Oda Nobuna no Yabou Names And Terminology

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The following contains spoilers. If you have not read up to the latest chapter released, proceed with caution.

Due to the setting being more historical, instead of westernizing the names of the characters, Oda Nobuna no Yabou translations will use the normal Japanse style of names.

Oda Clan

相良 良晴 Sagara Yoshiharu, also referred to as サル Saru (monkey). Protagonist of the series. He is originally someone from the future that somehow got stuck in the past. He is perverted and loves big boobs, but is loyal to Nobuna. Since he does not want any of his comrades to die, he often sacrifices himself to ensure their survival.

織田 上総介 信奈 Oda Kazusanosuke Nobuna. Childhood name: 吉 Kichi. Main character of the series. She is often seen making fun of Yoshiharu and kicking him. Nobuna however, is also very protective to her retainers and considers them her family. Dreams of Tenka Fubu, and to sail to Europe after Japan is united.

木下 藤吉郎 Kinoshita Toukichiro = (豊臣 秀吉 Toyotomi Hideyoshi ) = (羽柴 Hashiba (Hideyoshi)) He died by a stray bullet trying to save Yoshiharu. He passes his dreams to Yoshiharu, that is, to have a great harem.

蜂須賀 五右衛門 Hachisuka Goemon (of the 川並衆 Kawanamishuu). Originally, she and her band of thieves, militiamen, brigands, and hunters served under Toukichiro. However, after the latter's death, she transferred her allegiance to Yoshiharu. Has a band of lolicon followers, the Kawanami clan. She dislikes being touched by men, and cannot speak more than 30 Japanese words in a single sentence before biting her tongue.

前田 利家 Maeda Toshiie. Nickname: Inuchiyo (犬千代). Retainer of Nobuna. She is her childhood friend as well and was the caretaker of Yoshiharu after his arrival. She is not talkative, likes to eat snacks and acts like a dog at times. Is self-conscious about her small body.

柴田 勝家 Shibata Katsuie, Nickname: Gonroku (権六), but prefers Riku (六) because it sounds more girly. She is a retainer of Nobuna. Has a complex about her bust, and if someone makes a remark about them she often threatens to kill them. She did not receive much education and is rather simple-minded, thus she is bad at arithmetic and grasping complex concepts. Loves hatcho miso.

丹羽 長秀 Niwa Nagahide. Nick/childhood name: Manchiyo (万千代). Another retainer of the Oda Clan. Is a 'sister-type'. Has a habit of giving points to judge how good something is, or how favorable a situation is. She remains calm, no matter how bad things are.

明智 十兵衛 光秀 Akechi Juubei Mitsuhide. A retainer of the Oda clan, and the former aide of Saitou Dousan. Descendant of 土崎 源 Tsuchizaki Gen. She is skilled in tea ceremonies, firearms, swordfighting and more, and is thus called a genius. A self-centered lady, unable to read the atmosphere.

竹中 半兵衛 Takenaka Hanbei : A skilled onmyouji and genius strategist of the Oda Clan. Said to be the 'modern Koumei'. She has a terminal illness which weakens her body slowly unless she keeps absorbing ki.

前鬼 Zenki: Hanbei's familiar, a fox deity. His origins appear to be complicated.

松永 彈正 久秀 Matsunaga Danjo Hisahide: A retainer of Nobuna. Originally was part of the Miyoshi Three, but after seeing that Nobuna is the key to changing the world, she joined forces with her. Hailing from Persia, she is an expert in illusions, poisons and seduction. Later on, she betrayed Nobuna.

織田 信勝 Oda Nobukatsu: Nobuna's younger brother, who changed his name to 津田 信澄 Tsuda Nobusumi later. He briefly took on the identity お市 Oichi, Nobuna's younger sister, and married into the Azai clan. Fell in love with Azai Nagamasa.

滝川 一益 Takigawa Kazumasu, also called as Sakonshougen (左近 将監): A retainer of Nobuna, and the general of the Ise army. Used to be a ninja from Kouga. Is said to bear a resemblance to Himiko, and possesses a similar power to discern one's true intentions.

