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Line 237: Line 237:
"Stop uttering idiocy.."
"Stop uttering idiocy.."
As if summoned by a voice from the abyss, Ryucown and the princess look toward ''that'' direction. Ryucown threw out a look from someone who totally forgot about Obra, and coolly added "don't move," while pointing his sword at the Gladiator. But...
As if summoned by a voice from the abyss, Ryucown and the princess look toward ''that'' direction. Ryucown threw out a look from someone who totally forgot about Orba, and coolly added "don't move," while pointing his sword at the Gladiator. But...
"That Sword, Return it to me."
"That Sword, Return it to me."
Line 253: Line 253:
"Take it!"
"Take it!"
The Gladiator flung his sword as if he and Orba planned it together, and Obra caught it square on. Then he used the confusion to move behind the princess, snatched the gun in her hand, and pushed the weapon against her head.
The Gladiator flung his sword as if he and Orba planned it together, and Orba caught it square on. Then he used the confusion to move behind the princess, snatched the gun in her hand, and pushed the weapon against her head.

Revision as of 19:04, 7 September 2013

Status: Incomplete

60% completed (estimated)


Chapter 7: Mirage Kingdom

Part 1

“Who are you?” Ryucown asked again.

“A gladiator.”

With that simple reply, the swordsman charged at the rebel general at full speed, wielding a sword with both hands.

The blow came within a inch of Ryucown's face, and he responded with a head-strike of his own. The masked Gladiator quickly distanced himself.

The wind from the high speed exchange raised a whirlwind between the the two duelists.

“A Mephian? How did you sneak in here?"

“Who knows?”

In that instant question-and-answer, the hall across from the two burst into chaos. Warriors garbed in the same gear as the Gladiator clashed with Ryucown's troops. Every member of this group was an elite fighter, handpicked for the ability to do battle in a chaotic situation.

Sparks flew and curses were exchanged. Shique dual-wielded twin blades, decapitated one foe after another, while the gigantic Gilliam swung his axe left and right, crushing foes even if they were in full armor.

The masked Gladiator struck again. Ryucown side-stepped the blow, then brought his sword down in a vertical slash.

The Gladiator deflected the blow by splitting his legs and steadying his center of gravity. He then immediately used the rebound effect, the instant Ryucown was pushed a step back , to launch a vicious attack.

“Oh, not bad.”

Twice, three times, then numerous blows, with the two locked in a stalemate.

“Tell me your name. With such skill, you must be famous.”

“Who knows.” Repeating the words he spoke earlier, the masked swordsman--Orba launched into a swinging strike.

The [GIFT] Orba spoke of at the Sky Ship Bridge was Princess Vileena. He believed there were traitors within the Garberan camp; and as soon as his forces launched their attack, they (the Garberan traitors) would coordinate with Ryucown's for a counterattack.

And the spies within the Garberan camp did precisely as expected. Getting close to the soldiers guarding the princess. Thus, he was able to monitor the enemy movement. Before they took the princess off her ship, Orba launched a surprise attack to save the princess.

Soon after, in the confusion caused by Ryucown's surprise attack, Orba and his forces wore Garberan armor and took the unconscious princess off the Ship, then led a battalion of veteran soldiers toward Fortress Zaim. Ryucown's forces that were part of the surprise attack saw them coming, automatically thought their plan to be a success, and even escorted them into the Fortress.

Orba's heart brimmed with excitement, he was becoming the main character of the novels he read about. Everything was moving according to his plan, and now he was facing the enemy general one-on-one.



4th strike, 5th strike; the two warriors struck on, and sparks flew with every blow.

Ryucown's skills far exceeded Orba's expectations. Easily predicting the young man's moves, the knight's swords appeared to come from every direction. And while Ryucown's strikes came from left and right with daring aggression, he never left any opening to exploit.

Pearls of sweat began to roll off Orba's back. Since he could not waste time there. The longer this lasted, more enemies would be able to reach the upper floor. If following the original plan, numerous ships should be heading toward the fortress after finishing off the main rebel force. But it was difficult for a newbie like Orba to predict how long that would take.

