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m (Forgot the references D:)
m (only putting italics around the [i] part that was supposed to be done.)
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He and Jin were blood-related child and father, but their trust in each other was far beyond just that.
He and Jin were blood-related child and father, but their trust in each other was far beyond just that.
Every since the time [i]when Basara had caused that problem[i]--- the time when he threw away everything to protect him.
Every since the time ''when Basara had caused that problem''--- the time when he threw away everything to protect him.
“Let’s get back, Dad…Or they will worry.”
“Let’s get back, Dad…Or they will worry.”

Revision as of 17:58, 12 September 2013

The day he got a little sister


"Hey---You said, that you wanted a little sister, right?"

THe night of a certain day near the middle of summer vacation.

Toujou Basara heard his father say so resolute.

It was during their dinner---Just at the timing when Basara had stood up to get a second serving of curry.

"I didn't say that. Did the spice get into a bad place of your brain?"

Basara said so weary over his back, then opened the lid of the ricecooker.

"Such a weak reaction...It's a little sister, you know, a little sister. It's something guys want so bad that they start drooling."

"I'm afraid, a little sister doesn't fill my stomach."

Like he would go along with his father's antics. He had a great appetite. The stomach of a high school boy wasn't to be underestimated. Once he finished loading his plate with the rice, Basara moved in front of the pot with the curry on the stove. He poured the substantial sauce over his rice, then returned to his own seat.

"Huh? Where are the pickled vegetables?"

The bottle filled with the curry's relish had disappeared from atop the table.

In front of him, his father that sat across of him held the bottle with the pickled vegetables in one hand and with a triumphant face,

"Hey, let's talk a bit more enthusiastic about a little sister."

he showed a smirk. Basara made a sigh of resignation and looked at his own father---Toujou Jin. This father at a good age, tried to discuss the merits of a little sister with his son over dinner.

Putting it into words was quite painful. He felt a slight killing-urge.

"Enthusiastic....Actually, did I really say I want a little sister?"

"What... you don't remember?"

Jin said asthonished.

"You said 'I want a little sister', which sounds like a light novel title, with sparkles in your eyes---About ten years ago."

"Like I would remember that!"

Ten years ago, Basara was still 5 years old. Without doubt, it had only been childish nonsense. However, Jin put up a hand with "Calm down".

"A little sister is nice, cute, kind and soft. She'll wake you up in the mornings."

"Well, that might be..."

"Yeah. Besides---you can do all the perverted stuff you want."

"Don't tempt your son into crimes! Actually, it would be scary instead if there was such a little sister!"

SUch a little sister only existed in 2D.

"What's up with you, Dad...You wanted to talk about a little sister that's likely to fall under the metropolian regulation that bad?"[1]

"I wasn't really talking about fiction. Thought the peverted stuff was certainly a joke."

Jin forwarded the bottle with pickled vegetables by sliding it over the table.

"Well, in short, what I want to say is: Do you like or hate a little sister?"

"What kind of survey is this? Well...a little sister from a drama or manga aside, I heard that a real little sister isn't all that great. Like they're cheeky and crude."

"Then, in other words, you would be fine with a cute little sister."

"Well... Guess so. ---Actually, what's up with these leading questions here?"

On Basara's words, Jin replied shortly with "Yeah, well", then showed a suggestive smile.

And then, he spoke the words that would change Toujou Basara's fate.

"Aren't you glad--- to get a cute, little sister."


Blue, wherever you looked. That was the colour of the sky on this day.

The weather was nice. The cicadas were chirping like a screaming of the heat, as the temperature reached a new record high in history. It was an early afternoon in midsummer. Basara had came to a family restaurent in front of the station with Jin.

"I mean, seriously...?"

Toujou Basara mumbled in a still doubtful tone.

---Last night, Jin brought up the topic of a little sister. That was a flag for his second marriage.

Because he had picked "If it's a cute little sister, I like her" from the choices, they came to meet her right away today.

"Stop sulking....When I called them, they said they wanted to meet and greet you as soon as possible. Besides, I asked you if today would be fine with you."

