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Even if you say a wad, it doesn’t mean that all the notes was 1,000 yen notes! To think that the healthy teacher would sell one of her students so easily………
Even if you say a wad, it doesn’t mean that all the notes was 1,000 yen notes! To think that the healthy teacher would sell one of her students so easily………
“Sakamoto-sensei… I wonder if she struggled in various ways, she’s young after all.
"Sakamoto-sensei… I wonder if she struggled in various ways, she’s young after all."
“It might be true. But you understand, don’t you? Your Death or Alive rights, are all in my hands…”
“It might be true. But you understand, don’t you? Your Death or Alive rights, are all in my hands…”
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Aah, as I expected. When her appeared I slightly thought that could be that. The nightmare before wasn’t my imagination, that was the cold reality. In other words…
Aah, as I expected. When her appeared I slightly thought that could be that. The nightmare before wasn't my imagination, that was the cold reality. In other words…
“Why… Why do Konoe come to the school dressing like a guy?”
“Why… Why did Konoe come to the school dressing like a guy?”

Revision as of 20:38, 21 July 2013

The secret of the Butler-kun

Part 1

Konoe Subaru.

In all probability, there was nobody in Rouran private school who had never heard this name.

Bunburyodo. Good looking. Clean clothes. A prodigy type of guy.

If he was a girl, all the guys in the school would be knocked out——A plausibly handsome guy that was heard of in rumors. Anyone would envy that student who always had perfect results. But in the world where the word "unachievable" existed, there was Konoe, the only flower blooming on the top of Mount Everest.

Anyway, the nickname he was given was [Subaru-sama].

The female students admire him, the male students look at him with jealousy. I can’t believe that he is a human being just like us, the commoners. However, don’t be surprised.

The most incredible thing about him is his work.


Yes, he is a butler.

The occupation of Konoe Subaru was without a doubt--a butler.


No, no.

When I first heard it, I doubted my ears, you know?

Butler, what do you mean by that? Don’t joke with me. Why does such a person with this occupation still exist in this modern society? And he's also going to high school.

Enough of it, was he a heavenly treasure or something like that?

That was my reaction when I first heard about Konoe. At first everyone was like that. It’s not exactly like this, but "you wouldn't believe in an endangered species like a butler".

But, nevertheless that scene happened.

When I saw him calling our classmate Suzutsuki Kanade "[Ojou-sama]" in a respectful manner, I couldn’t help but believe in this dream-like story.


I’m jealous.

I’m so jealous.

Not only was he popular with the girls, he was also the butler of ‘that’ Suzutsuki Kanade?

It made me look at him with envious eyes.

However, this brilliant event will never happen to me during my gray school days.

It’s not like I hate women and it's also not like I play for the other team.

However, the most annoying thing was that, thanks to my body, I was always bad with approaching females.

Indeed, there’s no way I can see Konoe Subaru as other than a brilliant human.

Even in the remaining time of my school life, I won't have many chances to get involved with him, huh.

Even when I got to the second year and became classmates with Konoe, I didn’t doubt that.

Until I opened that door.

Part 2


I was careless.

It was after school, one week after the entrance ceremony.

I opened the door of the bathroom stall without knocking, but there was already someone inside.

There was a small, finely made, delicate doll-like body.

With a uniform that was different from the ones of the ordinary students.

With the hair tied back in a braid shape, it was a clean cut like the ones on an antique doll.

The vision of that art work was familiar, but unpleasant.

“......Konoe Subaru?”

And instantly, I called out that name.

This is bad.

What’s with this situation?

I wonder if he forgot to lock the door.

Konoe, who was swishing his mouth, widened his eyes while looking at me who had suddenly opened the door.

Aaah, but it would be better if I don't scream. Even if this is after school, there may still be people lurking in the corridors.

If you were seen by other people in this situation, no matter how much you tried to explain or apologize, it wouldn't matter.

Furthermore, who was there was ‘that’ Subaru-sama.

It was said in the rumors that in this Rouran School, there were some fan clubs for him, and at the very center of them, were some militants who said, anyone who raised a hand at Subaru-sama --it didn't matter who it was-- would be submerged into Tokyo Bay with the squids.

If this scene was seen as one of those, it would be the death sentence for me immediately. It would be like in the medieval ages, when they burned witches.

