Absolute Duo:Volume 2 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 『Lilith=Bristol』

Part 1

When I woke up, it was already morning.

My head felt heavy thanks to not having enough sleep, and I was still sleepy.

However, before I could fall asleep, when I thought back about the confession Julie made--------the event last night that I kept thinking about over and over again. I didn’t feel like going back to sleep.

“I am also the same as Tooru-------an <<Avenger>>.”

Under the moonlight, when I was told that the silver girl who was exposing the scar on her back was wishing for revenge, I just lost my words to say.

In order to be an inhuman existence------an <<Avenger>>, the silver girl crossed the seas to come here.

I thought she would have a suitable reason for that.

But, I would have never thought she was the same as me, someone who had their heart burnt from the flames of revenge.

Inside the time carved by silence, although Julie soon said [Let’s go back] and headed back to the room-------even when I entered my bed after that, I could not fall asleep and in the end, I only fell asleep when the sky was starting to turn white.

When I closed my eyes, Julie’s figure carved with a long scar floated inside my mind.

I have no idea what kind of circumstances had happened for her to be scarred like that. But------

(An, <<Avenger>> huh…………..)

Those sorrowful eyes Julie made when she said those words.

(The same………..as me. Huh…………)

Maybe I should look for a chance to listen to the continuation.

Or, should I wait for her to tell me.

While pondering, I turned around to my back.

When I averted my eyes from the light, and turned to my back.

Up ahead, the thing I grasped was-------


Something soft.

(What is this………..?)

I moved my hand in a dazed manner.

That something I grabbed had a modest bulge enough to fit into my hand and it was something soft covered with a thin layer of cloth.

It was soft, and that something shape would change when I moved my fingers. It had resilience however and it would turn back to its original shape when I separated my fingers.

If I would to say an example, a marshmallow, mochi, or maybe--------and like that, those kinds of thoughts were floating up………..


That something let out a voice.


Sweat flowed down.

Right now, in order to gain conviction on what that something I was touching was.

When I timidly opened my eyes, over there was------

Possessing transparent-like Snow Whitesnow colored skin, the Silver blondesilver hair girl was sleeping peacefully there while breathing.

……………Just like my conviction, my hand was touching the silver girl’s breast.

(Why are you sleeping beside me!? Wait, more importantly------)

I regained my composure, and the moment I tried to separate my hand in panic-----


Maybe I hit a stimulating part, the silver girl twitched almost at the same time while making a cute shriek and she embraced her own body.

…………Luckily or unluckily, she was pressing my hand harder on her breast.

“U-wah, soft, wait, Uwaaaaaaaaaah!?”

Maybe it was from the stimulation, or maybe it was from my shouting-------

Absolute Duo Volume 2 Non-Colour 1.jpg


Her Ruby eyesred eyes pointed towards me, and she said my name.

In an instant, I felt myself getting pale.

“Ju-Julie…………!! Thi-this, errr……….!!”

“By this you mean…………………?”

While asking that question, Julie followed my sights.

And further ahead of course, was my hand being pushed towards her own chest…………..


I found out her white cheeks were blushing to a sakura color.


Julie directed a perplexed expression towards me and I replied back with a stiff face-------

“I-I want to move my hand so, could you relax the strength in your arms?”

“------uh! Ja—…………”

I urged Julie and she relaxed the strength in her arms.

I hurried and pulled my hand away, and mid-way------

My finger pulled on something.


Once again, Julie embraced her body while dragging my hand along.

Naturally, it caused my hand to fully feel Julie’s softness.

“Julie, wait! My hand, my hand-----------------!!”

“Er-errr, Julie. Sorry about that………….”

Around the time things finally calmed down, we were performing Seiza towards each other on top of the bed.

However, Julie’s sights were at her knees. And her cheeks were slightly blushing in sakura color.


The silence hurts.

“I-I did not think you would be sleeping beside me, my hands accidently touched when I was changing my sleeping side………….then when I moved my hands to think what it was then………….”

“…………………Was it something so hard that you have to do that to confirm……..”

I will get scolded, or if I was told about the truth with cold eyes when I was prepared for it, I would get downhearted.

“Uh! N-no, that’s…………….it was the first time I touched a girl’s breast and it was very soft, I completely did not bother about the size of it…………..wait, Nonononono that’s not it…………..”

(Aaaaaah, what am I saying------!?)


Opposite to my panicking, Julie was once again silent.

Maybe just maybe------is this the end for me? Is it that so called social death?


“……………It wasn’t intentional right?”

Towards that question with upturned eyes, naturally I only swung my head vertically.

“Then it can’t be helped.”

“Errr…………you will forgive me?”

“Ja---. In the first place, the cause was me breaking our promise and crawling into your bed as I pleased.”

After saying that, Julie lowered her head.

“Sorry to break our promise, Tooru.”

“No, I don’t really mind but---------why were you sleeping here?”

The time I fell asleep was at dawn. Julie should have been sleeping on her bed until then.

Which meant, Julie crawled in after when I did that……….

“Because of that talk, I remembered the past…………and felt lonely.”

