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Manaka held on to Neena and prayed————hoping that this child would not end up like her.
Manaka held on to Neena and prayed————hoping that this child would not end up like her.
“It’s almost dinnertime right? You think they’ll give us some food?”
“You still think about food under these circumstances?”
Kurou exasperatedly recalled Hinako was also a conceited person.
The place seemed like a basement of some sort within the abandoned tower. There were no windows and they were surrounded by cold concrete walls. Despite the ground being carpeted, there was no furniture in sight. The air was also stuffy so it looked like staying comfortable was out of the question.
Speaking of which, Kurou’s hands were handcuffed and he was firmly chained up. In fact, the chains were tied to the pipes along the walls. As a result, he could only sit down as he was pretty much immobilized.
On the other hand, Hinako was only handcuffed so she could move around freely within the room. However, the room was locked from the outside so she was unable to leave. Plus since it was her, there was no way she could break Kurou’s chains.
Basically the two of them had no means of escape.
“I’m speechless. Who would have thought there’d be Blaze after Blaze in addition to Manaka and Neena.”
“Even Kurou has no chance when facing that many people.”
“There’d be a chance if it was all of them except Manaka……well, if they all used mystic artes at the same time I’d be screwed.”
Since there was a long preparation time for the mystic artes and openings would occur to a person’s stance during this time, the dangers were relatively low in a one versus one battle. However, if it became a concentrated artillery barrage then it was a completely different matter.
“Mystic artes? In that case, if I’m able to……”
“No need to overthink the unnecessary.”
Kurou specifically stated to her.
Back when Kurou was battling against Manaka, Hinako was able to dissipate Manaka’s flame snake and seal her mystic artes. Actually, it was uncertain as to whether Hinako did seal her mystic artes since she does not even recall that instance very clearly. However, no one else really fit the bill except her.
“There’s no need for you to get involved in the battle. Stay away from doing anything dangerous.”
“……Kurou, you’re really going overboard with the protecting.”
“I told you before, this is my job.”
In truth, Kurou believed those without weapons should not participate in battle. This was especially true when it came to Hinako, who possessed no battle capabilities, getting involved.
It was a grave mistake to bring her here in the first place.
“Hmm……if Kurou is in this state, then we can’t continue where we left off at the park.”
“Are you still going on about that?”
“What, do you want me to make the first move?”
Hinako stood up in front of Kurou which startled him. Her legs were exposed from the uniform’s miniskirt and she approached him at a frighteningly close distance.
Even he himself did not notice. Kurou enjoys sexually harassing others, but he was not very sure what to do when it was the other way around. His heart started pounding in embarrassment.
Hinako deliberately muttered as such while gently lifting up her dress. Although her panties were not visible, her white flawless legs were exposed to a dangerous extent.
“Well, don’t go thinking that you owe me anything. This is just a bit of service is all.”
“Why are you……”
“It seems Kuro is having it quite tough, so that’s why I wanted to let you vent your frustrations a bit.”
Although he tried his best not to show it, Kurou was indeed depressed. After all the Blazes treated him as some sort of beast, even going as far as tightly tying him up like this.
“I’m at a loss as to what to do now. Looks like this doesn’t work too well if I don’t have any knowledge in regards to sex.”
You have learned so many strange things that even I am worried. Originally, Hinako was known for not being sure what to do under any circumstance.
“Ah, speaking of which.”
“Now what?”
“Quite some time has already passed since separating from Sefi.”
“Ah yes, that’s true.”
“Sefi will certainly be mad.”
It had already been two hours since they were last in contact with Sefi. It was probably going to become dark outside soon. While Sefi must have been worried sick, she was likely enraged as well.
“My cellphone was taken away from me, perhaps even destroyed.”
It was unlikely that Lars would be able to use the GPS to track their location. Regardless if it was Sefi or Lars, neither of them could have possibly imagined that Kurou and Hinako would be in a Blaze reservation.
In short, there was no other way to escape besides relying on his own strength.
“I guess there’s no choice……should I try it anyways?”
“Are you planning on attacking me while in that tied up state?”
“Umm no?”
“Or perhaps you mean you enjoy being tied up.”
“That’s wrong too! Like I said, you should stop learning all these unnecessary things!”
Needless to say, he meant he should try to do something about the handcuff and chains.
His katana was also confiscated. After going through a body inspection, his dagger and other small items were seized.
In other words————
He can only use his Light Body.
The drawback of using the Light Body before had not completely dissipated. Furthermore, Kurou used the Light Body a handful of times before, but never had he tried activating it without a one month gap minimum.
