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(Translated by NimX. Part 1/2, other still to be edited.)
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<span style="font-size: 200%; border: "><center>☆</center></span>
<span style="font-size: 200%; border: "><center>☆</center></span>
"By the way, Akihisa."
"Hm? What is it, Yuuji?"
In the car, Yuuji, who is sitting beside me, broke the ice.
Regarding the seats, boys and girls are separated from each other because nee-san is close by. Kirishima's sad face and Yuuji's jolly face are a contrast to each other.
"Have you ever gone before to the place we are heading right now? What kind of place is it?"
"Eh? Ahah, hmm. About that......"
I stopped talking for a moment in order to recollect my memories.
If I have to describe that place to him......
"Hmm? What is it? Have you completely forgotten about it?"
"Impossible. How can something like that happen?"
That guy's so rude. There should be a limit to when you look down on others' memory.
Right. That is actually—
"I remember correctly, it happened during spring, summer or autumn, about five to eight years ago."
"The time range is really huge."
"Methinks that you've completely forgotten about it."
I'm sorry. My action was vain.
"In other words, it'll be a surprise for everyone when we'll get there."
By the way, Hideyoshi, who is sitting in front of us, turned his head towards us.
"Right. We should take this rare chance and hope for the best."
"If we're going to a nearby beach, then there's only a few, but if we're going somewhere far and are going to stay overnight, part of the excitement comes from not knowing where will we get to."
Himeji-san and Minami, who are sitting in the same row with Hideyoshi, turn around and reveal their excited smiles.
Since there are ten passengers in this car, the seats arrangement starting from the front is like this: two persons – two persons – three persons – three persons. The first row includes nee-san, who is driving, and Muttsurini, who sat in front because he claimed to be carsick. Behind them are Kirishima-san and Kudou-san. Next is Himeji-san and co. Yuuji and I are sitting in the last row. Everyone put their baggage on their own seat......But it seems that the seats are a bit too narrow in the three-persons row.
"Himeji-san. The things on that seat, would you want to hand them over to me here?"
"Eh? Ah, sure. You mean these?"
"Yup. Our seats are more spacious. Just put them here."
"No, you don't have to mind about us since we're fine with it. Minami and Kinoshita-kun are very slim......but I'm not......"
Himeji-san's tone suddenly lowered. Eh? Did I step on a landmine?
"Mizuki. Could it be that you've......grown fatter?"
The moment Minami spoke, Himeji-san leant backwards while hugging herself.
"Just, just a little! It's really just a tiny bit, I mean......Just a little, a lot......"
"No, that's not it! It must be... that my long hair is heavy! That's right! It's because of that! It has nothing to do with ice cream and beverages!"
Speaking of that, the weather has turned hotter lately, and the season when our appetite for ice-cream and beverages is stronger has arrived.
"Humph. How silly of you. You got carried away when you lost just a little amount of weight not so long ago. That's why you must now face such consequences."
"Ugh......I was too careless......"
"I got slimmer by a little due to the summer burnout."
"Ehhhh! That, that's too sly! I feel seriously betrayed!"
"Right. I got slimmer......in the chest part......"
It's as if the atmosphere of an eerie night drifted around the front row. Why are girls this concerned about their bodies? Both of them already have bodies that are considered outstanding compared to others......Well, although Minami's chest looks rather disappointing.......
"Himeji and Shimada are both overly concerned about things like these."
Hideyoshi suddenly spoke as if to cheer those two up; I guess he's thinking what I'm thinking. However, Minami covered her face instead when she heard him.
"Don't mind me! After all, my breasts will mature even after than Kinoshita's."
This is bad. That rumor that I carelessly said seems to be known by Minami.
"That's enough, Kinoshita! Don't lie just to cheer me up! I understand! After all Kinoshita is just going to leave me alone and have huge boobs."
"Couldn't something like that be more tragic for me!?"
Ugh......Words like these, I'd be glad if they restrain themselves from saying them in front of us boys......it's hard to decide how to react......
"But Kinoshita-kun, you actually don't have to worry about your body......your waist is so slender......."
"Calm down, Himeji. How is it possible for me, who am a boy by birth, to have a slender waist?"
"Really......saying that it's tragic to grow breasts, there's a limit to the luxuries you enjoy......"
"They're hopeless......the two of them can't understand what I said......"
Hideyoshi mutters softly as if he did best. It seems that everyone has their own things to worry about.
Hideyoshi clears his throat as if to clear this gloomy atmosphere, and speaks crisply to two of them.
"But, just like I said, aren't the two of you simply over-concerned? Himeji, Shimada, you don't seem to have changed at all!"
"That, that's not true! I've gotten fatter by 328 grams!"
"Yeah! I've lost 0.4 centimeters!"
"You two sure use weird units of the measurement......"
