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''Although we are master and familiar, we can't understand each other at all.''
''Although we are master and familiar, we can't understand each other at all.''
''Mutual feelings, yet we can't understand each other at all.''
“You don't look well. Let me comfort you. But I dunno <!--on purpose-->how to do it.”
''“Kyui kyui!”'' Whilst purring, Sylphid gave Saito a tight hug.
Whilst being tightly embraced by Sylphid's soft body, ''Ah, will Louise turn this side to look at me?'', Saito thought vaguely.
''If I were to be more imposing......she would look at me for a bit, won't she?'' He thought. ''But, looks like that won't happen.''
''Anyhow, at Tristain palace when we were captured, when I was trying to say I love her......''“Don't say it!”'' She yelled at me, so...''
''Of course I am wrong too.''
'' Being spoony over Siesta, my heart throbbing when I see Henrietta's face. As for those, apart from keeping those charms to myself, I can't help it. This is man's physiology.''
''But, I have been saying “I love you” to Louise all the time, haven't I?''
''Maybe......Louise has no space to fall in love,'' Saito thought.
''Louise who is more serious than anyone else.''
''Louise who is always fixated on her ideals.''
''Saying'' “It's a reward!” ''Kissing me, not being angry even when her breasts are touched, this means......it is not really because of her pride,'' Saito changed his thoughts.
''That's because, just like how this Sylphid does not know what's the best way to comfort this human me......she does not know what the best reward to give me, this teenager at puberty. Because she doesn't know how to express her gratitude.''
''And yet, every time I would misunderstand her......'' Saito wished he could just crawl into a hole. ''Louise falling in love with me? Ha!''
''I'm such a shameful person. Aah, SHAMEFUL!!''
''Ah, Louise.''
''The Louise who would return her mantle to Henrietta in order to stand for her ideals. More serious than anyone else, the noble Louise.''
''Maybe because you're is like that, I have come to liking you.''
''Among the people I encountered in the world I was born in, at least there isn't someone who would stick completely to his “way of living” like Louise does. And then, in this world too......''
''Someday, when Louise is able to achieve her ideals, won't she start loving someone at that time? At that time, I want to be the one beside her,'' Saito thought.
''To go along with Louise's ideals, I have to be much stronger. Elf or whatever, now's not the time to be frightened.''
Displaying brute courage, Saito spread-eagled and closed his eyes. To measure up to Louise's ideals, he cannot show his intimidation to anyone.
Looking at that strange Saito who spread-eagled on the bed while smiling, Louise's anxiety expanded all the more.
''You were told that it's a fight against an elf, and yet, why aren't you afraid?''
''Why don't you hate it?''
''Aah, as I thought, Saito is given the courage as a familiar huh?''
Louise became deeply miserable.
The next day, in the evening......
Standing in front of the gates of Alhambra castle, one of the Gallian army who was standing guard, gave a big yawn. A soldier standing beside him chided him.
“Hmm? Aah......”
“If you don't guard the door properly, we'd be scolded by the commanding officer!”
“Baron Misscoeur? That's all right! He's just an idiot.”
“No, it's not him. It's that un-human guy.”
The yawning soldier shook his head franctically as if his drowsiness was blown away.
“Oi, don't refer to him that lightly! Touch wood......<!--Not a typo, pls refer to wiki for more info--> O Founder Brimir. Please protect my soul......”
“I don't want to be eaten too! That's why I don't speak out his name......But dunno what the heck is wrong today...I went to the streets for to eat during lunchtime, but wine was sold out!”
“Haa? What'cha mean?” <!--Reflecting slang in raw-->
“Someone from somewhere had bought up all the wine in this inn town. B'cuz of that, there weren't any wine no matter which bar you go to. What a joke!”
“That's the only pleasure in the center of this boring desert! Geez, which guy did such a nonsense?”
As the conversation was going on, a cart could be seen coming from ahead on the road to the inn town.
“What's that?”
There were 7 male and female flashy street performers in the cart. The wagon behind was filled with barrels.
In front of the gate, the cart stopped. Pointing their lance at them, the soldiers asked the group.
“Who are you guys?”
A redhead girl dressed in a dancer's costume with a high degree of exposure, bowed down elegantly.
“We are a group of street performers, sir.”
It was Kirche.
“I can see that. This is not some highway.”
“We know that.”
Sexily, Kirche threw a flirtatious glance at them. In an instant, the soldiers became as if entranced by succubus.
“We've come to provide entertainment.”
The soldiers exchanged looks. After that, they realized what the content of those barrels stacked up behind was. One of them approached, and sniffed the smell of the barrels.
“Isn't this wine!?”
Another glared at Kirche with a hateful look.
“The one who bought up all the wine is you all!?”
“That's right.”
Kirche leaned coquettishly onto the soldiers. At Kirche's loveliness, the soldiers' expressions crumbled down pathetically.
“Please don't be angry, handsome misters. We are just doing our best at our living. We've come to tour Sahara, but those stingy elves didn't give us any money at all for our performances.”
“How would elves know what dancing is!?”
The soldiers broke out in laughter.
“Right? That's why we need customers who understand our art. Naturally, going together with wine, right?”
“Got it! You guys didn't just come to buy wine huh? Planning anything funny?”
Those standing in the cart stiffened.
“And to sell dances as well while you're at this. Right?”
With a big smile on her face, Kirche said.
“Exactly! If our wine is slightly more expensive than the one in town, we will provide dancing as a service. How about that?”
“What a nerve this lady has! I like it. I'll help you guys in your business!”
The soldier rushed off to report to his superior officer.
Turning back, Kirche combed her hair back triumphantly. At that brilliant skill, the entire group applauded.

