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In her own rented room, with a blanket over the head, Louise was waiting for the familiar’s return. Though it was a middle of the night… Saito was not returning.
Outside the window…the snow stopped falling a while ago…
Thick layers of snow, illuminated by the two moons, dyed a whole town in silver.
Thought about the two people together watching at this beautiful scenery right now made her body burn with jealousy.
“Muu, I don’t want to know” she muttered hugging her knees.
I can’t permit for Saito to hurt me this much.
*Knock knock* someone knocked against the room doors. He came back, she lifted her head. Her face softened.
However… it wasn’t Saito’s voice that came from the other side of the door.
“It’s me, Miss Valliere. Can I come in?”
It was Romalia’s Shinto priest, Julio’s, voice.
“Did something happen? It’s midnight already.”
“I have to talk with you about something.”
Once the door was opened, the handsome Julio was standing there with a smile on his face.
When entering the room, Julio gracefully bowed.
“Something to talk about?”
Julio silently took Louise's hand. Her body started to tremble spontaneously.
“Relax. I won’t do anything strange. Royal ring is what interests me.”
Louise looked doubtful… but, deciding not to refuse, she thrust her finger out.
On the ring finger of the right hand, the ruby of the water, given by Henrietta, started to shine. Legendary ring, used to read founders prayer book…
“Beautiful blue… Have you wondered?”
Louise tilted her head. What was he talking about?
“Why it is such blue ruby?”
“That…” Louise faltered. Once asked about, it indeed was mysterious.
“It is called ‘The ruby of water’ gem, I know.”
Startled Louise looked at Julio.
“Julio, you…”
“The ruby of water is vivid blue, the ruby of wind is transparent, the ruby of earth is brown…”
Louise set up the wand.
“Who are you?”
“I’m a Shinto priest. Really, just a Shinto priest of Romalia. Pope messenger. Well, I‘ll continue the lecture. The legendary gems are called rubies... even though they are not really red. It‘s because they are said to be made from Founders blood. However, it is unknown, if it‘s true or not.“
“It’s very detailed.”
“Aah. We study a lot of things for divine purposes in Romalia. One with nature and learning. It makes me be me. The gems were given to Halkeginia long long time ago... Water to Tristain, wind to Albion, earth to Galia... and〝 fire 〟 to Romalia.“
“I’m searching for Romalia’s ruby of fire. As the name suggests, it’s a red gem that looks like fire. There is a strange story concerning this ruby. It was stolen from Romalia… and rumors said that Tristain had a hand to it. Have you heard about it?”
Louise shook her head. She never seen nor heard about such thing.
“You are not lying?”
“Yes. I can not stand lying.“
“Then I guess that’s the way it is”
Julio gave up suddenly and sat on the bed.
“Is there more stories left to tell?”
“Your story.”
“My story?”
“I'm very interested“
He gave a charming smile. A smile that makes every girl helpless. However, Louise was not in a mood today and did not want to see that handsome smile at all.
“This late? I’m sleepy.”
“We could sleep together.”
Such over confident attitude ticked Louise off.
“It’s arrogant.”
“Julio Cesar is not my real name. It’s a name of an ancient great king of Romalia.”
“Why did you take the name?”
“I was abandoned. I grew up in the orphanage. I was a leader among other kids, therefore, I was nicknamed after the great king Julio Cesar. Because it was troublesome, I introduced myself this way as well. Arrogance is inborn.”
“Will you leave already?”
Julio stood up.
“Surely, sooner or later… You will be interested in me. I promise.”
Louise pointed to the door. After bowing, Julio left the room.
“…why are all men so arrogant?”
Louise lay back to bed and waited for her familiar return.
However, Saito did not come back.

Revision as of 11:21, 28 September 2008

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Chapter Seven: The Reason To Fight

  Full-bloomed fireworks went up, illuminating the night sky.

From under the many tents placed in South Gotha City plaza, people shouted with joy.

