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===Parta 1===
===Parte 1===
—[Legendas Urbanas].
—[Legendas Urbanas].

Revision as of 19:02, 13 June 2014

Parte 1

—[Legendas Urbanas].

Eso era uno de los anhelos que cuya cantidad casi superaba la expansión de las estrellas en el cielo.

—Por ejemplo, la leyenda urbana de que 'ningún humano ha puesto un pie sobre la luna'.

—Por ejemplo, la conspiración de los masones en los billetes estadounidenses.

—Por ejemplo, el experimento de espacio-tiempo realizado en Filadelfia

La estación nuclear en la linea de Chiyoda, El Área 51, El Incidente del OVNI en Roswell, etc.

Después de ver estos ejemplos, se puede concluir que hay un tipo de patrón distintivo entre ellos. Ese patrón es... que son del tipo de anhelos que "Seria interesante si fuese real"

El humo no saldrá sin el fuego como su fuente. Sin Embargo, mientras se esparce y se genera, ese [Anhelo] se convierte en un [Rumor].

Esta forma de pensar no ha sido extraña para el mundo. Desde tiempos ancestrales, los humanos siempre han preferido [Inevitable] sobre un [Accidente], después de todo. El nacimiento de la humanidad probablemente fue el producto accidental de la probabilidad astronómica. Según, las personas, hubo algo que quería crear humanos intencionalmente.

Partiendo de ese punto, el mundo no era caótico, si no más ordenado. Al imaginar una razón detrás del significado de la existencia, para ayuda a explorar los caprichos y valores implacables de este mundo.

..........Las personas vivieron con este anhelo en sus corazones. Por lo tanto, podemos decir que las Leyendas Urbanas nacieron de un Anhelo ferviente.

—Ahora, en este planeta hay suficientes leyendas urbanas como para iluminar los cielos, hubo algunos ejemplos que obviamente fueron ciertas, pero aun así son tratadas como leyendas urbanas. Al final, nadie sabe si fueron reales.

—No se equivoquen, esto no significa que las leyendas urbanas mencionadas sean ciertas.

Solo la razón detrás de la existencia de estas leyendas urbanas son de alguna forma, diferentes de los rumores.

Ahora bien, ¿Cómo nació esta [Legenda Urbana]?. Empezó como un [Rumor] ordinario. Pero se convirtió en un rumor que fue tan irreal que paso de rumor a [Legenda Urbana]. Y éste es de esa forma.

Hubo un rumor que se esparció en Internet sobre un gamer llamado 『  』[1]. Según mas de 280 rankings online de juegos, había un jugador con un récord de invito que siempre estaba en la cima del ranking con 『  』 como su nombre. "No hay forma que algo como eso existiese", seguro lo estas pensando. Eso fue lo que los demás creyeron y se convirtió en una simple hipótesis.

'Esto solo es obra del personal de desarrollo de los juegos, que querían hacer el juego mas popular usando un jugador con el nombre de『  』. En realidad, ese tipo de jugador ni siquiera existe.'

Los desarrolladores del juego que no expusieron la identidad de 『  』, provocaron que una acción explosiva sin saberlo ocurriese, como forma de belleza, con este jugador que no existía.

Pero lo extraño era que él participaba en guerras y varios jugadores lo habían enfrentado.

No tenia rivales... como si fuese una tormenta de destrucción.

Se decía que... había vencido un programa de ajedrez avanzado, completamente.

Se decía que... tenia un estilo de juego aberrante que era difícil leer o comprender

Se decía que... usaba trucos y dependía de códigos para hacer trampas.

Se decía que... Se decía que... Se decía que...

Alguien que estaba interesado en ese rumor, decidió investigarlo mas a fondo.

El método no era tan difícil. Si una personal era colocado en un juego casual, un juego para pc o en un juego social, esa persona seguro tendría una cuenta. Y si esa cuenta existía, la lista de los logros se podía investigar.

