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==Capítulo 1 - O Instruso à Meia-noite==
==Episode 1 The Intruder at Midnight==
===Parte 1===
===Part 1===
There was the colour of skin.
Havia uma cor de pele.
A white steam that covered all sight.
Um vapor branco que cobria toda a visão.
On the other side of the steam, there was a wall and a marble pillar that was visible due to being lit by a lamp.
Do outro lado do vapor, havia uma parede e um pilar de mármore que eram visíveis devido à
iluminação da lâmpada.
And the feeling of warm water that wet his cotton trousers.
E a sensação da água morna que molhou suas calças de algodão.
No matter how you thought about it, this was a bathroom.
Não importa como você pensou sobre isso, este era um banheiro.
“.... H-Hmm?”
(How did this happen again……?)
(Como isso aconteceu de novo......?)
That question was going through Lux’s mind.
Essa pergunta estava passando na mente de Lux.
Lux looked down while he tried not to look at the naked girls that were standing there shocked on the other side of the steam.
Lux olhou para baixo enquanto tentava não olhar para as garotas nuas que estavam chocadas
ali do outro lado do vapor.
Underneath Lux who was inside the hot water with his clothes on was a girl who made a laugh.
Debaixo de Lux, que estava dentro da água quente com suas roupas, havia uma garota que
deu risada.
Unlike her slim body, there was a mature smile on her expression.
Ao contrário de seu corpo pequeno, havia um sorriso maduro em sua expressão.
Her smooth white skin turned red due to being inside the bath where her cheeks also became red.
Sua suave pele branca ficou vermelha devido estar no banho, onde suas bochechas também
ficaram vermelhas.
(She’s cute.)
(Ela é bonita.)
He could have said that if he was looking at her from the side, but Lux not only couldn’t speak, but also couldn’t move an inch due to the dangerous feeling and the steam coming out from the girl.
Ele poderia dizer isso se ele estivesse olhando-a de lado, mas Lux não apenas não podia dizer,
mas também não podia mover um músculo devido ao vapor e a sensação perigosa vindo da
“……Hey, pervert. Do you have anything left to say before dying?”
“......Ei, pervertido. Você tem alguma coisa a dizer antes de morrer?”
Scary words came out from her lovely face where she had forcefully made a smile.
Palavras assustadoras saíram de seu rosto adorável, onde ela fez um sorriso forçado.
Bem, não é estranho que ela esteja brava.
Well, it wouldn’t be weird for her to be angry.
Isso porque... Ele podia vê-la.
That’s because— he could see her.
Dentro do banheiro espaçoso, a toalha que estava enrolada em seu corpo caiu e seu corpo nu
pôde ser visto.
Inside the spacious bathroom, the towel that was wrapped around her body fell and her fresh looking naked body became visible.
Seu lindo peito estava tremendo enquanto batia de volta a água quente.
Her cute looking breasts that were shivering while hitting back the hot water.
Sua clavícula que se elevava acima da água quente e a cintura fina em seus quadris.
Her collarbone that rose above the hot water and the tight curve on her hips.
E, mesmo os lugares abaixo de sua barriga sedosa estavam—
And also, even places below her silky stomach were—.
Seu destino pode ser decidido com sua próxima palavra.
His fate might be decided with his next words.
Lux começou escolher com cuidado as palavras com sua mente em pânico.
Lux started to choose his words carefully with his panicked head.
(E-Eu deveria elogiar ela primeiro.......!)
(I, I should praise her first……!)
No passado, quando ele fazia tarefas enquanto trabalhava como garçom de bar, lhe era
ensinado a técnica de como elogiar uma garota.
In the past, when he did chores while working as a bar waiter, he was taught the technique of how to praise a girl.
Antes que ele pudesse chegar a alguma coisa, sua opinião honesta saiu de sua boca.
Before he could come up with something, his honest opinion came out from his mouth.
“......Hmm, isto é. Você é fofa. Seu corpo em si é como o de uma criança.... Não, mesmo que
você pareça jovem, você tem um peito e tanto...... Espera, o que!?”
“……Hmm, the thing is. You are cute. Your whole package itself is like that of a child……no, even though you seem young, you have quite the chest—and it’s quite tempting. ……Wait, what the!?”
(Estou morto.)
(I’m dead.)
(O que diabos eu estou dizendo!? Isso não era o que eu deveria dizer!)
(What on earth am I saying! That’s not what I’m supposed to say!)
(Quem foi!? Aquele que me ensinou a maneira errada de dizer isso!? Aquele maldito dono de
bar pervertido!!)
(Who was it!? The one who taught me the wrong way to say it!? That damn perverted bar owner!)
A garota nua que ouviu isso soltou uma pequena risada.
The naked girl who heard that released a bitter laughter.
Por um instante, ela fez um sorriso brilhante como se estivesse satisfeita com isso, e então—
For an instant, she made a bright smile as if she was satisfied with it, and then—
“Quanto tempo você pretende ficar em cima de mim, seu idiotaaaaaaaaa!”
Ela gritou furiosa.
“How long are you planning to ride on top of me, you fooooooool!”
Ao mesmo tempo, havia muitos gritos vindo das meninas por todo o banheiro.
She made an angry voice.
As garotas nuas começaram atirar qualquer coisa que pudessem encontrar em Lux com toda
sua força.
“M-Me desculpaaaaaaaaa!”
At the same time, there were many screams coming from the girls inside of the whole bathroom.
Lux tentou escapar em pânico.
The naked girls started to throw anything they could find at Lux with all their might.
“Como acabou assim!?”
“I, I’m sooooooooorry!”
Com os olhos lacrimejando, Lux começou lembrar o que tinha acontecido algumas horas atrás
com a bolsa que ele carregava em suas mãos.
Lux tried to escape in panic.
“H-How did it turn out like this!?”
===Parte 2===
With teary eyes, Lux started to recall what had happened several hours ago with the bag he was carrying in his hand.
===Part 2===
Seu grito ecoou pelos edifícios.
A Cidade Fortaleza em forma de cruz formada por um bloco de cinco cidades, “Crossfield”.
The voice he let out from his stomach echoed through the buildings.
No primeiro distrito ao qual era localizado o centro desse lugar, havia duas sombras correndo.
Umas das sombras que estava correndo na frente era um gato com listras de tigre e tinha uma
pequena bolsa dentro de sua boca.
The cross-shaped fortress town made from the blocks of five towns, “Crossfield”.
A sombra pertencente a um pequeno garoto estava correndo atrás do gato com toda sua
In the first district, which was located at the centre of such place, there were two shadows that were sprinting.
A perseguição começou no terceiro distrito que está localizado a oeste da cidade em forma de
One of the shadows that was running ahead was a cat with tiger stripes and it had a small bag within its mouth.
O garoto, que já havia percorrido uma distância que normalmente faria você pensar que era
uma grande carga, já tinha corrido uma cidade, e já estava em seu limite em termos de
The shadow belonging to a small build boy was chasing after the cat with all his might.
Mesmo assim, o garoto de cabelos prateados com um colarinho continuou a correr.
A menina da loja de bebida que alegremente permitiu que Lux passasse a noite já que ele não
tinha um lugar para ficar na noite passada.
The sprint started from the third district that is located to the west of the town shaped in a cross.
Quando ele a viu de novo, a pequena bolsa que ela carregava tinha sido roubado por um gato
nas proximidades de repente.
The boy, who already ran a distance which would normally make you think whether you should take a cargo, had already ran across a single town, and was already at his limit in terms of exhaustion.
“Ahaha.... Você não precisa se forçar, sabia?”
Even so, the silver haired boy with a choker continued to run.
Ela fez um sorriso amargo quando Lux decidiu ir atrás do gato, mas—
The girl from the liquor store who gladly allowed Lux who didn’t have a place to sleep to stay over last night.
“Eu definitivamente vou trazer de volta.”
When he saw her again, the small bag that she was carrying had been taken by a nearby cat all of a sudden.
Servir e ajudar o povo desse país.
“Ahaha……you know you don’t have to force yourself?”
Esta era uma obrigação e objetivo de Lux que é colocado em uma posição especial neste país.
She put on a bitter smile when Lux was about to go after the cat, but—.
Mesmo que não fosse o caso, ele não podia permitir que o gato escapasse, desde que era uma
coisa de alguém que lhe tenha ajudado.
“I will definitely bring that back.”
Lux levantou seu espírito de novo e subiu a ladeira que ficava na rua principal.
To serve and to help the people of this country.
“......Oh, se não é o jovem rapaz. Já faz um tempo. Vai ser possível você trabalhar para mim da
próxima vez? Eu não tenho muita mão de obra para plantar algumas sementes durante essa
That is an obligation and aim for Lux who was put in a special position in this country.
“Me desculpe! Estou no meio de algo agora, então volto para te ver mais tarde—”
Even if that wasn’t the case, he wouldn’t allow the cat to run since it’s a belonging that belongs to someone who had helped him.
Mesmo que um senhor o tenha parado do lado da rua, Lux respondeu educadamente mesmo
estando com pressa.
Lux raised his spirit once again and sprinted up the slope that was located on the main street.
(Este não é o momento certo!)
“……Oh, if this isn’t the young lad. It’s been a while. Will you be able to work at my place next time? I don’t have much manpower to plant some seeds during this season……”
Mesmo que ele estivesse em pânico de tal forma, ele viu uma senhora com um bom físico de
longe dessa vez.
“I’m sorry! I’m in a middle of something, so I’ll get back to you next time—”
“Ora, se não é o Lux. Você pode me ajudar na cozinha da próxima vez? Já é quase o dia do
aniversário da fundação do Novo Reino Atismata. Você pode fazer alguns pratos adequados
para uma festa, certo?”
Even though an old man stopped him from the side of the street, Lux replied back politely even though he was in a rush.
“Eu falo com você quando o dia chegar!”
(This isn’t the right time!)
Lux pegou um bloco de notas e uma caneta rapidamente da bolsa equipada em seu cinto e
escreveu um memorando.
Even though he was panicking in such a way, he saw an old woman with a good physique far away this time.
Ele estava sem sorte por ter mostrado alguma confiança devido ao gato ter diminuído seu
ritmo na ladeira.
“Oh my, its Lux. Can you help out at my kitchen next time? It’s almost the time for the anniversary of the establishment of the New Kingdom of Atismata. You can also make a bit of dishes fitting for a party, right?”
“O que, você voltou do reino? Você podia ter vindo ao meu ateliê para me cumprimentar.
Você ainda está no meio do seu treinamento como ferreiro no meu trabalho.”
“I’ll come to you when the time comes!”
O trabalhador de aparência severa se virou e disse isso para Lux.
Lux took out a pen and notepad quickly from the bag equipped on his belt and wrote down some memo.
“Hmm, eu tenho um pouco de tempo livre em cinco dias, então—”
He was out of luck to have shown some confidence due to the cat slowing down its pace up the slope.
“Ei, Lux. Você pode me ajudar a tomar conta da vaca—”
