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*Protestant (Reformed Faith) - Schism because of the decay of the old faith, the new-wave Tsirch which matches the times.
*Protestant (Reformed Faith) - Schism because of the decay of the old faith, the new-wave Tsirch which matches the times.
*Provisional Parliament : In regards to Musashi, organization of adults whom are colleagues of the Student Council, Chancellor's Board, and Committee.

Revision as of 20:19, 8 December 2011


Horizon1A 012.jpg
Horizon1A 013.jpg


  • Academy : School facility. Core section of practical politics and military. A great number of branch schools exist.
  • Allowance of Contradiction : The basic ability of this world. In other words, it fulfills the simultaneous existence of physical laws.
  • ATELL : Smallest unit of Fluid. Used in Ability.


  • Bless : The Fluid needed for a human being to exist for one hour. 3600 ATELL. Conversion unit for ATELL expenditure in Ability.


  • Catholics (Old Faith) : Mainstream Tsirch which has existed since olden days.
  • Church : Organizations who believe in God(s) or the Testament. Groups.


  • Deadly Sin Armament : Large-Scale Destruction Armament made using the deadly sins of humanity as a motif.


  • Earth Pulse : Interior of the channels in which Fluid, which makes up space, flows; it is thick.
  • Edel Brocken (Overlooking Magic Mountain) : Magic brand. Location of headquarters is unclear.
  • Earth Pulse Reactor : Reactor which extracts and purifies Fluid from Earth Pulses. Easily causes an anomaly in the Earth Pulse, and if it explodes, it will annihilate and destabilize several kilometers of its surroundings, so it is forbidden in the Tsirchian Church.
  • Emperor : Divine Being, carries out Earth Pulse control with Divine Tools in the imperial city. Unrelated with this world.
  • End of Days : The end of this world. 1648, when the Testament's history description cut off.
  • England : England. Using a floating island, they do not control any important names or territory of the Far East.
  • Executive Tool (Mouse) : Sacred Creature-type devices which act as an intermediary for the Shinto Church and Musicians. In other churches, it is also called Executive Assistant.
  • External-fuel Bless : Bless which is stored outside of oneself. Fluid Fuel is classified as this.


  • Fino Alba (Star of Mechanical Devices): K.P.A. Italia's Brand. Power springs are its sales.
  • Fluid : Allowance of Contradiction-type element which makes up space.
  • Fluid Fuel : Fluid purified as fuel. Used by external-fuel Bless or Fluid Drive Tools.
  • Fluid Drive Tools : Drive Tool which uses Fluid's Continuum Warp power. The effect changes dependent upon the internal crest.
  • Fluid Reactor : Reactor which extracts and purifies Fluid from space. Compared to Earth Pulse Reactors, the output is low, but it is comparatively safe.


  • God of War : Fused with a human, a gargantuan moving humanoid machine.


  • Hankou : Qing's Brand. Durable, but rather rough.
  • Hexagone Francaise : Mouri + France.
  • History Recreation : People recreate the Testament's description, keeping the flow of the world.


  • Internal-fuel Bless : Bless which is accumulated within oneself.
  • Izumo Industries (IZUMO) : The Far East's most large-scale industrial corporation. The Far East's head shrine and the business which takes charge of Musashi's construction.


  • K.P.A. Italia : Aki Union + Italy Cities Union.


  • Magic : Civilians' Ability, which is highly oppressed in Europe.
  • M.H.R.R : Hashiba + Holy Roman Empire.
  • Mikawa : Located between India and the Middle East. Because it had been formed as the controller of the Far East, it acts as a residential area for the Far East, and the Testament Union has acknowledged its high autocracy, but because of the Testament's description, it allied with P.A. ODA, and because P.A. ODA had half-ceded from the Testament Union, it became a neutral country; to both the Testament Union and P.A., it is in a half locked-country status.
  • Murasai : Worships the Testament differently from Tsirch, a late faith.
  • Musashi : Aerial City Ship. The only independent territory allowed by the Far East.
  • Musashi Ariadust Academy : On top of Musashi, the representative school in existence on Inner Tama.


  • Offering : Dedicating internal-fuel Bless or that which makes a God rejoice to a God. Religious offering.


  • P.A. ODA : Oda family + Osman.
  • Protestant (Reformed Faith) - Schism because of the decay of the old faith, the new-wave Tsirch which matches the times.
  • Provisional Parliament : In regards to Musashi, organization of adults whom are colleagues of the Student Council, Chancellor's Board, and Committee.


  • School Rules : Fundamental laws between the Academies, decided by the Testament Union.
  • Signframe : Ability device for the usage of the basic blessings of every Church.
  • Song of Passage : Experimental version of the nursery rhyme which was created in the Far East during the Edo period.
  • Substitute Offering : In place of using Bless for Ability activation, offering that which makes the God rejoice.


  • Treaty of Westphalia : The resolution treaty of the Thirty-Years War.
  • Tres Espana : Oouchi + Spain. Portugal is also being merged.
  • Tsirch : Church which places the son of God at its head. Worships the Testament.
  • Tes. (Testament) : Means 'Responding' 'Understood'.


  • Wisdom Ore, Wisdom Water : Ore or water which contains Fluid. Can also be used as Fluid Fuel.