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About Me

Hi! Newbie translator here. Read my translations at your own risk.... ^_^

RL is knocking at my door

Hmmm... Not sure if anyone's gonna see this announcement. Anyway, if you were curious enough to look at my page, then here it is...

Nope, that's not quite right. Actually, real life has been banging my doorbell for the past few weeks. I'm just ignoring her with my whole being....LOL Now, I have to answer to my responsibilities. Work, exams, friends, etc...

Last month, I was bold enough to try and translate 30-40 pages each week. But starting next week (July 8, 2012), I'll be reducing that by half. So, from two or three chapters a week, I'll be submitting just one medium-length chapter (or two short ones). If I dare translate long chapters they'll have to be split into two or more parts, so I'd rather not....

Hey, did you think I was going to quit? No way! If Kino no Tabi were a drug, I'd be in rehab right now. What I fear right now are the withdrawal symptoms of having less Kino no Tabi each week. So to compensate, I'll probably do some less tedious stuff, like adding pictures to the chapters.... or brushing up my Japanese.... After having some of my translation mistakes pointed out, I tried rereading some of my previous translations and found them... less than satisfactory. I guess that's expected when a casual learner tries to translate.... T_T

Irregular Updates

Once Kino no Tabi volume 5 is finished, I will be going on a pseudo-hiatus. I have a VERY important exam coming this February. At the rate I'm going now, I probably won't pass it unless I give up my Kino no Tabi translation deadlines. I know it's not much. Because I have very little knowledge of Japanese, I wasn't really able to translate as fast (and as accurate) as I would have wished, so I at least tried to submit small updates regularly. I have been faithful to my deadlines except for 2 or 3 instances. I realized that the weekly deadline is tying me up so much that I couldn't concentrate on anything else... Even when I'm not translating, KnT occupies my thoughts the whole week... 0_0

But I just can't give Kino up. So I decided that instead of a hiatus, I will just do sporadic updates. Until late February (earliest), I will be posting translations irregularly. I will translate and think about KnT only when I have real free time.

Ugh, I really have to pass this exam, because if I don't, I will have to go on a real hiatus... T_T

Um, sorry for the wordy announcement... :P

Irregular Updates Part 2

I apologize for my nearly two months of absence. My real life (read: work) issues this time were serious enough to make me freeze all of my translation activities (forgive me for Volumes XI and XIII T_T). I won't be back until the end of February, that is, until my second exam is over, hence I won't be able to make regular updates until then. However, I'll up translations of random, short chapters whenever I get enough breathing space (sorry that the translations will get scattered all over the place again), so see you around. :)