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“That's an interesting idea however, it is likely that the danger of the whole thing might end up in chaos.”
“That's an interesting idea however, it is likely that the danger of the whole thing might end up in chaos.”
''As imagined, right now is when I think I should marry an influential nobleman to have their support. How can I even be able to protect one of my knights!''
Even knowing what was the cause, Henrietta cannot help but feel disappointed to Louise, who had just disappeared leaving her duty, and now she was really needed.
“ ... Oh I envy it, to live only for love”
“What are you trying to say?”
“No ... It's nothing.”
“Please I wish you were more considerate and to think in my position, because in reality I have nothing, at least I would like to try comfort you a little, in these times when you really need it ...”
The caravan had finally arrived at Versailles, they were assigned to a guest house, but even having said that, the truth was that the only prepared the rooms were for Queen Henrietta and a few members of her cabinet. As for members of guards, that includes the knights and soldiers, they have been assigned only on the field where they installed hospedasen tents.
"As of tomorrow it will be a busy day due to the celebration, so please take the time today to rest calmly" this was the message that the emissaries of Gallia left for the visitors of the guest house. Then they exit the lobby to continue their activities.
After talking to Agnes and the ladies of the court, Henrietta was left alone in her room. She had several things in mind for the long awaited garden party.
But the main reason for her visit was definitely checking the true intentions of the new Queen Charlotte. Queen Charlotte who had decided to join forces with Romalia to achieve her crowning ... ''Could it be that her cooperation with Romalia, was because they wanted to continue the holy war?'' Precisely that was the matter Henrietta wanted to check.
Even knowing they were at critical moments ... the government is fighting to stabilize the kingdom for they did allow knights of plebeian origin, only showing jealousy, and someone out there had even hired a murderer to realize their hatred. And Louise just thinking about it without considering others and fled to disappear completely.
“Everyone is so selfish. Is there no one feels a real desire to help others?”
Henrietta then summoned Saito, thought at least take a walk with him to clear her head. She also considered talking with him concerning his meeting with the Queen of Gallia and also she had to deal with the issue of the group that was attack him. All this was imperative to notify.
But the main reason for calling him was...
"I want to see him."
She just wanted to be with him and see his face, she had raised a number of reasons, but in the end her desire to meet him was what drove her actions.
Henrietta then rang a bell to call one of her servants.
“At this moment I feel like taking a little ride... then, I must also discuss official matters with him please send Chevalier Hiraga-dono of Ondine Brigade.”
In just a moment, the servant had brought Saito in the presence of the queen.
Then with a face as if experiencing an extreme fatigue and a total lack of strength Saito said:
“You called me?”
“Yes, I’ll take a walk, and I command you to be my escort.”
Then Saito fully recovered his composure and give the queen a respectful reverence. Due to the sudden seriousness of Saito, Henrietta could not help but feel little weird for her actions.
All the way from her room to the exit in the lobby, Henrietta showed her face like a queen of exemplary decency, which even for a moment showed signs of familiarity with his escort Saito, who was always a step behind her.
But at that very moment, the guest house of Versailles seemed to have become a popular social meeting place, everywhere eminent nobles were dressed in their most splendid attire, they along with the ambassadors, could be seen happy and enjoying their casual talks.