"Well, yeah..."

Certainly. Basara had told Jin, who had asked with his cell phone in one hand, "I don't mind", as he still didn't comprehend the sitatuion and was going with the flow.

However, after taking counsel with his pillow, he ought to think about it once more after all. That Jin remarries meant that Basara would get a new family. And not just a little sister, but he also might get a mother.


Yes--- That was still theoretical.

Along with Jin, the other family, the girl that was to become Basara’s little sister, were also sympathetic to the remarriage. But, despite that, Jin’s remarriage was not yet set in stone. In other words,

…I’m the last one to get convinced, huh…

With the final conclusion resting on his shoulders while all other obstacles had been cleared, it was a somewhat annoying topic. When Basara thought of what kind of predicament he was in, an electronic sound suddenly sounded from the entrance of the restaurant. It signalled the arrival of a customer. While inadvertently putting himself on guard, Basara looked towards the entrance and made a sigh of relief. It had obviously been an different family.

“What are you getting tense for every time a customer comes on?”

“Wh- What does it matter to you… Really.”

While placing his cheek on top of his palm, Basara looked at the new arrived family.

---A father, a mother and a child.

It was a natural happiness. Yet, thus something really precious.

Toujou Basara thought--- If he could get that happiness, which he wanted, now.

…But what were the actual conditions?

He didn’t know. A family of females was something unknown to him. But---He might get an answer to that now. By meeting with the people that might become his family in the future.

---And. He didn’t even know himself why he did so.

It wasn’t because of the electronic sound that signalized a new customer, nor was there really anything drawing his attention. Despite that, as if he was controlled, Basara---suddenly shifted his gaze towards the entrance of the restaurant.


With leisurely steps, two girls entered the restaurant.

One of them was around the same age as Basara, likely a high school girl. The other one was younger than Basara. Because she was rather short, she looked both like a elementary and middle school girl. These two were likely sisters, but


he leaked a voice of surprised unconsciously. So far, he had seen a cute girl on the street before. He also had inadvertently stopped and turned around to her.

But--- The girls, who had come in, completely surpassed that basic level.

After all, the other customers, who had noticed the girls, also had their gazes pinned down on the two of them. Soon enough the girls were led away by an employee to a table on the opposite side of Basara and Jin.

When he looked at their backs--- another new customer entered.

It was a woman in her twenties with a peaceful aura together with her daughter in elementary school.

…Were they finally here?

Inadvertently, Basara stiffed up and at the same time, the two came closer like they had noticed him.

No doubt. Basara stood up from his seat with attitude to the coming mother and daughter.

“N- Nice to meet you… I’m Toujou Basara!”

However, the woman in front of him looked at Basara in bewilderment. She might have been surprised by the sudden greeting. Basara hastily tried to save the situation---Suddenly, a fist hit the back of his head.

“Oww! Wh- What are you…Huh!?”

“Sorry about my idiot.”

Before Basara could turn around, Jin forcible grabbed his head and lowered it.

Basara got his body forcefully lowered until he was bending forward, but still managed to shake off Jin with force.

“Who are you calling an idiot! To smooth out your sudden remarriage, I just tried to---”

There the mother and daughter passed by in front of Basara.


When Basara followed their backs with his eyes, the pair sat down at the next table--- besides a man that was likely the husband. The husband welcomed his wife and child with a smile, but towards Basara, who had called out to his wife, he sent a short, strict glare.

…Ehm, in other words.

The-Misunderstanding. To Basara, who was about to explode out of awkwardness on his painful mistake, Jin

“You’re too nervous… Go wash your face and calm down.”

“…Sorry. I’ll do so.”

said so wearily, whereupon Basara unsteadily headed for the toilet in the back.

…Just what am I doing.

Getting nervous by himself, blowing his fuse by himself, getting elated by himself.

At this rate, it was unknown what kind of failure he would pull on the meeting. Like Jin had said, he ought to calm down a bit. While looking down, he opened the door to the toilet and set a step inside.


Toujou Basara raised his face and froze up unmeant.

In the opened door--- stood a girl.