There's clearly a difference between the two.
"No, although I'm usually not this concerned, this time......"
"Swimsuits are involved, and......"
"Yeah. I guess so."
Himeji-san and Shimada suddenly turned to look at nee-san driving, without a reason. I wonder what they are so concerned of.
"......Indeed, Akira nee-san is very dangerous."
"Right~*bang**twist**bang*! I do feel this way too. I, who usually am unconcerned about such issues, feel a little bit envious."
"Yup. Those breasts, other than being envying, are also envying."
"I'm also jealous of the slenderness of her waist......"
".......Akira nee-san. That's really sly."
"She's like a model~ This pair of breasts are at a despicable degree just like Mizuki's. They look really bouncy."
"What kind of swimsuit do you intend to wear? With a body like this, anything that you wear is bound to look good......"
"Is it a rather a sexy bikini? How awesome......"
"......I'm envious."
"The swimsuits from H-books that look like ropes would fit you too."
"Eh? Kouta-kun, what happened to you? There's a red liquid coming out of your nose."
"......I'm carsick."
It's the first time I've heard of nosebleeding when you're carsick.
Never mind. It'll be troublesome if we simply interrupt while they are talking about their bodies, so we'll just have to go with the flow.
"By the way, Hideyoshi, just put these things here. Mind passing them to me?"
Let's place those baggage properly first.
"Hmm? OK then, then take care of them."
While speaking, Hideyoshi passed me the baggage on his legs and the one beside him, which both seem to be stuffed to the brim. This overly heavy thing......I guess it must belong to Muttsurini. Could it be that he brought a lot of those equipment for camera and stuff?
I've placed the baggages that are passed to me here. There is still some space left.
"It seems there's enough space here for one more?"
"Oh. Then, I'll also pass this to you."
While speaking, Hideyoshi passed to me a familiar baggage. These are nee-san's things. It seems that there's nothing fragile inside, so I'll just put it here to cushion Muttsurini's stuff.
As I moved slightly, the opening of the baggage enlarged a bit. Stuff might come out if I leave it that way. I guess I'll have to zip it properly.
"Hey. Hmm? Why won't the zipper move?"
The zipper seems to be stuck by something. Is it overstuffed? A piece of cloth came out from a corner.
If I want to zip it, I guess I have to remove that thing that came out. Nee-san's things can be put into my bag instead.
While thinking this way, I unzipped it and took it out. One......Two......
I fell (A school swimsuit entered the scene).
"(Startled)What did you suddenly do!? What happened!?"
"What should I do, Yuuji!? The relative at my side is a hopeless weirdo!"
"Is, is that so......But, I feel that you, who are holding tightly onto a school swimsuit, seems more of a weirdo......"
"Eh!? That, that's not true......! This belongs to nee-san."
"I see. So you're interested in your sister's swimsuit. You're absolutely hopeless."
"You......! Wait! Please don't look at me in disdain! It's a misunderstanding!"
"OK, I understand. Please wait. Wait ‘till I remove you from my phone contacts. Then, I'll patiently listen to you explain."
"Damn you, Yuuji......! Are you saying that knowing me was a mistake......!"
"Wait, Yuuji. You can't blacklist him if you delete his number."
"Don't, Hideyoshi! Please don't downgrade me from a 'Friend' to 'Stalker', which is worse than being a stranger! It's fine if it's Yuuji, but Hideyoshi saying it deals me a hard blow."
"Ah......I'm sorry, Akira-nee-san. Can we drop by the police station before going to the beach?"
"That's wrong! We should be going to a swimsuit shop instead! There's no need to get me imprisoned in a detention house!"
"Don't worry, Akihisa. There's no swimming pool in detention houses."
"Argghhh! It's not for me, but for nee-san! Our conversation can't be more madly misunderstood!"
Why must I be regarded as a pervert!
"What is it, Aki-kun? You don't like my swimsuit?"
"I hate it! I hate it from the bottom of my heart!"
"But, didn't Aki-kun tell me 'I don't wanna feel embarrassed so please wear an attire that is less revealing'?"
"I'm sorry! Walking with a sister who is still wearing a school swimsuit at this age is even more embarrassing than walking with one who is wearing a revealing outfit!"
"??? But, won't it feel lonely for me if I'm wearing something different from everyone's?"
"Eh? What are you trying to say, nee-san?"
"Look, aren't all of you wearing this kind of swimsuit since all of you are students? A 'School' swimsuit like this."
"Something every student wears......? Could it be, nee-san, that you wore this when you were in university......!?"
University students are still considered students. I doubt that's really the case, but this feeling of unease is hard to get rid of. If it's nee-san, then it's more than possible.
I felt cold sweat forming on my back. I've never thought that I'd get shivers like these due to my sister's behaviour......!
"What are you saying, Aki-kun. Isn't university 'University'? Wouldn't it be weird to wear 'School' swimsuit?"
"That's great.....! That's really great......! Even my sister, who obviously has no common sense whatsoever, is saying that I lack common sense. I'll just laugh it away......!"
We nearly spread a wrong Japanese culture to foreigners.

