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===Chapter 9: Two Canes, One Crown===
Two days after Julio brought Josette out of Saint Margerita's Convent...
Julio convent away from Shengmajialie Qiao Site after it has been two days ......
Charlotte, the Gallian Queen, a.k.a. Tabitha, was looking over the newly constructed palace with her ministers.
Lutèce in the capital of Galia, Galia Queen Charlotte, which is Tabitha is leading courtiers who looked up with immediate completion of their new palace "New Grand Troyes."
The dark evening sky cast a gloomy atmosphere over the majestic palace, but it was not enough to cover the exquisite beauty of the jade noble emblem.
Now comes the moment of the evening, the magnificent palaces have gradually been shrouded in darkness. Even so, a symbol of the royal palace built of bluestone still show that the vibrant beauty.
Isabella who was beside Tabitha exclaimed, "The palace looks even more beautiful than before!"
Tabitha stood beside Isabella issued a praise.
Barberini, the Gallian Prime Minister on the other side of Tabitha said, "That's because the palace will be heralding the coming of the new Queen. How could we do that with the old palace!"
"Looks spectacular than before it."
Isabella simply shot Barberini a glare and ignored him.
Barberini was extremely familiar with various age-old and modern ceremonies so he was in charge of the garden party four days later to celebrate the coronation of the new Queen of Gallia. The reception party, party seats, dinner menu, and even the schedule of the one week long party and ball was so flawlessly orchestrated by his own hand that even the Gallian nobles who were picky about details were unable to find fault with it.
Respond to these feelings instead of Tabitha who was beside her prime minister 巴里贝利尼 cardinals. He nodded with satisfaction, began.
Even though this person was extremely capable, Isabella did not trust the Prime Minister from Romalia.
"After all, you want to meet the new Majesty, how can the same level as before it."
His extremely cautious ways of doing things was exactly what made Isabella raise her guard. As his ability was anything but ordinary, she couldn't let her guard down, otherwise this country would be overtaken by him under her nose.
Isabella just look 巴里贝利尼 one, did not respond. She does not trust the prime minister from Romania.
However, if they lost Romalia's aid Tabitha's coronation would be out of their reach, so they could not refuse him. Also, if they really did that the monasteries and disciples of the entire country would revolt against Tabitha.
Indeed he is very set. Scheduled for four days later ascended the throne held to celebrate the Queen Charlotte new garden party, is responsible for arranging by him. 巴里贝利尼 on ancient and modern celebrations are familiar with, regardless of who is invited to attend, the venue seats, dinner menus, and even held for almost an entire week's garden party itinerary adjustments to the playbill dance until he impeccably done. Even for such a very high standard of liturgical act Gallic nobles are unable to find places picky, it is a very great work wrist.
Now Isabella did not know if Tabitha shared her concerns, as she was simply gazing blankly at the new palace. What the palace looked like was perhaps meaningless to her.
However, his performance of the kind of leak, but let Isabella find objectionable. Precisely because he was quite good, so it can not be taken lightly. A poor country might turn into the consequences of being usurped.
Just then the church bell rang, signalling that it was six o'clock. Isabella sighed and turned to the ministers.
However ...... If you do not help Romania is impossible to organize Tabitha's throne ceremony. With this in mind, it does not bring him back to the country to go. If they make that kind of action, will cause Tabitha and national antagonism between the monastery and the believers.
"Everyone, now it is time for Her Majesty to enjoy her dinner!"
Do not know who is not aware of the Queen Isabella Tabitha have these inner struggle, I saw she was staring blankly new palace. But no matter how the appearance of the palace, and she must have felt indifferent.
Put in other words, they can leave.
At this time, six in the evening came the chapel bell. Isabella exposing relieved expression, turned to face the courtiers.
Tabitha normally took her dinner with Isabella and her mother. Of course there was also her familiar, Sylphid.
"So, ladies and adults, followed by His Majesty's dinner."
The ministers and nobles looked at Tabitha expectantly, hoping that Her Majesty would entertain their request for a dinner with them that night. However, except for the two persons and one familiar, nobody had the opportunity to eat with the Queen.
This is equivalent to inform you that the declaration may be dissolved courtiers. Tabitha always and Isabella, and his mother, a total of three people dining together. There is also a person not a member.
Seeing the dumb looks on the ministers' faces, Isabella bowed to Tabitha and left early.
That is Tabitha servitor Greek children Philippine flowers.
Madame Orleans was waiting for her daughter and her niece in the old dining place. She revealed a smile as she saw Isabella pull Tabitha into the room.
In addition, no one has to get this award can not Hu.
"Come on, sit down, my dear daughter and Isabella. They've prepared mixed fruit salad with beef today. Oh, doesn't that smell great?"
Is there any chance this evening to get invited to do? Ministers and nobles to fill the looks on their faces looking at Tabitha. And Isabella did not bother them, she respectfully Tabitha line of a ceremony, and then the first left the scene.
Seeing that Tabitha and Isabella took their places beside Madame Orleans, Percerin immediately poured Happoshu (T/L: Japanese sparkling wine drunk before a meal) into their glasses.
Madame Orleans' past beauty was slowly recovering; even though it was slow, it was undeniable. After drinking Happoshu, the three noble ladies began to chat. The one who started the conversation was always Madame Orleans. The conversations were very simple, like what dramas were popular in the city, without a trace of politics or deep rumors.
Sylphid also joined in frequently with her trademark "Chiu, chiu..."
During these times Isabella would feel herself purged of her wrongdoings and sins; without those, Tabitha felt just like a irreplaceable sister to her.
That was... a feeling she had when she was a child.
Now, Isabella was a secret aide to Tabitha to help consolidate Tabitha's position as the new monarch.
"Hey, Helene."
Unknowing, Sylphid had already collapsed on the table, snoring in a drunken stupor. Isabella took the opportunity to call out Tabitha's nickname while everyone was quiet. In front of the ministers she called Tabitha "Your Majesty"; but in private she preferred to be more intimate, like their childhood times.
"I don't think letting Barberini take care of so many important things is a good idea."
Tabitha shook her head.
"It's just the tip of the iceberg."
In other words, it was a gimmick that would keep him away from the core. Isabella nodded after she heard Tabitha. The garden party arrangement seemed important, but it was nothing of central political importance.
"Okay then. Also, I was thinking of sending the 'knights' to spy on him. What do you think?"
Used in a fixed palace restaurant, as a mother Orleans Lady is Yanyinqipan her daughter and niece to come. Walk into a room to see Tabitha and Isabella, Mrs. Orleans smile.
Considering it for a moment, Tabitha nodded her agreement.
"Come on come two girls, quickly seated right. Today's dish is your favorite fruit sauce with veal Oh ye Smell, smell drifted even come here, right?"
"Thank you."
Tabitha and his wife Isabella were in New Orleans on both sides to sit down. Pell Islamic housekeeper came immediately in front of them, filling the cup to drink sparkling wine before dinner.
Actually, Isabella had already placed a few eyes onto Barberini's side. Everyone that had been to his place, every letter, and even the menu of his dinner was at Isabella's fingertips.
Although progress is slow, however Orleans Mrs. surely recover gradually in the past beauty. When the three noble sparkling wine moisten the throat of women after they have gradually relaxed tone up. Responsible for the continuous mention of the topic is Orleans lady, she rarely let the conversation covering political context, reference is also not talked about what the past too deep things. Usually in the chat was happening in some towns, or like opera and other topics.
Even though there was not any suspicious activity, she could not afford to let him go past her nose easily. As the leader of the North Garden Knights, Isabella was well accustomed to the antics behind the scenes in Romalia. Since they had been ruling the world as the main church of Founder Brimir for thousands of years, their power could not be underestimated.
As for Greek children Philippine flowers, always play her best at tongued, chirp chirp babble babble to arguing forever ......
"Hmm? What are you girls discussing?"
This time, took Isabella who like flesh-like hatred and inferiority. Once these feelings disappeared without a trace, Isabella involuntarily feel Tabitha is no substitute for her sister.
Hearing such care from her aunt, Isabella shook her head.
Just a kid ...... she really so identified as that period.
"Nothing, Auntie."
In the dark and consolidate auxiliary Zuotapasuo her throne - to now, Isabella has that to do so is their mission.
Since few weeks before, Isabella had been viewing her aunt as her mother, so Isabella couldn't bear to let her worry.
"That, Elaine, I can talk to you about it?"
While Madame Orleans also treated Isabella and Tabitha equally.
I do not know when, drunk Greek children Philippine flowers already lying on the table and fell asleep. Estimate the topic almost come to an end, Isabella's middle name to Tabitha call her. Although the minister in front of Isabella always called Tabitha as "Your Majesty," never behave as courtiers than the attitude of origin, but in this type of private occasions, usually in early childhood, like Isabella, to Tabitha's middle name "Elaine" to call her.
"Any way, congratulations on the upcoming garden party."
"About 巴里贝利尼 things, will not give him too much important work? I think that does not seem appropriate."
Madame Orleans said nonchalantly while quietly stuffing food into Tabitha's mouth.
Isabella is to say, Tabitha on shook his head.
"I only put on the surface of the work to him."
"Mother, do you still not want to go to the party?"
Madame Orleans shook her head.
"Sorry, but I don't wish to participate in such social activities anymore."
She mean, did not intend to let 巴里贝利尼 handling core business. Hear Tabitha's answer, Isabella nodded. Indeed, humor ceremony planning though eye-catching, however, did not involve national policy hub.
Tabitha stopped, looking a little disappointed. Tabitha, who was normally expressionless in front of her ministers, would reveal her true feelings in front of her intimate family.
"It's that good. Also, I would like to send" knight "to expand on his monitor, you can do it?"
Seeing her daughter like this, Madame Orleans took Tabitha's hand.
