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Chapter 00: Prologue
| 2099 A.D. |
Humanity faced its greatest catastrophe to be recorded in history. Much of humanity and the world itself had been ravaged by the greatest of beasts, the embodiment of darkness that would be forever known as, "The Black Beast". The Black Beast had spread its chaos and darkness through much of the world, causing much death and destruction that was until six incredibly powerful individuals, forever known as "The Six Heroes" appeared.
These Six Heroes would be forever recognized for having fought against The Black Beast and sealing it away. After doing so, the Six Heroes would go on to share their knowledge of Magic to mankind, and through the use of "Armagus" humanity was able to rebuild and live in peace. This peace did not last forever though.
| 2194 A.D. |
By 2194 A.D., an organization was formed to keep the use of "Armagus" in check and the world itself in balance, known as the "Novus Orbis Librarium" picked up arms and attacked a rebelling party known as the,"Ikaruga Federation", leading to what would be known as the"Ikaruga Civil War". In the end however, the N.O.L. came out victorious and all those inhabiting Ikaruga were eliminated in a wave of hellfire. Since then, the N.O.L. became more than an organization to keep Armagus in check, and the entire world began to fear them, except for one.
| 2199 A.D. |
About five years after the destruction of Ikaruga during the "Ikaruga Civil War", one man who dared oppose the N.O.L. began to rise and make his name both known and feared throughout the entire world. This man was called, "Ragna the Bloodedge" and with blade in hand he made his name known through the destruction of several branches of the N.O.L. that was until the wheel of fate turned and he found himself thrown into something larger than he could imagine.
During December of 2199 A.D. the N.O.L. was at its peak of concerning itself with the terrorist actions of Ragna the Bloodedge. However things larger then Ragna were at work and "The 13th Hierarchical City, Kagutsuchi" almost found itself destroyed. A man known as Terumi Yuuki, who instigated the beginning of "The Dark War" by accidently creating The Black Beast, was found as the main enemy but the public itself remained oblivious as Terumi sank into shadow leaving Ragna set back from hunting down the N.O.L. to now pursuing the man who ruined his past.
|2200 A.D. |
A few weeks have passed since Ragna the Bloodedge and Terumi Yuuki exchanged words within the Sheol Gate during the end of 2199 that almost destroyed Kagutsuchi. Now Ragna and several others are preparing themselves for what lies ahead, as Terumi hides within the ranks of the N.O.L. as a man named "Hazama". Plotting and planning as something much bigger then allof them hangs above their heads.

Latest revision as of 14:00, 5 September 2013