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Line 20: Line 20:
This is the gathering point operated by the Zepharos Empire to do spying activity in the Knight Country.
This is the gathering point operated by the Zepharos Empire to do spying activity in the Knight Country.
“I’m Anya. I’ve returned to give my report.”
“It's Anya. I’ve returned to give my report.”
“You may enter.”
“You may enter.”
Line 42: Line 42:
A few days before, Milgauss had returned to the Empire, because he had to give a report about the Necromancia’s experiment to the higher ups.
A few days before, Milgauss had returned to the Empire, because he had to give a report about the Necromancia’s experiment to the higher ups.
Milgauss's higher up is Klaus, a baron at the Wadanhuoer’s borders. Anya had not seen him before. Speaking about a baron at the borders, they
Milgauss's superior is Klaus, a baron at the Wadanhuoer’s borders. Anya had not seen him before. Speaking about a baron at the borders, they
will always give the impression of an old man. But, Klaus is just only a noble in his twenties.
will always give the impression of an old man. But, Klaus is just only a noble in his twenties.

Revision as of 06:51, 29 August 2013

Chapter 3 - The Lakeside Vacation

Part 1

Danebury. It is one of the few commercial cities in Ansarivan.

In this town which was heavily fortified, many trade guilds from different country can be seen. All the businessmen were doing their best to sell their goods. Just not to get fooled by this peaceful town, this town can adept to many changes.

Danebury is also a place famous for its name ‘a pot for different races’. No one will even bother with Anya who is a Tantalos tribe when she was walking on the streets. There were many stalls by the road side and they were trying to sell their goods ranging from fruits to flowers to spices.

“This street is as busy as ever.”

Anya murmured in a low voice and continued to move towards her destination.

From the street, she turned into an alley. Then she continued to walk forward.

Until the point where there was not even a soul around her, Anya arrived at a building made from bricks- which is also the gathering point. Anya entered through the main door and walk up the stairs.

At the end of the corridor on the third floor, there is a door with a "Rosetta’s Business Firm” sign hanging on the door.

This is the gathering point operated by the Zepharos Empire to do spying activity in the Knight Country.

“It's Anya. I’ve returned to give my report.”

“You may enter.”

Even when the voice behind the door is by a young guy, but the feeling he gave out is of a fully matured man.

“Sorry for the interruption.”

Anya put on a calm act upon entering to hide her happiness.

In the room which is used as a office, Milgauss was sitting on a chair leisurely. There were no other souls in that room. The fact that they were alone made Anya nervous.

Milgauss glanced at Anya with his Silver mask on. Which a few strands of dark red hair in his silver coloured hair. He will definitely catch the attention of others even in this ‘a pot for different races’ Danebury city.

“It has be a long time Anya.”

“Yes. Milgauss-sama.”

A few days before, Milgauss had returned to the Empire, because he had to give a report about the Necromancia’s experiment to the higher ups.

Milgauss's superior is Klaus, a baron at the Wadanhuoer’s borders. Anya had not seen him before. Speaking about a baron at the borders, they will always give the impression of an old man. But, Klaus is just only a noble in his twenties.

“I had received a report that you had managed to infiltrate the academy, right?”

“Yes. I’m currently investigating the teen who defeated the Necromancia. This is the report.”

Anya walked towards the table and carefully take out her documents that was kept in her bag.

Because that the time she spent working in ‘La Tene’ is still short, the intelligence that she had gathered was very very little. But Milgauss still read it carefully, which made Anya happy.

After a few moments, Milgauss had finished reading.

“Thanks for your hard work. Please continue with the job.”

“Understood. I’ll investigate Ash Blake and young dragon Eco next. They will take part in the Selective Training Camp three days from now. I’ll be going there as a staff member in charge of the foods.”

“The Selective Training Camp?... So that season had already arrived.”

The way Milgauss spoke like he was remembering his past gave Anya a shock.

“So it will also be held at the Allonnes Lakeside?”

“It seems so.”

Why must he ask such a question? Milgauss continued to ask the confused Anya

“Do you know about the Willingham Mausoleum?”

“I know… I think it is a mausoleum located not far away from the Allonnes Lakeside. I’m not sure about the details.”

“That is a special mausoleum. It is a graveyard of the dragons who died young.”

“Why is it a place for dragons who died young?”

