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<!--The eyes are as eloquent as the tongue. --><!--or The eyes are the window to the soul. -->
<!--[Piano v3] Chapter 1: Chorus Contest of the Queen-->
Глаза - зеркало души.<br />
== Глава 1: Королевское состязание хоров ==
<br />
<!--The proverb is used when the eyes reveal everything even when it's not put into words.-->
<!--Come to think of it, my father Tetsurou gives me things all the time, though it is rare for me to feel happy about the stuff I've received. Tetsurou is a music critic; that strange occupation of his allows him to get an endless amount of CDs, books and magazines without even the need to buy them. Tetsurou will always pass the excess things to me.-->
Это крылатое выражение используется, когда глаза выдают то, что не было облечено в слова.<br />
Если подумать, мой отец, Тэцуро, всегда что-нибудь мне дает, хотя я редко радуюсь полученному. Он – музыкальный критик; подобный род занятий позволяет ему заполучать бесчисленное количество компакт-дисков, книг и журналов без необходимости за них платить. Тэцуро всегда отдает излишки мне.
<br />
<!--It would be fine if he only gives me 'things', but Tetsurou's laziness is not something to joke about.-->
<!--That said, it's naturally not so easy to read someone's mind just by looking into their eyes.-->
Естественно, прочитать чужие мысли только по глазам не так-то просто.<br />
Ладно бы, если он просто давал мне их, но лень Тэцуро – это вам не шутка.<!--на всяк случай скажу, что things взяты в кавычки наверное потому, что акцентируется, что он дает не только их, но и работу. У тебя получается, что он извлекает пользу не только из билетов, но и из всего остального. - idiffer-->
<br />
<!--In by far the most cases, words are necessary to convey things, and we can't really read someone's thoughts off their eyes.-->
<!--That was something that happened on the last day of the summer holidays. When I arrived home after I was done with the band practice, Tetsurou flashed a really forced smile and said,-->
В подавляющем большинстве случаев, когда мы хотим нечто сообщить, без слов не обойтись. К тому же, невозможно прочитать чьи-то мысли по глазам в прямом смысле слова.<br />
Произошел этот случай в последний день летних каникул. Когда я прибыл домой после репетиции с группой, Тэцуро натянул улыбку до ушей и произнес:
<br />
<!--In the first place, not all people show their feelings in their eyes. Some of them don't even show them on their face.-->
<!--"Nao, I have something to give you. Something good."-->
Начнем с того, что не у всех людей глаза отражают их чувства. У некоторых даже по лицу не определить, что у них на душе<!-- - idiffer-->.<br />
– Нао, у меня есть кое-что для тебя. Что-то хорошее.
<br />
<!--My workmate is like that. She only alters her mien so slightly that it's impossible to tell whether she's happy or angry, and when someone gets to see her deadpan for the first time, he almost certainly shrinks back. But even though she's unable to even just put on a friendly smile, she feels a vocation to attend to customers. I have not the slightest idea what's going on in her head.-->
<!--"I don't want it!"-->
<!-- believes customer service is hr vocation -EEE -->
– Мне это не нужно!
Моя коллега как раз из таких. Выражение ее лица изменяется столь незначительно, что не догадаешься, радуется она или сердится. Впервые увидев ее каменное лицо, люди обычно делают шаг назад. И хотя она не способна даже приветливо улыбнуться, считает обслуживание покупателей своим призванием. Понятия не имею, что творится у нее в голове.<br />
<br />
<!--"At least ask me what that it is!"-->
<!--Although I feel that I'm slowly starting to get the knack of understanding her.-->
– Хотя бы спроси, что это!
Но по-моему я потихоньку начинаю понимать ее.<br />
<br />
<!--"Say it then! I bet it's nothing good anyway!"-->
<!--Or is that just me?-->
– Выкладывай! Спорю, что это опять какая-то ерунда!
Или мне кажется?<br />
<br />
<!--"What a poor attitude from you. What if it is something that Nao really wants?"-->
<br />
– Какое недоверие. А что если у меня есть то, что ты очень хочешь?
<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>
<br />
<!--"Something I want...... for example?"-->
<br />
– Чего я хочу… к примеру?
<br />
<div style="font-family: Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
<!--"For example...... right, how about a new mother who is young, beautiful and gentle?"-->
<!--Not only your brain remembers things.-->
– К примеру… точно, как насчет новой матери, которая будет молодой, красивой и заботливой?
Запоминать что-либо может не только мозг.<br />
<br />
<!--"That's something that only you want."-->
<!--Your ears remember sounds,-->
– Этого хочешь только ты.
Уши помнят звуки.<br />
<br />
<!--Speaking of which...... not only is Tetsurou past the age of forty, he has even divorced once. Our nearby neighbors still think of him as the undergrad who is forever retaking his finals. It's impossible for someone like you to get remarried, yeah? How about you face the truth? It's about time you do that!-->
<!--your nose remembers smells,-->
Кстати говоря… Тэцуро не только перевалило за сорок, он даже один раз развелся. Наши ближайшие соседи до сих пор считают его студентом, вечно заваливающим выпускные экзамены. Такой человек не сможет жениться снова, верно? Почему бы не посмотреть правде в лицо? Пора бы уже признать это!
Нос помнит запахи.<br />
<br />
<!--"I do think that it's not good to let Nao do all the cooking, washing, cleaning and etc...... so that's why I have been actively participating in group dates at the hotels to get you a new mother!"-->
<!--your hands remember touches,-->
– Я думаю, что нехорошо взваливать на тебя готовку, стирку, уборку и прочее… Вот почему я принимаю активное участие в групповых свиданиях в отелях – чтобы у тебя появилась новая мама!
Руки помнят прикосновения.<br />
<br />
<!--"It will all be solved if you do the housework instead!" All you do is to laze around at home, and you don't even write your articles!-->
<!--and your eyes remember scenes.-->
– Всё решилось бы проще, если бы ты сам вместо этого занимался работой по дому!
А глаза помнят образы.<br />
<br />
Вся твоя работа – бездельничать, и ты даже не пишешь свои статьи!
<!--Have you ever felt familiar with something on hearing, smelling, touching or seeing it even before your mind reacted?-->
Казалось ли вам когда-нибудь нечто знакомым еще до того, как вы успели об этом подумать?<br />
<!--"That's mean, Nao. Why are you saying that? I have been working hard all day so that I can raise you."-->
<br />
– Это грубо, Нао. Почему ты говоришь такое? Я усердно трудился дни напролет, поэтому я смог вырастить тебя.
<!--One theory says that that's because your subconscious mind has memorized it, but I feel otherwise.-->
По одной из теорий происходит это потому, что задействуется бессознательная память, но у меня иное мнение.<br />
<!--"Let me ask you this then - what's with you playing PS2 all day and your hero being at level 30 already?"-->
<br />
– Тогда позволь спросить: как понимать то, что ты целый день сидишь за PS2, а твой герой уже 30 уровня?
<!--I believe that our ears, our noses, our hands and our eyes can also remember things.-->
Я считаю, что уши, нос, руки и глаза тоже обладают памятью.<br />
<!--"Ah— Well, that's because I am doing research on Sugiyama Koichi's music today. After all, he was one of the pioneers who popularized modern music in Japan!"-->
<br />
– А-а… Ну, это потому, что я сегодня занят исследованием музыки Сугиямы Коити. В конце концов, он один из основоположников популяризации современной музыки в Японии.
<!--Among those, I'm especially intrigued by the memories of the eyes.-->
Особенно меня занимают воспоминания глаз.<br />
<!--I switched off the power to the PS2 immediately, and what came next was Tetsurou's shriek and his horrified face,-->
<br />
Я немедленно отключил питание консоли, и следом раздался вопль Тэцуро, а на его лице была гримаса ужаса.
<!--If you see what a person has seen in his life, you know his life.-->
Увидеть все, что повидал человек на своем веку, значит узнать его жизнь.<!--от рождения до смерти. - idiffer--><br />
<!--"I'd just leveled him up this morning! Damn you for switching it off!"-->
<br />
– Я только сегодняшним утром получил левелап! Будь ты проклят, что отключил её!
<!--Others' lives are very interesting; but once you ''hear'' about them, they quickly become boring.-->
А ведь жизнь любого человека весьма увлекательна. Правда если <em>послушать</em> о ней, то рассказ быстро наскучит.<br />
<!--"Get your ass to work!"-->
<br />
– Оторви задницу и за работу!
<!--That is because of subjectivism—bragging, exaggeration and lies.-->
Виной всему субъективизм - хвастовство, преувеличение и ложь.<br />
<br />
<!--I was preparing dinner when Tetsurou walked lazily into the kitchen. He was probably revived by the smell of miso soup. He said,-->
<!--But it's the life itself that's interesting, without any bragging, exaggeration or lies.-->
Я готовил ужин, когда Тэцуро лениво ввалился в кухню. Наверняка его приманил аромат супа мисо. Он сказал:
Но интересна только жизнь, как она есть, без всех этих искажений.<br />
<br />
<!--"Well then...... back to our topic."-->
<!--Therefore, I watch for myself.-->
– Что ж… вернемся к нашему разговору.
Поэтому посредники мне ни к чему.<!--Поэтому я предпочитаю просматривать лично.- idiffer--><br />
<br />
<!--There's no need for us to go back to the topic! God damn it! Why is this person so stubborn!?-->
<!--I watch others' lives through their eyes.-->
Нам не нужно возвращаться к нему! Черт тебя подери! Почему этот тип такой тупоголовый?!<!--почему не упрямый? - idiffer-->
Я смотрю на жизнь другого человека его же глазами.<!--Тут возможно специально двусмысленно написано. от первого лица (его же глазами). Просматривать чужую жизнь глазами ее хозяина. - idiffer--><br />
<br /><br />
<!--"Nao, take this."-->
<br />
– Нао, возьми.
<!--As I did on any other day, I took a look at the empty seats in the first wagon.-->
Я по привычке оглядела пустующие сидения вагона.<br />
<!--The things that were swaying in front of me while I was cooking were...... some sort of tickets. Just as I was about to brush the tickets aside, I caught a glimpse of the words 'Conductor: Ebisawa Chisato' — I then realized his motive, and my mood went down in an instant.-->
<br />
Тем, что колебалось передо мной, пока я был занят готовкой, оказались… какие-то билеты. Когда я только собрался смахнуть их в сторону<!--отмахнуться - idiffer-->, то заметил промелькнувшие слова: «Дирижер – Эбисава Чисато». После этого я понял его мотивы, и мое настроение упало вмиг.
<!--There tended to be comparatively many empty seats in the first wagon of this train.-->
В первом вагоне этого поезда свободных мест обычно довольно много.<br />
<!--"This is...... your job, right......?"-->
<br />
– … Это… по работе, верно?
<!--I wasn't exhausted; I was going to be sitting for hours later at work anyway. That notwithstanding, it was a daily exercise for me to sit in this wagon.-->
Я не устала. Да и все равно на работе еще насижусь. Тем не менее, я изо дня в день садилась в этом вагоне.<br />
<!--"Mmm, yeah. That's why I am giving them to Nao."-->
<br />
– М-м-м, ага. Вот почему я отдаю их тебе, Нао.
<!--But before taking a seat somewhere, I looked around at the people on the other side.-->
Но прежде чем сесть, я окинула взглядом пасажиров по другую сторону прохода.<br />
<!--The world famous conductor — Ebisawa Chisato. The person who gave him the rude nickname 'Ebichiri' is none other than Tetsurou, who was also Ebisawa Chisato's classmate in high school and in the College of Music. People have frequently given Tetsurou jobs on critiquing Ebichiri's albums or concerts probably because they thought that both of them shared a really good relationship - however, it seems like Tetsurou was not too fond of criticizing the music of his friend. As to the course of action he would take when he encounters such a situation - you may be stunned by what you hear, but he would always shove the job to me. Also, this was the first time that he has asked me to critique a concert.-->
<br />
Всемирно известный дирижер – Эбисава Чисато. Человеком, давшим ему это нелестное прозвище Эбичири, был не кто иной, как Тэцуро, бывший одноклассник Эбисавы Чисато в старшей школе и Музыкальном колледже. Ему часто перепадает работенка написать отзыв об альбоме Эбичири или его концерте, наверное, потому, что все думают, что этих двоих связывают хорошие отношения. Однако похоже, что Тэцуро не слишком любит критиковать собственных друзей. Касательно его действий, когда дело принимает такой оборот – может вас ошеломит услышанное, но он всегда перепоручает работу мне. Стоит добавить, что это первый раз, когда он попросил меня написать отзыв на концерт.
<!--There was a sleeping person, a reading person, a person applying make-up, a person playing a game, and many others. But among them, there was a girl who was looking out of the window. She was probably still in high school.-->
Один спал, другой читал. Кто-то красился, а кто-то был поглощен игрой. Среди прочих я приметила девушку, смотревшую в окно. Скорее всего, старшеклассница.<br />
<!--"No, I can't do it! Do it yourself."-->
<br />
– Нет, я не смогу! Делай сам.
<!--I sat down opposite of that absent-minded high school girl and started observing her.-->
Я заняла место напротив рассеянной школьницы и принялась изучать ее.<br />
<!--"I don't want to as well. I took the job without asking who the conductor was. Please!"-->
<br />
– Я тоже не хочу. Я взялся за работу, не спросив, кто будет дирижером. Пожалуйста!
<!--She was wearing the uniform of a private school that was three stations from here. If my memory doesn't fail me, it was a quite famous all-girls school. The school badge on her collar was colored green, so she was a third-year student. Judging from the scratch she had in her kneecap, she either belonged to a club that did sports, or she had made that injury during PE.-->
На ней была форма частной школы, расположенной в трех станциях отсюда. Если мне не изменяла память, довольно известная школа для девушек. Зеленый значок на воротнике говорил о том, что она училась на третьем году. Судя по царапине на коленке, девушка либо состояла в спортивном кружке, либо поранилась во время физкультуры.<br />
<!--Also...... why two tickets?-->
<br />
И еще… почему билетов два?<!--билетА? - idiffer-->
<!--After finishing that evaluation, I corrected the position of my glasses and looked at her—or more precisely, at her eyes. She noticed me and returned my gaze. I sharpened my eyes, projecting my consciousness.-->
Собрав эту информацию, я поправила очки и посмотрела на нее, а точнее - ей в глаза. Она заметила, и наши взгляды пересеклись. Я сосредоточилась, проецируя сознание.<br />
<!--"I was thinking that I could attend the concert together with some beauty, so I asked them to give me two. These are VIP seats, you know? They cost forty thousand yen each! Man, how lucky Nao is to be able to go on an extravagant date! So please! It's not nice to leave the VIP seats empty, so make sure you bring someone along with you. I'll fork out the cash for the night at the hotel as well!"-->
<br />
– Я подумал, что мог бы посетить выступление вместе с какой-нибудь красоткой, поэтому я попросил дать мне второй. Это VIP-места, знаешь? Они стоят сорок тысяч йен каждый! Парень, тебе повезло с возможностью сходить на экстравагантное свидание! Прошу! Нехорошо оставлять VIP-места пустующими, так что убедись, что кто-нибудь с тобой пойдет. Я также выделю налички для ночи в отеле!
<!--Her eyes lost their focus for a moment.-->
Ее взгляд на секунду потерял фокус.<br />
<!--"Oi Tetsurou! Wait!"-->
<br />
– Эй, Тэцуро! Погоди!
<!--''Connected,'' I smirked in mind.-->
<em>Соединилась</em>, ухмыльнулась я про себя.<br />
<!--But all Tetsurou did was mumble nerdy things like, "Metal slime, metal slime" as he escaped back into the world of Dragon Quest.-->
<br />
Но Тэцуро лишь забормотал что-то задротское вроде: «Металлический слизняк, металлический слизняк», – погрузившись обратно в мир Dragon Quest.
<!--Looking at others means connecting to others to me. Once connected, I would go deeper. I would get the feeling of being drawn into their eyes when gazing at them. But in fact, it's the opposite: I throw myself into there of my own accord. Into those eyes, and into whatever lies beyond them.-->
Когда я смотрела на человека, то между нами устанавливалась связь. Соединившись, я погружалась глубже. Меня словно что-то затягивало в чужие глаза. Но на самом деле как раз наоборот - я по собственной воле бросалась в этот омут... в эти глаза и то, что скрывалось за ними.<br />
<!--God damn it! He won't be getting dinner tonight! But despite my anger, I still stuffed the tickets that Tetsurou gave me into my pocket.-->
<br />
Черт бы его побрал! Он не получит сегодня свой ужин! Но, несмотря на весь гнев, я все же засунул отданные Тэцуро билеты в свой карман.
<!--I could see; I could see something—the memory of her eyes.-->
Темнота рассеялась... Моему взору предстали воспоминания ее глаз.<br />
<!--I couldn't help it, because I kind of like Ebichiri's performances. Not only do I get to listen to one for free, I can get some royalties from the article too. Might as well.-->
<br />
Я не мог сопротивляться, потому что мне, в некотором роде, нравились выступления Эбичири. Я не только смогу свободно посетить одно из них, то также получить некоторый гонорар за статью. Можно и сходить.
<!--The things she had seen showed in my eyes, as though as her eyes had become mine.-->
Увиденные ею события теперь видела и я, словно мы поменялись глазами.<br />
<br />
<!--On the next day was the school's opening ceremony. I thought it would be better to get someone to join me, so I brought the tickets along with me.-->
<!--The first picture her eyes had memorized appeared.-->
На следующий день состоялась церемония открытия школы. Я полагал, что будет лучше, если кто-то составит мне компанию, поэтому я прихватил билеты с собой.
Появилось первое воспоминание.<br />
<br />
<!--The first September of the first year of high school was a day when it felt like my classmates had undergone a complete change. For example, some were tanned, while others had their hair dyed.-->
<!--It was an alarm clock. Its clock hand was indicating 09:00 am. The field of vision extended for a moment, and then zoomed in on the clock. It was set to ring at 07:00 am.-->
Первое сентября первого учебного года в старшей школе стало днем, когда казалось, что мои одноклассники изменились до неузнаваемости. К примеру, кто-то загорел, в то время как другие покрасили волосы.
Будильник. Большая стрелка показывала, что время 9 утра. Поле зрения на мгновение рассширилось, затем сконцентрировалось на будильнике. Прозвенеть должен был в 7 утра.<br />
<br />
<!--"Why is Nao not tanned at all?"-->
<!--''I see. She's indeed a bit late for a high school student. Looks like she overslept.''-->
– Нао, почему ты нисколько не загорел?
<em>Ясно. И правда поздновато для старшеклассницы. Похоже, проспала.</em><br />
<br />
<!--"Right, didn't you go to the beach for your training camp?"-->
<!--Most likely, she had taken a second look at the alarm clock in surprise. Unable to accept the reality, she did so for nearly a whole thirty seconds, even though she would have been better off hurrying up already.-->
– Точно-точно, разве ты не ездил на пляж во время летних сборов?
Наверняка от удивления, она снова посмотрела на будильник. Не веря своим глазам, она не отрывала от него взгляд почти 30 секунд - поспешила бы лучше.<br />
<br />
<!--The guys whose looks did not undergo many changes came to me and asked me that.-->
<!--''Oh, that wouldn't be of any use anyway, I guess?''-->
Парни, внешний вид которых не перетерпел больших изменений, подошли ко мне и засыпали вопросами.
<em>Хотя, наверное, это все равно не поможет.</em><br />
<br />
<!--"The purpose of the training camp was for band practice!"-->
<!--When she went to the kitchen and ignored the breakfast prepared for her, her mother wasn't at home anymore. After that, I only saw how she prepared for school in a hurry. At first, anyway. To my mild amusement, she grew slower and slower as time went by, apparently feeling that it was of no avail.-->
– Целью летних сборов была совместная репетиция!
К тому времени, как девушка направилась к кухне, мама уже давно ушла. К оставленному ей завтраку дочка не притронулась - сразу принялась в попыхах собираться в школу. По крайней мере сначала. Меня слегка позабавило то, как с течением времени она становились все более медлительной, видимо<!--все отчетливее--> понимая напрасность своих усилий.<br />
<br />
<!--That was the training camp for our Folk Music Club...... although we did swim a little.-->
<!--I wanted to peek a bit deeper, but the girl stood up because the train had arrived at her station. Our connection broke off immediately. If the connection was as weak as that, I couldn't see any more than that.-->
Речь идет о летних сборах нашего кружка изучения народной музыки… хотя мы немножко искупнулись.
Мне хотелось заглянуть чуть поглубже, но поезд подъехал к ее станции, и девушка встала. Связь тут же оборвалась. С такой слабой связью больше увидеть не получалось.<br />
<br />
<!--"Rather than a change in looks, there must be changes in places where we cannot see."-->
<!--''Well, it was a good pastime before work,'' I comforted myself.-->
– Изменения, скорее, коснулись не внешности, а того, чего нельзя увидеть.
<em>«Что ж, неплохо убила время перед работой,»</em> - успокоила я себя.<br />
<br />
<!--"That's right. The summer holiday of the first year should be something that brings about metamorphosis - and in many different aspects!"-->
<!--That's not what I really wanted to see. I was convinced that there must be more interesting things hidden behind others' eyes.-->
– Это верно. Летние каникулы на первом году обучения должны приносить с собой значительные метаморфозы… во всем их многообразии!
По-настоящему же хотелось чего-то другого. Я была убеждена, что за глазами людей таятся вещи поинтереснее.<!--кроются--><br />
<br />
<!--"And so...... who did Nao metamorphosize with?"-->
<!--I let my disappointment out as a sigh and got off the train.-->
– И с кем… Нао, ты метаморфозил?
Разочарованно вздохнув, я сошла с поезда.<!-- --><br />
<br />
<!--"We are talking about three girls and a guy that went to the training camp together. Something must have happened, right?"-->
<!--Would I come across an interesting sight today?-->
– Мы говорим о трех девушках и парне, организовавших совместные сборы. Что-то ведь должно было случиться, верно?
Повезет ли мне увидеть сегодня что-нибудь интересное?<br />
<br />
<!--The guys in my class were more or less jealous of the fact that I was the only guy out of the four members in my club. I really wish that they could at least learn what actually had happened before seething at me in their jealousy...... I was the one who did all the cooking and laundry, and not only that, lots of troublesome things had happened as well.-->
<!--Suddenly, I heard the emergency break of a train.-->
Парни в моем классе в некотором роде завидуют тому факту, что я единственный участник мужского пола в нашем кружке. Я всерьез желал, чтобы они, по крайней мере, удосужились разузнать, что там происходило на самом деле, прежде чем кидать на меня ревностные взгляды… Я был тем, кто всегда готовил и стирал, и не только; также возникло немало затруднительных ситуаций.
Внезапно завизжали тормоза поезда.<br />
<br />
<!--"That's unforgivable! Spit out the truth right now! Did you do it with Ebisawa?" "It should be Ebisawa, right?"-->
<!--I quickly turned to the origin of the noise. I was positive that I had heard something get squashed. A few seconds later, a scream echoed through the station.-->
– Непростительно! Выкладывай начистоту сейчас же! Ты сделал это с Эбисавой?
Я резко повернулась к источнику звука. Я точно слышала, как что-то раздавили. Через несколько секунд по станции эхом пронесся крик.<br />
<br />
– Это была Эбисава, верно?
<!--There was a wave of people that assembled at a certain point of the opposite platform, and one that went away from there.-->
На одну часть платформы по ту сторону путей хлынул поток людей, другая их волна направилась в противоположном направлении.<br />
<!--"Well...... Whatever you guys are imagining right now, none of that happened."-->
<br />
– Ну… чего бы вы, ребята, не навыдумывали, ничего из этого не было.
<!--I rushed to that point.-->
Я помчалась туда.<br />
<!--"Move. Stop blocking the way."-->
<br />
– Двиньтесь. Не загораживайте дорогу.
<!--"Somebody's fallen on the rails!"-->
- Кто-то упал на рельсы!<br />
<!--The voice of a girl suddenly came from behind the crowd, which caused the guys to disperse like a flock of frightened birds.-->
<br />
Девчачий голос внезапно раздался из толпы, заставив парней рассеяться по сторонам, словно стая перепуганных птиц.
<!--"Somebody got run over! Hey, call the station staff!"-->
- Человека задавили! Эй, позовите сотрудников!<br />
<!--Maroon colored hair, fair skin and large blue eyes...... everything felt rather unreal. Even though it had already been four months since Mafuyu had transferred to our school, I still found it unbelievable to see her wearing our school's uniform.-->
<br />
Каштановые волосы, светлая кожа и большие голубые глаза… все казалось ненастоящим. Хотя прошло уже четыре месяца с того момента, как Мафую перевелась в эту школу, до сих пор не верю своим глазам, видя её в нашей униформе.
<!--Confusion and horror could be heard from everywhere. Upon arriving, the station employees started to disperse the crowd with aggressive-sounding roars.-->
Платформу охватили ужас и смятение. На место прибыли работники станции и стали разгонять зевак агрессивными криками.<br />
<br />
– … Д-доброе утро…
<!--I dived into the crowd.-->
Я нырнула в толпу.<br />
<!--I gave a rather unnatural greeting. Mafuyu turned her head to stare at me angrily. She then nodded her head slightly and said with a voice as soft as bubbles, "...... Morning."-->
<br />
Выдал я не совсем естественное приветствие. Мафую повернула голову и сердито на меня уставилась. Потом она слабо кивнула и мягким, как пузырьки, голосом произнесла:
<!--It was an express train that was never scheduled to stop at this station, thus only the last wagon was still more or less by the platform as the train had come to a halt. Something sticky could be found on the rails the train had passed.-->
Экспресс на этой станции не останавливался, и на тормозном пути почти полностью проехал ее - к перону примыкал только последний вагон. Позади поезда на рельсах виднелось что-то липкое.<br />
– … Доброе.
<br />
<!--"Don't push! Step back!"-->
<!--"W-Wow, Princess has graced him with a greeting!" "I can't believe this!"-->
- Не толкайтесь! Отойдите назад!<br />
– Ва-ау, Принцесса одарила его приветствием!
<br />
<!--The moment I heard an employee yell so, I felt my body leaning forward.-->
– Я не могу поверить в это!
После того, как работник проорал эту команду, я почувствовала, что начинаю терять равновесие.<br />
<br />
<!--Mafuyu shot a fierce glare at the guys who were making a ruckus before sitting down in her seat next to mine.-->
Мафую свирепо зыркнула на парней, издавших шум, потом села на свое место рядом с моим.
- А?<br />
<br />
<!--"Here. I have roughly memorized them all."-->
<!--Pushed by a wave of onlookers, a few people and I fell together from the platform. The pain of the impact ran through my body. Because I had fell on another person, however, there was no serious injury.-->
– Вот. Я их более-менее запомнила.
Меня и еще нескольких людей потеснила толпа, и мы упали с платформы. По телу пробежала волна боли. Но поскольку я приземлилась на другого человека, серьезных повреждений не было.<br />
<br />
<!--Mafuyu took out a few CDs from her bag. They were the albums of The Smashing Pumpkins that I had lent her yesterday. Since she is the guitarist of our band, she is doing research about the various types of rock bands.-->
<!--The clamor welled up again, and the station employees pushed the onlookers away from the rails. "Are you all right?" someone yelled from above, upon which some people stood up and others stayed on the ground.-->
Мафую вытащила несколько компакт-дисков из портфеля. Это были альбомы группы The Smashing Pumpkins, которые я одолжил ей вчера. Являясь гитаристом нашей группы, она знакомилась с различными стилями рок-музыки.
Вокруг снова поднялся шум, после чего работники станции растолкали зевак подальше от путей.<br />
<br />
<!--"How are they?" Wait, she took only a single day to memorize them all?-->
- Вы в порядке? - крикнул кто-то сверху.<br />
– Как они тебе?
<br />
Некоторые встали, другие оставались на земле. <br />
Стоп, ей хватило дня, чтобы их запомнить?
<br />
<!--"I don't really like them, but I can use them as a reference."-->
<!--I shook my head slightly. Not to the level of a cerebral concussion, but my head was aching a little.-->
Я медленно покачала головой. Побаливает, но обошлось без сотрясения.<br />
– Мне не очень понравилось, но я могу им подражать.
<br />
<!--I pressed my hand lightly against my forehead, but the moment I did so, I noticed a sticky touch on my face.-->
<!--Our conversation ended like that.-->
Легонько прикоснувшись ко лбу, я ощутила на нем что-то липкое.<br />
Наш разговор на этом закончился.
<br />
<!--I automatically looked at my hands.-->
<!--But even so, that could already be considered to be a huge improvement. Back when she had just transferred here, Mafuyu acted just like an injured cat that was afraid of coming out of the hole that it was hiding in. After spring ended, we spent the summer together and conquered our very first live performance - it took all of that to shorten the distance between us by only a little.-->
Я машинально посмотрела на руку.<br />
Но все равно это можно рассматривать как большой шаг вперед. Раньше, когда она только перевелась, Мафую вела себя как раненная кошка, боясь высунуться из укрытия. По окончании весны мы вместе провели лето и впервые завоевали сцену – всё это лишь ненамного уменьшило дистанцию между нами.
<br />
<!--They were blood-red. ''Did I injure my forehead?'' I calmly tried to explain it to myself, but I immediately realized the truth.-->
<!--But on the surface, it might only seem like she is finally willing to say the morning greetings. The guys who were looking from afar were having a discussion. "So how far has those two went?" "Since they are exchanging morning greetings, it means they should be bidding each other good night as well......" Shut up, you guys are irritating!-->
Она была красной. «Может, поранилась?» - спокойно спросила я саму себя, пытаясь объяснить откуда взялась кровь, но сразу же осознала свою ошибку.<br />
Но при беглом взгляде могло показаться, что она наконец-то проявила желание исполнить утреннее приветствие. Парни, наблюдавшие издали, вели беседу.
<br />
<!--There was not only blood around me, but also all kinds of repulsive things somewhere between liquids and solids that I had never seen before in my life.-->
– Так как далеко эти двое зашли?
Меня окружала не только кровь: вокруг были разбросаны самые разные полужидкие-полутвердые мерзости, которых мне не доводилось видеть никогда в жизни.<!--желеобразные - дифф--><br />
<br />
– Раз они обмениваются приветами по утрам, это значит, они должны также желать друг другу спокойной ночи...
<!--Exactly. The victim had been run over about where I was sitting.-->
Точно. Жертву переехало примерно там же, где я сидела.<br />
Заткнитесь, вы раздражаете!
<br />
<!--And next...... I checked to see if the tickets were still in my pocket.-->
<!--I shrunk back in terror and put my hand behind me.-->
В ужасе отпрянув, я вытянула руку, чтобы не упасть назад.<!--Я в ужасе отпрянула и, чтобы не упасть назад, вытянула руку. - дифф--><br />
Затем... Я проверил, по прежнему ли билеты лежат в кармане.
<br />
<!--I don't think that it will work, but I tried asking anyway.-->
<!--However, that hand touched something.-->
Я до чего-то дотронулась.<br />
Не думаю, что сработает, но спросить попытаюсь в любом случае.
<br />
<!--"Oh right. Mafuyu, what are your favorite pieces out of all the symphonies by Dvořák?"-->
- !<br />
– О, точно. Мафую, из всех симфоний Дворжака, какие твои любимые?
<br />
<!--My brain instinctively tried to picture what it was.-->
<!--The classmates around us knitted their eyebrows. Can't blame them...... it's not like you'll be expecting to hear such questions in a high-school classroom in the morning.-->
В голове рефлекторно возникали образы того, что это могло быть.<br />
Одноклассники вокруг нас удивленно вскинули брови. Не могу их винить... это не тот вопрос, который ожидаешь услышать в классе старшей школы утром.
<br />
<!--I was already familiar with that sticky touch. I imagined the thing twining around my fingers as black and longish. There were a few possibilities I could think of to explain the substance that was entering the gaps between my fingernails, but I was unable to determine it exactly.-->
<!--"Why are you asking that?" Mafuyu tilted her head and asked.-->
Эта липкость была уже мне знакома. Я представила длинные черные нити, обвивающие мои пальцы. У меня было несколько предположений касательно того, что просачивалось между кончиков пальцев, но сказать наверняка не могла.<br />
– Зачем ты это спрашиваешь? – Мафую подняла голову и спросила.
<br />
<!--"Well...... urm, just treat it as a survey."-->
<!--I turned my head around and cautiously looked at my hand.-->
Я повернула голову и осторожно взглянула на то, что находилось под рукой.<br />
– Ну... эм, просто считай это исследованием.
<br />
<!--Its form was far from what I was used to see. It looked so grotesque that I would classify it as ugly anytime if asked to decide between nice and ugly.-->
<!--"The third and the fifth."-->
Форма ее была совсем непривычной. Если бы меня спросили, красивая она или уродливая, я бы выбрала второе.<br />
– Третья и пятая.
<br />
<!--The waters are deep, but there seems to be hope for me.-->
<!--My hand was touching something that would usually be called a "head."-->
Моя рука опералась на то, что раньше можно было назвать головой.<br />
В тихом омуте... но, надежда ещё есть.
<br />
<!--That head was lacking an important part that made it look most awkward to me. It was ''not'' the parts below the neck.-->
<!--"How about Tchaikovsky?"-->
Ей не доставало самого важного, отчего она казалась мне донельзи нелепой. Я не имею в виду остальные части тела ниже шеи.<br />
– Что насчет Чайковского?
<br />
<!--"Manfred Symphony."-->
<!--There were no eyes.-->
Не хватало глаз.<br />
– Симфония «Манфред».
<br />
<!--"Are you all right?" a station employee yelled from above. I removed my gaze from the head and nodded. "We're bringing a ladder right now, please hold on for a second!"-->
<!--"You two are indeed father and daughter. Even your tastes are alike."-->
- С вами все в порядке? - раздался сверху крик работника станции. <br />
– Вы точно отец и дочь. Даже ваши вкусы совпадают.
<br />
Я оторвала взгляд от головы и кивнула. <br />
<!--"What are you talking about?"-->
<br />
– О чём это ты?
- Сейчас принесут лестницу, потерпите еще немного!<br />
<br />
<!--I gently took out the tickets and placed them in front of Mafuyu — the pieces that will be performed are Tchaikovsky's <1812 Overture SaveFrom.net> and <Manfred Symphony SaveFrom.net>, as well as Dvořák's <Symphony No. 5 SaveFrom.net> - and Ebichiri will be conducting. Mafuyu's expression froze when she saw that.-->
<!--The employee ordered his colleagues to bring a ladder and started to get in contact with every person that had fallen onto the rails. Fortunately, nobody seemed to be seriously injured.-->
Я бережно вытащил билеты и поместил перед Мафую; пьесы, которые будут исполняться, это: увертюра «1812» и симфония «Манфред» Чайковского, а также пятая симфония Дворжака – и Эбичири будет дирижером. Лицо Мафую застыло, когда она это увидела.
Работник отдал коллегам соответствующие указания и стал расспрашивать остальных пострадавших об их состоянии. К счастью, тяжело раненных не оказалось.<br />
<br />
<!--"...... What are you thinking?"-->
<!--I could see a bunch of men rushing toward us with a ladder from afar.-->
– ...Что ты задумал?
В далеке я заметила горстку людей, спешивших к нам с лестницей.<br />
<br />
<!--"Urm...... Tetsurou gave me this, and...... there's two of them, so I am trying to get someone to go with me."-->
<!--I looked again at my hand.-->
