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*Не студентка академии Сейдокак. Навещает Джулис.
*Не студентка академии Сейдокак. Навещает Джулис.
*Обаятельна и уважаема, член благотворительной организации, которую поддерживает Джулис.
*Обаятельна и уважаема, член благотворительной организации, которую поддерживает Джулис.
[[Image:ImageGakusen v04 00003.jpg|center|thumb|Флора слева и Джулис справа.]]
[[Image:Gakusen v04 00003.jpg|center|thumb|Флора слева и Джулис справа.]]
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*Ernesta’s goal is to create an existence equal to humans with her own hands. Autonomous puppets which could cry, laugh, know joy and grow up normally like humans.
*Ernesta’s goal is to create an existence equal to humans with her own hands. Autonomous puppets which could cry, laugh, know joy and grow up normally like humans.
*The {{furigana|Sculptor Faction|Pygmalion}} representative.
*The {{furigana|Sculptor Faction|Pygmalion}} representative.
[[Image:ImageGakusen v04 00004.jpg|center|thumb|Ardi on the left and Rimsi on the right.]]
[[Image:Gakusen v04 00004.jpg|center|thumb|Ardi on the left and Rimsi on the right.]]
===Camilla Pareto (v2)===
===Camilla Pareto (v2)===
Line 617: Line 617:
Student Council President and rank #1 of Queen Veil Girl’s Academy.
Student Council President and rank #1 of Queen Veil Girl’s Academy.
*Her Ability ー omnipotent (versatile).
*Her Ability ー omnipotent (versatile).
[[File:IMG 0004.jpg|center|thumb|Sylvia Ryuneheim]]
[[File:Gakusen v05 0003.jpg|center|thumb|Sylvia Ryuneheim]]
===Yanase Miko===
===Yanase Miko===

Latest revision as of 03:03, 28 October 2015

Персонажи & Терминология

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Плавающий академический город "Рикка"[edit]

Gakusen v01 00005.jpg

Megafloat University Town “Rikka” - Плавающий академический город "Рикка"[edit]

  • Искусственный город на воде
  • Иначе известный как: Боевая академия города Астериск.
  • Рикка, город Астериск. Плавая на вершине кратерного озера, в Северном Канто, оставленным огромным метеоритом, положившего начало искусственному-городу-острову. В центре его шестиугольная формы находиться центральный район, с одной из шести школ в каждом направлении, создают впечатление большой снежинки. Название этого города Рикка (Снежинка), коренится в этом.
  • Купание в озере запрещено. Весь регион хвастаеться чрезвычайно высокой концентрацией Маны. Ходят слухи, что произошли некоторые мутации местной фауны и флоры.
  • Мэр Астериска: подставное лицо. Дает выступления на различных мероприятиях, как открытие Фесты... никто не знает его или ее имя.
  • Трудно описать размеры города. Есть много подземных ходов, а также огромные здания на поверхности. Есть также большие камеры-балласты, чтобы держаться на плаву.
  • Каждая школа имеет свой собственный район, с большой дорогой, ведущей до самой школы, архитектура которого в целом вылилась в форму звезды, или точнее, гексаграммы – Астериск (Звёздочка).
  • Астериск вряд ли можно назвать безопасным местом, хотя не до такой степени, чтобы быть опасным для жизни.
  • Область перепланировки (снос старых зданий). Как и во всех крупных городах преимущественно это районы трущоб, опасные для прогулок.
Rotlicht (на нем.яз.) - красный свет. Развлекательный район, расположенный на внешнем краю территории перепланировки.
  • "Hotel Elnath".[1] Located in Asterisk's central district.
  • It's best known for the spacious dome-shaped hanging gardens on its top floor, and only the six student council presidents of the six Asterisk schools are allowed to enter.
  • This is where the "Rikka Garden Council" is held.
  • The underground block of Asterisk is the jurisdiction of the Institution Maintenance Department, and a periodic inspection are performed at a considerable frequency.
  • The StjarnagarmrStar Hunter Guard
  • Asterisk's police, the StjarnagarmrStar Hunter Guard, can be a little high-handed."
  • Although they wield executive authority in Asterisk, that jurisdiction does not normally extend to school grounds - upon this point, all of the six schools are in agreement. Failing some large violation of the law, they may not intrude upon a school's autonomy.
  • Accordingly, until given express permission by a school, the Star Hunter Guard cannot enter school premises.
  • Asterisk Central District General Main Stadium, otherwise known as “Sirius Dome”

The Six Academies and Institutes[edit]

The six schools include junior high through university levels although some elementary schools are present. Each is large enough for a small town in itself.
A Monthly meeting is held by the six student council presidents of Asterisk. More commonly known as the "Rikka Garden Council", and possibly a match of inter-school wit and intrigue.
By custom, the chair of each session is the student council president of the top ranked school of the last season's Festa.
There is great competition between the schools and bitter rivalries are normal. Each one is different with their own unique character.
The provisions of the Stella Carta notwithstanding, history has shown that, given the opportunity, no school would hesitate to take any actions they deemed necessary, no matter how deplorable
Arbitrarily numbered...

1. Seidoukan Academy[edit]

  • President; - Claudia Enfield.
  • Espionage Organization: Shadow Star.
  • Possibly the most normal of the six with some level of moral character and fairness of rules. It is directly managed by the Integrated Enterprise Foundation.
  • Seidoukan, a simple election-based system to select the Student Council.
  • Equipment Division. Modifies Lux's for personal settings and preference.
  • Newspaper Club. Very informative about student rankings. Since outside newspapers are prohibited from entering the campus... they sell info and videos to them.
  • The male and female dormitories.
  • Face directly opposite of each other, with the high school building in between. When compared to the female dormitory building, with its classical architecture, the male building is decidedly more plain.
  • Equipment division; Located underneath the high school building. A place where white-coated workers bustl back and forth.
where unassigned Ulm Mana Dites are stored. Currently Seidoukan had 22, the most of any of the six schools
  • Le Meurice; A high class dining hall located on Seidoukan grounds situated at the entrance to a forest, a ways off from the school buildings.
  • Polaris Dining Hall; Ayato normally eats here, the prices are 1/3 of Le Meurice...
  • North Star Cafeteria