If you think about it, the situation is still okay. I just have to apologize. 'Hahaha, sorry about that. I carelessly opened the door. I didn't have any bad intentions'.... like this, lightly saying that and making my way out.

Mayo Chiki! Vol1 017.jpeg

Okay, here we go.

Breaking the silence, I moved the hands of the clock that had stopped.

“Ah, haha, I’m really sorry. I just carelessly opened the door...”

Because of my high tension, it didn’t work out.

When I awkwardly looked close, my line of sight got dragged toward his bare thighs.

Err—even being a man, he had a good tone of skin.

A porcelain like white skin.

He may have been just about to lower his underwear.

And what's more, my sight got glued to that white modeled beauty.



That moment, I think I saw something that I couldn't have.


Wait a moment.

Isn't he wearing some strange underwear?

How can I say this....... the form was strangely conclusive.

It looks like a pair of girl’s panties.


Then I thought.

I awkwardly closed the door. Fortunately, Konoe also didn't express a reaction. I guess he was still astonished. Yeah, I know how you feel. I also think that the scene I saw right now looked like a joke.

Right after leaving the boy's stall, I washed my hands at a nearby sink. Since I didn't use it, there was no need to wash them, but I could not afford even one milligram of my mind to think about this.

A cat.

There was a cute cat stamped on it.

A lovely cat was slightly imprinted on that underwear. Or rather, the point was, no matter how you looked......

“No, calm down.”

There’s no way.

I took off my glasses and wiped my eyes.

If what happened just now wasn't an illusion, then the prescription of my glasses got weird. But could the prescription of glasses turn strange all of a sudden?

In the first place, why did I come to the bathroom?

Yeah, it’s all because of the Kimchi[1] I ate for breakfast. Damn Kureha, easily letting the food surpass its expiration date. The morning show on TV said something about my lucky color being red today or something, there’s no way I could believe something like that.... huh, it doesn't matter now.


Yes——the question is...

Why—was Konoe wearing female underwear?

I couldn't believe the words that came out of my mouth.

Because that was the Konoe that you knew?

That Konoe Subaru was the one you knew?

Certainly, he was a guy, but he looks like a gi——or rather, he had a face which was much cuter than a lot of girls we have here, but he didn't have a reason to put on that underwear. But still. Could it be that a blood curse ran through his family, in which you didn't have any option but to wear a girl’s panties?

“....Impossible. There’s no way.”

Then, what was that?

My brain was spinning like a washing machine in the drying process.

Subaru-sama, toilet, panties, cat, nyaa~, nyaa~, nyaa~......

Thinking about it. Some keywords appeared in my head——Suddenly, an inspiration fell down into my brain by God’s will.


Without thinking, *pon* I hit my hand.

....Aaah, got it.

If you stop and think about it, it's a simple thing. Ahaha, how idiotic I am. Why didn't I think of that earlier? There was only one answer. It's a very simple answer, isn't it?

——A pervert.

Yeah, Konoe Subaru is a pervert who has a cross-dressing hobby.


No, wait Sakamachi Kinjirou. Think about it one more time. Because it is that Subaru-sama. There’s no way that he would be a cross-dressing guy.

“But really.”

Certainly, I can’t see it any other way.

Surely, the reason Konoe wore a girl’s underwear, is that he wanted to playfully feel sexual pleasure. If that was not it, then why else would he wear those panties?

“.....What an event. I can’t believe that Subaru-sama is a pervert.”

My head went blank due to the surprising truth.

No matter what I do, if this truth isn't kept under wraps, I will be in danger. If, due to any reason this information gets leaked out, a lot of female students will lose their hopes and go crazy, and in the worst case, our homeroom teacher, feeling responsible, will cut his head off.

And what's more, I don’t have any intentions of mocking other people's hobbies. I respect their privacy. Everyone has secrets. Yeah.... I’m not an exception too.

I twisted the faucet, and the water stopped.

I’m going home.

Because of the great surprise, the bellyache I had caused by the rotten kimchi went flying away.

Today I’ll quietly go home, have dinner, take a bath and go to sleep...... I’ll forget the things I need to forget.

This is what I decided by myself, but when I tried to turn to the corridor——

“——You saw, didn’t you?”

To face a guy with a slightly high auto-voice?

The setting sun was dyeing that empty corridor.

