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;"> </span></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The surrounding people started getting anxious, suspecting that Ezart will blow up this time. Ezart helplessly buried his face in his large hands, an action that made the cafeteria descend into deathly silence...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Hahahahaha!!!" A booming laughter erupted, Ezart grabbed his abdomen, intermittently pounding his fists on the table to express his belly full of laughter. After howling for a good while, he saw Daren with his "I am just nerdy" look, still standing foolishly to one side, not knowing how to proceed.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Unable to contain it, Ezart burst out into another laughing fit. "You, you really, really have a screw loose! Haha!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Huh? Do I really have a screw loose?" Daren immediately activated his microchip to scan for any loose screws.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Sit down!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart patted the empty seat beside him, motioning for Daren to sit down. Daren obediently sat down and turned to say, "I don't have a loose screw, you must be mistaken."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart was momentarily dumbfounded, before hugging his abdomen sniggering, "You, you are just too great... god! My stomach... it hurts."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Stomachache?" Daren was chowing on a chicken wing when he immediately became anxious. He put down his chicken wing asking with concern, "Are you ok? Do you want me to accompany you to the sick bay?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Another bout of booming laughter.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Having laughed too much, his stomach was really starting to hurt, so Ezart was a little exasperated, "No need for that! Just quickly eat your food; if you stop talking with that nerdy look, I'll be fine."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren blinked, wanting to say that he does not have a nerdy look, but since Ezart was asking him to eat, then he had better finish it quickly since lunch break was ending soon. At that point, Daren began shoving food into his mouth, chewing at a rate of 10 bites per second, rapidly clearing his mountainous pile of food.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">(Gege's instruction: Chew more when you eat to prevent indigestion.)</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart was dumbstruck by this method of eating; never had he seen someone eat with this speed, like a movie in fast forward. In addition, where the hell was this puny fellow keeping his food? As the peaks of the twin mountains crumbled, the uncontrollable twitching of Ezart's mouth increased.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"I'm done." Daren took out his handkerchief to wipe his mouth after finishing the last mouthful while simultaneously looking at his watch. Good, there was still time for a nap. He immediately flopped onto the table announcing, "I'm going to take a nap."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">(Gege's instruction: It's a must to take a nap in the afternoon.)</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;"><br /></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"We're starting class in 3 minutes."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart casually reminded, although he himself wasn't mindful of such things. He pulled out a martial arts novel and began reading. After a few pages, the person next to him suddenly raised his head saying, "30 seconds to the bell."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">He actually grabbed Ezart's hand and dragged him towards the direction of the classroom. Ezart was initially shocked and therefore allowed himself to be dragged along. But as he regained his senses and tried shaking off Daren's hand, he realised that he couldn't...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>This kid is strong!</i> A trace of caution flashed past Ezart's eyes.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Hurry up! There's only 5 seconds before we're late. We definitely can't be late for class," Daren yelled.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"></div><div style="text-align: justify;">At the completion of his sentence, both the "tow truck" and the one being towed appeared at the door to the classroom with a "woosh", then into their respective seats with another burst of speed. Daren heaved a sigh of relief, feeling lucky that they weren't late; he happily took out his textbooks and stationary. As long as he did not violate gege's instructions, all was good.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>T-that speed, wasn't it a little too fast...</i> Ezart was stunned, belatedly realising that he was at his own seat. How was he already in his chair when he was last being dragged into the classroom?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart looked at Daren suspiciously, the latter also realising that Ezart was looking at him, looked up immediately and flashed a brilliant smile. He realised that his glasses were knocked sideways from the "vigorous exercise" just now. He adjusted his glasses while he smiled, it slanted again, he adjusted it once more.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>Really nerdy...</i> Ezart turned his head back. <i>Forget it! It's impossible for this kind of nerd.</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Battle has a long history... from the era of the existence of countries... there are Chinese martial arts, Japanese kendo, Western fencing, etc. From the formation of the trade groups till recent times, the world had been engulfed in disputes, with the people's emphasis on keeping whole... battle had became the generalised standard, irregardless of location or weapon, the last survivor was the victor; this has become Battle's cruel identity..."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren speedily jotted down the teacher's words while highlighting the important points in his textbook, his pen flying across the page. Although highlighting for revision was pretty useless as the microchip in his brain gave him a photographic memory, meaning it was impossible for him to forget something once he laid eyes on it.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">His hands moved on their own accord, his eyes not required to follow the line of letters. He turned around and found Ezart still sleeping... He whispered harshly, "Ezart, Ezart?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart's sleeping skill was originally impressive - he could not be woken even if the whole class was in riot - but when faced with his name, he still possessed the reflexive response of all normal people. After ignoring Daren for a few times, Ezart finally went berserk; he ripped the table apart in one move, furiously yelling, "Ezart, Ezart, Ezart! What are you calling me for?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Within the classroom, silence once again reigned, Daren blinked in explanation, "You shouldn't sleep in class, you must be serious in your studies!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">A vein popped on Ezart's forehead, this guy indeed had a screw loose... He prodded Daren's forehead with his index finger, "I'm warning you! I haven't pummelled you because you are a little interesting, but if you annoy me again, I will definitely let you lie unconscious in a hospital tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Facing this threat, Daren gaped and with a confused expression said, "I didn't bother you, I was just telling you that you shouldn't sleep when you're in class."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"You!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart slumped back onto his chair. Who was rearing this heavenly soldier? He was so nerdy that he deserved a beating, yet so nerdy that others can't bear to hit him.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">(Devon Solaris and Theodore Avery in their respective locations let out a big sneeze.)</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Here! I'll let you read the notes I made while you were sleeping."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren happily pushed his notebook over, sharing generously with his friend. No matter what Ezart may have been thinking, Daren had taken the fellow whom he had lunch with and attended class with as a friend. Now he was sharing notes.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart's brain was engulfed in a maelstrom. He rubbed his face in defeat, tiredly replying, "For god's sake, no one pays attention to battle history lessons, okay?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Huh?" Daren blinked uncomprehending.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Only physical fitness type of class is the true battle curriculum, the rest of them are for sleeping in, understand?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart impatiently explained while looking at Daren who was still exhibiting his nerdy expression. One look and anyone could tell that he definitely did not understand!</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">He stamped in fury as he roared, "Anyway, you listen to your class, don't disturb me - I will take practical lessons seriously when we come to it."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Okay." Daren nodded, then as Ezart started thinking that he was finally free to once again slump over the desk and sleep, Daren shook him again saying, "So, do you want to copy my notes?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"..."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"The so called practical curriculum is..." Ezart smashed his fists together forcefully, the lazy and sleepy attitude now totally gone, his whole body enlivened like a tiger preparing to hunt. "Smashing-your-fist-into-someone's-face class!"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Saying that, Ezart walked straight into the massive gymnasium. While Daren was still mulling over the meaning of that phrase, Ezart had already walked away. He hurried to catch up but suddenly heard "Ezart" uttered by the classmate beside him. He slowed his pace out of curiosity and widened his zone of reception and realised that half of his classmates were talking about Ezart.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Ezart sent 3 students from class A to the hospital last time."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Are you for real? It's class A! Isn't that the class that's known for having the guy<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/04/eclipse-hunter-chapter-3.html#guy">2</a></sup> who can single-handedly take out our whole class?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Didn't you know, if it wasn't because he got close to zero for all his other subjects, he wouldn't be in our class."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren carefully analyzed these information. In that case, Ezart must be very strong. The microchip in Daren instinctively wanted to analyze strong individuals, because becoming strong in order to protect gege is his primary function.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren unwaveringly walked towards the gymnasium. Even the classmates calling from behind did not make it in time to stop him. His figure disappeared into the gymnasium...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"Oh my god! He just walked in there like that. Does he know what's inside the gymnasium?"</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">"This gym is a massive battle simulator..."</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: center;">******************** Chapter 3 END ********************</div><br />Notes: <br /><sup><a href="http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=1752037227950728211&amp;postID=4903856686016297887#" name="izatte"></a>1</sup><b>Ezart:</b> (or Izatte) his chinese name is 伊萨特, pronounced Yi Sa Te. We named him Izatte before, but the author just published his official English name (Ezart)<br /><sup><a href="http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=1752037227950728211&amp;postID=4903856686016297887#" name="guy"></a>2</sup><b>The guy</b>: refers to a student in class A, different from Ezart's class. Previously this was mistranslated to refer to Ezart.<br /><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/04/novel-eclipse-hunter-chapter-2.html">&lt;&lt; Previous Chapter</a> - <a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-4.html"> Next Chapter &gt;&gt;</a> </div></div>
<!--Unlike the nationwide mock exams that test your knowledge, the midterms and finals test whether you paid attention during class.-->
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
В отличие от общенационального единого экзамена, проверяющего знания, экзамены в середине триместра и итоговые<!-- альт вариант (экзаменационная сессия)--> проверяют, был ли ты внимателен на занятиях.
<!--Good grades don't really mean much to me. I'm okay as long as I can avoid supplementary exams. Memorizing the school books is enough to get me there.-->
Хорошие оценки не очень-то важны для меня. Пока удается избегать пересдачи – меня это устраивает. Для этого достаточно лишь заучить учебники.
<!--Except that ''that's'' exactly what's so terrible and difficult to accomplish.-->
Только <em>это</em>, как раз, ужасно трудно осуществить.
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"><div style="text-align: justify;">In truth, Daren Solaris knew that it was a massive battle simulator - one of YeLan Academy&#8217;s highlights. It was rumoured to have been specially developed by the headmaster and had been a deciding factor in Daren&#8217;s decision to attend YeLan Academy.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
<!--Are there no easier methods to remember things?-->
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Upon entering the simulator, a large screen appeared before Daren. On-screen was a sagely old man, whose face was covered with so many wrinkles that mosquitoes dared not land on it for fear of being squashed in the drooping facial folds. But this &#8220;virtuous&#8221; old man revealed a slightly cheeky smile and said flippantly,</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
Разве нет более простого способа запоминать?
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Hello my little friend, I am the headmaster of YeLan Academy, Antonias<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-4.html#antonias">1</a></sup>. Please enter your account name and password, then you may battle to your heart&#8217;s content.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;I don&#8217;t have an account or a password,&#8221; Daren honestly replied.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;I see, you&#8217;re a new friend. Not to worry, come create an account and we&#8217;ll be good to go. Pick any alias you like,&#8221; the irreverent old man said smilingly.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren thought for a second and said, &#8220;Dark Sun, password is xxxx.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;I see, my little friend Dark Sun, choose a battle suit and weapon that you prefer.&#8221; As soon as Antonias finished speaking, rows of battle suits stacked as high as the sky appeared by his side. There were suits ranging from Pikachu-themed suspenders and blue-white slippers, to Mazinger&#8217;s<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-4.html#mazinger">2</a></sup> suits; even weapons ranging from blackboard dusters and chalk to tanks and cannons were available.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren playfully looked through the arsenal of options; initially he had wanted to decline any weapons because Dark Sun was a weapon in itself, but gege&#8217;s instruction arose again.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">(Do not let others discover your abilities!)</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i><br />
If that&#8217;s the case, then I can&#8217;t go into battle...</i> Daren thought. From the corner of his eyes, Daren suddenly spied a simple suit with virtually no defensive capabilities. It was a pink shirt with matching jeans and knee-high boots. Its most important aspect was the protective visor.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren&#8217;s plan was simple; as long as others could not recognise him, he could fulfill Dark Sun&#8217;s basic functions without violating Gege&#8217;s instructions.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;I want that suit.&#8221; said Daren gesturing towards the simple outfit.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;No problem!&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Instantly, the outfit was superimposed on Daren. He then messed up his hair in order to prevent himself from being discovered. While admiring his reflection, he noticed that his lean frame had become more pronounced by his shirt and his height was well emphasized by his jeans and high boots. Even his messy hair served to make him look more suave.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Wiping off his faint smile, Daren strengthened his disguise further by retrieving the serious unsmiling facade of Dark Sun from his microchip. In a flash, all traces of a smile vanished from his face, and his nerdy demeanor turned sinister.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;As for the weapon?&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Dark Sun frowned; he knew he could not refrain from using a weapon. It would inevitably take lives if he were to fight live participants with real weapons, therefore, he could only rely on virtual weapons to avoid hurting anyone. Though, his laboratory simulations had all been with live weapons.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Give me a dagger and a handgun.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The holster was clipped onto Dark Sun&#8217;s right thigh and the dagger attached to the inside of his boot.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Since it&#8217;s your first time entering, I, Antonias, will give you a brief explanation. Your opponents can be anything from bizarre species and robots to little girls and even pregnant women. Some of them might be virtual, others your classmates. You can form alliances, or treat everyone as your enemy. In any case, the last survivor is the victor. Have a happy battle, Dark Sun.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The doors to the simulator gradually opened and a ray of light emerged from within. Dark Sun turned towards it slowly and waited to enter.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Battle simulator, activated.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">When it came to battle simulators, Daren could not be more familiar. Ever since he was seven, his entire life had revolved around check ups, operations, non stop battles and helping researchers accumulate data for further improvement.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Analysis: Battle scenario no different from reality. 26 enemies nearby, 20 of which expressing hostility, 10 with intent to attack, 2 within danger zone.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Where did this idiot come from? Choosing a suit with no defenses. He must thinks he&#8217;s some sort of celebrity, trying to play cool like that.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Ha! So ridiculous! Look at him. He&#8217;s actually carrying a hand gun. He&#8217;s just asking to be killed.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren turned around and saw two people dressed in light battle armour. One had a sub-machine gun and the other had a shotgun.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Alright, kill him quick - there are still lots of people to blast. Hahaha!&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The person holding the sub-machine gun took aim, revealing a frenzied smile at the thought of the kill...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Tratatatatata ------</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The sound of gunshots filled the air as empty shells rapidly hit the ground forming clouds of dust. Under this intense fire, no one would&#8217;ve been able to escape......</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Where is he!?&#8221; shouted the two gun toting boys, but... only shells littered the floor, with nobody in sight.....</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Urgh!&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The boy with the sub-machine gun looked around frantically. A sudden gurgling sound made him spin around only to have blood splatter his face. He stared in shock at the large gash on his friend&#8217;s throat, gushing an endless stream of blood. In a few seconds, he was relegated to the &#8220;dead&#8221; category by the system, and his limp body crumpled to the ground with malcontent evident in his eyes.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Bastard! Where are you!&#8221; Snarled the boy with the sub-machine gun. He was angry but also afraid enough to shower the perimeter with bullets. But before he could finish his ammunition, he had already collapsed, still unaware of the reason. Just as he was about to protest that it was a system error, that he was not dead, he heard a voice...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;So fast.&#8221; An eye catching boy in a Mazinger&#8217;s suit, with porcupine-like hair and a dragon tattoo on his face, walked over and flipped the &#8220;carcass&#8221; onto his back.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Stupid! You were attacked even before the guy whose throat was slit.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Seeing that the carcass was staring at him with an unyielding expression, Ezart<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-4.html#ezart">3</a></sup> snorted, &#8220;The dagger moved so fast that you were killed before you could even feel it entering and leaving your guts.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The carcass gasped and looked towards his abdomen. Indeed there was a wound there. Although it wasn&#8217;t big, blood was pouring out of it like water from a tap, reflecting the accuracy and lethality of the strike.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Where did such a strong guy come from? From the looks of it, it can&#8217;t be Shain Baylian.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart revealed an intrigued smile. He slammed his fists together with a clamour of steel and an immense battle fervour as he strode in the direction of the person in question.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Dark Sun walked alone. Though he detected several people tracking him, he didn&#8217;t pay them any attention unless they were intent on attacking. His primary objective was to find Ezart. Whether it was just for observation or personally engaging in battle, Dark Sun just wanted to record a strong opponent&#8217;s battle for storage in his microchip. This was a way for him to become stronger and achieve the goal of protecting Gege.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">However, Dark Sun did not manage to locate Ezart nor discover any other strong opponents even after searching for some time. He watched a few battles but none measured up to his standards.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>In that case, if the others were to be eliminated, the remaining survivors would contain Ezart.</i> Dark Sun made up his mind and reached towards his holster.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;He&#8217;s starting to attack...&#8221; As the notion floated into the consciousness of the crowd tracking him, they prepared to defend. Dark Sun took a step forward and vaulted off the wall into the air, letting out a volley of rapid shots. Several muffled cries and the thuds of collapsing bodies could be heard in response.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">None of them were Ezart, nor were they skillful enough. Dark Sun holstered his gun, drew his dagger and skillfully sought out his opponents. Before they were able to catch a glimpse of him, they were killed with a single blow to the brain-stem and collapsed inexplicably to the ground while cursing the system for malfunctioning. And these were only his milder kills.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;He appeared so suddenly - I froze for a second before firing, but he evaded my shots easily. Then like a leopard on the hunt, he effortlessly left, searching for his next prey. It was then that I realised that my throat was spewing blood and the system was grounding my body, telling me that I had been killed by Dark Sun... Dark Sun - I&#8217;ll never forget that name,&#8221; said one of Dark Sun&#8217;s victims.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i> Still not him.</i> Dark Sun&#8217;s blade was dripping with blood, yet he still could not locate Ezart or any other equally strong opponent. He could only continue wandering aimlessly.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Suddenly, the sounds of intense battle drifted to his ears, Dark Sun spent a millisecond analysing before deciding to head towards the sound. With his enhanced speed, he was able to quickly reach the location.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Dark Sun surveyed the surrounding area. The houses and streets had been left half destroyed, with gaping holes in sections of walls, broken street lights, uprooted trees and shattered windows visible in the area.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Upon seeing this, Dark Sun knew that he had finally found a strong opponent. He nimbly jumped onto the remaining wall of a building and stealthily made his way forward. After ten metres, the scenery changed from half to complete destruction. At the very end, only a large rocky formation was left, its original form now indeterminable. It was then that he finally saw the battleground.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Two people were engaged in battle: one was the well-built boy with spiked, orange hair - the ellusive Ezart. The other boy stood in stark contrast to Ezart. He was very lean, yet significantly taller than the gangly Dark Sun. He was approximately 180cm, and wore an ancient Chinese garb while wielding dual sai<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-4.html#sai">4</a></sup>.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Dark Sun stood on a derelict wall with his eyes fixed intently on the battle. He watched Ezart&#8217;s massive Mazinger gloves deal heavy and crushing blows that created craters on the ground. It was evident that he was to blame for roughly 80% of the surrounding destruction.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">His opponent, though physically weak, appeared to be one of the high agility types. He was like a cunning and unpredictable snake, effortlessly dodging Ezart&#8217;s punches. However, it was impossible for someone as weak as him to severely injure the fully armoured Ezart with one strike. Hence, he was reduced to slicing a little here and there to slowly sap away his opponent&#8217;s strength.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">This was extremely dangerous; if Ezart were to land a blow, the slender boy would probably be unable to get back onto his feet. But, that was<i> if</i> Ezart could land a blow. In truth, compared to the monstrous yet sluggish punches, the flying rock debris was more problematic, causing cuts and scratches time and again.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Although both had good fighting abilities, Ezart&#8217;s colossal strength was of no help to Dark Sun, whereas the unpredictability of the boy in the Chinese garb was beneficial for improving Dark Sun&#8217;s ability to dodge.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">As the aces faced off, the agile boy suddenly turned his hips in a seemingly impossible angle to evade Ezart&#8217;s fists, and simultaneously closed the gap between himself and Ezart. The dual sai snuck its way through a gap in the armour, into Ezart's throat and emerged out the back of his head.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Surprisingly, the impaled Ezart was still stubbornly crushing the tiny waist of his opponent. The boy, unable to break free, forcefully tore his sai free. Torrents of blood spewed in all directions, causing the system to gradually ground Ezart, who was finally forced to release his opponent.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;You just don&#8217;t give up, do you? You&#8216;ve already lost, yet you continue to strangle me&#8221; the boy in the Chinese garb remarked coldly.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart slowly lifted his gaze towards him, battle fervour still visible in his eyes.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;If you want to fight, you&#8217;ll have to wait for the next practice session,&#8221; the boy wearing the Chinese garb turned around, speaking to the desolate area of destruction.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren frowned, he had thought that he wouldn&#8217;t be discovered; had he somehow carelessly revealed himself? Nevertheless, Daren had no intention of hiding. Engaging in battle had always been the only way to become stronger.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Don&#8217;t think that I didn&#8217;t notice because I was battling Ezart. You were all throwing daggers at our backs!&#8221; The boy continued, with a contemptuous look.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren paused, realising that the boy wasn&#8217;t referring to him. After a split second's consideration, he decided to let the boy resolve all matters before engaging him in a satisfying heart thumping battle.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">However, something strange happened; after the loud declaration by the boy, all the people lurking in the surrounding area were so frightened that they hastily fled regardless of whether they were the back stabbing person in question or not. Who knew who that was? It was simply best not to be the scapegoat...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren sensed that the players who had been lying in ambush were being pursued by a group, consisting of members whose fighting potential were greater than his earlier opponents. Within moments, the escaping players had all been dealt with.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Three of the pursuers returned to the boy in the Chinese garb. From the looks of respect on their faces, it was easy to tell that they were his subordinates or minions. Amongst them was a man wielding dual hand guns, an ice queen<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-4.html#ice">5</a></sup> with long claws and an unreadable dwarfish guy.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;All taken care of?&#8221; the boy in the Chinese garb asked woodenly.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;We were unable to locate one,&#8221; the girl said as she looked at the him, her icy expression melting slightly.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;There&#8217;s still one left?&#8221; asked the boy, revealing a displeased expression.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">His subordinates became slightly flustered, but they simply could not locate the last remaining person.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Suddenly, a sliver of doubt flashed across the boy&#8217;s eyes; he turned towards a nearby crumbling wall and scanned the shadows suspiciously. Was it simply an illusion? He was somewhat uncertain. Yet, he was unable to detect any human presence. Besides, if someone had been hiding there, there should have been some movement when he had scanned the area.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">After staring for some time and being unable to discern any anomalies, the boy gradually turned around, dismissing it as paranoia. He had not heard of any specialists from the participating classes having the skills to elude him.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren silently observed the boy. Just as he turned away, Daren leapt out, felling the man with the dual hand guns with a single strike. He simultaneously kicked the ice queen aside and after regaining his balance, punched the dwarfish man away.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Although the boy in the Chinese garb was taken by surprise, it was obvious that he had received specialised martial arts training and had to be an expert to have defeated Ezart. The dual sai reflexively parried a blow and the air resounded with the crisp clash of metal. Sai and dagger met repeatedly at speeds that surpassed both the wielders&#8217; expectations.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren was astonished. Although this was not his greatest speed, he should have already exceeded the range of human comprehension and reflex. To think that there was someone who could keep up with his attacks.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The boy in question, however, was having overwhelming amounts of trouble. At first glance, he seemed to have the upper hand, but upon further analysis, it was apparent that the usage of his dual sai required great coordination and thought. Yet, the speed of the incoming blows were not giving him the opportunity to think. He was relying completely on his body&#8217;s reflexes for every attack and parry. How long could he sustain this? His expression was grim.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">This person was strong, very strong. He had already reached his limit, but it seemed as if his opponent still had further room to manoeuvre...... The boy in the Chinese clothes easily understood these facts.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Who are you?&#8221; He finally could not resist asking. The result of his momentary distraction was a long gash to his forearm.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Dark Sun.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">In the past, Dark Sun would never be distracted during a battle with such a pointless thing as giving his name to an opponent. But he was no longer just an emotionless fighting machine. He was also Daren Solaris, and Daren Solaris felt that since the other party had asked, and he had the resources to answer, there could be no harm in doing so. In addition, gege had allowed him to make decisions that pandered more to his emotions, therefore Daren answered.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Your name?&#8221; He was even slightly curious about his opponent&#8217;s name.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Shain Baylian<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-4.html#shain">6</a></sup>!&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Growled the boy through clenched teeth. The movements of his arms had slowed because of his wound, further compromising his situation. <i>Damn it! How can he execute such complex attacks with such an ordinary dagger?</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Although Daren knew that once he increased his speed, Shain would immediately be defeated, he was in no hurry to do so. Shain Baylian&#8217;s snake-like contortions were well worth referencing. Daren was happy to observe, even reducing his speed so that the battle would not conclude too quickly.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>He decreased his speed?</i> Although it was strange, Shain did not put too much thought into it and instead increased the rate of his attacks. His body struck and stilled like a rattle snake in battle. Unless they were a powerful cyborg, most people would not have been able to withstand his attacks.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">This was why Ezart repeatedly lost to Shain and treated him as his greatest rival. Ezart&#8217;s naturally gifted monstrous strength coupled with his specialised training made him almost universally undefeatable. This was also one of the reasons he was feared in the academy. Despite all that, whenever he battled Shain Baylian, another freak with snake-like dexterity, he was continuously defeated.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren was savouring the moment like precious rain in a drought. Although there had been various battle machines in the laboratory, they had all been modeled after average people. There had never been an opponent with such unique abilities to fight against. Of course, Dark Sun, whose primary objective was to become stronger, studiously recorded the battle data.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">But unbeknownst to Dark Sun, while he was recording others, he was also revealing his battle strategies. A massive screen for public viewing in front of an empty plaza had been installed outside the YeLan Academy Battledome. It had begun as a multitude of small screens displaying individual battles.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">As the participants began to die off, the divisions of the screen decreased, with each display gradually increasing in size. Only at this point did it become a spectacle to behold. Every student on the outside avidly watched every battle. Some watched purely for entertainment, others to watch and learn, and of course, a sizable portion was there to support their favourite idols.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">At that moment, there was only one battle on screen. Although two of Shain Baylian&#8217;s subordinates had yet to die, they did not dare to act rashly. They were both aware that when Shain was engaged in battle, he detested being interrupted by others. Therefore, the screen was focused solely on the two boys fighting.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Everyone was dumbstruck, eyes riveted on the battle on-screen. This was a rare sight. In the past, this audience would be gossiping, analysing battles, cheering for their idols and being as noisy as a market place. But at that moment, a blanket of silence had descended over the crowd.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Has Shain Baylian finally met his match? The guy, who can&#8217;t be defeated, has met his match?&#8221; someone mumbled after a prolonged silence.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Is he at a disadvantage?&#8221; another muttered with an unbelieving expression.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Who the hell is Dark Sun? He&#8217;s quick, his movements are even faster than Shain Baylian... how can he be so fast?&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">When faced with that question, the crowd looked at each other, breaking out in a chorus of questions: &#8220;Is he from your class?&#8221; &#8220;Or is he someone from outside the academy who applied to participate in this battle?&#8221; &#8220;Does anyone know Dark Sun?&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Even though the scene was like the explosion of a wok<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-4.html#wok">7</a></sup> that had been left to boil for too long, Ezart was unaffected by the ruckus. He already knew that Dark Sun was strong, and had been trailing him when he unexpectedly met Shain Baylian; the two of them aggravated each other as per normal, and Ezart lost as per normal...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">But he was not disappointed in the slightest, because another strong opponent had emerged from the Academy, one who was stronger than Shain Baylian! That&#8217;s right! Ezart saw right from the start, that this Dark Sun&#8217;s ability was greater than Shain&#8217;s...... No, his ability greatly exceeded Shain&#8217;s!</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Shain Baylian will definitely lose.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart&#8217;s words resounded in the noisy plaza and captured everyone&#8217;s attention, a ripple of silence fanned out from Ezart.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Then, as if to verify Ezart&#8217;s words, Dark Sun launched his attacks fiercely. Shain, who had long been worn out, sustained more injuries to his arms. A few more clashes sent his dual sai flying, which then lodged all the way to their hilts in the ground and a derelict wall respectively.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Shain knew that his defeat was imminent. He was neither surprised, nor did he continue to struggle, but instead revealed a sinister smile, saying &#8220;Dark Sun, I will remember you.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">The dagger pierced Shain just below his smile, causing vibrant blood to blossom down his throat.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Yes, Shain Baylian, I will remember you too.&#8221; Dark Sun said matter-of-factly; he would definitely create a file in his microchip for Shain Baylian and his martial art techniques.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Shain Baylian revealed a smile that seemed oddly content as he slowly collapsed...</div><br />
<div style="text-align: center;">******************** Chapter 4 END ********************</div><br />
<!--Come to think of it, I heard that you can remember anything if you write it on a note and eat it. I once gave it a shot for an exam.-->
Как раз вспомнил: я слышал, можно запомнить все что угодно, если написать это на бумаге и съесть ее. Однажды я попробовал так сделать на один экзамен.
