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The sound stopped the same time Yurie feel to her knees.
The sound stopped the same time Yurie fell to her knees.
(What the hell was that……….)
(What the hell was that……….)

Revision as of 15:53, 5 July 2014

Chapter 7 『We Are Jumping!』

Part 1

I’m scared---- I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared.

Fear was completely filled inside the heart of Miyabi who ran out into the dark forest.

She feels she was getting chased from behind.

She feels the man in battle suit was chasing her.

She turned around several times but, she could only see the forest shrouded in dark.

However, Miyabi looked like she was just being chased by the darkness.

(Why! Why are those people here! I don’t want this, I don’t want this anymore……!!)

Reversing the clock back to evening-----

After running away from Tooru, Miyabi was at the cliff before she knew it.

*Porori* Tears were falling, in front of the sunset that was too beautiful to describe.

Once she starts crying, they only thing left is for the tears to spill out-------she then sat at that place and allowed her tears to flow.

In her closed view, the expression Tooru made just now floated out.

He got troubled because she told him her feelings.

Miyabi knows what Tooru was thinking about himself by his expression.

It would probably be a lie if she says she didn't expect anything somewhere in her heart.

Tooru was always kind.

Even though she knows he's kind to everyone.

The unforgettable scenery left only painful memories in Miyabi’s heart.

Miyabi’s feelings calmed down a bit when the sun was half way down, and she decided to head back to the branch school.

Even though Tooru saw Miyabi standing from far away at this moment, they missed her with a few minutes difference.

Miyabi had left the cliff, climbed down the ridge and walked through the small path in the forest with completely no clue that Tooru and Tomoe were going around looking for her.

She had a reluctant feeling to go back and thought she made everyone worried, but still moved her legs forward even though each steps were heavy.

(What should I say……….)

Imari told her to work hard but, Miyabi knew she never had any intention in telling her to confess.

Make a memory only both of them have and close the distance between them.

Even though everyone cooperated to make a chance for her to gradually close in the distance from him, everything became useless with one foolish sentence to satisfy herself.

She doesn't want to go back. But she probably has to head back.

She does not want to report. But she probably has to report to them.

Those heavy contradictions pulled her heart and once Miyabi got back to the hall, what waited for her was the sight of her classmate running amok in fear and the men in battle suits.


Miyabi stumbled on something and fell down.

Even if she didn’t fall now, she would probably trip on a dent in the floor or a tree root sooner or later if she continued running through the dark forest frightened to death like that. Rather, it’s probably a miracle that she could run this far without falling down.

She tried to stand up thinking she had to run away.

But, her legs were trembling and that made her fall down again.

Not only her legs; her whole body was trembling.

She somehow managed to raise her body but, sitting down was all she could do, and it looks like she won’t be standing for a while.

She grazed her knees when she first fell but, she did not have the time to feel the pain now.

*Hyuu**Hyuu* she could not even notice that this unfamiliar sound was her own body hyperventilating due to her fear.

No shadows moved at all, although she turned behind and stared at the darkness with scared eyes.

(Am I safe…………?)

It happened when she thought that in terror.

“Kukuku, I never would have thought I would find that damn brat’s friend out here…………”

Miyabi’s whole body got goosebumps.

That voice that can be called the source of her fear was something she could not ever forget.

When she moved her sights to the direction of the voice----- in front while trembling, a nightmare was standing there.

“------Uuh! Iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!”

“Shut up!!”

“uh, Kahah…….!!”

Her scream was forcefully stopped. The man in a battle suit was choking Miyabi on the neck.

“Stop with the shouting already!! I am pissed off because I let your man run away, and the wound is aching so much that I am going crazy!!”


Being a victim to his anger, Miyabi lost her voice.

Seeing her in such a state, the man smiled happily before slightly relaxing the grip on her neck.

“Kuku………oh yeah. I’ll have you take responsibility for your man’s misconduct. I will slam this ache into you, slam the shit into you!! Over, and over and over again!! But rejoice! I won’t kill you! Thank me, and report to that damn brat while crying!! Hyaahahahaha!!”

Despair took over Miyabi’s heart.

She probably knows no help would come even if she cried and shouted in this forest.

(Sa………save me……….Tooru-kun……….)

Her body will now get tainted and a wound that could never disappear will be carved into her heart.

Miyabi closed off her consciousness in order to run away from that fear.

A moment before she fainted, she felt she heard a shout and-------

She immediately regained her senses when her body suddenly felt a big swing.

After a moment of the feeling of floating in the air, Miyabi’s body was being carried by someone.

She shrunk her body thinking that it was his dirty fangs touching her body but------something was off.

The arm holding her was very warm and gentle.

(Who is it……..?)

Slowly opening her eyelids, the person shown in Miyabi eyes----was Tooru.

Part 2

After being told to go on ahead, I left Tachibana and entered the forest when I heard a voice coming from the forest path; I then saw a man a in battle suit holding Miyabi by the neck while making a loud laugh.

In the next instant, my mind turned completely blank------and I jumped forward to the man to punch him before I knew it.

After seeing the man flying a few meters away, I turned to Miyabi immediately.

Just like a puppet with its strings cut off, I caught her lifeless falling body and called out to her several times.

“Miyabi, Miyabi……! Are you okay, Miyabi!!”


Her consciousness was probably still cloudy. With her eyes opened Miyabi said my name by parts.

(Thank god……!)

Even though I was close to hugging her, I returned to my senses when I heard a sound coming from behind.

“Miyabi wait for me for a bit”

I lightly tapped Miyabi’s shoulder while she was still blank and stood up.

“Just when I thought you were running around like a rat, you appeared and disturb me from being so close to slamming her in, you damn brat……..”

“………….Shut up”

“What did you say!? Bastard, now that you appeared nonchalantly, this time I will------“

“I told you to shut up, you piece of shit! Don’t talk anymore! Stop giving out that stinky breath! How dare you hurt this girl- Miyabi!!”

My words were pointed at me.

That’s because I was the one who hurt Miyabi before this man.

Anger surged in me. The anger towards this man was going wild in my heart.


The man lost to his emotions and held on to his knife before jumping at me.

However, that goes for me too------no, I charged in with an even darker emotion.

Forgetting to manifest my <<Blaze>> I jumped at the man again.

The knife grazed my shoulders and my fist crushed his cheekbones at the same time.

Even though the man was staggering, he did not give in and--------I continued slamming him mercilessly with a fist storm.

Several punches, several more punches. There were no techniques done, just plain violence from anger.

“Gah, Haah………..! Ra-Ramn, brat, Gaah!!”

He dropped to the ground again but, the man in the battle suit stood up staggering-----

He jumped towards the assault rifle he dropped when I first punched him.

It was too late when I thought oh shit, the man prepared the gun he obtained and--------what’s more it was pointed at Miyabi.

