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m (Created page with "'''Please imagine the scene below before answering.''' “You are walking alone in a forest, and you realized that you are lost. You continue walking through the pitch-black for...")
m (Again, not my translations)
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All of the above are very wrong.
All of the above are very wrong.
“We, Class D, declare war on Class F now!”
As the self-study session of the following day ends, the guys from Class D came to our class and declared war.
“Eh? What's wrong?”
Hideyoshi, who was standing near me, muttered in surprise. After what happened yesterday, it's understandable for him to be surprised.
“What? Didn't I hear you guys say that the plan to provoke Shimizu failed?”
Yuuji is also puzzled. I guess it’s different from Hideyoshi told him on the phone, so they couldn’t comprehend what is happening in front of them. By the way, Yuuji called me too, but it seemed that he couldn't get to me. I think I need to pay for the phone service soon...
“Muttsurini, do you know what are the circumstances now?”
“……I’ve no idea what happened yesterday, but Shimizu has been very excited since this morning.”
“Shimizu? If so, our provocation succeeded?”
“No, it isn’t possible for this to happen…...Akihisa, when Shimada ran away yesterday, did you say anything to Shimizu?”
“No, nothing at all. I didn’t say anything special. In contrast, the Summoning War is more important! Although our opponent isn’t Class B, Class D is not an easy target based on our current condition, so we should prepare quickly!”
I dodged Hideyoshi’s questioning stare. Under this condition, Hideyoshi’s acting talent is hard to handle.
“……That's right. Let’s put aside the truth for the time being, since the most important issue now is the imminent Test Summoning War. We’ve put in our effort for so long, so if we lose to Class D now, all our efforts will be in vain.”
Regardless of the process, we managed to get Class D to declare war upon us. But things aren't, next we have to fight Class D head-on with our meagre marks. Yuuji will say that the truth doesn’t matter now, and I think he’s got his priorities right inside his mind.
“Yuuji's right, the number of Class F students that's able to fight is too few, to gain victory with this weak force is not easy, it’s obvious that we don’t have the extra time to clear things up.”
“……Let’s focus on defense.”
Hideyoshi and Muttsurini are clear on the current priorities, and they started planning that instant, getting into the stage of preparation.
Okay, I must work hard on the Test Summoning Exams!
“By the way, Yuuji, have you thought of any strategies yet?”
“Of course I do, but before that, I need to confirm the strength of my team. Other than Himeji and Shimada, I need to find out how many people we have that are able to fight.”
Once he finished speaking, Yuuji stood up and went up the podium.
“Comrades, pay attention! Just like those guys said, our Class F’s Summoning War against Class D will commence soon! First things first, I need to know how strong we are! Please write down your own marks on a piece of paper and pass it to me!”
The whole class, which was agitated by Class D’s declaration of war, suddenly calmed down, and they – proceeded to write down their current marks.
The recent peeping incident depleted much of our marks, but none were left with zero marks. Students would be chosen for remedial tests based on the amount of their marks.
“By the way, I notice that I didn’t lose any marks at all.”
“Eh? Is that so?”
Thinking back, I don’t remember seeing Hideyoshi participating in that battle.
“Really? If so, there will be three people who can fully take part in the war, Himeji, Shimada and Hideyoshi, right?”
“Right. If they were to choose Integrated Subject, then we’ll fight first.”
While speaking, Hideyoshi took out a piece of paper and wrote his marks on it. Oh, I guess I need to write down my marks quickly and hand it in to Yuuji.
“Here, Yuuji.”
“Got it.”
After passing up the piece of paper with my marks to Yuuji, I returned to my seat.
Once all the students handed in their papers, Yuuji flipped the pages and called out names.
“The ten students with the lowest marks will take the remedial tests now. They’ll stay in the classroom, and there will be seven students who will be taking Mathematics tests and the other three will be taking World History, Chemistry and Health Education tests respectively. The battle formation will be decided once the marks are confirmed.”
While holding the papers under his arm, Yuuji returned to his seat.
Looking at Yuuji who is stacking the papers on his desk and thinking of how to balance the team’s force, I couldn’t stop myself and spoke to him.
“Eh, Yuuji…”
“What do you want?”
“Do the students picked for remedial tests have to be this precise? We should replenish our marks as fast as possible, so shouldn’t we all be taking the easiest remedial test at the same time?”
Let’s not talk about Chemistry and Health Education, although World History is easy to earn marks, the teacher who marks the papers is infamous for his slow marking speed, as for us now, it should be the most unsuitable subject.
“It’s because the main objective of this battle is to buy some time. Rather than using those strategies, we should consider using psychological warfare, and think of some plan to elongate the battle.”
“Oh, I get your idea.”
“We need to confuse the enemy, and if the Mathematics teacher was the only one to enter our class for point replenishment, what would the enemy think? It’s the same as telling everyone straightaway that we haven’t prepared our forces.”
“That's right……But, about us not replenishing our marks, doesn’t everyone know about it already? Even if we did this, I doubt that they’ll be alerted.”
I understand Yuuji’s point, but I doubt that this alone is enough to arouse the enemy’s suspicion, and getting control.
“Making them suspicious will be the key to this battle, just wait and see.”
Yuuji read through the papers with our marks while marking the battle positions on his notebook. Looks like this guy already thought of the next battle plan.
I peeked at his notebook from beside, and found out that I’m not in the group of point replenishing, but in the defensive group positioned at the corridor instead.
“Eh? I don’t need to replenish my marks?”
A lot of my marks were used up on that peeping incident; I thought that I would have to stay inside the classroom to take the tests.
“You still got a few marks left that can be used, let those who lost all their marks replenish first.”
I see. I’ve only battled with Ironman that time, and won in the end, so I didn’t lose all my marks. Compared with those whose marks were reduced to zero, I’m still a capable fighter.
“Also, you are talented in a special way.”
“Saying that I’m special, actually I’m not that……”
As my marks aren’t that high from the beginning, what my summoned beast relies on to win during a battle isn’t on brute strength,but skill. Rather than letting me replenish my marks, it’d be better if I’m on the battlefield, and gain reinforcements at the same time by letting others students replenish their marks – is that what Yuuji's thinking? I’d never thought that Yuuji held me in such a high regard, it made me feel rather embarrassed,
“Your role is very important in this battle. Although it’ll be very difficult, you’ll have to hold on.”
“I understand. If that's the case, I’ll have to put in my best effort.”
The way Yuuji put it puts a lot of pressure on me, but it feels good to have another’s faith in me.
It's 8.50am now, and the imminent war is scheduled to begin at nine, there are still 10 minutes left.
With moderate tension, I’m already geared up waiting for that Summoning War to begin.

