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The two woman exchanged gazes, both nodded and then Horizon once again opened her mouth.
The two women exchanged gazes, both nodded and then Horizon once again opened her mouth.
“… Anyway in the beginning I thought that it was meaningless. Even now I am still conjecturing whether that is true.”
“… Anyway in the beginning I thought that it was meaningless. Even now I am still conjecturing whether that is true.”

Revision as of 18:50, 8 October 2013

Chapter 04: Assemblers under the Eaves

Horizon3A 0103.jpg

Why is it that.

The more you try to listen to a story.

The more you end up telling one.

Point Allocation (Reciprocation)

Beneath the blue sky of IZUMO, beneath the eaves there was the muttered voice of an elderly woman.

“That’s right…, Horizon. About your Mother…”

There the speaking Mitsu was traditionally seated on top of a cushion with Horizon seated beside her on the veranda.

In front of her Kimi and Futayo who had put on gloves were in the yard searching through the vegetable garden,

“Ah It’s a potato! Grandmother, even though it is still widely regarded as a prohibited good. —Confiscated! It’s confiscated!”

“Hmm, the green soybeans which my father liked are grown here Kimi. —As an offering to my father spirit I think I may also take possession of some.”

『Boiled in Salt—』

“I had some left over so I said you could do as you please but what exactly did you come here to do.”

Mitsu said that with half eyes; however the two women didn’t listen. That’s why Mitsu paused for a moment and directed her question to Horizon who was drinking tea by her side.

“Horizon? Why exactly did you come here?”

Why did you come here? The questioned Horizon considered that.

… At first was just because Kimi had invited me…

She considered. If she had to say rather than being the reason she came it was,

“The reason that I thought it would be okay to come.”

“That’s nice, being condescending.”

Jud. Horizon raised her right thumb to show Mitsu. Mitsu was already returning the same action.


The two women exchanged gazes, both nodded and then Horizon once again opened her mouth.

“… Anyway in the beginning I thought that it was meaningless. Even now I am still conjecturing whether that is true.”

“You’re very straightforward.”

Once again the two of them raised their thumbs. There,

“Jud, thank you very much. However Toori “Ah!? I am not going. I am definitely not going! I can’t go for your sake!” and was stubborn so I changed my decision into that I must go.”

“How rebellious.”

She raised her thumb.

“Jud, thank you very much. In any case, to tell the truth it is a rare occurrence for me to disembark from Musashi so in the meaning of study it is valid.”

Then since she had come she had only one purpose.

“The current purpose is to hear about Horizon’s mother, that is al.l”

“I see!”

Mitsu nodded her head. However there she tilted her head and asked the following.

“Why is it you want to hear?”

It was a simple question. That is why here immediately answered. That contents was,

“It is because I want to be able to understand my mother.”


“If I can understand her then the eventual sadness will be reduced. Even if I am no longer able to exchange words with that person, I can imagine about her and it is possible for me to inherit her will.”

“Well then. — Let us do a something like a little test. About how much meaning talking about the past has for you. A test to measure that.”

“Jud, Please do as wish.”

That was a good answer is what Mitsu said. There with a faint smile,

“Okay, I am going to ask? You are saying that understanding is important? In that case… if you can understand something then is it okay to lose it?”

Oh? is what Horizon thought. She had done a similar discussion from the opposing stance. In London, England, that act which Toori had called a date. Date, it was English. To translate it to Japanese it was “Date”. Did Toori want that badly to do a date with Horizon, it was strange.

In any case, considering the words he had said at that time.

What had he replied with when she had said the same words that Mitsu had just spoken.

… Ah.

She remembered and it was something she could accept, that’s why Horizon said the following.

“That is not correct.”

When trying and standing on the opposite parallel line she had the feeling that she could somehow understood the words that she had been told at that time.