“What, you came back from the kingdom? You should have come to my atelier to give your greetings to me. You were still in the middle of your training as a blacksmith at my place.”
“Você pode ser um parceiro de jogos para a minha filha—”
The stern-looking worker turned around and said that to Lux.
“Espera um segun...... Eu não posso! Me desculpa, eu não posso fazer tudo isso agora!”
“Umm, I have a bit of free time in five days so—”
Ele estava tentando escrever tudo isso, mas guardou seu bloco de notas e desistiu.
“Hey, Lux. Can you help out at taking care of the cow—”
Agora não era momento para aceitar um pedido de “trabalho”.
“Can you become a play buddy for my daughter—”
Sua prioridade era capturar o gato.
“Hold on a sec……, I can’t! I’m sorry, I can’t do all of this now!”
Colocando isso em sua mente, Lux correu enquanto colocava suas últimas forças em suas
He was trying to write all of that down but had to put away his notepad and give up.
Uma hora depois. Já estava começando a anoitecer.
Now wasn’t the time to be taking requests for his “labour”.
“Eu já deveria ter desistido.......”
His first priority was to capture the cat.
Possivelmente por conta do trabalho que Lux fizera da manhã ao meio-dia, ele estava
simplesmente exausto.
Putting that in his head, Lux sprinted as he put the last bit of energy he had in his legs.
Aparentemente é parte do instinto do organismo perseguir aqueles que fogem deles.
One hour later. About the time when it became dusk.
Apesar de respirar violentamente, ele escalou uma parede alta e continuou perseguindo o
“I, I should have given up already……”
“Hã......? Que lugar é esse?”
Possibly due to the labour work Lux had done from morning to noon, he was simply exhausted.
Por um instante, Lux entrou em pânico pensando que tinha entrado em uma área militar
devido à área e atmosfera espaçosa. Mas deve ser outra coisa nesse primeiro distrito do
Apparently, it was a part of an organisms’ instinct to chase after those who ran away from them.
(Então eu seria capaz de me desculpar.)
Despite breathing violently, he climbed up a tall wall and continued to chase after the cat.
Enquanto ele pensava nisso, o gato subiu em um edifício diferente enquanto carregava a bolsa
da menina na boca.
“Huh……? Where is this place?”
“P-Por que você foi por teve que ir por aí.......!?”
For an instant, Lux panicked thinking that he had entered a military area due to the spacious area and atmosphere. But there should be something else in this first district of the central.
Lux não teve escolha a não ser pular a parede e subir no outro telhado.
(Then I would be able to come up with an excuse.)
Desde que ele tinha experiencia em reparar telhados muitas vezes como parte de seu
trabalho, ele tinha uma boa noção em como subir com segurança no telhado.
As he thought that, the cat climbed onto a different building while it carried the girl’s bag in its mouth.
Ele não teria que fazer isso normalmente, mas ele já estava fazendo isso basicamente devido à
“W-Why did you have to go over there……!?”
“—Certo! Eu finalmente cheguei!”
Lux didn’t have a choice but to kick the wall and jump onto the other roof.
Não tinha lugar para fugir, então Lux calmamente fechou a distância entre ele e o gato.
Ele então se decidiu e foi atrás do gato.
Since he had experience repairing roofs many times as a part of his labour, he had a good grasp of climbing the roofs safely.
He wouldn’t have to do this normally, but he was already doing it basically due to obstinacy.
“—Alright! I’ve finally arrived!”
There was basically no place left to go, so Lux closed the distance between him and the cat slowly.
He then became resolved and went for the cat.
He will obviously lose to the cat in terms of speed, but his target was the girl’s bag from the beginning.
Ele obviamente vai perder para o gato em termos de velocidade, mas seu alvo era a bolsa da
menina desde o começo.
When Lux grasped onto the shoulder belt of the bag with his fingers, the cat finally let go off the bag it was holding onto.
Quando Lux agarrou a alça da bolsa com seus dedos, o gato finalmente soltou a bolsa que ele
estava segurando.
(I finally retrieved it!)
(Eu finalmente peguei de volta!)
Lux started to smile due to the relief and accomplishment.
Lux começou sorrir devido ao alívio e realização.
This might be a small achievement, but this was still an act of goodwill.
Esta pode ser uma pequena conquista, mas ainda é uma boa ação.
(If I report this to the administration, they may help me by lowering the debt I have by a bit.)
(Se eu reportar isso para a administração, eles podem me ajudar a diminuir um pouco a dívida
que tenho.)
“……No, this kind of selfishness isn’t right.”
“......Não, esse tipo de egoísmo não está certo.”
No matter how large a debt Lux had been burdened with by this country, he should simply be happy that he was able to become a help for someone.
Não importa o quão grande seja a dívida que Lux esteja devendo a este país, ele deveria
simplesmente estar feliz por se tornar alguém que pode ajudar as pessoas.
“Now then. If I don’t get back soon—”
“Agora então. Se eu não voltar logo—”
It had completely become dusk all of a sudden, so the surroundings had become dark.
De repente, ficou de noite, então o ambiente ficou escuro.
(Not being able to see the surroundings once I become too focused on things is my bad habit.)
(Não ser capaz de ver o ambiente quando eu fico concentrado demais é meu mau hábito.)
As Lux reflected on his own actions, he was about to jump of the roof, but—
Enquanto Lux refletia sobre suas próprias ações, ele estava prestes a pular do telhado, mas—
Um som desagradável foi feito.
A nasty sound like that was made.
O som veio do único lugar do telhado onde Lux estava colocando todo seu peso.
“E-Ei!? Não me diga que isso é—”
The source of the sound came from the single part of the roof Lux was holding onto while he put all of his weight on it.
Lux tentou sair do lugar de pressa.
“H-Hey!? Don’t tell me this is—”
Mas era tarde demais.
Lux tried to get away from the spot in a hurry.
Enquanto a rachadura era feita de baixo da sua mão fazendo muito barulho, a velocidade da
quebra aumentou e depois quebrou.
But he was too late.
While the crack was made below his hand while making so much sound, the speed of it breaking increased and then shattered.
Lux caiu junto com a sensação de perder seu peso.
Lux fell along with the sensation of losing his sense of weight.
Lux caiu na água depois de um segundo.
“Uwaaaah! Tosse!........ Hã?”
Aparentemente, havia água embaixo dele.
Lux suspirou por um momento por não ter se machucado, mas percebeu a estranheza
Lux fell into the water after a second.
(Isso é..... Água quente!?)
“Uwaaaah! Cough! ……Huh?”
Quando ele olhou, seu corpo a partir da cintura pra baixo estava coberto por água quente.
Apparently there was water under him.
Do outro lado do vapor branco, ele pôde ver um pilar de mármore e parede de aparência cara,
devido a lâmpada fraca, o ambiente parecia laranja.
Lux became relieved for a moment that he wasn’t injured, but he realised the strangeness right away.
“Não me diga que este lugar é—”
(This is— hot water?)
Lux percebeu quando ele estava tentando entender a situação.
When he looked, his body from his hips downward was covered by hot water.
Os pedaços do telhado de onde ele caiu.
On the other side of the white steam, he was able to see an expensive looking marble pillar and wall due to the faint lamp that made the surroundings look orange.
Esses fragmentos caíram, e bem em cima da garota que estava por perto.
“Don’t tell me this place is—”
Lux realised it the moment he was trying to grasp hold of the situation.
Lux, reflexivamente saltou em direção aos pedaços para afastá-los e caiu em cima dela.
The fragments of the roof he fell from.
Those fragments fell, and even from above the small build girl who was nearby—.
“Look out!”
Lux jumped towards her by reflex to push her away and jumped on her.
[[File:SaijakuBahamut v1 00b.jpg|thumb]]
[[File:SaijakuBahamut v1 00b.jpg|thumb]]
===Parte 3===
===Part 3===
“How long are you planning to ride on top of me, you fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!”
“Quanto tempo você planeja ficar em cima de mim, seu idiotaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”
—And Lux’s consciousness connected to the present.
—E a consciência de Lux volta para o presente.
Several loud screams echoed throughout the bath.
Muitos gritos ecoaram por todo o banheiro.
“I-I’m sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorry!”
“M-Me desculpaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
Bath tub, chair, soap. Various things were thrown, and Lux retreated towards the washing place.
Banheira, cadeira, sabonete. Várias coisas eram jogadas, e Lux recuou para o local de lavagem.
(What do I do? To think that I would fall into the women’s bath of the large public bath…!?)
(O que eu faço? Pensar que eu cairia num grande banheiro público feminino....!?)
Starting to despair so, Lux confirmed that there was still a girl’s pochette, which got a little wet with hot water, in his hand.
Começando a se desesperar, Lux confirmou que havia uma bolsa que ficou um pouco molhada
de água quente em sua mão.
“I-I’m sorry. I-I fell here because the roof broke; I just wanted to get this back––”
“M-Me desculpa. E-Eu caí porque o telhado quebrou. Eu só queria pegar isso de volta—”
While turning his face away from the girls’ naked bodies, Lux hung up the pochette which he had in his hand.
Enquanto virava o rosto para longe das meninas nuas, Lux pendurou a bolsa que ele tinha em
suas mãos.
Then, the pochette’s mouth opened and two pieces of clothes fell flutteringly.
Em seguida, a boca da bolsa se abriu e duas peças de roupas caíram.
It was two pieces of underwear white above and below.
Eram duas peças de roupas íntimas brancas, da parte de cima e de baixo.
The owner of the underwear was certainly a woman, but––.
A dona das roupas íntimas era certamente uma mulher, mas—
“Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Underwear thief! On top of being a peeping tom, he’s an underwear thief!”
“Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Um ladrão de roupas íntimas! Além de ser espião, é um ladrão
de roupas íntimas!”
“The guards! Call the guards quickly!”
“Os guardas! Chamem os guardas rapidamente!”
“Peguem suas espadas! A legítima defesa está aprovada a partir de agora!”
“Fetch your swords! Legitimate self-defense is approved as of now!”
“P-Please wait a minute! This isn’t mine, um –– it belongs to a girl who happened to pass by––!?”
“P-Por favor, esperem um minuto! Isso não é meu, hmm... Pertence a uma garota que passou
por um—!?”
As he desperately tried to explain, Lux noticed.
Enquanto tentava desesperadamente explicar, Lux percebeu.
(Droga! Nenhum tipo de desculpa vai funcionar!?)
(Damn! Any kind of excuse won’t work!?)
“How to put it, um, sorry!”
“Como dizer... Hum... Desculpe!”
As Lux hurriedly jumped out of the bathroom, he passed through the dressing room and started running.
Quando Lux saltou às pressas para fora do banheiro, ele passou pelo vestiário e começou a
He had the feeling that there were girls who were taking off their clothes also there, but he decided to pretend that he saw nothing.
Ele teve a sensação de que havia garotas que estavam tirando suas roupas ali também, mas ele
