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(→‎Page 18: Brit -> Am spelling)
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The touch of her soft lips confused Saito more.
The touch of her soft lips confused Saito more.
''My first kiss! But it was taken by this weird girl at this weird place!''
''My first kiss! But it was taken by this weird girl at this weird place!''
Saito lay there, paralysed.
Saito lay there, paralyzed.
Louise let go of his lips.
Louise let go of his lips.

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Chapter 01

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Chapter 01 - Part 1.1

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Chapter 1 I'm a familiar spirit

Page 12

"Who are you?" the girl asked, looking into Saito's face steadily with the bright blue sky behind her. She seemed to be about Saito's age and she wore a white blouse with a gray pleated skirt under a black cape. She crouched down, looking at his face in amazement.

Her face is... Cute. Her reddish-brown eyes dance, with her strawberry blond hair and her flawless white skin as their stage. She seems like a foreigner. Well... She is. But she is such a cute foreign girl, like a doll. Or is she half-Japanese? Anyway, her uniform, I wonder which school it belongs to? I have never seen it before.

Somehow Saito found himself lying with his back on the ground, looking at the sky. He lifted his head up to look around. A lot of people with black capes were looking at him with curiosity. There in the distance, on an endlessly rich grassy plain, he saw a huge castle with stone walls, just like he had seen in those European tour photographs.

This is just like a fantasy.

Page 13

This is giving me a headache, Saito thought, shaking his head.

"Who am I...? I'm Hiraga Saito."

"Where are you from, commoner?"

Commoner? What do you mean by that? Everyone around him had some sort of stick in their hand and wore the same uniform as hers. Did I get lost in an American school or something?

"Louise, what are you trying to do, calling a commoner at the Servant Summoning?" someone asked, and everyone but the girl who was looking at his face started to laugh.

"I... I just made little mistake!"

A girl in front of Saito shouted in a refined voice that carried like a bell, "What mistake are you talking about? That's your usual."

"Of course! After all, she's Louise the Zero!" The wall of people laughed out loud.

It appeared the girl looking into Saito's face was named Louise.

Either way this is no American school. You won't see those kinds of buildings just anywhere. Could it be a movie set? Filming for a movie? Saito thought all of a sudden. But it's too big to be a movie set. Could it be any place in Japan?

Page 14

(paragraph continued from previous page)

Or maybe a new theme park? But then, why am I lying down in such a place?

"Mr. Colbert!" the girl called Louise shouted. The wall of people divided, revealing a middle-aged man. Saito thought it was funny, because the man looked ridiculous. He carried a big wooden cane and was wearing a black robe that covered his whole body.

What kind of look is that? He's dressed like a wizard. Is he sane? I've got it, this must be a place for cosplay. But it doesn't seem to have that kind of atmosphere. Suddenly Saito was gripped with fear. What am I going to do if this is a religious group? It's possible. They could have put me to sleep somehow and brought me here while I was taking a walk in town. That mirror must have been a trap. If not, I have no explanation for this. I'd better stay quiet, until I know what's going on, Saito thought to himself.

The girl, Louise, was saying things like, "Let me try it again," and "Please," while waving her arms wildly.

It's too bad she's in this weird religious group, especially since she's so cute.

"What is it, Miss. Vallière?"

"Please! Let me try the summoning one more time!"

Chapter 01 - Part 1.2

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Page 15

A summoning? What is that? They mentioned it earlier.

Mr. Colbert, the man wearing the black robe, shook his head. "That won't be allowed, Miss Vallière."

"Why not, sir?"

"It is the rule. When you are promoted to a second year student, you must summon a familiar spirit. Which is what you just did."

A familiar spirit? What is that?

"Your magical attribute (alt: elemental speciality) is decided by the familiar that you summon. This enables you to advance to the appropriate specialised (elemental) courses." You can't change the familiar spirit once you've summoned it, because the Familiar Spirit Summoning of Spring is a holy ceremony. Whether you like it or not, you don't have any choice but to have him as your familiar spirit."

"But... I've never heard of having a commoner as a familiar spirit!" Everyone around laughed as Louise said that. She scowled at them, but the laughter didn't stop.

The 'Familiar Spirit Summoning of Spring?' What is that?