To add to that, there was no guarantee that he would be able to sever the chains even with the Light Body. Even so, he could not continue in this tied up state. That was because there was no guarantee that Manaka and Neena were going to keep their word.
“Hinako, quiet down a bit.”
Hinako nodded in response.
For the Light Body, if he was not completely focused it would not work. In other cases, he must be under perilous circumstances. That was why even under his calm state right now it still might be impossible to activate.
“Ah, there we go.”
Just as Kurou let out a deep breath and was trying to concentrate, the door opened after a clunking sound. That sound was due to the lock being forcefully pried open.
“Ah so it is Kurou-chan after all. Followed me here eh?”
Rinne paid no mind towards Kurou’s confusion and slowly approached him. She was wearing the same uniform as before along with that guitar case.
“Oh yeah, I apologize for before. I suddenly decided to leave. Those were Sun Cultists right? I had a sense that some troublesome folks were present and that things could have gotten hairy.”
“The Sun Cult does have some annoying people. That must mean……”
Hinako seemed to feel bad about something.
Although Kurou intentionally tried to forget about him, that bulky guy with glasses did indeed emit a fearsome aura. He was likely a human, but why did he sense such danger from him? It was truly puzzling. Except, if Rinne also thought the same then Kurou must be spot on.
“I heard that Kurou-chan was defeated by Manaka-chan.”
“Manaka-“chan” eh…….”
“I was hoping you’d criticize the ‘Kurou-chan’ part as well.”
Hinako was just muttering and it seemed as if she did not intend to incite a response from Kurou.
“Well, who cares about what’s going on with Manaka-chan.”
“You’re kidding me!”
“However, well……what should I do? It’s a real head scratcher.”
Rinne tilted her head as she spoke. She squatted down in front of Kurou. Since Rinne was in a position where she tucked her hands, her white panties were visible.
“I’m having a headache……Ah, Kurou-chan, you’re still peeking!?”
Rinne spoke with a hint of embarrassment as she firmly dragged her dress over her knees, thus covering up her panties.
“That’s because Kuro likes panties a lot.”
“That was unnecessary!”
After Kurou glared at Hinako, his line of sight shifted back to Rinne.
“Setting this stuff aside, what are you doing here Rinne?”
“I was asleep for a bit but then I heard some sort of ruckus. Afterwards I overheard something from nearby people. A human was said to be captured so I thought could it be……Well, they’ll probably be mad for me helping out Kurou-chan.”
“Rinne is also a Blaze right? In that case, there’s no way you could help out.”
Of course it would be great to receive her assistance. However, Kurou was not that optimistic to expect help from the enemy.
“Yeah~~, what to do. Honestly, I don’t really care about the people here.”
Rinne raised her brows while unwittingly extending her hand towards Kurou’s hair. She nonchalantly stroked and tugged his hair. She seemed to be unconsciously doing this.
It was safe to say that she was different from the other Blazes. She was not part of that group of Blazes who surrounded him, so perhaps that was indeed the truth.
Suddenly, Rinne let out a quiet squeal as she fell on her butt. Her legs were spread open and her panties were revealed again.
“……W-What happened? I didn’t do anything.”
“You don’t have to find excuses for me…….”
Hinako showed an exasperated expression towards the flustered Kurou.
Rinne stayed in that spread out state and shook her head.
“Ah——, what a rare occurrence. I have been seen like this twice in one day and both times it was Kurou-chan.”
“Well, I’m pretty sure your panties have been seen more than twice per day……”
If someone were to wear a dress as short as Rinne’s, it would also be visible on countless occasions.
“Who cares about my panties. Actually, this isn’t good, but it’s useless to be concerned about such matters when dealing with Kurou-chan.”
“It sounds like I’m quite pathetic.”
“This girl is quite fast in figuring that out. Even Sefi hasn’t reached that way of thinking yet.”
Hinako swooped in to continue the attack. Perhaps it would be best if I showed some restraint in my sexual harassment. Kurou stressed over such a thought.
“That’s no good, then it won’t be good for the others.”
Rinne stated something incomprehensible as she reached for Kurou’s body. She casually grasped the chains wrapped around Kurou and sliced it apart as if she was cutting through vegetables.
The chains fell to the floor. Following that, Rinne made her way towards Kurou’s back and freed Kurou’s hand from his handcuffs.
“Rinne, what are you……?”
Kurou wriggled his wrists which had regained their freedom while giving Rinne a cautious stare. Allowing him to regain his freedom, there was a good chance a battle may ensue.
“It’s hard for me to explain. I should probably free that girl over there as well.”
Rinne released Hinako from her handcuffs. She did not cut through the chains of the handcuff, but rather the cuff itself was severed. What a frightening display of power.
“Well, you guys get going. Since you guys are trying to get outside, I’ll be your guide during that time.”
Rinne smiled as she spoke.
Although it was just Kurou’s intuition————but beneath her smile there did not seem to be any ill intent or anything else.

