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Next to the smiling boy, the golden mayfly raised its head.
Next to the smiling boy, the golden mayfly raised its head.

Revision as of 13:09, 21 April 2020

5.00 Ako The Last

Seeing off the end of the Demon Lord, Ako was walking.

The sky retrieved its sunset color.

With the wind blowing all over her, Ako headed for the radio tower.

Genius lost its head yet even now preserved its form. The slowly vanishing giant body fell in the field surrounded by mountains.

The laser beams that had finished it had probably been fired by Akatsuki. She felt relieved to know that he was safe.

Defeating Genius, the Mushitsuki fulfilled their jobs.

Crushing the aspirations of the Demon Lord, she returned being a normal person.

The fight was over.


Ako narrowed her eyes at the light of the sunset poking from the side.

Climbing up the stairs of the radio tower, the clatter of her footsteps flowed with the wind. The two-spotted cricket on her shoulder clung desperately to not be blown away.

She climbed to the first floor where there were antennas, to the second floor, and to the final, third floor.

Standing at the foot of the main antenna, she was able to see a view of the peaceful town. By destroying all of the Zones now it truly would become peaceful.

On the other hand, the area where Genius was defeated looked like it went through an apocalypse. The mountains were shaved, the ground was gouged, and the land was carved with scythe-like valleys. She could also see the Mushitsuki around the large Mushi.

The battle caused by the Demon Lord closed its curtains while leaving heavy scars.

And so—this was now Ako's battle.

She would continue to bet everything she had on this fight.

She had mistaken her way in the middle.

She had stood in place due to loneliness.

"I've finally reached this far."

Ako brought out the digital camera from her backpack.

She spontaneously smiled.

"'What are Mushitsuki'—I've pursued this truth for so long."

Readying her camera, her Mushi, the two-spotted cricket, climbed on top of it.

She understood instinctively what her Mushi was capable of. Even now, the marine-blue cricket shook like ripples on water, receiving certain information from Ako.

Truly an ability befitting her.

Had Oogui seen her dream and gave it to her on a whim, or had her own feelings gave birth to this power?

"The question of what Mushitsuki are would probably be solved by those Mushitsuki themselves. But before the world knows I am a Mushitsuki, I have to transmit myself as a journalist."


She had to purely transmit the information about what kind of being they were.

The fake truth painted in the color of fear wouldn't do.

"Because those who fear Mushi could even toy with them and plunge the world to chaos."

Ako had seen one such example, after all.

She'd seen the normal person Satou Youko, who had feared Mushi, had become a Demon Lord and had almost destroyed the world.

"Before I become like that, I shall spread the truth as Chronicler."

The marine-blue coloring the two-spotted cricket's body shone in a vivid light. Its tiny wings spread, and blue light enveloped the radio tower.

The blue, rippling light was absorbed into the small antennas attached to the railing as well as the main antenna that towered over Ako.

The LCD screen of Ako's digital camera started filming a fuzzy picture.

Civilian TV and satellite broadcast, and even voice-only radio, all the information flying through the air—was transmitted through the antenna.

The two-spotted cricket spread its wings, but what it produced was not just sound waves.

It made all manners of electrical waves.

The two-spotted itself was confined to the range of its ability, but by using the antenna as a medium she was able to greatly expand it.

Ako used all the power in her possession.

A lot of mental energy was consumed, and her petite body nearly stumbled. Yet she barely held on by sheer force of will.

The broadcast finished.

After completing it, the cricket spread its wing even more violently.

Ako replayed the footage.

The two-spotted cricket was transmitting electrical information recorded in the memory card to the antennas around.

"—This work has no title."

The blue glow kept transmitting Ako's masterpiece.

From the radio tower to the satellite.

From the satellite to the world.

The truth Ako found out rode on magnetic wave.

"Yet it contains the unmistaken truth."

The violent mental consumption caused scenes from Ako's past to flash in her head.