Revision as of 18:17, 30 December 2012

Me and the Seaside and the Festival Uproar First Half

Me and the Seaside and the Festival Uproar First Half

“By the way, Aki-kun. You said that you were going to invite a few friends, so how many did you manage to get?”

“There are 9 people including nee-san.”

“Nine people? That’s a lot.”

“Yes. Everyone wanted to join in so there are a lot of people. Is it not OK?”

“No. It won’t be a problem if we rent a van……But who did you invite?”

“En—……, well, they’re schoolmates.”

“School mates. Like who for example?”

“Like Yuuji, Hideyoshi, Muttsurini……”

“Sakamoto-kun and the other guys eh. What about the others?”


“’Hide’? I thought I’ve already heard you mention Hideyoshi-kun?”

“Hi……Hi • Mit • Su ♪”[1]

“Aki-kun. Please clench your teeth and endure for just a short while.”

“So, sorry! I was playing a small joke! It’s just a small joke so please don’t hit me!”

“I know. If you speak honestly, nee-san will give you a kiss as a reward.”

“The other four are people from this universe that you’ve met yesterday.”

“You’ve answered me nicely. Then~ Raise your chin and close your eyes”

“Wait! I was obviously lying just now!?”

“Humans can be explained as people from this universe generally.”

“What’s with this ridiculous reasoning!? Wait wait wait wait! I apologize so please STOP, STOP!”

“…..To be this hated, it’s really—“

“Ah……So, sorry. You’re hurt? But, you can’t do those things, nee-san.”

“—I can’t help it.”

“Pervert! There’s a pervert here! A hopeless pervert is actually living so close beside me!”

“Don’t take it seriously. Thirty percent of it is just a joke.”

“Not good……This person, is more than fifty percent serious……”

“Moreover, Aki-kun should be blamed for lying to me in the first place.”

“Oo……. That……”

“Why are you trying to hoodwink me?”



“If I say it……Will you keep your cool?”

