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“Haah? I don’t have a washboard!”
“Haah? I don’t have a washboard!”
“Not true. You have a splendid one over here.”
“Not true. You have a splendid one over there.”
She pointed at Louise’s chest. Louise let out a penetrating scream.
She pointed at Louise’s chest. Louise let out a penetrating scream.
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<center>* * *</center>
Screamed Saito and woke up.
He was breathing heavily for a while, before muttering to himself.
Fuzzy-headed, he reviewed the clattery drama.
He was chased by Siesta and Louise, and by was urged by Henrietta, Jessica, dogs and Tabitha – what an absurd hubbub and mess.
If it’s not a dream then why Louise and Siesta wore school uniforms from Saito’s Japan or Tabitha were dressed up as stewardess. But why would I be having such dream…
“Such strong desire, I…” he writhed in embarrassment for a moment. He grew worried – what if anyone saw him now? He looked around in fear.
Indeed, there was an audience.
In front of Saito’s eyes there were faces of children watching him.
There were various faces - big and small, boys and girls. Golden hair, red hair…brunette, there were various hair colors too. Some were hesitant, embarrassed, relieved or worried watching Saito’s suspicious behavior. Though children clothes were a little dirty, their eyes sparkled.
Single boy with blond hair, leaned towards Saito and quietly looked into his face.
“Well… did you just saw me now?” Saito asked, for some reason boy jumped back in fear.
“Weird person! Suspicious person!” he ran away shouting.
“H-hey…misunderstanding, misunderstanding!”
“Freak! A type of person one should not get closer!”
Other joined in.
“Wa-wait a minute! I am not a strange person!”
However, Saito’s words of the excuse didn't reach them, all children flung out of a room in a lightening speed.
“Whawhat… they. A while ago I was having this embarrassing dream… Anyway, where am I?”
Saito looked around the room where he was in.
It was a cozy room. One window at one side of the bed, there was a door at the other side. A small round table was placed in center of the room, two wooden chairs near it.
Though a bed that Saito slept in was coarse it was clean. White sheets and soft blanket pulled over.
“Must be some kind of inn… But, why I am here…I mean. I was heavily injured…”
Saito in a hurry looked down at his body. The body was all covered with bandages. At that time, in a fierce battle, he was definitely driven to the point of death.
I… let Louise and other leave and went against 70,000 alone. He shuddered remembering the fierce battle.
After he clashed with 70,000 army, following Derflinger’s advice he aimed at the commanders.
He attacked a fair amount of mages, but due to spell hits he started loosing his consciousness. Becoming staggering, he saw a general surrounded by mages and knights, and leaped at him.
After that he doesn’t have memories…
“…Anyway, seems like I survived.”
Feeling relieved, Saito whispered in a discouraged voice.
At the same time with a relief various doubts crept in.
Spell arrows and fireballs hit him, or was it, but there were no deep wounds. Then an explosion hit at close range, and he remembered his left-hand becoming like a charcoal. It wasn‘t nothing. He felt blood running out in streams from his body. There was a gaping wound in his belly. His bones were broken like sticks and his inner organs torn. In other words he was close to death.
Yet, when you look at my body now…
The vicious burns on his left arm disappeared, the pink skin could be seen through the crevices between bandages. The body wounds did not hurt for the time being as well.
Saito looked doubtful.
What on earth happened with my body?
“Well, it’s a wizard world after all, so some miracles do happen…” showing his inborn optimism, Saito said to himself.
For now, the only thing known was that he ‘survived’, and other things did not matter all that much. Once feeling relieved he was reminded of other things.
That’s right, there are more important concerns than my body.
My clash with army of 70,000….
Were enemy forces confused enough?
Did it won time for allies to withdraw?
Did Louise and everyone else escaped safely?
“Uuuh…what’s true? Now I’ll worry. Aaah, I’ll ask Derf.”
Saito looked around, searching for Derflinger.
However, the wise sword was nowhere to be found in the room. I’ll look for him, I cannot learn anything this way, Saito thought and tried to stand up…
A frog like voice leaked from his throat.
The acute cramping pain pierced through his sides, feet, arms, ankles and neck. The pain covered the whole body and did not stop made Saito’s see black and white. Though the life was saved, but he still might be badly injured.
That fierce battle that felt like a dream since he woke up, now was rapidly gaining real outlines, Saito shook. Saito started to tremble. Even though he tried to suppress it, it didn’t stop.
One wrong step and he would have been dead, he definitely escaped death by a thin line.
Until the trembling settles, he decided to lie back in bed.
“But…I may be still asleep.”
He needed to confirm it.
I want to know precisely how I was brought back to life.
Therefore, he tried to get up many times.
Tch! Autch! He shouted, whenever he tried to stand up he was instantly taken over by pain….
“You should not move.”
From the door where children ran to… a smooth smell flowed and a coolly sweet voice sounded.
Ah, when he turned towards open door, he saw a girl, with fair, river-like flowing hair, standing.