Page 16

I don't understand. What are they talking about? How did I end up in a place like this.... It has to be a new religious group. It might be possible for me to find an opportunity and run away. I mean really, where is this place? Was I taken to a foreign country? An abduction! I've been abducted! I'm in real trouble, thought Saito.

"This is a tradition, Miss Vallière. I can't allow any exceptions, he is..." The middle-aged man cosplaying as a wizard pointed at Saito. "He might be a commoner but as long as he was summoned by you, he must be your familiar spirit. We have never had a human summoned as a familiar spirit in our history, but the Familiar Spirit Summoning of Spring takes priority over every rule. Therefore he will be your familiar spirit."

"You have got to be joking..." Louise drooped her shoulders in disappointment.

"Well, then. Continue with the ceremony."

"What? With him?"

"Yes, with him. Hurry. The next class will begin any minute. How long do you think you are going to take for the summoning? Mistake after mistake, you have finally summoned him. So hurry up and make a contract."

Page 17

(paragraph continued from previous page)

Everyone agreed and jeered.

Louise stared at Saito's face as if it was troubling her.

What is it? What is she going to do to me?

"Hey," Louise called Saito.


"You should be appreciative. It usually never happens; a thing like this carried out by a noble."

A noble? How stupid. Give me a break, a noble? You are a warped bunch, a cosplaying new religious group.

Louise closed her eyes as if she had given up. She waved around a little wooden stick, which was in her hand.

"My name is Louise Françoise Le Blanc de la Vallière. A pentagon, which holds five powers, bless this humble being, and make him become my familiar spirit," She recited, like a sonorous incantation.

She touched Saito's forehead with the wooden stick. Her lips then slowly drew closer.

What... What are you doing?!

Page 18

"Just stay still." Louise said, upset. Her face got closer.

"Hey, wait. Well, I'm... Well, I'm not ready for this..."

His face gradually shook as he panicked.

"Uh! I told you to stay still!" Louise roughly grabbed Saito's face with her left hand.



Louise's lips touched Saito's.

What, what is this! This is what that contract means?! The touch of her soft lips confused Saito more. My first kiss! But it was taken by this weird girl at this weird place! Saito lay there, paralyzed.

Louise let go of his lips. "It is done."

Page 20

(paragraph continued from previous page?)

Her face is red. Is she embarrassed by her impudence? What an idiot, Saito thought.

"I should be the one embarrassed, not you! You kissed me all of a sudden!"

But Louise completely ignored Saito.

You kissed me and that is how you act? How rude. Really, who are they?! I'm scared. I want to go home right this minute. I just want to go home and get online, Saito thought. He had just registered himself to a dating site, so he wanted to check his e-mail.

"You had failed on The Spell of Familiar Spirit Summoning of Spring many times, but you have managed to succeed with the Servant Contract," Colbert said happily.

"She was able to make a servant contract, because he is just a commoner."

"If he was a high-powered illusion beast, she would never have made a contract." A few students laughed at the frequently said comments.

Louise scowled at them. "Don't make a fool out of me! Even if it happens rarely, I can still do things right!"

"You are right, it rarely happens. Louise the Zero." A girl laughed at Louise, a girl with gorgeous curly hair and freckles on her face.

"Mr. Colbert! Montmorency the Flood has insulted me!"

Page 21

"Who are you calling 'the Flood?' I'm Montmorency the Fragrance!"

"I've heard that you used to wet the bed like it was flooding, so 'the Flood' suits you better!"

"How dare you, Louise the Zero! What can I say? You are a zero!"

"Watch it! Nobles are to respect each other," the middle-aged, cosplaying man interjected to stop them.

What are they talking about? A contract? A Servant Contract?

At that instant, Saito's body started to get hot.

"Aaah!" Saito stood up. "It's hot!"

"It will be over soon, just wait. The Runes of the Spell of Summoning are being engraved," Louise said, irritated.

"Don't engrave it! What did you do to my body?!"

There is nothing I can do, but I can't just lie around quietly. It is unbelievably hot!

"By the way."


Page 22

"Do you think it's forgivable for a commoner to use that kind of language before nobles?"

The hot sensation lasted only for a second. His body rapidly returned to a normal state.

"That was quick..."

The middle-aged cosplaying man known as Colbert, came to the kneeing Saito and checked the back of his left hand. There, jumping around were unfamiliar letters.

