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===Chapter 1: The Reward of the Campaign===
===Chapter 1: The Reward of the Campaign===
<!--[Note: Completed, I will now work towards fixing all the grammar.]-->
<!--[Note: Hello, I am a new translator (I actually don't have permission yet, but... I'm right now just rushing to translate this whole volume,so the spelling of names of characters and/or places may be really off. Please fix it if you see it (I also plan to fix it after) Thanks! 32 pages out of 35 completed]-->
"This war was definitely a harsh one. The war that started by former King of Gallia, Joseph's conspiracy included turning not only Romalia, but also Halkeginea into ashes."
"This war was definitely a harsh one. The war that started by former King of Gallia, Joseph's conspiracy included turning not only Romalia, but also Halkeginea into ashes."
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Saito was talking in his sleep. He was apparently being hit by Louise even in his dreams.
Saito was talking in his sleep. He was apparently being hit by Louise even in his dreams.
"You did so much this war, right Saito? I feel proud just as if I were you!"
"Sorry! I'm sorry for living!"
"Don't worry, I, Siesta will always be on your side. In the end, I'm number one, right? I won't get mad if you look at other girls, or even if you kiss them. Even though I'll kill you if you did more than that, but I still love you."
Siesta pets the unconscious Saito's head.
''Sort of pisses me off hearing this... but I guess I'll let go for a day, since I'm going to live with Saito once I graduate. Goodbye Siesta!'' Louise feels as if she's the victor of this whole Saito fight.
"Why are you smiling?"
Siesta, who realized Louise acting weird then stares at Louise. Louise crosses her leg on her chair, and says slowly, "Nothing~".
"Please tell me."
"Fine, it's like, you can do whatever you want with Saito for today thing."
"What do you mean?"
Siesta moves towards Louise.
"I mean, I'm going to live with Saito after we graduate. I mean, why don't you have fun with him while it lasts? I'll allow some of it."
"What are you saying..."
Siesta makes a face.
"If Saito moves, then I'm obviously coming with him."
"I don't need any maids. We are going for a small place to live."
"Ms. Vallière is not the one to decide."
"You know already. I was assigned Saito's maid by her majesty. So if you dismiss me or fire me, it's as if telling her majesty that you are about to rebel."
Louise shaked. It's true, Louise alone couldn't dismiss Siesta.
Siesta, feeling like a victor, told Louise.
"Well anyways, if you are looking for a mansion, I'll come with you guys. Since it'll be my new workplace!"

Revision as of 14:12, 22 November 2011

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Status: Incomplete

90% completed (estimated)


Chapter 1: The Reward of the Campaign

"This war was definitely a harsh one. The war that started by former King of Gallia, Joseph's conspiracy included turning not only Romalia, but also Halkeginea into ashes."

Osman's voice resounded throughout the hall.

This is the main tower, of the second floor of the magic academy's dancing hall. Students who were dressed up nicely were listening to Osman's speech meekly.

When the sudden war between Romalia and Gallia was started, they fell in horror. Since the war between Albion had just ended, their hometown was in a desperate situation.

They were in no shape for a war.

What if the crazy Gallian King suddenly attacked them? They must have been destroyed in a heart beat.

However, this ended. In the battle of Kalkasons(??), King Joseph died fighting. In an instant, a new queen was declared and the war was over.

"We fell in horror. I didn't want to be in ashes, I mean, didn't you want to live longer? If I became ashes, I wouldn't of been able to pet a female's hips. That's something I can't live without. All of you here, also feel the same way, right?"

The hall becomes silent. Osman, after faking a cough, continued.

"However, god did not leave us! If there's a crazy king, there must be a hero! If there's a crazy conspiracy, then there's a justice that would defeat it! These people, are the ones who destroyed the ambition of that crazy king!"

The students gulped.

Yes... The ones who helped earn this victory was...

"Yes! The stupid conspiracy by that crazy king was stopped by these heroes! By the heroes whom you all know well! Let me introduce them!"

With Osman's signal, a silk damask behind him fell. The students cheered loudly.

"These people are the ones who saved this world! The Ondine Knights and the Shrine Maidens of our lord!"

There, there were the Ondine Knights in formal attires, Louise, and Tiffania. Amidst cheers such as "Woooooh!", "Hooray Ondine Knights!", and "Hooray Tiffania!", the boys and girls blush out of honor and shyness.