As the queen passed by, those noble realizing her presence, recover their composure and made a bow. However, as if they were just air, Henrietta walked past them ignoring them because this is not an official event she did not look for obligation to greet them, but although she did ignore them only for practical reasons, she does not seemed to dislike their attitude.
When you stop and see her, Henrietta was seen as a magnificent queen, despite appearing to forget those who were around her , her Majesty’s presence was enough for them, and by her side Saito did not seem, at this moment , to have slightest interest on Queen Henrietta.
Then Saito thought could it be possible that Henrietta the he had seen that time in that little inn ... and also at that time in the basement of Des Ornières, be the same person?
Outside the guest house, the day seemed to be coming to an end in order to give way to night, but they found the large amount of people out there, which was composed of all those invited foreign nations, surpassed by far the fuss found before them.
Then Henrietta decided to hide behind the hood of her robe.
The Palace of Versailles was broad, almost the same dimensions as the country through which they passed en route to here.
In their walk they came to a large garden full of flowering shrubs, which by its composition resembled a maze, the shrubs of the place were filled with summer blue flowers, which they did not know the name.
So without a second thought Henrietta set out to explore it, entering the labyrinth ...
In their trek through the maze they found a small bench, Henrietta sat down and remove her hood.
With flower essence combined with the cool dampness found due to the plants, the rigid presence of Henrietta vanished. Then with an air like a young villager, she stretched her body before heading to a liberating Saito.
“You should also sit down.” said Henrietta with a melodious voice.
Saito then sat down beside her.
“I did not want anyone to hear us.”
Hearing this, Henrietta felt a bit of excitement.
“No, actually it is not something of such importance.” She said.
Then Saito nodded to her in a crude form.
Lately, this was the condition in which they developed the meetings between them, as an implicit agreement that they avoided each other talking, to break the tension, the first to say something was Henrietta.
“It will be tomorrow ... how should I explain it… about Queen Charlotte. I wonder what was her true intentions, I want to find out what are the circumstances that still involved with Romalia.”
Saito's voice which sounded as if it came from an empty place, evidenced by his lack of courage.
“Also ... the information concerning the thugs who attacked you, apparently they are known as "the brothers of the elements" are a group coming from Gallia which specializes in dirty jobs, a subject quite dangerous ...”
“It really is.“ Saito said without showing any sign of strength.
“You speak as if talking of matters concerning another person. You should get out of that depression, for your sake and that of others.”
“Sorry, but ... is as, no more strength left in me, I know that what I say is unacceptable but ...
Henrietta then furrowed her brows, she felt as if the words of Saito was trying to blame her for something.
“Everything you say, it seems as if everything was my fault.”
Saito stared at Henrietta for a moment, he could see the anger in her eyes, then Saito worriedly said.
“E, that is... course not. Here I am the only culprit. I was the one...”
“Tell me, what perhaps did we do something wrong.” Said Henrietta and then press her lips.
“Well, that would be...”
“Louise is gone, at this time we cannot do anything about it, so we know we can not conclude which were her true intentions, all pass through you own conviction, but you are not yet able to act according to your own feelings? If so, let me be the only one receiving the consequences of that sin, but if maybe ... if it were not so.”
“ If not ...?”
“You would not have the right to feel so dejected as how you feel now.”
Saito then lowered his head in embarrassment.