decidiu fingir que não viu nada.
“H-How did it turn out like this…!?”
“C-Como acabou desse jeito....!?”
“Peguem ele! Não o deixem escapar!”
“Catch him! Don’t let him escape!”
Lux, who somehow managed to escape the danger zone, while being chased by girls who wore their clothes, ran with all his energy in an unknown building.
Lux, que de alguma forma conseguiu escapar da zona de perigo, enquanto era perseguido por
garotas que usavam suas roupas, correu com toda sua energia para um edifício desconhecido.
A red carpet of high quality was spread out on the floor.
Um tapete vermelho de alta qualidade estava estendido no chão.
There was a large dining room like a party hall, as well as a playroom and countless guest rooms.
Havia uma grande sala de jantar como um salão de festas, uma sala de jogos e inúmeros
quartos de hóspedes.
Refined paintings and furnishings were put here and there.
Pinturas e móveis refinados foram colocados aqui e ali.
“Huh? This building is––”
“Hã? Esse prédio é....”
At first, he thought that he fell into a high-class hotel with a large bathroom, but it was too wide for it.
A princípio, ele pensou havia caído em um hotel de alta classe com um grande banheiro, mas
era muito grande para isso.
Não era a Corte Imperial da Capital, por que havia um prédio tão grande nessa Cidade
It was not the Imperial Court of the Capital, why was there such a building in this Fort city––?
“Ah! Ali está ele! O pervertido que tocou meu peito está aqui! Me tragam uma lança, rápido!”
“Ah! He’s there! The pervert who touched my chest is here! Bring me a spear quickly!”
When he was thinking so, the girls who ran into him in the front suddenly screamed.
Enquanto ele pensava assim, as garotas que o encontraram na frente, de repente gritaram.
“Espe...!? Como virou algo tão grande!?”
“Wai…!? How did it become something this big!?”
No… since he was chased as he ran away, if he wanted to prove his innocence, he should just behave himself, but –– he instinctively ran away.
Não... Desde que ele estava sendo perseguindo enquanto fugia, se ele quisesse provar sua
inocência, ele devia se entregar, mas... Ele institivamente fugiu.
Like wanting to chase when someone runs away, wanting to run away when being chased may also be the instinct of a creature.
Como querer correr atrás de alguém que foge, querer fugir quando está sendo perseguindo
também pode ser o instinto de uma criatura.
Lux fugia enquanto pensava em algo trivial no canto da sua cabeça.
Lux ran while thinking such a trivial thing in the corner of his head.
“I-It's already hopeless! I’ll just go through with it––”
“J-Já não tem mais esperança! Eu vou continuar com isso...!”
For now, he had to run away until the uproar settled down.
Por enquanto, ele teve que fugir até o alvoroço se acalmar.
When he arrived at the entrance of this big building while thinking so,
Quando ele chegou na entrada desse grande edifício enquanto pensava assim—
Lux parou, e mais uma vez duvidou de seus olhos.
Lux stopped, and once again doubted his own eyes.
Under the stairs of the colonnade where he stood, there was a large space decorated with a chandelier of candles.
Sob as escadas da colunata onde ele estava, havia um grande espaço decorado com um lustre
de velas.
Three girls armed with swords were standing there.
Três garotas armadas com espadas estavam ali.
“Royal Military Academy Regulations, Article 18.”
“Regulamento da Academia Militar Real, artigo 18.”
Uma voz calma que era de uma daquelas três garotas. Ela foi emitida pela garota de cabelos
A quiet voice which was that of one of those three girls. It was emitted by the blue-haired girl with a dignified face.
azuis com um rosto digno.
The three girls’ figures and atmospheres were completely different.
As figuras e a atmosfera das três meninas eram completamente diferentes.
However, only the uniform and the sword belt which they wore were alike.
No entanto, somente o uniforme e o cinto de espada que elas usavam eram iguais.
“Regardless of whether inside or outside of the academy, it is forbidden to draw out a sword device without the permission of a superior officer. However, only in the case of flagrant delict’s confirmation or when danger befalls oneself is one allowed to draw sword and use a Drag-Ride.”
“Independentemente de estar dentro ou fora da academia, é proibido usar um Sword Device
sem a permissão de um oficial superior. No entanto, somente no caso de confirmação de
delito flagrante ou perigo iminente, é permitido sacar uma espada e usar um Drag-Ride.”
With a well-projected voice in the large entrance, the blue-haired girl smiled.
Com uma voz bem projetada na grande entrada, a garota de cabelos azuis sorriu.
Lux who heard it forgot to even give an explanation to the girls and was driven into confusion.
Lux que ouviu isso, esqueceu de dar uma explicação para as garotas e entrou em confusão.
''Just now, what did she say?''
(Agora mesmo, o que ela disse?)
(Sword Device e.... Drag-Ride?)
''Sword device and –– Drag-Ride?''
''Why did these names come out from such girls––?''
(Porque essas palavras saíram dessas meninas!?)
“Hmph. For a pervert, you are the one with the best looks so far. You’re good looking enough to even be added as a candidate for my marriage meeting.”
“Hmph. Para um pervertido, você é o de melhor aparência até agora. Você é bonito o
suficiente para ser candidato para o meu casamento.”
“Hm, desculpe. Agora pouco, o que você...?”
“Um, sorry. Just a moment ago, what did you––?”
To the dazzlingly beautiful blue-haired girl who seemed to have the leader status, Lux asked.
Lux perguntou para a garota deslumbrante de cabelos azuis que parecia ser a líder.
“But, it’s regrettable. There has been no pervert who had crept into this women’s dormitory and succeeded in escaping after being found by us –– the Triad.”
“Mas, é lamentável. Nenhum pervertido que adentrou neste dormitório feminino conseguiu
escapar de nós — a Tríade.”
''Women’s dormitory? What is she talking about?''
(Dormitório feminino? Do que ela está falando?)
“Vamos . Tillfur! Noct!”
“Let’s do it. Tillfarr! Nokuto!”
“Yes, minha senhorita. Mas, por favor, tenha cuidado. Shalice.”
“Yes, my lord. But, just in case, please be careful. Sharis.”
The blue-haired girl called Sharis and the two girls who were standing still on both her sides.
A garota de cabelos azuis chamada Shalice e as meninas paradas em ambos os lados.
These three girls simultaneously unsheathed their swords.
Essas três garotas simultaneamente desembainharam suas espadas.
With a dark gray blade, a sword on which a shining silver line floated –– sword devices.
Com uma lâmina cinza escura, uma espada sobre a qual pairava uma linha prateada brilhante –
Sword Devices.
“No way!?”
When Lux opened his eyes wide in surprise, he heard Sharis’ voice.
Quando Lux arregalou os olhos de surpresa, ele ouviu a voz de Shalice.
“––Come forth, Wing Dragon of the crest which is the symbol of power. Fly in accordance with my sword, <Wyvern>!”
“—Venha adiante, símbolo de poder digno do Elmo do Dragão Alado. Obedeça a minha espada
e voe! <Wyvern>!”
At the same time, the space at the tip of the sword which Sharis swung shook and warped.
Ao mesmo tempo, a ponta da espada que Shalice usava brilhou e mudou.
What gathered there at high speed were grains (particles?) of light.
O que se reunia ali em alta velocidade eram partículas de luz.
Countless pale lights tinged with undulations formed one single entity.
Incontáveis partículas de luz se juntaram e formaram uma única entidade.
What appeared was a mechanical dragon twice as big as a human.
O que apareceu era um dragão mecânico duas vezes maior que um humano.
A streamlined form where metals with an acute angle were connected and lay innumerably on top of one another.<!-- 鋭角な金属が連結され-->
Uma forma aerodinâmica onde inúmeros metais com um ângulo agudo estavam conectados
um em cima do outro.
O brilho reluzente era abominavelmente lindo como uma famosa espada.
The wet luster was abominably beautiful like an embezzled famous sword.
“Um Drag-Ride!? Por que—”
“A Drag-Ride!? Why––”
They were ancient weapons which were summoned by drawing sword devices used as a pair. Mechanical armors, which copied legendary dragons, worn on one’s body and with which one acquired the war potential of a thousand soldiers.
Eram armas antigas que eram invocadas junto com o Sword Device e usados como um par,
armaduras mecânicas, que copiavam dragões lendários, usadas no corpo e com as quais se
adquiria o potencial de guerra de mil soldados.
Seven Ruins were discovered in the world.
Sete Ruínas foram descobertas no mundo.
Those weapons which were excavated from there possessed power enough to overturn the concept of war, which had been cultivated over several hundreds of years from in the past, in an instant.
Essas armas que foram escavadas de lá, possuíam poder suficiente para mudar o conceito de
guerra, o qual fora cultivado centenas de anos no passado, em um instante.
Humanos que usavam os Drag-Rides e podiam dominá-los eram chamados de Drag-Knights.
Humans who wore those Drag-Rides and could master them were called Drag-Knights.
Mas, Drag-Rides eram escassos e muito caros, então basicamente somente Cavaleiros do
Reino e pessoas influentes os possuíam.
But, Drag-Rides were scarce and very expensive and only knights of the Kingdom and some influential people could basically possess them.
(Por que essas garotas os possuem?)
''Why do these girls possess them––''
“Connection On.”
“Connection On.”
Sharis muttered, during the opportunity when Lux was dumbfounded.
Shalice murmurou, durante a oportunidade quando Lux ficou perplexo.
The blue streamlined machine opened from within, and was unfolded into innumerable parts.
The parts went towards Sharis’ both arms, both legs, trunk and head, connected at high speed –– it was equipped.
A máquina azul aerodinâmica se abriu por dentro, e foi desdobrada em várias partes.
As partes foram em direção aos dois braços de Shalice, ambas as pernas, tronco e cabeça,
conectados em alta velocidade — estava equipada.
O Drag-Ride cobriu o corpo de seu mestre com movimentos ininterruptos e se tornou uma
The Drag-Ride covered its master’s body with non-stop movements and changed into an armor.
“Ora, você se infiltra aqui sem nem saber onde está? Mas é inútil, mesmo que você esteja
“Oh my, did you creep in here without even knowing where this is? But, it’s useless even if you are befuddled, Pervert-kun. Give up and make a Dogeza<ref>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogeza </ref> there. If you do so, I can get it over with about ten whiplashes.”
confuso, Pervertido-kun. Desista e ajoelhe-se aqui. Se você fizer isso, eu posso acabar com isso
com apenas dez chicotadas.”
“Uhum. Espiar é um crime.”
“Uh-huh. Peeping is a crime.”
“Yes, meu senhor. De toda forma, você será punido.”
“Yes, my Lord. Either way, you will be punished.”
At the words of Sharis who was the leader, the girl with a light tune, Tillfarr and the girl with a calm atmosphere, Nokuto agreed.
Com as palavras de Shalice, que era a líder, a garota animada, Tillfur e a garota de uma
atmosfera calma, Noct, concordaram.
These two girls were also wearing other kinds of Drag-Rides on their bodies and took a stance of combat as well.
Essas duas garotas também estavam usando outros tipos de Drag-Ride em seus corpos e
