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===Rozdział Piąty: Odpoczynek przed podróżą===
===Rozdział Piąty: Odpoczynek przed podróżą===
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Zmęczeni po całym dniu jazdy, zdecydowali zatrzymać się w najbardziej wyrafinowanym hotelu w mieście La Rochelle, w Twierdzy Bogów. Było to bardzo luksusowe miejsce stworzone specjalnie dla szlachty. Stoły i podłogi były zrobione z tego samego materiału. Podłogi były bardzo czyste. Tak czyste, że patrząc na nie można było ujrzeć własne odbicie. Wardes i Louise wrócili z mola. Kiedy Wardes usiadł i powiedział niepewnie: <br />
-Statek do Albionu wyrusza za dwa dni. <br />
-Ta misja jest bardzo niebezpieczna...- powiedziała Louise. <br />
Saito i reszta mogli wreszcie się zrelaksować, wiedząc, że jutro również będą odpoczywać. <br />
-Nigdy nie byłam w Albionie więc nie wiem, dlaczego nie ma jutro żadnego statku. <br />
Wardes spojrzał na Kirche i zapytał ją: <br />
-Czy księżyce nakładają się na siebie jutro? Jeżeli tak, Albion będzie najbliżej La Rochelle. <br />
Wyczerpany Saito zastanawiał się, jaki związek mają przypływy i odpływy. Przypływy i odpływy były regulowane przez księżyc. Wardes położył klucze na stole. <br />
-Udajmy się na spoczynek, weźcie te klucze. Tabitha i Kirche zajmą jeden pokój, Guiche i Saito drugie.- Guiche i Saito spojrzeli na siebie. Wardes kontynuował- Ja i Louise weźmiemy wspólny pokój. <br />
Saito poczuł jakieś szarpnięcie w sercu. Spojrzał na Wardesa. <br />
-To jest oczywista aranżacja jako, że jestem zaręczony z Louise. <br />
Louise spojrzała zszokowana na Wardese i powiedziała: <br />
-A-ale nie możemy! Nie jesteśmy jeszcze małżeństwem. <br />
Saito skinął energicznie. <br />
-To prawda nie powinnaś z nim spać. <br />
Ale Wardes pochylił głowę i powiedział Louise. <br />
-Jest coś o czym muszę ci powiedzieć. <br />
Wardes i Louise zatrzymali się w najlepszym pokoju w hotelu. Zastanawiali się kto zaprojektował ten pokój. Było tam ogromne łóżko z baldachimem z delikatną koronką na brzegach. Wardes usiadł przed stołem, otworzył butelkę z winem i nalał sobie do kielicha. Usiadł i powiedział. <br />
-Dlaczego nie usiądziesz i nie nalejesz sobie do kielicha, Louise? <br />
Louise usiadła. Nalał Louise i uzupełnił swój kielich. Wtedy podniósł kielich i powiedział „Zdrowie!” Louise jednak opuściła kielich i skłoniła głowę. Wardes zapytał: <br />
-Czy list jest bezpieczny? <br />
Louise poklepała jej kieszeń upewniając się, że nadal tam jest. <br />
-Podejrzewam, dlaczego ten list jest tak ważny. Co jest w tym liście? Czy książę posiada list? Myślę, że zorientowaliśmy się o co mniej więcej chodzi. Będąc jej przyjacielem z dzieciństwa, wiem jak pisała swoje listy.- Wardes spojrzał na Louise z zamyśleniem. Wtedy Louise skinęła i powiedziała- List jest nadal bezpieczny. Boisz się, że możemy nie dostać pozwolenia na zabranie listu księciu Albionu? <br />
-Tak, jestem bardzo zaniepokojony.- odpowiedział Wardes. <br />
Louise podniosła brwi i powiedziała: <br />
-Nie martw się. Będzie dobrze, ponieważ zawsze będę przy tobie. <br />
-Masz rację. Jeżeli ty jesteś tutaj, obędzie się bez problemów. Zawsze tak się kończy.- Wardes brzmiał bardzo odlegle mówiąc to. <br />
-Czy nadal pamiętasz naszą obietnicę z pewnego dnia, złożoną na środku jeziora?-Zapytała Louise. Wardes skinął głową. <br />
-W małej łódce która dryfowała na środku jeziora? Zawsze tam się chowałaś, gdy rodzice na ciebie nakrzyczeli. Byłaś zaginionym kotkiem. <br />
-Naprawdę? Pamiętasz najdziwniejsze rzeczy. <br />
Wardes odpowiedział wesoło: <br />
-Oczywiście, że pamiętam o takich rzeczach. Zawsze byłaś porównywana do twoich sióstr w mocy magiczne. <br />
Louise opuściła głowę, zakłopotała się. Wardes powiedział. <br />
-Ale myślę, że to był błąd. Jesteś bezwartościową i zaniechaną, ale... <br />
-Jesteś wredny- powiedziała Louise rozzłoszczona. <br />
-Masz niesamowitą moc, której nie ma nikt inny. Wiem to, ponieważ jestem innym rodzajem maga- Dokończył Wardes ignorując słowa Louise. <br />
-To niemożliwe. <br />
Wardes odpowiedział:<br />
-Ale prawdopodobne. Na przykład kiedy używasz swojej magii... <br />
Twarz Louise poczerwieniała i powiedziała: <br />
-Przypadek z Saito? <br />
-Tak. Kiedy podniósł broń, jego runa na lewej ręce zaczęła świecić. Te runy są legendarne. <br />
-Legendarne? <br />
-Tak, te runy należą do legendarnego towarzysza Gandálfra. Jednego z chowańców należących do Brimira Założyciela- oczy Wardesa świeciły z podziwem. <br />
-Gandálfr? - zapytała Louise. <br />
-Nikt inny nie może kontrolować Gandálfra. Masz moc mogącą go kontrolować. <br />
-To nie do wiary.- Louise przechyliła głowę i pomyślała, że Wardes żartuje. Louise pokręciła głową, myśląc, że Wardes robi sobie jaja. To prawda, prędkość Saito wzrasta, kiedy trzyma w ręku broń i staje się ekstremalnie silny, ale powiedzieć, że jest legendarny, jest niemożliwe. Jeżeli tak jest, wtedy coś jest nie tak. ''Pomimo wszystko jestem „Louise Zero”Zawsze się mylę, nie ma mowy wspominać o tym Wardesowi'' <br />
-Możesz zostać wielkim magiem. Tak, podobnym do Brimira Założyciela. I zapisać się w dziejach historii magów jako ktoś wielki. W to wierzę.- Warde spojrzał ciepło na Louise- Po tej misji, wyjdź za mnie Louise. <br />
-Ah...- nagła propozycja małżeństwa pozostawiła Louise oniemiałą.
-Nie jestem usatysfakcjonowany, będąc tylko kapitanem Magicznych Rycerzy... Chcę zostać szlachcicem którego znać będzie cała Halekginia. <br />
-A-ale... <br />
-Ale co? <br />
-Ja... ja jestem nadal... nadal... <br />
-Nie jesteś już dzieckiem. Masz 16 lat. Osiągnęłaś wiek, kiedy sama możesz podejmować decyzje. Twój ojciec się zgodził. Więc... - Wardes nagle się zatrzymał. Spojrzał w górę i przyłożył twarz bliżej twarzy Louise.- To prawda, nigdy cię nie szukałem i za to przepraszam. Małżeństwo nie jest czymś, oczy można łatwo mówić. Ale Louise, dla mnie jest to najważniejsze. <br />
-Wardes...- Louise myślała o tym. Dlaczego Saito pojawiał się w jej myślach. Po wyjściu za mąż za Wardesa, będzie musiała porzucić Saito jako chowańca?''Nie wiem dlaczego, ale wiąż myślę, że to błąd. Jeżeli byłby to kruk albo wrona, to nie powinno być problemem. Jeżeli ktoś nie zaopiekuję się tym idiotą z innego świata, co się z nim stanie? Kirche albo... Saito nie wiedział, że Louise wie o pokojówce z którą często spotyka się w kuchni. Czy one się nim zaopiekują? Nie rozumiem dlaczego, ale to jest ekstremalnie przykre. '' Myślała Louise. Taka mała dziewczyna chciała mieć na własność Saito. ''Jednakże Saito jest idiotą i często przez niego się wściekam, ale nie chcę, żeby był własnością kogo innego. On jest mój. <br />
Louise podniosła głowę.<br />
-Nadal... nadal...<br />
-Nadal?<br />
-To jest... Chodzi mi o to, że nie jestem wystarczająco dobrym magiem. Muszę się nadal uczyć... <br />
Louise opuściła głowę, i mruknęła. <br />
-Warde, kiedy byłam mała, zawsze myślałam, że pewnego dnia, muszę wszystkich przekonać, że stałam się doskonałym magiem, tak aby rodzice byli ze mnie dumni. <br />
Louise podniosła głowę i spojrzała na starszego mężczyznę. <br />
-Ja, ja nadal nie mogę ci odpowiedzieć. <br />
-Jest tak ponieważ ktoś skradł ci serce? <br />
-Nic z tych rzeczy, nie ma mowy, aby coś takiego się stało- zaprzeczyła spanikowana Louise <br />
-To nie ważne. Rozumiem, rozumiem. Nie pragnę abyś teraz mi odpowiedziała. Ale zanim nasza podróż się zakończy, twoje serce znowu będzie należało do mnie. <br />
Louise skinęła w odpowiedzi. <br />
-W tym wypadku, chodźmy do łóżka. Jesteś zmęczona, prawda? <br />
Nagle Wardes podszedł bliżej do Louise, chcąc ją pocałować. Natychmiast jej ciało zesztywniało. Wtedy odepchnęła Wardesa. <br />
-Louise? <br />
-Przepraszam. Ale, rzeczy tego typu... to... <br />
Louise spojrzała na Wardesa dumnie. Uśmiechnął się gorzko i pokręcił głową. <br />
-Nie śpieszy mi się. <br />
Louise ponownie opuściła swoją głowę. ''Dlaczego, kiedy pomyślę, jaki Wardes jest łagodny, przystojny i silny, nawet jeżeli nie widziałam się z nim przez tyle czasu... Jeszcze, nie jestem szczęśliwa z powodu oświadczyn.'' Ktoś inny ukradł jej serce. Ale Louise odmawiania sobie myślenia o tym który jej to serce skradł. <br /> <br />
Na zewnątrz okna, Saito położył ręce na barierce, desperacko patrząc w okno pokoju Louise i Wardesa. Trzymając Derflingera w jego lewej ręce, czuł, że jego ciało jest lekkie niczym piórko, pozwalając obserwować wszystko wewnątrz pokoju. Zerkając przez zasłony, Saito zobaczył dwie osoby siedzące przy stole. '' O czym rozmawiają?'' Kiedy twarz Wardesa zbliżala się do twarzy Louise, Saito zagryzał wargi. Kiedy nadeszła próba pocałunku, chłopak przestał oddychać. Ale odkąd Louise nie pozwoliła na pocałunek, Saito nadal nie chciał zacząć oddychać. '' Ah, znowu są blisko, to *****, ah, więc lubicie takie rzeczy '' mruczał Saito. Derflinger cicho mruknął. <br />
-Jak haniebnie. <br />
-Zamknij się <br />
-Mój partner wygląda jak zielona gąsienica w oknie, podglądając dziewczynę której się podobasz i jej wesołej rozmowy z kochankiem. To jest bardzo haniebne i boli. Aż chcę mi się płakać. <br />
-Nie podobam się jej. Co jest takiego dobrego w tym rodzaju dziewczyn? Wybuchowy charakter, traktuje mnie jak psa, pokręcona osobowość.- Saito zacisnął zęby. <br />
-Więc dlaczego podglądasz? <br />
-Jestem tylko zmartwiony, to wszystko.- po tych słowach coś spadło na Saito z góry. <br />
Coś wylądowało na ramionach Saita, zasłaniając jego twarz i przerywając wizję. <br />
-C-co? <br />
-Co ty tutaj robisz? Chciałeś sobie pospacerować po murze? Rany, zawsze mnie znajdujesz.- powiedziała Kirche która wylądowała na jego ramionach, a nasz bohater został zasłonięty przez jej spódniczkę mini. <br />
-Hej, złaś ze mnie! - odpowiedział Saito wyciągając głowę spod spódniczki. <br />
-Dlaczego? Czy to nie jest przyjemne? Hej, na co się tak patrzysz?- Kirche rzuciła jedno spojrzenie w stronę okna, odwróciła się w stronę Saito i objęła go. <br />
-Nie, nie przeszkadzaj nowemu małżeństwu, nie powinniśmy im przeszkadzać. <br />
-To jest to o czym myślę. Cicha randka na murze jest romantyczna. Zobacz jak pięknie wyglądają światła miasta. Czy to nie jest doping dla nas? <br />
-Na początku ze mnie zejdź. <br />
Saito próbował ją z siebie zdjąć, ale nagle otworzyło się okno. Saito zamarł w miejscu i wpatrywał się w mur jak karaluch. Jedno spojrzenie wystarczyło, aby zobaczyć Louise z ręką zasłaniającą swoje usta. Ale, jej miłosna twarz zmieniała się w demoniczną maskę. Patrzyła się na Kirche i Saito. <br />
Saito trzymając miecz w jednej ręce miecz, drugą ściskał ramę okna. W tym samym czasie, z jej nogami zaciśniętymi dookoła jego ramion, przylgnęła mocniej do niego, uzyskując dziwny wygląd. Nawet bez pytania wyglądało to podejrzanie, ale również niesamowicie. <br />
-Nie możesz tego zrozumieć po tym co zobaczyłaś? To jest randka. <br />
Saito próbował coś powiedzieć, ale jego usta zasłonięte przez rękę Kirche. Jego spojrzenie było pełne zaskoczenia. Ramiona Louise zaczęły drgać w furii. <br />
-Id, id, id, id, idźcie romansować gdzie indziej. Ty, ty, ty, ty, ty zabłąkany psie! <br />
-Ale mój ukochany chcę mieć randkę tutaj.- odpowiedziała tryumfalnie Kirche. <br />
W tym momencie Louise machnęła nogą chcąc kopnąć Kirche, ale on schyliła się i zaczęła się wspinać po murze. Więc Louise kopnęła twarz Saito, wysyłając w powietrze. Na szczęście Saito miał w ręku miecz, wbił go w ścianę i zatrzymał. Wtedy wykrzyknął: <br />
-Ktoś taki jak ty, kto nie rozumie życzliwości zasługuje na ŚMIERĆ! <br />
Wardes siedział w pokoju i patrzy na tą scenę ze śmiechem. <br />
Następnego dnia, Saito obudził się, gdy ktoś zapukał do drzwi. Guiche nadal głośno chrapał w łóżku obok niego. Saito nie miał wyboru, musiał wstać i otworzyć drzwi. ''Nie ma dzisiaj statku. Mam ochotę spędzić ten dzień na spaniu, rany'' pomyślał Saito ze złością kiedy otwierał drzwi. Wardes ze swoim codziennym kapeluszem spojrzał na dół na Saito, który był od niego wyższy o głowę i pół szyi. <br />
-Dzień dobry, towarzyszu.- Narzeczony Louise mówiący do niego w ten sposób powodował złość Saito. Saito odpowiedział:<br />