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"><div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;I was wondering where you&#8217;d run off too; so you went off to get food!&#8221; said Ezart as he roughly gifted Daren with a punch to the head. The latter was found gorging on a pile of food, large enough that he seemed buried in it.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Ahm ooo unhgre......&#8221; Daren tried to talk while chewing.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Didn&#8217;t you just have a meal?&#8221; Ezart grumbled as he unceremoniously ripped open a packet of chips, stuffing handfuls into his mouth as he sat down. He then offhandedly asked, &#8220;Hey, where did you run off to just now? I didn&#8217;t see you at all. Don&#8217;t tell me you&#8217;ve been eating here all this time.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Noo wey, ah deed goh in!&#8221; Daren protested through a mouthful of food.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart eyed Daren. He suspected that Daren was Dark Sun. It seemed too much of a coincidence that the day Daren transferred to the school just happens to be the day Dark Sun appeared. But looking at him now, with his hair parted and combed down the sides, his nerdy pair of glasses, neatly pressed school uniform and an endless vibe of nerdiness, he seemed nerdy no matter which way one looked at him.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart smacked his head, It was impossible. Daren couldn&#8217;t be Dark Sun - they were just too different. Their auras were like night and day. Dark Sun had a chilly, menacing aura, which totally contrasted Daren&#8217;s nerdiness.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart sighed and laid down with his arms behind his head, &#8220;Who&#8217;s this Dark Sun guy? If he isn&#8217;t someone from the Academy, then there&#8217;s no way to know if he&#8217;ll continue to participate in the mock battles. What if he doesn&#8217;t participate anymore?&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren blinked and said, &#8220;So what if he doesn&#8217;t participate, does it matter?&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart bolted upright, exclaiming, &#8220;Of course it matters! If he doesn&#8217;t participate then I can&#8217;t fight him. To think that I actually put so much effort into tailing him just to let that Shain Baylian reap the rewards!&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren lowered his head and continued stuffing his face. Because of his unique body composition, he had no choice but to replenish significant amounts of energy used up after every battle for him to continue functioning. He pondered as he ate. Originally, he had no intention to continue fighting, since he had already seen Ezart and Shain battle. However, if he did not fight it out with Ezart, it looked as if he would be greatly disappointed.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Then again, he could be from the Elite Combat Section. Maybe in a moment of blood-rush he decided to enter the battle simulator for fun.&#8221; Ezart considered, now believing it to be more and more likely. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Elite Combat Section?&#8221; Daren immediately raised his head to ask.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Oh yeah, you&#8217;re new here, so you still don&#8217;t know.&#8221; Ezart laid down again, and lazily began to explain, &#8220;Since YeLan Academy is a combat school, classes are allocated A to D, based on fighting prowess. Baylain, from before, is from Class A, we&#8217;re in class D, also known as &#8220;Let the cows graze&#8221;<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-5.html#cow" class="vt-p">1</a></sup> class. We&#8217;re just borderline passers. Shouldn&#8217;t you already know this?&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">He had no idea. He absentmindedly stuffed another bun into his mouth, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Surely his gege would not place him in Class D just to keep him from attracting attention... right?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart&#8217;s gaze suddenly darkened. &#8220;Elite Combat Section, shortened to ECS; it is said that there are no more than twenty people in that class and every single one of them is a monster.&#8221; </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Monster?&#8221; Daren spun his head towards Ezart in shock, &#8220;Monsters can attend human schools too? &#8220;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart slowly turned to look at Daren as if he were an idiot. But this kid, with a foolish and shocked expression that made people want to hit him, seemed hopelessly unaware of his own mistakes.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart exasperatedly explained, &#8220;Monster is a metaphor... meaning, the people in that class are so strong that they no longer seem human.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Oh,&#8221; Daren nodded, showing that he understood. Strong fighters &#8230; Dark Sun&#8217;s personality awoke, his dull eyes sharpened. He asked, &#8220;Where are the members of ECS?&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Who knows? It is said that they&#8217;re so strong that they don&#8217;t even need to attend classes... usually they help the principal with high level missions... but that&#8217;s just a rumour! No one knows the truth of the matter; the other students are still speculating whether the ECS actually exists or not.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Even you and Baylian can&#8217;t join the Elite Combat Section?&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart stared at Daren. <i>This kid really doesn&#8217;t care about other people&#8217;s self esteem...</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;I don&#8217;t know about Baylian, but the headmaster asked me before; I refused though.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren looked curiously at Ezart, he had assessed Ezart to be someone who just wanted to fight strong people no matter what. Why would he refuse?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;It&#8217;s not like there aren&#8217;t benefits to joining that class, but&#8230;&#8220; Ezart grimaced, &#8220;before graduation, you&#8216;d have to complete twenty of the headmaster&#8217;s assignments. That didn&#8217;t sit well with me, so I didn&#8217;t bother.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Oh.&#8221; Upon hearing this, Daren also dismissed the idea of entering the Elite Combat Section. He only needed to listen to gege instructions; no one else&#8217;s mattered.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Alright kiddo, I&#8217;ve got something to do, so I gotta go. I&#8217;ll walk you to the school gate, or else someone as daft as you will get pummeled by the seasoned dudes as a warning.&#8221; Ezart himself had no idea how it happened. He was the type to always get into fights at school, so this was actually the first time he had thought of protecting someone else.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;I&#8217;m not Kiddo, my name is Daren Avery.&#8221; Daren protested with wide eyes.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Daren Avery &#8230; that&#8217;s so hard to pronounce.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Then just call me Dar, that&#8217;s what my gege calls me.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Okay, Dar, let&#8217;s go. If you don&#8217;t hurry up, I won&#8217;t care anymore and just let you take a beating. Maybe then you&#8217;ll wisen up.&#8221; Ezart raised an eyebrow, thinking it a good idea.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;D-don&#8217;t be like that!&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren stood up hurriedly; if someone wanted to shake him up, he wouldn&#8217;t know how to stick to his brother&#8217;s instructions. To protect himself, but not reveal his strength - he felt as if he stuck between a rock and a hard place.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren hurriedly cleared up his leftovers, while stealing glances at Ezart, as if afraid that he would be left behind. Watching this scene, Ezart could not help thinking how hopeless Daren was. He had no idea why he was going this far to protect this guy. Worse still, he had actually thought this kid was Dark Sun. He must be going crazy!</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Are you done?&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart impatiently urged, to which Daren hurriedly responded, &#8220;Okay, okay, let&#8217;s go.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart place his hands in his pockets and went ahead on his own, leaving Daren to catch up.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Ezart, where are you off to in such a hurry? Dinner?&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren pestered Ezart with questions as he walked, the latter raised his eyebrows in response, not bothering to open his mouth to explain. Daren asked some more questions, and as long as they were not about Ezart, they were all answered. When it came to questions about Ezart himself, they were completely ignored.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Don&#8217;t ask about me anymore,&#8221; Ezart eventually said.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Oh, okay,&#8221; Daren obediently replied.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The two of them walked in silence until they were at the school gate. Ezart believed that if Daren was seen walking with him, other students would not dare to bother Daren due to Ezart&#8217;s notoriety. However, as Ezart turned to bid goodbye to him...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">He found Daren foolishly staring ahead. Despite being prodded by Ezart a few times, Daren did not respond and instead blankly raised his finger to point in the direction he was facing...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart gazed in the direction of Daren&#8217;s finger. In the shade of a tree next to the school gate, Shain Baylian lazed on a chair. Next to him was the ice queen carrying drinks, the man wielding dual hand guns, and the dwarfish man from before.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Ezart.&#8221; Shain leisurely watched Ezart, as he sat there sipping his drink.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Shain Baylian.&#8221; Ezart raised an eyebrow, a look of disdain on his face.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Shain Baylian&#8217;s attire was even more exaggerated than in the simulation. He was still wearing Chinese-styled clothes, but the difference was that this had a pair of dragons intricately embroidered in gold thread, and decorated with gemstones. He was rotating a black diamond ring on his right thumb out of habit, when he nonchalantly asked, &#8220;I heard your class had a new transfer student today.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;So what?&#8221; Ezart was evidently repulsed by Shain. He let it go in the battle simulator because Shain&#8217;s fighting ability satisfied his lust for battle. But when it came to reality, Shain was just a slovenly rich kid, the type Ezart utterly detested.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;A transfer student arrives on the same day that Dark Sun appears; what say you?&#8221; Shain had a brief glimpse of Daren from the corner of his eyes and was a little surprised to find Ezart walking with someone who looked like he was up for a beating.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">When Ezart heard this, he began to laugh, and kept laughing for a long time... Shain Baylian narrowed his eyes dangerously. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Here he is! The new transfer student is this guy beside me,&#8221; Ezart blurted, unable to contain it any longer. He wanted to see the expression on Shain Baylian&#8217;s face after he realised how far fetched his deductions were.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Shain was indeed dumbfounded, he had originally believed that Dark Sun would definitely be the new transfer student who had been mysteriously banished to class D. That was not much of an issue, since Ezart had also been banished to that class. However, this fellow......</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Shain pursed his lips. He did not like being wrong, but not to the extent that he would insist that Dark Sun was this nerdy fellow. This was somewhat of insult, an insult to a pro.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Seems like it&#8217;s a mistake. This kind of person... could never become Dark Sun, even if allowed to be reincarnated.&#8221; Shain stood up, a haughty expression on his face, as if Daren was a lowly organism that would emerge from the kitchen or the sewers.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">But he was Dark Sun. Daren remained silent even though he felt like laughing inside.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart sneered, &#8220;What did you say? Watch yourself, he&#8217;s also from an influential family, don&#8217;t go pissing off people you shouldn&#8217;t mess with.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Shain Baylian paused in his steps. Instead of being angered by the stinging comments, he held a strange smile, &#8220;People I shouldn&#8217;t mess with? Ha, I&#8217;ll tell you this, there will be no one that I can&#8217;t mess with after today!&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;What a joke! The Solaris Emperor is someone you can never afford to mess with.&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart might not be an expert on the trading conglomerates, but even someone with no knowledge about such matters, could glean from newspapers, magazines, and roadside conversations, that the most powerful man, otherwise known as the uncrowned king, was the Solaris Emperor of the Solaris Federation.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Solaris Emperor? I&#8217;m not sure if such a person will exist after today.&#8221; Shain remarked, revealing a mirthless, arrogant smile.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;What do you mean by that?&#8221; Daren shouted all of a sudden.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Shain was slightly infuriated, to think that an insignificant transfer student would dare to raise his voice at him. If it wasn&#8217;t for Ezart&#8217;s abnormal strength, he would not have allowed him to speak like that.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Hmph!&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Shain harrumphed snidely, his expression cold. Noticing his displeasure, the three people beside him became hostile; they unsheathed their weapons and advanced menacingly towards Daren...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ezart&#8217;s raised his muscular arm before Daren and glared maliciously at the encroaching trio, his frown making his tattooed face appear even more sinister.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Forget it, today is an important day. I don&#8217;t have the time to play with peasants such as these,&#8221; Shain spoke, abruptly becoming unconcerned.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The trio immediately stopped in their tracks and obediently returned to Shain&#8217;s side. Shain Baylian gave a haughty laugh and left with a flick of his long garb.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Who is he?&#8221; Daren... no, Dark Sun asked, his gaze exceptionally chilly behind the thick frames. He was rapidly analysing Shain&#8217;s words to determine whether they were based purely on ego or on actual fact.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Shain Baylian, Yue Baylian&#8217;s son. I hear his father&#8217;s economic power is second only to the Solaris Emperor&#8217;s Solaris Federation,&#8221; Ezart replied matter-of-factly.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">In reality, he only knew the gist of it and wasn&#8217;t too familiar with the truth of the matter. In any case, Baylian was very rich and powerful; even YeLan Academy, which requires equality among students, had to allow the admittance of Shain&#8217;s three attendants.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>Yue Baylian?</i> Dark Sun instantly retrieved this person&#8217;s information. He was the leader of the Lunaris Alliance. The might of the Lunaris Alliance was not to be underestimated; It was ranked second among the other organisations. Yue Baylian&#8217;s character evaluation showed him to be an unpredictable, malevolent snake. Once his wrath was incurred, there was no telling when the fatal fangs would be at one&#8217;s throat.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Upon learning this, Dark Sun&#8217;s face became sullen, &#8220;Ezart...&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;What do you want?&#8221; Ezart looked at the kid beside him strangely. <i>Is he shocked by Shain Baylians&#8217; family influence? Why is he acting so strange?</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;I&#8217;m leaving, there&#8217;s something I have to do, so I&#8217;m leaving.&#8221; Dark Sun dashed out of the school gates, departing like a gust of wind.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Woah, this kid runs pretty fast! Is it because he&#8217;s been chased by bullies often?&#8221; Ezart narrowed his eyes at Daren&#8217;s departing silhouette.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren whipped out his mobile phone as he ran, dialing Devon Solaris&#8217; number. The phone rang again and again, yet no one answered. No, it was impossible. Daren knew gege&#8217;s personality well. Even if he was in a conference with the leaders of the world, he would still answer his didi&#8217;s call.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren dialled another number, and once it was connected, he asked, &#8220;Dr. Avery, where is my brother?&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">There was a pause on the other end of the line, &#8220;Isn&#8217;t he at the office... Wait! Dark Sun, the news is receiving a live feed...&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;My god! Dark Sun, your brother&#8217;s company building has been seized by terrorists - they&#8217;ve installed enough explosives to wipe out the entire building. They&#8217;re holding everyone hostage and demanding that your brother come out from his specialised office or they&#8217;ll send everyone in the building to their graves!&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Dark Sun, what are you up to?&#8221; Theodore Avery was unsettled, knowing it was impossible for Daren to stay uninvolved.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Of course I&#8217;m going to save gege!&#8221; Daren yelled.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Your identity will be revealed. Why don&#8217;t we wait for a moment longer? Your brother is the Solaris Emperor, not a mild-mannered monk forbidden to harm others, perhaps he will find a way out of this situation...&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;No! We can&#8217;t risk it!&#8221; Daren rejected outright.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Dar, if your brother knew that you would expose your identity because of him and therefore become unable to live a normal life... he would be guilt ridden and upset,&#8221; Theodore Avery earnestly advised. He fully understood how Devon Solaris wished for his brother to live the life of an ordinary teenager.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren was silent for a moment. He too knew of gege&#8217;s well-meaning intentions, but he felt that gege&#8217;s safety was a hundred times more important. If there was a way to save gege without revealing his identity... keeping his identity a secret? Wasn&#8217;t he able to do that in the battle simulator?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Daren hastily said to Theodore, &#8220;Visor, clothes...&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;I see, that&#8217;s a good idea. I will prepare them for you immediately, come back right away!&#8221;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">&#8220;Yes!&#8221; Daren hung up, revving up his speed.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>Gege! No matter if I&#8217;m Dark Sun or Daren Solaris, I won&#8217;t let anyone harm you!</i></div><br /><div align="center">******************** Chapter 5 END ********************</div><b><a href="http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=1752037227950728211&amp;postID=1438673362141799797#" name="cow" class="vt-p"></a>Notes</b>:<br /><b>Let the cows graze: </b>meaning slacker. So the Ezart and Devon are in the "slacker class"<br /><br /><div align="center"><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-4.html" class="vt-p">&lt;&lt; Previous Chapter</a> - <a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-6.html" class="vt-p">Next Chapter&gt;&gt;</a></div></div><br /><a href="http://www.revolvermaps.com/?target=enlarge&amp;i=6sa4ynnxm6r&amp;color=a00000&amp;m=1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;" class="vt-p"><img alt="Map" height="26" src="http://rg.revolvermaps.com/h/b/26/6sa4ynnxm6r.png" style="border: 0px none;" width="26" /></a></div>
<!--...I suffered from an upset stomach for my trouble.-->
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
...За свои старания я неделю мучился расстройством желудка. <!-- у меня неделю болел живот-->.
<!--Why do I address this subject?-->
Почему я коснулся этой темы?
<!--Well, because a teacher, who had already finished marking our exams, made a certain remark as I was leaving.-->
Ну, потому что учитель, уже закончивший проверять наши работы, сказал определенную фразу, когда я уходил:
<!--"The supplementary exam will cover the same subjects. Prepare yourself accordingly."-->
- На пересдаче будут те же темы.<!--будут охвачены темы, покрывать темы, хз--> Учтите это при подготовке.
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: justify;" trbidi="on">"Should I buy Japanese or Greek cuisine?"<br />
<!--Right, then. Today's dinner is a bundle of memos.-->
<br />
Понятненько. Сегодня на ужин стопка шпаргалок. <!--явно не записок. Имеются в виду листочки на кольце которые помогают запоминать /конспектов? .-->.
"This is not the most pressing issue at the moment, Solaris Emperor."<br />
<br />
<!--But just where do I get them...?-->
"Oh?" Devon Solaris perused the long menu in his hand, wondering which of the two his little brother would prefer for dinner. "What is the most pressing issue at the moment then, Bill<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-6.html#katara">1</a></sup>?"<br />
Но вот где их взять?..
<br />
The solemn secretary flipped through his events list and reported evenly, "Solaris Emperor, my name is Kyle<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-6.html#katara">2</a></sup>, and the most pressing issue now is to reply to the terrorist's demands. Although an explosion would not affect this special office, many of our staff would be hurt; the company would then descend into stagnation and our reputation would be severely damaged."<br />
<!--...do photocopies also count?-->
<br />
...Ксерокопии считаются?
"Oh? Isn't this something that the security personnel should sort out?" Devon raised an eyebrow, slightly displeased, "What are the security guards doing? First they lock me in here, not allowing me to go home, and now they can't even handle the situation? Tell the highest security executive to come see me!"<br />
<br />
"The highest security executive was shot dead when he was activating the emergency lock down button for your office. I'm afraid he is unable to see you," Kyle said calmly as he typed "Searching for a Security Executive" in the vacancy section on his iPad.<br />
<div style="text-align: center">◆</div>
<br />
"Oh?" Devon's eyes never left the menu. He then thought of something and said, "Remember to publicise it when we compensate the executive's family. Don't let the media run a story calling me a bloodless, tearless vampire."<br />
<br />
Kyle paused in his typing, and threw a strange glance at Devon. <i>Cold-blooded, heartless Solaris Emperor..... this is already well known to the public</i>. As his personal assistant, Kyle could definitely attest to the claim that the Solaris Emperor was irrefutably cold-blooded and heartless. Losing an employee only meant the delay of a work process, not the loss of a life.<br />
<div style="font-family: Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
<br />
But people were still willing to work for the Solaris Emperor because of a few perks: his generous salary and bonuses, comprehensive welfare benefits, and a fair reward and punishment system. The executive who had selflessly activated the emergency lock down button probably knew that even if he died, the compensation would be enough to feed his family for a few generations, especially since he was protecting the life of the Solaris Emperor himself. Kyle made a few calculations. <i>The compensation will at least be in the tens of millions</i>.<br />
<br />
<!--My mother passed at the hospital after falling down the stairs at home.-->
"Kyle?" Devon asked impatiently after not having received a reply.<br />
Моя мать умерла в больнице, после того как дома упала с лестницы.
<br />
"Yes, I understand," Kyle responded promptly as he realised he was spacing out. But he was still baffled. Solaris Emperor had never been concerned about his own reputation. Even when he was painted as a bloodless, tearless vampire, he never had any inclination to dispel any misconceptions, so why was he now......?<br />
<!--Death by accident. Her death was set aside with those three words.-->
<br />
Несчастный случай. Причину ее смерти описали этими двумя словами.<!--Ее смерти уделили эти два слова. - idiffer/ по идее "смерть по неосторожности" -->
<i>Mm, didi must be hearing a lot of rumours outside. I can't be a bad example to didi</i>. Devon put serious thought into building his image as a good person.<br />
<br />
<!--But I had seen the truth.-->
Kyle's attention was drawn to the news report on his iPad. After watching it for awhile, he heaved a sigh. <i>Looks like today's matter won't be settled without a few thousand deaths</i>. Kyle felt pity for these people. The reporter said, "Solaris Emperor, the terrorists are giving you an hour. If you aren't out by then, the entire building will be destroyed."<br />
Но я видела правду.
<br />
"Is that so?"<br />
<!--I saw. Through a gap in the door of the room I'd been locked into, I saw. With swollen cheeks and bereft of clothes, I saw.-->
<br />
Я видела. Сквозь щель в двери из комнаты, в которую меня заперли, я видела. Голая, с опухшими щеками, я видела.
Devon Solaris frowned. A difficult situation had emerged, just when he had made up his mind to be a good example. Logically, he should not care about it and just stay in the specially constructed office where he would remain unharmed. Besides, if he were to really die, the resulting global financial crisis would be the real disaster......<br />
<br />
<!--I saw him push her down.-->
However, thousands of lives were currently hanging in the balance. Devon massaged his temples saying, "Alright, I'll go out."<br />
Я видела, как он столкнул ее вниз.
<br />
<i>As expected, he cares only for his own life</i>... Kyle thought absentmindedly. <i>Wait a second, what did he just say? </i>He hastily mumbled, "Begging your pardon, Solaris Emperor, but could you perhaps repeat what your decision was?"<br />
<!--I desperately tried to get a hearing, but no one believed me.-->
<br />
Я отчаянно пыталась дать показания, но мне никто не верил.<!--спросить ЕЕЕ-->
Devon raised an eyebrow. "I said, I will go out."<br />
<br />
<!--<i>The truth is going to fade away and be forgotten.-->
Kyle gaped. Although he reserved some criticism for the Solaris Emperor's indifference, he didn't really wish for him to head out. If the Solaris Emperor were to lose his life... It would be no joke, the entire world's economy would be in turmoil - the extent of the aftermath would be truly devastating.<br />
<i>Правда будет постепенно исчезать и забудется.<!--затухать? улетучиваться? тускнеть-->
<br />
"No Sir, you can't go out there! It's too dangerous! If anything were to happen to you, the entire economy would collapse!" Kyle loudly protested as he hastily stood up.<br />
<!--I will forget before long, too.-->
<br />
Я тоже вскоре забуду.
Devon was already standing and waved dismissively. "Don't worry, aren't they just terrorists? Just give them all the money they want. Even if they were hired by my enemies, I am confident I can give them ten times the amount and change their loyalties at the last moment."<br />
<br />
<!--I have a bad memory, so I will forget.-->
"But, but..." Kyle protested, still worried.<br />
У меня плохая память, поэтому я забуду.
<br />
"Kyle..." Devon abruptly turned around to ask, "Do you have a younger brother?"<br />
<!--I don't want to.-->
<br />
Я не хочу.
"Eh? No, I don't..." Kyle stared with wide eyes. <i>Today, it seemed as if something was not quite right with the Solaris Emperor.</i> Not only was his behaviour completely out of character, he was also asking about irrelevant things at this crucial moment.<br />
<br />
<!--I mustn't.</i>-->
"Sometimes, for the sake of the younger brother, the older brother has no choice but to commit foolish acts." Devon smiled briefly. "Just stay here. When I'm not around, the Solaris Federation will depend on you to keep it functioning."<br />
Я не должна.</i>
<br />
"I understand," Kyle said, feeling moved for the first time. This was the leader of the Solaris Federation, <i>his</i> leader.<br />
<!--So I wrote it down.-->
<br />
Поэтому я записала ее.
Devon pressed the release button to the office and slowly stepped out...<br />
<br />
<!--In a notebook my mother had once given to me along with the advice that I should record everything that I absolutely didn't want to forget inside it.-->
On the streets, a hovercraft bike was racing past, weaving in and out between cars. The rider was heading straight for the nearby skyscraper. In truth, this was the tallest building in Asia, one of five head quarters belonging to the Solaris Federation.<br />
В тетрадь, которую когда-то подарила мне мама, дав совет записывать в нее все то, что я ни за что на свете не хотела бы забыть.
<br />
The rider stopped before he neared the building; there were too many civilians and too much media coverage. If he were to charge into the skyscraper in front of the media, the terrorists would be the first to realise. Even the the most dim-witted, third-rate thief knew to use the seamless media coverage to monitor police movements and the situation outside.<br />
<!--It was not just a memento of her.-->
<br />
Она была не только напоминанием о ней.
"Oh! My god! Dark Sun, your stupid idiot brother actually walked out of the office. Get up there quick - they look like they are planning to abduct him from the roof."<br />
<br />
<!--It was a special notebook—different from those I usually used—whose contents I never forget.-->
Theodore Avery's agitated voice sounded from the ear piece which he had prepared specially for Dark Sun. Theodore was in charge of monitoring the current situation and relaying it to Daren so that he could make the optimal judgement.<br />
Это была особая тетрадь, отличавшаяся от обычно используемых мной, – её содержание я никогда не забываю.
<br />
Dark Sun briefly noted his surroundings. Since the skyscraper in question was the tallest among the surrounding structures, he would be unable to gain direct access to the roof via a neighbouring building. In that case, he would have to resort to a different method.<br />
<!--Therefore, I recorded it.-->
<br />
Поэтому я записала.
Dark Sun swerved his hoverbike to a halt beside a building closest in height to his target and swiftly entered the building, ascending via the elevator to the top floor. It was a couple of levels below the roof, but this slight difference in height was hardly an obstacle for what he was about to attempt.<br />
<br />
<!--In order not to forget, I recorded it.-->
"Did you make a reservation, Sir?"<br />
Чтобы не забыть, я записала.
<br />
The waiter approached dutifully. This was a high class restaurant, but the customer before him was wearing an exceptionally unusual yet simple, fitted top, with trousers tucked into his long boots. He was also disregarding basic etiquette by wearing his shades indoor. However, the waiter noticed that although this patron's clothes looked casual, the workmanship was intricate, the material of fine quality, and the boots handmade from a renowned brand.<br />
<!--I recorded the truth behind my mother's death.-->
<br />
Я записала правду о смерти моей матери.
"Is there a big window from which you can see that building over there?" Dark Sun asked.<br />
<br />
<!--<i>...Someone's here. Sheesh. It might be him. He'll destroy this if he finds it. I'll forget if he does.-->
The waiter, assuming that Dark Sun only wanted a window seat, replied courteously, "Of course, this way please."<br />
<i>...Кто-то пришел. Черт. Это может быть он. Если он найдет тетрадь, то уничтожит ее. Тогда я забуду.
<br />
The waiter led Dark Sun before a full length window. A simple square table was placed before it. The waiter gracefully pulled out the seat for Dark Sun, but the latter seemed to have no intention of sitting down. The smile froze on the waiter's face, unsure of this patron's intentions.<br />
<!--I don't want to.-->
<br />
Я не хочу.
Dark Sun looked out the window, this was certainly a good position. The building was tall enough, and coincidentally was in the shadow cast by his target. This would hide his silhouette from the spectators below.<br />
<br />
<!--I mustn't.</i>-->
Steel wings. Activate!<br />
Я не должна.</i>
<br />
The malleable steel seeped from his bone marrows, forming the frame of his wings. Two pieces of feather-like steel pierced through his shirt bilaterally. Like a fledgling spreading its wings in fast forward, the steel feathers fanned out. In hardly a minute, wings spanning 6 metres had emerged from Daren's back.<br />
<!--The door opened slowly.-->
<br />
Дверь медленно открылась.
"A... an... angel!" The waiter stumbled and fell backwards in shock, staring blankly at the winged patron.<br />
<br />
<!--It was his hands.-->
Dark Sun turned around and gave an emotionless smile. "Wrong. I'm a demon."<br />
Его руки.
<br />
The waiter continued to stare witlessly at those wings and realised that the seemingly soft feathers had become razor sharp. <i>Is he really a demon?</i><br />
<!--He had come, after all.-->
<br />
Он все-таки пришел.
Dark Sun lunged towards the window and smashed through the full length glass panel... Waiters and others rushed towards the commotion...<br />
<br />
<!--I closed the notebook and looked for a place to hide it. However, I couldn't decide on a place because none seemed certain.-->
All they saw was a demon flying in the pale blue sky with an ethereal beauty.<br />
Я закрыла тетрадь и начала искать место, куда ее спрятать. Но я никак не могла решить куда – ни одно место не казалось надежным.
<br />
"Interesting...... you're really not accepting my suggestion?"<br />
<!--The door was still being opened.-->
<br />
Дверь все еще продолжала открываться.
Devon was slightly perturbed, but he still maintained his carefree appearance. To think that these people were completely unmoved despite the numerous lucrative conditions he had offered to undermine their relationship with their employers. Nothing seemed to be working, a fact that greatly surprised Devon.<br />
<br />
<!--With my gaze I compared the notebook that contained the truth of her death and the slowly opening door.-->
Traversing the business world from a tender age had earned Devon quite a few achievements. Debating, compromising, undermining were akin to breathing for him. Even a seasoned old hand could not escape from his grasp, so why was this small group of terrorists so persistent?<br />
Мой взгляд метался между тетрадью с правдой о смерти моей матери и медленно открывающейся дверью.
<br />
"Move!" A few hoodlums roughly dragged Devon along.<br />
<!--There was no time.-->
<br />
Времени не оставалось.