“Ku-kuku………..don’t move okay, you know what will happen if you do right…….!!”

There was a few meter distance between us. However, the man will probably pull the trigger mercilessly if I make even the slightest of movements. This was a complete reversal.


I can’t move. The man was convinced of his absolute superiority by my reaction and prepared his knife.

In an instant, the sound of cold air in the night sliced through the heated battle and-----

The <<Chain>> coiled itself to the arm holding the gun and the man got pulled backwards.


The knife he threw pierced itself to a faraway tree away from the target which was me.

When the man looked behind-----to the <<Chain user>>, her eyes were shaking in anger for her precious friend. Tachibana resisted her wounds and managed to reach us.

“You dirt!! Don’t lay your hands on my friends!!”

“Shut up bitch! I’ll wreck you too----“

“……..I told you to shut up”

The man looked towards me again. But I was already in his chest area.

I was there pulling my fist back like I was shooting an arrow.

I will release the power-----with that black angry emotion in it.

My fist crushed the man in battle suits and he got blown away.

“Sorry for the wait, Miyabi. It’s alright now”

“I’m sorry I made you wait Miyabi”

After we ran over to Miyabi, her eyes moisten when she got relieved.

“To-Too-kun, Tomoe-cha…………I was, scared…….i thought it was useless but, both of you, came………..an-d……sorry, Tooru-kun, I am very sorry…….”

She might not know what she was saying already.

Miyabi just let her tears flow.

I did not get hurt at all from the fight-----

“Miyabi, you don’t have to apologize. I ------“


Miyabi’s expression changed half-way through my words.

From surprise to fear. That pale face was directed behind me----


His eyes no longer had any sanity in them and it was glared towards me.

The hand he swung up was holding the knife, and the blade was making a pale glow.

I can’t dodge this. This blade will easily slice through the girl in front of me if I dodge it.


I hug Miyabi to cover her in an instant.

But------the knife was not swung down no matter how long it took.

What is going on, I slowly turned behind and-----

“………Gah, ah………..a……..a……….”

The body of the man in battle suit shook and it was stuck frozen, holding up the knife------

I saw the tip of the sharp <<Katar>> piercing through his chest.

“Fuun, looks like I made it in time”

After his huge body collapsed and produced a tremor, our friend was standing behind him.


I confirmed the man has completely fainted this time, and I asked Tora why he was here and what’s occurring at the branch school.

Absolute Duo Volume 3 Non-Colour 7.jpg

“------So the situation is more annoying than what we imagined huh…………”

I heard there was an attack by people in battle suits like the man collapsed in front of me.

I lost my voice when I heard there were many injured people and in the worst case scenario there might be deaths too.

“I saw one of them chase after Hotaka. And that’s the reason why I followed them too”

Half-way through the attackers managed to reach him and after he defeated all of them, he chased after Miyabi again and reached this spot.

“I turned up late because there was a small trouble”

“There is no problem since we're saved. Anyway, thanks a lot for moving for Miyabi. If you did not follow her then……………”

I cut my words and looked at Miyabi who was being hugged by Tachibana by the shoulders.

She got released by the fear and started crying again.

“I don’t need your thanks. I just thought you will feel bad if anything happens to this girl even though she was someplace beyond your reach”

It’s exactly true.

That was why I am seriously thankful to my precious friend-Tora for the actions he took.

“Anyway let’s head to the branch school. They need as much battle potential as possible now”

“Wait, Kokonoe. I really want to do that too but, I can’t bring Miyabi there now……………”

“That’s true. It’s better to hide Miyabi somewhere safe. And also for Tachibana, it’s dangerous for you to follow us with those injuries”

“Thi-this level of injuries to me is………!“

“Don’t ask for the impossible. You’re in a condition where even moving is tough for you in the first place”

Even though it was to save us, her injuries got even worse because she forced herself just now.

“Both of us will go so Tachibana, you take Miyabi and hide somewhere-----“

“…………its okay if they can hide but, what are you going to do if this guy’s comrade finds them? Forget fighting, both Tachibana and Hotaka don’t have the power to even resist”

It’s just as what Tora says.

I can’t just leave the two of them here but, I can’t bring them along either; now this is a problem.

“Then, I’ll go alone-----“

“Don’t be stupid. How can I let you go to that situation alone”

Judging by Tora’s tone, it seems he was not budging at all.

My name was called out at that moment and 2----no, 3 girls ran over to us. the last girl was a female butler being carried by a ponytail girl.

“Yurie, Imari……….and Sara too! You guys are amazing to know that we're here”

They were a little out of breath, and I was surprised at the 3 of them that ran over.

That’s because we are currently at a place away from both the promenade and forest path.

“We used this. You know, the thing I used during the <<Blaze practice>> on the first day……….”

The terminal Imari showed me after our battle, during the day we reached the island was again in her hands.

“………..I am sorry but, about my Ojou-sama’s situation”

“Ah, that’s right. Sorry”

“Did something happen to Lealith…….?”

Even though her tone wasn’t that different, I could feel a weird change from Sara who could not hide her anxiousness on her expression.


Imari’s talk gave the same shock----no, a stronger shock compared to what Tora told me just now.

Another enemy team appeared in the office, and Lealith stayed there alone to let the chairman escape.

“We got attacked by the enemy half-way too but Yurie saved us”

Yurie said it’s okay don’t worry about it when Imari thanked her.

“I’m worried about Lealith. Let’s head back quick. Sara, you stay here with Tachibana and the rest. Also-----Imari too. Can you protect the 3 of them for me?”

“………….Sorry, Tooru. I won’t listen to that. I promised Lealith I would head back immediately. I might not be helpful in battle but, I want to go back no matter what”

A strong will was in her eyes and when Imari stared at me------

An unexpected person supported her opinion, it was Tora.

“…………I will stay. Even if Nagakura stays here, she won’t be able to handle the situation if an opponent of this guy’s level comes. It pisses me off but, it’s better to have Yurie head to the branch school battle potential wise”


“Hurry up and go. You’re going to save that girl right”

“………sorry, Tora. Leave it to me”

“Tora, I apologize too. And, thank you”

Tora turned behind when he heard Imari’s words.

“It’s just picking the right people for the right jobs…………more importantly, all of you stay alive. Understand?”

“Ah………of course, I promise”

“The three of you-----please help my Ojou-sama”

For last, Sara who hates me like a snake lowered her head, and we head out after I replied I definitely will.

“Yurie, Imari. Let’s go!!”

[Ya---!] [Uun!!]

Four of them remained there and the rest of us ran to the branch school

When we got near the branch school, I could hear gunshots, screams, shout, trembles and so on from there.

We got through the forest not long later and-----

I gasped when I saw a giant ring blade in battle at the hall.

“What’s that………?”