-Dzień dobry, ale wyjazd jest dopiero jutro, prawda? Masz coś ważnego do powiedzenia tego ranka? Jechaliśmy wczoraj cały dzień na koniach i nadal chcę się położyć spać. <br />
Wardes uśmiechnął się tylko niewyraźnie. <br />
-Jesteś legendarnym Gandálfrem? <br />
-AH- odpowiedział Saito oszołomiony. Wardes próbował coś wyjaśnić, więc skłonił głowę i powiedział: <br />
-Ten przypadek z Fouquet. Gdy o tym usłyszałem, bardzo się tobą zainteresowałem. Kiedy wcześniej zapytałem Louise, usłyszałem, że jesteś legendarnym Gandálfrem a na dodatek pochodzisz z innego świata. <br />
-Ha.- ''Kto powiedział mu o Gandálfrie? Old Osman nie powinien o tym mówić.'' myślał Saito. <br />
-Znalazłem historię która bardzo mnie zainteresowała. Kiedy Fouquet została złapana, jeszcze bardziej się tobą zainteresowałem. Wtedy zacząłem poszukiwania w Bibliotece Imperialnej. Rezultatem moich badań było odkrycie, że jesteś legendarnym Gandálfrem. <br />
-Oh rozumiem. Jesteś bardzo mądry. <br />
-Chciałbym wiedzieć, jak silna jest osoba która pojmała Fouquet. Czy możesz mi to pokazać? <br />
-Pokazać co? <br />
Wardes opuścił kapelusz. <br />
-Pozwól mi się o tym przekonać. <br />
-Pojedynek? - zapytał Saito z chłodnym uśmiechem. <br />
-Dokładnie – Saito i Wardes uśmiechnęli się. Spoglądając na nadal śpiącego Guiche, Saito pomyślał. ''Nie jestem pewny, co do sił Wardesa. Ale pokonałem Guiche i złapałem Fouqut. On jest kapitanem Magicznych Rycerzy i wygląda na dosyć silnego. Ale nie mogę się poddać. Pokażę narzeczonemu Louise do czego jestem zdolny.'' <br />
-Gdzie chcesz, aby odbył się pojedynek? <br />
-Ten hotel był używany jak warownia w razie inwazji Albiończyków. W centrum znajduje się plac. <br />
Następnie przeszli na plac. Starożytne klepisko było teraz ruiną i miejscem gdzie składowane były puste beczki po piwie. Wszędzie rozrzucone były kratownice. Trudno było uwierzyć, że dawno temu magowie z tego miejsca zbudowali to miasto. <br />
-Dawniej, pewno tego nie wiesz, za panowania króla Filipa III, to miejsce często było używane jako miejsce walk pomiędzy szlachtą. <br />
-Ha ha. - Saito zaczął wyciągać Derflingera spoczywającego dotąd na jego ramieniu. Jego runa zaczęła promieniować światłem. <br />
-Dawno temu, kiedy król nadal posiadał moc nad pojedynkami, Szlashta za czasów króla... to był czas kiedy Szlachta była szlachtą. Ryzykowali życiem dla sławy i honoru, więc walczyli. Ale oczywiście, czasami walczyli z innego powodu. Walczyli z powodu kobiety. <br />
Nagle twarz Saito spoważniała, wyciągnął miecz. Ale Wardes powstrzymał go lewą ręką. <br />
-Co? <br />
-Główną zasadą pojedynków, jest to, że potrzebujemy świadków. <br />
-Świadków? <br />
-Uspokój się. Jeden nadchodzi- odpowiedział Wardes. Zza zakrętu wyszła Louise. Była oniemiała, kiedy ich zobaczyła. <br />
-Wardes, zawołałeś mnie, więc przyszłam. Co wy zamierzacie zrobić? <br />
-Zamierzamy przeprowadzić mały test umiejętności. <br />
-Proszę, przestańcie z tymi nonsensami. Teraz nie ma czasu na takie wygłupy. <br />
-Masz rację. Ale gdy szlachta się nudzi pragnie pojedynków. A on naprawdę chcę sprawdzić jak silny jestem. <br />
Louise spojrzała na swojego chowańca. <br />
-Przestań. To jest rozkaz. <br />
Saito nie odpowiedział. Tylko spojrzał na Wardesa. <br />
-Co? Naprawdę? <br />
-Odkąd jest tutaj świadek, możemy zaczynać. <br />
Wardes wyciągnął swoją różdżkę, przyjął pozycje bojową z różdżką wycelowaną w Saito. Saito odpowiedział: <br />
-Nie jestem tak niezawodny, więc nie wiem czy mam zaatakować lekko czy mocno? <br />
Wardes odrzekł z śmiechem: <br />
-Nie ma problemu, wal wszystkim co masz. <br />
Saito dobył miecza i ruszył w stronę Wardesa z cięciem. Magiczny Rycerz zablokował ten atak różdżką. Obydwie bronie szczęknęły jak stal o stal, rozsypując iskry dookoła. Kiedy broń Wardesa była tylko małą różdżką, lecz zablokowała cios pochodzący z dużego miecza Saitta bez wysiłku. Można było myśleć, że Wardes się wycofa do tyłu, ale nikt się nie spodziewał, że dwa podmuchy wiatru silnego jak huragan zwiększą prędkość Wardesa, który spróbuje zaatakować Saito. Japoński chłopak użył wielkiej siły w atak, co spowodowało, że peleryna Wardesa zaczęła łopotać na wietrze. Kapitan w odwecie cofnął się do tyłu. ''Dlaczego on nie używa magii? '' myślał Saito. Derfingler mruknął: <br />
-On patrzy się na ciebie z góry. <br />
Saito zapłonął furią. ''Wardes ten drań, jest tak samo szybki jak ja, gdy używam mojej runy''. Saito mógł wymieniać różnice pomiędzy Wardesem a Guichem. <br />
-Magiczni Rycerze to nie osoby, które używają tylko magii.- powiedział Wardes z palcem na kapeluszu- Sposób rzucania zaklęć jest w pełni dostosowany do walki. Sposób w jaki trzymamy różdżki jest dostosowany do zmiany ich w miecz. A to wszystko dopełniamy magią. To jest podstawa bycia żołnierzem. <br />
Saito nieznacznie schylił się i zaczął kręcić mieczem tworząc wiatr. Wardes najwyraźniej zrozumiał sposób ataku Saito. Zaczął blokować ataki bez oddychania. <br />
-Jesteś naprawdę szybki; nikt nie może zaprzeczyć przyzywającemu, że naprawdę jesteś legendarnym chowańcem.- Blokując atak Saito, Wardes użył swojej różdżki i zamachnął się uderzając Saita w głowę. Z głową i nosem w płomieniach, Japoński chłopak zwalił się ziemię z łomotem.- Ale jesteś tylko szybki. Twoje ruchy są jak u amatora. Nie dasz rady pokonać prawdziwego maga.- Saito ruszył na Wardesa jak byk i zaczął kolejną szarżę. Jednakże Wardes cofnął się o krok, skoczył i po raz kolejny zwalił na ziemię Saito, tym razem używając magii.- Innymi słowy, nie jesteś w stanie ochronić Louise. <br />
Tym razem Wardes rozpoczął atak, z prędkością niemożliwą dla osiągnięcia dla zwykłego człowieka. Gdy tylko Saito zrozumiał o co chodzi, otrzymał potężny atak. <br />
-Dell yill soll la windy- Wardes zainkatował zaklęcie ze spokojem. Saito próbował zablokować ten atak jak dotychczasowo. <br />
-Partnerze! Złe wieści! Magia nadchodzi!- powiedział Deflinger przerażony, gdy Wardes skończył inkantację zaklęcia. <br />
BUM! <br />
Nagle, wiatr utworzył niewidoczną siłę, która zmiotła Saito dobre 10 metrów w beczki po piwie, krusząc je. Kiedy Saito wylądował wypuścił miecz. Kiedy próbował go sięgnąć, Wardes stanął na nim i uderzył go różdżką. Derflinger powiedział: <br />
-Zabieraj ze mnie stopę- ale Wardes nie zareagował i powiedział.- Wiesz już kto jest zwycięzcą a kto przegranym? <br />
Saito spróbował, ale ból odebrał mu możliwość ruchu. Wtedy chłopak zobaczył, jak krew spływa mu po głowie. <br />
Louise podeszła do Saita ze strachem. <br />
-Rozumiesz Louise? On nie może cię obronić.- powiedział Wardes spokojnie. <br />
-Ponieważ... czy nie jesteś dowódcą Magicznych Rycerzy? Sekretnej grupy broniącej księżniczkę? Czy to nie naturalne, że jesteś silny? <br />
-To prawda, ale czy nie ruszasz do Albionu i prawdopodobne do walki? Kiedy zostaniesz otoczona przez silnych wrogów, planujesz powiedzieć im, że jesteśmy słabi, zostawcie nas w spokoju? <br />
Louise zamilkła i spojrzała na Saita ze strachem. Z jego głowy płynęła coraz to nowsza krew. Mała dziewczyna wyciągnęła chusteczkę w panice, ale Wardes zatrzymał ją. <br />
-Zostaw go, Louise.- I chwycił ją za rękę. <br />
-Ale... <br />
-Zostawmy go na razie. <br />
Louise niepewnie zagryzła wargi na moment, pozwoliła się pociągnąć z Wardesem. Saito został sam. Na kolanach, nie mogąc się poruszać. <br />
-Totalnia porażka. - zażartował Derflinger. <br />
Saito nie odpowiedział. Przegrywając walkę, uczynił Louise bardzo smutną. <br />
-Ale ten szlachcic był bardzo silny. Nie martw się tym partnerze, ten chłopak ma wielkie umiejętności. Może być nawet magiem klasy Kwadratu. Nawet jeżeli przegrałeś, to nie jest hańbiące. <br />
Nawet jeżeli to była prawda, Saito nie odpowiedział.
-Przegrana przed dziewczyną jest z pewnością podłym wydarzeniem. Ale nie wyglądaj na takiego załamanego, albo i ja zacznę płakać.... Hej, pamiętam coś, co to było? To wydarzyło się bardzo dawno temu... Ej! Czekaj!- Saito schował Derflingera do pochwy, który zamilkł. Otrzepując spodnie, chłopak zaczął stawiać ciężkie kroki. Tej nocy Saito patrzył na księżyc stojąc na balkonie. Guiche i jego towarzysze pili w barze na pierwszym piętrze. Następnego dnia mieli wyruszyć do Albionu, więc dzisiaj świętowali. Kirche również poszła na zaproszenia, ale on odmówił. Nasz bohater był załamany. Widocznie drużyna miała opuścić Tristain w dniu pełni księżyców; był to dzień, kiedy Albion był najbliżej kontynentu. Saito spojrzał na górę patrząc na morze gwiazd. Różowy księżyc skrywał się za białym. Tworzyło to jeden dwukolorowy księżyc. Księżyc przypominał mu o domu, o księżycu Ziemi. Załamany Saito nigdy nie przestawał mruczeć, że chcę wrócić do domu. Bez zrobienia tego, wielkie łzy wypływały z oczu Saito. Łzy spływały po policzkach i spadały na ziemię. Chłopiec nie przestwał płakać patrząc na księżyce. Wtedy usłyszał głos za plecami. <br />
-Saito.- z tyłu stała Louise ze skrzyżowanymi ramionami.- z powodu porażki nie powinieneś płakać. To jest nieodpowiednie. - W odpowiedzi chłopak otarł twarz, nie chcąc, aby Louise zobaczyła jego łzy. <br />
-Mylisz się?
-W czym się mylę. <br />
-Płaczę dlatego, że tęsknie za domem. Za Ziemią. Za Japonią. <br />
Louise opuściła głowę. <br />
-... Wiem, mój błąd.
-I do tego traktujesz mnie jak psa. <br />
-Mogę to robić, bo należę do szlachty. I jeżeli nie będę tego robić, zaczną się rozsiewać plotki. <br />
-Więc, jaki jest sposób, abym wrócił do mojego świata. Naprawdę nie chcę przebywać w tym świecie nigdy więcej.-mruknął Saito nieprzyjemnym tonem wypływającym prosto z jego serca. <br />
-...Co? Wiesz, że dla mnie również jesteś bardzo problematyczny. <br />
-Skoro tak mówisz, pomóż mi znaleźć drogę powrotu. Obiecaj mi, że znajdziesz sposób i odeślesz mnie do mojego oryginalnego świata. <br />
-Kiedy ta misja się skończy, znajdę sposób na wysłanie cię z powrotem do domu. <br />
-Naprawdę?<br />
Louise skinęła głową ze słodkim wyrazem twarzy i powiedziała: <br />
-Jestem szlachcicem. Nie kłamię. <br />
-Ale co się stanie, jeżeli nie znajdziesz drogi powrotnej? <br />
twarz Louise lekko poczerwieniała i odpowiedziała: <br />
-Jeżeli tak się stanie, zapytam cię o dalszą służbę. <br />
-Nawet jeżeli wyjedziesz za mąż? <br />
-Małżeństwo nie ma z tym nic wspólnego.- Louise spojrzała na Saito. On zaś skomentował to z lekkim sarkazmem. <br />
-Ok, ok. Osoba taka jak ty z tak straszną osobowością jest wielką szczęściarą. Wychodzisz za mąż za szlachcica który jest cudowny. <br />
Louise podniosła ramiona z cieniem złości. <br />
-Co? Czy Kirche nie jest w tobie zakochana? Ta idiotka się w tobie zakochała. Zapomnij o tym. Nie ma znaczenia, co zostanie powiedziane, obydwaj jesteście idiotami i możecie stworzyć parę. <br />
Spojrzeli w inne strony. Louise zamknęła oczy, uspokoiła się i powiedziała: <br />
W skrócie, gdy jesteś w Halkeginia, jesteś moim towarzyszem. Więc bez względu na to czy wyjdę za mąż czy nie, twoim zadaniem jest chronienie mnie i robienia prania. No i inne rzeczy. <br />
Saito spojrzał na Louise. Pod brzoskwiniowymi(różowymi) włosami, zielone oczy Louise płonęły w furii. Jej normalnie blada twarz, była również czerwona ze złości, a jej pomarszczone policzki wyglądały niesamowicie słodko. Na jej widok, serce Saito zaczęło bić jak szalone. Został okrzyczany przez Louise, ale nadal ona została piękna. ''Czy to może być prawda? Moje serce tak wali tylko dlatego, że jest tak ładna? Czuję, że to nie z tego powodu. Nie ważne jak ładna jest, jak słodka jest, kiedy słyszę tak bolesne słowa, moje serce nie powinno tak walić. '' Louise złożyła ręce. Czerwona Louise. Louise która się mną opiekowała. Louise która walczyła z golemem Fouquet ponieważ była przezywana zerem. Louise która sekretnie płakała, kiedy była przezywana zerem... Przypadkowo, Louise pokazała prawdziwą kombinację dziewczyny, czyli piękno, odwagę i dobroć. Saito zamyślił się głęboko. ''Więc dlaczego jest tak? '' Wreszcie zrozumiał dlaczego co noc patrzył w księżyc, a na dodatek nigdy nie myślał o domu. Ale teraz nie chciał poznać przyczyny. ''To naprawdę do bani. Dlaczego powinienem''- Saito nie mógł powstrzymać się od myślenia w ten sposób. Spontanicznie Saito zapytał: <br />
