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Hero: “We are both Maou’s subordinates, I didn’t want to do that if possible.”
Hero: “We are both Maou’s subordinates, I didn’t want to do that if possible.”
Archduke Fire Dragon: "Hm."
Hero: "Even if I have to lay down my life, I will protect Maou."
Archduke Fire Dragon: “Wahahahaha! I appreciate the spirit you have there! Someone, someone! Quick, summon the Grand Princess over here!”
Archduke Fire Dragon: “Wahahahaha! I appreciate the spirit you have there! Someone, someone! Quick, summon the Grand Princess over here!”

Latest revision as of 23:31, 24 October 2013

--- --- Village Outskirts, Maou’s Manor, Courtyard

Female Knight: “Right, that’s it for warm-up, everyone.”

Noble Student: “… … fu … fu … …”

Merchant Student: “… … wu wu wu, I’m dying … …”

Soldier Student: “… …”

Female Knight: “So, let me explain about weapons. What you are holding is the standard weapon of the Southern Kingdom Army, the long sword. This type of weapon has a good balance between power and length, and is produced in Iron Country, so the quality is steady. Your balance will affect how smooth it is, so I want you to pick it up, in order to use it as reference.”

Noble Student: “...”

Merchant Student: “…”

Soldier Student: “This… this is stupid-gozaru[[1].”

Female Knight: “What did you say?”

Noble Student: “…” Chill

Soldier Student: “I said, this is stupid-gozaru. Why must a man study sword skills from a woman?”

Female Knight: “…”

Soldier Student: “I came to learn from the White Swordsman, not to be a woman’s student-gozaru. A woman should just stay home and bake cakes.”

Female Knight: “Oi, the fatty over there.”

Merchant Student: “Wah! M…Me?”

Female Knight: “Hold up your sword with both hands.”

Merchant Student: “Wu wu… … Like this…?”

Female Knight: “HA!” Ching

Noble Student: “!”

Soldier Student: “Ng!”

Merchant Student: “Swo swo swo….sword! It…. It broke into two!”

Female Knight: “HA!” Ching

Merchant Student: “It… it shortened!”

Female Knight: “If I wanted, I can cut of five centimeters every time.”

Soldier Student: “Wh….why… …”

Female Knight: “That Gozaru student over there, listen up.”

Female Knight: “I am Lake Country’s Female Knight, I have traveled to the Demon World with Hero in the past, and experienced thousands of battles.”

Noble Student: “Hero…. You mean that Lord Hero!”

Merchant Student: “!”

Soldier Student: “Cou…cou…cou…could it be that ‘Demon Masked Rider? the Princess of Superhuman Strength? Rock crushing Yasha?”

Female Knight: “You seem pretty well informed, Gozaru student.”

Soldier Student: “… …” Shudder

Female Knight: “This isn’t the result of any superhuman strength, it’s skill… as long as you can control the direction of the sword’s edge, focus the energy at a point of weakness, everyone can do it. He….ah~ the White Swordsman is too talented, he does what he does ‘by feel’, so he’s not suitable as a teacher.”

Merchant Student: “Could it be, that the White Swordsman is Lady Female Knight’s student?”

Nobleman Student: “So… so that’s it!”

Soldier Student: “I see…”

Female Knight: “Nn, um. That’s no… wait, that’s exactly it. Any…anyways, the White Swordsman is currently under orders to take on a quest.”

Nobleman Student: “Order…. From the King?”

Soldier Student: “Quest! That’s the goal of every man-gozaru!”

Female Knight: “So, during this time, the four days a week fighting lessons will be taught by me.”

Merchant Student: “Un… … Understood!”

Female Knight: “Don’t worry, I’m different from White Swordsman, I plan to use the method of practical coaching with theoretical foundation. I will train your combat skills until it can actually be of use to you.”

Noble Student: “To be able to receive training from Hero’s companion, it truly is an honor!”

Solder Student: “If that’s the case then it can’t be helped. I will pay full attention to my sword skills-gozaru.”

Female Knight: “Then first, run two laps around the forest, then run another round holding your sword; then move to the lake until you’re waist deep and swing your sword five hundred times.”

Three Students: “EH --- ---!”

--- --- Maou’s Manor, Office

Eh--- --- ---! Eh --- --- ---!