Tabitha, after considering a while, nodded in agreement.
"Because, even without me, you can still take care of the visitors perfectly!"
Although Isabella simply said "thank you", but in fact she has 巴里贝利尼 arranged around several men. Whether traveling 巴里贝利尼 house guests visit, he sent a letter, and even the contents of dinner, Isabella has mastered a clear picture.
Tabitha nodded her head once. "Un."
In short, there is not anything around him noticed suspicious. However, do not take it lightly. Responsible for steering the Knights of the North Parterre Isabella is very well known in Rome at the bright side and the dark side of Leah. The reason they can teach Wembley Mill Center institutions stand domination of the world for thousands of years, will have its genius.
I will protect this mother and daughter— Every time she was touched by such a heart-warming scene during dinner, Isabella would swear in her heart.
"Oh? Was not there and what things make you worry?"
After dinner, Tabitha came to the newly built Grand Troyes Palace and entered her quarters.
Asked by gentle tone heard aunt, Isabella shook his head.
"Fuuaah... my stomach's so full, Sylphid will go to bed now!"
Sylphid reached a corner of the room, laid down on a pile of clothes and slept soundly.
"Nothing, aunt adults."
On the bed, the gown brought by the maid servants during the day was strewn across the bed.
Not let this aunt worry. These few weeks, the aunt Isabella had already deemed her mother's love. Orleans lady, too, her attitude towards Isabella, and treat Tabitha is no different.
During the garden party, Tabitha would have to change a set of clothes every morning, afternoon and night. Made by professional tailors of the country, the beautiful gown laid out for the Queen was waiting to be worn.
"Your throne will soon be held to celebrate the carnival of it."
Tabitha took one of the clothes and held it before herself. It was a lacy dress, covered in infinite minuscule holes, allowing others to take a glimpse of the body underneath. However, important parts were still covered decently.
Orleans with his wife seemed unrelated to the tone of the meal in front silently into the mouth of Tabitha said.
Tabitha felt a little worried whether her little body would fit the wonderfully designed dress.
"Mother, you still do not want to attend the adults do?"
"Why would I be worrying about this?"
Tabitha muttered back to ask, I saw Orleans lady shook her head.
When she realised the reason, Tabitha's face went red. She picked up the list of delegates from the table. Her eyes stopped at the last name of the delegates from the Tristain empire.
"I have not appeared in public, and ask you to forgive me."
"The Tristain Minister of Diplomatic Relations-cum-Vice Commander of the Knight Corps of the Water Spirit, Saito De Hiraga Des Ornières.
Tabitha stopped a little lonely meal movements. While in front of her courtiers always deadpan, but when the family came here and ride, Tabitha has become initially exhibit desirable age reactions.
Maybe he was appointed as one of delegates because of his relation with her before in the academy. His name had also become longer so he seemed to have been awarded a land title.
See her daughter like this, Orleans Lady hand holding a Tabitha's hand.
What kind of land was it?
"Even as a mother I was not there, you must also be able to demonstrate in front of foreign guests extraordinary magnanimity manners."
The kind with a mansion?
Tabitha nodded.
What kinds of crops do they have there, and what about the people there?"
- I want to protect the mother and child.
Also, Louise who has a perpetually sour face was also living with him, right?
Whenever feel the warmth of the atmosphere at dinner time, Isabella always so determined.
Tabitha imagined Saito's new residence, Des Ornières, which she has never seen before.
"I could finally see him again."
She felt that ages had past since their last meeting at the Lelion river. Then, she had agreed to put on the crown under the urgings of the fake Saito.
Tabitha bore a deep grudge over that incident, so she tried not to think of Saito...
However, the thought of meeting him in a few days time made her uncontrollably happy.
He already had a lover, and her name also appeared on the list. She was Tabitha's friend, also someone she respected deeply, even though she did not approve of the way she treated Saito.
"I could just dance with him for one song."
Right, a dance.
With him.
Dancing with delegates of other countries is also one of the aspects in diplomatic relations, so it was something extremely ordinary no matter how one sees it.
What should she wear then?
The lace net gown came into her vision again. Tabitha held it up with both of her hands, staring at it.
After making sure that Sylphid was fast asleep, Tabitha soundlessly took off all her clothes and put on the gown.
After dinner, Tabitha already completed the construction of large Troyes Palace, back to his room.
"Call ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eat well enough, and that the Greek children Philippine I want to sleep chirp! Her Majesty the Queen!"
Naturally, as Tabitha had expected, the gown fit her snugly. Her inner clothing were exposed through the minuscule holes.
Greek children Philippine flowers to be placed in the corner of the room piled blankets, just lie down and fell fast asleep issued opinions on the sound.
What kind of underwear did the designer have in mind while he was designing the gown? It probably was not the kind worn in the bedroom.
As Tabitha's bed, you can see during the day by a female officer sent all kinds of clothing are being haphazardly piled in there.
Ascended the throne after the start of the carnival celebrations, Tabitha every morning, afternoon and evening have to be put on different clothing. Prepared by the domestic first-class tailor gorgeous dress, is quietly waiting for the owner to wear them.
Tabitha's cheeks flushed as she sunk deeper into her imagination.
Tabitha picked up one of them. This is one covered with tiny hollow lace dress, originally Tabitha think this is likely to be emptied, but the focus of this design yet partially obscured very well.
"I've become a strange person."
Always felt that most of them are more avant-garde clothing, let Tabitha could not help but worry that these clothes are yet to develop their own body.
Shaking her head, she took up another gown. This was sewn with black glossy cloth with a beautiful dark glow, but it was far more modest.
- Why worry about it?
However, after she put it on Tabitha noticed that the gown fitted her body tightly at the part above her thighs, sketching the curve of her body line, showing her immature figure clearly for all to see. If she were to enter the ballroom like that, any further imagination of her dance partner was sure to be crushed.
Aware of the reasons, the Tabitha's cheeks flush infected.
But... maybe Saito liked this kind of body shape. After all, just by looking at Louise's body no one would think that she had anything to show off at all.
She picked up on the small table on the file, it is the power of the attendance list Halkeginia countries. See Tory Sting is written in the name of the Kingdom of the list of the final surface, Tabitha narrowed his eyes.
Either way, she didn't need to care so much about that.
- Kingdom of Tristain diplomat and Knight Corps of the Water Spirit vice captain, trainee knight · only people Saito de Hiraga des Ornières.
Thinking about this, Tabitha smiled softly.
The reason why he was appointed diplomat ...... is probably based on his own in college and cultivate friendship, it would make this decision now. Moreover, his name is also longer, probably gained territory reward it.
"Now, I should be... very happy."
That's how it kind of territory?
Even though her position as the Queen made her uneasy, the Gallian nobles were capable and powerful, so even though there was an exchange in power, the country had not dissolved into ruin. Also, living here with her family made her feel safe and warm. Tabitha felt that the happy feelings of home were starting to return.
There lords do with the mansion?
Romalia was still an unknown variable, but currently they had made no obvious moves.
What kind of crops planted, what kind of people live it?
Also she was going to meet her sweetheart, Saito, in a few days time.
Also, the easy temper of Louise and he also lived together?
She might even get to dance with him.
Tabitha imagine that it has not yet seen his only human habitation des Ornières regions.
Just as a smile blossomed on Tabitha's face, her father's face flashed through her mind.
- You can see that person.
And her uncle's face.
Tabitha always felt, in Coleraine river one after the other has been a long time never meet. Then they have been encouraged only person counterfeit, and finally evolved into the throne must be the result.
Misscoeur, who tortured her countless times.
Really can not forgive that because of their negligence, so try not to think about before Tabitha thing ...... but once people can meet again, joy was overshadowed everything.
And also the generals and soldiers who sacrificed their lives at the Lelion river.
He already has a lover on the list also says that the girl's name Yu. The girl, Tabitha also hold a friendship and respect between friends of Italy, but only one way to treat her so much that seems to be wrong Tabitha.
Tabitha also thought of Lieutenant Bart, who always waved at her from the deck after completing his mission, and that commander with a sunburned face; but they were not in this world anymore.
Even've got that kind of girl ......
Her calm and happy life was built on the sacrifices of those nobles and soldiers who fought in that war for the throne; and that fact was like a frigid gust sneaking past a crack in the windowpane, chilling her heart.
- Just a dance should be right?
"Happiness is too much of a luxury to me."
Tabitha sank into such an emotional mud pit.
Just then a knocking sound came from the window.
Dance one.
The window?
And his country diplomat diplomatic dance together ...... this is a ring, completely unable to find any wonderful place.
Would it just be a trick of the wind? That thought flashed through Tabitha's mind. The curtains were too thick for her to see what was going on outside. However, the outside of the window was the balcony, so that would not be a problem.
Then what should we do to wear yourself?
Maybe it was Sylphid? But it was still snoring in the corner of the room.
Just that piece dress with lace woven hollow greet Tabitha's eyes. She brought that dress with both hands, carefully watching.
Bang, bang...
Determine the Greek children were sleeping after Philippine flowers, Tabitha snuck off original clothing, try to wear that dress.
The noise came again. There was unmistakably someone outside banging the window. Tabitha gripped the staff beside her bed.
Sure enough, as she expected, that dress stretched over the whole body, but also to be able to see through those hollow beneath underwear shape.
Tabitha did not arrange for personal guards, because she had something that was more useful than personal guards. Also, the personal guards themselves were something that might threaten her safety.
This dress dressmaker, in the end is based on what kind of underwear worn premise, it will be designed this clothing? This ...... Yes, that will not be in the bedroom, dressed in costume, right?