tomaram posição de combate também.
“...Ah, espera um minuto!?”
“…Ah, wait a minute!?”
''Isn’t this a very dangerous situation?''
(Não é uma situação muito perigosa?)
Within a building like this –– no, in the first place, it wasn’t equipment to use against a flesh-and-blood opponent!
(Dentro de um prédio como esse... Não, em primeiro lugar, isso não é um equipamento para
se usar contra um oponente de carne e osso!!)
Shalice que usava um <Wyvern> em seu corpo, foi com tudo para cima.
Sharis who wore <Wyvern> on her body kicked the floor and flew.
From the armor of both wings on the legs and back, she sprayed out wind wearing light.
Da armadura de ambas as asas das pernas e da costa, ela pulverizou o ar usando luz.
Com um único salto da entrada do prédio, ela atacou Lux que estava no teto aberto do
segundo andar.
With a single leap from the edge of the entrance of the building, she attacked Lux who was in the open ceiling of the second floor.
Ela balançou seu braço coberto de armadura de metal e de repente atacou-o como se ela o
usasse como uma espada.
She greatly swung the arm covered with metal armor and suddenly struck with it as she used it like a sword.
Lux abruptamente virou-se para o lado e desviou.
Lux abruptly turned sideways and dodged it.
[[File:SaijakuBahamut v1 025.jpg|thumb]]
[[File:SaijakuBahamut v1 025.jpg|thumb]]
Embora ele fosse capaz de desviar por um fio de cabelo, o corrimão de madeira que estava ali
Though he was able to evade it by a hairbreadth, the wooden handrail which was over there was smashed to pieces.
foi despedaçado.
“Opa! Será que eu segurei muito a velocidade?”
“Oops! Did I hold back the speed too much?”
“Não! Você usa muita força! Eu podia ter morrido, sabia!?”
“No! You used too much power! I’d have died though!?”
While putting a riposte to the surprised Sharis, Lux went down the stairs as he rolled over.
Enquanto respondia para a Shalice surpresa, Lux desceu a escada enquanto escapava.
Then, the Drag-Ride for land battles which was at the entrance up to now. Tillfarr who equipped a jade green Drag-Ride –– <Wyrm> immediately blocked his way.
Então, o Drag-Ride para batalhas terrestres que estava na entrada até agora. Tillfur que estava
equipada com um Drag-Ride verde jade <Wyrm> imediatamente bloqueou seu caminho.
“Hyaffuuuuh. Uh oh, test, test<ref>says often when one makes a test of sound of a mike</ref>. Notification to Pervert-san there. As of now, your crime is light.”
“Iaaahuuu. Testando, testando. Notificação para o Pervertido-san aí. A partir de agora, seu
crime é leve.”
“In a sense, I’m treated more severe than in an average punishment, though!?”
“De certa forma, eu sou tratado com mais severidade do que em uma punição média, no
“It’s bad”, thought Lux while riposting.
“É ruim”, Lux pensou enquanto se reposicionava.
The flight ability could not be fully used indoors; on the contrary, it became a hindrance to the movements.
(A habilidade de voo não pode ser usada completamente em lugares fechados; pelo contrário,
tornou-se um obstáculo para os movimentos.)
Por isso o Drag-Ride genérico de Shalice <Wyvern> ainda era bom, mas era perigoso aqui.
That’s why Sharis’ flight general purpose Drag-Knight <Wyvern> was still good, but it was dangerous here.
The limbs covered with thick armors possessed a high mobility due to multiple variables frames and could let out power likely to explode at any time as well.
Os membros cobertos com armadura espessam possuíam uma alta mobilidade devido a
estrutura de múltiplas variáveis e poderiam permitir que a energia explodisse a qualquer
After all, the land battle general-purpose Drag-Ride <Wyrm> was a Drag-Ride with properties most suitable for close range combat.
Afinal, o Drag-Ride genérico de batalhas terrestres <Wyrm>, era um Drag-Ride com
propriedades mais indicadas para combate a curta distância.
“Well, anything is fine, so behave yourself. If you struggle strangely, it’ll be rather dangerous.”
“Bem, qualquer coisa está bom, então comporte-se. Se você lutar estranhamente, vai ser
bastante perigoso.”
“Nesse ritmo, eu preferiria ser morto!?”
“At this rate, I would rather be killed!?”
Lux put his feet on the handrail, and jumped down to the first floor without going down the stairs where the path was blocked.
Lux colocou os pés no corrimão e desceu para o primeiro andar sem usar as escadas que
estavam bloqueadas.
No entanto—
“W-Wow! Eu não vou deixar você passar por aqui!”
“U-Uh-oh! I won’t let you pass here!”
Floating a confident smile, Tillfarr instantly stood in the way.
Com um sorriso confiante no rosto, Tillfur imediatamente ficou no caminho.
Junto com a armadura usada em seu corpo, ela fez uma queda lateral centralizando-se no
corrimão da escada e pousou.
Together with the armor worn on her body, she made a side fall down centering on the handrail of the stairs and landed.<!-- 階段の手すりを軸に側転し-->
Um Drag-Ride não era apenas uma armadura dura e pesada.
A Drag-Ride was not just a mere heavy and hard armor.
A performance cinética das peças de instalação também foi muito melhorada pela energia
trazida do Force Core que era o poder do Drag-Ride.
The kinematic performance of the installation part was also greatly strengthened by the energy brought forth from the Force Core which was the Drag-Ride’s power
O braço direito de Tillfur usando essa armadura foi balançado pra baixo.
The right arm of Tillfarr clad in that armor was swung downward.
BANG*! Com um som esmagador, o piso de madeira foi destruído e a poeira subiu. Houve um
grito leve e um movimento, mas o poder era grande demais.
Enquanto Lux estremecia com a performance de um Drag-Ride que ele sentiu com seu próprio
<nowiki>*</nowiki>BANG*! With a crushing sound, the wooden floor was smashed and dust soared. There was a light shout and movement, but the power was very great.
While Lux shuddered at the performance of a Drag-Ride which he felt with his own body––.
Tillfur vestindo seu <Wyrm> olhou para o chão onde seu punho atingiu.
Tillfarr wearing <Wyrm> looked at the floor where her fist was driven in.
A figura de Lux, na frente de quem ela mostrava seu poder agora, e quem devia ser
He had disappeared.
“Debaixo do chão! Tillfur!”
The figure of Lux, in front of whom she displayed her power just now, and who should be surprised.
A voz digna de Shalice chegou a Lux, que correu para baixo do chão.
“Under the floor! Tillfarr!”
O golpe que Tillfur usou como intimidação.
Ele passou pelo buraco que ela fez, escapou por baixo do chão e estava correndo.
Sharis’ dignified voice overhead reached Lux who ran under the floor.
The blow which Tillfarr let out as intimidation.
Quando Tillfur, que foi chamada, olhou para o buraco com um rosto descontente—
He went through the hole which it made, escaped under the floor and was running.
“Não o persiga, Tillfur.”
A voz calma de Shalice parou Tillfur.
When Tillfarr who was pointed out looked into the hole of the floor with a discontented face,
“Não importa o quão efetiva a manobrabilidade do <Wyrm> seja, a parte inferior do chão aqui
é muito estreita. Se você destruir mais o dormitório, será um pedido de desculpas por escrito.
Eu não vou perseguir ele mais também.”
“Don’t chase him, Tillfarr.”
“Mas, mas! Se o deixarmos escapar assim...”
Sharis’ calm voice stopped Tillfarr.
“Está tudo bem. A Noct já começou se mover. Ela não vai deixá-lo escapar.”
“No matter how effective <Wyrm>’s maneuverability is, the bottom of the floor here is too narrow. If you destroy the dormitory any further, it’ll be a written apology. I won’t chase him anymore, either.”
Enquanto acalmava Tillfur, Shalice olhou aos arredores.
“But, but! If we let him escape like this––”
“Mas qual o significado disso? Ele conseguiu aguentar sem nenhum equipamento... Esses
movimentos. Era como se ele visse as características especiais dos nossos Drag-Rides em um
“It’s all right. Nokuto has already moved. She won’t let him escape.”
Para a perplexidade da garota que geralmente era muito confiante, Tillfur inclinou sua cabeça
para o lado.
While calming Tillfarr, Sharis let her gaze wander about at the surroundings.
“Hmm. O que é isso? Shalice.”
“But, what is the meaning of this? He managed to hold out without equipment… Those movements. It was as if he saw through the special characteristics of our Drag-Rides in an instant––”
“Cabelo prateado e colarinho preto. Não... Não me diga que ele é—”
To the perplexity of the girl who was usually very confident, Tillfarr tilted her head to the side.
Com um tom sério, ela apenas tossiu.
===Parte 4===
“Hmm? What is it, Sharis?”
“Silver hair and a black collar. No… don’t tell me that boy is––”
With a serious tone, she just coughed so.
Fugindo para a parte de fora do prédio por baixo do chão, Lux correu pela estrada do chão.
O <Wyvern> de Shalice e o <Wyrm> de Tillfur.
===Part 4===
Também o momento em que ele escapou de dois Drag-Rides genéricos.
A terceira pessoa — a garota chamada Noct veio atrás de Lux.
Escaping to the outside of the building from under the floor, Lux dashed on the road of the ground.
Seu Drag-Ride laranja, era um Drag-Ride genérico chamado <Drake>.
Em contraste com o tipo voador <Wyvern> e o tipo terrestre <Wyrm>, era classificado como
The <Wyvern> of Sharis and the <Wyrm> of Tillfarr.
um sendo um de tipo equipamento especial.
Also the moment when he escaped from the two general-purpose type Drag-Rides.
Embora fosse equipado com funções especiais como busca por inimigos, camuflagem, suporte,
assistência, restauração e afins, e sua performance básica (habilidade) fosse reduzida, sua
força sob situações específicas, superava a dos outros dois.
The third person –– the girl named Nokuto came chasing Lux.
Sua característica especial — verificar visualmente Lux mesmo na escuridão por meio das
lentes que usava em sua cabeça, Noct precisamente o perseguia.
Her orange Drag-Ride was a general purpose Drag-Ride called <Drake>.
“Pare. Se você não parar, eu vou atirar. Se você parar, eu vou atirar gentilmente.”
In contrast with the flight type <Wyvern> and the land battle type <Wyrm>, it was a type classified as a special equipment (customized) type.
Lux, que corria no vasto lugar em direção ao portão principal, Noct chamou-o enquanto o
Although it was a Drag-Ride equipped with special functions such as searching for the enemy, camouflage, support, assistance, restoration and the like, and its basic performance (ability) was somewhat lowered, its strength under a specific situation surpassed the other two.
Desnecessário dizer que Noct vestida com <Drake>, estava acima da velocidade.
No entanto, Lux correu enquanto avançava pelo mato com muitas árvores e enfraqueceu seu
Using it special characteristic –– visually observing Lux even within the dark by means of the goggles which were worn on her head, Nokuto accurately ran after him.
momento de perseguição.
“Stop. If you don’t stop, I will shoot. If you stop, I will shoot kindly.”
“Gentilmente? O que você quer dizer!?”
Towards Lux who ran within the vast site towards the main gate, Nokuto called out to him while chasing after him.
Lux respondeu somente com a voz sem olhar para trás.
Needless to say that Nokuto clad in <Drake> was above him in speed.
“Yes. Eu ficaria grata se você não morresse. Nesse sentido.”
However, Lux ran as he wove his way through the bush with many trees and weakened her momentum of chase.
