Absolute Duo:Volume 1 Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 『Punch me!!』

Part 1

The morning of the 2nd day after enrollment. We went to the cafeteria and--------rather than that, there were many sights gathered on Yurie.

(That’s because she stands out……..)

There were attention gathered not only from the 1st years but also the 2nd and 3rd but, naturally Yurie was calm and walking in the cafeteria not bothered about them.

I was walking right behind her like a servant but, [Silver hair…………] [Male female living together] a part of these whispering conversations from the surroundings entered my ears.

Inside them, there was one word mixed in that caught my attention.


Which means, it looks like I am a topic material too.

(The combination of the foreign beauty and the so called <<Irregular>> would be a rumor whether I like it or not)

Nonetheless, I can’t do anything even when I worry about it and as long as there are no problems I’ll just remain open

“Yurie. What are you choosing?”

“I’m thinking of having buffet”

“I wonder what I should pick………”

It looks like there are 3 forms of choices In Kouryou Academy’s cafeteria, the meat main is in set A, fish main is in set B and the pick all you want buffet with 50 different types of Japanese, Chinese and Western cuisines. The set meals were combinations of nutritional control thought off and made by the cafeteria’s Obaa-chan[1c 1] but, the free picking buffet looks popular and a big portion of the students were putting on foods of their choices on their plate.

(I’ll go with buffet then)

Yurie was already holding a plate on her hands and was looking around at the cuisines; I did the same and started picking my food.

…………primarily meat.

First off I’ll pick 4 of my favorite fried chickens. Following with pork poured with sweet vinegar, stir-fried black pepper beef, and tomato beef-stock stew---------

“…………Why is your choice picking so bad in balance”

Suddenly a given up voice came calling out to me from my side.

If I remember correctly, she was that girl that sat behind my seat during the entrance ceremony and she was staring at me with those eyes filled with strong determination--------not that, she was looking at the tray I was holding.

“If I am correct………..you are, Tachibana right?”

“That is correct. Good morning, Kokonoe.”

“Aah, good mor-------“

“By the way, I said this just now but, why is your combination so thoughtless of balance. From what I saw just now it was just, meat, meat, meat. Are you planning to eat meat only? No matter how free you are to pick in a buffet, there are limits to everything”

When I thought my reply greeting was interrupted, Tachibana started lecturing me for some reason.

(No, it’s true that only meat is bad for balance but……………)

But even so, I feel others have no right to be complaining-----and when I was thinking that, my plate was taken away from me.

“Fumu…………..i can’t do anything with the food that was already put on, what’s next is to think as balanced as possible, this and this…………..next would be, having this is good”

(Egg-eggplant was put on………….)

It was rank number 2 in my food I hate.

“Oh yes, celery was over there if I remember.”

……….My firm number 1 was put on.

“Okay, this should be okay.”

After a while, Tachibana made a satisfied smile before giving me back the plate that has various vegetables and fish put on it.

“Tha,thank you……….. i am totally not happy about the celery, rather how should I say this, I don’t really like it though………”

“That’s called hating before eating.”

I am still bad with it after eating though.

“Well then, I will go take my morning breakfast.”

Just like this, Tachibana said what she wanted, did what she wanted and left.

(……………I’ll just ask Yurie to save me………..)

While praying for Yurie not to hate eggplants and celery, I sat beside her who was already sitting down.

“Hey Yurie. I have a favor but………..”

“What is it?”

“Actually, I want you to eat celery and eggplant-------“

And it was at that time when I said until there.

*Gataa* that sound sounded, and there was a girl sitting on the opposite side of the table.

It was Tachibana.

“While we are at it, I will be eating over here.”

I, am dead…………

“Good morning, Yurie. Did you sleep properly last night?”

“Good morning.”

Even after Yurie replied she slept properly, she then looked towards me with a puzzled expression later.

Most likely, she doesn’t know who that person was.

Since she was looking at me the whole time during the self-introductory, if I say it can’t be helped then, it can’t be helped.