What he can do then, was to utilize every second available to him to dispatch Ryucown. So all he could do was strike, dodge and feint.

Vileena held her breathe as the battle unfolded. Of course she could not recognize that the Mephian Prince and the masked duelist were the same person. But in a short moment, she was able to recognize even the tiniest difference between the two.

During the numerous exchanges, Ryucown observed Orba's techniques from the very start. The skills were there, nor was his strength lacking, but within his technique there was a personal quirk, especially during a long distance strike, there was a great opening from the left side of his opponent's body. This was because his footsteps cannot catch up.

Ryucown let out a tiny smirk. Then backed off.

Orba fell for the feint and followed. In that instant, Ryucown reversed himself, and the point of the blade missed his face just by an inch. When Orba's feet landed again, he landed next to his opponent's side. When both of his feet hit the ground, he lifted up his sword, only to find the sharp end of Ryucown's blade against his mask.


Orba suddenly put all his strength into his rear feet, and dodged upwards. Ryucown continued to press in. Orba could not bring his body back into position, so all he could do was block. And within a few seconds it was all but a checkmate.

“Your infiltration plan is amazing.” While his face was covered in sweat, the rebel general still held regular breathe.

“But in order to achieve victory, If you do not finish me off quickly you cannot win. Even though you are an amazing fighter, but the instant you were not able to finish me off, you already lost..”

Orba did not have the luxury to reply. He finally realized the truth. Being strong--wasn't that simple. The knight's swordsmanship, strength, technique and even experience far exceeded his own. Compared to Ryucown, who was not even scratched during the fight, Orba's side and legs were injured (slightly); some of his armor broke off, he became completely out of breath, and he could barely held on to his sword.

In that moment, the rebel troops converged in the main hall. The gladiators were not able to hold them back, unable to defend the door, and driven to the center of the hall and surrounded by enemy troops.

“Damn it.”

Gilliam groaned, and raised his axe again. Shique mirrored his stance. The two men were filled with killing intent.

Knocking a spear tossed by an enemy soldier, the giant lamented, “I don't want to say this, but it would have been great if Orba was here. The guy is so annoying, but in a fight, his icy cold strength is quite reliable--what, what is so strange, Shique?”

“No, no, you are right. Although that masked guy is pretty strong, he is far from Orba. Haha, truly, if we knew it would come to this, we should had been more forceful in getting him here.”

Covered in blood of enemies and themselves, in such desperate straits, the duo still joked away. But the gladiators around them; one was speared by the enemy, another had his leg cut off, fell down one by one.

Ryucown believed this battle was over. He lightly slashed at the air next to Orba, but the masked duelist did not block nor dodge. The next swing was aimed straight at the gladiator. The two swords met once more, and Orba's longsword fell from his nerveless fingers.


The Knight yelled. Confident of his victory, the rebel general relaxed his stance. And in that instance, Orba pulled out a short sword and attacked. The boy choose to gamble away his weapon for one desperate attack.

Got it!

Orba collided with Ryucown (in confidence?). The rebel troops screamed, and suddenly the main hall was filled with sound of metal colliding.

Converged on a southern hill, both side's artillery shelled away at each other. And now the battlefield had turned into a every-man for himself fight. Mephius' and Ryucown's troops mixed with each other in a chaotic melee, and a scarlet barrage illuminated the sky.

“Fire! Fire!!”

The old General Rogue Syan could not contain his excitement and blood-lust, thus personally let his troops on the front line. Aiming for the enemy emplacement behind the hill, volleys after volleys of shots were fired.

While the Mephian troops had superior resources and numbers, it was their enemy who currently possessed the upper-hand.

At the same time, Gowen let a ten man team to flank the enemy from the right side. The team dragged two cannons, hoped to use them to bombard the rebels, but their position was quickly spotted by a patrolling Airship.

“Get down!”

Gowen roared as he hit the ground. In an instant, ricocheting bullets struck where he was a second ago. An Airship flew by almost at ground level, strafed past him, then pulled up back toward the sky. But at that moment, the ship suddenly lost control. One of the gladiators grabbed on to the Fuselage and refuse to let go; other gladiators saw it, swarmed the Skyship and dragged the pilot off.