Anya asked while feeling a cold chill at her back.

“This will need to go back to the history of the beginning of Saint’s calendar. During that time, the dragons face a crisis of their youngs dying and they must solve the problem regarding to the extinction of their species. The wise dragon’s magic Albion was created at that time… On the other hand, the Willingham Mausoleum was built at the same time. After that, there is a tradition of burying the young dragons there.”

Today is year 1365 in the A.S.B calendar.[1] What Milgauss had said is a story form the ancient time.

“You are really very knowledgeable!”

“This is just general knowledge.”

Anya was embarrassed. She was afraid that Milgauss will look down on her because she hadn’t studied much. Milgauss didn’t noticed her change in expression and continue to speak:

“Even when they were young dragons, we still need to experiment with them.

“Are you suggesting that…”

Anya who realized Milgauss plan was trembling in fear.

“That’s right. The Empire was hoping that the day of using the Necromancia will come. That is why we need a more complete information.”

Milgauss intended to use the ashes of the young dragons for experimenting. To summon a Necromancia, the bones and ashes of a dragon is a must.

In reality, Anya hated the Necromancia. She couldn’t accept the existence of those things moreover they were going to use the ashes of a young dragon. Her hairs were already standing on the end by just thinking about this.

But, Milgauss had already decided, and she must support him to the end.

Anya calmed herself down and tried to do the preparations for the next battle.

Part 2

After Anya left the room, Milgauss again took the report.

The report is full of information about Eco that Anya had collected. Even though data are not yet complete, but Milgauss immediately found a hidden clue.

“So you are born… Descedent of Avalon…”

“Kuhu…" The sound of laughter came out from his throat. Milgauss will never laugh like this in front of Anya. A negative feeling of love and hatred is spreading in his heart.

“Anyway, is her name ‘Eco’?... No matter if this is by purpose or by fate, her master would call her in such an insulting name. But-“

Milgauss place the report back on the table and look outside of the window.

“It is still far better than to get killed by your own master. Don’t you think so too, Julius.”

Part 3

In the end, the first day for the selective training camp had arrived before Lukka’s and Gawain’s problem had been settled.

At the time the sun rises, the selected fifty-one riders left the school while being sent off by the remaining students.

When the students riding different types of dragons appeared at the main streets, the residents gave loud cheers.

To see the top students off is a must-held activity every year in this season. Even the sun that is high up in the sky was wishing them good luck with its bright rays.

After leaving the walls of the town, the students followed the instruction of their instructor and were separated into three groups.

Because the coming paths will be chosen according to the types of dragons.

The Maestros and Stradas will take the sky path, the Asias will take the land path and the Hydras will take the waterway.

On the other hand, the ‘La Tene’s’ staff who were in charge of the food had already left. Cosette is also one of them. She had volunteered to become a staff, so it is a rare sight that do is going separately from Silvia.

Followed by the Stradas’ group who spread their wings, the Asias’ group who move in the streets with dust leaving behind them and the hydras’ group who were playing in the water, each of the groups were lead by a professor who was an instructor for the practical skills.

Only the Student Council members and their Pal were not bothered by the groupings. They still remained standing in front of the town walls.

Part 4

“Right… Now is the time for us to decide who is going to give Ash, Eco and Lukka a ride.”

Rebecca who already wore the personal dragsuit for the student council president announced.

Ash, Eco and Lukka were unable to go the location of the training camp on their own.

“Of course that Ash-sama is going to follow me-”

Jessica who now had a rosy coloured cheeks volunteered herself. But after a few seconds, her Pal Rhiannon suddenly moved.

“Wait…Rhiannon what’s wrong with you?”

Rhiannon didn’t listen to its master’s orders and was running towards the river twenty meters away. Even though a Hydra can move on land but they can only show their true ability in the waters. It was probably because it felt jumpy after being on land for a long time.

“S-Stop! Are you trying to disobey your master’s order.”

Too bad for her, Rhiannon wasn't listening to its master’s orders. Moving its huge python-like body it arrived at the river in the blink of an eye. Not only that, it used its mouth to carry Jessica who was chasing it by her belt and started swimming.

Jessica who was now in mid-air turned to look at Ash and said:

“My dear Ash-sama, I’ll be waiting for you at the Allonnes Lakeside-”

Rhiannon was swimming freely. Because it swam quickly, they disappeared at the far end before Jessica was able to finish with her sentence.