"Don't touch me!" Devon roared in fury, the majesty of the Solaris Emperor flaring up. He laughed coldly, " You don't have the qualifications to touch me. I can walk by myself."<br />
<br />
<!--I tore off the page I had just written, pushed it into my mouth and gulped it down.-->
He shook off the terrorist's arm and walked with regal grace towards the helicopter.<br />
Я вырвала только что написанную страницу, запихнула в рот и проглотила.
<br />
"What's that?" asked one of the terrorists when he noticed a suspicious object in the sky. It was hard to tell what it was. It seemed like a bird but was too big to be one.<br />
<!--I concealed the truth of her death in my stomach.-->
<br />
Я скрыла правду о ее смерти в животе.
He didn't need to think much further since the flying object in question seemingly withdrew its wings and plunged vertically downwards, landing heavily on the roof. Daren Solaris left a deep footprint on the concrete where he landed.<br />
<br />
<!--<i>Now I won't forget.-->
Devon was a little surprised. He turned around to see what could have "fallen" onto the rooftop of the country's tallest skyscraper... <i>A human?</i> He blinked. <i>Isn't that silhouette somewhat familiar?</i><br />
<i>Теперь я не забуду.
<br />
The terrorists were struck dumb. They were unable to comprehend how a human could just fall from the sky.<br />
<!--I won't forget for the rest of my life......</i>-->
<br />
Никогда в жизни не забуду...</i>
"Who are you? Get away from that man!" The terrorist shouted, his massive machine gun already raised.<br />
<br />
The other terrorists, sensing the situation, raised their weapons as well.<br />
<br />
"Get on the helicopter," Dark Sun muttered to Devon.<br />
<br />
<!--A while after waking up, I was so confused that I didn't know where I was.-->
"D-"<br />
Некоторое время после пробуждения я была так растеряна, что не знала, где нахожусь.
<br />
<i>Dar!?</i> Devon abruptly stopped himself from completing the name, as he recognised his little brother. <i>Why is Dar here?</i><br />
<!--I felt as though my consciousness had been gotten caught in between dream and reality.-->
<br />
Казалось, будто сознание застряло между сном и реальностью.
"Hurry up!" Dark Sun growled, turning his head slightly.<br />
<br />
<!--After gazing at the patterns in the wooden ceiling for a few moments, I got a clear mind.-->
Devon frowned but climbed into the helicopter as instructed. <i>But isn't this the terrorists' helicopter?</i><br />
После нескольких секунд изучения узоров деревянного потолка, разум прояснился.
<br />
The terrorists were probably thinking the same thing and hence did not bother stopping Devon from getting in. But the moment Devon climbed inside, Dark Sun slammed the door shut, and broke the handle. He then whipped out his gun from the holster and killed the pilot to prevent the helicopter from taking off.<br />
<!--It took me a few more minutes to recognize that I lived here.-->
<br />
Потребовалось еще несколько минут на осознание того, что я здесь живу.
But the show was just starting. Dark Sun had asked his brother to enter the helicopter because its bullet proof material and could protect him from stray bullets. He had also destroyed the handle to prevent the terrorists from seizing Devon, and last but not least...<br />
<br />
<!--Fragments of my memories from before waking up were still in my head.-->
<i>Dar!?</i> Devon pounded the bullet proof glass of the helicopter and pulled on the door with all his might, but it had been jammed shut by Dark Sun and was impossible to release.<br />
Фрагменты воспоминаний до пробуждения еще не покинули голову.
<br />
&#8230;to prevent gege from rushing out to protect him... Dark Sun silently laughed at the thought.<br />
<!--I'd had a dream.-->
<br />
Мне приснился сон.
Excluding Devon Solaris, there were twenty odd terrorists and Dark Sun remaining on the roof. Watching Dark Sun execute the pilot infuriated the gang and since their target was somewhere safe, they no longer had any restrictions. The nearest muscular terrorist roared as he sprayed bullets at Dark Sun from his heavy machine gun.<br />
<br />
<!--But I had forgotten what it was about in these few minutes.-->
Dark Sun revealed a mirthless smile as he rapidly dodged the onslaught. The ground was pockmarked from the gunfire, but not a single bullet had touched Dark Sun.<br />
Но через несколько минут я забыла о чем он.
<br />
Dark Sun was aware that the ultimate strategy for fighting a mass of people was to create confusion. He dashed speedily among the terrorists, causing a few to fire reflexively. The shots missed Dark Sun and instead hit their own. Soon enough quite a few people were lying on the ground groaning.<br />
<!--Leaving me with an irksome feeling, the memory of the dream had disappeared.--><!--feeling of not being able to reach-->
<br />
Оставив раздражающее чувство недосягаемости, память о сне исчезла.
"Stop! Stop!" one of them yelled, recognising the unfavourable situation.<br />
<br />
<!--What kind of dream was it?-->
Realizing that they were harming their own, they quickly ceased fire. It was a pointless move because Dark Sun did not allow them any time to strategise. He immediately protracted razor sharp steel claws and with only a few swipes, people soundlessly crumpled to the floor.<br />
О чем был этот сон?
<br />
Everyone was shocked. Some started shooting at Dark Sun again, but he dodged behind one of the terrorists, directing all fire at the unsuspecting human shield. Once his human shield was riddled with holes, Dark Sun would dodge behind another person. If the terrorists ceased fire, Dark Sun simply went on the offensive; the flash of his steel claws became the stuff of nightmares. Within moments, there were only ten left standing.<br />
<!--This memory wasn't going to return,-->
<br />
Это воспоминание не вернется.
The terrorists ceased fire once again, but this time when Dark Sun made a swiped at a throat all he cut was air.<br />
<br />
<!--Unless I made a note, I couldn't recall memories that had disappeared.-->
This was the first time he had made a mistake since leaving the laboratory. If he were the emotionless android that he had been before, he would not have had any reaction other than to follow up with another attack. However, now that his emotional switch was activated, he was slightly taken aback. During this brief period of hesitation, the terrorist had turned around and with a swift slash, which Dark Sun was unable to avoid completely, opened a gash on his arm.<br />
Если я не делала запись, то не могла вспомнить исчезнувшие воспоминания.
<br />
Dark Sun paid no attention to his wound, but instead fixed his gaze on his attacker. The opponent was wielding a kris. It's blade was curved like a snake in motion and created a larger wound than a regular dagger.<br />
<!--''Again. As always.''-->
<br />
- Опять. Как всегда.
Among the ten remaining, five of the terrorists discarded their guns in favour of various exotic weapons. There was a pair of ancient katara<sup><a href="http://novel.oddsquad.org/2011/05/eclipse-hunter-chapter-6.html#katara">3</a></sup>, a massive morning star, a flail with an extremely long chain, a scythe and a double-headed battle axe.<br />
<br />
<!--I couldn't recall things I wanted to recall.-->
It was just like a weapon exhibit. Dark Sun became grim. There was something amiss. In normal circumstances, modern hoodlums were only armed with guns and maybe an additional dagger. Yet here were five people wielding weapons which could only be found in exhibitions.<br />
Я не могла вспомнить то, что хотела.
<br />
In addition, the vibe that these people were emitting was different from the garden variety of hoodlums. However, Dark Sun was unable to pinpoint exactly what it meant. While he was contemplating these oddities, the five lunged forwards. The foremost was the double-headed axe wielder with bulging muscles.<br />
<!--Even though I couldn't forget things I wanted to forget.-->
<br />
Несмотря на то, что я не могла забыть то, что хотела.
The steel claws were too fine to block heavy weapons of this kind. Dark Sun decided to dodge the blows of the axe and opted to target his opponent's weaknesses instead.<br />
<br />
<!--I had trouble coping with the frustration of my helplessness.-->
Dark Sun nimbly spun on his leg, avoiding the swing of the axe while moving close to the attacker. The fatal claws were mere millimeters from the terrorist's throat when the kris arced towards Dark Sun's hand forcing him to withdraw rapidly. Sensing the danger approaching from behind, he hastily turned in time to narrowly avoid the morning star brushing against his arm.<br />
Мне было трудно совладать с раздражением от собственной беспомощности.
<br />
He realized that the three people surrounding him had skills above par. Their coordination and team work were admirable and put him at a great disadvantage. He retreated a few steps, as he considered using his gun to resolve the situation. Before he could act upon it, he felt a strong killing intent from behind. He reflexively spun on his leg as the katara almost stabbed his chest. In a flash, Dark Sun grabbed the blade of the katara with both hands. His strength kept the terrorist stock still.<br />
<!--I buried my face in the pillow and covered myself under the blanket, curling up in the darkness.-->
<br />
Зарывшись лицом в подушку и накрывшись одеялом, я свернулась калачиком.
Although, both his hands were occupied with grasping the weapon, Dark Sun was not troubled. He raised his right leg and solidly kicked the terrorist, sending him flying five metres away. Most people would immediately go unconscious after receiving such a kick.<br />
<br />
<!--The moment my vision went black, a miracle occurred along with a sensation of sparks flying.-->
"Agh!"<br />
Когда в глазах потемнело, возникло ощущение сродни летящим искрам, и случилось чудо.
<br />
Dark Sun's right arm was suddenly clobbered. He remembered then that there was another long range flail wielder. His thirst for blood unquenched by the successful sneak attack, the man struck again. However, this time Dark Sun was prepared. There was no way he was going to let this terrorist get away with it a second time. He latched onto the flail with unerring accuracy, and began rotating it in order to fling the terrorist away.<br />
<!--—I remembered. I remembered my dream.-->
<br />
...Я вспомнила. Я вспомнила свой сон.
By then, the other three terrorists had reappeared. Brandishing their weapons, they launched intense attacks. The steel claws alone were insufficient for fending off these weapons. In addition, it was difficult to win with speed alone when surrounded by four opponents. Dark Sun felt pressured for the first time.<br />
<br />
<!--It was a dream of my past.-->
<i>No!</i> Dark Sun felt something was off kilter. Even at a battle school like Yelan Academy he could defeat so many with his speed, there was no reason for him to feel pressured in a fight with only five people.<br />
Это был сон о моем прошлом.
<br />
While he was blocking the blows, he began analysing with his microchip. Within the exchanges of a few blows, he analysed that the speed and strength of these five people were three times that of a normal person.<br />
<!--At the same time, it also answered my question.-->
<br />
И в то же время он дал ответ на мой вопрос.
Strength can indeed be increased exponentially with intense training. But increasing speed was no simple matter. It was possible to increase one's speed by 50%. However, to be three times faster than normal&#8230; one would require a talent found in only one in million. How could there be five of them together at the same place?<br />
<br />
<!--I finally realized why I couldn't forget it.-->
The present circumstances did not permit Dark Sun further rumination. He could only note down his suspicions and continue battling the five curious individuals.<br />
Наконец-то я поняла, почему не смогла забыть его.
<br />
Soon enough the assassin that had been kicked aside stood up and rejoined the fray, causing Dark Sun's position to become even more unfavourable.<br />
<br />
Although he was inflicting damage on his opponents, wounds gradually accumulated on Dark Sun's body. The worst injury was the initial wound inflicted by the flail which was impeding the movements of his right arm. For someone who relied on intricate movements and superhuman speed like Dark Sun, it was a severe problem.<br />
<br />
"Didi! Didi!" Seeing his little brother injured, Devon picked up a small fire extinguisher and repeatedly bashed it against the bullet proof window with all his might. However, the helicopter window was so thick that it could not be shattered. But even then Devon refused to give up, and continued bashing it violently...<br />
<div style="text-align: center">◆</div>
<br />
Ring ring...<br />
<br />
Devon paused and looked towards his mobile phone. He originally wanted to ignore the ringing, but the ring tone indicated that it was from home. The only person who would call from home would be Theodore Avery. Devon paused and answered the phone.<br />
<!--Because of exams, there were no afternoon classes.-->
<br />
В связи с экзаменами вечерние занятия отменили.
"Devon?" It was indeed Theodore's voice.<br />
<br />
<!--I was, despite everything, a mere student and, naturally, went to school. Since I went to school, I naturally also took classes. Since I took classes, I naturally also had to take exams when the time arrived. And, since I had to take exams, I naturally also had to take supplementary exams. Right. "Naturally." I disregard any opinions that claim otherwise. <!-- Is this his way of saying that he doesn't want to hear about blowing off his exams? What is the purpose of the last sentence? -ss -->
"You!" Devon roared in anger, "Why did you let Dar come? Do you know he's hurt?"<br />
Несмотря ни на что<!--как бы то ни было -->, я был всего лишь <!--обычным-->учеником и, естественно, ходил в школу. Так как я ходил в школу, то, естественно, посещал занятия. Так как я посещал занятия, то, естественно, когда наступало время, мне приходилось сдавать экзамены. И, так как мне приходилось сдавать экзамены, то, естественно, мне приходилось также пересдавать их. Да. «Естественно». Я не принимаю других точек зрения на этот счет. <!-- попробовал уйти от одного слова естественно, оно не во всех предложениях уместно смотрится / имхо зря, там везде должно быть одно и то же слово. На это указывают кавычки.-->
<br />
"Eh&#8230; I know. But that's not the crux. Dark Sun wanted me to deliver weapons. I am already in the building, but was stopped by the policemen. Think of a solution quickly, or Dark Sun will receive even more severe injuries."<br />
<!--Anyway, I went to the shop a little early even though my shift was scheduled for evening like always. I planned on studying for the supplementary exam the next day. Am I not dilligent?-->
<br />
Я отправился в магазин чуточку раньше несмотря на то, что моя смена, как и всегда, была вечерней. Я собирался заняться подготовкой к завтрашней пересдаче экзамена. Ну разве я не умница?
Upon hearing that, Devon dialed Secretary Kyle's number without hesitation.</div><br />
<div align="center"><br />
<!--To my surprise, however, there was a customer.-->
******************** Chapter 6 END ********************</div><br />
Однако, к моему удивлению, меня ждала покупательница.
<!--It was extremely rare for someone else to be present other than the owner, Towako-san, or my workmate, Saki. One could take the shop's lack of customers for granted. One might ask, "What the hell?," but I've had enough of that question.-->
Чрезвычайно редко тут находился кто-либо кроме хозяйки Товако-сан и моей коллеги Саки. Отсутствие покупателей воспринималось как должное. Можно спросить: «Какого черта?», но меня уже достал этот вопрос. <!--воспринимается / воспринималось - Abliarsar-->
<!--From her appearance, the unexpected customer was in her early twenties. However, her presence made her seem a little older. She seemed fragile somehow, or insecure. The sad expression on her face may have augmented that impression.-->
Судя по внешности, неожиданной гостье было двадцать с небольшим. Однако из-за того, как она себя преподносила<!--харизме? Вообще тут скорее всего аура на япе, но по-русски идиотизм полный. - idiffer //ИМХО имеется в виду то, как она себя подает (преподносит ) /поведение / еще вар - держалась; держала себя-->, она казалась более взрослой. Она казалась какой-то хрупкой или, может, неуверенной. Возможно, печальное выражение лица усиливало это впечатление.
<!--Listening to her at a table that was for sale—a fake of a table with the ability of keeping everything on it even when flipping the table over like the pops of the showa era loved to do—was Towako-san.--> <!-- this is one of those things the Japanese do to English that we have to do to Japanese sometimes. Yes, I know that 昭和 transliterates as 'shouwa.' But nobody writes it that way in English. Hepburn romanization was the universal standard until after 1970, so 'showa' is the entrenched spelling. Use it here. -ss -->
Товако-сан слушала ее, сидя за выставленным на продажу столом (подделка стола, с которого ничего не падало, даже если его опрокинуть, как любили делать дедки <!--по смыслу должны быть отцы - idiffer/ главы семейств -->эры Сёва).<!--бред, но лучше не придумал - Abliarsar-->.
<!--''Since when did we offer counseling?''-->
<em>С каких пор мы консультируем народ?</em>
<!--That moment, Saki came out of the living room with a tray of black tea and our eyes met.-->
Тут из гостиной вышла Саки с подносом черного чая, и мы переглянулись.
<!--"Quite rare that we have a customer, huh?"-->
- Довольно редко случается увидеть у нас покупателя, да?
<!--"It's an acquaintance of an acquaintance of Towako-san."-->
- Это знакомая знакомой Товако-сан.
<!--I thought about asking her for some black tea as well, but without leaving me any opportunity to enjoy some tea, Towako-san beckoned me over, "You came at just the right time. Tokiya, take a seat!"-->
Я подумал попросить чая, но Товако-сан, не оставив мне никакой надежды насладиться им, подозвала меня:
- Ты как раз вовремя<!--кстати?-->, Токия. Присядь!
<!--I didn't know what "right time" it was, but I obediently sat down next to her. The woman on the other side greeted me with a nod, but looked a little perplexed.-->
Я не знал, что это за «вовремя», но послушно сел рядом с ней. Девушка на другой стороне стола кивнула в знак приветствия, хоть и была в легком недоумении. <!--кивнула в знак приветствия-->
<!--"This is my part-timer. And this is Etsuko Uwajima," Towako-san introduced us to each other. "She's come here because of a problem she has. Join me in listening to her."-->
- Это мой работник на полставки. А это Эцко Уваджима, - представила нас Товако-сан. – Она обратилась ко мне со своей проблемой. Послушай вместе со мной.
<!--She loved to bargain over a Relic she was eyeing, but apparently she was bored of listening to someone's problems and planned on pushing the job onto me.-->
Она обожала торговаться за реликты, которые присмотрела, но, видимо, выслушивать чужие проблемы ей наскучило, и она планировала спихнуть всю работу на меня.
<!--While I didn't have enough experience to counsel an adult woman, I wasn't so immature as to decline.-->
Хотя я не обладал достаточным опытом, чтобы консультировать взрослую женщину, я не был настолько незрелым, чтобы отказаться.
<!--"All right, I am sorry, but may I ask you to start all over again?"-->
- Хорошо. Простите, но можно попросить вас начать сначала?
<!--Etsuko-san nodded without seeming offended, and started calmly.-->
Эцко-сан, кажется, не обиделась - она кивнула и спокойно начала рассказ:
<!--"To tell the truth, there is something I just can't seem to forget."-->
- По правде говоря, я никак не могу кое-что забыть.
- Угу...<!--А-ха...-->
<!--"I have a bad memory and often forget things. This is due to the brain damage I received in a traffic accident when I was young."-->
- У меня плохая память, и я часто забываю что-нибудь. Это из-за повреждения мозга, которое я получила в автокатастрофе, когда была маленькой.
<!--Unsure what to say, I nodded vaguely. She continued without minding.-->
Не зная, что сказать, я многозначительно кивнул. Не обращая внимания, она продолжала:
<!--"I have absolutely no memory of anything before the accident. The memories right after the accident, too, have become very vague. I remember almost nothing from that period. Apparently, the portion of the brain that manages my memories was damaged in the accident. Moreover, I don't only forget about my past, but I am also very forgetful about everything," she said and gave a few examples to elaborate. "I immediately forget things like faces or the locations of shops I frequent. Sometimes, I forget to take my money at the bank or to wrap my purchases even though I take the change. Also, one time I was searching for something but forgot what I was looking for in the process. It's been like this since I was a child, and because of that I was often scolded. In elementary school, for example, I set the record of forgetting something one week in a row. ...Or was it two weeks? No, three weeks?"-->
- Я не помню ровным счетом ничего до аварии. Воспоминания случившегося сразу после нее тоже очень расплывчатые. Я почти ничего не помню из того времени. Видимо, в аварии повредилась часть мозга, отвечающая за память. Более того, я забываю не только прошлое – я вообще во всем очень забывчива, - сказала она, и затем привела несколько примеров: – Я тут же забываю лица или расположение магазинов, которые часто посещаю. Иногда забываю деньги в кассе банка, или упаковать покупки после того, как возьму сдачу. Однажды, пока пыталась что-то найти, забыла, что именно искала. Это началось еще в детстве, и меня часто ругали. В начальной школе, например, я поставила рекорд, забывая об одном одном и том же неделю подряд... Или две недели? Нет, три недели?
<!--She talked rather leisurely, or "other-wordly" perhaps. As a side note, she took a whole five minutes for the explanation so far. That should give an idea of just how sluggishly—excuse me, I mean how leisurely her way of speaking was.-->
Она говорила довольно нерасторопно, даже может «отрешенно от мира сего». Просто хочу заметить – на это объяснение ей потребовалось целых пять минут. Теперь можете представить, насколько черепашьей <!--заторможенная, тягучая, вялая--> – извиняюсь, хотел сказать: насколько нерасторопной – была ее манера речи.
<!--I had taken a side-glance at Towako-san, but she pretty much allowed the explanation go in one ear and out the other. For her, that pace and nature had to be hard to endure.-->
Краем глаза я посмотрел на Товако-сан, но она позволяла значительной части повествования влетать в одно ухо и вылетать из другого. Наверное, ей было сложно терпеть такую скорость и манеру.
<!--Suddenly, the woman took a laptop out of her bag and started to look something up.-->
Внезапно девушка достала из сумки ноутбук и принялась что-то искать в нем.
<!--What was so important to pause and look it up?-->
Что могло быть настолько важным, потребовавшим прерваться и посмотреть?
<!--"...Ah, it was in high school. I remember now."-->
- ...А, это случилось в старшей школе. Теперь вспомнила.
<!--She had checked ''that'' up as it seemed. Had she stored her personal history on that laptop or something?-->
Похоже <em>это</em> она и проверяла. Она хранит на этом ноутбуке автобиографию что ли?
<!--To be honest, I didn't give a shit. To begin with, didn't she kinda recall the wrong part there?-->
Если честно, мне было по барабану. И вообще, она вспомнила не то, что нужно, нет?
<!--"Ah, but it's not like I forget each and every thing. I can memorize things like the multiplication tables or how to buy tickets."-->
- Но не то чтобы я забываю все и вся. Я способна запомнить что-то вроде таблицы умножения или того, как покупать билеты.
<!--Amnesia only involves forgetting part of one's experiences, like one's memories, but does not include bare knowledge. Besides, memorization itself doesn't decrease, so new memories are retained just fine.-->
При амнезии забывается только личный опыт, например, воспоминания, но не основные знания. К тому же, сама способность запоминать не ухудшается, так что новые вещи запоминаются вполне нормально.
<!--Apparently, it's like the way to the old memories is being cut off.-->
Видимо, это можно понять так: путь к старым воспоминания отрезан.
<!--In her case, it might have been something similar.-->
Возможно, с ней произошло что-то подобное.
<!--"Anyhow, once my mother, concerned about me, told me that I could memorize things if I wrote them on a notepad and ate it. When I tried it out, I really became able to memorize all kinds of things. Since then I have been eating notes to fight against my forgetfulness. I can keep things in mind quite a long time thanks to that. Quite the progress, isn't it?"-->
- Как бы то ни было, однажды,<!--пример авторской запятой - по идее она не нужна, но при её отсутствии можно было бы подумать, что мать побеспокоилась лишь один раз. Обычно это решается перефразировкой, но так стиль остается нетронутым-->беспокоившаяся обо мне мать сказала, что я могу запоминать события, если буду записывать их в блокнот и съедать. Когда я попробовала, то действительно смогла запоминать различные вещи. С тех пор я ем записки в борьбе с забывчивостью. Благодаря этому я могу сохранять в голове информацию достаточно долго. Неплохой прогресс, не так ли?
<!--Like I care.-->
Как будто мне это интересно.
- И?
- Да?
- ...
- ...
<!--"...Um, is something wrong?" I asked.-->
- ...Эм, что-то не так? – спросил я.
<!--Etsuko-san was holding her cheek and cocking her head absent-mindedly.-->
Подперев рукой щеку, Эцко-сан рассеянно приподняла голову.
<!--"Hello?" I asked again, upon which she peeked into my face.-->
- Прием?<!--не очень удачное слово из-за его многозначности\ Эй-эй?-->– попытался я снова, и тогда она взглянула мне в лицо.
<!--"Excuse me, but what have I been talking about?"-->
- Извини, а о чем я говорила?
<!--Can I go home already?-->
Можно мне уже домой?<!--Могу я уже пойти домой?-->
<!--"...and that's where you stopped."-->
- ...И тут вы остановились.
<!--I went to the trouble of repeating what she had said.-->
Я не поленился повторить то, что она сказала.
<!--"Ah, I see," she said as she clapped her hands together with a beaming smile.-->
- А, понятно, - сказала она, с лучезарной улыбкой хлопнув в ладоши.
<!--"Um, so what concern brings you here today?"-->
- Эм, с каким затруднением вы к нам сегодня пожаловали?
<!--"Yes, listen please. As I said, I am still memorizing things by eating memos, and those memories fade away after a while, but there is one memory I just can't seem to forget. I really want to, but I can't..."-->
- Да, выслушайте пожалуйста. Как я уже говорила, я до сих пор запоминаю что-либо, съедая записки, и эти воспоминания со временем исчезают, но есть одно воспоминание, которое я никак не могу забыть. Я очень хочу, но не могу...
- Ага...
<!--"This is the notebook I mentioned."-->
- Вот тетрадь, о которой я упоминала.
<!--With these words, Etsuko-san pointed at a notebook on the table.-->
С этими словами Эцко-сан показала на тетрадь на столе.
<!--It was soft to the touch and of high quality, and had a binding made of Japanese paper. Just, apart from that it was a boringly normal A4 notebook that contained unlined blank pages. If I had to tell if it looked tasty or not, well, no, it didn't. Although that was no problem.-->
На ощупь мягкая, хорошего качества, а переплет из японской бумаги. Но не считая этого, до скуки обычная тетрадь формата А4 с пустыми неразлинованными страницами. Если бы меня спросили, аппетитно<!--О_о--> ли она выглядела, я бы ответил отрицательно. Хотя проблема не в этом.
<!--Unsure how to react, I looked to the side. Towako-san gave me a nod. That's when I realized that this notebook was a Relic.-->
Не зная, как реагировать, я посмотрел<!--отвел глаза--> в сторону. Товако-сан кивнула мне. И тогда я понял, что эта тетрадь – реликт.
<!--"I once had an acquaintance of mine show it to me. Probably there's no doubt."-->
- Однажды мне показал один ее знакомый. Сомнений нет.
<!--"What kind of power does it have?"-->
- Какие у нее силы?
<!--"You don't forget anything you note down in it. Whatever is written in there remains in your memory—no matter how much time passes, word for word."-->
- Ты не можешь забыть то, что записал в ней. Что бы ни было там написано, оно остается в твоей памяти – слово в слово, вне зависимости от того, сколько пройдет времени.
<!--''So in short, I guess she's written something in it and can't forget it anymore.''-->
- Резюмируя, предположу, что она что-то написала в тетради и теперь не может забыть.
<!--"As soon as you've written something, is it really impossible to forget it?"-->
- Неужели, как только запись сделана, то ее невозможно забыть?
<!--"No, you just have to erase it to revoke its effect. You can use an eraser or even just strike it out."-->
- Нет, чтобы отменить эффект, нужно лишь стереть ее. Можно ластиком или просто зачеркнуть.
<!--"Hey, then it's quite the simple task."-->
- Эй, это же совсем несложно.
<!--If she was unable to forget that memory, we just had to erase the corresponding text.-->
Если она не могла забыть это воспоминание, нам нужно было просто стереть соответствующий текст.
<!--"Just, you know...," she sighed and showed me the opened notebook.-->
- Вот только знаете... – вздохнув, она показала мне открытую тетрадь.
<!--I saw the traces of torn-off pages.-->
Я увидел следы вырванных страниц.
<!--"She's eaten the note."-->
- Она съела записку.
<!--"Exactly," the woman nodded in agreement.-->
- Именно, - девушка кивнула в подтверждение.
<!--A notebook that lets you remember everything you write in it.-->
Тетрадь, позволяющая запомнить все, что записываешь в нее.
<!--A notebook that lets you forget something again if you erase it.-->
Тетрадь, позволяющая забыть записанное, стерев.
<!--Then what happens if one were to eat a page?-->
Тогда что же произойдет, если съесть страницу?
<!--"Dunno, no one has ever tried," Towako-san explained curtly. "But sweet Jesus, this is the first time I heard of someone ''eating'' a Relic! You never know what happens in life, though, and that's what makes it fun."--> <!-- sweet Jesus. I don't mind this use, but I think it sounds weird coming out of a 20-something Japanese woman. One can overlocalize text. -ss -->
- Не знаю, никто никогда раньше не пробовал, - коротко объяснила Товако-сан. – Но, Господи Иисусе<!--сомнительное выражение -->, я впервые слышу, чтоб кто-то <em>съел</em> реликт! Но жизнь непредсказуема и поэтому интересна.
<!--"Eating a memo isn't new, though."-->
- Хотя поедание записок не ново<!-- это далеко не новинка-->.