As his soldiers fought on, Gowen's heart beat faster and faster.

To the Rebels, this assault had exquisite timing. It looked like there were traitors within the Garberan camp, even several commanders become part of the conspiracy, and launched a devastating attack on the Mephian Army. They didn't need to completely annihilate the Mephian army, but inflicting ~20%-30% casualties should be sufficient. Because then Mephian Army wouldn't see the value of fighting for another nation's territory and withdraw.

Thus, one could say it was a perfect opportunity; for someone like Ryucown who would never consider escaping, he would never need conserve his strength. He will go all out-As Orba predicted. Thus Orba's plan was to infiltrate the fortress to directly challenge Ryucown. And once the main force defeat the rebel forces, they will converge on the Rebel Fortress.

Thus was the original plan--

According to Orba's thoughts, Garberan forces should immediately link up with the Melphius one. At that moment, even if something unexpected happened to his forces, there should be enough force to push the enemy into a rout.

But the Garberan force didn't move, then combined with the chaos on the battlefield, even messages became garbled. It would be a total lie if he said he didn't think his own predictions were realistic.

The enemy's morale was extraordinarily high. Even if one of them fell, someone would step over the body, or use the corpse as a shield. Step-by-step pushing toward this direction. The Mephius troops were not aware of their prince---although only a double--to be within the castle along with the princess.

The Mephians don't have the same fighting spirit. If this goes on, they will break

Every second was precious, Gowen thought, as he selected a good spot on the hill, and fired toward the enemy position. One shot, two shot...with each explosion, there would be a pillar of flames in the enemy camp. But three shots was the limit, as a new fleet of Sky-Ship began to converge toward his position.


This attack definitely inflicted some serious damage on the rebel army, but the enemy didn't collapse, and didn't even show a tiny break in their line. The only thing Gowen could do was to abandon the artillery support and flee quickly.


At this point, they could only rely on the gladiator to finish off Ryucown quickly and for the rebels will lose their will to fight. The sound of gun/cannon fire erupted all over while shrapnel bounced off his armor.

Ryucown opened his eyes....then squinted his eyes again.

Orba lied entangled on top of him. No sign of blood, but the gladiator's final desperate attack was blocked by an act of fate. Ryucown still carried a 16 inches short-sword with him, something he pulled out earlier for defense.

Orba still tried to use his strength to deliver another blow, but unfortunately, Ryucown had already made a semi-circle and moved out of the range, and all he could do was fall forward; with all four limbs on the ground, and a sharp blade on his face.


Orba's body went cold as steel pricked his skin. There was no way to change the outcome then. Orba managed to outwit his foe, but regarding Ryucown's swordsmanship, as well as the Garberan maneuver, in these areas he critically fell short.

For a veteran of countless battles, this was his first time tasting the fruit of defeat. And this meant the vengeance his heart beat for would die abruptly without hope.

"Your bravery deserve praise. If you were not a Mephian, I would have loved to fight on your side."

As Ryucown prepared to dismember his foe....


Vileena's scream rang clearly within the Great Hall. Ryucown did not pay attention.

"Stop now!!"

Feeling the second scream carried the force of life and death, the rebel general glanced at her direction. Only to see the princess pointing her gun at his direction. The soldier behind her had a defeated look, so she must stole the gun from him. Ryucown couldn't help but smile.

"What are you going to do now? Open fire? On me?"


Princess Vileena shook her head.

Her face bloomed into a lovely smile. Everyone wandered what she is thinking, only to see her...

"I am going to shoot myself."

Pointing it toward her own solar plexus. Ryucown frowned, and the soldiers shook.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Do you have the guts to tell your loyal troops those heart felt words you said earlier? As a heroic knight, to deliver a blow (against?) ones own belief. All your thoughts, do you wish to have them to bear it as well?"

Vibrant light returned to those pair of eyes that once held despair, even if she held a gun to her head.