“Is that Jessica’s pal…? Its behavior is exactly like a duplicate of its master.”

Ash said while smiling.

“In the end they were just doing a comedy act.”

Rebecca was stunned when she saw her pitiful childhood friend depart.

“Lets us not be bothered by that, kaichou[2]. If we do not quickly depart, the rest of the students will start to wonder. Logically speaking, we should be the ones who are going to check the attendance.”

Rebecca agreed with what Max had said.

“Understood. So… Lukka, do you have anyone that you wanted to ride with.”

Even though Lukka had already changed into her dragsuit, she had not spoken since she departed from the school. Even at this moment, she was looking down and depressed. Her Yōsei-liked beauty comes with a feeling that it will disappear anytime like a bubble popping.

Gawain as the culprit was not even bothering Lukka who was down. It was lying down on the ground with a worrisome expression. Ash initially thought that Gawain who had its Astral cut off won’t be able to take part in this Selective Training Camp, but it was said that the Allonnes Lakeside had been a rest spot for the dragons since ancient times.

So, the reason that Gawain is willing to take part in this Training Camp is to prolong its lifespan... Ash personally thought so.

“Lukka, if you remained silent, how am I to know what you are thinking?”

After Rebecca looked at her face, Lukka reluctantly replied:

“I knew it… Since I was unable to ride on Gawain, there is no point for me to take part in this Selective training camp.”

“You’re absolutely correct about it.”

Ash gasped after he heard what Rebecca had said. As far as he knew, this is the first time Rebecca was mean to Lukka.

“Anyway, if you still continue to be the current you, the training camp will end meaninglessly for you.”

“If it is so… why do you still insist that I go with you?”

“The point is not whether it is meaningful or not.”


“In reality, not matter if it is your birth, you being an Eckbald, becoming a breeder or becoming a dragner, there was never a meaning behind them. Those were just add-ons by humans later on.”

Lukka slowly lifted her head and looked at Rebecca’s stare.

“Your point is… It is all down to me?”

“Great. You have known this for quite a long time right?”

Rebecca finally smiled, and gently patted Lukka’s head. Even though Lukka still had a worrisome look on her, but at least she had made up her mind. She can be seen pulling Rebecca’s sleeve.

“I want to follow Rebecca.”

“Alright, I’ll be responsible to give Lukka a ride to Allonnes Lakeside. Next will be the problem concerning Ash and Eco.”

Part 5

Silvia’s heart skipped a beat when she heard what Rebecca had said.

She was troubled by her own feelings. Why do I feel excited? Does that mean that I hope to ride on the same dragon with Ash….?

-Ash Blake.

He is an incredible guy.

He hadn’t spoken much to Silvia in the three years of his basic class years. That is because Silvia didn’t had the intention to befriend anyone. The only thing that she did was keeping on reminding herself, to become a great dragner, she herself must study hard. She didn’t even try to approach anyone and didn’t even think that it was necessary.

But, Ash had invaded Silvia’s enclosed life. After the dragon riding festival’s competition and the Necromancia’s attack, they are now comrades in the student council.

Also, there was the church’s terrorist incident…. Even though that was a farce planned by Veronica, Ash was still the center of spotlight when that incident happened and had an eye catching excellent performance there.


Silvia’s cheeks unavoidably turned red when she tried to recall the events

When the hostages were freed, Ash approached Silvia. During that time, because Silvia had released all the stress that had built-up after she was freed, she doesn’t even have the strength to stand straight. Luckily, Ash supported her by her arm and also piggybacked her back to the academy.

Somehow, Ash's back made Silvia feel nostalgic.

Nine years ago- Silvia encountered a guy from the ‘Orphan Ceremony’.

Not only that he saved Silvia, but he also gave Silvia the opportunity to become Lancelot’s master. Strictly speaking, it was the guy who refused the chance to become Lancelot’s master and handed over the responsibility to Silvia.

To Silvia, she was heavily in debt to that guy.

But, after the ‘Orphan Ceremony’ ended, Silvia had lost contact with that guy. Because that the guy gave away his opportunity to become Lancelot’s master, he also lost the chance to become a breeder and will go back to his village empty handed.

The Princess of the Knight’s Royal Family and the village boy.

