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"Claro, dudo que alguien lo haya hecho antes, pero..."
"Claro, dudo que alguien lo haya hecho antes, pero..."
<span style="font-weight:bold"¿Desde que punto de vista puede eso ser una línea tsundere de todos modos?"</span>
<span style="font-weight:bold">¿Desde que punto de vista puede eso ser una línea tsundere de todos modos?"</span>
<span style="font-weight:bold;">No es como si Kodaka hubiese hecho una observación como esa o algo ¿¡Okay!?</span>
<span style="font-weight:bold;">No es como si Kodaka hubiese hecho una observación como esa o algo ¿¡Okay!?</span>
<span style="font-weight:bold"¿Quién sabe? Pero ¿No piensas que tener un relator omnisciente tsundere da una sensación de frescura?"</span>
<span style="font-weight:bold">¿Quién sabe? Pero ¿No piensas que tener un relator omnisciente tsundere da una sensación de frescura?"</span>
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Tu estas cometiendo un gran error si crees que Rika dijo algo como eso ¿¡Okay!?</span>
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Tu estas cometiendo un gran error si crees que Rika dijo algo como eso ¿¡Okay!?</span>
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<p style="font-size: 300%; text-align: center;">☺</p>
<p style="font-size: 300%; text-align: center;">☺</p>
Pasamos casi uno hora caminando bajo el sol abrazador.
We spent roughly an hour walking under the blazing sun.
Se podía sentir el olor del mar un poco para el momento en que alcanzamos el bosque.
You could smell the sea a little bit by the time we reached the forest.
We quickly walked our way through it, and, at last, reached the villa.
Rápidamente hicimos nuestro camino a través de él, y finalmente, alcanzamos la villa.
Justo fuera del bosque había un área elevada y una playa arenosa bajo ella.
Right outside the forest was an elevated area and a sandy beach below it.
La villa de la familia Kashiwazaki estaba reposando sobre el área elevada.
The Kashiwazaki family's villa was sitting atop the elevated area.
It looked like a normal, if a bit small, house with a garage next to it.
Se veía como una normal, pero un poco pequeña casa con un garaje a su lado.
"T-the sea! The sea! The sea!"
"¡E-el mar! ¡El mar! ¡El mar!"
Grito Kobato en una voz llena de energía.
Kobato yelled in a voice full of energy.
Ella no presto ninguna atención a la villa, simplemente se limito a mirar el mar con unos ojos brillantes.
She didn't pay any attention to the villa, simply staring out at the sea with shining eyes.
La luz del Sol golpeaba el mar haciéndolo resplandecer con un hermoso color aguamarina.
The sun's light hitting the sea made it sparkle with a beautiful aquamarine color.
He vivido cerca del mar un montón de veces antes, pero ya que ha pasado tiempo desde la ultima vez que lo hice, mirar el mar desde tan cerca de mi ahora mismo, me hacia sentir un poco nostálgico.
I've lived near the sea plenty of times before, but because it's been a while since the last time I did, seeing the sea so close to me right now felt a little nostalgic.
Esta era una playa privada a demás, así que obviamente no había nadie en la playa o en el agua.
It's a private beach too, so obviously there was nobody on the beach or in the water.
"¿Esa realmente bien para usar todo este lugar solo para nosotros...?"
"Is it really okay for us to use this place all for ourselves...?"
Yo sin queres deje salir un suspiro de admiración.
I unintentionally let out a sigh of admiration.
"I-I-I-I-I wanna swim! An-chan let's go swim!"
"¡Y-y-y-y-yo Quiero nadar! ¡An-chan vamos a nadar!"
Kobato was so excited she looked like she was about to run off to the beach and leave her luggage behind.
Kobato estaba tan emocionada, ella se veía como si estuviese apunto de correr hacia la playa y dejar su equipaje atrás.
“Jeh, ponerte tan emocionada por una pequeña playa. Se supone que tu eres mas grande que yo, pero ¡No eres mas que una niñita pequeña!" dijo Maria.
"Heh, getting all excited over a little beach. You're supposed to be older than me, but you're just a little kid!" said Maria.
Ella parecía estar tratando de actuar mas madura, pero ella a penas podía contener una sonrisa y estaba obviamente temblando de la emoción también.
She seemed to be trying to act more mature, but she could barely hold back a grin and was obviously shaking with excitement too.
Ella se veía como si estuviese haciendo una extraño baile.
She sort of looked like she was doing a weird dance.
"Podremos ir a nadar después de dejar nuestros equipajes."
"We can go swim after we put our luggage away."
Le dije a las dos niñas sobresaltadas de emoción mientras todos nos dirigimos a la villa.
I told the two girls overflowing with excitement as we all went into the villa.
A pesar de que es posible que no se use tan a menudo, se veía como si estuviese bien cuidada y el interior de ella se veía realmente bien.
Although it might not get used all that often, it looked like it was well-kept and the inside of it looked really nice.
And just like Sena said, it seemed to have electricity.
Y justo como Sena dijo, parecía tener electricidad.
El lugar tenia todo, desde una televisión hasta un aire acondicionar, y un montón de electrodomésticos para utilizar. Si se ignora el hecho de que llegar a aquí es una molestia, se ve como un bastante lindo lugar para vivir.
The place had everything from a TV to air conditioning, and plenty of appliances to use. If you ignore the fact that getting here is a pain, this looks like a pretty nice place to live.
De todos modos, tomé los productor perecederos que trajimos con rostros y los puse en la heladera, y después Sena nos mostró donde íbamos a dormir.
Anyway, I took the perishables we brought with us and put them in the fridge, and then had Sena show us where we'd be sleeping.
We decided how to split up the room beforehand. It'd be me and Yukimura, Yozora and Sena, and then a group of 3 consisting of Rika, Kobato, and Maria.
Nosotros habíamos decidido como nos íbamos a dividir las habitaciones de antemano. Esto seria Yozora, Sena, Yukimura y yo, y entonces el otro grupo de tres consistía en Rika, Kobato y Maria.
Era obvio que Yukimuro y yo íbamos a estar junto como los únicos hombres, pero las chicas nos tomo un largo tiempo decidirlo y terminamos usando una lotería.
It was obvious that me and Yukimura would be paired together as the only guys, but the girls took forever to decide and ended up using a lottery.
...I get the feeling that pairing Yozora with Sena and Kobato with Maria is the worst way it could've come out, but that's what they decided so whatever.
...Yo tuve el presentimiento de que unir a Yozora con Sena y a Kobato con Maria es la peor forma que podría haber salido, pero como sea, eso era lo que se había decidido de todos modos.
"It's your job to stop Maria and Kobato if they start fighting."
"Es tu trabajo detener a Maria y a Kobato si ellas empiezan a pelear."
I warned Rika, and then she said,
Alerte a Rika, y entonces ella dijo,
"Please relax, Senpai. Rika can handle a pair of naughty kids like them in no time at all."
"Por favor relájate, Sempai. Rika puede manejar a un par de niñas traviesas como ellas en un momento después de todo."
"Oh? That's surprising."
"¿Oh? Eso es sorprendente."
"Sip, mi picana eléctrica esta lista para funcionar cuando sea."
"Yep, my stun gun's ready to go whenever."
"¡¿Como se supone que eso me puede relajar!?”
"How is that supposed to make me relax!?"
<p style="font-size: 300%; text-align: center;">☺</p>
<p style="font-size: 300%; text-align: center;">☺</p>