“If it’s something like the girls are coming, I won’t be angry nor will I beat you up, and I won’t push you or force you to cross dress—Where are you going Aki-kun?”

“No! I don’t want to make you angry, to be beaten up, pushed down, or forced to cross dress!”

“I see. So there are girls coming with us.”

“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.”

“……Well, it’s fine. They’ve also taken good care of you, compared to letting you guys doing something at somewhere I can’t see, it’s better this way.”

“Eh? Then, nee-san agrees to this?”

“It won’t happen again.”

“Thank you, nee-san.”


“En? What?”

“If something happens during the journey that is deemed by me as impure relationship with the opposite sex……That time, you understand what’ll happen right Aki-kun?”

“Ah, ahaha…….What, what will happen then?”

“I’ll murder your whole family.”

“No, if that’s the case, you’ll be included too.”

Large clouds are floating in the clear sky. That light breeze that can be felt is changing the shape of this cloud. Seeing this scenery before my eyes, only then the real summer atmosphere can be felt. There’s no better weather to bask in the sea.

“Today’s weather sure is suitable for a beach trip.”

Rays of sunlight is unable to make his expression look serious, he who is wearing T-shirt and a pair of shorts, that line is muttered by Yuuji who seems full of summer mood no matter how you look at him. This guy has a good physique so wearing crudely really suits him.

“Really. My ch—No, my heart’s really excited.”

The one talking is Hideyoshi wearing a combination of thin hoodie and shorts. That friend of mine who is still confusing others about his sexuality with his cute appearance even today, is carrying a sports bag with his eyes full of eagerness waiting for the arrival of the car.

“……I’m worried that the blood packs will spoil.”

Muttsurini, who’s wearing crumpled denims is looking around with an anxious look while carrying an ice box. I guess that lots of blood packs that provides life-support for that guy is inside. When the sea is mentioned, one will think of swimsuits. I’d say that if we’re not careful, we may risk crossing the Styx River in a short while—This fact can’t be denied.

“Right, Akihisa-kun. It’s a little too late to ask this, but can so many people fit into the car?”[2]

Himeji-san who was wearing a tight rough cotton skirt and T-shirt with a tight sleeveless top on it was looking at me while hugging her travel bag with both of her hands. Her different style is really refreshing.

“I guess so. There’s nine people including your sister, can we still use a normal driving license?” “En—, nee-san said that there’s no problem……”

Minami’s standing beside me with a long wrap dress and T-shirt. Although this is the first time I’ve seen Minami wearing a casual skirt, I find that any clothes suit her due to her slender build.

“……The driving license for medium cars allows more than eleven passengers……”

“I’ve checked it online yesterday night, the driving license may be normal, but since the car is different, it’s fine even if there are more than ten passengers.”

The A Class pair of Kirishima-san and Kudou-san explained to us. Kirishima-san matched a mini-skirt with a light-coloured summer sweater. As if it actually makes people forget the attractiveness of white and pink of the usual summer heat.

On the other side, Kudou-san,

“En? Yoshii-kun. You seem to really like my dress-up.”

“No, no. I don’t.”

“……Oh, I see……”

“Wh, what?”

“You want to know what’s under my tights, right~?”

“I, I didn’t think of that……!”

Kudou-san is wearing a pair of shorts, her top is tight and short-sleeved and somehow a little revealing. I can’t help but keep noticing her sunburn marks from the time when she changed into her swimsuit, this is bad news for several reasons……

I looked away, and saw Yuuji squint his eyes when he saw Kudou-san’s dress-up.

“Oh really. Kudou joined the swimming club. That’s why she has those healthy sunburn marks.(Puchi—Pugupugu)”

“……Unfaithfulness is forbidden.”

The figure of Kirishima-san poking Yuuji’s eyes calmly and him crumpling onto the floor. That idiot will never learn.

“Oh, it’s still the same, both of them—“

“(Sha-)Ye, yes”

“(Sha-)Re, really, their relationship is really good”

“Both of you please wait. I really wish I was hallucinating, but did you guys just take an offensive stance with both of your fingers pointing at my eyes?”

