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Teaser from Volume 1 Chapter 2

(page 46-56)

The Student Council President's Opening Address

Good, good morning everyone. I am the new student council president......Sekurano......

......Cough cough.......Se.........So........Si......No, Kurimu.

Students: (She stumbled over her own name!)

Gah. Umm..................rustle rustle.

Students: (She's already blatantly looking at her draft!)

Yes, yes, a manifesto, that's right. Hmm, what was it again...... First of all, I promise to make this school a better place............ OK!

Firstly, I promise to make this school a cooler place!

Students: (She repeated herself! And she changed her promise!)

Since I'm the new student council president, my goal is to make our school into the number 1 high school in the world!

Students: (Her goal is ridiculously ambitious!)

Everyone, would probably, thank the gods, to be, under my leadership, in this time, in this school. As long as you leave everything to me, then everything will be fine!

Students: (She's not persuasive at all!)

Going to the specifics...... Firstly, I will implement a tax!

Students: (A Tyrant-----------------!)

Eh? What's wrong, sensei?....... Ah, it's against the rules...... But, but................... Ah...... I'm sorry.

Students: (She got scolded! She got scolded the moment she was appointed!)

Seitokai no Nichijou v01 049.jpg

......I'm sorry, everyone. I got carried away.......sigh.

Students: (She looks like she's going to give up!)

............Sob sob.

Students: (She's crying! That, That's bad! Let's cook up the atmosphere!)

Every, everyone......sob. Everyone's clapping so enthusiastically....... I see...... Even if the teachers don't agree, but everyone......everyone supports the tax regime right!

Students: (Our support has been twisted into something darker!)

But I'm sorry. For it seems to be next to impossible to implement the tax regime that everyone supports so enthusiastically...... Taking the future into account, I think it's best for us to reject this manifesto. Taking its place would be......

I shall expand the area of our campus to seventy-five times its original size during my tenure!

Students: (What is that for!)

Doesn't an expansive campus sound exciting! I should think everyone will be able to feel the romanticism of a school city! I, for one, would really love to have a huge school!

Students: (That's just because you're really small......)

And that is why I shall expand the school to---...... Eh? What's wrong, sensei?

Students: (She got scolded again......)

......Sob sob. But, But...... I won't compromise on this!

Students: (She's rebelling!)

It's not an exaggeration to say that this was the reason I took up the position of student council president!

Students: (We hope that it is an exaggeration!)

A, Adults know nothing about us! Isn't it, everyone!

Students: (She's trying to impose her childish thoughts onto us!)

Look, look into their eyes! Look at the hopelessness of their gazes!

Students: (Our feelings of hopelessness is mainly directed at the new student council president)

Don't you teachers feel embarrassed about yourselves for forcing your students to look at you with those eyes!

Students: (Don't you feel embarrassed about yourself!)

Hmph......I see. So you all have decided to opposed the expansion of the school to the bitter end...... It's alright. I understand. Then this will be that start of the war between students and teachers!

Students: (She unilaterally declared a war on the teachers! And we're on her side!)

Everyone! Don't worry! I will......I will definitely make the school seventy-five times bigger than it already is!)

Students: (That's not the point!)

Hmm? Sensei, why is your hand on your forehead? Eh? We're already unable to stand up to you? Do whatever makes you happy? ......We, We've won, Everyone! Victory is ours!

Students: (A victory out of the blue-------------------!?)

And so we shall begin construction of the school's extension tomorrow......Hmm? What, what's wrong, Chizuru.

I'm busy laying out my plans for the ---Ah, that hurts! Why, Why did you hit my head! Hmm, Hmm?...... Yes....... Yes...... You're right....... I'm the one in the wrong...... Ah, I, I'm sorry.

Students: (The president's been subdued by the secretary! What a weak president!)

......Sob...... Everyone, I'm sorry. Sob...... Our grand ambitions of expanding the school have been destroyed.......

Students: (All of her manifestos have been destroyed.......)


Students: (She stopped talking......What should we do......)

......? Huh......You're, ah, the vice-president Sugisaki who confessed his love to the entire student council! Wh, What're you doing! I'm giving a speech right now....... Eh?

Hmm, Hmmm...... Gah....... Hmm. Would, would that be alright?

But...... Ah, that hurts! What did you flick my forehead for! Huh? Just do as you say...... What's wrong with you, acting all high and mighty......

Ouch! I, I got it.......

Students: (It seems like a weird vice-president just came out, and went back again......)

Gah...... Because that stupid vice-president told me to just speak about my true feelings......even though it makes me extremely angry, but I think I'll do as he says.

Students: (Even though she grumbles a lot, but it looks like she knows when to listen to other people's suggestions......)

Umm...... Ah. Although two manifestos have already been destroyed...... But I can only promise one thing. I will work hard. I will work very hard. I will do a good job, no matter how many hurdles I have to cross.

Students: (......)

I'm sorry for saying something so old-fashioned......

But, But, I'm serious! I will be a good president! Even though I may do things that is an inconvenience to everyone!

But I will stick with this job to the end! I will never give up! This is the only thing that I can promise you!

That's why...... I, If everyone is willing to support me, I will be very happy......

......Fu. That was really embarrassing.

Students: (Cute.......)

Wh-What's wrong with everyone? St-Stomach pain?

Students: (Cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!)

Wh-Whats with the sudden applause! Wh-What! What's happening? Although I don't know what's happening, but it seems really scary so I'll end my speech here!

Kyaa?! Why are you people throwing me into the air!?

Students: (Kai.Chou! Kai.Chou! Kai.Chou!)

Save me---------------------!

-----Recorded above is the opening address of the new student council president, Sakurano Kurimu

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