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m (Created page with "==Chapter 1: Hit Up Summer!== “You’ve won the grand prize!” Charlotte stood dumbstruck in front of the man ringing the bell. In the shopping district close to the acad...")
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Ichika is daft at crucial times, but when he's sharp when it comes to the subtleties of people's feelings.
Ichika is daft at crucial times, but he's sharp when it comes to the subtleties of people's feelings.
Whether to be happy or resentful over such a thing, Charlotte was in a complex state of mind.
Whether to be happy or resentful over such a thing, Charlotte was in a complex state of mind.

Revision as of 17:17, 23 October 2011

Chapter 1: Hit Up Summer!

“You’ve won the grand prize!”

Charlotte stood dumbstruck in front of the man ringing the bell.

In the shopping district close to the academy, Charlotte had just drawn a winning ticket.

“What's this? What's going on?”

“Ah, Laura. It looks like I won the grand prize.”

“Oh? That’s great.”

Laura was accompanying Charlotte on the shopping trip, and despite not knowing what was going on, praised Charlotte with a “That's great.”

“Now then! The grand prize is three free passes to this Spa Resort!”

Upon hearing the words "Spa Resort", Charlotte's eyes lit up.

“Eh? Do you mean the one that was recently built?”

“Yep! It’s a place where you can enjoy baths from around the world! It's a mixed bathing resort, but no need to worry since you just wear swimsuits!”

“M-mixed bathing...”

The first thing she thought of upon being told this, was indeed Ichika.

M-mixed bathing.... mixed bathing with Ichika.....

Charlotte imagined Ichika's handsome face through the steam of water.

Blushing, she took her prize and quickly turned towards Laura.

“L-Laura, would you like to go together?”


“Haaa... what am I going to do. I'm so nervous.”

At the time of 6:00PM, Charlotte was in the first year's corridor of the IS Academy.

On the door in front of her hung the nameplate "Orimura" and Ichika was likely inside.

“What should I say to invite him....”

Once again, she repeats the simulation that she had went through many times already.

“Ah, Ichika. I won this, want to go together?”

“Oh, sure. A spa world that you wear your bathing suit to? I'll look forward to it.”

“Ichika, you really do love baths don't you.”

“No, what I'm looking forward to is being able to see Char in a swimsuit.”


And then he embraces me, with a kiss...

“Yeah right, just kidding!!”

“Eh, Char?”



Suddenly, the door opened and Ichika appeared from inside.

As it was so sudden, Charlotte could not possibly be any more flustered.

Wha?..umm.. what...what was it? Ahh.. ummm... kiss?

Of course not! It took almost 10 seconds for Charlotte to get her thoughts in order.

Charlotte once again faced Ichika.

“Ah, hey!”

“Hm? What is it?”

� “F-food!”

“Hm? Ah, dinner? We going together?”


Charlotte lined up next to Ichika and started walking, deciding to bring the topic up after heading to the cafeteria.

Charlotte shot quick glances over to Ichika beside her, which Ichika returned with a “Hm?”. In a panic, she turned her face away from him.

Her face was colored a light pink.

“Ah, Orimura-kun! Yahoo~”

“Are you going to dinner now? Ah, so close. I should have gone a little bit later.”

“Hey hey Orimura-kun, can I come by your room to hang out some time?”

Seeing Ichika pass by different girls in the hallway and exchange brief pleasantries with them, once again confirms Ichika's high popularity to Charlotte.

Ichika…he’s too friendly to everyone.

It'd be better if he was only sweet with me...

Charlotte ever so slightly puffed out her cheeks as she thought selfish thoughts of her love.

“Charlotte, is something wrong? It kind of looks like you’re in a bad mood.”

“N-no, not really? It's nothing.”

Charlotte couldn’t believe that Ichika was able pick up on it, and couldn't hide her surprise at his inference.

Ichika is daft at crucial times, but he's sharp when it comes to the subtleties of people's feelings.

Whether to be happy or resentful over such a thing, Charlotte was in a complex state of mind.

They descended the stairs and headed to the cafeteria on the first floor.

“What are you going to have to eat Ichika?”

“Hmmm.., I could go for the nirereba* lunch set.”

“Liver huh...? That has a sort of manly feel to it.”

“Haha, what's that supposed to mean?”

“It just gives that impression, jeez... you don't have to laugh at me.”

“My bad, my bad. So, what about you Char?”

“I'll have, hmmmm.....”

Looking over the menu once again, Charlotte’s gaze stopped on the flounder with red bean paste lunch set.

“I'll go with this, it looks good.”

“Ahh, yeah it does. Trade some with me later.”

“Ah, sure! I will!”

Is he going to feed me again!? "Here, aaaahhhnnn~” ehe… ehehehe....

In high spirits from imagining such a scene, Charlotte decided to strike while the iron was hot and quickly headed towards the counter.

Aahhhnnn~ with Ichika! Aahhnnn~ with Ichika!

Charlotte took her food and went to her seat in a half skip walking pattern.




What Ichika was offering her was a single serving of nirareba1 on a small dish.

1 http://japanesefood.about.com/od/pork/r/nirareba.htm

� “....fine.”


Why did they have to have those little serving dishes available today, jeez!!!!

As it would be strange to complain in response to him, Charlotte placed some of her own food on one of the small dishes.


“Thanks. Ohh…it has a good consistency to it, this looks great.”


“Let’s eat!”


“Char, you're not going to eat?”

“I will.”

“What is it? Maybe you want me to feed you again?”

“N-no way!”

Embarrassed by Ichika hitting a bull’s-eye, Charlotte suddenly stood up.

“It was a joke! A joke.”

”Ichika, you know there are both jokes you should say and those you shouldn't.”

“I-I'm sorry.”

“That's right, reflect on your actions!”

Sitting back down in her seat, inside her heart Charlotte was all balled up.

(Aaaahhhh~ I'm so stupid, stupid....! I should have just said 'yes' !!!

  • Begin Delusion*

“What is it Char, do you want me to feed you?”


“You're so spoiled.”

“Only when it comes to you Ichika....”

“Sure sure, okay then, here, Ahhhnnn’"


“Ohhh, you got some sauce on your lips.”


“You're so helpless, Char.”

“I, Ichika!? That's.. a kiss!?”

“Here, shush.”


  • End Delusion*

“Mm! It's delicious! Here, you try it too Char.”


Charlotte moved her chopsticks while praying that Ichika would somehow not notice that she was blushing once again.

“It's good.”


“It has ginger or something in it right? Do you know Ichika?”

“Hmmm... I wonder, there’s some hidden flavor in the flounder as well.

“Either way, it's so good! I want to be able to cook something like this.”

“You're quite skilled Char, you could probably pick it up pretty quickly.”

� “Y-you think so?”

“Yeah, the cupcakes you made recently were really good, right?”

“Ah, anyone could do that.”

“No, no, that's not true. I think you have talent for cooking Char.”

“T, Thank you....”

Happy from being praised, Charlotte used those uplifting feelings as momentum and brought up the original question.

“B-by the way, Ichika. The day after tomorrow, want to go here?”