Revision as of 21:30, 16 October 2008

Chapter Two: Saito's Morning

RING RING RING RING RING RING!...The alarm clock rang, and Saito opened his sleepy eyes.

He slowly climbed out of his bed.

This is Earth’s Japan, Tokyo and his own family’s two story six rooms home. In his own bedroom. In an instant, he had a strange feeling, a kind of feeling that is difficult to explain.

It was his bedroom! But why was there an sense of unease?

Still half a sleep and half awake, Saito looked at the cat-like alarm clock: 8:30AM. The sense of unease was melted away, and he screamed, “CRAP!” and flipped out of the bed.

Isn’t this time almost late?

Saito leaped down the stairs and reached the first floor, then screamed at his mother who was washing dishes in the kitchen.

“Mother! Why didn’t you wake me?”

“Don’t I always tell you, you have to get up on your own in the morning?”

In that instant, an overwhelming sense of homesickness nearly ran him over.

Looking at his mother’s back, Saito had a sense of someone seeing a loved one long lost, although he saw his mother’s shadow everyday, why was there such an overwhelming sense?

But now is not the time to worry about it, he was almost late for school. Saito flew into the living room, put on the school uniform he left there, and then ran back to the kitchen with mother: “I'm already late, gotta go mom!” grabbing a piece of toast from the kitchen table, then stuffing it into his mouth like a mouse, swallowing as he dashed out the door.

Ou of the house and straight into the residential streets.

Saito suddenly froze on the spot.

Mother often complained about the house across the streets and its terrible red walls. Saito took the time to “borrow” a couple fruits from neighbor’s date tree. And the ground near a nearby tree lamp has a vending machine for fruit juice.

The usual and normal scene. Although it is an scene he is used to, but there was an overwhelming sense of longing, that made everything feel dearer.

This is third time today he felt this strange.

Saito stood there dumbfounded, unable to come up with a reason for this.

In that moment, someone called out to him from behind.


Saito turned around, only to find a black haired girl in his school's uniform standing there.


There was no mistake, it was really siesta.

Used to be a maid in the Tristan Magical Academy, yet now stood there wearing a school uniform.

Sieasta wore the western clothes Saito saw before, giving her a fresh sense of cuteness. Along with the mini-skirt worn by other students, blue western blouse with an white shirt, along with knee length socks.

What would be Siesta doing in Tokyo?

Why is she wearing his school’s uniform?

Although he still had some difficult to explain questions, but let’s take care of the first question that comes to mind. “Why are you dressed like this?”

Siesta answered Saito's question with a confused look.

“Because Saito-san and I go to the same school, isn’t it normal I wear the same uniform?”

Oh, it is so. Saito nodded in understanding. The way she said it seemed to be correct, but right now Saito’s head was a little fuzzy, so he couldn’t really pinpoint what was wrong.

Siesta ran by, grabbing on to Saito’s arm.

“Wait wait wait wait…”

Siesta’s face turned red, unable to finish her sentence.

“I have been waiting for you for a while…I want to go to school together….so..”