Julie looked at me apologetically.

“But, Tooru was already resting so, it was painful for me to wake you up…………..”

“……………..Hnn, it can’t be helped if that was the case huh.”

“Thank you very much, Tooru.”

You can sleep with me if you feel lonely. I was the one who said that.

Although I was surprised, it can’t be helped because there was a reason, I thought that.

(Getting lonely from that talk……….which means, perhaps Julie’s father is------)

When I was thinking about the talk last night, it was immediately interrupted by Julie calling out to me.

“By the way Tooru. Although it is in the morning, it is the time when we would usually be sleeping but, should we wake up like this?”

“You’re right. I want to sleep a bit more but, I'm confident in oversleeping if I sleep now.”

“Ja---Me too.”

She smiled and Julie got off the bed.

Just like usual, she was probably going to change her clothes after taking a shower.



I stopped her when she was about to head towards the dressing room with her change of clothes in her hands.

“Just now………a-about the breast, I am really sorry.”

“………..Nai. I don’t mind it so let’s drop that topic.”

Although Julie made a small swing with her head while saying that, she looked a little bit embarrassed.

The Kouryou academy's cafeteria area was wide enough for any number of students to relax and thanks to that, there wasn’t really a fixed place to have a meal.

But, it had become a normal occurrence for most of the students to have their meals at the same place.

And the partner to pass this time together with had become a normal event---------

“Go-good morning Tooru-kun, Julie-chan. You two are fast today………..”

A familiar voice was called out towards us when we were sitting side by side.

The owner of this voice was a petite girl, and she was someone with a quiet and reserved personality which could be understood by the tone of her voice.

However, the bulge of her chest was contrastive to that, and it drew in a lot of eyes since it was the most voluptuous of anyone in the class.

………As expected, it doesn’t sound like the actual person herself.

“Good morning. We woke up a little bit earlier today." "Good morning, Miyabi."

Hotaka Miyabi. She was a first year like us, our classmate--------it was only normal since there was only one class per year in Kouryou academy but-------this girl took her meals with us almost every day.



After slightly hesitating after directing her sights towards me and Julie respectively, Miyabi sat in front of Julie.

(……………Perhaps, she was pondering about whether or not to sit in front of us?)

Both opposite sides of me and Julie were empty and judging from the current Miyabi, the possibility for that to happen was probably high.

Miyabi was brought up from an all girls school so she was bad with the opposite gender, but it had only been one month from today, after enrolling to the school, I would hear out her worries and after many events, we became close enough that we could call each other by our names.

But even so, I could see she was still nervous, but hesitation over which seat to sit in was something trivial, and I was kind of happy when I thought she might have lowered her guard compared to the past.

“…………Err, Tooru-kun?”

“Hn? What’s wrong?”

While Miyabi was in a troubled state and her cheeks were slightly blushing, she moved her sights from me and the table alternately.

“What do you mean by what’s wrong, that is what I want to ask………….Yo-you were smiling while looking at me from just now but, I was wondering why is that………..?”

It seemed the reason for her troubled expression was me.

I made a wry smile, in order to avoid telling her I was laughing from reminiscing.

“Now that I think back………….you are alone today. What happened to Tachibana?”

In a rare occurrence, there was no sight of Miyabi’s <<Duo>>, Tachibana.

Covered with a dignified atmosphere, she was a girl who holds an adult atmosphere for someone who was the same age as us.

She comes from a martial arts family, she who holds outstanding abilities even in the class, had great results (but bad at English), on top of that she was good at looking out for others so trust would come to her from her surroundings.

“Ah………..Tomoe-chan should be waking everyone up right now.”


“Un. There are a lot of people that would oversleep so, she does it so they won’t be late………whenever it is this time of the morning, she would go around everyone’s room and wake them up.”

“Haha, that sounds just like Tachibana.”

I didn’t even need to ask, it was probably done voluntarily.

Only one month has passed after starting a new life away from their parents. Which meant, even though there was a dormitory advisor, it would be up to the female leader Tachibana to regulate the morning which could easily disorder the rhythm of their lifestyle.

I thought it was just like the steady and serious Tachibana.

The sight of her going around the rooms to call out the classmates, was clearly floating in my head.


“If I knew this was going to happen, I should have increased the meat and decreased the vegetables………..”

“Don’t go having an unbalanced diet just because I am not here, Kokonoe.”


Right after I murmured that, there was a marginally angry voice coming behind me.

When I turned around in panic, Tachibana was glaring down at me after hearing the conversation just in time.

“Good morning, Tomoe.”

“Jaa. Good morning, Julie.”

Gracefully moving her chopsticks until now, *chirin* after Julie lowered her head producing a bell sound, and Tachibana lowered her eyebrows and made a smile.

Looking at Tachibana’s face loosening up, I took a relieved breath inside my heart.

“Why are you making such a relieved face.”

“N-no, hahahaha………”

I was glared at once again, and I shrunk my body smaller………

“Seriously, a guy like you………….”

While making a sigh towards me, Tachibana sat in front of me.