“Era apenas o problema dos sentimentos!?”
“Kindly? What do you mean!?”
“Yes. Eu farei isso para que você sofra o mínimo possível. Nesse sentido.”
Lux answered only with his voice without looking back.
“Você tem a atmosfera ‘por mais que eu te mate, não será o suficiente’!?”
“Yes. It'd be great if you didn't die. In that sense.”
(Como esperado, eu não consigo pará-la.)
“It was only a matter of feelings!?”
(Eu vou morrer se eu parar.)
“Yes. And, I will do so that you won’t suffer as much as possible. In that sense.”
E, por precaução, se sua identidade fosse exposta, se tornaria algo terrível.
“You have the atmosphere of ‘however much I kill you, it won’t be enough’!?”<ref>何でもう殺してもやむなしって空気なの!? Please also TLC this sentence </ref>
“Yes. Então, não pode ser evitado.”
''As expected, I can’t stop her.''
Ao mesmo tempo em que ela murmurou algo tão perigoso, Noct armou um Breath Gun.
''I will be killed if I stop.''
Era um rifle de tiro rápido, que deixou a energia do Drag-Ride convergir e começou atirar.
And just in case, if his identity was exposed, it would become something terrible––.
Era um armamento de baixo poder contra um Drag-Knight, mas se fosse recebido com um
corpo humano, seria uma vítima fácil.
“Yes. ––Then, it can’t be helped.”
At the same time she leaked such a dangerous mutter, Nokuto set up a Breath Gun.
Lux, que pressentiu que o gatilho ia ser puxado em suas costas, pulou na diagonal para a frente
com toda sua força.
It was a rapid-fire (blaze) type rifle which let the Drag-Ride’s energy converge and began shot.
De dentro da escuridão, a fim de esconder sua figura, até o portão principal iluminado.
Lá havia uma fogueira para iluminar o caminho que levava ao prédio.
It was an armament of low power against a Drag-Knight, but if received with a human body, one would easily fall victim.
Lux, who sensed the presence where the trigger was pulled on his back, jumped diagonally forward with all his strength.
No momento seguinte, Noct tampou as lentes da armadura com as mãos.
From within the darkness in order to conceal his figure, to the way to the main gate brightly illuminated.
Como a fogueira em si era usada como obstáculo, era muito brilhante para as lentes que
aumentavam a sensibilidade da vista.
There –– there was a bonfire to illuminate the passage up to the building.
“Yes. Parece que você sabe da característica especial do <Drake>. No entanto, com apenas
A sensibilidade da vista fornecida através das lentes de projeção do <Drake> pôde ser ajustada
The next moment, Nokuto obstructed the goggles of the armor with her hand.
Quando Noct expôs seu rosto, que ela cobriu com a mão para mirar com o Breath Gun
Because the bonfire itself was used as an obstacle (wall), it was too dazzling in the view which raised sensitivity.
“Yes. It looked like, you know, the <Drake>’s special trait. However, with only that––”
Diante dos seus olhos, o fogo se aproximava.
The view sensitivity which was provided through the goggles of the <Drake> could be immediately adjusted.
Era lenha com fogo que fazia parte da fogueira. Lux, que pegou uma delas, atirou-a nas costas
de Noct.
When Nokuto exposed her face which she covered with her hand so as to take aim with the Breath Gun again,
Ela balançou o braço blindado às pressas e sacudiu a lenha.
(Com um Drag-Knight como oponente, ataques comuns não funcionariam; jogar uma cortina
de fumaça seria melhor.)
Before her eyes, fire was approaching.
Mas, naquela oportunidade em que Noct parou de repente, Lux chegou no caminho perto do
portão principal.
It was firewood with fire that was from the bonfire. Lux who gripped one of it, threw it aiming at Nokuto’s rear.
Exatamente naquele momento, uma garota vestindo o mesmo uniforme de Noct e companhia,
caminhava enquanto se dirigia lentamente para o dormitório feminino.
Como havia o risco de envolver a garota, ela não podia mais atirar usando a Breath Gun.
Enquanto pensava assim no canto da sua cabeça, Noct ficou surpresa.
She swung the armored arm in a hurry and flipped the firewood.
“Por quê? Não pode ser...”
Não importa se elas estavam pegando leve com ele, para conseguir escapar contra três Drag-
With a Drag-Knight as an opponent, ordinary attacks would not work; the throwing of a smoke screen would be better<ref>目眩ましの投擲, TLC here again, please </ref>.
Knights sem equipamento...
But, at that opportunity where Nokuto suddenly stopped, Lux reached up to the way near the main gate.
“Quem é ele? Aquele garoto...”
Exactly at that time, a girl wearing the same uniform as Nokuto and company walked as she slowly headed to the women’s dormitory from the main gate.
“Ok, com isso, de alguma forma...”
Since there was danger of involving the girl, she could no longer shoot with the Breath Gun.
Lux olhou para atrás e verificou que Noct tinha abaixado a arma.
While thinking so in the corner of her head, Nokuto was astonished.
Não seria sensato escapar dessa forma.
“Why? It can’t be…”
(Quando o outro lado se acalmar, vou me explicar adequadamente e me desculpar.)
No matter how much they were going easy on him, to succeed in escaping against three Drag-Knights without equipment––.
“Who is he? That boy––”
Enquanto pensava assim, ele notou diante dos seus olhos, a garota estava lá.
“Ok, with this, I somehow––”
A respiração de Lux, que estava fugindo com toda sua força, parou por um instante.
Lux looked back behind and checked that Nokuto lowered her gun.
Era uma linda garota.
It would not be wise to escape as is though.
Ela tinha um corpo magro e bem proporcionado, feições nobres e olhos frios.
When the other side settled down, he would properly explain himself and apologize.
Assim como uma obra de arte perfeita, a garota, não mostrando tensão nem folga, estava
diante de Lux.
“Você não precisa persegui-lo. Desde que eu vou detê-lo.”
When he thought so, as he noticed before his eyes, the girl was there.
The breathing of Lux who was running away with all his power stopped for an instant.
A garota na frente levantou levemente a mão direita e chamou Noct por trás.
Para seus movimentos que não tiveram tanta hesitação, Lux parou instintivamente.
It was a beautiful girl.
She had a slender and well-proportioned body, noble features and cold eyes.
“Haa, Haa... Hmm... Com licença. Eu sou, errr—”
Just like a perfect work of art, the girl, showing neither strain nor slack, was standing before Lux.
De trás do prédio, gritos como “pervertido!” ou “ladrão de roupa íntima!” podiam ser ouvidos
“You do not need to chase him. Since I will stop him.”
“Sim, eu sei.”
Olhando para Lux, que rapidamente tentou explicar, a garota sorriu.
The girl in front of him lightly raised her right hand and called out to Nokuto behind.
“Que espião, pervertido e ladrão de roupa íntima bastante bonito, hein. Ele ainda é criança.”
To her movements which had not that much hesitation, Lux instinctively stopped.
“Eh...!?... N-Não.... Eu—”
“Haa, Haa… Um… Excuse me. I’m, errr––”
Enquanto tremia, Lux ficou um pouco irritado.
From the building behind, screams such as “Pervert!” or “Underwear thief!” could be heard.
Certamente a garota na frente dele tem uma atmosfera adulta, mas ela deve ter a mesma
idade que ele.
“Yes, I know.”
E ainda—
Looking at Lux who hurriedly tried to explain, the girl smiled.
“...Bom, pode não parecer, mas tenho 17 anos. Bem, muitas vezes me dizem que meu rosto
parece infantil, mas...”
“What a fairly pretty peeping tom, pervert and underwear thief, eh. He’s still a child.”
Esquecido de que ele estava em uma situação em que estava encurralado, Lux refutou.
“Eh…!? …N-No… I––”
A garota bonita de repente mostrou uma expressão triste.
While shaking, Lux was, just a little, irritated.
“...É assim mesmo. Mas eu sinto muito. Eu não gosto, mas mesmo com uma criança como
oponente, não posso ignorar um infrator.”
Certainly the girl in front of him had a grown-up atmosphere, but she should be about the same age as him.
(C-Criança, criança, ela não se importa com o que lhe dizem...!?)
And yet––.
Em uma parte, totalmente não relacionada com esse alvoroço, Lux se decidiu interiormente.
Ele entendeu que, ele que de repente caiu no grande banheiro feminino e não conseguiu dar
desculpas, estava totalmente errado.
“…I may not look like this, but I’m 17 years old. Well, I’m often told that my face looks childish, but––”
Mas, seja como for, havia o problema do orgulho.
Mesmo que ele não gostasse disso, ele pretendia adquirir até treinamento de combate corpo-
Forgetting that he was in a situation where he was cornered, Lux rebutted.
a-corpo como tal.
The fairylike girl suddenly showed a sad expression.
Nesse caso—
“…Is that so. But, I’m sorry. I don’t like it, but even with a child as an opponent, I can’t overlook an offender.”
(Vou mostrar a ela o quanto essa ‘criança’ pode fazer como tal.)
(C-Child, child, doesn’t she care about what someone told her…!?)
Obviamente, ele não pretendia atacá-la ou usar ataques como intimidação desde o início.
In a part totally unrelated to this turmoil, Lux inwardly decided further.
Ele a esquivaria e escaparia para fora com apenas um mero trabalho de pés.
He understood that he, who suddenly plunged into the large public bath and could not make any excuse, was totally in the wrong.
But, be that as it may, there was the problem of pride.
Com tal grito, Lux começou a luta.
Even though he might not like this, he intended to pile up (acquire) even the training of hand-to-hand combat as such.
Para desviar da garota à sua frente, ele fez uma finta para a esquerda, virou-se e foi para a
In that case––.
A garota não conseguiu reagir. Ele a ultrapassou.
''I will show her how much even that ‘child’ can do as such.''
Of course, he did not intend to attack her or even use attacks as intimidation from the start.
He would dodge her and escape outside with just mere footwork.
With such a scream, Lux began the bout.
In order to dodge the girl in front of him, he made a feint to the left, turned and went to the right.
The girl could not react. He overtook her.
[[File:SaijakuBahamut v1 035.jpg|thumb]]
[[File:SaijakuBahamut v1 035.jpg|thumb]]
The moment when Lux believed so––,
No momento em que Lux acreditava assim...
“––You’re naive, eh.”
“....Você é ingênuo, hein.”
Ao mesmo tempo em que ouviu a voz da garota chamada Krulcifer, o mundo virou de cabeça
At the same time as the voice of the girl called Krulcifer, the world turned upside down.
pra baixo.
After the question of the moment, a shock ran throughout his body.
Após questão de tempo, um choque percorreu seu corpo.
''What on earth––''
(O que diabos—)
“Well then, I leave the rest to you. I’m going to the bath. There are no more peeping toms, are there?”
“Bem, então, deixo o resto para vocês. Eu vou tomar banho. Não existe mais nenhum espião,
Soon after having heard her indifferent voice, Lux’s field of vision turned black.
Logo após ouvir sua voz indiferente, a visão de Lux apagou.
It was after he woke up later that he noticed that it was due to the shock when he was flung by Krulcifer.
Foi depois que ele acordou mais tarde que ele percebeu que foi devido ao choque quando ele
foi arremessado por Krulcifer.
The long first day ended, and began.
O longo primeiro dia terminou, e começou.
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Latest revision as of 22:42, 5 August 2020