In that moment, an awkward silence fell onto the small room.

The girl in the toilet was the beautiful older sister from the pair of sisters that entered the store earlier.

The girl had bended slightly forwards, had rolled up her skirt and had both her thumbs in her white panties, as she was either pulling it down or pulling it up now. With all thoughts stopped from the sudden happening, she dumbfounded looked at him.

But it was a misunderstanding. Basara had by no means opened the door of the female toilet.

The toilet merely was for both genders. She likely had used this double gender toilet, as the female toilet was occupied. However, this double gender toilet had an defect that was known to the usual guests--- the lock didn’t close properly. Therefore, the girls, who knew of this, avoided using this toilet if possible. The restaurant had even posted a small paper saying “Please lock the door properly” inside to avoid any troubles. But even if one thought it was properly locked, it happened that it actually wasn’t--- yes, just like right now. Basara hastily tried to close the door and turn on his heels--- but suddenly he heard a ”certain sound”. It was the sound of the girl taking a deep breath. An action taken before a scream.

“---Hey, wait!”

“Mmg!?” Basara narrowly managed quell the scream and made a sigh of relief for now.

…Wait, what am I doing!?

Before he had noticed it, Basara had completely stepped into the toilet and covered the mouth of the girl.

This wasn’t good. It should have been an unfortunate accident in a misunderstanding, but the situation had worsened so much that even excuses were useless now.

“Sorry for scaring you, but please--- listen to me without making a ruckus. This wasn’t on purpose. It’s an unfortunate accident, a misunderstanding…”

That the occupied toilet door opened from the outside meant that the person, who didn’t lock the door properly, was at fault. In other words, the girl. On an emotional level, she was a victim. Therefore, Basara explained about the defect of the lock and about the paper on the door. He desperately tried to convince her.

That there was no assailant here. And that there were only--- two victims here.

Upon that--- as Basara’s explanation worked, the girl relaxed her body soon enough. “Ehm… I take, you understand now?”

On his question, the girl gave back a nod. When Basara timidly removed his hand, the girl corrected her posture and laughed a “Fufu”. A bright smile that seemed like a proof of friendship.

Good. Apparently his sincerity was conveyed and she comprehended the situation calmly. Hooked on, Basara also showed a smile with “Haha…”--- At that moment, he received an attack to the cheek and blew off to the side.

It was a slap. Needless to say, the initiator defect door was unlocked. Basara bumped into the door and tumbled outside. There he fell on his backside.

“Wh- Why…?”

“…Come again?”

While pressing on his cheek, Basara looked up dumbfounded. The girl had twitched the edges of her mouth.

“First you peek on a girl in the toilet, then you get inside, cover her mouth and try to make excuses… Put a hand on your heart and think well about what you have done--- in other world.”

As to give Basara the finishing blow now, the girl raised her leg and it was then.

“---Mh? What are you two doing there?”

That a familiar voiced sounded from the side. He had probably come to check up on Basara as he was late.

Jin had come to the toilet at some point in time.

“Dad…” “Jin-san…”

Basara and the girl called out to Jin at the same time, then looked at each other with an “”Eh?””.

And then--- as Basara returned to his seat, now two girls sat in front of him. The taller one was Naruse Mio. The shorter one Naruse Maria. Like Basara had imagined, the two of them were sisters. When they finished ordering drinks,

“Ahaha, sorry, Basara-san.”

Maria showed a friendly smile.

“We properly told the waitress that we’re meeting up with someone. But apparently, the one who guided us to the table didn’t know about you two.”

In other words, the shop assistants didn’t speak with each other. It was an elementary mistake.

The puzzle had been solved. However, it didn’t necessarily solve the “problem” as well.


In contrast to the smiling Maria, Mio was puckering her lips wordless for a while now.

…Well, understandable.

To tell her to brighten up when someone interrupted her on the toilet earlier, would be asking too much. It left the worst first impression at the important meeting for two remarrying families.

The remarriage wouldn‘t be cancelled because of this, but---- Basara once again checked upon the expressions of Mio and Maria, who sat in front of him. And he thought:

…Still, they’re cute.