“Apparently that’s Tsukimi’s <<Blaze>>. You know, the one where you can release its full power at <<IV>>”

Running beside me, Imari gave a quick explanation.

(Even though she has that amazing <<Power>>, why didn’t she use it during our fight?)

Although I had some questions, I postponed it for later and charged into the western building.

We went through the door that has lost its shape due to explosives or something and ran up the stairs.


We went inside the room and found the gold girl covered in injuries.

Her skin and clothes were stained with soot-like dirt and the 6 holes on the wall caused by some kind of explosion similar to the building entrance was probably not unrelated.

3 men in battle suits attacked Lealith but, one of them faced towards us when they saw us.

Faster than he could prepare his rifle, Yurie jumped to him and swung down her sword. However the enemy could not be taken lightly since he blocked the sword flash.

“Are you alright Lealith!”

“Sorry. Preparations for tea time hasn’t started yet”

Although Lealith was talking non-nonchalantly with a wry smile, she was a little different than usual.

Maybe it was because she was handling two opponents or she was tired from her injuries.

(………her expression huh)

As if she was irritated from uneasiness, it was totally a far cry from her usual leisurely attitude.

“I’ll help out too, Lealith”

“It’s okay. More importantly go inside”

“Tooru, the chairman went inside there”

She pointed towards the broken wall that probably had a door there and Imari gave a simple explanation.

“That’s the case. So, this might be pathetic coming from the <<Exception>> but, I let one go. That’s why; we don’t have the time to handle these guys”

Lealith’s judgment was probably correct.

Judging by her impatient and fast tone, there was not time for question and answers.

But, is it okay to leave this spot to Lealith who is exhausted now.

“Tooru. I will stay!”


“I think it’s better if I stay here. If not, I might not be able to protect my promise”

After looking at Lealith’s condition and those 3 enemies, Imari made her decision and prepared her <<Sword>>.

“Understood. I leave this to you, Imari”

“Right back at you. If Tooru and Yurie don’t come back safe then I won’t be protecting my promise at all! Yurie, I will handle that man!”

As soon she shouted, Imari slashed towards the man in a battle suit that Yurie was handling before.

“Ya----, I understand. I will protect Tooru”

“You heard her, Tooru”

Imari giggled while the sound of a sword clashing with the man echoed.

“I will protect Yurie too………..”

“…………..Tooru, that vow belongs to your future partner which is me. Well, I guess I will let it go this time since I have no choice”

Lealith slightly regained her composure when she said that.

“Okay then, I leave that guys to you, Imari!”

“Yes, Lealith! …………but, taking this guy alone is too much for me so, it would be a lifesaver if you finish it fast!”

Both of the girls fluttered their Yellow Topazblonde hair and ponytail.

Yurie and I looked at that by the side and run towards the big hole ahead.

“I am counting on you! Please protect that girl-Sakuya, Tooru!! Yurie, I will count on you too tentatively though!!”

[Aah, I will definitely protect her!] [Ya---!]

We accepted Lealith’s request while running through.

After we advanced into the big hole that was opened up when the wall got destroyed, there were stairs leading underground. While paying attention to the wreckage, a dim road revealed itself. Although the underground road had lamps lighted up with a few meters interval between them, the length of the whole road was unknown to us.

We silently ran on the road leading straight ahead.

Our footsteps were the only sounds echoing there.

It was probably rarely used until today. After advancing through the slightly dusty air for a while------the underground road suddenly reached its end.

There was a big open place when we got through the road, and it seems this was a cave with a strong smell of salt floating around, since it was connected to the sea.

When we peeked down our foothold, we found out we were standing on a place constructed 30 meters (10 storeys above the ground) from the sea and there were iron stairs along the wall leading downwards. There was a pier further down the stairs and a 20 meter long pleasure boat was anchored there.

(--------! That’s…………!!)

The moment I noticed the peoples believed to be the staffs collapsed at the pier, the sound of the engine echoed throughout the cave.

The boat stopped at the pier started moving by some unknown individual.

Who was moving the boat? There was only one conclusion I reached by assessing the situation.

At the same time, I know we won’t make it if we descend the stairs.

“Yurie, we're jumping!”


There was no hesitation. We jumped through the fence and let our body dance in the air.

*ByuuGooo* the air hit my cheeks and-----

We reached the deck while making a loud sound and the pleasure boat shook greatly. Although there was a dent on the iron deck, the boat continued exiting the cave without stopping.

“Yoo, we meet again”

The teenage Caucasian boy thought to be moving the boat came to the deck and after exchanging sights with his arrow-like eyes, those were the only words that I naturally could come up with.

“Yeh, we meet again as expected”

The teenager made a small smile.

We will meet again------

Whether or not 2 months was a long or short time, the prediction I made that time became reality now.

The ship slowly moved forward inside this tension.

Assessing from the sight of no one in the bridge, the boat was probably in autopilot.

“Where is the chairman?”

Standing beside me, Yurie asked the teenager while pointing the tip of her <<Saber>> at him.

“She is not injured at all, so do not worry. She is currently taking a rest inside the cabin”

The teenager’s tone was polite but, a somewhat hypocritical courtesy could be felt within and it brought forth unpleasantness.

“But even so, it was reckless to jump down from that height”

“That’s because the target was big”

“No matter if you are an <<Exceed>>, you should be somewhat hesitant to do so”

“You will take the chairman away if we hesitate even a little”

By the sudden decision I made, the girl who jumped off without any signs of hesitation answered.

“Amazing decision skills…………..and, we are about to go out to sea”

Just like the teenager’s words, the boat passed through the cave and exit under the starry skies.

Judging by the position of the shining moon above the sky and the giant island silhouette, I found out we were southeast of the island.

“………….Can I hear your name?”

“Kokonoe Tooru. She is my <<Duo>>, Yurie=Sigtuna”

“I am called <<K>>. It’s Kokonoe Tooru right? I predicted I would meet you soon----in the near future but, I never would have thought I would do so at the end of the <<Selection>>”

“<<Selection>>? What’s that. For what reason did you attack us for?”

“At the very least, it is a plan unrelated to you now”

“I think I am quite related though”

“What, you won’t be related anymore if you die here”

“What did you say………..!”

*Kuku* <<K>> laughed as if he was looking down on us and that made my feelings a little irritated.


*Kui* my sleeves was pulled and I regained my composure.

“Sorry. I have to calm down”


Since I managed to relax a bit thanks to Yurie, I started talking to <<K>> while thinking about what we should do now.

(The ideal choice is to beat this guy up and save the chairman)

I can’t guarantee we can achieve that. That’s why; I decided to try another way.

I casually operated the armband while acting as if I was checking my arms condition and send out a rescue signal.

I then released the clasp before hiding it in my hand and dropped it on the deck.

Even if we fall into the sea, it will be possible to grasp the boat location with this.