Because Allied Forces were stationed here, the town was filled up with almost twice as many tents, since soldiers were staying here it was overflown with temporary housing tents. There were only a limited number of lodging houses that soldiers could rent. Merchants came from various places to sell soldiers various things. The city of Sauth Gotha was wrapped in an unprecedented vigor.

And, heralding the beginning of the Yarra month, today was double as vigorous than the first day of the first week.   The biggest festival in Halkeginia, The advent festival, started. For ten days from today, one can drink, sing and cause the fuss every day.

Louise and Saito drank alcohol in the grand tent of 'Charming Fairies' inn, which was opened in the plaza.

Surrounding Rene, there were every one from the Dragon knight secondarily division too. Every main officer, including Guiche, could have been seen in here as well. Both, senior military officers and soldiers were prohibited eating and drinking in the inns of Sauth Gotha. They get drunk, cause residents trouble – thus it is easier to observe them if they are held together. Because of that, the inn, which made a business trip from Tristain, was full.

After the black cat clothes were seen, except for necessity, Louise has not talked at all. She was very embarrassed. She was silently sipping her drink alone.

Because Louise is weak to alcohol, only a little bit of wine were poured in her glass, there were more of fruit juices, honey, and water put in. She kept on drinking it little by little. Still, her face was already red.

She was casting glances at Saito though the corner of her eyes.

Saito was drinking with Rene party, and with Guiche, whom he met again a little while ago. Differently from that time with Louise, he was relatively happy. Seeing that, Louise poured in more wine.

Bleary-eyed Louise rose her glass.


Louise saw a waitress running-up to her, turned her face away, and tried to call another one.

“Someone service me. Someone.”

“Place your order” Siesta, with a calm expression, called out Louise.

“I haven’t called you.”

Louise glared at Siesta. And then, muttered.

‘Running around… like an idiot.”

Siesta, keeping the cheerful face, said.

“I do extra, for not being dressed in a black cat’s suit.”

Louise blushed. Siesta quietly drew her face to Louise’s, and murmured, while smiling.

“You are my master for today.”

Louise jumped up, shaking.

But then she had a second thought. There’s no time to rival with the maid. Besides I know the outcome of the war anyway. I’ll tell that, she chuckled in her mind. Louise put on a nice face and muttered.

“I-I was confessed to.”

Siesta’s eyebrows moved up. Louise did not miss her love rival’s reaction. That’s because Louise is a girl. She doesn’t have what I do. I won, after all! Louise became happy, and in order to sweeten her victory, she pressed Siesta on.

“That’s right. He said he favors me. What to do I wonder, I cannot stop thinking of you, he said. Really, such an impertinent familiar.”

Siesta listened to it with a smile.

“Heee. I am glad to hear that.” She said, though her eyes were not smiling at all.

“Besides, he pushed me down. Of course, I did not permit it! I mean, I do not like things like that. It‘s not natural!“

“Flirt is repulsive but not selling.”

Siesta said. Louise caught a glance at the forehead and answered back

“Not you.”

Two people continued to stare at each other.

That time… a muted sound of something hitting the tent was heard.


“The snow! Snow” voices rang outside.

Indeed, through the entrance of the tent, one could see it snowing..

“Advent festival of snow…” Louise muttered.

“I dreamed of the advent festival of snow…” Siesta murmured with enchanted expression.


“Yes. In Tarbes it is warm even during the winter. Without too much snow…”

With her eyes sparkling like child’s, Siesta watched the snow outside the tent.

Then Siesta noticed Louise looking at her. The pair look at each other blushing. Then returned back to watching the snow.

Louise said, hiding her awkwardness.

“…It is calm somehow. Maybe we should also make truce for the advent festival.”


“Sit here.“


Louise urged Siesta to sit. Yes, Siesta sat demurely next to Louise with a nod.

Accepting Louise’s offered drink, Siesta bowed.


Feeling strange, the pair let their cups clink.

