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Takeshi was strangely embarrassed by the heat and weight of the girl, he felt sorry for her and was nervous as he quickly ran until he arrived at the school infirmary.
At any rate, seemingly fainted he suffered from the sound of a long breath from her by his ear, holding her soft thighs, funyafunya,<ref>Onomatopoeia</ref> his hands seemed to sink in.
He was dripping with sweat, one could say it was because he was in such a situation and the fact that he ran in a temperature that exceeded 30 degrees.<ref>Celsius, 86 degrees Fahrenheit</ref> It would not be unreasonable if she happened to wake up and screamed because of the smell.
Takeshi felt relieved when he finally saw the infirmary at the other side of the hallway.
“Excuse me!!”
He skillfully opened the door with his foot.
“Sensei!?<ref>This time it means doctor.</ref> Are you here?”
The infirmary was not locked, but the figure of a person was nowhere to be seen.
Reluctant, Takeshi carried the girl in and approached two beds lined up next to each other. He bowed a little and rolled up the futon with one hand.
He turned his back to the bed to let her slide off onto it and unintentionally took a breath.
"Ha, sure was heavy......"
He noticed the clock on the wall and was astonished at the time.
"Ah, crap! Practice."
Takeshi looked down at the bed, the girl laid there face up and her hands were in a position like she was praying.
“This is bad, but I don’t where someone is and I have to go.”
Being anymore involved with this girl is just asking for trouble.
Since the third year students retired after the previous summer tournament, the Kendo club is presently carried on by the second year students whom are even stricter than the third year students.
When Takeshi was just about to leave the infirmary, the girl behind him gasped painfully.
He reflexively looked back with vaguely trembling eyelashes.
“Are you awake...?” Takeshi walked back to the bed and called out to her.
“…………s, an.”
In an attempt to understand her words, he brought his face closer to hers.
“Don’t go, please don’t go……”
Her hand suddenly moved, she grabbed onto the sleeve of Takeshi’s Kendo uniform.
“Wait, wait a minute.”
He tried to separate from her, but was grabbed firmly and pulled closer.
From her eyes, a clear drop of water became visible, it attracted attention as it ran down the side of her face.
“Nii-san…………don’t go……”
Ha, a sigh escaped from Takeshi’s mouth. In this girl's current state, if he brushed away her hand it would leave a bad taste in his mouth.
"If this is how it goes, 10 minutes late is the same as 30 minutes late huh."
Unable to move his shoulder, Takeshi one again looked down at her.
With her eyes closed, there was a vague impression that if she were to sit up, she would be a fairly cute child. Silky black hair, black bangs of similar proportion on her forehead, and white skin like an infant's.

Revision as of 16:45, 19 February 2014

CHAPTER 1: Magic Girl In The Summer

Part 1

One step from the entrance Nanase Takeshi slightly breathed in what remained of the cool night air.

It was a clear sky with no clouds.

It was just after 6:30am.

For an average high school student, it might have been a bit too early to depart for school, but Takeshi, as usual, closed the front gate quietly, and started walking.

The fine white gate of the mansion on the right, opened automatically when he came before it.

“Good morning Takeshi.”

A girl wearing the same school uniform as Takeshi came out from the opened gate and smiled sweetly.

“Good morning Isoshima.”

Takeshi and the girl, Isoshima Kurumi started walking alongside each other.

This was a usual sight.

Takeshi's house was your typical single family detached house, while on the other hand, the house of Kurumi who lived next door, was a mansion called Isoshima Residence, which was famous even in the neighborhood.

That mansion which was surrounded by a wide garden in all four directions, had 5 times more land than Takeshi's house. Seeing the white porcelain gate open automatically every morning, Takeshi could only smile wryly as he remembered the waist high fence at his own house.

From Kurumi’s appearance, you could tell she was an ojou-sama,[1] but to Takeshi she was a childhood friend he had known since they were small.

Today, she had a little bit of her long, straight, chestnut-colored hair tied back. Takeshi who was walking next to her could not help but notice her features, slender shoulders, raised eyebrows with eyes that gave a look of determination, her tightly closed mouth with pink colored lips and elegant chin line. Except for the light pink chap stick she had no other makeup on, despite this, she still had an attractive figure.

