Ochitekita Ryuuou to Horobiyuku Majo no Kuni: Volume 2 Epilogue

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Part 1

“Mother, I’m back.”

Having her body completely coiled in a long, dark mantle, Eliushune Anian Sraymeyer looked up above her head and called out. As she did so, Vita Solskjaer Sraymeyer, who was having an afternoon nap on a hammock about five and a half metres above the ground in a tree opened one of her eyes lazily. As always, she was wearing her lovely, fluttering short dress. However, she would take off her symbolic headgear during her naps. Indeed, Vita had just awoken and opened her eyes to look at Eliushune, but, one could still feel a peculiar force coming from her.

“…Is that you, Eli? So, how was your job?”


Sensing Eliushune’s unusual voice, she raised her body abruptly.

“What’s the matter?”

“Things have become complicated.”

“……Could it be, that Harrigan and the rest died in the battle?”

Eliushune shook her head from side to side emphatically.

“Not at all. Rather than dying, they have achieved a big victory.”

“W……What?! You–”

Vita’s body fell off from the hammock as she leaned excessively forward to look at Eliushune.


She continued to fall headlong towards the ground…..Nevertheless, she immediately did a flip and pointed her feet towards the ground. Her dress fluttered in the wind. This, however, wasn’t even as surprising as what happened next. In addition to Vita’s body being light and flexible, she had great reflexes. There were many points that deserved praise. However, once she pointed her feet towards the ground, she slowed down rapidly. This was surely not a natural occurrence. Right before landing, Vita’s body looked as though it had stopped in midair. As she lightly landed, as if she was a bird, Vita folded her arms with a concerned face and struck a daunting pose. Her appearance was cute and her posture didn’t give off a sense of intimidation. But, her pupils emitted a mysterious radiance.

“Let me hear the details of your story, Eli. Still, I don’t want my other daughters to learn about this yet, so be more discreet.”

Being told so, Eliushune crouched down and started to whisper into her ear.

“That’s, you see….”

“Are you a simpleton?!”

Vita, who was folding her hands, hit Eliushune’s head with a chop.

“Are you making light of me, you rascal!”

“Ah, no, I did so because you told me to be more discreet….”

“Don’t squat down! Are you trying to emphasize the fact that I’m short?….Or perhaps, you want to boast about how tall you are? I’ll let you die, you rascal!”

Holding her head with teary eyes, Eliushune looked up at Vita and shook her head vigorously.

“Well, I guess that’s fine, since I can always spank you. More importantly, what did you mean by saying that Harrigan won? Just what on earth happened?”

“Ok, I’ll tell you what I saw from the start.”

Eliushune, who kneeled down on one knee, started to report.

“Just like Mother had told me, I placed the mantle previously near the Schwein River and went there first in order to observe Cassandra Kingdom’s army crossing it. But, contrary to what I had expected, the right side of the riverbank turned into a battlefield.”

Eliushune described, chronologically and in detail, what she had witnessed at the battlefield. Without interrupting her, Vita listened carefully and intently, but…

“….And this is the whole story of the battle between Harrigan’s Clan and Cassandra’s army that I witnessed, Mother.”

Once Eliushune concluded her report,

“I can’t believe it……”

Uttering these few words, Vita became speechless.



“………. "



“Aren’t you going to say anything?!”


She shoved the sole of her foot right into Eliushune’s face, making her fall over onto the floor behind her.

“Fuwa” – Tumbling once on the floor, Eliushune immediately rose up and held her nose.

“What are you doing all of a sudden, Mother?”

“That’s because you were doing nothing. Don’t just keep silent; say something at least, like: ‘What should we do?’. If you don’t say something, it’s hard for me to start talking again.”

“Even if I’m told something unreasonable like that…”

“Do you want me to strip you of your mantle and hang you on a tree, naked?”

“What should we do, Mother?”

Vita narrowed her eyes that glowed with an evil light.

“You’re saying it while trying to fake your expression. You are indeed making light of me, you rascal.”

'shudder shudder shudder'

Reaching out both of her palms in front of Eliushune’s eyes, Vita grabbed her neck and, at the same time, shook with all her might.

Slightly smacking her lips, Vita shifted her eyes and looked up at the sky.

“Despite it being true, this fighting style is nothing like Harrigan’s. I thought that only someone like Kishiria would be capable of pulling off such a maneuver, but, no that’s wrong. Even she shouldn’t be able to come up with something like this. How should I say it, doesn’t the way they fight give off a distinct impression…?”

Suddenly turning back, Vita looked at Eliushune, who stood a short distance away.

“Wasn’t there some sort of change among Harrigan and the rest? Or perhaps, something has happened to Cassandra’s army? Still…”

Eliushune quickly nodded her head.

