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==“Land of Liars” —Waiting For You—==
==“Land of Liars” —Waiting For You—==
In the country where Kino and Hermes arrived in, there was only one gate that they could use.
In the country where Kino and Hermes arrived in, there was only one gate that they could use.

Latest revision as of 19:13, 26 May 2013

“Land of Liars” —Waiting For You—[edit]

Kino no Tabi v7 140-141.jpg

In the country where Kino and Hermes arrived in, there was only one gate that they could use.

They were told that the western gate was not approved for use by travelers, so they headed to the southern side using the road beside the walls. They requested a three-day stay from the gate sentry and were given a permit.

Kino pushed Hermes through the open gates.

Right after passing through the gates, they came out to a stretch of forest with thick trees lined up in a disorderly manner.

The ground and the single road were covered with fallen leaves, most of which were autumn foliage. The leaves, as well as Kino’s coat, shook as a cold wind blew.

When Kino was about to start Hermes’ engine, a lone man came running from the forest.

The man looked around thirty, and was wearing a thick vest for indoor use over a thin shirt. He looked at Kino, exchanged glances, and then put on a slightly dejected expression.

“What’s that about?” Hermes asked. Kino answered that she had no idea.

He walked towards Kino, his hands clasped together in front of him.

“Hey, miss traveler. Did you happen to meet my lover somewhere? Did she ask something about me? Did she leave any message for me?” the man asked.

Kino shook her head.

“Is that so…. You see, for some reason, my lover just up and disappeared from this country on a journey five years ago. However, she left word for me to wait for her because she’s definitely going to come back. I’ve been waiting forever,” the man spoke on his own accord without waiting to be asked. At that moment, a woman wearing an apron came running from behind. She had short hair and was about the same age as the man. She was carrying a warm-looking coat in her hands.

The woman spoke as she draped the coat around the man. “You will catch colds if you go out dressed like that. The weather’s already cold.”

“Ah, yes. I’m sorry. But I thought my lover has already come back. Too bad, it was a different person yet again,” the man said while inserting his hands into the sleeves of the coat.

‘Kino, look,’ Hermes said, and urged Kino to look into the forest. There was a single house surrounded by trees.

“Does everyone in this country live inside the forest?” Kino asked.

“No. Everyone lives in a town further north,” the man answered.

“This person is my housekeeper. She’s a hard worker so I don’t have to do a thing in the house and I could wait for my lover every day. She’s such a great help,” he said, and then sneezed loudly.

“See what I mean? Now, let’s go back,” the housekeeper said kindly.

The man asked the housekeeper, “Not yet? I wonder… when would she come home?”

“I’m sure she would someday. Now, let’s go,” the housekeeper gently pushed the back of the man, and they turned away.

Shortly, the man turned back to Kino. “Miss traveler, don’t you really know? You really haven’t seen my lover? You’re not trying to hide it from me now, are you?”

Kino shook her head once more.

“I see…”

The man dropped his shoulders, heartbroken, and walked towards the house. With a loud voice, the housekeeper told him to be careful not to fall over.

Then she whispered to Kino in a serious tone, “I’m really very sorry, miss traveler. He’s a bit strange. Whatever he asks you, it’s better if you tell him that you don’t know anything.”

“I see,” Kino said.

She then spoke gently, “Well, I should get going. Ah, if you’re going to the country’s center, you should go straight through here. The road is pretty bad, so be careful.”

Kino thanked her in return.

While looking at the backs of the pair returning into the forest, she started Hermes’ engine.

The next day.

Small drops of cold rain were falling down since morning.

Kino put up her coat’s collar and went around the town to take care of her traveling necessities. Afterwards, she decided to have lunch in a big cafeteria. Kino entered the shop pushing Hermes along, and parked him by the exit near the table where she was sitting.

A person talked to her, telling her that it was rare for travelers to come to their country. While Kino was leisurely drinking her tea, the residents gathered and surrounded her table to talk to her.