Revision as of 07:22, 31 May 2013

Chapter 10 - Garden Party to Celebrate the Enthronement

It happened the first week of Ansuul, Hagar the day of Freya.

In order to attend the garden party, the most recognized Tristainian nobles turned their caravans and head toward Versailles.

Heading toward the territory of Gallia, the main caravan of Tristain finally arrived at the docks of the port city of An-Re.

The view of the all vessels belonging to all nations of Halkeginia stationed in that port on the shores of this giant lake, was truly admirable.

Once ashore, the main caravan of Queen Henrietta was preparing to disembark at the "Varsenda" from then it would be about 4 hours to reach Versailles via wagon. Unfortunately, At the time they were about to leave, the harsh summer sun scythed his forces.

Then they decided to take a break in a place after crossing the bridge of La-Vaare. However, if they were to meet with the ambassadors of Gallia, the number of their caravan and would be in a few hundred members. Along the main road we could see the growing fervor that produced such movement of people, and throughout the surrounding area that were ones without houses, people now crushed as if a festival was happening.

The first thing to consider at this time was the arrangement of Queen Henrietta’s tent. Then pages and some soldiers, were devoted to collecting straw bales surrounding houses, which were used to construct a rudimentary provisional couch.

Soon, some farmers at that place had started selling fresh bread and fruit in baskets and offering them to the members of the caravan, Even some vendors were able to provide wine. After a moment as it was expected, the sounds of laughter and singing could be heard everywhere.

Among the buyers were the Ondine Knights who had a good supply of wine and snacks, which give them a desire to join the growing commotion. Even for the selected group of where was the queen, it seemed that the current conditions were nice enough to want the ‘enjoyment‘ provided by this small town.

Besides, it was fair to all those present, both noble and soldiers, to be allowed a little fun, after the constant battle they had to fight recently.

Even so, within the happy commotion had arisen, a face that did not appear anywhere in the festival can be seen.


It was Saito.

Over the course of two weeks, he was devoted to a frantic search for Louise, however after his arrival at the first provincial town, the signs of the whereabouts of Louise stopped.

No matter where he look, no matter who he asked, he could not find Louise’s signs anywhere. So as expected, because of growing anxiety on the part of parents and sisters of Louise, they, themselves, organized a search party. That was the information he had obtained from the letter sent by Cattleya.

Saito had planned to make a home visit to La Vallière and report everything so far wise, however.

"Due to the circumstances, it would be a great inconvenience if my careless father came to kill you, so I ask you right now to refrain from visiting La Vallière". Saito read the letter.

Ultimately, Saito had convinced to leave the search to them, so that he could return to fulfill his obligations. This is the reason why Saito at this time was one of the members of the caravan ambassadors.

He had no choice, he had to fulfill his duty as part of the bureau of negotiations, including the part he was to Louise ...

But ... after unsuccessfully searching her relentlessly for two weeks. Saito, do you really be able to meet her again?

While he was lost in these thoughts , Saito had walked away from his official duties.

The crestfallen and heartbroken Saito decided to leave the caravan to a place where he could be alone. Then with a stick he picked up off the floor he began to sting the earth.

I cannot be with Louise.

When thinking about this, it seemed that he had lost all the urges to continue with his life. Nothing mattered. Not the fact that he let the people who attacked him escape, nor the party to celebrate the coronatio, nothing in the world seemed real, he came to believe that what he saw with his eyes was saw only as a spectator who was in front of the TV.

Tapping the earth once again and Saito suddenly found himself drawing the figure of Louise on earth.

His grief, desperation and pathos gathered everyone in a sad view of what was Saito now.

“Who-is-lle-ved to-the-beautiful-and-word-fits-ment of ro-sa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~”

While Saito sang his version of a kindergarten nursery rhyme, he ended his drawing to see it well and did not know if he had drawn was Louise or an alien.

When Saito came to these conditions, Siesta, without fail, always appear and try to encourage him, however at this time she was in Des Ornières. She along with Professor Colbert had decided to stay if Louise finally return to Des Ornières.

“But why put an ugly face! Now do not worry, just drink.”

Malicorne had come to tell this, only to put a bottle of wine in Saito’s mouth.

“Gu Fuh gugugugugugugu!”

Malicorne not stopping until the wine bottle was empty, then detached it from the mouth of Saito with a "PPAH".

“What do you think you're doing?”

“Is it really, that face you were doing ... Like I say, Louise is not coming back, so resign yourself.”

“P, but that would be ...”

“If I will tell you in the clearest way possible, she does not want to see you anymore, are you not able to realize the significance of her actions?”

Due to shock Saito dropped to his knees on the floor while a sudden tremor came from his body. Then Guiche and others who could not pass unnoticed by their actions, promptly withdrew Malicorne from Saito’s side.

“Oh, hey, that's wrong, and let me go.”

“But you're saying..”

Then Malicorne addressed them with an emphatic scream and said:

“You see, it has to be now, do not you think this is a critical time to see if Saito may or may not become a man? You see, a man must accept a separation and approach it as an aspect of himself, this is what makes one grow as a person. Now what this guy needs is to face reality. “ After saying this Malicorne could not stop himself assented, as if what he had said was the absolute truth.