Ryucown became silent. The princess is betting her life, which brought him this problem. As the 14 years old speculated, the rebel could not allow her to die in front of his troops. To return Garbera to its knightly ideals are the hope and dreams of every soldier there, but princess Vileena's noble blood formed the foundation of that claim. If they lost her as a symbol, his support will collapse. For someone like him, who is willing to do everything to change his country, in certain point of view, this is a innovative situation that can be taken advantage of, in other ways, her death could be the beginning to the end.

As Vileena and Ryucown began their silent battle, a certain defeated foe squatted aside,desperately trying to calm his breathe. But by no means Orba has accepted his end.

From the inside of his mask, stared at the blade that defeated his earlier attack.

"That is..."

Engraved on the blade were several unmistakable letters,


It is non other than his name. Orba's heart grew calmer by the second.

Part 2


"You highness, please put down the gun!"

The soldiers begged, while Princess Vileena's eyes met Ryucown's. Perhaps due to determination, there is no trace of emotion on her snow-white face.

"Princess, You really have a temperament meant for a military commander," Ryucown sighed, "if...If I decide to say what is in my mind in front of the crowd, what are you going to do? If we stick to the old ways, we would never reach the future (3). Even if the battle before us become a rout, the results will be the same. Don't you think it would be best for us to challenge our fate?"

"Then speak quickly. I am already prepared."

"You highness!"

"Don't come any closer!"

As she notice the soldiers were trying to get closer to her, Vileena backed away. But to everyone's amazement, her trigger finger did not waver. Although she is still surrounded.

"Please look, You highness."

Ryucown turned around and pointed toward the flame-filled window.

"Look at those mindless Melphian, Garberan armies with overwhelming numbers, and our courageous soldiers. What does this represent, you highness should understand. Ignoring the cowardly Melphians, the Garberan army have also fallen into confusion. Correct, for no other reason than its soldiers could not decide if they should follow me or not. They do not blindly follow the royal family, those who follow my path is the true way to protect this country, this is what the Garberan people have concluded."

Ryucown continued, and his troops did the same.

"Princess, please understand us."

"This is the battle that will decide Garberan dignity, please understand us."

Vileena brought her sight to meet theirs, no one had a drop of hostility, only compassion. She could never bear any enmity or hatred against them, for everyone in their hearts love Garbera, and love the flower of Garbera, the princess Vileena.


The princess cried again, but for what reason? She knotted her brows, full of tears, with the gun still pointing at her head, and screamed like a child throwing a tantrum,



"This is the Garbera grandfather loved, and father nurtured!" Tears fell freely from her eyes, "Why, Why do such..."

"Stop uttering idiocy.."

As if summoned by a voice from the abyss, Ryucown and the princess look toward that direction. Ryucown threw out a look from someone who totally forgot about Orba, and coolly added "don't move," while pointing his sword at the Gladiator. But...

"That Sword, Return it to me."

"Return it to you? What are you talking about? This is..."

"Six years ago."

Orba continued. For some reason, the rebel general hissed, completely swallowed his remaining words. His gaze met the Gladiator who is getting up from the ground, while listening to Orba's every word.

"....six years ago, you were not even a knight, but you were more knightly. But it is different now. To fulfill your ideals, you decided to raise your sword against your liege, and threaten her with death. Why are you gambling your life??? And deaf to the words of the very lord who is also gambling hers? Are you intoxicated?? Ryucown, you are not a knight anymore."

Ryucown was about to bring his blade up for a strike, and everyone's attention were focused on the princess, which gave Shique the chance to breakout his encirclement. At the same time,

"Take it!"

The Gladiator flung his sword as if he and Orba planned it together, and Orba caught it square on. Then he used the confusion to move behind the princess, snatched the gun in her hand, and pushed the weapon against her head.


"You highness!"

"Don't move!"

As if he didn't hear Shique's words, Ryucown charged toward Orba with a piercing strike, then slashed the sword slave with his long sword.

"What are you standing still for?" Using this opening, the Rebel Knight roared. "We will not let a melphian harm her highness. Capture him!"

