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(Created page with "===Bab Delapan: Raja Gallia=== Kerajaan Gallia merupakan negara besar dengan penduduk terbanyak di Halkeginia. Jumlahnya sekitar 15 juta. Gallia adalah negara maju dalam hal...")
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" Yang Mulia..Yang Mulia! Yang engkau cari-cari telah ditemukan dan datang!"
" Yang Mulia..Yang Mulia! Yang engkau cari-cari telah ditemukan dan datang!"
Joseph tergopoh-gopoh menuju jalan masuk ruangan tersebut. Seorang wanita cantik tengah berdiri di sana dnegan dikelilingi mawar-mawar yang mekar. Wajah Joseph mulai bersinar.
"Ny. Molliere!Ny. Molliere! Engkaulah yang terbaik!"
Joseph elbowed his way towards the entrance in the room. A beautiful lady stood there surrounded by the blooming roses. Joseph’s face started to glow.
Wanita yang disebut Ny. Molliere itu mempersembahkan sebuah kotak kepada Joseph.
“Mrs. Molliere! Mrs. Molliere! You are the best!”
"Disamping Tentara Yang Mulia"
The lady who was called Mrs. Molliere presented a box to Joseph.
Dengan mata yang berbinar-binar seperti anak kecil, Joseph membuka kotak tersebut. Setelah melihat isinya, wajahnya bersinar lebih terang.
“Besides His Majesty’s Troops.”
"Ini...! Ini adalah Ksatria Sihir Berat Zaman Kaap! Pusaka yang luar biasa! Ny. Molliere, kau orang yang luar biasa!"
With eyes sparkling like boys, Joseph opened the box. Once looking inside, his face glowed even more.
Sambil mengeluarkan boneka ksatria seukuran kira-kira 20 cm dari kotak itu, Joseph bersuara dengan sangat gembira.
“This! This is ancient Kaap period’s heavy magic knight! Such an excellent article! Mrs. Molliere, you are a wonderful person!”
Setelah itu, dia memegang tangan Ny. Molliere's dan membawanya ke tengah-tengah ruangan.
Taking out the approximately 20-centimeter sized knight doll out of the box, Joseph gave a joyful voice.
“Saahsaah, Aku ingin kau melihat ini! Inilah 'Duniaku'!"
After that, he took Mrs. Molliere's hand and guided her to the center of the room.
Seisi ruangan telah berubah menjadi satu miniatur taman raksasa. Mata Ny. Molliere terbelabak.
“Saahsaah, I want you to look at this! It’s ‘My World’!”
Ia terlihat seperti sebuah peta yang meniru Halkeginia. Sebuah tiruan besar.
The entire room had been converted into one huge miniature garden. Mrs. Molliere's eyes grew.
"Oh! Betapa Indhanya Taman miniatur ini! Sangat luar biasa!"
It looked like a map imitating Halkeginia. A huge model.
"Para ahli taman dari seluruh negara telah dipanggil untuk membuatnya! Butuh sebulan penuh untuk selesai!"
“Oh dear! What a beautiful miniature garden! It is wonderful!”
"Apakah ini model mainan terbaru? Apa kau sudah bosan dengan catur?"
“Gardening masters from the whole country were called to make it! It took an entire month to complete!”
"tititidadadak. Aku tak bosan!"
“Is this a latest play model? Have you gotten tired of chess?"
"Oh! Bolehkah ku bertanya apa ini? Aku selalu berfikir adalah aneh bahwa ini menyenangkan."
“Nononono. I am not tired!”
“Oh dear! May I ask what is it? I always thought it was strange for it to be fun.”
"Karena, tiada lawan disini. Kuda musuh dan kudamu bergerak menuruti kemauanmu, di mana letak kesenangannya?"
"Memang menyedihkan, seperti yang kau lihat, tiada lawan disini."
“Because, there is no opponent at hand. Enemy's horse and ally's horse move according to you, what fun is there in that?”
Ny. Molliere tertawa pahit. Meski sang raja kaya raya dan memiliki wajah indah, dia biasa dipandang sebelah mata karena tidak ahli dalam sihir. Dia dihina sebagai seorang yang tolol bin dungu. Karenanya...sang raja yang memiliki masa kecil nan kelam menjadi gila dalam kesendirian. Dia mencurahkan jiwanya pada catur.
“Sadly as you can see there are no opponents around here.”
"Catur tak berubah dari asalnya, ia mengikuti pola tertentu yang harus diperhatikan. Tapi permainan ini berbeda!"
Mrs. Molliere laughed bitterly. Though the king was rich and had a pretty face he was often despised because he was not skillful in magic. He was called an imbecile and stupid. Therefore…the king who spent an obscure boyhood, became crazy in solitude. He highly devoted himself to chess.
ucap Joseph, sambil menunjuk taman miniatur.
“Chess has no changes from the original formula, it follows a certain pattern to focus on. But this play is different!”
"ciri khas geografis dibuat mengikuti kenyataan - kuda-kuda, penombak, pemanah, musketeer, ksatria, ksatria naga, artileri, kapal perang... semua dibuat meniru tentara yang asli, begitu pula dnegan perangnya! Untuk menentukan menang dan kalahnya suatu kavaleri, sebuah dadu digunakan! Hasilnya...keluarannya selalu berbeda dan memberikanmu rasa perang sesungguhnya!"
Joseph said, pointing at the miniature garden.
Ny. Molliere tertarik untuk bermain bersama dalam perang yang raja selalu bicarakan dengan terhanyut, meski dia tak dapat benar-benar mengerti tentang itu. Dia senang melihat wajah gembiranya.
“Geographical features are made following reality - the horses, spearmen, bowmen, musketeers, knights, dragon knights, artillerymen, warships… all made imitating the original army, fights as well! To decide cavalry’s victory or defeat dice is used! As a result the outcome is always different and gives you a feeling of an actual combat!”
"Kalau begitu, bolehkah saya juga menjadi tentara garda Yang Mulia?"
Mrs. Molliere was interested in playing the war together that the king spoke so fondly about, though she couldn’t really understand it… She was glad seeing his happy face.
"Dengan senang hati. Ksatria Parterre. Kau akan menjadi Ksatria yang hebat."
“Then can I too be one of Your Majesty’s bodyguard troop?”
Joseph menempatkan boneka ksatria yang dibawa Ny. Molliere pada Taman miniatur. Ny. Molliere membungkuk dnegan bercanda.
“With pleasure. Knight of the Parterre. You‘ll make a splendid knight.”
Joseph placed the knight doll that Mrs. Molliere had brought onto the miniature garden. Jokingly, Mrs. Molliere bowed.
Joseph placed the knight doll that Mrs. Molliere had brought onto the miniature garden. Jokingly, Mrs. Molliere bowed.