There was a petite figure standing inside of that brilliant orange.

“Jirou....Sakamachi Kinjirou. Hmm, I’m certain that this is your name.”

Like the ring of a bell, the clear voice of that figure——Konoe Subaru called my name.

With an angry expression and a surly attitude.

That was the normal Konoe.

At least, he knows the name of his classmates. Konoe is cold with everyone except with his master Suzutsuki. Looks like he’s trying to pull away from everyone besides his master, and so his voice and gaze were quite intimidating. Looking at this figure, the girls of my class started muttering something about [cool and wonderful]. Right now I couldn't say that, not with this expression.

…..I’ll get killed.

If I stay like this, I’ll really get killed.

I don’t know why, but an obscure feeling of uneasiness filled up my head.

“If you pretend to stay silent, I’ll ask you one more time.”

Silence was the reason of the annoyance? Konoe moved his petal-like little lips.

“You——saw my panties, didn't you?”

*Dossha*, I felt like my heart was thrown into the cold waters of the rowdy Japan sea.

What is this….. it’s just too scary. The things he’s saying are just too scary. Ugh, and what about my lucky color being red? Almost everything that fortune-teller said was wrong…..

“Hu…huh? What are you talking about? I….I, I haven’t seen anything.”

I answered acting like an idiot. I mean, ‘Yeah, I clearly saw everything, I didn’t expect you to use such cute underwear’. There’s no way I could say it. It’s almost like trying to do a break dance in a minefield.

“Huh. You saw it so clearly and now you try to say you haven’t seen anything?”

A hostile tone as always.

Very good. Since it has come to this, I’ll cut through it. You won’t seal my mouth by using tortures at the same level as East German ones. I’ll show you my rebellious spirit……..!

“Be honest, you saw it, right? Your eyes clearly saw it, right? You wanted to see my underwear and opened that door, right?”

“There’s no way! Who would want to see your underwear!? I’m already an adult after all! That animal stamp underwear didn't get me excited at all!”

“……My bad, for using animal stamp underwear. By the way, how did you know the pattern of my underwear? Didn't you say that you didn't see it?”


Shit! That was a misleading question!

“Ca—calm down! It was just a sudden impulse!”

“Damn pervert. You no longer have human rights.”

“Don’t joke! I didn't peek at your panties because I wanted to!”

“Huh. Then, you are saying that what happened just now was an accident?”

“Of course! I only stared without thinking, because you were wearing cute underwear.”

“It’s enough. I understand. I understood what kind of human you are.”

Konoe stared strongly this way. Gulp, why are you looking here. They're like the cold eyes with which you look at a worthless sexual criminal. Damn, what did I do to him?

“Damn! Until now you have just said whatever you wanted. If I’m a pervert, then you are a truly worthless pervert! You are wearing girls panti——”


After saying that, I became silent.

Accurately saying, I got silenced.

Without any warning, Konoe’s right hand flew in my direction, driving my words down my throat.


A piercing body blow. The blow accurately hit a vital point. I pray to my body not to twist.

This is bad——!

It will come out.

This way, all I've eaten today will come out. It's coming up too fast, I’ll throw hot vomit on the corridor. I can't make such a completely pathetic debut in the new year!

I forced back the demons who crawled up to my throat at the last moment, and I barely fixed my breathing.

“…...Got it. Just now you fainted at least, and well done enduring this blow, from which you should be vomiting blood.”


Hey, damn. Don’t hit your classmates so suddenly.

Now that I think about it, I heard that Konoe, being a butler, had to learn self-defense to protect his master. Certainly, just now my vital point was perfectly hit.

But, unfortunately.

If it’s this degree of damage, because of family matters, I have been hit ever since I was five years old.

I have a body which is strong against physical hits.

“It can’t be helped. Then, I’ll get serious now.”


“By the way, the hit you received just now, had about half of my full power.”

“……..Are you the protagonist of some battle manga? By the way, why do I have to be beaten up?”

“Huh. It has already been decided. You discovered my secret. And because of that, you know, you have to disappear.”


What’s with this? I’ll die? I’ll die, just because I saw his panties?

“You don’t have anything to fear. I won’t take your life, I’ll only delete your memory. In my household, we have an amnesia surgery technique that is passed down from generation to generation.”