-Dlaczego po prostu nie pozostawisz Wardesowi chronienia ciebie? <br />
-Niesamowite. Nadal rozpaczasz po porażce z nim? <br />
Saito nie odpowiedział.<br />
-Jesteś MOIM CHOWAŃCEM, prawda? Z powodu twojej porażki staniesz się silny. Takie przegrane spojrzenie hańbi nazwisko la Vallière. <br />
Ale to nie była zwykła porażka. Przegrał na oczach Louise. Przegrał z narzeczonym Louise. Jak może pozostać silny? Saito zagryzł wargi i ze złością zamknął balkon. Louise powiedziała zezłoszczona: <br />
-Ok. Rozumiem. Jeżeli tego chcesz, pozostaw Wardesowi chronienie mnie. <br />
-Ok, może być- odpowiedział zjadliwie Saito. Louise jeszcze bardziej się zdenerwowała. <br />
-Wardes jest bardzo porządną osobą. On mnie nie martwi. Może nie powinnam mówić ci o tym. Ale ci powiem. Zdecydowałam. Wyjdę za mąż za Wardesa. <br />
Louise spojrzała na Saito. Ale on o to nie dbał, tylko milczał. ''Co?'' pomyślała Louise. <br />
-Zamierzam wyjść za mąż za Wardesa.- powtórzyła Louise. <br />
Ale Saito nic nie powiedział. Nadal milczał. Opuścił głowę we złości. Na początku Saito chciał coś powiedzieć, aby ją powstrzymać, ale w końcu nie pisnął ani słowa. ''Co? Czy nie chciałeś wejść do mojego łóżka?'' myślała Louise. Stała się jeszcze bardziej nieszczęśliwa, jako że jej duma ucierpiała. <b />
-Osoba taka jak ty powinna spędzić resztę życia patrząc się w księżyc!- krzyknęła Louise odchodząc. <br />
W tym momencie... <br />
-O RANY!- wrzasnął Saito. <br />
Louise obróciła się. Ku jej zaskoczeniu coś pojawiło się zasłaniając księżyc tak, że nie było nic widać. Pod cieniem księżycem pojawił się gigant. Jeżeli przyjrzałbyś się mu bliżej, olbrzymi cień zmienił się w golema z kamienia. A osoba nim kierująca stała się... <br />
-Fouquet!- krzyknęli jednocześnie Louise i Saito. Osoba siedząca na ramieniu golema odpowiedziała wesoło: <br />
-Jestem zaszczycona. Pamiętacie mnie. <br />
Miecz na ramieniu Saito zapytał: <br />
-Nie powinnaś być w więzieniu? <br />
Fouquet odkrzyknęła: <br />
-Ktoś miał wielkie serce. Piękność jak jak powinna być wolna dla dobra świata. Więc pomógł mi uciec. <br />
Było ciemno więc część ludzi nie miała jak tego zobaczyć, ale stała obok niej czarna figura w czarnej pelerynie szlachcica. Kim był ten człowiek który pomógł jej uciec. Szlachcic pomagał Fouquet w misji, ale pozostawał cichy. Ponieważ miał na sobie maskę, nikt nie mógł być tego pewny, ale prawdopodobne był to mężczyzna. <br />
-... więc jesteś osobą, która nie potrafi zająć się sobą. Co ty tutaj robisz?- Saito wywijał mieczem w lewej ręce. <br />
-Jestem tutaj, aby ci podziękować za długie wakacje, które mi dałeś. Jestem tutaj aby dać ci moje wyrazy uznania.- Fouquet zaniosła się śmiechem, kiedy golem zniszczył barierkę balkonu jednym uderzeniem. Barierka była zrobiona z solidnego kamienia, więc pokazywało to, że siła golema wzrosła znacznie. <br />
-To jest kamień, nie ziemia. Więc uspokój się! <br />
-Nikt nie będzie próbował być tutaj spokojnym! <br />
Saito chwycił za rękę Louise i zaczął uciekać z pokoju, zbiegając po schodach na dół. Chwilę potem pomieszczenie stało się gruzowiskiem. Nagle grupa żołnierzy przybyła zaatakować Wardesa i drużynę, która piła w barze. Guiche, Kirche, Tabitha i Wardes używali magii, aby ich przegonić. Jednakże, było tam zbyt wiele ludzi. Przybyło wielu żołnierzy z La Rochelle. Widać było, że przegrywają. Kirche złamała jedną z nóg stołu. Zdecydowała użyć go jako tarcza przeciwko nadchodzącym wrogom. Atakujący używali bitewnej magii. Kiedy walczyli, obserwowali styl i zasięg Kirche oraz jej sojuszników. Wtedy zaczęli używać łuków i strzał zamiast magii. Wojownicy ukryci w ciemnościach mieli przewagę na polu walki.
[[Image:ZnT02-147.jpg|thumb]] <br />
Jeżeli ktokolwiek wstał, aby zainkantować zaklęcie, w jego stronę wystrzeliwany był grad strzał. Saito schylił się, skrył się za stołem-tarczą Kirche, dając jej znać, że Fouquet ich zaatakowała. Jednak widoczna była ogromna nogi giganta, więc zdawali sobie z tego sprawę. Inni szlachcice i goście chowali się za ladą i drgali ze strachu. Otyły karczmarz wykrzyczał do żołnierzy:<br />
-Co robicie w mojej karczmie?! <br />
Jedna ze strzał przebiła jego ramię, zwalając go na ziemię. <br />
-To naprawdę problematyczne. - słysząc słowa Wardesa Kirchę skinęła głową. <br />
-Ta banda nie przybyła tutaj tylko z powodu niewielkiego rabunku. <br />
-Może Fouquet i Albiońska szlachta za tym stoi? <br />
Kirche podniosła swoją różdżkę i mruknęła: <br />
-...Ci chłopcy planują użyć naszej magii, aby nas wyczerpać. Wtedy przyjdą tutaj po pieniądze. Co możemy zrobić? <br />
-Moje Valkyrie nas obronią. <br />
-Guiche, twoje Valkyrie są tylko małym oddziałem, a to są wytrenowani najemnicy. <br />
-Nigdy się nie dowiemy, jeżeli nie spróbujemy. <br />
-Ale Guiche, jeżeli dojdzie do walki, jestem lepiej wyszkolony od ciebie. <br />
-Ale ja jestem synem generała Gramonta, jak mógłbym przegrać z tą bandą niedzielnych żołnierzy? <br />
-To jest niemożliwe. Szlachta Tristain tylko twardo trzyma się własnych słów, ale ich rzeczywiste możliwości bojowe są dość słabe. <br />
Guiche wstał, przygotowując się do rzucenia czaru. Ale Wardes powstrzymał go, chwytając go za koszulkę. <br />
-Wszyscy słuchajcie uważnie- szepnął Wardes. Saito i reszta zamilkła, aby słuchać.- Uda się nam wykonać misję, jeżeli połowa z nas dotrze bezpiecznie do celu. <br />
W tym momencie sprytna Tabitha zamknęła książkę i spojrzała na Wardesa. Dziewczyna wskazała na siebie, Kirche i Guiche różdżką i powiedziała jedno słowo: <br />
-Przynęta.- wtedy wskazała na Saito, Wardesa i Louise- idźcie do portu. <br />
-Kiedy?- zapytał Wardes. <br />
-Zdobędziemy go dla was teraz. <br />
-Tak jak planowaliśmy chwilę wcześniej, cofnijcie się do tylnego wyjścia. <br />
-Ah? AH! - Saito i Louise krzyknęli w zaskoczeniu.
-To jest najlepsze wyjście biorąc pod uwagę sytuację; powinniśmy móc ich zdezorientować. Używając wypracowanego czasu, powinniśmy dać radę uciec do portu. <br />
-Ale... Ale... <br />
Saito spojrzał na Kirche. Dziewczyna mierzwiła sobie włosy i powiedziała: <br />
-Nie możemy pomóc. Naprawdę nie chcemy ruszać z tobą do Albionu. <br />
Guiche powąchał różę. <br />
-Heh, prawdopodobne tutaj umrę. Co wtedy się stanie? Jeżeli umrę, nie będę mógł znowu spotkać Księżniczkę Henriettę. <br />
Tabitha skinęła na Saito. <br />
-Ruszaj. <br />
-Ale... <br />
Wtedy Kirche popchnęła Saito i powiedziała: <br />
-Ok, ruszaj. Kiedy wrócisz... Pocałuję cię.- wtedy spojrzała na Louise- Ah, Louise, proszę nie miej żadnych mylnych interpretacji na temat tego. Nie robię za przynętę dla ciebie. <br />
-Wiem, wiem!- jednakże kiedy to powiedziała, Louise nadal miała opuszczoną głowę w szacunku salutując Kirche i reszcie. Saito i jego drużyna pochyliła się do ziemi i zaczęła biec. Strzały latały w ich kierunku, ale wiatr z różdżki Tabithy skutecznie ich ochraniał przed ranami. Drużyna uciekła z baru przez kuchnię. Za nimi rozległa się eksplozja. <br />
-... Zobaczcie jak to się zaczęło- powiedziała Louise
Wardes przykucnął przy drzwiach i nasłuchiwał jaka sytuacja panuje na zewnątrz. <br />
-Wygląda na to, że nie ma tam nikogo. <br />
Otwierając drzwi, trzy osoby wyszły na ciemną ulicę La Rochelle. <br />
-Port jest w tą stronę <br />
Wardes prowadził, Louise szła za nim. Na końcu szedł Saito. W świetle księżyca, trzy cienie poruszały się blisko siebie.
After Claudia warded off the dagger of a Kinoe with her right hand’s blade, she slashed horizontally with the blade in her left hand.
The Kinoe silently fell on the ground in a pool of quickly spreading blood.
Though the wound was not severe enough to claim his life, it was still enough so that he could not immediately continue chasing after her.
Claudia immediately turned on her heels and started running to the inner part of the warehouse town. The uniform she wore was torn here and there and was stained with blood; but fortunately all caused by minor injuries.
It had started raining from the overcast sky a while ago, and in the weather forecast, it was predicted that this rain would not let up at all.
While avoiding cameras located at regular intervals, she hid herself for the time being in a dome-like large warehouse, where huge containers were orderly stacked. As a figure like unmanned transportation was just carrying containers right now, it was fortunate that the entrance was opened ── of course, Claudia knew of that timing though.
In the harbor area of the urban area, due the employment adjustment of the Integrated Enterprise Foundation, there were in fact many workers; but as for the academy’s harbor block, full automation was thoroughly enforced.
“Phew…… It’s quite tough as expected.”
As Claudia spoke to herself, she leaned her back on a container and took a deep and long breath.
After all, she had been running for nearly half a day since the attack at dawn. Although she had been expecting it, the fatigue had started to catch up to her.
The Yabuki Clan ── as expected of a Combat Corps under Galaxy’s direct control. The fact that Claudia had been able to escape to a safe place like this now was solely thanks to her previous preparations and <Pan-Dora>’s future foresight.
But at this rate, she did not know how long she would hold.
“The communication is…… as expected not usable, huh.”
Claudia took out her portable terminal and, after operating it several times, returned it to her breast pocket.
The Yabuki Clan had special skills which only those of their lineage could use.
Moreover, they (skills) were only troublesome ones like putting up a barrier to ward off people or intercepting sounds and electromagnetic waves. The most terrifying thing above all was the point that their techniques consumed nearly no mana and prana. And given this, unlike the abilities of <Strega> and <Dante>, it was extremely difficult to sense them.
“However, the situation itself is generally as I expected……”
As she tightly gripped the twin swords in her hands, Claudia smiled wryly.
A little more.
Just a little more and Claudia’s wish would come true.
The only dream that Claudia Enfield held.
The selfish wish of a person that probably no one would understand.
Her hands were about to reach there.
“……For that reason, I can’t afford to die in such a place.”
Assuming that it was natural for Claudia herself to give her all, what was left was to what extent the plans which overlapped even over and over again would bear fruit.
After all, that Yabuki Clan and its present Head Yabuki Bujinsai that had history of several hundred years.
It might be said that there was no higher predicament than this in Claudia’s life.
And yet, Claudia could not stop twisting her lips naturally.
It was not her usual perfect smile, but a more pure one──
The next moment, Claudia jumped onto a container.
Shurikens stuck into the container consecutively as to chase her, but Claudia’s movement was one step ahead.
While running over the container with all her strength, Claudia sounded out the number of her pursuers moving soundlessly like shadows.
Judging from the Kinoes’ ability, she would not suffer a defeat if it was a one-on-one; but a two-on-one was slightly dangerous and in the case of a three-on-one, an escape was recommended.
“One, two, three…… and four people, huh…… This is what is called “The Thirty-Six Stratagems”, I guess.”
As Claudia muttered so, she jumped out of the warehouse and ran at full speed within the rain.
Though she could somehow manage if she used <Pan-Dora>’s future foresight, she wanted to save that ability not to attack, but to survive to the best of her ability.
In that case, she could only keep running away for now.
“Hmm, it’s much more troublesome than I expected.”
When Bujinsai received report from one of the Kinoes in a low voice which could not be heard, he looked down at the harbor block, which spread from over a huge crane, below.
The gray scenery which was hazy in the rain looked as gloomy as a graveyard.