Revision as of 01:52, 2 April 2013

El Mar

Unos días después de que el Obon había terminado. [1]

El día del campamento de entrenamiento del Neighbors Club estaba sobre nosotros.

Íbamos a pasar tres días y dos noches el la villa y playa privada de la familia Kashiwazaki

El resto de lo miembros ya había llegado en frente de la boletería, en el centro de la estación de Tohya, para el momento en que Kobato y yo llegamos.

Yozora, Sena, Yukimura, Rika y Maria.

Como de costumbre, Rika estaba usando su uniforme con una bata de laboratorio enzima, Yukimura estaba en su uniforme de maid y Maria tenia puesto el uniforme que ella usa en la academia.

La estación de Tohya casi podría ser llamada el centro de la ciudad Renya y es bastante grande con un montón de gente de lado a lado, lo que obviamente significaba que recibimos una gran cantidad de miradas extrañas.

En serio, ¿Porque tienen que usar siempre la misma ropa...?

"Mu... ¿Porque esta ese peón de dios aquí...?"

Kobato le di o Maria el trato usual.

"Je je, Por qué yo soy la profesora aquí. Estoy aquí para poner un ojo sobre ustedes naranjas podridas, para que no causen ningún problema. ¡Deberías estar agradecida!"

Maria saco pecho llena de orgullo, y Yozora casualmente le alcanzo una botella vacía.

"Hey, Señorita Maria de quien estoy tan agradecida. Tira esto."

"¿Eh...?" Maria se la quedo mirando fijamente y después dijo,

"¿P-porque tengo que tirar yo tu tonta botella de jugo? ¡Entupida Yozora!"

"No es jugo, es café...”

"¡Eso no importa!"

"Bueno, esto es un problema... pensé que la única capas realizar esta importante tarea seria la siempre fiable genio, la Señorita Maria... "

"¿D-de veras? Je ¡Eres un caso perdido! ¡La confiable y hábil señorita Maria tendrá que tirar esta botella por ti, en ese caso! "

"Bien, tu si que eres confiable ¿No es así señorita Maria? El tacho de basura esta por ahí. Apresúrate y ponte en movimiento, oh tan hábil señorita Maria"

"¡Lo tengo! Solo déjamelo a mi ¡Ya que soy tan confiable!"

Maria tomo la botella se dirigió hacia el tacho de basura, sin darse cuenta en lo más mínimo de que Yozora se estaba burlando de ella.

Ella siempre es tan fácil de engañar de esta manera.

Después de que Maria estaba a una buena distancia, Yosora se dio vuelta y dijo,

"Bueno, ahora que estamos todos, vamos. Ya compre todos sus boletos."

"¿¡Acaso eres la reencarnación de Satanás!?

"Solo estaba bromeando."

Le grite a Yozora, y ella me respondió con un tono que sonaba mas feliz de lo usual.

De todos modos, esperamos que Maria regrese, después pasamos por la boletería y nos subimos en el tren.

Nuestro destino, la villa de Sena, está en otra prefectura y de acuerdo con el horario de trenes, nos tomaría más o menos dos horas y media llegar allí desde la estación de Tohya.

Ni bien nos subimos, el tres estaba bastante lleno, pero después de aproximadamente 30 minutos, cuando llegamos a una estación grande, un montón de gente bajó, y después de eso, el numero de gente continuo disminuyendo.

