User talk:Amoirsp

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Revision as of 07:29, 18 October 2007 by Velocity7 (talk | contribs) (School Foundation Day)
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Spacing and Name Changes

Hello Amoirsp,

Although changing the spacing is appreciated for the "//" lines, it is not necessary. Please review the guidelines as well as Haeleth's manual on comments. As long as comments are:

this is not ignored // sajfiophwaopeifhiopwhfeiopa this is ignored until end of line

this is not ignored {-- ahsfopihewaoipfhaiopwhfiopwhe this is ignored --} this is not ignored

Also, please review the guidelines carefully on naming. I notice you used "Young man" when it should be "Young Man".

--velocity7, 9:24 AM EST March 14 2007

Buhi vs. Puhi

Turns out to be puhi, my eyes have been deceiving me all this time because in MS PGothics, ぷ and ぶ look alike. :(


Tomoyo's Route

Just FYI, I plan to be tackling that route as soon as I'm done with Kyou's, so hold out for a while. ;)


IRC! @ #baka-tsuki

That's actually the reverse, unless the world revolves around #b-t? -- Seven Eleven 06:27, 14 April 2007 (PDT)

About the language reversal

We need to talk about how we will approach this. Well, let me start... I'm just wondering about how we'll deal with this things. Yup, translation is interpretation but sometimes, the interpretation is vague if followed too perfectly, for example...

Taken from SEEN4420
<0256> \{Kotomi} "Which do you like? English or French?"
<0257> \{\m{B}} "Don't decide what other people would want to read by your criteria."
<0258> \{Kotomi} "??"
<0259> \{\m{B}} "Please give me one of those Japanese ones."

Some people might wonder, they're English speaking people but why is he asking for a Japanese book? Or maybe it just doesn't look right to me for having got used to multiple language? ^_^; --Dgreater1 02:35, 17 April 2007 (PDT)

I look it as the difficulty of book, even with same language, is too much for Tomoya. So even if he request a Japanese book, he's asking for a very simple elementary one. Since he is Japanese (Speaking English is one thing, but this cannot be denied), asking for a basic simple book sounds reasonable. Also, all the books in the library were too much for him, and this was established. Also, in Clannad they have an English grammar class specifically. Kotomi also talked about that English book she was reading earlier. On THAT book she read, it has to be English, otherwise the structure makes absolutely no sense about not easy to write but easy to read. There is one funny thing though, since Japanese books are read right to left (up to down, but the page flip is right to left), and English is basically the opposite, it would be funny calculating the direction. I still say make it nearly direct, since playing this game should already give the main idea that they are indeed, Japanese (school, places, radicals, names, culture, golden week). Then again along with this language confusion is also why we use several romanji (imagine English-fying the SFX to wham and bam -_-, but that's not the issue ^^;; ) I think the problem is adjusting the ENTIRE GAME to this (so it's also easier to draft directly). If it's like one little scene then this is much easier to decide.
NOW I REMEMBER! Tomoya told Ryou in 4th period or something in seen4417 before ditching class (or rather, during the ditch) and he doesn't care about English Grammar, telling Ryou that he's Japanese and won't ever use English. That's what further made me think the direct language thing. ...and I guess I see nothing wrong with him speaking in English requesting a Japanese book because Tomoya is Japanese, :P --Amoirsp 03:25, 17 April 2007
I see, thanks for the explanation but don't forget that there are Japanese classes too, not a regular subject compared to English though ^^;. I guess we must check back those reversed languages I made :3, I don't remember though how many of it, but I don't think there were plenty :3... There's surely in Tomoyo's route :3 about the dovenge, rozonve, etc., I'm sure I reversed the language there, and I also think I reversed something about English Grammar to Japanese lesson somewhere before. Anyway, I'll go look for it later and fix those lines, especially for Sunohara, he talks a lot of English :3 --Dgreater1 05:52, 17 April 2007 (PDT)
I see your point about how strange it would be for Sunohara to speak in English, then because of this translation, have Tomoya speak in English saying "why is it in English ..." However, making these in particular Japanese equivalents would be far more messy. The excuse would be Sunohara has bad English, which regardless of which language, has it's merit. I can understand how that itself can sound really weird, but making a Japanese equivalent of errours like that would be further challenging. I think we best make some sort of note that this is a Japanese game, so it will sound like they spoke English, because they did. When Sunohara does it, it implies his English sucks, in which it can. When Kotomi uses other languages, it is understood by the characters that they don't really understand her and that it's like "why a different language we can't follow"? As far as Kotomi English goes ... they seem to be references to books. Maybe we need to distinguish translated good morning with English good morning (This would at first glance sound much better with your language reversal)? o_o On the other hand it can be argued that "hey she literally said good morning, so why is it konnichiwa" Hm maybe we should put this on hold, or use one and decide later. Some cases it sounds pretty good, but others it seems indifferent. Doing it direct will make it easier to translate. -Amoirsp
Oh, then how about (All Japanese ===> English and all English ===> Japanese) but of course, there would be an exception like for example, "The Rolling Thunder and the Alice" of SEEN0415, "Are you Pretty Dog Too? It's Miracle!" of SEEN0422 (these line could also mean he bad at English so it doesn't matter), etc. etc. The dovenjo, rozonve, etc. in Tomoyo's route doesn't really need to be reversed since it can be interpreted as imperfect English, but in case of something like for example... Yukine's route, in SEEN5426 where Sunohara is using two language, I think it's better to reverse that part (Line 251 to 254)...
<0251> \{Miyazawa} "It's alright. I don't have any boyfriend, after all."
<0252> \{Sunohara} "Hontou ni?"
<0253> Even more, Japanese came out.
<0254> \{Miyazawa} "Really."

