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Because I was now even more irritated, the street noise I could usually tolerate annoyed me horribly.
Because I was now even more irritated, the street noise I could usually tolerate annoyed me horribly.
Теперь я был еще больше раздраженным, и терпимый обычно шум улиц бесил меня до ужаса.<!--stop-->
Теперь я был еще больше раздраженным, и терпимый обычно шум улиц бесил меня до ужаса.
Be it the engine noise of the cars and their piercing horns, the loud voices of strolling students and their vulgar laughs, the yells of salesmen who unsuccessfully tried to attract customers, or cheap music.<!-- we've got a list here of things that annoy him, but it leads with 'be it' which is singular. Therefore, the list is not a collective, but a list of individual things that annoy, so we need or, not and in the last place. Likewise, your comma after salesmen falls into a grey area. I suggest leaving it out just to avoid a forest of punctuation. Neither meaning nor rhythm are impaired by its absence. Likewise, we switch the semicolons, which splice related clauses into a sentence, with commas, which order a list of similar nouns -ss -->
Be it the engine noise of the cars and their piercing horns, the loud voices of strolling students and their vulgar laughs, the yells of salesmen who unsuccessfully tried to attract customers, or cheap music.<!-- we've got a list here of things that annoy him, but it leads with 'be it' which is singular. Therefore, the list is not a collective, but a list of individual things that annoy, so we need or, not and in the last place. Likewise, your comma after salesmen falls into a grey area. I suggest leaving it out just to avoid a forest of punctuation. Neither meaning nor rhythm are impaired by its absence. Likewise, we switch the semicolons, which splice related clauses into a sentence, with commas, which order a list of similar nouns -ss -->
Будь то звук мотора машин и их пронзительные бибикалки, громкие голоса прогуливающихся студентов и их вульгарный смех, крики продавцов в безуспешных попытках привлечь покупателей, или дешевая музыка.
They all annoyed me.
They all annoyed me.
Они все раздражали меня.
Why was there ''so much'' noise and racket in the world?
Why was there ''so much'' noise and racket in the world?
Разве мир был <em>настолько</em> шумным?
As I wasn't at work, I wasn't asking for perfect silence, but living amidst so much noise and racket was unendurable. I couldn't understand how other people tolerated it.
As I wasn't at work, I wasn't asking for perfect silence, but living amidst so much noise and racket was unendurable. I couldn't understand how other people tolerated it.
Так как я был не на работе, то не просил идеальной тишины, но жить среди такого шума было невыносимо. Я не мог понять, как другие люди его терпели.
While fighting the urge to roar at the noisemakers to shut up, I backed away into a narrow side street.
While fighting the urge to roar at the noisemakers to shut up, I backed away into a narrow side street.
Борясь с желанием рявкнуть на шумевших, чтобы заткнулись, я попятился в узкий закаулок.
After I got some distance from the main street, the noise grew somewhat more bearable. While it hadn't faded out entirely, I could endure it from afar. I decided to walk among these back streets for the time being.
After I got some distance from the main street, the noise grew somewhat more bearable. While it hadn't faded out entirely, I could endure it from afar. I decided to walk among these back streets for the time being.
"Now if only there were another café somewhere, I'd be satisfied for the time being..."
"Now if only there were another café somewhere, I'd be satisfied for the time being..."

Revision as of 11:09, 30 August 2014

If you had to choose between a silent place and a lively place, which would you prefer? Если бы вам пришлось выбирать между тихим и оживленным местами, какое бы вы предпочли?

A silent place when you want to read a book or study? Тихое место, когда хотите почитать книгу или позаниматься?

A lively place when you want to hang out with friends or eat something? Оживленное место, когда хотите потусить с друзьями или что-нибудь съесть?

Depending on your purpose, your preference might change. В зависимости от целей ваши предпочтения могут меняться.

But even if it suits your purpose, a place that is too silent will make you uneasy and a place that is too lively will annoy you. Но даже если место подходит для вашей цели, от слишком тихого места вам станет не по себе, а слишком оживленное начнет раздражать.

Be it silence or liveliness, it's all a matter of degree. Будь то тишина или оживленность - все зависит от степени.

That said, of the two, I happen to prefer silence a bit more - most likely because I am used to quiet places. Но так получилось, что тишину я предпочитаю несколько больше - скорее всего потому что привык к тихим местам.

What I am getting at is: Вот к чему я клоню:

The Tsukumodo Antique Shop is as dead silent as ever. Антикварный магазин Цукумодо как всегда мертвецки тих.

One might compare it to the soft slumber of being in the womb. Можно сравнить это с мягким сном будучи в утробе.

While I was giving myself over to a silence that bundled me up in a blanket of cozy warmth, a bubble slowly rose beside me. В то время, как я предавался тишине, укутывавшей меня одеялом уютной теплоты, рядом со мной медленно поднимался пузырь.

I touched it. Я дотронулся до него.

It burst into a "Re". Он лопнул со звуком ре.

Another bubble came floating upwards. Еще один пузырь поплыл вверх.

I touched it. Я дотронулся до него.

It burst into a "Fa" this time. Этот лопнул со звуком фа.