Sneaking to the window, Tabitha queitly pulled the curtains apart.
Bedroom ......
At the other side of the window... was herself. [[File:ZnT17-177.jpg|thumb]]
Imagine here, Tabitha could not help but cheeks flushed.
For a moment there, Tabitha thought that it was her reflection; but she immediately noticed something different.
"I'm really strange."
The other her on the other side of the window was wearing different clothes.
Tabitha shook his head and picked up the next one dress. This is a shining black glossy by the beautiful dresses made of cloth, so that pieces than before she felt normal a little.
The same ice blue hair, the same glasses, the person could have been her own duplicate... The word "Skirni" flashed through her mind, that was a puppet that could shape shift into a person after sucking their blood.
However, the actual wear but let Tabitha after surprise. Because this dress is designed to make use of more than one part of the thigh close to the body, so the body lines of the whole at a glance. In this way, it will lay it to show their body. The pair looks like no two children figure, the object is sure to make dance disillusioned.
It could also be a golem...
But ...... but maybe that person likes this type. After all, even then how kind words, Louise is difficult to say that she is also excellent condition.
However, Tabitha understood that the person standing at the other side was a body of human flesh and blood.
...Who was it?
Judging, perhaps he does not need to be too concerned about.
Me? She thought.
Thought here, Tabitha smiled gently.
The strong revelation robbed Tabitha of her warrior's intuition. She noticed too late that someone had opened the window beside her and entered the room.
- I am very happy now ...... is not it?
Someone gripped her staff, making Tabitha turn reflexively.
As the queen naturally feel uneasy. However Galia courtiers talent, even if the change of kings also began to function without any problem. Spend with family life is full of warm, let Tabitha gradually recall the past with joy.
Left and right eyes of different colour respectively— it was Julio.
Although we can not be complacent against Romania, but so far the other side is not too obvious intervention.
Tabitha aimed a kick at Julio's abdomen, but Julio twisted his body and dodged. He then used a cloth to cover Tabitha's face.
Plus ...... still see ...... perhaps be regarded as his sweetheart.
There was sleeping potion on the cloth, Tabitha noticed before collapsing on the bed.
Even danced one should also be able to achieve the expectations.
Hearing that sound, Sylphid finally woke up and saw Julio standing there and Tabitha who had collapsed. She ran hastily to them.
When Tabitha was about to smile bursting out joy of that moment ......
"What happened! What did you do to Onee-sama!"
Father's face suddenly from her mind flashed.
After that, Sylphid noticed someone else entering the room from the window and stopped.
There uncle's face.
"Eh? There is another Onee-sama..."
Let yourself suffer several large Miao hereby Mi Te Nilun.
Julio calmly walked towards Sylphid and placed his right hand on its shoulder. Then, the runes on his hand glowed.
As well as in Coleraine Riverside soldiers killed ......
Kyui... kyui...
Resolved before the event, was on deck waving Villair against his lieutenant, as well as commander of the sunburnt faces, are also in the minds of eleven Tabitha emerge. They have all left the dead.
"Anyhow, you're a 'beast', right, Rhyme dragon familiar?
Wang Jicheng in that Gallic nobles lost their lives in the war with the soldiers.
I'm also a familiar, called Windalfr; I can control 'beasts' like you. So..."
Seeing Julio place the sleeping Tabitha and Sylphid on the bed, the girl who looked like Tabitha said timidly, "Onee-san, what is this..."
Tabitha recall your life this steady and serene, in fact, built on top of their deaths. This fact drilled from the window just as the cold wind blowing in the slot, so that Tabitha's heart gradually frozen.
"She is the daughter of the person who locked you up in that place."
They really can enjoy the happiness you ......
Josette looked at the girl who had collapsed.
While Tabitha into this question when they can not escape.
The face was what she saw in the mirror yesterday.
The room has windows sounded banging sound caused.
After Julio brought her outside, Josette followed him into a monastery and obeyed his instructions to take off her necklace.
After that... she felt as if her face was released from some spell; her hair was also glowing. After seeing herself in the mirror, Josette was shocked to see that her face was not the same as before.
The wind outside is in mischief do? Tabitha brain flashed such thoughts. Heavy curtains have been drawn, from the direction of her situation could not see out the window. But ...... I remember the window does have a balcony.
A spell was placed on you to change your face and hair— that was what Julio said to her.
Tabitha thought it was the Greek children Philippine flowers, but she still nest in the corner of the room to sleep soundly.
The face in the mirror yesterday and the face of the sleeping girl were from the same mould, impossible to differentiate.
Buttoned ......
Voice sounded again. Not wrong, there are certainly people banging on the window glass. Tabitha hand grip to stand at the bedside wand. She did not arrange guard at his side, this is because the Tabitha himself more powerful than a normal guard; On the other hand, the security itself would endanger the possibility of her not low.
Tabitha quietly near a window, keep quiet breath and opened the curtains to.
Standing on the other side of the windowpane people ...... himself.
Tabitha thought it was released out of the self-reflection of the window, but immediately noticed wrong place.
Each other's clothes are different. Moreover, the man standing on the other side of the window frame.
The same with each other and their own blue hair and glasses, just like their own appearance ...... let Tabitha for a moment thought it was "Shijinier" - absorbed into the blood and blood after the owner can change the appearance exactly Magic dolls.
Or Gelei Mu ......
However, Tabitha quite understand each other without a doubt one's own flesh and blood human beings.
...... Who?
Strongly shaken took Tabitha intuition as a fighter, so when the side windows were open, slipped into the room with personal video, her reaction has been a step slow.
After being caught by others felt wand, Tabitha reflexively looked back.
Dark colors appear different left and right of the pupil bimonthly.
That's what Julio.
"...... You ......"
"Although I understand the night with these noble women to come to your house to ask to visit, is a very offensive behavior ......"
Tabitha turned, trying fiercely towards Julio belly kick. However, Julio has flashed her a sideways attack, then put a cloth down to the tower posts Lufthansa face.
Piece of cloth had been dripping sleeping pills in advance, Tabitha whole person collapsed to the ground.
Then the loud noise, he let the Greek children Philippine flowers woke up.
Noting Julio standing and lying on the ground Tabitha, she frantically rushed over.
"What happened out ...... chirp! Your big sister ......"
The next moment, the Greek children Philippine flower clearly see that the shadows from the window into the room, could not help but stop in her tracks.
"Hey ...... how there is another big sister ......?"
Julio calmly towards the Greek children Philippine flowers, put his right hand into her shoulder. Then, back on the runes began to glow loon.
"Saying it, you are also animals do, as the magic of rhyme dragon."
"Chirp ...... chirp babble ......"
Greek children Philippine flowers like a frozen body like that could not move.
"I will be the devil, called Wendao Fu, able to manipulate like you" animal. "Well ......"
Julio past the sleeping child Philippine Tabitha and the Greek duo into the bed. Have the same appearance and Tabitha against Julio girl sheepishly asked.
"Big Brother, which in the end ......"
"She's put you imprisoned in that monastery guy's daughter."
Qiao Site gazing girl lying on the ground.
Yesterday, in front of the people have their own looks in the mirror and seen. Follow Julio left his monastery ...... Qiao Site was taken to a room monasteries.
After getting there, he asked himself won the necklace, and he is obedient to do so.
Results ...... kind of like the feeling of open rope being drawn from Qiao Site's face and hair swept ...... also began to glow. Let Qiao Site mirror after a surprise, because it has a completely different face, and in the past.
"You are changing the appearance of magic." Julio told her.
Last night saw the face in the mirror. Now, just this unconscious girl's face. Two faces exactly the same can be said, completely unable to find different place.
- This is my real appearance?
But ...... Jost do not think this is his face. Even a beautiful bright blue hair, she inexplicably felt inadequate.
And what place is?
Riding Julio wind dragon come to this place ...... surfaced in the moonlight this building can be said to be enormous, magnificent, and almost beyond Qiao Site perfect imagination.
For only know Shengmajialie her convent, here is simply fantasy kingdom.
So, living in this place, and the girls themselves have the same appearance, but in the end is ......
"Imprisoned me up?"
"This is what I look like." However, reality had a severe lack of realism; the iridescent ice blue hair colour made even her uncomfortable.
Also, where was she?
She rode Julio's wind dragon to this place... it was a building encased in moonlight, unimaginably huge, majestic and beautiful.
For Josette who had only known Saint Margarita's Convent, this was like dreamland.
As for the girl who lived here, who had the exact same face as her, who was she...
"I was imprisoned?"
Julio nodded.
Julio nodded.
"You are this high Luwang Guo royals ...... correct to say that you are now the daughter of the late Duke of Orleans, while the girl ...... is your twin sister."
"You're royalty of the Gallian Empire... or more correctly, you are the daughter of the deceased Des Orleans Charles. And she is... your twin sister."
The Gallian Empire?
Gao Lu Wangguo?
The royal family?
Impossible things continued to tumble out of Julio's mouth. Josette suddenly remembered what the sisters said in the convent.
Julio's mouth uttered after another incredible statement. Qiao Site to recall your stay in the convent and the other girls had talked with the topic: Actually, I was certain aristocratic bastard ......
"I am an abandoned child of a noble..."
"I can not believe I'm actually a member of the royal family Galia ......"
"I cannot believe it. I am some royalty of the Gallian Empire."
Qiao Site that surrounds Shengmajialie monastery surrounding land, all belong to a kingdom called Galia. Also know where the kings and nobles of people called to rule ......
The land around Saint Margarita's Convent belonged to this empire called Gallia. There, should be the place where someone called the king or nobles lived... the thing that was downright unbelievable was that she was born into the family that governed the entire empire.