“Aaah… you were scaring me. And then, what kind of technique is it?”



“Didn’t you hear me? I’m going to hit you. I’m going to hit you until your memories fly out of your head. This is the butler’s true amnesia surgery technique.”

“I will die. My life will disappear. Or rather, this method has nothing to do with butlers!”

“No need to worry. It will end soon. When you wake up, you will be on a hospital bed. Then you will start murmuring things like, ‘Where am I? Who am I?’. Come on, everything will go well.”

“It won’t go well! This is crippling! Or rather, I will get crippled! You will reset the sixteen years of my precious memories!”

“Don’t worry, I will go see you two times a month. Empty-handed.”

“Bring something! This is the concern that you have for the human that you crippled?”

“Muu, it can’t be helped. Then I will bring an ecchi book. Which do you want? Mature women?”

“You’re strongly misunderstanding my tastes…..!”

“….What did you say? Don’t tell me it’s more extreme than this? Mu—…… I didn’t know there was such a brave man among my classmates. Okay, I will spread your legend. Now, calm down and sleep, Silver Killer.”

“I got a such shameful nicknameeee——!!”


I think I heard the sound of the image I had of Konoe Subaru breaking into pieces.

This is dangerous. Do something. That damn guy, he has a cute face , but he has something wrong in his head. Aah, what should I do? Even if I say that I will protect his secret, the Konoe as of right now, will not believe me. But I also don’t want to get beaten up.

“Damn, it’s not it.”

I slowly stretched my spine and got up. I guessed that the mood had gone strange, then [Fuu] Konoe took a quick breath.

“Why? Why do you resist?”

“Aah, unfortunately I hate pain. That’s why, I will do what I can do.”

“Huh——Looks like you’re prepared. I don’t hate it, Silver Killer.”

“…Wha—. I beg you, please stop calling me with that nickname.”

Then, Konoe held up his fists and took a step back away from me.

Bring it on.

It felt as if he was saying that to me.

I felt a chill running through my body.

To answer that highly motivated butler-kun, I slowly took a step.

And—I slowly got my feet behind.


At that moment, the sound of my breath could be heard.

But, it was too late.

And then, I changed the direction of my body and starting running as fast as I can.


I’m flying.

I may look like this, but I have some confidence in my legs, when used for running.

“You! You’re trying to run away?!”

Konoe’s voice was coming from the back. Looks like he’s impatient.

“Sorry! But I hate pain!”

I ran through the school corridors while crying out loudly.


I don't expect that he would follow me, but I will run as long as I can. For now, I will run to a place that his hands can’t reach. After that, I will think calmly.

“I wont let you run away!”

He really followed me. The sound of footsteps getting closer, got louder. It feels like being in a resistance group of the second world war. It is a thrilling trench point.

“Fight like a man! If you do it, I will show you the mercy of a butler and finish it in one blow.”

“Which mercy?! Or rather, I don’t want to hear about fighting like a man from a guy who looks like a girl.”

“Y, you said it! You really said what you are not supposed to say! Don’t move from there! In just a second I will cut you into pieces, Silver Killer!”

“How many times I have to tell you, don’t call me by that nickname!”

I felt an intimidating chill running through my spine. He’s fast. *Grrr* I think that I heard a sound like a grumble just now.

This is the second floor. I have to find a way to run to the first floor, but using the stairs is bad. He will probably hit me with a jump kick from above. Then…..!

I ran into a classroom, which was right after the stairs. The smell of chemicals reached my nose. Yeah, this is the science classroom. Doesn’t matter whether it's the science classroom or not, but I can be confined here for a maximum of ten minutes.

*Pllaaaakkk*I closed the door, and locked it. During the time he can’t open the door, I will just go down through the window. Oh, perfect, the human body model is here (if I’m not mistaken, his name is Johny). Lucky—, with this, I will seal the do——


The moment I tried to seal the door with the model, a crushing sound echoed in the science room.

I had an ominous feeling and turned my eyes towards the direction of the sound, and there was the shape of the door flying away.

Konoe had kicked down the door.


I dodged the flying door. Making a clanging sound, the internal organs of the model crashed against the wall. Uaahh—, the large intestines and the liver are broken, it became a big disaster.

“I’m cornered.”

The butler came inside the science room while snapping the small intestines. How much more violent can this situation get?