– Эм-м... Тэцуро дал мне это, и... тут их два, вот я и пытаюсь найти кого-нибудь, чтобы пошел со мной.
Я снова посмотрела на руку.<br />
<br />
<!--"That feels so stupid. Why would I want to watch Papa's concert?"-->
<!--Not because curiosity had gotten the better of fear; I just wanted to take a proper look to make sure what had happened to the eyes.-->
– Похоже на глупость. Почему я должна хотеть увидеть папин концерт?<!--отчего мне захочется - idiffer-->
Но не от того, что любопытство превозобладало над страхом - я хотела лишь посмотреть, что случилось с глазами.<br />
<br />
<!--Mafuyu turned her head towards the direction of the blackboard after she said that. She does really dislike her father a lot, so I knew it would be futile to try to invite her.-->
<!--A thread of sorts was sticking out from the eye sockets. The nerves? Or a thread of sticky blood, perhaps?-->
После сказанного Мафую повернула голову в сторону доски. Она действительно сильно недолюбливает отца, таким образом, я знал, что это бессмысленно пытаться пригласить её.
Из глазниц тянулись какие-то нити. Нервы? Или может слипшаяся кровь?<br />
<br />
<!--"He failed~" "He's been dumped~" "So there is really nothing going on between them!" "Nao, you've got guts to ask her out on a date in class." These live commentators are really irritating!-->
<!--But there was nothing ahead of them. What should have been there was...-->
– Провал...
<!--—in sight.-->
Внутри них ничего не было. То, что должно было их заполнять, находилось... в пределах видимости.<!--точняк игра слов. Жаль в русском это не приветствуется - диф--><br />
– Его отшили...
<br />
<!--The eyeballs were lying right behind the head.-->
– Так между ними действительно ничего нет!
Глазные яблоки лежали прямо за головой.<br />
<br />
– Нао, да у тебя кишка не тонка, раз ты приглашаешь на свидание прямо в классе.
<!--"Are you all right? Can you stand up?" asked a station employee as he climbed the ladder down. He was almost here!-->
- С вами все в порядке? Сможете встать? - спросил работник станции, спускаясь по лестнице. Он был уже совсем близко!<br />
Эти комментаторы в реальном времени действительно раздражают!
<br />
<!--I became nervous.-->
<!--"So that means Nao's partner is indeed Aihara?"-->
Я занервничала.<br />
– Это значит, парой Нао определенно<!--все-таки - idiffer--> будет Аихара?
<br />
<!--Why would I become nervous?-->
<!--"Yeah, it has got to be Aihara. She's practically no different than your wife!"-->
Хотя чего мне нервничать? <br />
– Ага, должна быть она<!--а тут можно и «определенно» - idiffer-->. Она практически не отличается от настоящей жены!
<br />
<!--I only had to wait for help and climb back onto the platform. There was nothing to worry about. Despite that, I didn't want the employee to come yet.-->
<!--"Who's talking about me?"-->
Дождусь помощи и вылезу на платформу - и все. Разволновалась на пустом месте. И тем не менее я не хотела, чтобы работник подходил прямо сейчас.<br />
– Кто там говорит обо мне?
<br />
<!--I hadn't come to decision yet.-->
<!--The door located at our back's right suddenly opened up, and a voice came in. The classmates around me jumped up in shock.-->
Я еще не приняла решение.<br />
Дверь, расположенная сзади справа, внезапно открылась, и оттуда раздался голос. Одноклассники вокруг меня позвдрагивали от неожиданности.
<br /> stop--
<!--I was in need of more time.-->
<!--"Morning! Hey Nao, listen. I forgot that today's the start of our second semester! We came to school at a later time during the summer holidays, so I slept till nine today as well. Why didn't you wake me up!?"-->
Мне требовалось больше времени.<br />
– Утречка! Эй, Нао, слушай. Я забыла, что сегодня начало второго триместра! Во время каникул мы приходили в школу поздно, поэтому я так же проспала до девяти. Почему ты меня не разбудил?!
<br />
<!--But he was almost here. Now that he wasn't looking was my only chance.-->
<!--Chiaki walked past between me and Mafuyu, and sat down in the seat in front of me. As expected from the ex-Judo Club member, she had casually tied her short hair to the side with a rubber band. Her bag was stuffed with drum sticks and old magazines which were strengthened with sealing tape - she was probably practicing her drumming in the empty space on the rooftop or something.-->
<br />
Чиаки прошла мимо меня и Мафую и села на стул впереди меня. Ожидаемо для экс-члена кружка дзюдоистов, она по обыкновению собрала свои короткие волосы по бокам и подвязала прорезиненной ленточкой<!--по идее тут на один бок - idiffer-->. Её портфель был набит барабанными палочками и старыми журналами, которые были укреплены защитной пленкой – она наверняка училась барабанить где-нибудь в в свободном месте на крыше или ещё где.
<br />
<!--"Oh? What's this?" The sharp-eyed Chiaki saw the tickets on my desk.-->
<!--Once he was here, there would be no chance anymore.-->
<br />
– О? Что это?
<br />
<!--But common sense and my conscience slowed made me waver.-->
Глазастая Чиаки увидела билеты у меня на столе.
<br />
<br />
<!--"A concert. Do you want to go? But it's a classical concert......"-->
<!--Only a few steps until he would get off the ladder and come to me.-->
– Концерт. Хочешь пойти? Но это классическая музыка...
<br />
<br />
<!--"Will those around us forgive me if I sleep and talk in my dreams?"-->
<!--''I'm not going to get a chance like this a second time; I will regret it for the rest of my life if I let this opportunity slip now.''-->
– Меня простят окружающие, если меня сморит, и я буду разговаривать во сне?
<br />
<br />
<!--Then don't sleep!-->
<!--Nobody had noticed my intent.-->
Тогда не спи!
<br />
<br />
<!--"Ah, so the conductor's Mafuyu's father? This is live, right? Will they be doing things like Ebichiri's cheers or Ebichiri's dance?"-->
<!--Nobody was taking heed of me.-->
– А, так дирижер – отец Мафую? Это вживую, верно? Там будет что-нибудь вроде танца Эбичири??<!--снайпер наверное нечаяно удалил. + добавить ликования? - idiffer-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I couldn't help but to give a sigh...... I really don't know what would happen if I bring Chiaki along with me......-->
<!--And certainly nobody would care if ''that'' went missing.-->
Мне оставалось только вздохнуть... Я действительно не знаю, что может произойти, если я возьму с собой Чиаки...
<br />
<br />
<!--As today's the opening ceremony, there was a long homeroom held in the afternoon. Our class' female prime minister — Class-rep Terada walked up to the stand with brisk steps and got straight to the point,
<!--I reached out my hand and picked ''it'' up.-->
<br />
"Next, we'll be discussing on the topic for today."-->
<br />
После церемонии открытия у нас по плану было долгое классное собрание. Наш премьер-министр из числа девушек, староста Тэрада, бодрым шагом прошагала к кафедре и тут же перешла к делу:
<!--And then I stuffed the eyeball into my pocket—-->
<br />
- А теперь поговорим о повестке дня.
<br />
<!--Terada pushed up her glasses, and the male class representative (aka Terada's slave) began distributing the handouts.-->
<br />
Тэрада поправила очки, и староста парней (он же раб Тэрады) начал раздавать листовки.
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--"There will be a chorus contest at the end of the month, so we will have to select a conductor, the accompaniment as well as the rest of the staff."-->
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
- В конце месяца состоится состязание хоров, поэтому нам нужно выбрать дирижёра, пианиста для музыкального сопровождения и собрать хор.
<br />
<br /><br />
<!--Come to think of it, I do think there's something like that. Our school used to have music as a major, so it's a tradition to hold an inter-class chorus contest every year. It's a pretty grand event too. Should it be in any other ordinary school, the event will usually be held in the sports hall or something. But for our school, it will be held in a large music hall which can hold all the students and teachers.-->
<br />
Кстати говоря, у нас в самом деле проходит что-то подобное. Музыка – конёк нашей школы, а потому у нас установилась традиция каждый год проводить соревнование хоров между классами. Более того, это мероприятие довольно большое по размаху: в обычной школе его бы провели в спортзале, но у нас оно состоится в огромном концертном зале, где поместятся и ученики, и учителя.
<!--"Mm...," I muttered as I, Tokiya Kurusu, looked around while referring to the piece of paper in my hands.-->
<br />
<!--I took a brief glance at the information about the chorus contest that was printed on the handout. The set piece is Mozart's <Ave verum corpus>. Pretty well selected. It's short and easy to memorize.-->
<br />
Я быстрым взглядом окинул текст с описанием соревнования, напечатанный на листовке. Обязательное<!--123123--> произведение – «Ave verum corpus» Моцарта. Неплохой выбор: короткое и легко запоминающееся.
<!--I had originally been tending the Tsukumodo Antique Shop, but then I received a call from the owner Towako-san and Saki, a co-worker of mine, and was asked to bring them something.-->
<br />
<!--"Since we've already decided that Nao will be conducting, all we need to do now is to select the person to be the accompaniment."-->
<br />
- Поскольку мы решили, что дирижёром будет Нао, нам осталось только выбрать пианиста.
<!--The place they sent me to was located in a certain theme park.-->
<br />
<!--"She's right......" "Nao's the only who can do it!"-->
<br />
- Всё верно…
<!--With the entrance fee being a whole 5,000 yen, I had naturally never been in that park before, but I managed to get in this time as a staff member<!-- official, participant, -- not as a guest, but a authorized worker. -->.-->
<br />
- Это под силу только Нао!
<br />
<!--Inside, there were several attractions<!-- particularly referring to things you can ride on -EEE --> as they could be found in an amusement park, and families as well as groups of students who were enjoying their Friday evening to the fullest.-->
<!--"Oi, hold on a second!"
<br />
<br />
When I raised my head, I realized everyone in class was already looking at me.-->
<!--Leaving that noise<!-- I don't like "noise" here. There should be a better word for this agreeable kind of noise. -EEE --> behind me, I headed to the place written on my memo.-->
- Эй, погодите! – подняв голову, я заметил, что весь класс смотрел на меня.
<br />
<br />
<!--"You're not willing to do it, Nao?" Terada was speaking to me in an overbearing tone, as if she was a people's representative. "Isn't your father a music critic?"-->
<!--Before long, a building with a somewhat creepy air about it came in sight. I went to the door, whose mysteriously designed inscription read "The Mansion of Divination," and entered.-->
- Ты не хочешь дирижировать, Нао? – Тэрада обратилась ко мне с напором, точь-в-точь как народный депутат. – Разве твой отец не критик?
<br />
<br />
<!--"There's no relation between the two at all! Decide it in a more democratic manner!"-->
<!--The illumination inside was deliberately kept dimmed, causing me to lose my orientation for a moment. Once my eyes got accustomed to the dark, I noticed that there were different rooms in here.-->
- Между этими двумя фактами нет никакой связи! Выбирайте людей демократично!
<br />
<br />
<!--"Fine. Nao, please name us three of your favorite conductors," said Terada.-->
<!--In front of each door, there was a sign that outlined the type of divination that was conducted in the repective room. Apart from orthodox divinations like the "Crystal Ball" or "Cartomancy," there were also curious ones like "Cobra & Mongoose" and "Cell Phone Divination." Among those, there was also a strange sign that said "Relic Divination."-->
- Хорошо. Нао, назови, пожалуйста, трёх твоих любимых дирижёров, - ответила Тэрада.
<br />
<br />
- Зачем?
<br />
<br />
<!--"It's part of the democratic process."-->
<!--I entered the room and was welcomed by a Saki who wore a black robe with a black hood. She was holding a broom. Unable to recognize under that hood, she continued treating me like a customer.-->
- Это этап демократичного выбора.
<br />
<br />
<!--What's with that? I don't get it. But there's no one in the class who dares to oppose Terada......-->
И что с ним?<!--смысл больше: что за фигня?--> Не понимаю. Но никто в классе не смеет перечить Тэраде…
<br />
<br />
<!--"Hmm...... Eugene Ormandy, George Szell and Charles Munch."-->
<!--"This is the Relic Mansion. We will read your fortune and..."-->
- Ну… Юджин Орманди, Джордж Селл и Шарль Мюнш.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Well then—" Terada placed her two hands on the stand and scanned through everyone in the class once. "If there is anyone besides Nao who can come up with the names of two or more conductors, please raise up your hand now."-->
<!--"Hoohohoho! Fear not, lost soul! Yours truly, a mighty witch of old, shall resolve all your... Oh, it's just you, Tokiya?"-->
- А теперь… - Тэрада опёрлась о кафедру и окинула взглядом каждого в классе. – Если кто-нибудь ещё может назвать имена двух или более дирижёров, поднимите руки, пожалуйста.
<br />
<br />
<!--A silence fell onto the class, as though it was twelve thousand years after the nuclear fallout. Forget about the raising of hands - no one moved a single inch.-->
<!--Towako-san abruptly stopped her entrance performance upon noticing it was me. She was dressed quite revealingly and a bit like a bondage mistress. Had she been holding a whip on top of that, she would have certainly passed as one. Uncommonly for her, her hair was tied up.-->
В классе стояла полная тишина, точно только что минуло двенадцать тысяч лет после атомной войны. Какие там руки – никто даже не пошевелился.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Then it's decided. Nao shall be conducting."-->
<!--Saki, too, finally noticed that it was me and took off her hood. She was wearing a cat-ears hair band on her head, and the robe was adorned with a tail where her bottom was.-->
- Тогда решено. Нао будет дирижёром.
<br />
<br />
<!--I was rendered speechless by Terada's cruel declaration, and it felt like I could hear the sounds from the democracy crumbing around me.-->
<!--"What's with that outfit?"-->
Жестокая речь Тэрады лишила меня дара речи, и я буквально слышал, как рушились опоры демократии.
<br />
<br />
<!--"So next, the candidate for the accompaniment."-->
<!--"I'm a black cat!"-->
- Перейдём к выбору пианиста.
<br />
<br />
<!--Just as she was done saying that, everyone in the class had carefully turned their head around to look at the seat beside me. I was originally confused at what was happening, but I caught on-->
<!--"...and you're really okay with that?"-->
Как только она докончила свою фразу, все тут же обернулись посмотреть на сидение рядом со мной. Вначале я был сбит с толку случившимся, но вскоре до меня дошло.
<br />
<br />
<!--If we are talking about who in our class knows how to play the piano, the very first person who will come to the minds of everyone will only be...... Mafuyu. That's because she won the international piano competition held in eastern Europe at a mere age of twelve - the youngest ever piano girl prodigy.-->
Если говорить о том, кто в нашем классе умеет играть на фортепиано, то всем на ум придёт только… Мафую. А всё потому, что она всего-то в двенадцать лет выиграла международный конкурс для пианистов, который проводился в Восточной Европе, - она была самой юной одаренной пианисткой.
<br />
<br />
<!--However, she no longer wished to play the piano due to a certain reason, and it's a reason that everyone here - and not just me - knows very well. It's probably due to some psychological factors which resulted in her right hand's middle, ring, and little finger being unable to move normally.-->
Однако она по определённым причинам не хотела продолжать играть на фортепиано, и все в классе – а не только я один – знали почему. Из-за каких-то проблем психологического плана она не могла нормально шевелить средним, безымянным пальцами и мизинцем правой руки.
<br />
<br />
<!--Ebichiri did say this before - her hand is in a much better shape ever since she knew me. In actual fact, I had seen Mafuyu playing the piano secretly during our training camp.-->
<!--"Why? It's black."-->
Эбичири ранее говорил, что состояние её руки заметно улучшилось после того, как Мафую познакомилась со мной. К тому же, я видел, как она тайком играла на фортепиано, когда мы были на летних сборах.
<br />
<br />
<!--Then again...... the problems of her heart are way more serious than her physical problems. It was at a concert in England - Mafuyu was just about to begin playing the first note of Chopin's sonata when her fingers were unable to move. She has not fully recovered from the damage caused by that incident. Even if this is just a school's competition, she is probably unable to play the piano on the stage......-->
<!--"...I see. Yeah, that's great."-->
Но всё равно… её психологические барьеры были гораздо серьёзнее, чем состояние её тела. Всё произошло на концерте в Англии: Мафую попыталась сыграть первую ноту сонаты Шопена, когда её пальцы перестали слушаться. Она всё ещё не оправилась после того случая. Пусть это всего лишь школьное соревнование, Мафую вряд ли сможет сыграть перед публикой...
<br />
<br />
<!--That was the reason why no one dared to suggest Mafuyu playing the piano.-->
<!--Saki had the incomprehensible character trait of being very particular about the color black and not caring about anything else as long as it was black. Most likely, there was nothing to comprehend there in the first place.-->
Поэтому никто не рискнул предложить её кандидатуру.
<br />
<br />
<!--All everyone did was to quietly peek at Mafuyu's expressionless face. In the end, no one came up with a candidate for the position of the accompaniment.-->
<!--"I guess you two are supposed to depict a witch and her familiar, a black cat in the form of a human?" I asked.-->
Все только тихо взглянули на безэмоциональное лицо Мафую. В итоге, пианиста для аккомпанимента так и не выбрали.
<br />
<br />
<!--"What are you talking about?" Saki said, pulling off the awkward—and in her case absolutely normal—feat of showing surprise with a perfect deadpan look.-->
<br />
<!--"Oh? So you are the conductor for the Third Class of First Year?"-->
<br />
- О? Так ты будешь дирижёром класса 1-3?
<!--"Huh? You're not?"-->
<br />
<!--For some reason, Kagurazaka-senpai was smiling really happily while she was saying that. She was actually the earliest person to reach the practice room - she probably attended classes in the morning. I mean, she is one of those bad students who skips classes all day and only comes to school when the school's over.-->
<br />
Кагуразака-сэмпай по каким-то непонятным причинам счастливо улыбалась, когда произносила эти слова. Она добралась до репетиционной раньше всех – наверное, всё-таки побывала на утренних уроках. Ну, она из тех плохих учеников, которые прогуливают все занятия и приходят в школу только тогда, когда все уже расходятся по домам.
<!--"Why would you think of anything else than a Beckoning Cat<ref>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maneki-neko</ref> when talking about cats and commerce? This perfect plan not only improves customer service generally, it even serves to attract customers! ...How careless of me. If I always dressed like this, Tsukumodo might flourish as well."-->
<br />
<!--"Senpai's from the Second Class of Second Year, right? Have your class already decided on the conductor?"-->
<br />
- Сэмпай ведь учится в классе 2-1<!--явная ошибка англофикатора-->? Вы уже решили, кто будет дирижёром?
<br />
<!--"Mmm, I was made the conductor straight away - it was the same for last year. I am already itching for the fight."-->
<br />
- М-м, меня выбрали сразу – то же было в прошлом году. Не могу дождаться битвы.
<!--''To begin with, you don't seem have any customers here, either!''-->
<br />
<!--"Senpai's not singing? Why?" asked Chiaki.-->
<br />
- Сэмпай, не будешь петь? Почему? – спросила Чиаки.
<!--"So? I can have a mighty witch resolve all my troubles here?"-->
<br />
<!--I was curious about that as well. Senpai is the lead singer for our band. Wouldn't it be better for her to sing instead of conduct?-->
<br />
Мне тоже было интересно. Сэмпай – солистка нашей группы. Не лучше ли для неё спеть, а не дирижировать?
<!--"Hey, it's all about building some atmosphere, some atmosphere! But more importantly, did you bring them?" Towako-san asked.-->
<br />
<!--"The pleasure you get when the audiences behind you applause for you is quite an unique experience! The only occupation in this world which allows you to experience that is the conductor. I remember...... Ebisawa Chisato saying something like that in one of his interviews."-->
<br />
- Удовольствие, которое ты получаешь, когда публика аплодирует за твоей спиной, - это неповторимый опыт! И только палочка дирижёра позволяет испытать его. Помнится мне… Эбисава Чисато говорил что-то похожее на одном из своих интервью.
<br />
<!--"That's because he is a narcissist."
<br />
<!--I had brought a great number of Relics with me. Needless to say, fakes that were in our shelves.-->
Mafuyu mumbled while wiping her guitar with a cloth. From her tone, it sounded more like she was irritated by her father, rather than hating him.-->
<br />
- Потому что он нарциссист, - пробубнила Мафую, обтирая свою гитару тряпкой. Судя по её тону, он её скорее раздражал, нежели вызывал ненависть.
<br />
<!--"Right, fantastic! There wasn't enough atmosphere here yet, you know."-->
<!--"It feels like I can get along really well with your father. Can we invite him to see the chorus contest? He should be more than willing to come if there's no clashes with his schedules, right?"-->
<br />
- Похоже, мы с твоим отцом неплохо поладим. Может, пригласим его на соревнование хоров? Он ведь обязательно захочет прийти, если его график ему это позволит, так?
<br />
<!--As she had said, there were a few small Relics like a pocket watch and a silver plate on the desk, but apart from that, there was only some indirect lighting, which left a somewhat blank impression.-->
<!--"Definitely not!"
<br />
<br />
Mafuyu rejected Senpai's suggestion with a frightening expression on her face.-->
<!--"And how's business going here?" I asked, causing Towako-san to contort her face. Well, I could have guessed as much, since she had asked me to bring something to improve the atmosphere.-->
- Ни за что! – Мафую отвергла предложение cэмпай, состроив пугающую гримасу.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Ah, speaking of which......" the talk about Ebichiri made me remembered the matter about the concert, so I took out the tickets. "Are you interested in attending this, Senpai? Though it's a complimentary invitation ticket......"-->
<!--Okay then. The reason those two had ditched the Tsukumodo Antique Shop and were working at a place like this has nothing to do with them trying to set against the red figures by means of a part-time employment—though that's not entirely wrong, either. A staff member of this theme park was in search of a substitute for a bedridden fortuneteller happened to come across the Tsukumodo Antique Shop, took a liking to the mood of the shop and asked us to have a go at it.-->
- Кстати говоря… - разговор об Эбичири напомнил мне о концерте, так что я вытащил из кармана билеты. – Не хочешь сходить на концерт, сэмпай? Хотя это просто пригласительный купон…<!--почему купон? - idiffer-->
<br />
<br />
<!--The smile on Senpai's face disappeared as she took the ticket from me. What's wrong? She's busy on the day of the concert? Or are the pieces too heavy for her tastes? Dvořák's <Symphony no. 5> is not really a problem, but <Manfred> may not be something for everyone......-->
<!--Attracted by the pay, the two agreed to work there for a week. That pay was, however, not based on hours or a fixed sum, but on pieces. Therefore, when she learned that part of her earnings here would go straight into her pocket, Towako-san immediately recharged her batteries<!-- meh -->. Money talks.-->
Улыбка Сэмпай испарилась, когда она взяла у меня билет. Что-то не так? Может, она занята в день выступления? Или произведения ей не по вкусу? Пятая симфония Дворжака не проблема, но «Манфред» не всем подходит...
<br />
<br />
<!--"There are two tickets...... meaning that you are coming along as well?"-->
<!--She was even sly enough to put "Tsukumodo Antique Shop" on the visiting cards she distributed here.-->
- Билетов два… то есть, ты тоже пойдёшь?
<br />
<br />
<!--"Eh? Ah, yeah, because Tetsurou pushed his job to me yet again. Urm, well...... you don't have to force yourself if you don't want to."-->
<!--"By the way, how's the shop doing? Do you somehow get along alone?"-->
- Э? А, да, Тецуро снова спихнул на меня свою работу. Ну, это… не нужно заставлять себя, если не хочешь идти.
<br />
<br />
<!--"No. I'll definitely make myself free on that day! I can treat this as your invitation to a date, right?"-->
<!--"That's a good one."-->
- Что ты. Я обязательно освобожусь ко дню концерта! Я могу считать это приглашением на свидание, верно?
<br />
<br />
<!--"Eh?" Huh? What?-->
<!--If it was such a flourishing shop, one wouldn't find all three employees leisurely talking here.-->
- Э? – а? Что?
<br />
<br />
<!--"It has not even been a month since that passionate night - I have never expected young man to take the initiative and invite me. I am dying to turn my happiness into endless words and whisper them into your ears, but since there are others around us right now, let's leave it for that very night."-->
<!--"I'll reduce your wages if you sell less than 10,000 yen a day, got me?"-->
- Ещё и месяца не прошло с той бурной ночи – я не ожидала, что молодой человек возьмёт инициативу в свои руки и пригласит меня на свидание. Сгораю от нетерпения превратить моё счастье в бесконечный поток слов, которые я буду шептать в твои ушки, но, раз уж мы не наедине, оставим это до той самой ночи.
<br />
<br />
<!--Please, don't go about saying such things, or else you'll be causing a misunderstanding for those who are unaware of what is going on! What do you mean by a passionate night......-->
<!--"We haven't ever sold that much!"-->
Пожалуйста, не произноси подобных речей, иначе те, кто не знают того, что сейчас происходит, неправильно нас поймут! И что это ещё за бурная ночь?..
<br />
<br />
<!--"...... For that very night?"-->
<!--"Shut up. I don't want the extra gain to be higher than the main gain."-->
- …Той самой ночи?
<br />
<br />
<!--"Because the concert will be held at Tokyo, right? It will be eight at night when the concert ends, and Ebichiri will most likely answer the audiences' calls for an encore. We should be having dinner after the concert, so rather than going back home after that, it will be better to stay there for the night."-->
<!--"You don't sell much here, anyway, do you?"-->
- Концерт ведь состоится в Токио, так? Он закончится в восемь вечера, а Эбичири, скорее всего, сыграет с оркестром на бис. Нам нужно будет поужинать после концерта, потому лучше будет остаться на ночь в Токио, а не возвращаться обратно.
<br />
<br />
<!--"You can't!" Mafuyu stood up all of the sudden.-->
<!--"Hmph! Just you wait for a week. And you don't get anything from the extra cash!"-->
- Нельзя! – Мафую вдруг вскочила с места.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Geez— Senpai! What are you going on and on about!"
<!--"Right, right. I'm not expecting any! Anyway, I'm returning to the busy shop."-->
<br />
Chiaki stood up as well. I took a step back in reflex.-->
<br />
- Ёлки-палки… Сэмпай! О чём ты все время говоришь?!<!--вот здесь фиг поймешь--> – Чиаки последовала примеру Мафую. А я же невольно шагнул назад.
<!--The moment I left the room, someone else entered.-->
<br />
<!--"I do welcome the cute jealousy of you two!"
<br />
<!--"This is the Relic Mansion. We will read your fortune and..."-->
Senpai hugged Chiaki, who was walking towards her, and planted a kiss on her forehead.-->
<br />
- Я приветствую вашу милую зависть! – сэмпай обняла Чиаки, которая прошагала к ней, и поцеловала её в лоб.
<br />
<!--"Hoohohoho! Fear not, lost soul! Yours truly, a mighty witch of old, shall resolve all your..."-->
<!--"Don't be thinking that I'll forgive Senpai just like this!" Chiaki was still furious despite being hugged in Senpai's arms. I am already used to scenes like these, so I was not too surprised. Senpai do really enjoy flirting around with girls, while Chiaki joined this band all because of Senpai. She should be mad even if Senpai was saying that as a joke. But...... urm, why is Mafuyu angry as well? And she's even glancing at me angrily.-->
<br />
- Не думай, что я вот так возьму и прощу тебя, сэмпай! – Чиаки всё ещё свирепствовала, хотя и находилась в объятиях сэмпай. Я уже привык к подобным сценам, поэтому не сильно удивился. Сэмпай любит флиртовать с девушками, а Чиаки вступила в группу только из-за неё. Она будет хохриться, даже если сэмпай скажет, что всё это – шутка. Но… эм, почему Мафую тоже злится? Она даже на меня сердито зыркает.
<br />
<!--I left the Divination Mansion as I heard from the room behind me a performance and footsteps quickly leaving again.-->
<!--"Are you jealous of me, Comrade Ebisawa? Or perhaps...... you want to come along as well?"
<br />
<br /><br />
Senpai proceeded to hug Mafuyu from behind, and dangled the ticket right before Mafuyu. Mafuyu quickly turned her head away as her face turned red.
<br />
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
"Then...... I'll be attending the concert together with young man, alright?"-->
<br />
- Завидуешь, товарищ Эбисава? Или… ты тоже хочешь пойти? – сэмпай обняла Мафую со спины и помахала билетом перед её лицом. Мафую быстро отвернулась, а её лицо заалело. – Тогда… я пойду на концерт с молодым человеком, идёт?
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--"...... You can't."-->
<!--<div style="font-family: Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serif">-->
- …Нет.
<br />
<br />
<!--"You heard what she said, young man."
<!--I informed my employer about the events and took the day off, and hurried straight home, ignoring the suggestion of a station staff member to go to the hospital for a brief check. After arriving there, I carefully took a handkerchief out of my bag.-->
<br />
Senpai threw the ticket back at me. It felt like Senpai was happily looking at the strange turns of events.
<br />
<!--The weird bulge in the cloth made it clear that there was something inside.-->
"The ticket's yours, so you should be the one to decide who to give it to. However...... it seems like both Comrade Ebisawa and Comrade Aihara are unwilling to go?"-->
<br />
- Ты слышал, что она сказала, молодой человек, - сэмпай бросила мне билет. Похоже было, что сэмпай была довольна сложившейся ситуацией. – Билет – твой; тебе и решать, кому его предложить. Однако… кажется мне, что товарищ Эбисава, как и товарищ Аихара не хотят идти?
<br />
<!--That said, there was most likely no one who was able to guess what that was.-->
<!--"Kyouko, that's just too sly of you."
<br />
<br />
Mafuyu protested as she continued to struggle in Senpai's arms. Mafuyu's the only person in the whole school to address Senpai by her name, and it's precisely because of how they are always hugging each other like this, that has caused the misunderstandings about the Folk Music Club to go deeper and deeper.-->
<!--I gently opened the handkerchief as if I was dealing with some fragile freight.-->
- Кёко, это нечестно, - запротестовала Мафую, пытаясь вырваться из рук сэмпай. Мафую единственная в школе, кто обращается к сэмпай по имени, и, благодаря тому, что они всегда так обнимают друг друга, слухи о нашем кружке становятся всё нелепее и нелепее.
<br />
<br />
<!--Then I suddenly thought of something...... if I pass the ticket to Mafuyu, and use the concert as an excuse to try to convince her once more, then maybe it will be an opportunity for her to get back on good terms with her father?-->
<!--A eyeball appeared.-->
Вдруг мне в голову пришла идея… а что, если я отдам билет Мафую и, используя этот концерт как оправдание, попытаюсь убедить её ещё раз, тогда может это послужит возможностью ей помириться с отцом?<!-- здесь нужно сильное колдунство-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But...... with the way things are, it's a little strange for me to pass the ticket to Mafuyu now......-->
<!--I took off my glasses and put them on again into the right position.<!-- Meh. She just did that so they sit well. -EEE -->-->
Однако… при нынешнем положении дел, будет странно с моей стороны отдать билет Мафую...
<br />
<br />
<!--"How about this? The ticket will go the victor in some contests which we will all be participating."
<!--The eyeball was staring straight at me from below.-->
<br />
A beastly smile appeared on the corners of Senpai's mouth.-->
<br />
- Может сделаем вот как? Билет достанется победителю в каком-нибудь соревновании, в котором мы все будем участвовать, - губы сэмпай растянулись в хищной улыбке.
<!--It was a very peculiar sensation to meet someone's eye directly.-->
<br />
<!--"If that's the case, then Senpai will definitely win!"
<br />
<!--A normal person would certainly not have thought of it as "peculiar," but as "repulsive."-->
Chiaki complained, and I felt the same as she did. Senpai loves things like gambling and contests. Her ingenious schemes has ensured that she had never lost before.-->
<br />
- Тогда Сэмпай точно победит! – пожаловалась Чиаки, и я был с ней солидарен. Сэмпай обожает спорить и соревноваться, а её хитрые схемы подтверждают, что она ни разу не проиграла.
<br />
<!--But while I did feel fondness, I did not feel the tiniest bit of disgust or fear.-->
<!--"I can handicap myself! Comrade Ebisawa and Comrade Aihara can team up, while I'll be alone by myself. I grant permission for young man to be on the same side as you two. One against three. How about that?"-->
<br />
- Я дам вам фору! Товарищ Эбисава и товарищ Аихара могут работать в команде, а я буду одна. Я разрешаю молодому человеку присоединиться к вам. Я одна против вас троих. Как насчёт этого?
<br />
<!--I gulped down and fixed on the eyeball. The eyeball silently returned a look.-->
<!--It's a little strange for the terms to be that good, right? Senpai must be very confident of herself if she is to come up with conditions like that. Just as I was about to say something, Mafuyu raised her head suddenly and said,
<br />
<br />
<!--It remains unclear if a severed eye possesses something like a "gaze," but our gazes intertwined.-->
Не странно ли, что условия так выгодны для нас? Сэмпай, должно быть, уверена в своей победе, если предлагает подобное пари. И только я хотел возразить ей, как вдруг Мафую подняла голову и сказала:
<br />
<br />
- Хорошо.
<!--I felt how my consciousness was sucked into the eyeball. Connection established. Success.-->
<br />
<!--"I'm really happy, Comrade Ebisawa."
<br />
<!--I could apparently also peek into a bare eyeball.-->
Senpai kissed Mafuyu lightly on her forehead. Mafuyu's face went red in an instant, and she quickly pushed Senpai's lips away.-->
<br />
- Я очень рада, товарищ Эбисава, - сэмпай нежно поцеловала Мафую в лоб. Лицо Мафую в миг запунцовело, и она отпихнула губы сэмпай.
<br />
<!--"If Mafuyu's taking part, then I am in as well!"-->
<!--''What will I see? What will it show to me?''-->
<br />
- Если Мафую в деле, то и я участвую!
<br />
<!--I saw something. I saw something that I hadn't seen for myself. It was the eye's memory.-->
<!--Urm, you two, calm down! Don't accept the contest without even knowing what you girls will be competing in!-->
<br />
Эм, угомонитесь! Не соглашайтесь на спор, если даже не знаете, в чём будете соревноваться!
<br />
<!--I saw tracks—as they were usually seen when standing on the platform. He was apparently waiting for the train. The field of vision moved and revealed an approaching train. The gaze focused on the word ''express'' for a moment and was dropped again.-->
<!--"So what are we competing in?"-->
<br />
- Так в чём заключается пари?
<br />
<!--Suddenly, the picture moved.-->
<!--"How about...... a sauna endurance contest where we can touch each other?"-->
<br />
- Что насчёт… испытания жаром в сауне, где мы сможем потрогать друг друга?
<br />
<!--The field of vision made a sudden turn and showed a woman who was standing behind. That woman started to tilt over bit by bit. No, the eyes were tilting over—or more exact, the eyes' owner.-->
<!--"That's just you wanting to touch the two girls!"-->