<!--That eating a memo will enable you to remember anything you've written on it is just a superstition some fool came up with when he was driven into a corner by his exams. But there are people who have to rely on such a superstition (I’m one to talk…).-->
То, что съедание записки позволяет запомнить ее содержимое – просто суеверие, выдуманное каким-то дураком, загнанным в угол экзаменами. Но есть люди, которым необходимо полагаться на это суеверие (хотя я один из них...)<!--ЕЕЕ сказал: He is just noting (in an ironic tone) that he resorted to that superstition himself.-->
<!--She happened to be one of these people as well.-->
Как оказалось, она тоже относится к их числу.
<!--And in her case, she happened to have eaten a memo from a Relic.-->
И в ее случае, она съела записку из реликта.
<!--"Normally, it's a really simple item... you remember what you write, and if you don't need it anymore, you just erase it," Towako-san said.-->
- Так-то все очень просто... запоминаешь, что написал, а если больше не нужно – просто стираешь, - сказала Товако-сан.
<!--"If erasing does the trick, perhaps she'll forget when the note is digested?" I suggested.-->
- Если стирания достаточно, может она забудет, когда записка переварится? – предложил я.
<!--"Unless she's eaten it today, it should be long digested by now."-->
- Если она съела ее сегодня. В противном случае, она должна была перевариться давным давно.
<!--"Then maybe in her shi—UGH!"-->
- Тогда может в ее как... УГХ!
<!--"We're eating."-->
- Мы за столом.
<!--Saki hit me with a tray. With good reason.-->
Саки огрела меня подносом. И было за что.
<!--We were having a slightly late lunch. Saki's homemade cod roe spaghetti.-->
У нас сейчас чуть запоздалый обед. Домашнее спагетти с тресковой икрой, приготовленное Саки.
<!--Only I, Saki and Towako-san were sitting around the lunch table. We had noted down Etsuko-san's contact information and sent her on her way.-->
За столом сидели только я, Саки и Товако-сан. Мы записали, как связаться с Эцко-сан, и распрощались с ней.
<!--The notebook itself was still here, as we were going to investigate it.-->
Тетрадь осталась у нас, так как мы собирались исследовать её.
<!--Etsuko Uwajima-san. 21 years old.-->
Эцко Уваджима-сан. 21 год.
<!--She had received the notebook from her mother when she was young and was told to write everything in it she didn't want to forget. We didn't know how her mother had obtained the notebook, nor did we know if she had known about Relics, but, at the very least, she seemed to have been aware of its power.-->
Она получила тетрадь от матери, когда была маленькой, с наставлением записывать туда все, что не хотела забывать. Мы не знали, ни как тетрадь попала в руки к ее матери, ни то, имела ли она представление о реликтах, но по крайней мере она знала о ее силе.
<!--She had passed away ten years ago. Apparently, she had slipped on the stairs and fallen badly, resulting in her death. Her parents were divorced, so the father had not been there. I couldn't ask for details about her family environment, but I guessed it was a rather complicated one. At the moment she lived alone. Her address was about three stations from here. That was about all we knew about her.-->
Она скончалась 10 лет назад. По-видимому, она оступилась на лестнице и неудачно упала, что привело к смерти. Ее родители развелись, поэтому отца тогда не было рядом. Я не мог спросить, как конкретно обстоят дела в семье, но полагаю все довольно сложно. <!--семейная обстановка? -->Сейчас она живет одна – примерно в трех станциях отсюда. Это все, что мы знали о ней.
<!--"She remembers stuff like this, huh."-->
- Значит, она помнит подобные вещи.
<!--Despite her lackluster memory, she was able to tell us these things rather easily. Well, for part of it she had used her computer, though.-->
Несмотря на никудышную память, она относительно легко смогла рассказать нам об этом. Хотя время от времени она пользовалась компьютером.
<!--"Keep in mind that there are two factors you must distinguish. Otherwise you'll get confused," Towako-san said.-->
- Имей в виду, что нужно различать два фактора. Иначе запутаешься, - сказала Товако-сан.
<!--"I am already. So, what factors do you mean?"-->
- Я итак запутался. Так о каких факторах вы говорите?
<!--"First, she lost her memory due to an accident, which has also made her memories thereafter ambiguous and uncertain."-->
- Во-первых, она потеряла память из-за аварии, после чего ее воспоминания стали расплывчатыми и неточными.
<!--"The other one?" I asked.-->
- А другой? – спросил я.
<!--"She's simply forgetful from nature."-->
- Она просто забывчива.
<!--"Yeah, she was quite the airhead..."-->
- Точно, она та еще растяпа...<!--лол, в синонимах нашел «чердак протекает», растяпа--><!-- как вариант разиня--><!--+1 за чердак , весьма точное в данном случае выражение, в отличие от растяпы \ предлагаю: немножко того\ немножко ку-ку...-->
<!--I looked at Saki. Wasn't she also an airhead in a sense?-->
Я посмотрел на Саки. В каком-то смысле она ведь тоже растяпа<!-- растяпа-->? <!-- как вариант разиня-->
<!--"What?" She looked back at me expressionlessly upon noticing my gaze.-->
- Что? – заметив мой взгляд, она посмотрела на меня с каменным лицом.
<!--"No, nothing."-->
- Нет, ничего.
<!--I turned back to Towako-san.-->
Я снова посмотрел на Товако-сан.
<!--"I'm no expert in this field either, so I'm basing this on common knowledge and my own guesswork," she started, "A human brain has a short-term memory and a long-term memory. Furthermore, the latter consists of the episodic memory, used for recollections, and the semantic memory, used for factual knowledge. None of this is new to you, right?"-->
- Я тоже не эксперт в этой области, поэтому опираюсь на общеизвестные знания и собственные догадки, - начала она. - В человеческом мозге есть кратковременная память и долговременная память. Последняя разделяется на эпизодическую память, в которой хранятся воспоминания, и семантическую память, в которой хранятся фактические знания. Ты это все уже знаешь, правильно?
- Правильно.
<!--''Never heard of it.''-->
<em>Первый раз слышу об этом.</em>
<!--"The accident probably damaged her long-time memory. I guess it's true that she can remember almost nothing from her past, but in her computer she has a decent amount of data that fills in the gaps. That's why she remembers her mother for example."-->
- Авария, скорее всего, повредила ее долговременную память. Думаю, она и в правду почти ничего не помнит из прошлого, но в компьютере у нее прилично информации, которая заполняет пропуски. Вот почему она, допустим, помнит мать.
<!--''So the hard disk of her computer is supplementing her brain?''-->
- Получается, жесткий диск компьютера дополняет ее мозг?
<!--"And as for why she forgets to take her money at the bank and had forgotten things during elementary school, well, she's a scatterbrain. It's not just her—these things can happen to everyone. Everyone forgets his or her short-term memory within a few minutes, after all. It's just that normally, you repeat those things in mind or look at a memo, so you can store it in your long-term memory. A scatterbrain tends to neglect doing so, or just gets distracted with something else."-->
- А что до того, почему она забывает взять деньги в кассе банка и забыла о произошедшем в начальной школе, ну, она просто рассеянная. И не только она – это может случиться с каждым. Все забывают сохраненное в кратковременной памяти через несколько минут. Просто обычно это мысленно повторяют или проверяют заметку, чтобы это отложилось в долговременную память. Рассеянному человеку свойственно пренебрегать этим, или его может просто отвлечь что-то еще.
<!--''Does that mean that I can't remember anything from classes because it never reaches the long-term memory? I don't study at home after all.''-->
- Значит ли это, что я не могу ничего запомнить на занятиях, потому что информация так и не доходит до долговременной памяти? Дома-то я ведь не занимаюсь.
<!--"In her explanation, she mixed the damage of her memory and her forgetfulness, which made her story incoherent. Looks like she didn't notice it herself, though. At any rate," she sighed, "The notebook Relic makes her remember things without paying heed to her mind structure."-->
- В своем объяснении она свалила в кучу поврежденную память и забывчивость, и рассказ получился несвязным. Похоже, она сама этого не заметила. В любом случае, - вздохнула она, - тетрадь-реликт действует, не обращая внимания на структуру ее сознания.
<!--"So, what do we do?"-->
- И что нам делать?
<!--"Well, I think I'll solve her problem. It's rude to leave her to her own devices after accepting her request for advise. Besides, there's a reward. A reward!"-->
- Ну, думаю, я решу ее проблему. Невежливо бросать ее на произвол судьбы после того, как я приняла ее просьбу о помощи. К тому же, прилагается награда. Награда!
<!--''The ratio is 1:3, huh... That's how bad our sales are.''-->
<em>Один к трем, значит... Вот как у нас хреново с продажами.</em>
<!--"But is there really a need to do anything? After all, she has written it into her notebook because she ''didn't want'' to forget."-->
- Но действительно ли необходимо что-то предпринимать? Все-таки она записала это в тетрадь, потому что <em>не хотела</em> забыть.
<!--"Presently, she wants to forget. Although I don't know ''what''."-->
- На данный момент она хочет забыть. Хоть я и не знаю <em>что именно</em>.
<!--Right. In the end, we couldn't find out ''what'' she wanted to forget.-->
Точно. В итоге, нам не удалось выяснить, <em>что</em> она хотела забыть.
<!--She asked us not to press her on it because it was private. We accepted for now, since we deemed it possible to find "a way to forget" even without knowing "what to forget".-->
Она попросила нас не давить на нее по этому поводу, так как это личное. Пока что мы согласились, так как посчитали возможным найти «способ забыть», даже не зная «что надо забыть».
<!--Nonetheless, I was somewhat interested in whatever it was that could be troublesome to remember.-->
Тем не менее, меня немного интриговало, что именно было проблематично помнить.
<!--"That said, this hasn't happened before, so there's nothing we could research. Let's wait and see for a while."-->
- Этого никогда раньше не случалось, так что нам нечего исследовать. Давай пока подождем.
<!--"I agree... By the way, she was introduced to you by an acquaintance, right?"-->
- Согласен... Кстати, вас с ней свел ваш знакомый, правильно?
<!--"Mm? Yeah."-->
- М-м? Да.
<!--"What kind of person is it?"-->
- Какого типа этот человек?
<!--"What do you mean by 'what kind'?"-->
- В смысле «какого типа»?
<!--"Nah, I just wondered if it's someone like you."-->
- Да не, мне просто стало интересно, похож ли он на вас.
<!--"What's that supposed to mean?"-->
- Это еще что значит?
<!--''Well, someone who isn't only a sucker for Relics, but oddities of all kinds, and who loves to try them out on others. In other words, an oddball that can't adapt to society...?' --><!-- maverick? --><!-- no. Maverick has the suggestion of being deliberately on a different path from the mainstream. The suggestion here seems to be that Towako is just weird. EEE? -ss -->
<em>Ну, кто-то фанатеющий не только от реликтов, но и от странностей всех видов, и обожающий испытывать их на других. Другими словами, чудик, который не в состоянии приспособиться к обществу...</em><!-- вопроса не вижу в предложении. Или переделай чтобы был вопрос или убери его--><!-- вопрос есть, если смотреть на предыдущих два предложения. Похож на вас, что значит, пояснение, и фактически фраза не так ли, подразумевающая вопрос - abliarsar /SnipeR_02: здесь вопросительный знак подразумевает сомнение (колебания), в русском языке так делать не принято, многоточия должно быть достаточно -->
<!--"No, don't tell me. If you do, one of my important part-timers might come to a bad end."-->
- Нет, не продолжай. А то один мой важный работник на полставки может плохо кончить. <!--ЕЕЕ: A more accurate translation would be that she'd lose one of her part-timers, or that one of them would die.-->
<!--She'd rather reflect on her actions than restrain herself and not ask. That said, I was not so stupid as to voluntarily go in harm's way.-->
Она предпочтет ответить за свои действия, нежели будет сдерживаться и молчать.<!-- как не связанно. Слово рефлект как-то не совсем тут по смысле подходит. По идее предложение звучать должно как-то так: Она скорее навредит сама себе, чем сдержится и не спросит. (по смыслу: она скорее спросит, чем сдержится и промолчит.)- sharkrahs (поддержано Abliarsar, надо бы как-то поправить, пока ХЗ как)--> Как бы то ни было, я не настолько глуп, чтобы добровольно напрашиваться на неприятности.
<!--"So what kind of person is it?"-->
- Так что он за человек?
<!--"Oh, just an old friend. A nuisance that gives Relics to people on a whim," Towako-san muttered with an absent gaze.-->
- Просто старый друг. Надоеда, по своей прихоти раздающий реликты людям, - с отсутствующим взглядом пробормотала Товако-сан.
<!--As the matter had been settled for the time being, I decided to study.-->
Так как пока дело приостановлено, я решил позаниматься.
<!--I had a supplementary exam the following day; there was enough pressure to get me into the mood.-->
На следующий день мне надо было пересдавать экзамен, давление было достаточно сильным, чтобы мне захотелось позаниматься.
<!--''If I'd had even just a tenth of my current willingness at school, then I wouldn't have to suffer now...''-->
<em>Если б в школе у меня была хотя бы десятая доля текущего желания, тогда мне не пришлось бы сейчас мучиться...</em>
<!--Well, I knew only too well that this was impossible, though.-->
Но я слишком хорошо знал, что это невозможно.
<!--"Didn't your exams end today?" Saki asked with an observant look.-->
- Разве твои экзамены заканчиваются не сегодня? – спросила внимательно наблюдавшая Саки.
- Д-домашка.
<!--"You got yourself a supplementary exam, didn't ya?" Towako-san hit the bull's eye.-->
- У тебя пересдача, да? – Товако-сан попала в яблочко.
<!--Well, it was a bad excuse anyway, since I never did homework.-->
Ну, все равно это было плохим оправданием, так как я никогда не делал домашку.
<!--"You're quite the maverick for wanting to take a supplementary exam," Saki remarked in a flat voice.-->
- Ты та еще белая ворона, раз тебе захотелось пересдать экзамен, - пресно заметила Саки.
<!--I would have laughed back at her if that had been sarcasm. But in her case, she apparently didn't know what a supplementary exam was. There we have another oddball who can't adapt to society.--><!-- I eventually decided that Saki's confusion about Tokiya's desire to take the sup. exam would be a maverick, and that EEE had found a good word for Towako, her friend, and Saki, (from Tokiya's POV) with 'oddball.' Comments/edits very welcome. -ss -->
Я бы засмеялся, если бы это был сарказм. Но в данном случае она видимо не знала, что такое пересдача экзамена. Вот еще один чудик, не способный приспособиться к обществу.
<!--"Even though I helped you so much yesterday...," Towako-san sighed.-->
- А я так тебе помогала вчера... – вздохнула Товако-сан.
<!--''You call '''that''' help?''-->
<em>Ты '''это''' называешь помощью?</em>
<!--I admit that doing it like a quiz and asking me questions is a perfectly valid way to study, but I have a strong feeling that it was more just me helping her kill time.--><!-- nothing more? /спросить ЕЕЕ-->
Я согласен, что задавать мне вопросы как на викторине совершенно нормальный способ готовиться, но у меня было непреодолимое ощущение, что по большей части я просто помогал ей убить время.
<!--"Alrighty, repetition time. Explain the Doppler effect!"-->
- Хорошо, давай повторим. Объясни эффект Доплера!
<!--"Uuhm, aah, let me think... that's that swaying of the pitch when an ambulance passed by or when you come by a railroad crossing."-->
- М-м-м, а-а, дай подумать... это колебание высоты звука, когда мимо проезжает скорая или поезд? <!--когда ты проезжаешь по железнодорожному переезду?-->
<!--"Not examples, tell me the definition."-->
- Не примеры, а определение.
<!--"Umm, something about... the source of waves..."-->
- Эм-м, что-то про... источник волн...
<!--"The formulae?"-->
- А формула?
<!--"Weell, there were a few..."-->
- Ну-у, там несколько...
<!--That was a problem I hadn't been able to answer after three tries the other day. Of course this had also been in the exam, but it was questionable if I had answered correctly. Since I hadn't been able to answer it in the shop, I had given up on it when I came across it in the exam.-->
Вчера я не смог ответить на этот вопрос три раза. Конечно, это было и на экзамене, но ответил ли я правильно – не уверен. Так как я не смог ответить Товако-сан, то когда встретил вопрос на экзамене – забил на него.
<!--Towako-san let out a deep sigh.-->
Товако-сан тяжело вздохнула.
<!--"If your grades drop too much, I won't be able to let you work here."-->
- Если твои оценки упадут слишком сильно, я не смогу позволить тебе здесь работать.
<!--"They're not high enough to drop."-->
- Они не настолько высоки, чтобы снижаться.
<!--"Don't act big, you fool," she said and tore off a page from the notebook Relic for some reason. "Here. It belongs to someone else, so I can't give you the whole thing, but a page should be okay."-->
- Не выпендривайся, дурак, - сказала она и зачем-то вырвала страницу из тетради-реликта. – Вот. Она принадлежит не мне, так что всю отдать не могу, но одну страницу – думаю, ничего страшного.
<!--She tossed me the torn-off page.-->
Она кинула мне вырванный лист.
<!--"M-May I really?"-->
- П-правда можно?
<!--"It'd rub me the wrong way if your grades dropped because of my shop. Note only the things down you can't remember whatever you try."-->
- Мне будет не по себе, если твоя успеваемость ухудшится из-за магазина. Записывай только то, что не сможешь запомнить ни в какую.
<!--Suddenly, for the first time, she looked like an angel to me.-->
Неожиданно, но она в первый раз показалась мне ангелом.
<!--Studying had never been so effective in my life.-->
Никогда в жизни зубрежка не продвигалась столь эффективно.<!--Я никогда в жизни не занимался с такой эффективностью. idiffer-->
<!--After all, everything went straight into my head as soon as I had written it down. For the first time in my life, I had fun studying. I was now able to accept the statement that studying was fun if you caught on.-->
В конце концов, все шло напрямую мне в голову, как только я записывал это. Впервые в жизни мне было весело заниматься. Теперь я смог признать, что заниматься – весело, если вникаешь.
<!--I noted down everything the exam covered, writing as tiny as I could. I couldn't get everything on the page, front and back, but it was enough to avoid falling flat.-->
Я записал материал экзамена самым мелким почерком, которым только мог. На двух сторонах листа <!--страница и есть сторона листа -->все не уместилось, но этого хватит, чтобы не завалить экзамен.
<!--To my surprise, Towako-san prepared Tonkatsu<ref>A fried pork cutlet. It is often prepared before important exams and the likes—because "katsu" also means "to win"</ref> for dinner to raise my spirits and make me "win" against the exam. She was just like a mother to her son who had to take an entrance examination. --><!-- I have to wonder here- has Tokiya no home life at all? -ss -->
К моему удивлению, Товако-сан приготовила на ужин тонкацу<ref>Жареная свиная котлета. Ее часто готовят перед важными экзаменами, потому что «кацу» также означает «выигрывать»</ref>, дабы поднять мне дух и помочь «выиграть» экзамен. Вылитая мама, у которой сын сдает вступительные экзамены.
<!--It was always Saki who prepared the meals, so I was surprised Towako-san could actually cook. She couldn't wash and clean, but cooking was something different according to her.-->
Еду всегда готовила Саки, поэтому я удивился, что Товако-сан вообще умеет готовить. Она не могла стирать и убирать, но по ее словам готовка чем-то отличалась.
<!--"Yum, really tasty!"-->
- М-м, очень вкусно!
<!--"Hehe, looking in a different light at me now?" Towako-san boasted with a smirk. "Okay, we're doing some repetition while eating! Question: What is the Doppler effect?"-->
- Хе-хе, теперь ты обо мне другого мнения? – с ухмылкой похвасталась Товако-сан. – Хорошо, за едой немного повторим! Вопрос: что такое эффект Допплера?
<!--"A phenomenon that occurs due to the relative motion of a wave and its source, or a wave and its observer. The formula to calculate the frequency if the source approaches the observer is..."-->
- Эффект, появляющийся вследствие относительного движения волны и ее источника или волны и наблюдателя. Формула расчета частоты в случае, когда источник приближается к наблюдателю...
<!--I smirked like Towako-san, "Hehe," and answered with ease like reciting the one times table. The answer came out so fluently, I could hardly believe this was my mouth.-->
- Хе-хе, - ухмыльнулся я подобно Товако-сан и с легкостью ответил, словно рассказывал таблицу умножения на единицу. Я ответил так гладко<!-- легко-->, что еле поверил, что это сказал я<!-- что всё вышло из моего рта -->.
<!--I was able to answer almost all questions Towako-san asked me—except for the ones that weren't written in the Relic.-->
Я смог ответить почти на все вопросы Товако-сан – кроме тех, что не были записаны в реликте.
<!--''I've got it! My preparations are perfect.''-->
<em>Все! Я идеально подготовился.</em>
<!--It was also the first time that I couldn't wait for my exams.-->
Также впервые я с нетерпением ждал экзамена.
<div style="text-align: center">◆</div>
<div style="font-family: Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
<!--01:00pm: I went to the Tsukumodo Antique Shop (FAKE) with my notebook—the memento of my mother.-->
13:00 – я отправилась в антикварный магазин Цукумодо (ПОДДЕЛКИ), взяв с собой тетрадь, оставшуюся в память о матери.
<!--I talked with Towako Setsutsu, the owner, and her employees, Saki Maino and Tokiya Kurusu.-->
Я поговорила с хозяйкой, Товако-сан, и ее работниками, Саки Маино и Токией Курусу.
<!--What I talked about: myself. My name, my address, my phone number and my age. My accident. My defective memory. The notebook.-->
О чем я говорила: о себе. Мое имя, мой адрес, мой номер телефона и возраст. Моя авария. Моя плохая память. Тетрадь.
<!--What I learned about: the notebook. Confirmed that it lets me remember everything I write in it, as my mother said, and it's known as a "Relic". In order to forget, I only have to erase or cross out the corresponding section. But it's unknown what happens to sections I have eaten.-->
О чем я узнала: о тетради. Удостоверилась, что она позволяет запоминать все, что я в ней записываю, как и говорила моя мать, и что это «реликт». Чтобы забыть, мне нужно лишь стереть или вычеркнуть соответствующий текст. Но что происходит со страницами, которые я съела, неизвестно.
<!--They are looking for a way to let me forget the memory in question.-->
Они ищут способ, как мне забыть то воспоминание.
<!--I have left the notebook in their care. (←''important!'')-->
Я оставила им тетрадь. (←<em>Важно!</em>)
<!--On the way home I made my purchases.-->
По пути домой я зашла за покупками.
<!--What I bought: chicken breast meat, potatoes and onions for dinner. Furthermore: tissues and a packet of toothbrushes.-->
Что я купила: куриные грудки, картошку и лук на ужин. Еще: салфетки и упаковку зубных щеток.
<!--For dinner I prepared chicken saute with a potato salad, an onion soup and French bread.-->
На ужин я приготовила куриное сате с картофельным салатом, луковый суп и французский хлеб.
<!--...Having written my diary to that point, I took a breath.-->
...Написав в дневник до этой строчки, я сделала паузу.
<!--I called it diary, but as a matter of fact, you could say I traced my memories. After writing all that had happened that day before the memories faded, I copied the text to my computer.-->
Я называла его дневником, но вообще-то, можно сказать, я отслеживала<!--фиксировала/ документировала--> свои воспоминания. Записав события, произошедшие днем, до того как воспоминания исчезнут, я копировала текст на компьютер.
<!--I did so to help me remember these things when I forgot about them in the future.-->
Это помогало мне вспоминать то, что я забывала.<!-- В будущем это поможет мне вспомнить то, что я забыла. / я делала это, чтобы помочь себе вспомнить в будущем, когда я забуду (об этом) -->
<!--As for the text I'd written on a memo, I was going to eat it to make my memories hold longer. I usually ate such memos distributed on my lunch, my dinner and before going to bed. Eating memos to remember things is said to be a superstition, but to me it had already become a habit, because I had been doing it since I was young on the order of my mother.-->
Что касается записки с текстом – я собиралась съесть ее, чтобы воспоминания дольше сохранились. Обычно я ела такие записки на обед, на ужин и перед сном. Говорят, есть записки, чтобы запомнить что-то – это суеверие, но для меня оно уже вошло в привычку, так как я делала это с детства по распоряжению матери.
<!--The notebooks I was using were common ones you can buy in every store and not the Relic she had bequeathed to me. Because it was all stored in my computer as well, I used such notebooks unless it was something I wanted to remember no matter what.-->
Я пользовалась обыкновенными тетрадями, которые можно было купить в любом магазине, а не завещанным матерью реликтом. Так как все было на компьютере, я не использовала эти тетради кроме тех случаев, когда надо было запомнить что-то позарез.<!--я бы использовал слово ежедневник вместо тетрадь -->
<!--I fetched some water and tore the page off the notebook. I then crumpled it up, making it a little easier to eat. I used to throw up or upset my stomach in the past, but by now I had become used to it.-->
Я набрала воды и вырвала из тетради лист. Затем помяла его, чтобы было немного легче есть. Раньше меня рвало, или болел живот, но потом я привыкла.
<!--I soaked the page in water and put it into my mouth. It wasn't a pleasant taste at all, but still I kept chewing to make it squashier.-->
Окунув лист в воду, я положила его в рот. Вкус был вовсе не из приятных, но я продолжала жевать, размягчая бумагу.
<!--Previously I had mixed it into my meals, but I couldn't do so anymore as of late.-->
Раньше я смешивала их с едой, но с недавних пор мне пришлось перестать.
<!--The chime rang.-->
Зазвенел звонок.
<!--I stopped chewing and gulped the page down.-->
Я прекратила жевать и проглотила бумагу.
<!--I washed it down with the remaining water and headed to the entrance.-->
Запив ее остатками воды, я направилась к входной двери.
<!--It was Hideki-san who had come home from work.-->
Это оказался Хидэки-сан, пришедший с работы.
- Привет.
<!--"Welcome back."-->
- С возвращением.
<!--Hideki-san entered and I welcomed him with a smile.-->
Я поприветствовала вошедшего Хидэки-сана улыбкой.
<!--He was my fiancé I was going to marry soon. We had known each other since childhood, and after going separate ways for a while, we met again and started dating each other.-->
Он был моим женихом, за которого я скоро выходила замуж. Мы знали друг друга с детства, и после того, как наши пути ненадолго разошлись, мы снова пересеклись и начали встречаться.
<!--"Aah, I'm starving! Is dinner ready?"-->
- А-а, умираю с голода! Ужин уже готов?
<!--"Yes, it's prepared. I just have to warm it up."-->
- Да, готов. Нужно только разогреть.
<!--He lived in the house next to mine, and always came for dinner after work. Therefore, I couldn't mix the notes into my meals anymore, but I didn't mind it.-->
Он жил в соседнем доме и после работы всегда приходил ужинать. Поэтому я не могла больше смешивать записки с едой, но меня это не беспокоило.
<!--"What's for today?"-->
- Что у нас сегодня?
<!--"Chicken sauteed with a potato salad, an onion soup and French bread."-->
- Куриное сате с картофельным салатом, луковый суп и французский хлеб.
<!--''Thank goodness, I remembered it.''-->
<em>Слава богу, запомнила.</em>
<!--"Could I have some rice instead of bread?"-->
- А нельзя ли мне риса вместо хлеба?
<!--"There are leftovers from yesterday, I'll warm them up for you."-->
- Вчера немного осталось; я разогрею.
<!--''I have to add this and eat it before going to sleep.''-->
«<em>Надо дописать это событие и съесть перед сном</em>», - подумала я и достала сковородку, чтобы пожарить куриные грудки.
<!--With these thoughts in mind, I took out a pan to fry the chicken breast.-->
<!--After dinner, we made ourselves comfortable and watched TV.-->
После ужина мы устроились поудобнее перед телевизором.
<!--When I made us some tea and came back from the kitchen, Hideki-san raised a subject, "On the way here I heard our neighbors talking about a suspicious person lingering in this area."-->
Когда я сделала нам чаю и вернулась из кухни, Хидэки-сан поднял вопрос:
- По пути домой я услышал, как соседи говорили о подозрительном человеке, ошивающемся в нашем районе.
- Правда?
<!--"Yeah. Make sure you lock the door when you leave, okay?"-->
- Ага. Обязательно закрывай дверь перед уходом, хорошо?
<!--Indeed. This was a serious matter for me, as I often forgot to lock up.-->
Действительно. Это было серьезной проблемой для меня, так как я часто забывала запереть ее.
<!--"What does he look like?" I asked, since knowing his features was going to help me identify him.-->
- Как он выглядит? – спросила я. Зная его отличительные черты, я могла опознать его.
- Эм-м...
<!--"Wait a second."-->
- Подожди секундочку.
<!--I prepared a pen and a notebook, so I wouldn't forget.-->
Я приготовила ручку и тетрадь, чтобы не забыть.