Shit, if it has turned out this way, then I don’t have any other options. I was a little reluctant of using violence on a guy with such a cute face, but Konoe is also a man. If he is a man, I don’t have any reasons for holding back.

I grab the model by the leg and raise it. Okay, I’m a central batter. My target is a home run. I won’t win any prizes, but I will be able to run all I want!


I swung the body with full power. If you looked in from outside, the scene would cause one to doubt my sanity, but for me now, I have no other options. The model’s head cut through the air, aiming to hit Konoe.

“Don’t underestimate me!”

*Strong Blow*.

Konoe’s right fist gave a straight blow above the neck of the model.

The head flew like a cannon ball. It went right through the open window.

“Ua, Uaaaahh!!” “Gyaaaa, a heaaad!!” Some screams could be heard from below.

Apparently, it fell right before a student couple. It surely became a chaotic hell down there, but that doesn’t matter.

......What should I do?

There’s no longer anything to do.

It’s better to reach a resolution now.

While I was thinking about it in my mind, I slowly raised my fists. I took a guarding posture, with both hands protecting my head. This is the style which suits me the most. I’m not an amateur.

“Looks like you are prepared now.”

In answer, Konoe also put up a fighting pose.

I gave him a piercing gaze.

And then—— as if to let out a war declaration, those lips let out a sentence.

“Now I will finish you for real, with my [Butler Punch].”


Wha—, cut it out. What is this [Butler Punch]? Just what it says, huh? I though it was a new type of curve ball.

“I don’t give a shit, but you don’t have any naming sense, huh?”

“Wha….what are you saying?! Isn’t this name cool?! Look, [Butler Punch]!!”

“No, this is rotten. [Butler Punch].”

I only told my honest impressions. His face became red and he 'uuh' groaned.

……Don’t tell me, he’s embarrassed?

“Kuu… it’s the first time in my life that I have been shamed like this. I won't forgive you anymore. I will let you see my mortal technique.”

“Mortal Technique?”

“Yeah, I call it [End Of Earth].”

“That scale is just too big.”

Destroying the Earth… if you do it, you will die too!!

“Really, I’m seriously thinking about your naming sense.”

“Shu— shut up, don’t blame my naming sense!”

“………Sorry. This time I’m in the wrong. You thought about it with all your might…”

“Wha——what’s with that ‘I already understood’ face! Why are you looking here with those eyes that look like you're seeing something pitiful!?”

Shit… I thought I was doing something cool. Even if I thought about it for a week. So, Konoe can be thinking about it like a little kid.


This is dangerous.

He looks....very cute.

The gap between his normal attitude and the disappointed one, was so large that it gave a cute look to him. Stop it. Stop it. If I keep thinking about it, I will climb up the stairs of being an adult. Certainly, on a different route from normal people. This is the only thing I have to avoid……!

I tried to get back to my feelings while I steadied my breath.

Now that I think about it, it has been a long time since I've seen fights like this.

When I think like this, *tumdum* my heart beats hard.


The tension dominates the science classroom.

I can clearly hear my breath, the core of my body became cold.

The air strained.

In the middle of it, I’m attempting to make the first move.

I realized it.

The beaker on the shelf next to Konoe.

Maybe because of the fight from before, it lost its balance. Looks like it will fall at any moment now.

Konoe didn’t realize it.

He can not see it because of the angle. The beaker started inclining, and it started to fall in that direction.

“Move away!”

My body moved reflexively. Konoe became astonished with the sudden loud shout that was raised.

Shit, he didn’t realize it yet.


If it continues this way, the beaker will fall on his head.


I beg you. I hope I can reach it in time.

Praying so, I pushed Konoe down with my full power.


The sound of glass being shattered was heard.

The beaker fell down and broke into pieces, just behind us.

That was dangerous, one blow could have…

When the danger passed, I started feeling relieved, but——


I heard a painful voice from below.

Konoe, who was pushed down by me, was groaning. I thought that he was hurt somewhere, then I gazed down at Konoe……

That moment, my heart froze.

Konoe, who was below me.

A body like a doll. Defined curves. Eyes like jade.

….This is dangerous, what’s this cute creature?

A pleasant aroma is gently reaching my nose. Even with him being a guy, he smells so good. And he’s so soft. I touched something soft when I moved my hand……


Wait a minute.