<br />
- Потрогать других хочешь только ты!
<br />
<!--"Young man can join us as well, yeah?"-->
<!--The field of vision made another sudden turn.-->
<br />
- Молодой человек тоже может присоединиться, так?
<br />
<!--A giant metal monster was approaching at overwhelming speed.-->
<!--"I see, I can make sure that you are not touching them...... no wait, that's not it! I am a guy here!"-->
<br />
- Точно, я смогу проследить, чтобы ты не делала ничего такого… нет, погоди! Я – парень!
<br />
<!--Everything turned black at once.-->
<!--This person can definitely get us a sauna where it's unisex, so that was a really scary suggestion.-->
<br />
Эта персона точно сможет провести нас в общую сауну, так что это было пугающее предложение.
<br />
<!--"If you are against the sauna, then how about an eating contest where we can touch each other?"-->
<br />
- Если ты так негативно настроен насчёт сауны, почему бы не проверить, кто из нас съест больше, и потрогать друг друга?
<br />
<!--I came around.-->
<!--"What's the reason for touching others in an eating contest? And stop being engrossed in being able to touch others!"-->
<br />
- Чего ради трогать друг друга в таком состязании? И не зацикливайся на возможности потрогать чьё-то тело!
<br />
<!--I noticed that I was breathing wildly. I noticed that my back and my hands were drenched in sweat.-->
<!--"Then...... if we are talking about four people, then Mahjong will be a good choice."-->
<br />
- Тогда… нас четверо, так что мы можем сыграть в маджонг.
<br />
<!--However, there was nothing disagreeable about it at all.-->
<!--"I do not know the rules of Mahjong," Mafuyu admitted immediately.-->
<br />
- Я не знаю правил, - тут же призналась Мафую.
<br />
<!--"It's simple. The one with the least points will have to strip."-->
<!--It was not cold sweat my back and my hands were drenched in.-->
<br />
- Всё просто. У кого меньше очков, тот раздевается.
<br />
<!--"Don't teach her the wrong things!"-->
<!--It was not fear that made my breath go wild.-->
<br />
- Не учи её неправильному!
<br />
<!--I touched my cheek with the back of my hand. It was hot. I didn't need to look into a mirror to realize that my face was flushed. And there was one more thing that I realized by touching my cheek.-->
<!--"So your rules is that the winner has to strip? I don't really mind if you are that desperate about stripping."-->
<br />
- Так ты хочешь, чтобы раздевался победитель? Я не против, если ты так настаиваешь на оголении.
<br />
<!--My cheeks were pushed up.<!-- or turned up or something, idk, iow. smiling -->-->
<!--"I am not stripping! And please do not forget the original intention of the contest!"-->
<br />
- Да не собираюсь я раздеваться! И не забывай, пожалуйста, зачем вообще затеяно это пари!
<br />
<!--I looked at the eyeball.-->
<!--After coming up with a huge list of indecent suggestions, Senpai finally said this in a serious manner,
<br />
<br />
"How about this then. Since we have four musicians here who are fighting it out, then let's decide the winner via music!"-->
<!--I saw a reflection of my own face on it.-->
Предложив огромный выбор нескромных состязаний, сэмпай, наконец, посерьёзнела:
<br />
<br />
- Тогда сделаем так. Раз уж мы – четверка музыкантов, сражающихся до последнего, определим победителя музыкой!
<!--The face was smiling.-->
<br />
<!--Senpai took a look at me, Chiaki and Mafuyu's faces...... In retrospect, all those crazy antics was probably part of Senpai's plans to force us to grudgingly accept her suggestion.
<br />
<!--I was laughing.-->
"The winner shall be decided through the chorus contest!"-->
<br />
Сэмпай взглянула на меня, Чиаки и Мафую… Судя по всему, её безумные идеи нужны были только для того, чтобы заставить нас принять её условия против нашей воли.
<br />
<!--I was excited.-->
- Победитель будет определён на состязании хоров!
<br />
<br />
<!--The whole class already knew about the rumors of the contest by the very next day.-->
<!--The sight of the immediate death had enraptured me.-->
<br />
Уже на следующий день в классе гуляли слухи о нашем пари.
<br />
<!--And then I finally noticed:-->
<!--"I heard you guys will be competing against Kagurazaka-senpai, and Nao has to strip if he loses?"-->
<br />
- Я слышал, что вы, ребята, будете соревноваться с Кагуразакой-сэмпай, и Нао разденется догола, если он проиграет.
<br />
<!--"What's the point of you stripping? It obviously has to be Aihara or Ebisawa who does it!"-->
<!--''Aah, I've finally found what I've been yearning to see for all this time.''-->
<br />
- В чём смысл-то от его стриптиза? Пусть разденется Аихара или Эбисава!
<br /><br />
<!--Seemed like there was something strange about the information they received. As for Terada, she was looking at me with tears in her eyes while saying,
<br />
<!--I didn't sleep a wink that night.-->
"I am really happy to see Nao being that motivated about conducting!"-->
<br />
Кажется, в слухи закралась крайне странная информация. Тэрада же смотрела на меня со слезами на глазах:
<br />
- Я так рада, что Нао настолько мотивирован быть дирижёром!
<!--Still excited, every attempt to sleep failed with me sitting in front of the eyeball before I knew it. As I repeated this procedure, the sky dawned.-->
<br />
<!--No, you're wrong. I am not the least bit motivated.-->
<br />
Ошибаешься. Я ни капли не мотивирован.
<!--Although the eyeball always showed me the same scene, I didn't get enough of it regardless of how many times I viewed it.-->
<br />
<!--The rules of the contest were really simple. Senpai's class will be competing against our class, and the winner will be the class which gets the higher score. There's a total of twenty four classes in our school, and even though they will only announce the results of the top five rankings, but...... "It will be impossible for both classes to miss the rankings, because my class will definitely get ourselves within the top five" - that was what Senpai said confidently.-->
<br />
Условия пари были крайне просты. Наши с сэмпай классы будут соревноваться друг с другом, и победителем окажется класс, занявший более высокое место. Всего в нашей школе двадцать четыре класса, а объявят результаты только первой пятёрки, но… «Такого, что оба пролетят, не случится, потому что мой класс обязательно будет в первой пятерке», - таково было уверенное высказывание Сэмпай.
<!--Nonetheless, I had to go to work once the morning had come. Of course, I made sure to put the eyeball into the freezer before leaving. I had no idea what would happen in case of decay, but that was pretty much the only conservation measure I could take for the time being. ''Maybe I should buy some formalin.''-->
<!--"Meaning that Kagurazaka-senpai will be stripping if we win?" One of the idiotic guys said that, which stirred up those around him.-->
<br />
- То есть, если мы победим, раздеваться будет Кагуразака-сэмпай? – дурацкий вопрос поднял переполох среди парней.
<br />
<!--I reluctantly left the house, the eyeball.-->
<!--"Everyone, lend me your strength!"
<br />
<br />
All the guys raised their fists in the air in response to Chiaki's cry. Please! What are you guys so excited about? However, I was most surprised at how Mafuyu said, "I am willing to be the accompaniment during our practices".-->
<!--As usual, I sat down on a seat in the first wagon.-->
- Ребята, мне нужна ваша помощь!
<br />
Все парни подняли кулаки в ответ на восклик Чиаки. Ради бога! Отчего вы так завелись? Но наибольшим сюрпризом для меня стала фраза Мафую: «Я хочу аккомпанировать на репетициях».
<br />
<!--As usual, I thought about peeking into the eyes of the person on the opposite.-->
<!--"Princess...... is that really okay?"
<br />
<br />
Terada was on the stands when she asked that question worriedly. 'Princess' is a nickname which Terada came up for Mafuyu after much difficulty, and now the rest of the girls in class are addressing Mafuyu by that as well. It may seemed like they are doing it out of respect for Mafuyu, but in reality, it's their way of teasing her.-->
<!--However, I already found myself unable to see a point in that daily routine of mine.-->
- Принцесса… ты уверена? – Тэрада была как на иголках, задавая этот вопрос. «Принцесса» - это прозвище, которое придумала сама Тэрада после недолгих мучений, и оно прижилось среди всех девочек в классе. Незнающему может показаться, что это их знак уважения, но на самом деле они просто так дразнят Мафую.
<br />
<!--"It's okay. I cannot sing well anyway."
<br />
<!--I was not interested anymore in seeing a rushed latecomer, or an early-morning marital argument, or a drinking get-together that had taken place the other day.-->
Mafuyu glanced at me as she said that.
<br />
<br />
"It should be fine if it is only during the practices. I can do it if Naomi composes the accompaniment."-->
<!--I wanted to see it. I wanted to go straight back home and see that last scene that had burnt itself into the eyeball.-->
- Да. Я всё равно не умею петь, - Мафую бросила на меня взгляд. – Всё в порядке, если я буду играть только на репетициях и Наоми сочинит аккомпанемент.
<br />
<br />
<!--I nodded my head without even thinking. Mafuyu has actually said she wants to play the piano...... is she that desperate to win?-->
<!--A woman sat down opposite me. That woman was absent-mindedly gazing into the distance. Normally, she would have been just what I was waiting for, but I wasn't interested anymore.-->
Я кивнул без малейших раздумий. Мафую сказала, что она хочет сыграть на фортепиано… неужто она так отчаянно хочет победить?
<br />
<br />
<!--It should be easy to compose the piano accompaniment for the set piece. Mafuyu should be able to play it despite the number of mobile fingers she has if I omit a few notes. Also, she should still be way better than those without any experiences in the piano.-->
<!--But something bothered me; I had a feeling that I'd seen her before somewhere. Due to the nature of my job, I had a whole lot of onetime encounters. I suspected that she was one of them as well, but my gut feeling told me otherwise.-->
Сочинить аккомпанемент к готовому произведению не должно составить труда. Я опущу несколько нот, чтобы Мафую смогла исполнить мелодию, несмотря на проблемы с пальцами. Тем более что она всё равно будет лучше тех, кто никогда в жизни не прикасался к клавишам.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Let's do just that. We'll come up with the rest of the plans after we are done selecting our choice piece."-->
<!--I had a feeling that I'd seen her many times.-->
- Так и сделаем. А остальные идеи отложим на потом, когда мы выберем свою мелодию.
<br />
<br />
<!--Mafuyu agreed to Chiaki's suggestions.-->
<!--But I couldn't remember where.-->
Мафую согласилась на предложение Чиаки.
<br />
<br />
<!--Was it just my imagination playing tricks on me?-->
<!--On the same day after school, we sent two guys over to Kagurazaka-senpai's class to spy on what our enemies had chosen for their choice piece, but...... only one of them came back.-->
<br />
В тот же день после уроков мы послали двух парней к классу Кагуразаки-сэмпай, чтобы вызнать, какую песню выбрали наши противники, но… из них вернулся только один.
<br />
<!--No, that feeling was too strong to be dismissed so easily.-->
<!--"In order to let me escape, he...... ugh......"
<br />
<br />
The survivor gagged and said no more. What's with the exaggerated acts!
<!--I adjusted my glasses and peered into her eyes. I was hoping to find out who she was by connecting to her through her eyes.-->
<br />
"But...... it should be fine! He is a really patriotic guy, so he will never reveal our class no matter what sort of torture they put him under!"-->
<br />
- Чтобы дать мне уйти, он… ах… - спасшийся шпион закрыл руками рот и замолчал. Что за наигранные выходки! – Но… всё будет в порядке! Он настоящий патриот, и ни за что не выдаст, чей он агент, какие бы пытки они не приготовили!
<!--She didn't notice my gaze, and we connected in a matter of seconds. My field of vision overlapped hers.-->
<br />
<!--"They'll find out from his badge......"-->
<br />
- Им просто нужно посмотреть на бэйджик…
<!--Through her eyes, I saw someone's back. A man's. From how near it was, they must have been pressed against each other. The scene took place outside. The place was crammed, but the people were waiting for something in a queue. ''Where is this...? Ah, that's a platform. At a station.''-->
<br />
<!--"Ahh, I see. We're done for!"
<br />
Our spy went into a frenzy from that tsukomi of mine. Are you retarded!? Even without the badge, there should be at least someone who can recognize him by his face!-->
<br />
- А-а, точняк. Нам крышка! – после моего цуккоми он впал в панику. Ты что, совсем идиот? Даже не будь бейджика, кто-нибудь может знать его в лицо!
<br />
<!--All of a sudden, the back in front of her eyes tilted forward. Because of a push.-->
<!--"So did you two find out what their choice piece is?" Terada asked.-->
<br />
- Вы разнюхали, какую песню они выбрали? – спросила Тэрада.
<br />
<!--The man turned around.-->
<!--"Nope. We were arguing on the topic of the girls' uniform. That guy rejected my notion of cheerleader outfits, so I couldn't help but to protest. And we were caught like that."-->
<br />
- Увы. Мы спорили насчёт женской формы. Он был против моего видения формы для черлидерш, и я не смог сдержаться. Так нас и поймали.
<br />
<!--His eyes met mine—no, hers—widely opened in blank astonishment.-->
<!--"You guys are absolutely useless."-->
<br />
- Вы абсолютно бесполезны.
<br />
<!--"You two don't have to come back!"-->
<br />
- Мог и не возвращаться!
<br />
<!--I started up on the spot, attracting the curious gazes of my surroundings.-->
<!--Having seen their retarded acts, my drive - which was barely there to begin with - sunk even lower.-->
<br />
После того, как я услышал об их пародии на шпионаж, мой настрой – которого и так почти не было – упал ниже некуда.
<br />
<!--The recordings of last year's chorus contest dealt us the critical blow. The winner was the First Class of First Year - in other words, it was Kagurazaka-senpai's class.-->
<br />
Записи прошлогоднего соревнования стали решающим ударом для нас. Тогда победил класс 1-1 – то есть, класс Кагуразаки-сэмпай.
<br />
<!--While withstanding their looks, I seated myself again as though nothing had happened. They probably thought that I'd nodded off or that I'd just noticed that I'd missed my destination.-->
<!--The person with her hair coiled up and wearing a formal tuxedo was none other than Kagurazaka-senpai. Their choice piece was Niimi Tokuhide's ensemble piece <Kikoeru>. The different tempos of the song were clearly distinguishable, and that was coupled by a meticulous ensemble. We were enchanted by them despite us watching the video while sitting on the hard and uncomfortable chairs of the classroom. [TLNote: 聞こえる (Kikoeru), roughly translated as 'To be Heard']-->
<br />
Девушкой в строгом смокинге с подобранными волосами была не кто иная, как сама Кагуразака-сэмпай. В тот раз они выбрали «Кикоэру», сочинённую Ниими Токухиде. Переменный темп был чётко различим, и всё это сочеталось с тщательно отрепетированным пением. Колдовство музыки завораживало нас, несмотря на то, что мы сидели на неудобных стульях и слушали всего лишь запись выступления.
<br />
<!--Only the woman in front of me still seemed to be miles away.-->
<!--"It's no wonder they got first......"-->
<br />
- Неудивительно, что они выиграли…
<br />
<!--I also started to gaze at her in an absent-minded manner. I had realized why I had the impression that I'd met her many times before. I hadn't actually met her. But I had seen her. Countless times.-->
<!--"It's said they are the first ever first-years to win the contest."-->
<br />
- Говорят, что до них не выигрывал ни один класс из первого года.
<br />
<!--That moment, the train arrived at a station and stopped.-->
<!--My classmates discussed quietly in the dark. Looks like we have no chance of victory. Well, I'm okay with Senpai winning ever since the beginning.-->
<br />
Мои одноклассники начали перешёптываться в темноте. Похоже, у нас нет ни шанса. Что ж, я с самого начала был не против, чтобы cэмпай победила.
<br />
<!--The woman stood up and got off the train. I followed suit, as this was my arrival station.-->
<!--In order to handicap herself, Senpai suggested a one versus three battle. It may seemed like we had three times the advantage over her, but since the contest is a fight between the classes, we did not manage to gain any actual advantage from it. The only thing unchanged was her admirable use of sophistry which placed her in a favorable position on the battlefield.-->
<br />
Сэмпай предложила нам троим объединиться против неё, чтобы дать нам фору. На первый взгляд, у нас было преимущество, но его нивелировало то, что соревнование проходило между классами. Всё благодаря её непревзойдённому использованию софизмов, что поставило её в выгодное положение.
<br />
<!--There was a sign at the platform, seeking witness reports of the accident that had occurred the day before. There had been speculations in the news that it wasn't an accident, but an incident.-->
<!--I gave a weak sigh. At the same time, I could feel a gaze piercing through my cheeks - Mafuyu was staring hard at me from her seat beside me.-->
<br />
Я издал слабый вздох. И тут же чей-то взгляд начал прожигать моё лицо – Мафую смотрела на меня со своего места.
<br />
<!--The woman from before walked up to the sign, stood still for a moment, and then headed to the other side of the platform.-->
<!--"U-Urm...... What?"-->
<br />
- Э-эм… В чём дело?
<br />
<!--To the place where the man had fallen from the day before.-->
<!--From the moment the video ended till the lights in the classroom was switched back on, Mafuyu continued staring at me.-->
<br />
Она смотрела меня с момента окончания записи, пока свет в классе не включили вновь.
<br />
<!--"Do you really think we can't win?"
<!--She was looking down at the tracks.-->
<br />
<br />
Mafuyu finally spoke as our classmates began to leave the audiovisual room.-->
<!--"Excuse me...," I tried addressing her. She whipped around. In contrast to the expressionless face she had shone during the train ride, she had grown horribly pale.-->
- Ты правда считаешь, что мы не сможем победить? – наконец, заговорила Мафую, когда наши одноклассники начали собираться и выходить из аудиовизуального кабинета.
<br />
<br />
<!--"But...... you did see the video just now, right?"-->
<!--"W-What is it?" she asked in a forcedly calm manner.-->
- Но… ты ведь видела этот ролик, верно?
<br />
<br />
<!--"That performance...... looks more impressive than it actually is."-->
<!--I had only spoken to her on impulse, so I was pretty much at a loss for words.-->
- Это выступление… выглядит напыщеннее, чем оно есть на самом деле.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Ah, um, yes..."-->
<!--"What Comrade Ebisawa said is right~"
<br />
<br />
That's what Kagurazaka-senpai said during the band practice that day.
<!--Suspicion started to show on her face.-->
<br />
"There are a few techniques that will help increase the chances of winning the chorus contest. For example, you can deliberately emphasize the strength of the voices; choosing a polyphonic piece; waving the baton in exaggeration...... and so on."-->
<br />
- Товарищ Эбисава права, - сказала Кагуразака-сэмпай во время репетиции нашей группы в тот день. – Для того чтобы повысить шансы на победу, можно использовать пару трюков. К примеру, искусственно усилить голоса, выбрать полифоническую пьесу, наигранно махать палочкой… и так далее.
<!--"This is my name," I said as I spontaneously took a business card out of my bag and handed it to her. She took a look at the card and grew even more suspicious. "Because I thought there might be something on your mind."-->
<br />
<!--"I see......"-->
<br />
- Понятно…
<!--"What's up with you? Out of the blue."-->
<br />
<!--"Also, all the judges are inexperienced in music!" Chiaki added in. So that's the reason why Mafuyu said it looked more impressive than it actually was? Because it was a performance to bluff the laymen?-->
<br />
- И ещё, никто из судей не эксперт в музыке! – добавила Чиаки. Так вот почему Мафую сказала, что выступление выглядело напыщеннее, чем оно есть на самом деле? Потому что его целью было обмануть любителей?
<!--Apparently, suspicion had changed into anger. That was no skin off my nose, though. And most of all, I had a joker on hand.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"You lost something important yesterday, didn't you?"-->
Mafuyu shook her head as she continued tuning her instrument.
<br />
<br />
"It's to bluff 'the laymen who were forced to become judges but are unwilling to show their lack of expertise'."-->
- Неверно. - Мафую замотала головой, настраивая гитару. – Трюк был в том, чтобы обмануть «любителей, которые не хотят показать свой непрофессионализм, хотя их просто заставили стать судьями».
<br />
<br />
<!--...... I see. Any amateur or profession will be able to discern if the performance is good or bad. However, they will try to find 'reasons' to decide whether they should be awarding high or low marks to the performance. And that's where our cunning Senpai was aiming at with her tactics.-->
<!--She was visibly baffled.-->
Вот оно как. Любой человек, не важно, профессионал он или любитель, сможет понять, плохое ли выступление или хорошее. Однако им нужно найти «критерии», по которым они будут выставлять баллы. В эту слабость и метила сэмпай своей тактикой.
<br />
<br />
<!--"I would have adopted a different strategy if the judging criteria is based on the polls of the student population. But since there were only four judges, it will be much better to choose a piece that will cater to their tastes."-->
<!--"You lost an important person or an important thing in your heart<!-- mmm--> at once, didn't you?"-->
- Я бы использовала другую стратегию, если бы проводилось голосование среди учеников. Но, раз уж судей только четверо, удобнее просто выбрать песню, которая им по вкусу.
<br />
<br />
<!--"That reminds me - considering Senpai's class, your choice piece was really conservative."
<!--She was trembling hard.-->
<br />
I thought they will choose rock as their choice piece, but their selected piece that sounded way more like the performance of an ensemble. It was kind of disappointing.-->
<br />
- Ах да, выбранная песня, учитывая твой класс, была довольно консервативна, сэмпай.
<!--"Rest assured: I do not plan on doing you any harm, nor do I know anything. I only sense a tremendous aura of loss from you."-->
Мне казалось, что они выберут рок, но в итоге их выбор пал на произведение, которое скорее относилось к ансамблю<ref> ансамблями называют не только коллектив, но и также номера с участием нескольких солистов в вокально-симфонической или хоровой музыке, в том числе в операх, ораториях, кантатах и т. п. </ref>. Я был немного разочарован.
<br />
<br />
<!--"One of the judges of last year was the social studies teacher, who advocates freedom."-->
- Одним из судей был учитель естествознания, сторонник свободы.
<br />
<br />
<!--I sighed. Senpai had actually considered even the tiny details...... The song <Kikoeru> which they sang was composed during the Gulf War. It is a song that advocates peace and the conservation of nature. It must have struck a chord with the social studies teacher.-->
<!--"I do not know what you have lost or what your are worried about, but I would love to assist you in searching for a path to move on," I said as I gently took her hand and pressed my card into it. "You can find me there anytime you'd like."-->
Я вздохнул. сэмпай брала в расчёт даже мельчайшие детали… Песня «Кикоэру» была сочинена во время «Войны в заливе» и пропагандировала мир и защиту природы. Наверное, она зацепила душу учителя естествознания.
<br />
<br />
<!--"So...... what will your class be singing for this year?" asked Chiaki.-->
<!--With these words I left her.-->
- Так… что твой класс будет петь в этот раз? – спросила Чиаки.
<br />
<br />
<!--"We've decided to do rock."-->
<!--She was still standing there, taken aback and unsure what to do with the card I had given her.-->
- Мы остановились на роке.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Eh? Which song?"-->
<!--If possible, I wanted to sneak a peek into her eyes. I was curious what she had done after the incident, where she had gone and—most of all—what she had seen.-->
- Что? А какую песню?
<br />
<br />
<!--"It's a secret. My assistance to the enemies will end right here."
<!--Needless to say, there was no assurance that she would come and meet me.-->
<br />
Senpai grabbed her guitar and stood up.
<br />
<!--But for some reason I was convinced.-->
"Let's begin our practice! We can't just focus on the chorus contest alone - our school's festival is approaching as well."-->
<br />
- Секрет. Моя помощь противникам на этом закончена. - Сэмпай взяла свою гитару в руки и встала. – Начнём репетицию! Мы не можем думать только о соревновании хоров: школьный фестиваль тоже не стоит на месте.
<br />
<!--''She will see me.''-->
<br />
<!--Senpai is the only one out of the four members of Folk Music Club who cycles to school. That means that while on our way to the train station after our practice, we can make use of the time to discuss our battle plans.-->
<br />
В нашем кружке изучения народной музыки только cэмпай приезжала в школу на велосипеде. Поэтому мы втроём могли обсудить наши планы по пути к станции.
<!--"Good morning." Upon arriving at my job location, I was greeted by a staff member. "I heard you got into some trouble yesterday?"-->
<br />
<!--"When's the latest we can decide on our choice piece? This weekend? Then we'll have to think harder~"
<br />
Chiaki swung her bag around as she walked in the middle of the shopping street. Her eyes were burning with the passion that is possessed only by members of the sports clubs, and that made me feel all worned out.-->
<!--"Yes. I'm sorry for suddenly taking a whole day off."-->
- Что насчёт крайнего срока для подачи нашей заявки? В конце недели? Тогда нам нужно серьёзно пошевелить мозгами… - размахивала сумкой Чиаки, шагая по торговой улице. В её глазах горел огонь, присущий только членам спорткружков, и от него меня охватила апатия.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Who are the judges this time?"
<!--"No problem at all. But that aside, are you all right already?"-->
<br />
Mafuyu asked from the other side of me.-->
<br />
- Кто будет судить в этот раз? – спросила Мафую, которая шла по другую сторону от меня.
<!--"Yes. I'm eager to resume work today."-->
<br />
<!--"The principal and Miss Maki are the fixed judges for each year. Who else is there......"
<br />
<!--After that brief report, I changed clothes in the changing room and went to my workplace.-->
Miss Maki is the music teacher, and she's also the supervisor for our Folk Music Club. That's the reason why Chiaki asked, "That means we can bribe Miss Maki, right?"-->
<br />
- Директор и Маки-сэнсэй – обязательные судьи. Кто там ещё?..
<br />
Маки-сэнсэй – учитель музыки и куратор нашего кружка. Потому Чиаки спросила:
<!--"Excuse me...," someone said toward my back.-->
- То есть, мы сможем подкупить Маки-сэнсэй?
<br />
<!--"Problem is, Kyouko will be a step ahead of us if it can be done," replied Mafuyu. They ignored the presence of me who was in between them, and continued exchanging their opinions enthusiastically.-->
<br />
- Проблема в том, что Кёко по возможности будет опережать нас на шаг, - ответила Мафую. Девочки игнорировали моё присутствие, хотя я шёл между ними, и продолжали оживлённо обмениваться идеями.
<!--I turned around. Behind me was the woman I had just met at the station.-->
<br />
<br />
Someone stomped me all of the sudden, which nearly caused me to fall.
<!--"Please, follow me."-->
<br />
"You are always daydreaming! Can you please be more enthusiastic about this!? Is it okay for you to lose to Senpai?"
<br />
<!--I opened the door and beckoned her in.-->
Chiaki pulled her face close to mine. As we were standing in the direct middle of the crowded street right in front of the station, the stares from the passerby felt really uncomfortable.-->
<br />
- Нао! – внезапно кто-то наступил на мою ногу, и я едва не растянулся на асфальте. – Вечно ты витаешь в облаках! Ты можешь проявить хоть каплю энтузиазма?! Или ты хочешь проиграть сэмпай? – Чиаки приблизила своё лицо к моему. Мы стояли посреди оживлённой улицы, прямо перед станцией, потому от взглядов прохожих было неуютно.
<br />
<!--"Because I don't think we can win."-->
<!--"Welcome to Reika Kagami's Crystal Ball Divination!"-->
<br />
- Не думаю, что мы сможем победить.
<br />
<!--That was my business and my name.-->
<!--"So you want to go to the concert with Kyouko?"
<br />
<br />
Mafuyu came to my front and questioned me with a stinging glare from her eyes.-->
<!--After seeing the woman off, I went for a short break.-->
- Ты хочешь пойти на концерт с Кёко? – Мафую встала передо мной, пронзая меня своим взглядом.
<br />
<br />
<!--"No, it's not like I particularly want to......"-->
<!--It had been child's play to learn about her. When I was here, I could look into the other party's eyes without any restraint. Therefore, I'd only had to read from them.-->
- Нет, не то чтобы я совсем…
<br />
<br />
<!--"Be clear about it!"-->
<!--After pushing the man down onto the tracks and taking to her heels, she idled away her time by walking around aimlessly, entering a restaurant, just to continue her aimless walk shortly after.-->
- Отвечай прямо!
<br />
<br />
<!--"Why is Mafuyu so concerned about all this? I can understand the reason why Chiaki's angry, but......"-->
<!--She also went to the police office once, but she quickly turned on her heel and returned to her apartment, in which she lived alone.-->
- Почему Мафую так беспокоится о нашем пари? Я могу понять, почему злится Чиаки, но…
<br />
<br />
<!--"Oh? So you know why I am angry?"
<!--Once she arrived there, the woman opened an album and looked through it. The man she had pushed down was in a good deal of the photos. Most likely, they had been in a relationship.-->
<br />
Chiaki asked in a really belittling tone. I nodded my head without confidence. It's because Chiaki likes Senpai, and having heard Senpai saying that she wants to go on a date with me— she would not feel that great even if Senpai meant it as a joke, right? Chiaki knitted her forehead and sighed when she heard my explanation.
<br />
<!--After gazing at them for a while, she started getting rid of them by setting them on fire. There weren't that many. Maybe she had originally planned on filling the entire album with pictures of him and her, but in reality, there were barely a few pages.-->
"Mafuyu, our enemy is probably not Senpai, but the denseness of this idiot."-->
<br />
- О? Ты знаешь, почему я злюсь? – спросила Чиаки с явной насмешкой в голосе. Я неуверенно кивнул головой. Чиаки любит сэмпай, и услышав, как сэмпай — пусть даже в шутку — сказала, что хочет пойти со мной на свидание, той явно будет не по себе. Чиаки поморщилась и вздохнула, выслушав моё объяснение. – Мафую, нам надо бороться не с сэмпай, а с тупостью этого болвана.
<br />
<!--After she had burned the pictures, she went about deleting e-mails. The messages started a year ago with sweet nothings, but ended with parting words.-->
<!--"I feel the same as well."
<br />
<br />
Mafuyu agreed without hesitation. For an instant, she looked at me as though she had something to say. However, she turned her head away immediately and walked quickly towards the station. Chiaki made a face at me and caught up with Mafuyu.-->
<!--That must have been the motive.-->
- Я тоже так думаю, - без раздумий согласилась Мафую. Она на миг остановила на мне взгляд, словно пытаясь что-то сказать. Но Мафую тут же отвернулась и быстро зашагала к станции. Чиаки скорчила гримасу и последовала за ней.
<br />
<br />
<!--I remained rooted on the ground for quite a while due to my confusion. When I ran down the stairs after realizing I have to chase them, the doors to the train was already closed.-->
<!--I didn't know whether it had been planned murder or on impulse. Perhaps, I would have been able to find out if I dug a bit deeper, but I refrained from doing so.-->
Я застыл на месте, не понимая, в чём было дело. Когда я опомнился и спустился по лестнице, двери поезда уже были закрыты.
<br />
<br />
<!--I sat on a bench on the platform in exhaustion. A voice then suddenly came from behind me,
<!--The blurring of her vision that had occurred from time to time made me realize how sad she was.-->
<br />
"Looks like it will be an easy victory for me."-->
<br />
Я устало сел на скамейку. Неожиданно для меня, из-за моей спины донёсся чей-то голос:
<!--She was the murderer. But she was also the one who mourned. Both facts were equally true.-->
- Похоже, победа будет лёгкой.
<br />
<br />
<!--I nearly fell off from the bench. I turned my head around and saw Kagurazaka-senpai standing behind me with a crafty smile on her face.-->
<!--I hadn't talked much with here. I couldn't let her get wind of the fact that I knew what she had done.-->
Я едва не свалился со скамейки. Обернувшись, я увидел Кагуразаку-сэмпай, стоявшую за мной с лукавой улыбкой на лице.
<br />
<br />
<!--"...... Why are you here?"-->
<!--Because of that, I only pointed out that she had lost something important. Whether that was "he" or "the life from now" was up to her to decide.-->
- …Почему ты здесь?
<br />
<br />
<!--Didn't she cycle back home on her bicycle already!?-->
<!--As a pointer, I subtly suggested to turn herself in, saying, "what you are hiding will eventually come to light. Now is the time for action. You will find rescue if you take the right decision."-->
Разве она не поехала домой на велосипеде?
<br />
<br />
<!--"I was planning to scout on your battle plans, but it seems like it was an unnecessary move."
<!--Again, it was up to her to decide. I wasn't going to notify the police. But seeing that she had gone to the police office the day before, chances were that she would do so in due time. I merely gave her a push.-->
<br />
Senpai sighed and sat down next to me.-->
<br />
- Я хотела выведать ваши планы, но, кажется, мне незачем было идти на такие меры, - сэмпай вздохнула и села рядом со мной.
<!--The matter was closed. I was sure not to see her ever again.-->
<br />
<!--"In any case, Senpai had already won the moment you suggested the idea of a contest, right? The one versus three handicap is pointless. We have no chance of winning!"
<br />
<!--"Excuse me!"-->
Right after I was done saying that, Senpai stared at me with a slightly shocked expression on her face.-->
<br />
- Разницы нет, ты выиграла сразу после того, как предложила это пари, я прав? Не было у нас никакого преимущества. У нас ни шанса на победу! – после моих слов сэмпай с удивлением взглянула на меня.
<br />
<!--Suddenly, the door was yanked open and a high school-aged boy rushed in.-->
<!--"Young man, it seems like you have some misunderstandings about me~"-->
<br />
- Кажется, молодой человек, ты кое-что не так понял.
<br />
<!--"What did I misunderstand?"-->
<!--"What is it?"-->
<br />
- И что же?
<br />
<!--He wasn't a customer, I figured. His blatant discomposure made it clear that something was wrong.-->
<!--"You should know very well that I will only fight battles I will win. The other mantra of mine is...... I will never fight in a battle if it cannot even be considered as one."
<br />
<br />
Senpai placed her hand on my thigh.
<!--"Um, you were reading the crystal ball for a woman until just now, is that correct?"-->
<br />
"I joined this battle because I believed that young man, Comrade Ebisawa and Comrade Aihara are worthy to be my opponents. This contest is not a pointless one, and I do not want an empty victory either."
<br />
<!--"...Well, yes."-->
The announcements of the incoming train was broadcasted over the station. Senpai gently moved her body away and stood up.
<br />
<br />
"However...... the current you is unable to compete against me. Forget about one versus three - the three of you added together is not even on par with just half of me. What a shame."-->
<!--"You don't happen to know where she's gone?"-->
- Ты уже должен знать, что я сражаюсь только в тех битвах, в которых моя победа гарантирована. Другой мой принцип заключается в том, что… я никогда не борюсь, если сражение не может считаться битвой. – Сэмпай положила руку на моё бедро. – Я вступила в битву, потому что я верю, что ты, молодой человек, товарищ Эбисава и товарищ Аихара станете достойными противниками. Это соревнование не бессмысленно, и я не хочу пустой победы.