(…………Getting thrown out off the ship means the end but, I can’t help to think that)

Another problem would be, does the academy side have the leisure to pick up the rescue signal.

The possibility that the branch school is fighting now is high, and if that’s the case they probably don’t have the leisure to send a rescue here. The reason why I still send the signal out was because I recalled back Imari’s words which were use everything you have in your hand.

“Well then, it might be weird to say this but, I am very merciful------I have a very sweet personality for a soldier………..5 seconds, I will give you that much time to think. It's the time I give for you two to jump into the sea to run away”

“Then I don’t need even 1 second. I can’t refuse the request I got from Lealith. Also, I will protect the people within my hands' reach………That’s why-----I will protect the chairman!!”

“Houu. The girl there-----Yurie=Sigtuna was it? How about your answer?”

“It’s tentative but, I got requested by that Lealithperson…………..and I reject because I can’t swim”

“Fufu, your partner is good with jokes I see”

(……………it’s the truth though)

It seems <<K>> took Yurie’s answer as a joke and clapped his hands.

“Okay then------let’s begin. The game where the winner would be given the princess and our lives bet with the coin………..of course the winner would be me”

The owner of those arrow-like eyes made a different kind of smile.

It was an evil, distorted and ice cold smile.

“Captain of the <<Riberus>>, <<K>>-----will now exterminate the obstacle”

[Kuh……..!?] [That’s…….!!]

Killing intent blew towards us like a sudden gust.

I prepared myself in reflex from that strong intent.

There was probably no gap between our physique and age but, the pressure <<K>> was giving off was so strong it made sweat flow down my back.

“Okay, let’s go”

*Ka* *Ka* *Ka*………….<<K>> walked on the deck and slowly closed the gaps.

Even though a misapprehension of the battle hadn’t start almost got to me, there was no way I can let it happen. Those arrow-like eyes did not look away from us, and one step after another, he slowly came closer.

I suspected it might be a trap or something, by looking at his casual state but-----


“Aah. Let’s go, Yurie!”

His intention for coming closer was unknown to me but, it’s convenient to us who are experts at close and short distance combats. We matched our breathing and filled in the gap at the same time.

We aimed at his stomach with me releasing my fist from the right while Yurie taking the left-------but, <<K>> moved his body only by a bit and dodged the <<Saber>> before easily blocking my fist with his palm.

“That is quite some power you have there. It's at the same level with my subordinate wearing the <<Unit>>, about there I guess. I never would have thought this would come from flesh even though it was genetically altered……………I now understand the reason why <<Equipment Smith>>-dono is fixated on the <<Exceed>>”

While blocking my fist, <<K>> said something incomprehensible. During that time, I relaxed the power before pushing in again but, he was not budging at all.

Yurie swung her blade again during that moment. Even though he dodged the horizontally swung blade by lowering his head, Yurie kept that momentum and used one sword to cut upwards. He then lifted his face he lowered this time. The moment he made a big swing reaction with his upper body, I relaxed my fist and performed a locking move, but-----

*Buun* the kick missed. <<K>> used the momentum he got when he lifted his head and jump backwards.

“He is quite a skilled fighter”

Since the boat floating on the waves was constantly swaying, it was hard to maintain the center of gravity. However, judging by how <<K>> outdone our attacks without any trouble from that display of attack and defense; I could feel that was only a fraction of his true strength.

“We are going to continue attacking, Yurie. It’s disadvantage to keep blocking in this small deck”


We charged in again. I went in front this time and released a hook from a distance-----but, this was a feint. I shifted to bending my body when I missed, and made a spinning side sweep with my leg. However, <<K>> slightly crouched down to dodge that too.

“Not bad! But, both my attacks are feints!”

The moment <<K>> moved to dodge the sidekick, the silver girl jumped over my head while my body stance was low because I was bending down. Yurie then performed a splendid drop kick with the momentum and slammed it to <<K>>’s face.

“…….how disappointing. It might be fast but, it’s regretfully light”

Yurie’s kick was blocked by <<K>>’s crossed hand guards, and the damage could not get through.

“But----you stopped moving!”

After Yurie jumped away from the kick’s recoil, I switched in and gave him a hit.

When I slammed his stomach with an elbow strike plus the momentum of me standing up, <<K>> who took a clean hit, got blown away before his back got slammed towards the handrails.

Although the iron fence served its purpose to prevent people from falling off the deck but, its shape was greatly distorted from the impact.


“Fufu that is one fine combination”

My expression stiffened when I see <<K>> stand up without breaking his small smile.

“………I thought you took a clean hit though you know?”

I should have the power to destroy a concrete wall now that I am <<Level 3III>>.

I never would have thought he would stand up that easily as if there was no damage done to him at all.

“It is somewhat painful”

“Haha……..somewhat huh”

<<K>> showed a smile while wiping his stomach.

“The damage was probably quite powerful if it was my subordinates but, it’s not as strong to make them faint though. However, the <<Unit>> I am wearing now is actually an exclusive model for me. Output, armor, and other statuses are higher than the normal ones so, I only received a slight damage from the attack just now”

“I see. So the reason why you people transcended humans is because it thanks to those battle suits. No wonder all of you were wearing strange outfits”

“That is correct. Just like you <<Exceed>> who transcended humans with the <<Luciful>>, we transcended humans with this <<Unit>>”

“I am kind of happy there was a hit, though it’s not much”

Although I made a sarcastic smile to him, I was confirming the situation in my mind.

(If he isn’t bluffing then, it wasn’t that effective. He might took some damage but, it’s far from a critical hit……….so that means----)

I moved my consciousness to the girl standing beside me with her <<Double>> prepared. No matter how much the <<Unit>> is resistant to impacts, it should be unable to block slash attacks. That is probably true judging by the fact he dodged Yurie’s <<Saber>> when she first swung it down.

The basic strategy I thought from that point, was to have Yurie finish him as I become her support.

(………I guess I should find a chance behind him and slam <<MjolnirThunder god’s strike>> there)

“Yurie. Sorry but----“

“I understand. Tooru’s will focus in support and use that when you find a chance”

As expected from the partner that stood beside me several times shoulder by shoulder.

She has already figured out my intentions.

“It’s really reassuring to have Yurie around huh”

“Nai. That’s what I want to say to Tooru”

“………….now that you have finish discussing, can I begin now? However, I will be moving my hands now”

<<K>> pulled out two knifes from the circular storage on his hips, and prepared it with both his hands.

“Let’s go, <<K>>!!”

I made an eye signal to Yurie-------and charged in for the 3rd time.

However this time was different, I changed to a left stance with my right fist and leg brought forward.

Compared to the original right stance with my left arm and leg brought forward, my defense will become softer because I cannot use my <<Shield>> for attacks coming from the right. What’s more, I can’t use the <<MjolnirThunder god’s strike>> which requires twisting my body.