Pero la persona que lo investigaba cayo en un trampa. Porque, en realidad 『  』 tenia una cuenta para cada juego de consola y SNS, lo mismo para el numero de juegos, era [Incalculable]. Ni siquiera tenia un espacio en blanco en su récord de victorias y derrotas.

—Gracias a eso, El misterio creció y algunos incluso señalaron que 『  』 era un hacker que borraba su lista de derrotas, un grupo de gamers al que solo los de mejor nivel eran invitados, etc.

Y así, una nueva [Legenda Urbana] nació.

—Sin embargo, en este caso, la persona que creó el rumor de 『  』, debe ser el responsable.

Ya que poseía una cuenta, tenia el derecho de hablar, pero ignoro ese derecho completamente.

Silencioso, ni siquiera se comunicaba.

Ya que no había mas información, todo era un misterio ademas del hecho que 『  』 era Japones.

Nadie le había visto la cara—— Esta había sido otra razón por la cual la leyenda urbana crecía aceleradamente.


—Déjanos decirte.

—La verdad.

Número uno en el ranking mundial por sus batallas ganadas en mas de 280 juegos.

Este récord jamas ha sido roto desde su aparición, el jugador legendario.

『  』—es su verdadera identidad———!

Parte 2

"...Aa.....I'm dying....aa, now I died for real.....hey, my little sister, hurry up, rez[2], rez~!"

"*Zuzu*......It is impossible....to use my feet for controlling the mouse...."

"Whatever hurry up, my little sister—or should I say, my sly little sister—even though I have not even eaten for three days, you are eating instant noodles? On top of that, you're doing so while in battle."

NGNL V1 17.jpg

"Nii, you want to eat too...? Something like Calorie Mate[3] or so...."

"Ah, that thing that only those bourgeois eat[4]. Like hell I'll eat something like that. That aside, please hurry up and rez!"

"...*Zuzuzu*...here, Nii's share."

"Oh! Thank you~...by the way, what time is it now?"

"Let's see...still eight o' clock at night."

"What a novel way to describe eight o' clock in the morning, as 'night'. Then, what day is today?"

"....Who knows? Wait...one, two...four cup of instant noodles so...fourth day?"

"Wait, my little sister. I don't mean how much time has passed since we started pulling all-nighters gaming. What I mean is the 'date' of today."

"Does that even matter...to Nii who is a NEET?"

"Of course it matters—something like an online event or tournament could have happened!"

—Like that, it was a conversation of a certain boy and girl playing internet games.

Their glances met each other's inside the room as they chatted.

The size of the room was around sixteen tatami mats[5]. Considerably wide. However, inside it was full of game consoles, four consoles for each person—so a total of eight of them.

On the floor there were many game packages that were already unsealed, and also [Food]—which were instant noodle packages and water bottles scattered on the floor, making the sense of the room being 'wide' unable to be felt at all.

The LED display gave off a faint light and the only other source of light was the sunlight that was even blocked by curtains.

"...Nii, are you...not going to find a job?"

"...Then why don't you also go to school, my little sister?"



Just like that they ended their conversation and no one spoke on the subject thereafter.

The older brother—Sora. Eighteen years old. No occupation. A virgin. Unpopular. Unable to communicate well. Game freak. Wearing a T-shirt and jeans that gave the impression of being a shut-in with unkempt black hair.

The little sister—Shiro. Ten years old. Truant. Didn't have any friends. A bullied child. Anthropophobic.[6] Game freak. One would doubt whether she had a blood relation or not with her brother because she had white hair in contrast to his. Her hair was so long that it flowed down over her face and she wore the school sailor uniform that she never even worn since she transferred schools.

That was the true identity of Kuuhaku  『   』   (空白) which was the combination of their names, Sora (空) and Shiro (白).

—This is the truth.

If everybody knew this, nobody would want to pursue or accept this truth, and would continue to keep hugging the illusions of the urban legend.