Logically speaking, they won’t have the chance to meet each other again for the rest of their life.

Still… Somehow, Ash’s back had a similar smell with that guy.

But of course this could be Silvia’s mistake. Anyway, that incident happened nine years ago. It is probably Silvia who projected the image of that guy on to Ash.

Furthermore, that guy wouldn’t even be in Ansarivan.

Before parting, the last words that the guy told Silvia were:

-You must work hard in my place in order to become a great dragner.

Because of he no longer had the chance to become a dragner, that guy entrusted his wish on Silvia.

In another words, that guy can never be Ash.

“Are you alright… Princess-sama?”

Ash’s concerned words made Silvia sweep away her thoughts.

Somehow, Ash peeped at Silvia’s face. Ash who was now in his dragsuit looked totally different from his usual self. Not only that he looked full of spirit, but he also doesn’t seem like he matches the title ‘Number One Problem Child in the academy’.

“N-Nothing! I’m alright!”

Silvia kept on shaking her hand to emphasize that she is alright. Ash was confused at first but then started to ask Silvia seriously.

“So, do you allow Lancelot to give anyone a ride?”


Silvia was caught off guard for a little moment… The ‘So’ he said was made from what conclusion? It seems that when she let her thoughts wonder, they had already made the decision.

From the way he said it, it had been decided that he is going to ride with Silvia.

She felt an amazing feeling from the depth of her heart.

-H-How is this possible…! It is just a ride, but why would I have such a feeling? A-Am I-I h-happy about it? Does riding together with Ash make me happy!? I’ll never admit this…! I’ll never ever admit this…!

Looking at Silvia anxious looks, Ash continued to ask:

“Princess-sama, are you not feeling well?”

“I-I’m fine alright!”

Silvia cleared her throat with a cough. She must first calm down her emotions.

“B-But because there is a rule in the Lautreamont family’s rules stated that ‘boy and girls must not ride together after seven’. Even though our relationship is quite intimate- no, no, our relationship cannot be considered intimate… But, for us to ride together to Allonnes Lakeside… I-It is actually a little bit difficult for me.”

“What were you mumbling about? Do you hate to ride together that much?”

Ash was staring at Silvia, looking surprised.

“I-It is not that I hate it….”

"So you are basically saying that you allowed it. Lancelot is good at accelerating, so holding on tight to Princess-sama is a must for safety reasons.”


Silvia almost had her head explode with the thought of Ash holding on to her waist.

“Hey, Ash… Are you trying to ride with me with those kinds of indecent thoughts?”

“Hu? What are you talking about? If you don't hold on tight during the ride, it is the same as toying with your own life.”

Silvia’s lifted her angry and trembling fist in front of her chest and declared to Ash.

“Why don't I… let you disappear from this world right now!!!”


Ash was knocked back after a iron punch at the chin. He made a beautiful curve in midair and landed with a thump. Because of his dragsuit, he didn’t feel much pain.

Rebecca, Max and Eco were stunned while watching Ash standing up shakily.

“Why did you punch me…? The person who is going to ride with Princess-sama is Eco?”


With a ‘crack’… The time had frozen.

In this moment, Silvia realized that she had misunderstood.

To put it bluntly, the person who is going to ride with Silvia is Eco. As for Ash, he asked Max to let Arianrhod give him a ride- This should be the conclusion made. It is more comfortable for the people of the same gender to ride together.

Silvia’s body was heated up by her embarrassment. She wished for a cave to hide into.

“Baka! [3] Why didn’t you mention it earlier!”

Part 6

The dragon who led the flight was Cú Chulainn and was followed by Arianrhod. Lukka is with Rebecca while Ash was with Max.

Gawain was the next to leave. It is probably because it does not receive any Astral, there isn’t a single hint of haki[4] from it. Even when Allonnes Lakeside is a rest spot, but with it looking like a living dead, bringing it along felt like a torture for it.

“Alright, it’s our turn now!”

Silvia turned back and look at Eco.

“I’ll sit on the dragon first and you shall sit at the back. You mustn’t let loosen your grip from my waist, it is dangerous.”


Eco obediently nodded in reply.

Silvia with a simple leap landed on Lancelot. After she held the leather reins, she felt refreshed.

“Come on, Eco!”

Her left hand left her grips on the reins and stretch towards Eco.