“Nice.” Siesta said, with a blush from the alcohol on her cheeks.

“Feels like really being a noble.”

They watched the snow falling through the opening of the tent by the snow.

“Beautiful…snow covering the buildings…like sugar” Siesta muttered.


“Though it’s such a beautiful land, why there is a war…”

Siesta said, while looking at Louise.

“S-sorry… I am not blaming miss Valliere… I know you work hard for the country.”

Louise cast her eyes down.

Siesta muttered staring at the wine in the bottom of her glass.

“…To tell the truth, I hate this war. Many people die. For what reason?”

“For what reason?”

“Why do you fight? Father… said that the reason is money. The capture of the enemy country can also be beneficial for the ruler to establish oneself. Is that it? Do you kill others for such reason?”

Louise thought. It might be true considering surrounding ministers. However, Henrietta is different. Because of the time they both spent together during their childhood, Louise understood her well. For Henrietta this war was about revenge. To defeat a hateful enemy who deprived a beloved person. This was the only intent in Henrietta’s mind.

Siesta asked Louise, who was lost in thought.

“Why is miss Valliere fighting?”


“That’s right.”

Is it because I wanted to help Henrietta? A little bit. But not really that.

For Louise this fight…

Seeing Louise being silent, Siesta looked down.

“I’m sorry. Its not a thing for me to listen, but…”

At that moment… a loud yell coming from Saito’s table could be heard.

“Really! Don’t be a fool!”

Louise and Siesta, startled by the voice, turned around.

“Ha! Who is a fool! What is so foolish about it!”

Guiche roared, while standing up.

Saito also stood up and pointed his finger at Guiche.

“What are you telling me! You are just doing it, to get some points in Montmorency’s eyes. Fool! If you would die, Monmon would be really sad!”

“A-are you insulting my actions!”

Guiche brandished the artificial rose.

Seems like it was a quarrel. Rene, who was drinking with them, said.

“Yeah, because you are a commoner, pride does not matter for you, but it is different for us.”

Saito stared at Rene and said.

“Honor this, honor that – its just a foolishness. Didn’t Dragon Knight unit died once already? Fear it a little! It’s weird! Aren’t you afraid of dying for the honor? That’s stupid. Only fools thing that way. Honor? It’s not worth dying for. Such thing that you are doing – I think it’s silly.”


At that moment…Saito’s name was suddenly shouted. It wasn’t Rene or Guiche. It was Louise, who stood there, shaking in anger.

Saito slowly turned towards Louise.


“You, apologize. Apologize to Guiche and Rene!”


“Insulting ‘Honor’ cannot be permitted.”

Louise said while trembling.

And Saito was the reason behind that.

I am being misunderstood…The things she thought to be important, had completely no importance to Saito, which made her annoyed.

Because Saito’s fight… she completely forgot about her bad mood. Only Saito’s ‘Failed a mission, so what?’ came into her mind right now.

Saito answered back in an angry voice.

“The ones that you defend are them but not me?”

“Defense, what are you talking about? Honor is more important than life to me. If I were to loose it, I would not be a noble anymore. And if I am not a noble, then I am not me either. That’s why I can’t stand remarks denying honor right in front of me.”

Louise said clearly.

On the other hand, Saito noticed it too.

Saito knew that from the look of Louise’s eyes. When she was almost crushed by Fouquet’s golem, Louise showed the same expression as well.

At that time Louise shouted “I will not run away from the enemy, because I am a noble!”.

At that time he thought such Louise to be marvelous, but it was different now.

Aah, Saito understood.

He remembered Louise’s recent words.

“The death is a sad however…They died with a honor …… Honor… They died for great victory. Therefore, don’t feel sorry for them.”

Saito understood the true reason why he was sulky. Julio wasn’t the reason that separated them.

For Louise was this duty… this word honor really that important? Because he felt so, he got depressed so much.

Therefore, he made remarks about Guiche a little while ago.

What is it?

Is this honor so important?