<br />
<br />
Объявление о приближении поезда разнеслось по всей станции. Сэмпай осторожно отдалилась и поднялась со скамейки.
<!--I began to wonder about the sudden visitor. What was he going to do with that info? Had he gotten wind of it, perhaps by witnessing the scene by chance? Indeed, that was possible seeing that he was here now.-->
– Однако… сейчас ты не сможешь соревноваться со мной. Забудь о моих словах: вы втроём едва дотягиваете до половины меня. Какая жалость.
<br />
<br />
<!--I listened blankly to the sounds of the incoming train as well as the footsteps of Senpai as she climbed up the stairs before she disappeared from my sight. However, I was unable to pry my back away from the bench for a long time.-->
<!--He looked steadily at me, waiting for a response.-->
Я бездумно слушал шум приближающегося поезда и шаги cэмпай, которая, поднявшись по ступенькам, пропала из виду. Однако я ещё долго не мог подняться со скамейки.
<br />
<br />
<!--She believed that we are her worthy opponents.-->
<!--''In that case...''-->
Она верила, что мы достойны быть её противниками.
<br />
<br />
<!--But the current me is—-->
<!--I looked into his eyes as well and peeked further into them.-->
Но сейчас я…
<br />
<br />
<!--''What will I see? That woman?''-->
<!--The next day, it was our class' turn to use to use the music room after school. Since we had not yet decided on our choice piece, we started by practicing on our set piece.-->
<br />
На следующий день наступила очередь нашего класса использовать музыкальную комнату после занятий. Не решив ещё, какую песню выбрать, мы начали репетировать заданную мелодию.
<br />
<!--I was seized by the feeling of being sucked in. Connection established. Success...-->
<!--K618 <Ave verum corpus> is one of Mozart's masterpieces. It's a simple song that is easy for the different parts to practice on their own. The only thing is, it will not be easy to gather the four different separated lines of soprano, alto, tenor and bass, and blend them together into a single song. It is difficult for a layman to grasp the techniques of the harmony - now add on the fact that the thirty plus voices before me were all singing on their own. I was beginning to feel at a lost of what to do as I held the baton in my hand.-->
<br />
«Ave Verum Corpus» - один из шедевров Моцарта. Эту песню легко разучивать по частям. Загвоздка в том, чтобы нелегко взять и объединить партии сопрано, альта, тенора и баса в единое целое. Любителю непросто понять принципы гармонических рядов, а тут передо мной тридцать с лишним человек и каждый пел на свой лад. Сжимая в руке палочку, я начал ощущать, что у меня просто опускаются руки.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Chiaki, who was standing on the front row together with the other altos, had her eyebrows arched upwards.
<!--The thing I saw took even me by surprise.-->
<br />
"Hey! If all it takes to conduct is to stand there and swing your hands to the left and right like a metronome, then I know how to conduct too!"-->
<br />
- Нао! – нахмурилась Чиаки, стоявшая в первом ряду вместе с альтами. – Эй, если дирижёру нужно просто стоять на одном месте и махать руками, как метроном, тогда я тоже умею дирижировать!
<!--It was a corpse.-->
<br />
<!--"The only thing about you that is worth mentioning is your knowledge in music! So please do better than that!"-->
<br />
- Ты хорош только в знании музыки! Старайся лучше!
<!--The neck was twisted in an abnormal manner, and the ground covered in blood streaming from the head. It evidently was a fatal injury. No, let's be clear: it was nothing else but a corpse.-->
<br />
<!--"That's right, you won't be able to be your father's successor like this!"-->
<br />
- Точно, ты не сможешь стать преемником своего отца, если продолжишь в таком духе!
<!--It was then that—-->
<br />
<!--Oi! Don't lump me up together with him! I placed the baton on the music stand. I was rather pissed off. Hey, I'll be really troubled if you push the blame of the disharmony onto me as well!-->
<br />
Эй! Не ставьте меня с ним в один ряд! Я положил палочку на пульт: меня вывели из себя. Эй, только не спихивайте на меня вину за то, что вы не можете спеть в унисон!
<br />
<!--An awkward silence filled the music room for a short while. The person who broke the silence once more was Chiaki.
<br />
<!--A shrill scream resounded from the outside. Our connection came off. "Tch," he flicked his tongue and rushed outside.-->
"How about this - we'll head outside."
<br />
<br />
Eh? W-What? Our classmates were stirring up quite a commotion thanks to Chiaki's words, but Chiaki turned to face the piano and continued,
<!--Curious about what had happened, I followed after him. Outside the Mansion of Divination was a large crowd. I ran to them and pushed my way through the people toward the center.-->
<br />
"Mafuyu, please teach that idiot properly. We'll go to the corridor to practice within our own sections."-->
<br />
Неловкая тишина повисла в кабинете. Первой её нарушила Чиаки:
<br />
- Давайте так: мы выйдем наружу.
<br />
<!--What I found was a woman collapsed on the ground.-->
Э? Ч-что? Наши одноклассники подняли настоящий гвалт из-за её слов, но Чиаки повернулась в сторону фортепиано и продолжила:
<br />
<br />
- Мафую, пожалуйста, втолкуй этому идиоту всё как надо. Мы продолжим репетировать в коридоре.
<!--She was lying prone, but I recognized her by her clothes. It was the woman who had been at my place until a few moments ago.-->
<br />
<!--There were some who objected and said they did not want to leave the air-conditioned comfort of the music room, but Class-rep Terada agreed to the suggestions of Chiaki. And so, my classmates began walking out of the room to the corridors, leaving behind a surprised me as well as Mafuyu, who was still sitting at the piano.-->
<br />
Кто-то начал возражать, желая остаться здесь в комнате, в прохладе кондиционера, но староста Тэрада согласилась с Чиаки. Потому мои одноклассники вышли один за другим в коридор, оставив в кабинете только удивленного меня и Мафую, сидевшую за фортепиано.
<!--To most people it must have looked like an accident. But to someone like me, who knew the circumstances, things looked a bit different. The ''action'' she had taken was not to turn herself in, but to commit suicide.<!-- do we need the "to"? -->-->
<br />
<!--What the heck is going on here? Just what is Chiaki planning?-->
<br />
Что за чертовщина тут творится? Что там придумала Чиаки?
<!--But that wasn't what bothered me.-->
<br />
<!--I tried my hardest not to come into eye contact with Mafuyu, and sat myself before the music stand.-->
<br />
Я, стараясь избегать взгляда Мафую, сел у пульта дирижёра.
<!--Her neck was twisted in an abnormal manner, and blood streaming from her head was covering the ground.-->
<br />
<!--I could hear the singing of my classmates coming from outside of the heavy metal door of the music room. Not just that, but all the classes in school were practicing at this time as well. The voices of hundreds of people were all mixed up together, though it did not sound clear.-->
<br />
Из-за тяжёлой металлической двери музыкального кабинета доносилось пение моих одноклассников. Впрочем, не только их – репетировали сейчас все классы одновременно. Сотни голосов смешались вместе, хоть их и было плохо слышно.
<!--It was the exact same scene I had seen in the boy's eyes.-->
<br />
<!--"...... Do you still want to be the conductor?"
<br />
<!--I am able to catch a glimpse of what others have seen. Needless to say, that means that they must have seen it already, meaning it is the past.-->
Mafuyu asked me softly.-->
<br />
- …Ты всё ещё хочешь дирижировать? – тихо спросила Мафую.
<br />
<!--Despite that, I had seen her corpse through his eyes before she even died.-->
<!--"I am not against it......"-->
<br />
- Я не против…
<br />
<!--What was going on...?-->
<!--It's just that everyone seemed to have some sort of weird expectations of me - it was the same for yesterday with Kagurazaka-senpai as well. I hate it. They thought we can win the winners of last year just because I critique music? A conductor is not a magician!-->
<br />
Просто все ожидают чего-то от меня – как Кагуразака-сэмпай вчера. Идиотизм<!--бесит-->. Они думают, что мы сможем выиграть у прошлогодних победителей только потому, что я пишу критику на музыку? Дирижёр не волшебник!
<br />
<!--"I can understand your feelings......"
<br />
<br /><br />
As my view was blocked by the cover of the piano, I was unable to see the expressions of Mafuyu while she was mumbling those words.
<br />
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
"I feel..... that a conductor is unnecessary for an ensemble that is made up of laymen."-->
<br />
- Я могу тебя понять…
<br /><br />
<br />
Лицо Мафую было скрыто за крышкой рояля, когда она пробубнила эти слова, так что я не мог оценить выражение её лица.
<!--I didn't make it in time.-->
<br />
– Мне кажется, что… ансамблю любителей не нужен дирижёр.
<br />
<!--I hadn't expected to foresee the death of someone I'd only passed by, which is why I was confused at first about what I'd seen.-->
<!--"...... Mmm, you're right."-->
<br />
- …Да, ты права.
<br />
<!--By the time I realized it was a Vision, the woman was already out of sight.-->
<br />
- Почему?
<br />
<!--I entered the divination room she'd come from to ask about her whereabouts, but I was too late.-->
<!--"Well, no one has any spare attention left to take note of my baton. They already have their hands full with the scores before them. The laymen ensemble will have depend on the accompaniment of the piano. But even the accompaniment is not—"
<br />
<br />
I stopped my sentence halfway.-->
<!--She had already jumped off.-->
- Ну, никому нет дела до моей палочки: им по горло хватает нот и слов. Ансамблю любителей придётся ориентироваться на фортепиано, но если даже аккомпанемент не… - я оборвал себя на полуслове.
<br />
<br />
<!--Everything I had said till then was correct. Those without music background will be unable to sing along to the conductor, while an inexperienced accompaniment will only play the piano at his own pace, so there is absolutely no need for a conductor. However—-->
<!--A rescue party rushed to her, covered her in something similar to a vinyl sheet and carried her away on a stretcher. Some people amongst the crowding onlookers suspected she was already dead. I had to agree.-->
Я всё говорил правильно: люди, не получившие музыкального образования, не смогут петь под движения палочки дирижёра, а неопытный пианист будет играть, подстраиваясь под свой ритм, потому ансамблю не нужен дирижёр. Однако…
<br />
<br />
<!--I stepped onto the conductor's stand once more and exchanged sights with Mafuyu. It was as though her eyes were asking me this — why did you think I volunteered to be the accompaniment?-->
<!--I slipped out of the commotion and headed back to the Mansion of Divination.-->
Я вновь поднялся на дирижёрский пульт и обменялся взглядом с Мафую. В её глазах, казалось, застыл вопрос: «Ты думаешь, почему я вызвалась играть на фортепиано?»
<br />
<br />
<!--That's right. Our accompaniment is not selected just because she 'happens to learn the piano before', which is a reason that can be seen in nearly every other classes.-->
<!--"Did something happen?"-->
Всё верно. Мы выбрали её не потому, что она «когда-то играла на фортепиано», как другие классы.
<br />
<br />
<!--The accompaniment is none other than Mafuyu.-->
<!--Saki was waiting inside. She had apparently noticed the stir.-->
Аккомпанировала нам не кто иная, как Мафую.
<br />
<br />
<!--There's Mafuyu and I — a weapon which Kagurazaka-senpai's class does not possess.-->
<!--"...Someone plunged to her death."-->
Мафую и я – это оружие, которого нет у класса Кагуразака-сэмпай.
<br />
<br />
<!--I gently lifted the baton off the music stand. Mafuyu's shoulders responded sensitively to my actions.-->
<!--"Really? You look terrible," she noted and felt my forehead. The touch of her small hand was comfortably cool and slightly eased a kind of remorse that had seized me because I failed at saving the woman.-->
Я мягко поднял палочку с пульта. Плечи Мафую слегка приподнялись в ответ на моё движение.
<br />
<br />
<!--I waved the first note slowly, as though I was trying to pierce a needle in the air. The song is just forty-six bars long. Despite the solemn tune, it did not affect the litheness to each and every bar and beat—-->
<!--"Ah, the surprise, you know."-->
Я медленно взмахнул палочкой, словно пытаясь пронзить иголку в небе. В мотете всего-то сорок шесть тактов. Торжественность мелодии никак не влияла на грациозность каждого такта, каждой доли…
<br />
<br />
<!--The melody of the piano began making its steps forward. I was in total control of the tempo, and it almost felt like I could even scoop up each individual notes with my hand...... Since the tune is something I had composed specially for Mafuyu, it is made up of only the most basic triad. The delicate sounds would perfectly coordinate itself to the slightest movements of my fingertips. I thought I could even feel Mafuyu's breaths. The song began to play in my ears - the main melody switched its scale to A Major. The mood of the tune then became slightly darker, and the scale was changed to F Major.-->
<!--"...Take a rest in our room. I'll buy you something to drink."-->
Мелодия фортепиано начала двигаться дальше. Я полностью контролировал ритм, и мне казалось, что я могу схватить любую ноту рукой… Поскольку аранжировку я подбирал специально для Мафую, в ней были только простейшие трезвучия. Нежный звук будет превосходно подстраиваться под малейшие движения моих кончиков пальцев. Казалось, что слышно было даже дыхание Мафую. Хор зазвучал в моей голове: основная мелодия сместилась в ля мажор. Атмосфера стала чуточку мрачнее, и тональность сменилась на фа мажор.
<br />
<br />
<!--The crystal clear voices of prayers echoed against the tall ceilings of the cathedral before being absorbed by the baton in my hand, which was pointing to a faraway place. The area around us finally returned to silence.-->
<!--Saki gave me a meaningful anxious look, but went outside without any questions.-->
Кристально чистые голоса певцов звенели под высокими куполами собора, пока их не поглотила моя палочка, указывавшая куда-то вдаль. В кабинете вновь воцарилась тишина.
<br />
<br />
<!--When the piece was over, I stared at the blackboard at the back of the music room for a long while. I could feel my strength flowing away from my body.-->
<!--The moment I stepped toward their room, the door to a different room opened. The fortune-teller I had talked came out through it. The signboard said "Mikagami Reika."-->
Я надолго уставился на доску, когда мелодия затихла. Мои силы тихо уплывали из моего тела.
<br />
<br />
<!--I slowly stepped down the stand and made my way towards the piano. Mafuyu's face was dyed with a faint red. She shifted her gaze away when she realized I was looking at her.-->
<!--"Sorry about earlier," she said when she noticed me. On a second glance, she was prettier than I thought at first in her blue dress and with the accessory she was wearing. Intelligent eyes were looking at me from behind the lenses of her glasses, and she made a mature and neat impression on me, added to the mysteriousness that is particular to diviners. "What a horrible accident..."-->
Я медленно спустился с постамента и прошёл к фортепиано. Лицо Мафую покраснело после игры. Она отвела взгляд, осознав, что я смотрел на неё.
<br />
<br />
<!--"I'm sorry, Mafuyu...... and thank you."-->
<!--Apparently, she had also noticed the commotion. I wondered what it felt like to see a customer commit suicide only moments after attending to her. ''Wasn't she able to foresee her death?'' I also thought ironically.-->
- Прости, Мафую… и спасибо.
<br />
<br />
<!--"All I did...... was to play to your conducting."-->
<!--"I have no words. Even though I've scried for her, I didn't see this coming," she said with a bitter smile, but then added "can I have a minute?" while beckoning me in.-->
- Я просто… сыграла под движения твоей палочки.
<br />
<br />
<!--I focused my attention on Mafuyu's right hand, which was resting on the keyboard...... the hand of hers that is different from everyone else's.-->
<!--While a bit uncertain, I didn't turn her down and entered the room.-->
Я посмотрел на правую руку Мафую, лежавшую на клавишах… ту руку, что отличалась от других.
<br />
<br />
<!--Mafuyu used that hand for my sake—-->
<!--Inside, there was no illumination save for a few candles on chest-high candlestands, making it rather dim. On the table, I noticed a large crystal ball put on a pedestal.-->
Она играла ею ради меня…
<br />
<br />
<!--"Ah! I did not do it for you!"-->
<!--"May I read your future?"-->
- Ах! Я не ради тебя играла!
<br />
<br />
<!--"Ah...... no, you obviously did not do it for me, so...... why? Because you want that ticket?"-->
- Ах… ну да, ты не ради меня играла, но тогда… почему? Потому что ты хотела этот билет?
<br />
<br />
<!--"No! Y-You and Kyouko......"
<!--"I couldn't foresee her death. Even though it was an imminent event."-->
<br />
Me and Kagurazaka-senpai? Is there something wrong with us attending the concert together? But Mafuyu's face turned red as she was halfway into her sentence, and she did not say anything else for a while.-->
<br />
- Нет! Т-ты и Кёко…
<!--Apparently, the woman's death had shocked Mikagami-san and left her with lost self-confidence.-->
<br />
Я и Кагуразака-сэмпай? Что не так, если мы вместе сходим на концерт? Мафую покраснела и оборвала себя на полуслове.
<br />
<!--Divination is a many-sided art. Some types employ tools like crystal balls and tarot cards to see something, while others aim to read someone's fate based on his birthday, sex, face or hands. -->
<!--"Geez! You idiot!"
<br />
<br />
In the end, she said that and began to slap my arms hard repeatedly. Just as I was about to grab her wrist to stop her from doing that, Mafuyu slapped my hand away with her face flushed red. She was looking past me and towards my back—-->
<!--She employed a crystal ball, so she most likely used that to see something. Honestly speaking, I don't believe in this kind of divination that tries to appear magical. That said, I don't intend to deny them altogether. It's a fact that fortuneteller can help people to resolve their issues.-->
- Блин! Ты дурак! – в итоге она начала бить ладонями по моим рукам. Я только хотел схватить её за запястье, чтобы она прекратила, но Мафую, вся раскрасневшаяся, отбила мою руку. Она глядела мимо меня на что-то, находившееся за моей спиной…
<br />
<br />
<!--I turned around in shock. The door of the music room was opened unknowingly to form a tiny slit, and my classmates were all peeking at us through the slit.-->
<!--"I want to regain my confidence... so would you help me out?"-->
Я ошеломлённо обернулся. Дверь музыкального кабинета незаметно для нас была приоткрыта, и через образовавшуюся цель мои одноклассники подсматривали за нами.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Darn! It's over already?"-->
<!--"But for free. Deal?"-->
- Блин! Уже всё?
<br />
<br />
<!--"The squabble between you two is really short!"-->
<!--She answered with a giggle, "Sure!"-->
- Ваши перепалки действительно короткие!
<br />
<br /><br />
<!--"That's so boring!"-->
<br />
- Скукота!
<!--She sat down on the other side of the table and switched into her divination mode, putting her hands on the crystal ball.-->
<br />
<!--It's not like we exist for your viewing pleasure!-->
<br />
Мы живём не для того, чтобы ублажать вас!
<!--"May I ask your name?" she asked, her eyes behind glasses fixed on me and not the ball.-->
<br />
<!--Chiaki gave me a hard stomp on my ass. By the time we resumed our practice, there was not much time left for our class to use the music room. However, that practice made me feel like I had finally caught hold of the edges of Kagurazaka-senpai's tuxedo.-->
<br />
Чиаки с силой пнула меня по моей пятой точке. У нас оставалось не так много времени, когда мы продолжили репетировать. Но после репетиции мне казалось, что я наконец-то ухватился за подол смокинга Кагуразака-сэмпай.
<br />
<!--After the practice was over, Mafuyu and I were left alone once more when both of us went to the music library to return the baton and the scores.-->
<br />
Мы с Мафую снова остались наедине, когда отправились в музыкальную библиотеку вернуть ноты и палочку.
<!--"Tokiya Kurusu."-->
<br />
<!--"Mafuyu, can you play the accompaniment for the actual performance as well?"
<br />
<!--"Kurusu... An interesting name. Do you go to high school?"-->
I quietly asked Mafuyu that question while returning the scores back to the racks in the dark storeroom. Mafuyu stared at my face before lowering her head.-->
<br />
- Мафую, ты сможешь сыграть аккомпанемент и на выступлении? – тихо спросил я, кладя ноты на полку в тёмном хранилище. Мафую взглянула на меня и опустила голову.
<br />
<!--She can't? Those inerasable scars of Mafuyu was something inflicted to her while she was on the stage. Even though she can play the piano during our practices, if we are talking about her playing under the spotlights—-->
<br />
Она не может? Шрамы в её сердце оставило выступление на сцене. Хотя она и может играть на фортепиано на репетициях, если она будет играть на публике…
<br />
<!--"Oh, your right eye is..."-->
<!--But...... the sounds of her piano plays an important role in guiding our class throughout the whole song. We will definitely have to depend on Mafuyu's accompaniment so that the chorus to coordinate themselves to my conducting much better.-->
<br />
Но… её игра на фортепиано крайне важна для управления классом во время пения. Нам определённо нужно опираться на аккомпанемент Мафую, чтобы хор смог подстроиться под моё дирижирование.<!--не понял англ., поверю-->
<br />
<!--"Ah, yes, it's artificial," I explained. It's unnoticable at a glance, but it becomes apparent when taking a closer look as it looked. That said, there was no need to hide it, and I had never had a complex about my eye. "I lost my right eye in an accident."-->
<!--It was then when I suddenly thought of something......-->
<br />
И вдруг мне в голову пришла идея…
<br />
<!--"I see. I'm sorry for you. By the way, what brings you here today?" She promptly changed the subject, probably because she had judged she would better not touch on my artificial eye.-->
<!--"Then...... how about this. At the very least......"-->
<br />
- Тогда… что если мы сделаем так? Хотя бы…
<br />
<!--"An acquaintance of mine asked me for a delivery."-->
<!--Mafuyu listened to my request with a helpless expression on her face. After much deliberation, she finally said to me hoarsely,
<br />
<br />
"...... Do I have to?"-->
<!--"An acquaintance?"-->
Мафую выслушала мою просьбу с беспомощным лицом. После долгих раздумий она сипло спросила:
<br />
- …Мне точно нужно сделать это?
<br />
<!--"Mmm, yes!" I nodded my head calmly.-->
<!--"Err, she is helping out here. A part-time work of sorts."-->
<br />
- М-м, да! – я спокойно кивнул головой.
<br />
<!--I deliberately didn't mention that they were playing fortune-teller because I didn't want to risk offending a professional.-->
<!--"So that means you do not want to attend the concert with Kyouko?"-->
<br />
- То есть, ты не хочешь идти на концерт с Кёко?
<br />
<!--"I see. Quite kind of you to sacrifice your free day, isn't it?"-->
<!--"No, that's not it." For some unknown reason, Mafuyu was particularly persistent about that. To me, it does not matter who gets the ticket. It's just—
<br />
<br />
"I want to beat Senpai. I want to show Senpai the things that you and I can do together, so I will definitely need your help."-->
<!--"She's my boss, you see."-->
- Нет, я не про это, - Мафую почему-то зациклилась на этой теме. Мне неважно, кому достанется билет. Просто… - Я хочу победить сэмпай. Я хочу показать ей, что мы с тобой можем сделать вместе, поэтому мне нужна твоя помощь.
<br />
<br />
<!--Mafuyu bit her lips. Her gaze fell to the floor.-->
<!--"Yes. What kind of shop do you work at, if I may ask?"-->
Мафую закусила губу. Её глаза глядели на пол.
<br />
<br />
<!--So it still can't do huh...... Just as I was about to apologize to Mafuyu, she suddenly lifted her head and said,
<br />
"...... I understand....... I will give it a try."-->
<br />
Всё-таки нет… Я хотел уже извиниться перед Мафую, как вдруг она подняла голову и сказала:
<!--I considered giving her a reply among the lines of a ''general store'' or a ''second-hand shop'' because I couldn't just tell her everything about Relics.-->
- …Я понимаю… Я попробую.
<br />
<br />
<!--I grabbed her by her hands and swung them around emotionally.-->
<!--However, I suddenly noticed something.-->
Я схватил её руки и замахал ими из стороны в стороны от избытка чувств.
<br />
<br />
<!--With that, we might finally be on par against Senpai - for the set piece anyway. So what is left...... is the choice piece.-->
<!--Why had she asked ''what kind of shop'' I worked at?-->
Теперь мы, наконец, могли быть на равных с сэмпай – по крайней мере, в обязательныъ произведениях. Осталась только… песня на выбор.
<br />
<br />
<!--Senpai said we deserved to be her opponents. Senpai believed in me. Chiaki believed in me. And Mafuyu believed in me as well.-->
<!--Not with a word had I mentioned that it was a shop.-->
Сэмпай сказала, что мы достойны быть её противниками. Она верила в меня. Как и Чиаки. Как и Мафую.
<br />
<br />
<!--I will never let her have the chance to say things like 'an easy victory' again.-->
<!--But that question sorted itself out. The typical part-time jobs for high school students would be at fast-food chains or restaurants. Gas stations could be called shops as well. Saying things that are either natural or very probable, or can be interpreted in two ways, is a speaking technique that aims to astound the other party. When constantly confronted with these tricks, credulous people will readily believe in some kind of supernatural power that the fortune-teller supposedly has.-->
Я больше никогда не позволю ей сказать что-то вроде «победа будет лёгкой».
<br />
<br />
<!--But this crude observation of mine was easily smashed to smithers.-->
<!--Prior to the band practice that day, I decided to make a trip to the music preparatory room to ask Miss Maki some questions...... meaning, I'll be investigating on the judges.-->
<br />
До репетиции в группе я решил сходить в препараторскую, чтобы задать Маки-сэнэй пару вопросов: другими словами, я буду выведывать информацию о судьях.
<br />
<!--"You seem to be surrounded by a lot of things. Miscellaneous things. A super market, or a... no, it feels a bit more dated than that. A second-hand shop, perhaps? A general store?" she listed one fact after the other while holding her hands aloft the crystal ball and staring into my eyes. Those weren't things she could have possibly gathered from that chat with me. There was no speaking technique involved here. She was clearly seeing something.-->
<!--"There's no point in bribing me."
<br />
<br />
Miss Maki said that to me straightaway as I stepped into the room. Her hair was rolled up and she was wearing a pure white blouse together with a tight skirt - this music teacher of ours looked just the perfect teacher who has stepped out of a guy's fantasy, but in actual fact, she is a violent lady who acts on her whims.
<!--I instinctively averted my eyes.-->
<br />
"Because I have to go along to the preferences of the head! And I'll even have to say things like, 'Ara, Mrs Hayase has such incredible sense of music! Ohohohoho~'. What a pain......"-->
<br />
- Не теряй времени даром, - сказала мне Маки-сэнсэй в ту же секунду, когда я переступил порог её кабинета. Её волосы были подобраны в аккуратную причёску, а на ней самой была ярко-белая блузка и узкая юбка – учительница музыки казалась идеалом, вышедшим прямо из сна любого учащегося, но, на самом деле, она – жестокая женщина, ведомая своими желаниями. – Мне всё равно придётся поддакивать завучу! И я должна говорить: «Надо же, Хаясэ-сэнсэй так понимает музыку! О-хо-хо-хо». Как достало…
<!--Her face relaxed visibly.-->
<br />
<!--What appeared in my mind was the face of another judge — Mrs Hayase, the head teacher of the second year. She looked like an idle and rich lady, but she is actually a really strict middle-aged woman.-->
<br />
Перед моими глазами всплыло лицо другого судьи – Хаясэ-сэнсэй, завуча второго года. Она выглядит прямо как богатая дама без определенных занятий, но строгости ей не занимать.
<!--"I'm sorry. Have I scared you?"-->
<br />
<!--"Please do not reveal those complicated inside-stories to your students without any reservations!"-->
<br />
- Пожалуйста, не разглашайте ваши запутанные секреты ученикам за просто так!
<!--"Ah, um... just a bit," I replied stagnantly as I wiped off the beads of sweat that had appeared on my forehead. "How did you know that?"-->
<br />
<!--"But you are here for these complicated inside-stories, right? You are trying to bribe me so that you can beat Kagurazaka."-->
<br />
- Но ты ведь здесь именно ради этих секретов, я права? Ты хочешь подкупить меня, чтобы победить Кагуразаку.
<!--"I can see it. Not everything, of course, though." Mikagami-san grabbed my head with her hands and turned it toward her. "Look at me. Try to concentrate."-->
<br />
<!--Since when did I ever say anything about bribing? Also, that means that the details about our contest against Senpai had reached the ears of the teachers already?-->
<br />
Когда я говорил что-то о взятке? Кстати, слухи о нашем с сэмпай пари уже достигли ушей преподавателей?
<!--This time there was no conversation, and she just started looking deep into my eyes.-->
<br />
<!--"No, I am just here to check on the judges' preferences in music."-->
<br />
- Нет, я здесь только для того, чтобы узнать о предпочтениях судей.
<!--I was seized by a feeling of getting sucked into her eyes. I couldn't express it, but it was somehow as though she was not looking into my eyes, but into my very inside.-->
<br />
<!--"How much?"-->
<br />
- Сколько?
<!--Perhaps, that feeling was not so far off. Maybe she read her clients' issues and troubles like this and helped them along.-->
<br />
<br />
- Что?
<!--From what I had heard, divination was not about supernatural powers, but acquirable teachings, and diviners were supposed to use that knowledge to solve others' problems and help them find the right direction for them, much like counseling.-->
<br />
<!--"How much are you paying me?"-->
<br />
- Сколько ты мне заплатишь?
<!--However, this woman seemed to really have some sort of special ability. Or perhaps a special object? Maybe her crystal ball was a Relic? From my perspective, a Relic seemed much more believable than magic or superpowers.-->
<br />
<!--Oi! Damn you! You just said you will not be accepting my bribes, and now you are asking me to bribe you!? I gripped hard on my knees to suppress my anger, and squeezed out the following words,
<br />
<!--"...As I thought," she suddenly muttered after some time during which I had completely been elsewhere in mind.-->
"In exchange, I'll give you the cream puffs sold at the pastry shop next to the station."-->
<br />
Эй! Да что б вас! Вы только что сказали, что не примите никаких взяток, а теперь сами просите, чтобы я вас подкупил?! Я схватился за колени, сдерживая свою злость, и выдавил из себя:
<br />
<!--She averted her gaze from my eyes just to look at me once again.-->
- Взамен я куплю вам профитроли из кондитерской у станции.
<br />
<br />
<!--"I'll take four of those!"-->
<!--"What is?"-->
- Возьми четыре!
<br />
<br />
<!--Damn her for taking the opportunity to ask for a bribe......-->
<!--"I'm talking about the woman who just died!"-->
Чёрт бы её побрал за такую инициативность…
<br />
<br />
<!--"You should know that our principal's a Christian, right? He was the one who chose the set piece, so you will not go wrong if you choose gospels or things like that. For years, it is likely for the judge who is chosen by the students to award high scores to rock and pop music. As for Mrs Hayase, her preferences are hard to grasp. She likes movies and TV series, so you guys can try investigating along those lines?"-->
- Ты же знаешь, что наш директор – христианин, верно? Он-то и выбрал мотет основным, так что ты не прогадаешь, если остановишься на госпеле. Скорее всего, судья, выбранный учениками, поставит высокие баллы за рок или поп-музыку. С Хаясэ-сэнсей всё сложнее. Она любит смотреть фильмы и сериалы, так что можете покопать что-нибудь на эту тему?
<br />
<br />
<!--"How do we go about investigating it? By asking her directly? But I have never attended her lessons before, nor have I spoke with her even once."-->
<!--"Why have you been confronted with her death twice?"-->
- И как же? Спросить её напрямик? Но я никогда не был на её уроках и ни разу не говорил с ней.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Who knows? Come up with something by yourself. Kagurazaka had already asked her."-->
- Кто знает? Придумай что-нибудь. Кагуразака уже подходила к ней.
<br />
<br />
<!--Ah! So Miss Maki had said the same things to Senpai as well? Seemed like we were a step behind her.-->
<!--I held my breath.-->
А! Так Маки-сэнсэй уже поведала то же самое сэмпай? Похоже, мы на шаг позади.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Mmm, I am craving for some pastries already! It's all up to you now, Nao!"-->
<!--I didn't know how she had done it, but she had read that woman's death twice from my eyes.-->
- М-м, жду не дождусь пирожных. Дело за тобой, Нао!
<br />
<br />
<!--As I was angry at Miss Maki's demand for bribes, I ended up buying only a single cream puff and cutting it up into quarters before giving it to her. It's obvious I was severely beaten up by her.-->
<!--In other words, when I foresaw her death and when I actually saw it.-->
Злясь на Маки-сэнсэй за взяточничество, я купил только один профитроль и разрезал его на четвертинки. Понятно без слов, что я получил серьёзную взбучку.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Your fate comes across her death twice. No, you have seen her dying twice, right? What does that mean?"-->
<!--It's not like Miss Maki's information was totally useless though. We do at least know we have to focus our attention on Mrs Hayase.-->
<br />
Впрочем, информация Маки-сэнсэй не оказалась бесполезной. Мы хотя бы знаем, что нам нужно сконцентрироваться на Хаясэ-сэнсэй.
<br />
<!--"That's... um... what do you mean?" I played dumb, unable however to hide my disturbance.-->
<!--I subconsciously went to the staff room in an attempt to look for Mrs Hayase. However, Kagurazaka-senpai was already in the office. She was at the table of the head of second year.-->
<br />
Мои ноги сами понесли меня к учительской в её поисках, но Кагуразака-сэмпай была уже там, стоя у стола завуча второклассников.
<br />
<!--"You entered this room earlier because you were looking for her, right? Why did you search for her before she died?"-->
<!--I hid myself behind a compartment wall and peeked at them. Mrs Hayase was grabbing onto Kagurazaka-senpai and lecturing her. Not surprised here. Kagurazaka-senpai is a bad student who hardly attends lessons, so it's likely for her to be summoned to the staff room occasionally and get lectured by the teachers, right? But upon listening closer, their conversation had unknowingly turned into things like, "Right, right! That's the song! I do not know the name of the song, but I had heard it in a movie's soundtracks before......" "Ah..... then it is probably......" Senpai's techniques in getting others to talk is something really scary......-->
<br />
Я спрятался за стенкой и заглянул в комнату: Хаясэ-сэнсэй отчитывала Кагуразаку-сэмпай. Неудивительно. Кагуразака-сэмпай – плохая ученица, редко посещающая занятия, так что её время от времени должны вызывать в учительскую на профилактические беседы, так? Впрочем, вскоре разговор плавно перетёк во что-то, вроде: «Да, да! Это та самая песня! Не знаю её названия, но я слышала её в каком-то фильме…» - «Ах… это, наверное…» Мастерство сэмпай в ведении бесед – страшная штука…
<br />
<!--"No, I was looking for her because she dropped something, and..."-->
<!--I then thought of something— -->
<br />
Мне в голову пришла мысль…
<br />
<!--"Nonsense. I was able to read her death from you back then already, but I thought I was seeing things. But I've just confirmed it. You knew about her death."-->