“As expected, having failed with the first move came biting back at us, huh…… even though I warned him so much to stay out of it; that stupid son of mine.”
While stroking his chin, Bujinsai grumbled so with a sigh. There was no mistaking that information leaked from Eishiro to the target.
“To think that he would go against me to this extent…… Geez, it’s frustrating. If he wasn’t quick-witted, I’d have given up on him long ago.”
The Shadow Star including Eishiro was currently playing the role of backup to Bujinsai. But judging from these circumstances, it was doubtful to what extent Eishiro would follow his will.
In the first place, the Yabuki Clan’s specialty was information gathering and assassination, not military oppression. At the point when they failed the assassination in the room, it might be said to be an unbecoming failure.
However, even if the opponent was rank #2, she was just one student after all. Though they by no means took her lightly, he never thought that they would fail to catch until now.
Although it was all right until they cornered her in this harbor block, thinking about it now, it was somehow strange, too. The target was too well-informed about this area.
Though this harbor block was not originally a place where people could thoughtlessly enter, moreover a barrier to prevent people from entering was currently put up. The variously spread out surveillance cameras had been taken over as well. One might say that there was no field more suitable than this to hunt someone down.
Despite this, the target, as if she knew the placement of every single surveillance camera, had not been caught even once by the net.
There was no hesitation at all in choosing her escape route; it was as if it was the garden of her house.
No matter if she was the president, it might be said that it was originally impossible for a student to be so familiar with the harbor block that was unrelated to students.
(Could it be that we were the ones who were lured in here……?)
In addition, the target’s combat ability was more difficult than expected, too.
Even more than her basic specs, as she could use <Pan-Dora>’s future foresight so freely, it was certainly difficult to bring her down.
But even when taking all of these into consideration, according to Bujinsai’s reading, they should have been able to corner the target at an earlier stage. In other words, it was very likely that in the present condition, another factor was mixed in.
“What are those guys, who went around to the south, doing? Also, the ones I sent for scouting are slightly late in coming back.”
“We’ve lost contact with them since a little while now……”
At that moment, Bujinsai greatly leaped back. At the same time, the Kinoe who was beside him substituted so as to protect Bujinsai. That Kinoe received a kick of someone, who suddenly came jumping, and was knocked down from the crane without being able to use a technique.
The one who attacked violently without making a sound or revealing her presence was a woman wearing an eerie mask.
When the woman softly landed on the tip of the crane, she silently faced Bujinsai.
“Hmm, that mask…… you’re the brat of World Dragon, huh.”
While narrowing his eyes, Bujinsai slowly stroked his chin.
“Although it’s the harbor block, this place is Seidoukan’s site. To think that you’d creep in here, you’re quite daring, <Seiten Taisei>.”
『……What, I was easily found out after all, huh.』
Then instead of the voice, a space window opened and these lines were displayed there; that woman ──Arema Seiyaan removed her mask modeling on the design of wolf and revealed a complacent smile.
“To think a former rank #1 is now enthralled by such behind-the-scenes jobs…… how pitiable of you, <Divine Revelations>’s dog.”
『You’ve quite the wicked tongue, old man. Looks like the saying “a human will become mellow as he grows old” is a lie, huh.』
Not shaken by Bujinsai’s provocation, Arema laughed quite indifferently.
(……Hmph, she didn’t take the bait, huh.)
As expected of a person who had the seat of the strongest in World Dragon until the current <Divine Revelations> appeared; she had quite the guts.
“But is it fine with you? Your action is clear violation of the Stella Carta. Should this be exposed, even World Dragon wouldn’t get out of it unscathed, you know?”
In the Stella Carta, students were strictly prohibited to enter the site of other academies without permission. Though judging from the security side, the intrusion itself was actually not difficult in any places other than the central part. All the more if it was an agent of The Espionage Organization that each academy had.
Even so, the reason why each academy faithfully abided by it was because information war heated up too much once at the Asterisk dawn period and confusion which affected the show of the <Festa> occurred.
From the reflection of these events, each academy generally abided to these rules even now and it became a convention to prepare a betrayer into other academies even when they wanted to start something.
Assuming an agent of another academy intruded within the site, he would not escape from being inflicted a heavy punishment with that alone.
“Moreover, there’s nothing that you guys of World Dragon would obtain no matter how you move.”
『Kakaka! What are you saying at this late hour?』
However, Arema laughed down such words of Bujinsai.
『We the “Glaring Eye”, unlike the cowards of elsewhere, have nothing to do with either the Integrated Enterprise Foundation’s profit or the loss and gain of the academy. If <Divine Revelations> decided so, we’re only her hands and feet that merely executed her orders. Isn’t it the same for you guys, huh? We’re what are called Pros, right?』
“……Hmm, a brat like you dares to boast, huh.”
Bujinsai revealed a complacent smile while saying so.
“Still, you’re more promising than my son, I guess.”
『Honestly, I’m disappointed in you guys. It’s like you are lacking in consistency; or should I say, a disappointment is fine as well, I guess.』
“I see, so it was you who went around crushing my subordinates, huh.”
Speaking of Arema Seiyaan, she was World Dragon Seventh Institute’s former rank #1.
Unlike the major company PMC and the Integrated Enterprise Foundation military authorities’ elite forces that gathered only graduates of superior ranks, the Yabuki Clan was a group that radicalized special techniques by lineage, and looking only at the individual fighting strength, it was not strange for Arema to surpass them.
But even if one said so, they should not have been weak enough as to have been so easily defeated by one person.
“……Well whatever. At any rate, I no longer have any time to spare against you alone, you see?”
At the same time as Bujinsai said so, multiple shadows standing in a row on the crane appeared.
Many-on-one in this place with bad footing. It was an overwhelming advantageous situation.
『What, I’ve heard that the Yabuki Clan has gathered a small number of elites, and yet there’s so many people remaining…… huh~?』
Arema, who was amazed, suddenly tilted her head to the side.
『It’s really strange. You over there, you of the other side…… also you of this side as well; a moment ago, I’m sure I should have strangled you to death though.』
There were four Kinoes surrounding Arema. All of them had the same attire and one could not distinguish their faces. Of course, although there was a difference in stature, her insight to see through them as such at a glance was as expected quite something.
“Our people are all sturdy, you see?”
Whether it was when Bujinsai finished or did not finish saying so, the four Kinoes moved simultaneously. A simultaneous attack from all directions without concern of their bodies ── it was the same pattern as when they caught Eishiro yesterday.
Arema dealt with these simultaneous attacks with divine feat-like movements.
She jumped from the right crane and warded off the black blade that slashed towards her with her right hand, while simultaneously twisting her body and catching the bo shuriken thrown from the left crane with the fingers of her left hand. Then, she tripped up the Kinoe who charged at her from the front with a raised fist before repelling a kick from behind with the elbow of her left arm.
The actions that would not have worked had the timing been just a little bit off, Arema pulled them off while revealing a smile filled with joy.
And when she pulled through the first blow, the Kinoes were no longer opponents for Arema.
The Kinoe, who attacked from the front, danced in the air as he received a palm stroke which raised his chin, the Kinoe who attacked from the right was kicked flying as his body became stiff after receiving a finger tip on his neck’s pressure point and flung against the next crane.
Furthermore, Arema, who greatly leapt by the recoil of the kick threw back the bo shuriken in the air without even turning her gaze there, thus defeating the Kinoe on the left crane. When she landed behind the remaining Kinoe, she easily dodged his attack which met with her backhand chop and struck his abdomen with both her hands. Immediately after, an intense shock ran throughout his body and the Kinoe fell over from the crane.
“Hmm, not bad.”
Bujinsai was honestly impressed after seeing that series of offenses and defenses.
Arema’s martial arts which was polished up to a frightening degree deserved pure praise.
『Compared to XingLu-chan, you guys’ movements might as well be considered motionless.』
The breathing Arema, who stated as such, was not disturbed even a little.
『Now then, I’m tired of all these appetizers. I guess I should now move on to the main dish.』
Arema’s eyes were turned to Bujinsai as they glittered ferociously.
Bujinsai scratched his head while receiving it with a bored look.
“……You’re certainly strong. There’s no doubt about it. But, don’t look down on adults too much, brat.”
『Heeh, then what will you do?』
Arema smirked and slowly took a stance.
“──I shall slightly educate you. You should be thankful.”
Bujinsai beckoned a palm towards such Arema.
“Haa…… I wonder if Arema is doing well……”
HuFeng said so while looking at the pouring rain in a corridor of the Yellow Dragon Temple.
“Hou, so you’re worried about her; that’s rare.”
XingLu, who was walking in front, stopped and innocently laughed while turning only her face.
“It’s not her I’m worried about, but this academy! Do you really understand, Master? If Arema were to fail and leave some kind of evidence…… no, it’d be better in that case; but if things go wrong and she is captured by Seidoukan, it’ll become a great issue, you know?”
“Hohoho, you’re quite the worrywart, huh. They’re doing something underhanded over there, so even assuming that something happened, they won’t make it public so easily. Besides──”
As XingLu said up to there, she continued after moving her gaze towards the cloudy sky.
“Even I acknowledge that girl’s ability. Speaking only of Taijutsu, she doesn’t fall behind Xiao Fay.”
“That…… I am aware of it.”
HuFeng bit his lips while enduring his frustration.
This meant in other words that she was valued more highly than HuFeng.
Arema’s Taijutsu was a self-taught one that took in techniques of various schools and continued evolving even now. It was not the result of Arema’s hunger for strength, but the one of hunger for the fighting itself.
That anecdote that she once was a dojo challenger and challenged every faction in World Dragon and got victory every time was not just for show. Although she did not participate in <Festas>, she still kept within the top 10 in the ranking of the『Hex Pantheon』. The ranking of the 『Hex Pantheon』 was popular along with ability ── in other words, because exposure greatly influenced it, it was simply astounding that Arema could maintain this ranking even now when she carried out her behind-the-scenes works.
“Then, are you saying that we may feel relieved regarding this matter?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“I’m sad to say, since that girl is an idiot, so she’ll probably challenge the Head of Yabuki head on.”
XingLu said so and began to walk again.
HuFeng, who was about to get left behind, hurriedly followed after her.