The students at the academy were made to realize that the knights who go to the same academy as they do has done tremendous achievements in this war.

"Listen students. Though it was their first experience in battle, they've achieved quite a lot. The one on one battles, destroying those strong golems in the Tiger Road. The one on one on Linen River, and Joseph's unimaginable... the huge fire ball that used the magic of the elves..., those fires that destroyed the huge fleet... it is said that it was all because of their achievements!"

Cheers roared even more.

The fighting of the Knights, especially the vice commander Chevalliere de Hiraga's achievements were passed down to everybody.

This was the first instance in which a single knight, a group of knights to lead a victory through their achievements. Moreover, rumors say that the new queen is Tabitha who recently were the same students as them. Although nobody knows what kind of drama occured, the Ondine Knights must have played a part on helping Tabitha becoming the queen.

The beautiful... glorious victory's outcome.

And the fact that they had connections to the new queen of Gallia. The students of the academy felt unmeasurable happiness because they were studying at the same exact schools as the heroes, and were very close in age.

They guarded the new queen Charlotte to the capital of Gallia, Lutèce from Calcasons(?) along with the Romalia army, and then went in the castle.

The citizens of Gallia welcomed them with great cheers.

After that, they have guarded her majesty queen Henrietta to Tristain, and have come back.

"Hooray for the Ondine!"

Osman stood in front of the boys and congratulated every one of them.

"Yes yes, I feel honored as if I am you all. Since you guys are me! I, the principal of this magic academy has raised you single handily... yes yes!"

Osman nods happily as he congratulates.

"I raised you all, yes yes"

The Ondine Knights looked at each other. It's true that the principal is principal, but did he even teach us anything? Did he even raise us? They made such faces. Along with this, other students in the crowd's cheer slowly faded.

"Y.. yes! It's all thanks to your teachings!"

The clever Guiche took Osman's side. It's not a bad thing to lend Osman a favor or two.

Then, Osman looks sharply at Guiche then goes near him.


"Yes! Old Osman!"

Expecting some sort of medal, Guiche stood as perfect as he can.

"You are a very nice student. I'll give you a prize."

Guiche shaked with happiness. Not only did he already receive a medal, he receives another big honor. What will it be? Will it be the treasure wand made of gold and diamond tips that is only given to the top student of the academy? If he does receive such treasure, it's as if his path for success is promised......

However, Osman's words betrayed Guiche's thoughts.

"You can hug me."

Osman said it straightforwardly.

"Excuse me?"

However, Osman continues to pull Guiche towards him with his thumb. Guiche shook his head.

Next was Saito.

"You can hug me."

Saito shakes his head without a word. Then Reynal.

"You can hug me."

Reynal, after his face showing slight anger, whispers "Don't mess around."

"You make fun of... our pride... and honor.... Why you..."

Though he tried to talk back to Osman, it was too late. At that time, Osman was with Adrian next to him. He is Reynal's classmate with short red hair.

He shook his head before even being asked for a hug. Then, Osman went next to next: Alsenu, Guston, Varantun, Victor, Paul, Ernesto, Oscar, and Gazmeal.

Feeling a little tension in their faces, they all shook their head no. Not a single person wanted to hug Osman. Nor did they understand why they had to. Amidst the awkward tension around the Ondine Knights, Osman came towards the final one, Maricorne.

Malicorne, without waiting for Osman saying so, immediately said,


Osman, after staring at Maricorne for a little then starts saying, well, leaving the jokes aside... Reynal who was about to jump Osman is stopped by the fellow Ondine Knights.

"The government gave you all honor befitting your performances."

Ms. Chevreuse, who was dressed in formal attire just like the Ondine Knights appeared. She had something in her hand. The Ondine Knights who saw what she was holding widened their eyes out of surprise. There was black writing along with a silver pentagon, shining across.

"Is this... the cape for a chevalliere!?"

Guiche screamed.

"Yes. The achievement of the Ondine Knights in this war is enough to recognize the captain, Guiche as 'chevalliere'."

That was true. Though Saito was the one who did all the achievements, the ones who joined the Gallian King Queen War (is what it is called by everybody) was only the Ondine Knights. It was easily enough for such titles. In other words, if Tristain didn't bother giving a title like this, the people would start to question Tristain's ways and thinking. Politically speaking, this chevalliere was definitely needed.

Guiche, shaking, humbly accepted the cape. The knights congratulate Guiche.

