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My name is Hanh (true name), i'm currently a student i was born in Russian/Moscow currently residing in heaven with Michael, Azazel and other guys from the church xD. I'm a typical asian guy who loves video games, music, girls and ehh beer >.<
My name is Hanh (true name), i'm currently a student i was born in Russia/Moscow currently residing in heaven with Michael, Azazel and other guys from the church xD. I'm a typical asian guy who loves video games, music, girls and ehh beer >.<
'''Why did i come to High School DxD'''
'''Why did i come to High School DxD'''

Revision as of 06:39, 24 April 2012

Hey guys! My name is Hanse, i also use nickname D-Pryde you can contact with me at [email protected]


My name is Hanh (true name), i'm currently a student i was born in Russia/Moscow currently residing in heaven with Michael, Azazel and other guys from the church xD. I'm a typical asian guy who loves video games, music, girls and ehh beer >.<

Why did i come to High School DxD

This question makes me chuckle and I'm glad you asked me. This project was so incredible that without thinking i texted to Code-Zero and we had a little chat about DxD.. So here i am! I'm a new person here so.. And by the way i'm amateur editor so don't rush me please, obviously i will try my best for this project and for you guys! (i update this subject monthly)

Well, that's all I can think of to describe myself so far. If anyone wants to know more about me, you can text me at [email protected] i would appreciate it guys! Unlikely but who knows, feel free to post me a message and I try and somehow connect it. Either way, Take good care of yourself guys!
