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==References and Translation Notes==
==References and Translation Notes==
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Chapter 2 - Rebecca's Dangerous Command

Part 1

After class, Ash anxiously went to the student council’s office.

Even though he was worried about Eco who had stayed in the dorm the entire day, he insisted that he must speak to Rebecca face to face.

"Excuse me!"

Without even a knock on the door, Ash walked into the student council’s office.

Just as he expected, Rebecca was in the office. She was sitting on the couch comfortably drinking her cup of tea. The sweet aroma of the

Ansal tea can be smelled. Apart from Rebecca, there were no other students in the office.

"Hai, Ash. I had expected that you’ll show yourself."

Seeing Ash rush into the room, Rebecca smiled.

"What is that about? Why can I also participate in the selective training camp with those kinds of results......"

"Don’t you worry, please have a seat first before we start talking."

Ash unwillingly sat down opposite to Rebecca. Upon seeing this, Rebecca suddenly patted the empty space next to her.

"Didn’t I tell you before that it is more effective to get to know each other when two people are sitting next to each other? This is the iron rule when dating."


Although his current mood had nothing to do with dating, Ash obediently sat next to Rebecca. A refreshing scent could be smelled. It was the perfume that Rebecca loves to use.

After Rebecca put down her cup, she looked at Ash. Her emerald-like eyes were reflected in Ash's face.

"Are you so concerned about yourself being selected?"

"Of course, I don’t know why I was even chosen......"

The Specially Recommended System was only adopted this year. It was evaluated by the student council president, so I choose you. It is just as simple as this. But-

Saying this, Rebecca showed her tongue. This is the first time Ash saw Rebecca’s playful look. That cute look made his heart beat faster.

"To tell you the truth, the person who suggested the Specially Recommended System is me."

"What!? What is your purpose?"

Seeing Ash was dumbfounded, Rebecca, with a calm attitude placed her hand on his lap and gently stroked his knee. Not only that, her mouth was getting closer to Ash’s ear.

Rebecca exhaled on his earlobe, which made Ash shivered.

"Are you forcing me to tell you personally? Of course, it is to allow you to participate in the training camp!"

"W-Why ......?"

"By following the previous selection method, an irregular like you will surely not be selected. But you have a genuine talent. To even have the incredible power of riding other people’s pal...... and to have a special pal is also a fact. Additionally, you defeated the Necromancia and ‘Avdocha the Convict’. That is why, I insist in letting you participate in the training camp, The Specially Recommended System is used to accomplish this task. "

"So it is really...... for me?"

Ash was staring at Rebecca’s beauty.

Am I thinking too much? There is the feeling of Rebecca’s cheeks also turning red.

"That ...... Until now, I never fell in love with any particular boy."


"Because no matter how good that boy is, he can never be in the same position as me."

If these words were from the mouth another girl, she may sound arrogant. But since it was Rebecca, it will be another story. After all, she is the unique Ark-Dragner.

"But whenever I see you...... Stranger to say, I am always looking forward to it. I've never had these feelings. Maybe...... I am easily attracted to 'hidden talents'."

Ash was surprised that there were times when Rebecca stuttered. Moreover, she looked like she doesn’t know how to deal with her feelings.

“W-What you mean...... is it?"

Ash's heartbeat is almost at its peak.

Rebecca as if leaking her secret, uttered that sentence.

"Can I expect it from you?"

Despite feeling flattered, Ash still had the urge to tightly hug Rebecca. This is the first time Ash had this kind of feelings for Rebecca.

Their shoulders leaned closely together. No, it was done intentionally by Rebecca. Since the summer uniform is made from thin material, Ash was able to clearly feel Rebecca's body temperature. Maybe summer uniforms also have advantages...... This is the first time Ash thinks so.


Just when Ash was quietly murmuring like he was dreaming-


The door was suddenly opened with a loud sound. Meanwhile, two girls who has lost their balance plunged into the office.

With a closer look, the two were Silvia and Jessica.

Ash quickly got up from the couch.

"What are you doing!?"

"I-It is not me! It was Jessica who suddenly pushed me......”

Silvia while rubbing her waist quickly climbed up. A while back, she slowly built up her royal dignity which made him give her a little admiration. But after she had shown her useless side. Ash felt a little regret.

"Rebecca! I am not gonna let you off easily today!"

Jessica rushed up from the ground and said to her.

"There are so many people for you to seduce and you choose my Ash-sama!"

Rebecca with a nonchalant look replied:

"Jessica, you are mistaken. Ash at this stage does not belong to anyone! Logically speaking, I am not seducing him."

"You're lying! The scene just now......"

"Aright, I won’t deny that I might like him in the near future......"

After hearing that, Jessica's expression instantly stiffened.

It seems that she never thought that Rebecca would declare war on her in this case.

Not only Jessica, even Silvia was also speechlessly staring at Rebecca.

"I actually would like to ask what you two were doing suspiciously behind the door. Since you are in the student council, why do you not walk in proudly?"

Rebecca retorted with sharp words, which resulted in Silvia and Jessica explaining with a "Uuh!".

"I-I accidentally saw Ash-sama in the corridor, and I came to take a look and I found out that Princess-sama was standing at the doorway......"

Jessica quietly stared at Silvia.

"I-I initially wanted to ask the president about issues of the selective training camp, but I saw president and Ash...... Err ...... the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, so I was embarrassed to come in......"

After listening to the two explanations, Rebecca sighed.

"The two of you are a proud members of the student council, at the same time, both of you are participants of the Selective training camp. I hope that you two have some self-respect, and remind yourselves to keep an honest attitude."


Opposite of Silvia who humbly accepts the advice, Jessica refuted.

"Hmph! Rebecca are you in a position to make those irresponsible remarks? I wonder who was the girl who embraced Ash-sama on the student council’s office sofa? Had Her Royal Highness and I not broke in, God knows at what stage you will be progressing!"

"Ara, such attitude. I'm happy to talk about the trouble you made in your childhood right here? Anyhow you are my childhood playmate. Well, there were many things that could become the topic."

Despite the smile made by the smooth lips, Rebecca's eyes did not show any smiling sign. Like an eagle forcing its prey into its beak, they were bursting out with dazzling light.


Her previous arrogance had disappeared. Jessica who turn pale was sweating profusely.

"I-It was my b-bad."

"Hmm, it is good to admit you are wrong honestly."

When Rebecca was answering while smiling- someone frantically rushed in through the opened door.

"President! Something was very wrong......!"

It was Max, who was in charge of the accounts. Perhaps he was running at full speed along the way because he was out of breath. He didn’t even notice that his spectacle was not in the right place.

How urgent was the situation for the calm Max to become this way? Ash was also feeling very tense since the city had been full of disaster recently, .

"What happened, Max? To be panicked to this extent is not your style."

The student council president is sure to be very experienced, Rebecca was still calm even after seeing Max's expression. She was calmly waiting for Max to reply.

"W-We received a report...... there is smoke emerging from the Merk House of the women's dormitory-!"

"Is it a small fire?"

"The details are unclear. But, the smoke is suspected to be emerging from Lukka Saarinen's room......"

Upon hearing Lukka Saarinen’s name, Rebecca face became pale.

"I'll leave for Merk home... In my name Rebecca Randall I order! Respond to my summon, Cú Chulainn-"

The next moment, Maestro Cú Chulainn who responded to Rebecca’s summoning spell appeared in front of the window.

Part 2

Rebecca stood on Cú Chulainn’s neck heroically, but Ash, Silvia and Jessica were struggling to cling on to its fur.

Because Max was almost out of breath, he was left behind in the Student Council’s office. The other reason was that it would not be appropriate to leave the office empty when an emergency situation occured.

In the end, there was no need for such a large group of people to march forth to the scene. As long as Rebecca was dealing with it personally, she was sure to come up with the most appropriate solution.

However, after Rebecca and Ash jumped on Cú Chulainn, a strange thing happened. Silvia and Jessica also stepped on the window and jumped.

After giving a wry smile, Rebecca immediately changed back to her serious looks.

"Take us to the Merk house!"

After receiving Rebecca’s orders, Cú Chulainn gave an earth shattering roar and spread its wings.

Ash and the rest just felt a floating sensation and a strong pressure. The Merk house, which took twenty minutes to walk to, was right in front of them in the blink of an eye.

The Merk house was designed as the accommodation for the basic class female students.

Unsurprisingly, the outside of the dormitory was packed with girls. They should be the ones who escaped after finding out about the smoke.

The girls screamed after they saw Rebecca jump down from Cú Chulainn. The Student council president Rebecca Randall had always been regarded as an idol by the low-grade students.

"We are from the student council! Is the warden here?"

After Rebecca stated her name loudly, an old lady walked towards her.

"Is Lukka still in her room?"

Rebecca quickly asked and the warden nodded.

"That’s right. The other students called her several times, but she didn’t respond......"

According to the warden, the conclusions were as follows-

Not long ago. The students living on the same floor as Lukka discovered smoke coming out from her room. If such an event occurred in the advance class dormitory, the advance class students should have a way to calmly handle it.