However, she is really hard to believe that he was born at the top of the monarchs of his family ......
"My twin sister..."
"And sometimes can not believe the response is, of course, but this is a fact."
Josette took a glimpse at Tabitha's face. This was the first time she saw her own family... but there was no recollection in her heart.
"My twin sister ......"
"Then, what do you want?"
Qiao Site gazing Tabitha face. Although this is the first one to see her loved ones ...... but inside did not have any feeling. The only impression is this: "Is that right?"
"Actually, it's not much anyway. You, from this day on, will be the ruler of the Gallian Empire."
"That, then in the end how to do?"
His words, like making up a joke, made Josette freeze. However, this was not a joking matter as there was no hint of playfulness in Julio's eyes.
"Nor how to do. Starting today, you will want to be this high Luwang Guo queen."
"I am a ruler? Impossible! Anyhow, if I'm Queen, what will happen to that girl? This would be my big sister..."
Qiao Site originally wanted Jiaozhu Leo Freeze joke, but her whole body is to lose control. Because Julio eyes completely without a trace of a smile.
"Of course, she will return to the convent and become Josette."
"Want me to be king? Can not do it! And, as a what will happen to this girl? This is my sister who said ......"
Hearing this made Josette understand.
"Of course, is to let her replace your identity with Qiao Site monastery go back to that."
"You brought me out for this?"
Even so, Qiao Site still hesitant.
Julio nodded firmly.
"Big Brother is to your way, just take me out of there?"
Josette's heart was swept by a wave of sadness. Even though she was not to become her real self, but if she was able to stay at Julio's side... did Julio have the same thought as her?
Julio nodded.
Alas, reality was not so, he just wanted to use her...
Jost suddenly felt very sad. How did his true identity is good, as long as the stay Julio's side is enough ......
Josette did not express her feelings.
She also thought that Julio also holding the same and their own feelings. But, in fact, not so. Julio is to use their ......
She suddenly understood Vanessa's feelings.
However, Qiao Site did not put those thoughts to say.
"Even though I'm happy, it was built on lies."
Up to now, she was finally able to understand Vanessa mood.
Even though it looked so radiant and beautiful, it was really fading continuously.
- Because happy memories all become lies.
Josette pressed her lips together firmly.
The original is all about.
If... I escaped from here, I would be the same as Vanessa.
Qiao Site glorious memories of those who feel that in the past, one faded colors.
"The feelings I had before were true. That, I will never back down from. Never."
Her bite lips.
She has already decided to believe him. No matter what happened... no matter what kind of reality.
But ...... if they chose to escape in here ......
"What should I do now?" Josette asked, her eyes becoming as determined as ever.
Will become the same with Vanessa.
"Nothing. Just stand there and listen to what I say. I'll tell you what to do or say; just follow what I say.
- Only I was at the time the feelings generated no false reality. This I will never give in, never.
"And all that, for Onii-san?"
I have determined to believe this person. No matter what happens ...... no matter what the future has in reality waiting for me ......
"Not only for me, but also for you..."
"I do we go?"
Hearing Julio say that, Josette shook her head.
Eyes filled with resolute will of Qiao Site asked.
"No, never mind what happens to me. As long as it's for Onii-san, then that's enough."
"Nothing to do, just stand there quietly when listeners, and follow the instructions like action in case run must speak what the situation, I will give you instructions in advance, as long as you like directly scripted. "
Julio's ever-present smile collapsed.
"Just do it, it will be helpful for your big brother?"
"Not just for me, but also for you ......"
"Ah, if it's for me, then follow what I say."
"No problem, Onii-san. Let's make a promise to each other. From now on, tell me everything, every thought, the truth behind everything. From now on, never hurt me, or betray me. As long as you do that, I'll listen to what Onii-san says.
Julio talked about here, Qiao Site on shook his head.
"Alright then, that's a promise." Julio nodded.
"No, I personally do not care how kind Do not change the subject, just tell me to do in the end for the big brother you have no benefits, this is enough."
"And one more thing."
Julio has maintained a smiling face, only now for the first time disappear.
"Ah, would be good for me, as I hope the situation will develop."
"Kiss me."
"It's that good., Um, big brother, and I laid down in a contract it from now on, I hope you can without concealment will tell me everything, but also put their own ideas lay it to tell me. not to consider what may be harmful to me, or I might betray that sort of thing as long as you really can do this, for me it is enough. "
Staring straight at Julio, Josette spoke her wish. Julio tipped Josette's chin and placed his lips on Josette's. Just as their lips met, Josette closed her eyes.
"I promise you."
After their lips parted, Julio looked into Josette's eyes and said, "Be my woman."
Julio nodded.
His sincerity was impossible to determine from his voice. It was not the words he usually used, but the meaning behind those words, for Josette, was the best.
"And another thing."
Feeling satisfied, Josette said, "That was my plan all along."
The next day...
While Madame Orleans was eating her breakfast, Barberini said, "Speaking law while eating is quite uncouth, your majesty the Queen dowager." (T/L:「在吃饭中说法可是非常失礼的。太后陛下。」)
"What happened?"
"What happened?"
Madame Orleans' tone hid an icy demeanour. This Barberini from Romalia was not exactly someone she liked.
During that time, only Percerin was in the dining room; Barberini's gaze made Madame Orleans extremely uncomfortable, so she urged, "Percerin, why don't you go check on the flowers in the backyard. Hopefully they have not wilted under the summer heat."
After Percerin left the room, Barberini said something shocking.
"I'm sorry, your majesty, but I'm here today to pardon your majesty."
"Pardon? What were you thinking from this morning? What sins did I commit? I, who is living here so quietly, everyday?"
"No matter the person, they will commit a sin that they don't want anybody else to know. Even the Gallian empress dowager. Or more accurately, you've forgotten your sin."
"You're saying that you're sure that I've committed a sin?"
"Yes, and if it were possible, I do hope that you can remember."
"Oh yeah, such is the power of Romalian Cardinals, you see through everything. That was three days ago, the flowers that I planted wilted. How do you put it, in an enclosed place like this, I'd completely forgotten about the change in the seasons and did not notice about the flowers assaulted by the heat. That is truly a sin."
"That is the lives of flowers, but I'm talking about a larger sin."
"Oh yeah, it seems that it's not only the flowers that were sickened by the heat; it seems that you were also affected by it."
"Your majesty, I'm not joking; this is a serious matter."
"I'm going to call the guards."
Hearing her angry words, Barberini shook his head.
"I apologize for just now, one can't help if she doesn't remember at all. After all, the sin that your majesty has committed, is something long ago... or more accurately, it was something that happened during the birth of Queen Charlotte her majesty."
Barberini's words made Madame Orleans' face go green.
"What are you talking about?"
"Let me sketch it out then. Year 6227, during the month of Teru, the week of Femdar, the day of Eo (T/L: 特鲁之月,斐姆达卢之周,厄奥之日), the room of Duke Orleans was filled with such brilliance; Charlotte, the Duchess of Orleans was waiting for the birth of a child."
"Er, I remember, that was the day when my daughter was born."
Feeling something rumble in her heart, Madame Orleans' voice started to shake.
"When Duke Orleans heard the cry of the baby, it was nine o'clock in the morning..."
"It was eight o'clock, five minutes past."
Madame Orleans' voice shaking was very obvious.
"Is that so. However, during that time there was not only one baby who cried. After a few minutes, another cry was heard."
Madame Orleans held her face in her hands in anguish, shaking her head vigorously.
"I know the meaning of the Gallian family crest. Two wands intersecting each other, holding a crown, it acts as a warning and to comfort the twin brothers who perished after their fight for the crown... And from that day on, twins are taboo among the Gallian royalty. However, how does one factor in the love of kinship? A taboo among royalty, but sisters of the same blood, sisters who look exactly alike, casting one into hell and the other into heaven; how does this relate to love?"
Madame Orleans barely managed to squeeze out a question.
"...Who are you?"
"Your majesty, everybody then stubbornly held this secret from the world. However, humans will never bring their sins to the grave. Last year, I heard someone's confessing before her death and pardoned her. That person was the midwife who assisted in your majesty's delivery."
"You, have just lost all credibility as a cleric."
"The doctrine exists for God. If what one did is for God, then that would not be a sin."
"So that's it. You're here to pardon me for this. Since you've known everything, then you should have understood. It's true that that day, we had given birth to two lives. But during that time, we only had two choices: one of which was to end her life, and the other was to send her to some unknown place for someone else to raise her. We had no other choice! That was our responsibility as royalty!"
Madame Orleans started to sob.
"God has already forgiven you. I'm not here to ask you about your sins. Don't you want to make up for the abandoned child?"
The next second... A girl appeared in front of Madame Orleans, with the same hairstyle as Tabitha, and even the same design of glasses.
However, just one glimpse made Madame Orleans understand her identity.
"Oh... How can this be... Can this be... such things..."
She shakily picked herself up, and hugged the dazed young girl.
"I hope that you can forgive... forgive mother... no power... your mother who had no power to save you..."
Tears of regret flowed uncontrollably down her face. An unexpected meeting, another Charlotte... she didn't even give her a name.
Josette, dazed, was touched by her mother's affection; and tears also unconsciously ran down her face. Her mother who she never knew of, who she met since she was sensible, but unknowingly; Josette managed to understand the feelings of her mother.
Hugging her daughter, Madame Orleans' tears went on a rampage.
"You've finally come back. Can you forgive your mother?"
"What is there to forgive, for I've never resented anything. I only learned the truth yesterday."
Hearing Josette's words, Madame Orleans nodded.
"Now, forget royalty and taboos; from now on, your sister, cousin, me, we'll continue to live as a family."
Madame Orleans' voice was shaking as her heart throbbed.
"Prime Minister, thank you very much. Can you call her majesty down, the three of us will have breakfast together."