Part 3

Now, it seems that the process of forming an [Urban Legend] has already been explained.

In short, it is Humanity's [Desire], born from the disorder of this world.

It was not 'inevitable', but it was closer to an 'accident'.

The world is unreasonable and irrational.

It has no meaning at all.

The desire of a person who recognized and yet didn't accept the truth of this can make the boring world more interesting. Born from earnest [Desire], namely—an [Urban Legend].

Then how about I lend a hand to make the world become a bit more interesting, by making a new [Urban Legend]?

—For now, let's write with stylistic beauty like this.

—The story begins with this opening.

—[Have you ever heard about this rumor?]

One day, an e-mail came to a 'person' that was said to be this world's best gamer.

It was only a short, mysterious message with an additional URL inside it.

When one clicks on it, a certain game will be started.

Once that person has cleared that game, they will......

Part 4

"....Argh, enough with this already.......gonna sleep."

"Wait! You're the one that's in charge of the team's recovery, and if you log out—"

".....If it's you, Nii, you will be able to do it."

"Theoretically, it's possible! If I operate my own two characters with both my hands and also two of yours using both my feet—"


"Wait! Please wait a moment, my little sister! If you sleep I will surely die——Uoooooooo, you see, I've gone and died!"

The stack of instant noodle cups had already become a tower five cups tall. Which also means that these siblings have already done all-nighters gaming for five days straight.

Even knowing that her brother was in a bitter situation, Shiro still slept anyway, using a game console as her pillow.


Suddenly a tone notifying the siblings that they had mail sounded.

"....Nii, an e-mail."

"Just what are you demanding from your brother, who's currently playing using four characters on four different screens? You want a request from me, but I really don't have any extra strength!"

He skillfully operated the mouse using both his hands and his feet. He furiously commanded a party of four by himself and answered in one breath.

"I'm sure it's just another advertisement anyway, just ignore it—"

"....What if....it came from a friend?"

"Whose friend?"


"Haha, how weird, somehow I can feel you stabbing me through my chest with such an ironic statement, my lovely sister."

"I don't...want you to say...it's mine.........."

"Then it's an advertisement after all. Or should I say, if you want to sleep, just sleep! If you're not going to sleep, please help me a bit here—Noooo, died, I've died!"

Let's repeat it again. Eighteen years old. Without an occupation. A cherry boy. Unpopular. Unable to communicate well. Game freak. It's not boasting but, it wasn't just that he didn't have a girlfriend, he didn't even have anyone that could be called a [Friend]. It was also the same with the younger sister.

"...Uu....what a bother."

Shiro tried to wake her consciousness and muster all her strength to get up. It would have been no problem if that really was an advertisement. But, something that couldn't be ignored is an advertisement about a new game.

"....Nii, where is the tablet PC...?"

"At three o'clock from there, in the second mountain of eroge from the left, and placed around the third and forth box—Uooooo, my feet are getting cramped!"

Ignoring the brother who was in anguish, Shiro easily found it in the exact location that Sora specified. Perhaps one would question why a hikikomori and a NEET would need a tablet PC. But that is, of course, a foolish question, because the answer is obvious that it is used for gaming. However, that was not the main use of the tablet PC. For countless games they also need countless e-mail addresses, but even excluding the addresses that were not for gaming use, there were still more than 30 e-mail accounts, all synchronized. This is what true efficiency is.

"....The sound is Ring— so it came from..... the third address of the main account......is it this one?"

The white-haired girl whose memory was extraordinary compared to an ordinary person, easily found the message.

And then—the person at the back who lead a successful crusade against people in real-time combat by manipulating four roles at once, let out a roar of triumph, before she viewed the e-mail.

【New mail----Subject: To the both of you, 『  』.】


Shiro bent her head slightly.

E-mails that were addressed to 『  』 were not rare.