“I am Tachibana Tomoe. I am a new student same as you and Kokonoe-------which means I am your classmate.”

“Is that so. I apologize, Tomoe.”

“Fufu, I don’t really mind. Yesterday was the first day after enrollment, and what’s more there should be a lot of confusion after that examination.”

Tachibana’s cheeks slightly relaxed. I thought it was a little unexpected for her to make such an expression when she has that dignified atmosphere around her.

“By the way Tooru. What was the request you asked for?”

“…………….No, nothing.”


Yurie tilted her head in wonder, and *Chirin* the sound of a bell appeared.

For Tachibana, she was sending her sights towards a girl receiving a set meal from the cafeteria’s obaa-chan.

“Mu…………sorry, can I call my roommate here?”

“Aah, I don’t mind.”

“Thank you………………Miyabi, over here.”

After Tachibana raised her hands and called out to her, that girl came over.

“Yo,you were over here, Tomoe-chan.”

“Haa………..I told you many times you don’t have to call me by honorifics, Miyabi.”

“Bu,but Tomoe-chan is Tomoe-chan so…………..”

“Seriously, you………………Oh, sorry. She is my roommate Miyabi.”

“Eh? Ah…………..!? Go,good morning, I am Hotaka Miyabi………..”

The girl called Hotaka lowered her head in panic when she noticed us; she had quite a small body and average height contrastive to the adult-like Tachibana, and has young facial features. Her evenly cut hair only has the back part growing, and thanks to that it turned into a single point because the collected parts were brought forward.

However most importantly, the one that attracts the eyes were her bulges of her abundant chest, it was bigger than the quite stylish Tachibana. Towards Hotaka, Yurie first named herself then followed by me---------

“Ah……….u,un, nice to meet you…………..”

Hotaka’s blushed, and lowered her sights before shrinking.

“What’s wrong, Miyabi?”

“I, I, err…………fro,from a girl school so err……….” Tachibana asked, and Hotaka who was giving glances at me answered.

“I see, you are bad with males. ……….it’s okay, it’s not like Kokonoe will bite.”

Am I being treated like a dog……….


Hotaka hesitantly looked at me. It’s troubling I was recognized like that but, if I don’t answer her, she would be cautious of me so I nodded.

“Anyways, just sit down Miyabi.”


The moment Hotaka sat on the chair, her large breast shook, and my male eyes looked at it by reflex.

What’s more, it was placed on top of the table after she sat down, there is no choice to be conscious about it whether I like it or not.

“………….What’s wrong, Kokonoe? Your face is a little red, did you catch a cold?”

“Eh? I,is that so? Today might be quite hot. Hahaha……….”

“For me, I am a little chilly………”

“I, I am normal I think……………….”

“…………………..ma,maybe it’s because I am sensitive to heat?”

“I think it is a little hot for me too.”

Over here, a life saving ship came from Yurie who was from a cold country. Even if she did not actually meant to do so, it looks like Tachibana agreed and to me it became a help from the heavens.

“Now that the chatting turned random, it’s about time we eat.”

“Aah, that’s……..tru,e………”

In the middle of nodding, I noticed-------the reality of------eggplant and celery, my face turned stiff.

………….in the end, I washed it all off with coffee.

“Hey Yurie, Kokonoe. I have something to discuss----“

Soon, we finished having our morning breakfast, and when things calmed down, Tachibana brought out a proposal.

“If it is okay with you two, why don’t we have meals together like this from now on?”

“Aah, I don’t mind.”

“Ya--. Me too.”

“Then please take care of me.”

“Ple,please take care of me………..”

(………..this is a life saver)

While looking at Tachibana and Hotaka making a smile at our replies, I thought that inside.

The reason was simple--------just like the response we saw when we entered the cafeteria, me and Yurie together stands out. Even individually as long as we hold reasons to stand out, when it comes to the only male and female living together in the whole school, there might be people appearing because they are curiously suspicious.

That’s why if I show them the image of Yurie passing time together with other girls, I think they would most likely give better impressions.