“There is nothing that is okay to be lost, that is what I am thinking.” While conducting multiple layers of judgment Horizon formed her words. After thinking over the things which he had told her in the past she began to speak,

“That is why I am not understanding so that it will be okay lose something.… Unfortunately everything will eventually be lost however if you can understand and enjoy spending time together, even when that time unexpectedly comes—”

Was it this kind of thing.

“Would it not be possible to even understand what happens at that time, that is my conjecture.”

“That’s an idealist thought.”

With Mitsu’s words Horizon simply asked the following,

“Is that what you determine? That it is nothing but an ideal?"

Jud, Mitsu who was resting her chin in her hands spoke.

“If you die no matter how much time you spend together it is saddening. For those who are left behind. It was the same for my husband and for my parents.”

“Is it not possible to have an understanding concerning losing something?"

“The contents of your question are quite harsh.”

The two of them raised their thumbs.

However Horizon did not say that she was sorry in response to Mitsu’ words. If she apologized for asking something that was necessary to her it would be that her necessity was lowering her head. That’s why,

“I understand that it will change the topic but I would like to request a lecture. — Advice on how to resolve the sadness of loss.”

“Those are some nice words.”

Mitsu laughed. Then she said.

“Understanding the deceased is quite a difficult task. After all they are concluded however on the other hand there is no way to confirm anything more than that. That’s why as a reference for you who is trying to learn about your mother I will tell you a bit of my story. You may experience the same amount of hardship after all.”

“There are hardships?”

Mitsu responded that there were.

“My mother, well it would be the great grandmother of that kid out there who is digging up potatoes. That great grandmother, when Toori and Kimi were in elementary school… was it the fifth year?”

“Haha it was the fourth year. Eight years ago. Have things become a bit unclear?”

“You just grew up fast. Because you have nothing above your neck. — Well in that year Musashi’s route was an eastern circulation via Bizen. It became that they came to Hexagone Française's northern IZUMO during the end of the year. However great grandmother was in a bad condition. They wouldn’t make it at that rate. However—”

Mitsu pointed in the southerly direction. The deal which Musashi made over in the direction of K.P.A.Italia — Due to Hashiba starting their full-scale movements, the rule of Nagahama begun and the route was no longer useable so they were forced to stop at Bizen IZUMO at the southern country border of Hexagone Française. However the Pope Chancellor of K.P.A.Italia Innocentius allowed the trade with the surrounding countries and in order to obtain repair parts, there were permitted a limited capacity of cargo ships to come and go between IZUMO, so as to continue the trade of other countries with Musashi, well there were also a variety of political factors.”

“That was—”

“They came here, however only Toori and Kimi, the checks were apparently soft on children,”


“Kimi, what sort of situation was that?”

With Mitsu’s question, within Horizon’s gaze Kimi raised her body with a state of disappointment.

“Don’t you remember?”

Well, Kimi folded her arms.

Then she looked over this way and pointed to the eastern sky and Musashi.

“That foolish brother did right? He suddenly knocked on my door and said “Let’s go sis. If mum were to find out it would be troublesome, so let’s go while we can.” It seems like he had requested earnestly to the people in the provisional council. Thinking about it now, it is a lot easier for the other side to accept thing when it comes to children going to give their final greeting to a relative.

“Now? Then at that time?”

“That the adults were suspicious, I was thinking that if something happens I have to protect my foolish brother.”

I see, Horizon nodded. She was interested in the fact that Futayo seemed to be getting excited that the turnip had long roots however at the moment the remainder of the story was important.

That’s why Horizon returned her gaze to Mitsu. She thought that she wanted to hear the remainder of the story.

“It was in that way that Toori and Kimi were able to come? Apart from that… did anything happen?”

“Jud, the two of them only spent a few normal days here. After they returned… on the return, you returned to the halted Musashi at BIZEN IZUMO by carriage and walking didn’t you?”

“That’s right, okay? Since the schedule didn’t match up with the cargo vessel, we returned while being assisted by some kind people. On the way there was way too much stuff, even if I talked about it no one would believe it which is why I don’t talk about it.”