At this moment, a strange thing happened. Lancelot was as if to make it easy for Eco to get on the saddle, automatically knelled down. Not only that, it also lower its head respectfully in front of Eco.


Silvia was confused. Lancelot’s behavior right now is as if a servant serving its master. Even when it is Silvia who is its master, she had never received a treatment as classy as this. The incident that was happening now was shocking enough.

After Silvia pulled Eco onto Lancelot, she asked:

“…It seems that Lancelot respect you a lot. Do you know why?”

After Eco sat behind Silvia, she answered with a confused tone:

“For heaven’s sake… I don’t know anything. But as far as I can see, since it respected me, I’ll generously praise it as a smart dragon.

Eco exposed a proud expression.


After receiving Eco’s praise, Lancelot came out with a cute voice.

“H-Hey! You are not allowed to make that sound to anyone except me! You are Silvia Lautreamont, my pal! Quickly make a brave voice!”

Silvia scolded it sternly and gave it a light kick in its tummy. Lancelot was in a shock and quickly spreaded its wing and flew.

Part 7

In a blink of an eye, the groups of Maestros were a hundred meters above the ground.

“Uuh… this scenery is one that you’ll never get bored of.”

Silvia said happily.

At the center of the endless plains, Ansarivan is like a beautiful model. The streets for the dragon riding festival’s competition and Fianna Forest can be seen together.

The Strada’s groups leaded by the instructors were some distance away and look like a pea. Although with the true ability of a Maestro they could pass them in a moment, Rebecca still purposely remain at a low speed. The reason is probably she didn’t want the rest of the students to find out about Lukka and Gawain. Even though it is going to spread sooner or later, but the fact that Lukka couldn’t ride her pal still remain a secret.

“Listen carefully! You must never loosen your grip!”

Silvia reminded Eco while looking at the front.

Everybody was wearing their hardy dragsuit but only Eco who was in her uniform. Maybe she took this activity as a field trip.

But, Eco suddenly felt down.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Silvia was worried about Eco’s condition. But what she received was an even confusing answer.

“Why is yours this big?”

Silvia didn’t understand what she meant.

“Big..? What were you talking about?”

Eco suddenly emits a killing intend, which frightened Silvia.

“I’m talking about your breast! Why are yours and Rebecca’s this big?”

“T-This is too sudden! So you are also worrying about these stuffs?”

Silvia was stunned. Even though Eco always stated that ‘honorable and extraordinary dragons’, she still faced a human-liked trouble.

“That’s because of Ash… Sometimes, he will either stare at yours or Rebecca’s breast. I’m really unhappy about it. Even though I still don’t know the reasons yet…”

“What did you say!?”

Silvia was almost infected by eco’s anger, but she managed to control herself. They were now in the middle of a flight and had unconsciously reached a two hundred meters height. She mustn’t loose her cool here.

“Even when that fellow likes to look at breasts… He wouldn’t even be bothered by mine. Why was this happening?! I can’t accept this!”

“T-That’s because…”

Silvia was in lack of vocabulary to use. Anyway, she knew next to nothing about a guy’s thinking. That’s why she was unable to answer Eco.

-Back to the topic… Ash looked at my breast?”

Silvia’s cheeks became hot.

Although she was angry at his behavior, on the other hand, she doesn’t really hate it. She was also surprised and confused that she felt contradicted.

No, not only she doesn’t have the feeling of repulsion, in fact…

-Stop! What am I think about!

When Silvia was struggling within herself, Eco suddenly demanded something outrageous.

“W-What are you thinking about! How could I ever agree with that!”

“Even when you reject it verbally, your defense is full of holes!”

Eco squeezed her hand under the both sides of Silvia’s armpits and Silvia’s muscles suddenly have a shock. Eco was right; Silvia who was now in control of the reins has zero protection as far as she can see.

“S-Stop- Ahh…”

Eco was toying with Silvia’s breasts through her dragsuit with her tiny hands. She was as innocent as a child who was playing with a newly received toy.

SnRK V03 142.jpg

“It’s soft! “It’s really soft! There must have been magic on this that can charm a male animal!”

“Y-You are just thinking too much! Wait... Aah...!”

Eco was playing with Silvia’s breast just like making pasta without holding herself back. This had made her lose her strength to hold the reins.

“Have you had enough of this already! You better be careful of your mischief... or else I’ll push you down!!!”