Although she was young, when Ako first started using her grandpa's camera she was soon smitten by it. She'd use it all over the place and the photos turned out horrible, but her grandfather still praised them all.

Ever since her grandfather went missing on the battlefield, she'd pursue subjects with her trusty digital camera. Ako's capabilities, as she desperately sought to expose the truth, were truly of a genius level. Since her grandfather always praised her like that, she was obviously a genius.

Obtaining more and more info about Mushi, Ako got carried away. Drunk with the power of truth, she used it needlessly to hurt other people. When she noticed it and turned around, everyone called her the Demon Lord and took their distance.

Meeting the real Demon Lord, she resolved to fight. The Demon Lord, who attempted doing as Ako once tried but on a global level, was too powerful, and she'd once even given up.

Then she met the Mushitsuki boy called Ogata Akatsuki. He became her one and only friend.

Ako ran ahead with full speed.

Therefore, now, she had the truth she looked for in her hand.

"—Mushitsuki can become our friends."

She had to transmit the true form of Mushitsuki.

They got angry, they hated, they hurt, they shouted, but even so they smiled, got happy and fell in love.

They were Mushitsuki, but they were undoubtedly also normal humans.

"The heart that fears Mushi distorted that truth…"

The blue glow surrounding Ako began being disordered.

That disorder grew in intensity, and before long all the signals sent from the radio tower were swallowed.

She was being obstructed—

The two-spotted cricket's ability was being jammed by someone.

"Transmitting that fact—"

Yet Ako didn't move.

She'd already felt the presence of her monitor from long ago.

The SEPB would soon know she became a Mushitsuki. If she was caught by them, she wouldn't get a chance to transmit the truth easily.

Just like she'd told Akatsuki, there was a limit now to how much they could hide Mushi.

Now, there was no second chance.

The two-spotted cricket flapped its wings, increasing its power consumption. It pushed against the ability jamming the waves.

She didn't think that passing on the truth was her duty.

As a Journalist, she thought it was her natural job.

And so the work filmed by Ako didn't have the name of its compiler—

"There is something I must do as the Chronicler."

The magnetic waves transmitted by Ako, and the ability jamming them.

The two powers mingled inside the radio tower.

"—I have already informed you."

Her vision blurred with a slight impact.

The two-spotted cricket's cry echoed.

"Never mind you just gathering information, but if you try to transmit it, you'll be killed."

In front of Ako appeared a thin figure. When had she arrived there? Ako who'd been focused on using her power hadn't noticed her.

She was a tall woman with a black mask hiding her chin. Perhaps a foreigner, her eyes and nose looked east-western and her skin was sunburnt. Her body completely clad in a dark trench coat, she stuck her right hand toward Ako.

Her sleeve transformed, and two needles flew from her right hand.

One of them pierced the two-spotted cricket, and the other—


Ako coughed.

The lump of blood flowing from her mouth dripped to the floor.

One of the transformed needles pierced Ako's right chest.

"Your footage will not reach anywhere."

The woman spoke mechanically.

Annihilation Unit member, Shera.

The woman who'd once appeared before Ako to warn her and named herself thus.


Even while dribbling a line of blood from the sides of her mouth, Ako smiled. She shook her head.

"—I won."

The woman changed her expression.

"I was just a second faster. There should be a person who received it even for a second—"

She knew she was being jammed. Although it was the truth, if it spread through the whole world, chaos would not be avoided. As one who was fascinated by news, Ako knew that the most of anyone.

And so, just for a second.

If Ako's footage flowed through the world, even for a split second, it would be her victory.

One person was fine.

The one who saw Ako's work should feel something.

The power of truth was mighty.

Through the person who received Ako's feelings, it would spread even further.

"You can transmit the truth not using just electrical waves—but also the connections between people."

She felt refreshed.

Ako was able to accomplish her goal.

One day the world would accept the existence known as Mushi.

She was able to take this "first step" and transmit it to the world—

"I'll set an example."