Is that so, Mitsu said. Then she looked this way and paused with a smile.

“Horizon listen okay? After a while had passed, a letter arrived from my stupid daughter on board Musashi saying “I locked those two who had returned for two, three days.”. Then…”


At the time when she was wondering what had occurred.

Mitsu looked up at the sky and spoke.

“Great grandmother, my mother smiled.”

“That was…”

Horizon thought that was a normal, an everyday reaction. There was a difference between people about the value of the existence called great grandchildren, however if they had arrived home safety arrived then you would form a smile.


… In that case why was Mitsu especially remembering that smile?

She didn’t understand. That is why Horizon did not speak,


However in front of here who had become silent Mitsu tilted her brown teacup towards her mouth. Then,

“I wonder why!”

“What is it?”


“Mother laughed and spoke. — That I don’t know whether my life was meaningful, however if my grandchildren who are connected through my soul came to visit me before I go… I think I lived a proper way of life which had them came.”

“That was…”

She realized that she was saying the same words as before.

The meaning that the words Mitsu were saying was something she thought she could understand however could not understand. That is why she stopped her words part-way through, “— I apologize; I am unable to reach an understanding.”

“That is a good thing. After all I don’t really understand it either. That’s why I told this story.”

There Mitsu showed her first bitter smile. Then she adjusted her chin in her hands,

“It is not like my mother spent a lot of time together with Toori and Kimi. After my mother died I also became sad and wept. However… I think mother at the very least beatified the satisfaction that she felt towards Toori and Kimi.”

Do you understand? Is what Mitsu said. She then suddenly looked at the yard,

“I wonder what form that the satisfaction of understanding takes. — Hey, Kimi!”

“Haha, what is it? I’m in a good mood today so I’ll answer across the generation, okay?”

“Well then, — Kimi, how was it at that time when you and Toori returned to Musashi? Did you think about anything regarding my mother?”

“Actually Grandmother. There’s no way that I remember something from that long ago.”

Ah, however Kimi formed a wry smile.

“Foolish brother, he said it. — That great grandmother was cute. That she was thankful, thankful towards everything, that her being delighted was cute.” With those words Horizon nodded.

“Jud. I see, I have understood that part.”

There Horizon with the frank opinion which had formed inside her heart said the following.

“Toori is indiscriminate when it comes to raising flags.”

The women fell silent and the grandma conducted eye contact with her grandchild.

After that the grandchild instructed “calm down” with her hand and the grandma nodded. After a while the grandchild cleared her throat and spoke to Horizon.

“Okay? Horizon. It’s alright. Their relatives you know? — You can’t conquer them.”

“In other words it will be added as part of the supplementary DVD.”

The grandchild looked at her Grandma.

“— Grandmother, what should I do at a time like this.”

“How should I know.”

Anyway is what Mitsu said. Then saying however to connect her words together she once again took a breath.

“… Ah well it is true that Toori looked at my mother in such a manner. That my mother ended her life being thankful to a great many things.”

… Ender her life being thankful….?

Horizon repeated Mitsu words within her heart.

Then Horizon thought this.

……I don’t understand.

Why was the fact that the two, Toori and Kimi had come led to being thankful to anything and everything.

Why had Mitsu’s mother,

“Why was she thankful? Should not the one who should be thankful was the later generation who had been given birth to and received their upbringing?”


Mitsu while turning back this way asked the following.

“— Do you think that something that had completed its purpose is no longer necessary?”

Jud is what Horizon went to answer. After all a machine which had completed its purpose will become a unnecessary useless object. Once you switch to a new good the old good is fine to be dissembled and recycled.

That’s why Horizon went to voice an affirmative response,


Conducting her thoughts Horizon shook her head to the side.

“I do not think that is true.”

“Why not?”

“That is because Horizon was like that.”

That was,

“While one may think their purpose is over and while that may be correct, … being more important to someone than you think you are is something that often happens.”