“Yes, there was.”

“W-What was it?”

“There was a human guy, whom I’ve never seen before, among Harrigan’s clan.”

“You fooooooooooool!”

Vita suddenly leapt forward. Her small body floated into the air and aimed directly at Eliushune while gliding above the ground.


As soon as Vita Kicked Eliushune in her face, the girl was blown away with dreadful force.

“Why didn’t you mention such an important thing at the beginniiiiiing?!”

Eliushune, who tumbled 14 metres away on the ground, held her mouth while apologizing.

“I-I’m sorry.”

Despite that, one would want to say that Vita’s kick had a terrific power as she blew away the tall Eliushune with her small body. Nevertheless, if one was to look from the side, her kick didn’t give the impression of having that much force, which was strange.

“Good grief, since you’re more stupid than I’d expected, I might not be able to utilize you, I guess.”

Vita, muttered and spat, quickly pulled herself together and contemplated on the meaning behind Elysione’s words.

“A man….is it…? But…if it’s a man, then there’s no doubt he was somehow responsible for Harrigan’s victory. Still, who is that guy? Why is Harrigan following a human guy? I don’t get it, I don’t get it anymore.”

Casting her eyes to the floor while deeply pondering, Vita grumbled and then finally stopped and looked up.

“Whatever the case may be, it feels like Harrigan will soon come to us. Should we wait til then? But…. there’s still that human guy. Somehow, things have gotten interesting, right?”

Putting a daring smile on her face, Vita faced Eliushune, who was timidly looking at her.

“What are you doing there, Eli? We are returning to the fort. Won’t you come with me quickly?”

“Um, as long as I don’t have to go through the punishment,”

“If you don’t come with me quickly, I’ll seriously consider hanging you naked and upside down with your legs spread….”

Eliushune rushed back with her full speed.

“It would be better to let my other daughters know about this. As soon we return, I’ll have you explain it to them once again, Eli.”

“Yes, Mother.”

Vita, whose appearance resembled that of a young girl, was followed by Eliushune, with a serious face, as they returned to their base.

Part 2

Raibaha, who was in charge of commanding his troops and entrusted with the protection of the camp, became horrified when he learned of General Geobalk’s defeat at the hands of the witches. According to what he had heard, the invasion army completely lost one of its battalions.

(Suffering a defeat like that, I guess the general won’t be able to continue his plans.)

That fact strengthened Raibaha’s belief that the witches couldn’t be dealt with using ordinary methods. At the same time, he consoled himself regarding the loss of his own troops, which was due to their opponent being stronger, rather than them being weak. It was decided upon Geobalk’s order that they would all retreat back to Fort Ein. Therefore, the army provisions carried by Raibaha’s troops didn’t come in handy. For Raibaha, it was simply a waste of his time, however, he didn’t plan to utter a single complaint. That’s because he could feel at ease as long he didn’t have to involve himself with the witches. Rather, it was a joyous feeling for Raibaha, whose fear of the witches had penetrated into his bones. Due to the unforeseen casualties, the Cassandra Kingdom’s forces had to retreat.

The army withdrew to the capital, leaving 300 soldiers at Fort Ein. One could say that they left those soldiers due to an unprecedented fear of the witches. Geobalk feared that the witches would advance beyond the Schwein river to take advantage of their victory. After the army licked their wounds from their defeat, Geobalk tendered his resignation from the front lines to His Majesty the King. There was no other option for him than to take the responsibility for this loss. There was no doubt that the king would feel bitter about this loss, regardless of whether or not he punished this veteran general who had helped him in the past. With his honor being trampled upon in front of Cardinal Aiba, Cassandra III could probably be no longer sure of his position as the king.

Soon after Geobalk retired, the king appointed the son of his deceased brother, in other words, his nephew, as the next general. His nephew was still young and had little experience in leading an army. Nevertheless, he was already past his twenties and was also familiar with military affairs. The man had no experience with wars, as he was primarily a financial official, but nonetheless, he showed signs of being talented in practical military affairs. There should also be staff officers under the command of the previous general who could have been promoted, however, due to the offenses they suffered when they were defeated, many decided to retire together with Geobalk. With that, the king’s nephew, Guiscard, who was inexperienced with wars as a leader, would take up the position of the new General.

One of Guiscard’s subordinate came to Raibaha, who had returned to the capital. Just as he was called, Raibaha was dealing with the documents regarding his troops together with a few of his subordinates inside a room reserved for him.

“Oi, Raibaha.”

“Ah, if it isn’t the battalion commander, Maglev.”

Once he confirmed it was the newly appointed battalion commander, Maglev, Raibaha hurriedly put down the documents and stood up. His subordinates stood up hurriedly as well.