Both of them would attack me once in a while silently recently. Let’s not talk about Minami, even Himeji-san has become this experienced, I really do feel that Himeji-san is being influenced negatively by Class F.

We chatted for a while, Muttsurini who has the sharpest eyes is the first to notice that atmosphere.

“……The car’s here.”

“En? Ohoh. It seems to be so”

A big car that can be considered a mini-bus is driving towards us, stopping in front of us slowly.

The driver’s door opened, the figure that exited is,

“Ah eh……? I’m sorry for letting you guys wait”

My biological sister who shares the same blood with me, Yoshii Akira. By the way, I think this is the first time seeing nee-san drive. I don’t feel safe with nee-san who is prone to acting outrageously driving……But it looks like there won’t be any problem.

“Nope, we just arrived early”

“En. We get too excited if we don’t watch out”

“……Looking forward to it”

“Akira-san. Thank you for inviting all of us.”

“I’m really looking forward to this trip too”

First, Yuuji and the other five who are already acquainted with her greeted her. Nee-san smiled when she heard it and replied “The way you guys put it makes me happy”.

Next, Kirishima-san and Kudou-san who is meeting nee-san for the first time went and introduced themselves.

“……Nice to meet you for the first time. I’m Sakamoto Yuuji’s wife Sho “Just wait for a minute! You’re just speaking as you please (Puchi—Pugupugu)”……Shouko”

“Hello, Yoshii-kun’s sister. I’m Kudou Aiko”

“Hello, Shouko-san, Aiko-san. I’m Aki-kun’s sister Akira”

The peaceful greetings went on. From the looks of it, there are so many girls that is really lively. I’m usually at a place like Class F which is dirty and chaotic, now I have indescribable and fresh sensation.

“Then. Staying like this isn’t going to do anything, let’s get going”

Nee-san pointed at the car.

“Right. We can still talk in the car, time is precious so let’s set out. Everyone please sit wherever you like.”


I tossed the baggage and Yuuji who is rolling on the floor into the car.

The exciting trip has finally begun.

"By the way, Akihisa."

"Hm? What is it, Yuuji?"

In the car, Yuuji, who is sitting beside me, broke the ice.

Regarding the seats, boys and girls are separated from each other because nee-san is close by. Kirishima's sad face and Yuuji's jolly face are a contrast to each other.

"Have you ever gone before to the place we are heading right now? What kind of place is it?"

"Eh? Ahah, hmm. About that......"

I stopped talking for a moment in order to recollect my memories.

If I have to describe that place to him......

"Hmm? What is it? Have you completely forgotten about it?"

"Impossible. How can something like that happen?"

That guy's so rude. There should be a limit to when you look down on others' memory.

Right. That is actually—

"I remember correctly, it happened during spring, summer or autumn, about five to eight years ago."

"The time range is really huge."

"Methinks that you've completely forgotten about it."


I'm sorry. My action was vain.

"In other words, it'll be a surprise for everyone when we'll get there."

By the way, Hideyoshi, who is sitting in front of us, turned his head towards us.

"Right. We should take this rare chance and hope for the best."

"If we're going to a nearby beach, then there's only a few, but if we're going somewhere far and are going to stay overnight, part of the excitement comes from not knowing where will we get to."

Himeji-san and Minami, who are sitting in the same row with Hideyoshi, turn around and reveal their excited smiles.

Since there are ten passengers in this car, the seats arrangement starting from the front is like this: two persons – two persons – three persons – three persons. The first row includes nee-san, who is driving, and Muttsurini, who sat in front because he claimed to be carsick. Behind them are Kirishima-san and Kudou-san. Next is Himeji-san and co. Yuuji and I are sitting in the last row. Everyone put their baggage on their own seat......But it seems that the seats are a bit too narrow in the three-persons row.