Then, Barberini's expression was as if he heard something strange.
"Prime Minister?"
"Your majesty, I can't do that."
"You must be joking," said Madame Orleans. However, Barberini's face was devoid of any hint of jest.
"I'm not joking. Isn't this her majesty herself? I don't see any difference."
Madame Orleans did not answer, understanding between the lines. Charlotte, and another Charlotte. Even though their birth was separated by but a few seconds, their fates had gone on completely different paths.
"Don't you dare think the royal taboo is anything simple! If this thing gets out, how many nobles of this country will revolt? Not only the royalty; even among those nobles who are loyal to royalty there were more than just one or two children who died because of this taboo!"
Her voice agitated, Madame Orleans looked at her daughter. Josette turned her head away.
"Is that so! I've never thought about this. However, someone I trust told me that I could only be happy this way. Isn't it impossible for me to live with big sister?"
Josette looked at her mother.
"However, if mother insists, I'll go back to the convent."
This was Josette's real wish...
However, Madame Orleans was unable to ask her to go back to the convent. Something like that day, how could she go through it again? A girl who has lived her life in an unknown convent by herself, with no one to take care of her; how could she ask such a thing from her?
Seeing Madame Orleans who was kneeling in anguish on the bed, Barberini moved closer.
"God has always taught men that all men are created equal. If you can't give your daughter the light, then give her both light and darkness, isn't it so?
"Kiss me."
{| style="margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaaaaa solid; padding: 0.2em; border-collapse: collapse;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
Jost stared Zhu Journal Europe, decisively express their own wishes. Julio is rude to even say the action raised Qiao Site chin, forcefully kissed her on the lips.
| Back to [[Zero no Tsukaima:Volume17 Chapter8 |Chapter 8]]
| Return to [[Zero_no_Tsukaima|Main Page]]
Qiao Site without resistance and closed his eyes.
| Forward to [[Zero_no_Tsukaima:Volume17_Chapter10 |Chapter 10]]
After some time, Julio said.
"Be my woman now."
Listen to His voice, Qiao Site can not determine whether Julio whether by heart. Perhaps this is just to manipulate their own rhetoric. But for Qiao Site, whether it is true or false does not matter.
She meets replied.
"I intend to do from the outset."
The next morning ......
When Orleans lady is eating breakfast, 巴里贝利尼 prime minister came to visit.
"I am afraid the next ventured to disturb your dining time, the Queen Mother of His Majesty."
"What can I do?"
Although his tone barbed, however Orleans lady did not intend to conceal this. For this she was from Romania's 巴里贝利尼 and no favor.
In addition to them, this time the restaurant only Pell Islamic presence. However 巴里贝利尼 Quedui Orleans winking lady and asked her to clear the scene.
"Pell Islamic, to see how the situation yard flowerbed in case because of the summer heat and let those flowers wither would not be good."
Islamic Pell left the restaurant until after 巴里贝利尼 speak in a very exaggerated as prologue.
"Although fear, but today and the next is to pardon Majesty specially come."
"Pardon? I still think early in the morning you'll tell me what to say!'d Tell you what I have committed a sin! Can not forget that I live every day in seclusion here!"
"No matter who will be in the case of transboundary not consciously breaking the law, however, since the object is the Gallic Majesty the Queen Mother, it is naturally a different matter. Then how to say, you can not forget his past sins."
"You mean, I do indeed have committed crimes?"
"Yes, if you can, I hope you can be recalled."
"Oh My God, once they become adults Romania cardinals, you can know everything it! You're right, that's what happened three days ago, I killed himself cultivated flowers, after all, hiding in a place like this close Door no passage of time will forget the seasons alternate. did not notice because of the hot and dying flowers, can indeed be called sin. "
"Although the flowers are living creatures, but I was talking again revealing a more serious matter."
"Oh My God! Seems to be at stake is not the flower sun tan, but you I do."
"Your Majesty, this is not joking, the next is serious."
"I want to get up."
Intolerable to hear Orleans Lady filled anger tone to say, 巴里贝利尼 it shook his head.
"Although the next previously not say so, but even if you have forgotten, is excusable things, after all, that was a long time ago that you committed a sin ...... yes, it should be born in Her Majesty the Queen Charlotte what happens when. "
Heard these words, Orleans lady pale.
"Do you want to say in the end what?"
"Let the next explain the situation a little and that was six hundred twenty-two seven months of Tyre, Xi Muda week Yeou of Yao day in scenic Duke of Orleans mansion in the sun room, a large Orléans just full of looking forward to the birth of their first child. "
"Yes, of course I remember very clearly, because that is the day I gave birth to her daughter."
Orleans perceive each other in order to prevent his wife own inner shaken to reply with blunt tone.
"Duke heard the baby crying when vibrant, just nine o'clock ......"
"It is eight o'clock, but after less than five minutes."
Orleans Lady voice gradually began to tremble.
"You're right, however, is not the only one crying baby, and after a few minutes after he heard another cry."
Hearing this, Orleans with his elbows on the table his wife and with his hands covering his face, constantly shaking his head.
"Under the royal coat of arms of Galia also know the meaning. Crossover dual stick is to drink thousands of years ago, due to intense competition fighting for the crown, and finally lost his life while twin brother ...... After that, the royal Galia members will be considered a taboo twins can be said is a natural development of it, however, with the perspective of parental love, it is proper it? Although the royal taboo, but let's have the same blood sister ...... even the appearance of appearance are identical sisters were headed for heaven and hell, you think this is the behavior you should forgive? "
Lady's fingers from Orleans hard out between outgoing sound.
"...... You in the end is what people?"
"Your Majesty, when the presence of all, all firmly hold the secret, however, people can not put together into the grave sin of last year I was in a dying man's pardon on the occasion of her sins, and that person is His Majesty was responsible for helping birth midwife. "
"You do not qualify as clergy."
"The so-called doctrine, but for the existence of God So long as it is for the gods, even if the violation of the doctrine is not considered sin."
"So that you said you were going to forgive me, then here I devoutly beg the gods to forgive it seems you already know everything, indeed, we couple that day, get the gods gave two lives, and we have only two choices, one of which is to end the life of it? still want her to never be found in the place! our two, and even abandon the practice as a member of the royal family, they can not get permission! "
Orleans lady lying on the table cried.
"God will forgive your sins, then, the reason why this came to visit the next day, not just for this thing for you to have to give up a child, it did not compensate her Majesty the idea of ​​it?"
"...... Huh?"
The next moment ...... Orleans Lady appeared in front of a girl's figure. She was cut up and Tabitha exactly the same hairstyle, still wearing the same style glasses.
However, only saw a lady of Orleans, they immediately understand the true identity of girls.
"Oh oh oh oh ...... how would ...... do ...... how there is such a thing ......"
She stood up unsteadily and will stay that were standing still girls arms.
"...... Mom?"
"Please forgive me ...... please forgive forgive my mother ...... mother ...... I totally can not do anything that can not save your mother ......"
Orleans Lady constantly flowing tears of remorse. Thought could never see each other again ...... Another Charlotte ...... At that time, her husband can not even own for the child named.
Originally stay stood bewildered Qiao Site, have been touched by the love between parents and children, shed tears. Originally thought that he did not sensible mother ...... although after never never seen, but I do not know why, but understand Qiao Site in front of people is their mother.
Once she was in his arms, tears can not be restrained to continue to gush.
"You can come back really good, you are willing to forgive my mother do?"
"Please do not say what the original does not forgive me, I do not hate anyone, after all, it was only yesterday that I was in truth."
Qiao Site say this, Mrs. Orleans nodded.
"The current members of the royal family, has only your sister, cousin of, and I just ... What royal taboo just let it rest there. In the future, the whole family together and go on to live happily together."
Orleans lady moved even voice quivering.
"The prime minister adults, I have to thank you, Your Majesty invite you to please come, I want to have breakfast with three people."
However 巴里贝利尼 but crooked head tilt, showing seem to hear anything strange speech response.
"The prime minister adults?"
"Her Majesty is not been here yet?"
"Please do not joking."
Orleans lady so respond, but 巴里贝利尼 face absolutely no trace of a smile.
"Under no joking Why Majesty front of this one can not be too? I do not see any difference."
Orleans Mrs. shocked speechless. After hearing these words, however, she found, in essence, it can be said regard the correct answer. Charlotte and other Charlotte. Think about that day regardless of which one daughter got the name, do not have any strange place. In front of her daughter and Charlotte just because a difference of just a few minutes time of birth, it was decided the fate of the two men.
"In addition, your views on the royal taboo is too hasty! Made public in case this thing, how much do you think the domestic exalted nobility rebel flag it? Simply because with royal blood, so based on loyalty and sacrifice for that taboo aristocracy, not only one or two people just ah! "
"Do you intend to forcing their pro sister ...... is off to the kind of place to go?"
Orleans Lady with a trembling tone toward his daughter to ask questions. Qiao Site shook his head.
"How could! I did not have that intention. But, I believe that people ask me to do so, he said, in the end only this is the happiest practices sister and I also want to live together, but it was to do Less than a thing, right? "
Next, change Qiao Site to his mother asked.
"However, if your mother ordered me to do it, I'll go back to Abbey."
Although this is her truth ......
However, his wife did not ask Qiao Site Orleans do. How to call her own again go back to that kind of place? Face from infancy, and dwelt unknown monastery, in the case of nobody caring daughter grow up so far, who can give a kind of words?
At this time, 巴里贝利尼 near Orléans kneeling lady.
"Gods always taught the world to equality and since you can not let their daughters only by the bright shining completely, then at least let them be exposed to light and darkness in turn, do not you think so?"

