Kami-sama no Inai Nichiyoubi Volume 1 Chapter 1

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Status: Incomplete

On Monday, God created the world.

God created “nothing” in a place where even the concept of nothing did not exist.

On Tuesday, God separated the order and the chaos.

God defined freedom and liberty, thus making a decision in which direction the world would travel in.

On Wednesday, God sorted the order of every number.

His tedious work brought about beautiful diversity.

On Thursday, God allowed for time to flow.

Numbers grew explosively, giving birth to the first humans. [1]

On Friday, God looked at every corner of the Earth.

Over millions of years of search, God found this world to be ideal and had come to love it.

On Saturday, God rested.

Billions of years passed. [2]

Then, on Sunday God abandoned the world.

Fifteen years ago, God suddenly appeared in front of humanity and told them:

“Heaven is too crowded with people and this world will come to its end very quickly. Ah, I’ve made a mistake.” [3]

God just left behind these words before vanishing into thin air.

However the humans only wanted to sing and rejoice for spring while nature around them trembled in fear. Though humans had only existed in this world for less than a million years, this was their first time meeting God, but God was certainly already saying farewell.

From that day onward, humans no longer died.

Even if their hearts stopped, and their bodies festered, the dead would continue on with their activities.

From that day onward, humans were not born.

It was as if the factory that made humans stopped production, never to make another human being.

Soon, in the time after God left the Earth, people began screaming and vomiting blood - living on the verge of death.

The number of living quickly and suddenly decreased; the whole world filled with corpses.

Eventually, the Grave Keepers appeared.

God sent the Grave Keepers to mankind as one last miracle.

Grave Keepers did grow old and nor did they know fatigue.

God gave them perfect bodies beyond man’s wildest imaginations. He instructed them to build tombs, and bury the dead that still wandered the world, to avoid disturbing people’s everyday lives. It was only after this, that people could peacefully sleep.

Translator's Notes


  1. I think this is what it is telling me, although I don’t know.
  2. This says billions of light years passed, at least I think it does… but that is a measure of distance and makes no sense
  3. "screwed up" is probably more accurate here… but I don’t really think God would say that.