“Is there anything you need from me?”

Standing at the doorway, Maglev nodded composedly.

“General Guiscard would like to have an word with you.”

“You mean General-dono?!”

“That’s right. Please show yourself without further ado.”

“Ha?! You’re telling me to meet General Guiscard in person?”

Raibaha, who answered as if paying respect, tilted his head inside his heart.

(What? To think that I’d be called soon after the general took his office…. Wha, could it be that I’m going to be discharged? I wonder if they will move me to an office.)

Raibaha turned towards his subordinates, who couldn’t hide their immense curiosity on their faces.

“Well then, I’m going to meet General Guiscard. I’ll leave the rest to you.”

“Have a good day, Captain.”

He made the comment as he followed Maglev through a corridor. Raibaha was poor at both numbers and writing.

'Good grief' – muttering that inside his heart, Raibaha sighed. Provided he was moved to an office, his hopes and wishes for a successful career would be like a dream come true.

(Well, guess it can’t be helped? Perhaps, it’s because of the fact that I’ve been working under the command of General Geobalk. Still, judging from General Guiscard’s view, it may be that I’m just an eyesore. But even so, I don’t understand why he would call someone like me, who was demoted from a company captain to a supply troop captain. After all, things like this should be clear in my documents. What does he plan to do, that young master?)

Filled with doubts, by the time Raibaha reached the new general’s office, he saw someone unexpected.

“Oh my, so you’re Raibaha-kun?”

The new general, who was much younger than him, displayed a smile toward Raibaha. Standing behind Maglev, there was a new adjutant waiting for his command. It was a tall man with a sharp look.

The new general, whose body was wrapped in a new, richly decorated suit, had a pleasant facial expression, which emphasized his charming features.

(Did you use to perform as an actor in a group of itinerant dancers, or what?)

Without thinking ahead, Raibaha retorted inside. However, he wasn’t foolish enough to let the new general learn about his thoughts. For now, Raibaha decided to salute with feigned ignorance.

“Yes, I’m Captain Raibaha from the supply troop. I’ve come on your request.”

“Ah, that’s right.”

“Yes? So, what kind of business do you need from me?”

“That’s why, my dear Captain, I’m releasing you from your duty.”

(Eh? As one would expect, am I going to become an office worker? Or is he perhaps going to discharge me for good…?)

Raibaha feared this to be true, but Guiscard said something else entirely.

“I will reinstate you back to your previous position as a company captain.”

“Eh? Yes? I’m….. going to become a company captain again?”

“That’s right. Is there anything you’re discontent with?”

“No no, not at all. Still, it came as bit of a surprise to me.”

“I value your experience. After all, you’ve worked your way up til now thanks to your battles against the witches. There’s probably nobody who wouldn’t want to capitalise on that, right?”

(Oi oi, this young master, isn’t he quite understanding?)

Inside Raibaha, some respect and acknowledgement grew towards the new general.

“Well then, will you take up your duty at once, Captain Raibaha?”

“Yes. What type of task will I be assigned to me this time?”


“Yes. What kind of surveillance do you mean?”

“Of Schwein River, obviously.”

(So it was about that?!)

Upon learning about the content of his given duty, Raibaha felt the urge to cry and fuss, but nevertheless, kept a straight face.

(In the end, he just wants me to observe the river so as to prevent the witches from crossing over?)

As if backing up what he had guessed, Guiscard continued to speak.

“You and your company will camp near the left side of the riverbank and watch for any movements coming from the witches. If they happen to appear, please send a fast horse to Fort Ein while hindering the witches from crossing. Do that at all costs and with all your might and determination. This shall be your mission as the company captain. Is that clear?”

(This damn youngster, you say you value my experience? VALUE MY ASS! In the end, aren’t you just making me disposable?!!!)

Raibaha’s high esteem for Guiscard suddenly dropped.

“As for further details, please ask Riyaga here.”

The new general pointed to the tall man behind him.

“Well then, it’s fine for you to go.”

At Guiscard, who waved his hand once their business concluded, Raibaha bowed down.

“Yes, I’ll excuse myself.”

“Captain Raibaha, please come this way.”

Being accompanied by the adjutant with a sharp look, named Riyaga, they both left the general’s office.

(What on earth, wasn’t the most dangerous job forced on me here?! At this rate, being a supply troop captain is many times better! Good grief, truly, nothing good comes from getting involved with the witches.)

Following Rigaya’s back while walking down the barracks corridor, Raibaha exhaled a big sigh inside. Because of Guiscard, he was able to return to his position as a company captain. However Raibaha, who was abandoned by his God, wouldn’t anticipate for this change to greatly change his life.

Translator's Notes and References

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