"You did it, captain!"

"Now we have two chevallieres in our knight of Ondine!"

"And also, though we can't give you all chevalliere, you all deserve a medal. It's the Medal of White Hair Soul."

Then, Mr. Gito appeared. As always, he seemed unfriendly. In heart, he felt jealously for his students getting medals.

"Well, one can say you did sort of good. Take it"

With a bored look, he hangs the medals around the knights' necks. Proudly, the kids smiled. It wasn't just honor. Having a Soul Medal also gives annual money. For those knights who have barely no pay, this is pretty big.

After the medals were handed out, Osman stood in front of the two girls, Louise and Tiffania.

"Well, since you guys came as shrine maidens, we apparently are not allowed to give medals. Well, that makes sense since those are medals designed for soldiers. However, from the Tristain religion officials, you two have received a certificate of the priest Juno. They apparently exactly had two seats open."

The students gave a sigh. To receive a certificate of a priest is the gateway towards being rich. Since if one becomes a priest, almost all taxes are free, and in reverse one can gain parts of the church taxes. Therefore, with that certificate, one can gain money by doing nothing. Though it's not a lot of money due to being an ordinary priestess, it couldn't be compared to the annual pay of a single medal.

To do a rough count, Guiche has about 500 Écu, the other knights about 200 Écu, and Louise and Tiffania about 800 Écu promised of annual pay.

Loud claps rang throughout the hall. However, everybody suddenly realized.

Saito is the only one who didn't receive anything. Thinking that there is something special for Saito later on, Osman declares the start of the party.

Well, he did receive the chevalliere last time... Maybe he was just an extra this time... The crowd accepted this illogical reasoning.

Huge banquet came after. Around the Ondine Knights, students gathered.

"Lord Guiche! Please tell us your achievements on the battle!"

"Sure sure, ask me anything."

Going with the flow, he started talking about the battle... but then Guiche realized a girl looking at Guiche from a distance.


However, Montmorency looks away and walked towards the exit of the party. Guiche, immediately pushes away the students around him and chases after her.

Montmorency was standing right out of the hall, facing the opposite of where Guiche stood. She wouldn't move an inch.

Guiche walks towards her back, fixes his attire and then said to Montmorency, still not facing Guiche.

"I became a chevalliere."


Montmorency stayed silent. Guiche tried to walk further towards her, but stops.

"Well, I know. I completely understand. It's not me, it's all Saito who did it. He's really a great guy. I just happened to be the leader."

Guiche raised his head.

"But... I'll definitely become a man suiting my new cape. I'll also be the man fitting you...... Well, see you later."

Guiche walks back towards the hall.


Montmorency screamed. As Guiche turns back towards her, she runs into his chest.


"I... I'm stupid. Even though I know you are the type that moves around with girls, once you say a nice thing, I suddenly think you are amazing."

Guiche cheered in his heart.

"I promise not to look at baths."

"And... I despise myself. I worried a lot. Since the war just starts out of no where... I thought you'd die before we'd even make up..."

Montmorency, being a little modest starts crying. From this, even Guiche feels bad and sad. Guiche took something from his pocket and handed to Montmorency.


"I was also thinking about you. I made it out of carving a sea shell. In Romalia, you apparently give this to women."

On the sea shell was a side view of a women.

"I made it while thinking about you."

"It's beautiful... I never knew you are so crafty."

With a romantic expression, Montmorency looked at Guiche. They both close their eyes.... and as their lips gets closer... several girls come jumping out from the hall and screamed toward Guiche.

"Guiche! Thanks for such a fantastic carving!"

Montmorency opened her eyes widely, and pushes Guiche away.

"Well... As I was making them, it became fun so I just unintentionally made many of those..."

"Very crafty, huh? Are you sure accessories aren't the only thing you 'unintentionally make'?"

Montmorency turns backwards and walks away.

"Malicorne! Please tell us more of the stories!"

With few girls surrounding him, Malicorne was literally crying out of joy.

It couldn't of been helped, since after that incident with the Ondine Knights peeking at the girl's bath, their fame dropped down to the ground. It dropped so far that Saito's achievement in Albion, and the fight against Beatris(?)'s dragon knights were completely forgotten.

However, their fame has finally restored.

Going along with the mood, Malicorne happily talks. In front of him, a clear black haired girl came upon him.