“P-Please, wait a minute, Master! Are you saying Arema has no chance of winning against that Head?”
“I don’t say that. There’s just a small possibility.”
XingLu carefully talked while walking.
“Just that……the Yabuki Clan is, like Fuyuka’s clan, composed of people who inherit an unique lineage from generation to generation. The one, who draws out the most power from the blood among them, is chosen as the Head. Power of blood means close affinity with the techniques that those guys used. I don’t know how strong the current Head is, but at least it’s a fact that Arema has a bad affinity with those guys’ techniques.”
“……Despite knowing it, you still sent Arema?”
Suddenly, an intense pressure that was released by XingLu pushed down on HuFeng.
HuFeng was swallowed by that pressure and he was even unable to breathe for a moment.
“……Of course. No matter what the results, that girl will become stronger again with this.”
And when XingLu turned to HuFeng, she glared at him with eyes looking like they would shoot a person to death.
“Listen HuFeng, don’t forget it. The reason why I, <Divine Revelations>, am here is to train you students of World Dragon. That girl isn’t my disciple, but she’s promising. So, know that I don’t mind using any means.”
“……As you will. I am sorry.”
As HuFeng whispered an apology, the pressure immediately dispersed like mist.
“Well at any rate, if Arema and the Head were to fight, it wouldn’t drag on.”
XingLu muttered to herself while looking towards the rain cloud covering up the sky.
“Who knows, it might have already been settled about this time.”
The rain was gradually increasing in intensity.
“Good grief, I wonder if this old body will endure this autumn rain.”
While hearing the voice of Bujinsai, who wiped the dew as he said so, Arema frowned at the coldness of the raindrops hitting her face and the acute pain running throughout her body. Even so, she somehow tore off her body from the wall of the warehouse dented into the crater.
“Hou, you can still stand? It seems like you’re much sturdier than us.”
Bujinsai stroked his chin with a face as he was truly impressed.
A staff type lux was grasped in his right hand. It was a special lux in which only the circular-shaped part of the head was formed with a blade of light, and a metal-made flying ring was stuck through there. It was a lux that even Arema saw for the first time and it was hard to say that it was very practical.
But, Arema has been one-sided beaten without being able to do anything at all against it.
(Geez, what a terrifying old man……!)
She fixed her breathing and called forth her remaining prana. The pain faded and she felt prana filling her power until every corner of her body.
It’s all right. I can still fight.
The moment when she confirmed it, delight welled up inside Arema.
That’s right. Just that alone was enough. Winning or losing was secondary. Fight, fight and fight. Because doing nothing but fighting on was what Arema lived for.
“To think that you’d laugh in this situation, do you have some screws loose, too? How troublesome.”
Without answering it, Arema instantly shortened the distance to Bujinsai.
She launched finger thrust aiming for his throat ── but, it did not hit. Fist strike, palm stroke, elbow strike, axe blade kick (heartless reversal) and two rising kick (two times reversal); she continued her attacks without pause, but they did not give even a scratch to Bujinsai. Originally, the attacks with timing looking like they would surely catch him were all off the mark.
And on the contrary, for some reason she could not avoid attacks that she should have certainly dodged.
“Well, I guess I shall end it soon.”
This time again, a slash that Arema should have perfectly warded off cut at her neck.
Though she stopped it with her hand, it would have reached the artery if it was a little deeper.
However, at that opening Bujinsai’s kick gouged at Arema’s solar plexus and moreover Bujinsai’s tips of the toes mercilessly kicked up the chin of Arema, who could not help falling to her knees.
As expected this was severe, so Arema, who was sent flying, fell down on the floor face up.
“Even you, <Seiten Taisei>, will no longer be able to stand up with this.”
Bujinsai, who looked down at Arema with cold eyes, indifferently said so.
『……I want to ask one thing, but is this the so-called ninjutsu that you guys use?』
Still lying down as is, Arema asked Bujinsai.
Honestly speaking, Arema did not think that there was that much gap between her Taijutsu and Bujinsai’s.
At least, she did not feel a difference of strength to the point of despair just like when she fought XingLu. And yet, since she has been beaten up so one-sidedly, there should be some different factor.
“Who knows”
Naturally, Bujinsai did not answer; but he curled his lips as he suddenly remembered something.
“Well, there’s no way a greenhorn like you, who is handled by the current Fan XingLu as opponent, will see through it.”
『The current……?』
“My great-grandfather having fought that You Tian is a story of the old century, but they were originally existences that increased their power by longevity. The height of stupidity that is expressly changing their bodies only harms their strength under their own eyes.”
Bujinsai continued as he sneered.
“Compared to the time when she fought against my great-grandfather, she currently doesn’t possess even half of the power she had then”
These words were a shock for Arema.
At the same time, she could feel an indescribable exaltation overflowing from within her.
『Kuku…… Ahahaha! Ahahahaha!』
Still lying down face up as is, she suddenly burst into laughter ── although saying that, her voice did not come out though ──Bujinsai knitted his brows suspiciously at Arema.
“What’s wrong, brat? Have you finally broken completely?”
『No, well it’s just that I was once again made to realize how wide the world is. So, I can’t afford to die yet in such a place!』
Arema launched a sudden kick at Bujinsai while doing a kip-up, but it was easily dodged.
But, that was fine.
As Bujinsai stepped back as to take distance, Arema ran up until above the crane using the warehouse’s wall as foothold.
“……Hou, so you still have such remaining strength, huh.”
Bujinsai muttered as he was amazed from the bottom of his heart.
『My bad, but I more or less completed my task, so with this I’ll fall back for today.』
The task she was ordered by XingLu was to support so that the Seidoukan Academy student council president could escape. Although that in itself was hard to describe as an achievement, she drove away and immobilized the majority of the Yabuki Clan’s assassins. It might be said to be enough accomplishment.
Though the most troublesome opponent remained, it could not be helped.
“You completed your task, huh. As expected, you’re still quite inexperienced.”
However when Bujinsai said so, he softly lifted one hand.
Then behind Bujinsai, the figures of several people appearing to be from the Yabuki Clan appeared as if oozing from the shadow.
Furthermore, similar shadows appeared around above the crane so as to surround Arema.
(Are those reinforcements……? No, wrong……!)
The majority of them were people that Arema should certainly have defeated. Although she had no leisure to finish off either of them, on the other hand it was not a slight wound to the extent that they would immediately move, either.
In that case.
『……What a blunder, so there was a healing ability user, huh.』
Arema’s eyes caught a long-haired figure standing behind Bujinsai. Though her outfit from the neck to the bottom was certainly similar to the others’, the silhouette did not cover her head just like Bujinsai. Arema could immediately grasp that only she was clearly inferior in strength compared to the others.
The reason why such a person was taken along could be none other than for support personnel. When comparing with the present situation, it would be proper to regard her as having the recovery role.
However, there was not a healing ability user with power enough to allow this many severely wounded people to immediately return on the front even in a medical institution. There must be some kind of trick to this, too…… but, Arema did not have the leisure to find it out now.
『……No helping it, it’s my complete defeat this time. But old man, I would certainly like to fight you again one day!』
When Arema stated so, she kicked the crane and jumped to the warehouse’s roof.
“Hmph! I’m not free enough for that.”
The shadows who surrounded Arema pursued her without a moment’s delay, but as expected Arema’s stamina was exhausted to the point where she had trouble taking on this number of foes.
(Well, it isn’t like I don’t have a trump card, but…… I can’t use it without XingLu-chan’s permission after all.)
While muttering so in her mind, Arema put her hand on her throat.
Having said that, it was boring to just run away.
She would be too embarrassed to meet XingLu if she did not return at least with a minimum present.
When she was pondering whether there was not something that she could bring back as she ran on the warehouse’s roof, data from unknown sender were suddenly sent into Arema’s portable terminal. Arema’s portable terminal was a special-made one and people who could contact on this were quite limited, so there was no need for them to conceal their identity.
Though it was too suspicious, Arema opened the data without hesitation.
(Hey, hey, this is……!)
While running being struck by raindrops, Arema compared the harbor block’s map attached to the data with the present location.
If this were the real thing, it looked like she would be able to go back with a good present.
“……Father, shall I increase the number of pursuers? I feel a little uneasy with only four people chasing her.”
“No, ignore her.”
Bujinsai replied to his daughter Eika as he watched Arema’s figure disappear into the rain.
As Arema guessed, Eika was an extremely rare healing ability user. Her ability allowed the complete recovery of a serious wound in just a few minutes by simultaneously using special medicines, but it could only be manifested on blood relatives.
This time, Bujinsai took along two persons other than Eika with a similar healing ability. All of them were precious treasures.
“More importantly, we must first give top priority to the mission’s accomplishment. I took more time than expected facing her.”
It was almost evening already. There was also the option of waiting until <Pan-Dora>’s foresight stock was used up as is by the Kinoes’ attack in waves, but risks would increase if he took more time than this.
Even if it was a harbor block where mechanization advanced, it was not always completely unmanned and the barrier put up to ward off people was not absolute, either. There might be the intervention of a third party like a little while ago.
Just in case, he had asked support of blockading this whole area to the Shadow Star; but to begin with Bujinsai did not trust them that much.
There, one Kinoe appeared as if oozing from the warehouse’s shade and whispered into Bujinsai’s ear.
“Good grief”
Should he say it was as expected; it was a report which gave him a headache.
“What happened?”
“It seems that one mouse got in. Geez, so those guys of the Shadow Star can’t even handle this level of work satisfactorily, huh.”
After pondering for a while, Bujinsai greatly sighed.
“It can’t be helped. The minimum of Kinoes necessary to encircle the target will stay behind and the remaining will be assigned to the elimination of the mouse that got in, and the backing of the Shadow Star.”
“What do you mean by backing of the Shadow Star?”
Bujinsai shrugged his shoulders at Eika’s question.
“It seems that the friends of the mouse are holding them back. It’ll be troublesome if by any chance even they were to get in. I leave the command to you. But don’t appear to the vanguard.”
“Yes…… And, what will you do, Father?”
“Hmm, isn’t it obvious?”
Then, Bujinsai’s figure disappeared as it melted into the rain, leaving only a short, uncanny voice.
“──The job.”
== Przekład ==
== Przekład ==