<!--As Hideki-san knew about my accident and the after effects on my memory, he patiently waited for me.-->
Хидэки-сан знал об аварии, и как она повлияла на мою память, и терпеливо подождал меня. <!--зная об аварии...подождал-->
<!--"...They said it's a man about fifty or sixty. He's been walking around in these quarters wearing a jumper and was covering his face with a cap."-->
- ...Они говорили – мужчина лет 50-60-ти. Он ходил в этих окрестностях в свитере, закрывая лицо кепкой.
<!--"Fifty or sixty...?"-->
- 50-60-ти?..
<!--A fearful notion crossed my mind.-->
Меня посетила страшная мысль.
<!--I shook that thought off right away. He wasn't supposed to know where I was. It had to be someone else. I told myself to stop having such useless premonitions.-->
Я тут же прогнала ее. Он не должен был знать, где я. Это кто-то другой. Я приказала себе перестать поддаваться таким бесполезным предчувствиям.
<!--"Does it ring a bell with you? Did you see him or no?" -->
- Тебе это о чем-то говорит? Ты его видела или нет?
<!--"Ah, no. I just thought that quite a lot fall under these conditions."-->
- А, нет. Я просто подумала, что много кто подпадает под это описание.
<!--"Well, indeed." He didn't consider suspicious characters or criminals a direct threat. While he took note of the case, apparently he wasn't bothered that much and changed the subject. "Anyways, there's something I wanted to ask you about our wedding ceremony!"-->
- Ну, и то правда.
Он не видел в подозрительных типах или преступниках явной угрозы. Хоть он и обратил внимание на эту ситуацию, похоже, она его не так уж беспокоила, и он сменил тему:
- Я кое о чем хотел у тебя спросить о нашей свадьбе!
<!--"Ah, yes?"-->
- А, да?
<!--"Do you even remember the date?"-->
- Ты хотя бы помнишь число?
<!--"O-Of course!"-->
- К-конечно!
<!--There was a date that came to mind, but I was too unsure to put it into words. I had no confidence. If I was wrong, he would certainly be offended. My defective memory aside, it would be outrageous to forget such an important thing.-->
В голове всплыла одна дата, но во мне было слишком много сомнений, чтобы озвучить ее. У меня не было уверенности. Если я ошибусь, его это точно обидит. Не беря мою плохую память в расчет, забыть такую важную вещь – возмутительно.
<!--''I know... I really do... but...''-->
<em>Я знаю... Правда знаю... но...</em>
<!--"Just joking! I mean, you wouldn't forget ''that'', now would you?" he laughed without showing any doubt.-->
- Шучу! Ты же не забудешь <em>это</em>, правильно? – он засмеялся без тени сомнения в голосе.
<!--I felt a pang of conscience.-->
Меня начала мучить совесть.
<!--"Anyway, a friend of mine is planning on making a slideshow for the wedding reception. You know, that thing where you show old photos. For that I'd like to have a few of you, too. Where do you keep them?"-->
- Как бы то ни было, мой друг планирует сделать показ слайдов на свадебном банкете. Ну ты знаешь: когда показывают старые фотографии. Я бы хотел включить парочку твоих снимков. Где они лежат?
<!--"They are in a cardboard in the room over there... I think. I'll take a look."-->
- Они в коробке, там, в комнате... кажется. Я посмотрю.
<!--"Ah, there's no hurry. Let's pick some together another time."-->
- А, это не срочно. Давай как-нибудь в другой раз выберем вместе.
<!--"I agree."-->
- Согласна.
<!--"Then about your guests..."-->
- Тогда насчет твоих гостей...
<!--My heart skipped a beat.-->
Мое сердце на мгновение замерло.
<!--"Are you sure you only want to invite your grandparents from your relatives?"-->
- Ты уверена, что из родственников хочешь пригласить только бабушку с дедушкой?
<!--"Yes. I don't really maintain contact with my relatives, you know. I'm sorry. I know, you have invited a lot..."-->
- Да. Я особо не поддерживаю отношения с родственниками. Прости. Я знаю, ты пригласил многих...
<!--"I don't mind, but are you sure you don't want to get in touch with your father?"-->
- Я не против, но ты точно не хочешь встретиться с отцом?
<!--"...yes. I'm sorry."-->
- ...Да. Прости.
<!--"No, don't worry. Sorry for pestering you about it. All right! We have a lot to do!" Hideki-san laughed.-->
- Ничего, не переживай. Извини, что надоедал тебе по этому поводу. Ладно! Нам нужно много чего сделать! – засмеялся Хидэки-сан.
<!--I was seized by unrest, afraid that I might ruin his smile.-->
Я разволновалась, боясь, что могу испортить его улыбку.
<div style="text-align: center">◆</div>
<!--The next day.-->
На следующий день.
<!--There were two other students in the classroom, desperately cramming with their books and notes before the supplementary exam started.-->
В кабинете было еще два ученика, отчаянно корпевших над учебниками и конспектами в преддверии пересдачи.
<!--''Give it your best shot, my friends. Struggle to your heart's content! As you have no choice! Unlike me.''-->
<em>Приложите все силы, друзья. Боритесь до последнего! Потому что у вас нет выбора! В отличие от меня.</em><!--первое – хз как выразить. Что ни вар, все гавно какое-то - idiffer-->
<!--I watched them from behind—just like a certain colonel who once said "Aha, some human garbage!" while looking down on the mob. --><!-- Meme in Japan: 人がゴミのようだ. Reference to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_in_the_Sky#Influences May be replaced with something else-->
Я наблюдал за их спинами – словно полковник, который однажды, смотря вниз на толпу, сказал: «Ага, человеческие отбросы!»
<!--"Is everyone here?" asked the teacher as he entered through the door at the rear. "Quite confident today, aren't you?" he said upon noticing that I wasn't struggling to do my last preparations. "You look like you have completed your preparations."-->
- Все собрались? – спросил учитель, зайдя через дверь в конце класса. – Сегодня, смотрю, тебе уверенности не занимать? – спросил он, заметив, что я не заморачиваюсь с подготовкой в последние минуты. – По тебе можно сказать, что ты готов отвечать.
<!--"Something like that, yes."-->
- Да, что-то вроде этого.
<!--"Now if only you'd make that be the case at the normal exams as well."-->
- Если бы теперь ты стал относиться так же и к обычным экзаменам.
<!--"Let's not go into ''that''!"-->
- Можно мы не будем трогать эту тему?
<!--"Hahaha, very well, then show me what you can," the teacher said, apparently reassured by my self-confidence.-->
- Ха-ха-ха, хорошо, тогда покажи мне, на что способен, - сказал учитель, похоже убежденный моей уверенностью в себе.
<!--He distributed the exercise sheets to the three of us. I was devoid of fear of what awaited me on the other side of the turned sheets--><!-- Strange "devoid"-wording on purpose -->
Он раздал нам троим листки с упражнениями. У меня отсутствовал страх перед тем, что на другой стороне листов.
<!--''He, he, he! No problem, my dear teacher. Lean back and let me show you my skill!''-->
<em>Хе, хе, хе! Без проблем, дорогой учитель. Расслабься и позволь показать, что я могу!</em>
<!--"You have sixty minutes. You can leave when you're done. The test covers the same subjects as the previous one. I even made the problems a little easier. Try to ease your tension a little and you'll be able to use your full power."-->
- У вас 60 минут. Можете уходить, когда закончите. Экзамен охватывает тот же материал, что и в прошлый раз. Задачи даже немного легче. Постарайтесь сохранять спокойствие, и вам удастся использовать голову на полную.
<!--<i>You made them easier? Oh, but my dear teacher, there was no need to do that.-->
<i>Вы облегчили задачи? Но дорогой учитель, в этом не было необходимости.
<!--Well? Since I'm not alone, I guess you had no other choice.-->
Ну что ж? Так как я не один, полагаю у вас не было выбора.
<!--Allow me to thank you on their behalf.-->
Позвольте поблагодарить вас от их лица.
<!--I shall respond in kind to the goodwill you've shown your students with a good grade.</i>-->
Я не останусь в долгу за благосклонное отношение к ученикам, получив хорошую оценку.</i>
<!--"Okay, start!"-->
- Хорошо, можете начинать!
<!--As soon as I heard the start call, swiftly flipped around the paper.-->
Услышав этот сигнал, я сразу быстро перевернул лист.
<!--Lots of questions leaped to my eye.-->
Множество вопросов бросилось мне в глаза.
<!--Making up my mind, I tightened my grip on the pen and—-->
Выбирая вопрос, я посильнее сдавил ручку и...
- ...Э?
<!--—grew stiff.-->
<!--"How was the exam?" Towako-san asked right away when I came rushing in.-->
- Как прошел экзамен? – спросила Товако-сан, как только я ворвался в комнату.
<!--I ignored her and started searching my study materials I had used the day before.-->
Я проигнорировал ее и принялся рыться в учебных пособиях, которыми пользовался вчера.
<!--"Welcome back. How was the..." Saki was eager to know as well.-->
- С возвращением. Как прошел... – Саки тоже не терпелось узнать.
<!--"It's not there! Nowhere! Hey, where is the torn-off note that I put here?!"-->
- Ее здесь нет! Нигде! Эй, где вырванная страница, которую я сюда положил?!
<!--"Note?"--><!--ЕЕЕ: From the context, I assume it belongs to Saki. -->
- Страница?
<!--"Yes! Look, there was a paper with the exam questions on it, right?"-->
- Да! Слушай, тут была бумажка с экзаменационными вопросами, так?
<!--"Didn't you bring it to school?"-->
- Разве ты не взял ее в школу?
<!--I hadn't, since there had been no need to.-->
Не брал, так как было незачем.
<!--"It's not there?" she asked.-->
- Ее там нет? – спросила она.
<!--"I'm asking because it's not!"-->
- Нет. Поэтому и спрашиваю!
<!--I started rummaging through the trash bin. However, I didn't find the note on which I had written the scope of the exam in the minutest details.-->
Я начал копаться в мусорном ведре. Однако, я не нашел страницу, на которой записал экзаменационный материал в мельчайших подробностях.
<!--"Looks like it ended up as expected, heh," Towako-san chuckled, seeing my fruitless search attempt.-->
- Похоже, вышло как и предполагалось, хах – усмехнулась Товако-сан, наблюдая за моими бесплодными поисками.
<!--With a queasy feeling, I pressed on her. "What's that supposed to mean? As expected?" -->
Чуя недоброе, я надавил на нее:
- Это что еще значит? Как и предполагалось?
<!--"By 'as expected' I mean that the result I expected became reality!"-->
- Под «как и предполагалось» я имею в виду, что результат, которого я ожидала, воплотился в реальность!
<!--"That's not what I want to hear... Towako-san, you know where the note is, don't you?"-->
- Меня интересует не это... Товако-сан, вы знаете, где записка, не так ли?
<!--Towako-san pointed at me with a broad smile.-->
Товако-сан, широко улыбаясь, показала на меня указательным пальцем.
<!--"If I had it, I wouldn't be searching, now would I? I didn't take it with me!"-->
- Если бы она у меня была, я бы не искал, верно? Я не брал ее с собой!
<!--"I know that you didn't. To be exact, you couldn't. Ah no, should I say that you did, in this case?"-->
- Я знаю, что не брал. Точнее, не смог бы. Ах нет, или в этом случае можно сказать взял?
<!--"Tell me where it is, already!"-->
- Да скажите уже, где она!
<!--"As I said, right there!"-->
- Еще раз – вон там!
<!--She pointed at me once more. Specifically, at the center if my body—my stomach.-->
Она снова указала на меня. Если конкретнее, на центр тела – живот.
<!--"Or is it perhaps already over there, to be exact?" she corrected herself and moved her finger toward the restroom.-->
- Или может она уже там? – поправила себя она, показав пальцем на туалет.
<!--"N-No way...?"-->
- Н-не может быть?..
<!--"But yes. I blended that note into yesterday's Tonkatsu. You loved it, didn't you? Your Relic-flavored cutlet," she said with a brazen face. "So we learned that digesting a memo has the same effect as erasing the text. That's a step forward!"-->
- Может. Я измельчила записку во вчерашнее тонкацу. Тебе понравилось, да? Котлета со вкусом реликта, - сказала она с бесстыжим видом. – Итак, мы выяснили, что переваривание записки имеет тот же эффект, что и стирание текста. Это шаг вперед!
<!--So that was why she had prepared dinner the other day.-->
Так вот почему она приготовила вчера ужин.
<!--She dared use me as a laboratory rat...-->
Она посмела использовать меня как подопытную крысу...
<!--"Good boys don't abuse a Relic to pass an exam, you know?"-->
- Хорошие мальчики не пользуются реликтами, чтобы сдать экзамен, знаешь ли.
<!--Towako-san laughed teasingly and flicked my forehead.-->
Дразня меня, Товако-сан засмеялась и щелкнула меня по лбу.
<!--My face turned ashen.-->
Мое лицо стало мертвенно-бледным.
<!--Ashen white like a corpse.-->
Пепельно-белым, как у трупа.
<!--...Incidentally, I was in for a second supplementary exam.-->
...Кстати, меня ждет еще одна пересдача.
<!--With the exam slated for the following week, I started looking for a solution to this case.-->
Экзамен назначили на следующую неделю, и я начал искать, как выйти из положения.
<!-- My teacher probably thought that a day wasn't enough; he gave me a full week of time to study. I still vividly remembered how he'd smiled with rage—sounds strange, but that's what he was like—when he approached me with my blank answer sheet in his hands. That smile was going to haunt my nightmares. I wouldn't be forgetting that face anytime soon—even without a magical notebook reminding me. -->
Учитель, наверное, посчитал, что одного дня не хватит. Он дал мне целую неделю на подготовку. Я до сих пор помню, как яростно он улыбался – звучит странно, но таким он и был – когда подошел ко мне, держа мой пустой лист с ответами. Эта улыбка будет преследовать меня в кошмарах. Я не скоро забуду это лицо. Даже без напоминаний волшебной тетради.
<!-- It was then that Towako-san and I made a deal: She promised to give me a page of that notebook if I solved the case. -->
И тогда мы с Товако-сан заключили сделку: она пообещала дать мне страницу этой тетради, если я раскрою дело.
<!-- I was absolutely not going to make the mistake of eating the note this time.-->
На этот раз я точно не оплошаю и не съем записи.
<!--<i>No, don't you tell me to study! I wouldn't go through the hassle of relying on a notebook to begin with if I could score without cheating.</i>-->
<i>Нет, не говорите мне заниматься! Я бы не стал полагаться на тетрадь, если бы мог справиться без жульничества.</i>
<!--Concerning the reason why Etsuko-san couldn't forget that certain memory:-->
Что касается причины, почему Эцко-сан не могла забыть то воспоминание.
<!--In my case, I forgot about the text when I ate and digested it. Pretty obvious, now that I thought about it, since the text was erased by stomach acid after all.-->
В моем случае я забыл текст, когда съел и переварил записку. Довольно очевидно, если подумать, ведь текст стерла желудочная кислота.
<!--She visited just yesterday. It was very unlikely that her memory had yet to have been digested at that point, as she must have eaten it at least prior to the day before yesterday.-->
Она пришла к нам еще вчера. Вероятность того, что ее воспоминание еще не переварилось, очень мала, так как она съела его по меньшей мере позавчера.
<!--So why was she unable to forget nonetheless?-->
Так почему, несмотря на это, она не смогла забыть?
<!--There was only one conceivable answer.-->
Существовал лишь один возможный ответ.
<!--Which is to say, she hadn't eaten that memo.-->
Который гласил, что она не ела записку.
<!--She claimed to have done so, but her word wasn't of much weight in lieu of her poor memory and her forgetful nature. Perhaps, she had confused it with some other scrap she had eaten, or she had simply put it somewhere and had forgotten to eat it.-->
Она утверждала об обратном, но ее слова не особо весомы, учитывая ее плохую память и забывчивую натуру. Может, она перепутала ее с другой съеденной бумажкой или просто-напросто положила куда-нибудь и забыла съесть.
<!--If I managed to locate that memo and erase it, she would be able to forget it.-->
Если мне удастся обнаружить записку и стереть ее, то она сможет забыть.
<!--Therefore, I decided to search her house.-->
Поэтому я решил обыскать ее дом.
<!--Using the address Etsuko-san had told us, Saki and I headed to her house.-->
Мы с Саки отправились к Эцко-сан домой по оставленному ею адресу.
<!--The reason for taking Saki with me was that I thought there might be spots a man should not rummage about, since Etsuko-san lived alone.-->
Саки я взял, потому что могли быть места, в которых парням шуровать не стоило. Эцко-сан все-таки жила одна.
<!--We passed by a closed elementary school that served us as a point of orientation, and entered the residential area not far from there. It didn't take long until we found the house in question. Etsuko-san was sweeping right before the entrance.-->
Мы прошли мимо закрытой начальной школы, послужившей нам ориентиром, и попали в жилой квартал неподалеку. Нужный дом мы искали недолго. Эцко-сан подметала прямо перед входом.
<!--When I greeted her, she bowed her head in reply and said, "Excuse me, but do we know each other?"-->
Когда я поздоровался, она в ответ склонила голову и сказала:
- Извините, а мы знакомы?
<!--"...I'm Tokiya Kurusu."-->
- ...Я Токия Курусу.
<!--Etsuko-san took a notepad out of the pocket of her apron and clapped her hands together after she had looked something up. I sneaked a peek and found out that it was some sort of memo of her schedule today.-->
Эцко-сан достала из кармана фартука блокнот и, что-то в нем посмотрев, хлопнула в ладоши. Я заглянул в блокнот и обнаружил ее расписание на сегодня.
<!--"Welcome! I've been waiting for you."-->
- Добро пожаловать! Я вас ждала.
<!--''But you forgot!''-->
<em>Но ты же забыла!</em>
<!--Before I could make that remark, a man left the house next door. He was about in his late twenties and gave Etsuko-san a wave when he saw her. Apparently able to memorize at least the face of her neighbor, she greeted him with a smile.-->
Прежде чем я успел сделать это замечание, из соседнего дома вышел мужчина. По годам ему было ближе к тридцати. Увидев Эцко-сан, он помахал ей. Будучи, по всей видимости, способной запомнить хотя бы лицо своего соседа, она поприветствовала его улыбкой.
<!--The man looked at Etsuko-san and then at us. Perhaps we seemed like curious combination to him.-->
Мужчина посмотрел на Эцко-сан, затем на нас. Может быть, мы казались для него любопытной комбинацией.
<!--"Who are they?"-->
- Кто они?
<!--Searching for an answer, Etsuko muttered, "Umm..."-->
Подбирая ответ, Эцко-сан пробормотала:
- Эм-м...
<!--She didn't know how to put it.-->
Она не знала, как объяснить.
<!--"We are from the Tsukumodo Antique Shop. We have come to acquire items like antiques or old furniture."-->
- Мы из антикварного магазина Цукумодо. Мы пришли что-нибудь купить – например антиквариат или старую мебель, - в самый подходящий момент завела свою деловую речь Саки.
<!--At the perfect moment, Saki started her business talk. This was the pattern we often used in situations where we had to reveal ourselves. After all, we couldn't just give anyone an explanation of what Relics were.-->
<!--Превосходно выбрав время, Саки начала деловой разговор. /я так понимаю, это предложение уехало наверх. \ да - idiffer -->Мы часто использовали этот шаблон в ситуациях, когда нужно было представиться. <!--смысл тут из контекста ясен, глубоко копать не надо, но вот выразить норм не могу - idiffer-->Ведь не могли же мы каждому встречному объяснять, что такое реликт.
<!--"If you are interested as well, be welcome to get in touch with us."-->
- Если вас заинтересует, будем рады, если вы свяжитесь с нами.
<!--"No, I do not have anything of interest for you."-->
- Нет, у меня нет ничего, что бы вас заинтересовало. <!--вещей вашего профиля - idiffer-->
<!--While he wasn't suspicious of us, he quickly left and didn't want to have anything to do with us. After seeing that he had gone around the next corner, Etsuko-san let us in.-->
Хоть мы и не вызвали у него подозрения, он быстро ушел, не захотев иметь с нами дело. Проводив его взглядом до угла, Эцко-сан разрешила нам войти.
<!--"Excuse the mess."-->
- Простите за беспорядок.
<!--This was no empty phrase. There were indeed piles of cardboard boxes in the corridor and so forth. However, it was not like she had neglected cleaning the house.-->
Это было сказано не голословно. <!--это не просто вежливость-->Действительно, в коридоре громоздились кучи коробок и тому подобное. Однако не было похоже, чтобы она пренебрегала уборкой.
<!--"I haven't put everything in order yet since I moved here."-->
- Я еще не все расставила по местам, с тех пор как переехала.
<!--Now I got why there were cardboard boxes in the corridor and the living room. At the same time, the probability that she had left the scrap somewhere and forgotten about it grew. Or perhaps she had lost it while she was tidying things away from her move.-->
Теперь я понял, почему в коридоре и гостиной стояли коробки. В то же время вероятность, что она где-то оставила бумажку и забыла про нее, росла. Или, может, она потеряла ее, разбирая вещи после переезда. <!--значения двух последних предложений подтверждено ЕЕЕ-->
<!--"Okay, let's begin, shall we?"-->
- Ладно, давайте приступим, хорошо?
<!--Because we couldn't just tell her, "You haven't eaten the memo but left it somewhere," we told her that she might have another Relic that caused her to remember.-->
Так как мы не могли ей просто сказать: «Вы не ели записку, а оставили ее где-то», мы сказали, что у нее может быть еще один реликт, влияющий на память.
<!--While she owned one, she hadn't known about Relics until she heard it from us, so she believed us quite easily.-->
Хотя она обладала одним реликтом, она не знала о них до того, пока не услышала от нас, так что она сходу поверила нам.
<!--Etsuko-san lived alone in a two-storied house. Judging from the stains on the walls and the scars in the posts, the building wasn't new. To be honest, I had no clue why she would move into such a house instead of an apartment.-->
Эцко-сан жила одна в двухэтажном доме. Судя по пятнам на стенах и шрамах на стойках ворот, здание было не новым. Если честно, я понятия не имел, почему она переехала в такой дом вместо квартиры.
<!--After we had been led to the living room, we decided on ask a few question for starters.-->
После того как Эцко-сан провела нас в гостиную, мы решили для начала задать несколько вопросов.
<!--"That memory is still there, right?"-->
- Воспоминание так и не исчезло, верно?
- Да.
<!--My faint hope that she might have forgotten by now was blasted in a snap.-->
Моя слабая надежда, что она к этому времени уже забудет, в момент рухнула.
<!--"Okay, then could you tell us what's been going on recently? Specifically, have you done anything special during the last week?"-->
- Хорошо, тогда можете рассказать, что происходило в последнее время? Если конкретно, вы делали что-нибудь особенное за последнюю неделю?
- Особенное?
<!--Etsuko-san opened her laptop and looked back at her actions this week.-->
Эцко-сан открыла ноутбук и просмотрела свои действия за неделю.
<!--"You even forget things that only happened a week ago?" I asked.-->
- Вы забываете даже то, что произошло всего неделю назад? – спросил я.
<!--"Not everything, but parts."-->
- Не все, частично.
<!--"By the way, what are you always writing in your computer?"-->
- Кстати, что вы все время пишете на компьютере?
<!--"A diary on a daily basis."-->
- Дневник, каждый день.
<!--On my request, she let me take a look. There were folders for every year and month, and in there were a bunch of text files for every day.-->
После моей просьбы она дала мне посмотреть. Были папки на каждый год и месяц, а в них куча текстовых файлов на каждый день.
<!--"In the beginning, I used real diaries, but they grew so much in number that it became bothersome to carry them around. Therefore, I switched to a computer."-->
- Вначале я пользовалась настоящими дневниками, но их развелось так много, что стало хлопотно носить их с собой. Поэтому я перешла на компьютер.
<!--Judging from the file size, her diary entries were very long.-->
Судя по размеру файлов, ее записи были очень длинными.
<!--"Okay, one week ago I stood up at seven in the morning. Then I had breakfast. I had toast, fried egg and salad. I also drank some black tea..."-->
- Так, неделю назад я встала в 7 утра. Потом позавтракала. Тост, яичница и салат. Еще попила черного чая...
<!--"...You don't have to tell us such things."-->
- ...Об таком не обязательно рассказывать.
<!--How detailed did she write her entries? Anyway, that kind of information wasn't much use to us.-->
Насколько подробно она ведет дневник? В любом случае, от подобной информации нам пользы мало.
<!--"Um, did you go somewhere during this week?" I asked.-->
- Эм, на этой неделе вы куда-нибудь ходили? – спросил я.
<!--Etsuko-san navigated her computer.-->
Эцко-сан начала лазить в компьютере.
<!--"Only when I made my purchases, and perhaps to your shop for some advise."-->
- Только за покупками и, возможно, к вам в магазин за советом.
<!--"...Did you take the notebook Relic with you for your purchases?"-->
- ...Вы брали с собой тетрадь-реликт, когда ходили за покупками?
<!--"No. As a basic rule, I don't carry it around. Only my computer and perhaps a notepad."-->
- Нет. Как правило, я не ношу ее с собой. Только компьютер и возможно блокнот.
<!--''This eliminates the possibility that she has dropped it somewhere.''-->
<em>Это исключает возможность того, что она где-то ее обронила.</em>
<!--"...By the way, when did you move here?"-->
- ...Кстати, а когда вы сюда переехали?
<!--"Just recently. At the beginning of the month...," she said and took a look at her computer. "Yes. At the beginning of the month."-->
- Недавно. В начале месяца... – сказала она и взглянула на компьютер. – Да. В начале месяца.
<!--''About two weeks ago... So I guess I should inquire about her move, too...''-->
<em>Примерно две недели назад... Наверное, надо спросить и про переезд...</em>
<!--That moment, Saki posed a question.-->
Тогда Саки задала вопрос:
<!--"When did you eat the memo anyway?"-->
- Кстати, когда вы съели записку?
<!--Right. I hadn't asked that question. It had slipped my mind because I was confident that she hadn't eaten it. With that information, we knew until when she had the memo, and could investigate on Etsuko-san's actions thereafter.-->
Точно. Я не спросил про это. Это выскользнуло у меня из головы, потому что я был уверен, что она не ела ее. С этой информацией мы узнаем до какого момента записка находилась у нее и сможем изучить дальнейшие действия Эцко-сан.
<!--I was thoughtless—I wasn't in the position to talk badly about Etsuko-san-->.<!-- Can't for my life express this how I want. Fuck.-->
Я был беспечен – я не имел права плохо говорить о Эцко-сан.
<!--"Um... wait a moment, please."-->
- Эм... погодите секундочку, пожалуйста.
<!--She started looking it up on her computer. She had opened several folders, so the search was taking some time. She had probably no idea where it was.-->
Она начала искать это событие в компьютере. Она открыла несколько папок, так что поиски затянулись. Она наверное понятия не имела, где оно.
<!--"By the way, it ate it after moving here, right?" ()-->
- Кстати, вы съели ее после переезда, да?
<!--If she had eaten—or more like, torn off—the note before moving, her previous house would come into question as well. If her memo had ended up in the trash bin but still got off undamaged, then we might already be at our wits' end.-->
Если она съела – точнее оторвала – записку перед переездом, то ее предыдущий дом тоже попал бы под подозрение. Если неповрежденная записка оказалась в мусорке, то мы были уже в тупике.
<!--"No, before."-->
- Нет, до него.
<!--"In your previous house?"-->
- В вашем прежнем доме?
<!--That put a spoke in my wheel. To my surprise, however, Etsuko-san shook her head.-->
Это осложняет ситуацию. К моему удивлению, однако, Эцко-сан помотала головой.
<!--"No. I ate it here!"-->
- Нет. Я съела ее здесь!
<!--"Huh? But didn't you just say you ate it before moving here?"-->
- Что? Но вы же только что сказали, что съели ее до переезда, так?
- Да.
<!--...She lost me.-->
...Я запутался.
<!--"Um, but ''when'' was that anyway? You needn't look it up. Just roughly. Um, one week... no, one month ago?"-->
- Эм, но <em>когда</em> это было? Можете не проверять. Скажите примерно. Эм, неделю... нет, месяц назад?
<!--"No," she shook her head.-->
- Нет, - она помотала головой.
<!--"Ten years ago."-->
- 10 лет назад.
<!--According to the explanation she gave us, she had lived in this house until ten years ago, and had moved somewhere else, just to return recently.-->
Как я понял из ее объяснения, раньше она жила в этом доме, но 10 лет назад переехала в другое место и недавно вернулась обратно.
