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<title>Romance of Three Kingdoms - by Luo Guanzhong - Terms</title>
<p><a name=china></a><b>-China</b> up to the Three Kingdoms period, China had had five dynasties: Mythology (BC 5000-2200), <a href=#xia_dynasty>Xia Dynasty</a> (BC 2200-1700), <a href=#shang_dynasty>Shang Dynasty</a> (BC 1700-1050), <a href=#zhou_dynasty>Zhou Dynasty</a> (BC 1050-221), <a href=#qin_dynasty>Qin Dynasty</a> (BC 221-206), and <a href=#han_dynasty>Han Dynasty</a> (BC 206-AD 220). The <a href=#spring_and_autumn>Spring and Autumn Period</a> (BC 770-476) and the <a href=#warring_states>Warring States Period</a> (BC 475-221) fell within the last 500 years of Zhou Dynasty. <a href=http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=127710&tocid=0>britannica</a>, <a href=history.htm>history</a>
<p><a name=art_of_war></a><b>-Art of War, the</b>, a brief military treatise of 13 chapters written by <a href=#sun_zi>Sun Zi</a>. Sun Zi's descendant <a href=#sun_bin>Sun Bin</a> also wrote another military treatise named The Art of War of Sun Bin, which further developed Sun Zi's systems. Moreover, another great general <a href=#wu_qi>Wu Qi</a> also penned a treatise "Wu Qi's Art of War", but only 6 of 43 chapters have been preserved. <a href=http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/taoism/suntzu.htm>The Art of War (Sun Zi)</a>
<p><a name=bai_qi></a><b>-Bai Qi</b> a general of <a href=#qin_state>Qin</a>. In BC 278, the armies of Qin, led by Bai Qi, conquered <a href=#chu_state>Chu</a> and entered her capital Ying, destroying the palace to the ground.
<p><a name=bian_he></a><b>-Bian He</b> of Chu (circa 800) found a jadestone that became the Imperial Hereditary Seal. read <a href=#imperial_hereditary_seal>the story of the Imperial Hereditary Seal</a>
<p><a name=bian_que></a><b>-Bian Que</b> <a href=http://www.traditionalstudies.org/html/bian_que.htm>(source)</a> the earliest of the legendary doctors of Chinese medicine after the time of the Yellow Emperor and his advisors. Credited with incredible healing knowledge, stories of his life and treatments are used in teaching and known to all Chinese medicine practitioners today.
<p><a name=bing_ji></a><b>-Bing Ji</b> <a href=http://www.npm.gov.tw/exhbition/han9909/story/english/03_4.htm>(source)</a> A prime minister of <a href=#han_dynasty>Western Han</a>. One day, while riding in his cart with attendants, they came across brawling people by the road. He continued without concern. They then came across a man with an water buffalo panting. He immediately stopped to ask how long they had been traveling. His attendants were puzzled as to why he was more concerned about an ox than injured people. He replied that fighting was a matter for local officials, but an ox panting in early spring (if not traveling for long) suggested unusual heat, which could have disastrous results for all.
<p><a name=bo_yi_shu_qi></a><b>-Bo Yi and Shu Qi</b> <a href=http://www.stanford.edu/group/areaone/WOR99/ShangShu/Assignments/Boyi.html>(source)</a> were two sons of the lord of Guzhu . Their father wished to establish [the younger son] Shu Qi as his heir. Upon their father's death, Shu Qi abdicated in favor of Bo Yi. But Bo Yi said: "It is our father's will [that you should rule]." Then he ran away. Shu Qi was not willing to reign either, and ran away. The people of the state named a middle son as heir.
<p><a name=cai_yan></a><b>-Cai Yan</b>, aka Cai Wenji, a poetess, daughter of the imperial historian Cai Yong. read <a href=http://dawning.iist.unu.edu/china/ChineseLiterature/cl98-4/cl98-4-12.html>the story of Cai Yan via her painting</a>
<p><a name=cao_shen></a><b>-Cao Shen</b> a general of Liu Bang. He and Liu Bang had been close friends in their native Pei, where Liu Bang later held a minor office. Served as Han's prime minister. <a href=#liu_bang_ministers>Liu Bang's ministers</a>

Latest revision as of 10:58, 12 June 2018