What this line is really trying to interpret is more different language came out of his mouth. Not exactly more Japanese came out of his mouth. So I think interpreting this line to have two language might be better than interpreting it like...

<0251> \{Miyazawa} "It's alright. I don't have any boyfriend, after all."
<0252> \{Sunohara} "Really?"
<0253> Even more, English came out.
<0254> \{Miyazawa} "Really."

We need to note "Hontou ni?" though...

There's also a line in Kotomi that goes...
<0035> \{Kotomi} "\m{B}-kun, good afternoon."
<0036> \{\m{B}} "........."
<0037> \{Kotomi} "Good afternoon."
<0038> \{\m{B}} "........."
<0039> \{Kotomi} ".........Well."
<0040> \{Kotomi} "Konnichi wa?" // This line would surely be weird if we don't reverse it.
<0041> \{\m{B}} "That's not it."
<0042> \{Kotomi} "??"
There's also a problem about the English lesson that the students undertake, and about the line where Tomoya said "I don't need to study English since I'm a Japanese and I won't use it." in Line 0348 SEEN0417... Reversing the language setting would mean that the students are undertaking Japanese language lesson. I don't really mind reversing it since I understand the voice and also have an idea why is it reverse, but for some who doesn't really understand Japanese, they will only find the voice to be an extra spice to the emotion of that character.

Now I remember one of the BIGGEST reason why I'm so worked out with the language reversal. It's because there would be a problem near the end of Kotomi's route and it's about an English sentence that goes "If you find this suit case... please take it to our daughter.", the orginal line is written in English and most Japanese people wouldn't really understand it that much because they're not really fluent in English, but Ryou tried to interpret it in Japanese but her interpretation is a bit vague so Kotomi steps in and interpret it for them easily :p... The reason I want to reverse the language is because readers shouldn't really understand that part until Kotomi explains it :p and that part is one of the most emotional part of Kotomi's route. And I think direct/exact translation of this line would ruin her route. I think we should make an exception in Kotomi's route here, she can speak various language anyway so it's not really confusing. As for the other routes, it doesn't need to be reversed. Anyway, in short, I have a problem of interpreting completely what the line is really trying to tell the reader XD so it won't be confusing.

Erm... I'm not making any sense do I ^^; Anyway about Sunohara's bad English, we don't really need to reverse it, but I think we should reverse the line that implies the use of both language (English and Japanese) for PERFECT interpretation. Woah!!! I think I'm heading to the path of being a perfectionist, Somebody stop me! (ala Mask Mode) XD... Ahhh... I'll finish Kotomi first before doing some checking with the other scene...
What can you say about my idea? :3

DGreater1 (Wednesday 3:52AM April 18, 2007 Philippine Time)
I like it and I say Kotomi's route having exceptions should be fine given that she has no impact on other routes, meaning everything said and done with her only exists in her route and once you get into her route you lose just about all other paths. But in a way that implies the same can go for Miyazawa (though I still find hers more of an almagam, though Kotomi's isn't that far from it either) We'll use your changes then. -Amoirsp

School Foundation Day

See Talk:Clannad:Guidelines#.E5.89.B5.E7.AB.8B.E8.80.85.E7.A5.AD

If there are no objections, could you look into changing all instances of Founder's Day to School Foundation Day? Thanks.
