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The sign for 'ten shot down'.
The sign for 'ten shot down'.
Below, the technicians and base sentries had assembled and cheered at the sign. The witches of 1st Squadron, who had returned earlier, were also waiting nearby.
Tomoko landed to a roar of applause.
"You had those damn Neuroi running away with their tail between their legs!"
"That was amazing! Ten down in one sortie!"
"A double ace here at Kauhava!"
Tomoko waved at the troops cheering for her. As the cheers went on, F/L Mika Ahonen of 1st Squadron walked up to Tomoko's side, and suddenly hugged her.
"My apologies for ever callying you useless. Because of you, we were able to concentrate on attacking those bombers. You have my thanks."
Beaming with pride, Tomoko nodded.
Further away, another group watched the exulted crowd around Tomoko. It was F/O Elma, Haruka, and the others, who had contributed nothing to the battle. They watched Tomoko blankly, as the members of the base surrounded her.
"She told us not to do anything, so I just watched, but is that what I should've done?" Katharine said quietly.
"I wonder."
Haruka replied.
Beurling simply stood, scratching one cheek, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.
F/L Elma fidgeted about nervously, and began pacing back and forth.
"F/L Elma, what's the matter?"
"Oh, well... I want to say congratulations to P/O Anabuki, but I was wondering if I'd be getting in the way if I go now..."
"My, you really are such a thoughtful person," Katharine said.
As the Neuroi attacks were pushed back time and again by the stalwart mechanized air infantry squadrons, Kauhava AFB soon became a prime target for the enemy, with attacks coming every two or three days.
Numbers as high as the first day were rarely seen, and smaller bomber formations of about forty Neuroi flyers became the standard.
Each time the attacks came, the girls of Kauhava AFB would fly to meet the attack, and fend it off.

Revision as of 15:32, 12 July 2009

The next morning.

A cold mist swept through the early morning air...

Tomoko was sitting on a chair in the warehouse, her eyes closed, her expression set in a look of pure concentration. A Striker unit was already equipped to her legs.

Her Ki-27... Tomoko's long-time companion, ever since the Fuso Sea Incident.

The magic engine was already finished pre-heating and running hot. Tomoko sat stock-still on the folding chair, in her miko flight uniform, grasping her katana in one hand.

"Tomoko, you look just like a samurai, wow!"

Katharine said, seated on a similar chair not too far off, also waiting for orders to sortie. Nearby, F/O Elma, Haruka, Beurling, and Ursula sat waiting as well.

An aura of harsh determination radiated from Tomoko, giving her the air of a master swordsman from medieval Fuso.

She would strike at the merest touch, so great was this determination.

"I wonder if P/O Anabuki was serious about what she said yesterday?"

F/O Elma said in a lonely voice to the group.

"Probably... She doesn't seem like the type that would say one thing and do another...

Haruka answered.

Was Tomoko serious when she said she'd fight alone? It was a lonely thought. Haruka put her hand into her pocket, and grasped the object there.

If I use this... I might be able to help her.

But... Haruka shook her head.

She could never show anyone how she looked when using it.

Especially the person she respected... the person she admired.

The happiness of that one night. I want to see how it ends. But, if Tomoko were to see me with this, I just know that she will leave me forever. After all, it's unsightly...

If only I never got this... Haruka thought, and raised her head.

"What's wrong, Haruka?"

Katharine was looking at her with a worried expression.

"N-Nothing, ma'am!"

Haruka blushed, and at the same moment... Tomoko's shoulder twitched almost imperceptibly.

The siren was wailing.

The speaker hanging from the ceiling began broadcasting an announcement in Suomish and Britannian.

"Air raid alert. Air raid alert. A Neuroi bomber formation numbering over sixty is advancing on this base. Fighter squadrons will intercept."

Tomoko sprang into action immediately, nearly charging out of the room.

Katharine, Beurling, and Ursula all stood and left the room as well. F/O lightly slapped her own cheeks nervously, and followed after them.

Haruka left the building and onto the airfield as well. She fired up the Sakae-1-1 magic engine to maximum, and began rising into the air.

The battlefile widened before her eyes.

It was the same sky she always flew in, nothing she could see had changed at all... and yet, something about it all was different.

Tomoko was the first off the runway.

Soon after, her Striker revved to max, and she shot into the sky.

The Ki-27, despite being an old model, lifted Tomoko into the air easily. Tomoko glanced behind her, and saw Mika Ahonen's 1st Squadron begin taking off one after the other. Even if her name was "aho", the precision of their movements left little doubt of her leadership. Guess she wasn't just being dramatic when she saved me yesterday.

The Messerscharf Strikers lived up to their reputation as some of Karlsland's best engineering, climbing into the air powerfully.