Latest revision as of 17:23, 30 June 2018

Chapter 9: Two Canes, One Crown[edit]

Two days after Julio brought Josette out of Saint Margerita's Convent...

Charlotte, the Gallian Queen, a.k.a. Tabitha, was looking over the newly constructed palace with her ministers.

The dark evening sky cast a gloomy atmosphere over the majestic palace, but it was not enough to cover the exquisite beauty of the jade noble emblem.

Isabella who was beside Tabitha exclaimed, "The palace looks even more beautiful than before!"

Barberini, the Gallian Prime Minister on the other side of Tabitha said, "That's because the palace will be heralding the coming of the new Queen. How could we do that with the old palace!"

Isabella simply shot Barberini a glare and ignored him.

Barberini was extremely familiar with various age-old and modern ceremonies so he was in charge of the garden party four days later to celebrate the coronation of the new Queen of Gallia. The reception party, party seats, dinner menu, and even the schedule of the one week long party and ball was so flawlessly orchestrated by his own hand that even the Gallian nobles who were picky about details were unable to find fault with it.

Even though this person was extremely capable, Isabella did not trust the Prime Minister from Romalia.

His extremely cautious ways of doing things was exactly what made Isabella raise her guard. As his ability was anything but ordinary, she couldn't let her guard down, otherwise this country would be overtaken by him under her nose.

However, if they lost Romalia's aid Tabitha's coronation would be out of their reach, so they could not refuse him. Also, if they really did that the monasteries and disciples of the entire country would revolt against Tabitha.

Now Isabella did not know if Tabitha shared her concerns, as she was simply gazing blankly at the new palace. What the palace looked like was perhaps meaningless to her.

Just then the church bell rang, signalling that it was six o'clock. Isabella sighed and turned to the ministers.

"Everyone, now it is time for Her Majesty to enjoy her dinner!"

Put in other words, they can leave.

Tabitha normally took her dinner with Isabella and her mother. Of course there was also her familiar, Sylphid.

The ministers and nobles looked at Tabitha expectantly, hoping that Her Majesty would entertain their request for a dinner with them that night. However, except for the two persons and one familiar, nobody had the opportunity to eat with the Queen.

Seeing the dumb looks on the ministers' faces, Isabella bowed to Tabitha and left early.

Madame Orleans was waiting for her daughter and her niece in the old dining place. She revealed a smile as she saw Isabella pull Tabitha into the room.

"Come on, sit down, my dear daughter and Isabella. They've prepared mixed fruit salad with beef today. Oh, doesn't that smell great?"

Seeing that Tabitha and Isabella took their places beside Madame Orleans, Percerin immediately poured Happoshu (T/L: Japanese sparkling wine drunk before a meal) into their glasses.

Madame Orleans' past beauty was slowly recovering; even though it was slow, it was undeniable. After drinking Happoshu, the three noble ladies began to chat. The one who started the conversation was always Madame Orleans. The conversations were very simple, like what dramas were popular in the city, without a trace of politics or deep rumors.

Sylphid also joined in frequently with her trademark "Chiu, chiu..."

During these times Isabella would feel herself purged of her wrongdoings and sins; without those, Tabitha felt just like a irreplaceable sister to her.

That was... a feeling she had when she was a child.

Now, Isabella was a secret aide to Tabitha to help consolidate Tabitha's position as the new monarch.

"Hey, Helene."

Unknowing, Sylphid had already collapsed on the table, snoring in a drunken stupor. Isabella took the opportunity to call out Tabitha's nickname while everyone was quiet. In front of the ministers she called Tabitha "Your Majesty"; but in private she preferred to be more intimate, like their childhood times.

"I don't think letting Barberini take care of so many important things is a good idea."

Tabitha shook her head.

"It's just the tip of the iceberg."

In other words, it was a gimmick that would keep him away from the core. Isabella nodded after she heard Tabitha. The garden party arrangement seemed important, but it was nothing of central political importance.

"Okay then. Also, I was thinking of sending the 'knights' to spy on him. What do you think?"

Considering it for a moment, Tabitha nodded her agreement.

"Thank you."

Actually, Isabella had already placed a few eyes onto Barberini's side. Everyone that had been to his place, every letter, and even the menu of his dinner was at Isabella's fingertips.

Even though there was not any suspicious activity, she could not afford to let him go past her nose easily. As the leader of the North Garden Knights, Isabella was well accustomed to the antics behind the scenes in Romalia. Since they had been ruling the world as the main church of Founder Brimir for thousands of years, their power could not be underestimated.

"Hmm? What are you girls discussing?"

Hearing such care from her aunt, Isabella shook her head.