When she was asked whether there was anything she would like to know,

“We met a man living in the forest by the walls. What’s up with him?” Hermes asked.

Everyone’s faces turned pale. They became quiet, and their faces took on gloomy expressions. The atmosphere of the place suddenly became serious and depressing.

After a while, someone spoke. “Um, you see… we really feel sorry for that person.”

Everyone silently nodded.

“I believe I have a say about this matter,” a man around thirty spoke. He asked for permission to change seats with a person, and sat in front of Kino.

“Good day, miss traveler. Over ten years ago, I was good friends with that person. Right now, I work for the government,” he started to speak with a sad expression on his face.

With a gentle tone, he told her that until five years ago, this country was ruled by an oppressive king, and that there was a revolution to overthrow him.

“During that time, both of us were members of the police force. He was smart, skillful and a man of good character, and became a key person in the uprising. He was made leader of a unit assigned to break into the palace and assassinate the royal family. I was under his command,” the man said.

“He had a lover. It was a daughter of a farming family who lived at the outskirts of the country. He first met her when she came to town to sell vegetables. I was with him at that time…. It was one year before the revolution. She was a very beautiful woman with long hair. Everything went well between them, but they never got married. However…,” the man cut short his words, and took one big breath.

“The revolution drew near. I asked him what he planned to do about her when that time comes. He couldn’t give me an answer…. Soon we were told that the date and time of our attack has been decided. Only then would he let her know about their parting. We might die, but he couldn’t tell her what it is that we are going to do. It seems she parted with him against her will. The only thing he said to me was that he told her a ‘lie’…”

“I see. But the revolution was a success, wasn’t it?” Kino said, and the man nodded.

“We broke into the palace after beating down the guards. We found the car the king’s family was trying to escape with, and attacked it. While my comrades and I provided back-up, he closed in upon them and threw a bomb into the car. It blew up magnificently. You wouldn’t find a more heroic man anywhere.”

“And then?” Hermes asked from behind. The man continued, his face grief-stricken.

“And then we saw it…”

“Saw what?”

“The vehicle smashed into pieces, and inside, the sloppy remains of what used to be the king’s family — the king and queen, the two princes, and the princess. While everyone raised cheers of victory, we saw it. The dress the princess was wearing and the head that was blown off —— they belonged to his lover.”


“The princess came to town in the guise of a farmer’s daughter… and induced a romantic relationship with him…. No one realized it…. He screamed like a crazy man.”

“Then you mean that man’s lover is already dead?” Kino asked. The man and all the people around nodded.

“He couldn’t endure the fact that he fell in love with the princess he was supposed to hate, and that he killed her with his own hands. He ignored reality and fell completely out of his mind. The truth is, since he was a hero, he would have been placed in an important position in the new government. However, he talked in delirium in the hospital, asking over and over again, ‘Where did she go?’ The doctor who was looking after him told him a lie: ‘Your lover has gone in a journey somewhere. But she told me that she would definitely come home, so wait for her, okay?’ In this country, ordinary people are not allowed to go beyond the walls. He didn’t even realize that obvious fact. He said, ‘Then, I’ll wait for her.’ and started to live in the forest…. Five years have passed since then,” the man continued.

“The government decided to provide him with an annual pension until his death. They built a house for him and hired someone to look after him. However, no one lasted with this sort of job. Life in the forest was so inconvenient. Moreover, it was heartbreaking, having to lie to him every single time. Everybody quit after a while…. We couldn’t blame them.”

“Then what about his housekeeper now?” Kino asked.

“Like you, miss traveler, she came from outside the country. Three years ago, when my subordinate and I were out for reconnaissance, we found travelers collapsed and on the verge of death near the walls. Some of these travelers immigrated. I thought it was a good thing that foreigners don’t know much about our circumstances, and we decided to hire her. She has been doing a good job ever since.”

“I see…”

“And it looks like she’s going to continue with her good work. There were no indications at all that he would get better. It might be better for him though…,” the man said with a dry smile.

A middle-aged woman standing behind gently continued.