九鬼 嘉隆 Kuki Yoshitaka: Head of Kuki pirates serving under Takigawa Kazumasu. Her strength is comparable to Katsuie's. Is said to almost be beyond marriageable age.

ねね Nene: She is the adopted sister of Yoshiharu (arranged by Nobuna) and tends to take care of him, and also getting in his way when he flirts with girls. Is very good at arithmetic.

織田 信秀 Oda Nobuhide: Nobuna's father, who loved her dearly. Passed away when he was still relatively young.

池田 恒興 Ikeda Tsuneoki: Random female samurai of the Oda Clan.

佐々 成政 Sassa Narimasa: Another random female samurai of the Oda Clan.

Imagawa Clan

今川 義元 Imagawa Yoshimoto : She was considered to be the most probable one to conquer Japan. However, she ultimately lost to the Oda Clan due to her arrogance, but her life was spared by Yoshiharu. Later, Nobuna had Yoshimoto declare herself as shogun to legitimize her march to Kyoto. Is extremely skilled at soccer, but also lazy.

Matsudaira Clan

松平 元康 Matsudaira Motoyasu (徳川 家康 Tokugawa Ieyasu): She was under Yoshimoto before but when her original master was defeated, she managed to reclaim her home and declare independence. She became an ally of the Oda clan soon after.

服部 半蔵 Hattori Hanzo : A ninja serving Motoyasu. His loyalty causes him to put the welfare of his master above everything else, including other people's lives.

Saitou Clan

美濃の蝮 Mino's Viper, 斉藤道三 Saitou Dousan: (Retired) daimyo of Mino. In his younger days, he had a relationship with Matsunaga Hisahide. The real father of Saitou Yoshitatsu. Originally, he wanted to wage war with Nobuna, but Yoshiharu convinced him otherwise, so he gave Mino to Nobuna willingly, even becoming Nobuna's godfather.

帰蝶 Kichou: Saitou Dousan's daughter.

斎藤 義龍 Saitou Yoshitatsu: Former daimyo of Mino. Originally thought to be the heir of the Tsuchizaki clan, but in fact was Dousan's real son. He staged a coup to take over Mino, but ultimately lost. Later on, he pretended to ally with the Takeda forces, but was actually helping his father Dousan.

安藤 伊賀 Andou Iga: A retainer of Mino. Part of the Mino Three. He is also known as 竹中 重虎 Takenaka Shigetora, Hanbei's uncle.

氏家 Ujiie : Another retainer of Mino. Part of the Mino Three.

稲葉 Inaba : Another retainer of Mino. Part of the Mino Three.

Asakura Clan

朝倉 義景 Asakura Yoshikage: daimiyo of Echizen. Wants to start a harem like the tale of Genji. He wants to claim Oda Nobuna as his own.

真柄 直隆・直澄 Magara Naotaka and Naozumi: Twin sister generals of Yoshikage. They use giant Zanbatos in battles.

Azai Clan

浅井 久政 Azai Hisamasa: Father of Nagamasa. Mediocre in politics and military affairs, unlike Nagamasa or his own father. He gave up the position of head of the clan, but later reclaimed the title to betray Nobuna and join forces with the Asakura clan.

浅井 長政 Azai Nagamasa: Former daimyo of Omi. She pretended to be male for the sake of her ambitions, but fell in love with Tsuda Nobusumi.

Miyoshi Three Faction

近衛 前久 Konoe Sakihisa: Kampaku to Himiko and the mastermind behind the Miyoshi Three. He despises Oda Nobuna and wants Japan for himself, and thus constantly schemes to get rid of the Oda clan.

津田 宗及 Tsuda Sougyu: A rich merchant from Sakai and a leader of the Miyoshi Three. He joined Sakihisa's conspiracy, hoping to gain a profit from it.

正覚院 豪盛 Shoukakuin Gousei: The Buddhist Head monk of Hiei mountain temple and one of former leaders of the Miyoshi Three. He hated foreigners and joined Sakihisa's conspiracy to expel them from Japan for spreading Christianity. After receiving kindness from Frois, he switched from Buddhism to Christianity, mainly worshipping Frois.

