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"Of course. There probably isn't anyone in the world who is more incompatible with the ways of the knight."
"Of course. There probably isn't anyone in the world who is more incompatible with the ways of the knight."
<!-- ==== Page 12 ==== -->
Half jokingly, Kiritsugu's lips curled in a slight smile.
"A head-to-head battle is not my style; especially in a death match. If I am to attack then it should be from behind while the enemy is asleep. Not caring about the time or place, just for the purpose of eliminating the enemy most efficiently using the method with the greatest probability of success. ... You think that prestigious knight would aide me in such battles?"
Irisviel became silent, focusing on staring at the shiny scabbard.
Without a doubt Kiritsugu was that type of soldier. Attaining victory using whatever means necessary. There is no need to test it, the personalities of Kiritsugu and the owner of the scabbard would definitely clash.
"... But don't you think it's a waste? The owner of 'The Golden Sword of Promised Victory' is without a doubt the strongest of the Saber class."
That is right.
Only this glory-radiating scabbard is fit to pair that supreme sword. This is definitely the relic of that King of Knights whose tale has been passed down in legends since medieval times -- King Arthur.
"That's right. 'Saber' was already the strongest of the seven classes conjured by the Holy Grail. And if this King of Knights occupied this position... I've obtained a virtually invincible Servant.
But the key here is the question of how to use this strongest battle force effectively. To be honest if only the factor of being easy to control was considered, 'Caster' and 'Assassin' are actually more fitting to my style."
Then -- clashing with the nandi flame style extravagant decor of the room, a light electronic sound interrupted the two's conversation.
"Ah, finally here."
On the heavy black sandalwood furniture was a randomly placed notebook computer; the marvelous combination was like that of a stitching machine on an operating table. Magus lineages with long histories have never found the convinience of technology, the Einsbern family is not an exception. The small electronic device that looks strange beyond compare to Irisviel is a personal item brought in by Kiritsugu. A magus who does not feel repulsed from using such machines is very rare, Kiritsugu was one of them. When he requested that a telephone line and power generator be installed, he had a huge argument with the old head of family.

Revision as of 02:48, 19 June 2007


That darkness was surrounded by the ambition accumulated for a thousand years.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel answered the summons of the head of the Einsbern family, rushing to Einsbern's old castle sealed off by ice, the most grandiose yet dark place -- the Einsbern Castle's ceremony chamber.

This place is definitely not for praising the favor of Gods or letting the spirit find peace. For a castle inhibited by magi, the so called 'praying room' is the room used for execution of magecraft ceremonies by ways of sacrificial offerings.

Because of this the colorful glass overhead contains not a portrait of any saint, but rather of the Einsbern's long history of pursuing the Grail.

Out of the "three initiate families", the Einsbern family spent the most time on the Grail.

Enclosing themselves in the deep, icy mountains, stubbornly severing all ties with the outside world, they began seeking the miracles of the Grail almost a thousand years ago. But their search was filled with setbacks and humiliation, as well as suffering and opposition. Searching in this condition, there wasn't any result.

Finally despairing at the method of seeking the Grail alone, they reluctantly agreed to a cooperation pact with the outsider Tohsaka and Matou families two hundred years ago.

In the Grail Wars that followed, they never won due to the abilities of their Master always falling short -- the final solution was to hire magi apt at fighting from the outside: this decision was made nine years ago.

It can be said that Emiya Kiritsugu is the trump card of the Einsbern family who've always been proud of the purity of their bloodline; because of him they even changed their family creed for the second time.

Passing the halls, Kiritsugu's sight unintentionally found a relatively new painting on the colorful window.

Drawn there was the Einsbern family's "Lady Winter" Lizleihi Justizia and two magi waiting on her to her left and right. All three of them extended their hands to the Grail in the sky. It's easy to tell from this painting's composition and balance of the design how very badly the Einsbern family looked down upon the Tohsaka and Matou families two hundred years ago and their humiliation at having to rely on them for help. This painting communicates all of those things.

If he was lucky enough to win and survive the upcoming war -- Kiritsugu gave a bitter laugh inside with a low, sarcastic voice -- his own image would probably be portrayed against his will on a window in this model.

The old magus who was the king of this wintery castle awaited Kiritsugu and Irisviel in front of the sacrificial altar.