Revision as of 07:25, 20 January 2015

The sun was slowly setting below the mountains.

An orange radiance covered the road. As if a gentle breeze was pushing it across, a small piece of trash rolled along the street.

Kurou and Hinako were walking side by side on the sidewalk.

Starting from the shopping district, they rode the tram for approximately twenty minutes as they exited the Specialized Central Region towards the Outer Human Region.

The street that they were walking on was vastly different from the bustling plaza from before. The place was devoid of people and even the occasionally appearing shops were all closed.

Kurou checked his cellphone screen. The bright dot that was displayed was indeed pointing towards the front of the road. The flashing dot was over a certain building. Was there an issue with the accuracy of the GPS? It was impossible to tell if the cellphone user was still wandering around.

“There’s not really a place to eat.”

Hinako muttered as she walked.

“If it’s here, you won’t get lost as easily at least.”

Kurou was at wits end.

Hinako would always get lost just because there was an indistinct pleasant aroma. It felt like she was enticed by the smell of crepes this time for her to get separated from Sefi.

“Getting lost in this place would be pretty boring.”

“Stop looking for excitement when you’re getting lost! That said, you didn’t have to follow me.”

In truth, she really should not have followed.

Kurou originally wanted Hinako and Sefi to group up. However, she insisted on coming along. Perhaps she thought hanging out with Kurou would be more interesting than shopping.

Furthermore, it was possible that Rinne’s cellphone could not be continually tracked. If for some reason she turned off the power, then the Electronics Operating Division would no longer be able to capture the GPS signal. It would be troublesome if the distance between them was too great.

Since there was no time to waste on arguing, Kurou instead just gave Sefi a call to report that he had found Hinako and the two of them were going to stroll around a bit. After telling her that, they arrived here.

“By the way, who are you trying to chase?”

“So now you ask.”

Should have asked from the start, that was what Kurou thought to himself as he explained the situation.

That situation consisted of him leisurely walking around by himself until he met a girl and splitting up with her after the Sun Cult incident. Moreover, it seemed like————

“That girl is perhaps a Blaze.”

Kurou had not confirmed that, but he felt he was essentially on point with this.

Her movements when she was about to be captured by the Sun Cult were…..

Her hands did not even touch the opposition and when the two cultists were blown away————that was mostly likely her mystic artes.

Just based on intuition it was clear that she was very strong. Sizing up a person’s strength was a necessary skill for a swordsman. Kurou had already thoroughly honed this technique.

Just when Kurou explained up to this point……

“How come you can understand that from just a glance?”

It was a very common question.

“It’s just based on your feeling of your opponent. By looking at their unconscious movements, sensing their aura and such you can tell. When you’ve experienced numerous encounters against other swordsman, you’ll just be able to sense it. For someone like Sefi who is just a first-year in the academy, she would probably still have a hard time doing so due to her limited experience. However, for me and Lars, we are able to judge to a certain extent.”

“Can you just tail her based on an intuition? It just seems like you're stalking a girl……”

“It wouldn't be bad if my hunch was wrong. However……”

There was no way I could be wrong, Kurou thought to himself. The place Rinne went to was an abandoned neighborhood. It was not a place a girl would particularly want to go to. At the very least, Rinne was not an ordinary girl, that was for certain.

“Hmm? The road ends here?”

Kurou nodded to Hinako’s comment.

The path Kurou and Hinako were currently walking————had a single bicycle lane along with two sidewalks. In front of them, there was a gate with a police checkpoint sort of station. There were also railings blocking out any vehicles and people. In the middle of the street, there was even a sign placed there with the words “do not enter” written clearly in red.

Kurou was going through his cellphone as he checked detailed reports for the nearby area.

“I see……”

Kurou thought as such. Following that, he continued forward and easily went over the railing that was at about waist level.

Hinako took a quick glance at Kurou. Since they had already come this far, she could not just go back by herself. Kurou grabbed her hand to help her over the railing.

“What happened here?”

“This is————a Blaze reservation.”


“Yup. The surviving Blazes from the cleansing which occurred after the war were separated here. The reservations, like this one here, act as a prison ground for them. Actually, I should say this used to be a reservation.”

There was a large neighborhood, a closed up shop, and an old tower further up the road. In the distance, one could even see factory buildings of some sort.

Moreover, there did not seem to be anyone here.

In the neighborhoods that Swordies reside in, generally speaking there would be plenty of greenery. Since Swordia was a world covered in vegetation and with their homeworld nostalgia, they would be restless unless the streets were covered with greenery.

Although this district had plenty of lush vegetation————it was completely unkempt. Whether it was the trees or grass, all of it was growing wild. The cars stopped on the side of the road had vines growing all over them. It was pretty much a ghost town.


Kurou retrieved the geographical data from his cellphone’s mapping program.

“It appears that the place was shut off when the number of Blazes dwindled. Perhaps they planned on reopening it later.”

Rather, it seemed to be completely set aside. Currently they were in the Outer Human Region, but this was without a doubt still within Tokyo Swordia. However, for it to be only a twenty minute tram ride from that bustling district to a reservation was quite unexpected for Kurou.

“What to do now?”

“What to do? What do you mean?”

Towards Kurou’s statement, Hinako revealed a puzzling expression.

“Rinne is located somewhere within this ghost town. If she is a Blaze, perhaps it could get dangerous.”

“You don’t have to worry about me.”

“No way.”

“I’m not Sefi, so even if you chase this Rinne girl I won’t ridicule you.”

“That’s what you meant!?”

After snarking in response, he regained his focus. Now was not the time to fool around.

“I don’t think Rinne would make a surprise attack, but it can’t be said that there’d be no issues going forward. Plus retreating from here might be an option.”

“However, does Kuro plan on going by himself?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’ll be fine by myself. Actually, I’d like to try something with that Rinne person.”

“What do you plan on doing if you meet her?”

“If she’s cute, I’ll go report this to Sefi.”

“W-Wait! Hold on a sec! Please keep this a secret from Sefi!”

“If you're requesting me to do so in such a manner, I suppose I’ll back off……”

Hinako revealed a very somber expression. Kurou was currently looking quite pathetic.

“Well, right now it isn’t time to be goofing off.”