“Hoou, what are you trying to do after changing your stance?”

“Like this!”

In an instant, I lowered my arm after hardening its muscle-------and my right fist placed around my hip, sliced into the air.


A slightly surprised expression appeared on <<K>>’s face who was making a very leisurely expression until now.

Even though he dodged the fist aimed at his face, it scratched his hair.

“I see, so this is the reason why you made a left stance”

This was a new move I made by the experience I gained, during the final battle we had with Lealith to scatter her rose last time.

The stillness before the button falling, and the move after it fell-----

That battle like the ones shown in western movie was the hint.

The new move was similar to a flicker jabs in boxing and the fist prepared at a low angle thrust straight at the opponent in an instant. Taking <<MjolnirThunder god’s strike>>, the move of releasing all the charged power in one punch as the base, I arranged it to a move stressed in rapid fire. Since the motion was close to none while the power was reduced, it looks as if I was performing quick shots and I gave this move a name.

“Eat this, bullet punch!!”

“…………..Let’s name it <<Thunder speed roarHrungnir>>, Tooru”

Different from the first one, <<K>> could only strengthen his guard to my fast fists fired in rapid succession. Even though it was stressed in rapid fire, it does have the same power as a right straight worthy to have <<MjolnirThunder god’s strike>> as its base move.

Yurie slashed down at that moment but, <<K>> jumped behind immediately.

Yurie’s charge attack was wild and------<<K>> blocked off the all-side slash attack with the knives in both his hands. Instead of stopping it, he diverted the power away.

But, Yurie’s attack was not so sloppy to allow him to divert everything away.

*Kiin*! The knife got repelled off his hands together with a high-pitched sound. Even though Yurie took this good opportunity to slash down at him, it was a trap invitation. He purposely threw the knife away.

The moment <<K>> dodged the swung down sword, he aimed for her petrified moment that didn’t even take 0.1 second and grabbed Yurie’s wrist before throwing her-----no, slamming her to the deck.


Yurie’s face distorted from the impact.

<<K>> lifted his leg to step on her but-----

“I won’t let you!!”

It got prevented when I slammed into him.

Taking the chance when <<K>> staggered a bit, Yurie rolled away but----

“Nice follow-up……….but, you carelessly closed in the gaps too much!”

*Dozuuu*,*Gah*……….!! His knee strike thrust towards my stomach and made me stagger before he blew me away with a punch.

“Fufu, nice work surviving through that. However, I wonder how long would that last”

Luckily-----no, it was on purpose. When the charge attack stopped, <<K>> showed a leisure smile when he looked at us standing up. 2 knives flew towards me when I fell down after getting blown away. I blocked one with my <<Shield>> and somehow managed to dodge the other one by twisting my body but, my sleeve was cut open.

“Are you okay, Yurie?”

“Ya--, no, problem………”

Her words do not match her state completely at all. Yurie’s shoulder was going up and down while her breathing was in complete disarray.

“Please don’t force yourself. That’s because you have to perform the final blow!”

Faster than finishing my words, I headed to <<K>> waiting for us.

It was not a simple charge but rather I moved in as if I was drawing a lightning.

I blocked the knife thrust towards me with my <<Shield>> and got closer to him.

The knife <<K>> was holding in both his hands were freely trying to aim for my life. It was probably impossible for me to get close to him if I was handling him alone, when I saw his amazing knife technique. However, I was not alone. My partner-Yurie was constantly making diversions for me.

Unlike me, Yurie moved into <<K>>’s blind spot with footwork diversions. Of course, because <<K>> could not afford to ignore her movements too, he focused on chancing his standing position to always have Yurie’s movement in his view and because of that, he could not concentrate on the fight he was having with me.

Absolute Duo Volume 3 Non-Colour 8.jpg

It was not a simple attack but rather it was one of our combination plays.

“Seriously, it’s annoying”

“That’s praise for me. I’ll gratefully accept that”

I obstructed the knife path with my <<Shield>> and tore the air with my fist, while Yurie repeatedly perform the hit and away. But even so, he has yet to receive a decisive hit.

(Damn it, this guy is amazingly good in defense……!)

I gradually understood <<K>>’s strength as we fought.

It goes without saying for his knife techniques and <<Unit>> defense but anyway, his defense is amazing.

He skillfully wards off my attacks and Yurie’s slashes before dodging. Because the power was diverted away to the air, chances would appear after our attacks, and he would swing his knife aimed towards that chance.

Since he wouldn’t make any big swings with his attack, no chances were formed after <<K>>’s attack.

He was different from any enemies we faced before. His style, which involves not initiating an attack but still gaining the upper hand, was a battle style which could be made possible because of his confidence in his absolute defense.

(Strong! But, I can’t lose!!)

“Again with that flicker huh……however, overusing a single move is something not worth for praise you know”

While paying attention on the knives position, the moment I released the <<Thunder speed roarHrungnir>>.

A sharp pain ran through my body and after warm blood splashed out from my forehand, I scattered to the deck.


The <<Thunder speed roarHrungnir>> has been broken.

He swung his blade matching with the punch I released and-----a wound appeared in my forehand.

“No way………!”

I got surprised that he matched a counter to my fist moving at high speed which was hard for the eye to capture.

“No matter how amazing the move is, it’s not something you should repeatedly show out. Especially for a move that has a weakness in it. You are slightly lowering your fist the moment you release it”

“Guuh……..Damn it!”

I could not restrain my discomposure when he found my weakness in that short battle and whats more with detailed specification.

Because of that, I made a simple attack.

<<K>> easily dodged the big swing attack I made----before stabbing the knife into my thighs.

“uuuuuh!! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!”


When <<K>> turned around, he pulled out the knife from my thighs to ward off Yurie’s charge attack and at the same time, he used the leg supporting his body as an axle and-----landed one kick at her knees.

*Mikiri* together with such a dull sound, the silver girl’s facial expression distorted.

“Chances will be born when your calmness is broken-----it’s hard to understand why you would join the battle when you don't even know something that simple”

<<K>> mercilessly kicked up to Yurie’s stomach when she was staggering. Yurie was then made to suspend mid-air with the leg he kicked before he slammed her down to the deck immediately.

“Kuh, Fuu………!!”

The deck dented from the impact and she dropped the <<Double>> she manifested with her <<Soul>>.

The knife was mercilessly swung down at her there.


*Giikiii*!! I covered Yurie and blocked the blade with the <<Shield>>.

“Fufu, it’s amazing you can move with that leg”

“I promised to protect Yurie……!!”

“You are just going to make me tired if you keep spouting out stuff you can’t do”

I got blown away with a kick at my stomach the same time he said that.

<<K>> walked over to the downed me and-----stepped onto my chest.

*Mishi*…………..*mishi*, *mishii*, *Mikii*………!!


My bones started to scream from the strong pressure and it made me shout.