“I-I can’t help it. For a young male like me, it is only natural to think of eating meat------”

“If you eat vegetables too, then there is nothing I will complain about.”


“In the first place, you only eat meat. Just like I said from before, you should eat more vegetables. Learn from Julie and Miyabi.”

When I looked over to both their trays, since she had a small body the amount Julie took was little, she had Japanese style salad, fried eggs, the main was grilled salmon and the combinations could be said to be a Japanese style breakfast. She also had half a bowl of rice.

It could be said to be quite a low consumption to pass the time until afternoon.

If it was me, my stomach would probably be making flashy growls half-way into second period.

Miyabi had a simple combination of a pot-au-fue and BLT sandwich, her drink was the usual milk.

(……….As expected, is it related to the reason why they are so big?)

I can’t say where but, I secretly sent my sights over there and thought about it.

“Are you listening, Kokonoe?”

“------Uh! A-aah, I am listening and I get it. I will eat vegetables properly…………….!”

“Umu, it’s a promise…………oh yeah, eat this 8 type warm salad. You should be able to eat this right?”

*Don* a plate of salad was placed in front of me.

“Ugeeh………..not that, n-no, won’t Tachibana’s breakfast become less……………”

“Rest assured, I have already taken my share………….muu, while you are at it, how about spinach with kelp dressing on it? And also this cooked seaweed--------”

(Give me a break alreadddyyyyyyyyy!! The meat, the meattttttttttttt!!)

I raised a shout inside my heart from the small plate of vegetables being constantly added up in front of me.

Having several fractures, lacerations on every part of his body, and countless bruises.

Full recovery would take a month. However, this was only because he was an <<Exceed>>; if it was a normal person then it would take several months for full recovery.

It was the medical examination results of the injuries my friend Tora suffered during that <<Newcomer battleNew blade battle>>--------no, doing her work in the backstage and targeting students with reputation, it was done by Tsukimi who was doing secret work.

“Why is Tora over here?”

After finishing our breakfast chat and everyone headed to the classroom, I saw a familiar small male prostrating himself on the table while sleeping.

“…………………Isn’t it obvious I was discharged from the hospital, you idiot.”

Responding to my mumbling with his sharp-ears, Tora made a yawn while stretching.

“I think there should be around 10 more days until discharge but……………”

“Fuun, I can’t keep resting for that long.”

During Golden Week, we went to visit him in the ward around the premise of the school when we were in a stage where we could move but, he immediately sent us away because of something about showing his pathetic state.

After that, I heard the discharge day and condition of his wounds from the nurse but, it seems Tora was pushy for his discharge.

“What are you going to do if you dragged your wounds just because you forced yourself. Keep quiet and sleep. Also there is that, you know there is a saying that a child that sleeps will grow bigger………..sorry, nothing.”

“Who the hell is small!!”

Hearing that from behind me, Miyabi twitched from that angry voice and hid behind me as if she was scared.

“It’s okay. That retort was for me.”

“U-un………… ……………….. Ah……….!”

When I made a smile towards Miyabi who was grabbing my clothes tightly, she opened her eyes wide in an instant----------

She quickly separated her hands, and took a step back before apologizing.

“Haha, I won’t bite.”

Miyabi slipped a smile from the sentence that reminded her of the introduction we made during the first time we met.

“But, are you seriously okay? The wounds you got from her should be quite serious. Just like what Kokonoe says, I think it’s better for your body to not force yourself.”

“Judging by the way you said it, you already know about the situation too?”

Tachibana swung her head vertically from Tora’s question.

On that day, it was great we managed to break Tsukimi’s <<TebutjeFang sword>> but, I suffered extreme fatigue while the wounds on Julie’s legs were serious, and thus both of us could not move.

Then, Tachibana and Miyaba contacted the academy side after looking at our state, and performed emergency treatment on all the injured people including Tora and the rest.

During that occasion, we explained to Tachibana and Miyabi about what happened--------including the secret of the <<Blaze>>------so, they were already aware about the situation.

“I see, you two did my emergency treatment………Tachibana, Hotaka, it was a life saver. You have my gratitude.”

Tora lowered his head.


“…………..Tooru. What is with that face?”

“I’m shocked.”

“Why are you shocked, Tooru?”

Julie tilted her head and *Chirin* a bell sound was produced.

“Nooo, that’s because Tora is lowering his head towards someone.”

“Don’t open your eyes wide from something like that! Even I would lower my head when I really want to show my gratitude!”

“That’s because it’s Tora you know!?”

“What kind of image of me is inside of you!!”

“…………….Tooru, Tora. Fighting is bad.”

“*Giggle* *Giggle*, it’s alright Julie-chan, this isn’t a fight.”

Miyabi made a small giggle from our small quarrel, and nodded towards Julie [Is that so?] question.

However, Julie tilted her head because she could not understand at all and *chirin* the bell shook.

“Oh yeah! You said you would lower your head when you really want to show your gratitude right. Then, you were saved by me and Julie during that time, so I’ll have you show that gratitude of yours.”

“Uuu………Gugu, Th-that’s…………kuh, i-it certainly is unpleasant…………”

While I was making a spiteful smile at Tora, Tachibana [Are you a child] muttered that in a tired tone behind me.