Malicorne's body froze. After staying shy for a little bit, Brigitta finally says, "You made it back safely..."

Realizing the two's mood, the girls surrounding Malicorne left. Malicorne, opens his arms widely like a lead actor in an opera and says grandly, even though he's only a fat kid:

"I was thinking about you all this time."

"I also was thinking about you all this time."

The two stare at each other. Then Brigitta speaks softly resolutely.

"My friend told me. Since you aren't normal, I should bare with some things, or else I won't last."

"... Sorry..."

"It's fine...... While you were at war, I was thinking all this time. Since you are someone like that, it's normal for you to peek at the girl's bath. No, I'd rather be thankful that that's all you did, so I'll bare it. So, I'm very sorry for what I said to you before."

She said so in such a brave way that Malicorne felt sorry for what he had done. He realized how much he was living only for his own greed after seeing her cry like this.

"Sorry.... I'm sorry, I seemed to have went past what I should have done with my sexual desires. From this point on, I'll be normal. I promise. I won't want for you to be sadistic on me anymore. I won't be fat."

Brigitta, feeling grateful looks at Malicorne. Seeing those two, a girl gives them each a glass of wine.

"Why don't you two drink a glass since you guys are making up?"

The two smiled and drank the glass. They look at each other, and laugh.

"Here, drink more."

Malicorne offered Brigitta more.

"I'm not good with alcohol."

"Today is special, since it's the day I have gone through a rebirth."

Brigitta finally tips her wine glass. As she does so, she says things like 'wow I'm starting to feel drunk' so Malicorne takes her to the balcony.

"Are you okay?"

"This pi... made me feel drunk."

Malicorne heard a nostalgic word.

"Wh.. what did you just say?"

"This pig made me fell drunk."

Malicorne felt this unexplainable nerve signal running through his head to his toe.

"Pig... Me?"

"Yes, where else is there such a pig?"

Brigitta's eyes were already swaying. In her pure and clean face, her eyes were the only irregular. Malicorne, losing to her pressure gave a small scream and fell on his hips to the ground.

"I realized while you are not here. To my hobby. If I don't make fun of you at least once a day, I can't sleep well."

Saito, looking at the ruckus on the balcony next to him let out a deep sigh. Over there was Malicorne on his hands and feet saying things like I'm sorry for living, pig is sorry to a girl with black hair. The girl was screaming through her lungs and making fun of Malicorne.

"Damn it, Guiche and Malicorne, enjoying their peace already."

"Isn't it fine? King Joseph died. Peace is finally achieved. Let them go wild for a little bit."

Next to Saito saying "whatever," was Louise. She tied her hair with a valet and wore a white dress. Seeing her like this still speeds up Saito's heart.

"But doesn't Romalia plan to continue the so called 'Holy War'?"

"They can't, since they don't have the four void users now that King Joseph has died."

"But, I just have this feeling that they have the confidence to go on without King Joseph."

Saito told Louise about what he was wondering about.

"Think about it. They knew that King Joseph wouldn't help them, and they still fought against him knowing well that he will die. Doesn't that mean they have a way to proceed without him?"

"You think about it..."

Louise said with a little disappointment.


"We knew of King Joseph being a void user right at the end."

"Oh yeah."

Though there were possibilities of King Joseph being one from Castelmolle(?)'s letter, no one would of predicted that King Joseph was the void user.

When Saito realized right at the end that King Joseph was the void user... He didn't have time to be surprised because of all the killings that had just occurred but...

"Romalia is also the same. They thought that the void user was not King Joseph. They were planning to ally with them after they defeat King Joseph, but too bad for them. The void user was in fact King Joseph. They killed the void user they needed. Well, they had no choice at that point of time. Since if they didn't kill him, they'd been killed. Their speech towards the Gallian Army at the end was just them being a sore loser."

Saito nods a little bit. Further more, only Saito and Tabitha knew of the letter, so Romalia literally had no way of knowing King Joseph being the void user.

"They say things like 'Elves are our enemy!' and 'They are the ones behind everything!' to start some stupid war, but after everyone saw that huge ball of fire, everybody realized that the elves were out of their league. Further more, they don't have the four void users now, and apparently you need four void users to awaken the true void magic. Sucks to be them! That's why they just went right back to Romalia after Tabitha being crowned queen. Since they have nothing to do now, I bet that they are regretting declaring a war on the elves right now. They acted all tough, but they destroyed the only method to defeat the elves themselves. The pope, he'll probably no longer stay a pope now! Maybe tomorrow, some news about a new pope might come?"