The woman grimaced.

"We are aware that the network used by people is vast. The people's connections you speak of will let people know of your death and serve as a warning to those who seek Mushi."

The next flying needle pierced Ako's abdomen.

She fell to her knees.

"Thinking of people who use such power as friends… humph, how silly."

The two-spotted cricket was skewered by countless needles.

The blue glow surrounding the radio tower was vanishing.

"There's no way such a thing would be possible."

She felt the woman's mumbles growing further away.

The thump she heard next was her body hitting the floor.

She saw her vanishing Mushi in front of her eyes.

Mushi Uta 7 p383.jpg

Just like her assassin said, she knew she was risking her life. She'd already known long ago that those who took "the first step" would risk their lives.

Yet the woman still underestimated a couple of things.

The courage of journalists.

People's connections.

Because the woman who killed Ako herself would transmit the truth one day to someone.

That was the power of truth.

"—The actions of our journalism club cannot be stopped by anyone…"

She could picture it.

Mushitsuki who weren't any different from normal people, and the figure of the girl who became a Demon Lord who feared Mushi—their decision would end up bringing out the truth.

That was Ako's wish.

When people accepted Mushitsuki, Ako's wish would come true.

With her great victory, the True Journalist, Haemori Ako—closed her eyes.

5.01 Akatsuki The Last

Akatsuki collapsed in front of the defeated Genius.

Using too much of his power, he breathed heavily with both hands on the ground.

It's over—

They have destroyed the Zones in town here and there, and defeated Genius. Thanks to Ako they were able to win.

"Good job. The wounded will go back to the branch and receive treatment."

"Still, that's quite somethin'. Its body is actually still here. Just how strong is it?"

He heard the voices of the members from the shared communication channel. They spoke so businesslike it didn't seem like they had just been in mortal combat.

Akatsuki had no power left after that battle. He turned off the channel and pulled the visor down to his forehead.

The setting sun returned to illuminate the desolate land. The cloudless sky was dyed orange.

It's time to crash for a bit—

It happened just as he thought so.


A blue light flashed from behind.

Turning around in surprise, he saw the radio tower glowing in blue like rippling water. The glow was spreading from the antennas. The members around also looked suspiciously at the radio tower.


He rose to his legs, wavering.

Ako and Youko should still be there. Did something happen to them?


Forcing his body that seemed ready to collapse if he let down his guard, he ran toward the radio tower. He didn't know what happened, but it was obviously something abnormal.

"Hah…! Hah…!"

Suddenly the blue glow vanished.

He had a bad premonition. His heart sped up, regardless of his fatigue.

Finally he reached the area of the radio tower.

Youko, who was supposed to be in front of the fence, was nowhere to be found. She vanished along with her suitcase.

And not only Youko vanished.

Ako was also nowhere.


He raised his voice but there was no reply.

As he became more and more panicked, Akatsuki heard the sound of something dripping on the fence.

He reflexively turned around.

On top of the fence close to the radio tower was an unknown figure. The slender silhouette clad in a black trench coat turned to him.

She was a woman. For an instant, the dark-skinned woman looked at Akatsuki. He saw her wearing a displeased face, and then her coat swelled like a balloon.

"Who are you…!"

As Akatsuki tried pursuing her, the blown coat vanished along with the figure.

She was a Mushitsuki. She probably used some sort of ability to vanish.

Having a bad feeling, Akatsuki looked around the area the woman vanished. He went over the fence from the same direction Ako came before.

"Ako! Ako!"

He looked around him, be he couldn't see any girl holding a camera.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Akatsuki froze.


From way overhead, a drop of liquid fell to the ground.

Spreading on the asphalt wetting it—it was bright red.


He unconsciously raised his face.

Once again a red drop fell down. —It was blood.

He kicked the ground faster than he could think. Forgetting about both fatigue and injuries, he climbed up the staircase.