“Then, you…”

Saito stared at Louise.


“If you were ordered to die, would you die like these unreasonable guys?”

Saito said, pointing at Rene and others.

Louise bit her lip.

“Isn’t it unreasonable? Such impertinent…” Louise interrupted before he could finish.

“Die. I would.”

Her voice trembled.


Saito was shocked. Louise completely composed, said.

“F-for Princess-sama and for the mother country. If ordered, I would give it away with pleasure.”

This Louise made Saito clink.

She said she would be ready to die so thoughtlessly.

And what about teacher’s Colbert letter. To be accustomed to death because of war! Seeing people die, the words resounded.

It all came back now. Really, is honor more important than us?

Saito pressed Louise on.

“Then what about me?”


“If you are ordered to die, then should I die as well?”

Louise, looking perplexed, muttered misunderstanding.

“Wh-what… are you so afraid of death?”


“Coward! Everyone were ready to die, when agreeing to coming here!”

“Am I determined? Wasn’t I brought here by force as your attendant?”

“Then why haven’t you said so!”

“I haven’t been given a time to think! It was just – go here, go there, all the time!”

The two people shouted at each other in angry voices. People, eating and drinking within the tent, dumbfounded, watched such exchange between them.

“That… could you ease up little by now?” Ren, standing next to Guiche, finally brought Louise back to her senses.

She shook her head, and calmly informed Saito.

“Well… it’s embarrassing. Now, Saito, return to your room and have some rest. After that, we can calmly clear things out… This kind of anger won’t give anything.”

What…the talk isn’t over, and yet, she still feels uneasy in front others?

The moment he thought so…Saito realized one more thing.

He did not wanted to think about for a long time…   Distance felt in Louise, the true reason behind this sense of incompatibility….

Could it be what Louise thinks of me?

He though that this question and the sense of distance between them was related.

Generals…used Louise’s ‘Void’ as a tool…

I am only “tool” for Louise as well. 

Legendary familiar Gandalfr.

His purpose of existence, is only to defend the master while he cast a spell…

In a word, I am an important tool in her road of defending honor….

Then, she surely needs to take care of his mood. Giving an occasional touch, as a reward.

“Then you are the same as those generals.”

Saito muttered.

“Ha! That, what are you saying…”

“I am just a ‘tool’ right? A familiar.”

Then he thrust Louise aside and walked out of the tent.

“Hey wait!” she shouted but Saito did not stop.

Siesta, who was sitting near by, stood up and ran after Saito. Then Louise angrily grabbed the jar of wine and poured her glass full, instead of honey and fruit juice, and drank up it up in one gulp.

* * *

Saito meandered through the snowing town. Though it is called an old town, the stones, were perfectly shaped, without cracks or misses. Though it was hard to believe, the town stayed the same for thousands of years, because the ‘Fixation’ spell was placed on it, long time ago.

It was a white town, because of the snow. The walls around the town and ramparts, were all covered with the scattering white snow, that danced in the sky.

And so he passed through such, burningly white street, when was called from behind.


Turning around, he saw a sad Siesta standing. She wore black clothes and apron which design was different from the one seen in Academy of Magic. The design of her dress had slightly revealing neckline as well, this could be a preference of the 'Charming Fairies' inn.


Siesta ran up to Saito and clasped his hand.


With a blush on her cheeks she hesitatively tried to say something.


“S-snowing, y-you’ll catch cold…”

“Cold? Not really…”

When he said so, Siesta started to weep.

“It’s bad. You will catch cold badly…”

The passers-by watched the couple with curious expressions. Saito panicked.


“Making girl cry! Lady-killer!”

“What, going after country girl?”

People on the street started hooting.

Saito was embarrassed.

“Siesta, for now, let’s change the surroundings…”

He began to walk while holding the crying Siesta’s shoulder.

* * *

Since they could not return to, with Louise rented room, nor to “Charming Fairies’ inn, Saito and Siesta had to rent a room in a distant inn instead. In the town that was over flown with the soldiers and merchants it was very hard to find an empty room, but somehow, in the basement of one tattered tavern they were able to find a room and entered it.

