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Line 312: Line 312:
“Jan, what are you talking about?”
“Jean, what are you talking about?”
However, Colbert looked serious.
However, Colbert looked serious.
Line 320: Line 320:
Kirche's expression changed.
Kirche's expression changed.
“Jan! You can't do this!”
“Jean! You can't do this!”
Everyone was astonished at Kirche who had become grave. That is because apart from Kirche, no one else knew about the animosity between Colbert and Agnes.
Everyone was astonished at Kirche who had become grave. That is because apart from Kirche, no one else knew about the animosity between Colbert and Agnes.
Line 368: Line 368:
Louise said in a worrying voice, but Kirche did not even reply.
Louise said in a worrying voice, but Kirche did not even reply.
“......That girl. If you dare to touch even a hair on my Jan, I'll burn all your hair to ashes...”
“......That girl. If you dare to touch even a hair on my Jean, I'll burn all your hair to ashes...”

Revision as of 00:10, 21 July 2009

Chapter Seven- Settlement of the Past

Colbert's strategy turned out well.

Just as they planned, the pursuers from the Royal Palace were under the impression that Saito and the others who had escaped, went aboard the Ostland.

The instant the dragon knights flew into the air swiftly, the Ostland used its amazing speed and crossed the border between Tristain and Germania, fleeing into the territory of the Von Zerbst family.

Disguised whilst changing horses at a station on their journey, after rushing for a day and a half, they arrived at an inn town which was 10 leagues away from the country border.

The members of Tabitha's rescue team were: Saito, Louise, Kirche and Colbert, Guiche, Malicorne, and Montmorency who said a healer was necessary - all seven of them. Because too many of them would attract attention, the rest of the Ondine acted as decoys and boarded the Ostland. Because of her injuries, Tabitha's dutiful sister, Irukukuu, stayed back at the academy.

After this, it would finally be the country border.

The tactic used to cross the country border was already planned. They would sneak into Gallia at night through the sky on the back of Sylphid who was following them from above. They came here on horsebacks because Sylphid whose wounds were still not fully recovered could not stand the weight of all seven of them for a long period of time.

“Compared to Tristain, the danger in Gallia should be less, right?”

Kirche said that. Indeed, they were wanted people in Tristain now, but they would be only seven of the multitude of illegal immigrants in Gallia. As long as they were not captured by anyone there......

“Anyway, I'm hungry! We can't fight if we're hungry.”

Malicorne said that, and the group entered the most trendy inn. In an inn which had many travelers, the customers would not pay attention to Saito and the others who were at a table.

In order to sneak into Gallia, they had each disguised themselves as street performers.

Malicorne, who had raised his hand to call out to the waiter, was in a deep red outer coat, short pants, and pointed wooden shoes - the figure of a clown. He had also carefully colored the lower part of his eyes dark. At his well-matched figure, Saito burst into laughter.


Clad in a merchant's clothes from the “Charming Fairies” Inn, Guiche had affixed a false mustache made from his hair under his nose, and he held some cotton in his cheek with his mouth. Upon doing that, he became a decent sake seller.

Kirche had changed into the costume of a dancer from the east. Wearing a diamond studded circlet on her head, she became a attractive dancer who was not embarrassed no matter where she revealed (her body).

Similarly, Montmorency had changed into a very revealing dancer's costume as well. Because she was restlessly bashful, she looked somewhat suspicious.

Because there was no dancer costume which fitted Louise's body size, she became a plain village girl. Dressed in a dark green dress, her conspicuous pink hair was dyed light brown, hidden underneath a hood. She appeared to be the servant of that group.

Colbert was in a monk's attire. He was supposed to be a preacher traveling alongside them.

Saito had put on a hat with a feather on it. With his gaiters folded up, he carried Derflinger at his back ordinarily. He was said to be a sword dance performer.

This is the way the group of street performers was made up. Their costumes were strangely worn-out, but their appearance as a group heading towards Gallia was successful.

“Why do we have to wear such costumes!?”

Whilst trembling all over, Montmorency said that.

“Won't we be declaring that we are nobles if we were to go there in our usual clothes?”

Guiche said to sooth her down.

“Aren't there any other costumes? I don't want it! People will scrutinize me!”