Even for her who believed that she was nothing, was not abandoned at Mikawa.

It was not just her. At England it was the same for Mary, in that case… might it be the same for others.

That’s why,

“If you wish to decide that you are unnecessary then you must ask everyone in the entire world. Also not just those people in the same generation but also those in the generations which follow. The reason being is that I am now thinking about wanting to know my mother. In my mother’s generation, even if her mother had been shunned by the entire world, at the moment I of the following generation wish for her.”

“That is a good answer.”

The two of them raised their thumbs.

Thus Horizon connected her thinking to the previous topic. The reason why Mitsu’s mother was thankful to everything was,

“She was able to believe that not just the things in front of your eyes but the things beyond there thought of her as important to them. … From that two people who were connected to her by blood had come from far away.”

“That’s right. That’s why it will be good to remember that.”

“What would?”

Ah, Mitsu spoke.

“Your mother is not here however she is glad that you have come here. — Indeed so am I who has once again formed a connection with you as well.”


Mitsu as if to connect everything together formed words. Understand? Putting that as a preface,

“I was also one of those people who thought of “meeting” the lost you. Well, to you it might be just a “test”. That’s why I am trying to teach you to think that meeting me was a good thing.”

That was,

“About your mother.”

“About… my mother?”

Horizon slightly prepared her consciousness.

She had come here wanting to know about her mother.

However she had absolutely no memories of her mother.

It was certain that she had one. After all she was here was here, however

… what kind of person was my mother?

Was it a result of Phylargyria that she wished to follow up on the doubt she had suddenly thought up. However that though immediately became words, and turning it into a question. The words which escaped from her mouth were,

“Mitsu-sama, my mother was….”

“There isn’t much I can say.”

Towards here who had become unable to form words, the old woman showed eyes which looked like the shape of a smile.

“Your mother was a brilliant student. She came to this IZUMO during her middle school period, at the time I was at high school doing ritual Shinto spell and fluid research when she came to see me. She was doing earth pulse research and wanted knowledge on the Far East formulas.

“Mitsu-sama, you used to be an instructor?”

“Jud, I am one of the students who participated in the suppression of the Shimabara Rebellion, the accelerated reproduction of the Far East Catholic revolt from fifty years ago. After the harsh war ended and I returned here I received a recommendation from the Testament Union. Well they determined that leaving a young girl who liked to go wild was dangerous. Thus I served as an instructor here and it was when my hair started to turn white that your mother came.”

“That was—”

“It was thirty five, six years ago. She came to this middle school the same year as my idiot daughter; they hit it off and got along well.”

In that case Horizon thought. If she spent her time in middle school then what came next was,

“Was her high school here or at Musashi?”

With that question Mitsu shook her head to the side.

Then she spoke the same words which had the same meaning as the shaking of her head.

“I don’t know. — Where that child attended high school.”

“… You don’t know?”

Determining that parroting her words was meaningless Horizon followed with another question.

“Why is it that you don’t know? Academies are all facilities which have records being recorded; they are each countries cornerstone of politics and military.”

That’s true; there the corners of her mouth formed a smile.

“I’ll say it in advance but I’m the one who wishes to know. My daughter was also quite indignant. — However at a certain time that child unexpectedly received a single letter and disappeared. Without leaving a note. Then once again at a certain time she suddenly came back.”

Breathing in, Mitsu spoke.

“—It was around eighteen, nineteen years ago. She was slightly worn out though surprisingly she possessed a permit to live on Musashi directly from Mikawa’s Lord Motonobu, however she said the following.”

In my womb is Lord Motonobu’s child. I will live with an escort on-board Musashi. However — before that I will travel through the individual territories of the Far East. Please protect me.”

“I determine that she is selfish.”

“That’s true. My daughter said quite a lot to her as well. However well it seems like she had made some type of resolution. As expected after howling about it for three days my daughter was tired of it. With exasperation she was forcibly dragging by her companion through a journey of the Far East. It was a three month forced march through the important places.”