Climbing up the stairs lit by the setting sun, Akatsuki's footsteps echoed loudly.

Reaching the first floor as if flying into it, he could see no one. The drops of blood came from further above.

He got to the second floor, but there was still nothing.

Rushing up to the third floor, Akatsuki found the girl.


Ako was collapsed on the floor.

Her eyes looked at Akatsuki for a split second.

The smiling girl's pupils—lost all color.


He jumped at the girl, the same time as her Mushi, the two-spotted cricket, vanished into thin air.

"Ako! Ako!"

Hugging her up, he checked her breathing.

Although shallowly breathing, he knew that her badly wounded body was losing life.

"Why… Why did you…!"

A digital camera lay on the floor.

Looking at the LCD screen, Akatsuki shouted.

It was the video of Akatsuki smiling shyly in the classroom while eating pudding.

"No way, Ako—"

Just by seeing that, Akatsuki realized the situation.

Had she tried to send the information about Mushitsuki to the world?

And if so, then the trench coat woman he'd just saw was probably the SEPB's—


Grimacing, he lowered his visor.

"I need someone with a healing ability…! There's someone gravely injured here!"

The reply came instantly.

"You'll have to come back to the branch, there aren't any. Didn't you listen?"

"I won't make it in time! Bring them here immediately!"

"Please do not ask for the impossible. How much time do you think it would take just moving there?"

"It can be anyone! Isn't there someone with even a little of a healing ability?!"

Silence befell the shared channel. He knew that this wasn't part of their duties, but it made his blood boil. Akatsuki removed his visor and threw it against the floor.

"Ako! Why…!"

In Akatsuki's arms, the cloudy eyed Ako's breathing grew weaker. Along with her flowing blood her body heat also vanished. The shoulders he touched were growing colder.

Telling people the truth—

He knew what Ako was trying to do.

Before the image of Mushitsuki being scary solidified, she would let the world know the truth about them.

So that people who feared Mushitsuki too much, like Satou Youko, would not be born.

None other than Ako was able to accomplish this.

More than anyone, Akatsuki knew that from hearing from Ako herself.

"Why did you have to do this…!"

Why did it have to be Ako?

Wouldn't anyone else suffice?

Why, of all people, it was Akatsuki's friend that had to become a victim—

"Ako! AKOOO!"

He called to her desperately, but the emotionless Ako didn't even raise screams of anguish.

Akatsuki was losing yet another friend in his arms.

Ako thought that becoming alone was punishment for her.

If so, then was Akatsuki losing friends also a punishment?

Was his turning his eyes away from battle and keep running away, his just desserts?

—No, that was wrong.

This time only, Akatsuki didn't run away.

So he couldn't agree with losing Ako.

"If you die… then beating the Demon Lord would've been for nothing…!"

Akatsuki could do nothing but hug Ako. Letting leak incomprehensible sobs, he held the girl's body as tightly as he could.


Something white flew by his sight distorted by tears.

Since he was a moment before losing his mind, Akatsuki couldn't understand what that was. Still hugging Ako, he looked at it with a glazed face.

White particles.

Cutting through the floor, passing through Ako's body, and rising to the sky.

Akatsuki could never mistake this.

He'd seen it countless times in front of his eyes.

It was one of the different spaces created by the Demon Lord, by Satou Youko, the ability of Genius.

It indicated that this area, called a Spirit Zone, had a supernatural phenomenon happening in it.


Still hugging Ako, he climbed toward the rails.

When he saw that sight, he was reminded.

He thought it was weird the previous time he'd gone there with Ako.

On the flower bed created by cutting open one part of the ground covered by asphalt—the grass there grew much more than the other flower beds.

"'The Angel of the Radio Tower'—"

He mumbled with a hoarse voice without noticing.

Seeing the plastic sheet dangling in the wind when he'd found it, he thought this was just it. Never mind Akatsuki, but Ako also thought this and was disappointed. Due to that, he hadn't written about the radio tower in the list that he'd brought to the North Central Branch.