2. Allekant Academy[edit]

  • When it came to Ogre Lux research, Allekant holds the top spot entirely uncontested.
  • Their school emblem is the "Dusk Owl" of wisdom.[2]
  • Allekant offers far more Meteoric Engineering classes than the others.
  • Allekant Academy's students are divided into those that research Lux weapons and those that participate in the Festa. Generally speaking, these two groups are mutually exclusive.
  • Allekant Academy, subterranean research division.
  • The school is split into different research factions, which are engaged in a vicious power struggle. The research groups are more powerful than the principle, who is a figurehead at most.
  • FerroviusLion Faction the largest research faction. The one that kicked out Saya's father. The most influential power of the Lux development groups accounting for 50% of the total.
  • The opportunistic SonnetDark Lady Faction[3] research faction. Works on new high-tech materials used for armor and such.
  • The MethusalehIdea Faction research faction.
  • The TenorioUbermensch Faction research faction
In the past their research focused on living things, but due to some incident they lost almost all influence.
Their goal is living weapons.
Developed the phryganella viscous attack body. Prana is used to force a change, it takes on the pre-stored appearance. Moreover, it seems that the cores are limited to storing only one form.
  • The PygmalionSculptor Faction faction
Their research focuses on cybernetics and Replicants.
  • The <Supreme Faction>
  • The Magnum OpusGreat Doctor

3.Le Wolfe Black Institute[edit]

  • A reputation of uncontrollably rampaging students.
  • President; Dirk Eberwein
  • Le Wolfe selects their top-ranked student as the president.
  • Espionage Organization: GrimalkinBlack Cat Institute. A notorious intelligence organization that is second-to-none.
  • The school emblem shows twin swords.
  • Recently renowned for the Lindvolus winner; Venomous Witch of Le Wolfe.
  • If one were to describe the Central Big School Building of Le Wolfe Black Institute, the word “Fortress” would be appropriate.
  • There is only one absolute rule that had rooted widely and deep here. ──In other words; “Absolute obedience to the Strong”. For Le Wolfe; power was everything, and victory was above all revered.
  • <cats> The ‘cats’ names are 銀目 and 金目, no doubt one would call them the “Odd Eyes” as a “team name” in English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odd-eyed_cat

4.GerronWorld Dragon Seventh Institute[edit]

  • Espionage Organization: Nine Offspring of the Dragon. Said to be the most extreme.
  • The World Dragon Seventh Institutes's method for selecting its presidentー an elimination tournament.
  • Proud to be of the largest among the six academies, and known for the fact that it possessed many strong students not recorded in the Named Charts.
  • World Dragon, which was the most heterogeneous of the six academies in Asterisk, had two peculiarities.
One was known as Star Senjutsu[4], their unique Mana-induction capability generalization technique.
The other was the promotion of thorough martial arts.
  • World Dragon is comprised of many different arts schools. Although the various arts schools, which dealt with weapons and were not few, it was expected that it's barehanded advanced combat skills technology should be known as a synonym of World Dragon. Of course, an attack with bare hands was more disadvantageous than when using a weapon, but at the same time it was the only way that could directly transform Prana to an offensive ability, and by combining it with a well-trained taijutsu[5], it showed an unparalleled strength in close combat.

5. St. Garrardsworth Academy[edit]

  • President; Ernest Fairclough
  • Vice President; Laetitia Blanchard
  • The academy's uniform is a distinctive white.
  • Known as the Academy of discipline and order.
  • The only so called “prestigious school” out of the six academies
  • Recently renowned for a winning team in the Gryps; The Silver Wing Knights of Garrardsworth.
  • Duels are severely limited in Garrardsworth, it was said that it was difficult to climb up the ranks compared to the other academies.

6. – Queen Veil Girl's Academy[edit]

Espionage Organization: Benetnash. Has gathered experts of information control.

  • Sylvia Lyyneheym. Queen Veil Girl's Academy Student Council President.
  • Is the weakest academy in Asterisk. In fact it was only once, even in the long history of Asterisk, that Queen Veil had won a championship.
  • However. ‘weak’ does not necessarily mean ‘unpopular’. Queen Veil Girl's Academy has maintained a continuously high rank since it's foundation. Disregarding their results in the Festa; Queen Veil only considered the Festa as a stage for purely displaying their students’ charm. It was just this which led to their popularity.
  • As the only girl’s school among the six academies it was also the smallest academy. Establishing its own standards on the conditions of admission it was said to be the the most difficult academy to enroll in. It was an academy of goddesses trying to find an ideal through beauty and strength.


  • High school Girls dormitory
  • War-academy City Asterisk. Another name for Asterisk City.
  • Yellow Dragon Temple
  • Rotlicht[6]Entertainment district
  • Redevelopment area

World and Government Politics[edit]

Integrated Enterprise Foundation.[edit]

  • Secretive Corporation that basically controls everything.
  • Information on the Integrated Enterprise Foundation ーto say nothing of its eliteー is all classified.
  • After the Ember Tears, the nations of Europe returned to being monarchies. While true control over both government and economics was grasped by the Integrated Enterprise Foundation, they found it convenient to place puppet monarchs on the throne.
  • It's government policy, in order to cultivate maturity and discipline, for all members of the GenestellaStarpulse Generation to be trained in martial arts.
  • Standing above the Rikka Garden Council is a select group of members of the Integrated Enterprise Foundation who, together, comprised a management committee. If a measure passed, it would later be reviewed by this committee. Although they endeavored to respect the will of the Garden Council, they are under no obligation to do so.
  • When it comes to the cadre of the Integrated Enterprise Foundation elite, unless one has first undergone many instances of mental adjustment programs, and having thus eliminated all personal desires, only then one is able to attain such a position. For that reason, the upper ranks of the Integrated Enterprise Foundation have almost no desires remaining. The immense power they wield is for but one purpose and one purpose onlyー the continued existence and prosperity of the Integrated Enterprise Foundation itself.
  • Integrated Entertainment Enterprise's 7th Instructional Assessment Office. It is responsible for oversight of Seidoukan Academy's students as well as all matters pertinent to performance in the Festa; their authority is very wide-ranging.
  • Galaxy, World Dragon and Frauenlob (so far undefined parts of the IEF.)
  • The 7th Instructional Assessment Office's - Galaxy's - headquarters were located in Otsu, the capital city of Japan's Shiga prefecture. Kouichirou, however, had set up a branch office in Asterisk as a forward operating base of sorts.
  • The Integrated Entertainment Enterprise's Galaxy was a group that only cared about those who produced the very greatest results.
  • Truth be told, the current state of the Starpulse Generation is terribly fragile, regardless of the country or state in question. One might go so far as to say their human rights had been impinged upon. When a member of the Starpulse Generation harmed another, it would never be ruled self-defense, but always a use of excessive force instead. Even if the other party did not die as a result of their actions, the majority of rulings resulted in their punishment being harsher by far than that of the criminal in question.
  • One of the few elements of public opinion even the Integrated Enterprise Foundation had been powerless to overturn.