Lancelot kept on moving upwards and had reached the three hundred meters altitude. Eco’s face turned pale after she peeked downwards.

“Alright... alright...”

Eco who was scared by the height reluctantly let go of Silvia’s breasts.

Part 8

The Allonnes Lake is the lake with the biggest surface area in the Knight Country.

It is the place where they produce ayu and funa. [5]

On the other hand, the forest surrounding the lake is also known as Norg Forrest. The wild plants there contain a high amount of Astral. It is also well know as a rest spot for dragons.

There are many villas that can be seen scattering around the lakeside. But the most striking one was no other than the facility for the training camp owned by the dragon riding academy.

Even though it looked like an old building from the outside, it still has a huge dragon house. The dragon house here has enough rooms for about sixty dragons. It looked magnificent just by it sheer size.

Also, a little distance away from the lakeside is a hill, which at the same time it the location of the ancient mausoleum.

Every scholars specialise in dragons will know that that is the Willingham Mausoleum.

Part 9

The first to arrive at the lakeside were the strada’s group and the maestro’s group. The one way journey took about three hours. The riders slowly entered the training campsite and waited comfortably for the other groups to arrive.

The staffs at the training campsite which include Angela and the lectures and the waiters who arrived earlier welcomed Ash and the rest with a big smile. Cosette was wearing a royal standard maid attire while serving the drinks to the students.

The next to arrive was the hydra’s group. They were slower than those who used the sky paths by two hours. Jessica who escaped from Rhiannon’s clenches kept on hugging Ash after she had entered the restaurant.

The last to arrive were the Asia’s group. They slowly arrived around four hours later after those who used the sky paths had arrived.

Rebecca who acted as the master of ceremony stood up and glanced at the students.

“I’m the student council president Rebecca Randall. I’m happy that there was no accident that had happened and everyone had arrived here safely.”

Logically speaking, this speech should be given by a lecturer, but they were sitting at a corner drinking their tea. They clearly knew that they do not have the influence that Rebecca possessed so they just let it be.

“Listen carefully. This Selective Training Camp is not a place to gather the entire good student to do activities together. After graduation, everyone will start working in their own field. As long as you have the experience in taking part in this camp, you will be seen differently everywhere. For example, every member of the famous Holy-Dragners of Lautreamont had left a good result in the Selective Training Camp. If there were to be any students who wanted to join the Dragners, you mustn’t feel complacent just because you had been chosen to join this selective training camp.I hoped that every person here joins with the spirit to win.”

All the student gave full attention to Rebecca’s talk.

Ash who had never thought about his future suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him had become tense and felt himself missing out.

-Everyone’s so hardworking….

Ash who was different from those who worked hard to join the Selective Training Camp managed to be at here right now is thanks to Rebecca’s personal opinion.

To put it bluntly, Ash still haven’t feel the excitement for the training camp.

“So... for all the students, please have sufficient rest for today for tomorrow’s special training.

Until here, Rebecca suddenly showed a mischievous smile.

“That being said… But, we will still let you all some time to enjoy the lake for relaxation.

After a short silent, the restaurant was drowned in the sound of cheers.

Part 10

Under the bright sun, the student gathered at the lakeside full of spirits. Because that had departed from the academy early, there is still ample time for them to have fun before the sun sets.

Although Ash didn’t bring his swimming wear with him, he still never regretted that. It is because he never had the intention to have fun in the water.

If he change into his swimming wear, his ‘Seikoku’ on his left hand will be exposed and going into the water with the bandages on doesn't look natural at all.

Ash changed into his casual wears which include his t-shirt, shorts and sandles sitting by the lakeside leisurely.

There weren’t anybody from the student council that came into his view. Max as usual was back into his crazy neat freak illness and was cleaning the room. From his situation, it is a wonder if he could finish it before evening.

Lukka who was a shut-in had herself hid inside her own room. Gawain was not in the dragon house but was sleeping in the Norg Forrest that surrounds the lake to recover some astral.

As for Rebecca, Silvia, Jessica, and Eco should be still changing in the changing room. Cosette did prepare a swimming suit for Eco and Ash was thankful for her to be this understanding.


At this moment, a huge hydra appeared with a big splash.

It seems that it was Rhiannon. From its neck to its head is in a curve shape which made it looked more like a snake than a dragon.