<!--All I need to do is to stay close to Senpai and slowly piece together the information which she had gathered, right?-->
<br />
Мне просто нужно держаться вблизи сэмпай и потихоньку соединять воедино информацию, которую она собрала, верно?
<br />
<!--As it looked, she had already read a few things from me when I'd first come to this room. ''What was that with your self-confidence? You were after something entirely different from the start!''-->
<!--No, but...... that will mean we are progressing at the same pace as Senpai. We will have to overtake Senpai by a huge distance if we want to defeat her.-->
<br />
Но… это будет значить, что мы идём в том же темпе, что и Сэмпай. Нам нужно опережать её, если мы хотим выиграть.
<br />
<!--"Care to explain?"-->
<!--The conversation between Kagurazaka-senpai and Mrs Hayase was already over while I was still thinking about all those things. How can this be!? I had actually missed the important details at the most crucial moments!-->
<br />
Разговор между Кагуразакой-сэмпай и Хаясе-сэнсэй уже закончился, пока я размышлял обо всем этом. Как так?! Я пропустил ценные детали в самое важное время!
<br />
<!--"I have no idea what you are talking about!"-->
<br />
<!--"It seems like the First Class of Second Year has already decided on their choice piece."
<br />
<!--I shammed anger, stood up and left the room straight away. So as to not let her notice my disturbance, I looked at the clock.-->
The news came to us the next day after school. It seemed like the First Class of Second Year is very enthusiastic about the contest as well. Not only were they putting up defenses against our spy, they even rallied together to berate him when he went to the music room to gather intelligence. Regardless of all that...... he still managed to bring us precious information.-->
<br />
- Кажется, класс 2-1 уже выбрал свою песню, - эта весть прибыла на следующий день, после занятий. Похоже, класс Кагуразаки-сэмпай был настроен крайне серьёзно: они не просто приняли меры предосторожности, они ещё и специально собрались, чтобы отчитать нашего шпиона, собиравшего информацию. Несмотря на всё это… он смог доставить нам важную информацию.
<br />
<!--More time had passed than I'd imagined.-->
<!--"I could hear them clapping to the beats. They are clapping and singing at the same time, so it should not be the set piece, right?"-->
<br />
- Они хлопали в ладони. Хлопали и пели одновременно, так что это был не обязательный мотет, я прав?
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--"What type of song was it?"
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
<br />
Chiaki strangled the spy's neck in an attempt to squeeze out all information from him.-->
<br /><br />
- И что это была за песня? – Чиаки схватила нашего шпиона за шею, чтобы выдавить из него всю собранную информацию.
<br />
<!--"I-I have nothing else. All I heard was just that."-->
<!--<div style="font-family: Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serif">-->
<br />
- Н-не знаю. Я только слышал хлопки и всё.
<br />
<!--<i>Oh, what have I done?-->
<!--"If they have decided on their choice piece, then they should have submitted it to the students' council already. We should know if we check it there?"-->
<br />
- Если они выбрали свою песню, то они должны были подать заявку в школьный совет. Может, проверим там?
<br />
<!--That was a blunder. I didn't mean to surprise or anger him.</i>-->
<!--Terada's glasses gave a gleam right after she heard that suggestion of a certain guy.
<br />
<br />
"Alright! Go!"-->
<!--At home again, I reflected bitterly on my actions.-->
Очки Тэрады блеснули после предложения парня.
<br />
- Отлично! Вперёд!
<br />
<!--Judging from his surprise, my guess was probably right.-->
<!--Terada's really scary! Our spy flew out of the classroom right after her instructions, and he was back within five minutes.-->
<br />
Тэрада страшна! Шпион, выслушав её указания, полетел из кабинета и вернулся через пять минут.
<br />
<!--I had looked into his eyes. Only superficially at first, while gaining his belief by talking about his employment. After that step, I looked much deeper into him and read information of all sorts off his eyes.-->
<!--"It's crazy! The students' council room has turned into a battlefield! The killing auras of the students are getting stronger as it gets closer to the contest."-->
<br />
- Это ад! Школьный совет превратился в поле битвы! Убийственные ауры учеников становится всё сильнее с приближением соревнования.
<br />
<!--Until came across an astonishing find.-->
<!--"That is of no importance. Did you manage to get your hands on any intel?"
<br />
<br />
Terada's voice was incredibly harsh. It felt like she was pressing for his answers by stepping on his head with her shoes.-->
<!--He had seen her death twice.-->
- Неважно. Ты смог раздобыть какую-нибудь информацию? – голос Тэрады был до ужаса резок. Казалось, что она задавала вопросы, стоя у него на голове.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Yes Boss! There were a stack of papers piled on their table, which looks like the registration forms. I did my best and snapped a picture of it with my handphone.-->
<!--But I hadn't been able to get behind the reason for that.-->
- Так точно, босс! На столе была груда бумаг, похожих на бланки для заявок. Я приложил все свои силы, чтобы сфотографировать их на телефон.
<br />
<br />
<!--They were already working so hard (in a wrong manner) for the chorus contest, so what sort of crazy stunts will our class pull when it's time for our sports day? I shuddered at the thought of that, but I still took a look at the screen of my classmate's handphone.-->
<!--I removed my glasses and gazed at them.-->
Все уже так усердно работают (прилагая свои усилия не в том направлении), что за трюки они выкинут на спортивных состязаниях? Я содрогнулся от мысли, промелькнувшей у меня в голове, но я всё равно взглянул на экран мобильного моего одноклассника.
<br />
<br />
<!--The first thing I saw was the messy table with papers and stationery scattered on top of it. A familiar piece of paper was clipped beneath the cover of the contest brochures...... it's the paper used to write down the selected choice pieces. I can make out the '2-1' characters written in the blank for the class, but— -->
<!--They had changed my life.-->
Первым делом я увидел стол, загромождённый бумагами и канцелярскими принадлежностями. Знакомый листок виднелся из-под обложек брошюрок, напечатанных для соревнования… на нём пишут выбранные классом песни. На нём можно было увидеть цифры «2-1», но…
<br />
<br />
<!--"We can't see the name of the song as it is all covered up! You are really useless!"
<!--I had obtained them a few years ago. Because I had been drunk, I couldn't recall where or what that shop was, or who had worked there. But after buying these glasses, I became able catch a glimpse of the others' lives.-->
<br />
The spy could only tremble from the cold and harsh words of Terada — the cover of the brochure had overlapped the area which is used to fill the names of the choice pieces.-->
<br />
- Названия не видно: оно закрыто бумагами! Ты точно бесполезен! – шпиону оставалось лишь дрожать от холодных и беспощадных слов Тэрады: обложка брошюры закрывала часть бумаги, на которой было написано название песни.
<!--In the beginning, I just found it fun to sneak some peeks at their lives. I began with my friends and acquaintances and then went on with total strangers when there was nothing to look at anymore. But the only real occasions to look into the eyes of a stranger were on trains or a buses, or during the one-on-one conversations of the English course I visited. To make matters worse, I would only attract suspicion by staring for too long at someone and thus failed frequently.-->
<br />
<!--"Wait We can still see the edge."
<br />
<!--And that's where I decided to become a fortuneteller. I was interested in divination anyhow, so that idea had occurred rather quickly to me.-->
Said Mafuyu, who was looking at the screen together with me. Our foreheads almost came into contact with each other.-->
<br />
- Погоди, там видно край бумаги, - сказала Мафую, смотревшая на экран рядом со мной. Мы с ней чуть не столкнулись лбами.
<br />
<!--I could sit myself down and look to my heart's content into someone's eyes, one-on-one, and by quoting the things I read off his eyes, he would even believe in my skills as a fortuneteller. I truly killed two birds with one stone.-->
<!--"What's written on it? The image quality is bad."-->
<br />
- Что там написано? Качество у фото плохое.
<br />
<!--A few years later, I had told the fortunes of countless people, and made a name for myself. I always had enough customers as well.-->
<!--"It's probably written in shorthand."
<br />
<br />
Mafuyu turned the screen horizontally and squinted at the screen. She then said in a soft voice,
<!--But amongst all the people I had seen during that time, there was not a single case that resembled his.-->
<br />
"What's written on it is — Queen."-->
<br />
- Наверное, написано скорописью, - Мафую перевернула экран и прищурилась. Затем она тихо сказала: - Там написано «Queen».
<!--There was no one who had seen a non-recurring event like someone's death twice. Of course not.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--That wasn't normal at all.-->
<br />
<!--A strange voice escaped from my throat.-->
<br />
Странный звук выскользнул из моего горла.
<!--But since I wasn't normal, either, I was very well able to accept the abnormal.-->
<br />
<!--Sparks of fire burst all over the place. The various thoughts in my mind linked themselves together into a line in an instant.-->
<br />
Искры разожгли пламя. Разрозненные мысли в моей голове вмиг выстроились в ровную цепочку.
<!--Perhaps, he could see something special just like I could experience others' visual memories through my glasses.-->
<br />
<!--"Do you know what it is?"-->
<br />
- Ты знаешь, что это значит?
<!--''Yes. In his case, he might be able to see the future through his artificial eye?''-->
<br />
<!--I nodded my head in response to Mafuyu's question.-->
<br />
Я кивнул головой в ответ на вопрос Мафую.
<!--My gaze was drawn to my freezer on its own.-->
<br />
<!--The band, Queen.-->
<br />
Группа «Queen».
<!--''Now that I think about it, I haven't looked at it yet today.''-->
<br />
<!--They are a legendary rock band from England, famous for their beautiful and catchy melodies as well as their rich chorus — if we are choosing rock for our choice piece, songs from Queen will definitely be the best choice.-->
<br />
Это легендарная английская рок-группа, знаменитая красивыми и притягательными мелодиями, а равно и красочным вокалом: если мы хотим выбрать что-нибудь из рока, то песни «Queen» точно будут лучшими.
<!--Partly for a change of mood, I took the eyeball out of the freeze where I was carefully keeping it. The eyeball was as hard as that of a frozen tuna.-->
<br />
<!--I recalled Miss Maki's words once more— -->
<br />
Я вновь вспомнил слова Маки-сэнсэй…
<!--That peculiar texture had disappeared.-->
<br />
<!--The principal will like gospels. As for the students' representative, they will usually award high marks to rock or pop songs. Kagurazaka-senpai should have obtained information similar to mine. She also got some information from her conversation with Mrs Hayase, and Senpai did say earlier they will be going down the path of rock this year.-->
<br />
Директору понравятся госпелы. Судьи, выбранные учениками, обычно ставят высокие баллы за рок или поп-музыку. Кагуразака-сэмпай должна была получить ту же самую информацию. Также она выяснила что-то из разговора с Хаясэ-сэнсэй, и сэмпай сказала, что они выбрали рок.
<!--I picked my glasses up from the table and put them on. Holding the cold eyeball before me, I then looked into it.-->
<br />
<!--Combining all of the points above...... and assuming they had chosen a song from Queen— -->
<br />
Складывая всё вместе… и предполагая, что они выбрали песню из репертуара «Queen»…
<br />
<!--"I could hear them clapping to the beats."-->
<br />
''«Они хлопали в ладони».''
<!--This was strange.-->
<br />
<!--"...... I got it."-->
<br />
- Я понял.
<!--I adjusted my glasses and looked at the eyeball again.-->
<br />
<br />
- Что?
<!--I was, however, not able to see anything.-->
<br />
<!--"I know the piece Senpai chose."
<br />
<!--Because it was frozen?-->
Chiaki stared at me as well.
<br />
<br />
"A song from Queen, clapping to the beats, and has a gospel feel to it...... there is only one song which fulfills the above mentioned criteria and is usable for the chorus contest."-->
<!--I went into the bathroom to fill a washbowl with warm water and returned to the living room. After inserting the frozen eyeball into the water, the frost melted away and it regained that peculiar consistence.-->
- Я знаю, что за песню выбрала сэмпай, - Чиаки тоже уставилась на меня. – Песня группы «Queen», хлопки под музыку и что-то в духе госпела… только одну песню, удовлетворяющую всем этим условиям, можно спеть на состязании хоров.
<br />
<br />
<!--Even Chiaki realized what the song was as well. We said the name of the song together at the very same time.
<!--I took the eyeball out and looked into it again, but I could no longer see anything.-->
<br />
"<Somebody to Love>."-->
<br />
Даже Чиаки осознала, что это за песня. Мы одновременно произнесли её название:
<!--''Gone dead'', I thought right away.-->
- «Somebody to Love».<!--я бы почему-то подумал о «we will rock you»-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Eyeballs can't be preserved for a long time after being separated from the body. I had been aware of that. But I'd been convinced that that was of no consequence to me because the eye's memories should remain whether it was dead or rotten.-->
<!--"Is it okay to choose the same song as them?"
<br />
<br />
Mafuyu popped the question as we sat on the bench at the platform while waiting for the train home.-->
<!--But apparently, as soon as an eyeball itself dies, the memories die as well.-->
- Стоило выбирать ту же песню, что и они? – спросила Мафую, когда мы сели на скамейку, ожидая следующий поезд до дома.
<br />
<br />
<!--Right after that, the Third Class of First Year immediately submitted the name of our choice piece to the student's council room, and it is none other than <Somebody to Love>. After much consideration, I decided that the only way we can win is to choose the same song as Senpai's class for our choice piece.-->
<!--I didn't know that.-->
После нашего собрания класс 1-3 тут же подал нашу заявку в школьный совет, и написано было в ней не что иное, как «Somebody to Love». Взвесив все за и против, я решил, что наш единственный шанс на победу – выбрать ту же песню, что и cэмпай.
<br />
<br />
<!--"They will compare us to Senpai's class if we are singing the same song as them."
<!--What a fool I was, everything aside!-->
<br />
Chiaki was obviously feeling uneasy about it as well. I deliberately ignored their expressions and replied,
<br />
<!--My eyes were filled with tears.-->
"Senpai's class is indeed stronger than ours when it comes to singing. We will not be able to compete against them in that. However......"
<br />
<br />
I was not that confident as well, so I could not look straight at their face. I could only stare at my opened palms.
<!--Not once in my life had I felt such a strong feeling of loss.-->
<br />
"If that's the case, it will be the same regardless of the song we choose. Therefore, we must use the weapons that only we possess."-->
<br />
- Они будут сравнивать нас с классом cэмпай, если мы споём одну и ту же песню, - Чиаки вполне естественно была не уверена в нашем решении. Я намеренно не смотрел на их лица и ответил:
<!--That's how attached I'd become to that eyeball.-->
<br />
- Класс cэмпай, и вправду, сильнее в пении. В этом мы с ними соревноваться не можем. Но… - я тоже был не до конца уверен, что наша ставка сработает, потому я не мог взглянуть им в глаза. Я мог лишь опустить глаза на свои ладони: - …Тогда ничего не изменится от нашего выбора. А потому нам нужно использовать всё то оружие, которое у нас есть.
<br />
<!--I should have forgotten about work and spent the day gazing at it! When would I get my hands on a human eyeball next? In my entire life, I had not come across such an opportunity save for this time.-->
<br />
- Оружие?
<br />
<!--Even worse, that accident had actually been the first time I was confronted with someone's death.-->
<!--In <Somebody to Love>, the main vocals are sung by a six-part chorus. Despite sounding like a gospel, it is still of the classical rock songs.-->
<br />
В песне «Somebody to Love» главная партия поётся шестиголосой фактурой<!--здесь может быть иное значение, только не могу найти как это по-русски перевели официально (по смыслу шестиголосая гармония, но как это называется по теории музыки фиг знает) upd вроде так и зовется только плюс слово фактура добавляет колорита-->. Хотя звучит она как госпел, это всё равно классическая рок-песня.
<br />
<!--''...Someone's death?''-->
<!--"We have a bassist, a guitarist and a drummer in our class."-->
<br />
- В нашем классе есть бас-гитарист, гитаристка и барабанщица.
<br />
<!--He crossed my mind once more.-->
<!--Chiaki stared at me with her eyes opened wide.
<br />
<br />
"...... U-Us?"-->
<!--His artificial eye might be able to foresee the future. If that was true, there was still a chance for me to obtain an eyeball.-->
Чиаки уставилась на меня расширенными глазами:
<br />
<br />
- …М-мы?
<!--I wanted his right eye.-->
<br />
<!--I nodded.-->
<br />
Я кивнул.
<!--And if that was too much to ask for, I at least wanted to look into an eye that had seen death once more.-->
<br />
<!--Since Senpai said she has a one against three disadvantage, we shall make full use of our advantage without hesitation. Me, Chiaki and Mafuyu are all we need to form a rock band. That is the unique weapon of ours which Senpai's class do not have.-->
<br />
Поскольку сэмпай сказала, что у нас есть перевес в том, что мы соревнуемся группой против неё одной, нам стоит использовать своё преимущество безо всяких раздумий. Я, Чиаки и Мафую – это всё, что нам нужно для рок-группы. Вот этого оружия нет у класса сэмпай.
<br />
<!--"But...... putting the guitars aside, the organizers will definitely not allow us to place the drum set on the stage! What should we do about that?"-->
<br /><br />
- Но… не будем говорить о гитарах, организаторы точно не позволят нам установить на сцене барабаны! Что нам с этим делать?
<br />
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
<!--"I have two sets of mini electronic drums at my house, so let's use that. The volume should be just right so long as we have a set of speakers. It's the same as how you will normally drum, so it should be easy."-->
<br />
- У меня дома есть два комплекта электронных мини-барабанов, давай используем их. Со звуком проблем не будет – у нас есть колонки. Играть на них должно быть просто: стучать по ним нужно, как ты играешь на обычных барабанах.
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--The train was arriving before we knew it. The noise produced as it approaches the station sounded as though it was attempting to crush the surging emotions within me. I shoved the oppressive feeling aside and stood up between the two girls. I stood by the safety line and turned my head backwards to look at the surprised Chiaki as well as Mafuyu, who was giving off a vexed expressions through her eyes.
<!--"Hmnaa," I yawned out of utter boredom.-->
<br />
"— Let's rock!"-->
<br />
Мы даже не заметили, как подъехал поезд. Шум, исходивший от него, казалось, хотел раздавить переполнявшие меня чувства. Я переборол давление подъезжавшего поезда и поднялся, вставая между девочками. Я остановился у ограничительной линии и обернулся, чтобы взглянуть на удивлённую Чиаки и обеспокоенную Мафую.
<!--Even though it was Sunday afternoon, there was not a single customer. And even worse, there were no shop assistants, either, save for me. That said, that wasn't because Towako-san or Saki were working in their divination chamber, but because the police were interviewing the entire theme park staff about the suicide incident the day before. But besides the fact that they didn't have anything to do with that incident, the likelihood of suicide was so high that the whole fuss was apparently considered a mere formality.-->
<br />
- Зажжём!
<br />
<!--The theme park in question also seemed to close for a while, bringing Towako-san's part-time job to a termination.-->
<br />
<!--Just as expected from a school that used to have music as its major, the atmosphere on the day of the chorus contest was really heated. The school was broadcasting Haydn's oratorios in the morning, while the canopy of the music hall was changed into those specially made for the chorus contest, which has the event's name printed on it...... If only they would direct some of the funds used in this event to the various clubs instead.-->
<br />
Как и подобало школе, которая главный упор ставила на музыку, атмосфера в день соревнования была накалена. Утром по школьному радио вещали оратории Гайдна, а в музыкальном зале теперь висел специально подготовленный занавес с вышитым на нём названием мероприятия… Жаль, что они не направили часть этих средств на финансирование клубов.
<!--In the end, that job hardly yielded any profit.-->
<br />
<!--It had been an hour since the contest began. Our classmates squeezed themselves like a pack of sardines at the right side of the stage, pried the curtains slightly apart and peeked at the audiences through the gap. The teaching staffs seated at the first row were already showing putting on irritated expressions on their face. They must be tired from listening to <Ave verum corpus> for almost ten consecutive times already.-->
<br />
Прошёл уже час с начала состязания. Наши одноклассники сгрудились, как сардины в консервах, на правом краю сцены, поглядывая на зрителей сквозь щель между занавесом. Учителя, сидевшие в первом ряду, уже почти не скрывали своего раздражения. Должно быть, им надоело слушать «Ave verum corpus» десять раз кряду.
<!--Similarly, the Tsukumodo Antique Shop made almost no profit during that time, either.-->
<br />
<!--"Miss Maki has already fallen asleep......"
<br />
<!--''Let's hope that they could at least do some successful advertisement over there.''-->
Just as I was done saying that, Mafuyu whispered into my ears.
<br />
<br />
"Then wake her up with your baton."-->
<!--Just when I was about to yawn again, the bell at the door rang.-->
- Маки-сэнсэй уже заснула… - как только я это сказал, Мафую прошептала мне на ухо:
<br />
<br />
- Тогда разбуди её своей палочкой.
<!--I stifled my yawn and opened my mouth to welcome the customer, but no words came out.-->
<br />
<!--I'll do that even without Mafuyu saying so. I wiped the sweat off my palms on my trousers.-->
<br />
Я так бы и сделал без подсказки Мафую. Я обтёр свои взмокшие ладони о брюки.
<!--The customer was fortuneteller Mikagami-san.-->
<br />
<!--The sequence of performance was decided by random, so Senpai's class will be performing three spots away from ours. That's great for us - we might actually lower their morale after listening to our performance.-->
<br />
Порядок выступления был выбран жеребьёвкой, поэтому наш класс и сэмпай разделяли три номера. Вышло удачно: мы можем психологически повлиять на них своей песней.
<!--I gave her a wary look.-->
<br />
<!--"Hey Nao, you saw the program guide?"
<br />
<!--"What business do you have here?"-->
Chiaki asked after returning back from the backstage.-->
<br />
- Эй, Нао, ты видел программку? – спросила Чиаки, вернувшись из-за арьерсцены.
<br />
<!--"Business with you, of course!" she replied frankly and approached me at the counter. "I have a request."-->
<!--"The one they distributed in the morning? Nope."-->
<br />
- Ту, которую раздавали утром? Нет.
<br />
<!--"What would that be?"-->
<!--I had no time to see it due to my nervousness.-->
<br />
Я не мог найти времени на то, чтобы прочитать её, из-за волнения.
<br />
<!--"May I have your artificial eye?"-->
<!--"I see...... Never mind, it's nothing much. It's too late to do anything."-->
<br />
- Ясно… Ну ладно, ничего. Уже поздно что-то менять.
<br />
<!--She was so bold that it was clear that she knew that my artificial eye had special powers.-->
<!--"...... What?"-->
<br />
- О чём ты?
<br />
<!--''So does she have a Relic, too, after all?'' I quickly searched her with my eye, but she hadn't brought her crystal ball. I was relieved a bit that she wouldn't be able to get a glimpse of my secrets.-->
<!--"They are about to end soon."-->
<br />
- Они уже заканчивают.
<br />
<!--"I won't say for free, of course," she assured as she held out an envelope to me.-->
<!--I am quite concerned about what Chiaki meant, but the sparse applause and the sounds of the class before us walking off the steps shattered the uneasiness in me.-->
<br />
Меня беспокоило значение за словами Чиаки, но редкие хлопки и шаги выступившего класса разбили мою тревогу.
<br />
<!--She urged me with her free hand to take a look, but just from its thickness I figured that it would amount to a six-digit number, provided that she had used 100,000 yen notes.-->
<!--One by one, the students of Third Class of First Year began making their way onto the stage under the rays of the spotlights. I will be the last to get on stage.-->
<br />
Ученики класса 1-3 по одному начали выходить на сцену под светом софитов. Мне выходить последним.
<br />
<!--"What's so special about this eye?" I asked.-->
<!--While holding the baton with my hands, I suddenly thought — Ebichiri must have tasted this solitary feeling for a few thousand times already, right? Being a conductor is really tough. I'll never want to conduct ever again.
<br />
<br />
But...... it's an exception this time.-->
<!--"Who knows?"-->
Держа палочку в руке, я внезапно подумал: «Эбичири чувствовал это волнение уже пару тысяч раз, да? Быть дирижёром, правда, сложно. Не хочу больше никогда в жизни дирижировать.
<br />
Но… этот раз – исключение».
<br />
<!--"It's just a common artificial eye!"-->
<!--The emcee began introducing our class, choice piece, and the names of the conductor and accompaniment. I turned my to take a look at one of the event committee members, and the thing that he was holding was...... my bass.-->
<br />
Ведущий начал представлять наш класс, выбранную песню и имена дирижёра и членов аккомпанемента. Я взглянул на одного из ответственных за мероприятие, и в руках он держал… мою бас-гитару.
<br />
<!--"In that case, there should be no problem with selling it to me, right?"-->
<!--"We are really sorry for making such requests."
<br />
<br />
We had went through great pains to obtain permission from the organizers to use the guitars and drums. Some of the nice people in the event committee knew about our contest with Kagurazaka-senpai and helped us in secret.
<!--"......One way or another, it's not for sale."-->
<br />
"I'll be depending on you when the set piece is over."-->
<br />
- Простите за такие нелепые просьбы.
<!--I covered my right eye.-->
<br />
Нам пришлось немало попотеть, чтобы получить разрешение от организаторов на использование гитар и барабанов. Пара добрых людей, ответственных за мероприятие, знали о нашем состязании с Кагуразакой-сэмпай и тайком помогли нам.
<br />
<!--My right eye was the token of my debt to Towako-san. In addition, Towako-san was strictly against distributing Relics—she would never sell any of them no matter the price. Therefore, I couldn't possibly sell any, either.-->
– Я рассчитываю на вас.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Do your best!"-->
<!--The fortuneteller woman wrinkled her brow in blatant discontent at my response.-->
- Удачи!
<br />
<br />
<!--After nodding at each other, I began walking towards the stage that was doused in the lights.-->
<!--Why did she want my "Vision" so badly? To what conclusion on basis of what assumptions had she come after finding out that I'd seen the suicide incident twice?-->
Кивнув головой и получив кивок в ответ, я зашагал к сцене, освещённой прожекторами.
<br />
<br />
<!--Cheers and loud applause came from my side. Wait, the performance has not even started, so why are they already that excited? The other classes did not receive the same treatment as we do. I could even hear shouts of, "Defeat Kagurazaka!". Just how far has the news of the contest spread to? As I stood at the front of the stage, I opened my hands to quell the noise from the audience.-->
<!--"I have no idea how much you know, but let me assure you: it's not all that good."-->
Раздались крики и громкие аплодисменты. Постойте, мы ещё не начали играть, почему они уже так завелись? Другие классы так не встречали. Слышны были даже крики: «Победи Кагуразаку!» Как далеко уже распространились слухи? Остановившись на переднем краю сцены, я развёл руки в стороны, чтобы успокоить зрителей.
<br />
<br />
<!--I took a look at the direction of the piano, and could see Mafuyu's pale face behind raised cover of the black piano. She had not took her seat yet - all she was doing is to stare at the keyboard. This is not looking good.-->
<!--"You think so?"-->
Я взглянул в сторону фортепиано: бледное лицо Мафую виднелось из-за поднятой чёрной крышки. Она ещё не села за него – она просто смотрела на клавиши. Дело выглядело плохо.
<br />
<br />
<!--It's thanks to the gazes of the audience as well as the cheers that caused Mafuyu's fingers to be unable to move.-->
<!--"What do you think it is?"-->
Из-за взглядов и криков зрителей пальцы Мафую не могли шевельнуться.
<br />
<br />
<!--"It lets you see the future, doesn't it?"-->
<br />
Just then, Chiaki's voice came from the highest step of the terraced stage amid the gradually receding noise from the audience. She shot a gaze of reproach and plea in the direction of the Mafuyu, as though she was saying to me, "Come up with something!"-->
<br />
- Нао… - и в этот миг голос Чиаки раздался с верхней ступеньки сцены посреди постепенно утихающего шума слушателей. Она стрельнула молящими и осуждающими глазами в сторону Мафую, словно говоря: «Придумай что-нибудь!»
<!--<i>Should I praise her for figuring out that much or should I feel relieved that she only figured out that much?-->
<br />
<!--She's right. Since I am the one who asked Mafuyu to play the accompaniment, I have to do something.-->
<br />
Она права. Раз уж я сам попросил Мафую аккомпанировать, мне и нужно что-нибудь сделать.
<!--But as a fortuneteller, eyes with those abilities must make her mouth water.</i>-->
<br />
<!--I walked to the piano. Mafuyu's shoulders flinched. She then sat down.-->
<br />
Я подошёл к фортепиано. Плечи Мафую вздрогнули. Она села за фортепиано.
<!--"I'm afraid to say that it's really not that good. You can only see a limited range of uncertain future events. You can't use it to tip right in a lottery or a horse race. Nor can you forecast the weather. It wouldn't be of any help to your fortune-telling!"-->
<br />
<!--"I'm...... okay."
<br />
<!--"...What can you see then?"-->
Mafuyu mumbled. However, her hands placed stiffly on the piano.-->
<br />
- Я… в порядке, - пробубнила Мафую. Но её руки бездвижно лежали на инструменте.
<br />
<!--"Only the imminent death of people who you have had to do with. But even that's just..."-->
<!--I blocked Mafuyu's view and stood next to the piano.-->
<br />
Я закрыл ей обзор, встав рядом с фортепиано.
<br />
<!--There is no need for her to care about the audience. The only one she needs to look at is me.-->
<br />
Ей не нужно беспокоиться о зрителях. Ей нужно смотреть только на меня.
<br />
<!--A cold shiver ran down my spine. She looked still the exact same. There was nothing different about her. And yet I had a feeling that something had changed.-->
<!--"Mmm. It will be alright." I considered my words carefully before converting them into speech. At the same time, I was careful not to let Mafuyu see me holding the baton tightly. "This is just a practice. It's the same as how Mozart will warm up before his actual performances. It's not a big deal."-->
<br />
- М-м. Всё будет хорошо, - я осторожно обдумывал каждое слово перед тем, как сказать его. И в то же время я не давал Мафую увидеть, как крепко я стиснул палочку. – Это просто репетиция. Такая же, как и у Моцарта перед его выступлениями. Ничего серьёзного.
<br />
<!--''Have I just made a grave mistake?'' I thought.-->
<!--After a while, Mafuyu raised her head to stare at me. She then looked beyond the curtains to the lateral side of the stage. The Stratocaster on its stand was waiting for the crazy atmosphere that will come later.-->
<br />
Немного погодя, Мафую подняла голову и взглянула на меня. Затем она перевела взгляд за кулисы. Стратокастер ждал безумия, что наступит позже.
<br />
<!--Eager to find out what had happened, I stared at her—''this is bad'' I thought the very moment our eyes met.-->
<!--Mafuyu looked at me once more and nodded her head. Her pair of eyes had regained their liveliness - and in them were the reflection of me alone.-->
<br />
Мафую вновь взглянула на меня и кивнула головой. В её глаза вернулась жизнь, и в них отражался только я один.
<br />
<!--I instantaneously interrupted the eye contact by covering my right eye with my hand, when she leaned over the counter and grabbed my arm. With unfeminine strength she pressed both my arms down and drew near to my face.-->
<!--At the instant where I gently lifted my baton, it felt like the everyone in the music hall had their breaths sucked away.-->
<br />
В миг, когда я мягко поднял дирижёрскую палочку, казалось, что все зрители в зале затаили дыхание.
<br />
<!--She established eye contact with me whether I wanted or not. The instance that happened, I gulped down.-->
<!--It felt like there was someone descending from the sky by walking on the transparent stairs with her light steps — how did she manage to play that sort of sound with the piano? I had no idea. I began making my way to the stand by walking backwards, which resulted in Mafuyu being further and further away from me. The ensemble came into my view gradually. All I did was to pinch the baton and guide them gently — their voices began to flow and gush out of the overflowing fountain.-->
<br />
Казалось, что кто-то лёгкими шагами спускался с неба по прозрачной лестнице; как она сумела вытянуть этот звук из фортепиано? Я понятия не имел. Я зашагал назад к дирижёрскому пульту и постепенно отдалился от Мафую. Ансамбль предстал перед моими глазами. Всё, что мне нужно было сделать, - сжимать палочку и направлять их; их голоса зазвучали подобно струйке фонтану.
<br />
<!--''Since when did she have eyes like these?''-->
<!--There should be some who noticed, right? Mafuyu's piano ended off with the weakest of tones, before gradually fading away - as though it was sending off the exalted voices. Who else noticed that aside from Mafuyu and I? That was the agreement we made back when Mafuyu and I were alone. <Ave verum corpus> was originally composed for the ensemble, strings and the organ, so a piano will destroy the penetrative melody of the piece. Therefore, our decision was to make the piano fade away during the actual contest without anyone noticing it. All Mafuyu had to do was to play the opening for us — that was what I asked Mafuyu to do. There was no longer any sounds from the piano. Other than the singing voices, all that was remaining were the sounds of the illusory strings instruments. Can everyone hear those sounds as well?-->
<br />
Кто-то ведь должен был заметить? Мафую закончила играть на низшем тоне, и мелодия постепенно растворилась – точно, оставляя за собой возвышенные голоса. Кто ещё заметил это, кроме меня и Мафую? Об этом-то мы и договорились, оставшись наедине. «Ave verum corpus» изначально была сочинена для ансамбля, струнных инструментов и органа, поэтому рояль разрушит проникновенную мелодию песни. Потому мы решили, что звуки фортепиано незаметно исчезнут во время песни. Мафую нужно было только сыграть для нас вступление – об этом-то я её и попросил. Фортепиано молчало. Кроме голосов хора раздавалась только иллюзорная мелодия струнного оркестра. Все ли слышат её?
<br />
<!--She was eager to look into my eyes, with somewhat abnormal and sparkling eyes herself.-->
<br />