The drunk customers would stare lustfully at the cloth covering Kirche and Montmorency's breasts, and the bulging out loincloth they were wearing. Having quite a high self-respect, Montmorency could not stand that.

“Revealing my belly button in public is unthinkable! What is this!? Isn't it indecent......?”

“It's all right, once in a while. It matches you!”

Kirche said in a happy-like voice.

“That's because there are pitiful ones no one wants to look at......”

“What is that?? You're talking about me?”

Pulling down her hood, the servant girl, Louise, scowled at Kirche.

“You're quite relaxed huh. We're heading off to save your close friend, and yet you're still playing around?”

“So, if I knit my eyebrows like you and display a difficult face, I would win? If I can win just like that, I will do it as well.”

Gigigigigi Both of them glowered at each other.

“Quarreling? We have to get along together, and we have to succeed as well!”

Saito said that, and Colbert nodded too.

“It is just as Saito-kun said. That's because we're a team. Trivial conflicts can lead to huge cracks. Each of us has to understand that, and act accordingly.”

If Jean says so, I'll do it! Beaming, Kirche leaped into him.

This group of street performers would sneak into Gallia tonight, and head towards the old Orleans mansion.

“If we go there, we should be able to find some clues, huh?”

Munching slices of bread with a huge piece of ham in between, Saito asked Kirche that.

“That child is of a royal family. If she was detained by the royal family, there should be something which implies the same treatment. We would definitely get some information. Besides, if we use our money, there is no news we can't get in the city.”

Kirche who was mysteriously well-rehearsed with such affairs, drunk her wind whilst smiling sweetly. She should be confident in investigating their destination.

For the time being, because there was still more time until night time, Saito and the others rested at the inn. They were tired after rushing for a day and a half.

The group rented a big room with two beds. Kirche quickly slipped into a bed, dragging Colbert along, and started snoring. Simply because they were sharing, Malicorne slipped beside him.

Guiche and Montmorency used the other side. Probably because he was turned on by the dancer figure, Guiche cheerfully extended his hands towards Montmorency, but she brushed his hands away, and pushed him to the opposite site reproachfully.

Louise and Saito sat down, leaning against the wall.

They looked outside the window, and it was still near mid-day. There were still about 6 hours to while away until evening.

“You're not sleeping?”

Louise asked Saito who was sitting next to her.

“Hm? If I was sleepy, I would have fallen asleep. But someone should stand guard, don't you think?”

With a carefree face, Saito said that.

Louise wanted to ask the thing which had been bugging her all this while.

“Why do you go getting yourself involved in something so troublesome? I've said it, right? “I'll find a way for you to get back.” And yet, this time you plan to infiltrate a foreign country? For your information, this means danger beyond a war. If we are found, we are criminals! We don't have the honor, not even the rights as prisoners of war!”

“Because of exactly that, I came back for you.”

“Heeeyyy, I'm fine! Help the one who has been saving us so many times. No matter how you put it, that is the issue I have as a noble.”

“Didn't you stop being a noble?”

“I had only taken down my mantle, my heart is still that of a noble! A noble, that's how my heart is.”

“I'm the same as well.”

“Now I say...aren't you not a human from this world? You would have your own way of thinking!”

Folding his arms, Saito leaned against the wall.

“Be it a noble or commoner, there are different ways of acting as well, aren't there? Helping someone who has helped me. Isn't it natural for humans?”

“That's true, but......”

“That's not all. How do I say it...For whose sake have I fought and persisted this far? It was terrible, but I had fun. Ever since stopping the army of seventy thousand, when I was unconscious, I have been thinking. What can I do? Umm...The olden days...Japan...although that was where I was born, during the time I was there, I never had such a thought.”

Saito looked at Louise from the corner of his eyes.

“That's why, it's all right! I do it because I want to. It is not because I am obliged.”

Louise pondered about it.

She recalled what Derflinger said some time back.

“His courage rising when he hears his master's incantations, is of the same reasoning as a mother beaming when she hears the laughter of her baby. Just like that, he can do it.”

What if Saito's “I want to do something for that someone.” feeling is also because of an idea he has due to being Gandalfr?

The emblem I gave him would probably turn Saito into someone else.

And then, another suspicion.

Siesta's words just now came back to her.

“Isn't that the feeling as a familiar?”