“Oh, is that so? Ok, let’s go together.”

Forget it, she is so cute, going together shouldn’t be a problem. Saito dismissed the question that came floating into his head.

“Great!” Siesta said smiling and took a step forward. The spring wind flew against her body.

“Oh!” The strong wind lifted her short skirt.

The skirt revealed snow-white flesh, causing Saito to pinch his nose in reflex.

“Why, Siesta, why are you not wearing any underwear?”

Siesta using her hands to hold down her skirt, shamefully replied,

“Because, because I am not one of those noble born girls, who own those flowery panties…”

“Japan doesn’t have any of those nobilities!”

“That is true…”

That is a really strange answer, Saito thought, feeling the incompatibility.

It seems everything makes sense, yet it feels nothing does…

Just as the two stood there dumbfounded…

Saito was sent flying by a force slamming behind him, and instantly collapsed on the ground in front of him.

The person who knocked him down was a peach haired girl. She also had a piece of bread in her mouth and complained at the same time,

“Late, late, I am late!”

The young girl continues her complaints then turned around, stomping Saito several more times with her foot.

“You! You!”

Saito desperately tried to get up.

“Ah, late, really late!!”

The young girl swang her foot again, this time aiming for Saito’s face; Saito collapsed again with a yelp.

“Miss La Valliere!”

Siesta yelled.

“Ah….late, I said we are late!”

The girl that is called La Valliere continued to scream "late", yet at the same time dance on Saito’s fallen body.

Saito lying on the ground, shouted loudly, “If you know you are late, then stop dancing on my body!”

With that shout, the tiny peach haired girl stopped. With her arms around her chest, she stared at Saito and asked,

“Where were you staring at? Your face is red!” There was a sense of unease in her voice as she asked.

This young lady wore the same style of uniform as Siesta’s - Saito’s school uniform. But the way she wore it was different. She kept her tux’s buttons left open, and kept the tie loose, which made her appear to be very loose. But that peach hair and tea colored eyes were indeed Louise.

“Why are you wearing your clothes like that?”

But Louise didn’t even appear to notice Saito’s question.

“Where were you looking at? Speak!”

“It has nothing to do with you!” Just as Saito finished, he was rewarded with Louise’s foot in his face.

“Of course it has to do with me! You are my familiar, So no matter what happens you are only allowed to look at me! If you look at other people, I will teach you a lesson!”

Louise angrily stared at Siesta.

“So, so, so when you go stare at the big breasted maid, then it means serious punishment! Do you understand?”

“What are you joking about?” Saito yelled. He jumped up and grabbed Louise’s shoulder.

“Eh…” Louise yelped sharply as she collapsed on the ground, and Saito landed on top of her, his eyes transfixed on her face.

“You, what are you doing? …you, you plan to attack your master?”


“Don’t you dare doing anything! I am a noble, you are a commoner!”

“Noble princesses wouldn’t dress like this!”

Yelled Saito pointing at Louise’s loose socks.

“What, what’s the matter? What I wear is my own business! You are only a familiar, mind your own business!”

“What familiar? What nobility? What Master? It is not same here! Because we are in Japan!”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Louise yelled raging. Saito restrained raging Louise and looked into her burning eyes.

“You… wanted this to happen, right?”

Though words came from his mouth, they did not seem to be his. Even though he talked… it felt as if he was watching a movie about other characters.


“You wanted to be pushed down by me, didn’t you? That’s why you wore that black cat costume. For me to push you down. Right? Speak up. Heeey, speak up!”

These words have been said some time ago, Saito thought strangely calmly, while shouting.

Then the girl's cheeks dyed pink, like the color of her hair. She turned her head and looked the other way.

“D-don’t be s-silly. Who wanted to be pushed down? S-stop joking, let me go in this instant or I’ll kick you.”

“Then kick.”

Hearing such strong words, Louise bit her lip.

“D-don’t anger me….” She said in a feeble voice.