<!--Right after my fingertips sucked away the the harmony that was dragged on till the very last moment, a loud roar of applause erupted from behind my back. The hallucinatory sounds of the strings had disappeared, and what replaced them was my heated sweat that was coming out from my back. I turned around to look at the flushed faces of my classmates — everyone was putting on an expression of disbelief. I counted the steps of the event committee member who was running towards us, while enjoying the applause coming from behind me.-->
<br />
Сразу после того, как мои пальцы унесли гармонию, что звучала до самого конца, громкие овации прокатились за моей спиной. Воображаемая мелодия струн исчезла, и её заменил мой пот, катившийся по моей спине. Я обернулся, чтобы посмотреть на разгорячённые лица одноклассников: все они были в недоумении. Я считал шаги бежавшего к нам ответственного за мероприятие, наслаждаясь аплодисментами, гремевшими за моей спиной.
<!--Even though she hadn't brought her crystal ball, she was clearly trying to look at me. To see my secrets.-->
<br />
<!--Senpai said this before — the pleasure of experiencing the applause that were coming from behind one's back is a privilege that is exclusive only to the conductors. I remember she was using the words of Ebichiri? I see, it may be just as he said. Right now...... I am experiencing the pleasure for myself, but— -->
<br />
Сэмпай как-то сказала: ощущение того, как овации раздаются за тобой, - привилегия дирижёров. Кажется, она цитировала Эбичири? Наверное, всё так, как он и сказал. Сейчас… я сам испытываю это наслаждение, но…
<!--Did the crystal ball have no deeper meaning? Did she not have a Relic at all? Did she actually have a real special power? If that was the case, I had no means of resistance.-->
<br />
<!--Tossing away the baton, I took my bass from the hands of the committee member. I then turned myself to face the audience. In the direction where the spotlights were shining towards me, I could see that the applause was slowly turning into uproar. Seems like everyone was frightened — I am indeed a rocker at heart.-->
<br />
Отбросив палочку в сторону, я взял свой бас из рук ответственного за мероприятие. Затем я повернулся лицом к зрителям. Со стороны софитов было слышно, как аплодисменты превращаются в крики восхищения. Кажется, что все были напуганы – я точно рокер в душе.
<!--"What the..." she muttered.-->
<br />
<!--I still prefer to stand in the direction of the audience.-->
<br />
Я всё равно предпочитал стоять лицом к зрителям.
<br />
<!--At the corner of my eyes was Mafuyu, who had unknowingly got off from her seat. She picked up her guitar and began strumming it with her pick. Next, was the cheap and blaring sounds of Chiaki's electronic drums rolling along to the melody — <Somebody to Love>.-->
<br />
Краем глаза я заметил Мафую, которая незаметно поднялась со своего места. Она взяла гитару и провела медиатором по струнам. Затем громкий стук донёсся от электробарабанов Чиаки, вливаясь в мелодию «Somebody to Love».
<!--I braced myself and shook her off, and retreated into the private area as I overturned my chair. I had no other choice.-->
<br />
<!--Right after I strummed my bass, I felt a vibration throughout my body. The nostalgic bass assaulted my stomach, and my singing voice began to flow out of my throat naturally. The rich chorus of over thirty people came rushing from behind my back. It's an incredibly indulgent piece of rock music. The thoughts about winning the contest was already thrown way out of my head. But it's a shame...... we are lacking the sounds of Senpai's guitar.-->
<br />
Проведя по струнам баса, я почувствовал, как дрожь прошла по моему телу. Знакомые звуки баса пронзили мой живот, а мой голос без принуждения полился из моего горла. Красочный хор тридцати человек раздался за моей спиной. Эта песня невероятно ракрепощала. Мысли о победе были отброшены в сторону. Какая жалость, что… нам не хватает гитары сэмпай.
<!--"Wait! I want to see more! Deeper!" she yelled as she tried to climb over the counter, and fell over miserably. Not letting that stop her, she chased after me crawling.-->
<br />
<!--There was a brief moment of silence during the middle part of the song. The strange-sounding chants beneath the clapping tempos began to gush their way up by stacking themselves in layers one after another. In the end, it cascaded into the finale after a violent explosion. The only thing I could see was the glittering lights reflected by the drops of sweat flying about me. I had no idea where Senpai is. Did we manage to convey our performances into her heart?-->
<br />
В середине песни наступила короткая тишина. Странные причитания, скрывавшиеся за хлопками, зазвучали громче, наслаиваясь друг на друга. И всё закончилось бурным взрывом звука. Я видел лишь свет, отражённые каплями пота, которые парили вокруг меня. Я не знал, где была сэмпай. Смогли ли мы донести наше выступление до её сердца?
<!--Overcome by fear, I left the building through the back door.-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<!--Even after hiding myself in the toilet for fifteen minutes, I was unable to make my heated body return back to normal. When our song was over, aside from the vigorous applause, I could also hear what sounded like cursing or cheers all mixed up together. It felt like those sounds were still reverberating in my ears. The throbbing of my heart persisted on for a long while.-->
<br />
Даже спрятавшись в туалете на пятнадцать минут, я не смог успокоиться. Когда наше выступление закончилось, помимо бурных аплодисментов я слышал проклятия и подбадривающие крики, смешавшиеся вместе. Казалось, они всё ещё звучали у меня в голове. Моё биение сердца ещё долго не могло замедлиться.
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
<br />
<!--The performance of the First Class of Year Two was about to start, but my legs were void of any strength to stand up. I asked myself: am I scared of listening to their performance? How can I not be? I do think I have performed really well, and I can be optimistic about our chances of winning — but for some strange reason, I was unconvinced. It's Kagurazaka-senpai we are talking about here...... Even though they are performing the exact same piece as ours after us, and despite them not having the accompaniment of the bass and the drums, but do they really not possess any sort of secret weapons in their hands?-->
<br /><br />
Выступление класса 2-1 уже было близко, но в моих ногах не было сил на то, чтобы встать. Я спросил себя: «Страшно ли мне слушать их песню? А как же иначе? Мне кажется, что я неплохо выступил, и наши шансы на победу довольно велики», - но почему-то я не был убеждён. Это всё-таки Кагуразака-сэмпай… Пусть даже они и поют ту же самую песню, пусть у них нет баса и барабанов, у них что, правда, нет тузов в рукавах?
<br />
<!--<div style="font-family: Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serif">-->
<!--It's pointless for me to hide in here any longer! I hammered my knees with my fist, and finally stood up. What I wanted to hear was the chorus of Senpai's class. In what way will Senpai go about presenting it?-->
<br />
Бессмысленно скрываться здесь и дальше! Я ударил кулаком по колену и поднялся на ноги. Я хотел услышать выступление класса сэмпай. Как же она преподнесёт эту песню?
<br />
<!--I want those eyes. I want them.-->
<!--I walked down the corridor and pushed open the heavy double doors of the music hall. Their performance was at the final chorus of <Ave verum corpus> and was fading into the dark. I took a look at the stage and was surprised at what I saw. Long hair which was tied into two braids — I recognized the back of Kagurazaka-senpai in an instant. She was standing right in the middle of the stage. Facing her was the ensemble of her class, whose grey silhouettes were arranged neatly on the terraced stage.-->
<br />
Я прошёл по коридору и толкнул тяжёлые двери музыкального зала. Они уже пели последние строки «Ave verum corpus», тонувшие в темноте. Я взглянул на сцену и удивился. Длинные волосы, подвязанные в две косички, - я тут же узнал Кагуразаку-сэмпай со спины. Она стояла в центре сцены. Перед ней был ансамбль её класса, чьи серые фигуры были на ступеньках.
<br />
<!--I want to—I admit it—I want to see death.-->
<!--Looking at the clothes that the girls were wearing — even without the veils, one can easily recognize their attires as the habits of nuns. So the school actually allowed them to dress up as that. Well, I guess they are pretty lax about the restrictions.-->
<br />
При первом взгляде на одежду девочек любой – даже без вуалей - мог узнать монашеское одеяние. Им разрешили так одеться. Ну, школа не особо консервативна в этом плане.
<br />
<!--I want to see death in all the forms it exists.-->
<!--When I got back to my seat, my classmates around me whispered, "Where have you been, conductor?"
<br />
<br />
"It would be bad if we got calls for an encore!" "I really wish I can sing once more!" "Yeah—"-->
<!--But neither do I want to see acted death as it's shown in movies and drama shows, nor am I interested in death that was manipulated by the producers of a documentary.-->
Когда я вернулся на своё место, одноклассники зашептали:
<br />
<br />
- Где ты был, дирижёр?
<!--I only want to see raw death.-->
<br />
- А что если бы нас вызвали на бис?
<br />
<!--For that, I need them.-->
- Как я хочу спеть ещё раз!
<br />
<br />
- Да…
<!--For that, I need those eyes.-->
<br />
<!--After settling down on my seat, a hand reached out to me from my back, and something appeared before my eyes. Oh, the program guide for the chorus contest. I turned my head around — it was Chiaki who passed me that.-->
<br />
Когда я устроился на своём месте, чья-то рука потянулась ко мне, и что-то появилось перед моими глазами. А, программка соревнования. Я обернулся: той, кто передала мне программку, была Чиаки.
<!--I will get them no matter what I have to do.-->
<br />
<!--"...... What?"-->
<br />
- Что?
<!--I will get them whatever it takes.-->
<br />
<!--"The song Senpai's class chose is not <Somebody to Love>."-->
<br />
- Класс сэмпай выбрал не «Somebody to Love».
<!--I will get them even if I have to smirch my hands.-->
<br />
<!--For a brief moment, I could not understand what Chiaki was saying. Just as I was taking the guide from her in shock, the sounds of the piano began to rang on the stage.-->
<br />
На миг я не мог понять, о чём она говорила. Прямо тогда, когда я с удивлением брал программку, звуки фортепиано зазвучали со сцены.
<!--The girl I had discovered in the depths of his eyes crossed my mind.-->
<br />
<!--I turned my head back and listened to their singing.-->
<br />
Я повернулся к сцене и прислушался к их пению.
<br />
<!--It began with a almost silent singing that praises Virgin Mary - no accompaniment, just a simple harmony. I finally realized my mistake— -->
<br /><br />
Началось оно с тихого воспевания девы Марии – без аккомпанемента, просто гармония. И я наконец осознал свою ошибку.
<br />
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
<!--The elegant hymn was interrupted by the abrupt sounds of the piano. What came next was a passionate rhythm created by the clapping of hands and stomping of feet. The same melody of before coordinated itself to this tempo - there were times where they resonated with each other, and others where they screamed in contrast— -->
<br />
Элегантный гимн был прерван резким вмешательством фортепиано. А потом зазвучал страстный ритм, заданный хлопками в ладони и стуком ног о сцену. Прежняя мелодия подстроилась под темп: иногда они поддерживали друг друга, иногда – кричали порознь.
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--That's...... one of the songs which appeared in the movie <Sister Act>— -->
<!--After a while, I arrived at the conclusion that I could not leave the shop unattended and thus returned. From the looks of it, there was no one inside anymore.-->
Это… песня, которая была в фильме «Действуй, Сестра»…
<br />
<br />
<!--<Hail Holy Queen>.-->
<!--Nevertheless, I erred on the side of caution and entered the building from behind.-->
«Hail Holy Queen».
<br />
<br />
<!--This song was created by increasing the tempo of the hymn, then rearranging it to form the final product. In the movie, it's a song that re-lit the burning passion in the sisters, and got the younger generation to step into the church once more. And now back in reality, it has caused us to glue our sight to the stage. I could not breathe. Why didn't I notice it then? The 'Queen' which Mafuyu saw from the screen was not the name of the band, but the last word of the name of the song.Why didn't I realize it's a hymn and rock at the same time? Why? After all, it is possible to create rock with only the singing, the hands and the feet......-->
<!--I approached the shop area on tiptoe and sneaked a peek while hiding in the shadow. No one was there. Be it that she'd left chasing after me or that she'd gone home, I let out a sigh of relief.-->
Песню сочинили, наращивая темп гимна, а затем реаранжировали её, чтобы получить конечный продукт. В фильме эта песня вновь зажгла страсть в монахинях и привела молодое поколение в церковь. А теперь она приковала наше внимание к сцене. Я не мог дышать. Почему я не заметил это ещё тогда? Слово «Queen», которое Мафую увидела на экране, было не названием группы, а частью названия песни. Почему я не осознал, что это и гимн, и рок? Почему? В конце концов, вполне возможно спеть рок только с помощью голоса, рук и ног…
<br />
<br />
<!--Senpai's hair swung wildly like the tail feathers of a bird as she turned her body around. When she started bringing her hands up her head to lead the audience into a clap, the whole music hall was swallowed up by the atmosphere around her. Her class' chorus and claps were overshadowed by Senpai's powerful solo performance. The song ended in an amazing round of applause and cheers that is comparable to an avalanche. Despite my chagrin, I still gave them a round of applause as hard as I could.-->
<!--Suddenly, a strong blow knocked me over.-->
Волосы сэмпай закрутились, как перья птицы, когда она развернулась к нам. Когда она подняла руки, чтобы зрители захлопали в ладони, весь зал был охвачен её аурой. Соло сэмпай затмило пение и хлопки её класса. Песня закончилась под бурные овации и крики, которые охватили зал, точно лавина. Несмотря на свою досаду, я всё же хлопал изо всех сил.
<br />
<br />
<!--There was no need for the official results to know who won, and I do pity those classes who were performing after Senpai's class (and in actual fact, there were quite a few people who went home straight after that). To add on, our class came in second. Chiaki went up the stage to receive the prize in replacement of me, who was completely drained. I did not regain my strength even after Chiaki used the rolled up certificate to hit me hard on my body.-->
<!--''Damn, did she go around me?'' I thought as I turned around, after which I was grabbed by the collar.-->
Не было нужды в официальных результатах, чтобы узнать, кто победил, и мне искренне жаль те классы, которые выступали после класса сэмпай (и на самом деле, некоторые люди сразу пошли домой после их песни). Вдобавок, наш класс занял второе место. Вместо меня на сцену вышла получать приз Чиаки: у меня не было сил. Я не ожил даже после того, как Чиаки с силой ударила меня свёрнутым сертификатом.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Where did you go ditching your shift?"-->
<br />
<!--Two days after the contest had ended—-->
<br />
Прошло два дня…
<!--"Towako-san... thank goodness...<!-- dunno what else to use here -->"-->
<br />
<!--It was a Sunday night. We agreed to meet up near the ticketing gates of a busy train station in Tokyo. I was worried I could not spot her, but those worries was all for nothing. Kagurazaka-senpai appeared at the stairs while wearing a glamorous purple gown. She still stood out from the crowd despite being roughly two hundred meters away from me. Beneath the lace shawl, I could clearly see the back of her revealing gown cutting deep down, and that made my heart skipped a beat. Her hair was tied elegantly into a bun, which made her look just like a celebrity who is invited to some grand party. In contrast, I was wearing a mediocre suit, so it was a little embarrassing.-->
<br />
Был воскресный вечер. Мы договорились встретиться у кассы загруженной станции в Токио. Я беспокоился, что не смогу найти её, но моя тревога была напрасна. Кагуразака-сэмпай в шикарном пурпурном платье появилась на лестнице. Она выделялась из толпы, даже находясь в двухстах метрах от меня. За кружевной шалью виднелся глубокий вырез на платье, при виде которого у меня замерло сердце. Её волосы были подвязаны в элегантный пучок, благодаря которому она выглядела, как знаменитость, приглашённая на вечеринку. Я же был в обычном костюме, потому мне стало неловко.
<!--"Thank goodness my ass! Thank goodness that I wasn't a shoplifter?! Mm?! You didn't even lock the door for fuck's sake. I'll cut your wages if you go on like that, are we clear?"-->
<br />
<!--And that was not the end of the surprises. "Sorry, I'm late. Let's go," just as Senpai was done saying that, she wrapped her arm around mine, and that caused me to nearly fall.
<br />
<!--"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"-->
"You seemed nervous. This should not be your first time attending a classical music concert, right?"-->
<br />
И на этом сюрпризы не закончились.
<br />
<!--"You know, first I lose important time because the police insist on having useless interviews, then they want to harass me by dressing me up in my divination outfit, and to top things off, I get almost arrested for bodily harm when I smacked that officer when it got to my head..."<!-- Second complain might need a check. -->-->
- Прости, я опоздала. Идем, - сэмпай взяла меня за руку, отчего я чуть не упал на пол. – Ты нервничаешь. Ты ведь не в первый раз идёшь на концерт?
<br />
<br />
<!--"You're not wrong......" But this is the first time I am attending it together with a girl.-->
<!--Venting her frustration on me, Towako-san's grip tightened with each complaint she made.-->
- Нет, не в первый… - но до этого я не ходил вместе с девушкой.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Then again, I was way more shocked than you are!"
<!--''Oh, dang. I can't breathe.''-->
<br />
Senpai began talking about the contest as we made our way to the concert hall. But since the event ended in what I felt was an embarrassing note, I was hoping that no one would talk about it.
<br />
<!--My head started to spin a moment after...-->
"Are you that dissatisfied with the results? Your choice of song and the performance were both pretty good. I never thought you guys can pull off Queen's song at the chorus contest."-->
<br />
- И всё-таки, я была удивлена сильнее, чем вы! – сэмпай заговорила о соревновании, пока мы шли к концертному залу. Поскольку мероприятие закончилось на смущающей меня ноте, я надеялся, что никто не будет о нём говорить. – Ты недоволен результатами? Вы выбрали неплохую песню и хорошо спели. Никогда бы не подумала, что вы сможете сыграть песню Queen.
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--"No, you see...... there's a lot of things to it."-->
<!--"I thought I was done for..."-->
- Нет, видишь ли… для этого была куча причин.
<br />
<br />
<!--I never told Senpai why we chose to perform <Somebody to Love>, because it is a really embarrassing misunderstanding.-->
<!--As it seemed, that crazy-eyed woman who was after my artificial eye was no comparison to Towako-san. I found myself looking at that woman in a new light.-->
Я не сказал сэмпай, почему мы выбрали песню «Somebody to Love», потому что наше заблуждение было неприятным конфузом.
<br />
<br />
<!--According to one of the committee members, there is a huge gap between the scores of the winners and the runners-up. It's not just because the principal had awarded really high marks for the hymn - it was obvious from the reactions and atmosphere of the audience that the victory do belong to Senpai's class. We lost to them thoroughly.-->
<!--"That's what you get from goofing off."-->
По словам одного из членов оргкомитета, между победителями и нашим классом, занявшим второе место, была большая разница в баллах. Не потому, что директор высоко оценил гимн, - по реакции и настроению зрителей было очевидно, что победил класс сэмпай. Мы проиграли им по всем пунктам.
<br />
<br />
<!--"Ah, you see—"
<!--She didn't show a sign of regret for almost choking me to death.-->
<br />
Senpai tightened her grip on my arm and said,
<br />
<!--"Didn't I just explain it to you?"-->
"I think there's a much simpler reason for our win. It has nothing to do with how good or bad the performances was. The time signature of <Somebody to Love> is in the 6/8 beats, right? It is a pretty dynamic song, but the time signature makes it hard for the audiences to move their bodies left and right to the beats while sitting on the chairs! I had actually considered using that song for the contest as well."-->
<br />
- Ах, видишь ли… - сэмпай крепче схватила мою руку и сказала: - Мне кажется, что мы победили по более простой причине. Дело не в том, какими были наши выступления. Размер такта «Somebody to Love» - 6/8, так? Песня динамичная, но зрителям сложно двигать телом в такт, сидя на креслах! Кстати, я тоже думала об этой песне.
<br />
<!--I told Towako-san about the fortune-teller who wanted my eye. After telling her about that woman's special abilities, Towako-san suggested, "We may be dealing with a Relic here."-->
<!--I took a glance at Senpai's face and sighed.-->
<br />
Я взглянул на лицо сэмпай и вздохнул.
<br />
<!--I had also thought of that, but...-->
<!--"Hmm? What's wrong?"-->
<br />
- Хм? В чём дело?
<br />
<!--"But she didn't have anything like that! She seems to be using a crystal ball at her chamber, but she didn't bring it when she came her..."-->
<!--"No, nothing."-->
<br />
- Ничего.
<br />
<!--"No, it's not a ball. The Relic I'm thinking of looks like a pair of glasses, if I remember correctly."-->
<!--So my train of thought was not comprehensive enough...... how long will it take before I can finally catch up to this person here?-->
<br />
Так я всё-таки не принял всего во внимание… когда же я смогу быть с ней на одном уровне?
<br />
<!--Just as we could barely see the roof of the concert hall from among the buildings, Senpai suddenly said,
<br />
<br />
"But you guys are really strong opponents! I am proud to be able to compete against you."
<!--"If you look into someone's eyes through the lenses, you can see what the target's eyes have come to see. You can learn almost everything about someone's life that way."-->
<br />
Senpai stopped in her tracks for a moment and stared at my face with a suspicious smile on her face.
<br />
<!--Indeed, she had worn glasses. Both back then and earlier. It wasn't the crystal ball—that was only for show. She had looked into me through her glasses.-->
"And also, my mood tonight is excellent due to my victory over you guys. You can do whatever you like, so have you booked a room at the hotel?"-->
<br />
Как только крыша концертного зала показалась между зданиями, сэмпай вдруг сказала:
<br />
<!--Had I known about that before, I would have been able to take a countermeasure, but there's no use crying over spilt milk.-->
- Но вы, ребята, - сильные соперники. Я горжусь тем, что смогла соревноваться с вами, - сэмпай остановилась на миг и взглянула на меня с подозрительной улыбкой на лице. – Кстати, у меня отличное настроение благодаря моей победе. Ты можешь делать что твоей душе угодно. Ты заказал номер в отеле?
<br />
<br />
<!--"No no no no......"-->
<!--"I just hope she's given up..."-->
- Нет-нет-нет-нет…
<br />
<br />
<!--When is she serious, and when is she not?-->
<!--"You can't expect sanity and reason from a person under the spell of a Relic, though," Towako-san sighed with a bitterly contorted face.-->
Когда же она серьёзна, а когда – нет?
<br />
<br />
<!--All the seats in the concert hall was occupied. Just as expected from the world renowned Ebichiri, the audience was generally made up of slightly older fans who are all well dressed up. I could not find any young people around. While breathing in the smell of the summer night and the scent of perfume, I remembered I was here to critique on the concert, so I fished out my notebook. I then lead the search for the numbers of our VIP front-row seats by pulling Senpai along by her arms.-->
<br />
Все места в концертном зале были заняты. Как и ожидалось при всемирной славе Эбичири, зрителями были зрелые поклонники в приличных нарядах. Молодёжи нигде не было видно. Вдыхая запах летней ночи и аромат парфюма, я вспомнил, что я пришёл сюда как критик, и достал свой блокнот. Затем я повёл сэмпай за руки в поиске наших VIP-мест в первом ряду.
<br />
<!--It had completely slipped my mind, but wasn't there someone missing? Wasn't she interviewed together with Towako-san?-->
<!--I finally found the two empty seats, but I was surprised by what I saw next.-->
<br />
Я сумел найти их, но я был удивлён тем, что предстало перед моими глазами.
<br />
<!--"Where's Saki?"-->
<!--To the left of the two empty seats, was Mafuyu in a pale pink one-piece dress; to the right was Chiaki, who actually wore her school uniform here without even giving any consideration to the event which she was attending.-->
<br />
Слева от наших пустых мест сидела Мафую в нежно-розовом платье, а справа – Чиаки, надевшая школьную форму, не беспокоясь о том, какое мероприятие она посетила.
<br />
<!--"Ah, she wanted do some shopping before coming home. But she's quite late..."-->
<!--...... W-Why? Why are both of them here?-->
<br />
Ч-что? Почему они здесь?
<br />
<!--I left the shop for a moment to look around, but there was no trace of Saki.-->
<!--"Oh my, what a coincidence!" said Senpai. Coincidence my ass! This is way beyond coincidence!-->
<br />
- Ну и ну, что за совпадение, - сказала сэмпай.
<br />
<!--"Maybe she dropped by somewhere on the way?" Towako-san suggested.-->
Ага, совпадение! Это что угодно, но не совпадение!
<br />
<br />
<!--"Hurry up and take a seat. The concert is about to begin."
<!--"I don't think she would do that."-->
<br />
Mafuyu said softly with a hint of unhappiness in her voice. After forcing me onto the seat next to Mafuyu, Senpai sat down elegantly beside Chiaki.-->
<br />
- Садись уже. Концерт начинается, - тихо сказала Мафую с едва заметным недовольством. Заставив меня сесть рядом с Мафую, cэмпай элегантно заняла место рядом с Чиаки.
<!--To be sure, I gave her a call on her cell phone, but I didn't get through to her because her mobile was switched off or out of range. There shouldn't be any connection problems at the supermarket she always went to. Had she forgotten to switch it on after going to the police station?-->
<br />
<!--"Mafuyu was the one who demanded for the tickets! She actually managed to get it!"-->
<br />
- Билеты потребовала Мафую! И она сумела их достать!
<!--Maybe I had gotten a bit too nervous.-->
<br />
<!--I could feel my head aching. I see...... She must have means to do so, since she is the daughter of Ebichiri. But to deliberately get the tickets to the seats located on both sides of ours...... just how unreasonable is she!? Do you really have to do that?-->
<br />
Я почувствовал, как у меня начинается мигрень. Понятно… Она может провернуть такой трюк, раз уж она дочь Эбичири. Но пойти на то, чтобы намеренно раздобыть билеты по обе стороны наших мест… насколько же она безрассудна?! Тебе правда надо было всё это делать?
<!--"Well, I'm sure she'll be here soon," I said aloud, partly to assure myself.-->
<br />
<!--"She probably doesn't want us to be by ourselves."
<br />
<!--However, as though that had pulled the trigger, my optimistic view was mockingly smashed into pieces.-->
Senpai looked past me at Mafuyu's face with a huge smile on her face, and the silent Mafuyu nodded her head with flushed face. Just what is going on here? I don't get it at all! Considering all the troubles we had went through during the contest and stuff, wouldn't it be much better for her to just do this right from the beginning?
<br />
<br />
"Isn't this perfect, young man?" Senpai nudged me with her shoulders. "Everyone ends up as the winner. How nice it will be be if all the wars were to end up like this!"
<!--A painful noise ran through my head—-->
<br />
Though I had the feeling that Senpai's the only real winner here, but — ahhh, whatever!
<br /><br />
<br />
"Speaking of which, is it too late for us to call up the hotel and request for a change of rooms to a four-person suite?"-->
<!--A girl was leaning against a prop.-->
- Она, кажется, не хочет, чтобы мы были наедине.
<br />
<br />
Широко улыбаясь, сэмпай взглянула на Мафую, и та, покраснев, тихо кивнула головой. Да что тут происходит? Ничего не понимаю! Учитывая все проблемы, через которые мы прошли ради соревнования, не было бы лучше сразу так сделать?
<!--It was Saki.-->
<br />
– Разве это не прекрасно, молодой человек? – сэмпай подтолкнула меня плечом. – В итоге, все – победители. Было бы прекрасно, если бы все войны оканчивались таким образом!
<br />
<!--Before her stood Reika Mikagami—the fortune-teller.-->
Хотя у меня было ощущение, что победила только сэмпай, я… а-а, будь что будет!
<br />
<br />
- Кстати говоря, ещё не поздно позвонить в отель и сменить наш номер на четырёхместный?
<!--After stroking Saki's cheek once, she softly stroked Saki's eyelids with her thumb, and turned around.-->
<br />
<!--"Did Nao really book a room at the hotel!?" Chiaki jumped up.-->
<br />
- Нао, ты правда заказал номер в отеле? – подпрыгнула Чиаки.
<!--She sneered.-->
<br />
<!--"W-Wait, don't lie, Senpai! Ah, oww oww oww, stop that Mafuyu! It hurts! You can't bend the human fingers like that!"-->
<br />
- П-постой, не лги, сэмпай! Ой-ой-ой-ой, прекрати, Мафую. Нельзя так сгибать пальцы!
<!--Eerily. With unfocused, glittering eyes.-->
<br />
<!--Just as we were stirring up a ruckus, the orchestra was already done with the tuning. Ebisawa Chisato finally appeared on the stage amid a thunderous applause.-->
<br />
Пока мы шумели, оркестр уже закончил настраивать инструменты. Долгожданный Эбисава Чисато появился на сцене под шквал оваций.
<!--But that sneer disappeared at once.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--The ceiling collapsed and buried them in stones.-->
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<br /><br />
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<br />
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<br />
<br />
<!--I clenched my teeth the moment I came to.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--That woman had taken Saki hostage.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She must have gotten wind of Saki through my eyes, though I didn't know whether she had already known or only seen it earlier.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Either way, she had kidnapped Saki during her purchases.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I was careless. I hadn't expected that she would resort to such means.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--It was as Towako-san had said.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Don't expect sanity and reason from a person who is under the spell of a Relic.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I knew where they were. I had already seen that place.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--It was Reika Mikagami's chamber in the now-closed Mansion of Divination.-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--<div style="font-family: Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serif">-->
<br />
<br />
<!--It was truly calm that day.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Usually packed with more than a thousand noisy visitors, the theme park had turned devoid of people because of a single casualty. Oh the comedy!-->
<br />
<br />