That and now that she has to find a <<Duo>> partner until this weekend, it is better if Yurie has more chances to talk with more girls.

“By the way Yurie. Err………..i feel sorry to say this in front of Kokonoe but, even if it is until the weekend, are you okay living together?”

“Ya--. It is okay.”

“I see. If you say so then its okay………”

After saying that, this time she looked towards me------

“Kokonoe. I am sorry if I ruined your mood. I think this is none of my business but, because you two are boy and girls at the same age, I was worried if problems would happen……….”

While making a cough, Tachibana’s cheeks slightly blushed probably because she imagined those so called problems.

“No, its okay. It’s only natural to think that way.”

“If that is the case…………..however, you can tell me anytime if there are any problems. If there is a need for it, I don’t mind having her living in our room in secret. Right? Miyabi”

“Ah……………U,un. We welcome you, Yurie-chan.”

“I am thankful for the consideration………………..but it really is okay, Tooru is a kind person.”

“O-oh I see.”

Yurie nodded and continued talking.

“Last night, Tooru gently held me when I fell asleep earlier.”

…………..and explosive remark.


Miso soup spurt out x2………………Hotaka spurt out milk.

[Yu,Yurie!?] [Wha,whawha!?] [YuYuYu, Yurie-chan!?]


In front of 3 of us who were trembling violently, *Chirin* the sound of a bell rang and Yurie tilted her small head.

“Tachibana, Hotaka! That just now was------“

And when I was about to tell the real meaning of those words just now--------

“Ko,Kokonoe!! Wha-what what the heck have you done!! And what’s more, It is someone who was sle-sleeping you know!? It is unpleasant to sit together with such a shameless man any more than this!! I’ll excuse myself here!!”

Tachibana, who took Yurie’s words at that direction, left the cafeteria in rage.

“Ah, Tomoe-chan!? Eh, errr…………..”

Hotaka, who also misunderstood, face turned completely red and faced us and Tachibana’s back alternately----------

“I, I’m sorry!! Wai, wait for me Tomoe-cha~~~~~n!!”

After she took a bow filled with energy, she then chase after Tachibana just like that.

We were left behind and, the situation once again turned to us being the center of attention due to that commotion.

“……….Noisy. What are you all doing?”

“Well a little something……………………”

Towards Tora who appeared here, I was thinking about how things became annoying while making a sigh.

“Fuun, how stupid.”

“Don’t say that…………..”

We waited for Tora to finish his morning breakfast, and we headed to the classroom.

I was asked again about the commotion just now, so when I replied to him this time, he was fed up.

“………………..did I make a mistake in my reply just now?”

Like usual, Yurie did not notice the meaning of her explosive remark and tilted her small head.

Tora made a sight saying “go on and tell her”, although I was unwilling to do so but I decided to go ahead.

“From the way you put it just now, it’s like i……………did some per-perverted to Yurie.”


“Tha-that’s why I said, the word holding in Japanese has the same meaning of a male and female……………….co-couples doing night activities.”

“…………is that so, this is a problem.”

Luckily it looks like she has that knowledge in her and Yurie finally swallowed the circumstances.

Her expression was still the same but, her cheeks were blushing slightly.

“I will go tell Tomoe it is a misunderstanding.”

“A,aah. I’m counting on you………….”

Looking at her state, it looks like she won’t be lending her ears to me, so it’s probably best to leave it to Yurie here.

(YareYare…………it would be nice if the misunderstand would clear out quickly……….)

“Well well, okay then we will be starting the memorable first lesson—♪“

Even in the morning, Tsukimi-sensei was in high-tension and announced the start of the class with both her hands spread out.

Regarding about the matter with Tachibana--------honestly, I have no idea.

It’s true that Yurie told her something but………..

According to what Yurie said [its okay now] but, is it really okay?

The reason for my doubt was clear and simple.


Just like yesterday, a sight was directed at me.

But the owner of the sender was Tachibana.

2 days continuously, and what’s more from a different girl--------just listening to this, there might be some envious people out there.