<!--But she had eaten that note ten years ago. In other words, when she still lived here—which was ten years from now, and with two moves in between. Of course, we had no idea where that scrap of paper was.-->
Но она съела записку 10 лет назад. Другими словами, когда еще жила здесь – т.е. 10 лет и два переезда назад. Разумеется, мы не имели ни малейшего представления, где может находиться эта бумажка.
<!--We took a look around in the house just to be sure, but naturally our search remained fruitless.-->
На всякий случай мы осмотрели дом, но, естественно, наши поиски не увенчались успехом.
<!--"Should we set the house on fire and erase it for good?"-->
- Может поджечь дом и уж точно уничтожить ее?
<!--"Have you lost it?"-->
- Ты спятил?
<!--I quickly said, "Just joking!" when Saki scolded me. Although I was half-serious.-->
- Да шучу я! – быстро добавил я после упрека <!-- возмущения --> Саки. Хотя это было шуткой лишь наполовину.
<!--We had gone into Etsuko-san's room and were still searching for the memo.-->
Мы зашли в комнату Эцко-сан и продолжили искать записку.
<!--It was a completely ordinary room with a desk, a bookshelf and a wardrobe, and a curtain atop the window. There were several post-it notes on the wardrobe that marked what was inside. She had probably developed her own tricks for her daily life. What puzzled me was that there were cardboard boxes here as well-->
Это была абсолютно обычная комната со столом, книжной полкой, шкафом и шторами на окне. На шкафу висело несколько самоклеящихся листков<!--стикеров-->, на которых было помечено, что находилось внутри. Она, наверное, обзавелась собственными хитростями для повседневной жизни. Но что меня озадачило, так это присутствие коробок и здесь.
<!--I asked Saki to search the bookshelf and the desk, whereas I went for the cardboard boxes. I had already gotten permission from Etsuko-san.-->
Я попросил Саки обыскать полку и стол, а сам направился к коробкам. Я уже получил разрешение у Эцко-сан.
<!--I unsealed one of the boxes and took an album out of it.-->
Распечатав одну из коробок, я достал из нее альбом.
<!--Since she didn't mind if we looked, I flicked through it.-->
Так как она не возражала, если мы посмотрим, я пролистал его.
- Мило.
<!--"We're not here to play around," I complained to Saki who was peeking at the album over my shoulders, but still we continued looking through it.-->
- Мы сюда не играть пришли, - пожаловался я Саки, заглянувшей в альбом через мое плечо, но мы все же продолжили рассматривать его.
<!--It started off with photos of a baby, and recorded her gradual growth to a young girl. Around the time she went to elementary school, she started to resemble her current self. And at the time, she had still had her parents at both sides.-->
Он начинался с детских фотографий, и содержал её постепенное превращение в молодую девушку. Примерно в то время, когда она пошла в начальную школу, она начала походить на себя теперешнюю. Тогда рядом с ней все еще стояли её родители.
<!--There was also a picture of her time at the hospital. She stood there with a bandage wrapped around her head and a flower bouquet in her hands. She was surrounded by a doctor and nurses. It was probably a picture of her discharge, and the only one of that time.-->
Была и фотография того времени, когда она лежала в больнице. На ней она стояла с бинтом на голове и с букетом в руках. Ее окружали медсестры и врач. Наверное, этот снимок ее выписки был единственным из того периода.
<!--A few pages after, her father disappeared from the photos.-->
Через несколько страниц с фотографий исчез отец.
<!--It was a couple of years after the accident. Only her mother remained at her side. -->
После аварии прошло пару лет. Возле нее осталась лишь мама.
<!--There had been no large span between the divorce and the decease of her mother; after only a few pictures, her parents were replaced by an aged man and woman on the pictures.-->
Промежуток между разводом и смертью матери был небольшим; несколькими снимками позже родителей сменили пожилые мужчина и женщина.
<!--I suspected they were Etsuko-san's grandparents who had taken her in. They appeared on the photographs of her graduation from elementary, middle and high school, as well as her coming-of-age celebration. It seemed like a kind-hearted old couple.-->
Я предположил, что это бабушка и дедушка Эцко-сан, которые приютили ее. Они присутствовали на фотографиях выпускного из начальной, средней и старшей школы, а также на праздновании совершеннолетия. Они создавали впечатление добродушной пожилой парочки.
<!--I paged back to the last picture with her parents.-->
Я вернулся к последней фотографии с ее родителями.
<!--It was about ten years ago, when she was in elementary school.-->
Это было примерно 10 лет назад, когда она училась в начальной школе.
<!--It had immediately rang a bell with me when she told me that she had used the notebook ten years ago.-->
Мне сразу вспомнились ее слова <!--идиома вот описание: http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/ring+a+bell-->о том, что она пользовалась тетрадью 10 лет назад.
<!--Her mother's accidental death, ten years ago.-->
Несчастный случай с ее матерью 10 лет назад.
<!--The memory she had recorded in the Relic, ten years ago.-->
Воспоминание, которое она записала в реликте 10 лет назад.
<!--These two facts could not be unrelated.-->
Эти два факта не могли быть не связанными.
<!--The thing she wanted to forget was bound to have something to do with her mother's decease.-->
Воспоминание, которое она хотела забыть, наверняка имеет какое-то отношение к смерти ее матери.
<!--I had no idea what exactly she had recorded.-->
Я понятия не имел, что именно она записала.
<!--But I strongly doubted it was something pleasant.-->
Но я сильно сомневаюсь, что это что-то приятное.
<!--There was probably more to it.-->
Наверное, этим все не ограничивается.
<!--Something she couldn't tell anyone.-->
То, что она никому не могла рассказать.
<!--I had no clue what it was—no I did. But I sealed that thought away, because it was a crazy thought and absolutely not something to say carelessly.-->
Я даже не догадывался – нет, догадывался. Но я отбросил эту мысль, потому что она была безумной и точно не той, которую можно было озвучить легкомысленно.
<!--I pushed the box with albums aside and pulled another one to me. It was labeled at the side as "Diaries (1)".-->
Я отодвинул коробку с альбомами и подтащил к себе еще одну. Сбоку была надпись: «Дневники (1)».
<!--"Do you plan on reading the diaries as well?"-->
- Ты собираешься и дневники прочитать?
<!--"I'll just skim through them. I'll try my best not to read anything."-->
- Просто пролистаю. Постараюсь ничего не читать.
<!--I did have permission, but I had no intention of violating her privacy. That said, I was ready to read sections that might contain a clue.-->
Разрешение я получил, но я не собирался вторгаться в ее личную жизнь. Все же, я был готов прочитать разделы, в которых могла содержаться подсказка.
<!--I took out the diaries. They were all of high quality and had a leather binding. Quite extravagant and mature for an elementary schooler to use.-->
Я достал дневники. Они все были высококачественными, в кожаных переплетах. Довольно экстравагантно и взросло для начальной школы.
<!--The diaries had their year marked on the cover.-->
На обложках дневников были указаны года.<!-- может в единственном числе?-->
<!--They started fifteen years ago, about the time she was in the first year of elementary school.-->
Самый старый был написан 15 лет назад, примерно на первом году начальной школы.
<!--"I suppose she started after she had met with an accident," Saki commented.-->
- Я так понимаю, она начала после аварии, - прокомментировала Саки.
<!--No wonder the diaries were of high quality and leather-bound!-->
Так вот почему дневники были высококачественными и в кожаных переплетах!
<!--To her, the memories recorded in those diaries were an irreplaceable treasure.-->
Для нее сохраненные в них воспоминания являлись незаменимым сокровищем.
<!--At least her parents must have thought so when they bought them for her.-->
По крайней мере так думали родители, когда покупали их.
<!--I opened one of the diaries and found a clumsy handwriting that didn't match the splendidly made diary. The size of the letters was as irregular as it gets, there were misspellings all over the page, and the grammar had been ignored entirely. It was well-nigh unreadable.-->
Открыв один из дневников, я обнаружил неуклюжий почерк, не соответствовавший великолепно сделанному дневнику. Размер букв жутко скакал, повсюду орфографические ошибки, а грамматика <!--пунктуация? -->– полностью проигнорирована. Он был практически нечитаемым.
<!--Nevertheless, I was sure she had read through these entries again and again when she wanted to recall old memories.-->
Тем не менее, я не сомневаюсь, что она снова и снова перечитывала эти записи, когда хотела освежить старые воспоминания.
<!--The pages were worn with frequent use, and there were places that had gotten wet and had dried up, although I didn't know whether the cause was sweat or tears.-->
Страницы были потрепаны от частого использования, попадались и пятна, словно на бумагу упало что-то мокрое, а потом они снова высохли, но я не знал слезы это или пот.
<!--As time went by, the entries changed into a proper writing. However, I was taken aback by all the details.-->
Со временем записи стали принимать более человеческий вид. Однако меня удивило, как подробно все было описано.
<!--Not only did they contain the events of every day, but also what time she stood up, what she ate, which train she took, what she was doing and thinking during the day, and so forth. Therefore, the number of diaries was quite overwhelming.-->
Кроме событий каждого дня в них содержалось также во сколько она вставала, что ела, на каком поезде добиралась, что делала и о чем думала в течение дня и т.д.
<!--Probably this also served as some sort of rehabilitation. It was hard to guess how much time she had spent everyday to write those diaries.-->
Наверное это также играло роль некой реабилитации. Трудно представить, сколько времени она каждый день тратила на написание этих дневников.
<!--I took another diary.-->
Я взял еще один дневник.
<!--One that was written just ten years ago. The period of time she had used the Relic.-->
Он был написан всего 10 лет назад. В период времени, когда она использовала реликт.
<!--With a sting of remorse, I opened the diary.-->
Мучаясь угрызениями совести, я открыл дневник.
<!--Among other things, it contained the entry of the day of her mother's decease.-->
Среди прочего в нем содержалась запись в день смерти ее матери.
<!--As always, it started with the time she stood up and what she had for breakfast, and contained a detailed report of her experiences at school.-->
Как обычно, она начиналась с времени, когда она проснулась, что ела на завтрак, а также содержал подробный перечень событий в школе.
<!--However, it mentioned that she was scolded by her mother for neglecting her diary for once. Apparently, she had played together with her friends instead of going straight home.-->
Однако, в нем упоминалось, что мать отругала ее за то, что она в кои-то веки пренебрегла дневником. Видимо, она поиграла с друзьями вместо того, чтобы сразу идти домой.
<!--There was a touch of irony in the fact that her mother fell from the stairs on that day of all days. Moreover, it happened when Etsuko-san was in the midst of writing her diary. The entry of that day stopped there.-->
В том, что мать упала с лестницы именно в тот день, чувствовалась легкая ирония. Более того, это случилось в тот момент, когда Эцко-сан писала дневник. Запись того дня на этом заканчивалась.
<!--I flipped the page. In the next entry she wrote about the decease of her mother at the hospital and the wake that was going to be held.-->
Я перевернул страницу. В следующей записи она писала о кончине матери в больнице и о предстоящих поминках.
<!--Even after that, she had continued writing her diary without skipping a day.-->
Даже после этого она продолжала писать дневник, не пропуская ни дня.
<!--However, I didn't find anything she may have wanted to hide.-->
Но я не нашел ничего, что она могла захотеть скрыть.
<!--Well, if there was, she wouldn't have allowed me to freely look through them.-->
Ну, если бы тут и было что-то, то она не разрешила бы просматривать их сколь душе угодно.
<!--The entry that day that was broken off unfinished... how was it supposed to end?-->
Запись того дня обрывалась... Как она должна была заканчиваться?
<!--...Or was the continuation written in the Relic?-->
...Или продолжение записано в реликте?
<!--"Why don't you take a break?" Etsuko-san startled me, standing beside me all of a sudden.-->
- Не хотите передохнуть? – напугала меня Эцко-сан, ни с того ни с сего очутившаяся возле меня.
<!--Even though I had permission, I couldn't help feeling a little awkward when I closed the diary.-->
Несмотря на полученное разрешение, закрывая дневник, я невольно ощутил неловкость.
<!--"Y-You have a stunning collection of diaries there!"-->
- У-у вас потрясающая коллекция дневников!
<!--"Yes. It has become so many because I kept writing them," she answered without any concerns. "So, how about it?"-->
- Да. Их стало так много, потому что я продолжала писать их, - без задней мысли <!--беспристрастно, спокойно - idiffer--> ответила она. – Ну так как?
<!--"Eh? ...Ah, the break? Yes."-->
- Э? ...А, перерыв? Да.
<!--We accepted her proposal and put the diaries back into their cardboard box.-->
Мы приняли ее предложение и убрали дневники обратно в коробку.
<!--While at it, I was seized by misgivings.-->
В процессе меня охватили опасения.
<!--''Is it okay for us to help her erase that memory?''-->
<em>Ничего, что мы поможем ей стереть это воспоминание?</em>
<!--We didn't know what she wanted to forget.-->
Мы не знали, что она хочет забыть.
<!--But it couldn't be anything good.-->
Но это не могло быть чем-то хорошим.
<!--But no matter how much she wanted to forget, what if it was a memory that was meant to be remembered?-->
Но как бы сильно она ни хотела забыть, что, если этому воспоминанию суждено сохраниться в памяти?
<!--"Um, may I ask you a question?"-->
- Эм, можно я задам вопрос?
- Да?
<!--"...Why do you want to forget about ''it''?"-->
- ...Почему вы хотите забыть <em>это</em> событие?
<!--After a moment's silence, she answered with a sad face,-->
После мимолетной паузы она с грустным видом ответила:
<!--"Because I want to start a new life."-->
- Потому что я хочу начать новую жизнь.
<!--While drinking a cup of coffee, we were taking a break in the living room.-->
Мы отдыхали в гостиной, попивая кофе.
<!--As we had already been searching for a few hours, I had gotten a stiff neck. However, my doubts were fruitless. We didn't even find any hints.-->
Так как мы провели в поисках уже несколько часов, у меня заныла шея. Однако мои сомнения оказались безрезультатными. Мы не нашли ни одной подсказки.
<!--The odds were against us finding a ten years old scrap of paper.-->
Шансы найти 10-летний огрызок бумаги были не в нашу пользу.
<!--But still, why did Etsuko-san get the wish to forget that memory now of all times?-->
Но все же, почему Эцко-сан изъявила желание забыть это воспоминание именно сейчас?
<!--What was the reason that a memory she had left untouched for ten years became unnecessary?-->
По какой причине воспоминание, которое она не трогала 10 лет, стало ненужным?
<!--"May I ask a question?" Saki, who had been silent so far, said.-->
- Можно задать вопрос? – спросила все это время молчавшая Саки.
<!--"Yes, go ahead."-->
- Да, слушаю.
<!--"What's the relationship between you and the man we saw earlier?"-->
- Какие у вас отношения с мужчиной, которого мы видели ранее?
<!--Against all my expectations, she asked something entirely unrelated.-->
Вопреки всем моим ожиданиям, она спросила о том, что совершенно не имело отношения к делу.
<!--I already prepared myself to make a remark, when suddenly Etsuko-san turned as red as a beet and cast her eyes down.--><!--remark - tsukkomi-->
Я уже было приготовился пошутить, как Эцко-сан вдруг покраснела, как свекла, и опустила глаза.
<!--"To tell the truth, we're marrying next month."-->
- По правде говоря, мы через месяц женимся.
<!--Saki had probably guessed their relationship right away. I had not. What a sharp-eyed girl.-->
Саки наверняка сразу догадалась, какие у них отношения. А я нет. Какая наблюдательная девчонка.
<!--"Congratulations," Saki said bluntly as if she didn't know the meaning of Etsuko-san's words, but Etsuko-san gave her thanks without taking offense. "How did you get to know him?"-->
- Поздравляю, - лаконично<!--топорно--> сказала Саки, будто не поняла, что сказала Эцко-сан, но та не обиделась и поблагодарила ее. – Как вы с ним познакомились?
<!--"He's a childhood friend, or perhaps, he was something like the boy next door? We lost contact entirely when I moved away, but he happened to frequent the shop I worked at, you know..."-->
- Он друг детства, или может что-то вроде соседа? Мы перестали общаться, когда я переехала, но он часто заходил в магазинчик, где я работала...
<!--I listened to her without going into the question whether she was really able to work.-->
Я слушал ее, не особо задумываясь о том, действительно ли она способна работать.
<!--"But at first, I didn't realize who he is. Not only me, but it was the same for him. Because I used my father's surname when I still lived here, he didn't realize who I am, either. It stayed that way until I visited his parents to introduce myself. That was quite the surprise."-->
- Но сначала я не узнала его. Не только я, он тоже меня не узнал. Так как у меня была фамилия отца, когда я жила тут раньше, он не понял кто я. Так продолжалось до тех пор, пока я не зашла к его родителям и не представилась. Мы оба были сильно удивлены. <!--surprise for hideki-san? EEE: For both of them. But I suppose Hideki-san was surprised because of an additional reason... -->
<!--"A fateful encounter."-->
- Встреча, предначертанная судьбой.
<!--"Yes, indeed."-->
- Да, и вправду.
<!--Etsuko-san was smiling, but a shadow or some sort of hesitation loomed in her expression.-->
Эцко-сан улыбалась, но на её лице была заметна тень или какое-то сомнение.
<!--"Is there a problem?" I asked thoughtlessly, suspecting she had marriage blues.-->
- Что-то не так? – бездумно спросил я, подозревая, что у нее предсвадебная грусть.
<!--However, this time she tensed up visibly.-->
Однако, на этот раз она заметно напряглась.
<!--I regretted my own stupidity.-->
Я пожалел о своей глупости.
<!--Hadn't I thought about it just moments ago?!-->
Я же думал об этом буквально несколько мгновений назад!
<!--About the reason why a memory she had left untouched for ten years became unnecessary!-->
Причина, по которой воспоминание, которое она не трогала 10 лет, стало ненужным!
<!--If she had to forget it ''now'', there was only one reason.-->
Если она хотела забыть его <em>сейчас</em>, причина могла быть одна.
<!--The memory she wanted to forget was an obstacle to her wedding—to her happiness.-->
Воспоминание, которое она хотела забыть, мешало ее свадьбе – ее счастью.
<!--Hence, she wanted to forget it before her marriage.-->
Поэтому она хотела забыть его до свадьбы.
<!--Suddenly, the telephone rang, breaking the heavy silence.-->
Внезапно зазвонил телефон, нарушив тяжелое молчание.
<!--Etsuko-san stood up after asking to be excused, and went to the telephone. She accepted the call after she had picked up the pen that was placed next to the phone with a notepad. She had probably formed a habit of recording her calls.-->
Извинившись, Эцко-сан встала и подошла к телефону. Она подняла трубку после того, как взяла ручку и блокнот, лежавшие рядом с телефоном. У нее, наверное, выработалась привычка записывать звонки.
<!--"Yes, Uwajima speaki... father..."-->
- Да, говорит Уваджима... отец...
<!--My full attention was directed at Etsuko-san's voice and her holding the breath. --><!-- strange wording-->
Мое внимание было полностью сконцентрировано на Эцко-сан, то говорившей, то затаивающей дыхание.<!--EEE:...sounds strange, indeed. You guessed the meaning right, though: she does it alternately. I can't think of an appropriate wording right now, though. --><!--версия капитана очевидности: "то говорившей, то молчавшей" - sharkrahs -->
<!--If my memory served me right, she did no longer keep in contact with her divorced father. I didn't want to be rude, but I couldn't help perking up my ears.-->
Если меня не подводит память, после развода она больше не общалась со своим отцом. Я не хотел показаться невежливым, но не смог удержаться и навострил уши.
<!--"...How did you find out? Grandpa? I see..."-->
- ...Как ты узнал? От дедушки? Понятно...
<!--Apparently, she hadn't informed her father that she moved back here. Her grandfather had gotten in touch with him when the wedding became official.-->
Видимо, она не рассказала отцу про свой переезд сюда. Ее дедушка связался с ним, когда узнал о свадьбе.
<!--They kept talking for a while.-->
Они разговаривали какое-то время.
<!--The reunion of father and daughter was everything but touching. Etsuko-san didn't wish to see him again. She was rejecting any contact with him.-->
Воссоединение отца и дочери было каким угодно, но не трогательным. Эцко-сан не желала видеть его снова. Она была против любого контакта с ним.
<!--"...Do you remember what I said at mother's funeral? Please forget it. I will do so, too. And please keep away from me," she said one-sidedly and hung up and let out a sigh.-->
- ...Ты помнишь, что я сказала на похоронах матери? Пожалуйста, забудь это. Я тоже забуду. И пожалуйста, не связывайся больше со мной, - <!-- однобоко, эгоистично? - idiffer это лишнее бросила(повесила) трубку, как раз и значит - "one-sidedly"--> сказала она и не дожидаясь ответа со вздохом повесила трубку.
<!--Her face was full of distress. However, recalling our presence, she quickly slapped on a smile.-->
Её выражение лица было преисполнено страдания.<!--воплощением страдания - idiffer-->. Но, вспомнив о нашем присутствии, она быстро натянула улыбку.
<!--"Did you keep in contact with your father?"-->
- Вы поддерживали отношения с отцом?
<!--"No. This was the first time since the funeral of my mother. ...Despite everything, I recognized him by his voice. You remember such things forever, don't you?"-->
- Нет. Это первый контакт после похорон моей матери... Несмотря на это, я узнала его по голосу. Такие вещи запоминаются навсегда, не так ли?
<!--Etsuko-san seemed to be surprised about the fact that she had recognized her father by phone.-->
Эцко-сан, казалось, была удивлена тем, что узнала отца по телефону.
<!--It had been about ten years. I felt that this was the bonds between parent and child, and completely unrelated to memory and such.-->
Прошло около 10 лет. Чувствовалось, что эти узы между родителем и ребенком совершенно не имели отношения к памяти и т.п.
<!--"What kind of father was he?"-->
- Каким отцом он был?
<!--"He's not a bad person. He would just often get into an argument with my mother about my upbringing. He was against keeping such a diary. He wanted to bring me up like a normal child. My mother often said he was too concerned about the eyes of the neighborhood. I think so as well."-->
- Он не плохой человек. Просто он часто вступал в споры с матерью по поводу моего воспитания. Он был против ведения дневника. Он хотел растить меня как обычного ребенка. Мать часто говорила, что он слишком озабочен соседским мнением. Я тоже так считаю.
<!--Indeed, keeping such a detailed diary was a little abnormal from a normal perspective. But as there was an accident, this couldn't be helped. But her father had apparently been unable to think so.-->
Действительно, вести такой подробный дневник немного ненормально с общепринятой точки зрения. Но после произошедшей аварии ничего другого не оставалось. Но ее отец, похоже, не смог с этим смириться.
<!--"Do you have a grudge against him?"-->
- Вы обижены на него?
<!--"That's not the problem. It's something entirely different. I neither hate him, nor do I bear a grudge against him. I just don't want to have anything to do with someone my mother has severed all contact with... since it's like I were betraying her. And I don't want to betray her any more."-->
- Проблема не в этом. Дело совершенно в другом. У меня нет ненависти или обиды по отношению к нему. Мне просто не хочется общаться с человеком, с которым моя мать разорвала все контакты... иначе это будет предательством по отношению к ней. А я больше не хочу предавать ее.
<!--Does keeping in touch with her father her mother has broken contact equal betraying her? Or was there another reason to it?-->
Разве общение с отцом, с которым мать перестала общаться, приравнивается к предательству? Или была другая причина?
<!--Either way, judging from the way she talked, she wasn't down on her father or anything, but merely kept away because of her mother.-->
В любом случае, судя по ее речи, неприязни к отцу у нее не было; она лишь сторонилась его из-за матери.
<!--But still, I couldn't help being surprised that she remembered that sort of thing rather well.-->
И все же, я не мог не удивиться, что она довольно хорошо это запомнила.
<!--"Oh, did I dampen the mood...? Ah, right. Please wait a moment."-->
- Ой, я испортила настроение?.. Ах да. Подождите секундочку, пожалуйста.
<!--Etsuko-san forcefully put on a bright face and went into another room. She returned carrying a snow-white wedding dress.-->
Эцко-сан через силу сделала радостное лицо и пошла в другую комнату. Она вернулась с белоснежным свадебным платьем в руках.
<!--I'm not versed in wedding dresses, but it looked like a slightly old design.-->
Я не разбираюсь в свадебных платьях, но его фасон казался слегка устаревшим.
<!--"My father chose this dress for my mother. Hideki-san offered me to be a new one or rent one, but I insisted on wearing this. I want to show at least a little filial piety."-->
- Отец выбрал это платье для матери. Хидэки-сан предложил купить новое или взять напрокат, но я настояла на этом. Я хочу хоть немного выказать матери дочернюю почтительность.
<!--Etsuko-san held the dress in front of her.--><!-- Is there a better way to express this? She's showing them how she'd look in the dress. -->
Эцко-сан приложила платье к себе.
<!--She would have looked great in it.-->
Она бы великолепно смотрелась в нем.
<!--"Come here, Maino-san."-->
- Подойдите ко мне, Маино-сан.
<!--Beckoned over by Etsuko-san, Saki walked hesitantly to her.-->
Саки неуверенно подошла к Эцко-сан.
<!--Etsuko-san turned Saki around and held the dress in front of her.-->
Эцко-сан развернула Саки и приложила к ней платье.
<!--"Do you like it, Kurusu-san?" With a mischievous smile, she asked for my impressions.-->
- Вам нравится, Курусу-сан? – хитро улыбаясь, спросила она о моем впечатлении.
<!--''Don't abuse me to brighten the mood... I can't say that I like it, now can I?''-->
<em>Не используйте меня, чтобы поднять настроение... Я не могу сказать, что мне нравится, правильно ведь?</em>
<!--"Fine feathers make fine birds."-->
- Одежда красит человека.
<!--"I knew you'd say that."-->
- Я знала, что ты это скажешь.
<!--"What? Did you want me to praise you?"-->
- Что? Ты хотела, чтобы я тебя похвалил?
- Нет.
<!--"Don't get angry!"-->
- Тогда не сердись!
<!--"I'm not angry."-->
- Я не сержусь.
<!--"But you are!"-->
- Сердишься!
- Ну и ладно.
<!--I heard Etsuko-san whisper into her ear, "He's just shy," when Saki turned away from me.-->
Я услышал, как Эцко-сан прошептала ей в ухо: «Он просто стесняется», – когда Саки отвернулась от меня.
<!--''Please say such things hidden from me.''-->
<em>Пожалуйста, говорите такие вещи так, чтобы я не слышал.</em>
<!--Saki's fashion show continued for a while until Etsuko-san was satisfied, and then she went back to the other room to stow away the dress.-->
Показ мод Саки продолжался до тех пор, пока Эцко-сан не была удовлетворена, после чего она пошла обратно в комнату убрать платье.
<!--Saki looked at me with an inquiring look. No, she wasn't asking for my impressions.-->
Саки вопрошающе посмотрела на меня. Нет, ее не интересовало мое мнение.
<!--"I know!"-->
- Я знаю!
<!--Etsuko-san had been behaving a little strange since the call from her father. The scene she had made just now had been obviously forced. Probably it was just sympathy I had, but I hoped her marriage would bring her happiness, because of the worries about her parents and her accident and its after effects were tormenting her.-->
С тех пор, как Эцко-сан позвонил отец, она вела себя странновато. Произошедшее только что было явно наигранно. Наверное во мне просто взыграло сочувствие, но я надеялся, что брак принесет ей счастье, ведь ситуация с родителями, авария и ее последствия мучили ее.
<!--I wanted to let her forget "that memory" whatever it was going to take. Saki was probably of the same mind.-->
Я хотел помочь ей забыть <em>то воспоминание</em> во что бы то ни стало. Саки, наверное, думала так же.
<!--Suddenly, I noticed something moving outside the window. I opened the curtain and took a look out of the window. Someone was peeking into the house from behind the wall. He quickly ducked, but it was already too late for him.-->
Вдруг я заметил какое-то движение за окном. Я отодвинул занавеску и посмотрел на улицу. Кто-то заглядывал в дом из-за стены<!--снаружи -->. Он резко присел, но было уже слишком поздно.
<!--"Who are you!"-->
- Кто ты<!--там-->?!
- Токия?
<!--I rushed out without even answering her.-->
Я выбежал, даже не ответив ей.
<!--I quickly looked in the direction the man escaped. He was just going around the corner. I hurried after him.-->
Я быстро посмотрел в сторону, куда побежал мужчина. Он поворачивал за угол. Я поспешил за ним.
<!--When I came around the same corner, I spotted him from behind.-->
Забежав за угол, я заметил его спину.
<!--He wasn't so far away. Without wanting to brag, I'm in good form. As I sped after him, he ran round another corner.-->
Он был не так далеко. Не хочу хвастаться, но я в хорошей форме. Пока я гнался за ним, он повернул еще за один угол.
<!--As we were in a residential area, there were lots of branches, but there were almost no people on the streets, so I wasn't going to lose him.-->
Мы находились в жилом районе, и было много улочек, но вот людей – почти нет, так что я не потеряю его.