Maou: “Everyone seems full of energy today.”

Chief Maid: “Indeed. But Female Knight seems to be enjoying herself.”

Maou: “Really? Isn’t it because Hero’s not here that she’s acting like a bear with an arrow in her behind?”

Chief Maid: “She’s a trustworthy person, plus she’s cute.”

Maou: “Un.”

Chief Maid: “She’s also more slender than Lady Maou.”

Maou: “Un.”

Chief Maid: “No no no, Lady Maou’s shape isn’t bad either! A certain part where there should be development is impressive as well. It’s sensual and naughty.”

Maou: “Your words are very indecent Chief Maid.”

Chief Maid: “Even though the body can be either sexy or healing, your personality itself is neither, it’s a point that Lady Maou should trouble over?”

Maou: “None of your business.”

Tong, ting, kakaka, kachik

Chief Maid: “What is that?”

Maou: “Un. It’s an experiment that I requested the blacksmith to make. I’m trying it out, then noting the parts that still need improvement.”

Chief Maid: “What is it for?”

Maou: “It’s called a compass. I’m improving it, using two rods and a glass globe to improve the balance of the compass.”

Chief Maid: “What does it look like before improvement?”

Maou: “A magnet floating atop some water. Look inside, the structure is the same as the part that’s currently floating inside.”

Chief Maid: “I understand generally. But, it’s changed quite a bit.”

Maou: “It can’t be helped, it’s a prototype. In order to make it more practical, there are some minor modifications.”

Chief Maid: “What areas are you trying to improve?”

Maou: “Un, a compass is used to understand your location. The movement of the magnet inside tells the user where they are at…. Thus, the water must be completely still.”

Chief Maid: “I see.”

Maou: “Those who want to know their location are mostly sailors, right? On a rocking ship, especially on stormy days, it is difficult to get the water to be calm on a compass.”

Chief Maid: “So how does people deal with that currently?”

Maou: “Through perseverance?”

Chief Maid: “… …”

Maou: “… …”

Chief Maid: “Humans sure are amazing.”

Maou: “But if we modify this to be suspended in the air, even though it’s difficult to find a place to stabilize it, we can rely on the drop hammer at the bottom to maintain the balance even in a rocking ship.”

Chief Maid: “Un, so it will work even without perseverance.”

Maou: “No, Female Knight said before, perseverance makes a human, it’s probably one of the necessary components. This modification is to lower the technical difficulty. Originally, the compass requires special skills, this device can increase the number of skilled technicians.”

Chief Maid: “But this Village isn’t near any water.”

Maou: “Un, I plan to sell this device.”

Chief Maid: “Will someone buy it?”

Maou: “If the person has vision, then they would probably be willing to trade a house full of gold for this. I plan to use it to approach the ‘Union’.”

Chief Maid: “Afterall, this is Lady Maou’s specialty, please do your best.”

Maou: “Leave it to me.”

Chief Maid: “Anyways, would you like some potatoes for lunch?”

Maou: “Un, fried potatoes are very tasty!” smile

--- --- Demon World, Fanged Tribe, Black Wolf Fortress

Demon Wolf: “Aroo~ ~!”

Demon Wolf: “Rawr~~!”

Hero: “Whoa, something is coming this way.”

Demon Wolf: “Rawr~ ~! Grr! Garr!”

Hero: “Hey you, if you don’t want to get hurt, move aside!”

Pa shuu! Clang!

Demon Wolf: “Ga!”

Demon Wolf: “Fu…fu…fu… … wooo!”

Winged Fairy: “Lord Black Knight~ this way this way!”

Hero: “Did you find it?”

Winged Fairy: “The Queen, over here over here!”

Hero: “Leave it to me! Explosion spell!”

Winged Fairy: “Up~ go up~!”

Black Wolf Soldier: “Don’t even think about passing!”

Hero: “Demon? Let me through!”

Clang! Clang!

Winged Fairy: “It’s the Black Wolf Tribe~ there are even larger ones~”

Black Wolf Soldier: “Don’t worry, you won’t be continuing forward!”

Hero: “I really don’t want to kill… … ha!”


Winged Fairy: “Forehead flick?”

Black Wolf Soldier: “Damn….damn you!”

Falls down

Hero: “They just keep coming.”

Winged Fairy: “Here comes another bunch~”

Black Wolf Soldier: “Intruder!”