Revision as of 14:37, 16 July 2009

Chapter 9: Alhambra Castle

Alhambra Castle was a citadel the elves built on top of a small hill in the desert.

The incident of the Halkeginia Holy Land Recovery Allied Forces who regained it at the price of countless sacrifices, could be traced back to thousands of years ago.

During that time, the Holy Land Recovery Allied Forces fixed the country border, and told the elves, “This is our land.” Consequently, that became the country's border.

The elves who had formerly lived at the desert did not have such a concept like “country border”. Just that, the elves knew that humans are living beings who would greedily treat anywhere as their land and fight for it, if the “country border” was not established. So, they reluctantly recognized the line those humans drew as the country border.

Because that citadel became the point from which the elves' land was attacked for many times, they received the elves' attacks many times as well. Every time, this process of trying to remove and being removed repeated......until that battle hundred of years ago, in which the Holy Land Recovery Allied Forces became its master, until now. Since the citadel is small, it was left aside as a military base and became an abandoned castle......because of which, it conversely flourished.

At the foot of the hill on which Alhambra Castle was built, an oasis was formed. A small inn town started growing from around that oasis......Because the surrounding of Alhambra Castle is a military base, travellers who travel in the desert would stop by, and it became a small trading area.

With the skills of the elves, the walls of Alhambra Castle were exquisitely made, adorned with fine engraving of geometric patterns. Receiving the moonlight from the twin moons, the walls shone brightly, providing a fantastic view to the desert travellers.

To the Halkeginians, the surrounding of Alhambra Castle is an exotically beautiful place.

Well then, in a small pub called “Father Joseph's Desert Doors” Inn in that beautiful inn town, the hot topic was a recent rumor of Alhambra Castle.

A unit of the king's army arrived, and was stationed in the castle.

The merchants who buy ceramics and porcelains in Sahara said to the shop owner in a whisper.

“The troops came to Alhambra Castle lately......but do you know why those guys come? Father.”

Travelling from one place to another, the wise father who had set up a pub here, tasted the stew whilst shaking his head.


“Didn't those guys come to this area to dig up some treasure?” It was rumored this, but......I feel that the truth is different.”

“Is it?”

The father reacted indifferently. He knew that not poking his head in unnecessary affairs is the secret to longevity.

“Hey. I'll treat you a drink, so tell me more about that rumor?”

“Not interested.”

Missing out getting some wine? The male merchant snorted. Beside him, a lady clothed in sand-warding robe with a hood, sat down.

“Isn't that a wonderful conversation?”

The brown skin and red lips peeking out from the openings of the robe gave the impression of a befitting beauty. The merchant gulped nervously.

“Dear, shall we offer up a cup for this man?”

The man's cup was filled with ale to the brim.

“Thanks! Hihi.”

“Well then, can you tell me more about it?”

The whole group greeted Kirche who returned to the table, with an applause. On top of the street performer costume, everyone was wearing the same robe used in the desert.

The group finally arrived at this Alhambra place yesterday night.