“That’s why we all lie to our hero, and will continue doing so. That person will wait forever for his lover who will never come back.”

The next day, that is, the morning of the third day since Kino entered the country.

The weather was good. After breakfast, Kino made her arrangements and left towards the southern gate.

Kino carefully rode Hermes through the muddy forest road.

Soon they noticed a small horse carriage stranded in the mud. Aboard it was the man’s housekeeper.

“Kino, it’s your turn.”

“It can’t be helped. Well, soon we will be dirty all over anyway.”

With her boots covered in mud, Kino helped the carriage to escape. And then they rode together to the gates.

The housekeeper thanked them when they arrived before the gates. Then, Hermes told her that they learned about the previous day’s circumstances.

“Is that so…”

When Kino and Hermes were about to head to the gates, the housekeeper called out to them.

“Wait! I’d like to show you my gratitude. How about some tea? You can also wash your feet.”

Kino and Hermes were guided to the log house in the forest. The man was above the roof, mending it. The housekeeper told him that Kino helped her, and asked permission to let them in. The man gave his consent without a second thought.

After washing her boots and Hermes’ tires by a well, they were guided to a spacious room. When the man returned, the woman has already prepared tea. Steam rose appealingly from the cups lined up on the table.

“It has an interesting aroma, what kind of tea is this?” Kino asked.

“I have no idea, but it’s very delicious,” the man said and took his share from the side and began to drink it. He drank slowly,

“It’s delicious,” and said this to Kino with a smile. Kino also drank. She told him that it was good.

“Hey,” the man spoke to Kino and Hermes. “Miss traveler, you must be going to various places from here, right? If ever you happen to meet her——”

“Sure. We’ll tell her about you. That you’ve been waiting.”

“Yes, please do,” the man laughed happily.

“Oh my,” the woman who came holding biscuits suddenly cried out.

“Maybe someone arrived again at the gates? I think I heard the sound of an engine just now.”

The man stopped drinking his tea and stood up.

“I-it might be her! I’ll go!”

The housekeeper was flustered, and spoke to the man, “Please don’t forget to wear your coat!”

‘I know!’ the man said, but came out of the house without wearing his coat.

When the sound of a door closing was heard, the housekeeper sat down. She placed a warm-looking lap blanket on her knees, and soothingly drank her own tea.

“Is this really okay?” Hermes suddenly asked, and continued, “I didn’t hear anything like the sound of an engine.”

“Yes. If he were here, I wouldn’t be able to talk to you in peace. With this, he probably won’t be back for a while.”

Kino faced the housekeeper.

“It’s good enough as it is. My father, mother, and two siblings have safely escaped and are now happily living in a neighboring country. And as for me, I can stay by the side of the person I love,” the housekeeper said with a smile.

Kino slowly asked, “You are… this country’s former princess?”

The apron-clad woman silently nodded.

“I see, that’s a good thing, indeed. Please continue,” Hermes said.

Kino gazed into the woman’s eyes. The woman raised her teacup, drank, and then returned it to its place. Then she opened her mouth to speak.

“I was born as this country’s princess, and remained so until five years ago. I slipped into the people as a spy, and found out about the danger of an uprising. And later on, I met that person. Of course, I earned their trust to obtain information that I could report to my father. It is to learn the date of the planned attack beforehand, and escape to a neighboring country with our fortune.”



“But I, posing as a country girl, began to like him, and eventually fell in love with him. Except for my identity, nothing else was a lie in our relationship. Whenever possible, I would spend my time together with him. It was only a short time each day, but it was the most wonderful time of my life. Back then, I wished that those days would never end.”

The woman smiled and then composed herself once again.

“But it came to an end. That person told me the final information I needed.”

“It was when he parted with you without giving a reason, wasn’t it? By then, you knew that the revolution will soon take place,” Kino confirmed.

“Yes——. I conveyed that information to my father. I neither objected nor insisted to remain, and left the country together with my family. Our substitutes who were left behind carried out their duty, and everything went as planned. I forced myself to forget about him. I believed that we would never meet again.”