Black Wolf Soldier: “Halt, who goes there!”

Black Wolf Soldier: “We are the strongest army in the Demon World… …”

Black Wolf Soldier: “You dare come here knowing this is the Black Wolf Fortress?”

Hero: “So annoying!”

Winged Fairy: “No….! You can’t destroy the Fortress!”

Hero: “Oh, that’s right! The Queen is still upstairs.”

Winged Fairy: “Yep yep.”

Hero: “How about…this!” cracking sound

Black Wolf Soldier: “The stone wall….with one hand…”

Black Wolf Soldier: “Ru….Run away!”

Hero: “This skill requires some distance… …don’t be dumfounded, if it hits a vital point, you’ll die~, I remember that you twist your back like this... …”

Winged Fairy: “So high~”

Hero: “Great Sage Spin! Duet! ‘Seal of Light Gun’!”

Boom --- ---

--- --- Top of Black Wolf Fortress

Bam boom --- ---

Winged Fairy: “Cough, cough”

Hero: “Sorry.”

Winged Fairy: “So mean~”

Fairy Queen: “What happened?”

Hero: “Oh, is this the person?”

Winged Fairy: “My Queen~!”

Fairy Queen: “Could it be Winged Fairy?”

Hero: “Hello. Sorry for the rough greeting.”

Winged Fairy: “My Queen, this is a human male~”

Fairy Queen: “That much is obvious.”

Hero: “I am human, correct.”

Winged Fairy: “I’m so smart~♪”

Fairy Queen: “Quickly run away, if the Demon Wolf General comes then we’re in trouble!”

Hero: “I’ve already taken care of him?”

Fairy Queen: “What? I can’t believe that a human could have that kind of power. But that’s not all there is! There is someone behind the Demon Wolf General that is more powerful --- --- --- the Black Wolf King is known throughout the Demon World as a powerful warrior… …”

Hero: “I’ve taken care of him too. That was last week.”

Fairy Queen: “You… what in the world are…”

Winged Fairy: “the Black Knight, he’s a human~”

Hero: “Un, Black Knight. I am Maou’s sword, I swore loyalty to Maou as the enforcer of the order of the Demon World.”

Winged Fairy: “So cool~”

Fairy Queen: “Is that so… the seal on that armour is indeed the Demon Lord’s. No, more precisely the armour belongs to the Demon Lord…?”

Hero: “… … I am unable to answer that.”

Winged Fairy: “He’s pretending to be cool~”

Fairy Queen: “You are here to teach them a lesson because the Black Wolf Tribe disobeyed the Maou’s orders, kidnaping humans and causing murder and mayhem, even attacking Demon tribes and cities?” Extremely thankful

Hero: “No, I just did it on impulse.”

Winged Fairy: “… …” Stare

Hero: “Hem --- --- that’s exactly it. The Demon Wolf Tribe’s actions could no longer be overlooked. Not because of kindness towards the enemy but because Maou’s orders are absolute, and must not be defied.”

Fairy Queen: “Eventhough you are human, what loyalty to the Maou.”

Hero: “Hmhahahaha, I am Black Knight! The invincible! The sword of Maou!”

Fairy Queen: “Everything will be as Maou orders.” Deeply respectful

Hero: (That feels good! Being Maou’s subordinate isn’t too bad!)

Winged Fairy: “My Queen ~”

Fairy Queen: “What is it?”

Winged Fairy: “Searching for someone~”

Fairy Queen: “Searching for someone?”

Hero: “Ah, there is that matter. Ah~ ah~ I have been ordered by Maou, to search for a human. Truthfully, I came here to see Fairy Queen, incidentally I just took care of the Black Wolf Clan by chance.”

Winged Fairy: “The human female that came to Fairy Queen~”

Fairy Queen: “Ou, that spell caster… …”

Hero: “Where is she?”

Fairy Queen: “That girl hides a very extraordinary magical potential. After she learned our Fairy magic, she said she wanted to search for even more powerful magics and went on a journey.”

Hero: “Journey? Where?”

Fairy Queen: “I’m not too sure myself… …”

Hero: “That emotionless girl, how much more does she want to know before she’s willing to stop? She’s already the strongest human.”

Fairy Queen: “Now that I think about it….”

Hero: “What is it?”