Stella CartaStar Wars Charter[edit]

A pact set forth by the Integrated Enterprise Foundation that governs Asterisk, all of the six schools and the Festa championship.

  • Secret pacts between schools are prohibited by the Stella Carta.
  • Governed by the rules set within;
  • the Stella Carta strictly regulates the age of Festa participants to those between 13 and 22.
  • The Stella Carta has no specific provisions restricting the use of weaponry.
  • Robots and AI robots are considered weaponry.
  • When a member of the Starpulse Generation injures someone who was not, regardless of the severity of the injury, they would be harshly punished. That, of course, also included accidents.
  • if the school badge is exposed at a predetermined position at the time when the Festa match start is announced, it was admitted that one could protect it by his ability afterwards.
  • Students are normally not allowed to take off their school badges even when going outside the academy. Normal exceptions would be swimsuits, bathing, etc.

Mana and Meteoric Engineering[edit]



An previously unknown element that was dispersed during the massively destructive meteorite fall known as the Ember TearsMeteor shower.


Among the meteorites that had fallen to the Earth during the Ember Tears, accompanying the unknown element now known as Mana, was also the unique ore; manadite.

Mana Dite[edit]

A Mana Dite is the crystallization of the element Mana extracted from the Mana bearing ore; manadite

  • Recent advances have allowed for its artificial extraction and production on a commercial scale.

Compatibility Rating[edit]

  • A Mana Dite's capacity to be utilized by its wielder.
  • Some Ulm Mana Dite's will not accept particular candidates.

Meteoric Engineering[edit]

  • The techniques and technology used to manipulate the various uses of Mana and its principle ore manadite.
  • Meteoric engineering research into Mana, manadite and Mana Dites have paved the way for new industry, not the least of which was centered around the ability to employ the Mana (in Mana Dites) as an energy source for weapons; the LuxShining Type Armaments.
  • Some Mana Dites are used in toys.
  • Eishirou, uses a dagger-type Lux to slice apples. (Suggesting kitchen uses.)

LuxShining Type Armament[edit]

  • An ordinary Mana Dite.
  • A short rod-shaped apparatus, easy to hold in the hand, in which there is an emerald green manadite crystal (the actual 'Mana Dite') inserted at the tip. Sometimes referred to as a Lux.
  • When activated, Lux weapons materialize and focus Mana, producing a blade of light. There are also arrow, spear-type and bullet forms. However; a ranged weapon's bullet or arrow cannot maintain it's form for long once fired.
  • The might conferred by Lux weapons exceeded those of existing weapons, and furthermore, carried other beneficial properties (for example, a Lux gun needs no ammunition). For this reason, for the most part, Lux weapons have since replaced traditional weaponry.
  • Lux Mana Dites are all of a uniform color, green. (Unactivated crystal color.)

Ulm Mana Dite[edit]

  • A special type of Mana Dite.
  • Among the types of Mana Dite is one of exceedingly high purity, and equally rare. These are the so-called Ulm Mana Dites, which form the core of the Ogre Lux weapons.
  • Their capabilities are incomparable to those of normal Lux weaponry, but are rumored to be even more difficult to control than the unique Mana abilities of the GenestellaStarpulse Generation Strega and Dante.
  • Ulm Mana Dites possess an exceedingly high level of purity of the element Mana, and are capable of feats normally only possible for the Strega and Dante.
  • Ulm Mana Dite come in a variety of colors. (Unactivated crystal color.)

Ogre LuxPure Star Type Armament[edit]

  • The ultimate Mana Dite weapon.
  • Used by students of special caliber as they are more powerful and take much more ability, talent and skill to utilize.
  • Few have katana forms, which are rare.
  • Some Ogre Lux have wills of their own, politely known as side effects.
  • The unpredictable wills of individual Ogre Lux's are understood as the "price" one pays to wield them. They have been known to affect the emotions of those who wield them and some won't accept incompatible users at all.
  • At Seidoukan Academy, the minimum requirement is an 80% compatibility rating.
  • The vast majority of Ogre Lux weaponry belong to the Integrated Enterprise Foundation, although a select number are provided to each school for research purposes.

Saya's Father's Guns[edit]

  • The LOBOS method for connecting multiple Mana Dite cores is an incomplete design already rejected over a dozen years ago. Its power output is unstable, its burden on the user is high, and both its volume and mass are substantial. In order to maintain a high level of output, it requires an excess of Mana as well as a significant pause between shots. Moreover, a way to overcome these flaws has yet to be discovered.
  • The gun she used when Ayato, Julis, Lester and her practiced together has three Mana Dite cores and its power seems to derive from forcibly linking them together. (v2ch2)
  • a weapon which relied on the Mana overdrive phenomenon ーin other words; Meteor Artsー was something that could only ever see use within the bounds of a duel.
  • Infinitely more important than raw power is a weapon's suitability with the powerless masses says Camilla, a researcher from Allekant. (who know if she is correct?)
  • Ferrovius ーCamillaー felt that Saya's father's guns might as well have been impossible.
  • Saya said once, about the Type 34 wave Motion heavy artillery Ark Van Ders modified; "In the Lobos transition system, the high output obtained is unstable, and if left as is, the gun barrel wouldn't last (hold). So I converted a portion of the output as an energy field in order to pin it down." explaining how she reinforced it so she could use (abuse) it as a rough sword, blocking blows from other weapons or using it as a hammer like weapon itslef.

Mana, Humans and the Environment[edit]

fill in the blank. Still working on this section....

Mana and Prana research both relate to the Starpulse Generation.

The influx of the new element Mana after the Ember Tears had led to mutations in the flora and fauna. Its effect on humanity had been the inception of the Starpulse Generation, and naturally, other forms of life had not been left untouched.

Nonetheless, mutants with the ability to pose a serious threat to the Starpulse Generation ーand their abnormal abilities, physical or otherwiseー have yet to be discovered.