If 10 youths of the same age were asked, all of them would agree she was cute, if pressed any further they would all say the she was a rare beauty in a class by herself.

Kurumi, aware that she was being watched, lifted her head to look at Takeshi.

“What’s the matter?”

Takeshi shook his head slightly as he smiled.

“It’s nothing, I was just thinking of how quickly the first semester ended.”

While she looked up at the summer sky, Kurumi’s face broke out into a smile.

“Well, before you even know it, the spring exams will be here.”

“Hmmm, that’s true, though I had a difficult time with the aunts because you didn’t want to attend that private girls school in the city, they were surprised and tried to persuade me to convince you.”

Mahou Sensou pg 19.jpg

Takeshi shrugged his shoulders at Kurumi pouting.

“I’ll choose to go to whatever school I want to and won’t allow anyone to say otherwise, it really can’t be helped, besides, at this point in time I think it’s fine and my parents also think so.”

Takeshi listened to her repeated assertions. “Is that so?” he asked.

“Yeah, if I were to go to a private school I would have to take a train by myself, wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

Takeshi frowned as he tried to imagine Kurumi alone on a train.

“That is certainly possible if you don’t live close to the city.”


Seeing Kurumi’s happy smile glitter and shine like the morning sun, Takeshi could not help but feel somewhat happy too.

It’s the best feeling to be able to laugh with friends even if it is only one other, however, the moment Takeshi arrived at school his facial expression darkened. There was one semester where Kurumi had no friends, they were in separate classes, but not once had Takeshi seen her together with the other girls in her class. Because Takeshi was in the Kendo Club as a first year he was able to become acquaintances with the third years and befriended several people who were in the same class, even in middle school he had numerous acquaintances. Truthfully, Kurumi was also part of the Kendo club, since she was the only girl she became the club manager and was not actually in an environment where she could make a girlfriend.

Kurumi was a friend, did he need to speak about this no matter what? As expected, he began to feel uneasy, that wasn't good and he felt he should just stop.

In Kurumi's world the only worries she had were to be in the same class as Takeshi, eating lunch with him every day, and to be able to rely on him without causing problems, but while that may be true, she should still make friends, even so, there was no reason for her to say that.

It would be expected that a boy would need considerable courage to interfere with a girl bonding, but maybe that was Kurumi's inner desire. Maybe it would have been better if someone had always been angry, even so, while walking next to her, Takeshi would send periodic glances her way, it was hard to believe how many times these feelings would be put away, in some respects, Isoshima was a nice and diligent girl.

There was no way for Takeshi to know of her feelings as Kurumi walked like puppy waving her hand with a beaming smile.


Part 2

Most of the other students were in the classroom by the time Takeshi finished his morning training with the Kendo Club.

You could tell which students anticipated the start of summer vacation tomorrow by looking at their bright faces, this somehow made the atmosphere in the classroom quite lively.


Takeshi became confused when someone turned around and suddenly called out to him after a few minutes.

“Eh, what?”

“Don’t ‘eh, what’ me, were you even listening?”

Takeshi's desk was surrounded by two other people standing next to it, the guy who greeted him and started a conversation from the seat in front was a fellow classmate and friend. There were three pairs of eyes staring at Takeshi.

“So, is Nanase going anywhere during break?”

“Ahhh…” Takeshi said as a subtle smile floated across his face.

“Now, now Nanase, Ida.”

When the the three other classmates started an uproar, Takeshi and Ida quickly denied it and pretended they didn't see them.

“Just meet their eyes.”

All three came to an immediate understanding.

“Nanase and Ida also seem to have reached an agreement.”


“A person who is too serious and a delinquent.”

Of course, the person who was too serious was Takeshi and the delinquent was Ida, hearing them described as such, Takeshi had mixed feelings and could only put on a wry smile.

“It’s not like anything was meant by being too serious.”

However, Takeshi's words immediately denied that.

“No no! Who is the number one most serious guy!?”

All three instantly pointed at him.


“Well, it’s just a natural result.”