War Requests, Invitations, Provocative Challenges—those are what they would commonly receive, but—


"What is it, my cruel little sister who said that she wanted to sleep and abandoned your brother alone in the game, and in the end didn't sleep and still left your physically tired brother to play?""


As if she didn't hear the sarcasm from her brother who didn't look like he was about to listen, Shiro showed the mail to her brother.

"Hmm—what is this?"

The brother noticed that the mail looked peculiar.

"Saving. Okay, that's done. Checking the item drops, that's done too."

After checking that there was nothing wrong, Sora closed the game screen that had been continuously running since five days ago and switched the screen to show his inbox to check out the e-mail that he had just received.

"...How does this guy know that 『  』 is actually a pair of siblings?"

There were actually a lot of people that hypothesized that 『  』 was a group of people, but the main problem lies not from what was written as the subject, but from the content that said:

【Have you siblings ever felt that you guys were born into the wrong world?】

"What.....is this?"


It was a somewhat, no, it was a considerably strange message. It also included a URL that they had never seen before. At the end of the URL, there was no [.jp] to represent the country's domain name. This URL was pointed to a specific page—and it looked like it was linked to a game.

"...What should we do?"

Shiro who did not seem very interested, went back to her game console pillow and tried to sleep. Which means that she would just leave the decision up to her brother.

"Hmm, so 'you' plan on making me take a bet on it, huh. Well, even if this thing just turns out to be a bluff in the end, let's just treat it as another amusement."

He made that decision and clicked on the URL. He was on full alert in case of a virus infection, while the security software was running full throttle. What appeared there on the screen was just simple online chess.

".....*Yawn*...good night..."

"Wait, wait, wait! This is a challenge for 『  』, you know. If the other party has an advanced chess program, just me alone will not be enough to win!"

Sora tried to stop his sister from sleeping.

"...Who plays chess well...these days...."

"Umm, I know how you feel, but...."

A program that was able to beat even the strongest Grandmasters. Even with that, the little sister had lost interest in chess after beating this program twenty consecutive times.

"It wouldn't be forgiven if 『  』 lost. Please at least stay awake until we know the extent of the opponent's ability."

"....Uuuu.....it can't be helped."

And then Sora started the game. After seeing her brother do one move, two moves, Shiro began to nod off due to the sense of sleepiness that had piled up. Five moves, ten moves, and before he knew it half of the board had already been filled with pieces. Shiro suddenly snapped her eyes open and stared at the screen.

"...Huh? This guy is...."

While Sora was feeling uncomfortable, Shiro stood up and said something.

"...Nii, change players..."

Without any objections, Sora obediently stood up from the chair and moved. Shiro thought that her older brother could do no more at this point. In other words, Shiro recognized that the other party was a worthy opponent. The little sister who had just changed places with her brother started to plan her moves.

Chess is a [Zero-sum game of limited decisions]. In this game where [Luck] was non-existent and occasionally point game. In theory, a surefire way to win existed, but in the end that is just theory. It is based on mastering and being able to see every single possible move-10^120 of them. A person who could do that surely did not exist.

But there was someone who could assert that [Existence], and that was Shiro. She had mastered and could comprehend the large—no, enormous— amount of possible moves in chess. If you keep choosing the best chess moves, then you will have the upper hand and win if you go first. If you went second the way of escape was a draw. That is how the theory goes. What about against an opponent who could foresee two hundred million moves in a second? This world's strongest chess program was proven not to be perfect enough for the little sister when she had won twenty consecutive victories against it.

"....No way."

And that kind of strong player had just been surprised by what was in front of her.

"Calm down. This, I'm sure the other party is human."


"In a program's case, it would always choose the best move to play. In one way that is a good thing, but on the other hand it also means that it can only use tactics that it was already programmed to use. That's why you can win against them easily. But this guy is—"

Sora pointed at the screen.