“Well then, itadakimasu.” He nodded seriously and started unfasten the shirt at her knolls. I did this before, he thought. Then his head was hit with the frying-pan by Siesta who stood behind.


“This is a middle of the road. It’s embarrassing, please stop.”

“Frying-pan, where…”

“I carry it to cook.”

“Butt out!” Louise screamed rudely at Siesta. Siesta turned to Louise.

“Why are you so mad, even though I helped you? That all these words about ‘anger’ must be a lie. It’s not your real intention. You wanted to be pushed down after all.“

“L-lies! Maid should be silent and do the laundry!”

“I would do the laundry if you would lend me the washboard.”

“Haah? I don’t have a washboard!”

“Not true. You have a splendid one over there.”

She pointed at Louise’s chest. Louise let out a penetrating scream.


“Wash with plain chest♪ With bubbles wash♪ Scrub scrub scrub♪”

Louise jumped at singing Siesta.

“Whaaat! Big breasts are all that you have maid! Flirting with men is all that you think about! Not even wearing underwear!”

“Aren’t you the same! You always think how to get laid! Wearing next to nothing! Ridiculous noble! Always eagerly awaiting with shiny eyes to be pushed down by Saito-san! Don’t you have any shame?!”

What! Undeveloped! Stupid maid! The quarreled turned into grapple show between the two. Skirts fluttering, claws spread, gripping each others hair, they were rolling on the ground like two raging chickens.

“S-stop…” though Saito muttered, the pair were not listening at all.

Then...The black limousine drove up.

The door at the drivers side opened and Mazarini, dressed up in white gloves and black suit, stepped out. When Mazarini opened the door at the back seat, he bowed reverently.

Henrietta dressed in a white dress showed up from inside. She wore a brimless hat decorated with flowers. Her dress reminded more of a young lade rather than princess. She held an elegant handbag at her side.

Henrietta ran up to Saito and offered her hand.

“You stopped army of 70,000.”

“Yes.” Saito replied boldly.

“You were truly unstoppable. Aaah, you are a savior of Tristain. Though this useless queen cannot do anything, I can’t leave such loyalty unrewarded. Well, kiss this hand.”

Saito took the hand and pressed his lips, next, Henrietta wrapped her arms around Saito’s neck.


“Call me Ann. Next, on the lips, for compassion.”

Flustered Henrietta embraced Saito's head closely and puckered up her lips.

Not good, Saito thought and in an instant heard growls.

“What are you doing to Princess-sama!”

“Always nobles! You always prefer them! It’s impossible for a village girl to be noticed!”

Saito knowing very well what it means to become Louise’s and Siesta’s target, quickly shook off Henrietta’s arms and ran off.

“Wait! Let’s continue the evening in cheap hotel!”

Henrietta shouted.

“What continuation in cheap hotel?! What!”

“What did you do in there! Surely you wore weird clothes again!”

Siesta and Louise ran after him shouting.

While he was trying to escape, an American Bike appeared out of the corner. Scarron and Jessica were sitting on it, all dressed up in tight leather clothes.

Saito leaped over the pair’s motorcycle and fell.

Jessica jumped out of the bikes hull and looked down at sprawled Saito.

“Stop being useless. Quickly, help me to sell this oil."


“Ara? Not energetic? Then how about this to rise your motivation?”

She threw him a mischievous glance and through the crevice of her leather jacket led Saito’s hand into the valley of her well-developed bosom.

Now he was in a trouble.

“W-wait a second!”

“Wait for what?” Jessica said in an amorous voice that tickles man’s heart, and watched him through sparkling eyes.

“You are a girl right? So don’t act this…”

But Jessica’s eyes made Saito hold his breath…

“That Brunet again!”

“My cousin! What the!”

Saito left Jessica and began to run again. He escaped to the Main Street and while elbowing his way through the crowd he knocked against someone.


He knocked against a woman with long pink hair. She wore a thin purple cardigan and was holding a leash to witch many dogs very connected.

Bark. Bark bark. Bark bark bark.

Dogs drew closer to Saito.