One after another, the bubbles rose around me. Один за другим вокруг меня начали подниматься пузыри.

One, two, three—no, more. A hundred, two hundred, three hundred, more. More, more. Один, два, три - нет, больше. Сто, двести, триста, больше. Больше, больше.

At last, the notes started to burst from the bubbles without my touch; they burst into notes of music. And these countless notes eventually grew into a melody. Наконец ноты начали вырываться из пузырей без моего прикосновения; они лопались в музыкальные ноты. И эти бесчисленные ноты со временем слились в мелодию.

This was the womb of a mother of music. Это была утроба матери музыки.

And I was one of the few permitted to step into this realm. И я был одним из немногих, кому было дозволено ступать в это царство.

My duty was to gather those notes as they were born and bring them to the world outside. Моей обязанностью было собирать эти ноты, как только они рождались, и относить их во внешний мир.

Here, nothing existed but me and the notes. Здесь не существовало ничего, кроме меня и нот.

There were no other humans, nor any other noises. Ни других людей, ни каких либо других звуков.

It was just me and the newborn notes. Только я и новорожденные ноты.

"———" - ...

There was an intrusion from outside. Что-то проникло извне.

It felt like being inside a water balloon as it is popped by a needle. Ощущение, будто находишься в наполненном водой шарике, когда его лопают иголкой.

In the resultant destruction everything was scattered. В последующей деструкции все рассыпалось.

The slumber I had indulged in and the silence—everything—crumbled away. Сон, в который я погрузился, и тишина, все пропало.

The newborn sounds streamed away. They seeped away through my fingers. Новорожденные звуки потекли прочь. Просочились сквозь пальцы.

I was forced back to consciousness. Я против своей воли пришел в сознание.

I was in the same room as always. Я находился в той же комнате как и всегда.

The sheets of music on the table before me were filled with notes. Партитура на столе передо мной была заполнена нотами.

When I was in the world of sounds, my hand would automatically write down the notes of the sounds I gathered. Когда я находился в мире звуков, рука машинально записывала ноты собираемых мной звуков.

That was how I composed. A method that only I could employ, requiring no instruments of any kind. Так я и сочинял. Метод, использовать который мог только я, не требующий каких либо инструментов.

But the music on the score stopped halfway. The notes were distorted and broken—because of the noise that had intruded. Because of the disruption, the notes I had gathered had died aborning. Но музыка на партитуре обрывалась на середине. Ноты были искаженными и ломанными - из-за вторгшегося шума. Из-за помехи собранные мной ноты умерли.

The room I was in was soundproofed from the ceiling to the floor. Not, however, to keep sounds from escaping. I lived in a deserted ghost town. There were no inhabited houses near mine. Комната, в которой я находился, была звукоизолированна от пола до потолка. Но не для того, чтобы звук не покидал помещения. Я жил в заброшенном городе-призраке. По близости не было заселенных домов.

The purpose of my soundproofing was to keep any sound from getting in. Моя звукоизоляция предназначалась для того, чтобы не пропустить ни один звук внутрь.

It was all for the sake of composing without interruption. Все ради того, чтобы сочинять, не отвлекаясь.

However, the insulation could only dampen sound, not erase it completely. Однако материал лишь приглушал звук, а не уничтожал его полностью.

Just as in this case, outside noise could break into this room—the womb of music—and cause pollution. Шум извне мог как и в этот раз врываться в эту комнату, утробу музыки, и вносить помехи.

As soon as that pollution scattered my visualization, it was all over. The notes around me would fly away and leave the composition dead. Как только из-за помех моя визуализация рассеялась, все было кончено. Окружавшие меня ноты разлетались, оставляя мертвую композицию.

I had been so close... Я был так близок...

Seized by anger, I threw open the door and headed upstairs to the living room on the ground floor. Обуреваемый гневом я резко открыл дверь и поднялся в гостиную на первом этаже.

Upon my arrival, I found my helper, Mei, asleep leaned over the table. On the floor was a tea cup. I didn't know whether the sound I had heard just now was the banging of her head against the table or her knocking the tea cup to the floor, but the thought that such a trivial thing had just killed my sounds was just unbearable. Моя помощница, Мэй, спала, облокотившись о стол. На полу лежала чашка. Я не знал звук чего я только что услышал - стука ее головы об стол или падения чашки, но мысль о том, что такая мелочь убила мои звуки, была просто невыносима.

Normally, such soft noises wouldn't be heard in that soundproofed room, but my ears are so sensitive that they pick up even such tiny sounds. And that's why I would always caution Mei to avoid making any noise. Такие тихие звуки в той комнате я бы и не услышал, если бы не мои уши, настолько чувствительные, что улавливали даже еле слышные звуки. Поэтому я всегда просил Мэй не шуметь.

"Hey!" I roared.- Эй! - зарычал я.

Mei's eyes flicked open.Мэй распахнула глаза.

As she recognized me with her frowsy eyes, she quickly sat up and asked, Узнав меня рассеянным взором, она резко встала и спросила:

"Have you already completed your work?" - Вы уже закончили свою работу?