Episode 1 – The Intruder at Midnight[edit]

Part 1[edit]

There was the colour of skin.

A white steam that covered all sight.

On the other side of the steam, there was a wall and a marble pillar that was visible due to being lit by a lamp.

And the feeling of warm water that wet his cotton trousers.

No matter how you thought about it, this was a bathroom.


(How did this happen again……?)

That question was going through Lux’s mind.


Lux looked down while he tried not to look at the naked girls that were standing there shocked on the other side of the steam.


Underneath Lux who was inside the hot water with his clothes on was a girl who made a laugh.

Unlike her slim body, there was a mature smile on her expression.

Her smooth white skin turned red due to being inside the bath where her cheeks also became red.

(She’s cute.)

He could have said that if he was looking at her from the side, but Lux not only couldn’t speak, but also couldn’t move an inch due to the dangerous feeling and the steam coming out from the girl.

“……Hey, pervert. Do you have anything left to say before dying?”

Scary words came out from her lovely face where she had forcefully made a smile.

Well, it wouldn’t be weird for her to be angry.

That’s because— he could see her.

Inside the spacious bathroom, the towel that was wrapped around her body fell and her fresh looking naked body became visible.

Her cute looking breasts that were shivering while hitting back the hot water.

Her collarbone that rose above the hot water and the tight curve on her hips.

And also, even places below her silky stomach were—.


His fate might be decided with his next words.

Lux started to choose his words carefully with his panicked head.

(I, I should praise her first……!)

In the past, when he did chores while working as a bar waiter, he was taught the technique of how to praise a girl.

Before he could come up with something, his honest opinion came out from his mouth.

“……Hmm, the thing is. You are cute. Your whole package itself is like that of a child……no, even though you seem young, you have quite the chest—and it’s quite tempting. ……Wait, what the!?”

(I’m dead.)

(What on earth am I saying! That’s not what I’m supposed to say!)

(Who was it!? The one who taught me the wrong way to say it!? That damn perverted bar owner!)


The naked girl who heard that released a bitter laughter.

For an instant, she made a bright smile as if she was satisfied with it, and then—

“How long are you planning to ride on top of me, you fooooooool!”

She made an angry voice.


At the same time, there were many screams coming from the girls inside of the whole bathroom.

The naked girls started to throw anything they could find at Lux with all their might.

“I, I’m sooooooooorry!”

Lux tried to escape in panic.

“H-How did it turn out like this!?”

With teary eyes, Lux started to recall what had happened several hours ago with the bag he was carrying in his hand.

Part 2[edit]


The voice he let out from his stomach echoed through the buildings.

The cross-shaped fortress town made from the blocks of five towns, “Crossfield”.

In the first district, which was located at the centre of such place, there were two shadows that were sprinting.

One of the shadows that was running ahead was a cat with tiger stripes and it had a small bag within its mouth.

The shadow belonging to a small build boy was chasing after the cat with all his might.

The sprint started from the third district that is located to the west of the town shaped in a cross.

The boy, who already ran a distance which would normally make you think whether you should take a cargo, had already ran across a single town, and was already at his limit in terms of exhaustion.

Even so, the silver haired boy with a choker continued to run.

The girl from the liquor store who gladly allowed Lux who didn’t have a place to sleep to stay over last night.

When he saw her again, the small bag that she was carrying had been taken by a nearby cat all of a sudden.

“Ahaha……you know you don’t have to force yourself?”

She put on a bitter smile when Lux was about to go after the cat, but—.

“I will definitely bring that back.”

To serve and to help the people of this country.

That is an obligation and aim for Lux who was put in a special position in this country.

Even if that wasn’t the case, he wouldn’t allow the cat to run since it’s a belonging that belongs to someone who had helped him.

Lux raised his spirit once again and sprinted up the slope that was located on the main street.

“……Oh, if this isn’t the young lad. It’s been a while. Will you be able to work at my place next time? I don’t have much manpower to plant some seeds during this season……”

“I’m sorry! I’m in a middle of something, so I’ll get back to you next time—”

Even though an old man stopped him from the side of the street, Lux replied back politely even though he was in a rush.

(This isn’t the right time!)

Even though he was panicking in such a way, he saw an old woman with a good physique far away this time.

“Oh my, its Lux. Can you help out at my kitchen next time? It’s almost the time for the anniversary of the establishment of the New Kingdom of Atismata. You can also make a bit of dishes fitting for a party, right?”

“I’ll come to you when the time comes!”

Lux took out a pen and notepad quickly from the bag equipped on his belt and wrote down some memo.

He was out of luck to have shown some confidence due to the cat slowing down its pace up the slope.