Haa, Takeshi let out an exaggerated sigh, “Well, at least it’s better than being a delinquent.”

That remark was immediately rejected.

“It’s no good after all.”

“Nanase is trying to imagine a delinquent.”

“It looks like Nanase leads a proper life.”

Un-un,[2] three people nodded their head in agreement.

“What proper life?”

With a shocked expression, Takeshi raised his eyes in bewilderment as if to question his friend.

“Huh? So…let me see….”

Another friend urged him to continue.

“Therefore, if you continued to practice Kendo, you could become a police officer and then find a beautiful person to be your wife.”

“I’m sure there are other ways.”

“Ah, I see.”

“Well, I wonder where there will be a beautiful wife.”

“Wouldn’t that be a life of smooth sailing!”[3]

Three people were tried to imagine who would be their wife, Takeshi too, even though he understood it he did not have the willpower to deny it. Besides it’s not like he could, regardless of how many times he repeated it to himself.

“I’ve said everything I want to say.”

As one blind man said “Maybe I will take one serious step in this wonderful life.”[4] The three of them only nodded to each other.

“No no! I am at the limits of envy.”

“It’s seriously enviable”

“Oh, but didn't you say you were going to Law School?”

So they finally moved to the point.

“In my defense, recently it hasn't been profitable. I may have to keep an eye on it.”

Takeshi was finally able to take a breath of relief as they switched to a different topic. Even so, this phrase “life of smooth sailing” was ironic for him.

After he failed in that unpleasant situation, what's left in life may only be atonement. Takeshi's future was too far away, what he could see in front and back of him was an abyss that spread out in all directions, it was too realistic and familiar that he became depressed.


Part 3

Takeshi had Kendo practice after the closing ceremony, by the time he started to head home it was already late evening.

After he escorted Kurumi (who was the club manager) home, Takeshi opened the door to his house with a depressed look.

“I’m home.”

In a typical family it is normal to call out when you arrived home, and Takeshi wasn't any different. A bright light was on in the hallway. Next to his mother's shoes was a pair of sneakers that were about his size, further back, in the living room, a shadow vaguely moved and could be seen faintly behind the frosted glass door. At the exact moment that Takeshi quietly took off his shoes, he was startled by the laughter coming from the living room.

He hurried up to his room on the second floor, at the same time he entered his room he heard the voices of his mother and younger brother talking downstairs.

It was about the time for dinner to be finished, after Takeshi helped out in the kitchen he changed his clothes. He was sweaty and wanted to take a bath but it was his brother’s time slot.

As usual, he didn’t want to eat dinner and his mother had probably washed the dishes so it couldn’t be helped that there was no way to kill time.

Takeshi had to be careful every day because he wanted to not face his family as much as possible. It had continued be like that because of a certain incident that happened two years ago. From that day on, for him to stay in this house, he always needed to carry that burden.

Takeshi was a rank holder in Kendo.[5]

There was only the special skill. Because of that, it was deemed satisfactory… only if you have freedom.

It is up to the family members to deal with their own ghosts.

He began Kendo as an elementary school student, his younger brother and he would go to the Dojo together. Gekkou, who was the younger brother, and Takeshi were born one year apart and were very close to each other.

However, there was an incident that marked a turning point which caused Gekkou to avoid Takashi, his mother and father also dealt with it in the same way. From that date everything changed, every time his mother saw him she was indifferent, his father would return every day, and his younger brother completely hated him now.

Takashi could not even remember the last time he laughed in this house.

Just to get along with his family, he had to breathe quietly so he didn't meet anyone.

Because it was all his fault he couldn't blame someone else.

After he changed clothes, Takeshi strained his ears for any movement downstairs. If Gekkou was still in the bath there should a loud sound of water.

He went to the kitchen to eat dinner and then immediately returned to his room.

By the time his brother started to watch TV in the living room he had taken a bath and had already gone back to his room to spend the rest of the time until morning.

Once he got used to this way of living it wasn't that bad.

If he was unable to talk to his family then he can just go to school where there are many more people. How many times has he had this thought? Thinking this, Takeshi leaked out another deep sigh.