“Certainly much of your impromptu speech is true, but…” This was added by Kirche, who was very overwhelmed by her desire to return to see her friend Tabitha, also appeared on the scene accompanied by Tiffania.

“Wow that is a very problematic.” Tiffania said. Malicorne shook his head,

Then with a gentle gaze he began to approach her. Tiffania reacted immediately and placed her both hands against her chest, as a precaution to what she knew was coming.

“Miss Westwood, actually ...”

In the instant Malicorne said that, Tiffania instinctively shook his head. “No.”

“But if you do not say anything.”

“No matter what you say, I can ensure those things are rare.”

At this rate, Malicorne could do was to show a smile full of sadness on his face.

“Ahh I give up ... I guess that's what I get for what I always do, but since ... but this time I swear I was going to say something serious.”

After this strange apology, Tiffania could not help but give it a try.

“Well, you mean.”

“Well, ... Did you not please Saito, with those big breasts?”

With an unpleasant feeling, they heard these words arise from a disturbingly eloquent Malicorne, his tone nevertheless actually showed off what it said it was for the sake of his friend. His serene face only further helped convince others of his pure intentions, but in the end, everyone was frustrated by his lack of tact, saying the worst possible words.

“As I thought, you see, when one is depressed you must have breasts, and most importantly be huge, if you think there can not be any better. And indeed, those breasts ... we have the owner of those breasts, after all I do not think there is anyone more qualified than you miss Westwood.”

As expected to happened, Tiffania seemed disposed to use the Void, she was heaving and started waving his wand, but despite this Malicorne did not stop his words.

“Pray q `? Magic? Do you think to use that? What you also want it not to revive Saito? You get well, and still be friends with Saito think! You see me! Seriously just do it for the good of Saito!”

“Ei.” After reciting a little spell, Tiffania waved her hand.

“I'm the chick Pío, pio, pio, pio.”

Then Malicorne left the area walked shaking arms like wings.

After what happened, Tiffania glanced toward Saito and then approach him. What she found was a disabled Saito muttering only nonsense. Seeing him in that state, Tiffania could not help but feel a great sadness.

“Saito do not worry, I assure you fully that Louise will come back, and when you do be sure to apologize to her properly, do you understand?

“Really? Really it again...?”

Tiffania nodded sweetly to that question. “Do not worry, Louise really like to returns to do her job, I guarantee you will return home ...”

Tiffania kept saying this over and over again to comfort Saito. In her tent, Queen Henrietta was preparing to hear the report of Agnes, which only a moment ago had just arrived on her horse at full gallop,

“You finally arrived.” So saying Henrietta let out a sigh.

The report was about the discovered information about the criminal group that attacked the village of Saito in Cherphis, then Agnes continued relating the research findings. However, the information obtained after the completion of the research process was still very poor.

“We are sure to inspect in details the entire area where the village is located, Cherphis but ... still we could not find a trace of the criminal group. Also it was reported that investigations carried out simultaneously to the nobles that you suspect or have motive of some resentment against Chevalier Hiraga-dono yet ...”

Then to see the difficulty in Agnes to describe the situation with words, Henrietta deduced the reason for his distress.

“Too many, that's what you're saying right?”

“It's just as you say, the main reason seems to be his position as a commoner who acquired a peerage but apart from the above I can not imagine anything more, plus you have to add the fact that although he was popular with the masses it might arouse jealousy of with privileged position.”

Therefore, apart from the families of the students of the academy of magic, arguably everyone can have a reason to attack, if I may be frank, this is a situation where you will not get anywhere from research only.

Then Henrietta had no other choice but to assent to the conclusion of Agnes, and then thought to himself: what would have happened if he had also given the title of Baron ... “But we also have something even in our behalf, investigations ultimately yielded to significant track.”

“Please say what you learned.”