In the prison of the palace, the thing she had been worrying about......

What if it isn't just the courage of plunging directly into danger? What if the “I love you” Saito told me is from him as Gandalfr too?

These two questions swelled within her, squashing her. She didn't want to be confessed to with such feelings. But then, Saito was not wrong at all. It was all because of herself.

Louise became silent and hugged her knees. Because of that, Saito became worried.

“What's wrong? You became quiet suddenly...”


“You were the same in the palace as well. What is it!? Did I offend you?”

“Yeah......Just that every time you showed your courage, I became uneasy.”

Louise closed her eyes, and leaned against Saito. Saito embraced those shoulders.

Whilst looking at those hands on her shoulder, Louise muttered.

“Is it a lie or the truth? How am I supposed to tell......?”

“What are you talking about?”

Louise shook her head.

“......It's nothing. Until night time, let's sleep.”

Saito was shook awake. When he opened his eyes, Kirche was in front of him.

“Now's the time.”

He rubbed his eyes, and noticed that it was already night, without him realizing. Saito became nervous. It's okay, from now on we will be sneaking into Gallia. The people around him had more or less the same feelings as well.

Malicorne who was in his clown costume, was clapping his face.

“What are you doing?”

“I-Increasing my spirit.”

Guiche leaned onto Montmorency's shoulder, and pointed towards the night sky.

“If I failed in my rescue mission and became like one of those shining stars...”

“We will give you a grand funeral.”

After that, Montmorency turned to everyone present and said,

“Although I go with you all for the time being because I'm worried, I won't do anything dangerous! Okay? I've said already. I really don't like these rough stuffs.”

“Okay! I'll try my best to protect you, even with my life!”

Montmorency fixed her eyes dubiously on Guiche who said that while hitting his chest.

“You are the most unreliable one! Sigh...I kept having this bad feeling. Life always prefers to deliver the things humans do not want...”

Whilst complaining, Montmorency inserted her wand in the opening of her dancer's costume.

That premonition of Montmorency's struck ten seconds later.

The group went down the stairs, and realized that somehow the inn was weird. Nobody was there. Lights were extinguished, and the doors were shut.

In general, an inn is a two-storied bar. This inn was not an exception. Wasn't now the busy season? Usually, it was unthinkable for it to be close at such a time.

The group members exchanged glances. Pointing towards the door, Kirche nodded in Guiche's direction. Guiche shook his head, and looked at Malicorne. Malicorne gave a deep bow, and pointed towards Saito.


Saito said that, and everyone nodded.


Whilst resenting his ability a little, Saito opened the door. Giiiiiiiiiiii~~~ The door opened. Outside was already enveloped in darkness. Yet......as they thought, no one was there.

Saito turned back and said,

“......Somehow this feels so weird...”

At that instant, multiple beacon fires lightened up in unison.

Illuminated by the light of the fires, a crowd of soldiers appeared.

“Don't move! We're Her Majesty's Musketeer Corps! Throw away your wands, and give up quietly!”

Sure enough, standing right at the center of the soldiers was the one who was in an exaggerated battle armor - the leader of the Musketeer Corps, Agnes.

Apparently, they had evacuated the customers of this inn town, and had surrounded this area stealthily. An aptness which might be expected of the Musketeer Corps who was accustomed to doing errands behind people's backs.

“Agnes-san! It's me! Please let us off!”

Saito shouted. Nevertheless, within Agnes' face which was shone by the beacon fires, there wasn't any part of it which had the expression he saw in Albion.

With the iron-stiff face of a soldier, she declared coldly.

“I cannot let you all off. It is Her Majesty's order.”

Kirche poked her face out, and said in a breezy voice.

“Oh my. You're great, aren't you? How did you know that we are going to cross the country border on land?”

“If that ship is the head, then this side would be the back. During those times when we fought you mages, we have gotten used to attacking from the back.”

Those decoys won't work! With an attitude as if saying that, Agnes declared.

Agnes raised both her arms. The musketeers raised their rifles simultaneously.

“Please!! Our friend is in trouble! Even if it's you, you would still help your comrades if they were caught, right?”

“Didn't you help us out before this?”

Louise shouted as well. But, Agnes shook her head.

“I've already told you, haven't I? I am Her Majesty's sword. Although I understand how you all feel, an order is still an order. Enough, put down your wands! I do not want to fight you.”