Yozora y Rika se veían como zombis durante los primero 30 minutos, pero después de que la gente se bajó, ellas comenzaron a verse mejor.

Actualmente estábamos separados en dos grupos, cada uno sentado en un grupo de asientos.

En un grupo de asientos estábamos Kobato, Yukimura, Maria y Yo, y en el otro estaba el par de Yozora/Sena.

Tomé un asiento al azar, y fui rápidamente seguido por Kobato, Maria, y Yukimura quienes se sentaron en el mismo grupo de asientos que yo, lo que era esencialmente la solución más natural de todos modos.

A propósito, si te estas preguntando por Rika, tan pronto como la gente bajó, ella dijo "Voy a ir a 'disfrutar' la parte donde los vagones se conectan" y nos dejó.

Yozora estaba leyendo un libro, Sena estaba jugando un videojuego, básicamente estaban haciendo lo que usualmente hacen para matar el tiempo en la habitación del club.

Nuestro lado estaba jugando a la Solterona, y nos encontrábamos actualmente en el medio de una feroz batalla entre Kobato y Maria para determinar el 3er lugar.

"Ghh, ¡Otra solterona...!"

Maria se quejó después de tomar otro comodín.

"Kukuku, imbécil... Ahora estas bajo el control de la oscuridad... Escapar es imposible... Se acerca la hora de cantar tu ultimo réquiem... ¡Yo saco...!"

Kobato tomó una carta de la mano de Maria con la usual sonrisa en su cara.

"Uu~... Tomé una solterona..."

"¡Kujaja! ¡Te lo mereces! ¡Esto es lo que te pasa por darle la espalda a Dios vampiro caca! Ajaja, ahora yo voy a ganar...... ¡Gyahh! ¿¡Otra solterona!?"

...Este es por lo menos nuestro décimo juego, y en todos, Yukimura y Yo, terminamos pronto mientras que estas dos disputaron por el tercer lugar.

Ambas tienen sus emociones a flor de piel, y a demás de eso son tan obvias acerca de todo, lo que las hace ridículamente malas en la Solterona.

Por otro lado Yukimura y su enferma cara de póker, la cual lo hace increíblemente bueno, al punto que solo me las arregle para ganar el primer juego que jugamos.

Incluso, la única razón por la que me las arregle para obtener esa única victoria, fue porque Yukimura estaba tratando de no ofenderme, dejándome ganar y sacándome la solterona a propósito.

Después de que le dije que dejarme ganar era inútil y que debería jugar en serio, él lo hizo, aniquilándonos completamente en cada uno de los juegos.

Cada juego terminaba con Yukimura primero, yo segundo, y Maria y Kobato disputándose por el tercer y cuarto lugar, así que no podría decir que fue realmente divertido.

Sin embargo aparentemente el único juego que todos conocíamos era la Solterona, por lo que era hacer eso o nada.

Oh bueno. A pesar de estar aburrido, es agradable ver a Maria y a Kobato divertirse, así que continuamos jugando Solterona.

Así pues, pasamos unas buenas dos horas y media de esta manera.

El tren finalmente había llegado a nuestro destino.

"Esto pasó en un abrir y cerrar de ojos~ Rika podría pasar todo un día entero allí."

Rika quien aparentemente paso todo el viaje en tren done los vagones se conectan dijo, tan pronto como se reunió con nosotros.

"¿Que es lo tan divertido de eso de todos modos?

"¡Porque se trata de dos sucios trozos de metal unidos entre sí haciendo 'clang clang' y 'bang bang' mientras el tren se mueve con ellos! ¡Ni siquiera es posible ponerce mas sexi que eso! ¡Rika se empezó a poner cariñosa solo de estar ahí! Senpai, just where can Rika let this feeling, bubbling up inside her, out at!?" (No pude traducir esto)

"Pídeselo a alguien que le preocupe."

"I wanted you to tell me 'You can let it out on me!' right there." (No pude traducir esto)

"Go let it out on that telephone pole over there." (No pude traducir esto)

"Ahhh, but telephone poles are kinda iffy." (No pude traducir esto)

"¡¿Lo has intentado antes!?"

Ella es tan imposible de entender como siempre.

El tren se detuvo y nos abrió la puerta para salir.

Afuera el Sol brillaba con fuerza, haciéndonos cubrirnos los ojos.

Estaba mas fresco que en la ciudad de Tohya, pero aun así, todavía estaba caluroso.

"...Entonces, Carne. Donde esta esa villa tuya??"

Yozora pregunto después de salir de la estación de trenes, quien estaba completamente muerta, quien ventilaba su remera para refrescarse.

Sena saco su dedo y contesto,

"Por allí. Tomara alrededor de una hora a pie."

"¿Una hora...?"

Todos hicimos caras como si el mundo estaría apunto de acabarse.

No había casa a nuestro alrededor y se podía ver muy lejos.

Y del otro lado de un largo camino lleno de grietas, que parecía que no se había pavimentado en un largo tiempo, había un amplio bosque lleno de grandes árboles.

"No me digas que esta en ese bosque..."

"Si, lo esta ¿Qué hay con eso? Va a estar bien, solo hay un camino así que nadie se va a perder"

Sena casualmente me dijo mientas un sudor frío corría por mi cara.

"No parecía que habría ningún taxi o autobús por aquí... Ni siquiera uno..."