“I really wish tomorrow would come quickly.”

He looked out the window towards the Isoshima Residence, planted in the garden there was unknown broadleaf tree whose leaves swayed in the breeze, a large shadow jumped from the leaves and branches, “What an eerie looking shadow,” murmured Takeshi.

“It would be nice if time would go by faster.”

The tree branches moved slightly as if it nodded in agreement.

“If I could leave this house, anywhere would be better, even hell itself.”

At school, Takeshi is very diligent and sociable, because of this he had many people he considered friends, but at home, he is nothing but a shadow of his former self.

Right now, Takeshi's greatest hope is when dawn breaks.

Summer vacation only increased the unpleasantness of time in his house.

As a result, Takeshi’s summer vacation was always depressing.


Part 4

It was the second day of summer vacation, even though there were no lessons, the school was filled with a lively atmosphere from the energetic students who had come here for club activities.

“Takeshi, you’re going to the dojo, right?”

When they arrived at school Kurumi parted with Takeshi to go to the girl’s locker room while he went towards the clubroom.

It was nearly 9:00am, you could hear the encouraged shouts from around the sports clubs which had already started their practices, from inside the school musical notes played by the woodwind club echoed.

Takeshi walked along the side of the clubroom near the sports ground, when a lone student came out from one of the storage sheds and considerably waved his hand.

In fact, even from a distance, Takeshi was quite familiar with this person, so he called out to them.

“Good morning Ida.”


The person who approached was Ida, and they were in the same class.

As the distance narrowed, an unpleasant sparkle was noticed from his hair.

Spiky, blond hair held up by wax and dressed in clothes that were not allowed to be worn at school.

Seeing that gaudy colored T-shirt, Takeshi wryly smiled.

“It will anger sensei[6] if you wear those clothes.”

Takeshi pointed at the bright red T-shirt while Ida’s formed a sneer.

“Things like wearing a uniform during a holiday are meant for the military right?”

Takeshi wanted to ask Ida why he was at school during break when he wasn’t a member of any clubs.

“Makeup classes, makeup classes. Is Nanase here for club activities? It must be troublesome.”

“It’s not troublesome if I like doing it.”

It was better than his house and he felt it was more reasonable to be praised for being here, but he kept silent.

For some reason, Ida restlessly looked around.

“What’s wrong?”

“Well, if people saw us meeting then your reputation would be hurt.”

“Reputation huh……”

“No, it’s true.”

For some reason Ida felt relieved after he checked his surroundings.

It may seem strange to see these two together, Ida, who by all appearances was a Yankee,[7] and the Kendo devotee Takeshi who is seen as serious when praised and dark-natured when criticized.

Because of his outward appearance, Ida was known as a flamboyant person around school.

That did not mean that there were no other students with dyed hair, many of the sensei did not worry about that, Ida was just unusual because he was assertive and had a fierce presence, furthermore, he had evil looking eyes and used the Osaka dialect,[8] so even another classmate wouldn't readily approach him.

Takeshi was one who rarely concerned himself over such details.

“I don’t really care,” Takeshi said as Ida raised his eyebrows.”

“You don’t care!”

“Ida, frankly it’s not the first time I’ve said that.”

“I don't care, people don't care, there's too much of that around.”

Ida frowned as Takeshi complained to him.

“Isn't it that you give off a different feeling instead of actually not caring? That is, you would worry about anybody who was like me. In short, you or I would stop talking.”

Heh, Heh, Ida looked away and regretfully laughed as Takeshi shook his head.

“But if that's the case, then aren't we talking now?”

“That is my slight kindness.”

Ida hung his head.

“Then maybe I should become a free spirit like Ida, I'll dye my hair, wear a T-shirt with the H logo and then it wouldn't be strange for me to talk with you right?”

Ida opened his eyes wide when he heard Takeshi's suggestion, it seemed like it was a good idea to him.

“Stop! That would be no good! If such a thing ever happened I would beat you on the head in my own way and send you off to the hospital.

The H T-shirt is one thing, but what possessed you to say your other ideas!?”

“I can probably guess which store Ida bought that T-Shirt from.”