No matter what, isn’t this feeling impossible for a man? *funyu**funyu* I try to move my finger that was on his left chest.


This is strange.

This is very, very strange.

Why does he—— even being a man, have breasts!?


He screamed like a girl.

At the same time, I was given a punch from below.


Konoe’s uppercut reached my chin. I was blown away while raising a groaning voice. Fortunately or not, my body was blown away from the broken beaker pieces.

“It hurts!!”

While bearing the pain from the hard hit, I touched my chin that was beaten, a wet feeling was left on my palm.


When I wondered and looked, ‘my hand was dyed in red’.


To be precise, a nosebleed.

*Drop**drop* Fresh blood was dripping from my nose.

This is strange, I should have been hit on the chin...then, why is it the nose which is releasing blood?

“Wha—— Impossible… why?”


‘Even if I didn't touch a girl, why is my nose bleeding?’

“Y, you touched it…”

A trembling voice was heard. When I moved my eyes from my hand dyed in red, I saw the figure of Konoe hugging his arms around his chest, he was trembling with his face dyed in red. Now that I look, his eyes are wet.

“Do, don’t tell me, that Konoe-san…”

My voice was trembling.

This is true. My opponent is Subaru-sama. In the opinions of all the girls, he was the most admired guy. Yet, even so.

“You…… you're a girl?”

Beethoven’s concert was playing in my brain. The song was [Fate]. That tchandyandyan like.


Konoe Subaru was a girl.

Why did this cute girl come to school dressed like a boy?

This is surely a surprise. Now I get it. In two more seconds she will say, 'Ahaha, baka baka! To believe in such a joke!', trying to trick people with strange methods. Haha, I hope it will happen. Please, I beg you.

“——I will kill you.”

At that moment, I almost screamed.


An unspeakable chill ran through my spine.

Konoe was standing in the front of my eyes.

In Konoe Subaru’s hands was a bright red fire extinguisher.

“Wha… Fire extinguisheeeeeeeeer!?”

There’s no doubt. That is a fire extinguisher. Even a child in kindergarten would know. He probably took the one in the science room. He made a pose with the metallic red object gripped in his hand.

“Wa—wait a minute Konoe-san. If you hit me with that, I have the feeling that my memory won't be the only thing that will be blown away……”

“Aah, I understand. A pervert like you, wasn’t ever supposed to be in this world……”

“Tha——that was an accident!! That was without a doubt an accident!!”

“Was an accident, huh. You touched……you say it even if you touched my breasts and had a nosebleed……!”

Uuurrr, Konoe wistfully groaned.

“You got it wrong! It’s not because I got excited that I got a nose bleed! This is because my body ha——”

“Talking is useless. Don’t worry, I will hide your corpse inside the wall. And in the future, I will be the teacher here. Then I will be able to keep an eye on your body, so that no one will ever find it.”

Keh. Holy shit. He is aiming for a perfect crime. Or rather, this is bad. I can’t stand up because of the fear. Uaaaaaaaaaaaah, move! Please move, I beg you body, please move!!

“Then, this is the end. Die while cringing in despair.”

I received a death sentence.

According to the horoscope, it looks like my lucky color is red.

Aah, from now on, I won’t watch that program anymore.

The bright red fire extinguisher was reflected in my eyes.

At that moment, I thought, it will crash onto my head.

Part 3


Suddenly I get my consciousness back. Lying in a bed, *Baku**Baku* I put my hands on my chest and felt my heart beating rapidly. I was awake by my own scream.

“……What a way to wake up.”

That was the worst.

I saw a unbelievable dream. That Subaru-sama was a girl, and just because I knew it, he wanted to kill me…… Just to think about it, the chill pass through my spin. That was a Nightmare. Feels like I watched closely that bridge walk scene on the movie [Exorcist].

“………I will get up.”

I muttered while sighing.

I put my glasses which was on the bedside. What time is now? If I get late in the new semester it will pass a bad impression.

“……Ah, what?”

I recover my vision. What I saw was a strange scene. First, that wasn’t my room. An elongated fluorescent lamp was on the ceiling. A big white bed and shelves full of chemicals are illuminated by it. Everything in this place was different from room.


There’s no doubt. I can tell because I came here so many times. This is the college Infirmary. But why I am in the infirmary?