"The other party lured you in and made you play a bad move, and if you feel that it is natural for a program to do that, then you would be wrong."


The little sister was unable to object to her older brother's words.

—Of course, regarding their abilities playing chess, no, in most games Shiro and Sora were overwhelmingly strong. Perhaps calling them by the title "genius gamers" would not be an exaggeration. In Shiro's case, she can only act based on her logic. That's why she can easily defeat even the most powerful advanced chess programs. However, her ability in sensing other people's [Motives] is dull. That's why, at times like this, Shiro needed to leave it to Sora. Even though he had poor communication skills, his perception of feeling other peoples' [Motives] was unexpectedly outstanding.

"Calm down, if the opponent is not a program, all the more reason that there's no way you will lose. Don't be taken in by his provocation. I will point out every one of his provocations and tactics so that you beat him."

".....Understood.....Shiro will do her best..."

This is the reason behind their success in becoming the world's best gamer.

The game had been running for more than six hours. Adrenaline and dopamine were flowing from their brains, making them forget their fatigue from doing all-night gaming for five days, helping them concentrate to the utmost limit. Six hours—but it felt as if the game had already lasted for several days.

Finally, the last decisive moments happened. And then a emotionless voice signaling the end of the game could be heard from the speakers.


That was the siblings' win.


After a long silence—


They each took a long breath. It was almost as if the game had made them forget to breathe. After taking another long breath, the two started laughing.

"Amazing......it's been a while.....since I've played in a hard fight like this."

"Haha, that was the first time I ever saw you have a hard time dealing with a simple game though, right?"

"...Nii, is the opponent.....really a human?"

"Yes, I'm sure of it. He took a lot of time when deciding to provoke you into a trap to make you play a bad move, and when it didn't work I could sense a feeling of disturbance from him. I'm sure he is a human—or maybe a 'monster'."

"...I wonder what kind of person he is."

The little sister that was even able to beat a Grandmaster level chess program sounded interested.

"Maybe a Grandmaster? Programs are exact, but a human is complex after all."

"...I see...next time....I want to play....Shogi against that Dragon King."

"Will the Dragon King even accept your shogi challenge? Why don't we find out!"

After the game, the two of them felt a great sense of happiness and grinned happily while they were talking.


Suddenly, the mail notification tone could be heard.

"Hey, maybe that e-mail just now is from the opponent. Try opening it."


But the content of the e-mail was only one sentence.

【Well done. With that kind of ability, I am sure you find living to be painful?】

With only that single sentence, it was as if their mental states had dropped to zero degrees. Silence filled the room, and only the sound of the PC's fans could be heard. Countless wires were strewn over the floor, along with scattered trash and clothes. It felt as if time was frozen in that room where curtains blocked out the sunlight, and a sense of deprivation of space filled the air. Isolated in the narrow sixteen tatami sized room. This was the world the siblings were in—all of it.

—Unpleasant memories were running through their minds.

The older brother, who naturally excelled at reading people's true motives just by hearing their words. The white haired, red eyed little sister, who by nature, had high intelligence—but was a person that no one could understand. The two siblings had shut their hearts after their parents passed away. No matter how optimistically they tried to recount memories of the past— No, even now it was still the same.

The little sister silently bowed.

Not long after thinking that, the older brother angrily started to type a reply.

【None of your business! Who the hell are you anyways?】

A reply came almost right away after he replied to the message. No, whether it could really be called a reply or not could be doubted because the content of this new e-mail was—

【What do you guys think about this world? Is it interesting? Is it a place that can make you guys feel at ease?】

Because of these words, the older brother forgot about his anger and made eye contact with his younger sister.

There was no need to reconfirm, the answer had long been clear from the start.

"It's a shit game[7]."

...With no clear objectives or rules, a stupid game.

Around seven billion players move as they please.

Ones that have more than others get penalized. The little sister who was now isolated, was isolated because she was smarter than those of her age— no one could understand her and she was bullied.