“Do you really want to retreat? If you do an investigation, perhaps you might figure out something about the Blazes.”

“It’d probably be best not to know what they're planning. Nothing good comes from knowing your enemy.”

“True, it’s because Kuro is very gentle.”


Kurou unwittingly nodded and then looked towards Hinako again. Did I mishear something just now?

“If you know too much about your enemy, it may be hard to take action.”

“Even so…...that doesn’t mean I’m gentle.”

Although Kurou did not believe that he was heartless, he was not going to obliviously brush it off as being gentle. It was not just Kurou, but all swordsmen were the same. Even though Lars said that Manaka was not emotionless at that time, she was not someone who would hold back against an opponent.

Furthermore, Hinako did not understand how swordsmen think.

“I’m putting an end to this topic. Since we're already here we might as well go further on a bit.”

Kurou glanced at the map to confirm their location. This place was a small park. In order to get closer to the targeted building, he would have to go across the park.

The two of them entered the park.

The park had swings, slides, a climbing wall, and a sandbox. It was a very complete park. However, each facility was quite corroded.

“I had heard the Blazes were segregated, but to think they had a park like this.”

“They were probably only provided with the bare necessities. I feel that this park was just shoved into this narrow space as some sort of entertainment facility for them. Plus this was probably just all a facade and it’s highly probable that the children were denied usage of the park anyways.”

“Kuro sure is pessimistic.”

“I’m just explaining my speculations is all.”

“Really? Well, I suppose I don’t really have any interest towards this Blaze matter.”

“That’s really unfortunate.”

“Right now there is something I wish to say to Kuro.”

“Huh? What is it?”

Right as Kurou questioned her, Hinako headed towards the swing set. After lifting herself up over the wooden swings, she took a seat.

“This is my first time sitting on this type of thing.”

“You’re a tragic story yourself aren’t you……”

While being locked up within the Sun Cult facility for so long, she most likely never had the chance to experience these recreational facilities.

“However, I know how to work these things since I’ve read about them in shoujo mangas. You just swing around like this————and then kick forward.”

“Although you’re on the right track, there’s something wrong with that.”

Before her legs flew up, Hinako did not properly swing herself up. Basically, when it came to anything involving her body strength she was still very inadequate.

“Is there something you wanted to say?”

“There’s nothing I can do for you in this case.”


Hinako looked towards the distance while swinging.

“I’m always under Kuro’s protection. Even right now that holds true. However, I haven’t been able to repay you in any way.”

“There’s no need to repay me. Protecting Hinako is my job. Plus I get paid by the Sabers.”

“Was using that hard earned reward on me going outside due to your job as well?”

“……We live in the same house. If you aren’t happy, I won’t be either.”

“I’m always depressed regardless if I go out or stay indoors.”

“To have some sort of impression is good enough I suppose…….”

To be precise, it was impossible for Kurou to see eye-to-eye with Hinako. Having been imprisoned till she was fifteen years old, even after leaving that place she was still confined within the academy. If Kurou were to just abandon a girl like that, there was no way he could consider himself a human being.

“To Kuro I’m just someone you guard. Is that why you won’t tease my body like you do with Sefi?”

“Don’t mention such unpleasant words. It’s because I have a very high level of skinship with Sefi……”

“I see.”

“Don’t you think your character has deteriorated more and more?”

“That’s why I want to take advantage of this time before it gets worse to ask you something. Kuro, I won’t say anything. Regardless if it’s Sefi or Lars, I won’t speak a word. So now there won’t be any issues right?”

“No issues……what are you referring to?”

Hinako got off the swing set and casually approached Kurou. After getting to the point where their bodies almost touched, Hinako raised her head and gazed at Kurou

“Sefi selected this for me and the underwear I’m currently wearing is decorated in lovely laces.”

As she was saying this, Hinako began unbuckling the buttons to her jacket. Following that she pulled down the front of her shirt collar and her pure white skin slowly came into sight.

“Hold on! There’s no need for you to do this!”

“It’s best to not do anything huh. Those are such cruel words Kuro.”


Perhaps so, Kurou could understand her point of view.

“I’m not as cute as Sefi. Therefore, this is the most I can do for you.”

“You’re also very cute————hold on, actually I have no interest in this stuff.”

“It’s ok Kuro……I’ve already made up my mind.”

“Whatever it is, you don’t have to————“

“It’s fine. I……already know what it’s like having my breasts felt.”


Kurou was dumbstruck. Hinako’s shirt was close to being completely unbuttoned, revealing her cute laced bra. Even her overly ample chest was coming into full view.

“That’s what you were getting at?”

“Eh? Doesn’t Kuro jump at the opportunity to stare at Sefi’s breasts? Don’t you love breasts more than anything else?”

“It’s not like that……”

There was the fear that she was going to let him go much further beyond that. However, Hinako misunderstood and that was partly because of Kurou’s frequent obsession with Sefi’s breasts.

“What I meant to say was————”

At that point, Kurou leaped a couple of times

As if he was swooping in on Hinako’s body, he pushed her down on the ground.

At that moment, an air piercing sound could be heard followed by an explosion.


Kurou clicked his tongue. While protecting Hinako, he noticed that there was a red object that flew across him.

A flame snake————!