Not the appearance alone, but their aura and casual behaviour made him excited. Specially Mio, who apparently was also a first year in high school just like Basara, albeit with a later birthday. In other words, right now, where their parents hadn’t remarried yet, she simply was a girl of the same age as him. Of course that accelerated his heartbeat. Then,

“---But, I’m glad that you’re a nice person, Basara-san.”

Maria, sitting diagonally opposite to him, faced him and laughed with “Ehehe”. She looked very young for a girl only one year younger than Basara and Mio and in her third year of middle school. Her cuteness stimulated a boy’s protection instincts gravely.

“As a boy of your age, I was worried about what to do when you were a guy sharp like a knife.”

“Ha, Haha…”

An age where you were sharp like a knife, just what kind of age was that? The one of a national reaction entertainer? [2]

“No need to worry. I mean, he seems to fancy a cute little sister.”

“Seems so. I mean, he came into the toilet occupied by a girl.”

On Jin’s light joke, Mio in front sent off a cold glare.

“I said, that was a misunderstanding, an accident. How often do---”

“Hmp, still making excuses?”

When Basara declared with a sigh, Mio bended slightly forward.

A distance that made his heart skip a beat unmeant. She looked at him with superb upturned eyes that emphasised their height difference.

“…..I’m sorry.”

So weak. When Basara, unable to endure her destructive force, apologized, Mio nodded “Mm, I forgive you” satisfied and finally brightened up her expression. Basara made a sigh of relief.

“Oh right…ehm, excuse me, there’s something I want to ask.”

There Basara suddenly spoke out a simple question.

“Where’s your mother? Will she come later?”

The prospect of getting a little sister, and even two this cute ones, had surprised him.

But well. Jin never had said that it would only be one.

However, their mother, who Jin was going to marry, was absent, which made this meeting pointless.

“Yeah, reminds me, I didn’t tell you…”

Jin said.

“Their mother--- Chihaya-san is currently overseas for her work.”


Wait a moment. What did his father said just now? As bad as it sounded, the marriage partner was currently overseas?

“…. Aw… Dad, lend me your ear for a sec.”

Grabbing Jin’s arm, Basara moved to a place where their voices wouldn’t reach Mio and Maria--- to the corner of the passage.

“…Sorry, but can you say that again?”

Basara crossed his arms and tapped with the index finger of his right hand on his left upper arm.

“Mh? ‘Hey---You said, that you wanted a little sister, right?’ That one?”

“How far are you going back! I meant about the stuff about your marriage partner being overseas!”

“So you heard it after all. So, what about it?”

“It’s weird! That on a meeting for a remarriage, she herself wouldn’t show up!”

Even more so, when they were the ones that wanted to meet as soon as possible. He wasn’t going to blame her about going on a business trip, but a meeting without her was pointless. Actually,

“I hope I’m wrong, but… you’re not getting tricked, are you?”

“Haha. No, don’t worry. Besides, do you really think I could be tricked?”

Certainly. If anything, he was the type to trick. This phony father.

“But--- then we could just have done the meeting once she came back….”

“I’m afraid there’s a reason as to why we better hurry up.”

Jin changed his expression from a smile into a serious one.

“Basara… Now that you saw these two, what do you think?”

“What you ask… Well, cute, I guess.”

At any rate, he thought they were some kind of idols when he saw them first. So

…A reason as to why to hurry up, huh…

Judging by the conversation, Basara finally came to understand that reason. The prospect of remarriage meant that they were a family of just mother and daughters. And that mother was currently overseas on a long time business trip.

“I’m sure, a parent would worry, if these two are all left by themselves… Is that why?”

“Yeah. Actually, the two of them seem to be under the attack of some suspicious person. To begin with, when I first met them at the city, a weird guy was picking on them. Besides, there also seems to be a persistent stalker.”

“For real…”

The world sure was dangerous, but to think there were actual casualties. It certainly was a pressing matter. The police didn’t interfere with personal matters. They wouldn’t move unless something happened, which would be too late then.