Rika miro alrededor, y luego bajo su cabeza en señal de decepción.

Ya era suficientemente raro que un tren haga una parada aquí, así que, por supuesto no había ningún autobús.

Sena le dio la espalda al bosque y señalo mientas decía,

"A propósito, el pueblo mas cercano esta aproximadamente a 5 kilómetros según recuerdo. Papá me dijo que todos los negocios cierran a las ocho en punto y que debemos prestar atención a que hora salimos a comprar cosas."

"Uuu... Que lugar tan terrible. Rika esta demasiado acostumbrada a la civilización para esto. Pero si Kodaka-senpai me permite tomar una baño con él mas tarde, creo que lo podré manejar."

"Por favor no te esfuerces y vuelve a casa en ese caso."

"Kodaka-senpai... tu eres tan amable..."

"Yo no estoy diciendo esto para ser amable. "

Yo bromeé con Rika, cuyas mejillas estaban teñidas con un tenue rojo.

"jeh jeh, ¿Un tsundere huh? Lo comprendo. N-no es como si Kodaka-senpai se preocupara por Rika ¿¡Okay!?" [2]

"¿Desde que punto de vista puede eso ser una línea tsundere de todos modos?"

"¿Quién sabe? Pero ¿No piensas que tener un relator omnisciente tsundere da una sensación de frescura?

"Claro, dudo que alguien lo haya hecho antes, pero..."

¿Desde que punto de vista puede eso ser una línea tsundere de todos modos?"

No es como si Kodaka hubiese hecho una observación como esa o algo ¿¡Okay!?

¿Quién sabe? Pero ¿No piensas que tener un relator omnisciente tsundere da una sensación de frescura?"

Tu estas cometiendo un gran error si crees que Rika dijo algo como eso ¿¡Okay!?

"Claro, dudo que alguien lo haya hecho antes, pero..."

Eso fue lo que Kodaka dijo, p-pero no es que Kodaka realmente pensara que la idea de Rika fuera fresca ni nada ¿¡Okay!?

...Trate de imaginarlo un poco, pero no tenia absolutamente ningún sentido.

Incluso ¿Hacia quien estas actuando tsundere? ¿Los lectores?

"Solo porque sea nuevo o fresco, no significa que sea una buena idea ¿No es así?"

Pero es como si yo realmente pensara eso desde el fondo el corazón ¿¡Okay!?

"Hmph... en manga y esas cosas, cuando los personajes van a un loco campamento de entrenamiento como este en el medio de la nada, el consejero del club usualmente los lleva a todos en coche, pero..."

Yozora limpio su sudor, viéndose molesta con toda la situación, luego miro a Maria.

"¡Y-yo no puedo ayudar con eso! ¡No importa que tan inteligente sea, no hay manera de que yo pueda obtener una licencia!"

"Lo sea. Nunca esperé nada de ti en primer lugar. Solo un idiota esperaría algo de una niña pequeña como tu para ser de alguna utilidad en un campamento de entrenamiento como este."

"¡E-eso no es cierto! ¡Puedo ser una niña pequeña, pero soy muy útil!"

Maria dijo, picando el anzuelo de Yozora.

"Ya veo. Así que tu vas a hacer exactamente lo que te diga"


"No importa lo que diga, vas a tener que hacerlo."

"¡Si! ¡Voy a hacer lo que sea!"

"¿Lo juras por Dios?"

"¡Lo juro por Dios!"

Anzuelo, hilo, y caña...

"Aquí estamos, consiguiendo que ella te escuche otra vez... ¿Que es lo que vas a hacer que una niña pequeña como ella haga?"

"No he decidido. Soy simplemente el tipo de personas que toma el criar a sus mascotas muy en serio."

Yozora casualmente respondió mi pregunta.

"Vamos, dejen de hablar y comencemos a movernos ya."

Sena dijo, incitándonos.

"Oh bien... Vayamos supongo."

Yo dije, mientras tomaba mi mochila que había puesto en el suelo.

En el que estaban mi cambio de ropas, traje de baño y otras cosas necearías junto con ingredientes para hacer nuestra comida.

Nosotros repartimos las cosas de manera uniforme por lo que cada uno llevaba algunos ingredientes, pero yo tenia la mayoría con migo.

La comida para siete personas es bastante pesada y la mochila pesaba sobre mí como una tonelada de ladrillos.

Yo tengo que cargar esto por una hora... esto va a apestar...

Pasamos casi uno hora caminando bajo el sol abrazador.

Se podía sentir el olor del mar un poco para el momento en que alcanzamos el bosque.

Rápidamente hicimos nuestro camino a través de él, y finalmente, alcanzamos la villa.

Justo fuera del bosque había un área elevada y una playa arenosa bajo ella.

La villa de la familia Kashiwazaki estaba reposando sobre el área elevada.

Se veía como una normal, pero un poco pequeña casa con un garaje a su lado.

"¡E-el mar! ¡El mar! ¡El mar!"

Grito Kobato en una voz llena de energía.

Ella no presto ninguna atención a la villa, simplemente se limito a mirar el mar con unos ojos brillantes.

La luz del Sol golpeaba el mar haciéndolo resplandecer con un hermoso color aguamarina.

He vivido cerca del mar un montón de veces antes, pero ya que ha pasado tiempo desde la ultima vez que lo hice, mirar el mar desde tan cerca de mi ahora mismo, me hacia sentir un poco nostálgico.