“A marvelous dodge. However, that isn’t at all shocking since I know about your strength.”

A girl came in from the entrance of the park. She had pigtails and was wearing a tightly fitted black suit. Furthermore, she was wearing glasses which were rarely seen among Swordies. Behind those lenses were eyes glowing with a red hue.

The light blade grasped in her hand had a faint light enshrouding the thin blade.

“Long time no see……although it hasn’t been that long. Neena, seeing you so full of life is all I could ask for.”

Kurou stood up and then grabbed the hilt of his sword.

“You haven’t changed a bit. You’re clearly still teasing Sefi. Even now you were about to act atrociously to this girl.”

“Just as he was about to act, you stopped him.”

“How impolite of me.”

Neena gracefully bowed. She appeared to be quite serious, yet unexpectedly enjoyed joking around.

“However, it’s perfect that you’re here. I’ve always wanted to burn down this park.”

“You should take advantage of this kids park.”

Kurou was just messing around while gazing at where the flame snake————Neena’s mystic artes directly struck. The wooden swing was already roasted without a trace except the two dangling chains. The area below was also burned. It was quite a tragic sight.

Kurou had already seen Neena’s mystic artes numerous times in the past. Since he was already used to the sound of the snake flying by, he was able to sense it coming.

“Hinako, are you hurt?”

“Since Kurou pushed me down in time, I’m fine.”

Hinako denied the notion. She was just dirtied up a little bit, but there was not even a scratch on her it seemed.

“That’s good. Well then…..why is Neena here?”

“That should be my line. Why are you here? If it wasn’t you, I was originally planning to just overlook this and head back.”


Based on Neena’s words he realized something. She seemed to be hiding out here in this ghost town.

Although he was thinking that could not be all there was to it, if Neena was here then that meant————

“Hey, Neena, don’t be acting so conspicuous since we are prisoners after all.”


Sure enough, Kurou’s ominous premonition came true.

Another girl appeared from the entrance of the park just like Neena.

She was wearing the Sabers uniform that he was already accustomed to seeing along with a bright red jacket even though it was clearly summer.

“Ah, it’s Kurou-kun and Sakurai Hinako. To think we’d meet up here.”

She was the former Sword General and director of the Sabers. She was also the sister of Kurou’s master and a member of the Blazes who betrayed the Swordie government.

“Manaka, seems like your wounds have completely healed already.”

Kurou felt cold sweat running down his back, but he was already used to that. Those who climbed to the Seven Swords have overwhelming light power. Her light was not to the point where he would shake uncontrollably, but just seeing her made him nearly faint.

“That was all thanks to you, but I’m fully recovered now. On the other hand, I was originally supposed to have slain you but you seem to have healed quite nicely.”

Was this some psychological effect? It felt like Manaka was very excited. Was she delighted from seeing her sister’s enemy?

“I never would have thought I’d see you here. What are you doing here Manaka?”

“Even if you ask, isn’t it just Kurou showing up to where we are currently living.”

“This isn’t normal. Your hideout is within the Blaze reservation?”

Although the hideout seemed to be pretty successful, to choose a location that had some relation to them was perhaps too daring.

“Lifelines still run through here actually. I can watch TV and drink ice cold beer after bathing.”

“How perfect.”

Having electricity in an abandoned neighborhood seemed very odd. However, this doubt was better off being set aside for now.

“Speaking of which Kurou-kun, since I answered a question of yours, can you answer one of mine? Why are you even here? Did the Sabers already discover this place?”

“The Sabers is a highly touted organization. I know you are clearly aware of this.”

“Yeah, it wouldn’t be surprising if they actually did find out. However, it’s quite peculiar that you would be here by yourself. Furthermore, you’re even being so cautious as to bring Sakurai Hinako with you.”

Her words did not seem to be lies. Perhaps it would be best for Manaka to think that the Sabers had already found their location.

“I was hoodwinked by some girl and let her get away. I went in pursuit since I was reluctant to part from her and so I ended up here.

“Ah, so that’s it.”

Manaka indicated as if she had figured out everything.

“I was wondering where that kid went. In that case she brought some extra baggage back with her.”

“I’m considered extra baggage? The kid you are talking about……is that Rinne? Is she here?”

“Is she? I’m not that kid’s guardian so I wouldn’t know.”

In the end, he only arrived here due to the GPS signal. Although he was not totally sure, it seemed that this was Rinne’s residence.

In that case, his guess that she was Blaze was correct.

Manaka, Neena, and now Rinne, these three Blazes being here was not particularly interesting.

It appeared that this was not an idle location either. Before the situation continued to worsen, he had to consider some retreating tactics.

“Oh oh Kurou-kun, I have some good news for you.”

“I’m quite interested.”

“There’s no point in thinking about escape.”

“If one always avoids the impossible, then they can’t continue to grow.”

“However————trying to do the impossible is also pointless.”

Just as Manaka displayed a frightening smile, the sound of footsteps could be heard. It was not just one or two people. The sound of those footsteps soon closed in on the park.

“……Heh heh.”

Kurou felt anxious but he was still smiling on the surface. In fact, perhaps a smile was the appropriate response.

There were thirty or so female swordsmen surrounding the park. All of them were wearing the same black suit as Neena, plus they each had their own personalized swords.