Is this a word? It looks like a wriggling snake, in a pattern I have never seen before. Saito stared at it and thought, if this isn't magic, then what was it?


At this point, Saito really lost it.

"This is a very rare Rune." The middle-aged wizard said.

"Who are you people?!" Saito yelled out, but no one reacted.

"Well, let's go back to class, everyone."

The middle-aged cosplaying wizard turned around then floated in the air. Saito's jaw dropped as he stared at him.

Page 23

Did.. Did he fly? Floating in the air? It can't be. The others, who looked like students floated up in the air, all at once.

It can't be! More of them? One person could float in the air by some trick, but all of them? Saito looked for wires, even a crane. But the surrounding area was just a large grassy plain. There was nothing to suggest any tricks or setups. Everyone who was floating flew towards the stone-walled castle quietly.

"Louise, you'd better walk back!" "She can't fly. She can't even manage levitation." "That commoner is just what you need!" they said, as they flew away. The only ones left behind was the girl named Louise and Saito.

Louise took a deep breath as soon as it was only the two of them. She turned toward Saito and yelled, "Who are you?!"

That made Saito mad. He thought, That is my line!

"Who are you? Where is this place?! Who were all those people?! Why can you fly?!"

Page 24

(quotation continued from previous page?)

"What did you do to my body?!"

"I don't know which country you came from but I will explain it to you."

"A country? This is a country? Tokyo is nothing like this!"

"Tokyo? What is that? What country is it in?"


"What? I have never heard of it before."

"Oh please! But why are they flying?! You saw it too! They flew! They all did!"

But Louise took no notice of it at all. Instead, she seemed to think, "What's wrong with flying?"

"Of course they do, what would we do if mages couldn't fly?"

"Mages? What is this place?!" Saito grabbed Louise's shoulder and yelled.

"This is Tristein! And this is the well known Tristein Magic School!"

"A magic school?"

"I'm a second year student, Louise de la Vallière. I am your master from now on. Remember that!"

Page 25

All strength in Saito disappeared. He was getting a really unpleasant feeling about the situation. "Excuse me... Louise-san."


"Was I really summoned?"

"I've told you so, so many times. Over and over again. Just give up. I'll give up too. Why is my familiar spirit a creature that isn't cool at all... I wanted to have something cool, like a dragon, a griffon, or a manticore. At least an eagle or an owl."

"A dragon or griffon? What do you mean?"

"I was just saying that I wish had one of those as my familiar spirit."

"Do they really exist?"

"They do, why?"

"You're kidding me," Saito said, and laughed. But Louise wasn't laughing.

"Well, you probably haven't seen any before," Louise said, with pity in her voice. She didn't look like she was joking.

Page 26

The mages who flew away from here, and the fantasy words suddenly connected.

He felt a chill run down his spine and broke out in a cold sweat. "I thought maybe... Since they flew. Are you people really witches and wizards?"

"Yes we are! If you understand that, let go of my shoulder! You shouldn't even be talking to me!"

A dream... This is a dream... Slowly his strength left him from his waist down and Saito fell to his knees.

"Louise," he said with a weak voice.

"Don't call me by my name."

"Hit me."


"Hit me in the head as hard as you can."


"I want to wake up from this dream now. I'll wake up from this dream and get online. Tonight's dinner is hamburgers. My mother mentioned it."

"Get online?"

Chapter 01 - Part 1.3?

Pages 27-34 to be added (I suppose)

Chapter 01 - Part 2.1

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Page 35

"That's impossible."

"But why...?"

"Because, you've been bound by a contract as my familiar. It doesn't matter if you come from the countryside, or even a completely different world as you've said. Once the bond is established, it cannot be undone."

"You gotta be kidding..."

"Look, I don't like this either! Why did I have to be stuck with a familiar like you?!"

"Well then, send me back."

"Are you saying you're really from another world?" asked Louise, seemingly still perplexed.

"Yeah." Saito nodded.

"Show me some proof."

Wincing at the pain where he'd just been kicked, Saito stood up, and opened his bag.

"What's that?"

"A notebook computer," replied Saito.

Page 36

The surface of the recently-repaired notebook gleamed with reflected light.

"I've certainly never seen something like this. What kind of magic item is it?"

"It's not magic. It's science."

Saito pushed the power button, and the computer came to life with a 'whirr.'

"Uwah! What is that?!"