Even ones that have less than others get penalized. The older brother, the always-smiling brother who always failed, even when scolded by parents or teachers.

Never had the rights to skip.

—Silence only made one a target to be bullied by others.

—Talking too much made one become alienated by others.

—Being able to read peoples' real intentions too much also made one become alienated by others.

No clear objectives, no parameters, even the genre is unknown.

Ones that do as the rules say are punished, yet ones that ignore the rules are not punished and even look down from their positions as the elite. No game could be compared with this kind of difficult, worst game.

"Damn it!"

Sora grit his teeth and caressed his little sister's head.

The atmosphere of those two who felt like they could stand in the realm of gods after that exciting game was gone. What was there, was only these two siblings who were isolated from society. They were only but depressed, frail humans.

The sound Ring— could suddenly be heard.

The older brother controlling the cursor did not care and was about to shut down the computer. But, his sister held his hands to stop him.

【What if a world where everything was decided by a simple game existed—】

Sora, who had actually tried to turn off the PC just then, was unable to do anything other than read that after seeing those words.

【—A world where the objectives and rules were clear, a world on top of a game board, what do you think?】

The two exchanged looks, laughing, and both of them nodded their heads. Then the older brother began typing on the keyboard.

【If that kind of world actually does exist, then that really does mean that we were born into the wrong world.】

Is what he replied after he read the content of the letter.



The PC's screen gave off a faint noise and then it made a sound like a circuit breaker overloading. After that sound, nothing else could be heard and it was as if everything had stopped; only the screen with the e-mail had been left moving.

"Just what is—"


Noise could be heard within the room. There was a sound that sounded like the house itself was creaking, and there was also the sound of an electrical discharge. The brother panicked and quickly looked around the room, and the little sister just stared, dumbfounded. After that, the noise became increasingly intense and finally became a sound that was not unlike that of the static noise from an empty TV channel. And then from the speakers—no, from the screen of the computer, a [Voice] could be heard.

[I also think the same. You two were born into the wrong world.]

Suddenly a pair of white hands appeared from the screen.



The hands dragged both of them by the wrists towards the screen.

[I will let you siblings be born again-again, in the world where you two should have been born!]

Their vision filled with a blinding white light, and they shut their eyes.

When they had opened their eyes again, the first thing that they noticed was the light and warmth of the sun. It had been a while since they had last felt it, and also the sensation of the retinas being burned by the light. The brother who had come to his senses first, after his pupils adjusted, noticed that they were both high up in the sky.


The scenery had suddenly shifted from a narrow room to a vast expanse of space.

They were—in the air.

Suddenly appearing in the vast sky, Sora, who finally grasped the situation shouted.

"What the hell is thiiiiis!"

No matter how he saw it, no matter how many times he looked, he was sure that the whole island underneath him—and other islands as well— were floating. There was also a certain creature that had flown by him in the sky, a dragon. In the distance, he could see a number of immensely large chess pieces near a range of mountains, which could have made people lose their sense of distance.

'What's with this fantasy-like kind of entrance?' is what was floating through Sora's mind. The scenery, no matter how many times he tried to compare it, was not the same scenery from the [Earth] that he knew. But the main problem right now, he quickly realized, was not that. Currently, they were both skydiving without a single parachute—a free fall.

"I'm going to die!"

It took 3 seconds for him to be convinced of this.

But, as if to break this sorrowful confirmation, a loud shouting could be heard beside him.

"Welcome to my world!"

The [Boy] falling beside him said while opening his arms and laughing.

"This is the Utopia that you guys dreamed of, the world on top of a game board, [Disboard]—everything here is decided by a game, even one's life and country borders!"

Sora probably understood about 10 seconds later.

Shiro, who understood the situation as soon as she opened her eyes, embraced her brother while crying.

".....Who are you—?"