However, the lower class students who were still mentally immature, were shocked by the unexpected events. Their fear spread like an epidemic and it finally become a commotion.

Warden said that she had gotten a headache just trying to get the panicked girls to safety. Logically speaking, she should have the spare key to open Lukka’s room, but she was busy with some other stuff.

The warden who finished speaking handed over the silver keys to Rebecca.

"This is the spare key to Lukka-san’s room.”

"I understand. Please stay here and take care of the students."

After receiving the key, she started to run. Ash and the others followed behind Rebecca. On the way there, Ash asked Rebecca.

"Rebecca-san...... I would like to ask what kind of problem the girl named Lukka Saarinen is facing."

Perhaps this was not an important enough question for them to talk about while running. But even the calm Rebecca mobilized Cú Chulainn to rush to the Merk house after she heard Lukka’s name. It meant that the situation right now was not some small matter.

"She is now being severely tortured because she as a Dragner lost her ability to ride her pal...... although she gave excuses like being unwell; in fact the problem is much more serious. Since she was unable to ride her pal, she secluded herself in her dormitory. Recently, there were many students who began to show concern about Lukka’s problem."

"I see......"

It was not rare for a breeder to be unable to ride his Pal. For example, illnesses, injuries, etc and many other strange things could be the reason. At the school assembly, "That rumor" that Raymond said could be this.

“Don’t tell me that because she couldn’t ride, and thus…”

An ominous possibility brushed through Ash's mind.

"That's not impossible ...... no one can guarantee anything, that’s why I’m so anxious."

After finishing this sentence, Rebecca kept silent. The group rushed into the dorm, walked down the hallway and climbed the stairs.

Soon, Rebecca stopped in front of a door. It was located at the end of the corridor on the third floor.

The name list beside the door showed only the name Lukka Saarinen. The basic class dormitory were generally three person bedrooms, it appeared that she was living alone.

Leaving the question aside, the main focus was on the source of the smoke.

In fact, some visible white smoke could be seen floating out from the cracks around the door.

Compared to the big commotion, the amount of smoke could only be regarded as insignificant.

"Lukka! Answer me!"

Rebecca knocked on the door, but there still wasn't any response from inside.

"I’m going to open the door!"

Rebecca put the key in the keyhole. With some 'rattle' sound of metal, the door unlocked. Once the door was opened, the white smoke poured into the corridor.

Rebecca entered the room followed by Ash. Most of the smoke drifted into the corridor after the door was opened.

Ash looked around the room.

The room was cramped with all kinds of dried plants, which did not look like a girl's room. To force a description, this was more like a pharmacist’s workroom.

To Ash's surprise, in addition to the furniture that the dormitory provided, the room also had some working tables. They must have been Lukka’s private property.

In the center of the room, there was a low round table, which was of a design that wasn't normally seen in the Knight Country and the Kingdom.

In addition, the surprising number of flower pots made the others curious. Flower pots were lined from the wall side to the window side of the room. Each flower pot contained plants that Ash had never seen before.

The reason why she could have this amazingly large number of personal belongings in a room was that she was using a room for three alone. Although there was a double bed and a single bed by the wall, they were used to place her stuff.


Just when Rebecca shouted the room’s owner’s name......

Ash was shocked by what he saw.

A girl suspected to be Lukka was lying in the middle of the room.

The problem was, Lukka’s body was lying in a container that looked like a coffin. The base of the container was covered with a layer of soft flowers. Her hands were also folded over her chest.

The only words that could be used to describe Lukka were- it was her corpse. [1]

"It can’t be......?"

Silvia and Jessica rushed past Ash who was muttering towards the side of the coffin.

After witnessing Lukka’s appearance, Silvia and Jessica froze.

At that point ......


Followed by a cute yawn, the body slowly sat up.

Even though it had a sleepy look, Ash was almost scared out of his skin.

She was like a Yōsei from the fairy tales.

Her whitish gold straight hair was shoulder length. Beneath the neatly trimmed fringes were a pair of big amethyst-like mysterious watery shining eyes.

Her skin was like white porcelain, which normal whiteness couldn't be compared with. On the surface, she looked like an exquisite doll. Her petite height was no different from Eco. But she gave a feeling of a dreamy easily breakable object, which was different from the lively Eco.

The most important feature, were those protruding ears that could be seen sticking out from her beautiful hair. Even the tip of her ear was pointy. Ash had long ago heard about the existence of this race, but until today, it was the first time he actually saw one.

"...... Anything?"

Facing a group of stunned people, Lukka lazily looked at the faces around while speaking with a clear voice.

Part 3

Lukka one by one put out the flames in the incense burner and the smoke in the room slowly dissipated. The smoke seemed to be produced by the burning of a special bright dragon crystal so it was harmless.

The students outside had return to their rooms after the situation had settled down.

"To put it bluntly, the smoke was produced in the incense burner."

Lukka answered Rebecca questions. With her back facing the crowd, she covered the final incense burner’s lid.

While looking at Lukka’s small ass, Ash became surprised.

The shape of her hips could be seen through the one-piece pajamas. But right now, the focus was not on the traces of her underwear.

- Is she......?

Just when Ash was troubled about where he was looking, Lukka turned around and faced the rest.

"I'm sorry to give you all a shock."

Lukka was sitting on her heels[2] and respectfully apologize by bowing down. Her every move made people worry. Describing this in another way, she was the kind of person who would provoke the urge of others to protect her unconditionally.

"You need not apologize. It is enough as long as you're safe. But please do not light so much incense in the future; otherwise the others students could think that it was a fire."

Lukka nodded humbly while Rebecca was reminding her.

"...... Rebecca words have always been right. I will pay more attention next time.”

"Come on, must you make the scene to look so deserted! Besides, what is that coffin about?"

"Coffin......? You are wrong. This is an Eckbald styled bed. It can be used directly in funerals; it features are very good."

SnRK V03 057.jpg

"Sure enough, that’s a coffin! I can no longer bear with you, do you think as long as you give others a dreamy feel, you will be forgiven regardless of what you do? Without mentioning the rest, while facing your senpai, don’t you think that your tone of speaking is a little rude! "

"That’s enough! Lukka had always been timid and she is not like you. Don’t be too hard on her."

Jessica was angered after being scolded by Rebecca.

"Wha…. I am as timid as most people are!"

Although Ash thought that she was speaking that way to make herself feel better, but it was better for him not to comment on anything.

"Excuse me, Jessica. Please be a little quiet."

Even Silvia also tried to correct Jessica this time.

"Back to the topic, president, could you ask her to re-introduce herself? After all, apart from you all of us here have just met her for the first time."

Rebecca nodded while smiling at Silvia’s proposal.

"Hmm, what a good idea. Lukka please introduce yourself."

Even when Rebecca asked her to self-introduce, Lukka remained silent. Her head kept on facing downwards with a timid appearance. In the end -

“I’ll make some tea.”

She suddenly stood up and hid in the kitchen.

Seeing Lukka had left, Rebecca smiled.

"She is still the same and has always been shy. I will introduce her in her place. As you had known, she is called Lukka Saarinen. She had such an uncommon name because she is an Eckbald."


Commonly known as the ‘forest Yōsei '. Since ancient times they had lived in the forest, a race with beautiful looks.

By looking at Lukka’s appearance, you would be able to know that the ‘forest Yōsei ' description fits very well. Their pointed ears were exactly the same as the Yōsei from the fairy tales.

Appart from their beautiful looks, they were also famous for their herbology. The efficiency of the herbs made by the Eckbald was acknowledged by people around the world and the market price for them was always high.

However, the most important feature of an Eckbald was neither their beautiful appearance, nor their profound knowledge of herbs.

- But as a heroic race of Dragners.

That was the reason why the Eckbalds were called Eckbald.

Why was there the need to use the past tense? Because today, the heroic legend of the Eckbalds had become the legends of yesterday.

Written in the history textbooks, because of the declining of the Dragons, the number of people who became a breeder had also decline.

At this moment, Rebecca suddenly lowered down her voice and whispered.

"Currently, Lukka is the only Eckbald in this academy. That is why the all the Eckbalds in the Eckbald autonomous regions have high hopes for Lukka. But, I have to say that some of those people’s thinking are behind time......"

"Behind time?"

Silvia looked confused.

"Nn ...... they harbor a strong admiration over the Dragner. Since the Dragners were ordered to be involved in the Xenoglavia War, their thinking had been behind time. There are now many parents praying for their children to not become a Dragner. Especially the more affluent their family is and it is getting more and more serious. After all, most parents do not want their child to be ordered to the battlefield. "

"This issue really is no trivial matter! I really want to interrogate those people, for those who lost their admiration for the Dragners, can they call themselves the people of the Knight country!"

"Uuh...... Princess-sama? The focus is now on Lukka!"

Being reminded by Ash, Silvia blushed.

"S-Sorry, I’m a little too excited. '

Silvia immediately controlled her temper.

"In short, even when bearing such a heavy burden, she was eventually just a fourteen year old girl. I hope she can get rid of the shackles of her family and happily enjoy her campus life, so please be sure to get along with Lukka."