After a while, although Tora *un**un* groaned, he made a complex expression while opening his mouth with a desperate tone.

“Al-alright. I will show you my gratitude so be grateful.”

“It should be thank you there right?”

“Muguuh………! Gu-gu-gu……….Tha-tha-thatha……than……… ………..Haah!? No-now that I think back about it, if it weren’t for me saving you in the first place, even you would be defeated too!!”

Damn it, he noticed.

“That’s why we don’t owe each other anything. You get it! However, you will show your gratitude to Julie!”

*Fuun* Tora made a rough snort and turned his back towards us.

“Seriously, I don’t know whether I should call you childish, or you’re existence is mean………….oh, it’s the chime. See you later. Kokonoe.”

Hearing the ringing sound of the chime signifying the start of the classes, Tachibana lightly hit my shoulders and headed towards her own seat.

Miyabi also left with a [see you later] before chasing after her back.

“Tooru. Let’s sit down too.”

Although I went to sit on my seat when I was urged by Julie, there was question that popped up at that moment.

“Wait a sec? It’s okay for the class to start but, what about our homeroom teacher?”

There was no way it was going to be the girl wearing rabbit ears.

Which meant, another teacher should be a replacement-------

“Good Morning--♥ Did you all enjoy your GW? I think this is unlikely but, are there naughty children that played too much and forgot their homework? If there is then, please raise your hands—♥”


The moment we saw the rabbit ears coming into the classroom after the chime ended, me-------Julie, Tachibana, Miyabi, Tora and Tatsu stood up.

Each of us placed our hands on our own chest, and the instant we were about to say the <<Word that carries strength>>-------

“The class is going to start. Please sit down at your seats.”

We could only stop our thoughts, from the words coming from Mikuni-sensei who showed himself after coming into the classroom after Tsukimi.

“You didn’t hear me, Kokonoe-kun? The other 5 too. The class is going to start.”

Once again ordered to sit down, we lowered our hips while in bewilderment.

(What’s going on………….!?)

“Alright ☆, let’s begin our long returning HR---♪“

Exactly like what the owner of that evil blade that attacked on that day proclaimed, the HR has started.

As if that attack did not happen, she was making her usual, natural smile.

However, we were only bewildered since we know about the face under that smiling mask.

“Okay okay ☆, regarding the <<Newcomer battleNew blade battle>> we had just before the holidays, good work to those who won magnificently and although it is disappointing, to the people that lost too♪ it looks like there were several people that got injured from hustling a little too much but, Sensei is very satisfied to be able to see everyone’s current powers ♥”

The part about got injured------although me and Tora were about to open our mouth to say whose fault was it by reflex, Tsukimi *pachiri* closed one of her eyes while placing her fingers on her mouth.

The matter regarding that attack was a secret; that was probably what she was telling us.

We know that without her telling us but, thanks to the main culprit of that incident lying so calmly, we were just barely maintaining our composure.

“--------With that said, just like what I explained beforehand, the <<Duo>>’s with good results will be able to receive the <<Sublimation Ceremony>> as a special prize on Saturday. Errrr, the ones who will take it are--------”

The ones Tsukimi said were me & Julie, Tachibana & Miyabi, Tora & Tatsu, and 2 other <<Duo>> groups.

According to that, it seemed the standard of 3 wins and above was the condition to receive the special prize.

Originally, I would be happy to be able to receive the <<Sublimation Ceremony>> but, now wasn’t the time for that.

(What the hell is going on……?)

My head was in chaos.

I did not have to say the reason; it was about the reason as to why was Tsukimi still our homeroom teacher, and why did Mikuni-sensei------the academy side approved it.

But, during the time I was thinking inside my head, the HR was still continuing.

After that, we were told about the classes from now on, the interleague match with the 2nd year students, and that there would be a seaside school trip in July. Tsukimi then left the classroom from the chime signal and the class started after the general science teacher entered while she left.

The questions regarding Tsukimi, everyone related to that incident felt bewildered.

“What do you make of that, Kokonoe?”

When it turned break time, Tachibana came over to talk to me while making a blatant perplexed expression.

Miyabi was beside her and Tora and Tatsu sitting in front of us turned around to look at me.

Even for Julie who normally doesn’t move her expression much, she was bringing her eyebrows closer.

“Let’s talk in the corridor. Someone might hear us here.”

After saying that, I urged everyone to head out to the corridor. The damages caused from the <<Newcomer battleNew blade battle>> was completely restored during the GW, and there was nearly no one in the corridor with its original aspects restored regardless of it being break time, the class--------rather than saying that, this showed the fact that there are only a few people inside the school including the staff members.

We moved to a place which was quite separated from the classroom just in case.

At that moment, Miyabi was the first one to open her mouth to break the somewhat heavy atmosphere.

“E-eerr…….Tsukimi-sensei was trying to kill Julie-chan and Tooru-kun right?”

“Ja---. If not for Tooru, by now I would be………….”

“I could not do anything if I was alone. That plan succeeded because Julie was there.”

