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'How far would it be to Albion?'
'How far would it be to Albion?'
From the headmaster's office window, Henrietta was Saito and group departing for Albion. Closing her eyes, she starting praying...
“Founder Brimir, please grant them protection throughout their journey...”
Next to her was Headmaster Osman trimming his nasal hair.
“You aren't going to see them off, headmaster Osman?”
“No, As you can see, I'm busy trimming my nasal hair, your highness.”
Henrietta shook her head in disapproval.
Just then, someone knocked at the door.
“Enter.”, said the headmaster.
Mr. Colbert entered room with an anxious look on his face.
“Bad news! Headmaster!”
“You say that quite often. What seems to be the problem now?”
“From the news that I've heard from the castle guards, Fouquet has escaped!”
“Hmm...” said Osman while stroking his beard.
“According to the guard who was on duty that time, some noble knocked him out using wind magic. The person used the opportunity that most of the manpower was diverted to protect the princess to help Fouquet escape! This means that someone inside is a spy! Isn't that bad news?”
Henrietta face turned pale upon hearing the news.
Headmaster Osman made a gesture to Mr. Colbert asking him to leave.
“Okay. Okay. We'll hear further details from you later.”
After Mr. Colbert left, Henrietta placed her hands on the table a sighed deeply.
“We have a spy in our midst. This must be the doings of the Albion nobility!”
“Maybe it is... OUCH!”, said the headmaster while trimming his nasal hair. Henrietta looked at him helplessly.
“Why can you still be so relaxed? The future of Tristan is at stake!”
“The opponent has already made his move. All we can do now is to wait, isn't it?”
“Even so...”
“It's all right. If it's him, he'll be able to cope with any problems they'll face during their journey.”
“The person you're saying it's Guiche? Or Viscount Wald?”
The headmaster shook his head.
“Don't tell me that person is Louise's familiar. How could that be possible! Isn't he just a commoner?”
“Your highness, have you heard of the story of Founder Brimir before?”
“I have read most of the story...”
“The headmaster smiled and replied, “Then do you know about Gandalfr?”
“Isn't that Founder Brimir's strongest familiar? Don't tell me...”
At this point of time, Headmaster Osman felt that he had already divulged too much. Regarding the secret of “Gandalfr” he always wanted to keep that to himself. Although he trust Henrietta, but he did not want to Royal family to know about Gandalfr yet.

Revision as of 06:24, 22 August 2007

Chapter 4 Port City La Rochelle

Although dawn had just broken, Saito, Guiche and Louise had already started preparing the saddles for their horses. Slung on the back of Saito was Deriflinger. Because of its length, it could not be attached on the waist.

Louise was dressed in her academy uniform, the only difference is that she now wore horse riding boots instead of shoes. Judging from that, looks like a great deal of time would be spending on riding the horse. " How far would Albion would be from here? I'm still not used to riding a horse... Most probably my waist will ache from the riding..."She thought to herself.

Just before setting off, Guiche spoke in a rather awkwardly manner. "I have a request..."

"What is it that you want?" Saito responded with hostility while putting his belongings onto the saddle. He still could not forgive Guiche for hurting him that badly during their fight some time back.

"I wish to bring my familiar along."

"Do you have a familiar in the first place?"

"Of course I have. All magicians have one."

Louise and Saito looked at each other, then looked at Guiche again.

"Where's your familiar now?"

"Here." Guiche replied while pointing onto the ground.

"But there's nothing on the ground." Louise said.

Guiche responded by tapping his feet on the ground. Just then, a giant brown creature popped out of the ground.

"Verdandi! Oh My cute Verdandi!"

Saito, dumbfounded asked, "What in the world is that creature?"

"What you mean creature? This is my cute little familiar Verdandi."

"You mean that your familiar is that big thing over here?"

Upon closer inspection, that giant brown creature is actually a mole with a size equivalent to a small bear.

"Yes. Ahh... My Verdandi, you look so cute from any angle I look. Have you eaten your meal of earthworms before you arrived here?"

The gigantic mole hemmed happily in response.

"Really? That's wonderful!" Guiche said while rubbing cheek to cheek with his familiar.

"Actually... I don't think that you could bring it along with us..." Saito said in disgust.

“That's right Guiche. That creature moves underground right?”