Furthermore, each of their eyes emitted a red light. That sort of red glow was the confirmation of a Blaze.

“……Kurou, you mentioned before that you can understand the difference in power from a glance right?”

“I believe right now it’d be best if I didn’t understand.”

Kurou responded with a smile towards Hinako’s quiet muttering.

The swordsmen surrounding the park were all on par with Neena or perhaps even above her. Excluding a monster like Manaka, there still would not be anyone who he could handily win against.

“We are also considered as a race of Swordies so there is no way we’d smash Kurou all at once. Except, we don’t plan on letting you escape either.”

Manaka drew her personalized sword————the Dancer.

“Before we were just concealing ourselves. I was told to be careful and to cease any unnecessary movement. Well, perhaps I did go against that just a bit but there are worse things that can happen you know. Although I can’t guarantee to what extent, but if you don’t resist we won’t take your life.”

“O-Onee-sama!? Why can’t we take advantage of this opportunity to cut him down————“

“Neena, even I will comply with the matter that someone reminded me.”

Despite Manaka speaking very calmly, her words had this cryptic meaning.

Back when he confronted Manaka, he felt as if there was someone even above Manaka in all this. That person must be the leader of the Blazes, that was what Kurou thought. Right now he had other things to contemplate over.

No, there was nothing to think about actually.

After taking a quick glance at Hinako who was right next to him————

Kurou placed the sword by his waist onto the ground and raised both hands.

“Understood, I surrender.”

After the sun had already set, a calm night descended.

It was currently night time in the former Blaze reservation and there was basically no activity outside.

Manaka returned to her own room within the abandoned tower————well, the room that she called her own without permission. She was relaxing on her favorite sofa.

Manaka really enjoyed the tranquility of this neighborhood’s evenings.

“Onee-sama, why are you doing this!?”

However, that calmness was broken up by Neena’s shrilling voice.

“What are you yelling about Neena? Nights are supposed to be peaceful.”

“Even if it’s from you Onee-sama, I can’t just let it slide. Although we can just extradite that Sun Cult girl, Kurou should be killed as quickly as possible!”

“I have no intention of being kind to that kid. I already explained this before didn’t I? It isn’t wise to kill Kurou-kun right now.”

“Wouldn’t it be great if we caused a disturbance with this? It would certainly be more interesting!”

“You totally sound like a Blaze.”

She was very energetic. The only incurable drawback to that was she always wanted to cause unrest. Since Neena lost to Kurou twice, there was some spite mixed in. Overall it did not amount to much. One would not think that the Blazes were an immoral group just due to their pursuit of revenge.

“Just imprisonment and such isn’t enough to dispose of him.”

“That’s probably not how they are thinking.”

Kurou and Hinako were locked away in the basement of the abandoned tower. The rigorous treatment of tying them up was so they could not escape. As for them thinking it was a very forgiving disposition, that was rather unlikely.

“Speaking of which, how is that kid who brought Kurou-kun along doing?”

Manaka purposefully changed the topic. That was because even Manaka could not explain why she did not immediately just kill off Kurou. She also did not want to lie to this sister-like figure.

“Rinne is already asleep.”

“She’s sleeping?”

“She seems to have returned to her room and immediately went to bed.”

Rinne’s room was in a residence located near the abandoned tower. What was she doing here then? Manaka did not inquire about that.

“Playing outside without permission and sleeping away after she had her fill. What in the world is she thinking?”

“That’s unexpected.”


“Neena, are you thinking about what’s running through that girl’s head? There isn’t really a need for that. Rinne is a Blaze who ranks above you. Just rely on your own abilities to survive. It has nothing to do with common sense anyways since for all we know that kid doesn’t even act rationally. Well, don’t worry about it too much. She’s a Blaze and she isn’t one at the same time, so just think of it like that.”

Manaka was not really well acquainted with Rinne. Although upper management had sent her for Manaka to look over, she did not plan on interfering with her.

“Are you saying to implement our approach from before?”

“Exactly. You still carry some of that exhaustion from infiltrating and doing battle at the academy so you should get some much needed rest. I’ll be resting as well.”


Although Neena did not seem like she was completely accepting of this, she still nodded.

Manaka, who was not her master, was seen by Neena as an older sister that she looked up to. She was a very cute girl.

In fact, she had never really thought about it before but perhaps taking on a disciple would have been beneficial. During her time as the Sword General, Manaka did not accept any disciples. The reason was simple. As a Blaze, betraying the Swordie government was just a matter of time. It would be too tragic if her disciple were to be dragged into the conflict.

However, accepting a Blaze like Neena as a disciple should be alright. It was a fine proposition, but it was still open to discussion for her.

“Umm, Onee-sama?”

Neena voiced her doubts towards Manaka who was lost in deep thought.

“Oh, sorry. It’s best if we consider what will happen from here on out. Perhaps changing up our hiding location might be best.”

“Our plans over there are nearing completion too.”

“Helping out like that is quite like you. You helped prepare their dinner too after finishing the preparations right? Although, it’s just fast food as usual————“

Just now, the cellphone that had been lying on the couch the whole time sounded. It was a different cellphone compared to before. The cellphone she had when she was the director was already destroyed.

“Yes it is. Hello.”