Takeshi pointed to Ida’s flashy red T-shirt.

However, Ida's eyes hardened as he stared at the serious face of Takeshi.

Then, suddenly, Ida let out a relieved sigh.

“Y, you, the way you look when going on about the T-shirt, such a useless point!”

He suddenly laughed loudly.


“...It...it's no good...you, haha...have an amusing imagination.”

Heh, heh, for a long time, Ida was rolling on the ground laughing, when it finally subsided, he looked up with watery eyes.

“You want to match my appearance and frankly you should just stop!”

“Is that so?”


When Ida flatly said that, the sound of the bell could be heard from the direction of the school building.

“Uwah, this is bad! That's the chime ringing, if I’m late I won't earn my credits. Well see you later Nanase!”

“Ah, yeah……”

“Keep that appearance! That H T-shirt is out of the question!”

After saying that last thing with laugh, Ida stood up and ran away.

"So it wouldn't be suitable?" Takeshi muttered immediately and started to walk in the direction of club building.

When Takeshi arrived at the club building another first year member was already inside changing clothes.

“Yo, Nanase.”

“Good morning.”

The club room was small, it was only 4 tatami mats [9] wide and had lockers side by side along the wall.

Takeshi pulled out his Kendo uniform and started to change clothes.

The other members had already finished changing clothes and had gone to the dojo.

Takeshi began to hurriedly change his clothes when a friend called out to him.

“Weren’t you with Ida a little ago? I was watching you talk to him.”

Anyone going to the clubroom would have seen them.

It seems even the class next door was familiar with Ida's face, so he wouldn't be surprised if someone knew that Takeshi was speaking with him, his friend just shook his head in confusion.

“That's impossible. After all, why would you speak with Ida Kazumi.”

“He’s not really a bad guy,” Takeshi said as he put on the navy blue hakama.[10]

“Well, you may be right. It does appear that way a little. Though if the sensei saw you together they might say otherwise.”

The Sakuraya Senior High School is prep school for students who plan on attending university, the moment they are first years, many of them will pay careful attention to their grades.

Takeshi understood that there was connection between Ida and his grades, he would be really surprised to know that his classmates would say that was exactly why they kept their distance.

To other classes, Ida appeared to be unfortunate.

Ida would pay attention to the sensei during lectures, Takeshi who was also in the same class witnessed it, still, being together never had an effect on their grades.

“That guy is pretty ordinary, when I spoke with him today he said he had makeup classes, I think, appearance aside, he's pretty serious.”

Takeshi calmly defended his friend and shrugged his shoulders.

If you say so. In middle school there were rumors about that guy from various people that hung out in front of the station once awhile, they said he got into a fight with another school.

Did you even verify the credibility of that rumor? Besides, setting aside the fact it's old, you would expect that he would have had to of come back with one or two injuries. As I thought it's simply just a rumor.

Suddenly, after his friend heard that, he covered his eyes with his arm.

“Really, you and that guy,” he said as mimicked crying.

“What do you mean?”

Takeshi was confused at his idiotic friend's denial, and had an angry expression on his face.

“No! No! I wasn't disagreeing. Seriously. I failed trying to persuade Nanase who has amazing ability!”

“You really are an idiot after all.”

“I am not.”

Takeshi was still angry at his friend but he forced a smile onto his face, after a little while the tone was altered to a murmur.

“Even so, be a little more careful. Once you get very involved in something it becomes hard to separate yourself from it.”

Takeshi was amazed when heard that, and he softened his smile.

“Thank you for concern, but I'll be okay.”

It's not good for someone's health if they are always worried.

“U Uoou!”

“What the heck was that?”

He was surprised by his friend’s sudden outburst.

“As I thought, Takeshi and that guy!”

Ponto.[11] Lightly tapped on the shoulder, his friend retreated one step, two steps. Then he suddenly jumped back and opened the door.

“Well, I'll be going ahead of you, since you're the last one, make sure to shut the door, yoroshiku!”[12]

“Oi!” As it was, he needed to quickly run to the dojo. “Taku,[13] it can’t be helped.”