Fairy Queen: “At the end of the Demon World, under the Sands of Time Fall, there is an ancient chair. According to legend, travelers who sit on that chair, will be able to see the end of the stars, the ‘Outer World Library’ --- --- she was very enthusiastically researching that legend.”

Hero: “The ‘Outer World Library’? I understand.”

Fairy Queen: “But that’s only a place of legends, we of the Fairy Tribe do not know the location or the way to go there.”

Hero: “No problem. I have been ordered by the Maou, no matter where it is, I will find her.”

Winged Fairy: “So cool~!”

Fairy Queen: “Then I wish you a safe journey.”

Hero: “The Fairy Tribe is to return to their old territories and lead their tribes as before --- --- that is what Maou said.”

Fairy Queen: “We pray for the long and peaceful reign of the Demon Lord.”

Hero: “Uh~ hem hem. I have already strongly warned the remaining Black Wolves Tribe. The Black Wolves Tribe are originally tribe that values honor, from now on they will be focused on becoming trustworthy, to become honorable citizens under Maou.”

Fairy Queen: “As long as the Black Wolf tribe no longer cause harm to the Fairy Tribe, we will have no problem. I am willing to swear that there will be no grudges.”

Hero: “… … This tolerance, I will be sure to tell Maou. Then, it’s almost time. I must continue my journey to search for my query, farewell.”

Fairy Queen: “This great debt, we will never forget it.”


Winged Fairy: “So cool~!”

Fairy Queen: “The Fairy Tribe is saved… to think that Maou had a subordinate like this… even though people say she’s just a useless Demon Lord, soft and powerless, perhaps some changes will be coming soon. About the Maou --- --- Ah!”

Winged Fairy: “What is it~?”

Fairy Queen: “About Maou… …”

(Under tha Sands of Time Falls --- --- Ancient chair --- --- the edge of the stars --- ---: ‘Outer World Library’”

Fairy Queen: “’Outer World Library’ … …”

Winged Fairy: “?”

Fairy Queen: “They say that there is a Demonic Tribe, a fairly strange group, that have long locked themselves in the ‘Outer World Library’… … they say that they seek knowledge, can see the past and visions of the future, obtaining ‘Outer World Knowledge’, that desire is enough to ignite their own souls… …”

Winged Fairy: “?”

Fairy Queen: “It is said that the current Maou is from the ‘Outer World Library’… …”

--- --- Wave Country, Gulf City, Commerce Hall

Young Merchant: “This is truly shocking. Incredible, too amazing.”

Middle Aged Merchant: “Yo, what did you call me for?”

Able Accountant: “Isn’t it too early for dinner? What is it? Did the wine from Lake Country fail? Or is there a change in the exchange rate of the Holy City?”

Young Merchant: “Take a look at this. It arrived this afternoon, it took some time to put it together.”

Middle Aged Merchant: “--- ---!”

Able Accountant: “This…. This …”

Young Merchant: “Certainly, you can tell what it is just by looking?”

Middle Aged Merchant: “It’s a compass isn’t it? Though the shape is different from any I’ve seen before.”

Able Accountant: “But, you can tell by a glance.”

Middle Aged Merchant: “Although I don’t know who came up with this, but it’s truly extraordinary. It is shocking.”

Young Merchant: “Un, it feels as if someone threw a large rock at my head, undoubtedly.”

Able Accountant: “This… these two metal hoops, no matter where it is place it can maintain level, right? Along with this weight to increase stability… …”

Young Merchant: “The theory is as you can see. Although there aren’t any special mechanisms, it is actually an incredible invention.”

Middle Aged Merchant: “If the craftsman at Copper Country could take a look at this device, they could probably make a smaller version. This is wonderful! Where did you get this? Just as soon as you start turning this into a merchandise, it will be great merit to you! Surely you would be a shoe-in for cadre… … no, even entering the Committee of the Ten would not be a dream.”

Able Merchant: “That’s right, this invention will bring great profit for the ‘Union’, comrade.”

Middle Aged Merchant: “Your dream will finally be realized Young Merchant! The youngest to step onto the pedestal of the cadres, you would be the first!”

Able Merchant: “Although I feel that you could have become one even earlier.”

Young Merchant: “This can change the world!”

Middle Aged Merchant: “Yes, the world will be changed because of that!”