Saito looked at Louise, too bright for his eyes.

"You... are smart."

"You're just stupid. Anyways, we should just accept the peace that we have for a while."


Saito replies back with a dark tone.

Louise points her finger up, and then says, "Our job after this is to research about The Founder having an elf familiar. I think the reason we have to fight elves is in there. If we figure out what happened between them, then I think we may be able to stop our conflict with the elves."

Saito nods.

"Anyways, I just want to be in peace today."

Louise blushes a little, and then leans towards Saito. Then, Kirche comes.

"Oh, was I interrupting you two?"

Seeing Kirche, smiling, Louise quickly replies, "N... no, you aren't interrupting us!"

Kirche was wearing a night dress, opening her chest areas and then leans towards the balcony fence next to Louise and Saito while distributing her sexiness aura everywhere.

"Cheers for Tabitha being queen."

She sounded lonely.

"Kirche, Tabitha didn't give you any contact after that?"

"Ya, well I got a call from her house. They apparently took her mother back to the castle. That's all I know."

Saito says, "Isn't she anti-social!"

"She's probably busy."

Louise, calming Saito down gave an excuse.

After that, Tabitha gave him no contact. Although Saito asked to meet Tabitha, he was denied because they were busy. Well, probably it wasn't Tabitha's decision, but her men's decision... it was still sort of lonely for her and him.

"That's weird though, because Tabitha said she won't be queen."

"She probably has her own way of thinking things."

"Do you think Romalia said something to her? I'm just worried about that."

As Saito said that, Kirche laughs.

"That's one thing that won't happen for her. Romalia probably thought that she's an easy girl, but she's actually really good at politics. If she has anything to say to us, she'll probably contact us."

"I guess so..."

Saito nods.

"Why don't you worry about yourself though?"


"Yes, you Saito. Recently, you've become such a fine man/

"R... really?"

"Yeah, not as much as Jean, but you should watch out. You're going to be troubled by girls."

"What do you mean!"

Louise screams in fury.

"Oh Louise, you don't have time to lie to your feelings now. If you keep lying, some day another girl will take him off of you!"

Kirche laughs and leaves.

"What is she talking about! That idiot!"

After realizing Saito spacing out, she kicks Saito.


"What's that face! Why do you look so happy? Are you wondering about how you'll be troubled?"

Saito shakes his head after Louise glares at him.

"I, I'm not!"

"Lies. You were definitely imagining it! Girls with thi--s big boobs come towards you."

Louise uses her both hands to draw a circle around her chest area to show how big 'thi--s' is to Saito.

"You are gonna go on four legs like this, putting your face on that huge boobs, and then hug hug hug hug hug hug! That's your imagination!"

Louise goes on four legs, presses her two hands against her face to act out what she had just said.

"Louise... listen."

"Saito is troubled! Troubled from boobs! What! You aren't troubled at all!"

"What's that self acting..."

"I just acted out what's in your head!"

Louise stood up and screams at Saito.

"I've never thought of being troubled by any other girl than you."

"What do you mean. Are you saying that I trouble you so much?"

"I don't mean it that way..."

"Say it clearly. Who do you want to be troubled by?"

Louise looks away. Saito immediately realized her 'sign' being so used to Louise.

She's telling Saito to "come romantically".

Louise is just like a newly planted plant. Without the nutrients, she starts rotting. Well, she gets angry, and it gets troublesome after she gets angry, so Saito must not miss her signs. Saito takes a deep breath and compliments Louise.

"I have such a beautiful master next to me. I'd never look away."

Louise growls. She was still worried about what Kirche had just said.

It's true that Saito has become more manly. He probably became like that through all his experiences. He sometimes might go loose, but he is a very responsible vice commander of the Ondine.

Maybe I am troubled... Louise feels uncertain.

That doesn't mean I'm letting him do what he wants with me. I'm an aristocrat.

The one thing I can not be is a loose women.

But look at me right now. I just let Saito do anything with me.

Louise, after imagining the 'do anything with me' part becomes red.

We finally got the peace. So I should take my time with hose things.

Saito feels awkward after seeing Louise troubled, then blushing, then repeating, so he calls Louise, but as he does so...

From the hall came a bright music. It had a nice tempo, and it made anything seem fun.