Revision as of 05:27, 10 June 2012

Please imagine the scene below before answering.

“You are walking alone in a forest, and you realized that you are lost. You continue walking through the pitch-black forest, and you came upon a small hut beside a lake. You feel relieved as you entered the hut, and you noticed that there is a chair, a bed and a portrait. What characteristics can you see from the person in the portrait? Please list three characteristics that you think of.”

Himeji Mizuki’s answer:

1.A cheerful expression 2.Tender eyes 3.A happy-go-lucky attitude

Teacher’s comment:

This psychology test can show ‘the characteristics of the person you like’. The dark forest represents an uneasy mind, and after noticing the hut, the portrait represents ‘partner that provides mental support’. Looks like you like a person who is tender, cheerful and can make you smile, Himeji-san.

Shimizu Miharu’s answer:

1.Sharp eyes 2.A manly chest 3.Ponytail

Teacher’s comment:

The last characteristic seems wrong.

Shimada Minami’s answer:

1.Broken fingers 2.Knee bent in the wrong way 3.Dislocated wrist

Teacher’s comment:

All of the above are very wrong.

“We, Class D, declare war on Class F now!”

As the self-study session of the following day ends, the guys from Class D came to our class and declared war.

“Eh? What's wrong?”

Hideyoshi, who was standing near me, muttered in surprise. After what happened yesterday, it's understandable for him to be surprised.

“What? Didn't I hear you guys say that the plan to provoke Shimizu failed?”

Yuuji is also puzzled. I guess it’s different from Hideyoshi told him on the phone, so they couldn’t comprehend what is happening in front of them. By the way, Yuuji called me too, but it seemed that he couldn't get to me. I think I need to pay for the phone service soon...

“Muttsurini, do you know what are the circumstances now?”

“……I’ve no idea what happened yesterday, but Shimizu has been very excited since this morning.”

“Shimizu? If so, our provocation succeeded?”

“No, it isn’t possible for this to happen…...Akihisa, when Shimada ran away yesterday, did you say anything to Shimizu?”

“No, nothing at all. I didn’t say anything special. In contrast, the Summoning War is more important! Although our opponent isn’t Class B, Class D is not an easy target based on our current condition, so we should prepare quickly!”

I dodged Hideyoshi’s questioning stare. Under this condition, Hideyoshi’s acting talent is hard to handle.

“……That's right. Let’s put aside the truth for the time being, since the most important issue now is the imminent Test Summoning War. We’ve put in our effort for so long, so if we lose to Class D now, all our efforts will be in vain.”

Regardless of the process, we managed to get Class D to declare war upon us. But things aren't, next we have to fight Class D head-on with our meagre marks. Yuuji will say that the truth doesn’t matter now, and I think he’s got his priorities right inside his mind.