Needless to say, the person on its head was Jessica. She was wearing a cute orange coloured bikini.

It was not surprising that Jessica would bring her pal along with her. When the academy’s students were playing with water, the Hydras were the most active in it. When one by one the riders of the hydras appeared on the lake, sounds of cheers could be heard.


Ash became nervous while standing in front of Jessica, he just don’t know where to look at. Even when Jessica’s attitude had always been daring, she still has a nice body. In front of her cleavage, upper arms, hips… and soft tender skin, Ash gulped.

“Ara, Ash-sama you didn’t bring your swimming wear with you?”

“Err…I’m not in the mood for swimming…”

“How could you do that! It is our honeymoon!”

“Why would a decent activity become a honeymoon! And I’m not even married to you!”

“Haa… Your indifference attitude is so charming. Come, hold my hand and together we will challenge the sea! Our sea adventure is going to start!”

“I think that you had mistaken! This is a lake and not a sea!”

“That won’t be a problem! Rhiannon! Go and fetch me Ash-sama!”

After Rhiannon roared, it clumsily lifted Ash by his collar.

“Hu… Uwaaaaa!”

Ash, hanging in midair was forcefully brought to the middle of the lake.

Part 11

Inside the girl’s changing room of the training camp, Silvia was stunned.

It is because of Cosette acted naturally when she handed her her swimming wear. The design was too much of an exaggeration. The colour is blue which is Silvia’s favourite.

But, hold on. There is too little fabric on this swimming wear.

“….Cosette, are you sure you want me to wear this swimming wear? You know, I’m- Silvia Lautreamont, the proud fourth princess of the Knight’s family!”

“Of course, princess-sama.”

Cosette just revealed a big smile as if she is not going to prepare another swimming wear. No, it should be said that she only prepared this for her.

On the other hand, Eco had changed into a cute swimming wear.

"So… I see this is a swimming suit. This is my first time wearing one!”.

Eco was excitedly looking at her own looks in her swimming wear. It is a swimming suit that uses white colour as a base with cute ribbons as decorations. If there is such a swimming suit, why did you not prepare the same one for me… Silvia glared while complaining at Cosette.

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“I think that this swimming wear suits you well, what do you think about it Eco?”

“You really have some good perception at looking at beautiful things, which can satisfy a dragon! You are really good!”

“It’s my pleasure.”

Cosette bowed gracefully. Right in front of her, Rebecca who had changed into her deep red coloured bikini was with a mischievous smile.

“Anything wrong, have you not finished changing yet Silvia?”


Silvia was confidence in her body but compared to Rebecca she felt depressed. For Silvia who was still growing, Rebecca’s body can only be described with the word perfect. The dark red coloured bikini suits her well which made Silvia clenched her teeth.

In front of a girl who had such a nice body, any boy would have fallen for her. Ash also must have been…

-Stop, stop, why would Ash appear at such a time.

Silvia immediately shook her head.

Rebecca spoke to her with a mischievous smile:

“Be quick, Silvia! I’ll be leaving first!”

Eco too had followed Rebecca from behind.

The only ones left in the changing room were Silvia and Cosette.

“Alright. Please be quick princess-sama. I beg your forgiveness… If you are still worrying about anything, please pardon my rudeness by forcing you to change.”

“I think that… You are not even afraid of anything, no? Aren’t you even enjoying this…?”

“Ara, so I have been found out. Ufufufu.”

Cosette took a step forward after a dangerous laugh.

She had the eyes of a hunter who had locked on on its prey.

Part 12

At the lakeside, Rebecca was sitting on a beach chaise with her sunglasses. She looked classy with a wine glass in on hand while enjoying her environment leisurely.

“T-To be able to watch the president in her swimming wear, we are just too lucky.”

The guys immediately revealed their perverted behavior. Even though they were the top students, they were still guys in their teens. Silvia gave an insulting looks at the perverted guys and walked to the lakeside. She embarrassly turned back and asked Cosette about her opinion.

“Hey… Cosette, do I really… Doesn’t it look weird?”

‘It suits you well!’ ‘D-Does it?’ The breeze form the lake made Silvia feel cold and also made it hard to calm her emotions down. Furthermore, there was the feeling of her swimming wear getting stuck in between her butt if she was careless which made her nervous.

“It suits you well!”