“Nice voice there………..well then, please say that one more time. What are you going to do to her?”

While making a sadistic smile, <<K>> increased the pressure of his stepping leg.

Even though I tried pushing his leg away, his legs didn’t move at all as if it was a rock.

An shout of anguish, a complete mismatch with the starry skies echoed throughout the area.

“*Cough*…….Gah, Haa………!!”

Blood was mixed into my shout but right when my conscious was starting to fade----

The silver girl stood up.

“Get away from…….Tooru!!”

Even though she was staggering and dragging her leg, Yurie still swing her sword.

For me. In order to protect me.

Even though a simple swing will cause great pain to her.

However the power was low because of her condition and she stumbled back after her slash got deflected.

“Please stay still. I will send you to same place as him soon”

“I won’t let you………! I will protect Tooru!!”

“Protecting each other. What a wonderful bond. Hahahaha”

Yurie was moving her body with a will strong as steel. She repeatedly performed breath-taking combination attacks with a speed unthinkable that she was having great pain on her knees.

“To think you still have some moves left………….okay, I’ll play with you too. Until that small body reaches its limit that is!”

<<K>> pulled out the remaining 2 knifes from his circular storage and retaliated the silver girl.

Yurie became the gust and moved around the small deck with high-speed movements. Her Silver BlondeSilver hair fluttered like wings and was being illuminated by the moon.

“Houu, you still can move faster huh. It’s amazing how you can move with that broken knee”

“I won’t let anyone…….die in front of me!! I won’t let anyone become like my papa………..!! That’s why I will protect Tooru!! I-I, vowed that!! That’s why I will definitely protect him!! In order for that----I will defeat you!!”

It was at that moment.


Suddenly, a noise that makes one want to cover the ear by reflex, echoed throughout the ship.

It was being produced from Yurie.

Yurie accelerated together with that sound.

It was a speed even me as her <<Duo>> has never seen before. “Yu-Yurie…….!?”

<<K>>’s leisure expression disappeared when he saw Yurie swinging her blade with crazy speed.

“-----Muu, I never thought you could still move faster……….!?”

He became anxious and could not ward off the attacks as he pleased anymore; blocking the sword from reaching his body was all he could do.

“Guhh, no way……….impossible, this much………..!!”

<<K>>’s expression distorted from the shock.

“Haa,ah………! Ah………! Haaa! Kuh, Haa…………!!”

Yurie’s expression also distorted from the pain.

But even so, she continued accelerating.

Under the moonlight, Yurie’s sword speed and quick body movements caused her to become a silver flash.


The silver girl roared and----

Her presence changed.

Her presence changed to a silver wolf that just had its chains released.


The slash of gales turned into a storm of swords-----

The storm of swords turned into a windstorm of sword bashes-----

And finally, the windstorm of sword bashes turned to a hurricane of storm blades.

“Impossible, impossible, Guh, uu……Gugahh, Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!”

He got swallowed into the slash storm and his knives got destroyed; his iron hard defense got pierced through-----

Having been blown away, <<K>> shattered the boat’s forward glass and slammed into the captain seat.

“Haaa……….! Haaa….! uh, Haa………..!”


The sound stopped the same time Yurie fell to her knees.

(What the hell was that……….)

“-----!! Yu-Yurie are you okay!?”

Those movements clearly crossing her own limits made Yurie’s body paid a big price.

“Tooru, too……….are, you, okay………..?”

Even though she was so exhausted that she would collapse if not for the swords support, Yurie was still worried about me. I became happy but my chest hurt at the same time; it was a very complex feeling.

---but, however, those feelings vanished in an instant.

“…………Ya-re ya-re. To think you hid that much <<Power>>……..it-it’s unexpected as expected you know………. however, it looks like moving itself will be a trouble for you judging by that state……….”

A wobbly shadow stood behind Yurie.

<<K>> grabbed Yurie’s neck from the back and lifted her up like that.


While raising a sound that does not sound like a voice, Yurie’s expression was filled with pain.

“Okay then, should I kill you by twisting your neck or choke you to death-------"

<<K>> pondered for a moment, before coming out with a cruel conclusion.

“I guess I’ll throw you into the sea. You can’t swim right? Even if you could swim, you will probably drown with your current stamina anyway. On top of that, there is nothing uglier than a drowned corpse. It’s also quite fun to make a beauty like you into something obscene”

“--------! S-stop------!!”

Yurie’s body was ruthlessly thrown into the night sea.

I extended my hands and jumped.

“Yurie, extend your hands! Just like that time!! Take my hand--------!!”


Our extended hand and fingers touched.

*Gashaa*!! We grabbed each other hands, and I strongly pulled Yurie to me.

While hugging her small body, I slammed into the iron fence.


“Are you okay, Tooru?”

“Aah, Yurie how about you?”

“Ya--. It’s thanks to Tooru hugging me properly”

“I see. I would like to keep hugging you like this after this too but……….”

“It sounds nice but, we don’t have time to say that”

I stared at <<K>> while nodding.

“Seriously, how foolish. Someone unable to stand is just a burden and not a comrade, that’s something you should know right?”

“Foolish you say? Nooo, you’re wrong. I can continue standing up because my comrade is with me. That’s something you will never understand though!”

“………….what can you do after you stand up. Don’t tell me you seriously think you can do something in this hopeless situation?”

Hopeless------That might be true.

However, that only happens when all hope is lost.

I still have <<Power>>. A fang that is able to pierce through all that dwells in my right fist.


Yurie looked at me from inside my arms.

There was no despair in her eyes.

She believes me. Even though no words came out from her, her Ruby eyesred eyes were telling me that

“I know. Let’s defeat him and head back with the chairman”

*Chirin* her bell rang when Yurie nodded.

(Use everything you have in your hand. Anything is okay, just think of something…….!)

I recalled back the words Imari said-------

Something appeared in my mind the moment I recalled our reunion.

(Oh yeah, I have that! I can use that in this situation!)

“…………..Tooru, you thought of something?”

As expected from my <<Duo>>.

After nodding, I asked one crazy request to Yurie.

“Yurie. I have a request. Will you listen?”

“Ya----. I will listen to everything if it’s Tooru’s words”

“……….that’s one crazy answer depending on the time and situation”


I made a small wry smile before asking Yurie who was showing a mysterious expression.

“Will you fly…..for this time?”

“If Tooru wishes so-----I will fly”

It might be harsh to ask Yurie this when her knees might be broken.

But even so, Yurie still nodded to me.

That’s because she believes in me.

“I will stop his movements for an instant. I’ll leave that moment to you”


*kokun* after hitting her forehead, Yurie leaned against the handrails.

“Sorry for the wait, <<K>>. I’ll let you taste this next”

I clenched my right fist and thrust it forward.

