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Chapter 270: The Pig King
The next day.
Witch was successfully transported, and Motoyasu returns by
portal. I’m made to watch the Guro movie of Witch being
violated by Faubley’s Pig King.
Some of the king’s soldiers are here as well.
Apparently, they’re here to confirm that I watched the video.
Even I don’t want to watch it alone. I bring Ren, Motoyasu, and
Itsuki along to do a private screening of it.
The soldiers caution me that it isn’t a pretty recording.
Well, Raphtalia and Rishia are watching as well.
Female Knight… would be dangerous to show it to, so I drove
her away.
“Hero of the Shield-san, are you watching~?”
Uwah… It’s a fat, wrinkly, pig-like fatty.
I think he resembles something.
Ah, he looks like that monster that appeared in that famous
movie about wars in space. (ED: Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars
How old is he? He’s definitely older than Trash, but his terrible
looks take away any age-distinguishing features.
It’s like he’s an ageless demon.
“Noooooooo!” (Witch)
Witch screams out.
“You’re being loud. Like this, I can’t send a message to Hero of
the Shield-san.”
He violently grabs her by the hair and swings the naked Witch
“Ugu… Noooooo!” (Witch)
It seems that at this point, Witch can do nothing but scream.
For some reason, it puts my heart at ease.
“I told you to shut up.”
With his chubby hands, he grabs Witch’s neck. His motions seem
highly practiced.
Oy, that’s the movement used to break a chicken’s neck.
“Ah… ku…”
Witch resists with her life on the line, but to no avail. Eventually,
bubbles start coming out of her mouth, and she faints.
After that, the Pig King enthusiastically introduces himself, and
wakes Witch with slaps to the face. The Guro scenes follow.
It’s a mix between a health video featuring the copulation of
pigs, and an overly sadistic snuff film.
If you made something like this in my old world, it would be a
matter left to the police.
I was right to bar the others from viewing it.
Melty may have been fine, but Kiel and Taniko would be shaking
in their boots.
Regardless, this would cause quite a few traumas, so I probably
won’t watch if he sends another.
“Uu…” (Ren)
Within three minutes, Ren is covering his mouth and breathing
He and Raphtalia leave the room together.
Though I feel it’s revolting as well.
How about Motoyasu, Itsuki, and Rishia?
“Fu-fufufun” (Motoyasu) (TL: Humming SFX)
Motoyasu is… spreading out a sheet of paper and sketching.
When I peek over to see what he’s drawing, I’m not surprised to
find that it is Firo.
To be able to draw while witnessing this footage, I’m amazed. I
honestly want to admire him.
No wait, he’s not even watching.
When I’m feeling this unpleasant, he’s humming and singing…
“Don’t get distracted. Just watch.” (Naofumi)
“What’s so fun about watching pigs mate? And I’ve already seen
the scene happen, Father-in-Law.” (Motoyasu)
“So you can remain cool while watching this?” (Naofumi)
“It’s not really different from watching monsters get killed.
Hahaha.” (Motoyasu)
Yes. I feel madness from Motoyasu.
His three followers are watching the film while drooling.
“That pig. It has a lot of fat on it. Doesn’t it look tasty?” (Kuu)
“But doesn’t it look a little tough?” (Marin)
“If you let it rot for a while, it’ll become softer and tastier. Leave
the preparations to me.” (Midori)
They truly are beasts.
But I guess this is how Filo Rials are.
Ah, I found this out later, but Midori is of a subspecies that could
control poison and decay.
But for them to watch this footage and stay calm, they really are
By the way, when I showed it to Firo the next day, she became
Does it have to do with individual personality?
Ah, but at the start, she did say, ‘That pig looks tasty.’
The Pig King can’t even be classified as human at this point in
Now Itsuki and Rishia are…
Rishia’s already fainted.
Itsuki has a calm expression… No, he has no expression as he
silently watches it.
“Itsuki, what do you think?” (Naofumi)
“I don’t understand what’s fun about it.” (Itsuki)
“What a coincidence. I’m of the same opinion.” (Naofumi)
I’m already regretting ordering this video to be taken.
No, I wanted it as evidence, but I never thought I would have to
watch it to the end.
Can I not fast forward?
“To make sure you’re actually watching, we’ll be taking a
video.” (Soldier)
The soldier holds up a crystal in my direction.
“I’ll at least pretend to watch it.” (Naofumi)
“Yes… Um… I’m truly sorry for the trouble, Hero-sama.” (Soldier)
This soldier’s perceptiveness is a life saver.
To avoid any complaints, I have to continue watching the video
to the end.
I absentmindedly stare at the screen while I use status magic to
check my slaves’ statuses, waiting for the end.
“Then, I’ll be coming to deliver another one in the near future.
The King was exceedingly happy to hear that the Hero of the
Shield requested such a video, so he will continue sending
them.” (Soldier)
“… Could you reproduce and edit the footage you took right now
to make it seem like I watched them? If need be, I can do some
acting to increase the variety of reaction footage.” (Naofumi)
“Yes, of course we can do that.” (Soldier)
The soldier said as such, and when he brought the next video,
we opted not to watch it.
Our hearts are as one.
If I had to see these videos again and again, I would go crazy.
At the end of the video, Witch was all beaten up, and she was
put to sleep by strangling again. But only after she had lost an
Her facial expression must have been appealing, because the Pig
King gave a face of ecstasy.
I’ve played Guro Galge and Rape Galge before, but this is too
With something like this, if you simply owned it, you would be
liable for arrest.
And in the end, Witch was easily killed off. But as the Pig King