Younger Merchant: “But, it’s not that simple.”

Middle Aged Merchant: “Hm, that is true.”

Able Accountant: “What is it?”

Young Merchant: “How to put this, we must think about the significance of this device’s appearance.”

Middle Aged Merchant: “Rightly so, I am overjoyed, just like the rich profit of a large barrel of distilled wine. But other than this barrel, are there other barrels of distilled wine out there? Or, could it be a trap? We are merchants, not drunkards, we must use our heads at this time.”

Able Accountant: “You are right, un.”

Young Merchant: “Firstly, the one who invented this is not me, it was delivered by someone. We must consider why that person is planning… …”

Middle Aged Merchant: “Do you know who they are?”

Young Merchant: “The name on the letter is ‘Crimson Scholar’. The sender seems to be living in the Sounthern Allied Kingdom’s Winter Country, in a village called Wintering Village.”

Middle Aged Merchant: “That’s a small and poor village.”

Able Accountant: “I have some impression of that place, there’s nothing particularly special… no, wait.”


Young Merchant: “What is it?”

Able Accountant: “I remember that name was written in a report somewhere… … ah-hah, found it. This summer, the Lakeside Order built a cloister at that village.”

Middle Aged Merchant: “Lakeside Order? The ones from Lake Country? Did their power spread that far towards the border area already?”

Able Accountant: “No, they seem to have built a cloister far from their area of influence, they shouldn’t have started collecting followers in that area. That’s probably why that report was especially memorable… …”

Young Merchant: “Hm, that is strange.”

Middle Aged Merchant: “The two are probably related.”

Able Accountant: “You plan to contact the other party.”

Young Merchant: “Of course, the ingenuity behind this invention is obvious. Although this could be made into a business weapon, there’s also the weakness that it’s easy to imitate.”

Able Accountant: “That is true enough.”

Young Merchant: “No matter what the secret is behind this compass, simply to install it upon ‘Union’ ships to increase our trade advantage, or to sell to Central and gain a large profit, we must negotiate with the scholar that invented this.”

Able Accountant: “Even though it is possible to imitate, we can’t be certain that the other party did not find other organizations or countries and initiated sales…. Isn’t that right?”

Middle Aged Merchant: “If it becomes necessary… …”

Young Merchant: “I should hope that does not happen. We are merchants after all, not assassins.”

--- --- Wintering Village, Approaching Evening

Short Villager: “Ho--- --- Ho --- ---“

Skinny Villager: “Ho--- ---“

Short Villager: “Today’s weather is really great.”

Skinny Villager: “Yah, the barley is growing well.”

Short Villager: “After the construction of the cloister was finished, they taught us lots of things.”

Skinny Villager: “Ah, it’s Mister Friar.”

Friar: “Good afternoon, everyone sure is diligent.”

Short Villager: “Good afternoon.” Nod

Skinny Villager: “Afternoon” Nod

Friar: “What are your plans today?”

Short Villager: “I’m preparing to go to the riverbank to catch some trout.”

Skinny Villager: “I need to get some firewood.”

Friar: “Sounds good.”

Short Villager: “What about Mister Friar?”

Friar: “Hahaha, actually, the crop we have been experimenting with, will soon be coming to it’s second harvest!”

Short Villager: “Oh-ho, Mister Friar seems really happy!”

Friar: “Yes, overjoyed. This is a blessing given to us by the ear after all. It’s all thanks to the protection of the Spirit of Light that we have such results. I’m planning to report to the Lady Scholar about the new harvest.”

Short Villager: “Really, I see.”

Friar: “Uh-huh, that crop called potato, is sweet and soft, it tastes very good.”

Short Villager: “Really, I want to try it as well --- ---“

Skinny Villager: “What does it taste like?”

Approaching footsteps

Maou: “We’ll invite you to try it.”

Friar: “Ah, is it Lady Scholar!”

Short Villager: “Lady Scholar, good afternoon.”

Skinny Villager: “Good afternoon, Lady Scholar. Today’s weather is great.”

Friar: “I was just planning to report to you.”

Maou: “Oh, thank you. I thought it was almost time.”

Maid Sisters: Bow

Friar: “The harvest was according to plan. Oh hoh, it was a success. I believe the amount is enough to fill two carts.”

Maou: “And soil collection?”