“As you like…………..though, there is the condition of whether or not you can hit”

He could say that because of his confidence in his defense.

It was only natural for him to say so, since most of my attacks except hard dodging complex attacks like <<Thunder speed roarHrungnir>> did not hit him since the start of this battle.

But even so, I swore I would slam a <<MjolnirThunder god’s strike>> to him and closed in the gaps.

*Zuu*……….*zuzu*……… I dragged my legs and left a trail of blood on the deck before standing in front of <<K>>.

“Fufu. You’re completely covered in wounds”

“I think it goes for the both of us”

I was completely worn-out from the attacks until now but, <<K>> was in a similar state because he got hit by Yurie just now.

There were scratches on the so-called <<Unit>> and it was occasionally giving off sparks.

“Let’s end this, <<K>>”

I slowly took a left stance and said that.

“I wonder who will be the last one standing, you two or me-----"

[It’s a match!!] [It’s a match!!]

Both sides released fighting spirit and the final attack started with that as the signal.

We were the one taking the first move as usual. I was going to use <<Thunder speed roarHrungnir>> to steal the flow.

However, to <<K>> who has seen through its weakness already, he averted all of the punches by slapping it all downwards instantaneously.

(Although he's an enemy, this guy’s blocking is just as expected! However-----)

Blocking won’t be enough to beat me, your making that face huh”


A counter flew to me the same time he said that.

After I got punched at the face he stomped on my foot before a severe pain ran through the leg that got stepped on.

I got punched again at that moment, and even though I supported my body from collapsing this time, I immediately rolled away from the next attack.

“I lost all my knives. And I admit, the <<Unit>>’s output has decreased. However, it’s not that low until I can’t kill you by punches. A fist fight contest is very inelegant but, it can’t be helped in this situation though”

<<K>> talked without the assumption he was going to lose.

(Ouchh…………saying all you like and acting all happy………)

Even though I was distorting my expression from pain-------I already achieved my goal.

Yes, I purposely took the hit to achieve my goal.

All of this was to stop <<K>>’s movement.

(This will probably be the only chance. Can I do it……..? No, I have to do it!!)

I clenched my fist under the <<Shield>> and stood up after steeling my resolve.

“……….I guess those are eyes showing resolve huh. I have little stamina left anyway and I thought of going out for the finish too in this situation. Fufu, I have to focus on this”


It was quite annoying but, our techniques, movements, mentality has been seen through by those arrow-like eyes as if everything was in his palms.

But-----that is also the reason for our victory.

“Correct, I will end it with this. My fist-----go ahead seeing through it if you can!!”

I roared and stepped in, and release a horizontally curved attack.

“A feint again huh?”

<<K>> remembered this attack as the feint I used during the start of the battle.

And it was the same as this time------my fist hit the air, and I rolled forward with the momentum of the punch.

But, this was the different part. Instead of a sidekick, I performed a left back blow while raising my body.

However, <<K>> saw through that attack in an instant and dodged it.

“Forming a different combination from the first-------however, it's an immature attack pattern!!”

“As expected from you…….! Then------“

The moment my back blow missed, I opened my clenched fist.

“See through this!!”

*Kaa!!*<<K>>’s eyes burned from the light.

“Guh, what the heck was that……!?”

The object I hid using the <<Shield>> when I stood up just now was inside my clenched fist.

The switch was already turned on the moment I showed my back to <<K>> when I rolled my body-----right after I performed the back blow.

The object I held in my fist was the armband. The reason why I took a hit on purpose was to pick up this object I threw on the deck.

Since the armband’s light was brighter than the moon and glittering stars, he took a blind hit with his arrow-like eyes that could see everything.

After losing his sight for an instant, his expression distorted greatly ------and, <<K>> noticed something.

He noticed Yurie was gone.

“*Tsk*, where did you…..!?”

“Yurie, Goo------!!”

As if to respond to my shout, <<K>> looked up at the sky.

Over there, an unrealistic, beautiful and magical picture was there.

The angel signifying the end was dancing in the moonlight night.

*Chirin* After the appearing sound of the bell rang-----

*Gikikiiiiiiiin*!! The <<Double>> sliced through the <<Unit>>.

<<K>> staggered when a slash was formed from the tip of his shoulder to his chest.

“Not yet………I have not------“

“No, this is the end. I’ll end it with this”

I also jumped into <<K>>’s chest area the moment Yurie brandished her sword.

Those sharp arrow-like eyes were staring at me in hatred.

I pulled my fist like setting an arrow and-----

The <<MjolnirThunder god’s strike>> broke the <<Unit>> and pulled down the curtains of the battle.

“Tooru, the helicopter is getting closer. I think it belongs to that person”

At the direction Yurie was pointing to, I saw a helicopter giving out search lights.

“Okay then, I am sorry to say this when you are resting but, let’s go pick up the chairman”

I encouraged my over-creaking body to stand up and entered the cabin while dragging my leg.

Having been put to sleep by <<K>>, the chairman did not wake up and appear on the boat even though there was a rough battle just now; she was just sleeping soundly on the bed.

After lifting up her small body, I got shocked from her light weight.

(Does she eat? Or is a child this light?)

After exiting the cabin while paying attention not to swing around, the helicopter has reached a distance where hearing the rotor sound is possible.

The helicopter soon reached above the boat and the girl with Yellow Topazblonde hair showed herself from the hovering machine above.


I got relieved when I found out she was safe when I saw Lealith leaning forward and swinging her hands after opening the door. Tsukimi could be seen behind her.


At that moment, the black clothed girl moved her eye lids. After making several weak blinks, her eyes fully opened and the chairman talked to me in a slightly dumbfounded tone.

“Kokonoe……Tooru……..? Where is this…….”

“On the boat. We are a little far away from the island though”

“I see……….. …………… which means, I take it you were the one that saved me?”

I quietly swung my head to the side when she asked.

“It wasn’t only me. Yurie too. Also, Lealith, Imari, Tora and the others made the path for us……….”

“…………I understand. I am grateful to everyone. I will be indebted to you all for this matter”

“Debt, no------“

We did not save the chairman for such a reason.

Before I could tell her that, the chairman asked the next question.

“What happened to that boy?”

“Errr……..is it <<K>>? If it’s him-----“

“I am over here, <<Blaze Diabolica>>-dono”

Everyone at that place concentrated their sights at the voice echoing from the bow of the boat.


Those arrow-like eyes were staring at us.

I thought he would be unconscious for a while because he took a clean hit from the <<MjolnirThunder god’s strike>> but, it seems <<K>> was tougher than what I imagined.

I put down the chairman and prepared against <<K>>.

“Relax. I have no intentions to continue this battle. I don’t think I have any chances of winning if I take on Miss Bristol and Tsukimi Rito in this condition”

After taking a step back, the teenager showed his light smile.


“Let him go, Kokonoe Tooru”

The chairman was the one that stopped me.