was under the impression that I was still deriving enjoyment
from his videos, he thought that I would like to see a large
variety of woman being violated.
Instead of playing with his favorite toys for long periods of time,
he seemed to have found something else to take delight in.
Go to hell. Why do I have to watch these guro videos of other
women being violated?
The end result, is that a large amount of useless video crystals
ended up piling up in the village store house.
I really don’t want to meet that pig.
I once again pledge that in my heart.
“Ah… I feel sick.” (Naofumi)
A few days later, in the evening.
I mutter those words as I entered the onsen at Cal Mira.
I assigned everyone their jobs, and when evening came, I took
Itsuki and Rishia here by Portal.
Itsuki doesn’t recover Mana or SP, so he can’t use portal.
That’s why I have to bring them.
I got permission for Rishia to bathe in the men’s side.
She was worried that if I was the only one there, Itsuki would
die from drowning.
Wearing a white robe, Rishia helps Itsuki submerge himself in
the water.
Wouldn’t a swimsuit be fine here?
Ah, Raphtalia, Firo, and Melty are also here, albeit on the
women’s side.
Atlas was going to come as well, but Fohl stopped her.
An onsen is perfect if you want to rest your body and mind.
I had just washed my body and was about to step in, when Firo
jumps over the hedge separating the two baths with Melty on
her back.
“Master~ Let’s bathe together again~” (Firo)
“Firo-chan! This is the men’s bath! Naofumi is here, isn’t
he!?” (Melty)
Melty frantically covers her important places with a towel as she
embarrassingly complains to Firo.
Firo. You sure brought a troublesome person to a troublesome
“Don’t worry, Melty-chan. Right now, only Master, the bow
person, and Rishia-oneechan are here.” (Firo)
“Isn’t the fact that Naofumi and the Hero of the Bow are here
the problem!?” (Melty)
“Eh?” (Firo)
It may sound strange, Firo, but Melty’s reaction is the correct
I should leave disciplining her to Raphtalia and Melty.
It would be strange for me to be telling her that.
“But bathing with master is fun, so Melty-chan should have fun
too.” (Firo)
“No! I’ll get dirty!” (Melty)
“Hey.” (Naofumi)
I submerge myself in the bathwater as I speak.
Seeing her love of cleanliness and her innocence, I’m beginning
to doubt whether or not she’s truly the sister of that Witch.
But I guess it’s fine.
Firo ignores her, changes into human form, and sits beside me.
From the towel wrapped around my waist, one of the Filo Rial
familiars appears.
“Where did you come out of!?” (Naofumi)
“N-Naofumi gave birth to a Filo Rial!” (Melty)
Melty shouts out, but from her towel, a chick emerges as well.
I heard about it, but I guess they’re parasitizing off Melty as
“Look who’s talking!” (Naofumi)
“S-shut up!” (Melty)
“Ahaha~ Master and Melty are having fun.” (Firo)
“We’re not!” (Naofumi & Melty)
Dammit, these birds can’t read the mood.
“Master, can you wash Firo’s back?” (Firo)
“Ah, yes, yes.” (Naofumi)
If I don’t do it, she’ll complain.
It’s been a few days since I started coming here to alleviate my
Firo coming to the men’s bath has become a daily occurrence.
Though, this is the first time she’s brought Melty along.
I use some soap and begin rubbing Firo’s back. Because she has
wings, quite a few bubbles form.
“Hey, Melty-chan should get her back washed too~” (Firo)
“Don’t! Want! To!” (Melty)
Melty sure is stubborn.
Though, I think I’m an expert in that field as well.
But Firo sure likes taking people over to the men’s side.
Ah, the first person she brought over was Kiel.
Apparently, for the male-hearted Kiel, the women’s bath was
uncomfortable, so she got Firo to bring her over.
After that, it became natural to scold Firo and Kiel, who swam
around the male bath as if it were natural.
Why do I have to act like a parent and scold these kids when I’m
supposed to be relaxing in the onsen?
Raphtalia always lectures them not to come over, but they don’t
“Look, you’re all clean now.” (Naofumi)
I pour a bucket of hot water on her to wash away the bubbles,
and Firo shakes her entire body like a dog to dry herself. Water
droplets fly everywhere.
“Master, thank you~. Is Firo clean?” (Firo)
“If you doubt it, then wash yourself.” (Naofumi)
“Bu-” (Firo)
Firo pouts, and Melty refuses to take her body out of the water.
The bath is as lively as ever.
“Then I’m going to be soaking for a while, so you guys better
return to the women’s bath.” (Naofumi)
“Got~ it.” (Firo)
I get in the water again to cure my curse, when Firo changes to
Filo Rial form and sits next to me.
She’s floating. (ED: LOL)
Is she some sort of water bird? Though, Firo can swim.
“Ah!?” (Firo)
Firo seems to have figured something out as she lets out a noise.
She puts Melty on her back.
“Firo-chan, what are you…” (Melty)
Before Melty can finish speaking, Firo jumps over the hedge and
returns to the women’s side.
“W-what was that about?” (Rishia)
Rishia inquires.
“Who knows?” (Naofumi)
“Will Rishia-san not go to the women’s bath as well?” (Itsuki)
Itsuki tilts his head as he asks.
It seems that a little bit of common sense still lingers in his
Though, I have no idea how much we should trust Itsuki’s
common sense.
“I’m alright, Itsuki-sama.” (Rishia)
These two are acting like an idiot couple.
Now that I think about it, since we started using this bath,
Itsuki’s condition has gradually been changing.
He’s still expressionless, but his indecisiveness is beginning to
The fact that he can ask things like this is proof.
“Oh my! If it isn’t Father-in-Law!?” (Motoyasu)
Aa, so this is the reason Firo quickly retreated.
==Translator Notes==
==Translator Notes==

Revision as of 06:16, 3 March 2015

Translator Notes

Jabba the Hut from stars wars

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