“D-Does it?”

The breeze form the lake made Silvia feel cold and also made it hard to calm her emotions down. Furthermore, there was the feeling of her swimming wear getting stuck in between her butt if she was careless which made her nervous. Of course this is also the first time where she was wearing such dressing in front of the crowds.

Cosette suddenly whispered to her.

“Rest assure, ash-sama will be happy with this.”

“W-W-Why must you mention ash!”

Silvia angrily glared. At this moment, there was a ruckus among the guys.

“Princess-sama had arrived!”

“What a sexy bikini!”

“I… can die happy…!”

Silvia became nervous. She felt that her body was trampled on by their sights.

“Hey, Cosette! Give me something to cover my body, whether it is a towel or a shirt!”

“If you don’t mind my apron, I could lend it to you.”

“How could a princess of a country wear such a thing!”

“I personally think that the combination of an apron and bikini not only will amaze the others, but will also be interesting.”

“What are you joking about!”

Silvia wanted to immediately return to the training camp. Anyway, it is unnecessary for her to accompany those excited students. She should have stayed in her room quietly with Lukka and Max.

At this moment, a desperate scream could be heard all over the lake.

“Uwaaaa! I beg you… please stop!”

Silvia immediately knew that it was Ash’s voice.

She doesn’t know the reason why she could recognize Ash’s voice at the first moment.

“Ohohoho! Rhiannon’s ability is not limited to this only, Ash-sama!”

Hydra Rhiannon was surfing on the lake at high speed. And the people on its back is none other than Jessica and Ash.


Just when Silvia was still confused about her own feelings-


Lancelot followed by a roar landed by the lakeside. The air pressure had lifted the dust.

The most unbelievable thing was, the person riding on its back was Eco. Under the condition where Silvia was not present, Lancelot unexpectedly let Eco rides on its back willingly.

“H-How is this possible!”

Silvia couldn’t believe her own eyes and shouted.

Eco in her swimming wear was holding the reins while smiling. After she spotted Silvia, she said:

“I’ll be borrowing your pal for a while!”

Silvia immediately rushed forward.

“Hold on, Eco! How come… You are riding on Lancelot!”

“I had enough of that girl called Jessica! Damn, even when Ash is my meat slave!”

Looking at Jessica who was playing happily at the middle of the lake, Eco clenched her teeth.

“To go against Jessica, I must have a hydra. But the only breeder who has a hydra in the student council is only Jessica. Then, I thought of something. A maestro can move freely in sea, land or air!”

“Even though what you were saying was right… I’m still surprised that Lancelot is willing to give you a ride. Hey, Lancelot! What the big idea!

After being scolded by Silvia, Lancelot reacted with lowering down its head. This was the first time Silvia saw Lancelot behaving like this.

It was normally a ferocious, classy maestro who matches up with Silvia…

“So, what are you going to do?”

Silvia was stunned by Eco’s question.

“I want to let Jessica taste some bitterness. Are you with me? Or you don’t?”

Eco’s red eyes were looking at Silvia from high up.

Silvia didn’t expect Eco to invite her. It is probably the three hours journey together made their relationship closer. Or else, she is treating me as a rival. Wait, a rival in what sense-?

Seeing Silvia still couldn’t make up her mind, Eco impatiently provoked:

“Hey! If you still couldn’t make your decision, I’ll be leaving you!”

These words gave her a little push.

Silvia had given up in thinking about those troublesome questions.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky. The beautiful Allonnes lake is right in front of her and the student whom had changed into their colorful swimming wear.

In the corner of her eyes, Ash can be seen playing with Jessica on the back of the hydra.

In this case, there is only one thing to do.

“C-Count me in!”

Silvia with much effort managed to say those words and she jumped onto Lancelot. She received the reins from Eco and immediately ordered Lancelot to take flight.

Seeing that Silvia decided to join the fun in the water, there was a loud cheer around the beach.

"Playing with Water ~A.S.B. ~1365.6~" is closed.

References and Translation Notes

  1. After Saint's Birth
  2. President
  3. Idiot.
  4. You will know what it is if you read one piece. But haki is 覇気 which literally means an aura that someone strong emits that will let their enemies or the people around them feel under tension or fear.
  5. Types of fish. 鮎 ayu is also called sweet fish, 鮒 funa is called crucain carp.

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