In just moments, the lead Witches of 1st Squadron had caught up to Tomoko, passing her steadily. There was a remarkable difference in engine power between the two Strikers.

"Excuse me for going on ahead."

Mika Ahonen's voice came over the radio.

Tomoko rolled her wings slightly from side to side in acknowledgment.

F/L Häkkinen's voice came from the radio next.

"The enemy formation is currently at point A-4, altitude 4000 meters, and remains on course. ETI six minutes at maximum speed."

Tomoko maintained her pace, flying behind Mika Ahonen and 1st Squadron. As the monotonous flight towards the intercept continued, Elma, then Katharine and the rest of the squadron caught up at last.

However, perhaps in respect of Tomoko's wishes, they kept a constant distance away from her.

Tomoko noticed, but ignored the rest of the squadron as just another feature of the landscape.

She concentrated on the advancing enemy instead.

She glanced at her altimeter-watch. Just over 4000 meters. Maintaining that altitude, and five minutes of routine flying later, she saw small dots far off in the distance.

One, two, three...


More and more dots appeared in the sky.

Tomoko watched as 1st squadron climbed higher. Heading into their blind spot... they were most likely going to dive in from above to break up the enemy formation as an opening attack. It was the best way to deal with an enemy when outnumbered.

However, Tomoko continued with her head-on flight, fearless of the enemy's superior numbers. Her Ki-27's speed and diving ability was not well suited to the boom and zoom tactics the Messerscharfs were capable of.

Tomoko, and the Ki-27, had another way to fight.

The distance to the enemy formation closed steadily.

Tomoko's pulse raced.

As the distance closed, the silhouette of the enemy formation sharpened.

The Neuroi looked far more cruder than the elegant form of the mechanized air infantry Witches. Even if both sides flew in the air, their outward appearance was completely different.

The small, squat spots were Ralloses, the same class of flyers that strafed the car Tomoko was driving the previous day. They numbered over thirty.

As for the long and narrow ones below them... medium Kefalas bombers. The same ones that bombed Slussen. Again, over thirty. In total, that made for over sixty in the formation. So far, the report was accurate.

Facing off against them, their own forces consisted of the twelve Witches of 1st Squadron, and the six from the Suomus Independent Volunteer Air Squadron. Eighteen Witches in all. They were at a disadvantage... but it wasn't hopeless.

Tomoko noticed 1st Squadron begin their attack. Having used the clouds as cover to great effect, Tomoko watched as they entered a steep dive into into the unprepared enemy formation.

"Not bad," she said to herself.

The Neuroi bomber formation and 1st Squadron met.

Boom! Babaam! Explosive shells from the 20mm cannons on the Messerscharfs rained down on the Neuroi from above. Several of the shells hit their targets, which burst into flames and began falling.

Nearly all of the ones that went down were Kefalas bombers.

Completely ignoring the escorting Rallos fighters, 1st Squadron's main target were the Kefalases. In terms of overall strategy, it was the best thing to do in the situation.

The enemy formation was scattered and in disarray from the surprise attack. Tomoko headed directly into the midst of the fighting, and started her own attack.

Tomoko maneuvered onto the tail of a flight of four Raloses banking towards the Messerscharfs. The Neuroi tactics were simple, and they single-mindedly followed the Messerscharfs. Tomoko moved into position undetected.

"Those Messers have a speed advantage... Those Neuroi would never catch up to them anyway."

Tomoko swung the 7.7 mm machine gun on her back into her hands. She pulled the cocking lever, loading the first round into the chamber. Ahead of her, the enemy weaved back and forth hopelessly after the quicker 1st Squadron, losing what little airspeed they had.

Tomoko adroitly placed her sights over the first Rallos, and pulled the trigger.

Tatatatan! The gun rattled against her shoulder, as a stream of 7.7 mm rounds pounded into the stabilizing tailplane of the Rallos. The elevator on the stabilizer shuddered and broke, flying off into the wind. That Rallos tipped forward, and began drifting to the ground below. The 7.7 mm was weak, but it had no problems destroying the weak spots on the delicate equipment.

The Ki-27 moved like another part of Tomoko's body, pointing her directly at the next Rallos.

With a deft twist of her body, Tomoko took aim at the engine of the moving Rallos.

One burst.

Fragments splintered off of the nose of the Rallos. As smoke started pouring from the hole, that Rallos went down in an uncontrolled dive.

At last, the remaining two Ralloses began evasive maneuvers.

However, nothing in the world could escape from a Ki-27 hard on their tail.

Tomoko wiped out the remaining two Neuroi at nearly the same time.

As she turned towards her next target, she saw the Messerscharfs gaining altitude for another attack.