Shique sucked his tongue. The faces on those soldiers were intertwined with confusion and bloodlust while starting back at each other. If he want to act he have to do it now.If he wait until the enemy reach a decision, then it is back to a outnumbered desperate situation again.

If we have to act....to which direction?



Shique was shocked, he is being ordered around by Princess/hostage.

"This way."

Whispering under her breathe, and moved her jaw toward a nearby parked Airship. Shique's mind instantly clicked,

"I understand, please excuse my roughness."

"I am used to it."

As soon as she replied, Shique coldly fired a shot in front them. Before its fearsome roar fade away, he grabbed on to the princess's thin shoulders and begin to run. Vileena leaped on to the Skyship's cockpit, while Shique sat in the passenger seat. She immediately gun the engines and the skyship begin to float away.

"I will bring enforcements! Wait for me!"

Shique called out. But at this instant, the princess hesitated. Within the great hall, there are still brave Melphian troops, and loyal followers of Garbera who want to restore it to their ideals. The princess could not just watch these people throwing away their lives.

"You highness!"

Ryucown's face paled, and headed straight for the Airship. He was only a step away before he was cut off by the flash of a steel blade. The rebel general spit at the ground, then turned to welcome Obra and his sword.


Obra roared. Blocking the strike that would had sliced his head off, twice, three times, and followed by a barrage of strikes. Then he yelled out again,

"Vileena, MOVE!"

The princess stared at him as if she was struck by lightning, then the airship threw off its pursuers and flew into the night. Then it melded with the darkness and vanished.

"Since it come to this..."

Both men refused to back off, and Ryucown bared his teeth,

"I guess I might as well bury the princess along side with the Melphian army."


Orba swallowed a mouthful of air. He is almost completely exhausted. The source of strength is still flowing, it is his boiling black blood (3). He don't know what he should do, his could not achieve his goals, (4) only could watch what is his been taken away, again and again. During that time.

But, Orba has a sword. A tool to turn that boiling blood into reality.

"How could somebody like you---"

"I will never let someone like you go."

The two duelist shouted while their blades screamed. Although their views are different, but what is in their hearts are the same.

(I will not let you stop me!) (Orba) Blocked Ryucrown's blow, adjusted his own stance, then struck from both directions, but his attacks still were blocked.

(Maybe all I need is just another burst of strength, it is the only choice left)

If something is preventing him from succeeding, even if it is lofty principles, ideals, Gods or Dragon Gods--Orba will challenge it with a sword in hand.

But at this moment, the gladiator is falling into his old habits again. As soon as he perceived what is a opening, he would struck with overwhelming force. In this instant Ryucrown dodged the attack by spinning his body around, then used the inertia for a counterstrike---

As if it is six years ago, it is the same scene Orba saw...

DONG! (SFX: Steel on steel)

Showers of Sparks flew,


the sound of a wail mingled freely with fresh blood.

Ryucrown's blade was bounced off Orba's. He was the one who fell for the trap. The rebel general was waiting for the opportunity to deliver a counterstrike, but his strike rebounded and he lost his balance. Orba's sword struck his chest, fatally.

Although he (Obra) still paid a price. The left side of his mask cracked open with a snap.


Ryucrown remarked as he collapsed, coughing blood with every breathe.

"Until a few moments ago, I can see can see a nation of knights... but I am now...is this the end? Tell me your name. I, Ryucown would not wish to be laid low by a nameless man."


Other than Ryucrown, no one could hear those words.

Uncertain if he (Ryucrown) heard that final word, Ryucwrown did not utter another word, then closed his eyes. Orba could only silently stare at him.

References and Translation Notes

(2) 劝诱人-Seducer? spy? will have to wait for context. -- JP: 近衛兵 'imperial guard(s)'; but considering the context, they're indeed spies.

(3) I have no idea what this is about.

(4) Chinese translator's saying is difficult to understand, is either he achieved his goals...or he couldn't.

如果非要被古老的体制所束缚,以至于无法实现理想的话--This seem to say "If we are bound by our old ways, we would never achieve our dreams" ?

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