<!--There were two theme park visitors that day—no, both were employees, so there were none.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"What's going on?" the girl before my eyes said, fixing her gaze silently on me. Her tone and expression seemed composed, but I was sure that at heart she was burning with anger at being deceived.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--That said, she had naturally no means of escaping. She was chained to a fixed pipe by a handcuff on her right hand.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Didn't you say Tokiya was here?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I had told her that Kurusu-kun wanted her to come help carrying the luggage because the theme park had closed down.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--As soon as she had heard his name, she followed me obediently. Probably, the fact that I was employed at the Mansion of Divination had helped weakening her guard.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I softly stroked her cheeks.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She accepted my strokes without showing any displeasure. No, while she did endured it silently, her eyes were distinctly refusing me.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--''I see. The eyes sure are eloquent as the tongue.''-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"May I take a look at your eyes?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"My eyes?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Yes, your eyes."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I stopped stroking her cheeks and started stroking her eyelids instead.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She turned her face away, apparently appalled, but when she did so, something appeared from beneath her clothes. Due to the chain around her neck, the pendant didn't fall to the floor and swayed back and forth.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Nice, this was a present from him? Oh, and you gave him a wallet?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She looked up at me with faint but visible surprise. Her expressionless mask had finally broken off. It seemed like that pendant was very dear to her.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"How did you...?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I saw it in your eyes. But let me take a closer look... oh, I can't concentrate like this."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I raised my hand to remove the swaying pendant, when suddenly, she swept away my hand and put it back into her clothes.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Don't touch it."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I'm not interested in that pendant, I only want to look into your eyes."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Once I had said so, she showed clear denial of me.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She closed her eyes.-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--A dull sound resounded through the room.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Ah...," she uttered as her head fell down.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I can't see your eyes if you close them, can I? And don't hang your head."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I pulled her head up by the hair. Her eyes had lost their focus because I had punched her head, but as long as they were open, I didn't mind either way.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Come now, show me your eyes..."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--That instant, I heard the door being kicked open as well as the shout of a boy. It was Kurusu-kun.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Saki, are you okay?!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"To...kiya..." she uttered in response to his voice and looked at him. He also looked at her and contorted his face in anger.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"You hit her...? How dare you take her hostage! She has nothing to do with it! Let her go!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Hostage...? Ah, I see now what you mean. Yes... yes, that's not bad either." I took out the knife I had prepared for cutting out the eye I wanted. "One step and I'll kill her."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--As he suggested, I made her a hostage, but I couldn't suppress a laugh.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"No no, that would ruin the whole plan," I said as I put the knife back, and approached him.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Huh?" he uttered in blank surprise at my behavior.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Still approaching him, I lifted up the my crystal ball—"You're in the way!"—and swung it down at his head. The vibration of the blow reached my hands together with a dull sound. My hands slipped off and the crystal ball fell down to the floor. I realized that spheres are no good for hitting someone. That said, his head started to bleed and he collapsed, so it was a success on the whole.-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--I heard her cry and her handcuff rattle, but she was unable to move from where she was.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I walked back toward her, but I stopped after one step.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Kurusu-kun was grabbing my leg, even though he wasn't conscious anymore.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I don't need you anymore!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I kicked his hand away with my other leg and returned to her for good.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Much clearer anger than before was flaring in her eyes. I was very curious what kind of fierce emotions were hiding behind that deadpan face of hers, and what had made her like that.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Until a few days ago, I would have surely tried to find out.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But my interest in such trivial memories had completely gotten lost.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I wanted to see death. Only death.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"You've got something really nice here, haven't you?" I said. Her anger subsided, and her eyes sparkled with wit again.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Why do you know..."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I can see what others' have seen by looking into their eyes. At first, I wanted Kurusu-kun's eye. I wanted to obtain the power to foresee death, and watch the deaths the eye had already seen. But you know, when I looked deep into his eyes, I found something much more splendid. Yes—your eyes."-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--Her face lost its expressionlessness entirely and distorted.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I can't explain it myself! I've never felt like this before! But when I saw your eyes through his, I was drawn to them for some reason. More exactly, to the things you have seen."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I paused for moment.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"—Say honey, why do your eyes remember so many deaths?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--There were a lot of deaths inside Kurusu-kun's eyes.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--There were also a lot of death inside her eyes.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--The exact same deaths.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But for some reason, I was more interested in hers.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I was still unsure why, but I felt like I would find out if I looked deeper into her eyes, so I was anxious to take a look.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--''Don't worry, I'll cut them out once I'm done.''-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"But let me take a look first. To my heart's content."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I pressed her head back, holding her cheeks, and peeked into her eyes.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--That moment, I received a blow on my back.-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--I thrust Mikagami away, banging into her at full tilt.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She knocked over the table as she fell to the floor, and apparently lost consciousness by hitting her head. I walked toward her and searched her pockets.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"...Found it," I murmured when I found the key to Saki's handcuff. "You okay?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Are ''you'' okay?"-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--While wiping away the blood that dripped into my eyes, I searched for the keyhole to unlock her handcuffs. My head was spinning, but now was not the time to whine about that.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Unfortunately, the handcuff around her wrist was facing downwards, so I couldn't make out where exactly the hole was. I turned to the pipe to unlock the handcuff there instead, but my hazy vision prevented me from properly inserting the key. After missing the hole several times, irritation made my hand even less steady.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Hang on a sec, I'm opening it..."-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--I raised my head, and saw Mikagami winding up a candle stand like a metal rod.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Didn't I say you're in my way?!" she yelled as she thrust down the candle stand in a cold fury. I jumped aside at the last second, but my shoulder got hit, sending a cutting pain through my nervous system.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--''Is that woman crazy, charging at me with a candle stand after hitting me with a crystal ball?'' It was a long bar-shaped metal candle stand. I could have died in the worst case. ''Wait, a candle stand...? Why is she holding a candle stand?''-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I switched back to reality and looked around, but my nose validated my suspicions before my eyes could. A scorched smell had reached my nose. Next, I started to hear a crackle and see black smoke rising from the curtain. A candle had fallen from the stand and set the curtain on fire.-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--The moment I wanted to shout a warning, a new pain ran through my shoulder. Not until I was rolling on the floor did I notice that I had been hit again. Seizing the opportunity, Mikagami charged at my back.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Wait... it's burning... we must escape!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I'll strike you to death first, and while I'm at it, I'll also take your eyes before I go!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She wound up the candle stand.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--It was then that a painful noise ran through my head—-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--Mikagami swung down the candle stand with full force.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I dodged her attack, rolling to the side, but she answered with a side swing.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I leaped back and evaded the tip of the stand by a hair's breadth.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--However, I had jumped into a sea of flames.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But it was too late.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I went up in flames in a matter of seconds.-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--My brain was screaming alarm.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Unless I paid attention to where to I evaded her attacks, I was going to turn into ashes.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Mikagami swung down the candle stand with full force.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I dodged her attack, rolling to the opposite side than I had seen in my Vision—away from the flames—and immediately braced myself for her followup attack.-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--Mikagami had brought down the stand for some reason.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Had the future changed and she aborted her successive attack?-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Interesting. So that's how you use your eye?"-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--"You were supposed to burn to death because of my charges. But you foresaw that, and took a different action."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--''How does she know?! Ah, right... she can see through me by looking into my eyes.''-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Most likely, Mikagami had witnessed my death through my right eye. But I had changed my future by really reacting differently. She must have guessed my usage of Vision from that.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--''Quite calculating for a woman gone mad, aren't we?''-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"So how do I go about killing you?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Mikagami wound up the candle stand again.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--It was then that a painful noise ran through my head—-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--Mikagami swung down the candle stand.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I dodged her attack rolling to the side, but as though she had read my reaction, she changed direction midair and swung it sidewards.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Unable to evade, I was knocked away—into a sea of flames.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I went up in flames in a matter of seconds.-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--''The exact same future? Bullshit! As if I'd accept such a future!''-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Again, I tried to jump into the opposite direction than shown in my Vision, away from the flames; so far in fact that a next attack wouldn't reach me either.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--However, Mikagami was already waiting for me there as though she had read my mind.-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--My body reacted faster than my brain. I evaded her swing by stepping back diagonally. The wind pressure brushed the ends of my hair. One moment later and my head would have been crashed in halves.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Close," she said while broadening her smile.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--The current fight was completely different from the exchange of blows I had foreseen.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--In all likelihood, she had guessed that I would evade in the opposite direction after reading my Vision, and thus gotten ahead of me.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Taking advantage of my attempts to change the future, she had also changed her behavior.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--''This is bad. She's one step ahead of me.''-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She had the weapon, so she also had the whip hand, whereas I had to wait for an opportunity to counter while avoiding my death. But if she was able to predict my dodges, I could no longer defend myself.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I had to behave contrary to her calculation while still avoiding my death, but there were not so many options. It's normal to go right if you know that you'll die if you go left. If anything, I could dodge forward and backward, but sooner or later she would guess right if she attacked me successively.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--—In that case, there was only one right thing to do.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I assumed a stance against her.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Looks like this place won't hold much longer. Let's put an end to this."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She wound up the candle stand and swung it down.-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--I heard Saki's cry from somewhere.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--It was then that a painful noise ran through my head—and I closed my eyes.-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--For a split second, I saw Mikagami's shocked face beyond my half-closed eyes.-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--The metal stand was flying toward me to kill me.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I instinctively tried to dodge it to the right, but I suddenly lost balance.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I had stumbled upon the crystal ball.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Having lost balance, I fell over in a miserable manner and...-->
<br />
<br />
<!--My brains were smashed to pulp.-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--I opened my eyes.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Mikagami stared into my eyes trying to read my Vision.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But she didn't make it in time.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She simply swung it down as I had foreseen, but with its strength and speed largely reduced in fear that I would evade it.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I grabbed the candle stand with my left hand.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--A dull pain ran through my hand, but I was firm not to let go of it.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--If predict my reactions by seeing through me, I just had to prevent her from seeing through me. If she could guess right sooner or later, I just had to interrupt her successive attack.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--''It's my turn now!'' I thought as I stood up quickly. In order to evade my attack, she let go of the candle stand and backed off.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--''Heh. I didn't even need Vision to predict that.''-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I threw the crystal ball at her as hard as I could.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--With a dull thump, the ball hit her head.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--This was bound to have hurt. I speak from personal experience.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Mikagami fell down unconscious and stopped moving.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Saki! Are you all right?!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--My relief didn't last long. The fire had spread out and the room was filled with smoke.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I rushed back to Saki to remove her handcuffs. With every breath she took, she breathed in smoke and coughed painfully, making me miss the keyhole. I couldn't get them off.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Cough, cough.. Tokiya!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Did it!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--The handcuff around the pipe snapped open, but when I turned around to take Saki's hand, she ran past me.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Mikagami had wound up the candle stand yet again.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Saki had noticed her right away and hurled herself into Mikagami, taking her by surprise. They fell to the floor together.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Saki! Quick!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I tried to take her hand while running past them—but my hand only grabbed air.-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--Before I could even turn around, my back was pushed strongly, and because of an unsteady head and legs, I stumbled forward a few steps and eventually tripped over.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"What are you..." I muttered as I stood up quickly. Several meters ahead of me, Saki and Mikagami were standing besides each other. "Saki! What are you doing?! We have to get out of..."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--While trying to warn her, I noticed something.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Saki's handcuffs were connected to Mikagami's hand, as if to keep the fortuneteller on the spot.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Mikagami must have tried to attack me when I ran past them, but Saki thrust me out of range and prevented her from charging at me by handcuffing Mikagami to herself.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--''Why do you do that? What's the point if only I can escape?''-->
<br />
<br />
<!--A moment before I could step toward them, a piece of the ceiling broke off right before me. I quickly pulled in my leg and stepped back instead. Away from Saki.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Ngh!" I groaned as I covered my face with my arm to protect it from the shower of sparks. Beyond my restrained field of vision, Saki moved her lips with a face as devoid of emotion as ever.-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--I didn't hear her.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But I read it off her lips.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I wish I hadn't.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I would have been able to rush to her side without any hesitation and wavering.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But I did hesitate.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Without waiting for me to overcome my momentary hesitation, the ceiling of the room collapsed.-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--<div style="font-family: Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serif">-->
<br />
<br />
<!--In order to prevent his escape, I tried to beat him with the candle stand, but I was pulled back as if chained to a rock.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--The girl had taken advantage of the moment of distraction and had handcuffed my left hand to her right.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Wha... What have you done...!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I could never make it to the exit while carrying her.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I tried to get them off with my finger nails, but there's no way that was possible with bare hands. The key was in Kurusu-kun's possession.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Stand up!" I yelled, but she stayed put as though she had no intention of escaping. "What are you doing?! Stand the fuck up!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I tried making her listen to me by slapping her, but she just opened her mouth without even batting an eye:-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Didn't you say you want to see death?"-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--"You want to see death, right? Well, rejoice. You're going to see two of them in a moment. You and me. Burning to death."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Don't screw with me, kid!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I'm not screwing with you. That's what it means to see death."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"There's no point if I die myself, is there?!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"May I ask that ''you'' don't screw with ''me''," she said in a calm but firm voice. "Who do you think you are? People do not die for your entertainment, nor do they die to satisfy your desires."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Do you even realize what situation you're in?! You're going to die as well!"-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--"H-How can you be so calm? A-Aren't you frightened?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I don't get worked up about something like this anymore. Besides... maybe it's better this way."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--''I don't get it. I don't get her at all. What is she talking about? Why is she so calm? This girl is a riddle to me!''-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--Because the ceiling suddenly collapsed, I ducked my head and lost balance. Since we were connected by handcuffs, I pulled her down with me, and we ended up lying on each other. She on her back, I on my stomach.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Our eyes met, and our gazes connected unintentionally.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Countless deaths came flowing from her eyes to mine.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I was buried under an avalanche of metal pipes falling from an overturning truck. An overwhelming death.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I looked down from a high place. Suddenly, I moved and approached the ground at unbelievable speed. Thump. A sudden death.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I gazed at the ceiling, but slowly my view became blurry and I closed my eyes. A silent death.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--There were a lot more deaths.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Run over by a train. Stabbed by a phantom killer. Hung to death in suicide.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--All kinds of deaths came flowing into me, heartlessly, mercilessly.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Why had her eyes seen so many deaths?-->
<br />
<br />
<!--A girl so young.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--A girl so normal.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She had some sort of secret.-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--I had already forgotten this sentiment of being curious about someone else's life. Until I was fascinated by death, I had been genuinely curious about others. Which is why I enjoyed peeking.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But I got bored with others' lives and obsessed with death.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But she was different.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Surely, her life wasn't normal.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Surely, her life was something I had never seen before.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Surely, her life exceeded all my imaginations.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--What kind of life had this girl spent?-->
<br />
<br />
<!--What had she come to feel?-->
<br />
<br />
<!--What had she come to see?-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I wanted to see. I wanted to see more.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I wasn't interested in today, nor in yesterday, nor in her current life.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Farther into her past. I wanted to see the past that had shaped her.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I completely forgot about the situation and stared into her eyes. Deep into them. As deep as I could.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I ran into another death.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--What I saw was—-->
<br />
<br />
<!--A red curtain and black fog, and countless sparkling lights inside.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But neither was this sight beautiful, nor was it ethereal.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--All of a sudden, a mysterious shadow erased the curtain, the fog and the lights.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Overwhelmed by that, I drew back, and lost the connection with her eyes. I was thrown back into reality, and her visual memories disappeared.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I didn't know why, but...-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Even though I had just seen a death...-->
<br />
<br />
<!--A death just as I had sought for...-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I didn't feel the slightest pleasure and excitement.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I was drenched in sweat. Not because of the heat around me; it was cold sweat. Even though it was so unbearably hot, I was cold. I was trembling. My heart was in my boots.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I didn't know why, but I unconsciously refused to see that death.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--What was the meaning of that?-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--I heard something cracking above me.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I reflexively looked up.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--What I saw was—-->
<br />
<br />
<!--A red curtain and black fog, and countless sparkling lights inside.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But neither was this sight beautiful, nor was it ethereal.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--The ceiling came down at me, slowly erasing the red fire, the black smoke and the sparks from my field of vision.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Huh? Why does this look so familiar to me...?-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--Before I could jump into the room that was now completely enveloped in flames, I was held back from behind.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I turned around and saw it was a guard.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I noticed that the fire alarm was ringing, which explained why he was here.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Kid! Have you lost your senses?!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Saki's still in there!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I tried to shake him off, but he was too well-trained.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"The fire department will be here in a moment! Wait for them!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"They won't make it time! Don't talk shit!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"No, you wait!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"...Who do you think you are? A savior? My white knight? Just let the fuck go of me! There's someone dying right over there!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Was I going to fail yet again?-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Was I unable to save a single life despite my ability to foresee death?-->
<br />
<br />
<!--On the back of my eyelids—-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I saw a dead woman lying before a door with countless scratches.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I saw a woman lying in a lake of blood with her head twisted in an abnormal direction.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Beyond the flames—-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I saw her, surrounded by fire and smoke.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"You'll lose everything if you die!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I'll lose everything if she dies as well!"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Struggling once more, I headbutted him, and apparently hit him straight into the nose. The pain caused him to let go of me. Seizing the opportunity, I plunged into the sea of flames.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I was assaulted by wave of heat and suffocating smoke, but I didn't flinch and went on in a lowered posture.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I could barely make out a collapsed person within the black smoke that was restraining my vision.-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--I don't know if my shout was even audible, but I desperately called Saki's name in a hoarse voice.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--There was no answer.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But that didn't change what I had to do-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I jumped through the fire and finally reached Saki.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I had no idea if she was still breathing, nor did I know whether the heat I felt when touching her was due to her bodily heat or the surrounding flames.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Saki! Saki!"-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--The fire was still spreading and the walls around and above us about to collapse. Certainly, I was supposed to escape as quickly as possible, but I could absolutely not endure one more second not knowing if she was all right.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I slapped her cheeks, I shook her shoulders, and I continued to call her name.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--After a few moments that felt like an eternity,-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--She faintly opened her eyes.-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--"...I'm not dead...?" she muttered in dumb surprise upon seeing my face.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She was only half conscious and still unable to grasp the situation. Her voice was weak and her words not directed at me.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But she was still alive.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"As if I'd let you die."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"...I'm sorry."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Why are you apologizing?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"...I'm sorry."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She continued to apologize as though she was hallucinating. She was not fully conscious, either because of the heat or because she had breathed in too much smoke. While I had confirmed that she was alive, I still had to get us out of here alive.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I braced myself and took her up in my arms in order to carry her outside.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--The handcuff around her right hand fell down, but it was not connected to anything. All there was was chunk of coal that was shaped like a hand in the distance.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--The collapsed ceiling right beside that chunk suddenly caught my eye.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--''By a hair's breadth, Saki would have been buried there.''-->
<br />
<br />
<!--The moment that thought crossed my mind, the mountain of rubble moved and something appeared from beneath. It was a grimace that glared just as much as the fire enveloping us.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--''Our eyes mustn't meet...!''-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But those two eerie lights died out right away as if that had been their last glow.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--As soon as my gaze came off, I turned away from Mikagami and somehow made it out of the room with Saki.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"We're save, Saki."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"...Are we...?"-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--"...I'm sorry."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--She apologized once more and passed out; but not without squeezing my sleeve.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Like a little child unwilling to leave.-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--<div style="font-family: Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serif">-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I saw it.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Now I understand...-->
<br />
<br />
<!--At the very last moment, I was able to look into both their eyes.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I had thought their eyes were the same, containing so many deaths.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But there was an essential difference that I had realized now.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--No wonder I was drawn to her...-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<!--<div style="text-align: center;">◆</div>-->
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<br /><br />
<br />
<!--A week had passed since.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--We were questioned by the police, but partly because someone's eyeball was found in her apartment, they believed us.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Mikagami got the abnormal label of a body parts collector. As someone who merely wanted to peek into others' lives, she would surely have been unhappy with that title, but she couldn't object any longer.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--For a while, the press reported on the incident as the "diviner fury," claiming that she had been obsessed with black magic and stuff, but this story was already dying down.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"How long do you have to wear those bandages?" Towako-san asked while pointing at the bandages I was wearing all over my body.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--The burns, the blows and the lacerations I had suffered were surprisingly minor, so I had been told that it would take two weeks until full recovery.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I guess you can be glad that you got away with a black eye, eh?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I'm glad that I got away without losing one," I jested miserably, causing Towako-san to grimace.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Did you turn into a clown when you hit your head or what?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Why, thank you," I said as I turned away.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Saki just came back from the living area carrying a tray with a tea. She had also suffered minor burns and a few scratches from the handcuffs, and had returned to her daily life at the shop. She behaved just like always.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--However, something was still bothering me about that incident, but I couldn't bring myself to ask Saki about it.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--When I rescued her from Mikagami's divination chamber, she repeatedly apologized for something.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--But for what?-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"What is it?" Saki asked when she noticed my gaze.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Mm? Ah, um, do you remember what happened in that burning room?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Not clearly."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--No wonder. She was quite absent in mind back then, so it didn't come as a surprise that she didn't remember.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Is something bothering you?"-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Oh, I was just wondering why she was interested in your eyes when she was really after my Vision."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--It made sense to me that she had taken Saki hostage in order to lure me out, but after beating me with the crystal ball, she didn't steal my eye and looked into Saki's instead. What had gotten her so interested in Saki's eyes?-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--"Probably?" I asked, causing Saki's gaze to wander off for a moment.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"I just happened to catch her eye... if you know what I mean."-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--"N-Never mind..."-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Saki quickly went back into the living room, completely forgetting to leave the tea here.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--"Do Relics make people wanna say bad jokes or something?" Towako-san remarked flabbergastedly.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--Before answering me, Saki had nervously averted her eyes from me.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--I was sure that she... had no idea what Mikagami had wanted, and thus tried to cheer me up with a joke, but couldn't think of a good one.--><br />
<br />
<!--The eyes are as eloquent as the tongue.-->
<br />
<br />
<!--It seemed like I was slowly starting to get the knack of understanding her. Yeah.-->
<br />
<br />