"This song..."

Louise says softly. Saito also realized.

"It's the first song in which we danced."

After they defeated Fouquet, they danced together. Saito remembered that night as if it was yesterday.

They somehow held hands and then went back to the hall. They danced along with the song. Although Saito's dance was as bad as he was in the beginning, Louise still felt very happy.

"Oh yeah, your dress and your hair is the same as last time too."

"You finally realized?"

"S, sorry"

"You are really dense."

Although Louise felt small anger from that, dancing with Saito kept her happy.

Looking around her, she sees other people dancing. They looked like couples, fitting couples.

Away, she sees Tiffania. In front of her are many guys requesting a dance. Nobody fears of her being a half elf now. Although Louise and Saito are the only ones that know of Tiffania being one that has the blood of the Albion royalty, the male students just couldn't resist her huge bust and her nice personality.

I commend their effort, but none of them is fitting for Tiffania.

Tiffania's beauty is just amazing, even a girl like Louise ends up looking at her and admitting it.

Only some legendary person will actually fit next to Tiffania.

Then what about me?

Louise asks herself.

Do I fit with the hero of Tristain?

Now, Saito's achievements for Tristain is immeasurable. With that Gallia war, it was like Saito fighting solo. Normally, he wouldn't only be a chevalliere, but probably rank up as a baron. His achievements aren't inferior to what the legendary heroes in history had done.

In comparison to that, what am I? Aren't I just pulling Saito behind by not being true to my feelings?

Did I do enough to gain a certificate of a priest?

One part of Louise answers back no. Even though Saito didn't receive anything...

Thinking that, her happiness starts fading away.

Am I a match for Saito?

"What's wrong?"

Saito says to Louise, who stopped dancing.


"Do you feel hurt somewhere?"

Louise shakes her head.

I finally gained peace. I shouldn't worry too much. Saito is next to me anyways.

And... he also says he'll live with me after buying land after graduating.

Worrying might be rude to Saito who's doing that much for me.

"I'm really fine, let's continue dancing."

Louise says with a clear face. However, the clouds of uncertainty that stuck to her heart wouldn't go away.

The party ended, and the students went back to their dorms. Saito and Louise also were on their way back to their room.

When the two arrived at Louise's room at the third floor,

"... I feel really sick."

Louise leans on Saito's shoulder as she walks wobbly.

"You drink too much."

This was a very rare occasion: Louise drinking until she loses control. Saito thought what was wrong with her, she's not good with alcohol, and she of all people had drunk to her death.

"Heay Sairoo"


"You sure you will live with me?"

She's only worrying about that? Saito relaxed.

"Yes, I'll live with you. Tomorrow's Void(he's talking about the day of the week) right? Let's go find our mansion tomorrow."

"I'll go"

Louise looks up to Saito as if she was a lost puppy and Saito had come to rescue her, and then nods multiple times. From that, she sticks closely to Saito.

Seeing Louise like that made Saito feel happy.

"We'll be together forever."

As Saito says that, Louise looks at Saito. Saito just couldn't resist himself, and ended up hugging and kissing Louise. Louise pushes her lips with great strength on Saito, and no longer gets mad when Saito moves his hands towards her thin breast.

"It's small, you don't like it, do you?"

"It's not small."

"Lies. It's small."

Even while saying that, Louise doesn't bother taking Saito's hand off. Wow, how long did it take for me to finally get this far?

Now, the problem is the next step.

Many of the dumb mistakes Saito had done flips through his head. Every one of those times, it seemed like it's going to work but ended up failing.

This time, I won't fail. Today, I will.

Saito, calming down starts thinking carefully.

How did I fail?

"It's small."

Louise says, lacking her usual courage.

Oh yeah, I've gotten in many trouble because it had to do with her breast.

I must not tell, indirectly or not, Louise that hers is small. I can't say things like "I agree".

"I don't know about other people's, but I think it's quite normal."

It's not quite normal at all, but...

"Then that's fine."

First gate, cleared.

Next possible failing routes is definitely Malicorne. However, he's not here, since it's the girls' dorm.

Second gate, cleared.

Now, there must of been something else... I can't remember. Whatever, it'll work out.

So, I should start my engine?

Something unidentifiable exploded inside Saito's head.

Alright, accelerating. Full throttle, go.


Seems like I said some of it out loud. Louise looks at Saito with a questioning face. Saito shakes his head and then looks straightly at Louise.