Revision as of 19:28, 5 September 2016

Rozdział Piąty: Odpoczynek przed podróżą


After Claudia warded off the dagger of a Kinoe with her right hand’s blade, she slashed horizontally with the blade in her left hand.


The Kinoe silently fell on the ground in a pool of quickly spreading blood.

Though the wound was not severe enough to claim his life, it was still enough so that he could not immediately continue chasing after her.

Claudia immediately turned on her heels and started running to the inner part of the warehouse town. The uniform she wore was torn here and there and was stained with blood; but fortunately all caused by minor injuries.

It had started raining from the overcast sky a while ago, and in the weather forecast, it was predicted that this rain would not let up at all.

While avoiding cameras located at regular intervals, she hid herself for the time being in a dome-like large warehouse, where huge containers were orderly stacked. As a figure like unmanned transportation was just carrying containers right now, it was fortunate that the entrance was opened ── of course, Claudia knew of that timing though.

In the harbor area of the urban area, due the employment adjustment of the Integrated Enterprise Foundation, there were in fact many workers; but as for the academy’s harbor block, full automation was thoroughly enforced.

“Phew…… It’s quite tough as expected.”

As Claudia spoke to herself, she leaned her back on a container and took a deep and long breath.

After all, she had been running for nearly half a day since the attack at dawn. Although she had been expecting it, the fatigue had started to catch up to her.

The Yabuki Clan ── as expected of a Combat Corps under Galaxy’s direct control. The fact that Claudia had been able to escape to a safe place like this now was solely thanks to her previous preparations and <Pan-Dora>’s future foresight.

But at this rate, she did not know how long she would hold.

“The communication is…… as expected not usable, huh.”

Claudia took out her portable terminal and, after operating it several times, returned it to her breast pocket.

The Yabuki Clan had special skills which only those of their lineage could use.

Moreover, they (skills) were only troublesome ones like putting up a barrier to ward off people or intercepting sounds and electromagnetic waves. The most terrifying thing above all was the point that their techniques consumed nearly no mana and prana. And given this, unlike the abilities of <Strega> and <Dante>, it was extremely difficult to sense them.