“Taking one Ecu for such a shabby room.”

He complained while taking a seat on the bed. It was dim because the room was windowless. Though Siesta was still crying badly, she stopped once Saito gentle patted her head.

“I'm sorry.”

Siesta said while biting her lower lip.

“What’s wrong?”

Saito asked.

“Poor Saito –san… Though he works hard, he gets such cold words…It is very saddening…”

“It’s all right.”

Saito said, in hopes to lighten up the mood for moment.

Siesta started to shiver.

Unheated room grew colder. Saito stood up and threw a few pieces of firewood into the fireplace. They were given some when booking the room. Other heating conveniences were not invented in Halkeginia yet. He stared blowing to make firewood burn more… and was silently hugged by Siesta from behind. Instinctively, he held his breath.

“I’m sorry…” Siesta said in tearful voice.

“Eh? No, it’s ok…I had no use of the money anyway…”

He though she was grateful about booking the room, but he was wrong.

“Running off to such place…is troublesome.”

Siesta tightened her hug.

The fire spread upon the firewood… burning brightly. The room was half way underground, so the window still provided some of the light up. Facing towards the street, one could see feet of passers-by.

“Am I a nuisance?”

“Not at all. Feels very good.”

Siesta, muttered in a weeping voice again.

“Even so, isn’t it a war. If something happened to Saito-san, I, I…I hated not being able to see you again, so I decided to come. Thus I went with Jessica and others to Albion…”

While speaking, she gave in to her emotions.

Siesta began to weep raggedly again.

“I wanted to see you so much. And I am happy to see you, yet I cannot express myself. When speaking, I am blathering about various, not important things. Terrible.”

Siesta pressed her wet from tears cheek against his back.


“…I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for crying.” Siesta muttered over and over again.

Saito turns around taking off Siesta's hand and patting her head with his left hand and wiping away the tears with the fingers of his right.

“Poor Saito-san. Brought from another world, yet keeps working hard without complaints. Cruel. It is so cruel. M-my important person…used as a tool…”

Saying so, while sobbing, Siesta looked at Saito’s face. Then, suddenly, Siesta tried to bring her lips close to his… but once he noticed what she is attempting to do, he tried to pull away.

But Saito could not pull his hand from her cheek. I do not want to separate, he thought.

Siesta, noticing the hesitation of Saito’s hand, wrapped her arms around Saito’s neck and quickly kissed him.

Being first time kissed by Siesta, her lips felt warm. Like everything about Siesta – warm and soft. Just like that bread that she allowed me to eat in the kitchen.


Siesta pulled away for a moment and looked at Saito's face through moistened eyes.

And then, she pressed her lips fiercely again. Using her body weight, Siesta pinned Saito to the floor.

Siesta’s black hair looked slightly red from the fireplace. Her cheeks glowed as well.

She was a gentle girl who was always near.

Siesta, with determined look in her eyes, pushed back the black hood and tried to remove her robe completely.

He wanted to say “W-wait”, but was silenced by the kiss.

The kiss was both – sweet and fierce at the same time, while blushing Siesta, placed a hand on her breasts. Such way, leaning herself upon him, Siesta traced Saito’s lips with her own over and over again.

Slightly separating their lips, she muttered.


All light up by the burning flames, Siesta looked pretty and wild, she was very tempting. Even when they shared a bath together she did not look as tempting.

Love and kisses must be what made her so tempting.

Capturing like a flame it makes a girl look better.

Siesta herself was not aware of her coquettish charms.

Still, not noticing that Saito stiffened, Siesta puckered up her lips.

“Jessica said – when you’ll meet a boy that you like you will do everything for him. I think it might be true, as right now I am ready to do everything.”

“T-t-that’s not…”

Saito tried to squeeze words out of his seemingly dry throat.

“So, please touch me.”