When Rebecca summed up this conclusion-

"...... Sorry, it is just some simple tea."

Lukka was back with a tray. On the tray, there were cups which were equal to the number of people. There was also hot white smoke coming from the cups.

Since it was summer, they would like to drink some cold drinks instead of tea, but they mustn’t complain about what she had specially made for them.

Lukka placed the hot teas on the low round table.

Ash was slightly not used to it. Because he experienced drinking tea while sitting on the ground. However, since Eco's birth, Ash had been sleeping on the ground, so he could still accept the idea of drinking tea on the ground. Rebecca on the other hand was very relaxed.

However, Silvia and Jessica couldn't seem to accept the habit of sitting on the ground, They sat on the bed while holding their hot tea.

Although the beds were also filled with debris, they still managed to squeeze out a space for two girls.

Ash also took a cup of hot tea. Judging from the rugged shape, this cup should have been made personally. It is probably an item from her hometown.

The thing that made the others worry was the steaming dark green liquid in the cups. Maybe it was mixed with various herbs; the liquid exuded a strong smell.

Ash casually turned around for a glance and found out that Rebecca was already drinking. The way she was drinking can be call heroic.

"That, I would like to ask...... What tea is this?"

After being asked by Ash, Lukka held her cup and stayed silent for a moment. For such a simple question, why did she even need to think? Ash became increasingly uneasy.

"This tea was created by me...... so it has no name. But I'm sure that it has the effect for enhancing one’s energy after drinking."

"The effect… Of enhancing one’s energy......!"

After listening to Lukka’s description Jessica reacted. She shoved her cup of tea at Ash and looked at him with a pair of pleading eyes.

"I beg you, Ash-sama! Please drink my share! Then please give me your sperm!"

"How could you say such shameless words......! Don’t you have some shame? A sense of shame!

Silvia who was red in the face commented on Jessica.

"Ara, why does Princess-sama want to even bother with me?"

"It is not because you're too shameless! As a lady of the Knight Country, can’t you show some modesty!"

"Is it really just because of this......?"

"O-Otherwise is there any other reason!"

While the two kept on quarrelling, Ash on the other side had made up his mind to finish it as if he was drinking poison.


Ash felt like he was drinking mud and just barely managed to keep himself from spitting it out.

Silvia and Jessica also tried to follow. But they both looked a lot healthier than before they started drinking. Only Rebecca alone was unaffected......

"Anyway, Lukka. How are you now?"

"It seems that I still can’t."

Lukka distress-fully answered Rebecca’s question.

"That ...... I heard that you seemed to have lost the ability to ride your Pal. Do you have any clue for the reason it happened?"

Ask asked with a calm tone and Lukka murmured.

"...... I do not know, but I have not forgotten the riding method."

"Otherwise, what else could it be?"

"It is...... Gawain is rejecting me."

After a simple explanation, Lukka remain silent. Perhaps she lacked emotions, her face was as expressionless as a doll.

So Rebecca answered the questions in Lukka’s place.

"Gawain had been rejecting Lukka for three months. Until now, we have yet to find solutions to this problem."

"Since the reason is still unknown, it is no wonder that nothing can be done. So we can only wait and see how will it progress, no?"

Jessica looked disappointed.

"No, the problem mustn’t continue to drag on."

Rebecca suddenly became serious.

"The point is the Astral that links Lukka and Gawain had been cut off. If we continue to wait, then Gawain’s life would be in danger." The sudden development made Ash speechless.

Part 4

After leaving the Merk house and breaking up from the group of student council members, Ash went to the city alone.

He intended to buy crepes for Eco as an apology for coming home late because it was Eco’s favorite food.

The works in St Durham Square had been successfully completed and the crowds there were back like the old times. Ash soon found a street vendor selling crepes, and asked the vendor to wrap up the vanilla flavored crepes in a wrapping paper.

Written on notice given out by the vendor was the message about a new chocolate banana flavored crepe that was going to be launched. I must tell Eco about this when I return- Ash while thinking so, walked back to his home.

Part 5

Back on the school grounds, after passing by the dragon homes, Ash again began to think about Lukka’s problem.


It was a must substance for the creatures on this planet to sustain their life. It was said that, Astral was the main reason for the declining of the Dragons.

Even the great Dragons could supply Astral to their own selves. Thanks to the connection between the humans who were rich in Astral since birth, the dragons were able to survive.

According to Rebecca, Gawain's body was getting weaker by the day. It was now eating food with high content of Astral to survive...... The problem was that the content of Astral in the food was very little. If the dragons could survive through this method, then they would not need to bow down to the humans.

Is there anything that I can be of help......? Ash was thinking deeply.

Lukka was now being tested as a breeder and as a Dragner. The reason she was shutting herself in was mainly because by the pressure.

...... In the end, Ash had returned to the boys’ dormitory, the Apollo home before he could come up with a method.

Part 6

It was evening. Eco had passed her day alone in the room of the Apollo home. Except, Cosette who was worried about her and had visited her for a few times, she hadn't spoken to anyone.

Fortunately, the summer sun was very strong and the cushions and sheets that Eco wets were completely dried. Eco who usually let Ash do the housework alone had brought in the clothes on her own.

This was also her first attempt to make her bed. Although the results can only be considered so-so, but she still had completed it. Eco lied down on the bed lazily. The air is full of the smell of the sun.


The embarrassment of wetting her bed this morning had left a scar in her heart. For the highly dragon to wet her bed this was unforgivable.

After all, how could she do something so embarrassing?

"That dream...... What is it about?"

Yes, the culprit is the ominous nightmare.

The nine fiercely frightening eyes.

The sticky tentacles that was all over.

Just by recalling them in her mind, Eco's body was trembling with fear.

She crawled out from the bed and quickly locked the door and windows. Even when it was a hot day, she still took out the fur blankets for the closet.

Next, Eco was back to the bed and covered her whole body with the blanket.

Her limbs were madly trembling. I’m scared. I’m really scared. Why would I be frightened until this extend?

By the way...... Before I woke up, the thing seems to say something.

It seems to be a very important, but......

"...... I really can’t remember anything."

Eco rolled over while being wrapped in the blanket.

After rolling left and right for a while, she became angry.

"Damn him...! Why is he not back yet?"

Eco started to complain about Ash. Logically speaking, the school had finished but Ash was still not yet returned. He should have been taken away by the student council as a slave.

-Why doesn’t he even think that I had been waiting for him to come home for a long time!

Right at this moment, Eco suddenly came to her sense.

"No, no! I-I didn’t...... Who will wait for that type of person!"

Her cheeks were red hot. Eco told herself that she had misunderstood; her cheeks were hot because of the blanket that she had been covering herself with.

It was not because of Ash’s absents she had become lonely. She had just becomes a little timid because of that nightmare.

Having said that, Eco still inevitably still thinks that, if Ash had rushed home immediately, she wouldn’t need to be afraid......

Moreover, they were linked together by the Astral. They were partners who sign the sacred contract. Logically speaking it was their right to accompany each other.

In other words, Ash is the one who should be condemned!

Just when Eco jumped into conclusions...... someone with a 'Kon Kon' had knocked the door.


Eco was as shown literally, jumped up on the spot.

Part 7

Ash was confused because there was no reply after he knocked the door.

"Where did that Eco ran to......?"

Just as Ash reluctantly reached into his pocket to pull out his keys, the door suddenly sprang open.

"It hurts!"

Because his forehead was hit by the door, he was now in pain.

Then, Eco like a cannon ball rushed to him from the room.


Ash fell to the ground after that impact. His Crepes also fell to the ground.

Because of the lightning speed Eco also hit into Ash's arms. The fell of her soft skin was pass-through through the thin summer wears cloth.

"A-Are you alright?"

Ash asked in surprise, but Eco refused to answer even a word. She just buried her face in his chest. Whenever she breathes on his chest, Ash became nervous.

For Eco to show such attitude, Ash began to worry about her.

"D-Don’t tell me you are drunk? Didn’t I tell you a few times already to not touch the Ansal grass?"

After talking to her in a stern tone, Eco finally replied.

"...... Right, I'm drunk. What complains do you have about it?"

It was rare for Eco to talk in such ambiguous tone.


Even while she verbally declared herself to be "drunk", Eco was obviously awake. If she was really drunk, the things that she will do will not be limited to this extent.

Fortunately, there were no other students in the corridor right now. So Ash could temporarily condone with Eco’s behavior. Eco’s forehead was next to Ash's chest and her body was trembling without control. She was almost like a child. What could she possibly be frightened by?

Though Ash still does not understand why she was so frightened, he still put his hand on her head to comfort her.

"Rest assured, I am here."

The two of them hugged each other for quite some time. After a long while, Eco finally stopped trembling.

Part 8

After a while, Eco released ash and flew back into the room.

"Uuu ~ ~!"

She seems to be troubled. Perhaps embarrassed by her own actions just now, Ash felt that her every movement was very entertaining.

The most surprising thing is that she actually took the initiative to make the bed. Even that meant to be a praise, but still the work done cannot be something called good. But still Ash was glad from the bottom of his heart. Because of that push, Eco could now automatically do the house chores.