Friar: “As you requested, six locations, each reserved a barrel. By the way, although we also have quite a few farming techniques, we have never heard of this method before.”

Maou: “As long as there are results. Hm. Is this it?” 'Picks up'

Friar: “Yes, it grew well.”

Maou: “Good, let’s celebrate!”

Friar: “Celebrate?”

Maou: “In order to promote these things, we must have everyone try it first right? If that is to be the case, then a celebration party is the best choice.”

Short Villager: “For real, Lady Scholar?”

Skinny Villager: “Is it alright?”

Maou: “Of course it is. What do you think Lord Friar? Can we borrow the cloister’s front court?”

Friar: “Certainly. But, I thought these potatoes are going to be sold to collect more funds.”

Maou: “Of course money is welcome, but I don’t plan to monopolize. If we don’t think about ways to relieve the food shortage and let everyone become prosperous, the plan will not move forward. Therefore, I need the help of everyone in the village. If we don’t first let the people close to us know it’s good points, then we won’t be able to spread it.”

Short Villager: “Wow, I really want to eat it now Lady Scholar.”

Skinny Villager: “Can we also plant them in our fields?”

Friar: “Of course. After our experiment, caring for them wouldn’t be any harder than caring for wheat. There are certain points that needs to be cautious about, of course, but the Order can instruct everyone.”

Short Villager: “I’m going to tell my wife immediately!”

Maou: “Ou, that’s right. We might not have enough help preparing the feast. If your lady wife has time to come help, that would be wonderful. Isn’t that right, Lord Friar?”

Short Villager: “Ah~ Lady Scholar, what ‘lady wife’, we’ll get embarrassed. The one at my home is only a plane old wife. But that plane old wife will be happy when she hears this. Excuse me~ I’m going to go and tell her now!”

Friar: “Yes, since I’ve completed my report, I should also return and inform the other friars and our Knight Dean. Ah, that’s right. Erm, about preparing the food?”

Maou: “Don’t worry about that --- will you guys be able to do it?”

Big Sister Maid: “Yes.” Bow

Little Sister Maid: “No problem~ we’ll make lots of dishes --- ---!”

Friar: “That’s great, since we didn’t research how to cook the potatoes.”

Maou: “Ah~let me remind you, you have to remember to make fried potatoes!”

--- --- Winter Country Castle, Winter Palace

Prince: “Old man, hey, Old man.”

Butler: “What is it, young master?”

Prince: “Don’t call me young master, I’m already twenty.”

Butler: “Did something happen?”

Prince: “Does Old Man know about potatoes?”

Butler: “Haha~ so the young master has already tried them out?”

Prince: “Ah, I ate it. It was good!”

Butler: “I’ve heard that it was brought over by a traveler.”

Prince: “Not only does it taste great, even a poor country like ours --- ---“ 'Nom nom' “… … can cultivate it, it seems.”

Butler: “That does seem to be the case.”

Prince: “Do you have information?”

Butler: “Of course.”

Prince: “Good good.”

Butler: “This document has all the related information.”

Flips page

Prince: “So the distribution of this crop is by the Lakeside Order?”

Butler: “It seems like it. Also, this Lakeside Order has made various improvements.”

Prince: “Oh, like what?”

Butler: “First, the idea of the four turn cycle. Rumour says it uses a four year cycle to plant wheat, to greatly prevent loss of Earth’s Blessing. Compared to the three turn method, not only wheat but pigs and sheep raising has also become steady.”

Prince: “Even in winter?”

Butler: “It seems like they feed turnip to the livestock during winter. There is also, eh…improvement of farming tools and establishment of cloisters.”

Prince: “School? Hm… …”

Butler: “There’s more, recently they made the ‘windmill’.”

Prince: “What is that?”

Butler: “Similar to the ‘waterwheel’, but it does not use riverflow, but rather the flow of wind as the power source for movement. It seems like the Order requested shipwrights to create it. The northern parts of our kingdom lacks water source, if this invention can be popularized, it would be much more convenient.”

Prince: “Why’s that?”

Butler: “It’s possible to use the windmill’s power, to transport water to the top of the hill. That way, many locations that were originally unsuitable for farming can be cultivated.”

Prince: “Hmm…. …”

Butler: “Are you concerned?”