However, as long as I know that those sights aren’t in a sentimental way, being the targeted side I am not happy at all.

(Yurie………..if it is okay now, then why is Tachibana giving me a stare……….)

As expected, I am not that much of an optimist to accept these words in this situation.

In the end, instead of leaving it to Yurie, I have no choice but to fix the misunderstanding by myself.

“----------with that said, the power up from <<Luciful>> is something like multiplication so, the more you strengthen your body with training the higher the results will become---☆.Is everything until here okay?”

Speaking of lessons, since this was the first day, it will be regarding the <<Luciful>>.

Yesterday towards Tsukimi-sensei who I had insecurities with, turned into a figure that can teach quite well.

(Well she was specially chosen from the graduated students.)

Forget about her personality, it seems the talk about no need to worry of her skills and ability was not a lie.

……………..however, today too she was wearing a rabbit ear hairband and maid uniform, clothes that are improper as a teacher.

“So, there are ranks called <<Level>> attached to the <<Luciful>>. Because everyone just sublimated just recently so you are all <<Level 1I>>. We will be commencing the <<The Sublimation Ceremony>> each end of semester to perform the rank up. Your <<Level>> will become your results so, if we see your rank not going up at all in an interval of one year then you will be disposed-------which means expelled so you better train your body and mind daily ☆.”

According to Tsukimi-sensei, in order to sublimate to a higher rank, it would require a very tough body and mental power, and it would seem this semester would be focusing on physical enhancement.

Not long, I stood up from my seat after the bell rang telling the class was over, and walked down straight towards the person who sent that passionate stare.

“Tachibana, can I have a moment?”

Tachibana who was called out opened her eyes wide-------

“So,sorry! I have an appointment so excuse me!!”

“Ah, Tachibana!!”

My existence was not told and she left the classroom.

(What was that………….)

I tilted my head towards the strange attitude.

In the end, Tachibana did not come back to the classroom just before the next class started.

And during the next break I once again head towards Tachibana, and couldn’t manage to talk to her………………

(Uuun………I don’t have to guess that I am being avoided………what on earth happened, Yurie…………)

However, even confirming once again, as expected she only replied [It is okay now. The misunderstanding is clear]……………..



I finished having my afternoon meal (Mainly meat different from morning) in the cafeteria, and was in the middle of heading back to the classroom. Suddenly, when I thought my collar was pulled, my body was pulled together with energy ------I should say I was kidnapped.

“------------Tooru?..........where did you go?”

While hearing the sound of a bell rang from far away, I tripped facing backwards and was forcefully moved.

“Uoo, Tot, tot, tot!?”

In panic, I looked over to the one who kidnapped me------

“Ta,Tachibana!? O,oi, what is it suddenly!?”

“Please keep quiet.”

While I was following her, since the hand Tachibana was pulling with would not let go, I was in a messy situation with me only facing backwards and walking in order to avoid falling.

“Over here should be okay………”

Soon, when I thought we came out from the school building, Tachibana finally let go of my hands.

When I looked around the surroundings, the sight of trees and lawn edges entered my eyes.

Looks like I was brought to the back garden.

I didn’t think I would be kidnapped.

“Ah,aah……..I am sorry to so suddenly, what’s more in an odd way to bring you here.”

“No, that is okay, so what is your business?”


When I asked her what is her business with me, Tachibana became silent.

She lowered her sights to her foot before looking back at me. After repeating that several times-------she kneeled down on the floor.

“I am very sorry about the rudeness I committed due to jumping to the wrong conclusion!! Like you can see, I wish you would forgive me!!”

What a perfect kneeling down. This was what an apology inside an apology meant.

(Wait, Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh!?)

First day of enrollment, I was made to live with a foreigner.

Day two of enrollment, a female classmate was kneeling down to me.

If this situation was seen by someone, then my attention level would probably increase further.

……….in a bad way.

Maybe my woman troubles is starting to appear………………….

(Nononono, now is not the time to be thinking that!!)

“Ple,please stand up Tachibana! I fully understand your feelings so it’s okay, you don’t have to kneel down!!”