Because of the way she was clasping hands, the valley of her breast peeping out of her black dress was clearly visible, Saito turned his face away. Siesta gave a confused look.

“Hate it?”

She asked, Saito shook his head.

“It isn’t so. It isn’t why.”

Saito said in a tensed voice. He was a healthy boy. It was hard to endure. Almost dead-hard. Such cute Siesta embracing tightly… he wanted to make her his. But at the same time…he thought that it would be a lie. He would lie about something important.

Therefore, Saito shook his head.

“..saying that, would feel like a lie.”


“Yes. Because Siesta is an important person for me… That’s why that…I am not saying that…” he started stammering incoherently.

Did it reach her what he wanted to say?

Siesta thought for a moment… and then smiled.

“Saito-san, remember?”


“In Tarbes… some time ago. You promised me to take me back to the other world where I come from.”


“What you said that time was not a lie, because I still believe it.”


“Then I will wait. It will not be a lie when your feelings will grow…though it could never happen… I’ll wait. Then…me…”

Saying that Siesta was so loveable, that Saito couldn’t help himself and embraced her tightly.

Siesta looked at Saito with puppy eyes and said.

“For only tonight. Hug me tightly…and kiss me. Is it all right? Would it also be a lie?

“About the k-kiss...”

“Then skip the kiss part.”

Because there was no need to held himself back now, he embraced her.

Such words of Siesta, should not be said when being rejected. When Siesta reposed herself on a bed, Saito looked down at her. There were no sign of tears on her face. Just a simple melancholy.

Then Saito embraced the girl, who said she loves him, tightly.

* * *

Siesta had a very nice aura around her. Different from Louise, it was tender, it was an aura of a tender girl. Saito, holding her firmly, spoke about something and nothing.

About being lost in a forest as a kid.

About his favorite syrup for the pancakes.

About taking a whole-day nap during the holidays.

When he ran out of topics, Siesta piled up her lips.

Then…Siesta passed a small jar to Saito.

“What is it?”

“Magical medicine. I bought it from my saved money. ‘Sleeping pills’”

“Sleeping pills?”

“Right. If you were to drink those with whine, you would fall into a deep sleep.”

“I can fall asleep without those things.”

He said, but Siesta shook her head.

“I did not buy it for the Saito -san.”

“Then why?”

Siesta lowered her voice.

“It’s for, for Miss Valliere… if she would make Saito-san to do something dangerous… then make her drink it and escape while she’s asleep.”

Saito laughed spontaneously.

“Muu…stop laughing already… I am serious!”

“Well, I do not think it's dangerous“ Saito said.

The war is a winning battle. Scaring the enemy's main force and making them shut themselves up in the capital without going out… it is said that there should be a lot of soldiers who could revolt too. Easy victory for generals, officers, soldiers – everyone.

“It is said that after loosing Londonium enemy morale dropped as well.”

Though Louise has been strangely sent to a dangerous duty… since it failed the other day, there might be no more of that. Besides… Louise does not expect much from me either. So, I do not think that generals will entrust us with an important assignment again.

“But I am worried. Younger brother… my younger brother will also go to the war soon. Brother also said not to worry. But I am worried. And if I start thinking about Saito-san, I become worried too. I can’t leave while being so worried…”

Siesta looked like she was about to burst into tears again.

“Everything is all right.”

“… I have a bad premonition. If something not good were to happen to Saito-san, then I, I…”

Saito firmly held Siesta close.


“Siesta, calm down. It’s all right. Everything is all right. When you’ll return back to the school, please make the stew again.”

Siesta nodded ‘Yes’ and smiled.

The flame of the fireplace trembled gently.

The snow was falling outside, reflected in the moonlight it bathed the world in silver light

“…An argent advent festival.” Siesta said.

“What is this festival enshrining?”

“Founder Brimir - the festival celebrates the day when he landed on this ground.”

“But today marks… the start of a New Year. Does this festival enshrines New year as well?”