Jubstacheit von Einsbern. Known as "Acht" after he became the eighth head of the Einsbern family. Through continuously prolonging his life, he lived for nearly two centuries now; leading the Einsbern family ever since they changed from "seeking" the Grail to the Grail "War".

He doesn't know of the Justizia era, but ever since the second Grail War began, old man Acht has suffered more than once the pain of defeat. To him, the anxiety of facing the third opportunity is definitely extraordinary. Nine years ago, welcoming this ill-reputed "Magus Killer" Emiya Kiritsugu into the Einsbern family was a decision made by this old magus, for no other reason than Kiritsugu's amazing skills.

"The holy relic we requested people to find in Cornwall finally arrived this morning."

While stroking his white beard which makes people think of a frozen waterfall, old man Acht stared at Kiritsugu with an astute light emitted from within his deep eye sockets, this light within his eyes made it impossible to see his senility. Living in this old castle for a long time, Kiritsugu can never tolerate the feeling of biased pressure from the family head's eyes everytime he meets him.

In the direction signaled by the old family head's hand the sacrificial altar has a very large charcoal coloured box tied ridiculously tight atop it.

"Using this as a catalyst, it's probably possible to summon the strongest Servant of the 'Saber class'. Kiritsugu, count this as the Einsbern family's greatest aid to you."

"I am deeply grateful, dear head of family."

Pretending to be expressionless, Kiritsugu bowed deeply.

The Einsbern family breaking the rule set since its founding and inducing external blood into the family, the Grail seems to have accepted without opposition. The command spell appeared on Kiritsugu's right hand three years ago. Soon he will shoulder the thousand-year-old zealous wish of the Einsbern family and participate in the upcoming fourth Holy Grail War.

The old head of family turned his eyes to Irisviel who's facing downwards respectfully.

"Irisviel, what's the status of the vessel?"

"No problems. Even in Fuyuki, it will function normally."

Irisviel answered fluently.

The wish granting machine "omnipotent chalice" is only a spiritual entity and does not possess a physical form, so to allow its "Holy Grail" form to descend a "Holy Grail vessel" must be prepared. Because of this, the war by the seven Servants surrounding the Holy Grail can be called a spiritual evocation ritual.

The mission of preparing a man-made Grail vessel, ever since the beginning of the Grail War, has always been carried out by the Einsbern family. The mission of creating a "vessel" for this fourth Grail War is the responsibility of Irisviel. Therefore she must leave for Fuyuki with Kiritsugu, she must be at the battlefield.

Old man Acht, eyes shining with insane strength, nodded seriously.

"This time... no one must survive! Kill the six Servants, this time we must acquire the Third Magic, the Holy Grail."

"Yes sir!"

Hearing the old head of family's command spoken with a hidden burning fervor, magus and homunculus, the spouses bearing the same fate, answered simultaneously.

But in his heart, Kiritsugu could care less about this old head of family's rigid desire.

Achievement... Einsbern's head of family has condensed all emotions into this one word, contained within it infinite interpretations. Come to think of it, Einsbern's spirit probably only has this rigidity towards "achievement" left.

The materialization of the spirit is a miracle. A thousand years seeking this lost miracle... in this long and arduous journey, they have long since lost their method and purpose.

Only to prove that their thousand year journey was not wasted, only for confirmation that "it does exist", the Einsbern family fight with their lives to obtain the Grail. But to them, what the Grail would be used for once it's been summoned; this sense of purpose has long since disappeared from within their scope of consideration.

"It doesn't matter. As per your expectations, through my hands I will grant you your sought-after Holy Grail."

As to not lose to old man Acht's enthusiasm, Emiya Kiritsugu said so in his mind.

"But, that's not all. I will use that omnipotent chalice to grant my own deepest wish..."

                       X                                       X

Kiritsugu and Irisviel went back to their own rooms, opened the long box entrusted to them by the head of family, and were mesmerized by its contents.

"Who would've thought, they were actually able to find this thing..."

The usually composed Kiritsugu right now seems deeply impressed.

A scabbard.

Made of gold and decorated with dazzling blue enamel; this sort of luxurious equipment should be called a treasure to show dignity and nobility like a crown or a scepter as opposed to a weapon. Engraved into the middle is an inscription of the long lost fairy language, proving this scabbard is not a work of man.

"... Why isn't there the slightest flaw? Is this really the genuine relic made from an era over a thousand five hundred years ago?"