三好 政康・長逸 Miyoshi Masayasu and Nagayasu: Both brothers are part of the figurehead leaders of the Miyoshi Three.

Ashikaga Clan

足利 義昭 Ashikaga Yoshiaki: The 14th Ashikaga Shogun and Yoshimoto's rival. Yoshiaki is the younger sister of Yoshiteru Ashikaga, the 13th Ashikaga Shogun before the Miyoshi Three launched a coup d'état against him. Fearing for their safety, Yoshiteru and his sister fled to China (Ming Dynasty) in exile and relinquished his title. Upon learning that her cousin Yoshimoto became the new Shogun and the Miyoshi Three were defeated by Oda Nobuna, Yoshiaki, angered that Yoshimoto "stole" the Shogunate, returns to the Japan to claim back what is rightfully hers.

Takeda Clan

武田 信玄 Takeda Shingen: The daimyo of Kai. She is a powerful leader who's also known as the Tiger of Kai. The rival of Kenshin.

Uesugi Clan

上杉 謙信 Uesugi Kenshin: The daimyo of Echigo. He/She is a poweful warrior, named 'The Dragon of Echigo' and 'The God of War'. She leads her 'Army of Justice' to fight for those who are oppressed. The rival of Shingen.

Date Clan

伊達 政宗/梵天丸 Date Masamune/Bontenmaru: The self-proclaimed 'Tyrant of Oshu'. She is very interested in Christianity, particularly the Book of Revelations detailing the 'Beast of Revelation'. Has heterochromatic eyes, which she hides with an eyepatch with the numbers '666' on it. Claiming that an unspeakable power resides beneath her eyepatch, she scared enemy forces into surrendering without a fight.

片倉 小十郎 Katakura Koujuurou: Masamune's subordinate. She is a girl that crossdresses as a boy. She tries to take care of Masamune, but often ends up getting dragged along with her mischief.

Hojo Clan

北条 氏康 Hojo Ujiyasu: Controls Odawara Castle, which is said to be impenetrable. Loves defensive battles, and as such rarely goes on the offensive. She plans to take over Kantou once Kenshin, Shingen and Nobuna tire themselves out. She has a birthmark on her butt which she keeps a secret, threatening to kill Yoshiharu after he had seen it. Appears to be a sadist.


ルイズ・フロイス Louise Fróis: A Portuguese nun and missionary. She is trying to spread Christianity in Japan. Has breasts even larger than Katsuie's, which she originally disliked until Yoshiharu told her it was a good thing to have.

高山 ドン・ジュスト Takayama Don Justo: Lord of Takatsuki, Osaka.

小西 ジョウチン Konishi Joaquim: A Christian merchant and samurai.

Oruga: A missionary from Italy who had inherited Francisco Cabral's ambition. Apparently has an embarrassing 'sin' related to girls. (Full name: Organtino Gnecchi Soldo)

St. John Knights

山科 勝成 Giovanna L' Ortese: A templar from the St. John Knights, she came with the missionary Oruga. Wears full body Nanban armor that is golden. When not in battle, she is almost constantly eating, which she says is to keep her strength up.

Recurring places

安土城 Azuchi Castle

琵琶湖 Lake Biwa

菩提山 Mount Bodai

中国 Chuugoku (a region in Japan, not to be confused with China)

越後 Echigo

越前 Echizen

岐阜城/稲葉山城 Gifu Castle/Inabayama Castle

播磨 Harima

比叡山 Mount Hiei

本猫寺 Honbyo Temple

本能寺 Honnouji/Honnou Temple (Because 'Incident at Honnouji' is frequently used, it might be fine to leave it untranslated.)

伊勢 Ise

甲斐 Kai

金ヶ崎 Kanegasaki

京都/京 Kyoto/Kyo

美濃 Mino

三河 Mikawa

水坂岭 Mizusaka Ridge

妙覚寺 Myoukaku Temple

長浜城 Nagahama Castle

小田原城 Odawara Castle

桶狭間 Okehazama

近江 Omi

奥州 Oshu

尾張 Owari

堺 Sakai

駿河 Suruga

墨俣 Sunomata

大和御所 Yamato Gosho