“Indeed. The day when founder Brimir landed on this ground became a New Year day too.”

He remembered Louise.

The user of founder’s element ‘Void’…

Why such great magic power was given to a human… was it a blessing or a curse, contemplated Saito.

* * *

In her own rented room, with a blanket over the head, Louise was waiting for the familiar’s return. Though it was a middle of the night… Saito was not returning.

Outside the window…the snow stopped falling a while ago…

Thick layers of snow, illuminated by the two moons, dyed a whole town in silver.

Thought about the two people together watching at this beautiful scenery right now made her body burn with jealousy.

“Muu, I don’t want to know” she muttered hugging her knees.

I can’t permit for Saito to hurt me this much.

  • Knock knock* someone knocked against the room doors. He came back, she lifted her head. Her face softened.

However… it wasn’t Saito’s voice that came from the other side of the door.

“It’s me, Miss Valliere. Can I come in?”

It was Romalia’s Shinto priest, Julio’s, voice.

“Did something happen? It’s midnight already.”

“I have to talk with you about something.”

Once the door was opened, the handsome Julio was standing there with a smile on his face.

When entering the room, Julio gracefully bowed.

“Something to talk about?”

Julio silently took Louise's hand. Her body started to tremble spontaneously.

“Relax. I won’t do anything strange. Royal ring is what interests me.”

Louise looked doubtful… but, deciding not to refuse, she thrust her finger out.

On the ring finger of the right hand, the ruby of the water, given by Henrietta, started to shine. Legendary ring, used to read founders prayer book…

“Beautiful blue… Have you wondered?”

Louise tilted her head. What was he talking about?

“Why it is such blue ruby?”

“That…” Louise faltered. Once asked about, it indeed was mysterious.

“It is called ‘The ruby of water’ gem, I know.”

Startled Louise looked at Julio.

“Julio, you…”

“The ruby of water is vivid blue, the ruby of wind is transparent, the ruby of earth is brown…”

Louise set up the wand.

“Who are you?”

“I’m a Shinto priest. Really, just a Shinto priest of Romalia. Pope messenger. Well, I‘ll continue the lecture. The legendary gems are called rubies... even though they are not really red. It‘s because they are said to be made from Founders blood. However, it is unknown, if it‘s true or not.“

“It’s very detailed.”

“Aah. We study a lot of things for divine purposes in Romalia. One with nature and learning. It makes me be me. The gems were given to Halkeginia long long time ago... Water to Tristain, wind to Albion, earth to Galia... and〝 fire 〟 to Romalia.“


“I’m searching for Romalia’s ruby of fire. As the name suggests, it’s a red gem that looks like fire. There is a strange story concerning this ruby. It was stolen from Romalia… and rumors said that Tristain had a hand to it. Have you heard about it?”

Louise shook her head. She never seen nor heard about such thing.

“You are not lying?”

“Yes. I can not stand lying.“

“Then I guess that’s the way it is”

Julio gave up suddenly and sat on the bed.

“Is there more stories left to tell?”

“Your story.”

“My story?”

“I'm very interested“

He gave a charming smile. A smile that makes every girl helpless. However, Louise was not in a mood today and did not want to see that handsome smile at all.

“This late? I’m sleepy.”

“We could sleep together.”

Such over confident attitude ticked Louise off.

“It’s arrogant.”

“Julio Cesar is not my real name. It’s a name of an ancient great king of Romalia.”

“Why did you take the name?”

“I was abandoned. I grew up in the orphanage. I was a leader among other kids, therefore, I was nicknamed after the great king Julio Cesar. Because it was troublesome, I introduced myself this way as well. Arrogance is inborn.”

“Will you leave already?”

Julio stood up.

“Surely, sooner or later… You will be interested in me. I promise.”

Louise pointed to the door. After bowing, Julio left the room.

“…why are all men so arrogant?”

Louise lay back to bed and waited for her familiar return.

However, Saito did not come back.