That’s true, speaking there was Kimi. She embraced her body,

“However by that time she was already pregnant with me. Foolish brother was after boarding Musashi though.”

“… If that is the case then was Toori-sama a house warming celebration.”

“… You have no mercy to those close to you.”

Mitsu formed a wry smile and said this.

“Well, that’s about all I can say. If my daughter will not say what we saw on our journey then it is not for me to say. However…”


“I don’t know where she was and what she was doing during those several tens of years after she vanished. Honda and Sakai also shouldn’t know either. That’s why it is likely she was not in Mikawa, if anyone was to know if would be only Lord Motonobu.”

What do you say.

“How’s this as a proposition? How about trying to understand your own parents. I still have a long way to go. That’s why — until you get at least to my age, even if you have not discovered the answer you cannot give up. You cannot give up and reach the conclusion that losing something is saddening.”

Having that said to her Horizon came to a self-realization. The fact that her mother was also certainly lost. It was an important existence to her however it was a stranger. If she was able to understand that existence,

“People who I have not met and also things I have not seen …… is it really possible to become able to understand these?”

“— You shouldn’t immediately try and come to a conclusion. However the only thing I can say is to not give up. Following that? I think it would be good for you to go after that child.”

“Why do you think that?”

Ah, there Mitsu said.

“There is a theme which the child was researching.”

That was,

“The resolution of the destiny of Sin through the Earth pulse.”


At the side of her who had involuntarily lost her words, Kimi and Futayo stood up together after extracting a green spring onion.

“That’s the first time I’ve heard that? Ah, I’m also going to take this spring Onion.”

“Isn’t it about time you paid some money. — However Kimi hearing it for the first time is that kind of thing. After all it wasn’t something to be told to someone who was not involved right? However Horizon, Lord Motonobu turned you into the Armour of Deadly Sins in order to influence the end of the world. Your mother was also doing research into the deadly sins. About the fate of Karma which people cannot escape from.”

What do you say, Mitsu said once again.

“—There is great value in understanding don’t you agree?”

“That is also something I’ve heard for the first time, Teacher.”

There Kimi heard an unforeseen voice from the back of the house.

The familiar voice was,


Jud, there together with the voice, Oriotorai came from the back of the house carrying paper bags filled with goods. Both Horizon and Futayo turned that direction and then Grandma as well,

“Well it is something that there was no reason to talk to you about it Makiko.”

“Grandmother, do you know our teacher?

Together with Horizon’s tilted neck question Oriotorai showed the palm of her hand and urged grandma to go on. In a responsive movement Grandma placed both her hands on her hips and nodded,

“For Makiko to become a teacher! I was in charge of her history and ritual spell instruction. Enough that there was even a time when she stayed over for a period. She ate a lot. — So well I also did teach this child’s former official, … I wonder was having two outstanding talents in a row due to the end of the world.”

No no, there Oriotorai smiled and puffed out her chest.

“Someone like me still has a long way to go, Teacher. There are other people who ate more than me."

Oriotorai not referring to herself as Teacher was fresh. However, hmm, Grandma and Horizon looked alternatively over here who was repeating deep nods,


If you were to say that being silent and at a loose end was cute then it was cute. That’s why,

“Horizon, are you returning?”

“— Jud, I was able to hear a variety of important stories. Then—?”

From here on, Horizon continued her words with that.

“I think that I will search the obscure circumstances regarding my mother. It will be good if her residence or grave and the like have any records which still remain in Musashi however.”

That's right, Mitsu nodded.

“There are some steamed sweet jelly beans in the kitchen so take them and go. Also, Toori is-”

“If you’re talking about foolish brother he will come later so don’t worry. Foolish brother is not good with difficult talk.”

“He’s been an idiot from long ago. However the idiot became king huh.”

Mitsu looked towards Musashi

“— The world is also ending.”

From far away from the direction of IZUMO, the sound of a festival orchestra which had been arranged into house style could be heard.