While he grumbled about his heartless friend, Takeshi looked at the clock. 8:57am. He was unlikely to make it the dojo by 9:00am.

If he was late for training, the second year senpais[14] would force him to do the days chores.

He would have to atone in his outfit, Takeshi finished changing his clothes and hurried out of the clubroom.

He started to run under the blazing sun drenched in sweat.

However, several minutes before he got there, he stopped and realized he had forgot something.

“Not good, I forgot a towel……” he muttered as he looked down at his empty hand.

He was dejected at the fact that he had to turn around and go back to the clubroom.

At this time Takeshi had no idea that this choice would alter his fate in a big way.

If he had known, he would never have gone back to get the towel.

Still, the only thoughts inside Takeshi's head at the moment was the fact that he was late and would be forced to do many chores.


Part 5

Takeshi knew that the senpais would notice he forgot his towel and send him back to the clubroom, in his memories this occurrence was already written that morning.

Takeshi frowned.

He always carefully avoided meeting his family in the morning, however today he had been unlucky. He had met his younger brother Gekkou who was in the bathroom fixing his hair.

Perplexed by this sudden development, Takeshi decided he should greet him, in contrast, Gekkou forcibly pushed him to the side without even looking at him and went to the kitchen.

Unlike Takeshi who had Kendo practice every morning during summer vacation, Gekkou, a third year in middle school, would go to cram school every day. At any rate, because of the time period they had met.

Even if it wasn't summer vacation it was normal for Takeshi to leave at 6:30am because of morning training, however it was very unusual for Gekkou to be awake at that time.

The probability of a near miss and meeting each other was exceedingly low.

Takeshi returned to the clubhouse with a big sigh.

He decided that from tomorrow onwards, it might be better if he was extra careful and left his house earlier.

Even if Gekkou hated him, he still found it hard that even when they met he was ignored. Even if it was his fault. The moment Takeshi grabbed the doorknob of the clubroom and turned it, something shook his body.


He had a feeling that he heard something.


He realized that was person, they sounded female, but her words were too soft to be audible.

“Is someone there?”

It sounded like it was coming from a different room adjoining the Kendo clubroom. Takeshi tried to open the door for the Judo Club on the left side. The Judo Club’s door was not locked. However, when he looked inside there was nobody there and the smell of sweat caused you to pinch your nose.

“Oi, can someone answer me?”

He knocked on the Volleyball Club's door next, again no voices were heard.

“Was it my imagination?”

Takeshi tilted his head and then returned to the Kendo Clubroom, 5 meters away a door was opened vigorously and a loud sound was heard, he turned around to look.

“……Onega……i, tasuke……”[15]

A person emerged from the shower room and while muttering, collapsed on the ground.

The girl’s black hair was the first thing seen. It had spread gently across the ground as the morning sun brilliantly reflected off like a raven's feather.

She wore an unfamiliar uniform. It was a short sleeve blouse, where the sleeves swelled, there were three navy blue lines that went in. Her excessively slender, white arms extended from there as she laid feebly on the ground.

He quietly approached the girl, she had light pink colored lips which were slightly opened and her eyes were closed.

She looked to be the same age as him. Takeshi crouched down and touched her thin shoulders.

“Um, are you okay?”

The spot where he touched her transmitted a burning heat. If he looked closely, he saw she was repeatedly breathing hard from her mouth. It was if she had sprinted with all her might. Upon further inspection, Takeshi noticed that her knees were bleeding.

“What should I do?”

Takeshi shook her shoulder again.

“Oi, are you okay?”

However, her breathing steadily became rougher.

“I guess it can’t be helped.”

There was nobody else around to call out to because club activities had already started.

Takeshi grabbed her left arm.

“Can you get up? I'll move you somewhere else where you can lie down as much as you want.”

He found it difficult to stand while he dragged her up.

She had fainted and limply leaned against him.


It was a risky posture, but he took one step forward, as expected it was harsh. Takeshi crouched once again, this time he put his back closer and pulled her up. Both of her arms loosely dangled down in front of his chest.

Takeshi hesitated on the way he should carry her, somehow he forced himself to stand on one knee.