"Just talking to myself."

Should I say it? The devil part of him asks. The rational part of tries to stop Saito's inner devil.

No, it won't work out. She'll definitely look at me like a creep.

But... that's my dream. If I don't do what I want to do, it's like rebelling against god, who created us with a rational.

A sound of a hammer arose inside his head.

I'll do it.

"Anyways, you are just really cute. I have a request for the very cute you."

Saito's eyes were already looking at his own world. Louise, almost getting sober, resisted. I've decided to follow him. I won't be surprised whatever he tells me.

"Say 'Little kitty wants big kitty to bully me'."


Louise felt everything falling apart in her head. She simply looked at Saito as if he's a creep.

"Say it, please. No, you have to say it."

Saito had a completely straight face. Louise felt some sort of resistance in her heart. This is getting too far. What's the little kitty? Is he talking about me? What's this quote really? Hey mother, where is he trying to take me to?

Even Louise came back to her senses. This was how dumb Saito was.

But... Louise thinks hard.

Even though he's like this right now, it was fun dancing with him. I don't know why, but I apparently have to be with this man...

"Say it, please say it. Sorry."

"...Will you be nice to me if I say it?"


"Won't say anything mean?"


Louise, having no choice, nodded, because she wanted more of Saito's gentle kisses. She wanted him to tell her that she's cute. She bared with it, since she knew of Saito's mental awkwardness. In the end, Louise was a strong girl.

Then, she said it. Blushing. Shaking.

"Little kitty wants big kitty to bully me."


Saito hugged Louise tightly, unlocked the door, and then opened the door, while hugging Louise.

Along with her maid friends, Siesta, opening her jaws wide open, a banner saying "Welcome back Saito", and food was waiting in Louise's room.

Saito cools down.

Oh yeah, right now, Siesta's my maid... so she was there the whole time... so she heard what I said...

Her maid friends stayed frozen for a little bit, and then they burst out laughing. Siesta whispers in a voice filled with malicious intent.

"Welcome back, meow."

The other maids start laughing even further. Louise takes a deep breath, then started kicking Saito who was the cause of her feeling embarrassed.

Saito was moaning with agony in his bed from the pain that was even harsher than what he had received in the war in Gallia. The other maids went home, and then Siesta and Louise started an endless verbal battle.

"Miss. Vallière does it too far."

"Huh? What are you talking about. And why do you welcome back Saito, but not me?"

Louise points at the banner.

"Well, that's because I'm Saito's personal maid. I have nothing to do with you, Ms. Vallière. Anyways, good to see you home safe.

"I don't feel any emotions in your words!"

Siesta, ignoring Louise started hugging Saito.

"Are you okay? She's such an awful master."

"Sorry! Really, Louise, sorry!"

Saito was talking in his sleep. He was apparently being hit by Louise even in his dreams.

"You did so much this war, right Saito? I feel proud just as if I were you!"

"Sorry! I'm sorry for living!"

"Don't worry, I, Siesta will always be on your side. In the end, I'm number one, right? I won't get mad if you look at other girls, or even if you kiss them. Even though I'll kill you if you did more than that, but I still love you."

Siesta pets the unconscious Saito's head.

Sort of pisses me off hearing this... but I guess I'll let go for a day, since I'm going to live with Saito once I graduate. Goodbye Siesta! Louise feels as if she's the victor of this whole Saito fight.

"Why are you smiling?"

Siesta, who realized Louise acting weird then stares at Louise. Louise crosses her leg on her chair, and says slowly, "Nothing~".

"Please tell me."

"Fine, it's like, you can do whatever you want with Saito for today thing."

"What do you mean?"

Siesta moves towards Louise.

"I mean, I'm going to live with Saito after we graduate. I mean, why don't you have fun with him while it lasts? I'll allow some of it."

"What are you saying..."

Siesta makes a face.


"If Saito moves, then I'm obviously coming with him."

"I don't need any maids. We are going for a small place to live."

"Ms. Vallière is not the one to decide."


"You know already. I was assigned Saito's maid by her majesty. So if you dismiss me or fire me, it's as if telling her majesty that you are about to rebel."

Louise shaked. It's true, Louise alone couldn't dismiss Siesta.

Siesta, feeling like a victor, told Louise.

"Well anyways, if you are looking for a mansion, I'll come with you guys. Since it'll be my new workplace!"