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Carl’s Side

Like the dawn of a soundless night, time moves forward with each passing moment. Knowing what awaits us ahead, we continue to move forward in this cruelty.

In a dark corner of Kagatsuchi, in the shadows of a dimly lit alley where no one is looking, a boy takes a nap... He was one of those who did not have the strength to defy time and fate that kept on flowing.

The name of the boy who sleeps with his body curled up is Carl Clover.

He rests his soft honey-blonde head on the hard knees of a giant doll that is always in the act, sleeping peacefully.

The doll, Nirvana, was protecting him with her abnormally long arms as if to embrace him. Her expressionless face stares at the entrance to the narrow alley where they are hiding. Watching in silence to prevent anyone from disturbing the defenseless boy's sleep.

"Mhh... I'm sorry, sis..."

Carl jerked back and made a small noise in his dream. Nirvana's jaw dropped slightly at the whispered voice.

...Time keeps moving forward. It doesn't care who it hurts.

Nirvana remains silent, staring at Carl with eyes that would never blink. Her long arms moved slightly, gently supporting the boy's body, which was about to slide off her knees.

Then she lifted her chin again, to guard this narrow area of peace, Nirvana silently looked at the entrance to the dimly lit alley.

Time flows. It flows and draws. A fate that cannot be escaped and a predestined destination that cannot be resisted.

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