“That’s right; I had bought some snacks for you."

Ash cheekily smiles, while placing a bag of Crepes on Eco’s hands.

"This is the vanilla flavored crepes. It is your favorite, right?"

Once blurted, Eco’s stomach growled loudly. Perhaps it is rude to describe the sound with earth-shattering, but the way it sound could only be sent out by a dragon.

Eco suddenly blushed.

"M-My favorite flavor is Ansal!"

Then she snappily said as if to cover up the embarrassment. Looking at Eco who was finally back to her usual reactions, Ash finally calmed down.

Eco, as if she had risen to heaven, tore out the wrapping papers. Although the shapes had changed because they were dropped on the floor just now, but Eco didn’t even mind one bit and just gave it a bite.

"How does it taste?"

Eco didn’t answer. She can be seen with her mouth stuffed with crepes and stay motionless.


Without warning, there were tears dripping from her eyes which made Ash panic.

"Hey hey, does it really taste so bad to the point you need to cry?"

"That’s not it......"

Eco shook her head and silently eat the crepes.

Part 9

Eco who ate three crepes alone sat on the bed and quietly explain the whole story.

"This morning ...... I had a dream."

"What dream?"

"A horrible nightmare...... It seems that I was attacked by a Necromancia. It stretches it’s tentacles towards m-me...... The reason that I wet the bed...... I am afraid it is because of this."

Eco shivered and grabbed her shoulders with both hands. It must be terrifying in her dream.

Ash wants to try helping Eco to overcome her fear. After a deep thought, he finally stretched out his trembling hand and move towards her shoulders from behind.

He then gently held that glass-like shoulders.

Not only Eco didn’t refuse, but she was also relieved and lean her body on Ash’s. This is the first time Ash saw her to be so cute and docile.

Under such warm, his heart was racing.

"The Necromancia had been beaten by us! You need not fear it!"

"No, that's not a Necromancia."

Eco feebly shook her head.

"It true that the monster looked like a Necromancia...... but it is not the same. That monster...... is not something that can be defeated easily, not to mention it has nine eyes."

Nine eyes. Just imagining it will give people the creeps.

"How should it describe it...... it was gigantic and its looks was unknown...... it is absolutely the incarnation of evil. And.... the most incredible thing is that I shouldn’t have recognized that monster...... but I feel that we have encountered each other several times before."

"How could that be? If you came in contact with such a dangerous monster, I would have found out. After all, we live under the same roof."

"I guess you're right."

"It was just a dream. I advise you not to think too much about it."


Eco looked unusually depressed.

At this time, what should I do?

While clutching Eco’s shoulder, Ash was secretly thinking.

...... The memories of his hometown suddenly surfaced.

Ash has a sister. When she was a child, she often came crying to Ash and complain about her nightmare. Whenever she had a nightmare, his sister would sneak into his room.

Ash could still remember his sister hugging his personal pillow while crying. Once Ash agreed to let his sister squeeze into his bed, she murmured while half crying and half laughing, "I’m no longer scared”.....

- I know what to do!

Ash had made up his decision and was ready to perform tonight's operation.

Part 10

Once it was time for lights-out, the students in the dormitory put out the Bright Dragon Crystal lights.

Ash was no exception. If he was to be caught with the lights on, he will be lambasted by the warden.

Eco as usual was lying on the bed naked.

He will sleep on the same bed with Eco tonight- this is Ash’s plan.

However once it is time, all he could think about was Eco’s naked body. To build up the courage to sneak into a naked girl’s bed, it was near impossible.

However, today’s Eco can’t be compared with her past. The Eco now was a poor frightened girl who had a nightmare.

As long as he takes her as his sister, then there is no longer any problem. Even when she was naked but the room is still dark. If he didn’t focus his thought on this, then this problem will be immediately solved.

After Ash ensured himself, he crawled out from the futon from the floor.

With a pillow under his arm, he walked towards the side of the bed.

"Please excuse me!"

After a slight notice, Ash got into the empty space next to Eco. The thin summer blanket felt somewhat nice and warm because of Eco’s body temperature. The only thing is, make sure not to touch Eco’s naked body

"W-What are you doing? What are you up to!"

Once she discovered Ash climbed on the bed, with a look of horror, Eco rushed to keep their distance.

"Do not worry. I’ll stay with you for tonight."


Ash was confused. He did not expect such a response from Eco. He thought that she would be grateful. His confidence that he previously build up is collapsing.

"Err, I just want to accompany you while sleep so you’ll no longer wet the bed-"

"...... What did you say?"

Eco slowly sits up.

Although the room was too dark to see Eco’s naked body...... but her curves can still be seen. But now is not the time to feel nervous. It was now an alarming situation. And Ash’s instinct is now ringing.

"Do you really think......? I might commit the same embarrassment?"

Eco's voice trembled. She was apparently very furious about it.

Until Ash found out that he had spoken the wrong things, it was already too late to take it back.

"Err-err...... In short please calm down first. I didn’t meant anything bad for saying those things-"

Unfortunately, Ash failed to finish his sentence.

"Don’t get carried away!”

With a ‘Donk!’, he was hit by a violent kick.


Ash as if being hit by a hammer was knocked back for quite a distance. Fortunately, he fell on his futon and at least he was avoided from feeling the pain for being hit directly on the floor.


After Eco snappily grunted, she lay back on her bed.

It seems that Ash had made a huge mistake. But having said that, since there she had the spirit to cause such a fuss, perhaps she had gotten rid of the nightmare.

At least, Eco who sent ash flying with a kick is back to her formal self.

Part 11

The next day after school......

President Rebecca, Silvia of the discipline, Max of the accounting and as the replacement for the secretary, Ash and Jessica of the general affairs as well as the mascot Eco were gathered in the Student Council’s office.

Secretary Lukka and the vice president who was like a genius from the outer world were also absent today.

Perhaps last night's incident had a positive effect; Eco is back to her old self. She wore a summer uniform borrowed from Cosette and attended the meeting as if she had something to do with it.

Eco’s duty was just simply playing the role of a mascot which there is no need to attend meetings, but she is still the same old-elf who doesn’t let anyone to leave her by the side. Of course Eco’s well-behaved attitude yesterday is full of charm, but the lively Eco still best suit her, Ash thought so.

"Today's topic is on the student council secretary, Lukka Saarinen."

Rebecca with her sharp eyes looked at the faces around.

"Sooner or later she would become the soul to lead the school; the she right now could not be trouble by this obstacle. I personally strongly hope to solve the problem as soon as possible and take her to participate in the training camp."

The first person to respond to this was Jessica.

"I can understand that you are worried about her, but what can we do to help? I think that it is better to hand this problem for Angela- sensei to handle......"

Angela anyhow has the research authority for dragons. She should have the ability to teach in the highest institution and is an extremely talented. Ash also agreed with Jessica’s views.

"Unfortunately, I had discussed with Angela-sensei about it. Basically, the person who is responsible for finding out that the astral between Lukka and Gawain had been cut off it was none other that Angela-sensei."

"Based on Angela-sensei’s judgment, what is the cause of it?"

Once Ash asked, Rebecca shrugged her shoulders.

"It seems that she also can do nothing about it."

"How could......!"

For those who did research on the dragons, there is almost not one who is in the same league as Angela. When the well versed Angela can’t do anything, what the student council can be of any help?

"The situation is indeed desperate, but we cannot just stand aside idly. If it go on like this, will sooner or later it would be a certain death for Gawain who runs out of Astral."

The heavy words made Ash shudder again.

"All of you are elite students; do you have any good suggestion?"

Jessica is the first to raise her hands.

"In times like this, we should ask ‘Silver Knight’-sama to make his appearence! On matter how difficult the situation is, ‘Silver Knight’- sama can use his wisdom, courage and magic to solve them! Right, Ash- sama! "

"The ‘Silver Knight’ that you are talking about is the one in the novel, right? To confuse him with me would be a little too......"

"Waa...... Even the humble Ash-sama looks handsome!"

Jessica was not bothered by the presence of others and hugged Ash’s head tightly. Because of Ash was sitting on the chair, his face sunk into Jessica’s breast.


In contrast to her slender waist, Jessica's breast is rather big. The breasts changes its shape softly and had covered Ash’s cheek.

"Wait a minute; this guy is my meat slave! If you dare to continue to stick to him, I’ll have you crushed!"

Upon seeing this, Eco immediately suddenly stood up. Incidentally, the ‘meat slave’ here has absolutely no indecent meaning. It means to supply its master food when its master was hungry.

"T-To have such unsightly behavior in the sacred student council office...... As a knight, you should have known that there must be a distance between men and women! This is the Lautreamont family’s rules!"

Even Silvia was also feeling angry and stood up straight.


Fortunately, Rebecca intervened to prevent anything bad from happening.

Silvia and Jessica returned to their seats. Perhaps Eco instinctively sensed some danger coming from Rebecca, she obediently sit down and didn’t even dare to say a thing obediently sit in the seat.

"Jessica, can’t you calm down a little?"