“I heard that Maria-chan stopped going to school, because of that stalker. Those who want to go to school should just do so, but for someone who can’t, it’s painful. Even if she’s smiling so brightly right now.”

Jin said.

“Well, for these reasons, I would like us to start living together already, if you have no objections. They also say a remarriage is more likely to work out if you know each other better beforehand.”

“You mean to temporarily take care of them and see if it’s possible to live together as a family?”

“This is some kind of destiny. If we can protect them, then you would like to, right?”

On Jin’s words, Basara fell silent. It was a silence of affirmation. And


Suddenly he made eye-contact with Mio on the other side. Just like the earlier forceful attitude had been a lie, she had a worried expression. Basara narrowed his eyes and asked Jin besides him.

“---For how long?”

“For starters, a year. It might turn out we’re totally unsuited to live together or reach a conclusion about the remarriage, but--- They will only get back to living alone, once a certain level of their safety is guaranteed. After hearing all this, I wouldn’t be able to sleep anymore later when I know that something happened to them.”

He had a point. When their mother comes back in a year and it was time to decide about the remarriage, it would all fall apart if something had happened to Mio or Maira.

More importantly--- Basara himself didn’t want Mio or Maria to suffer.

“But were are we going to live? Our house doesn’t have any rooms to spare.”

“We’ll rent a suitable one. I already have my eyes on one. We should create an environment as close as possible to a family, since we’re trying to find out if we’re compatible. And it’ll quicken things if we actually do get married.”

“…Do these two know about the living together?”

“Yeah. They would gladly do so, if you agree.”

On Jin’s words, Basara stayed quiet for a while. But, soon enough he mumbled slowly.

“……Okay. It’s something you decided, Dad. So I’m fine with it.”

He wasn’t really casual about it. It were his true feelings.

“I see. Sorry for not telling you anything and proceeding on my own.”

“It’s fine. You must have your reasons for doing so.”

He should just tell him everything once he was able to.

He and Jin were blood-related child and father, but their trust in each other was far beyond just that.

Every since the time when Basara had caused that problem--- the time when he threw away everything to protect him.

“Let’s get back, Dad…Or they will worry.”

Saying so, Basara returned to their table with Jin. When they said down on their seats,

“…Uh- Uhm,”

with a timidly tone, Maria tried to confirm their state of affairs.

“Ah, sorry… Just some talk amongst men.”

“He made such a serious face that I wondered what it’s going to be about, but then he said ‘These two are so cute that I can’t suppress my arousal’. Geez, boys in their puberty sure are horny.”

“Hahaha. Dad, that will have an afterpiece.”

An afterpiece about fists at night. Just with him and his father.

And then, to Mio, who looked as just worried as Maria,

“I was surprised by all the stuff I heard yesterday…But, it’s all right now.”

Basara said.

“Until your mother gets back and even though we still don’t know if the remarriage will work out… I think it’s a good idea to try out living together as a family before instead of just suddenly remarrying. Let’s slowly get to know more about each other.”


Mio asked worried, whereupon Basara nodded a “Yeah”.

“We’re a men’s household, so having girls around really helps… Right, Dad?”

“Right. Besides, I always wanted a cute daughter. Basara also pestered me forever about wanting a little sister. So don’t show any reservation, you two.”

“Thank you.” “Yay, please take good care of us.”

Mio and Maria quickly lowered her heads. And then

“Well then, take care of me, Basara-kun.”

Raising her head, Mio gave him a smirking smiling face.

“But--- if you happened to come into the toilet again, I’ll kill you a hundred times then.”


Her eyes were serious. When Basara’s expression stiffened up, Jin said summing up.

“Okay then…. let’s get along as family from now on.”

This declaration made with a smile, was the beginning of a new life-style.

“There might arise issues, but--- let’s become happy together.”

Therefore--- even though prospects for a grim future hang somewhat in the air, it still felt peaceful.

Same for Toujou Basara’s every day life----and for the world.

Translator notes and References

  1. The regulation means the legendary loli ban bill in Tokyo
  2. Tetsurō Degawa is a reaction entertainer and says that he was a ‘sharp knife’ in his youth.