Looks like they did not have anyone else to turn to. Since they were being aimed at by the rifles, Sylphid could not land. When they board her, they would turn into a beehive immediately. Counterattack was out of the question as well. To save Tabitha, they could not injure the Musketeer Corps.

It's all over.

“Let's reduce the musketeers to ashes.”

Kirche said readily. Saito shook his head.


“How about trying to drop their rifles with my Wind magic?”

“If you like, I can use my Earth magic to grab their ankles to immobilize them.”

Guiche and Malicorne said that. Montmorency warned them,

“You guys better stop. We don't know how many people they have. It's probably more than what we can see.”

“I agree with Miss Montmorency's view. It is likely that there are more soldiers positioned in between houses and on the dark alleys, surrounding us,”

Colbert said while nodding.


In a small voice, Colbert pointed instructed everyone of them.

“I'll construct a wall with my Fire magic. Within that time, you guys leave on the wind dragon!”


“Jean, what are you talking about?”

However, Colbert looked serious.

“Agnes-dono will be shaken the moment she sees me. We should be able to earn a little time.”

Kirche's expression changed.

“Jean! You can't do this!”

Everyone was astonished at Kirche who had become grave. That is because apart from Kirche, no one else knew about the animosity between Colbert and Agnes.

As if admonishing Kirche, Colbert said.

“We have no choice but to do this.”

“I'll stay behind as well. I'll talk to that commanding officer of the Musketeer Corps properly.”

“I thought no one else knows Miss Tabitha's mansion apart from you? You all go to Gallia, and save her at all cost!”

Being told that, Kirche became silent. She then nodded with a bitter look.

“Wait teacher! Although I don't really get it, we cannot just let teacher do that!”

Saito shouted angrily as well. Colbert shook his head.

“Enough, leave this to me and leave now!”

Pushing Saito aside, Colbert went out of the door.

Agnes looked stunned for a moment. Not wasting that opportunity, Colbert whistled. Sylphid who had been waiting for them at the sky landed.

The moment Sylphid landed, Colbert recited the spell for the “Fire Wall”.

From the ground, torrents of flames surged up, and created a wall between Sylphid and Agnes.


“Now, let's go!”

Kirche pulled Saito who was roaring, by his arm. Malicorne who had gone on ahead of them, casted a wind magic on Saito, and brought him up as well. Following that, Kirche jumped on as well.

“Go! Sylphid!”

Kyui! With a purr, Sylphid flew up. In the blink of an eye, for the first time, Colbert, Agnes and the rest of the musketeers' figures became small.

In a hurt voice, Saito said,

“Damn it, not even Agnes would help us. Will you be all right......teacher?”

Casually looking at Kirche, Saito held his breath. Kirche's demeanor was one that would not lose its carefree-ness no matter what. But at that moment, biting her lips strongly, a fire-like fury was on her face.


Louise said in a worrying voice, but Kirche did not even reply.

“......That girl. If you dare to touch even a hair on my Jean, I'll burn all your hair to ashes...”

Noticing the ascending Sylphid, Agnes returned to her senses. The next thing which came out of her, was the order to shoot.


The musketeers who had readied their rifles, pulled their triggers at once.

In the night sky, gunshot sounds echoed.

However......Sylphid had already rose too high up, and the bullets could not reach her. Within the thick gunpowder fume which hang about in the air, Agnes was stunned.

She had shot at her friends.

She had shot at the student whom she taught swordsmanship.

She was ordered to “Capture them!” but......obviously there was no intention to kill. She did not intend to seriously capture them. And yet, she had given the order to shoot immediately......

It can't be helped, Agnes shook her head. I am a soldier. Carrying out orders faithfully is the meaning of existence given to me.

Above that......this guy.

For Agnes, above her duties, there was but one other thing which was close to her heart.


Agnes scowled at Colbert loathfully.

[Translator's note: All the "you" Agnes direct towards Colbert is the well-known "kisama", which loosely means "you bastard"]

“You're alive? I thank God. Because I was thinking that you had died, I had lost the meaning of carrying on with life. Well then, let's settle this properly. Draw your staff!”

But, Colbert did not ready his wand. Poinkk He threw it away, and sat down.