Prince: “Yes. Increase in tax is a good news… ha, but it’s not possible to stop the war with just that, afterall, potatoes can’t save my country. But either way, it’s worth investigating.”

Butler: “That’s true. Since tax for estates and villages are due separately, we can’t be certain how much effect it has on a whole… but, it seems like areas that are under the Order’s influence, increased their tax income by about 5%.”

Prince: “That’s a large increase.”

Butler: “Don’t underestimate this point. The revolution didn’t take more than a year to reach this point, no one knows what will happen next year.”

Prince: “Following that is the harvest of wheat.”

Butler: “The food called potato, can be harvested multiple times in a year.”

Prince: “Really?”

Butler: “It’s surprising, but it seems to be the truth.”

Prince: “Un.”

Butler: “Although it’s not show in the tax income, but it should be a great blessing for the farmers.”

Prince: “if Old Man says so, then there’s no reason to disbelieve you.”

Butler: “Thank you for your trust.”

Prince: “So what steps have you taken?”

Butler: “About that, since they seem to have started just recently, we should just monitor for now.”

Prince: “Unhuh.”

Butler: “I believe, that the Order plans to rely on this activity to gain territory within the Sounthern Kingdoms, and our Country is their starting point. Once there are results, they would probably contact the palace.”

Prince: “I see. The leader of that Order is… …”

Butler: “It should be Female Knight.”

Prince: “You’re not going to greet them? You know each other right?”

Butler: “On that, in the party she’s a noble girl with fortitude, although her chest is small… … she might hate me, I am a traitor after all.”

Prince: “Ah… sorry, at that time, it seems like we forced the position on you.”

Butler: “That’s too severe, young master.”

Prince: “The Demon Lord’s actions have slowed this year.”

Butler: “I fear rumors about Hero were true.”

Prince: “Even though we didn’t directly play a hand in it, but the ones who forced Hero to that desperate situation are us… … there have been no news of Hero’s survival anywhere?”

Butler: “None.”

Prince: “This war, we can’t let it end.”

Butler: “If the war was to end now, the first country to be destroyed would be us, Winter Country.”

Prince: “… …”

Butler: “Not just our Winter Country, but also of the Sounthern Kingdoms where the weather is extreme and food sources are never enough such as, Ice Country, White Night Country, Iron Country, which can be said to be the lowest Countries. Now we rely on the front line of the war against the Demons to receive Central’s monetary and food support, to sugarcoat it we’re Central’s protection, but to be frank we are just their dog. Once support stops coming, there would be many deaths due to starvation.”

Prince: “But to hide this from everyone, to let soldiers sacrifice themselves needlessly, to them, this is a betrayal. This is all just some farce.”

Butler: “Yes, a farce is right. But to perform this farce is the duty of royalty.”

Prince: “But… …”

Butler: “Young master, be patient. Please do not abandon your people.”

Prince: “If I were to die on the battlefield, at least that would satisfy the blood of a Warrior of the Ice Sea flowing inside me. But to lie to my people, to use their lives in exchange for survival… …”

Butler: “Young master. No matter if you wish it or not, you are not a soldier but royalty. How can young master not consider his people… … I came back to this country in order to raise a King that cares for his people.”

Prince: “… … I understand. I will control myself.”

Butler: “No. I spoke too harshly.”

Prince: “This consuming war is like never ending rain… … how long will it last?”

--- --- Demon World, Dragon Tribe Palace

Shu! Bang!

Hero: “… … wu~ I’m tired. I have no energy. I’m starving.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “You sure can fight, Black Knight.”

Hero: “You’re pretty tough yourself, Archduke Fire Dragon.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “… … I will never retreat!”

Hero: “You, I’ve already taken off your hand and tail at least ten times!”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “No matter how many times you cut, I can regrow it!”

Hero: “Wah~ what do I do about this pervert?”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “How about just taking my life? You clearly have that ability, why are you over there wasting time!”

Hero: “I didn’t come to kill you. As long as you agree to withdraw your army!”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “That’s not possible. We, the Fire Dragon Warriors must retake ‘Gate City’”

Hero: “Ah~ so that’s it after all… …”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “You should be the same! As Maou’s direct subordinate, you should retrieve the Demon World’s city from the hands of the humans!”

Hero: “That’s reasonable~”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “Why are you hesitating? Humans should all be killed!”