Rebecca warned by calling her name, but Jessica just snappily answered.

"Hmph...... You only know how to complain about others, what about yourself? You only know how to seek opinions from others and didn’t even give your own views...... you are not acting like Rebecca Randall. Or is it that even the ‘Scarlet Empress’ is also unable to do anything?"

"My idea? It is not that I don’t have any, but it was risky."

"Risky...... what do you mean?"

Jessica was surprised.

Somehow, Rebecca gave a stabbing like look to ash. Her emerald eyes were intently staring straight at him which almost stops his heartbeat.

"Ash, you are said to be able to ride all dragons. Even the Necromancia is no exception, right?'

"Rebecca...... san?"

Ash gulped, waiting for Rebecca to give out her order.

"Go and ride Gawain."

"What did you say!"

"When you are riding the Necromancia, you have the sense that its will, right?"

"Uh... just faintly."

The memories resurfaced. In fact, Ash had heard the dead gray dragon spoke. Even though it had happened at the beginning of last month, Ash still felt like it had happened for a long time.

"So, I hope you can use the same technique on Gawain. Gawain might be willing to open his heart to you."

Ash remembered about Lukka.

Even yesterday was a weekday, she still hid herself in her room in broad daylight, wearing pajamas. Perhaps she is poor in expressing her emotions; she doesn’t look as if she was greatly depressed. However, she should have received a huge blow. Maybe, this has a thing or two that is related to the Eckbald.

- I want to save her.

Ash sincerely thought so.

It is because I am her senior in the same school? It is because that we are fellow breeder? A Student council's member’s responsibility?

To reasons cannot be denied. However, even if those factors were to be cast aside, Ash just cannot sit back and watch a helpless girl to continue languish.

Ash decided to obey his feelings deep inside.

"I understand. I am willing to gamble for it."

"Thank you for your cooperation. Then, the task is scheduled to be performed after school tomorrow-"

Part 12

The next day, the ringing of the noon bell also signifies that the school had ended of the rest of the day. Because that there will be a staff meeting in the afternoon, thus they only have classes for the morning session.

“Kuu… Kuu…”

Eco, who also sneak into the classroom today, occupied the seat next to Ash. Like usual, she was lying on the table fast asleep. Even when the bell had struck, she still didn’t have signs of waking up.

"I...... really don’t know how to deal with her."

Since she wanted to sleep that much, then there is no need to come to the classroom...... Ash secretly complained.

Leaving the issue aside, Eco’s sleeping face is like an angel. Every time he saw her sleeping face, he heart will became soft and forgive her usual bad doings. Even Ash himself felt strange. Looking at her soft face, Ash suddenly had the thought of poking her.

"-To be peaking at a girl’s sleeping face, you really have a low taste."

For someone to suddenly speak from behind, Ash almost jumped.


Many students who had begun to pack up and go home to prepare gave a surprised look to Silvia. For Silvia to start a conversation with someone in the classroom is like the sun rising from the west.

Silvia who was not bothered by the rest continued to just stare at Ash. Her ice blue colored eyes were as if they are gently swaying.

"Do you really intend to ride... Gawain?"

"Why do to ask me this question now?"


Silvia looked aside, suddenly revealing an anxious look. Silvia who was usually noble and acted highly, somehow looked very cute.

Silvia suddenly blushed.

"Well, that...... I-I just ......"


"N-Nothing! Just don’t try too hard! In the end, this is Lukka and Gawain’s problem. If you intervene and resulting in a heavy injury...... I will never forgive you! "

Silvia finished her confusing talk, she suddenly turned around and walk off.

Her gorgeous shiny blonde hair sways gently with the wind.

Leaving a faint fragrance, Silvia marched out of the classroom.

"She... What is she angry about?"

Ash watched Silvia’s back blankly.

Part 13

The top floor in the center tower in the campus.

While facing the in the student council member who gathered in the student council office, Rebecca loudly announced:

"So, I’ll announce your work today, I’ll first go to the Seventh Dragon House and explain it to the staffs, Max is responsible to look for Angela-sensei, because basically we must have a teacher to be present while doing the job. Ash, Eco, Silvia, Jessica are to meet with Lukka. Are there any other questions? "

Jessica was the first to raise her hand and comment.

"To fetch Lukka over, a person is enough."

"Do not underestimate her. To just drag her out of her room, you should cause enough trouble for you. It is an absolute indoor type[3], it is just that this incident had intensified her symptoms. "

After listening to Rebecca's answer, Jessica sighed.

"Haa..... I understand. We will take responsibility to bring her out. Princess-sama also doesn’t have any problems with this, right?...... Princess-sama?"

Silvia seemed like she had just come out of her trance and raised her head to reply:

"Ah, ahh...... Understood."

Since she had spoken those confusing words in the classroom, Silvia looked lost. This made Ash worry endlessly

"So I’ll be waiting for everyone to report in the Seventh Dragon House. Members report. Kaisan!" [4]

Part 14

"Lukka-san...... Lukka-san! Are you in there! Please answer me!"

Jessica was shouting while knocking. But there was no response.

"Don’t know what had happened to her?"

Jessica stiffened her face, while looking at Ash and the rest. It seems that she is not certain on what she is going to do next.

Eco who lost patience, impatiently lifted her feet.

"For a paper thin door like this, why don’t we just -"

Eco intends to use her abnormal dragon strength to break the door.

"Hold on!"

Ash quickly stopped Eco.

"Do you know who is going to pay for it after you break them! Please do not do anything necessary!"

"Hey! How dare you try to order me when it is obviously me who is taking care of you? Meat slave!"

"Who is your meat slave!"

"What are you arguing about......?"

Silvia who arrived a little later was dumbfounded when Ash and Eco were quarreling. Silvia was holding a silver key.

"I guessed that might be the case, so I borrowed a spare key from the warden."

"Just what is expected of our princess."

Jessica took the key and inserted it into the key hole.

"Lukka-san I am going to open the door!"

The door opened with a ‘Click’.

Jessica march into the room.

Sure enough, Lukka is fast asleep in the coffin.

Although the room was filled with the smell of incense like yesterday, but she seems to have followed Rebecca’s instruction to control the amount of smoke.

"I don’t really get her...... to be sleeping in broad daylight."

After Jessica complained, she pulled back the half-opened curtains. The noon sunlight had filled the room.

"Uuu...... Nnn...... Stop...... I’m going to melt......"

Lukka muttered and then rolled over. The hem of her one-piece pajamas was lifted and her snow-white lower body was exposed.


Lukka was without her panties. Ash saw her small and rounded hips. On her ass the contract with the dragons- ‘Seikoku’ can be seen.

"Hey! I forbid you from staring!"

Silvia grabbed Ash's head and twist it regardless.

"Ash-sama you musn’t peek! If you like hips this much, then it is fine for you to look at mine!"

On the other hand, Jessica was lecturing something that is off topic to him while helping Lukka with her pajamas.


At this time, Lukka finally woke up. She, like an electric doll slowly sat up. Then, with her dreamy eyes, she looked around with a shocked expression..

"...... Who are you?"

"We just met yesterday!"

Ash commented. She really is a perverse girl.

Logically speaking, everyone will get a shock when some stranger walks into their room. But, she is completely unmoved. Is this a behavior of an Eckbald or Lukka’s own- It feels like the latter, or else the Eckbald would have perished long ago.

"Ah, I remember. You are Johnny?"

"Who is Johnny! That name has nothing to do with me. I am Ash, Ash!"


Lukka disappointedly lowered her shoulders.

"Hey! This is outrageous. How dare you bully a girl from a lower grade! Buzz off!"

Silvia who looked flustered stepped forward. She with her golden thread-like hair and highly tone ordered her without any explanation.

"Lukka Saarinen we need cooperation from you and Gawain. We will immediately head to the Seventh Dragon Homes, please get ready."

Lukka looked straight into Silvia's face as if she is going to pierce a hole in her face. After a long while, Lukka murmured:

"Who are you?"


After hearing, Silvia turned pale. She probably didn’t expect someone from this school to not recognize Silvia Lautreamont the fourth princess from the Knights royal family.

Silvia as if she had suffered a knock, moved around unsteadily, while muttering facing the wall.

"T-There is some student who does not recognize me...... Is my presence such unimportant...... This me is not fit to be a royal...... I'm ashamed to face onee-sama who come here to motivate me......"

"That, Princess-sama are you okay?"

Jessica rushed to Silvia’s side.

While letting Jessica to comfort Silvia, the hope is now on Ash and Eco. Regardless of what, they must drag her out from her bed to the Seventh Dragon House.

At this time, Lukka seems to have a strong interest in Eco. She suddenly cling to her waist tightly.


Eco who was attacked lost her footing and was dragged into the coffin shaped bed by Lukka.

"Wait...... What are you doing!"

Eco naturally became furious, but Lukka was not bothered by it. She held Eco who fell on the bed and drag her closer. Then, she stared at her head closely. It seems that she had taken interest in Eco’s pair of horns.

"This is not decoration...... It grew out from the head?"

"What if it is! This is my proof of being a Dragon!"