“That's right. Even though it's slightly bigger that usual, Verdandi is still a mole all right.”

“How are we going to bring it along? We're all riding on horses.” Louise said in perturbed fashion.

“That's all right. Verdandi moves along quickly underground. Am I right, Verdandi?

The gigantic mole nodded in agreement.

“But we're going to Albion! We can't bring creatures that move underground!.” Louise explained.

Guiche, upon hearing that, knelt onto the ground and replied, “I cannot bear with the separation with my dear Verdandi... Oh! The Pain...”

At the same time, the giant mole seemed to pick up some scent from its nose and approached nearer and nearer to Louise.

“What is this stupid Mole trying to do!?”

“Like familiar, like Master. They both share the same interest – Girls.” Saito said.

“Stop! Stop this right now!”

The giant mole knocked Louise off her feet and started sniffing all over her.

“Ah!!! Watch where you're sniffing! Stop it!”

Louise being constantly poked by the giant mole's nose, started to roll all over the ground. All that rolling disheveled her clothes and exposed her underwear. Louise was starting to get very annoyed...

Saito unconsciously started to be immersed in watching Verdandi and Louise just as if he was admiring a beautiful picture...

“Ah... How beautiful is the scene of a giant mole teasing a damsel.”

“I totally agree.”

Both Saito and Guiche nodded in unison.

“Stop blabbering nonsense over there, you oafs! Come over and help me quickly! Ahh!!!

The giant mole saw the ring at Louise's right hand and started pecking it with its nose.

“You insolent mole! Don't use your nose to sniff at the ring the highness has bestowed to me!.”

“I see now. It's the ring. Verdandi loves jewels.”

“Such an irritating pest!”

“Please don't call Verdandi an irritating pest. It's because of me that Verdandi searches for precious stones and jewels. For a Earth magician, there's nothing more helpful than this.”

Just as Louise was preparing to blow her top, a sudden gust of wind came out of nowhere and blew away Verdandi.

“Who is that!?”, Guiche shouted agitatedly.

A rather stout looking noble wearing a feathered cap appeared out of the faint daylight behind him. Saito looked rather surprised.

“That...That person is...”

“What have you done to my Verdandi!?”

Guiche hastily took out his rose shaped wand but the noble wearing the feathered cap was faster. Before Guiche could cast any spell, his wand was already out of his hand.

“I'm not your enemy. I'm under the orders of the highness to accompany you on your journey. The princess is worried about just having you few going to Albion, but then again sending a whole troop of soldiers with you will be too conspicuous. Therefore, I was appointed to accompany you all on this journey.” The noble said while taking off his feather cap and bowing.

“I'm the captain of the Griffin Knights (1), Viscount Wald.”

The grumbling Guiche quickly shut his mouth. For most of the nobles, Guiche included, being able to join the Griffin Knights meant great prestige.

Wald looked at Guiche and spoke in a apologetic manner. “Sorry for what I did to your familiar. I couldn't stand watching my fiance being harassed.”


Saito was shocked.


“This majestic looking noble is Louise fiance???”

“Viscount...” Louise spoke in a trembling voice after standing up.

“It's been such a long time. My Louise, my dear Louise.”

“My Louise??? What kind of joke is that?” Saito thought to himself.

Wald approached Louise and with a beaming smile on his face, carried Louise up.

“It's really been such a long time.” Louise said with her face turning red with embarrassment.

“Still as light as ever. Just like a feather.”

“Viscount... please don't be like this... There are people over here...”

Wald whom placed Louise back down and wore back his hat said, “Care to introduce your companions to me?”

“Erm... That is Guiche de Gramont and my familiar, Saito.” said Louise while pointing at them while she was introducing them to Wald. Guiche who did not dare at Wald directly, lowered his head. Saito followed suit but a bit unwillingly though.

Wald said with a rather surprised look on his face, “Are you Louise's familiar? This is the first time I see a human being a familiar.”

“Thank You for taking such good care of my fiance.”

'You're welcome.”

Saito took the opportunity to size up Wald. Wald was indeed handsome. Even though Guiche could also be considered a bishonen (2) himself, he is always making a fool out of himself and making irrational decisions. He could even rub his own cheek with a giant mole.