Revision as of 14:19, 25 August 2015

Bab Delapan: Raja Gallia

Kerajaan Gallia merupakan negara besar dengan penduduk terbanyak di Halkeginia. Jumlahnya sekitar 15 juta. Gallia adalah negara maju dalam hal sihir...juga ada banyak bangsawan. Lutèce, sang ibukota, merupakan Kota terbesar dibandingkan dengan yang lain di seluruh Halkeginia

Kota ini berada di tepi Sungai Shire yang mengalir hingga samudra. Si "Kota Tua" ini telah berkembang luar biasa. Namun pusat kekuasaan Lutèce kini tak ada di sana.

Ia kini berada di tepi kiri sungai, agak jauh dari kota, dalam istana Versailles yang raksasa. Tak hanya Istananya yang elegan nan rumit, Taman Versailles pun begitu, menciptakan berbagai garis yang saling membentuk di depan gedung tersebut.

Taman dan gedung ini diperluas oleh tangan arsitek-arsitek dan para tukang kebun yang diundang dari seluruh dunia. Seluruh budaya yang berkembang telah digunakan untuk mengubah pemandangan Versailles.

Ada gedung dengan dimensi yang cukup menarik di dalam Istana Versailles. Keluarga kerajaan Gallia berambut biru yang cukup asing. Maka untuk meniru warna rambut ini, dibuatlah gedung bernama Troyes Agung dari bata-bata biru.