"Very cute."

"I-Is it......?"

Eco was probably shy and thus gave up on resisting. Lukka as if taking care of a baby, gently stroked Eco’s horn. Halfway through that, Lukka suddenly came out with a ridiculous request.

"Can you give me your horns?"

Eco became transfixed in fear, but then it was followed by her expression of ferocity.

"What? Want me to give the my horns to you...... you're dreaming!"

"Can’t you pull them down?"

"Pull them down! What do you think a dragon horn is!"

"Otherwise, I can taste it?"

"What? Taste?...... Hyaa!"

Eco gave an eccentric voice and then remained motionless.

Ash was also dumbfounded by what he was seeing.

Lukka hugged Eco from behind, then bit the horn on the head. The way she is tasting Eco’s horn is like a small animal nibbling its owner.

"Ah...... don’t bite my horn......!"

Surprisingly, Eco didn’t even resist, but she showed an exhausted expression and let her do whatever she wants. The seductive expression shown on her face made Ash’s heart race. Apart from her face, even her limbs were with a vague hint of pink.

"W-What are you doing to a honorable and extraordinary dragon......what are you doing ...... W-Watch out or else I will trample you...... Ah, huff......!"

Her cheeks were red, judging from her panting; perhaps she is trying her best to resist.

S-Stop...... P-Please spare me...... Awu! Eco’s body shuddered and lifted her chin, desperately trying to escape.

"S-Stop...... P-Please spare me...... Awu!"

Eco’s body shuddered and lifted her chin. Desperately trying to escape, she inadvertently bent her knees which lifted her skirt. The white cloth can be seen.


Ash was dumbfounded but he quickly looked away. Although her position which makes others imagination run wild, but Eco who was under Lukka’s control didn’t realize that her panties were exposed.

Two girls were entangled in the coffin-like bed.

That sense will be a person’s nose bleed. Anyway, who would have thought by biting her horn, she will become weak......Ash concealed his surprise after finding out another Eco’s weakness.

"......It really has the taste of a dragon."

Soon, Lukka was finally satisfied and she released Eco.

Eco seeing that chance, immediately jumped out of the coffin and hid behind Ash. She just stuck a face out and stared fiercely at Lukka. Looking like she was almost out of breath, it is as if she is a beast that lost her fight.

"Well...... I'll continue with my sleep."

Lukka is totally not bothered by Eco’s sight. She comfortable lay herself flat in the coffin.

"You still want to sleep!"

Ash back to his sense grabbed Lukka’s shoulder. Although he was shocked by how thin her shoulders are, but now is not the time to retreat.

"Rebecca-san is waiting at the Seventh Dragon House. I beg you, can you please immediately get ready? It is for you and Gawain."

"...... What are you going to do to my pal?"

Lukka's eyes soon become serious.

Ash nodded to her firmly and try to calm her down.

"Rest assure, we will not do anything bad to Gawain."

But rather I am a little worried that I’ll be thrown up far away by Gawain...... Ash silently added in his heart.

Lukka stare at ash’s face for a good while. Then, she finally got up from the coffin.

"......Alright, I'll get ready right now."

"Thank you."

Ash who was relieved tried to express his gratitude to her-

However, Lukka without a warning put her hand on the button on her one-piece pajamas. Regardless of Ash’s presence, she unbuttoned them one by one. From her collarbone to her chest area...... Her ceramic-like skin was exposed bit by bit.

"Wait a minute!"

Ash rushed to seize Lukka’s on the shoulders. Lukka stopped what she was doing and looked at Ash face confusedly.


It is wrong for her to look at my in the eyes...... Ash secretly groans. Her delicate and charming appearance, nearly has Ash entranced. Her facial features is like a doll, her amethyst-like eyes, pointed ears, and a delicate body that looks like it will disappear with just a touch and a vanilla-like fragrance...... It is like her everything is with a mysterious charm, as if something that does not belong to this world.

Ash forced himself to look away, and talk to her in a tone for disciplining children:

"I-I’ll look aside, please hurry up and change, okay?"

Even though Lukka still looked confused, at least she understood his sincerity and gently nodded.

Ash was relieved and turned his back against Lukka. He caught a glimpse of Silvia still being taken care by Jessica from the corner of his eyes. At the same time, she was constantly reciting something like a curse.

"F-For someone to actually not know the princess...... which means...... My royal family's dignity must be strengthened......"

In addition, Eco behind Ash was furious.

"How dare she bite my precious dragon horn...... T-T-This is a great insult......!"

Part 15

"...... I'm ready."

After hearing Lukka’s voice, Ash took a deep breath.

From the time Ash heard the sound of the clothes rubbing against each other from his back, he unconsciously held his breath. It can be seen just how tense the situation is just now..

Moreover, Lukka who had stayed in her room for a long time didn’t knew what season it is right now. She started to wear her winter uniforms initially. Therefore some additional time was spent to put on her summer uniform.

Ash intently looked at Lukka who is now in her uniform.

The beauty of a yōsei together with the familiar uniform, with this combination, Lukka looked like the world's most delicate and charming girl.

"Hey...... where are you staring at?"

Eco who was finally back to her old self, angrily stared at Ash.

"Y-You mustn’t misunderstand! I absolutely didn’t look at her with a perverted thought!"

"...... Is it so?"

Ash who cannot stand Eco’s condemnation, walked towards the door.

"Well, let's go. Rebecca-san and the rest are still waiting for us."

After hearing Ash's urging, Silvia also finally looked upwards.

Then, Lukka said something.

"...... You had stepped on it."

Lukka’s sight was set on Ash’s foot.

Ash confusedly looked down toward his foot-


In the end, he nearly jumped on the spot. His right foot had stepped on something. No matter how you look at it, it appears to be a girl’s pantie.

A white pantie with pale-green stripes.

Opposite of the panicking Ash, Lukka gracefully stepped forward and picked it up. Then, she spread it out in front of Ash. Without hesitating, she lifts up a leg and put it in.


The moment Lukka lifted her knee, the things under her skirt was almost seen. Ash was sweating in shocked. The school uniform skirt was originally designed to be short.

The next second, there was a murderous intend behind Ash.

"It appears...... Slaves that do not know how to behave have to be given punishment."

Eco’s body was trembling.

"An enemy of all women must receive the sanctions of the hammer of death!"

Silvia swept away her previous depression and a raging fire was ignited behind.

"Please stop, that was unintentional!"

Ash’s justification was in vain, Eco and Silvia were kicking with their might as well as giving him the iron fist.

"I’m going to crush you!"

“This is the family rules of the Lautreamont family!”

Part 16

"It's really strange; the experimental had obviously not yet begun...... how come you were badly bruised?"

Rebecca who was waiting at the Seventh Dragon House was stunned after seeing his condition which is like rags and asked him.

Behind Rebecca was Angela who was wearing a white robe and Max.

"Nothing important, err...... ah haha."

Ash can only use giggle. But Eco and Silvia were furious. Seeing their faces, Rebecca smiled.

"There is no need to act violence just because of being jealous...... why don’t you two try to learn how to be more lady-like? If your personalities are so crude, then you must beware that Ash will be dragged on the bed by Jessica?"

Upon hearing Rebecca, Silvia reacted and her face became red hot.

"Dragged on the bed- how could the student council president gives dirty talks!"

"Haha. I just thought you now look a little more like a royal...... After seeing your useless appearance, Princess Veronica may soon come looking for you."

Silvia became pale and shut her mouth.

It is said that a horrible Ogre will capture disobedient kids - this type of stories has long been rumored in Ash hometown. But for Silvia, the Ogre is Veronica.

Angela finally spoke with a serious tone as if she is representing everyone:

"Rebecca-san has explained to me the whole incident. This challenge is consider to be foolhardy...... Are you ready for it Ash-san?"

Ash felt a chill for being looked through the spectacles. However, if he get scared just because of this, then will be unable to today’s main objective.

Because the thing that Ash was going to challenge is nothing but the great Maestro.

"I’ll will be alright."

"If it is so, then remember to put on your dragsuit! You still remember the rules for the dragon riding academy right?"

Angela with a rare teacher-like attitude reminded him. But Ash had no intention of wasting valuable time on changing clothes.

"Never mind it. I just want to try to have a conversation as a human with Gawain."

Part 17

The Seventh Dragon House is purpose-built for the use of the Maestro. At the same time, it is a sacred place in the campus. Even the building itself looks more luxury than the others dragons house. Judging by the appearance alone, it gave a feeling of a villa own by a noble.

Currently there are five Maestros at the Seventh Dragon House.

By rummaging the Ansarivan Academy's history, it was rare for the Seventh Dragon House to be this grand. It also indirectly proves just how unusual is the Maestro’s existence.

Rebecca's Pal Cú Chulainn is the one who shines the most. It is as if it was only right to do so because it was sitting in the middle of the Seventh Dragon House.

Facing of the huge sacred body, one cannot help but became amazed. In contrast with that huge body, even large ceilings designed for an adult dragon feels low.