While confirming the surroundings for people, I urged Tachibana to stand up.

“No, this is my feelings! Even though it was a misunderstanding, this is my feeling displayed to show the punishment I placed on myself to take up such a rude attitude towards you.”

“It’s okay to not show it so please stand up!!”

“I refuse!!”

Not even for an instant, I was refused.

……………I, am being apologized right?

“Eeei, then……….”


If someone was looking from nearby, Tachibana was making a seiza composition and looking up at me.

I matched the height of my line of sight with Tachibana’s.

“Wh-why are you also in seiza!!”

“When conversing with someone else, talk with our line of sights in the same level, weren’t you taught that?”

“muu……that’s true……………”

Maybe she was taken back; Tachibana became a little bit calmer and nodded.

Looking at third person, there is for some reason a male and female performing a seiza and looking at each other in the back garden.

If someone sees this situation then, how would that person think, I left that thought process away for now.

“For now, I understand what Tachibana want to say…………….so, if you know it was a misunderstanding then, there is no need to say the things I wanted to say. So with that, let’s end this matter alright.”

“I can’t have that happen.”


“It’s because I will not be satisfied.”

Is she really apologizing to me, such a question appeared.

“Then what should I do to make you satisfied……….”

“It’s simple. I want to compensate the crime for insulting you.”

Even if you say that, and when I asked her back what should I do------

“Punch me.”

“I don’t have that kind of interest though…………….”

“Wha,what kind of interest!! Are you a pervert!?”

“That’s why I’m saying I don’t have that interest.”

“Ah………..tha-that’s true. Sorry, I just……………”

Getting enraged then depressed how busy.

I probably guessed by the conversation we had this morning but, Tachibana is fundamentally a serious person.

That seriousness is now working as a minus point now though.

“Anyway. I have no intentions to punch Tachibana.”

“No please punch me! As long I am a daughter born from a military family, if I was embarrassed then I will wipe of that disgrace, and if I embarrassed someone else then I will have to receive punishment fit for it!!”

A daughter from a military family--------------now that she put that in her mouth, it would mean she is the type to be very worried about disgrace or pride.

(Again this turned into something annoying………….)

This problem, she probably has no intentions to end it no matter what until a form of agreement was given to her.

…………….but even so, I will never go “Okay, is that so” accepts it and raises my hands against a girl.

(What should I do…………….)

“Okay, Kokonoe. Punch me!!”

“………………. I understand, then close your eyes and grit your teeth. One shot, a hard one is coming”

“--------uh! I, I understand………………okay come!”

For a while I was thinking a way to end this situation then--------in the end, I decided to follow Tachibana’s words.

Tachibana closed her eyes. While her face was stiff and nervous, there was a type of determination felt coming from it.

If not for this situation, my heart would probably be beating quickly to the development of the girl in front of me closing her eyes.

(Well, here goes………………)

After making a small sigh, towards Tachibana i--------


*Peshi* gave her a light flick on the forehead.

“Alright, it might be a plain method but, with this it’s the end.”

“Wha!? T-to end it at such a level is-------“

“Just now I said one shot, and Tachibana said she understood. This means the promise has been made. Tachibana is from a military family right? Were you planning to scrap the promise away, just because you can’t agree?”


“So with this, the matter for this morning is done.”


Trying to talk back, Tachibana was in an unsatisfied state, and towards her I once again made a sigh.

“Hey. In order to be satisfied you want me to punch you, but then you probably didn’t think of what kind of feelings I would feel after that right”


“If it is a match then it is a different story but, as long as that isn’t the case then I don’t want to raise my hands against a girl. If I followed what Tachibana said you would feel satisfied but, this time I won’t be the one satisfied. That’s why, just now was the best conciliation for me”

“Bu-but as a daughter from a military family I------“

“I don’t care. The first thing that comes is the fact Tachibana is a girl.”


“Well then, we should be heading back soon. We are going to have physical enhancement training in the afternoon right. We will be late if we don’t hurry.”