“Dog! Many dogs! Good doggies! Uwaa! Waawaa!”

“Ara ara, they seem to like you a lot.”

He knew that woman by sight. She was part of Louise’s family.

This gentle aura around this woman with long pink hair.

She pressed her hand to the mouth, trying to suppress a giggle. This woman was Cattleya, Louise’s elder sister. Catlleya’s dogs nuzzled against Saito.

“Ah! Hey! Stop! Stop it!”

Sniff sniff, bark bark, sniff sniff, bark bark.

“Whaaa! Now between dogs! Don’t you match well! Adorable! What! What are you doing to big sister!”

Louise ran up shouting.

“Even with dogs! I can’t allow it!”

Siesta shouted.

Both had a terrible look on their faces. If he would be caught by those two, his life would be in danger. But because of the leaning dogs he could not do anything.

“You perverted dog!”

The moment when Louise shouted jumping at him… Saito was lifted in the air


Saito looked up, and found himself caught by a Wind Dragon. Sitting on the Drake was a blue haired girl, it turned out to be Tabitha and her familiar, Sylphid, the familiar Sylphid was carrying Saito on its back.

Not understanding why, Tabitha was wearing an airplane stewardess outfit. A young girl like Tabitha wearing a stewardess dress, appears very, very strange. Like a gag in a story.

Even though Tabitha was dressed like this she still remained focused on her book.

“What, what the..Oh, it is you… never mind, thank you for saving me.”

Saito expressed his gratitude feeling massive relief.

But Tabitha remained the same as a ever, without making a sound.

Saito remained silent for a moment too, but everything became even more awkward, so he decided to find a topic to chat about, and finally saw Tabitha’s book.

“You know I always wondered…what kind of books are you always reading?”

Tabitha refused to answer.

Without any other method, Saito decided to go behind her and peek at the book. When he saw the title, he could not stop laughing: “Ah? Romance Technique-How to make boys like you…you…is this kind of book?? Ahahahaha! You have this kind of interest?”

Tabitha, without replying, continued to leaf through the book. Her eyes did not reveal a sliver of emotion, so it was impossible to tell if she was mad or embarrassed.

“That kind of thing, no matter how many books you read, is useless. First you have to learn how to talk to a boy. Because the purpose of your heart is important.” Saito appeared to be very knowledgeable about the matter and added: “No matter what, a person like you who never talks, is an impossible situation.”

Saito lightly patted Tabitha’s head, and Tabitha just nodded her head toward his hand.

“Right, use me as an model, let’s practice talking”

The blue haired girl silently stared at Saito’s face. No matter how hard he tried, nothing was coming out of Tabitha’s mouth.

“Hey, what are you planning? If it is like this you will never find a boyfriend! Come, Come on! You should know more words than spells, come on! Say something!”

He remained half joking, shaking the little girl’s head left and right. In that moment, Tabitha stood up.

“I know it.”


Tabitha remained expressionless, but like a machine-gun she spat out a string of words:

“Can’t find an boyfriend? Mind your business! Stuck between the maid and the boob-less mage you have no rights to talk about me. Someone like you, all you need to see is the princess, the village girl or elder sister with big breasts and you instantly have that “look”, really a mess. Then you will say ‘no no, I can’t do this kind of thing, because I am from another world, so I cannot support your feelings.’ But while you talk, your body doesn’t react the same way”

“You, You” Saito’s head became red as a tomato.

“A person like you would seriously annoy them both, you make them want to come after you with violence.”

Saito looked at Tabitha’s height and replied, “You, you little chibi, don’t talk so spirited like that.”

The girl’s body is a head shorter than Louise, But Tabitha’s expression remained unchanged, and added, “Who is a chibi? You are the real chibi! A brainless person like you who try to step into two ships with one foot, you are ten years to early!”


Saito suddenly curled into a ball aboard the Wind Dragon. Because he apparently was kicked between groins by Tabitha. Then Tabitha followed it with a straight kick in Saito’s face.

“I should keep you as a pet.”

“Stop joking!”