Di dalam Troyes Agung inilah hidup seorang lelaki yang memegang penuh kekuasaan 15 juta nyawa dalam kerajaan Gallia.

Dialah Joseph - Sang Raja Gallia

Rambut dan Jenggot biru membentuk mukanya, membuatmu menghela napas saking indahnya. Dengan tubuh tinggi dan penuh otot, dia terlihat seperti patung hidup. Meski berumur 45 tahun, dia terlihat muda dalam segala sesuatunya, seakan-akan dia baru saja menginjak 30.

Ada yang aneh di wajah indah dari lelaki tampan ini.

Dikelilingi dua orang, dia terlihat agak tak biasa.

Sebuah suara wanita terdengar dari sisi lain damsk.

" Yang Mulia..Yang Mulia! Yang engkau cari-cari telah ditemukan dan datang!"

Joseph tergopoh-gopoh menuju jalan masuk ruangan tersebut. Seorang wanita cantik tengah berdiri di sana dnegan dikelilingi mawar-mawar yang mekar. Wajah Joseph mulai bersinar.

"Ny. Molliere!Ny. Molliere! Engkaulah yang terbaik!"

Wanita yang disebut Ny. Molliere itu mempersembahkan sebuah kotak kepada Joseph.

"Disamping Tentara Yang Mulia"

Dengan mata yang berbinar-binar seperti anak kecil, Joseph membuka kotak tersebut. Setelah melihat isinya, wajahnya bersinar lebih terang.

"Ini...! Ini adalah Ksatria Sihir Berat Zaman Kaap! Pusaka yang luar biasa! Ny. Molliere, kau orang yang luar biasa!"

Sambil mengeluarkan boneka ksatria seukuran kira-kira 20 cm dari kotak itu, Joseph bersuara dengan sangat gembira.

Setelah itu, dia memegang tangan Ny. Molliere's dan membawanya ke tengah-tengah ruangan.

“Saahsaah, Aku ingin kau melihat ini! Inilah 'Duniaku'!"

Seisi ruangan telah berubah menjadi satu miniatur taman raksasa. Mata Ny. Molliere terbelabak.

Ia terlihat seperti sebuah peta yang meniru Halkeginia. Sebuah tiruan besar.

"Oh! Betapa Indhanya Taman miniatur ini! Sangat luar biasa!"

"Para ahli taman dari seluruh negara telah dipanggil untuk membuatnya! Butuh sebulan penuh untuk selesai!"

"Apakah ini model mainan terbaru? Apa kau sudah bosan dengan catur?"

"tititidadadak. Aku tak bosan!"

"Oh! Bolehkah ku bertanya apa ini? Aku selalu berfikir adalah aneh bahwa ini menyenangkan."


"Karena, tiada lawan disini. Kuda musuh dan kudamu bergerak menuruti kemauanmu, di mana letak kesenangannya?"

"Memang menyedihkan, seperti yang kau lihat, tiada lawan disini."

Ny. Molliere tertawa pahit. Meski sang raja kaya raya dan memiliki wajah indah, dia biasa dipandang sebelah mata karena tidak ahli dalam sihir. Dia dihina sebagai seorang yang tolol bin dungu. Karenanya...sang raja yang memiliki masa kecil nan kelam menjadi gila dalam kesendirian. Dia mencurahkan jiwanya pada catur.

"Catur tak berubah dari asalnya, ia mengikuti pola tertentu yang harus diperhatikan. Tapi permainan ini berbeda!"

ucap Joseph, sambil menunjuk taman miniatur.

"ciri khas geografis dibuat mengikuti kenyataan - kuda-kuda, penombak, pemanah, musketeer, ksatria, ksatria naga, artileri, kapal perang... semua dibuat meniru tentara yang asli, begitu pula dnegan perangnya! Untuk menentukan menang dan kalahnya suatu kavaleri, sebuah dadu digunakan! Hasilnya...keluarannya selalu berbeda dan memberikanmu rasa perang sesungguhnya!"