Esta era una playa privada a demás, así que obviamente no había nadie en la playa o en el agua.

"¿Esa realmente bien para usar todo este lugar solo para nosotros...?"

Yo sin queres deje salir un suspiro de admiración.

"¡Y-y-y-y-yo Quiero nadar! ¡An-chan vamos a nadar!"

Kobato estaba tan emocionada, ella se veía como si estuviese apunto de correr hacia la playa y dejar su equipaje atrás.

“Jeh, ponerte tan emocionada por una pequeña playa. Se supone que tu eres mas grande que yo, pero ¡No eres mas que una niñita pequeña!" dijo Maria.

Ella parecía estar tratando de actuar mas madura, pero ella a penas podía contener una sonrisa y estaba obviamente temblando de la emoción también.

Ella se veía como si estuviese haciendo una extraño baile.

"Podremos ir a nadar después de dejar nuestros equipajes."

Le dije a las dos niñas sobresaltadas de emoción mientras todos nos dirigimos a la villa.

A pesar de que es posible que no se use tan a menudo, se veía como si estuviese bien cuidada y el interior de ella se veía realmente bien.

Y justo como Sena dijo, parecía tener electricidad.

El lugar tenia todo, desde una televisión hasta un aire acondicionar, y un montón de electrodomésticos para utilizar. Si se ignora el hecho de que llegar a aquí es una molestia, se ve como un bastante lindo lugar para vivir.

De todos modos, tomé los productor perecederos que trajimos con rostros y los puse en la heladera, y después Sena nos mostró donde íbamos a dormir.

Nosotros habíamos decidido como nos íbamos a dividir las habitaciones de antemano. Esto seria Yozora, Sena, Yukimura y yo, y entonces el otro grupo de tres consistía en Rika, Kobato y Maria.

Era obvio que Yukimuro y yo íbamos a estar junto como los únicos hombres, pero las chicas nos tomo un largo tiempo decidirlo y terminamos usando una lotería.

...Yo tuve el presentimiento de que unir a Yozora con Sena y a Kobato con Maria es la peor forma que podría haber salido, pero como sea, eso era lo que se había decidido de todos modos.

"Es tu trabajo detener a Maria y a Kobato si ellas empiezan a pelear."

Alerte a Rika, y entonces ella dijo,

"Por favor relájate, Sempai. Rika puede manejar a un par de niñas traviesas como ellas en un momento después de todo."

"¿Oh? Eso es sorprendente."

"Sip, mi picana eléctrica esta lista para funcionar cuando sea."

"¡¿Como se supone que eso me puede relajar!?”

We carried our luggage to each of our rooms, changed into our swimsuits, and gathered downstairs in the living room.

"An-chan you're so slow!"

Kobato said with her cheeks puffed out.

I was the last one to finish changing, and everyone else was already there by the time I came down.

I would've changed faster, but it took me a while since I had to wait outside until Yukimura was done changing.

Sena and Kobato were in bikinis, and Yukimura was in a bikini too, but with a paleo wrapped around just like before.

Rika was in the same swimsuit she showed me before with her lab coat over it, and Yozora was wearing a striped full body swimsuit that looked like a prisoner's clothes (minus the horse mask this time).

...Oh well, I guess it won't matter since this is a private beach.

"Onii-chan! Let's go, let's go!"

Maria came running at me and grabbed my hand.

Maria was wearing a white school swimsuit with a name tag that read "maria" sewn onto it.

Yep, a more normal swimsuit like this fits a little kid way better than a bikini.

"Kh... You would do well to remove your hands from him, you pawn of God..."

Kobato said to Maria.

"To think you'd attempt to try and seduce my fellow clansman with such an outfit... such impudence...!"

"Seduce?" Sena asked, tilting her head.

"Muu... Kh...!"

I noticed Kobato's gaze was directed at a single part of Maria's body...... that is to say, she was staring at her chest.

"Something wrong with her name tag?"

"N-no, there's nothing really wrong with it..."

Kobato turned her face away trying to avoid the subject.

"Ah, Kobato-chan are you worried you have even less of a chest than Maria?"


Sena's question made Kobato's face go beet red.


Now that she mentions it, I do see two little bulges on her that you normally can't see since she wears those baggy nun clothes.

They were just barely big enough to make them look on the large side for her age, but even so, they were obviously bigger than Kobato's nearly non-existent chest.



Maria let out a stifled giggle after seeing Kobato in anguish comparing the size of their breasts.

"Ahahaha! You're older than me, but your boobs are smaller! Ahaha, hey did you know? Guys like girls with big boobs! Hey, hey, Onii-chan! Onii-chan, do you like big boobs!?"

How can she ask me that with that innocent look on her face!?

"A-an-chan doesn't like big ones at all, moron!"

"Eh!? He doesn't!?"

"...You don't?" "You don't like them?"

For some reason Sena and Rika joined Maria in seriously asking me about it.

"I-I can't say... that I don't... like them."

I didn't know what to say, so I blurted out a serious answer.

I mean come on, I am a guy after all!

It's because I'm a guy!

"Ahahaha! See, look? Onii-chan does like big boobs! I know what that's called, it's uhh... ah, 'Big Tits Fetish'! Onii-chan has a big tits fetish! Ahahahaha!"

"Uuuu, what's so funny you damn retard..."

Kobato ground her teeth with tears in her eyes.