“What are you talking about? Aren't you very happy? You like it, don't you? When a loli dominates you. It is written all over your face!”

“You, you!”

Saito sprang to his feet, grabbing Tabitha’s shoulder. Then the two’s gaze met. In this moment, Tabitha’s cheeks dyed red and she turned her face away. Her change made Saito’s heart leap.

“How did you manage to show a look like that?”

But Tabitha’s next attack knocked Saito beyond belief:

“ Please..”


“Please be gentle with me.”

Please, please be gentle?! You, you, Saito looked like an air-less goldfish with his mouth opening and closing.


The next offensive completely ripped his command center open.

“Ki, Ki..”


“How to kiss, teach me”

What is she talking about? Saito was completely unable to understand.

But, it was really cute.

Because she always is expressionless, such attack surprised Saito. Yet it wasn’t unpleasant surprise. It was a so-called pleasant surprise. The surprise, joy, and the excitement somehow almost made Saito feint. No, it wasn’t ‘somehow’.

On a closer look, Tabitha had a beautiful snow-white skin. Her blue eyes were like sapphires. Those blue lakes, still young, were very charming and made Saito’s heart throb. Like Louise she had those noble, elegant features... Though he did not notice before because thought her to be too young, she was definitely beautiful…

What a heck I am thinking about - she’s still a child, he thought shaking his head.

“F-foolishness, your father will be angry on me if he would catch me kissing you!

Not flinching, Tabitha pushed her lips out.


Foul play! On a wind dragon, writhing in big conflict Saito heard roaring from behind. When he turned around, he saw Zero Fighter flying.


Within the cockpit he could see Louise’s and Siesta’s faces.

“How can you control it!” He yelled.

“I learned it from the grandfather!” Siesta shouted.

He wondered how he could hear her voice through loudly roaring engine, and soon, undoubtedly, he heard Louise’s angry voice.

“Now you are going even after a child who is smaller than me! You love anyone - big or small! Either way will do! Saittei!”

Don! Don! DoDo! Zero Fighters wings trembled.

How can they shoot twenty-millimeter cannonballs though they are supposed to be out of ammo?

He though, when a jar of wine flew at him.

“Have a drink!” came Siesta’s drunken voice.

She is drunk while piloting the airplane, Saito was terrified.

“No, better control the plane.”

He muttered, before getting hit by a jar. It hurts!

Saito shouted impatiently.

“Tabitha, avoid! Speed the wind dragon up to run away from the zero fighter!”.

“Tabitha? I am Kirche, Darling.”

Somehow Tabitha turned into Kirche. Moreover, only a few seashells were covering her most important body parts.

“Quickly get away from me! We will get killed! Flying too fast!

“It can’t fly”

“Isn’t it a wind dragon?!”

“Nope, my salamander, Flame-chan.”

Unnoticed by Saito, it was indeed Kirche’s salamander Flame.


Salamander went down like a rock. Saito tried to grab Derflinger. Using my Gandalfr's power I’ll jump onto the zero fighter and save myself! he thought…

“Awa! Why doenst my bode feel lighter!”

Looking at the left hand he saw runes disappear.

“Wa! Uwa! Waah!”

He steadily approached the ground.

“Falling! Falling! N? What’s this?!”

He saw something.


“…it shines. Gold?”

On the moment of the crash, dazzled Saito, was wrapped up by the golden light.

* * *


Screamed Saito and woke up.

He was breathing heavily for a while, before muttering to himself.


Fuzzy-headed, he reviewed the clattery drama.

He was chased by Siesta and Louise, and by was urged by Henrietta, Jessica, dogs and Tabitha – what an absurd hubbub and mess.

If it’s not a dream then why Louise and Siesta wore school uniforms from Saito’s Japan or Tabitha were dressed up as stewardess. But why would I be having such dream…

“Such strong desire, I…” he writhed in embarrassment for a moment. He grew worried – what if anyone saw him now? He looked around in fear.


Indeed, there was an audience.

In front of Saito’s eyes there were faces of children watching him.