Speaking in theory there is no need for vocalization before an action but there are also some people that won’t be able to activate it if they don’t have a fixed procedure. Even I, who said thus, the incantation aside, it’s rather easy for me to hold an image because of the vocalization.

GenestellaStarpulse Generation[edit]

  • People who possess a phenomenal physical ability due to their adaptability with Mana. More specifically; their ability to utilize Mana.
  • Only a small percentage of the human race are members of the GenestellaStarpulse Generation.
  • When sprinting, members of the Starpulse Generation could overtake even a car at top speed.


  • Prana is the power a human, of the GenestellaStarpulse Generation, either a Strega or Dante, summons through the Mana in their bodies and nearby surroundings. This energy is used to enhance their abilities, allow the use of certain Ogre Lux and also enable special techniques.
  • Prana is not limitless and can be temporarily exhausted. Everyone has their own individual unique limits. Abilities require the consumption of Prana, which isn't a limitless resource.
  • Generally speaking; even though Prana is original and unique to each person, the abilities of the Strega and Dante are modeled and or organized after real objects. Just as Julis' abilities used flowers as a focus, other abilities mimic the hierarchy of chess pieces.
  • Both time-delay abilities as well as those that took effect after some pre-existing condition was met are rather common.
  • Normally, the Strega and Dante are incompatible with the same Ogre Lux weapon. It seems to derive from a sort of Mana interference with the Ulm Mana Dite.

Ability User[edit]

  • In all of Asterisk's history, the number of ability users who've wielded an Ogre Lux has only been around ten at most. It is postulated that Ogre Lux weapons despise ability users.
  • A measurement of the Mana transfer efficiency rates at which telekinetic ability users used their abilities seems to be of value.
  • A detection-type Strega is an ability user.
  • Healing is a rare ability



Meteor ArtsMeteoric Battle Techniques[edit]

See below.

Battle Tournaments and Student Ranking System[edit]

Student Ranking System[edit]

The Ranking System; Named ChartsBattle Omnicon[edit]

Each academy of Asterisk has a ranking system. Although the rules differ from one academy to another, each academy has a ranking list that clarifies who sits at the top of each academy; they become the Named CardsBattle Omnicon. There is a limit of 72 names in each academy's book. The top twelve among them who have their names appear on the first page of the list are commonly known as Page OneTop Twelve.

The Battle-Stage[edit]

The Battle-Stage and Stadiums[edit]

  • A special Battle-Stage is used for general purpose fighting in duels, challenges and official tournaments. These Battle-Stages are located in multiple halls, arenas and stadiums in Asterisk City and the schools. Each is fully equipped with strong surrounding force fields to protect the audience (and likely the nearby buildings.)
  • In addition to the force field shielding; The walls of the buildings in Asterisk had all undergone a strengthening process identical to those employed by the match arena.
Combatants use dangerously powerful techniques, weaponized Mana Dites and Prana enhanced forces that can even bend the local physics of space-time and gravity.
Surrounding the stage, a defensive barrier-wall is erected in order to protect the audience from stray bullets or emergency accidents and the like; but a large quantity of energy and a large-scale system are necessary for that.
The largest stadium boasts a maximum seating capacity of one hundred thousand people. When the Festa is held, all contestants will gather there.
Although its outward appearance is meant to mimic the Roman Colosseum, they are two very different structures. There are three other large amphitheaters, and seven mid-sized ones. When it comes to the small ones, who knows how many there are?
According to regulations, battles occurring in the city center must be held within one of these arenas. In practice, however, that's not always the case. (According to Julis.)
Not all Battle-Stage's are the same.
In the 3 main arenas; These protective shields, capable of warding off Lux-based attacks, had enormous energy requirements and similarly large generators. On the entirety of Seidoukan grounds, only this and three other locations had similar facilities.
In the smaller hall's and practice areas the shields are not as strong; Saya's gun can fire right through the walls!
The Capella Dome and Procyon Dome. Are the other two large domes.
Asterisk Central District General Main Battle-Stage Stadium is known as “Sirius Dome” with an audience capacity of 100k.

Battle and Tournaments[edit]

In the normal course of everyday school life, students change their ranking as the result of Challenges, Duels and Tournaments. All are supposed to be non-lethal events, with the official target being the destruction of the student's badge. However, considering the extremely powerful participants and the not-so-clever deceit, treachery and other non-professional emotional nonsense involved... accidents do happen.

There are many individual strategies used to game the ranking system. Some strong students don't even try to become a 'page-one' and instead position themselves farther down the list.

As a normal function the students are allowed to battle;[edit]

1. Duel each other over gripes and whatever perceived injustices.[edit]

  • Duels can be quite spontaneous and are based on some vague honor system.
  • Duels can take place whenever and wherever, even without the protection of a Battle-Stage. This frequently results in significant damage to the school campus and possible inadvertent bystander casualties. Oddly enough, the school's seem fine with this.
  • Both parties must agree to a duel.

2. Challenge other students in the monthly ranking matches.[edit]

  • Page One must accept a duel request from a lower ranked student
  • Challenging any particular opponent to a ranking match can only be done at most twice, forestalling the opportunity for foul play.
  • It's usual that a challenge is held in an official Battle-Stage.
  • In the official ranking matches held monthly, the system was made so that, when a Page One received a duel request from a lower ranked student, he could not refuse the match; but the students, who participated in this, were divided in three major levels. The first one was that of the higher-ranked students called ‘Top Twelve’, the second was the level of the ‘up-and-coming’[7] students, who had their name recorded in the Named Charts, and the third was the ‘non-ranked’ students, who did not have their name in the Named Charts.
  • In the official ranking matches, one could only appoint an opponent, who belonged to one level above. In other words, to appoint a Top Twelve as an opponent, it was necessary to at least belong to the level of up-and-coming students. Therefore, to suddenly become a Top Twelve from having been a non-ranked student, it was necessary to defeat one’s opponent by means of a duel ── generally, as the ranking became higher, one would indeed tend to be wary of duels.
  • Each academy has slightly different rules regarding Duels. Example; Garrardsworth severely limits Duels.

3. Perform in official tournaments.[edit]

  • The initial qualifying rounds are held in smaller local Battle-Stage equipped halls scattered about Asterisk City, but the more spectacular higher level rounds are held in the main stadiums.