Latest revision as of 16:21, 22 February 2015

Глаза - зеркало души.

Это крылатое выражение используется, когда глаза выдают то, что не было облечено в слова.

Естественно, прочитать чужие мысли только по глазам не так-то просто.

В подавляющем большинстве случаев, когда мы хотим нечто сообщить, без слов не обойтись. К тому же, невозможно прочитать чьи-то мысли по глазам в прямом смысле слова.

Начнем с того, что не у всех людей глаза отражают их чувства. У некоторых даже по лицу не определить, что у них на душе.

Моя коллега как раз из таких. Выражение ее лица изменяется столь незначительно, что не догадаешься, радуется она или сердится. Впервые увидев ее каменное лицо, люди обычно делают шаг назад. И хотя она не способна даже приветливо улыбнуться, считает обслуживание покупателей своим призванием. Понятия не имею, что творится у нее в голове.

Но по-моему я потихоньку начинаю понимать ее.

Или мне кажется?

Запоминать что-либо может не только мозг.

Уши помнят звуки.

Нос помнит запахи.

Руки помнят прикосновения.

А глаза помнят образы.

Казалось ли вам когда-нибудь нечто знакомым еще до того, как вы успели об этом подумать?

По одной из теорий происходит это потому, что задействуется бессознательная память, но у меня иное мнение.

Я считаю, что уши, нос, руки и глаза тоже обладают памятью.

Особенно меня занимают воспоминания глаз.

Увидеть все, что повидал человек на своем веку, значит узнать его жизнь.

А ведь жизнь любого человека весьма увлекательна. Правда если послушать о ней, то рассказ быстро наскучит.

Виной всему субъективизм - хвастовство, преувеличение и ложь.

Но интересна только жизнь, как она есть, без всех этих искажений.

Поэтому посредники мне ни к чему.

Я смотрю на жизнь другого человека его же глазами.

Я по привычке оглядела пустующие сидения вагона.

В первом вагоне этого поезда свободных мест обычно довольно много.

Я не устала. Да и все равно на работе еще насижусь. Тем не менее, я изо дня в день садилась в этом вагоне.

Но прежде чем сесть, я окинула взглядом пасажиров по другую сторону прохода.

Один спал, другой читал. Кто-то красился, а кто-то был поглощен игрой. Среди прочих я приметила девушку, смотревшую в окно. Скорее всего, старшеклассница.

Я заняла место напротив рассеянной школьницы и принялась изучать ее.

На ней была форма частной школы, расположенной в трех станциях отсюда. Если мне не изменяла память, довольно известная школа для девушек. Зеленый значок на воротнике говорил о том, что она училась на третьем году. Судя по царапине на коленке, девушка либо состояла в спортивном кружке, либо поранилась во время физкультуры.

Собрав эту информацию, я поправила очки и посмотрела на нее, а точнее - ей в глаза. Она заметила, и наши взгляды пересеклись. Я сосредоточилась, проецируя сознание.

Ее взгляд на секунду потерял фокус.

Соединилась, ухмыльнулась я про себя.

Когда я смотрела на человека, то между нами устанавливалась связь. Соединившись, я погружалась глубже. Меня словно что-то затягивало в чужие глаза. Но на самом деле как раз наоборот - я по собственной воле бросалась в этот омут... в эти глаза и то, что скрывалось за ними.

Темнота рассеялась... Моему взору предстали воспоминания ее глаз.

Увиденные ею события теперь видела и я, словно мы поменялись глазами.

Появилось первое воспоминание.

Будильник. Большая стрелка показывала, что время 9 утра. Поле зрения на мгновение рассширилось, затем сконцентрировалось на будильнике. Прозвенеть должен был в 7 утра.

Ясно. И правда поздновато для старшеклассницы. Похоже, проспала.

Наверняка от удивления, она снова посмотрела на будильник. Не веря своим глазам, она не отрывала от него взгляд почти 30 секунд - поспешила бы лучше.

Хотя, наверное, это все равно не поможет.

К тому времени, как девушка направилась к кухне, мама уже давно ушла. К оставленному ей завтраку дочка не притронулась - сразу принялась в попыхах собираться в школу. По крайней мере сначала. Меня слегка позабавило то, как с течением времени она становились все более медлительной, видимо понимая напрасность своих усилий.

Мне хотелось заглянуть чуть поглубже, но поезд подъехал к ее станции, и девушка встала. Связь тут же оборвалась. С такой слабой связью больше увидеть не получалось.

«Что ж, неплохо убила время перед работой,» - успокоила я себя.

По-настоящему же хотелось чего-то другого. Я была убеждена, что за глазами людей таятся вещи поинтереснее.

Разочарованно вздохнув, я сошла с поезда.

Повезет ли мне увидеть сегодня что-нибудь интересное?

Внезапно завизжали тормоза поезда.

Я резко повернулась к источнику звука. Я точно слышала, как что-то раздавили. Через несколько секунд по станции эхом пронесся крик.

На одну часть платформы по ту сторону путей хлынул поток людей, другая их волна направилась в противоположном направлении.

Я помчалась туда.

- Кто-то упал на рельсы!

- Человека задавили! Эй, позовите сотрудников!

Платформу охватили ужас и смятение. На место прибыли работники станции и стали разгонять зевак агрессивными криками.

Я нырнула в толпу.

Экспресс на этой станции не останавливался, и на тормозном пути почти полностью проехал ее - к перону примыкал только последний вагон. Позади поезда на рельсах виднелось что-то липкое.

- Не толкайтесь! Отойдите назад!

После того, как работник проорал эту команду, я почувствовала, что начинаю терять равновесие.

- А?

Меня и еще нескольких людей потеснила толпа, и мы упали с платформы. По телу пробежала волна боли. Но поскольку я приземлилась на другого человека, серьезных повреждений не было.

Вокруг снова поднялся шум, после чего работники станции растолкали зевак подальше от путей.

- Вы в порядке? - крикнул кто-то сверху.

Некоторые встали, другие оставались на земле.

Я медленно покачала головой. Побаливает, но обошлось без сотрясения.

Легонько прикоснувшись ко лбу, я ощутила на нем что-то липкое.

Я машинально посмотрела на руку.

Она была красной. «Может, поранилась?» - спокойно спросила я саму себя, пытаясь объяснить откуда взялась кровь, но сразу же осознала свою ошибку.

Меня окружала не только кровь: вокруг были разбросаны самые разные полужидкие-полутвердые мерзости, которых мне не доводилось видеть никогда в жизни.

Точно. Жертву переехало примерно там же, где я сидела.

В ужасе отпрянув, я вытянула руку, чтобы не упасть назад.

Я до чего-то дотронулась.

- !

В голове рефлекторно возникали образы того, что это могло быть.

Эта липкость была уже мне знакома. Я представила длинные черные нити, обвивающие мои пальцы. У меня было несколько предположений касательно того, что просачивалось между кончиков пальцев, но сказать наверняка не могла.

Я повернула голову и осторожно взглянула на то, что находилось под рукой.

Форма ее была совсем непривычной. Если бы меня спросили, красивая она или уродливая, я бы выбрала второе.

Моя рука опералась на то, что раньше можно было назвать головой.

Ей не доставало самого важного, отчего она казалась мне донельзи нелепой. Я не имею в виду остальные части тела ниже шеи.

Не хватало глаз.

- С вами все в порядке? - раздался сверху крик работника станции.

Я оторвала взгляд от головы и кивнула.

- Сейчас принесут лестницу, потерпите еще немного!

Работник отдал коллегам соответствующие указания и стал расспрашивать остальных пострадавших об их состоянии. К счастью, тяжело раненных не оказалось.

В далеке я заметила горстку людей, спешивших к нам с лестницей.

Я снова посмотрела на руку.

Но не от того, что любопытство превозобладало над страхом - я хотела лишь посмотреть, что случилось с глазами.

Из глазниц тянулись какие-то нити. Нервы? Или может слипшаяся кровь?

Внутри них ничего не было. То, что должно было их заполнять, находилось... в пределах видимости.

Глазные яблоки лежали прямо за головой.

- С вами все в порядке? Сможете встать? - спросил работник станции, спускаясь по лестнице. Он был уже совсем близко!

Я занервничала.

Хотя чего мне нервничать?

Дождусь помощи и вылезу на платформу - и все. Разволновалась на пустом месте. И тем не менее я не хотела, чтобы работник подходил прямо сейчас.

Я еще не приняла решение.

stop-- Мне требовалось больше времени.


as they could be found in an amusement park, and families as well as groups of students who were enjoying their Friday evening to the fullest.-->

behind me, I headed to the place written on my memo.-->

. Money talks.-->



at once, didn't you?"-->