"Nothing, Auntie."

Since few weeks before, Isabella had been viewing her aunt as her mother, so Isabella couldn't bear to let her worry.

While Madame Orleans also treated Isabella and Tabitha equally.

"Any way, congratulations on the upcoming garden party."

Madame Orleans said nonchalantly while quietly stuffing food into Tabitha's mouth.

"Mother, do you still not want to go to the party?"

Madame Orleans shook her head.

"Sorry, but I don't wish to participate in such social activities anymore."

Tabitha stopped, looking a little disappointed. Tabitha, who was normally expressionless in front of her ministers, would reveal her true feelings in front of her intimate family.

Seeing her daughter like this, Madame Orleans took Tabitha's hand.

"Because, even without me, you can still take care of the visitors perfectly!"

Tabitha nodded her head once. "Un."

I will protect this mother and daughter— Every time she was touched by such a heart-warming scene during dinner, Isabella would swear in her heart.

After dinner, Tabitha came to the newly built Grand Troyes Palace and entered her quarters.

"Fuuaah... my stomach's so full, Sylphid will go to bed now!"

Sylphid reached a corner of the room, laid down on a pile of clothes and slept soundly.

On the bed, the gown brought by the maid servants during the day was strewn across the bed.

During the garden party, Tabitha would have to change a set of clothes every morning, afternoon and night. Made by professional tailors of the country, the beautiful gown laid out for the Queen was waiting to be worn.

Tabitha took one of the clothes and held it before herself. It was a lacy dress, covered in infinite minuscule holes, allowing others to take a glimpse of the body underneath. However, important parts were still covered decently.

Tabitha felt a little worried whether her little body would fit the wonderfully designed dress.

"Why would I be worrying about this?"

When she realised the reason, Tabitha's face went red. She picked up the list of delegates from the table. Her eyes stopped at the last name of the delegates from the Tristain empire.

"The Tristain Minister of Diplomatic Relations-cum-Vice Commander of the Knight Corps of the Water Spirit, Saito De Hiraga Des Ornières.

Maybe he was appointed as one of delegates because of his relation with her before in the academy. His name had also become longer so he seemed to have been awarded a land title.

What kind of land was it?

The kind with a mansion?

What kinds of crops do they have there, and what about the people there?"

Also, Louise who has a perpetually sour face was also living with him, right?

Tabitha imagined Saito's new residence, Des Ornières, which she has never seen before.

"I could finally see him again."

She felt that ages had past since their last meeting at the Lelion river. Then, she had agreed to put on the crown under the urgings of the fake Saito.

Tabitha bore a deep grudge over that incident, so she tried not to think of Saito...

However, the thought of meeting him in a few days time made her uncontrollably happy.

He already had a lover, and her name also appeared on the list. She was Tabitha's friend, also someone she respected deeply, even though she did not approve of the way she treated Saito.

"I could just dance with him for one song."

Right, a dance.

With him.

Dancing with delegates of other countries is also one of the aspects in diplomatic relations, so it was something extremely ordinary no matter how one sees it.

What should she wear then?

The lace net gown came into her vision again. Tabitha held it up with both of her hands, staring at it.

After making sure that Sylphid was fast asleep, Tabitha soundlessly took off all her clothes and put on the gown.


Naturally, as Tabitha had expected, the gown fit her snugly. Her inner clothing were exposed through the minuscule holes.

What kind of underwear did the designer have in mind while he was designing the gown? It probably was not the kind worn in the bedroom.


Tabitha's cheeks flushed as she sunk deeper into her imagination.

"I've become a strange person."

Shaking her head, she took up another gown. This was sewn with black glossy cloth with a beautiful dark glow, but it was far more modest.

However, after she put it on Tabitha noticed that the gown fitted her body tightly at the part above her thighs, sketching the curve of her body line, showing her immature figure clearly for all to see. If she were to enter the ballroom like that, any further imagination of her dance partner was sure to be crushed.

But... maybe Saito liked this kind of body shape. After all, just by looking at Louise's body no one would think that she had anything to show off at all.

Either way, she didn't need to care so much about that.

Thinking about this, Tabitha smiled softly.

"Now, I should be... very happy."

Even though her position as the Queen made her uneasy, the Gallian nobles were capable and powerful, so even though there was an exchange in power, the country had not dissolved into ruin. Also, living here with her family made her feel safe and warm. Tabitha felt that the happy feelings of home were starting to return.

Romalia was still an unknown variable, but currently they had made no obvious moves.

Also she was going to meet her sweetheart, Saito, in a few days time.

She might even get to dance with him.

Just as a smile blossomed on Tabitha's face, her father's face flashed through her mind.

And her uncle's face.

Misscoeur, who tortured her countless times.

And also the generals and soldiers who sacrificed their lives at the Lelion river.

Tabitha also thought of Lieutenant Bart, who always waved at her from the deck after completing his mission, and that commander with a sunburned face; but they were not in this world anymore.

Her calm and happy life was built on the sacrifices of those nobles and soldiers who fought in that war for the throne; and that fact was like a frigid gust sneaking past a crack in the windowpane, chilling her heart.

"Happiness is too much of a luxury to me."

Tabitha sank into such an emotional mud pit.

Just then a knocking sound came from the window.

The window?

Would it just be a trick of the wind? That thought flashed through Tabitha's mind. The curtains were too thick for her to see what was going on outside. However, the outside of the window was the balcony, so that would not be a problem.

Maybe it was Sylphid? But it was still snoring in the corner of the room.

Bang, bang...

The noise came again. There was unmistakably someone outside banging the window. Tabitha gripped the staff beside her bed.

Tabitha did not arrange for personal guards, because she had something that was more useful than personal guards. Also, the personal guards themselves were something that might threaten her safety.

Sneaking to the window, Tabitha queitly pulled the curtains apart.

At the other side of the window... was herself.


For a moment there, Tabitha thought that it was her reflection; but she immediately noticed something different.

The other her on the other side of the window was wearing different clothes.

The same ice blue hair, the same glasses, the person could have been her own duplicate... The word "Skirni" flashed through her mind, that was a puppet that could shape shift into a person after sucking their blood.

It could also be a golem...

However, Tabitha understood that the person standing at the other side was a body of human flesh and blood.

...Who was it?

Me? She thought.

The strong revelation robbed Tabitha of her warrior's intuition. She noticed too late that someone had opened the window beside her and entered the room.

Someone gripped her staff, making Tabitha turn reflexively.

Left and right eyes of different colour respectively— it was Julio.

Tabitha aimed a kick at Julio's abdomen, but Julio twisted his body and dodged. He then used a cloth to cover Tabitha's face.

There was sleeping potion on the cloth, Tabitha noticed before collapsing on the bed.

Hearing that sound, Sylphid finally woke up and saw Julio standing there and Tabitha who had collapsed. She ran hastily to them.

"What happened! What did you do to Onee-sama!"

After that, Sylphid noticed someone else entering the room from the window and stopped.

"Eh? There is another Onee-sama..."

Julio calmly walked towards Sylphid and placed his right hand on its shoulder. Then, the runes on his hand glowed.

Kyui... kyui...

"Anyhow, you're a 'beast', right, Rhyme dragon familiar? I'm also a familiar, called Windalfr; I can control 'beasts' like you. So..."

Seeing Julio place the sleeping Tabitha and Sylphid on the bed, the girl who looked like Tabitha said timidly, "Onee-san, what is this..."

"She is the daughter of the person who locked you up in that place."

Josette looked at the girl who had collapsed.

The face was what she saw in the mirror yesterday.

After Julio brought her outside, Josette followed him into a monastery and obeyed his instructions to take off her necklace.

After that... she felt as if her face was released from some spell; her hair was also glowing. After seeing herself in the mirror, Josette was shocked to see that her face was not the same as before.

A spell was placed on you to change your face and hair— that was what Julio said to her.

The face in the mirror yesterday and the face of the sleeping girl were from the same mould, impossible to differentiate.

"This is what I look like." However, reality had a severe lack of realism; the iridescent ice blue hair colour made even her uncomfortable.

Also, where was she?

She rode Julio's wind dragon to this place... it was a building encased in moonlight, unimaginably huge, majestic and beautiful.

For Josette who had only known Saint Margarita's Convent, this was like dreamland.

As for the girl who lived here, who had the exact same face as her, who was she...

"I was imprisoned?"

Julio nodded.

"You're royalty of the Gallian Empire... or more correctly, you are the daughter of the deceased Des Orleans Charles. And she is... your twin sister."

The Gallian Empire?



Impossible things continued to tumble out of Julio's mouth. Josette suddenly remembered what the sisters said in the convent.

"I am an abandoned child of a noble..."

"I cannot believe it. I am some royalty of the Gallian Empire."