The PhoenixPhoenix Star Warrior Festivaltournament.[edit]

  • A very popular official public venue for changing rank by demonstrating personal skills and introducing new technology developed.
  • The entire premise of the Festa was that the Integrated Enterprise Foundation would grant any wish to the winner.
  • Students, partners and teams, winning or loosing, greatly affect the sponsoring Academy's or Institutes's prestige. Therefor their enrollment and thus budget can change drastically.
  • The tournament rules are also set within; Stella CartaStar Wars Charter
  • Although the Festa is described as a single competition, in truth, it is composed of three separate parts.
  • In order to raise excitement for the Festa to a favored peak, tournament organizers spare no effort in arranging the order of matches. Simply put, they'd do their best to ensure that those who would most likely pass the first round were all kept separate from one another.
1. In the summer of the first year is the partner battle; PhoenixPhoenix Star Warrior Festival.
It should be noted that the "tag-team" (otherwise known as a "tag"), used in the Phoenix, format does NOT refer to the classic wrestling-ring contest where one team member fights and then the other, after tagging the partner. In the Phoenix part of the Festa; Both combatants can fight at the same time, but each tag has their own strategies.
There are 512 participants in the Phoenix, or 256 tags (teams).
The duration of the Phoenix was about two weeks. During the first half held in the first week are the preliminary matches, and the best 32 tags would be elected. Afterwards, those 32 tags (teams) were to be allocated to a new tournament table by drawing of lots; this was commonly known as the final stage (main battle). It was beyond this best 32 that the affiliated Academy's gain points.
2. In the fall of the second year is a team battle; GrypsGryphon Star Warrior Festival.
  • In the Gryphs, you lose if your team leader is defeated.
3. In the winter of the third year is the individually fought; LindvolusDragon King Star Warrior Festival.

EclipseEclipse Warrior Festival[edit]

  • Underground competition, currently disbanded.
  • Commercially orientated. Here there are fewer official limits.
  • Unofficial fighting where school ranking is ignored, except for wagering.

Martial Arts Schools-of-Philosophy[edit]

Amagiri Bright Dragon-style[edit]

  • The Amagiri Bright Dragon-style was an ancient style with a history lasting five hundred years since its creation by the style's founder. At the time, swords had been employed in real battle, by swordsmen wearing thick and heavy armor. Because their armor greatly restricted movement, the fundamentals of shifting one's posture to alter one's center of gravity were founded upon the simple motion of bending at the waist.
  • Given its long history, the Amagiri Bright Dragon-style had, of course, adopted similar Toudou-style techniques for its own, but had integrated, rather than assimilated, these into their own style.


  • The Toudou-style dated back to the last days of the Shogunate, when swordsmen carried themselves upright and forewent heavy armor. Comparing the Amagiri Bright Dragon-style to the Toudou-style ーwhen it came to which was superior... at the very least when it came to duels in Asterisk which took place without armorー then the speed advantage that came from the Toudou-style was undeniable.
  • The Toudou-style sought after the ideal of the paper crane.
  • Returning to Nest', 'Blooming Tachibana', 'Wing-to-Wing', 'Wave of the Blue Sea'... the Toudou-style has 49 variants of chained skills. When linked and taken in aggregate, together they are 'Conjoined Cranes'

Misc. Technology[edit]


  • From just displaying data to video phone conversations it's a ubiquitous technology that everyone takes for granted.
  • Interactive open air screens that pop open instantly and in multiple configurations.
  • Every phone, room, terminal and console is equipped with this capability.

Battle-Stage Shielding[edit]

  • Vital for protecting anyone viewing a Festa battle.
  • Much research goes into reducing the massive power and size of equipment.
  • Sometimes called a defense wall.


  • Similar to the space window but more like an advertisement. One flies on top of the Procyon Dome.

Space-window console[edit]

  • An interactive form of the space-window. A of control panel that one can type on and make commands with.


Официальная латинизация для некоторых имен персонажей отсутствует, варианты можно обсудить. Проверенные латинизированные имена только персонажей 1-2-3 томов. Руссификация на их основе.

Академия Сейдокан[edit]

Аято Амагири (том 1)[edit]

  • (псевдоним) - <Murakumo>
  • оружие Огр Люкс - Сир-Верста<Демонический меч из черной печи> ("Сир-Верса" официальное название том 1)
  • Не активированный Ульм-Манадайт Сир-Верста имеет цвет как: "блестяще алый". (том 1, часть 5)
Всё чего он каснеться может быть разрезано или распадеться.
Лезвие белого цвета, не с остро-режущими краями, а скорее как огромный клинок света.
Чистый белый клинок, окруженный угольно-чёрным спиральным узором. (том 5, чать 6)
Не тот вид оружия который будет поддаваться силе или приказам.
Один из “Мечей демона четырех цветов”.
  • Переведенный студент, первого года обучения.
  • Стеснительный, но слишком любезный.
  • кэндзюцу. Семья Аято управляет додзе и практикует техники меча, передаваемые поколениями.
  • Темные глаза и волосы.
  • Иногда его называют <Murakumo> [Либо отсылка на “сгущающие тучи”, или на легендарный Японский меч Ama-no-Murakumo no Tsurugi, изместный как меч Kusanagi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi]
Аято (слева) и Кирин

Харука Амагири[edit]

  • Старшая сестра Аято
  • Обладает силой Стрега, способной насильственно подавить, связать все создания.
  • (оружие) В прошлом владела Сир-Верста.
  • Таинственная миссия: защитить Аято.
Харука Амагири

Джулис-Алексия ван Ризфельд (том 1)[edit]

  • (псевдоним) - Gruene Rose<Petalblaze Witch>
  • (оружие) – <Aspera Spina>[8]
  • Blue eyes. Red flowing firey hair.
  • The country of Lieseltania's First Princess, where she grew up in a castel.

The current king of Lieseltania is her elder brother, the previous being her father.

  • One of the Page OneTop Twelve of the Academy.
  • Very beautiful, but hot headed proud and stubborn type. Honest and straightforward. Fiercely strong. Always the serious type, but that's just who she is.
  • Through some misadventure, she made friends with the kids of a local orphanage.
Julis-Alexia van Riessfeld, otherwise know as Julis. The caption would be; "Come out –– Semiserrata; Falling Crimson Flower of Molten Sky!"