“It's a name of the group that dominates the underworld, is the result maybe of infiltration of Tristainian kingdom.”

“The underworld?”

“Yes, apparently a group specializing in dirty jobs, some individuals with incredible skills, apparently belonging to the army of Gallia, what was his name ...? oh yeah they are the members of the Order of Chevalier of North Partel, as reported in Tristania, they managed to sneak into the change of government after abruptly raised by Gallia.”

The North Chevalie Partel, the secret order of knights of Gallia, Henrietta was also aware of the rumors that were said about them. Military Intelligence, murders ... an order of chivalry dedicated to shady jobs, gentlemen who were engaged to a gentleman would not do. “The called "group" right?”

“Yes, ‘Brothers of the elements’, way to get your group.”

Then Henrietta recalled the words of Saito, when the woman who attacked him call "onii-sama" to his partner ...

“If I'm pretty sure they are.”

“In fact, by various rumors circulating in the kingdom, I have heard of them several times, they work like ghosts, they never let their prey escape, and also ... they are known for never having failed in one of their missions.”

“But Saito-dono return alive. They only get him knockout ...”

“I do not know why, but it may be the case that their mission was only to intimidate.”

“If that was the reason, he was lucky, but…”

“But the next time may not be so good.”

Then with a mortified expression on her face Henrietta shook her head.

“Perhaps we could offer a reward, giving citizens a promotion to give us help with the case.”

“That's an interesting idea however, it is likely that the danger of the whole thing might end up in chaos.”

As imagined, right now is when I think I should marry an influential nobleman to have their support. How can I even be able to protect one of my knights!

Even knowing what was the cause, Henrietta cannot help but feel disappointed to Louise, who had just disappeared leaving her duty, and now she was really needed.

“ ... Oh I envy it, to live only for love”

“What are you trying to say?”

“No ... It's nothing.”

“Please I wish you were more considerate and to think in my position, because in reality I have nothing, at least I would like to try comfort you a little, in these times when you really need it ...”

The caravan had finally arrived at Versailles, they were assigned to a guest house, but even having said that, the truth was that the only prepared the rooms were for Queen Henrietta and a few members of her cabinet. As for members of guards, that includes the knights and soldiers, they have been assigned only on the field where they installed hospedasen tents.

"As of tomorrow it will be a busy day due to the celebration, so please take the time today to rest calmly" this was the message that the emissaries of Gallia left for the visitors of the guest house. Then they exit the lobby to continue their activities.

After talking to Agnes and the ladies of the court, Henrietta was left alone in her room. She had several things in mind for the long awaited garden party.

But the main reason for her visit was definitely checking the true intentions of the new Queen Charlotte. Queen Charlotte who had decided to join forces with Romalia to achieve her crowning ... Could it be that her cooperation with Romalia, was because they wanted to continue the holy war? Precisely that was the matter Henrietta wanted to check.

Even knowing they were at critical moments ... the government is fighting to stabilize the kingdom for they did allow knights of plebeian origin, only showing jealousy, and someone out there had even hired a murderer to realize their hatred. And Louise just thinking about it without considering others and fled to disappear completely.

“Everyone is so selfish. Is there no one feels a real desire to help others?”

Henrietta then summoned Saito, thought at least take a walk with him to clear her head. She also considered talking with him concerning his meeting with the Queen of Gallia and also she had to deal with the issue of the group that was attack him. All this was imperative to notify.

But the main reason for calling him was...

"I want to see him."

She just wanted to be with him and see his face, she had raised a number of reasons, but in the end her desire to meet him was what drove her actions.

Henrietta then rang a bell to call one of her servants.

“At this moment I feel like taking a little ride... then, I must also discuss official matters with him please send Chevalier Hiraga-dono of Ondine Brigade.”

In just a moment, the servant had brought Saito in the presence of the queen.

Then with a face as if experiencing an extreme fatigue and a total lack of strength Saito said:

“You called me?”