"Himeji-san. The things on that seat, would you want to hand them over to me here?" "Eh? Ah, sure. You mean these?"

"Yup. Our seats are more spacious. Just put them here."

"No, you don't have to mind about us since we're fine with it. Minami and Kinoshita-kun are very slim......but I'm not......"

Himeji-san's tone suddenly lowered. Eh? Did I step on a landmine?

"Mizuki. Could it be that you've......grown fatter?"


The moment Minami spoke, Himeji-san leant backwards while hugging herself.

"Just, just a little! It's really just a tiny bit, I mean......Just a little, a lot......"


"No, that's not it! It must be... that my long hair is heavy! That's right! It's because of that! It has nothing to do with ice cream and beverages!"

Speaking of that, the weather has turned hotter lately, and the season when our appetite for ice-cream and beverages is stronger has arrived.

"Humph. How silly of you. You got carried away when you lost just a little amount of weight not so long ago. That's why you must now face such consequences."

"Ugh......I was too careless......"

"I got slimmer by a little due to the summer burnout."

"Ehhhh! That, that's too sly! I feel seriously betrayed!"

"Right. I got slimmer......in the chest part......"


It's as if the atmosphere of an eerie night drifted around the front row. Why are girls this concerned about their bodies? Both of them already have bodies that are considered outstanding compared to others......Well, although Minami's chest looks rather disappointing.......

"Himeji and Shimada are both overly concerned about things like these."

Hideyoshi suddenly spoke as if to cheer those two up; I guess he's thinking what I'm thinking. However, Minami covered her face instead when she heard him.

"Don't mind me! After all, my breasts will mature even after than Kinoshita's."

This is bad. That rumor that I carelessly said seems to be known by Minami.

"That's enough, Kinoshita! Don't lie just to cheer me up! I understand! After all Kinoshita is just going to leave me alone and have huge boobs."

"Couldn't something like that be more tragic for me!?"

Ugh......Words like these, I'd be glad if they restrain themselves from saying them in front of us boys......it's hard to decide how to react......

"But Kinoshita-kun, you actually don't have to worry about your body......your waist is so slender......."

"Calm down, Himeji. How is it possible for me, who am a boy by birth, to have a slender waist?"

"Really......saying that it's tragic to grow breasts, there's a limit to the luxuries you enjoy......"

"They're hopeless......the two of them can't understand what I said......"

Hideyoshi mutters softly as if he did best. It seems that everyone has their own things to worry about.

Hideyoshi clears his throat as if to clear this gloomy atmosphere, and speaks crisply to two of them.

"But, just like I said, aren't the two of you simply over-concerned? Himeji, Shimada, you don't seem to have changed at all!"

"That, that's not true! I've gotten fatter by 328 grams!"

"Yeah! I've lost 0.4 centimeters!"

"You two sure use weird units of the measurement......"

There's clearly a difference between the two.

"No, although I'm usually not this concerned, this time......"

"Swimsuits are involved, and......"

"Yeah. I guess so."

Himeji-san and Shimada suddenly turned to look at nee-san driving, without a reason. I wonder what they are so concerned of.

"......Indeed, Akira nee-san is very dangerous."

"Right~*bang**twist**bang*! I do feel this way too. I, who usually am unconcerned about such issues, feel a little bit envious."

"Yup. Those breasts, other than being envying, are also envying."

"I'm also jealous of the slenderness of her waist......"

".......Akira nee-san. That's really sly."

"She's like a model~ This pair of breasts are at a despicable degree just like Mizuki's. They look really bouncy."

"What kind of swimsuit do you intend to wear? With a body like this, anything that you wear is bound to look good......"

"Is it a rather a sexy bikini? How awesome......"

"......I'm envious."

"The swimsuits from H-books that look like ropes would fit you too."

"Eh? Kouta-kun, what happened to you? There's a red liquid coming out of your nose."

"......I'm carsick."

It's the first time I've heard of nosebleeding when you're carsick.