The person calling Manaka seemed to be someone she was well acquainted with. She stayed silent while nodding along.

After speaking on the phone for a couple minutes————

“Well then.”

Manaka closed her phone and turned towards Neena. She then revealed a slightly troubled expression.


“Neena, there’s something unfortunate that I have to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“Looks like our break is over. Jeez, if I knew it was going to end this early I would’ve went to the southern islands to rest on the beaches and drink ice cold beer.”

Manaka gently used her index fingers to tap against her cellphone.

“Since I have been summoned, I’ll be heading out for a bit. You take care of things around here.”

“Yes Onee-sama.”



Manaka smiled and gently hugged Neena.

“Now that the park is already burned down, you have broken free from your shackles. Now you should be able to have some more freedom.”

“.......Nothing else matters as long as I can battle alongside Onee-sama.”

“Enjoying life is a must. I follow that saying as well.”

Manaka lived for revenge, the revenge of the Blazes as well as her own personal grudge.

Manaka also noticed that she did enjoy those things. However, she clearly understood that taking enjoyment in such things would result in her heart being engulfed and twisted.

Manaka held on to Neena and prayed————hoping that this child would not end up like her.

“It’s almost dinnertime right? You think they’ll give us some food?”

“You still think about food under these circumstances?”

Kurou exasperatedly recalled Hinako was also a conceited person.

The place seemed like a basement of some sort within the abandoned tower. There were no windows and they were surrounded by cold concrete walls. Despite the ground being carpeted, there was no furniture in sight. The air was also stuffy so it looked like staying comfortable was out of the question.

Speaking of which, Kurou’s hands were handcuffed and he was firmly chained up. In fact, the chains were tied to the pipes along the walls. As a result, he could only sit down as he was pretty much immobilized.

On the other hand, Hinako was only handcuffed so she could move around freely within the room. However, the room was locked from the outside so she was unable to leave. Plus since it was her, there was no way she could break Kurou’s chains.

Basically the two of them had no means of escape.

“I’m speechless. Who would have thought there’d be Blaze after Blaze in addition to Manaka and Neena.”

“Even Kurou has no chance when facing that many people.”

“There’d be a chance if it was all of them except Manaka……well, if they all used mystic artes at the same time I’d be screwed.”

Since there was a long preparation time for the mystic artes and openings would occur to a person’s stance during this time, the dangers were relatively low in a one versus one battle. However, if it became a concentrated artillery barrage then it was a completely different matter.

“Mystic artes? In that case, if I’m able to……”

“No need to overthink the unnecessary.”

Kurou specifically stated to her.

Back when Kurou was battling against Manaka, Hinako was able to dissipate Manaka’s flame snake and seal her mystic artes. Actually, it was uncertain as to whether Hinako did seal her mystic artes since she does not even recall that instance very clearly. However, no one else really fit the bill except her.

“There’s no need for you to get involved in the battle. Stay away from doing anything dangerous.”

“……Kurou, you’re really going overboard with the protecting.”

“I told you before, this is my job.”

In truth, Kurou believed those without weapons should not participate in battle. This was especially true when it came to Hinako, who possessed no battle capabilities, getting involved.

It was a grave mistake to bring her here in the first place.

“Hmm……if Kurou is in this state, then we can’t continue where we left off at the park.”

“Are you still going on about that?”

“What, do you want me to make the first move?”


Hinako stood up in front of Kurou which startled him. Her legs were exposed from the uniform’s miniskirt and she approached him at a frighteningly close distance.

Even he himself did not notice. Kurou enjoys sexually harassing others, but he was not very sure what to do when it was the other way around. His heart started pounding in embarrassment.



Hinako deliberately muttered as such while gently lifting up her dress. Although her panties were not visible, her white flawless legs were exposed to a dangerous extent.

“Well, don’t go thinking that you owe me anything. This is just a bit of service is all.”

“Why are you……”

“It seems Kuro is having it quite tough, so that’s why I wanted to let you vent your frustrations a bit.”


Although he tried his best not to show it, Kurou was indeed depressed. After all the Blazes treated him as some sort of beast, even going as far as tightly tying him up like this.

“I’m at a loss as to what to do now. Looks like this doesn’t work too well if I don’t have any knowledge in regards to sex.”

You have learned so many strange things that even I am worried. Originally, Hinako was known for not being sure what to do under any circumstance.

“Ah, speaking of which.”

“Now what?”

“Quite some time has already passed since separating from Sefi.”

“Ah yes, that’s true.”

“Sefi will certainly be mad.”


It had already been two hours since they were last in contact with Sefi. It was probably going to become dark outside soon. While Sefi must have been worried sick, she was likely enraged as well.

“My cellphone was taken away from me, perhaps even destroyed.”

It was unlikely that Lars would be able to use the GPS to track their location. Regardless if it was Sefi or Lars, neither of them could have possibly imagined that Kurou and Hinako would be in a Blaze reservation.

In short, there was no other way to escape besides relying on his own strength.

“I guess there’s no choice……should I try it anyways?”

“Are you planning on attacking me while in that tied up state?”

“Umm no?”

“Or perhaps you mean you enjoy being tied up.”

“That’s wrong too! Like I said, you should stop learning all these unnecessary things!”