I said that and stood up------then presented my hands to Tachibana.

But, Tachibana was somewhat making a blank expression and looking up at me.

“Did your feet become numb or something?”

“Th-there is no way my feet would go numb at this level.”

*Fui* Tachibana turned her face away while taking my hands and standing up.

“Okay, let’s go.”


Tachibana who nodded and started walking beside me, opened her mouth around the time when we entered the school building.



“You are………..a weird guy.”

(Which part of me is weird)

While making a sigh, I told Tachibana what I felt towards the smile she made.

“Ah. I think this side is much better than the one just now.”

“This side?”

“Instead of a scowling face, I thought you look cuter with a smile.”


My sister-------Otoha too, she was cute when she smiled.

When I think of that, as expected I think a smile suits a girl better.

When I told Otoha that, she would often show me a bashful state.

But even so-----

“Ar,are you an idiot!? What kind of nerve do you have until you can say that with such a thing without a shy face!! Like I thought, you are a weird guy!!”

When I thought Tachibana’s was shouting and her face was red for some reason, she started to walk faster.

“O-oi. What’s wrong, Tachibana?”

Absolute Duo Volume 1 Non-Colour 4.jpg

“Shu,shut up, don’t follow me!”

“No, the direction we are going is the same………….”

Afternoon class--------it was the start of the first physical enhancement training so we finished changing into our gym uniform, and gathered in front of the school gate.

Although it was told to be physical enhancement, since we did not hear about the content, all of my classmates were fifty-fifty expectant and anxious about the stuff we will be made to do.


“Well well well--☆For these few days, it will be physical enhancement so we will be having marathons--♪.”

And, after Tsukimi-sensei announced that, most of the people here made a disgusted face.

Nonetheless, even if it is physical enhancement, it’s true that the simplest and most efficient way was to run.

“Well, let’s make it light for now. So with that said, around the academy ten te~n♪”

“…………ten laps, isn’t that quite a nice distance?”

“fuun, one lap is about four kilometers.”

“I see…………..wait, isn’t that almost a full marathon.”

I became weary from Tora’s reply.

Even though our physical abilities were power-upped, it was not hard to imagine how tough it would be with a distance almost similar to a full marathon.

And what’s more, if the up and down in the outer surroundings of the school is tough then, the severity would be more than that.

“W-we are going to run forty kilometers………?”

Hearing me and Tora’s conversation, the girl with a voluptuous chest bulge beside us--------Hotaka uneasily muttered.

“Are you perhaps bad with long distances?”

“Eh? Ah………u,un…..”

For an instant, Hotaka’s expression turned stiff after looking at my face……………it’s a little shocking.

(She said she was bad with guys because she was from a girl school so, it can’t be helped………)

“It’s because I am bad with running…………… I don’t have any specialties though……….”

After saying that with a feeble voice, Hotaka made a big sigh.

“I don’t know how tough it is but, your basic physical strength should have increased from the <<Luciful>>, isn’t it okay not to think in your usual standards?”

“I,is that so…..?”

“Aah. Also she said forty kilometers was light so, doesn’t this mean the distance is enough to run even for us right now? Even if you can’t run finish today, it looks like we will be made to run every day from now on so, I think you will get used to it and run finish sooner or later.

“Will I get used to it………….?”

“Aah, you will definitely get used to it. I was also bad at running last time but, I naturally got stamina from running every day.”

More accurately, I was made to run every day though.

I remembered the time I was a kid, and my mouth just relaxed from those missed times.

“I see……. That’s true, I am already power-upped……….i,I’ll work hard.”

Hotaka turned somewhat positive and *Guu* gripped both her hands together tightly at her chest.

At that moment, the shape of her voluminous chest changed shape and I averted my sights from unable to look forward-------

The spot I averted to has Yurie there; my eyes then saw at her exposed white thighs because of the gym uniform and then remembered the matter from last night.

Thanks to that, I once again moved my sights to another direction and it became an awkward situation……….

