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Line 580: Line 580:
She raised her tear-stained face and spoke to Sion.
She raised her tear-stained face and spoke to Sion.
"...If we reincarnate the next time"
"...If we reincarnate the next time."
"You’ll have to kill me."
"You’ll have to kill me."
"Or else, something like this will happen again."
"Or else, something like this will happen again."
"Because this...this is too cruel."
"Because this...this is too cruel."
"You’ll have to kill me, alright?"
"You’ll have to kill me, alright?"
"......Liar. You clearly wouldn’t do it."
"......Liar. You clearly wouldn’t do it."
"I like you."
"I like you."
Line 620: Line 620:
"You really are an idiot."
"You really are an idiot."

Latest revision as of 04:43, 4 December 2013

So Human α appeared in the Human world.

So Human α appeared in the Human world.

So Human α appeared in the Human world, but—


In the next moment, his vision became red.

At first, Sion did not know what that red colour was.

But, he saw Father’s throat was stabbed with something like a rod. Then he saw red blood spurting from the throat.

Then Mother noticed this too. She wanted to cry, but she immediately clasped her hand over her mouth.

"Why are the soldiers of Boliar Kingdom here..."

She said quietly with an expression as if she were about to cry. Then she carried Sion, Ryner, and Ferris in her arms, thinking to escape with them.

But she was only able to do so much.

The thing that was like a rod was thrown again and injured her shoulder.


She let out a soft moan. Her arm lost strength and Ryner fell.

Sion watched everything.

He saw the figure of the baby rolling on the floor.

He saw the figure of his brother.

Ryner was crying. He was on the floor, crying desperately.

But Mother could not go and pick up Ryner.

Because the enemy had already reached Ryner’s side. The men emanating a killing intention stood in front of Ryner.

Those people were looking in this direction, shouting "Kill! Kill!".

Although he didn’t know why those people would want to kill him, but those men shouted "Kill! Kill!" without stopping.

Ferris was crying.

She was crying noisily like she had just now.

"Don’t cry!"

Mother shouted.

Then she ran.

She ran in order to escape those men.

Then those men laughed.

"Kill everyone in this country! Don’t let that woman escape! Fire the arrows!"

They laughed as they shouted this.

They prepared something like that rod, then threw the arrows in this direction. Mother’s head was pierced through. Blood spurted. Then he felt momentarily dizzy.

Because Mother had collapsed.

Then Sion fell on the ground.

Ferris fell on the ground.

They were immediately discovered by the enemy.

Because the two of them were crying noisily.

They were crying noisily and strongly, as if using their bodies’ strength.

But one of the voices had disappeared.

It was Ryner.

Ryner’s voice had disappeared.

Sion looked in that direction and saw a man standing by Ryner. The man was holding something that was shining, that thing was stained with red.

Then Ferris’ voice disappeared too.

He looked to Ferris.

He saw the same scene.

Then those men holding the silver things stained with red looked to him.

Then they said.

"What is wrong with this one."

"He’s not crying."

"Did he die because of the impact of the fall?"

"Then let’s head to the next one?"

They talked messily.

It seemed like he had managed to escape this.

The men started to retreat.

Sion closed his mouth, looking at them.

Looking at the people who killed his family.

Looking at the Humans who had killed his important family members.


He wanted to saw something.


He wanted to say something, but suddenly a man spoke.

"...You can’t be merciless. This one hasn’t died yet."

Then the silver thing was in front of Sion’s chest.

He immediately knew that that thing could steal his life away. He immediately knew that the important part of his body would be stabbed.

He wanted to cry.



He could no longer make a noise.

He was already dead.

His life ended just like this.

He was unable to do anything.

He was unable to leave anything behind, his life had disappeared just like this.

So the magic that he had used—

The number that he had successfully spread <Love> to was only two people.

The world turned like this.

Times changed.

A thousand years passed without anything happening.

The world was reset and then reactivated again.

Like a deceiving painting.

Like a maze.

It looked as if there was progress, but actually it was meandering around the same point.

Like an idiot repeating itself, repeating itself, repeating itself ceaselessly, everyone was wandering in the same area.

There was no change.

Humans were still so ugly.

Humans were still so beautiful.

Humans were still so sad.

Humans had not decreased in number.

But even so, the Hero and the Demon did not give up. One day, they would defeat the curse that the Goddesses had created, taking back their world.

Sion awoke,

In this world, eight people loved him.

Then he died.

Sion awoke,

In this world, seventy-four people loved him.

Then he died.

Sion awoke,

In this world, six hundred sixty-six people loved him.

Then he died.

But between all of this that happened, there was no complete link. The previous Sion had a different character and soul, it was a completely different person with a different personality.