I seriously thought that without being humble. Thanks to Julie stopping Tsukimi’s sword, a chance to slam MjolnirThunder god’s strike in was produced.

[Nai. It was Tooru………….] [Nono, it was Julie…………….]

“Stop it already. We should be talking about why that woman was once again in front of us first!”

Unable to hide his irritation, Tora made an angry shout and we returned back to the main thread.

“Even if you say that………………even I would like to hear why Tsukimi appeared with a nonchalant face.”

The academy was left to deal with Tsukimi but, at the very least we thought we would never see her ever again.

“Kuhah, then let me tell you, <<Irregular>>.”


The voice of the subjected person suddenly mixed into the conversation.

At the same time with being shocked at that voice------our sights gathered towards the window.

As if to respond to our sights, when we thought we heard the laugh from her true self echoed, Tsukimi showed her face at the opposite side of the window. Why was she in the opposite side.

“Oora, Open the window. I can’t get in like this. Hurry up and open the damn window if you want your questions to be answered.”

You shouldn't eavesdrop first if you want to ask someone to do something. I opened the window, while thinking I shouldn’t be doing this.

Naturally, while being cautious………………is what I planned to do.


Tsukimi treated the window frame like iron bars and after making a turn in midair, she broke into the school with her legs first.

What’s more, this was done at the same time when opening the window, and from my point of view, the petticoat that suddenly appeared in front of my eyes looked like a large white flower blooming.


…………Incidentally, the thin white cloth Tsukimi was wearing on her lower half was pushed at my face.

(Wait………….this is………..!?)

After being stumbled upon with bewilderment and an impact towards my head, my head was put between her soft thighs and my upper body was pulled forward.

*Zuun………..*! A strong impact was directed towards my back together with a dull sound.

“Gah……………! Kahah………….”

[Tooru!!] [Tooru-kun!!] [Tooru!!]

“Ko-Kokonoe! Tsukimi-sensei what are you doing!?”

Although Tachibana raised an angry shout from the sudden Franken Steiner, Tsukimi easily washed it off indifferently.

“Kuhahah. PainA fall awaits after a good experienceService. This is the rule of the world.”

Tsukimi erected her index finger and *Chi*chi* swung it left and right.

“Kuh, what rule is that………..ouch………..”

“Are you okay, Tooru?”

She had a provocative smile----------Tsukimi was standing still while showing her true self while Tachibana, Tora and Tatsu were confronting her.

The only one not revealing any enemy intent was Miyabi, since she was not used to fighting, she was only looking at my face and Tsukimi’s alternately while being flustered.

The strained atmosphere continued for a full 10 seconds------

The first one to move was Tsukimi.

We were about to manifest our <<Blaze>> in reflex but, it was not needed.

It’s true that Tsukimi moved but, she only raised both her hands up with no intent to fight.

“………………….What are you planning.”

“Just like what you see, I have no intentions to fight. If I were to fight with you guys here then, I would get fired in just one day after obtaining my hard earned reemployment.”

Tsukimi answered while wearing a nonchalant smile from Tora’s question.

“What do you mean by reemployment…………..?”

“It probably means, her employer has switched to the academy.”

“Kuhah. As expected from an honors student, your head processing is different from that blockheaded dairy cow.”


Miyabi used her hands and tried to cover her chest from Tsukimi’s words………………however, she could not hide it since it was too big.

“Well, that is the case. Me continuing to be a teacher like this is more than enough proof.”

“…………………. It’s hard to believe since it is abrupt but, it looks like the case judging by the situation.”

“You can’t do that you know, Kokonoe-kun☆ You have to use honorifics properly towards Sensei ♥”

“……………Don’t ask for the impossible when you were someone that almost killed us.”

“Kuhah, you didn’t die so don’t be so stiff with me.”

“That’s why you too, don’t say something stiff like asking me to use honorifics.”

“Uh! Seriously!! You got some nice sense there <<Irregular>>!! Kua---ahahahahaha!!”

For an instant, Tsukimi opened her eyes wide from my reply and started laughing by hugging her stomach while hitting her hips.

Soon, after her laughing calmed down, she leaned against the wall while making a happy expression.

“………Then a question from me. You said [job] at that time right? I’ll have you answer the where, who and what kind of reason did they have to attack us.”

Having received the worst injuries from Tsukimi, Tora could not hide his irritation and asked.

“There are a lot of people depressed about the <<Exceed>> in this world. Well, I can’t say who it is because of confidentiality but, it’s a country that holds justice.”

“That means………..”

We didn’t even need to ask for the name of the country, we can get it from that sarcasm.

“Don’t tell me…………that isn’t possible. Are you saying it came from a country………….”

Tsukimi shrugged her shoulders as if to play a fool towards Tachibana who was unable to hide her shock.

“Kuhah, remember this. Darkness exists in every country. And it is the same with this Kouryou-------which means, this academy is the darkness of Japan. If not for that, although it is done in secrecy, there is no way they could succeed in using inhuman methods to produce nano-machine monsters.”

I wonder could it be taken seriously.

But, it was persuasive.