There were various faces - big and small, boys and girls. Golden hair, red hair…brunette, there were various hair colors too. Some were hesitant, embarrassed, relieved or worried watching Saito’s suspicious behavior. Though children clothes were a little dirty, their eyes sparkled.

Single boy with blond hair, leaned towards Saito and quietly looked into his face.

“Well… did you just saw me now?” Saito asked, for some reason boy jumped back in fear.

“Weird person! Suspicious person!” he ran away shouting.

“H-hey…misunderstanding, misunderstanding!”

“Freak! A type of person one should not get closer!”

Other joined in.

“Wa-wait a minute! I am not a strange person!”

However, Saito’s words of the excuse didn't reach them, all children flung out of a room in a lightening speed.

“Whawhat… they. A while ago I was having this embarrassing dream… Anyway, where am I?”

Saito looked around the room where he was in.

It was a cozy room. One window at one side of the bed, there was a door at the other side. A small round table was placed in center of the room, two wooden chairs near it.

Though a bed that Saito slept in was coarse it was clean. White sheets and soft blanket pulled over.

“Must be some kind of inn… But, why I am here…I mean. I was heavily injured…”

Saito in a hurry looked down at his body. The body was all covered with bandages. At that time, in a fierce battle, he was definitely driven to the point of death.


I… let Louise and other leave and went against 70,000 alone. He shuddered remembering the fierce battle.

After he clashed with 70,000 army, following Derflinger’s advice he aimed at the commanders.

He attacked a fair amount of mages, but due to spell hits he started loosing his consciousness. Becoming staggering, he saw a general surrounded by mages and knights, and leaped at him.

After that he doesn’t have memories…

“…Anyway, seems like I survived.”

Feeling relieved, Saito whispered in a discouraged voice.

At the same time with a relief various doubts crept in.

Spell arrows and fireballs hit him, or was it, but there were no deep wounds. Then an explosion hit at close range, and he remembered his left-hand becoming like a charcoal. It wasn‘t nothing. He felt blood running out in streams from his body. There was a gaping wound in his belly. His bones were broken like sticks and his inner organs torn. In other words he was close to death.

Yet, when you look at my body now…

The vicious burns on his left arm disappeared, the pink skin could be seen through the crevices between bandages. The body wounds did not hurt for the time being as well.

Saito looked doubtful.

What on earth happened with my body?

“Well, it’s a wizard world after all, so some miracles do happen…” showing his inborn optimism, Saito said to himself.

For now, the only thing known was that he ‘survived’, and other things did not matter all that much. Once feeling relieved he was reminded of other things.

That’s right, there are more important concerns than my body.

My clash with army of 70,000….

Were enemy forces confused enough?

Did it won time for allies to withdraw?

Did Louise and everyone else escaped safely?

“Uuuh…what’s true? Now I’ll worry. Aaah, I’ll ask Derf.”

Saito looked around, searching for Derflinger.

However, the wise sword was nowhere to be found in the room. I’ll look for him, I cannot learn anything this way, Saito thought and tried to stand up…


A frog like voice leaked from his throat.

The acute cramping pain pierced through his sides, feet, arms, ankles and neck. The pain covered the whole body and did not stop made Saito’s see black and white. Though the life was saved, but he still might be badly injured.

That fierce battle that felt like a dream since he woke up, now was rapidly gaining real outlines, Saito shook. Saito started to tremble. Even though he tried to suppress it, it didn’t stop.

One wrong step and he would have been dead, he definitely escaped death by a thin line.

Until the trembling settles, he decided to lie back in bed.

“But…I may be still asleep.”

He needed to confirm it.

I want to know precisely how I was brought back to life.

Therefore, he tried to get up many times.

Tch! Autch! He shouted, whenever he tried to stand up he was instantly taken over by pain….

“You should not move.”

From the door where children ran to… a smooth smell flowed and a coolly sweet voice sounded.

Ah, when he turned towards open door, he saw a girl, with fair, river-like flowing hair, standing.

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