"This thing is a type of conceptual weapon. It definitely won't deteriorate physically, not mentioning that it's a holy relic that will be used as a catalyst. This treasure lies in the realm of magic."

Irisviel took out the golden scabbard from the box with an inside lining carefully, holding it in her hands.

"Legend says keeping this scabbard on one's body will heal the wounds of its possessor and can stop aging... of course, the mentioned facts are magical powers provided by its 'original owner'."

"Meaning as long as the heroic spirit summoned is functional, this thing itself can be used as a 'Master's Noble Phantasm'."

The scabbard’s one of a kind ingenious design and exceptional beauty entranced Kiritsugu, but in just a few moments, his train of thought immediately changed to the direction of how to use it as a "tool" of pragmatism. Watching Kiritsugu, Irisviel can't help but let out a small bitter smile.

"That's really your style. A tool is a tool no matter what, right?"

"If you say it like that, even Servants are the same. No matter how famous the hero, as long as it is summoned as a Servant, to the Master he is a tool... it is impossible for a person who has unrealistic fantasies about a Servant to win this war."

Not as a father or husband, but when showing the attitude of a soldier, Emiya Kiritsugu's profile becomes extremely callous. Before, when she still didn't understand her husband, Irisviel was really afraid of Kiritsugu when he was like that.

"Only someone like you is worthy of this scabbard -- this is grandfather's judgement."

"Is that really how it is?"

Kiritsugu's expression shows obvious unsatisfaction. If old man Achat knew the reaction of his hired son-in-law to the holy relic he spent so much effort finding, he would certainly be unable to speak from the rage.

"Are you unsatisfied about grandfather's present?"

Irisviel did not blame Kiritsugu at all for wanting to make impertinent remarks, but only thought that asking that question would be amusing.

"How can that be? He has done more than enough for us. There cannot possibly be another Master who got a trump card as good as this."

"Then what are you so unsatisfied about?"

"With such a perfect holy relic, the summoned heroic spirit will definitely be the one we want. But his and mine personalities are too vastly different.

Originally, about the summoning of a Servant, the nature of the summoned heroic spirit will be largely affected by the Master's personality. Theoretically, all summoned heroic spirits have similar personalities as their Masters. However the holy relic takes precedence in priority. The more explicit the origin of the holy relic, the more likely that the summoned heroic spirit will be locked as a certain someone."

"... Meaning that you are uneasy about the contract with the 'King of Knights', right?"

"Of course. There probably isn't anyone in the world who is more incompatible with the ways of the knight."

Half jokingly, Kiritsugu's lips curled in a slight smile.

"A head-to-head battle is not my style; especially in a death match. If I am to attack then it should be from behind while the enemy is asleep. Not caring about the time or place, just for the purpose of eliminating the enemy most efficiently using the method with the greatest probability of success. ... You think that prestigious knight would aide me in such battles?"

Irisviel became silent, focusing on staring at the shiny scabbard.

Without a doubt Kiritsugu was that type of soldier. Attaining victory using whatever means necessary. There is no need to test it, the personalities of Kiritsugu and the owner of the scabbard would definitely clash.

"... But don't you think it's a waste? The owner of 'The Golden Sword of Promised Victory' is without a doubt the strongest of the Saber class."

That is right.

Only this glory-radiating scabbard is fit to pair that supreme sword. This is definitely the relic of that King of Knights whose tale has been passed down in legends since medieval times -- King Arthur.

"That's right. 'Saber' was already the strongest of the seven classes conjured by the Holy Grail. And if this King of Knights occupied this position... I've obtained a virtually invincible Servant.

But the key here is the question of how to use this strongest battle force effectively. To be honest if only the factor of being easy to control was considered, 'Caster' and 'Assassin' are actually more fitting to my style."

Then -- clashing with the nandi flame style extravagant decor of the room, a light electronic sound interrupted the two's conversation.

"Ah, finally here."

On the heavy black sandalwood furniture was a randomly placed notebook computer; the marvelous combination was like that of a stitching machine on an operating table. Magus lineages with long histories have never found the convinience of technology, the Einsbern family is not an exception. The small electronic device that looks strange beyond compare to Irisviel is a personal item brought in by Kiritsugu. A magus who does not feel repulsed from using such machines is very rare, Kiritsugu was one of them. When he requested that a telephone line and power generator be installed, he had a huge argument with the old head of family.

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