It does sound convincing if I think about the fact that the existence of the <<Lucifer>> and <<Exceed>> has not come out to public because there is a country in the background.

“Well, it is up to you guys to believe how much you want. ………….alright then, break time is about to end so see you all later. Don’t be late for class.” Tsukimi swung her hands and left after turning her back towards us.

“……….How much do you think we should believe that talk?”

“Fuun. Leaving aside the fact that a country is behind this, I think it should be true judging by the situation of her going to the academy side.”

“I have the same opinion with Tora.”

“Only, let’s be cautious just in case.”

Both of them agreed to my opinion.

(However, to think something like her attacks were related to the country, I don’t know how much of that I could believe………….)

The time for lunch ended and has turned into the afternoon, and it has come to the physical ability enhancement training after a long time but------

“A 20 kilo baggage…………”

With a smiling face, Tsukimi announced that the real training would start from today since the GW had finished.

But, the surroundings made a commotion when they heard the contents.

“Tooru-kun. What do you mean by baggage………..?”

Miyabi beside me asked me a question with a soft voice regarding the unfamiliar word.

The baggage is a knapsack and after I answered that we would probably be running with weights placed inside it, she showed an uneasy manner.

Miyabi had become used to running in long distance thanks to her continuously running voluntarily but even so it did not change her lack of confidence.

Because of that, it was probably natural for her reaction when she heard that the training will be harder compared from before. That’s why--------

“Miyabi if it is you, it will be okay. You became able to run a marathon already right?”

“Th-that’s true…..I’ll do my best.”

Although she could not hide her uneasiness, Miyabi nodded.

“………Bu-but, if I can’t run as far as finish then…………….will you come and pick me up again?”

“Pick you up…………?”

Go and pick Miyabi up---------what I could recall back from that was the event that happened around a month ago.

The memories of me giving the unmovable Miyabi a piggyback and coming back.

(It was because of that day, Miyabi has started to talk to me…………..)

“Will, you………?”

“Eh? Ah………..”

Because my reply was not coming out, Miyabi asked me with upturned eyes as if to appeal to me.

“Aah, I understand. I will definitely go pick you up.”

“Un, I will wait for you………….”

And then, Miyabi nodded happily.

“---------Wait a sec, it’s bad if you wait. You have to run to the finish.”

“Ah………tha-that’s right. ahaha………..”

I made a wry smile following Miyabi.

At that moment, Julie brought over the baggage’s in both of her hands respectively for Miyabi and me.

She then tilted her head when both of us were showing her a wry smile.

“Tooru, Miyabi. What happened?”

“A little something.………..Aah, thanks for the baggage.”

The baggage I received transmitted the weight into my arms-------although I say that, I don’t feel the small number of 20 kilograms now that I am in my enhanced state.

I once again knew the amazingness of the <<Lucifer>> since the small bodied Julie could bring the baggage with a weight almost the same or even crossing her body weight when it was joined together with just some wobbling.

What’s more, since this is said when we are still <<LevelI>>, I can’t even imagine how much it would be at the end.

But even so, I have to continue running towards that end.

In order to understand the meaning of those words after obtaining <<Power>>.

Why did Otoha have to die, I was seeking that truth.

However that was------a deception.

“They are dead, because they were weak.”

The dream showed its desire by saying that.

No matter how much gloss was on top of the surface, hatred and anger were swirling in my abyss.

There was a demon thirsting for revenge living there.

I realized that, each time the memories from that day, and that person’s words resurface.


It was same today too. My roar filled with hatred has brought me back to the present from my dream.

“Haa…………ah, haaa, haaa…………..!”

“Tooru, are you okay……..?”

Julie came down from the upper level bed and directed her Ruby eyesred eyes towards me worriedly.


“Nai. Please do not mind it.”

It was already bright outside and morning has arrived.

Nonetheless, it was still somewhat faster compared to our waking up time but------

“Where are you going?”

After I washed my face in the washroom and changed into an attire that was easy to move in, Julie tilted her head while her face looked a little sleepy.

“I am going to sweat for around 30 minutes. I feel like moving my body a little.”

After leaving an I understand from the nodding Julie, I left the room and headed towards the underground facility.

Although it was still morning, there were only a few people inside the training room which can be used from 6am to 10pm.

I exchanged a simple greeting with one classmate and headed deeper inside.

I was standing in front of a special sandbag which easily crosses 100 kilograms. It usually has urethane foam inside it but, the thing in front of me was specially made and was cramped with sand just like the name suggests.

I continuously punched and kicked that sandbag without resting.

My breathing became rough, and it became painful.

But even so, I would continue punching as long as I had power.

As if to drive away those words.

As if to slam all my hatred towards him.

I was only dead-set on that.

“You should stop around there.”

I wonder how long I had been punching the sandbag.

By the time I stopped my fist when I was called out, I was dripping in sweat and my rough breathing was very painful.

“Just when I thought it was such a rare occurrence for you to train enthusiastically in the morning, how long are you planning to keep on hitting. If you keep that up, you will only injure your fist.”

After I turned around, Tachibana made one sigh while her expression was frowning.