“B-but chairman……..”

“I don’t mind………you’re <<K>> right? Nice to meet you. Please tell <<Equipment smith>>-sama I said hi”

“I understand”

After taking a deep bow, <<K>> jumped to the sea----and landed.

A submarine was there on the sea surface before I knew it.

<<K>> then disappeared together with the submarine.

“Kokonoe Tooru, and Yurie=Sigtuna. I will get my payback sooner or later. Well then………”

He left those words.

“Ya-re ya-re………looks like we made a connection with one annoying guy”

“That’s true. However, it won’t be a problem if we get stronger before the next time we meet again”

“Haha, you got that right”

I laughed at the words that the girl beside me said----and recalled something.

I recalled back the ear-piercing sound that echoed in the battle.

And the memory of Yurie moving at a speed that could be described as unusual, together with the sound.

(That sound and the Yurie at that time, just what’s with that……….? It’s as if a beast trapped in a cage getting loose for an instant………….)

But now, the silver looks normal from what I can see.

As if the event that happened just now did not occur.


Those Ruby eyesred eyes were looking at me before I noticed.

“Ah, So-sorry. I was daydreaming………..no-now that I think about this, Yurie. When did you overcome your seasickness?”

“…………….I forgotten about it”

I could see Yurie’s face color change under the search light.

Next morning------even though my wounds did not heal yet, we have to separate from Imari and the other branch school students.

“Leaving the last day aside, this one week was fun”

“Ahaha, that goes for me too. It was really great……..that I met everyone and more importantly Tooru again”

Imari and the branch school group came to the harbor to see us off.

It was very regretful to separate from the friends we made during the seaside school.

“I could not fulfill the cake promise in the end”

“Fufuu, it can’t be helped in this island without any shops. Nonetheless, it doesn’t change the fact it’s disappointing…………..aaah, I still have 3 debts left though”

I talked to Imari who held her hands behind her head and was looking away from me.

“Oh come on. Don’t make it sound like we will never meet again. You will just have to fulfill the cake promise the next time we meet, and repay the remaining 2 debts each time we meet again”

“Next time huh……….”

The pony tail girl turned around with lonely eyes.

“Next time. We will meet again like this time so we will definitely meet again. At least, we can do so when we get affiliated to Dawn organization after graduation. That’s why I will look forward for that day to come”

“………Mouu, oh Tooru. I won’t be able to completely give up after I managed to make myself give up if you told me that”

“Give up!? O-oi, Imari. Don’t give up. Our paths managed to connect so; you just have to work one step harder. We have one more year so, there are many chances to <<Level up>> right!”

I could not hide my surprise and panic when I heard that sentence come out from Imari who has a positive personality.

Imari looked at me with big wide eyes and------

She lifted the side of her lips to make a smile.

“Seriously, you sure said a carefree comment like it's just one step just because you have the qualification to graduate already. I am still <<Level 2II>> you know”

“Oi oi it isn't carefree you know. I said it because I believe Imari will definitely become <<Level 3III>>"

“Ahah, you sure like to say whatever you want……….”

While laughing, Imari looked up at the summer skies----and said.

“But well, I have to respond to your expectations since you said it to that extent”

“If you don’t want to respond to that then you can cancel off those debts you know”

“Ah, no fair! Then I will definitely sublimate to <<Level 3III>>. So prepare yourself because I will make you treat me to a cake buffet, Tooru!”

“Wasn’t it just one cake!?”

“Bubuu, you’re wrong. I never said it was going to be one cake in the first place”

That might be true but, I just can’t agree to that……

“Well, leaving that aside-----see you again, Tooru”

“Aah. See you later, Imari”

Different from just now, we swore that we will meet again, and put our fist together.

The branch school group sees off the boat while they were standing at the wharf. When we reached a point where we can no longer see them, the ten classmates at the poop deck gradually entered the ship one after another.

The last one left there were 3 people; me, Yurie and Tora.

“I will go back to the cabin. Tooru, don’t make a mistake and fall into the sea”

“I won’t………..”

Although I replied that, there was no guarantee I won’t do that when the boat makes a big shake.

My body was creaking due to <<MjolnirThunder god’s strike>>’s burden. Adding on to that, there were cracks on my ribs, and a stab wound on my legs, my situation was completely far away from the word balanced.

If I really fell off then rather than laughing, I would probably be off to that world and-----even if I don’t go there, I probably can’t avoid getting called idiot for a while.

And with that, after I leaned against the wall and sat down with my legs freely put forward, towards the same direction the boat was heading to, Yurie *chokon* sat beside me too.

“Yurie. The salty wind might harm your wounds if you stay for too long so, you don’t have to force yourself just because you are my <<Duo>>”

“Nai. That goes for you too when it comes to injuries. And it’s not because I am your <<Duo>> that I am with you, it’s because I just want to be beside Tooru……..also, I think I will get seasick if I head back immediately”

The last sulky mumble made me spurt out laughing.

“You’re evil, Tooru. It’s a big problem for me……..”

“Hahaa, Sorry sorry. I’ll lend you my shoulder as an apology so forgive me”

“……….nai, I prefer your lap”

“Lap? Well I don’t mind……….”

“Ya---. Then I will accept the offer”

Yurie lay down her body and used my lap as a pillow.

“Good night, Yurie”

When I patted on the head of the girl that looks like a small animal, she closed her eyes comfortably.

I continued looking at the island turning smaller while patting on her silky Silver BlondeSilver hair.


“You’re not sleeping? I think you will feel more comfortable doing so you know”

“Ya---. But, I need to ask something before that”

Just when I thought what it is, she threw me a question.

“If……..if Imari was accepted to the main school then-----will Tooru form a <<Duo>> with her?”

“With Imari?”

If Imari fought someone else other than me, she might have been accepted to the main school.

But------there was no if’s.

Everything in front of me is important now.

But even so, I guess I have some free time to imagine at least.

“That’s true………she might be a good friend, and good rival. But------I will only team up with Yurie if I have to team with a girl”


The girl right now getting spoiled by the lap pillow I am giving her.

I extended my hand out to this girl out of my own will.

“Even if Imari gets to enroll into the main school-----I will still take Yurie’s hand”

“………..It’s somehow embarrassing. It’s embarrassing but------“

Even though I could not see her expression, Yurie was probably making a smile.

“I am very happy”

It seems she was satisfied with my answer and I rubbed the silver girls head.

“Let’s drink apple tea when we get back”


Inside the view with the sea, sky and clouds-----

While hearing the endless sound of the waves, I was thinking about one girl.

It was not the silver girl sleeping on my lap nor was it the ponytail girl I swore to meet again.

The hard-working, but shy and reserved girl.

The girl that fell in love with someone like me.

I continuously thought about the girl I hurt over and over again.

Translation Notes and References

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