Louise gave a surprised yelp, as the screen flickered on.

"The notebook screen."

"It's pretty... What element of magic does it use? Wind? Water?"


Louise stared at Saito with a blank expression. Clearly she didn't get it. "So, what kind of element is this 'science?' Is it different from the four elemental powers?"

"Argh, enough already! In any case, it's not magic!" Saito waved his hands around wildly.

Louise sat on the edge of her bed and dangled her feet. Then shrugging, she spoke with an unconcerned look. "Hmm. But that's what I don't understand...."

"Why? Is there something like this, in this world too?"

Page 37

Louise stuck out her lips in a pout. "No, but..."

"Then just believe me! There's nothing to understand!"

Clutching at her own long hair, Louise just shook her head. "All right! I'll believe you!"


Crossing her arms and cocking her head, Louise made an annoying sound. "Only because you would've gone on about it if I didn't say so."

"Well, it doesn't matter, as long as you've got it. Now, send me back"

"I told you, that's impossible."

"But why?!"

Worry was etched on Louise's face as she answered Saito. "That's because, there's no spell that can connect this world to your world."

"Then how did I end up here?"

"I don't know how!"

Saito and Louise glared at each other.

"Listen, I'm being completely honest when I say there's no such spell. Most people don't even know that another world exists."

Page 38

"It obviously does, if I'm here!"

"The spell of Summoning is used to call living beings from within Halkeginia. Normally only things like animals or fantastic creatures are summoned. This is actually the first instance that I've seen a person summoned."

"Stop talking about it like you're not involved. In that case, cast that spell on me one more time."


"It might return me to my world."

Looking discernably perplexed, Louise tilted her head to one side.

"...That won't work. The spell of Summoning is strictly a one-way spell. No incantation of any kind exists to return a summoned familiar back to where it was brought from."

"Whatever, just try it."

"It's impossible. And I can't even cast it now."

"What? Why?"

"...Using The spell of Summoning again is..."


"...Completely ineffective unless the familiar you first summoned has died."

"Has what?"

Page 39

(paragraph continued from previous page?)

Saito's body froze.

"Would you like to die?"

"Err... I'll pass." He hung his head. His eyes trailed down to the runes that had been inscribed on his left hand.

"Oh, that?"


"That's like a stamp that says you're my familiar."

Louise stood up and crossed her arms. If you looked closely, she was actually quite cute. Slender and well-proportioned legs, thin ankles, and not too tall with a height of 155cm. Her eyes were like a curious kitten's, and her eyebrows traced a subtle line over them. If Saito had met her through the message boards of a dating site, he would've hopped and leaped for joy. But alas, this wasn't Earth. No matter how much he wanted to go back, he couldn't. Saito choked up at this thought, and his shoulders drooped.

"...Yeah, all right. For the meanwhile, I guess I'll be your familiar."

"Come again?"

"What, you got a problem with that?"

Chapter 01 - Part 2.2

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Page 40

"I see you're still not used to formal speech. It should be, 'Is there something you wish to address, master?'" corrected Louise, one finger raised as if lecturing. The gesture was cute, but the tone was quite strict.

"But um, what exactly does a familiar do?" asked Saito. Of course, he had seen ravens and owls appear as familiars in anime involving magicians. But mostly they would just sit on their master's shoulder and not actually do anything relevant.

"Firstly, a familiar is able to grant its master an enhancement in vision and hearing."

"Like how?"

"That means what the familiar sees, the master can also see."


"But it seems that doesn't work with you. I can't see anything."

"Yeah, but like that matters." Saito said off-handedly.

"And also, a familiar will retrieve items that its master desires. For instance, reagents."


"A catalyst you use when casting certain spells. Something like sulfur, or moss..."


Page 41

"But you won't ever find me stuff like that, will you? Considering you don't even know what kind of reagents there are."


Louise frowned irritably, but continued talking. "And this is most important of all... A familiar exists to protect its master! The task of protecting them from all and any enemies is a duty of the highest priority! But that might be a little bit problematic for you..."

"Since I'm human..."

"...A powerful magical beast would almost always defeat its enemies, but I don't think you could even beat a raven."

"Shut up."

"That's why I'm only making you do things I'm fairly sure you can do. Laundry, cleaning, and other miscellaneous tasks."