Never mind. It'll be troublesome if we simply interrupt while they are talking about their bodies, so we'll just have to go with the flow.

"By the way, Hideyoshi, just put these things here. Mind passing them to me?"

Let's place those baggage properly first.

"Hmm? OK then, then take care of them."

While speaking, Hideyoshi passed me the baggage on his legs and the one beside him, which both seem to be stuffed to the brim. This overly heavy thing......I guess it must belong to Muttsurini. Could it be that he brought a lot of those equipment for camera and stuff?

I've placed the baggages that are passed to me here. There is still some space left.

"It seems there's enough space here for one more?"

"Oh. Then, I'll also pass this to you."

While speaking, Hideyoshi passed to me a familiar baggage. These are nee-san's things. It seems that there's nothing fragile inside, so I'll just put it here to cushion Muttsurini's stuff.


As I moved slightly, the opening of the baggage enlarged a bit. Stuff might come out if I leave it that way. I guess I'll have to zip it properly.

"Hey. Hmm? Why won't the zipper move?"

The zipper seems to be stuck by something. Is it overstuffed? A piece of cloth came out from a corner.

If I want to zip it, I guess I have to remove that thing that came out. Nee-san's things can be put into my bag instead.

While thinking this way, I unzipped it and took it out. One......Two......

I fell (A school swimsuit entered the scene).


"(Startled)What did you suddenly do!? What happened!?"

"What should I do, Yuuji!? The relative at my side is a hopeless weirdo!"

"Is, is that so......But, I feel that you, who are holding tightly onto a school swimsuit, seems more of a weirdo......"

"Eh!? That, that's not true......! This belongs to nee-san."

"I see. So you're interested in your sister's swimsuit. You're absolutely hopeless."

"You......! Wait! Please don't look at me in disdain! It's a misunderstanding!"

"OK, I understand. Please wait. Wait ‘till I remove you from my phone contacts. Then, I'll patiently listen to you explain."

"Damn you, Yuuji......! Are you saying that knowing me was a mistake......!"

"Wait, Yuuji. You can't blacklist him if you delete his number."

"Don't, Hideyoshi! Please don't downgrade me from a 'Friend' to 'Stalker', which is worse than being a stranger! It's fine if it's Yuuji, but Hideyoshi saying it deals me a hard blow."

"Ah......I'm sorry, Akira-nee-san. Can we drop by the police station before going to the beach?"

"That's wrong! We should be going to a swimsuit shop instead! There's no need to get me imprisoned in a detention house!"

"Don't worry, Akihisa. There's no swimming pool in detention houses."

"Argghhh! It's not for me, but for nee-san! Our conversation can't be more madly misunderstood!"

Why must I be regarded as a pervert!

"What is it, Aki-kun? You don't like my swimsuit?"

"I hate it! I hate it from the bottom of my heart!"

"But, didn't Aki-kun tell me 'I don't wanna feel embarrassed so please wear an attire that is less revealing'?"

"I'm sorry! Walking with a sister who is still wearing a school swimsuit at this age is even more embarrassing than walking with one who is wearing a revealing outfit!"

"??? But, won't it feel lonely for me if I'm wearing something different from everyone's?"

"Eh? What are you trying to say, nee-san?"

"Look, aren't all of you wearing this kind of swimsuit since all of you are students? A 'School' swimsuit like this."

"Something every student wears......? Could it be, nee-san, that you wore this when you were in university......!?"

University students are still considered students. I doubt that's really the case, but this feeling of unease is hard to get rid of. If it's nee-san, then it's more than possible.

I felt cold sweat forming on my back. I've never thought that I'd get shivers like these due to my sister's behaviour......!

"What are you saying, Aki-kun. Isn't university 'University'? Wouldn't it be weird to wear 'School' swimsuit?"

"That's great.....! That's really great......! Even my sister, who obviously has no common sense whatsoever, is saying that I lack common sense. I'll just laugh it away......!"

We nearly spread a wrong Japanese culture to foreigners.