The girl was short but she had become limp. Because her arms were wrapped around his neck, there was an oppressive weight applied there.

"It's impossible after all, this is a bad way to carry someone."

Using these words as a justification, Takeshi turned around and used both his hands to feel around for her thighs. He put one leg under each arm and once more got up from the ground with her on his back. This was much easier than when he dragged her, however, it would be dreadful other people saw this situation.

Takeshi started to hurry, he hoped that he would not be seen by anybody else. With this wish inside, Takeshi ran to the school building as he carried this unknown girl.


Takeshi was strangely embarrassed by the heat and weight of the girl, he felt sorry for her and was nervous as he quickly ran until he arrived at the school infirmary.

At any rate, seemingly fainted he suffered from the sound of a long breath from her by his ear, holding her soft thighs, funyafunya,[16] his hands seemed to sink in.

He was dripping with sweat, one could say it was because he was in such a situation and the fact that he ran in a temperature that exceeded 30 degrees.[17] It would not be unreasonable if she happened to wake up and screamed because of the smell.

Takeshi felt relieved when he finally saw the infirmary at the other side of the hallway.

“Excuse me!!”

He skillfully opened the door with his foot.

“Sensei!?[18] Are you here?”

The infirmary was not locked, but the figure of a person was nowhere to be seen.

Reluctant, Takeshi carried the girl in and approached two beds lined up next to each other. He bowed a little and rolled up the futon with one hand.

He turned his back to the bed to let her slide off onto it and unintentionally took a breath.

"Ha, sure was heavy......"

He noticed the clock on the wall and was astonished at the time.

"Ah, crap! Practice."

Takeshi looked down at the bed, the girl laid there face up and her hands were in a position like she was praying.

“This is bad, but I don’t where someone is and I have to go.”

Being anymore involved with this girl is just asking for trouble.

Since the third year students retired after the previous summer tournament, the Kendo club is presently carried on by the second year students whom are even stricter than the third year students.

When Takeshi was just about to leave the infirmary, the girl behind him gasped painfully.


He reflexively looked back with vaguely trembling eyelashes.

“Are you awake...?” Takeshi walked back to the bed and called out to her.

“…………s, an.”



In an attempt to understand her words, he brought his face closer to hers.

“Don’t go, please don’t go……”

Her hand suddenly moved, she grabbed onto the sleeve of Takeshi’s Kendo uniform.

“Wait, wait a minute.”

He tried to separate from her, but was grabbed firmly and pulled closer.

From her eyes, a clear drop of water became visible, it attracted attention as it ran down the side of her face.

“Nii-san…………don’t go……”

Ha, a sigh escaped from Takeshi’s mouth. In this girl's current state, if he brushed away her hand it would leave a bad taste in his mouth.

"If this is how it goes, 10 minutes late is the same as 30 minutes late huh."

Unable to move his shoulder, Takeshi one again looked down at her.

With her eyes closed, there was a vague impression that if she were to sit up, she would be a fairly cute child. Silky black hair, black bangs of similar proportion on her forehead, and white skin like an infant's.

Translator's Notes and References

  1. Term used for young ladies from a noble or rich family.
  2. Sound effect of grunting in agreement
  3. I guess the easiest understanding would be the easy life
  4. I have no idea where this quote is from
  5. In Kendo, a practitioner is given ranks, it starts at 1st-Dan goes to 8th-Dan which is the highest rank someone can attain now.
  6. Teacher
  7. Delinquent
  8. It's generalized as Kansai dialect, but the author specifically wrote Osaka-ben
  9. A way to measure the size of rooms in Japan, approximately.88m by 1.76m for the Tokyo area, other areas have their own measurements.
  10. Traditional Japanese clothing worn by men, though today you can see both sexes wearing it
  11. Onomatopoeia for hitting the shoulder
  12. Generally a greeting when meeting someone, in this case it's being used as "I'm counting on you"
  13. Words of exasperation
  14. Senior, sometimes written as sempai
  15. "Please save." I kept the original in to go along with the dialogue from earlier
  16. Onomatopoeia
  17. Celsius, 86 degrees Fahrenheit
  18. This time it means doctor.

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