“haa…….haa, hn, haa……………ha, fuhaa, haa……….”

Slower than my goal by 21 minutes, Yurie finished running ten rounds.

“Good work, Yurie. Drink this slowly.”

“Thank you………very much………..”

The drink I gave her was, the sports drink prepared at the goal.

After she received it, Yurie slowly hold it in her mouth following what I said.

“It is…….delicious……”

“Are you okay?”

“Ya----……………., it was tiring……….”

(Her stamina is just like how she looks.)

Even though she can carry her body like that, because she has a petite body, it looks like she doesn’t have stamina.

Nonetheless, she was 2nd place for the girls and it was quite a speed to reach the goal at 8th place in both genders.

(But even so, the blessings from the <<Luciful>> is amazing.)

The academy surrounding roads has high up and down difference while having strong winds blowing since the earth was filled in on the surface of the sea, and it made running quite tough.

But, even though it was such a course, the time taken was around 2 hours-------thinking there isn’t much difference from the full marathon’s world record, it is obvious our stamina has been enhanced.


“Horaa Horaa, don’t lie down over there--. Moving will make the accumulated lactic acid break down faster--. With that said, stand up ☆.”

*Pan**Pan clapping her hands together Tsukimi-sensei also ran with us but, she was faster than everyone, and what’s more she ran while adding lap difference to everyone.

“As expected from a graduate student. I heard her <<Level>> is higher than us but, I didn’t think the difference was this large…………”


The girls top Tachibana muttered and I agreed.


“Wha,what is it?”

“No,nothing at all…………..!”

She glared at me silently. When I wanted to ask her about it, *fui* she turned her face away.

(Is she still unhappy from what happened just now…………)

Tachibana refused but, her mood was somewhat harmed.

(I didn’t mean to say something weird to her though………)

Maybe because she is a daughter from a military family that she can’t show smiles, there might be that kind of weird rules.

At least, it seems it was the atmosphere of not hating me.

After that, around 30 minutes passed-------and Tsukimi-sensei suddenly announced it was after school.

“U—nn, they aren’t coming back. I got bored of waiting so, todays class is over without HomeroomHR☆. Stand, bow, and sit down. Everyone, be careful not to be late for tomorrow. Bye-bye♪”

The homeroom teacher that looks like an innocent picture was swinging her hands towards us who were dumbfounded while going back to the school building.

“Ho,how irresponsible…..…..”

“Fuun, seriously. It’s true that her abilities has no problems but, her personality is too much of a problem.”

Tora was fed up and nodded back, and looked towards the course we were running just now.

There were 2 people able to be seen from far away but, there were no one else behind them.

And among the people who have not yet come back, Hotaka who said she was bad with long distance was included.

(I wonder if she is okay, that Hotaka……..)

Halfway I chased passed her 3 times but, the last time I saw her, she was walking.

Although I did call out to her but, I think it was quite weird whether it reached her or not.

---in the end, when Hotaka returned it was already dusk and she collapsed from fatigue as soon she reached goal.

Then today’s night time, Hotaka was still downed so her figure was missing in her seat during dinner time-------

During that occasion, there were two classmate who i have not matched their face and names together yet, I have heard they got a report of dropping out, and I was curious if Hotaka was okay.


After coming out from the bath, Yurie made a seiza and stared at the television.

Heading into shower before me, Yurie was in the upper half body pajamas like yesterday night.

Her white and slender legs entered my view and made it troubling for me to choose where to look; it somehow made me feel bad.

“What’s the matter, Tooru?”

“No,no…………more importantly Yurie, what are you watching?”

“Whole of Japan’s sakura[1c 2] travels.”

Unable to hide my discomposure, I asked her and it would seem she was watching an introductory channel which introduces famous places with sakuras.

Looking at Yurie with the side of my eyes, I turned on the kettles switch.

With the reson to calm my feeling down so, I purposedly brought my favorite apple tea (However it is powder type) in order to drink it. “Yurie, do you want to drink apple tea too? It’s instant though.”

“Ya--. I’ll gladly have it.”