Needless to say, he meant he should try to do something about the handcuff and chains.

His katana was also confiscated. After going through a body inspection, his dagger and other small items were seized.

In other words————

He can only use his Light Body.


The drawback of using the Light Body before had not completely dissipated. Furthermore, Kurou used the Light Body a handful of times before, but never had he tried activating it without a one month gap minimum.

To add to that, there was no guarantee that he would be able to sever the chains even with the Light Body. Even so, he could not continue in this tied up state. That was because there was no guarantee that Manaka and Neena were going to keep their word.

“Hinako, quiet down a bit.”

Hinako nodded in response.

For the Light Body, if he was not completely focused it would not work. In other cases, he must be under perilous circumstances. That was why even under his calm state right now it still might be impossible to activate.


“Ah, there we go.”

Just as Kurou let out a deep breath and was trying to concentrate, the door opened after a clunking sound. That sound was due to the lock being forcefully pried open.

“Ah so it is Kurou-chan after all. Followed me here eh?”


Rinne paid no mind towards Kurou’s confusion and slowly approached him. She was wearing the same uniform as before along with that guitar case.

“Oh yeah, I apologize for before. I suddenly decided to leave. Those were Sun Cultists right? I had a sense that some troublesome folks were present and that things could have gotten hairy.”

“The Sun Cult does have some annoying people. That must mean……”

Hinako seemed to feel bad about something.

Although Kurou intentionally tried to forget about him, that bulky guy with glasses did indeed emit a fearsome aura. He was likely a human, but why did he sense such danger from him? It was truly puzzling. Except, if Rinne also thought the same then Kurou must be spot on.

“I heard that Kurou-chan was defeated by Manaka-chan.”

“Manaka-“chan” eh…….”

“I was hoping you’d criticize the ‘Kurou-chan’ part as well.”

Hinako was just muttering and it seemed as if she did not intend to incite a response from Kurou.

“Well, who cares about what’s going on with Manaka-chan.”

“You’re kidding me!”

“However, well……what should I do? It’s a real head scratcher.”

Rinne tilted her head as she spoke. She squatted down in front of Kurou. Since Rinne was in a position where she tucked her hands, her white panties were visible.

“I’m having a headache……Ah, Kurou-chan, you’re still peeking!?”

Rinne spoke with a hint of embarrassment as she firmly dragged her dress over her knees, thus covering up her panties.

“That’s because Kuro likes panties a lot.”

“That was unnecessary!”

After Kurou glared at Hinako, his line of sight shifted back to Rinne.

“Setting this stuff aside, what are you doing here Rinne?”

“I was asleep for a bit but then I heard some sort of ruckus. Afterwards I overheard something from nearby people. A human was said to be captured so I thought could it be……Well, they’ll probably be mad for me helping out Kurou-chan.”

“Rinne is also a Blaze right? In that case, there’s no way you could help out.”

Of course it would be great to receive her assistance. However, Kurou was not that optimistic to expect help from the enemy.

“Yeah~~, what to do. Honestly, I don’t really care about the people here.”

Rinne raised her brows while unwittingly extending her hand towards Kurou’s hair. She nonchalantly stroked and tugged his hair. She seemed to be unconsciously doing this.

It was safe to say that she was different from the other Blazes. She was not part of that group of Blazes who surrounded him, so perhaps that was indeed the truth.


Suddenly, Rinne let out a quiet squeal as she fell on her butt. Her legs were spread open and her panties were revealed again.

“……W-What happened? I didn’t do anything.”

“You don’t have to find excuses for me…….”

Hinako showed an exasperated expression towards the flustered Kurou.

Rinne stayed in that spread out state and shook her head.

“Ah——, what a rare occurrence. I have been seen like this twice in one day and both times it was Kurou-chan.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure your panties have been seen more than twice per day……”

If someone were to wear a dress as short as Rinne’s, it would also be visible on countless occasions.

“Who cares about my panties. Actually, this isn’t good, but it’s useless to be concerned about such matters when dealing with Kurou-chan.”

“It sounds like I’m quite pathetic.”

“This girl is quite fast in figuring that out. Even Sefi hasn’t reached that way of thinking yet.”

Hinako swooped in to continue the attack. Perhaps it would be best if I showed some restraint in my sexual harassment. Kurou stressed over such a thought.

“That’s no good, then it won’t be good for the others.”

Rinne stated something incomprehensible as she reached for Kurou’s body. She casually grasped the chains wrapped around Kurou and sliced it apart as if she was cutting through vegetables.

The chains fell to the floor. Following that, Rinne made her way towards Kurou’s back and freed Kurou’s hand from his handcuffs.

“Rinne, what are you……?”

Kurou wriggled his wrists which had regained their freedom while giving Rinne a cautious stare. Allowing him to regain his freedom, there was a good chance a battle may ensue.

“It’s hard for me to explain. I should probably free that girl over there as well.”

Rinne released Hinako from her handcuffs. She did not cut through the chains of the handcuff, but rather the cuff itself was severed. What a frightening display of power.

“Well, you guys get going. Since you guys are trying to get outside, I’ll be your guide during that time.”

Rinne smiled as she spoke.

Although it was just Kurou’s intuition————but beneath her smile there did not seem to be any ill intent or anything else.