It took them a week of transiting between stagecoaches travelling through footpaths and highways to reach there from the Orleans mansion. Apparently, Tristain did not issue any warning to Gallia, and the performers were not suspected by any people as they walk down the road. No. On their journey, they were suspected by the patrolling knights several times, but managed to escape by the tactfulness of Kirche who knew the area very well.

“Geez, you guys......always letting me get information by myself, what's your intention?”

“But aren't you the best? Just the person for the job.”

Guiche nodded solemnly too.

“Awesome......cuz you managed to collect information one after another,” Saito said in admiration.

“Really, just do it. Guys, if you all are still Tristain nobles, with a high pride- no wonder you can't gather information.”

Montmorency turned her face aside in embarrassment, but Louise lifted up her eyes.

“Oh yes we can! I went as far as being a waitress in a bar in Tristania last time!”

“That pathetic fella?”

Louise's cheeks swelled. Come to think of it, she had let herself seen a few times by Kirche. But, now was not the time for such things, so she had no choice but to keep quiet.

“So, did you get anything?”

The merchant to whom Kirche gave an extravagant treat, had told her everything he knew, after which, he became drunk and wasted, lying down on the counter, and fell asleep.

They changed their strategy meeting location to a second floor room. That's because there were people there.

After entering the room, Kirche started telling the news she heard.

“As I thought, looks like it really is this city.”

“Which means?” Saito urged.

“Apparently, that merchant heard about it from the troops stationed there. The reason they came here was to protect a “noble” they brought here. According to the story, they seemed to be fallen royal family members. And then, the crux is that those nobles are “parent and child”.”

“In other words, Tabitha and her mother?”

“Can't we conclude that?”

Everyone's face turned solemn.

“I'm back.”

Opening the door of the room, Malicorne entered.

“I have used the “Distant Vision” spell and examined the castle!”

Being a wind element mage, Malicorne had been using magic to examine the castle from afar. Even Sylphid was not used, since it would be conspicuous. Sylphid had remained in her human form until now, and probably due to tiredness, she was asleep on the bed, snoring. Looks like taking the form of a human consumes her willpower more intensely.

Calmly, Malicorne spread a sketched parchment on the table. On it, a rough sketch of Alhambra Castle could be seen. Obviously, the internal structure of the building was not known, but the courtyard, walls, towers, keeps- all of them were drawn accurately.

“Good job!”


Guiche praised him.

“The Gallian troops stationed there aren't just one squadron. There are two squadrons there! About 300 soldiers, and 10 noble officers!”

That's quite a number.

“I see. Thanks. Well then, we've collected all the information we can.”

Kirche was fully the leader. Indeed, in such projects, there was no chance for Tristain nobles who were prideful and only knew how to carry out frontal attacks.

“So, how to rescue Tabitha out of that castle?”

“We are mostly mages. Surprise attack against approximately 300 people, it will work somehow, won't it? At our side, we have Sylphid, Saito who stopped the seventy thousand......”

Guiche said that, but Kirche shook her head.

“No way. If we attack head-on like that, reinforcements would come immediately, and danger might fall onto Tabitha. It's also possible that Tabitha would be carried away to somewhere else.”

“So what should we do? Putting everyone of the soldier to sleep with magic?”

“That's right.”

Kirche grinned impishly.

“That's impossible! Aren't we going against 300 people?? Even if we were to recite Sleep Cloud, how can we cover them all in one shot?”

“To make them sleep, we don't just have to use incantations, Montmorency.”


“Can you mix the “Sleeping Potion”?”

“I can, but......how to make them drink it? Even if we mix it into their water, it will be discovered immediately!”

“There's a plan. Just do it! Mix the strongest potion you can. Guiche, please buy some wine sold nearby.”

“Got it.”

Towards them who were about to rush out, Kirche said.

“Hey, if you meet any elf......”

The three of them trembled instantly. A word they did not want to hear. Mustering their courage, they had been driving that word out of their head.

“Run. Don't think about fighting them. The thing which must not be forgotten is, we did not come to fight. The elves are obviously with the Gallian army. We will steal into Alhambra Castle cautiously, and carefully rescue Tabitha and her mother. That's right. We've come “to save our friends”. That would be putting the cart before the horse. That's why, if you feel danger not just from elves, run. That is cowardly, but harmless.”

Understood, The three nodded.