Thanks to Tomoko, they now had a chance to climb, unmolested by the enemy fighters.

Below them, the Kefalas formation was still flying in an unwavering line. The Suomish Witches most probably planning on swooping down on them again soon.

Tomoko turned her head towards her radio, and shouted.

"Flight Lieutenant Ahonen! Don't mind the Ralloses, I'll handle them!"

"Ah, thank you," Ahonen replied, in a slightly flustered manner.

"Now we're even for yesterday."

Tomoko glanced behind herself quickly, and spied six new Ralloses heading towards her.

After appearing out of nowhere and shooting down four Ralloses in no seconds, Tomoko supposed that the Neuroi found her to be a greater threat than the Messerscharfs.

"Truly an honor."

With a slight smile on her face, Tomoko dove away from the bombers. Her plan was to pull as many of the Ralloses away from 1st squadron as possible.

At that moment, F/O Elma's voice came in over the radio.

"P/O Anabuki! Are you alright!? Wh-whao, you've got six of them on your tail!"

Haruka chimed in.

"W-We're coming into range now! Just hold on for a bit longer, ma'am!"

Tomoko shouted in reply.

"Stay away! I'll be fine! Just go and get those other Ralloses away from 1st Squadron any way you can! You don't need to help me!"


With six fighters hot on her tail, Tomoko pulled hard into a sharp inward turn. The six fighters behind her attempted to copy the exacting maneuver.

As a result, the six Ralloses lost speed rapidly, barely gliding along at their stall speed.

Tomoko fired her machine gun, aiming at the weak spots on the engines. One by one, the Ralloses were hit and fell.

Level dogfighting... The specialty of the Ki-27, and it showed as the fight continued.

However, after the third Rallos spun out of control and went down, the machine gun went dry. Slinging the empty gun behind her back, Tomoko swiftly drew her katana from its sheath. The Hizen Osafune glowed bright as Tomoko's magic power was absorbed into the blade.

Tomoko adroitly cut through the wings of the last three enemies on her tail, as calmly as if she testing a cut on a target post.

Off balance, the three Ralloses fell to the ground in an arc, spinning in tight circles.

Tomoko checked on 1st Squadron's progress with the Kefalas formation. The Witches were launching a steady stream of attacks on the bombers. Thanks to Tomoko bringing down the number of Ralloses, 1st Squadron was able to attack with impunity. Without the support of the fighters, the bombers were nothing more than simple targets.

Boom, boom! Another Kefalas exploded in flames, and fell to the ground.

As Tomoko watched, the heavily damaged Kefalases that were still in the air dropped several large objects from their underbelly.


The only thing below them was miles of snow-filled forests.

As soon as the last bombs fell, the Kefalases began banking away.

F/L Häkkinen's came in over the intercom.

"All mechanized air infantry witches, good work. The enemy has abandoned the bombing run. The interception was a success."

Once the interception squadrons were within visual distance to Kauhava Air Force Base, Tomoko did ten loop-the-loops.

The sign for 'ten shot down'.

Below, the technicians and base sentries had assembled and cheered at the sign. The witches of 1st Squadron, who had returned earlier, were also waiting nearby.

Tomoko landed to a roar of applause.

"You had those damn Neuroi running away with their tail between their legs!"

"That was amazing! Ten down in one sortie!"

"A double ace here at Kauhava!"

Tomoko waved at the troops cheering for her. As the cheers went on, F/L Mika Ahonen of 1st Squadron walked up to Tomoko's side, and suddenly hugged her.

"My apologies for ever callying you useless. Because of you, we were able to concentrate on attacking those bombers. You have my thanks."

Beaming with pride, Tomoko nodded.

Further away, another group watched the exulted crowd around Tomoko. It was F/O Elma, Haruka, and the others, who had contributed nothing to the battle. They watched Tomoko blankly, as the members of the base surrounded her.

"She told us not to do anything, so I just watched, but is that what I should've done?" Katharine said quietly.

"I wonder."

Haruka replied.

Beurling simply stood, scratching one cheek, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.

F/L Elma fidgeted about nervously, and began pacing back and forth.

"F/L Elma, what's the matter?"

"Oh, well... I want to say congratulations to P/O Anabuki, but I was wondering if I'd be getting in the way if I go now..."

"My, you really are such a thoughtful person," Katharine said.

As the Neuroi attacks were pushed back time and again by the stalwart mechanized air infantry squadrons, Kauhava AFB soon became a prime target for the enemy, with attacks coming every two or three days.

Numbers as high as the first day were rarely seen, and smaller bomber formations of about forty Neuroi flyers became the standard.

Each time the attacks came, the girls of Kauhava AFB would fly to meet the attack, and fend it off.