For the time being, I will just wake up.

I tried to wake up wile my brain still half asleep, I moved the sheet that was covering to the right.


Suddenly, with a *Shring* like sound my right hand suddenly stopped.


A harsh metallic sound. My right hand won’t move. If you look closely, there was a silver colored metal.


Has a handcuff in my hand.

Surprisingly, that silver colored inorganic device, was connecting my right hand and the bed like lovers.


Errr… What can this be?

By any chance, am I still dreaming? If this is true, this is a really bad dream. It can be that Freddy Kruger will appear at any time.

In attempt get out somehow, *clatter**clatter* I move my hands connected to the handcuff.

Shit, it wont work.

It don’t move a inch as expected. This don’t feel too much different from a stray dog which have an collar put on. But being a dog is good. As long as you are tied, you will get food. A quite lot better from me now.


A dull pain suddenly ran. Headache. And a strong headache. With out thinking I put my left hand on my head. This is strange…… It is like I have been beaten on the head with something really hard……



If it moves, mean that my left hand isn’t tied?

To make it sure, I tried to move my left hand. Wow, it’s really. It’s only my right hand which is tied on. My left hand moves freely. I try to figure out the situation even a little, I took out the futon that was covering my left hand.


At this moment———I was about to scream for the second time.

A girl.

There was a girl.

A girl with a lustrous black two-side-up hair. She was sleeping profoundly snuggling to me.


I desperately suppress the scream that was in the same level as a F1 rocket start. I stop breathing. My poor heart could had stopped beating.

This is sure. In now days to a girl sleep at your side. (Wearing clothes of course. Precisely a uniform.) But she was slightly familiar.

A uniform with looks like different from a normal student. Although normally it would be a rule violation, if you think about this girl backbone you will get convinced.

If in the middle of the girls in this Rouran private school, the admired one is Konoe Subaru, in the middle of the guys, this girl is the idol.

A distinguished good look and proportions. Cool & beauty. Graceful expression. Clear head, Bunburyodo and perfect scores. This is the really, perfect Ojou-sama.

Suzutsuki Kanade.

Yes, this girl is Konoe’s master who he calls [Ojou-sama], she is the only daughter of this school’s principal, and the successor of the [Suzutsuki] name, really an Ojou-sama. This is the true Suzutsuki Kanade——the girl who was sleeping by my side.

By the way, even being in the same class, we never had a conversation. This is sure. A mediocre commoner guy and the most beautiful girl on the school. There is a trench deeper than Mariana Rift between us.

But then, Why?

Why this person would be sleeping by my side.

“U, un….”

A little sleep breath.

This is bad.

Cold sweet was flowing on my back. Without doubts, in my side now, there was a girl. She is close. Feels like the distance was filled every breath. If a girl stay this close to me…

“….Un?......Ah, you woke up? Sakamachi-kun.”

A dignified voice. She awaked, opened her eyes, take a second look at my face and got of the bed.

“Are you okay? This handcuffs, aren’t hurting? I think the size is right.”



Wait a minute.

This girl, Isn’t she telling some unbelievable things?

“Do not worry, Sakamachi-kun.”

To me, who don’t even know the situation, felt like Suzutsuki stay calm as always.

“The surgery, was completed safely.”


“With this you also, became one of our shocker soldiers.”

“Wha—— Whaaaaaaaaaaat!?”

I’m shocked. This surgery was, an remodeling surgery? And also, what means Shocker……? What do I do? Suzutsuki Kanade. This girl, can have the age Unexpectedly high.

“So, now you became a cyborg, you’re different from the normal humans. Try to scream [Transform!]. This way your hidden power will be released.”

“Wha, What did you say? O-okay! Un-understood! Here we go! ——Transform!”

I was lying on the bed while screaming loud.


The cold silence was dominating the infirmary.


Of course, nothing happened. There’s no way that I could transform.

Or rather, What am I doing? What a shame. To a middle school student to scream [Transform!]………

“Gu, hahaha.”

I could heard a laugh.

Suzutsuki was laughing at something she don’t believed that would happen. She was holding her stomach, looks like she would die by suffocation at any time.

“Kuhuhu. Transform. After being a middle schooler, Transform……… Aha, ahahaha. Amazing. I wanted to make a paint with it to show to the future generations.”