Hearing her reply, and after not even a minute, the sound of the boiling hot water from the kettle could be heard.

Later, I poured in the boiled water, and placed the cup with hot apple tea in it on the table.

“Drink slowly to avoid burning your tongue okay?”



Because Yurie was completely focused on the television, it looks like she was absent-minded from my warning and the moment she brought the cup to her mouth, her body twitched.

“Are you okay, Yurie.”


The side of her eyebrows slightly went down, and Yurie nodded despondently.

After that, I was making a smile while looking at her *fuu**fuu* cooling the apple tea while putting it in her mouth---------

“Tooru, is something wrong?”

“No, nothing.”

“Is that soo…………Tooru do you want to watch together?”

“Aah, alright.”

Accepting Yurie’s invitation, I kneeled down beside her and started watching the television with her.

Completely changed from last night, time was peacefully and slowly flowling.

(This kind of thing isn’t that bad………)

This situation was something completely unimaginable until now-------

It was strange to be beside a foreigner girl watching television so, because it was so weird and pleasant------I felt very dear towards that peacefulness.

“It’s beautiful………….”

The screen stopped moving and when a new famous place was introduced, Yurie made an admiring breath.

“Aren’t there no sakuras blooming in Yurie’s country?”

“Nai. There is none. That’s why I am happy I get to see it like this.”

Maybe watching it was a better way to put it but, even so Yurie was somehow happy and-----had an entranced expression.

(She can make these expressions too……….)

“Speaking of which………….when you meant get to see it like this, that means you have never seen it directly before?..........well it seems they are blooming inside the school area, so want to go there and see tomorrow morning?”

“……….there are sakuras blooming?”

“Aah, although it’s from a far view but, they are blooming. Although you shouldn’t expect the sakuras to be elegantly in rows like in the television…………. So, how about it Yurie?”

“Ya----. I will go………..”

Yurie nodded and-------------

“I am very looking forward, to…….it.”

After finishing her sentence, her head rode my shoulders as if she was approaching me.


From her sudden action, I was surprised enough to almost raise my voice in reflex.

Her silky hair patted my cheeks, and the nice smell of the shampoo drifted out.

The part where we were touching was warm from the body warmth coming from her.

From her scent and warmth, my nervousness increased and my heartbeat increased.

(Eh, wait, Yurei,eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehh!?)

“Yu,Yurie, what is wrong…………wait, A-re?”

Time lag blurriness again.

*Suu**Suu*Yurie was making peaceful sleep breathing, looking at her like that; I released my nervousness and big sigh.

(She wasn’t entranced rather, she just wanted to sleep huh………)

Just like this, the silver girl who caused confusion to my heart for two days continuously, has reached a peaceful sleep.

Part 2


The time when Hotaka Miyabi woke up was just before the date changed.

“Are you awake, Miyabi.”


Miyabi, rather than not knowing when she fainted, she doesn’t even know she fainted.

Tachibana Miyabi guessed it and stopped her with her hand telling her it was okay not to wake up recklessly.

“It seems it was from extreme fatigue.”

Miyabi gradually remembered the situation how she collapsed.

“I am completely useless………”

“………………That is not true. No matter how much you were power upped by the <<Luciful>>, that distance was quite severe even for me. Miyabi originally wasn’t used to moving your body right? If that is the case, it’s better for you not to call yourself useless and be negative from the beginning.”

“I see…..”

Tomoe was saying this from her true feelings but, Miyabi could only hear it as mere consolation.

“Rest a little more. I will prepare Onigiri[1c 3] on the table, so eat it if you feel hungry.”

“U,un……thank you, Tomoe-chan……..”

Saying her thanks, Miyabi closed her eyes.

But right now, inside her chest was swarming greatly with anxiety towards the severeness todays training and her how low ability was in response to it.

(Will I, be able to do it…………)

Translation Notes and References

  1. Old lady, could also be used to call grandmother but in this case it isn’t
  2. Cherry blossoms
  3. Rice ball, usually wrapped with seaweed

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