There were times where he was born as a boy, there were other times where he was born as a girl too.

Only when the Humans in the Roland district had fulfilled the conditions, then he would become the first Human α. Then he would lose his name and inherit the name Sion.

It was as if there was someone controlling all of this.

It was as if someone was playing with fate, Sion sought love from other people, he sought ceaselessly, sought ceaselessly, involving other people in his fate.

Then the people who loved him, in that moment became the enemies of this world.

It wasn’t wrong, right?

Because this world was something that the Goddesses had made.

Because this word was filled with Human. It was created by the Goddesses, so those who loved Human α, were betraying this world.

But slowly, slowly, Sion found a method to progress.

Loved by the Humans.

Loved by the people.

Then constructing a country.

That country’s name was called the Roland Empire. Through the country, even if he died, love would still remain. The people and future generations of this country would submit to the generations of kings descended from him, they would always carry love.

So eventually, the magic would be complete.

The magic to destroy the magic of the Goddesses would be complete.

The name of the king of that time, was still Sion.

The people who completed the magic would completely lose their own name and inherit the name Sion.

So in order to inherit the name Sion, in order to possess everything, they had fought desperately and finally gained the world.

In that period of time, they had believed that there was hope in front of them. Because that was what God had commanded.

Because the urge in his body and the voice of God was always saying, progress, progress, progress is justice.

But he didn’t know why that the end of the road ahead of him, was only darkness.

So that day.

That night.

That night where he finally gained everything.

Why did it become like this?

Ryner had said with a voice that was almost crying.


Sion couldn’t reply.

At that time, Ryner was a female. As Sion’s childhood friend, the two of them had finally fallen in love. They had walked together as if it were natural, the two of them had fought to change the world.

They didn’t know that they were actually under the influence of someone else, desperately fighting.

They didn’t know that their lives, and other people's lives, were under the influence of someone else, he and she had desperately fought to progress.

Finally they had gained the world.

Trusting that if they did this, everything would progress smoothly, they had killed everyone else, kill, and finally gained the world.



There was nothing at the end of their road.

The only heard the order from God.

From the God that controlled him—from the Hero—from the Demon, there was a command.

The command was like this.

«Come, devour all of the things that you love, complete this magic.»

The order was like this.

«Come, devour all that you love, destroy the magic of the Goddesses.»

In the moment that the order came, Sion’s body became strange.

In the moment that the command came, Sion’s consciousness was stained with black.

Then, devour.

He devoured his subordinates, citizens, the people who believed in him, devoured, devoured.

Then the magical formation appeared.

The huge magical formation that was large enough to cover the sky appeared.

That magical formation could destroy the world.

It could destroy this locked world.

It could destroy the world and curse that the Goddesses had created.

For this, Sion continued to eat people.



Human disappeared.

Comrades disappeared.

Family disappeared.

Citizens disappeared.

The magical formation slowly swelled.


But, Sion was shouting.

"I wasn’t born here in order to do these!"

Sion shouted in a voice as if he were about to cry.

"I didn’t fight till today to do these!"

But his voice couldn’t reach.

It couldn’t reach the God.

Because the God was not interested in Humans.

Towards the Humans that had been a kind of magical formation, the God had no interest.

So Sion could only devour Humans.

He could only devour his comrades.

Finally, there was nothing left in his surroundings.

The only one left was Ryner.

It was only the girl who was his childhood friend left.

It was only his wife left.

She cried as she watched Sion.

She watched Sion who could not stop devouring the world.

"...This is, this is...the reason for our existence?"

She said.

A tear shaped insignia appeared in her eyes.

She was also a marionette. The God called the Demon—no, the marionette controlled by the monster.

Then, eat her. Hearing this kind of order. This way, the magic will be complete. This way, the magic to destroy this world will be complete.

And if this is not done, this world will self-destruct. Everything will disappear, everything will return to square one, and it will repeat itself again.

So, eat.




Then changed the world...

"You’re noisy!"

Sion roared.

He desperately suppressed the urge to rush over to Ryner. He knelt on the ground and desperately suppressed it.

Ryner watched this sadly. She used an expression as if she was about to cry to watch this. Because there beautiful eyes could see through all of this, so she had understood that no matter how she resisted, she could not change anything.

She looked at Sion, then turned to look at the sky. But there were no more stars in the sky. Because this world was already starting to collapse. Because when the Humans were devoured, when the curse of the Goddesses had been destroyed, this world had started to disappear.

So she looked at the darkness.

She looked at the darkness that held nothing, then she closed her eyes and said.

"...It’s alright, eat me."

"...Shut up."

"There is no other way. Kill me."

Ryner said.

But Sion shook his head.


He shouted.

So Ryner cried and laughed.