"So you have a big tits fetish, Aniki...?"

Yukimura asked in a voice that sounded sad for some reason.


Even Yozora was glaring at me like she was pissed off.

"Ahh, come on! Who the heck even cares!? Let's just go to the beach already, come on!"

I quickly changed the subject before things got any worse.

After grabbing a swimming tube, a towel, a body board, a vinyl sheet, a beach umbrella, and a few other things, we left the villa and headed for the beach.

By the way, the body board, beach umbrella and beach chair were all taken from the villa.

There was a small truck in the garage along with an electric bike that I saw too, so I guess going to town won't be so bad after all.

"Oh hey, so, aren't we going to do you know what?"

Rika asked as we were walking down to the beach.

"What do you mean?"

"That exhibitionist-type thing where we all make a pose and yell "The seaaaaa!" before running off towards it."

"Don't call it an exhibitionist-type thing," I remarked.

"Now that you mention it, the whole cast of 'Mofu? MOFU!' did that when they went to the beach. Yelling 'The seaaaaa!' I mean..."

Sena said in a voice that made it sound like she was hoping we'd do it.

"...That, huh... I've seen people do that in manga too, but... what's the point? Is it some ritual that normals do?"

Yozora looked baffled by the whole idea.

"Maybe it's something we'll understand once we become normals too," said Rika.

"Well, I don't really get it, but should we do it? As practice?" Sena said.

"...Hmm, it would suck if we didn't know how to yell and do the pose right when we come to a beach party with our friends in the future." and Yozora agreed.

"...But, umm... I think that's more of a thing you just do in the moment. I doubt you can really practice for it..."

As was only natural by now, my doubts were completely ignored as Yozora said,

"Okay, let's give it a shot. Line up in a row."

So we all put down our luggage, made a line right behind the embankment, and faced the sea.

"So we look at the sea and yell 'The seaaaaa!'? I don't get it at all!"

Maria tilted her head in confusion.

"Okay, we'll yell at once when I give the signal. You can all pose however."

Everyone felt a little anxious, but still nodded anyway. Then Yozora said,

"Okay. Here we go.... One, two, three!"

"T-the sea!"


"The seaaa..."

"It's the sea."

"--The s- agk, gack, Rika's bad with salty air..."


"The seaaaaaaaa!!!"

The only one who was able to yell right was Maria (by the way she did a banzai pose), while the rest of us (me included) failed miserably.

I felt incredibly embarrassed, so all I did was quietly say it without taking a pose.

Yozora's cheeks were a little red too, and she didn't say anything (though it did look like she was about to). Standing there with her arms posed is more or less Yozora's default pose I guess.

Sena went to yell normally, but once she noticed the only other one doing it was Maria, her face went a deep red and she cut herself off, frozen in a weird crane pose.

All Yukimura said was "It's the sea." in his usual quiet monotone voice.

Rika took a big breath before she went to yell, but choked on the salty air.

Kobato did her usual chuckle while posing as if she was gathering the power of darkness or something.

"T-that was kinda..."



Yozora, Sena, and I all looked at each other.

It looks like facing the sea and yelling is pretty hard unless you're a real normal.

Even if we can make any pose we want, just doing it all of a sudden is practically impossible.

"...This is something we should practice on our own, yeah. I'd bet a million yen that normals spend hours at home practicing making cool poses."

Yozora said trying to avoid doing this again, and I nodded in agreement.

"Let's save practicing yelling 'The seaaaaa!' for when we're at a more advanced level... Anyway, let's go."

A more advanced level? What?

We all grabbed our luggage and started walking again with our newly gained awkward mood.

"The sea! The sea! The seaaa! Kuhahaha! The blue sky, white waves, and pure red sun are calling to me! Yayyy!"

The second she got to the beach, Leysis Vi Felicity Sumeragi (a vampire) made a mad dash for the sea.

"Hey, wait Kobato."

I grabbed Kobato's hand and stopped her.

"Fueh? What is it An-chan?"

"You can play after you put on your sunscreen."

I took out the sunscreen from my pouch.

We didn't need it at Saint Chronica Academy's pool, or Ryuuguu Land, or any other indoor pool, but for someone like Kobato who tans easily on a hot day with the sun out like this, sunscreen is definitely needed.

She was already wearing that stupidly revealing swimsuit as is.

"Mu... How very excellent of you to warn me, my servant... Getting into the bath with a sunburn hurts after all, kukuku... That fiery red star is such an annoyance..."

I guess she must've remembered the time we went to an outdoor pool and got a terrible sunburn because she didn't put any sunscreen on.

After I spread out the vinyl sheet and set up the umbrella, Kobato untied the string on her bikini and lied down on the sheet.


Kobato let out a yell when I touched her back with the sunscreen.

"Deal with it."

I told her, while rubbing sunscreen all over her back, arms, neck, butt, and legs.

"Wa... That looks so naughty Senpai... gulp..."

Rika spat out some nonsense while blushing.

"You should put some on too ya know."

I warned her while still putting on the sunscreen.

"...I didn't bring any sunscreen with me, but... I'll probably be okay."

Yozora said in her full body swimsuit.

"It'd be a good idea to put some on your face Yozora-senpai. You should never underestimate ultra-violet rays. Here, Rika will let you use her special sunscreen."

"...What'd you put in it?"

Yozora said with a look of doubt on her face.