Ny. Molliere tertarik untuk bermain bersama dalam perang yang raja selalu bicarakan dengan terhanyut, meski dia tak dapat benar-benar mengerti tentang itu. Dia senang melihat wajah gembiranya.

"Kalau begitu, bolehkah saya juga menjadi tentara garda Yang Mulia?"

"Dengan senang hati. Ksatria Parterre. Kau akan menjadi Ksatria yang hebat."

Joseph menempatkan boneka ksatria yang dibawa Ny. Molliere pada Taman miniatur. Ny. Molliere membungkuk dnegan bercanda.

Joseph placed the knight doll that Mrs. Molliere had brought onto the miniature garden. Jokingly, Mrs. Molliere bowed.

“Oh dear! Honorable Gallian knight of the Parterre? I will be begrudged by everyone!”

“A toast for the most beautiful knight leader in the world!”

Joseph lifted up the cup at his side. A page ran up and filled it with wine. Then the page filled Mrs Molliere’s cup as well and passed it to her.

“And in this play, Your Majesty will be both - friend and foe?”

The woman asked gracefully drinking from the cup.

“Obviously. Haven't I told you? In this Halkeginia game I am not a figure. I am setting up the strategy… A clever, exact strategy! That’s how it is. Oneself who is triumphant is crushed by the hand of oneself… Like I said I am setting a play for this sandplay stage, like a playwright.”

“Oh dear, this miniature garden is really precise.”

Mrs. Molliere who was taking a long look at it felt admiration. Hills, mountains, rivers… Ups and downs were applied to match real geographical features, even the small buildings in the city and the village were detailed. On a pass stood a soldier doll.

“What kind of drama unfolds here? Please explain it to me more."

“Currently, that single blue army occupies this city.”

Joseph pointed at the city in a round rampart.

“Now it and the Red Army, which shut itself up in a city here, watch each others movements.”

He said pointing at the city standing on left from there. The city was lined with the building models of great dimensions. Many doll soldiers were placed there. There were also placed a few monster and dragon figurines. There were also ship models.

“Now that’s where it gets interesting. A blue army is reveling to a victory! But Red Army uses an unexpected ‘Trump Card’ and reverses it!”

Such a child, Mrs. Molliere muttered in her mind. Domestic affairs and diplomacy were neglected due to the King’s craziness… These were the rumors. And they were not wrong.

Joseph smiled and took the doll from the miniature garden.

It was a tall and slim female figure with dark hair.

Joseph placed the doll to his ear.

And, as if the doll spoke to him, Joseph nodded many times.

After that, Joseph spoke to the doll.

”That's right! Oh yes! Plans are underway! This is a colorful and fun plan indeed! Oh Muse! Muse's more than cute! Take a reward! However, now it's "stuffed"! I want to grab the toys, dolls, even more than I already have! I think it's time to get the plan underway!“

The look that Mrs. Molliere gave the Joseph who was talking to the doll was full of pity. He was not a king, he was not an owner of the pining pretty face, it was an eccentric behavior of the one whose heart never was never loved.

Compared to his younger brother who was good at everything... he was exposed to throne threats... to the whirlpools of political strife... which troubled Joseph's mind eventually.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty… Aah, Your poor Majesty…”

Mrs. Molliere with a theatrical gesture patted Joseph's mandible. Joseph gently embraced Mrs. Molliere.

“Aah, Your Majesty… stop with the pranks…”

“Well, you see a dramatic reversal is the attempt to end the game. It must be decided – victory or defeat.“

While watching the two cities Joseph muttered… and called the page.

“Throw it.”

Page nodded and threw two dices. Joseph looked at the fallen eyes and nodded.

“Oooh, seven! Delicate number! Hmmm… In this case…”

After meditating for a while, Joseph called the minister.

“Minister. The imperial rescript.”

From the shadows a small man showed up and bowed.

Joseph lightheartedly informed the minister who moved the horse in the miniature garden.

“Summon the fleet. Blow off Albion’s enemies. You have three days to prepare.”

“As you wish.” Not showing any emotions, the minister bowed and left.