Сасамия Сая (том 1)[edit]

  • weapons: (known to possess at least two)
  • Lux - Helnekrom (Lux-style grenade launcher)
  • Lux - Type 34 wave Motion heavy gun Ark Van Ders modified
The gun she used when Ayato, Julis, Lester and her practiced together has three Mana Dite cores and its power seems to derive from forcibly linking them together. (v2ch2)
Hand gun type Lux. She carries two. They use much less Prana.
Lux Type 39 Laser Canon Wolfdora –– sweep. v5ch6
  • Quiet but strong, and extremely stubborn with a mildly short temper. Cute and spunky. Bad with directions, easily gets lost. Loves her father. Bad with mornings, "blanket's too cozy".
  • Ayato's childhood friend.
  • Small height, beautiful blue hair, red-brown eyes.
  • Wields Mana Dite guns, larger than her smallish stature, that her father makes.
  • Saya's father is a meteoric engineering researcher, specializing in the development of Lux weapons. He is handicapped.
Sasamiya Saya.
Sasamiya Saya, equipped with her father's gun.

Sasamiya Soichi[edit]

  • Sasamiya's Father; Soichi-ojisan
  • Meteoric Engineer. Makes Prana guns for Saya who is proud to advertise her fathers products.
  • Former student of Allekant
  • 'Chased out' of Allekant by the faction; FerroviusLion Faction

Toudou Kirin (v2)[edit]

  • (alias) - Gale Blade Thunder (with Lightning Speed)
  • Note; The author does a subtle wordplay here that really doesn't translate. Kirin's nickname is - "gusting wind, bladed thunder" (more or less). There is a Japanese phrase which has an identical pronunciation, but differs by only one kanji. This phrase means to do something "with lightning speed". I believe the author intends for Kirin's nickname to carry the connotation of both.
  • (weapon) - Senbakiri; A nihontou.Nihontou
  • (Incidentally, her sword was named "Senbakiri".) This is likely the only time I'll ever transliterate a name instead of translating it outright. Nonetheless, the translation of this sword's name is just too atrocious for words. Its name in kanji is "千羽切", which literally translates to "thousand birds sliced". Terrible, isn't it? (from v1ch6)
  • Silver hair, tied in twin-tails which gently flow down the back.
  • She usually carries Senbaraki, which hangs at her back.
  • Toudou Kirin-san is the daughter of the main family of the Toudou-style, a currently thriving school of swordsmanship.
  • Not an ability user.

Toudou Seijirou[edit]

  • Kirin's father.
  • In jail because he killed a normal person that took Kirin hostage in a robbery.

Toudou Kouichiro[edit]

  • Toudou Kirin's uncle
  • Toudou Kouichirou-dono, is the operative responsible for the running of Seidoukan Academy. He is a member of the Integrated Enterprise Foundation's "Galaxy" and the Head of the Integrated Entertainment Enterprise's 7th Instructional Assessment Office. He is the individual in charge of the scouting-related departments for all of the Far East. The Instructional Assessment Office is also responsible for oversight of our school's students as well as all matters pertinent to our performance in the Festa; their authority is very wide-ranging.
  • His physique is quite impressive for his age, but he isn't of the Starpulse Generation.
  • Roughly the same stature as Lester, and thick muscles cover his shoulders and chest. He wears an expensive-looking brown suit.
  • Personally attends to Toudou Kirin's battle schooling.
Toudou Kirin

Клаудия Энфилд (том 1)[edit]

  • Клаудия Энфилд. Мастер тысячи глаз. Владелица Огр Люкс <Пан-Дора>, позволяющего заглянуть в будущее.
  • оружие: Огр Люкс <Пан-Дора>. Оружие которое очень дорого обходиться своему владельцу.
  • Президент студсовета Академии Сейдокан.
  • Входит в топ двеннадцать.
  • Её "не совсем безжалостный" способ достижения своих целей, часто скрываеться за слабой, нежной и ранимой натурой.
  • Светлые волосы, голубые глаза, красотка.
Всегда занятая Клаудия, открывшая 5 "воздушных окон".

Лестер МакФейл (том 1)[edit]

  • (псевдоним) - KornephorosЯростный топор раскатного грома
  • (оружие) – <Львиный Бердыш> топорообразый Люкс почти такой же огромный как и сам Лестер.
  • Эмоционально неустойчив с горячей головой. Гордый, ревнивый, страстный.
  • Занимает 9 место.
  • Очень высокий и мускулистый, часто использует это в свою пользу для запугивания.
  • Также известный как <Kornephoros> (том 3, часть 4)
  • Искусство Метеоров Лестера <Взрыв Немея>.
Лестер МакФейл и Джулис
Лестер (слева) и Сасамия Сая (справа)

Flora Klemm[edit]

  • Не студентка академии Сейдокак. Навещает Джулис.
  • Обаятельна и уважаема, член благотворительной организации, которую поддерживает Джулис.
Флора слева и Джулис справа.

Кир(Кирос) Норман[edit]

  • Данте, не участвровал в битвах за ранг.
  • Тощий и высокий.
  • Способность - манипуляция.
  • Один из подчинённых Лестера МакФейла.

Лэнди Гука[edit]

  • Крупный, слегка пухлого телосложения.
  • Ранее участвовал в битвах за ранг но выбыл из турнирной таблицы.
  • (оружие) - Люкс типа лук.
  • Один из подчинённых Лестера МакФейла.

Ябуки Эйширо (том 1)[edit]

  • Сосед Аято по комнате в общаге. комната 221.
  • Работает для дополнительных денег в газетном клубе Академии Сейдокан. Имеет большой доступ к информацоо по всем стоящим студентам, включая несколько странные данные.
  • Его работа в газетном клубе, скорее всего прикрытие для каких-то других заданий.

Ятсузаки Кёуко[edit]

  • Классный руководитель Аято, студентов 1 года обучения, 3 класса.
  • Довольно высокая, её взгляд лучше всего описаный как проникающий... или скорее свирепый, и борзая реч совершенно не подходили чтобы быть учителем.
  • She was the team leader of Le Wolfe's only group to ever win the Gryps. As for why she's now a teacher at Seidoukan instead... no one is clear on the details.