"Don't insult me. I'll be sure to find a way to get back home!"

"Yeah yeah. In fact, I'll be glad if you do. Because when you return to your world, I'll be able to summon a new familiar."

"Why you..."

"Right then, all this talking has made me sleepy." said Louise with a great yawn.

"Where do I sleep?"

Page 42

Louise pointed to the floor.

"I'm not some dog or cat, you know."

"But there's nowhere else. And there's only one bed." She threw him a blanket.

And then she brought her hand up to the top button of her blouse.

One by one, the buttons came undone.

Soon she was down to her underwear. Saito blushed. "Wh-wh-what are you doing?!"

Louise answered as if it was the most obvious thing. "I'm going to sleep, so I'm getting changed."

"Do it somewhere else where I can't see you!"


"Because! It makes the situation awkward! Seriously!"

"It's not awkward at all."

"Is that because you're a mage? You're okay with doing that in plain sight of a guy?"

"A guy? Who? I don't need to think anything of being watched by my familiar."

What the heck. That's exactly how you'd treat a dog or cat. Saito grabbed the blanket, threw it over his head, and turned away.

Page 43

First of all, he decided to revoke all and any thoughts he'd previously had about her being cute. She just really got on his nerves. A girl like her, a mage? Yeah right.

"Oh, and these. Wash them for me tomorrow." Several items came flying over to land softly beside him. He picked them up, wondering what they were.

A lacy camisole, and matching panties. White, too. What exquisite and delicate pieces, Saito thought, face heating up. He clenched the items tightly as a mix of indignation and delight welled up.

"Why do I have to-- Your underwear?! Wash them?! Frankly, I'm both flattered and offended!"

He bolted upright, without even realising he'd done so. Louise was pulling a large nightgown over her head. And in the dim light thrown off by the lamp, he could see the outline of her figure. While he couldn't make out any other details, it didn't seem as though she was embarrassed. More like, she seemed rueful (note: originally 'kuyashii', but I toyed with various synonyms), like a boy who'd just been rejected.

"Who do you think is going to support you? Who do you think is going to give you food? And just whose room are you in?"


Page 44

"You're my familiar, right? Laundry, cleaning, other menial tasks - they're naturally your jobs."

Saito pulled the blanket over his head again.

This girl is hopeless, he thought. She just doesn't see me as a guy at all.

I want to go home. I miss my room. I miss my parents.

This feeling of homesickness is overwhelming.

...When will I able to go back?

Is there even a way to go back?

I wonder if my family is worried about me right now...

Anyway, I need to find some way of returning...

What should I do? Should I try running away from here? But then what?

Maybe I'll try asking someone. But from what Louise told me earlier, nobody even knows another world exists, so there's no way they'll believe me.

No, I need to think about this critically. In any case, struggling won't get me anywhere. I don't have any clues, and even if I escaped from here, there's no guarantee that I'll even find a way back.

I don't even have relatives on this world. There's nobody I can rely on, except for a conceited girl named Louise.

Guess there's no choice. For now, I'll be her familiar. At least she said she'll keep me fed.

Page 45

(paragraph continues from previous page?)

It'll be tough, since I'm not much more than a familiar to her.

Sure, she's a bit arrogant, but at least she's fairly cute. I suppose I can just imagine I made a girlfriend. Someone from the dating site I've finally managed to meet. Treat it as if I came overseas just to see her. Or I came as a foreign student. Actually, that's better. Yeah, that's what I'll think. Hah, I'm so simple like that. It's great.

Okay, thought Saito. It's not like I've been stranded on a deserted island. Moping will achieve nothing.

I'll live as a familiar, and in the process, I'll look for a way to return home. (note: everything up to now was him thinking)

Now that his plan was set, he felt noticeably sleepy.

No matter the situation, Saito's amazing adaptablity has always saved him. Where anyone else would've panicked and crumbled, Saito came through thanks to his fluid personality.

Louise snapped her fingers, and the glow of the lamp died out.

The lamp is magical too? I guess that way there's no need for electricity, Saito reasoned.

A shroud of darkness descended on the room, enveloping it in shadow.

Outside the window, the two moons shone down mysteriously.

Mother, Saito thought. I've ended up in a world of actual magicians. I don't think I can go to school for a while. I won't be able to study either. Please forgive me.

And so began Saito's life as a familiar.