Shiro tried her best to shout while falling at a frighteningly high speed, but ended up only murmuring her question. But the boy answered while still smiling like usual.

"Me? About me~ I....live there."

He said that while pointing in the direction of the giant chess pieces near the horizon, which Sora had seen for the first time only a short while ago.

"Hmm, in your world you might call me 'God', right?"

Placing his index finger on his cheek, the self-proclaimed god spoke cutely and full of friendliness.

—However, nobody knew if what he said was true.

"This isn't the time for that! We're falling towards the ground at a really fast speed—whoaaah! Shiro!"


Not knowing if it would do any good, Sora held Shiro within his arms and then he turned his body so that he would be below Shiro. After that, Shiro who was in Sora's arms issued a soundless scream.

Seeing that, the boy who called himself God spoke to them with a happy tone.

"I look forward to seeing you again. Yes, without a doubt, it won't be long."

And like that, their consciousnesses blacked out.

Part 5


The feeling of soil. The aromatic smell of grass. When Sora had recovered his consciousness, he realized that he was on the ground.

"Just what the hell was that...."

Was this a dream? Is what Sora thought but he didn't say it out loud.

"....Uu....what a weird dream."

The little sister who woke up a bit later than Sora moaned.

Hey, little sister. Don't raise the "isn't this a dream" flag. Sora thought about saying this, but deliberately decided against it.

While having such thoughts, Sora stood up and pretended that nothing had happened, but what was under his feet was undoubtedly land.

The fresh blue sky, which he had also not seen in a while, was above him.


Sora realized that he was standing on the edge of a cliff, and hurriedly backed off by two steps.

Then, overlooking the landscape across the cliff.

An incredible landscape was laid out before his eyes.

......No, that expression wasn't right. It was a different word, but what?

There were floating islands and dragons. And across the mountains on the horizon were huge chess pieces.

This means that it was the view they had of the world while falling.

Which means that—it was not a dream...

"Hey, my little sister."


Overlooking the picturesque view of the landscape, he said.

"I've always thought that 'life' was an impossible game—a game that was fit only for masochists."


And then they said with their voices in harmony.

""So it finally bugged out, huh...enough, what the hell is this super awful shit game!""

After that— both of them lost consciousness again.

Part 6

—[Have you ever heard about this rumor?]

One day, an e-mail came to a 'person' that was said to be this world's best gamer.

It was only a short, mysterious message with an additional URL inside it.

When one has clicked on it, a certain game will be started.

Once that one has cleared that game, they will disappear from 'this' world.

And then that person will be invited to a parallel universe.

That kind of [Urban Legend] which invited people to another world....will you believe it?


  1. 『  』 "Kuuhaku" (空白). Literalmente significa "espacio en blanco" en Japones. Esta es la razón por la que el nombre es un espacio en blanco. El autor quiso hacerlo así, entonces decidimos dejar de esa forma.
  2. "Rez" is short for "resurrect". Sora wants Shiro to resurrect his character.
  3. Calorie Mate is a brand of energy supplement foods. It comes in block, can, and jelly forms. There are many flavors of Calorie Mate. It is produced by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. in Japan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CalorieMate
  4. Here, Sora complains about the high price of Calorie Mate (about 2 US dollars). He usually eats cup ramen noodles (about 25 cents per package if he buys in large packages).
  5. Tatami mats are a type of traditional Japanese mat used for flooring. Nowadays, it is only used in traditional Japanese rooms as flooring or just as mats to sit on. They are also used as a type of measurement of a room's size. One tatami mat is on average about 0.9 meters by 1.8 meters in size. That would mean that their room is 25.92 square meters, or 279.001 square feet in size. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatami
  6. Anthropophobia is the pathological fear of other people. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropophobia
  7. A "shit game", or "kusoge", is a game that is terrible in all aspects. For some reason, some people actually enjoy playing these games, as they are often unintentionally funny. They also consider it an accomplishment to beat such an awful game.

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