"You ruined it." - Ты ее испортила.

Mei noticed the tea cup she had accidentally dropped on the floor and its spilled contents. She paled.

Probably realizing what she had done, she hung her head in shame.

"I'm in a bad mood. I'm going out for a while."

Leaving her to her own devices, I left the house.

My name is Eiji Kadokura. I'm 32 years old. I compose music. I have composed a considerable number of pieces so far and pride myself on being fairly popular and well-known.

My usual genre is soothing musicfor which I commonly accept assignments. But my most famous composition is most likely a classical piece I had written for a certain renowned violinist, which became a million-seller in spite of its genre, thanks to the recent classical music boom.

Today, I had also been working on a music piece for an assignment that was due in a week. Well, I had been until I was disturbed by my helper.

Once a piece of music has been dispersed, it is forever lost to me.

While traces of it remain in my head, it feels like a cheap copy if I finish the song with those remnants.

It resembles the feeling when the toy bricks you piled up in play start to shake, and even though you manage to regain balance, your tower eventually falls apart after a few more bricks are added.

Or maybe it's also similar to sewing a garment: your thread runs out and you have to tie in a different one—a knot remains and makes the garment look shabby.

Either way, a ruined piece of music can't be mended.

I couldn't stand a patched-together song. Я терпеть не мог(разрыв)

I had to start all over again. Мне придется начать все сначала.

Even though there was not much time left before the deadline. Хотя времени до срока сдачи оставалось не много.

I got in my car and drove to a café I frequented. Я сел в машину и поехал в кафе, в которое часто заходил.

Located in a calm basement, it was usually a much-appreciated haven of tranquility for me. But on that day of all days, I found the café unable to soothe me. Расположенное в спокойном подвале, оно обычно было для меня высоко ценимым убежищем безмятежности. Но именно в тот день я обнаружил, что кафе не может утешить меня.

A group of ten-odd tourists or the like had gathered there. Their mere presence was enough to bother me, but on top of that, they seemed to treat the venue like a bar and made hellish amounts of noise. Внутри собрались 10 туристов. Уже само их присутствие раздражало меня, но сверх того они вели себя так, словно находились в баре, и адски шумели.

Upon noticing me, the keeper of the café bowed his head apologetically. Завидев меня, хозяин кафе виновато склонил голову.

I took it as an apology and an invitation to leave for today. Я воспринял это как извинение и предложение уйти.

Suppressing the urge to give the rude customers a good dressing-down, I nodded to the keeper and left. Сдерживая желание хорошенько () грубым посетителям, я кивнул хозяину и ушел.

Because I was now even more irritated, the street noise I could usually tolerate annoyed me horribly. Теперь я был еще больше раздраженным, и терпимый обычно шум улиц бесил меня до ужаса.

Be it the engine noise of the cars and their piercing horns, the loud voices of strolling students and their vulgar laughs, the yells of salesmen who unsuccessfully tried to attract customers, or cheap music. Будь то звук мотора машин и их пронзительные бибикалки, громкие голоса прогуливающихся студентов и их вульгарный смех, крики продавцов в безуспешных попытках привлечь покупателей, или дешевая музыка.

They all annoyed me. Они все раздражали меня.

Why was there so much noise and racket in the world? Разве мир был настолько шумным?

As I wasn't at work, I wasn't asking for perfect silence, but living amidst so much noise and racket was unendurable. I couldn't understand how other people tolerated it. Так как я был не на работе, то не просил идеальной тишины, но жить среди такого шума было невыносимо. Я не мог понять, как другие люди его терпели.

While fighting the urge to roar at the noisemakers to shut up, I backed away into a narrow side street. Борясь с желанием рявкнуть на шумевших, чтобы заткнулись, я попятился в узкий закаулок.

After I got some distance from the main street, the noise grew somewhat more bearable. While it hadn't faded out entirely, I could endure it from afar. I decided to walk among these back streets for the time being.

"Now if only there were another café somewhere, I'd be satisfied for the time being..."

The very moment I thought so, I spotted a small, quaint, antiquated shop before my eyes.

It was hard to tell from its exterior what kind of shop it was. Willing to linger if it turned out to be a café, I pushed open the door.

The pleasant sound of a bell announced the arrival of a customer.

Much to my regret, however, the shop was not a café. Various things were lined up on the shelves in a disorderly fashion. There were jars and plates and other ceramic ware, and dolls of Japanese and Western origin and one lone tinplate robot. There was even a camera. I assumed it was some kind of antique or second-hand shop.

Curious, I took a look around.

"Welcome," someone said to me.

Behind the counter sat a charming woman clad in black. She looked a little younger than I did, but her languorous air gave her a somewhat mature and mysterious aura.



. 'Relic' is the word we use for tools with special capabilities created by mighty ancients or magicians, or for objects that have absorbed their owner's grudge or natural spiritual powers."-->

[1], hearing about it just then rubbed me the wrong way.-->

to lose most of its impact. -->


had plagued our ears for some time.-->

she got confused and wrinkled her brow.-->












turned toward the entrance.-->






today. I was simply having trouble concentrating.-->






appeared before me.-->