Madiath Mesa[edit]

  • OG of Seidoukan Academy and Chairman of the Steering Committee
  • OB (alumnus) of Seidoukan v3ch2
  • In the past, Madiath Mesa won the Phoenix. v3ch2
  • He is probably at least in his mid-thirties. v3ch2

Allekant Academy[edit]

Ernesta Kühne (v2)[edit]

Left; Ernesta Kühne. Right; Camilla Pareto.
  • Developer of the battle puppets:
  • (Absolute Refusal Defended type aka AR-D) - Ardi
  • (Ruinous Might Canon Type aka RM-C) - Rimsi
  • chestnut-haired, almond-shaped eyes and wears a tight-lipped, frigid expression.
  • Ernesta Kühne is a member of the Pygmalion. Not much data on them.
  • the genius of Allekant, the brilliant and well-known representative of the Pygmalion faction.
  • Ernesta’s goal is to create an existence equal to humans with her own hands. Autonomous puppets which could cry, laugh, know joy and grow up normally like humans.
  • The PygmalionSculptor Faction representative.
Ardi on the left and Rimsi on the right.

Camilla Pareto (v2)[edit]

  • A member of the FerroviusLion Faction research faction.
  • Her research is focused on the development of Lux weaponry. The team using weaponry developed by her claimed victory in last year's Phoenix. Other Festa participants have also used weapons developed by her.
  • Camilla’s final goal is ‘ultimate versatility’. A weapon which can be managed by anybody.

Allenkant's President;[edit]

  • He has small eyes and black hair, is very young.

Le Wolfe Black Institute[edit]

Irene Urzaiz (v3)[edit]

  • (alias) - LamilexiaThe Violent Vampire Princess
  • (Ogre Lux) - <Gravi-SheathBloody Scythe of Supreme Destruction>

Priscilla Urzaiz (v3)[edit]

  • Regenerative
Irene on the left and Priscilla on the right. As sisters; they are quite close.

Dirk Eberwein (v3)[edit]

  • Student Council President of Le Wolfe
  • A non Starpulse Generation human.
  • (alias) - <TyrantUnscrupulous King>
The menacing; Dirk Eberwein.
  • A short, slightly plump fellow with pale red hair.
  • In all of Le Wolfe's history, he was the first president to have ever attained his rank without having participated in the Festa.

Kashimaru Corona (v3)[edit]

  • Dirk Eberwein's executive assistant.
  • A non Starpulse Generation human.
  • a petite bourgeois, a bit taller then Dirk.

<EreshkigalVenomous Witch>[edit]

<SeptentrioSpiral Magician> - Moritz[edit]

  • Of Le Wolfe Black Institute.
  • Takes on the 'puppets' in an early round of the Phoenix phase of the Festa.

Magnus OpusGreat Professor[edit]

  • Not a friend of Dirk Eberwein.

World Dragon Seventh Institute[edit]

Fan XingLu (v4)[edit]

  • (alias) - <Divine Revelations>

<!President is very young and her hair is tied into pigtails with butterfly clips??? On her chest glitters the symbol of the Yellow Dragon.

  • The reason the girl was able to maintain her elevated position despite her personality was due to her overwhelming strength.
  • Not old enough to participate in the Festa.>

Li ShenHua (v4)[edit]

  • (alias) - <Illusion (or Phantom) Projection Fog Dispersing>

Li ShenYun (v4)[edit]

  • (alias) - <Illusion (or Phantom) Projection Genesis Arising>
Respectively, from Left to right; Li ShenHua, Fan XingLu and Li ShenYun

Zhao HuFeng (v4)[edit]

Pham Thi Tram[edit]

  • OG of World Dragon


  • DoiranTwin Snakes Nguyen-san.
  • Former World Dragon Seventh Institute rank #7

St. Garrardsworth Academy[edit]

Ernest Fairclough[edit]

  • President of St. Garrardsworth Academy
  • (alias) <PendragonHoly Knight>
  • weapon Ogre Lux <Lei-GlemsDemon Sword of the White Filter> (also called <Holy Sword>) <! v2ch1 (bout 1/4 down) describes the Ogre Lux as "White Refiner".>
The most famous among The Demon Sword of Four Colors.
  • Distinctive white uniform.
  • Cool and steady demeanor, fine facial features and exquisitely-groomed blond hair.
  • His activated Lux is a pure white sword.
  • Rumored to be a swordsman who stands at the very height of swordsmanship. Almost equal to Ayato unsealed state (according to Julis).

Laetitia Blanchard[edit]

  • Vice-president of St. Garrardsworth Academy
  • (alias) - <Holy Woman>
  • (alias 2)- <GloriaraWitch of Light Wings>

Elliot Forster[edit]

  • Rank #12. A young genius with the nickname of Claimh SolaisBright Sword. v5ch3

Doroteo Remus[edit]

  • Rank #11. Also known as the BrightwenArmored Magician. v5ch3
  • A stalwart veteran, over 20 years old and participating in the Festa three times.
  • A young man with bald head.

Life RhodesSilver Wings Knights Squadron[edit]

Queen Veil Girl's Academy[edit]

Sylvia Ryuneheim[edit]

  • Queen Veil Girl's Academy Student Council President
  • (alias) - <SigrdrifaMelodious Witch>
  • The Supreme Songstress. The world’s best idol.

Student Council President and rank #1 of Queen Veil Girl’s Academy.

  • Her Ability ー omnipotent (versatile).
Sylvia Ryuneheim

Yanase Miko[edit]

  • Live reporter in the 24th Festa.

Pham Thi Tram[edit]

  • Live commentator for the 24th Festa.
  • OG of Queen Veil.
  • commanding officer of the present Executive Aladfar.

Others Characters[edit]

  • Amagiri Haruka (Ayato's big sister)
  • Toudou Kouichiro (Toudou Kirin's uncle)
  • Yanase Miko (OG of Queen Veil and Live reporter in the Festa)
  • Pham Thi Tram (OG of World Dragon) [please note conflict]
  • Madiath Mesa (OG of Seidoukan Academy and Chairman of the Steering Committee)
  • Magnum OpusGreat Doctor?" of Le Wolfe Black Institute.