Mrs. Molliere started trembling while watching the display in utter shock.

It wasn’t a miniature garden play anymore.

Just now, the instruction to a real war was given.

“What’s wrong, Mrs. Molliere? Are you cold? Page, put more wood in the fireplace. The madam shivers.” Joseph ordered page in a steady voice.

“Your Majesty… Ooh, Your Majesty…”

“What is wrong madam? The leader of the Gallia's Parterre knight corps cannot embarrass herself with such cowardice."

On the day when the Advent Festival started… thirty leagues away from the snowy city of Saxe-Gotha, figures, wrapped up in dark clothes, walked.

“I’m getting used to… mountain walks.”

Muttered a tall man. A dauntless face peeped from the opening of a deep hood.

It was Wardes. Fouquet's face popped up next to him.

They were sent here as Sheffield’s guards.

However, Fouquet had another reason to be here.

“Mathilda of Saxe-Gotha - I think I heard this place’s name from somewhere before.”

Wardes said to Fouquet, who answered back while stepping briskly.

“So nostalgic. I never thought I would be walking through this mountain path again.” She gave out a white exhalation.

“Is it still a territory of Saxe-Gotha?”

“The ‘City’ also includes this mountain range.”

“This land belonged to you as your home?”

“The city's council has been in charge. Sort of like viceregal.“

“Still, it’s considerable.”

“I am guiding another to the land from where I was driven out long ago. How ironic.”

“Your father, I know that he somehow shunned Albion’s royal family… But why was this land and the tittle taken from you and your father?"

“That’s royal family lies.”


“Indeed. My father dutifully served Albion’s royal family… But once the royal family told ‘Give it’ and he didn’t."

“Haah, and what was that?”

Fouquet laughed teasingly and looked into the man's face.

“I’ll tell you only when you’ll tell me your mother’s story.”

Then Wardes turned his face away. Fouquet snuffled in dissatisfaction.

“Hey, Jean-Jacques Wardes, whom do you love more – me or your mother?”

But then Sheffield, who was walking behind, called them.

“How close is the nearest river?”

Fouquet stopped, squat down, elbowing away the snow… and touched the soil. Fouquet, who was a triangular Earth element mage, understood the soil well. Besides, because she grew up in here, she understood the earth here even better.

“Far. But it is not the only water source… one third of the city wells take the water from the mountains.”

“That should be enough.”

Fouquet elbowed her way through bush… and reached a cracked rock. Though the snow covered it, the water was visible from the crack. Luckily the center was not frozen.

Sheffield took out a ring from her pocket. Wardes and Fouquet recognized the ring at first sight.

“That… isn’t it Cromwell’s ring?"

Fouquet muttered. Sheffield shook her head.

“No, it is different from Cromwell’s ring.”

A secretary calling the emperor by name? Wardes and Fouquet exchanged the looks.

“What are you going to do with the ring?”

Sheffield smiled. Because it was the first time they saw her smile, Wardes and Fouquet were perplexed.

“Water is considered a living thing and the Ring of Andvari has the power to control it… as it’s an element that looks like the water spirit. Or should I say it’s almost identical.”


“The water spirit’s tears are expensive material used in making various potions. The power of water rules the composition of the body… with a potion, one can manipulate both – body and mind.”

“That’s a nice lecture. Now then, tell what on earth you are going to do with it?”

“The power of water to condensate… In other words, I can manipulate the town with this…”

Sheffield’s body began to glow.

Wardes remembered this light. The left hand of Louise's boy-familiar glowed in such light as well. Immediately after that… his left arm was chopped off.

On Sheffield’s forehead, half covered with hair, an ancient rune glowed.

Wardes screwed up his eyes.

“What are you doing?”

Sheffield did not answer anymore. She seemed to have been concentrating. She thrust out the hand with the ring towards the water. Gradually, the ring began to shine… and melt.

It looked as if… it was melted by the heat of Sheffield’s body.

Melted drops of the Ring of Andvari began to trickle down… and then a strong stream of water broke through the crack and flowed towards the city of Saxe-Gotha.

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