“Thanks for cooperating in this plan to save my best friend. I am grateful for your bravery.”

Kirche bowed politely. It was their first time seeing Kirche being so commendable. Because of that, they changed their frightened expressions to serious looks.

After the three of them exited, Kirche turned towards Saito and Louise.

“Well then......”

“What are we supposed to do? What's best for us?”

“Rest. You guys are the trump card. Please conserve your strength.”

“Trump card, what do you mean?”

Kirche readily answered.

“Fight against the elf. Although we can trick the army, the elf probably won't fall for it.”

“Wh! What!? You're saying that it's okay even if we're hurt!? We may die, won't we?? You're saying that it's all right if we die?? We're not the trump card, but a sacrifice! You're really Zerbst! You hate me to that extent!?”

Kirche replied with a straight face.

“You're wrong, Louise. It's not “hating”, but “recognizing”. We probably can't win against the elf. The only thing possible, is your “legend”.”

Louise's eyes bulged.

“You knew?”

“You're the only one who thought that we don't know. You chanted in front of us before, and that chants didn't exist, did it?”

Louise blushed.

“I humbly apologize at my impoliteness towards ancestor. Can you kindly lend your holy powers to this powerless servant?”

Kirche knelt down. As expected, Louise panicked. In the long history of the dispute between La Valliere and Von Zerbst, it was the first time Von Zerbst apologized.

“L-lift up your head! What're you doing!? If I refuse this, am I not the bad guy!? I have already cast away my noble name! I'm just Louise the Zero! That's why even if I listen to what you say, I don't really mind.”

Turning aside, Louise said in an embarrassed voice.

“Eh? You threw aside your nobleness?”

“That's right! I have returned my mantle and name to Her Majesty.”

“Aah! Well then, after saving Tabitha, come to Germania! I'll employ you as my maid!”

“Stop joking around!”

Somewhat overcome with emotion, Kirche hugged Louise tightly.

Saito looked at the two with a rather radiant expression. After that, to preserve his strength, he headed towards the bed.

He did not have any self-confidence at winning against the elf at all. Or rather, how should he fight to win?

The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became.

With his anxiety increasing, Saito felt as if being squashed.

But......friends with Kirche? When he looked at Louise who appeared to be trying to bring that up, he became embarrassed at that feeling.

“Well then, I'll follow what you said and sleep for a bit.”

“I look forward to it, Saito. Jean has always been saying. Saito-kun is someone capable of changing this world. I believe that as well. That's why, please change Tabitha's fate.”

Plucking up his courage, Saito grinned, overdoing it.

“Leave it to me!”

Saito slipped into the bed, and Sylphid who had been sleeping on it until now, opened her eyes wide.


“Oh, you're awake?”

Under her blue hair, Sylphid's blue eyes shone again.

“Thanks,” she expressed her gratitude.

“In order to save onee-sama, everyone is working hard for us. I'm very touched. If onee-sama knows that you all are coming to save her, surely, she would be very happy.”


“Onee-sama doesn't speak much, so she may seem somewhat cold, but......in reality, she's a very kind person. I love onee-sama very much, but onee-sama doesn't lose to me- she loves me very much too. Onee-sama did not say anything, I know something like that.”


Sylphid noticed that Saito looked a little down.

“What's wrong?”

“No......I'm just a little envious of you guys.”

Although we are master and familiar, we can't understand each other at all.

Mutual feelings, yet we can't understand each other at all.

“You don't look well. Let me comfort you. But I dunno how to do it.”

“Kyui kyui!” Whilst purring, Sylphid gave Saito a tight hug.

Whilst being tightly embraced by Sylphid's soft body, Ah, will Louise turn this side to look at me?, Saito thought vaguely.

If I were to be more imposing......she would look at me for a bit, won't she? He thought. But, looks like that won't happen.

Anyhow, at Tristain palace when we were captured, when I was trying to say I love her......“Don't say it!” She yelled at me, so...

Of course I am wrong too.

Being spoony over Siesta, my heart throbbing when I see Henrietta's face. As for those, apart from keeping those charms to myself, I can't help it. This is man's physiology.

But, I have been saying “I love you” to Louise all the time, haven't I?

Maybe......Louise has no space to fall in love, Saito thought.

Louise who is more serious than anyone else.

Louise who is always fixated on her ideals.