Hero: “In short, Maou did not give an order to take back ‘Gate City’.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “That is because Maou is a coward! If one of the Dragon Tribe became the Demon Lord, then there will no longer be any need to listen to the orders of a weak Maou!”

Hero: “so you are saying, you plan to revolt against Maou?”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “… … ng.”

Hero: “That violates the contract. Many times, the battles between warlords threaten to destroy the Demon World, finally an agreement-like stability was created. If you don’t plan to care about that, then should the Demon World return to chaos?”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “Maou didn’t give any orders to take back ‘Gate City’.”

Hero: “Un.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “But, there are no orders forbidding actions to retake it.”

Hero: “Ah~ that uncle noticed.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “Falsely using the name of Maou to call the other tribes to arms to take back ‘Gate City’, that point does violate the contract; but if it was only our tribe, then this action is the responsibility of the Archduke, me. No one can interfere!”

Hero: “If you can defeat me that is.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “Hah! Then do it! I am the Archduke Fire Dragon, born from the magma of the Demon World, I won’t flee or dodge.”

Hero: “Geeze~ this is so complicated, or is it troublesome? I miss my Hero days, I can just take out whoever I don’t like and those who attack me... … I had no need to hold back on one hand and negotiate on the other… … being Hero shouldn’t be an easy job right? So strange… …”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “What are you mumbling about! Come, Black Knight!”

Rarw --- ---! Bang --- ---!

Hero: “Wait wait! Archduke Fire Dragon!”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “What is it, Black Knight?”

Hero: “Then, how about I go to that city first.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “… …?”

Hero: “That city --- --- ‘Gate City' is holy to Demonic gods, so it must be painful to have humans command it right? That I fully understand. But, the Dragon Tribe also did wrong in obsessing over defeating the humans and neglecting to guard the city.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “That… …”

Hero: “Don’t find excuses… … I know you hate humans, but they won that city in battle. Victory in battle is holy, don’t forget about the unwritten law in the Demon World. If failure was due to carelessness, then there is even less room to talk.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “… … urg.”

Hero: “Anyways, the place you wish to lead an army to attack, is the Demon World’s only human city, you can’t guarantee immediate success, there is also the Holy Crusade Army residing in there. In the worse case scenario, the Fire Dragon Tribe might be wiped out. Do you wish for that to happen, Archduke Fire Dragon?”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “That sort of thing, we will never know until we try!”

Hero: “Then please wait till spring next year.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “What did you say?”

Hero: “I, Black Knight will swear in the name of the Demon Lord. To take back ‘Gate City’ no matter what, and make it the Demon Lord’s territory.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “You want that place…. … to become Maou’s territory?”

Hero: “What the Fire Dragon tribe care about is honor right? You can’t allow humans to control the Demon’s holy land, I understand that feeling. But, even so, as long as the Demon Lord’s army retrieves ‘Gate City’ and turn it into Maou’s territory, then there is no problems right? On one hand the Demons have their holy city back, on the other hand the criticism that Maou is ‘weak’ is cleared. Right?”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “… …”

Hero: “Say something, oi, Archduke!”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “And if that does not happen?”

Hero: “Then it means that Maou is truly very weak, right?”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “I won’t have to hold back?”

Hero: “Aa, if Maou is proven not to be suitable as Maou, then at that time she will step down from the position. That is a promise I make as Black Knight.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “… …”

Hero: “So?”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “So be it.” Sigh

Hero: “Really!”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “So be it.” Sigh

Hero: “Ouu--- ---! That’s great, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I was thinking about what I would do if that failed, I was scared witless.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “Humph, you could have taken my life anytime.”

Hero: “We are both Maou’s subordinates, I didn’t want to do that if possible.”

Archduke Fire Dragon: "Hm."

Hero: "Even if I have to lay down my life, I will protect Maou."

Archduke Fire Dragon: “Wahahahaha! I appreciate the spirit you have there! Someone, someone! Quick, summon the Grand Princess over here!”


Grand Princess Fire Dragon: “Lord Father, I am here.”

Hero: “Eh~ who is this girl?”

Archduke Fire Dragon: “The day you accomplish our agreement, I will give the Grand Princess to you! You can take her as your wife or mistress! Wahahaha --- ---“

Hero: “Hey! Wait~!”


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