The land around Saint Margarita's Convent belonged to this empire called Gallia. There, should be the place where someone called the king or nobles lived... the thing that was downright unbelievable was that she was born into the family that governed the entire empire.

"My twin sister..."

Josette took a glimpse at Tabitha's face. This was the first time she saw her own family... but there was no recollection in her heart.

"Then, what do you want?"

"Actually, it's not much anyway. You, from this day on, will be the ruler of the Gallian Empire."

His words, like making up a joke, made Josette freeze. However, this was not a joking matter as there was no hint of playfulness in Julio's eyes.

"I am a ruler? Impossible! Anyhow, if I'm Queen, what will happen to that girl? This would be my big sister..."

"Of course, she will return to the convent and become Josette."

Hearing this made Josette understand.

"You brought me out for this?"

Julio nodded firmly.

Josette's heart was swept by a wave of sadness. Even though she was not to become her real self, but if she was able to stay at Julio's side... did Julio have the same thought as her?

Alas, reality was not so, he just wanted to use her...

Josette did not express her feelings.

She suddenly understood Vanessa's feelings.

"Even though I'm happy, it was built on lies."

Even though it looked so radiant and beautiful, it was really fading continuously.

Josette pressed her lips together firmly.

If... I escaped from here, I would be the same as Vanessa.

"The feelings I had before were true. That, I will never back down from. Never."

She has already decided to believe him. No matter what happened... no matter what kind of reality.

"What should I do now?" Josette asked, her eyes becoming as determined as ever.

"Nothing. Just stand there and listen to what I say. I'll tell you what to do or say; just follow what I say.

"And all that, for Onii-san?"

"Not only for me, but also for you..."

Hearing Julio say that, Josette shook her head.

"No, never mind what happens to me. As long as it's for Onii-san, then that's enough."

Julio's ever-present smile collapsed.

"Ah, if it's for me, then follow what I say."

"No problem, Onii-san. Let's make a promise to each other. From now on, tell me everything, every thought, the truth behind everything. From now on, never hurt me, or betray me. As long as you do that, I'll listen to what Onii-san says.

"Alright then, that's a promise." Julio nodded.

"And one more thing."


"Kiss me."

Staring straight at Julio, Josette spoke her wish. Julio tipped Josette's chin and placed his lips on Josette's. Just as their lips met, Josette closed her eyes.

After their lips parted, Julio looked into Josette's eyes and said, "Be my woman."

His sincerity was impossible to determine from his voice. It was not the words he usually used, but the meaning behind those words, for Josette, was the best.

Feeling satisfied, Josette said, "That was my plan all along."

The next day...

While Madame Orleans was eating her breakfast, Barberini said, "Speaking law while eating is quite uncouth, your majesty the Queen dowager." (T/L:「在吃饭中说法可是非常失礼的。太后陛下。」)

"What happened?"

Madame Orleans' tone hid an icy demeanour. This Barberini from Romalia was not exactly someone she liked.

During that time, only Percerin was in the dining room; Barberini's gaze made Madame Orleans extremely uncomfortable, so she urged, "Percerin, why don't you go check on the flowers in the backyard. Hopefully they have not wilted under the summer heat."

After Percerin left the room, Barberini said something shocking.

"I'm sorry, your majesty, but I'm here today to pardon your majesty."

"Pardon? What were you thinking from this morning? What sins did I commit? I, who is living here so quietly, everyday?"

"No matter the person, they will commit a sin that they don't want anybody else to know. Even the Gallian empress dowager. Or more accurately, you've forgotten your sin."

"You're saying that you're sure that I've committed a sin?"

"Yes, and if it were possible, I do hope that you can remember."

"Oh yeah, such is the power of Romalian Cardinals, you see through everything. That was three days ago, the flowers that I planted wilted. How do you put it, in an enclosed place like this, I'd completely forgotten about the change in the seasons and did not notice about the flowers assaulted by the heat. That is truly a sin."

"That is the lives of flowers, but I'm talking about a larger sin."

"Oh yeah, it seems that it's not only the flowers that were sickened by the heat; it seems that you were also affected by it."

"Your majesty, I'm not joking; this is a serious matter."

"I'm going to call the guards."

Hearing her angry words, Barberini shook his head.

"I apologize for just now, one can't help if she doesn't remember at all. After all, the sin that your majesty has committed, is something long ago... or more accurately, it was something that happened during the birth of Queen Charlotte her majesty."

Barberini's words made Madame Orleans' face go green.

"What are you talking about?"

"Let me sketch it out then. Year 6227, during the month of Teru, the week of Femdar, the day of Eo (T/L: 特鲁之月,斐姆达卢之周,厄奥之日), the room of Duke Orleans was filled with such brilliance; Charlotte, the Duchess of Orleans was waiting for the birth of a child."

"Er, I remember, that was the day when my daughter was born."

Feeling something rumble in her heart, Madame Orleans' voice started to shake.

"When Duke Orleans heard the cry of the baby, it was nine o'clock in the morning..."

"It was eight o'clock, five minutes past."

Madame Orleans' voice shaking was very obvious.

"Is that so. However, during that time there was not only one baby who cried. After a few minutes, another cry was heard."

Madame Orleans held her face in her hands in anguish, shaking her head vigorously.

"I know the meaning of the Gallian family crest. Two wands intersecting each other, holding a crown, it acts as a warning and to comfort the twin brothers who perished after their fight for the crown... And from that day on, twins are taboo among the Gallian royalty. However, how does one factor in the love of kinship? A taboo among royalty, but sisters of the same blood, sisters who look exactly alike, casting one into hell and the other into heaven; how does this relate to love?"

Madame Orleans barely managed to squeeze out a question.

"...Who are you?"

"Your majesty, everybody then stubbornly held this secret from the world. However, humans will never bring their sins to the grave. Last year, I heard someone's confessing before her death and pardoned her. That person was the midwife who assisted in your majesty's delivery."

"You, have just lost all credibility as a cleric."

"The doctrine exists for God. If what one did is for God, then that would not be a sin."

"So that's it. You're here to pardon me for this. Since you've known everything, then you should have understood. It's true that that day, we had given birth to two lives. But during that time, we only had two choices: one of which was to end her life, and the other was to send her to some unknown place for someone else to raise her. We had no other choice! That was our responsibility as royalty!"

Madame Orleans started to sob.

"God has already forgiven you. I'm not here to ask you about your sins. Don't you want to make up for the abandoned child?"


The next second... A girl appeared in front of Madame Orleans, with the same hairstyle as Tabitha, and even the same design of glasses.

However, just one glimpse made Madame Orleans understand her identity.

"Oh... How can this be... Can this be... such things..."

She shakily picked herself up, and hugged the dazed young girl.


"I hope that you can forgive... forgive mother... no power... your mother who had no power to save you..."

Tears of regret flowed uncontrollably down her face. An unexpected meeting, another Charlotte... she didn't even give her a name.

Josette, dazed, was touched by her mother's affection; and tears also unconsciously ran down her face. Her mother who she never knew of, who she met since she was sensible, but unknowingly; Josette managed to understand the feelings of her mother.

Hugging her daughter, Madame Orleans' tears went on a rampage.

"You've finally come back. Can you forgive your mother?"

"What is there to forgive, for I've never resented anything. I only learned the truth yesterday."

Hearing Josette's words, Madame Orleans nodded.

"Now, forget royalty and taboos; from now on, your sister, cousin, me, we'll continue to live as a family."

Madame Orleans' voice was shaking as her heart throbbed.

"Prime Minister, thank you very much. Can you call her majesty down, the three of us will have breakfast together."

Then, Barberini's expression was as if he heard something strange.

"Prime Minister?"

"Your majesty, I can't do that."

"You must be joking," said Madame Orleans. However, Barberini's face was devoid of any hint of jest.

"I'm not joking. Isn't this her majesty herself? I don't see any difference."

Madame Orleans did not answer, understanding between the lines. Charlotte, and another Charlotte. Even though their birth was separated by but a few seconds, their fates had gone on completely different paths.

"Don't you dare think the royal taboo is anything simple! If this thing gets out, how many nobles of this country will revolt? Not only the royalty; even among those nobles who are loyal to royalty there were more than just one or two children who died because of this taboo!"

Her voice agitated, Madame Orleans looked at her daughter. Josette turned her head away.

"Is that so! I've never thought about this. However, someone I trust told me that I could only be happy this way. Isn't it impossible for me to live with big sister?"

Josette looked at her mother.

"However, if mother insists, I'll go back to the convent."

This was Josette's real wish...

However, Madame Orleans was unable to ask her to go back to the convent. Something like that day, how could she go through it again? A girl who has lived her life in an unknown convent by herself, with no one to take care of her; how could she ask such a thing from her?

Seeing Madame Orleans who was kneeling in anguish on the bed, Barberini moved closer.

"God has always taught men that all men are created equal. If you can't give your daughter the light, then give her both light and darkness, isn't it so?

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