"Aha, it's fine~ It'll just make you feel a little better than normal sunscreen does, and it's easy on your skin. Just a little bit of it will make you feel nice and refreshed."

"...Kodaka. Lend me yours when you're done with it."

Rika made a disappointed looking face upon hearing Yozora say that.

"I know what ultra-violet rays are! They're scary! Onii-chan! Rub some of the ultra-violet ray barrier on me too!"

Maria came over to me.

"Sure. You look like you tan easily too, so we better make sure you've got some."

"Aniki, would you be so kind as to do me as well?"

Yukimura timidly asked.

"...S-sure, that's fine. I'll do you after Maria."

I answered him while feeling a strange sense of nervousness, and then Yukimura made a gentle smile and said,

"Sorry to trouble you, Aniki. I will handle your back in return."

"Ah, okay, thanks."

Right as he said that, Rika let out the weirdest voice.


I was surprised by her yelling all of a sudden in a voice I'm not quite sure how she even managed to make, and when I looked over at her she was breathing wildly with a creepy smile on her face.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Yukimura taking Kodaka-senpai from behind... Kodaka-senpai feels a bit nervous, but his heart is pounding in anticipation. He then takes in Yukimura's splendid rod... it's so... big... HaaHaa... HaaHaa...


Rika screamed, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and then she fell face down onto the beach.

...I seriously have no idea what goes on inside that head of hers...

Just then, I made eye contact with Sena by chance.

Her cheeks were red for some reason as she looked over at Kobato and I, and they got even more red when our eyes met which prompted her to turn her back to us and say,


"...What, Meat?"

Yozora half-glared at Sena who called out to her in a weird voice.

"R-rub some sunscreen on me!"

"What'd you just say? Why the hell should I have to handle a slab of meat like you?"

"W-what's wrong with that!? You're not doing anything anyway!"

Sena shoved the sunscreen into Yozora's hand, and spread out a vinyl sheet a little ways away from us.

"Hmph... fine. I'll rub it on you."

Yozora got around behind Sena as she opened the cap on the sunscreen.

"Good, See? You should always just listen to what I say."

Sena said, seemingly satisfied, before laying down on the sheet and undoing the top string on her bikini.

Yozora then squeezed out some sunscreen into her hand.

...But for some reason she took off her sandals and put it on the bottom of her own feet.

Once she finished putting the sunscreen all over her feet, Yozora lightly stepped onto Sena's back.

"That's cold!"

"Deal with it."

Yozora was spreading the sunscreen on Sena's back using her feet.

There was a tiny little evil smirk on her face.

"Nn... ah, that hurts...! Can't you be more gentle? Don't you think you're putting too much strength into it?"

"It's hard to get it just right, since I'm not used to doing this and all. It'd help if you sat still for me."

Yozora replied in a very sincere tone of voice to Sena's complaints. While stepping on her of course.

"Hmm... Well I guess you can't help it if you're not used to it. I mean, I seriously doubt you've ever had someone ask you to put sunscreen on them other than me."

Sena said, still sounding satisfied, not yet realizing she was being stepped on.

It's weird, watching this and wondering when she'll notice is kind of exciting...

"Anyway, I guess it's better to have it overdone than not, so I'll just deal with your shitty way of rubbing it onto me. At least keep it even though."

"Of course, leave it to me."

"Heh heh, you're pretty obedient today. Did you finally realize how great I am?"

"Something like that."

"Hehe, you'd be much cuter if you were always like this."

"You think so? Then I'll try to do so from now on. I'm a very open-minded person after all."

"Yeah yeah, that's great, but just focus on rubbing that sunscreen onto me for now."

Meat happily laughed, and then said,

"...Hey, is it just me or do you have pretty big hands? It feels like the part of you touching my skin is kinda big."

"It's probably just your imagination."

"Think so? Maybe it's harder to feel on my back-"

Sena said while turning her head sideways to look behind her.

"Gyaaahhhhh!? W-w-w-w-what the hell are you doing!?"

Sena screamed upon finally realizing that Yozora was using the soles of her feet to rub the sunscreen onto her back.

"Hey now, hold still Meat."

Yozora stepped down on Sena's back just above the center, stopping her from getting up.

"...!? W-what!? I-I can't move...!? Why!?"

"It's because I'm on top of your center of gravity. You'll never be able to stand up no matter how hard you try."


"Hmph... It was foolish of you to show your back to me, damn Meat... Just sit there and wait until I'm done putting your sunscreen on."

"Khh, I let my guard down! Even though I know Yozora would never do something nice for m- fgaghh...!"

Sena's face was flushed red as she tried to stand up, but Yozora just ground her feet into Sena's upper back.

"Uu~ Do it the right way, with your hands, stupid!"

"What's the difference between doing it with my hands and doing it with my feet?"

"There's a huge difference! I'm the only one who's allowed to step on other people's backs!"

Sena yelled, with tears in her eyes.

"Come to think of it, I hear you go around school stepping on guys calling it 'a reward'. How is it? Do you like my 'reward'?"

"A-as if I'd ever like this, stupid Yozora! That's only true for me because I'm a goddess! There's no way anybody would ever enjoy getting stepped on by nasty feet like yours!"

"Is that so? Are you sure you don't enjoy getting stepped on? Kukuku... your body is quite honest..."

"Eh...? T-that's not... true..."

Sena's face was deep red as she denied it, but her voice did sound a little weak.