“But you came back.”

The woman nodded. “Being a spy, I learned many things while I was in the neighboring country. I wished with all my heart that he would not die in battle. That wish was granted. However, he was broken by the fact that he had killed ‘me’. I also learned that they needed a person who would look after him…. I worried for a long time before I came up with this solution.”

“I see,” Hermes said. The woman suddenly smiled as if she was remembering something.

“But it was so hard. I had to convince my parents and become a traveler…. When I entered the country, I had to be employed as a housekeeper. Even now, my parents are asking me to return,” the woman said, seemingly amused.

Kino asked, “What did he do when you met again?”

“He said this: ‘Ah. Please take care of me until she returns.’ —— it made me very happy.”

“Really?” Hermes asked.

“Yes,” the woman immediately nodded.

“He still loves me and waits for my return. And he needed me by his side. I lied to him when we met for the first time. And from here on, I will continue to lie to the person I love to stay with him. I am—— very happy.”

“… Thank you for telling us your story.”

“Yup, thanks.”

Kino and Hermes said. Then they heard the door opening as the man returned to the house. The housekeeper stood up and greeted the man shivering from the cold.

“It was different. The sentry told me that it was just the power generator being moved…. Nobody came…”

“Is that so?”

The housekeeper pulled a chair for the man. She gently wrapped the man’s shivering shoulders with the lap blanket she used earlier.

“When? I wonder when she would come home…,” the man muttered to himself.

“I don’t know when, but I’m sure she would come home someday,” the woman said.

The man looked at her and asked, “I’m scared. Do you think it’s possible that she has forgotten about me?”

The housekeeper’s hand became still as she was preparing a fresh serving of tea, and slowly shook her head. She smiled and answered the same way as everyone else in the country.

“No. There’s no way you will be forgotten… ever.”

The two bid them farewell, and Kino and Hermes passed through the gates.

“They’re gone. Will they really send my message to her?” the man asked, and the housekeeper told him with a bright face that it will be fine.

The moment they were about to enter the house, the man cried out, “There’s the sound of an engine! Someone has come again!”

Then he ran towards the gate.

“I’m sure that was just Hermes’——” The housekeeper stopped. She did not try to chase the man, and returned to the house.

She tidied up the cups on top of the table, and muttered to herself.

“Now, what would be great for lunch?”

“Kino, wait a bit. Look behind.”

They were already outside the country, a bit ways off the gates.

The engine has finished warming up, and Kino was about to straddle Hermes when he spoke. Kino looked back and saw the man trying to go out from the gates. The sentries were trying to stop him while he was desperately trying to say something. Eventually the sentries gave up and released him.

The man, who was now wearing a coat, ran at full speed towards where Kino is.

“Miss traveler! Please wait! There’s something I would like to tell you!” the man shouted. He was facing the ground, breathing roughly.

“There’s something I would like to tell you,” the man repeated, still looking below.

“You want me to send a message to your lover?” Kino asked and the man raised his face.

“No. I have a message for you. There’s just one last thing I want you to know.”

Kino looked up at the man who stretched to his full height. She looked at his cold face.

“It’s good enough as it is. I am happy. I don’t want to break anything anymore. Not the life of my friend who served as a spy to the royal family, not the memories of the people who did not know a thing, nor the revolution’s success and the new country’s system. And above all, not the life I have now with the person I love the most. —— I don’t want to destroy things as they are now. It’s good enough as it is.”

“……. You are…,” Kino stammered.

“A liar. Every single person in this country is a liar,” Hermes said.

The man smiled happily and made several small nods.

“Goodbye, I’m returning now,” the man said.

“Goodbye. Stay healthy, both of you.”

“Bye-bye, mister hero. Give my regards to your housekeeper.”

Kino and Hermes looked on as the man returned to his country. The worried-looking sentries met him and together, they passed through the gates.

When they were gone, Kino spoke.

“Shall we go?”

Hermes answered, “Yeah.”