“However, the situation itself is generally as I expected……”

As she tightly gripped the twin swords in her hands, Claudia smiled wryly.

A little more.

Just a little more and Claudia’s wish would come true.

The only dream that Claudia Enfield held.

The selfish wish of a person that probably no one would understand.

Her hands were about to reach there.

“……For that reason, I can’t afford to die in such a place.”

Assuming that it was natural for Claudia herself to give her all, what was left was to what extent the plans which overlapped even over and over again would bear fruit.

After all, that Yabuki Clan and its present Head Yabuki Bujinsai that had history of several hundred years.

It might be said that there was no higher predicament than this in Claudia’s life.

And yet, Claudia could not stop twisting her lips naturally.

It was not her usual perfect smile, but a more pure one──


The next moment, Claudia jumped onto a container.

Shurikens stuck into the container consecutively as to chase her, but Claudia’s movement was one step ahead.

While running over the container with all her strength, Claudia sounded out the number of her pursuers moving soundlessly like shadows.

Judging from the Kinoes’ ability, she would not suffer a defeat if it was a one-on-one; but a two-on-one was slightly dangerous and in the case of a three-on-one, an escape was recommended.

“One, two, three…… and four people, huh…… This is what is called “The Thirty-Six Stratagems”, I guess.”

As Claudia muttered so, she jumped out of the warehouse and ran at full speed within the rain.

Though she could somehow manage if she used <Pan-Dora>’s future foresight, she wanted to save that ability not to attack, but to survive to the best of her ability.

In that case, she could only keep running away for now.


“Hmm, it’s much more troublesome than I expected.”

When Bujinsai received report from one of the Kinoes in a low voice which could not be heard, he looked down at the harbor block, which spread from over a huge crane, below.

The gray scenery which was hazy in the rain looked as gloomy as a graveyard.

“As expected, having failed with the first move came biting back at us, huh…… even though I warned him so much to stay out of it; that stupid son of mine.”

While stroking his chin, Bujinsai grumbled so with a sigh. There was no mistaking that information leaked from Eishiro to the target.

“To think that he would go against me to this extent…… Geez, it’s frustrating. If he wasn’t quick-witted, I’d have given up on him long ago.”

The Shadow Star including Eishiro was currently playing the role of backup to Bujinsai. But judging from these circumstances, it was doubtful to what extent Eishiro would follow his will.

In the first place, the Yabuki Clan’s specialty was information gathering and assassination, not military oppression. At the point when they failed the assassination in the room, it might be said to be an unbecoming failure.

However, even if the opponent was rank #2, she was just one student after all. Though they by no means took her lightly, he never thought that they would fail to catch until now.

Although it was all right until they cornered her in this harbor block, thinking about it now, it was somehow strange, too. The target was too well-informed about this area.

Though this harbor block was not originally a place where people could thoughtlessly enter, moreover a barrier to prevent people from entering was currently put up. The variously spread out surveillance cameras had been taken over as well. One might say that there was no field more suitable than this to hunt someone down.

Despite this, the target, as if she knew the placement of every single surveillance camera, had not been caught even once by the net.

There was no hesitation at all in choosing her escape route; it was as if it was the garden of her house.

No matter if she was the president, it might be said that it was originally impossible for a student to be so familiar with the harbor block that was unrelated to students.

(Could it be that we were the ones who were lured in here……?)

In addition, the target’s combat ability was more difficult than expected, too.

Even more than her basic specs, as she could use <Pan-Dora>’s future foresight so freely, it was certainly difficult to bring her down.

But even when taking all of these into consideration, according to Bujinsai’s reading, they should have been able to corner the target at an earlier stage. In other words, it was very likely that in the present condition, another factor was mixed in.

“What are those guys, who went around to the south, doing? Also, the ones I sent for scouting are slightly late in coming back.”

“We’ve lost contact with them since a little while now……”


At that moment, Bujinsai greatly leaped back. At the same time, the Kinoe who was beside him substituted so as to protect Bujinsai. That Kinoe received a kick of someone, who suddenly came jumping, and was knocked down from the crane without being able to use a technique.


The one who attacked violently without making a sound or revealing her presence was a woman wearing an eerie mask.

When the woman softly landed on the tip of the crane, she silently faced Bujinsai.

“Hmm, that mask…… you’re the brat of World Dragon, huh.”

While narrowing his eyes, Bujinsai slowly stroked his chin.

“Although it’s the harbor block, this place is Seidoukan’s site. To think that you’d creep in here, you’re quite daring, <Seiten Taisei>.”

『……What, I was easily found out after all, huh.』

Then instead of the voice, a space window opened and these lines were displayed there; that woman ──Arema Seiyaan removed her mask modeling on the design of wolf and revealed a complacent smile.

“To think a former rank #1 is now enthralled by such behind-the-scenes jobs…… how pitiable of you, <Divine Revelations>’s dog.”

『You’ve quite the wicked tongue, old man. Looks like the saying “a human will become mellow as he grows old” is a lie, huh.』

Not shaken by Bujinsai’s provocation, Arema laughed quite indifferently.

(……Hmph, she didn’t take the bait, huh.)

As expected of a person who had the seat of the strongest in World Dragon until the current <Divine Revelations> appeared; she had quite the guts.

“But is it fine with you? Your action is clear violation of the Stella Carta. Should this be exposed, even World Dragon wouldn’t get out of it unscathed, you know?”

In the Stella Carta, students were strictly prohibited to enter the site of other academies without permission. Though judging from the security side, the intrusion itself was actually not difficult in any places other than the central part. All the more if it was an agent of The Espionage Organization that each academy had.

Even so, the reason why each academy faithfully abided by it was because information war heated up too much once at the Asterisk dawn period and confusion which affected the show of the <Festa> occurred.

From the reflection of these events, each academy generally abided to these rules even now and it became a convention to prepare a betrayer into other academies even when they wanted to start something.

Assuming an agent of another academy intruded within the site, he would not escape from being inflicted a heavy punishment with that alone.

“Moreover, there’s nothing that you guys of World Dragon would obtain no matter how you move.”

『Kakaka! What are you saying at this late hour?』

However, Arema laughed down such words of Bujinsai.

『We the “Glaring Eye”, unlike the cowards of elsewhere, have nothing to do with either the Integrated Enterprise Foundation’s profit or the loss and gain of the academy. If <Divine Revelations> decided so, we’re only her hands and feet that merely executed her orders. Isn’t it the same for you guys, huh? We’re what are called Pros, right?』

“……Hmm, a brat like you dares to boast, huh.”

Bujinsai revealed a complacent smile while saying so.

“Still, you’re more promising than my son, I guess.”

『Honestly, I’m disappointed in you guys. It’s like you are lacking in consistency; or should I say, a disappointment is fine as well, I guess.』

“I see, so it was you who went around crushing my subordinates, huh.”

Speaking of Arema Seiyaan, she was World Dragon Seventh Institute’s former rank #1.

Unlike the major company PMC and the Integrated Enterprise Foundation military authorities’ elite forces that gathered only graduates of superior ranks, the Yabuki Clan was a group that radicalized special techniques by lineage, and looking only at the individual fighting strength, it was not strange for Arema to surpass them.

But even if one said so, they should not have been weak enough as to have been so easily defeated by one person.

“……Well whatever. At any rate, I no longer have any time to spare against you alone, you see?”

At the same time as Bujinsai said so, multiple shadows standing in a row on the crane appeared.

Many-on-one in this place with bad footing. It was an overwhelming advantageous situation.

『What, I’ve heard that the Yabuki Clan has gathered a small number of elites, and yet there’s so many people remaining…… huh~?』

Arema, who was amazed, suddenly tilted her head to the side.

『It’s really strange. You over there, you of the other side…… also you of this side as well; a moment ago, I’m sure I should have strangled you to death though.』

There were four Kinoes surrounding Arema. All of them had the same attire and one could not distinguish their faces. Of course, although there was a difference in stature, her insight to see through them as such at a glance was as expected quite something.

“Our people are all sturdy, you see?”

Whether it was when Bujinsai finished or did not finish saying so, the four Kinoes moved simultaneously. A simultaneous attack from all directions without concern of their bodies ── it was the same pattern as when they caught Eishiro yesterday.



Arema dealt with these simultaneous attacks with divine feat-like movements.

She jumped from the right crane and warded off the black blade that slashed towards her with her right hand, while simultaneously twisting her body and catching the bo shuriken thrown from the left crane with the fingers of her left hand. Then, she tripped up the Kinoe who charged at her from the front with a raised fist before repelling a kick from behind with the elbow of her left arm.

The actions that would not have worked had the timing been just a little bit off, Arema pulled them off while revealing a smile filled with joy.

And when she pulled through the first blow, the Kinoes were no longer opponents for Arema.

The Kinoe, who attacked from the front, danced in the air as he received a palm stroke which raised his chin, the Kinoe who attacked from the right was kicked flying as his body became stiff after receiving a finger tip on his neck’s pressure point and flung against the next crane.

Furthermore, Arema, who greatly leapt by the recoil of the kick threw back the bo shuriken in the air without even turning her gaze there, thus defeating the Kinoe on the left crane. When she landed behind the remaining Kinoe, she easily dodged his attack which met with her backhand chop and struck his abdomen with both her hands. Immediately after, an intense shock ran throughout his body and the Kinoe fell over from the crane.

“Hmm, not bad.”

Bujinsai was honestly impressed after seeing that series of offenses and defenses.

Arema’s martial arts which was polished up to a frightening degree deserved pure praise.

『Compared to XingLu-chan, you guys’ movements might as well be considered motionless.』

The breathing Arema, who stated as such, was not disturbed even a little.

『Now then, I’m tired of all these appetizers. I guess I should now move on to the main dish.』

Arema’s eyes were turned to Bujinsai as they glittered ferociously.

Bujinsai scratched his head while receiving it with a bored look.

“……You’re certainly strong. There’s no doubt about it. But, don’t look down on adults too much, brat.”

『Heeh, then what will you do?』

Arema smirked and slowly took a stance.

“──I shall slightly educate you. You should be thankful.”

Bujinsai beckoned a palm towards such Arema.

“Haa…… I wonder if Arema is doing well……”

HuFeng said so while looking at the pouring rain in a corridor of the Yellow Dragon Temple.

“Hou, so you’re worried about her; that’s rare.”

XingLu, who was walking in front, stopped and innocently laughed while turning only her face.

“It’s not her I’m worried about, but this academy! Do you really understand, Master? If Arema were to fail and leave some kind of evidence…… no, it’d be better in that case; but if things go wrong and she is captured by Seidoukan, it’ll become a great issue, you know?”

“Hohoho, you’re quite the worrywart, huh. They’re doing something underhanded over there, so even assuming that something happened, they won’t make it public so easily. Besides──”

As XingLu said up to there, she continued after moving her gaze towards the cloudy sky.

“Even I acknowledge that girl’s ability. Speaking only of Taijutsu, she doesn’t fall behind Xiao Fay.”

“That…… I am aware of it.”

HuFeng bit his lips while enduring his frustration.