However for Wald, not only he has the looks. His eyes are like that of an eagle – Keen and Sharp. The mustache which he has further enhances his suaveness.

In addition he has a muscular and well built body. Saito had originally thought that all male magicians would have a body like Guiche., but he was proven wrong. Even in hand to hand combat with Wald with the use of magic, Saito could be subdued in seconds.

Thinking about all that, Saito gave a deep and long sigh. Wald seeing that, approached Saito and gave a pat on his shoulders.

“What's wrong? Are you having doubts about this trip? There's nothing to be afraid of! Aren't you the one who caught Fouquet of the crumbling earth? With your courage alone, nothing is impossible.”

Wald who had finished said that, gave a broad smile. With that, Saito felt a tinge of remorsefulness.

'Is he really that good of a person? I don't that I can compare with him in any aspect. That's right. I think Louise would be married to him soon... Just thinking of that has made me alone and empty...”

Louise who has not able to calm down due to Wald's appearance, was feeling restless with anxiety. Saito who did not want to see Louise that way, turned his head away.

Wald gave a whistle, and a griffin appeared out from the morning clouds. It was mythical beast with the head of a eagle and a body of a lion. And on its back was wings that were made up of beautiful white feathers.

Wald had climbed to the back of the griffin with grace, and then extended a hand to Louise.

“Come over, my Louise.”

Louise lowered her head in hesitation and bashfulness , just like a girl who is in love. This made Saito even more jealous.

'What does he think he's doing? “Come over, my Louise?” Your Louise!? Your Louise!? What an obnoxious freak!'

Saito being a male, had to keep those thoughts to himself and went up the horse in silence in the end.

Louise whom was still hesitating, was suddenly carried up the griffin by Wald.

Wald with one hand on the reins and another with is wand shouted, “Well everybody, onwards!”

The griffin moved forward. Following behind it was Guiche who was full of admiration for Wald and Saito was feeling very down and dejected.

Saito thought to himself while staring at the blank sky.

'How far would it be to Albion?'

From the headmaster's office window, Henrietta was Saito and group departing for Albion. Closing her eyes, she starting praying...

“Founder Brimir, please grant them protection throughout their journey...”

Next to her was Headmaster Osman trimming his nasal hair.

“You aren't going to see them off, headmaster Osman?”

“No, As you can see, I'm busy trimming my nasal hair, your highness.”

Henrietta shook her head in disapproval.

Just then, someone knocked at the door.

“Enter.”, said the headmaster.

Mr. Colbert entered room with an anxious look on his face.

“Bad news! Headmaster!”

“You say that quite often. What seems to be the problem now?”

“From the news that I've heard from the castle guards, Fouquet has escaped!”

“Hmm...” said Osman while stroking his beard.

“According to the guard who was on duty that time, some noble knocked him out using wind magic. The person used the opportunity that most of the manpower was diverted to protect the princess to help Fouquet escape! This means that someone inside is a spy! Isn't that bad news?”

Henrietta face turned pale upon hearing the news.

Headmaster Osman made a gesture to Mr. Colbert asking him to leave.

“Okay. Okay. We'll hear further details from you later.”

After Mr. Colbert left, Henrietta placed her hands on the table a sighed deeply.

“We have a spy in our midst. This must be the doings of the Albion nobility!”

“Maybe it is... OUCH!”, said the headmaster while trimming his nasal hair. Henrietta looked at him helplessly.

“Why can you still be so relaxed? The future of Tristan is at stake!”

“The opponent has already made his move. All we can do now is to wait, isn't it?”

“Even so...”

“It's all right. If it's him, he'll be able to cope with any problems they'll face during their journey.”

“The person you're saying it's Guiche? Or Viscount Wald?”

The headmaster shook his head.

“Don't tell me that person is Louise's familiar. How could that be possible! Isn't he just a commoner?”

“Your highness, have you heard of the story of Founder Brimir before?”

“I have read most of the story...”

“The headmaster smiled and replied, “Then do you know about Gandalfr?”

“Isn't that Founder Brimir's strongest familiar? Don't tell me...”

At this point of time, Headmaster Osman felt that he had already divulged too much. Regarding the secret of “Gandalfr” he always wanted to keep that to himself. Although he trust Henrietta, but he did not want to Royal family to know about Gandalfr yet.