<!--He kept fleeing desperately. But I was faster. The distance between us gradually shrunk. I reached out. Just a little more. The man turned around to take a look behind—that moment his speed dropped slightly. My hand touched him.-->
Он продолжал отчаянно убегать. Но я был быстрее. Дистанция между нами постепенно сокращалась. Я вытянул руку. Еще чуть-чуть. Мужчина обернулся – в этот момент он немного замедлился. Моя рука коснулась его.
<!--I took a leap at him.-->
Я прыгнул на него.
<!--With full vigor, the both of us rolled on the ground--><!-- Is there a wording that sounds more powerful?-->
Мы упали на полной скорости и покатились по земле.
<!--However, my hand didn't let go of him.-->
Но я не отпустил его.
<!--"Got you!"-->
- Попался!
<!--I grabbed the prone man and turned him face-up.-->
Я схватил лежащего ничком мужчину и перевернул на спину.
- Вы?..
<!--I knew his face.-->
Мне было знакомо его лицо.
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<div style="font-family: Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
<!--When I returned to my room to put away my wedding dress, the boxed-in diaries and an opened album caught my eye.-->
Когда я вернулась в комнату, чтобы убрать платье, мне на глаза попалась коробка с дневниками и открытый альбом.
<!--They were things that meant much more to me than the wedding dress.-->
Эти вещи значили для меня гораздо больше, чем платье.
<!--The precious diaries mother had bought for me.-->
Драгоценные дневники, которые купила мне мать.
<!--The precious picture of me and my mother.-->
Драгоценная фотография меня вместе с матерью.
<!--Out of worry about me and my defective memory, she had bought countless diaries for me. She had taken countless photographs of me for the album. Not only on our vacation, but also when there was an event at school or even on normal days.-->
Беспокоясь обо мне и моей плохой памяти, она покупала мне бесчисленные дневники. Она бесчисленное количество раз фотографировала меня для альбома. Не только в отпуске, но и на школьных мероприятиях или даже в обычные дни.
<!--Thanks to her, I was able to keep a lot of my recollections.-->
Благодаря ей я сохранила много воспоминаний.
<!--If it hadn't been for my mother, and if I hadn't continued doing as she had told me, I would have been empty like a blank sheet by now.-->
Если бы не мать, если бы я не следовала ее указаниям, я бы уже была пустая, как чистый лист бумаги.
<!--But I was going to betray her.-->
Но я собиралась предать ее.
<!--I was going to betray my mother who had wished for my happiness more than anyone else.-->
Я собиралась предать свою мать, которая желала мне счастья больше, чем кто-либо.
<!--"Forgive me... Mom..."-->
- Прости меня... мама...
<!--I embraced the diary. I couldn't suppress my tears.-->
Я прижала к груди дневник. Я не могла сдержать слезы.
<!--"Forgive me... Mom, but I will throw that memory away and become happy."-->
- Прости меня... мама, но я забуду это воспоминание и обрету счастье.<!--отрекусь от воспоминания-->
<!--Even now I still hesitated to erase that memory.-->
Даже сейчас я все еще колебалась, стирать ли то воспоминание.
<!--But a word from my mother had brought me to that decision.-->
Но к этому решению меня подтолкнули слова матери.
<!--"I don't need anything if you attain happiness!"-->
«Мне ничего не нужно, если ты обретешь счастье!»
<!--These were words she had left behind for me the day before she passed away.-->
Она сказала эти слова за день до того, как скончалась.
<!--She hadn't foreseen her death, but these words became something like her last will by chance.-->
Она не предвидела свою смерть, но так получилось, что эти слова стали чем-то вроде ее последнего завета.
<!--And her will lived on in my heart.-->
И ее воля продолжит жить в моем сердце.
<!--Therefore, I was going to betray her.-->
Поэтому я собираюсь предать ее.
<!--I was able to protect her last will, even if I betrayed her.-->
Я смогу исполнить ее последнюю волю, даже если предам ее.
<!--"You have wished for my happiness more than anyone else, so you'll understand, right?"-->
- Ты желала мне счастья больше, чем кто-либо другой, так что ты поймешь, не так ли<!--правда-->?
<!--Therefore, I—-->
Поэтому я...
<!--"I'll attain happiness. So please forgive me."-->
- Я найду счастье. Поэтому, пожалуйста, прости меня.
<!--Suddenly, the bell rang.-->
Вдруг зазвенел звонок.
<!--I put away the diary and headed toward the entrance after wiping off my tears.-->
Я отложила дневник и, вытерев слезы, направилась ко входной двери.
<!--Kurusu-san and Maino-san weren't in the living room.-->
Курусу-сан и Маино-сан не было в гостиной.
<!--Although perplexed, I still went to the door and looked through the peephole. I held my breath.-->
Я была озадачена, но все равно подошла к двери и посмотрела в глазок. Я затаила дыхание.
- Отец...
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- Хидэки-сан?..
<!--"Could you get off me for starters?" he said, smiling wryly. Apparently he wasn't going to flee anymore.-->
- Можешь для начала слезть с меня? – с кривой улыбкой попросил он. Похоже, он больше не собирался убегать.
<!--For the time being, I decided to listen to him and got off him.-->
Я решил удовлетворить его просьбу и слез с него.
<!--Hideki-san stood up as he brushed off the stains from his suit. I followed suit.-->
Хидэки-сан встал, отряхивая костюм. Я последовал его примеру.
<!--"Oh boy, I used to be a marathon runner when I was young, but looks like I get too little exercise."-->
- Ну и ну, в юности я участвовал в марафонах, но видимо я слишком мало тренируюсь.
<!--"You peeked into the house just now, right?" I asked to be sure, but he admitted it right away. "Why did you do that?"-->
- Вы только что заглядывали в дом, да? – спросил я на всякий случай, но он сразу признался. – Зачем вы это сделали?
<!--"I was worried! Look, you know Etsuko-san. After hearing that story about buying off antiques, I suspected that you meant to deceive her. Since I couldn't shake of my worries, I came back to take a look. But watching you guys would have been like saying 'I don't trust you', so I watched from outside."-->
- Я беспокоился! Слушай, ты знаешь Эцко-сан. Услышав вашу историю про скупку антиквариата, я подумал, что вы хотите обмануть ее. Волнение никак не отпускало меня, и я пришел проверить. Но открыто присматривать за вами было бы тем же самым, что сказать: «Я вам не доверяю», – так что я наблюдал снаружи.
<!--Understanding what he wanted to say, I nodded.-->
Понимая, что он хотел сказать, я кивнул.
<!--From his perspective, it was only natural to be worried about her. All the more because he knew her well.-->
С его точки зрения беспокоиться о ней – естественно. Тем более что он хорошо ее знал.
<!--"May I ask?"-->
- Можно спросить?
- Что?
<!--"What did you come for? I've never heard of any antiques in her belongings."-->
- Зачем вы пришли? Я не слышал, чтобы у нее был какой-либо антиквариат.
<!--"As there seems to be a misunderstanding, let me tell you that the articles our shop handles are a little different from the antiques you know. Excuse the lacking explanation, but let's just say they're ''special''."-->
- Чтобы прояснить сложившееся недоразумение, я должен сказать, что наш магазин занимается вещами, немного отличающимися от антиквариата, о котором вы знаете. Простите за скудное объяснение, но давайте просто назовем их <em>особенными</em>.
<!--Relics are not commonly known. If I had told him we handled tools with a special power, he would have grown even more suspicious of us.-->
О реликтах знает далеко не каждый. Если бы я сказал, что мы занимаемся инструментами, обладающими магическими силами, он стал бы относиться к нам с еще большим подозрением.
<!--''Maybe next time we should pose as employees from a second-hand shop who came for household utensils and electric appliances.''-->
<em>Может, в следующий раз нам следует представиться работниками магазинчика по скупке домашней утвари и техники.</em>
<!--"In other words, in her house there is something of value for our shop. It's something she has inherited from her mother, and..."-->
- Другими словами, в ее доме находится нечто ценное для нашего магазина. Это осталось ей от матери, и...
<!--"Tokiya," Saki called as she rushed to me with a wild breath.-->
- Токия, - окликнула спешившая ко мне Саки, бешено дыша.
<!--Apparently, she had followed me.-->
Оказывается, она побежала вслед за мной.
<!--"Thank goodness. I was about to get lost."-->
- Слава богу. Я уже чуть не потерялась.
<!--"Then why didn't you just stay there?"-->
- Тогда почему ты просто не подождала меня там?
<!--"I had no idea what was going on when you rushed out all of a sudden! ...Hideki-san? Hideki-san was that suspicious character?"-->
- Я не поняла, что происходит, когда ты ни с того ни с сего выбежал!.. Хидэки-сан? Хидэки-сан и есть та подозрительная личность?
<!--"Suspicious character? Now don't exaggerate. Hideki-san was only watching what we were doing."-->
- Подозрительная личность? Ну, не преувеличивай. Хидэки-сан просто смотрел, что мы делаем.
<!--"Really? On my way here I heard people talk about a suspicious character that has been lingering about again, so I was sure it was him."-->
- Правда? По дороге сюда я слышала, как люди говорили о снова появившейся здесь подозрительной личности, так что я была уверена, что это он.
<!--"Aah, about that. Recently there have been reports of a suspicious character in these quarters. I haven't seen him myself, but according to our neighbors, he has been peeping at her house. But it's not me! He's said to be about fifty."-->
- А-а, это. Последнее время в округе замечали подозрительную личность. Сам я его не видел, но по словам соседей он наблюдает за ней, когда она дома. Но это не я! Говорят, ему примерно 50 лет.
<!--A suspicious character peeping at Etsuko-san's house who's about fifty years old?-->
Подозрительная личность лет 50-ти, подглядывающая за Эцко-сан?
<!--She hadn't mentioned anything about such a person. We had no one in mind.-->
Она ничего не рассказывала про такого человека. У нас на примете никого не было.
<!--<i>No, wait. A man who's about fifty? I have never met him, but there ''is'' a suspect.-->
<i>Нет, стоп. Человек лет 50-ти? Я никогда с ним не встречался, но подозреваемый <em>есть</em>.
<!--If we consider how old Etsuko-san is, he should be about that age.</i>-->
Если принять во внимание возраст Эцко-сан, он должен быть примерно этого возраста.</i>
<!--"He's appeared recently?"-->
- Он появился недавно?
<!--"Well, yeah."-->
- Ну, да.
<!--It had also ben recently that her grandparents had gotten in touch with him. As it was the house he had lived in the past, it would be no surprise if he knew the address.-->
Ее бабушка и дедушка тоже связались с ним недавно. Так как он жил в этом доме, было неудивительно, что он знал адрес.
<!--Come to think of it, there was a phone call not long ago. What if that was to check if she was at home...?-->
Я вспомнил про недавний звонок. Что, если он проверял дома ли она?..
<!--"That man might be Etsuko-san's father."-->
- Этот мужчина, возможно, отец Эцко-сан.
<!--"No, her father divorced and isn't around anymore. They haven't met in over ten years."-->
- Нет, после развода он съехал. Они не виделись более 10-ти лет.
<!--"Eh? Why do you..."-->
- Э? Откуда вы...
<!--I was going to ask why he knew, but of course he did. Hideki-san was her childhood friend and most likely knew her father in person.-->
Я хотел спросить, откуда он знает, но... естественно, он знает. Хидэки-сан ее друг детства и наверняка был лично знаком с ее отцом.
<!--I noticed another thing.-->
Я подметил еще кое-что.
<!--It was not only Etsuko-san and her father who knew about what happened ten years ago. Hideki-san might know as well.-->
О том, что произошло 10 лет назад, знали не только Эцко-сан и ее отец. Возможно, Хидэки-сан тоже знал.
<!--But as a mere employee at an antique shop, I was not in the position to ask him about it.-->
Но, как обыкновенный сотрудник антикварного магазина, я был не в том положении, чтобы спрашивать у него об этом.
<!--To begin with, there was no time anyway.-->
Вообще-то времени все равно не было.
<!--"Saki, we're going back! Hideki-san, you too!"-->
- Саки, мы возвращаемся! Хидэки-сан, вы тоже!
<!--Leaving behind only these words, I ran back to Etsuko-san's house without waiting for an answer.-->
С этими словами я побежал к дому Эцко-сан, не дожидаясь ответа.
<!--Perhaps it was a crazy thought.-->
Возможно, это безумная мысль.
<!--Perhaps it was absurd.-->
Возможно, она абсурдна.
<!--But it was something I had been thinking the whole time. Ever since I realized that there was a connection between the ten-years old memory she wanted to forget and her mother's decease.-->
Но я думал об этом все это время. С тех пор как понял, что существует связь между 10-летним воспоминанием, которое она хотела забыть, и смертью матери.
<!--If it was only an accident, there was no secret to hide.-->
Если это был просто несчастный случай, то не было секрета, который нужно было скрывать.
<!--If it was only an accident, there was no secret to forget.-->
Если это был несчастный случай, то не было секрета, который нужно было забыть.
<!--This is a hypothesis.-->
Это предположение.
<!--But if Etsuko-san and Hideki-san's reunion had triggered something—-->
Но если воссоединение Эцко-сан и Хидэки-сана послужило толчком к чему-нибудь...
<!--If they shared a secret and their marriage was a thorn in her father's flesh, it would make sense if his action was triggered now.-->
Если у них был секрет, и их брак был бельмом на глазу отца, понятно, почему он начал действовать именно сейчас.
<!--But what was he going to do after such a long time? That was the question.-->
Но что он намеревался сделать спустя все эти годы? Вот в чем вопрос.
<!--I opened the door and rushed into her house.-->
Я открыл дверь и ворвался в дом.
<!--"Etsuko-san!" I yelled, but there was no reply.-->
- Эцко-сан! – закричал я, но ответа не последовало.
<!--I rushed through the corridor and jumped into the living room. -->
Я поспешил по коридору и заскочил в гостиную.
<!--Etsuko-san was nowhere to be seen. But in her room, I found a man.-->
Эцко-сан нигде не было. Но в ее комнате я обнаружил мужчину.
<!--A man, who was about fifty and had partly white hair, turned to me, surprised. In his hands, an album and a diary.-->
Седеющий <!-- на половину седой--> мужчина лет 50-ти, с удивлением повернулся ко мне лицом. Он держал альбом и дневник.
<!--"W-Who are you?"-->
- К-кто ты?
<!--"You're Etsuko-san's father, aren't you?"-->
- Вы отец Эцко-сан, не так ли?
- Д-да...
<!--"Where is she?"-->
- Где она?
<!--Even though I talked in a strong voice, she didn't appear.-->
Несмотря на то, что я говорил громким голосом, она не появилась.
<!--"What have you done to her?!"-->
- Что вы с ней сделали?!
<!--"Calm down," said Saki, who had come in a few moments later, as she clung to me from behind and held me back from attacking the old man. "Her shoes aren't here. Where did she go?"-->
- Успокойся, - сказала вошедшая мгновением позже Саки, схватив меня сзади, не давая атаковать пожилого мужчину. – Ее обуви здесь нет. Куда она пошла?
<!--"Aah, she was called out by phone and just left. She asked me to look after the house."-->
- А-а, ей позвонили, и она только что вышла. Она попросила меня присмотреть за домом.
<!--"Look after the house?"-->
- Присмотреть за домом?
<!--I felt how my boiling blood cooled down after hearing that surprising answer.-->
Я ощутил, как моя кипящая кровь остыла после того, как я услышал этот неожиданный ответ.
<!--"This is also his house, so why should he not be here?" Saki said.-->
- Это и его дом, почему он не должен здесь находиться? – спросила Саки.
- Н-ну...
<!--However, after hearing that, Etsuko-san's father straightened himself and said with a bitter smile,-->
Однако, услышав это, отец Эцко-сан выпрямился и с горькой улыбкой сказал:
<!--"This isn't my house anymore! I have abandoned this place. I don't even have the right to call myself her father anymore. As you said, I shouldn't be here," he declared and stood up. "You two, are you her friends?"-->
- Это больше не мой дом! Я покинул это место. Я даже не имею право больше называться ее отцом. Вы правы,<!--ето про саки? ЕЕЕ:"As you said" is not quite appropriate here. More like, "You're right," because he was referring to their surprise at his being there. --> я не должен здесь находиться, - объявил он, вставая. – Вы ее друзья?
<!--"Ah, yeah. Kind of," I nodded vaguely as I didn't know how to reply.-->
- А, ага. Вроде того, - я неоднозначно кивнул, не зная, что ответить.
<!--"Can I leave the house in your care, then? I think I'll take my leave."-->
- Можно я тогда оставлю дом на вас? Думаю, я пойду.
<!--"Eh? Don't you want to wait for her return?"-->
- Э? Вы разве не хотите подождать, пока она вернется?
<!--"I actually came to give her the money I had set aside for her marriage, but she won't accept it. I'm going to hand it over to my father-in-law instead... Please convey my greetings to her. And also tell her that I won't bother her anymore."-->
- На самом деле, я пришел отдать ей деньги, которые я отложил на свадьбу, но она не приняла их. Вместо этого я отдам их моему тестю... Пожалуйста, передайте ей привет. И скажите, что я больше не буду ее беспокоить.
<!--"W-Wait a moment, please! Saki, go fetch Etsuko-san."-->
- П-погодите секунду, пожалуйста! Саки, приведи Эцко-сан.
<!--I was unsure if I could just let him go, so I wanted Saki to bring Etsuko-san, but her father said, -->
Я не был уверен, могу ли я отпустить его вот так, и хотел, чтобы Саки привела Эцко-сан, но ее отец сказал:
<!--"She's meeting Hideki-kun right now, so please don't disturb them."-->
- Она сейчас с Хидэки-куном, так что, пожалуйста, не тревожьте их.
- Что?
<!--What did he just say? —Hideki-san?-->
Что он только что сказал? ...Хидэки-сан?
<!--"There was a call from him just now. Or do you not know Hideki-kun? He's her husband-to-be!"-->
- Он только что звонил. Или вы не знаете Хидэки-куна? Он ее будущий муж!
<!--"We know. But Hideki-san has been together with us until just now."-->
- Мы знаем. Но Хидэки-сан до недавних пор был вместе с нами.
<!--Come to think of it, he hadn't come back here with us.-->
Я только сейчас понял, что он не вернулся с нами.
<!--"When did you get the call?"-->
- Когда он позвонил?
<!--"Just now. A few moments before you arrived here. It seemed like an urgent matter."-->
- Только что. Прямо перед вашим приходом. Похоже, дело было срочное.
<!--''What's that supposed to mean... almost as if to make us miss her...''-->
<em>Что это значит... Как будто специально, чтобы мы ее не застали...</em>
<!--I started to feel strong qualms.-->
Меня обуревали сильные сомнения.
<!--Had I gotten something completely the wrong way?-->
Я что-то совсем не так понял?
<!--A thought crossed my mind. A thought I had had earlier.-->
Мне в голову пришла мысль. Мысль, которая раньше уже посещала меня.
<!--''It's not only Etsuko-san and her father who know about what happened ten years ago. Hideki-san might know as well.''-->
<em>Не только Эцко-сан и ее отец знают, что произошло 10 лет назад. Хидэки-сан тоже может знать.</em>
<!--''Why did I miss the possibility that was a step ahead from there?''-->
<em>Как я упустил из виду следующий из этого вариант?</em>
<!--The possibility that Hideki-san, her childhood friend, was involved in the incident.-->
Вариант, что Хидэки-сан, ее друг детства, был связан с инцидентом.
<!--"I'm sorry, but please tell us if you know what happened ten years ago." -->
- Простите, но расскажите, пожалуйста, что произошло 10 лет назад, если вы об этом знаете.
<!--Her father's grew visibly pale.-->
Ее отец заметно побледнел.
<!--"Right. Her mother passed away. What happened at the time?" I added.-->
- Так. Ее мать скончалась. Как это случилось? – добавил я.
<!--"...My wife slipped and fell from the stairs. Unfortunately, she..."-->
- ...Моя жена поскользнулась и упала с лестницы. К сожалению, она...
<!--"That's all? What about Etsuko-san at the time?"-->
- И все? А Эцко-сан?
<!--"Apparently, she was locked in her room in the second floor because she had misbehaved."-->
- Ее заперли в комнате на втором этаже за плохое поведение.
<!--"That's all? Didn't she say anything more?"-->
- И все? Она больше ничего не рассказывала?
- ...
<!--"Please tell us! It's important!"-->
- Пожалуйста, скажите нам! Это важно!
<!--After a short silence, he muttered, "....All right."-->
После недолгого молчания, он пробормотал:
- ...Хорошо.
<!--"She said that Hideki-kun had pushed her mother down."-->
- Она сказала, что Хидэки-кун столкнул ее мать вниз.
<!--I was left speechless.-->
Я потерял дар речи.
<!--"I only met her once at the funeral. She told me then. But at the time, he was still in elementary school, so he would have never done that. I suspect she made this up because she didn't want to blame herself, because she believed this wouldn't have happened if she hadn't misbehaved."-->
- Мы виделись с ней всего один раз, на похоронах. Тогда она мне и рассказала. Но он в то время учился в начальной школе и никогда бы этого не сделал. Я подозреваю, она придумала эту историю, потому что не хотела винить себя – она верила, что этого бы не случилось, если бы она не провинилась.
<!--Finally I realized what the ten-years old memory she wanted to forget was.-->
Я наконец понял, какое 10-летнее воспоминание она хотела забыть.
<!--Etsuko-san witnessed ten years ago how Hideki-san killed her mother. But her father didn't believe her. No one believed her.-->
10 лет назад Эцко-сан была свидетельницей того, как Хидэки-сан убил ее мать. Но отец не поверил ей. Ей никто не поверил.
<!--Because she didn't trust her own memory, she wrote the truth down in the Relic and ate it to make sure she wouldn't forget. I don't know why she ate it. Either to make herself remember, or to hide it.-->
Не доверяя своей памяти, она записала правду в реликте и съела, чтобы точно не забыть. Я не знаю, почему она его съела. Либо чтобы запомнить, либо чтобы спрятать.
<!--However, she met Hideki-san again.-->
Однако, она снова встретила Хидэки-сана.
<!--She met him again without knowing who he was—and fell in love.-->
Она встретилась с ним снова, не зная кто он, – и влюбилась.
<!--Therefore, she wanted to forget the truth about her mother's death. She wanted to forget that the man she loved had killed her mother.-->
Поэтому она хотела забыть правду о смерти матери. Она хотела забыть, что мужчина, которого она любила, убил ее мать.
<!--"Tell me one more thing," I asked. "Has her brain ''really'' been damaged and caused her memory to be defective?"-->
- Скажите кое-что еще, - попросил я. – Ее мозг <em>правда</em> был поврежден и послужил причиной дефективной памяти?
<!--Her father widened his eyes.-->
Глаза ее отца широко открылись.
<!--That was enough for me.-->
Этого мне было достаточно.
<!--"Her memory is operating properly, right?"-->
- С ее памятью все в порядке, так ведь?
<!--While talking to Etsuko-san, I entertained doubts several times. When we asked her about her past, she would always consult her computer. But there were never any contradictions to what she had said before.-->
В ходе разговора с Эцко-сан у меня несколько раз возникали сомнения. Каждый раз, когда мы спрашивали о ее прошлом, она лезла в компьютер. Но до этого в ее словах никогда не было несовпадений.
<!--While she was forgetful and a scatterbrain, her long-term memory seemed just fine. Everything she had forgotten was quite normal.-->
Хотя она была забывчивой и рассеянной, с ее долговременной памятью, кажется, все в порядке. Ничего необычного в том, что она забывчива, не было.
<!--I don't remember how long my record of forgetting things in elementary school was, either. I don't remember what I ate a week ago. But she considered forgetting such things ''strange''.-->
Я тоже не помню, сколько всего я забывал в начальной школе. Я не помню, что ел неделю назад. Но ей казалось <em>странным</em> забывать подобные вещи.
<!--She had no confidence in her memory... no, she was obsessed with thinking so.-->
У нее не было уверенности в своей памяти... нет, она была одержима этой мыслью.
<!--"...It's like you said. Her memory is operating perfectly fine! She has only suffered from a loss of memory, but her memory itself remained undamaged. Sure, she's very forgetful and has trouble remembering faces, but there's no big difference from others. The doctor also confirmed that there was no problem to her brain."-->
- ...Все как ты и говорил. Ее память работает абсолютно нормально! Она лишь потеряла память, но способность запоминать не пострадала. Конечно, она очень забывчива, и ей трудно запоминать лица, но она не так уж отличается от остальных. Врач тоже подтвердил, что проблем с ее мозгом нет.
<!--"Then why is it that she thinks so about herself...?"-->
- Тогда почему она так считает?..
<!--"My wife is the origin. When Etsuko forgot something, she would persuade herself that the accident was to blame and forced Etsuko to memorize lots of useless things. She bought diaries for her and made her write her diary every day. In extreme detail, Etsuko had to write what she had thought and what she had done, and even pointless things like what she had eaten. If she didn't write the diary, my wife would beat her and lock her up in her room until she completed the entry. Naked, at that. I often got into an argument with my wife because of that. This was also the cause for our divorce. When I rebuked her and told her that she was going to far, she yelled at me that I was not thinking about Etsuko. But I could understand why she became like that."-->
- Из-за моей жены. Когда Эцко что-то забывала, она убеждала себя, что виновата авария и заставляла Эцко запоминать кучу бесполезной ерунды. Она покупала ей дневники и заставляла ее заполнять их каждый день. В мельчайших подробностях Эцко должна была описывать, что она думала и что делала, даже бессмысленные вещи, например: что она ела. Если она не писала дневник, моя жена била ее и закрывала в комнате, пока та не закончит запись. Голой, при том. Из-за этого мы с женой часто ругались. Это же послужило причиной развода. Когда я упрекнул ее и сказал, что она перегибает палку, она закричала, что я не думаю об Эцко. Но я понимаю, почему она стала такой.
<!--"Was there a reason?"-->
- Была причина?
<!--"Etsuko's accident. But not the accident itself... after meeting with the accident, she was unconscious for a week. When she finally woke up and looked at her mother, her first words were:-->
- Авария Эцко. Но не сама авария... После аварии она неделю пробыла без сознания. Когда она наконец очнулась и посмотрела на мать, ее первыми словами были:
<!--—'Who are you?'-->
«Кто ты?»<!--по идее оно должно быть частью верхнего предложения, но так усиливается драмматический эффект -->
<!--Most likely her memories were only a little mixed up. She recognized her shortly after. But this didn't deaden the shock my wife had gotten. From the fact that Etsuko had lost memories of her past, she arrived at the idea that Etsuko's memory had gotten defective. Therefore, she tried to make her remember more than necessary. Because of that, Etsuko also started to believe that her memory were defective. No matter how much I told her otherwise, she just wouldn't believe me."-->
Скорее всего ее воспоминания лишь слегка спутались. Вскоре она ее вспомнила. Но шок, который испытала моя жена, остался. Из того, что Эцко потеряла воспоминания из прошлого, она сделала вывод, что память Эцко пострадала. Поэтому она старалась заставить ее запоминать больше необходимого. Из-за этого Эцко тоже начала верить, что ее память пострадала. Сколько бы я не утверждал об обратном, она не хотела мне верить.
<!--Etsuko-san had told us that she could not forget what had happened ten years ago. No wonder. Who would forget the death of one's mother after only ten years? It's a matter of course that one can't forget it for a lifetime. It's a matter of course to remember.-->
Эцко-сан сказала нам, что не может забыть, что случилось 10 лет назад. Не удивительно. Кто забудет смерть своей мамы всего лишь через 10 лет? Само собой разумеется, что такое запоминается на всю жизнь. Ясное дело, она помнит об этом.
<!--The information of her defective memory had misled me.-->
Информация о ее дефективной памяти сбила меня с толку.
<!--It was a completely normal thing.-->
Это было совершенно нормальным явлением.
<!--"I'm sorry, but did she say where she went?"-->
- Извините, а она не сказала, куда пошла?
<!--"Mm, she left in a hurry, you know. But I think she wrote a memo...?"-->
- М-м, она ушла второпях. Но, кажется, она оставила записку... <!-- не вопросительное выражение или переделать на вопросительное или убрать вопрос.-->
<!--I went to the phone.-->
Я подошел к телефону.
<!--Next to the phone was a notepad and a pen. A rather thick notepad. She had most likely the habit of taking notes, since she had no confidence in her memory. It may go without saying, but the memo where she had noted the meeting point had been torn off.-->
Рядом с аппаратом лежали блокнот с ручкой. Довольно толстый блокнот. Скорее всего, привычка писать записки появилась вследствие неуверенности в собственной памяти. Может об этом не стоит и говорить, но листок с пунктом назначения был выдран.