When I looked at the fist she pointed out, the skin was torn off and blood was oozing out.


I started feeling pain on my fist and I distorted my face.

When I did that, Tachibana grabbed my hands while starting to walk.

“Let’s go to the infirmary. It would probably heal immediately thanks to the <<Lucifer>> but this is for just in case.”

I completely understood the blessings of this strengthened healing power from that one battle with Tsukimi.

This level of wound would completely heal by tomorrow but, it was now throbbing painfully.

But this was okay.

I felt a bit better from moving my body in a daze.

It would be a cheap trade if I think like that.

While pulling my hands, although Tachibana brought me along to the infirmary beside the training room, the doctor could not be seen there since it was early.

“There is no one here at this time as expected. Even though I said that, even I can handle this level of treatment.”

After making me sit on a chair, Tachibana took the gauze and wet it with water.


In the middle of the blood stains being wiped off with the wet gauze, I groaned from the stinging water.

“Sorry. I’ll have you………withstand it, a bit……………”

Both of us noticed this the moment Tachibana raised her face.

Our faces were close.

Either I or Tachibana was the first one to have our cheeks blush from this close distance.

We both averted our face almost at the same time, and time advanced silently just like that.

“Alright, then. Next up would be wrapping a cling film before bandaging.”

Different from the gauze application on the wounds we learned in class before GW, this was the moist wound healing method covered with a vulnerary covering material.

Many people get injured because Kouryou academy was a special technique training school, but thanks to the <<Lucifer>> increasing the healing abilities, there were many cases where it would end with just emergency treatment just like this.

Tachibana wrapped the cling film on my hand in a familiar manner before wrapping it with a bandage.

“I thought about this during class too but, Tachibana is quite good at this kind of stuff.”

“There are always fresh wounds in the Tachibana dojo. I was always treating someone’s injuries almost every day before enrolling here.”

“No wonder…………then, I think it won’t be a problem to ask Tachibana to treat my injuries when I get them.”

“Before that, you should pay attention to not get injured.”


Tachibana frowned her face towards me who was making a wry smile.

“………….More importantly, Kokonoe, what happened? Rather than calling you enthusiastic just now………….err, you had a somewhat bloodcurdling atmosphere around you………..”

“Hnn…………….last time, I remembered back about that time I lost to a person that was my friend. Thanks to that and by the time I noticed myself being filled with frustration, well.”

I did not lie. I only said one part of the truth but, that was enough to trick her.

“……………Fumu. That must be one terrible loss. However, I know it might be frustrating but even so, you should take care of your own body a little more.”

After I nodded at Tachibana who was making a wry smile, this time it was my turn to ask questions with the intention of changing the topic.

“By the way, you said it was a rare occurrence seeing me just now. Which means, Tachibana often comes to training in the morning?”

“Almost every day, I would be in the training room around this time.”

And after that ended, she would go around to other people’s rooms to wake them up.

She’s amazing, after honestly stating my opinion, I swung my head left and right.

“That’s because Miyabi is always working hard every morning. I can’t lose too as her <<Duo>>.”

“Every morning?”

“Every day, she will run in the morning and after class……………though I say this, she only started running in the morning after the <<Newcomer battleNew blade battle>> though.”

While muttering that, I thought Miyabi was working hard too.

At present, she was able to finish the baggage attachment marathon which started a few days too without retiring, the reason for that was probably because the results of her steady endeavor has born fruit.

“We can no longer remain careless anymore.”

Tachibana made a happy smile to her <<Duo>> who has changed very differently from the first day of enrollment.

“Well then, I should be heading back to my room now. Tachibana, thanks for the treatment.”

“What, it wasn’t much. I think it’s better to replace the wrap a few more times so, feel free to tell me when you want it.”

It’s true that it would finish quick and would look nicer compared to me doing it.

“The problem is taking notes will be a little tough with my hand like this.”

“Fufu, then I will lend you my notes later.”

“Is it okay?”

“But, the condition is you take the class properly.”

“I understand………..however, it looks troublesome to go to the toilet with this hand.”

“Fufu, feel free to tell me when that happens. I will help-------”

She then stopped her words mid-way. Tachibana noticed what she was about to say and in a blink of an eye her cheeks-------no, her whole face turned red.

“Wha-wha, what kind of obscene thing are you saying------------!?”

“Wait, I didn’t say anything!?”

*zazan*…………..*zazan*…………..the wave was hitting nonstop.


In the morning of the next day, after hearing the faint sound of the waves in front of the school gate, a yawn unintentionally came out.

At that moment, I could hear the sound of light footsteps coming from afar.

The owner of those footsteps came closer, and I called out around the time I could see her.

“Yoo, Miyabi.”

“To-Tooru-kun!? …………..dre-dream? Un-until I could dream about him, towards Tooru-kun I…………”

“No, I am not a dream but the real one.”

I lightly tapped Miyabi’s shoulders while she was bewildered.

“Real one…………………eh? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!? --------uh!! Fo-forget that from just now! Please pretend you didn’t hear that!!”

Miyabi’s expression quickly changed.