The smile of a true master sadist rose onto Yozora's face.

"Hmph, it would seem I was right on the money! Being stepped on like those men you do the same to, with your body being held to the ground unable to get up, having your pride and dignity stolen away as you let yourself take such a humiliating position and have someone else trample all over you... To think you'd derive some kind of sick pleasure out of this, you really are a total pervert! You god damn piggy bitch meat slave!"

"U... Uu... that's not true... it doesn't feel good at... all..."

Even more tears gathered up in Sena's eyes after taking Yozora's abuse.

"Kukuku... Just admit it, Meat. Even though you usually act like a queen and look down on normal people, you're really nothing more than a piggy bitch who enjoys having others abuse her. You've been a perverted lump of Meat since birth. You're a walking ball of obscenity... Look at all this thick, white fluid on you, piggy bitch... You should just shut up and let someone grill and then eat you...! Come on, beg me like the disgusting pig you are...! I want you to yell 'Please step on this bitch's vulgar breasts until they're crushed into oblivion'! Beg me to cover your filthy little body with my white fluid like the horny dog you are! Beg me, your god, to trample you as much as I see fit!!"

"G... Ghh... Don't get carried... awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!"

Sena yelled, and put all her strength into her arms.

Sena's hands sunk into the sand, and shifted her center of gravity.


Yozora's face turned to one of shock.

Sena took this opportunity to twist her entire body and stand up.


Yozora lost her balance and was thrown off of Sena's back, landing on her butt in the sand.

Sena looked at Yozora with a mix of anger and tears on her face, along with a twisted smile, and said,

"Haa... Haa... I-I'm not a pervert!! I'm a queen and a goddess!! Got it!?"

She declared full of force, as she puffed out her chest.

"...Hmph, you really are such an impertinent piece of meat..."

There was a faint smile on Yozora's face as she said that.

Sena who had protected her pride, and Yozora who acknowledged her strength... Such a touching scene like that was nowhere to be found, sadly.

......Oh yeah, by the way,

When Sena lay down so Yozora could put the sunscreen on her, she undid the top of her bikini.

I shouldn't have to explain what she looked like when she stood up all of a sudden.

I made it look like I was never watching her in the first place, and just kept quietly putting sunscreen on Kobato.

"Ohh! Sena your boobs are really big!"

"Eh? Huh?"

Upon hearing Maria's admiration, Sena finally realized the state she was in.



...Sena's scream echoed throughout the beach.

"Yozora you god damn demon slime!!! I'm the real queen here, don't you forget ittt!!!!"

Sena ran away with tears in her eyes carrying the top half of her swimsuit.

Is there any place these two don't act like this...?

"...You're the slime, damn Meat."

Yozora spat out, as she watched Sena run away, breasts bouncing and all.

We went back to the villa around the time the sky started to turn a bright orange.

Neither Yozora, Rika, Yukimura, nor Maria were able to cook, so dinner was up to me alone.

When I asked Yozora and Rika what they did for Home Ec. class, Rika said,

"Whenever Rika cooks it always ends up exploding or tasting like medicine. When I was in middle school they banned me from going into the Home Ec. classroom. I know that putting weird stuff into the food is bad, but I always end up doing it anyway. Hey, Kodaka-senpai you know how I feel, right? There's just times where you get really horny and want to stick things into other things."

Like hell I understand that. On the other hand,

"...I've always stood in the corner by myself somewhere when we cook. The rest of my group just cooks like I'm not even there. When they're done, I quietly eat my portion of the food they made for me out of pity at the end of the table. I finish my food first, and then wash the tableware I used. That's how cooking class has always been for me... The groups at all the other tables happily eat the meal they made together, but my group always ends up being completely silent..."

Yozora said with a distant look in her eyes, making me feel awful for asking her about it.

By the way, it seems Kobato and Yukimura also always let the other people do everything for them.

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Vol3 Ch11 Img01.jpg

Well anyway, for dinner I made curry, which is a little boring, but easy to make a ton of.

Normally I mix in some spices and stuff to make my own original curry, but since I already had a ton of luggage to carry today I just went with some simple curry roux mix I bought at the store.

I mixed in four of the different kinds they were selling though, so I managed to make it turn out pretty decent.

Even after we finished eating dinner Sena still hadn't come back, so I got worried and went out to look for her, and found her sitting by the front door holding her knees, still in her swimsuit.

"Why're you way over here?" I asked.

Sena's cheeks went red and she turned her back to me before saying in a tiny voice,

"...D-did you... umm... s-see it?"

"Eh, see what?"

I hid my surprise and played dumb with all I had.

"Before I went running off, umm..."

"I was still putting sunscreen on Kobato when you did, so I don't really know what happened, but it was probably just Yozora messing with you again, right?"

...I get the feeling I might've blown my cover there.

Unlike Yozora, I'm not very good at acting.

Even so, Sena said,

"A... Ah, yeah, that's right! That idiot is the worst!"

And seemingly believed my story with her cheeks still dyed a little red (just like the time I saw her naked at her house).

Notas del Traductor

  1. El Obon (お盆) es una festividad japonesa de tradición semirreligiosa que honra a los espíritus (fallecidos) de sus antepasados. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/O-bon
  2. Tsundere es un personaje arquetipo que describe a una persona cuyo comportamiento es frío e incluso hostil hacia otra persona, pero que después de un tiempo muestra su lado cálido y amigable.

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