“Yuuji's right, the number of Class F students that's able to fight is too few, to gain victory with this weak force is not easy, it’s obvious that we don’t have the extra time to clear things up.”

“……Let’s focus on defense.”

Hideyoshi and Muttsurini are clear on the current priorities, and they started planning that instant, getting into the stage of preparation.

Okay, I must work hard on the Test Summoning Exams!

“By the way, Yuuji, have you thought of any strategies yet?”

“Of course I do, but before that, I need to confirm the strength of my team. Other than Himeji and Shimada, I need to find out how many people we have that are able to fight.”

Once he finished speaking, Yuuji stood up and went up the podium.

“Comrades, pay attention! Just like those guys said, our Class F’s Summoning War against Class D will commence soon! First things first, I need to know how strong we are! Please write down your own marks on a piece of paper and pass it to me!”

The whole class, which was agitated by Class D’s declaration of war, suddenly calmed down, and they – proceeded to write down their current marks.

The recent peeping incident depleted much of our marks, but none were left with zero marks. Students would be chosen for remedial tests based on the amount of their marks.

“By the way, I notice that I didn’t lose any marks at all.”

“Eh? Is that so?”


Thinking back, I don’t remember seeing Hideyoshi participating in that battle.

“Really? If so, there will be three people who can fully take part in the war, Himeji, Shimada and Hideyoshi, right?”

“Right. If they were to choose Integrated Subject, then we’ll fight first.”

While speaking, Hideyoshi took out a piece of paper and wrote his marks on it. Oh, I guess I need to write down my marks quickly and hand it in to Yuuji.

“Here, Yuuji.”

“Got it.”

After passing up the piece of paper with my marks to Yuuji, I returned to my seat.

Once all the students handed in their papers, Yuuji flipped the pages and called out names.

“The ten students with the lowest marks will take the remedial tests now. They’ll stay in the classroom, and there will be seven students who will be taking Mathematics tests and the other three will be taking World History, Chemistry and Health Education tests respectively. The battle formation will be decided once the marks are confirmed.”

While holding the papers under his arm, Yuuji returned to his seat.

Looking at Yuuji who is stacking the papers on his desk and thinking of how to balance the team’s force, I couldn’t stop myself and spoke to him.

“Eh, Yuuji…”

“What do you want?”

“Do the students picked for remedial tests have to be this precise? We should replenish our marks as fast as possible, so shouldn’t we all be taking the easiest remedial test at the same time?”

Let’s not talk about Chemistry and Health Education, although World History is easy to earn marks, the teacher who marks the papers is infamous for his slow marking speed, as for us now, it should be the most unsuitable subject.

“It’s because the main objective of this battle is to buy some time. Rather than using those strategies, we should consider using psychological warfare, and think of some plan to elongate the battle.”

“Oh, I get your idea.”

“We need to confuse the enemy, and if the Mathematics teacher was the only one to enter our class for point replenishment, what would the enemy think? It’s the same as telling everyone straightaway that we haven’t prepared our forces.”

“That's right……But, about us not replenishing our marks, doesn’t everyone know about it already? Even if we did this, I doubt that they’ll be alerted.”

I understand Yuuji’s point, but I doubt that this alone is enough to arouse the enemy’s suspicion, and getting control.

“Making them suspicious will be the key to this battle, just wait and see.”

Yuuji read through the papers with our marks while marking the battle positions on his notebook. Looks like this guy already thought of the next battle plan.

I peeked at his notebook from beside, and found out that I’m not in the group of point replenishing, but in the defensive group positioned at the corridor instead.

“Eh? I don’t need to replenish my marks?”

A lot of my marks were used up on that peeping incident; I thought that I would have to stay inside the classroom to take the tests.

“You still got a few marks left that can be used, let those who lost all their marks replenish first.”

I see. I’ve only battled with Ironman that time, and won in the end, so I didn’t lose all my marks. Compared with those whose marks were reduced to zero, I’m still a capable fighter.

“Also, you are talented in a special way.”

“Saying that I’m special, actually I’m not that……”

As my marks aren’t that high from the beginning, what my summoned beast relies on to win during a battle isn’t on brute strength,but skill. Rather than letting me replenish my marks, it’d be better if I’m on the battlefield, and gain reinforcements at the same time by letting others students replenish their marks – is that what Yuuji's thinking? I’d never thought that Yuuji held me in such a high regard, it made me feel rather embarrassed,

“Your role is very important in this battle. Although it’ll be very difficult, you’ll have to hold on.”

“I understand. If that's the case, I’ll have to put in my best effort.”

The way Yuuji put it puts a lot of pressure on me, but it feels good to have another’s faith in me.

It's 8.50am now, and the imminent war is scheduled to begin at nine, there are still 10 minutes left.

With moderate tension, I’m already geared up waiting for that Summoning War to begin.