Apart from Cú Chulainn and Gawain, there Silvia’s Lancelot and Max's Arianrhod is here. For Usher, these two Maestros can be considered as familiar faces. Incidentally, the vice president Pal was not present.

"Gawain is here."

Leaded by Angela Ash and the rest came to the innermost section of the dragon house.

Gawain was lying on the ground looking weak. Although it physical size is of a young dragon, but its silvery white fur is the proof of a Maestro. The dragon horn which looked like a stag is also quite unique and made it looked mighty. But perhaps it was weak, there was no majestic feeling.

Ash was worried about Gawain by just looking at it.

"Angela-sensei is there any hope... for a cure?"

"Right now, it's not sick. I think the cause of this is the link between it and Lukka-san had been broken off. As long as there is a supplement of Astral its spirit will be restored."

Ash was slightly reassured after hearing Angela’s answer.

"Lets us begin now -"

Ash wanted to rushed to Gawain, however ...

"Hold on, Ash."

Someone grabbed his shoulder from behind. After looking back, it turned out to be Rebecca.

"We’ll let Lukka and Gawain meet first. Come here Lukka, say hello to Gawain."

Under Rebecca's urging, Lukka timidly stepped forward. But after a few steps, she stopped.

Surely, as an owner, she could touch its fur... Even when Ash thought so, but it seems that Lukka have no such intention. Perhaps after hiding herself for three months, there is probably a barrier between her and Gawain.

Or, could she have any better reason for not standing close to Gawain......?


Upon hearing Lukka calling his name, Gawain coldly turn its head away and treated her like a stranger.

"Sure enough, there is no other way…."

Lukka was dejected and turned her back against Gawain. She can be seen crying and intended to run away.

"Stop! Lukka!"

But Silvia had blocked her path. Don’t know whether she was angered by Gawain’s attitude, Silvia pulled a long face.

"Listen clearly; the ideal relationship between humans and dragons is definitely not harmony, but the status itself. Lukka.... do you spoil Gawain in the past? From its attitude earlier, Gawain did not seem to treat you as its master. "

Lukka lowered her head without a word. After a long while she finally raised her head.

"Perhaps what you are saying is right… but to me… it is an important family member... I don’t think that there is I need for a master-servant relationship...."

Silvia sighed.

"Me too. I love Lancelot as a family. Yet, it is because of love, so sometimes we need to be strict and discipline them. You musn’t forget this."

"I’m...... going back."

After leaving this sentence, Lukka rushed out of the dragon house. Ash clearly sees the moment when she ran away, her eyes shed tears.

"I'll give it a try."

As if to sweep away the awkward atmosphere, this time, Ash had officially confronted Gawain.

Ignoring the gradually approaching Ash, Gawain remains motionless. It is because it doesn’t acknowledge Ash? Or does it not have the strength to bother with Ash...?

Being anticipated and gazed by the crowds, Ash carefully prepared.

Gawain didn’t seem to be on alert. This time should be an easy win.... Ash who was confidence made a leap.

Gawain was not equipped with a saddle. Like riding on a bare horse, Ash went up Gawain back. Because there were no reins, he can only cling to its neck to maintain his center of gravity.

"Alright, I will start....!"

At this moment, Gawain gave a fierce roar and was fierce resisting. Being shook vigorously, making Ash's body was sent flying out.


After being spun in mid-air, Ash abruptly fell to the ground. Even when he managed to make a roll to reduce the time of impact. But the strong impact made him feel suffocated. In between his back and his waist, the pain slowly spread.

Gawain who threw out Ash was lying down obediently.


Rebecca and the arrived while looking miserable.

"I-I'm fine......"

Ash force himself to sit up. Although his pain had not yet disappeared, at least there was nothing abnormal with his bones. The grounds at the dragon house are soft, which is fortunate for him.

"Ahh, Ash-sama....! My Ash-sama is......!"

"It is alright, it is alright. Please move aside."

Angela pushed the panicking Jessica to one side. With both hands she held Ash’s cheeks and ask questions.

"Did you knock your head?"

"No.... my head is all right."

"Don’t look down on me; I have a doctor's license. If you feel any pain or even uncomfortable, try to be honest and tell me!"

"Really..... so sensei have a doctor's license?"

"Only that it is a veterinarian’s."

Ash revealed a bitter smile. Angela probably took a veterinarian license because she wants to study about the dragons.

After everyone knew that Ash was alright, the group of people become relieved.

"Sorry Ash, it was because of my ridiculous proposal...."

Rebecca revealed a rare dignified expression and apologizes to Ash. Which made Ash felt uneasy.

"W-What are you talking about! Challenging Gawain is entirely my own idea; Rebecca-san has done nothing wrong."

"In short, the experiment will end here. I cannot let you to continue to face the dangers."

"No, don’t rush to conclusions! I have my triumph card too."

"Triumph card?"

"That’s right. When I was dealing with the Necromancia I had failed again and again. Later I succeed with the use of the Ark."

Rebecca with a serious look crossed her arms.

"Hmm... I see. But Ash, as a student council president, I cannot allow you to continue to take the risks. As a teacher, Angela-san also could not permit it right?"

Being watched by Rebecca, Angela with a flirtatious smile replied:

"Me? I don’t have any comment in this. I never get tired of seeing Eco creating the Ark!"

Angela's reply is nothing like what a teacher will say. But she was initially not a teacher but a researcher. Just because she wants the opportunity to encounter with Eco, only she became a teacher. So it is futile to have Angela acting like one.

"From sensei’s personality, I’m not surprised for you to say such things.... have you decided yet, Ash?"

"Of course, I had decided to try again."

After Ash promised, Eco explode in anger.

"Wait a minute! Who allowed you to decide anything without my permission! Again, for me to create an Ark for such small... are you still sane!"

Ash lightly put his hand on the furious Eco’s head.

"Hey, don’t answer so quickly. What about if I treat you to vanilla crepes?"

"Hmph! I would not be bribed by those kinds of things!"

"Otherwise I’ll add in a strawberry flavored."

"W-What are you joking about! What do you think you are taking an extraordinary dragon as!"

Although Eco didn’t promised, but Ash can she that she was slightly moved through her eyes.

"Yeah, a new flavored crepe is going to be on sell! I remember that..... It is chocolate banana flavored?"

"Chocolate banana......?"

Gulp. Ash can clearly hear Eco’s swallowing her saliva.

The blow undoubtedly triggered Eco’s curiosity and appetite.

"...... I have to tell you clearly, this is an exception!"

After struggling for a moment in her heart, Eco closed her eyes on the spot, and starts reciting her spells.

“Almete, Gorjal… Peto, Espaldar, Brafoneras, Faldaje… Escarcelas, Bufetas, Hombreras… Brazales, Codales… Antebrazos…”

Rebecca smile after seeing eco started reciting.

"Hehe. You are getting better in controling!"

“T-This can’t be considered as controling!”

Ash felt embarrassed and his cheeks were red hot.

Part 18

“Manoplas… Quijotes, Guardas…Grebas, Escarpes…”

Viagra incantation is about to enter its final stage.

This is the fourth time she had created the Ark and the way she chants felt a lot smoother. Perhaps she the experience that she had accumulated made her to be more skillful in her technique.


After Eco finished her spell, a divine light filled their entire field of vision.

Followed by a thunderous bang.

Ash's body can be seen surrounded by gentle lights.

The ‘Seikoku’ on his left hand strangely became painful.

Until the dazzling light was lest glaring, Ash was in a silver Ark. This set of Ark is the same as the first Ark that Eco created when he fought the Necromancia.

Although it was an imitations rebuilt from the design that were passed down by the Dragons, it still consumed Eco’s own magic to create the Ark.

"Ahh...... the genuine ‘Silver Knight’!"

Jessica like a believer who had witnessed miracles from god was deeply moved.

"The hopes are on you, Ash."

Ash nodded to Rebecca who cheers for him.

By turning his back towards the crowd, he again was facing Gawain.

Just when Ash moved closer, Gawain gave a warning growl. It slowly climbed up from the ground to stand on all fours and fiercely stared Ash. It obviously was on guard against Ash who was equipped with the Ark.

"Don’t be angry, I just want to have a talk with you alone."

Ash leaps. Since the Ark was constructed with a huge amount of magic, it had a variety of additional effects. That is why he can float in

mid-air for some time.

Ash’s jump had pass the normal height of a normal human and was gliding towards Gawain. Right at the moment, he believed that he can success for sure -


But Ash had landed on the ground. His sabotons had sunk into the soft land. The area he was standing at was the place where Gawain was resting previously.


Ash was stunned. He obviously thought that he had successfully landed on Gawain's back, but the big thing as if it can teleport had disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Above you, Ash!"

Rebecca warning instantly brought him back to his sense.

He quickly looked up and saw Gawain. Gawain was clinging to the ceiling on all four with his head facing the ground. It is exactly like a bat.

Just at that moment, Gawain with a roar full of fighting spirit that shook the air around emitted a breath.


Ash immediately crossed his arms into a defensive posture, but he was in the trajectory for the attack. Ash felt a strong pressure of wind and heat and was knocked back.

Ash only stopped fluting when he abruptly collides with the stone wall.