"But this already can’t be stopped."

"You’re noisy."

"And, I don’t want to betray my comrades again. Look at that equation. This is not the first time. We have already repeated the same thing..."

"Shut up."

"If you don’t eat me here, the same thing will happen again?"


"But the experience of that time will no longer be me, nor you."


"But I don’t want to have the same memories of suffering."

Ryner said.

And Sion understood her feelings.

Fighting, fighting, fighting at the price of losing many priceless things, and the answer gained in the end was that he himself had no particular worth to exist, how can there be something so ridiculous.

Something like that.

Anyway, no matter what, the ending would not change, perhaps ending everything here would be the best.


But Sion did not think it that way.

At least now, in here, he could not be like a controlled marionette, and kill her without his own consciousness.

Because he loved her.

Because he had fought until today to protect her.

But he had to kill her?

Because the God that had made him had commanded that, so he had to kill her?

"Ha, haha, how can there be something so ridiculous."

Sion said with a trembling voice.

He desperately tried to resist the order, he used a voice that sounded as if he were about to cry to say that.

Ryner tried to approach him. Every time she took one step closer, the urge in his body would swell.

Eat, eat, eat.

The magic buried deep in his body swelled.

Eat, eat, eateat, eat, eat, eateat, eat, eat, eateat, eat, eat, eateat, eat, eat, eateat, eat, eat, eateat, eat, eat, eat, eat.

"Don’t come over here!"

Sion shouted.

"Don’t come near me!"

Sion desperately shouted.

But Ryner didn’t listen to him. She only used that warm expression she always had, walking slowly to his side, then hugging him tightly.

Her body was extremely soft.

He wanted to devour her body very much, as if he were mad.

But he resisted it.

No, it should be that he was cursing.

He cursed this world and he cursed the God that had written this silly script.

He used his anger and his cursing to collapse the urge to devour her.

Then Ryner said again.

"Aren’t you going to kill me...?"


"But if it’s like that, then the same thing will happen again."


"Kill me."


"Come, kill me. This way, will we be released."


"I beg you, kill me..."

Towards what Ryner said, Sion replied.

Only one sentence.


So Ryner clutched his chest and cried.


"Really, why did it become like this?"

She said.

But Sion didn’t know too.

Was it because he was foolish.

Was it because he was weak.

But he felt that these two weren’t the reasons, so he wasn’t able to reply.

You like me.

I like you too.

That was clearly enough.

But why did it become like this.

Why did that darkness expand without stopping?

Sion ignored the urge in his body, studying his surroundings.

But his surroundings, apart from darkness was darkness, the road ahead was filled with darkness.

The two of them had no other ways.

And the two of them knew it.

The light could no longer return.

But, even so.


Ryner said.

She raised her face.

She raised her tear-stained face and spoke to Sion.

"...If we reincarnate the next time."


"You’ll have to kill me."


"Or else, something like this will happen again."


"Because this...this is too cruel."


"You’ll have to kill me, alright?"


"......Liar. You clearly wouldn’t do it."


"I like you."

"I like you, too."

"Then kill me."



Sion was unable to reply, so she cried again.

"Because I like you, so I can’t kill you."



"You really are an idiot."


Sion said that and then he hugged her tightly.

But her body was starting to fade.

It was time.

If he didn’t devour her here, and complete the magic, then they would not be able to open the way out of this world created by the Goddesses, they would not be able to leave here.

Of course, Sion’s body started to fade too.

Their surroundings were already covered with darkness, 1000 years had passed, the world started to reset.

So in those last moments of her life, she said again.

"You promised."


"Kill me."


"I’m begging you."


"Ne. You promised. You have to..."


Her words stopped there.

Then she disappeared with that sad expression.

Until the end, Sion had been unable to respond to her words.

You promised.

To kill me.

She had said that.

But, he was unable to do that.

Killing the person that he loved dearly, that was impossible.

So he could only curse the God.

Why had he created something like this.

Why had he created everything.

Kill him, he had thought.

If he was here.

If God truly existed, if that voice was able to reach them, I will kill you. He had cursed.

But the words of the curse did not reach the God’s ears in the end.

No, it wasn’t heard by anyone.

Because he was about to vanish.

Because he was about to vanish in that moment.

Then he disappeared.

He faded away with her.

Then the world started to collapse.

The cycle started again.

In this cycle, would he be able to make the right decision properly?

Would he be able to choose to kill her?

In the end, it was something he was unable to do.

But if that was the case.

If that was the case, that what should we do?

"Is there any way for the God that played us like fools... Is there any way to get rid of that monster?"

He always thought of this, until the end, he disappeared.

Then the next cycle started again.

The next cycle started again.

The next cycle started again, as it should be...

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