“Yes, I’ll take a walk, and I command you to be my escort.”

Then Saito fully recovered his composure and give the queen a respectful reverence. Due to the sudden seriousness of Saito, Henrietta could not help but feel little weird for her actions.

All the way from her room to the exit in the lobby, Henrietta showed her face like a queen of exemplary decency, which even for a moment showed signs of familiarity with his escort Saito, who was always a step behind her.

But at that very moment, the guest house of Versailles seemed to have become a popular social meeting place, everywhere eminent nobles were dressed in their most splendid attire, they along with the ambassadors, could be seen happy and enjoying their casual talks.

As the queen passed by, those noble realizing her presence, recover their composure and made a bow. However, as if they were just air, Henrietta walked past them ignoring them because this is not an official event she did not look for obligation to greet them, but although she did ignore them only for practical reasons, she does not seemed to dislike their attitude.

When you stop and see her, Henrietta was seen as a magnificent queen, despite appearing to forget those who were around her , her Majesty’s presence was enough for them, and by her side Saito did not seem, at this moment , to have slightest interest on Queen Henrietta.

Then Saito thought could it be possible that Henrietta the he had seen that time in that little inn ... and also at that time in the basement of Des Ornières, be the same person?

Outside the guest house, the day seemed to be coming to an end in order to give way to night, but they found the large amount of people out there, which was composed of all those invited foreign nations, surpassed by far the fuss found before them.

Then Henrietta decided to hide behind the hood of her robe.

The Palace of Versailles was broad, almost the same dimensions as the country through which they passed en route to here.

In their walk they came to a large garden full of flowering shrubs, which by its composition resembled a maze, the shrubs of the place were filled with summer blue flowers, which they did not know the name.

So without a second thought Henrietta set out to explore it, entering the labyrinth ...

In their trek through the maze they found a small bench, Henrietta sat down and remove her hood.

With flower essence combined with the cool dampness found due to the plants, the rigid presence of Henrietta vanished. Then with an air like a young villager, she stretched her body before heading to a liberating Saito.

“You should also sit down.” said Henrietta with a melodious voice.

Saito then sat down beside her.

“I did not want anyone to hear us.”

Hearing this, Henrietta felt a bit of excitement.

“No, actually it is not something of such importance.” She said.

Then Saito nodded to her in a crude form.

Lately, this was the condition in which they developed the meetings between them, as an implicit agreement that they avoided each other talking, to break the tension, the first to say something was Henrietta.

“It will be tomorrow ... how should I explain it… about Queen Charlotte. I wonder what was her true intentions, I want to find out what are the circumstances that still involved with Romalia.”


Saito's voice which sounded as if it came from an empty place, evidenced by his lack of courage.

“Also ... the information concerning the thugs who attacked you, apparently they are known as "the brothers of the elements" are a group coming from Gallia which specializes in dirty jobs, a subject quite dangerous ...”

“It really is.“ Saito said without showing any sign of strength.

“You speak as if talking of matters concerning another person. You should get out of that depression, for your sake and that of others.”

“Sorry, but ... is as, no more strength left in me, I know that what I say is unacceptable but ...

Henrietta then furrowed her brows, she felt as if the words of Saito was trying to blame her for something.

“Everything you say, it seems as if everything was my fault.”


Saito stared at Henrietta for a moment, he could see the anger in her eyes, then Saito worriedly said.

“E, that is... course not. Here I am the only culprit. I was the one...”

“Tell me, what perhaps did we do something wrong.” Said Henrietta and then press her lips.

“Well, that would be...”

“Louise is gone, at this time we cannot do anything about it, so we know we can not conclude which were her true intentions, all pass through you own conviction, but you are not yet able to act according to your own feelings? If so, let me be the only one receiving the consequences of that sin, but if maybe ... if it were not so.”

“ If not ...?”

“You would not have the right to feel so dejected as how you feel now.”

Saito then lowered his head in embarrassment.