Ash was suffocating because his Ark cannot withstand this impact. Suddenly, he has a thought that he had broken into pieces. At the same time he knelled down, the Ark turned into particles of light and vanished...

"H-How is this possible ......!"

Just like sand, the Ark slipped passed his fingers. It is but only a mere hit, but the damaged is already more than what the Ark can withstand.

Ash had long ago heard in class about how destructive is the Dragon’s Breath… Only until he had personally experienced, it was far more horrifying than what you can imagine.

Of course, it is clear that Gawain had shown some mercy.

If it really had the killing intends, let alone a mere dragon house, even the whole school can be turned into ashes.

If I’m no equipped with the Ark...... Ash shivered just by think about what will be going to happen next. "Damn!"

The frustrated Ash stare ruthlessly at Gawain.

Just like when the winner had been decided, Gawain landed on the ground lightly and lie down. But it seems to detect the hostility from Ash and looked at him coldly.


And it did not forget to threat with its growl.

Ash leaned against the stone wall full of cold sweat.

"That arrogant attitude reminds me of somebody...."

Hearing the angry curse, Eco who arrived together with Rebecca and the rest immediately reacted.

"What did you say just now?"

With her crimson eyes staring at Ash even Gawain had to admit it’s lost to those frightening eyes.

In the end, because of Ash lost terrible even when he was equipped with the Ark, the crowd can only dissolve. As for how to do to make Gawain accept Lukka- About this subject, Rebecca with a serious tone declared "A separate meeting will be held to discuss about it on another day."

Part 19

The student restaurant ‘La Tene’ was located in the campus.

It is a bungalow built with red bricks for its outer wall. The chimney is its signature features. The working days are only at weekdays, which start at half past eleven in the morning until eight o’clock in the evening. Whether it is about the dining table or chairs, all of them use the Chevron design, which gave an elegance feeling.

"Welcome to ‘La Tene’!"

It is evening. Anya who became a restaurant waitress was busily working.

Currently ‘La Tene’ is just like the manager had said, it lacks of manpower. That is why Anya is busy until she had nearly no time to breath.

Even so, Anya did not forget her mission- collect intelligence. But also, she had used her waitress identity to collect useful intelligence from the conversation with the students.

Perhaps she should thank the manager for recommending her to be a waitress. If she had given the infield job that she had originally chosen, there may be no opportunity to come into contact with the students.

As the students here are all breeders, Anya had a little wariness in the beginning. But once she had actually come into contact with them, she found out that they are just ordinary teenagers.

- The peoples of the Knight’s country are really unbearably vulgar.

Especially the boys. They seem to be very curious about Anya who had a foreigner’s look and will actively take the initiative to talk with her. Among them, there are obviously guys who don’t have a pure motive.

Anya skillfully uncovered intelligence from those guys.

Ash is a famous person.

None of those who talked to Anya didn’t know about him.

Some praised him to be a wonder student who can easily ride Pal belongs to others. He was also criticized for being a problem student who caused trouble all day long.

There is also information that he recently received a strong support from Rebecca, the student council president.

But, about Ash saving the city by controlling the Necromancia and defeated 'Avdocha the Convict’, all these students knew nothing about them.

Sure enough, the intelligence was controlled- Anya intuitively though so.

It was probably interfered by the Academy’s Council or the student council. Veronica should also have a thing or two to do with this.

On the other hand, there is also useful information.

It was said that Ash’ Pal, young dragon Eco is not a normal dragon, but a delicate and charming girl. This is really unbelievable.

For a dragon to be born in a human gesture, it is unheard of.

However, since Ash himself is not a breeder who can be described with the normal logic, slowly, she didn’t feel that it was really unbelievable. No, it should be said that.... who knows it is that young dragon called Eco is the key that is making Ash unique.

If she had the choice, Anya wanted to come into contact with Ash and Eco. Now, Anya as student restaurant waitress had fully blended into the environment. Even when she made contact, Ash will not be wary about her.

The point is Ash had never entered ‘La Tene’. Evidently he did not seem to have the habit to dine in ‘La Tene’.

Part 20

After she asked the manager while pretending to have a chat, the manager said that among the regulars customers of ‘La Tene’ students from the middle class family had accounted for more than half of its customers.

Students from the upper class family usually go downtown to dine. As for those from the lower class family, they choose the dormitory restaurant where the food is the cheapest. Ash doesn’t look like a person who comes from the upper class, so he should be from the latter one.


At this time, the entrance bell rang.

After she saw the face of the guest when she turned back, Anya suddenly gasped.

"It is that guy....!"

The person in the doorway was none other than Ash Blake.

There is a beautiful girl in uniform standing beside him. At first glance they looked a bit like lovers - but the girl has a very fresh and refined beauty. Also there are circular stubs on her head. That's a unique horn of a young dragon.

The girl should be the Eco.... Anya secretly made her own speculation.

Part 21

On the way to ‘La Tene’, Eco’s stomach had given out a thundering noise for three times and had frightened the students that passed by.

"That..... what is bad about eating in the dormitory restaurant? Not only that it is cheaper, but we also can eat until we are full...."

"I'm sorry! But I’m tired of eating the dormitory’s food! Don’t you know that just having a balance nutrient in the meals is not enough!"

"Haa...... it was said that dragons were foodies and it really is true."

Ash moaned and groaned when he recalled the contents of the basic class.

Opposite to the description of the barbarian-tic dragons from the foreign folk tales, dragons are artistic creature and cooking was also taken as a part of art.

Soon, Ash and eco had arrived at ‘La Tene’. After Eco energetically opened the door, an appetizing smell is immediately felt by them.

"Wow! What nice smell...! When the school had such a nice restaurant, why do you not bring me here earlier?"

“You want me to go bankrupt! Today is an exception!"

While two men quarreling by the door, a waitress appeared. She was wearing ‘La Tene’s’ signature maid attire.

"W-Welcome to ‘La Tene’!"

The waitress seemed to be newly employed and looked extremely tense. She is full of a foreign air. Her tan skin, deep facial contour and her dark hair that was tied up at the back of her head.

"...... Nn?"

Usher frowned and carefully stare at the girl's face. As if he had seen her before......?


Just when the girl is a little reluctant and was muttering-


There was suddenly a sharp pain in Ash toes which made him jumped on the spot. It seems that it was Eco who had ruthlessly stepped on his foot.

"What are you doing!"

Eco was in a furious temper.

"Who ask you to be charmed by some female! Hey, the female over there! Why don’t you hurry up a little to help us look for a place!"


Ash sympathies the waitress who was given orders by the arrogant Eco.

Part 22

In contrary to Eco who was attentively studying the menu, Ash had long ago decided.

"That ...... I want a plate of ‘pasta with Allonne's oyster and mushroom'."

"‘Pasta with Allonne's oyster and mushroom’ is that right? Are there any other needs?"

"No, this is enough."

"Will you be full with this?"

As a boy, he really has a small appetite.... Anya poke her nose into his buisness.


Ash with a puzzled expression looked at Anya. It seems that, he seems to be so surprised for Anya to be cordial when speaking to him.

"S-Sorry for being nosy....."

After Anya apologized for a number of times, Ash smile back.

"I don’t really have much appetite today. I just have a duel with a dragon and I had suffered a crushing defeat...."

"Duel with s dragon? What’s that about?"

When Anya curiously asked, Ash's face clearly stated the words I’m done for. He kept his mouth shut and refused to speak anymore. It s

Seems that it was likely a confidential project of the student council .

"N-Nothing...... this is very popular game recently. I’m just playing that game."

"Haha...... I also think so."

SnRK V03 119.jpg

Even when Anya responded with a polite smile, she secretly thinks that this man really do not know how to tell a lie.

"I had decided for good!"

After Eco shouted, she stared at Anya. The pair of charming crimson eyes was reflecting Anya's face.

"......What would you like to order?"

"Two hundred and fifty grams of Chevron beef, lamb chops with herb, fried Allonne's oyster, a half boiled omelet, corn soup.... give me all this first for the time being."


Anya suspected that she heard it wrong and stare at Eco’s petite body.

"What is your reaction about! That’s why I always said that humans are folly and ignorant being!"


At this moment, Ash spoke on Anya’s behalf:

"Hey, Eco! Please so not bully the waitress! Besides...... can you finish this many things?"

Seeing Ash showing his owner like side, Anya started to admire him a little. However, not only Eco failed to calm down, but she also had gotten furious.

"You...! Today I had only eaten three meals! A dragon must eat five times a day! Don’t you tell me you had forgotten!"

"Huh...... you only had eaten three meals today?"

"I will crush you! It is because of you wasting time on saving that dragon that cannot be saved!"


Seeing that Ash was going to be trampled anytime, Anya secretly sighed.

"Lukka & Maestro Gawain ~A.S.B. 1365.6~" is closed.

References and Translation Notes

  1. this sentence is originally short and made is seems like it is a dead body
  2. 正座 Seiza, a formal way of sitting.
  3. This is the original text, a direct translation.
  4. 解散Kaisan it means to disband the meeting in a commanding tone.
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