Hey, I have some questions. This girl, she is really Suzutsuki Kanade? It was too much diference from when we where on the class. Usually, Suzutsuki was more… Reserved, I thought that was the really form of an Ojou-sama. But the fact that she was truly beautiful won’t change.

“Err, Suzutsuki-san…… Can I ask a question?”

“Huhu, go ahead, Sakamachi-kun. Or it’s better for me to call you [Jirou] like our classmates?”

“I don’t mind it either way………”

Jirou, is a name which I was called from a long time ago. Sakamachi Kinjirou. Shortly Jirou.

“Thank you, Jirou-kun. You can have a lot you want to ask but, you can go calmly.”

Fufu, Suzutsuki was laughing in a refined way.

………What a happening.

Now, for a moment, I became fascinated. Kuh, this girl is certainly Suzutsuki Kanade. The prettiest girl on the school. This title is not just for show. I’m tense only by talking normally.

“Th, then, I will ask. It was you who bind my hands?”

“Yes. Be careful. If it was released, the seal in your right arm will broke.”

What’s with this cool history? I am some battle anime protagonist?

“……Understood. Let’s put a hold in this matter. Next. Why you was sleeping by my side?”

“Aah, I can’t? I was only taking a short nap….”


Ua, I asked it again so calmly. This girl, she don’t have even a bit of shame? I’m also a healthy middle school boy you know?

“Don’t worry, I don’t have any intention to be violated by someone who can only use his left hand.”

“What kind of human do you think I am!?”

Who will do this kind of thing? Also, in this infirmary, we have one more bed. Now, it’s hidden by a curtain, but shouldn’t be anyone there. If she wanted to sleep she should sleep there.

“……err, where’s the infirmary teacher Nakamoto-sensei? Where did she gone?”

When I took a look at the clock, it is only pasting the six of the evening. Usually, on this time, Nakamoto-sensei should be here waiting to lock the room. If she hasn’t released her duties.

“Aah, she succumbed to my power.”


“Yeah. This way, she got out the infirmary room crying after being slapped some times on the face.”

“What are you doing for that teacher!?”

This isn’t power, this is violence. This is sad. Nakamoto sensei is a teacher with a week mind. Certainly, at this time, she would be inside her car, crying and sobbing.

“Don’t worry. When I say I slapped her, I doesn’t means that was with my palm.”


“Yeah. With two wads of money, I knocked three times on the cheek. Then, she ran away from the infirmary while crying.”

“You bought her!! This what people call corruption!”

“When I told her about Jirou-kun, she said “I don’t give a shit to this guy!” and gave me the keys for this place.”

“It was sold! My human rights where sold!”

“By the way, the price was 10.000 yen.”

“Wha— This was the price for a single person?”

“What are you saying? Human lives have no price.”

“Who attached the price was you, also who bought was you.”

Even if you say a wad, it doesn’t mean that all the notes was 1,000 yen notes! To think that the healthy teacher would sell one of her students so easily………

"Sakamoto-sensei… I wonder if she struggled in various ways, she’s young after all."

“It might be true. But you understand, don’t you? Your Death or Alive rights, are all in my hands…”

Suzutsuki’s lips, which were serene, got distorted.

Scary…… I instinctively feel the fear. It feels like I’m on the front of a female vampire. I could be bitten if I relax. *Shake*

“Then, what do I do? First I will start with the ear.”

“Ear? What do you pretend to do to my ear?”

“Fufu, That was a joke. I’m not this in this sadist level. First will be castration of course——”

“Wait! What do you want, Suzutsuki-san? I’ll do anything that I can!!”

*Gachi**Gachi* I screamed with all my might while the handcuffs where clanging.

Suzutsuki Kanade.

My image of her changed. Her, Isn’t only an [Ojou-sama]. There’s no way that a normal Ojou-sama will have this playful personality.

“Don’t get me wrong. You can’t do anything for me.”

Suzutsuki clearly affirmed that.

“The reason for me arrest you is, because you discovered my butler’s secret.”


Aah, as I expected. When her appeared I slightly thought that could be that. The nightmare before wasn't my imagination, that was the cold reality. In other words…

“Why… Why did Konoe come to the school dressing like a guy?”

(Incomplete) 86%


  1. Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made from spicy fermented cabbage.

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