Meteor ArtsMeteoric Battle Techniques[edit]


Ayato's Skills[edit]

  • Amagiri Bright Dragon Style:
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon Style First Sword Fighting Skill –– "Twin Water Dragons"!
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon Style, Intermediate Technique –– <Arrow Clearing Crow>
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon Style, Intermediate Technique –– <Ten Linked Thistles>
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon Style Sword Intermediate Technique –– <Serene Inner Self>
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon Style Sword Intermediate Technique –– <Nine-fanged Longsword> v1ch7
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon Style’ Hidden Technique, <Banish Evil Spirits>!
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon Style Sword Intermediate Technique ー "Twin Ghost Bee" v5ch3
  • Incantation that Ayato says to break his seal:
  • "––Secret sword bound by the prison of stars, release your might!" v1ch7

  • Amagiri Bright Dragon Style, Beginning Technique <Four Wasps>! v2ch6
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon-style, Spear Technique - <Ninth Cloud Wasp>! v2ch7
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon-style, Kodachi Technique - <Reaper>! v2ch7
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon-style, Grappling Technique - <Sweeping Purification> v2ch7 A throwing move.
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon-style, Grappling Technique ──
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon-style, Grappling Technique ──
  • Amagiri Bright Dragon Style First Sword Fighting Skill ──

Julis' Skills[edit]

  • Bloom proudly:
  • AmaryllisSix-Petal Burst Firebloom!
  • O flames of Trochia, over the ramparts, burn down the nine calamities–– (it's an incantation Julis uttered before using the Dancing nine-spirering-flower! (Primrose)) However she explained it as a display of 'fan service'. v3ch4
  • PrimroseDancing nine-spirering-flower!
can be read either:
"Nine-Tower" Nine vertically stacked rings on the spire of a Japanese-style pagoda: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C5%8Drin
"Nine-Wheels" or "Nine-Flowers" or "Nine-Hoops" etc, (it's the counter for wheels/circles among other things).
Given the image has Julis with a U-shaped halo of 9 discs around her (rather then a 'tower' of discs like a pagoda), I'm thinking it's the latter. What I'm having problems thinking of is a good translation. :| --Denormative (talk) 07:48, 3 August 2013 (CDT)
  • LongiflorumWhite Firebloom of the Sharp Spear
  • AnthuriumGreat Crimson Heart Blazing Shield!
  • Livingstone DaisyFlaming Crimson Decapitator. Circular discs appear in mid-air, spiraling like a whirlpool. Their burning edges rotate at a high velocity. Essentially and literally; fire wheels. v2ch2
  • chakram
  • StrelitziaStellar Wings of the Bird of Paradise! v1ch7
  • Great Crimson Heart Blazing Shield (Anthurium)! v5ch3

  • Antirrhinum MajusSnapping Firebloom of the Engulfing Dragon! (Antirrhinum Majus is more commonly known as the snapdragon.) v1ch7 and v5ch6

  • Anemone Coronaria[9]Blazing Sunflower v6ch5

Julis' Setting type abilities:[edit]

Installation (setting) type ability –– in other words, a trap.

  • Come out –– SemiserrataFalling Crimson Flower of Molten Sky
  • Come out –– GloriosaGlorious Rending Flame Claw Flower! <! Wow. Doesn't that sound kind of Potter-ish?>
  • Come out –– RafflesiaGreat Sparkling Bomb Ring Flower!
  • Come out –– Rafflesia Duo FlosGreat Sparkling Bomb Wheel Flower ・ Twin Blooming Flowers! v5ch6
  • Come out ー LoropetalumRed Wall of Shearing Flame Petals! v5ch3

Sasamia Saya's Skills[edit]

  • Lux - Type 39 Laser Canon Wolfdora - Strafing Fire and Sweep modes.
  • Lux - Helnekrom - Thirty-eighth form, Lux-style grenade launcher.
  • Lux - Type 34 wave Motion heavy gun; Ark Van Ders modified.

Toudou Kirin's skills[edit]

  • 'Conjoined Cranes'."[10]
  • Just as the crane would nimbly flap its wings, the Toudou-style, when properly executed, would unleash a chain of succeeding attacks on its opponent. The embodiment of this ideal was the Toudou-style technique "Conjoined Cranes".

Irene's Skills:[edit]

  • Uno FanegaOnefold Destroyer
  • Go, Tres FanegaTriple Destroyer
  • Diez FanegaTenfold Destroyer
  • Diez Mil FanegaTen thousand folds Destroyer!
  • Cien GuestiaHundred fold Funeral Procession
  • Setting type Defense ability
Orreaga PesadoHeavy Reed Prison

Lester's Skills[edit]

Burst Nemea!"[11]

Cyrus's Skills[edit]

Merciless CorpsMerciless Puppet Army


  • Activation Tool
  • Literally "Invocation Body/Shape/Form". Given all the 'occult' references (witches/magicians/ritual book/Mana/etc) I'm thinking this would probably be better left as 'Invoke' to parallel the 'spell casting' way they use their weapons. --Denormative (talk) 07:48, 3 August 2013 (CDT)



  • Ember TearsMeteor shower

  • Integrated Enterprise Foundation

  • FestaStar Warrior Festival
  • PhoenixPhoenix Star Warrior Festival
  • GrypsGryphon Star Warrior Festival
  • LindvolusDragon King Star Warrior Festival
  • EclipseEclipse Warrior Festival (Underground competition)

  • Stella CartaStar Wars Charter

  • Mana

  • GenestellaStarpulse Generation

  • PranaStar-Power

  • Meteoric Engineering

  • Mana Dite
  • Ulm Mana Dite

  • LuxShining Type Armament

  • Ogre LuxPure Star Type Armament

  • Named ChartsBattle Omnicon

  • Page OneTop Twelve

  • Strega<Witch>

  • Dante<Magician>

  • Meteor ArtsMeteoric Battle Techniques

  • Parca Morta<The Master of The Thousand eyes>

  • <Shadow star>

  • StjarnagarmrStar Hunter Guard

  • Compatibility Rating

  • "Over-Excitation Total Response Phenomenon" (I still don't like it, but we work with what we have, not what we want.)



  1. Elnath, a.k.a. Beta Tauri
  2. A reference to the owl of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom.
  3. A reference to Shakespeare
  4. Senjutsu (仙術; English TV "Sage Jutsu"; Literally meaning "Sage Techniques") refers to a specialised field of techniques that allows the user to sense and then gather the natural energy (shizen enerugī) around a person
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taijutsu
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-light_district
  7. Referring to those next highest in rank and thus making good progress towards becoming one of the Top Twelve.
  8. Likely a reference to a Latin phrase from Ovid: "Saepe creat molles aspera spina rosas - Often the prickly thorn produces tender roses"
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anemone_coronaria
  10. Renzuru
  11. A reference to the Nemean lion
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