“What, you came back from the kingdom? You should have come to my atelier to give your greetings to me. You were still in the middle of your training as a blacksmith at my place.”

The stern-looking worker turned around and said that to Lux.

“Umm, I have a bit of free time in five days so—”

“Hey, Lux. Can you help out at taking care of the cow—”

“Can you become a play buddy for my daughter—”

“Hold on a sec……, I can’t! I’m sorry, I can’t do all of this now!”

He was trying to write all of that down but had to put away his notepad and give up.

Now wasn’t the time to be taking requests for his “labour”.

His first priority was to capture the cat.

Putting that in his head, Lux sprinted as he put the last bit of energy he had in his legs.

One hour later. About the time when it became dusk.

“I, I should have given up already……”

Possibly due to the labour work Lux had done from morning to noon, he was simply exhausted.

Apparently, it was a part of an organisms’ instinct to chase after those who ran away from them.

Despite breathing violently, he climbed up a tall wall and continued to chase after the cat.

“Huh……? Where is this place?”

For an instant, Lux panicked thinking that he had entered a military area due to the spacious area and atmosphere. But there should be something else in this first district of the central.

(Then I would be able to come up with an excuse.)

As he thought that, the cat climbed onto a different building while it carried the girl’s bag in its mouth.

“W-Why did you have to go over there……!?”

Lux didn’t have a choice but to kick the wall and jump onto the other roof.

Since he had experience repairing roofs many times as a part of his labour, he had a good grasp of climbing the roofs safely.

He wouldn’t have to do this normally, but he was already doing it basically due to obstinacy.

“—Alright! I’ve finally arrived!”

There was basically no place left to go, so Lux closed the distance between him and the cat slowly.

He then became resolved and went for the cat.


He will obviously lose to the cat in terms of speed, but his target was the girl’s bag from the beginning.

When Lux grasped onto the shoulder belt of the bag with his fingers, the cat finally let go off the bag it was holding onto.


(I finally retrieved it!)

Lux started to smile due to the relief and accomplishment.

This might be a small achievement, but this was still an act of goodwill.

(If I report this to the administration, they may help me by lowering the debt I have by a bit.)

“……No, this kind of selfishness isn’t right.”

No matter how large a debt Lux had been burdened with by this country, he should simply be happy that he was able to become a help for someone.

“Now then. If I don’t get back soon—”

It had completely become dusk all of a sudden, so the surroundings had become dark.

(Not being able to see the surroundings once I become too focused on things is my bad habit.)

As Lux reflected on his own actions, he was about to jump of the roof, but—


A nasty sound like that was made.


The source of the sound came from the single part of the roof Lux was holding onto while he put all of his weight on it.

“H-Hey!? Don’t tell me this is—”

Lux tried to get away from the spot in a hurry.

But he was too late.

While the crack was made below his hand while making so much sound, the speed of it breaking increased and then shattered.


Lux fell along with the sensation of losing his sense of weight.


Lux fell into the water after a second.

“Uwaaaah! Cough! ……Huh?”

Apparently there was water under him.

Lux became relieved for a moment that he wasn’t injured, but he realised the strangeness right away.

(This is— hot water?)

When he looked, his body from his hips downward was covered by hot water.

On the other side of the white steam, he was able to see an expensive looking marble pillar and wall due to the faint lamp that made the surroundings look orange.

“Don’t tell me this place is—”

Lux realised it the moment he was trying to grasp hold of the situation.

The fragments of the roof he fell from.

Those fragments fell, and even from above the small build girl who was nearby—.

“Look out!”

Lux jumped towards her by reflex to push her away and jumped on her.

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Part 3[edit]

“How long are you planning to ride on top of me, you fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!”

—And Lux’s consciousness connected to the present.


Several loud screams echoed throughout the bath.

“I-I’m sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorry!”

Bath tub, chair, soap. Various things were thrown, and Lux retreated towards the washing place.

(What do I do? To think that I would fall into the women’s bath of the large public bath…!?)

Starting to despair so, Lux confirmed that there was still a girl’s pochette, which got a little wet with hot water, in his hand.

“I-I’m sorry. I-I fell here because the roof broke; I just wanted to get this back––”

While turning his face away from the girls’ naked bodies, Lux hung up the pochette which he had in his hand.

Then, the pochette’s mouth opened and two pieces of clothes fell flutteringly.


It was two pieces of underwear white above and below.

The owner of the underwear was certainly a woman, but––.

“Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Underwear thief! On top of being a peeping tom, he’s an underwear thief!”

“The guards! Call the guards quickly!”

“Fetch your swords! Legitimate self-defense is approved as of now!”

“P-Please wait a minute! This isn’t mine, um –– it belongs to a girl who happened to pass by––!?”

As he desperately tried to explain, Lux noticed.

(Damn! Any kind of excuse won’t work!?)

“How to put it, um, sorry!”

As Lux hurriedly jumped out of the bathroom, he passed through the dressing room and started running.

He had the feeling that there were girls who were taking off their clothes also there, but he decided to pretend that he saw nothing.

“H-How did it turn out like this…!?”

“Catch him! Don’t let him escape!”

Lux, who somehow managed to escape the danger zone, while being chased by girls who wore their clothes, ran with all his energy in an unknown building.

A red carpet of high quality was spread out on the floor.

There was a large dining room like a party hall, as well as a playroom and countless guest rooms.

Refined paintings and furnishings were put here and there.

“Huh? This building is––”

At first, he thought that he fell into a high-class hotel with a large bathroom, but it was too wide for it.

It was not the Imperial Court of the Capital, why was there such a building in this Fort city––?

“Ah! He’s there! The pervert who touched my chest is here! Bring me a spear quickly!”

When he was thinking so, the girls who ran into him in the front suddenly screamed.

“Wai…!? How did it become something this big!?”

No… since he was chased as he ran away, if he wanted to prove his innocence, he should just behave himself, but –– he instinctively ran away.

Like wanting to chase when someone runs away, wanting to run away when being chased may also be the instinct of a creature.

Lux ran while thinking such a trivial thing in the corner of his head.

“I-It's already hopeless! I’ll just go through with it––”

For now, he had to run away until the uproar settled down.

When he arrived at the entrance of this big building while thinking so,


Lux stopped, and once again doubted his own eyes.

Under the stairs of the colonnade where he stood, there was a large space decorated with a chandelier of candles.

Three girls armed with swords were standing there.

“Royal Military Academy Regulations, Article 18.”

A quiet voice which was that of one of those three girls. It was emitted by the blue-haired girl with a dignified face.

The three girls’ figures and atmospheres were completely different.

However, only the uniform and the sword belt which they wore were alike.

“Regardless of whether inside or outside of the academy, it is forbidden to draw out a sword device without the permission of a superior officer. However, only in the case of flagrant delict’s confirmation or when danger befalls oneself is one allowed to draw sword and use a Drag-Ride.”

With a well-projected voice in the large entrance, the blue-haired girl smiled.

Lux who heard it forgot to even give an explanation to the girls and was driven into confusion.


Just now, what did she say?

Sword device and –– Drag-Ride?

Why did these names come out from such girls––?

“Hmph. For a pervert, you are the one with the best looks so far. You’re good looking enough to even be added as a candidate for my marriage meeting.”

“Um, sorry. Just a moment ago, what did you––?”

To the dazzlingly beautiful blue-haired girl who seemed to have the leader status, Lux asked.

“But, it’s regrettable. There has been no pervert who had crept into this women’s dormitory and succeeded in escaping after being found by us –– the Triad.”


Women’s dormitory? What is she talking about?

“Let’s do it. Tillfarr! Nokuto!”


“Yes, my lord. But, just in case, please be careful. Sharis.”

The blue-haired girl called Sharis and the two girls who were standing still on both her sides.

These three girls simultaneously unsheathed their swords.

With a dark gray blade, a sword on which a shining silver line floated –– sword devices.

“No way!?”

When Lux opened his eyes wide in surprise, he heard Sharis’ voice.

“––Come forth, Wing Dragon of the crest which is the symbol of power. Fly in accordance with my sword, <Wyvern>!”

At the same time, the space at the tip of the sword which Sharis swung shook and warped.

What gathered there at high speed were grains (particles?) of light.

Countless pale lights tinged with undulations formed one single entity.


What appeared was a mechanical dragon twice as big as a human.

A streamlined form where metals with an acute angle were connected and lay innumerably on top of one another.

The wet luster was abominably beautiful like an embezzled famous sword.

“A Drag-Ride!? Why––”


They were ancient weapons which were summoned by drawing sword devices used as a pair. Mechanical armors, which copied legendary dragons, worn on one’s body and with which one acquired the war potential of a thousand soldiers.

Seven Ruins were discovered in the world.

Those weapons which were excavated from there possessed power enough to overturn the concept of war, which had been cultivated over several hundreds of years from in the past, in an instant.

Humans who wore those Drag-Rides and could master them were called Drag-Knights.

But, Drag-Rides were scarce and very expensive and only knights of the Kingdom and some influential people could basically possess them.

Why do these girls possess them––

“Connection On.”

Sharis muttered, during the opportunity when Lux was dumbfounded.

The blue streamlined machine opened from within, and was unfolded into innumerable parts.

The parts went towards Sharis’ both arms, both legs, trunk and head, connected at high speed –– it was equipped.

The Drag-Ride covered its master’s body with non-stop movements and changed into an armor.

“Oh my, did you creep in here without even knowing where this is? But, it’s useless even if you are befuddled, Pervert-kun. Give up and make a Dogeza[1] there. If you do so, I can get it over with about ten whiplashes.”

“Uh-huh. Peeping is a crime.”

“Yes, my Lord. Either way, you will be punished.”

At the words of Sharis who was the leader, the girl with a light tune, Tillfarr and the girl with a calm atmosphere, Nokuto agreed.

These two girls were also wearing other kinds of Drag-Rides on their bodies and took a stance of combat as well.

“…Ah, wait a minute!?”

Isn’t this a very dangerous situation?

Within a building like this –– no, in the first place, it wasn’t equipment to use against a flesh-and-blood opponent!