<!--But it was still there. The meeting place was still written there.-->
Но он все еще был здесь. Пункт назначения все еще был написан здесь.
<!--I took the pen and moved it over the new memo. While paying attention not to press to hard, I painted the memo black. Fine white lines became visible on the black surface. The pressure of her pen stroke had left an impression on the underlying sheet--><!-- Dunno if we can say it like that in English -->
Я взял ручку и начал водить ей по новому листку. Стараясь давить не слишком сильно, я закрасил листок черным. На черной поверхности виднелись тонкие белые линии. Под давлением ее ручки, буквы отпечатались на следующем<!--нижнем -->листке.
- ...
<!--But all the impressions that had been made over time overlapped and made it impossible to read it.-->
Но из-за того, что отпечатки предыдущих записок накладывались друг на друга, прочитать было невозможно.
<!--Because several letters overlapped each other, it looked only like a pattern that couldn't be read at all or that could be read as anything.-->
Так как в нескольких местах иероглифы сплетались друг с другом<!--сидели друг на друге / иероглифы(здесь всё же лучше употребить именно это слово. аргументирую тем,что когда иероглифы накладываются, разобрать действительно невозможно. вариантов толкования становится масса, в отличие от букв) сплетались друг с другом -->, эти узоры прочитать было либо вообще нельзя, либо можно было трактовать как угодно.
<!--I sharpened my eyes and looked again at the memo. However, the more I tried, the more I failed to make sense of it.-->
Я сосредоточился и снова посмотрел на записку. Однако чем больше я пытался, тем меньше у меня получалось разобрать смысл.
- Токия... – раздался сзади тревожный голос Саки.
<!--Saki's uneasy voice stroked my back.-->
<!--It was then that a painful noise crossed my mind—-->
В тот момент раздался звук, от которого заболела голова...
<!--Etsuko-san and Hideki-san were facing each other.-->
Эцко-сан и Хидэки-сан стояли лицом к друг другу.
<!--I don't know where this is.-->
Я не знаю, где это место.
<!--Etsuko-san was standing with her back to a fence, and Hideki-san was standing in front of her.-->
Эцко-сан стояла спиной к забору, а Хидэки-сан – напротив нее.
<!--I was watching this scene from afar. To be more exact, it was like looking down from a higher building at the roof of a lower building.-->
Я наблюдал издалека. Точнее, я как будто смотрел сверху здания на крышу более низкого здания.
<!--Etsuko-san was shaking her head.-->
Эцко-сан мотала головой.
<!--I couldn't make out her expression. I could only see her back. Most likely she was appealing to him, but I couldn't understand what she said.-->
Я не видел выражения ее лица. Я видел лишь ее спину. Скорее всего, она обращалась к нему, но я не услышал, что она сказала.
<!--Hideki-san slowly approached her.-->
Хидэки-сан медленно подошел к ней.
<!--She took a step back but had to stop because she bumped against the fence.-->
Она шагнула назад, но натолкнулась на ограждение.
<!--Behind the fence was nothing.-->
За ним ничего не было.
<!--My field of vision moved downward.-->
Я посмотрел вниз.
<!--Below the fence was a wall with windows. There were a lot of window glasses that were neatly arranged in a regular interval. An apartment house? No. There was a round clock on the wall.-->
Ниже ограждения была стена с окнами. Множество окон, аккуратно расположенных через равные расстояния. Жилой дом? Нет. На стене были круглые часы.
<!--My field of vision moved back up.-->
Я снова посмотрел наверх.
<!--At the same time, Etsuko-san bent back and was pushed over the fence.-->
В то же время Эцко-сан наклонилась назад и ее столкнули через перила.
- !..
- Токия!
<!--Saki's strong voice brought me back.-->
Я очнулся от громкого голоса Саки.
<!--The future my artificial right eye—a Relic named "Vision"—had shown me, was the worst that could happen.-->
Будущее, которое показал мне мой искусственный глаз (реликт под названием «видение»), – худшее из возможных.
<!--"What's wrong?"-->
- Что случилось?
<!--"If we don't do something, Etsuko-san is going to be..."-->
- Если мы что-нибудь не сделаем, Эцко-сан...
<!--I was about to say ''killed'', but I held myself back. I couldn't say this in front of her father. But Saki had apparently guessed.-->
Я собирался сказать «убьют», но сдержался. Я не мог сказать этого перед ее отцом. Но Саки, похоже, догадалась.
<!--"Where is she?" she asked.-->
- Где она? – спросила она.
<!--"At school."-->
- В школе.
<!--A fenced roof, regularly arranged windows, a clock on the wall.-->
Крыша, огороженная забором, равномерные ряды окон, часы на стене.
<!--The only building that incorporated all of these elements was a school.-->
Единственное здание, сочетавшее в себе все эти элементы – школа.
<!--"They are at school."-->
- Они в школе.
<!--I looked again at the memo. The unreadable letters. Within them I could recognize something.-->
Я еще раз взглянул на записку. Нечитаемые буквы. Я смог кое-что рассмотреть в них.
<!--—"Closed School".-->
- ...Закрытая школа
<!--"It's that closed school."-->
- Это та закрытая школа.
<!--The place "Vision" had shown to me was no doubt a roof of a school.-->
Место, которое показало мне «Видение», несомненно являлось крышей школы.
<!--Etsuko-san was going to be pushed off the roof by Hideki-san.-->
Хидэки-сан столкнет Эцко-сан с крыши.
<!--I looked at the clock. The time was 18:45. The time I had read off the clock at the school was a few minutes before 19:00.-->
Я посмотрел на часы. Время 18:45. Время на часах школы было без нескольких минут семь.
<!--We could still make it in time. But we didn't have much. We had to hurry.-->
Мы еще могли успеть. Но времени было мало. Надо торопиться.
<!--"Quick, Saki!"-->
- Быстрее, Саки!
<!--I rushed out of the house and ran toward the closed school.-->
Я рванул из дома и побежал к закрытой школе.
<!--I jumped over the chained metal school gate and entered the school area.-->
Перепрыгнув через закрытые на цепь металлические ворота, я вошел на территорию школы.
<!--Saki was probably unable to keep up with me and still underway. But I couldn't wait for her.-->
Саки, наверное, не поспевала за мной и была еще в пути. Но я не мог ее ждать.
<!--This school consisted of two buildings with a courtyard in between. The buildings were marked as "Building A" and "Building B". Nearly all window glasses were already broken and the courtyard was covered by a cloud of dust, indicating the age of the school. The doors had been broken off, too, destroyed by someone thoughtless. This made it easy to advance into the buildings.-->
Школа состояла из двух корпусов, разделенных двором. Они были промаркированы как «корпус А» и «корпус Б». Почти все стекла уже были разбиты, а над двором висело облако пыли – все выдавало возраст школы. Двери тоже были выломаны, уничтожены кем-то безрассудным. Из-за этого войти в здания не составляло труда.
<!--According to "Vision", they were on the roof.-->
Если верить «Видению», они были на крыше.
<!--The question was on which.-->
Но на какой? Вот в чем вопрос.
<!--I compared the two buildings.-->
Я сравнил оба корпуса.
<!--However, both of them looked the same, making it hard to determine which one "Vision" had shown to me.-->
Однако, оба выглядели одинаково, и я затруднялся определить, какой из них показало мне «Видение».
<!--They were only connected at the first floor, so I would have to go all the way down to the first floor if I picked the wrong one.-->
Переход был только на первом этаже, так что мне пришлось бы спускаться в самый низ, если бы я выбрал не тот корпус.
<!--The building "Vision" had shown to me had a fence, windows and a clock.-->
У корпуса, который мне показало «Видение», были окна, забор и часы.
<!--But those existed on both buildings.-->
Но все это присутствовало и у второго корпуса.
<!--''Which one is it?''-->
<em>Какой же из них?</em>
<!--I compared the two school buildings like one of those "Spot The Difference" games-->.<!-- Do they have a name? I know they're known as "Fehlerbild" in German, but found no translation that made sense. -->
Я сравнил два школьных корпуса как в тех картинках «найди 10 отличий».
<!--But I didn't find out which it was.-->
Но это ни к чему не привело.
<!--I turned around to the school gate. There was no sign of Saki.-->
Я повернулся к школьным воротам. Саки нигде не было.
<!--"What's that slowpoke doing!"-->
- Что эта черепаха делает?!
<!--If she had been here, we could have split into groups...!-->
Если бы она была здесь, мы могли бы разделиться!..
<!--A look at the clock revealed to me that it was soon 19:00.-->
Посмотрев на часы, я увидел, что скоро 19:00.
<!--The time limit was almost over. No time to wait for Saki.-->
Время почти исчерпалось. Ждать Саки некогда.
<!--<i>Which one do I pick?-->
<i>Какой же выбрать?
<!--I'll have to go by instinct.</i>-->
Придется довериться инстинкту.</i>
<!--The moment I thought so, I noticed.-->
Сразу после этой мысли, я кое-что заметил.
<!--There was one difference.-->
Было одно отличие.
<!--Their height.-->
Их высота.
<!--Both had three floors, but either because of a miscalculation or because of the ground, the Building A was somewhat taller.-->
Оба были трехэтажными, но то ли из-за ошибки в расчетах, то ли из-за ландшафта, но корпус А был немного выше.
<!--Without a moment's hesitation, I selected the lower building—Building B—and entered it.-->
Не колеблясь ни секунды, я выбрал более низкое здание, корпус Б, и вошел в него.
<!--There was no guarantee that it really was Building B.-->
Гарантии, что это действительно корпус Б, не было.
<!--My only reason was that in my vision, I had looked down from a higher building at a lower building. However, the only function "Vision" has is to show me someone's death. The perspective does not matter in any way. In other words, it was not sure if I had looked down from Building A at Building B.-->
Я выбрал его только по одной причине – в моем видении я смотрел с более высокого здания на более низкое. Однако, единственная функция «Видения» - показывать мне чью-то смерть. Ракурс не имеет значения. Иными словами, я не знал точно, смотрел ли я с корпуса А на корпус Б.
<!--However, right now I had nothing else to rely on.-->
Но сейчас мне больше было не на что положиться.
<!--I rushed up to the roof at a breath and opened the metal door.-->
Я на одном дыхании<!--лингво сказал «единым духом», лол--> добежал до крыши и открыл металлическую дверь.
<!--My prediction proved true.-->
Мое предположение подтвердилось. <!--Спросить у ЕЕЕ-->
<!--But I was fatally out of luck.-->
Но мне конкретно не повезло.
<!--No, I mustn't blame my luck for it.-->
Нет, я не должен винить свою удачу.
<!--If anything, I had to blame it on my slow-wittedness or my indecision.-->
Если что и винить, то мою бестолковость или нерешительность.
<!--By the time I arrived at the roof, Etsuko-san was nowhere to be seen anymore.-->
К тому времени, когда я очутился на крыше, Эцко-сан нигде не было видно.
<!--The only thing I saw was Hideki-san's back and a figure that was disappearing beyond the fence.-->
Я увидел лишь спину Хидэки-сана и исчезающую за забором фигуру.
<!--Hideki-san turned around.-->
Хидэки-сан обернулся.
<!--His eyes were bloodshot and his breath was wild. In contrast to his absurdly heavily shivering lips, his eyes were widened so much he couldn't even wink anymore.-->
Его глаза были залиты кровью; он бешено дышал. Не соответствуя его невероятно сильно дрожащим губам, глаза были настолько широко раскрыты, что он не мог даже моргнуть.
<!--He only required a few seconds to regain his composure after recognizing me.-->
После того как он узнал меня, ему потребовалось всего несколько секунд, чтобы вернуть самообладание.
<!--By just that, he regained his composure.-->
Ему хватило так мало времени, чтобы вернуть самообладание.
<!--Even though he had pushed down his wife-to-be, he regained his damn composure in a mere few seconds.-->
Хотя он столкнул свою будущую жену, он вернул свое чертово самообладание через какие-то секунды.
<!--"Why are you here?"-->
- Зачем ты сюда пришел?
<!--"To stop you from killing her...!"-->
- Чтобы остановить вас!..
<!--Hideki-san widened his eyes even more. Had he thought I hadn't seen him?-->
Глаза Хидэки-сана расширились еще сильней. Может он подумал, что я не видел?
- Э-это...
<!--"Don't even try to tell me it was an accident," I declared.-->
- Даже не пытайтесь сказать, что это был несчастный случай, - объявил я.
<!--He swallowed the word he was about to say.-->
Он проглотил слова, которые хотел было сказать.
<!--"Tell me, why?"-->
- Скажите, почему?
<!--"...To protect myself."-->
- ...Чтобы защитить себя.
<!--He realized that he couldn't talk himself out anymore, and admitted that he had pushed her down. But I couldn't make sense of his reason.-->
Он понял, что не сможет выкрутиться, и признался, что столкнул ее. Но его причина меня озадачила.
<!--"To protect yourself?"-->
- Чтобы защитить себя?
<!--"Yes. She's given you the gist of it, hasn't she?"-->
- Да. Она уже вкратце рассказала тебе, так ведь?
<!--"...About what happened ten years ago?"-->
- ...О случившемся 10 лет назад?
<!--Hideki-san nodded silently.-->
Хидэки-сан молча кивнул.
<!--"So you ''did'' kill her mother?"-->
- Значит, это вы убили ее мать?
<!--He contorted his face because I had apparently opened an old wound.-->
Его лицо исказилось – похоже, я затронул больную тему.
<!--"That was an accident. Just because Etsuko played with me before going home, she was beaten and locked in by that hag. I didn't know what she was so angry about. Etsuko was crying. Crying to let her out. Therefore, I tried to help her. When I did so, I got in a quarrel with her mother, and eventually she lost balance and... I was still a child and desperate to help Etsuko... It wasn't on purpose..."-->
- Это был несчастный случай. Эта карга избила Эцко и заперла в комнате только потому, что она поиграла со мной перед тем, как пойти домой. Я не понимал, из-за чего она так разозлилась. Эцко плакала. Просила выпустить. Поэтому я попытался помочь ей. Тогда мы с ее матерью начали ругаться, и в конце концов она потеряла равновесие и... я был всего лишь ребенком и отчаянно пытался помочь Эцко... Я не нарочно...
<!--To Etsuko-san's mother, keeping the diary was more important than playing. She wanted her daughter to write her diary even if it meant to lock her in. But to Hideki-san, this was of no importance. He only wanted to help his crying friend.-->
Для матери Эцко-сан вести дневник было важнее игр. Она хотела, чтобы ее дочь писала дневник, даже если это означало запереть ее. Но для Хидэки-сана это было неважно. Он только хотел помочь плачущей подруге.
<!--But that didn't matter right now. Those regrets were completely insignificant.-->
Но это сейчас не имело значения. Сожалеть об этом было совершенно бессмысленно.
<!--For they didn't explain anything.-->
Так как это ничего не объясняло.
<!--"That doesn't make a reason to kill her!"-->
- Это не причина для ее убийства!
<!--"Even if she approached me to take revenge?"-->
- Даже если она сблизилась со мной, чтобы отомстить?
<!--His contorted face became even more twisted. A laugh resounded. But a bitter laugh.-->
Его лицо исказилось еще сильней. Раздался смех. Но смех был горьким. <!-- Горький смех.-->
<!--"It's a ridiculous story! Because she had changed her surname, I started going out with her without even realizing that she was Etsuko. I didn't realize until I visited my parents to introduce her as my fiancee.-->
- Нелепая история! Она поменяла фамилию, и я начал встречаться с ней, не осознавая, что это Эцко. Я не знал этого, пока не представил ее своим родителям.
<!--My heart sank to my boots when she said that she had once lived here, while pointing at the house next to ours... After that, she bothered to move back into her previous house. It was then that I realized that she had approached me, making it look like coincidence!"-->
Мое сердце ушло в пятки, когда она сказала, что когда-то жила здесь, показывая на соседний дом... Потом она затеяла переехать в него. Тогда я понял, что она подошла ко мне специально, сделав вид, что это совпадение.
<!--"She showed no sign of such an intention."-->
- Она не подавала признаков такого намерения.
<!--"But she did when she was alone with me. Every day. As if there was no need to hide it anymore, because I had noticed. She ''provocatively'' wrote those detailed diaries, saying that it was to remember that day's events. To tell me indirectly that she hadn't forgotten what I had done! But every time I unobtrusively asked her about her past, she feigned ignorance. On purpose. To make a fool of me!-->
- Подавала, когда мы были наедине. Каждый день. Как будто уже не надо было это скрывать, потому что я заметил. Она провоцирующее писала эти подробные дневники, говоря, что это чтобы запомнить события дня. Чтобы косвенно сказать мне, что она не забыла, что я сделал! Но каждый раз, когда я ненавязчиво спрашивал о ее прошлом, она изображала дурочку. Специально. Чтобы сделать из меня дурака!
<!--...I experienced firsthand what 'applying the screws by degrees' means! I couldn't sleep in the same room like her anymore. I couldn't sleep because I was so afraid of what she might do to me. The decisive factor was that she got in touch with her father after ten years. I tried to convince myself that she did so for our wedding ceremony. But she kept denying it. Even though I asked her about it several times. I was sure they had a scheme. Every time I heard the rumor of a suspicious guy peeking at her house, I thought he was really observing my house. I lived in fear that he might break in, and didn't sleep a wink. I was at my limit."-->
...Я испытал на себе, что значит «медленно затягивать гайки»! Я не мог больше спать с ней в одной комнате. Я не мог спать, потому что настолько боялся того, что она со мной сделает. Последней каплей было то, что она связалась с отцом после 10 лет. Я пытался убедить себя, что это для свадебной церемонии. Но она продолжала отрицать это. Хотя я спрашивал у нее несколько раз. Я был уверен, что они что-то замышляли. Каждый раз, когда до меня доходили слухи о подозрительном мужчине, следящем за ее домом, я думал, он на самом деле следит за мной. Я жил в страхе, что он может пробраться в дом, и не мог сомкнуть глаз. Я был на пределе.
<!--"Therefore, you called her out to this roof and wanted to make things clear?"-->
- Поэтому вы позвали ее сюда, на крышу, чтобы все прояснить?
- Да.
<!--"She denied it, didn't she?"-->
- Она все отрицала, не так ли?
<!--"Oh, she did. But..."-->
- Да. Но...
<!--"Of course she did. Because she never had such intentions to begin with."-->
- Конечно отрицала. Потому что у нее не было таких намерений с самого начала.
<!--"You don't know anything!"-->
- Ты ничего не знаешь!
<!--"But I do. After all, she asked us to erase her memories from ten years ago."-->
- Знаю. Ведь она попросила нас стереть воспоминания о произошедшем 10 лет назад.
- ?
<!--Hideki-san pulled a baffled face, as if he was unable to understand me.-->
У Хидэки-сана был ошарашенный вид, как будто он не понял меня.
<!--"She tried to forget. Because she loved you from heart, she tried to forget what happened ten years ago. But she couldn't, so she asked us for help."-->
- Она пыталась забыть. Потому что она любила вас от всего сердца, она пыталась забыть, что произошло 10 лет назад. Но не смогла и попросила нас о помощи.
- ...
<!--"It seems like you think that she got in touch with her father behind your back, but it was her grandfather who got in touch with him. She didn't tell you because she didn't know for real. Today was the first time they talked with each other."-->
- Кажется, вы думаете она связалась с отцом втайне от вас, но с ним связался ее дедушка. Она не сказала вам, потому что действительно не знала. Сегодня они впервые поговорили друг с другом.
- Вранье...<!--неправда -->
<!--"I learned from no one else but her ''father'' that she had said that you killed her mother ten years ago. She didn't tell us a word about it. No, she even tried to eliminate that truth by erasing her memory of it."-->
- О том, что вы убили ее мать 10 лет назад, я узнал не от кого иного, как от ее отца. Она не сказала нам ни слова. Нет, она даже пыталась уничтожить правду, стерев воспоминания.
<!--"Lies...," Hideki-san whispered aghast.-->
- Вранье... – прошептал пораженный ужасом Хидэки-сан.
<!--"Tell me... you're lying..."-->
- Скажи... что ты врешь...
<!--I don't know if he searched for someone to ask or if he wanted to check if the one he was supposed to ask still lived, but he leaned over the fence and looked down.-->
Я не знаю, искал ли он ее, чтобы спросить, или хотел проверить, жива ли все еще та, у которой он хотел спросить, тем не менее, оперившись на перила, он посмотрел вниз.
<!--That moment, the old fence started to bend over.-->
Как раз в этот момент старая ограда начала прогибаться.
<!--Unstoppable, but almost like in slow-motion, the fence broke and Hideki-san disappeared from the roof.-->
Неотвратимо, словно как в замедленном действии, забор сломался, и Хидэки-сан исчез с крыши.
<div style="text-align: center">◆</div>
<!--Nearly a week had passed since that day.-->
С того дня прошла почти неделя.
<!--I was studying hard at the shop because the second supplementary exam was on the following day.-->
Я усиленно занимался в магазине, так как вторая пересдача была завтра.
<!--I decided against using the notebook Relic. In the end, the notebook stayed in our care, but when thinking about the emotions Etsuko-san's mother had given it to her daughter with, I couldn't use it carelessly.-->
Я решил не использовать тетрадь-реликт. В итоге, тетрадь осталась у нас, но думая о чувствах, с которыми мать Эцко-сан дала ее ей, я не мог легкомысленно ею воспользоваться.
<!--Forgetting is a gift given to man.-->
Способность забывать это дар, данный человеку.
<!--But how do we forget things?-->
Но как мы забываем что-то?
<!--I believe that is because we stop thinking about them.-->
Думаю, потому что перестаем об этом думать.
<!--However bitter a memory is, it gradually fades away with time. Because we stop thinking about that "something" in our cruelly unstoppable daily lives, the memory fades away.-->
Каким бы горьким не было воспоминание, со временем оно блекнет. Из-за того, что мы перестаем думать об «этом» в своей коварно неудержимой повседневной жизни, воспоминание блекнет.
<!--Until we forget it one day.-->
До тех пор, пока мы его не забываем.
<!--But on the other hand, as long as we keep thinking about it, we will absolutely not forget it. The memory won't even fade.-->
Но, с другой стороны, пока мы постоянно думаем об этом, то абсолютно точно не забудем. Воспоминание даже не поблекнет.
<!--The death of her dear mother. The big mistake of her loved one. No way she would just stop thinking about it.-->
Смерть ее дорогой матери. Большая ошибка ее возлюбленного. Не может быть<!--я обычно использую слово "невообразимо" в этом случае -->, чтобы она прекратила думать об этом.
<!--She must have recalled it every time she opened her diary—the diaries she had received from her mother.-->
Должно быть, она вспоминала об этом каждый раз, когда открывала дневник – дневники, полученные от матери.
<!--Despite everything, her memories had surely faded a little.-->
Вопреки всему, ее воспоминания несомненно немного поблекли.
<!--Those ten years had surely made her bitter memories fade a little.-->
Эти 10 лет несомненно заставили те горькие воспоминания поблекнуть.
<!--But she met Hideki-san again.-->
Но она снова встретила Хидэки-сана.
<!--From the day she realized who he was, she started thinking about it again. She recalled that day over and over.-->
С того дня, когда она поняла кто он, она снова начала думать об этом. Она вспоминала тот день снова и снова.
<!--She wanted to forget those memories because she loved him. But the more she wanted to do so, the more she recalled.-->
Она хотела забыть эти воспоминания, потому что любила его. Но чем больше она хотела этого, тем больше вспоминала.
<!--Her strong wish to forget had, quite the reverse, fortified her memories over and over and turned it into a firm and clear memory. What an irony.-->
Ее сильное желание забыть, наоборот укрепляло ее воспоминания раз за разом, пока не сделало их прочными и четкими. Какая ирония.
<!--"But why did Etsuko-san move to the house next to Hideki-san's?" I wondered.-->
- Но почему Эцко-сан переехала в дом по соседству с Хидэки-саном? – поинтересовался я.
<!--"Probably she wanted to be together with her mother. In the house full of memories, even just for the little while until her wedding. I think this was Etsuko-san's subtle way of atoning for her sin," Saki said as she put a cup of black tea in front of me.-->
- Наверное, ей хотелось быть вместе с матерью. В доме, наполненном воспоминаниями, хотя бы чуть-чуть, до свадьбы. Мне кажется, таким образом Эцко-сан хотела искупить свой грех, - сказала Саки, поставив передо мной чашку черного чая.
<!--The sweet fragrance of black tea tickled my nose. By the way, Towako-san was pulling a grimace while looking at our sales figures.-->
Сладкий аромат чая щекотал нос. Кстати, Товако-сан скривила лицо, рассматривая отчет о продажах.
<!--It was the same sight as always. Will there be a day I forget this sight?-->
Привычная картина. Настанет ли день, когда я ее забуду?
<!--Suddenly, the door opened and the attached bell announced the arrival of a customer.-->
Вдруг дверь открылась, и колокольчик объявил о приходе посетителя.
<!--Saki went to welcome the customer.-->
Саки пошла поприветствовать покупателя.
<!--It was Etsuko-san.-->
Это была Эцко-сан.
<!--By a miracle, she had come off with just a light blow because she had bounced against an awning and then fell on a mat that had been left there by chance. As regards Hideki-san, he unfortunately hadn't had as much luck and missed the mat. Even worse, he had fallen right on the fence that had stuck into the ground and—-->
Она чудом отделалась легким ушибом, так как, спружинив от навеса, <!--или сетку, ставят такие на дома, мосты от идиотов— abliarsar-->она по воле случая упала на оставленный там мат. Что касается Хидэки-сана, ему повезло меньше – он упал мимо мата. Что еще хуже, он упал прямо на частокол, воткнутый в землю,<!--стоявший на земле--> и...
<!--"Thank you very much for your help. And forgive me for the belated thanks."-->
- Большое спасибо вам за помощь. И прошу прощения за запоздалую благодарность.
<!--She had undergone investigation.-->
Она была под следствием.
<!--As we had been involved as well, we received notification from the Police that this case was set aside as an accident in the end.-->
Так как мы тоже были вовлечены, полиция известила нас, что в итоге дело закрыли как несчастный случай.
<!--The Police don't know that Hideki-san tried to kill her. Just like they don't know that he had killed Etsuko-san's mother.-->
Полиция не знает, что Хидэки-сан пытался ее убить. Так же, как они не знают, что он убил мать Эцко-сан.
<!--"Did you come for this?" Towako-san asked as she held the notebook aloft.-->
- Вы пришли за этим? – спросила Товако-сан, поднимая тетрадь.
<!--Etsuko-san shook her head. "You can keep it."-->
Эцко-сан помотала головой.
- Можете оставить ее.
<!--"Are you sure? Didn't we agree that I'd just take a few pages?"-->
- Вы уверены? Разве мы не договаривались, что я возьму только несколько страниц?
<!--"It's okay. I have enough mementos of my mother, and I don't need it anymore."-->
- Ничего страшного. У меня достаточно вещей, напоминающих о матери, да и мне она не нужна.
<!--"Oh?" I noticed that she didn't have her computer with her.-->
- Вот как?
Я заметил, что у нее нет при себе компьютера.
<!--She looked at me and nodded.-->
Она посмотрела на меня и кивнула.
<!--"I don't carry it around any longer. I finally managed to believe my father. My brain has taken no damage and my memory is not defective."-->
- Я больше не ношу его с собой. Я наконец-то смогла поверить отцу. Мой мозг не пострадал, и моя память не дефектная.
<!--Perhaps it was this kind of confidence she had needed the whole time.-->
Возможно, именно такой уверенности ей не хватало все это время.
<!--Not a bunch of diaries, and certainly not a notebook that let her remember anything.-->
Не кипы дневников, и уж точно не тетради, позволяющей запомнить все что угодно.
<!--"It's really curious. So far I used to believe my memory was cloudy, but now it seems awfully clear to me."-->
- Очень любопытно. До недавних пор я считала свою память туманной, но теперь она кажется мне до ужаса ясной.
<!--A tear rolled down her cheek.-->
По ее щеке скатилась слеза.
<!--She looked very, very sorrowful.-->
Она выглядела грустно-прегрустно.
- Эцко-сан?
<!--"Truly, it's all so clear. Be it my mother's death or Hideki-san's attempt to kill me, I remember it all so clearly.-->
- В самом деле, все так ясно. Будь то смерть матери или попытка Хидэки-сана убить меня, я все помню так ясно.
<!--—It's all so ''unbearably'' clear. So..."-->
...Все так <em>невыносимо</em> ясно. Так что...
<!--Etsuko-san continued.-->
Эцко-сан продолжила:
<!--"Is there a notebook that makes me forget everything I write in it?"-->
- Существует ли тетрадь, делающая так, чтобы я забывала все, что в ней пишу?
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