She was probably very embarrassed about misunderstanding this as a dream, and it felt heartwarming seeing her swing both her hands quickly.

(Pretend I didn’t hear that huh, I wonder how I am supposed to do that………….)

Miyabi regained her calm after a while and asked a question.

“E-erm……….why is Tooru-kun here?”

It’s only normal to think like that.

That’s because I was waiting in front of the school gate, with the time just passed 6 am in the morning.

“I heard from Tachibana that Miyabi was running not only after school but in the morning too. So I thought, I should join in too.”

“Eh…………? To-Tooru-kun too……….!?”

“Aah. I’ll quit if it is an annoyance.”

“Th-there is no such thing. You aren’t an annoyance at all, Un.”

*Buun*Buun* Miyabi swung her head left and right.

I thought it was about to be torn off since it was done so vigorously.

“Alright, let’s start running immediately. It’s a waste just nonchalantly being carefree like this.”


Just like that, the conversation concluded and we started running side by side.

The running pace was not that fast, and there was leisure to have a conversation.

The topic that came out was-------

“………..E-errr, Tooru-kun. Sorry about that time.”

It was about that time when she witnessed me hugging a fully nude Julie In the middle of GW.

Due to the much unexpected scenery (Me too) raising a panic, Miyabi used the <<LanceChivalry lance>> and opened a big hole on the floor in my room (#Already repaired), this event was still fresh in my memories.

“Don’t worry about it anymore. I wonder how many times you apologized for that.”

After that day and even today too; each time our faces meet or do not meet, Miyabi has lowered her head countless times and it was more than enough to tell she was self-reflecting on her act.


“No buts. I can’t remain calm when I get apologized to all the time, and more importantly it is only natural to misunderstand that situation.”

“…………………It’s a misunderstanding right?”


“Li-like I said, you aren’t in that type of relationship with Julie-chan……..t-to do those type of things right?”

Towards that question she asked while her cheeks blushing, I also blushed while swinging my head and replying it’s wrong.

“Tha-thank god ………”

Miyabi muttered, and I made a relieved sigh since it ended without the misunderstanding becoming something big.

After a while, the laps started to take its toll and Miyabi lost her leisure to exchange words with me.

“To-Tooru-kun………..it’s okay to go…….. ahead ……….”

“I understand. Then I’ll be going on ahead.”

By the time we reached the last lap, I nodded at Miyabi’s words while she was out of breath, and both of us started running at full strength. Although we were running side by side until now, as expected Miyabi’s figure was washed away in one go since we originally have a difference in stamina.

“Good work, Miyabi. You’ve gotten faster.”

“U-un……..thank, you, To-Tooru-kun………”

Miyabi finally reached the goal a few minutes after I reached the school gate.

She places her hands on her knees and repeatedly breathed heavily.

That was a normal aftermath scenery of the finish of someone running, but the unusual one was Miyabi’s………..err, those.

They were swaying in a manner as if they were following gravity; it made one think as if melons were inserted inside her chest.

Each time Miyabi breathed and her shoulders would go up and down, they would jiggle and-------

(…………..Wait, what the hell kind of eyes am I giving Miyabi when she did her best in running!?)


A flashy sound was produced when I used both my hands to slap my cheeks.


“I-I was putting in motivation………”

“Again? Fufu, Tooru-kun sure gets motivated at weird times.”

Miyabi remembered the past and made a smile even though her breathing was still in disarray.

I could only make a dry smile towards her-------

All of a sudden, a sound completely changed the atmosphere.

*Para*Para*Para*………the sound of the helicopter erased the never-ending sound produced by the waves.

The helicopter passed across us and headed towards the premises of the academy just like that--------not long later, it started descending around the staff building.

“What is happening this early in the morning?”

That question unintentionally came out from my mouth and since there is no way Miyabi could answer that question, she tilted her head.

The light from the morning sun reached the descending helicopter.

The sun reflected something and a golden-hair color shined.

For some reason, I could not release my eyes from that shine.

Part 2

There was a shadow inside the school looking at the helicopter just like Tooru and the others.

In a room inside the staff building--------- deep inside the chairman's office there was a gorgeous chandelier, an extravagant red carpet, a table and furniture finely decorated nicely with ornaments, and also a bedroom with a bed canopy placed inside.

Naturally, the shadow looking at the helicopter outside from the room-------- belonged to the Kouryou board chairman, Tsukumo Sakuya.

“…………..She’s here.”

Sakuya was already dressed up regardless of how early in the morning it was and was wearing her usual gothic dress.

After moving from the bedroom to the office, Mikuni her trusty confidant was already awaiting her, and Sakuya brought him along to the courtyard.

The helicopter had finished landing almost at the same time Sakuya and the rest came out to the courtyard.

The wind caused by the rotor, made Sakuya’s elegant black hair and gothic dress sway-----

A girl with Yellow Topazblonde hair showed herself from the helicopter.

Sakuya made a charming smile towards the gold girl whose shine made one think of the sun.

“Welcome, to Kouryou Academy. <<Exception>>------Lilith Bristol.”

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