Sharis who wore <Wyvern> on her body kicked the floor and flew.

From the armor of both wings on the legs and back, she sprayed out wind wearing light.

With a single leap from the edge of the entrance of the building, she attacked Lux who was in the open ceiling of the second floor.

She greatly swung the arm covered with metal armor and suddenly struck with it as she used it like a sword.


Lux abruptly turned sideways and dodged it.

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Though he was able to evade it by a hairbreadth, the wooden handrail which was over there was smashed to pieces.

“Oops! Did I hold back the speed too much?”

“No! You used too much power! I’d have died though!?”

While putting a riposte to the surprised Sharis, Lux went down the stairs as he rolled over.

Then, the Drag-Ride for land battles which was at the entrance up to now. Tillfarr who equipped a jade green Drag-Ride –– <Wyrm> immediately blocked his way.

“Hyaffuuuuh. Uh oh, test, test[2]. Notification to Pervert-san there. As of now, your crime is light.”

“In a sense, I’m treated more severe than in an average punishment, though!?”

“It’s bad”, thought Lux while riposting.

The flight ability could not be fully used indoors; on the contrary, it became a hindrance to the movements.

That’s why Sharis’ flight general purpose Drag-Knight <Wyvern> was still good, but it was dangerous here.

The limbs covered with thick armors possessed a high mobility due to multiple variables frames and could let out power likely to explode at any time as well.

After all, the land battle general-purpose Drag-Ride <Wyrm> was a Drag-Ride with properties most suitable for close range combat.

“Well, anything is fine, so behave yourself. If you struggle strangely, it’ll be rather dangerous.”

“At this rate, I would rather be killed!?”

Lux put his feet on the handrail, and jumped down to the first floor without going down the stairs where the path was blocked.


“U-Uh-oh! I won’t let you pass here!”

Floating a confident smile, Tillfarr instantly stood in the way.

Together with the armor worn on her body, she made a side fall down centering on the handrail of the stairs and landed.

A Drag-Ride was not just a mere heavy and hard armor.

The kinematic performance of the installation part was also greatly strengthened by the energy brought forth from the Force Core which was the Drag-Ride’s power


The right arm of Tillfarr clad in that armor was swung downward.


*BANG*! With a crushing sound, the wooden floor was smashed and dust soared. There was a light shout and movement, but the power was very great.

While Lux shuddered at the performance of a Drag-Ride which he felt with his own body––.


Tillfarr wearing <Wyrm> looked at the floor where her fist was driven in.

He had disappeared.

The figure of Lux, in front of whom she displayed her power just now, and who should be surprised.

“Under the floor! Tillfarr!”


Sharis’ dignified voice overhead reached Lux who ran under the floor.

The blow which Tillfarr let out as intimidation.

He went through the hole which it made, escaped under the floor and was running.


When Tillfarr who was pointed out looked into the hole of the floor with a discontented face,

“Don’t chase him, Tillfarr.”

Sharis’ calm voice stopped Tillfarr.

“No matter how effective <Wyrm>’s maneuverability is, the bottom of the floor here is too narrow. If you destroy the dormitory any further, it’ll be a written apology. I won’t chase him anymore, either.”

“But, but! If we let him escape like this––”

“It’s all right. Nokuto has already moved. She won’t let him escape.”

While calming Tillfarr, Sharis let her gaze wander about at the surroundings.

“But, what is the meaning of this? He managed to hold out without equipment… Those movements. It was as if he saw through the special characteristics of our Drag-Rides in an instant––”

To the perplexity of the girl who was usually very confident, Tillfarr tilted her head to the side.

“Hmm? What is it, Sharis?”

“Silver hair and a black collar. No… don’t tell me that boy is––”

With a serious tone, she just coughed so.

Part 4[edit]


Escaping to the outside of the building from under the floor, Lux dashed on the road of the ground.

The <Wyvern> of Sharis and the <Wyrm> of Tillfarr.

Also the moment when he escaped from the two general-purpose type Drag-Rides.

The third person –– the girl named Nokuto came chasing Lux.

Her orange Drag-Ride was a general purpose Drag-Ride called <Drake>.

In contrast with the flight type <Wyvern> and the land battle type <Wyrm>, it was a type classified as a special equipment (customized) type.

Although it was a Drag-Ride equipped with special functions such as searching for the enemy, camouflage, support, assistance, restoration and the like, and its basic performance (ability) was somewhat lowered, its strength under a specific situation surpassed the other two.

Using it special characteristic –– visually observing Lux even within the dark by means of the goggles which were worn on her head, Nokuto accurately ran after him.

“Stop. If you don’t stop, I will shoot. If you stop, I will shoot kindly.”

Towards Lux who ran within the vast site towards the main gate, Nokuto called out to him while chasing after him.

Needless to say that Nokuto clad in <Drake> was above him in speed.

However, Lux ran as he wove his way through the bush with many trees and weakened her momentum of chase.

“Kindly? What do you mean!?”

Lux answered only with his voice without looking back.

“Yes. It'd be great if you didn't die. In that sense.”

“It was only a matter of feelings!?”

“Yes. And, I will do so that you won’t suffer as much as possible. In that sense.”

“You have the atmosphere of ‘however much I kill you, it won’t be enough’!?”[3]

As expected, I can’t stop her.

I will be killed if I stop.

And just in case, if his identity was exposed, it would become something terrible––.

“Yes. ––Then, it can’t be helped.”

At the same time she leaked such a dangerous mutter, Nokuto set up a Breath Gun.

It was a rapid-fire (blaze) type rifle which let the Drag-Ride’s energy converge and began shot.

It was an armament of low power against a Drag-Knight, but if received with a human body, one would easily fall victim.


Lux, who sensed the presence where the trigger was pulled on his back, jumped diagonally forward with all his strength.

From within the darkness in order to conceal his figure, to the way to the main gate brightly illuminated.

There –– there was a bonfire to illuminate the passage up to the building.


The next moment, Nokuto obstructed the goggles of the armor with her hand.

Because the bonfire itself was used as an obstacle (wall), it was too dazzling in the view which raised sensitivity.

“Yes. It looked like, you know, the <Drake>’s special trait. However, with only that––”

The view sensitivity which was provided through the goggles of the <Drake> could be immediately adjusted.

When Nokuto exposed her face which she covered with her hand so as to take aim with the Breath Gun again,


Before her eyes, fire was approaching.

It was firewood with fire that was from the bonfire. Lux who gripped one of it, threw it aiming at Nokuto’s rear.


She swung the armored arm in a hurry and flipped the firewood.

With a Drag-Knight as an opponent, ordinary attacks would not work; the throwing of a smoke screen would be better[4].

But, at that opportunity where Nokuto suddenly stopped, Lux reached up to the way near the main gate.

Exactly at that time, a girl wearing the same uniform as Nokuto and company walked as she slowly headed to the women’s dormitory from the main gate.

Since there was danger of involving the girl, she could no longer shoot with the Breath Gun.

While thinking so in the corner of her head, Nokuto was astonished.

“Why? It can’t be…”

No matter how much they were going easy on him, to succeed in escaping against three Drag-Knights without equipment––.

“Who is he? That boy––”

“Ok, with this, I somehow––”

Lux looked back behind and checked that Nokuto lowered her gun.

It would not be wise to escape as is though.

When the other side settled down, he would properly explain himself and apologize.


When he thought so, as he noticed before his eyes, the girl was there.

The breathing of Lux who was running away with all his power stopped for an instant.

It was a beautiful girl.

She had a slender and well-proportioned body, noble features and cold eyes.

Just like a perfect work of art, the girl, showing neither strain nor slack, was standing before Lux.

“You do not need to chase him. Since I will stop him.”


The girl in front of him lightly raised her right hand and called out to Nokuto behind.

To her movements which had not that much hesitation, Lux instinctively stopped.

“Haa, Haa… Um… Excuse me. I’m, errr––”

From the building behind, screams such as “Pervert!” or “Underwear thief!” could be heard.

“Yes, I know.”

Looking at Lux who hurriedly tried to explain, the girl smiled.

“What a fairly pretty peeping tom, pervert and underwear thief, eh. He’s still a child.”

“Eh…!? …N-No… I––”

While shaking, Lux was, just a little, irritated.

Certainly the girl in front of him had a grown-up atmosphere, but she should be about the same age as him.

And yet––.

“…I may not look like this, but I’m 17 years old. Well, I’m often told that my face looks childish, but––”

Forgetting that he was in a situation where he was cornered, Lux rebutted.

The fairylike girl suddenly showed a sad expression.

“…Is that so. But, I’m sorry. I don’t like it, but even with a child as an opponent, I can’t overlook an offender.”

(C-Child, child, doesn’t she care about what someone told her…!?)

In a part totally unrelated to this turmoil, Lux inwardly decided further.

He understood that he, who suddenly plunged into the large public bath and could not make any excuse, was totally in the wrong.

But, be that as it may, there was the problem of pride.

Even though he might not like this, he intended to pile up (acquire) even the training of hand-to-hand combat as such.

In that case––.

I will show her how much even that ‘child’ can do as such.

Of course, he did not intend to attack her or even use attacks as intimidation from the start.

He would dodge her and escape outside with just mere footwork.


With such a scream, Lux began the bout.

In order to dodge the girl in front of him, he made a feint to the left, turned and went to the right.

The girl could not react. He overtook her.

SaijakuBahamut v1 035.jpg

The moment when Lux believed so––,

“––You’re naive, eh.”

At the same time as the voice of the girl called Krulcifer, the world turned upside down.


After the question of the moment, a shock ran throughout his body.

What on earth––

“Well then, I leave the rest to you. I’m going to the bath. There are no more peeping toms, are there?”

Soon after having heard her indifferent voice, Lux’s field of vision turned black.

It was after he woke up later that he noticed that it was due to the shock when he was flung by Krulcifer.

The long first day ended, and began.


  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogeza
  2. says often when one makes a test of sound of a mike
  3. 何でもう殺してもやむなしって空気なの!? Please also TLC this sentence
  4. 目眩ましの投擲, TLC here again, please

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