Akatsuki saw the white particles converging on the flower bed.

A Spirit Zone.

Turning his face, he looked at Genius collapsed on the other side. Its silhouette was vanishing and growing transparent, but its ability was not yet gone—

Looking at the Spirit Zone again, he noticed a beam of light converged there.

The antenna on the fence was slanted, so that it gathered the sun's light from its side. It absorbed and reflected the light into the flowerbed.

Only during this time and when it was in this angle would the setting sun's light be sucked into the Spirit Zone through the antenna. Perhaps accepting that mighty light was the activation condition.

And he heard about its effects from Ako.

The reason why the woman who'd taken her life didn't die—


Akatsuki bit his lips, hugging Ako again.

Inside his arm, the girl was breathing shallower and shallower even now.

The Spirit Zone's light was quickly growing fainter. By the time the sun's angle changed even a little the light wouldn't reach the Zone anymore.

He had no time to go down the stairs while holding Ako.

"You said that us journalism club members were invincible, right?"

Akatsuki's dirtied face looked at Ako.

If he missed their fall even by a little bit it'd probably be instant death. It was very windy today, and even if he did fall to the correct spot, it would be same depending on the place he hit.

Yet Akatsuki had no hesitation.

Wearing a full smile, he—

"I… think so as well."

Took Ako in his arms, and leapt toward the ground.

5.02 The Others

A shadow fell from the top of the radio tower.

They were a boy and a girl huddled together.

Before falling, there was a flowerbed overflowing with white particles.

The pair fell onto the flowerbed as if absorbed in it. The moment before they crashed into the ground, the golden-colored mayfly safely served its purpose as their cushion.

The mayfly's cry of pain reverberated through the radio tower.

Almost at the same time, the surrounding became dark.

The setting sun fell.

The white particles left an afterimage behind and vanished.

The boy and girl didn't move at all. A stain of blood spread on the grassy ground.


The flowerbed completely lost its white glow, and there was silence for a few seconds.

The mayfly spurting bodily fluids moved slowly. It moved its bent legs, sluggishly advancing toward the flowerbed.

Yet finally losing its power, perhaps, its head fell to the ground.

Again silence.

It happened just before the light of life disappeared from the radio tower swallowed by the curtain of the night.

The radio tower was filled with a golden glow.

The mayfly's split tail shot a laser toward the setting sun.

Hundreds, thousands—as if shining for the last time in life, it shot beams of light in succession.

Picking up that radiance was the largest rusty antenna.

Swallowing the golden light, it shot it at the flowerbed where the boy and girl were collapsed.

It became filled with white particles.

The shining curtain covered the flowerbed like an angel from heaven.

The unmoving boy and girl and the wounded mayfly were swallowed by the pure white space.

"…You didn't run away from your fight, right Ako?"

The boy's mumble echoed. With blood flowing from his head, he looked at the girl he covered with his arms.

The blood flowing out of her petite body stopped.

Although still emotionless, the warmth of life returned to the girl's cheeks.

The distant, miserable figure of the orchid mantis was vanishing into thin air.

When Genius vanished, the Mushi released from its coffin appeared.

Using its wings to fly, the Mushi illuminated the pair with lights coming from the fronts of its legs.

"There's this Mushitsuki called Fuyuhotaru. She had become a Fallen, but was the one and only Mushitsuki to retrieve her previous feelings."

The wounds of the boy and girl enveloped in the warm light were slowly being healed.

"Getting through this battle, I think I'll definitely find out why. —Yup, I'll find out a way to get you back to normal, and then welcome you back."

The girl said nothing. She simply looked up the boy with doll-like eyes.

The light vanished.

Exhausting itself, the Mushi melted like mist.

"I won't run away anymore. I'll battle to the end and return alive. …So please wait for me, Ako."

Next to the smiling boy, the golden mayfly raised its head.

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