This meant in other words that she was valued more highly than HuFeng.

Arema’s Taijutsu was a self-taught one that took in techniques of various schools and continued evolving even now. It was not the result of Arema’s hunger for strength, but the one of hunger for the fighting itself.

That anecdote that she once was a dojo challenger and challenged every faction in World Dragon and got victory every time was not just for show. Although she did not participate in <Festas>, she still kept within the top 10 in the ranking of the『Hex Pantheon』. The ranking of the 『Hex Pantheon』 was popular along with ability ── in other words, because exposure greatly influenced it, it was simply astounding that Arema could maintain this ranking even now when she carried out her behind-the-scenes works.

“Then, are you saying that we may feel relieved regarding this matter?”

“I didn’t say that.”


“I’m sad to say, since that girl is an idiot, so she’ll probably challenge the Head of Yabuki head on.”

XingLu said so and began to walk again.

HuFeng, who was about to get left behind, hurriedly followed after her.

“P-Please, wait a minute, Master! Are you saying Arema has no chance of winning against that Head?”

“I don’t say that. There’s just a small possibility.”

XingLu carefully talked while walking.

“Just that……the Yabuki Clan is, like Fuyuka’s clan, composed of people who inherit an unique lineage from generation to generation. The one, who draws out the most power from the blood among them, is chosen as the Head. Power of blood means close affinity with the techniques that those guys used. I don’t know how strong the current Head is, but at least it’s a fact that Arema has a bad affinity with those guys’ techniques.”

“……Despite knowing it, you still sent Arema?”

Suddenly, an intense pressure that was released by XingLu pushed down on HuFeng.


HuFeng was swallowed by that pressure and he was even unable to breathe for a moment.

“……Of course. No matter what the results, that girl will become stronger again with this.”

And when XingLu turned to HuFeng, she glared at him with eyes looking like they would shoot a person to death.

“Listen HuFeng, don’t forget it. The reason why I, <Divine Revelations>, am here is to train you students of World Dragon. That girl isn’t my disciple, but she’s promising. So, know that I don’t mind using any means.”

“……As you will. I am sorry.”

As HuFeng whispered an apology, the pressure immediately dispersed like mist.

“Well at any rate, if Arema and the Head were to fight, it wouldn’t drag on.”

XingLu muttered to herself while looking towards the rain cloud covering up the sky.

“Who knows, it might have already been settled about this time.”

The rain was gradually increasing in intensity.

“Good grief, I wonder if this old body will endure this autumn rain.”

While hearing the voice of Bujinsai, who wiped the dew as he said so, Arema frowned at the coldness of the raindrops hitting her face and the acute pain running throughout her body. Even so, she somehow tore off her body from the wall of the warehouse dented into the crater.

“Hou, you can still stand? It seems like you’re much sturdier than us.”

Bujinsai stroked his chin with a face as he was truly impressed.

A staff type lux was grasped in his right hand. It was a special lux in which only the circular-shaped part of the head was formed with a blade of light, and a metal-made flying ring was stuck through there. It was a lux that even Arema saw for the first time and it was hard to say that it was very practical.

But, Arema has been one-sided beaten without being able to do anything at all against it.

(Geez, what a terrifying old man……!)

She fixed her breathing and called forth her remaining prana. The pain faded and she felt prana filling her power until every corner of her body.

It’s all right. I can still fight.

The moment when she confirmed it, delight welled up inside Arema.

That’s right. Just that alone was enough. Winning or losing was secondary. Fight, fight and fight. Because doing nothing but fighting on was what Arema lived for.

“To think that you’d laugh in this situation, do you have some screws loose, too? How troublesome.”

Without answering it, Arema instantly shortened the distance to Bujinsai.

She launched finger thrust aiming for his throat ── but, it did not hit. Fist strike, palm stroke, elbow strike, axe blade kick (heartless reversal) and two rising kick (two times reversal); she continued her attacks without pause, but they did not give even a scratch to Bujinsai. Originally, the attacks with timing looking like they would surely catch him were all off the mark.

And on the contrary, for some reason she could not avoid attacks that she should have certainly dodged.

“Well, I guess I shall end it soon.”

This time again, a slash that Arema should have perfectly warded off cut at her neck.

Though she stopped it with her hand, it would have reached the artery if it was a little deeper.

However, at that opening Bujinsai’s kick gouged at Arema’s solar plexus and moreover Bujinsai’s tips of the toes mercilessly kicked up the chin of Arema, who could not help falling to her knees.

As expected this was severe, so Arema, who was sent flying, fell down on the floor face up.

“Even you, <Seiten Taisei>, will no longer be able to stand up with this.”

Bujinsai, who looked down at Arema with cold eyes, indifferently said so.

『……I want to ask one thing, but is this the so-called ninjutsu that you guys use?』

Still lying down as is, Arema asked Bujinsai.

Honestly speaking, Arema did not think that there was that much gap between her Taijutsu and Bujinsai’s.

At least, she did not feel a difference of strength to the point of despair just like when she fought XingLu. And yet, since she has been beaten up so one-sidedly, there should be some different factor.

“Who knows”

Naturally, Bujinsai did not answer; but he curled his lips as he suddenly remembered something.

“Well, there’s no way a greenhorn like you, who is handled by the current Fan XingLu as opponent, will see through it.”

『The current……?』

“My great-grandfather having fought that You Tian is a story of the old century, but they were originally existences that increased their power by longevity. The height of stupidity that is expressly changing their bodies only harms their strength under their own eyes.”

Bujinsai continued as he sneered.

“Compared to the time when she fought against my great-grandfather, she currently doesn’t possess even half of the power she had then”


These words were a shock for Arema.

At the same time, she could feel an indescribable exaltation overflowing from within her.

『Kuku…… Ahahaha! Ahahahaha!』

Still lying down face up as is, she suddenly burst into laughter ── although saying that, her voice did not come out though ──Bujinsai knitted his brows suspiciously at Arema.

“What’s wrong, brat? Have you finally broken completely?”

『No, well it’s just that I was once again made to realize how wide the world is. So, I can’t afford to die yet in such a place!』

Arema launched a sudden kick at Bujinsai while doing a kip-up, but it was easily dodged.

But, that was fine.


As Bujinsai stepped back as to take distance, Arema ran up until above the crane using the warehouse’s wall as foothold.

“……Hou, so you still have such remaining strength, huh.”

Bujinsai muttered as he was amazed from the bottom of his heart.

『My bad, but I more or less completed my task, so with this I’ll fall back for today.』

The task she was ordered by XingLu was to support so that the Seidoukan Academy student council president could escape. Although that in itself was hard to describe as an achievement, she drove away and immobilized the majority of the Yabuki Clan’s assassins. It might be said to be enough accomplishment.

Though the most troublesome opponent remained, it could not be helped.

“You completed your task, huh. As expected, you’re still quite inexperienced.”

However when Bujinsai said so, he softly lifted one hand.


Then behind Bujinsai, the figures of several people appearing to be from the Yabuki Clan appeared as if oozing from the shadow.

Furthermore, similar shadows appeared around above the crane so as to surround Arema.

(Are those reinforcements……? No, wrong……!)

The majority of them were people that Arema should certainly have defeated. Although she had no leisure to finish off either of them, on the other hand it was not a slight wound to the extent that they would immediately move, either.

In that case.

『……What a blunder, so there was a healing ability user, huh.』

Arema’s eyes caught a long-haired figure standing behind Bujinsai. Though her outfit from the neck to the bottom was certainly similar to the others’, the silhouette did not cover her head just like Bujinsai. Arema could immediately grasp that only she was clearly inferior in strength compared to the others.

The reason why such a person was taken along could be none other than for support personnel. When comparing with the present situation, it would be proper to regard her as having the recovery role.

However, there was not a healing ability user with power enough to allow this many severely wounded people to immediately return on the front even in a medical institution. There must be some kind of trick to this, too…… but, Arema did not have the leisure to find it out now.

『……No helping it, it’s my complete defeat this time. But old man, I would certainly like to fight you again one day!』

When Arema stated so, she kicked the crane and jumped to the warehouse’s roof.

“Hmph! I’m not free enough for that.”

The shadows who surrounded Arema pursued her without a moment’s delay, but as expected Arema’s stamina was exhausted to the point where she had trouble taking on this number of foes.

(Well, it isn’t like I don’t have a trump card, but…… I can’t use it without XingLu-chan’s permission after all.)

While muttering so in her mind, Arema put her hand on her throat.

Having said that, it was boring to just run away.

She would be too embarrassed to meet XingLu if she did not return at least with a minimum present.

When she was pondering whether there was not something that she could bring back as she ran on the warehouse’s roof, data from unknown sender were suddenly sent into Arema’s portable terminal. Arema’s portable terminal was a special-made one and people who could contact on this were quite limited, so there was no need for them to conceal their identity.

Though it was too suspicious, Arema opened the data without hesitation.

(Hey, hey, this is……!)

While running being struck by raindrops, Arema compared the harbor block’s map attached to the data with the present location.

If this were the real thing, it looked like she would be able to go back with a good present.

“……Father, shall I increase the number of pursuers? I feel a little uneasy with only four people chasing her.”

“No, ignore her.”

Bujinsai replied to his daughter Eika as he watched Arema’s figure disappear into the rain.

As Arema guessed, Eika was an extremely rare healing ability user. Her ability allowed the complete recovery of a serious wound in just a few minutes by simultaneously using special medicines, but it could only be manifested on blood relatives.

This time, Bujinsai took along two persons other than Eika with a similar healing ability. All of them were precious treasures.

“More importantly, we must first give top priority to the mission’s accomplishment. I took more time than expected facing her.”

It was almost evening already. There was also the option of waiting until <Pan-Dora>’s foresight stock was used up as is by the Kinoes’ attack in waves, but risks would increase if he took more time than this.

Even if it was a harbor block where mechanization advanced, it was not always completely unmanned and the barrier put up to ward off people was not absolute, either. There might be the intervention of a third party like a little while ago.

Just in case, he had asked support of blockading this whole area to the Shadow Star; but to begin with Bujinsai did not trust them that much.

There, one Kinoe appeared as if oozing from the warehouse’s shade and whispered into Bujinsai’s ear.


“Good grief”

Should he say it was as expected; it was a report which gave him a headache.

“What happened?”

“It seems that one mouse got in. Geez, so those guys of the Shadow Star can’t even handle this level of work satisfactorily, huh.”

After pondering for a while, Bujinsai greatly sighed.

“It can’t be helped. The minimum of Kinoes necessary to encircle the target will stay behind and the remaining will be assigned to the elimination of the mouse that got in, and the backing of the Shadow Star.”

“What do you mean by backing of the Shadow Star?”

Bujinsai shrugged his shoulders at Eika’s question.

“It seems that the friends of the mouse are holding them back. It’ll be troublesome if by any chance even they were to get in. I leave the command to you. But don’t appear to the vanguard.”

“Yes…… And, what will you do, Father?”

“Hmm, isn’t it obvious?”

Then, Bujinsai’s figure disappeared as it melted into the rain, leaving only a short, uncanny voice.

“──The job.”


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