Saying “It's a reward!” Kissing me, not being angry even when her breasts are touched, this means......it is not really because of her pride, Saito changed his thoughts.

That's because, just like how this Sylphid does not know what's the best way to comfort this human me......she does not know what the best reward to give me, this teenager at puberty. Because she doesn't know how to express her gratitude.

And yet, every time I would misunderstand her...... Saito wished he could just crawl into a hole. Louise falling in love with me? Ha!

I'm such a shameful person. Aah, SHAMEFUL!!

Ah, Louise.

The Louise who would return her mantle to Henrietta in order to stand for her ideals. More serious than anyone else, the noble Louise.

Maybe because you're is like that, I have come to liking you.

Among the people I encountered in the world I was born in, at least there isn't someone who would stick completely to his “way of living” like Louise does. And then, in this world too......

Someday, when Louise is able to achieve her ideals, won't she start loving someone at that time? At that time, I want to be the one beside her, Saito thought.

To go along with Louise's ideals, I have to be much stronger. Elf or whatever, now's not the time to be frightened.

Displaying brute courage, Saito spread-eagled and closed his eyes. To measure up to Louise's ideals, he cannot show his intimidation to anyone.

Looking at that strange Saito who spread-eagled on the bed while smiling, Louise's anxiety expanded all the more.

You were told that it's a fight against an elf, and yet, why aren't you afraid?

Why don't you hate it?

Aah, as I thought, Saito is given the courage as a familiar huh?

Louise became deeply miserable.

The next day, in the evening......

Standing in front of the gates of Alhambra castle, one of the Gallian army who was standing guard, gave a big yawn. A soldier standing beside him chided him.


“Hmm? Aah......”

“If you don't guard the door properly, we'd be scolded by the commanding officer!”

“Baron Misscoeur? That's all right! He's just an idiot.”

“No, it's not him. It's that un-human guy.”

The yawning soldier shook his head franctically as if his drowsiness was blown away.

“Oi, don't refer to him that lightly! Touch wood...... O Founder Brimir. Please protect my soul......”

“I don't want to be eaten too! That's why I don't speak out his name......But dunno what the heck is wrong today...I went to the streets for to eat during lunchtime, but wine was sold out!”

“Haa? What'cha mean?”

“Someone from somewhere had bought up all the wine in this inn town. B'cuz of that, there weren't any wine no matter which bar you go to. What a joke!”

“That's the only pleasure in the center of this boring desert! Geez, which guy did such a nonsense?”

As the conversation was going on, a cart could be seen coming from ahead on the road to the inn town.

“What's that?”

There were 7 male and female flashy street performers in the cart. The wagon behind was filled with barrels.

In front of the gate, the cart stopped. Pointing their lance at them, the soldiers asked the group.

“Who are you guys?”

A redhead girl dressed in a dancer's costume with a high degree of exposure, bowed down elegantly.

“We are a group of street performers, sir.”

It was Kirche.

“I can see that. This is not some highway.”

“We know that.”

Sexily, Kirche threw a flirtatious glance at them. In an instant, the soldiers became as if entranced by succubus.

“We've come to provide entertainment.”


The soldiers exchanged looks. After that, they realized what the content of those barrels stacked up behind was. One of them approached, and sniffed the smell of the barrels.

“Isn't this wine!?”

Another glared at Kirche with a hateful look.

“The one who bought up all the wine is you all!?”

“That's right.”

Kirche leaned coquettishly onto the soldiers. At Kirche's loveliness, the soldiers' expressions crumbled down pathetically.

“Please don't be angry, handsome misters. We are just doing our best at our living. We've come to tour Sahara, but those stingy elves didn't give us any money at all for our performances.”

“How would elves know what dancing is!?”

The soldiers broke out in laughter.

“Right? That's why we need customers who understand our art. Naturally, going together with wine, right?”

“Got it! You guys didn't just come to buy wine huh? Planning anything funny?”

Those standing in the cart stiffened.

“And to sell dances as well while you're at this. Right?”

With a big smile on her face, Kirche said.

“Exactly! If our wine is slightly more expensive than the one in town, we will provide dancing as a service. How about that?”

“What a nerve this lady has! I like it. I'll help you guys in your business!”

The soldier rushed off to report to his superior officer.

Turning back, Kirche combed her hair back triumphantly. At that brilliant skill, the entire group applauded.