“What's wrong! Pick up your wand!”

“Please kill me. My lady has the right to do so.”

“What did you say!?”

Agnes lost her tongue.

“Although my lady has shot at my students, I do not hate you. I understand that because I am a soldier as well. Just now, didn't you said it, Agnes-dono? ‘I am Her Majesty's sword.’ I am the same too. I was the kingdom's wand. If I was given the order to ‘reduce everything to ashes,’ I would carry it out faithfully. I had always been thinking that that is the way for righteous nobles.”


“But, my lady's village......no, when I burned those innocent people to ashes, I felt that it was wrong. That's because I am a human being before being ‘the kingdom's wand.’ No matter what reason it could be, there is no way that burning innocent people is all right. Be it an order or whatever it is, this is not something permissible.”

“Enough, pick up your wand!”

“I devoted myself to research. I thought that bringing happiness to many people on my own is an atonement I can do. No...saying ‘atonement’ is prideful. This is my ‘responsibility.’ For me, devotedly serving the living people in this world is my ‘responsibility.’ That's because even if I were to choose to die, I cannot be forgiven as well.”

“You bastard, you think that by devotedly serving the world, your sins would disappear? You're saying that by serving this world, me, my family, and my friends' sorrow would clear up!?”


“It would not be able to. There is no way it would clear up. My sins will not disappear. They will never disappear. Sins are like that. Because of that, I offer my life to you. Although it is prideful for me to choose my death...the only one who can decide my death is here. It's my lady. As the sole survivor of the village, my lady holds the right to kill me as a consolation for the others.”

Agnes closed her eyes.

After that, krrk She opened her eyes, and approached Colbert in long strides. With his eyes open, Colbert kept staring ahead.

Agnes raised her sword overhead, but Colbert still did not close his eyes.

The sword flashed.

However......blood did not splatter upwards. The thing Agnes cut apart, was the priest's clothing Colbert was wearing. The back of his neck was slashed at, and the nape of his neck could be seen.

The scar of a burn wound could be seen on it.

Agnes' memories traced back 20 years ago.

In the blazing village......she was carried by someone on his shoulder.

It was a man who had an ugly scar of a burnt wound at his neck.

When she came to, she was at a beach, wrapped in blanket, sleeping.

That man had saved her. Was it on a whim? Or is it awareness of his sins? She still did not know that until now.

The only thing she knew was......the one who had burned down her village, and the one who had saved her, was the man in front of her now. “What an irony,” Agnes murmured.

She had grown accustomed to asking herself why she was saved.

But at this moment, whatever.

While sheathing her sword, Agnes told him in a low voice.

“It was 129 people. REMEMBER. You, serve humans ten times...no, a hundred times of that amount.”

With a sorrowful expression, Colbert shook his head.

“It was 131 people.”


“Two lives in a pregnant woman.”

Agnes looked up to the sky.

The two moons were covered by the clouds, and could not be seen. Deep darkness was the only thing enshrouding the sky.

“I will never forgive you. No matter how many times I would be reincarnated, I will abhor you. But......vengeance is a chain. A chain which would extend forever if it is not severed somewhere by someone. If I kill you, your students would probably hate me, and would never forgive me. Jan Colbert. That's why, be grateful to your students! Because I have cut the chains today, here.”

Agnes jerked Colbert's chin.

“Come! If I don't at least bring you back, I cannot account to Her Majesty.”

Colbert stood up, and gave Agnes a deep bow. At that state, both of them did not move for a while. The members of the Musketeer Corps were perfectly still as well.

After a while, Agnes started walking. Colbert walked out as well.

“You are not arresting me?”

“I don't think you would run away.”

Whilst walking, Agnes said in a stiff voice,

“I can understand what you said. That is what is called a good soldier. One who responds just like a puppet when orders come. Just now, I shot at the student whom I had taught swordsmanship. When I realized, I had already given the order to shoot. Whether it hits them or not is not the issue. I had attacked my student, my friends. Your words, I have really understood them.”

Tears welled up and overflowed from Agnes' eyes. The iron lady, commanding officer of the Musketeer Corps, let her tears flow in front of everyone.

“I can't forgive the me who understood what you said.”

The Musketeer Corps and Colbert walked towards the carriage prepared for their journey towards Tristania.

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